在摄影领域,摄影师经常使用HDR(High Dynamic Range)技术来拍摄高动态范围的照片,并通过后期处理将其转换为标准动态范围的图像。
二、动态范围调整的方法1. 色调映射色调映射是一种常用的动态范围调整方法。
2. 色彩空间转换色彩空间转换是另一种常用的动态范围调整方法。
1. 摄影领域在摄影领域,动态范围调整可以使得照片更加真实和生动。
图像编码中的高动态范围处理技巧随着数字摄影技术的不断发展,越来越多的摄影师和摄影爱好者开始使用高动态范围(High Dynamic Range,简称HDR)技术来捕捉图像。
1. 动态范围压缩技术为了更好地适应亮度范围广泛的HDR图像,我们需要将其动态范围压缩到合适的范围内。
传统的算法中,常使用的动态范围压缩方法有Tone Mapping和Gamma校正。
Tone Mapping是一种将高动态范围图像编码为低动态范围图像的技术。
这样做可以减小HDR 图像的数据量,并且保持照片的美感。
常用的Tone Mapping算法有Reinhard、Mantiuk等。
2. 图像压缩算法在图像编码中,压缩是必不可少的环节。
2013年 科研热词 高动态范围 图像处理 高动态范围图像 高低光 边缘保持滤波 视屏流 色阶映射 自适应retinex 算子 相机阵列 灰度范围 图像配准 图像增强 动态光照 光场合成孔径 二重曝光 推荐指数 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2014年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
科研热词 高动态范围图像 高斯混合模型 高动态范围 阶调映射 色阶映射 色调映射 自然度 细节调整 期望最大 映射函数 局部边缘保留滤波器 多尺度分解 双边滤波 动态系数 分层模型 retinex
推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号
科研热词 1 高动态图像 2 色调映射算子 3 最新进展
推荐指数 1 1 1
2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5
科研热词 高动态范围图像 非线性滤波器 局部极值 图像分解 保留边界
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2008年 序号
科研热词 1 高动态范围图像 2 调和映射 3 低动态09年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
科研热词 高动态范围显示 高动态范围 色调映射 最小二乘法 去除噪声 体数据 亮度响应曲线 不同程度曝光
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
HDR 是英⽂ High-Dynamic Range 的缩写,中⽂译名为⾼动态光照渲染。
HDR 可以令3D 画⾯更像真,就像⼈的眼睛在游戏现场中。
在HDR 的帮助下,我们可以使⽤超出普通范围的颜⾊值,因⽽能渲染出更加真实的3D 场景。
HDR (⾼动态范围图⽚)HDR百科名⽚⽬录数字图像处理中的HDR国内的HDR 软件HDR 特效展开编辑本段数字图像处理中的HDR简介 HDR 的全称是High Dynamic Range,即⾼动态范围,⽐如所谓的⾼动态范围图象(HDRI )或者⾼动态范围渲染(HDRR )。
在HDR 的帮助下,我们可以使⽤超出普通范围的颜⾊值,因⽽能渲染出更加真实的3D 场景。
也许我们都有过这样的体验:开车经过⼀条⿊暗的隧道,⽽出⼝是耀眼的阳光,由于亮度的巨⼤反差,我们可能会突然眼前⼀⽚⽩光看不清周围的东西了,HDR 在这样的场景就能⼤展⾝⼿了。
下⾯是由OpenEXR ⽹站提供的HDR 的⼀个简单例⼦。
OpenEXR 是由⼯业光魔(Industrial Light & Magic )开发的⼀种HDR 标准。
⼯业光魔则是⼀家世界闻名的加州⼯作室,该⼯作室创造过许多惊⼈的CG 和视觉效果,⽐如1977年版的电影《星球⼤战》中的很多特效。
总之简单来说,HDR 可以⽤3句话来概括: 1.亮的地⽅可以⾮常亮 2.暗的地⽅可以⾮常暗 3.亮暗部的细节都很明显 HDR 是⽬前追求画⾯逼真度最新最先进的⼿段。
Crytek 已经准备把它加⼊Far Cry 的1.3补丁中,以及EPIC Games 的史诗⼤作Unreal Tournament 3。
三、HDR技术的优势和应用1. 提供更真实的色彩和亮度对比度:HDR技术通过提高亮度和对比度,能够呈现更真实的色彩和更丰富的细节,让画面更加逼真。
2. 改善暗部和亮部细节:HDR技术能够准确地展示照片或视频中的暗部和亮部细节,使得观看者能够更清晰地辨认出细微差别。
3. 提升观影和游戏体验:有了HDR技术,观看电影和玩电子游戏将更加震撼人心。
4. 专业图像处理和设计应用:对于从事图像处理和设计的专业人士来说,HDR技术能够准确地显示和编辑图像,提供更好的工作环境。
李 晓光 ,沈兰荪 ,林健文
(. 1 北京 工业 大学 信 号与信 息处理研 究室 , 北京 102 ;2 香 港理 工 大学 电子 工程 及 资讯 学 系 多媒 体 中心 , 00 2 .
香港 )
要 :提 出的 自 应 H R图像 可视 化 算法 中, 入 图像被 分 解 为基 本层 和 细 节层 。该 算 法将 整 体 明暗 效 果 适 D 输
第2 4卷 第 1 1期
20 0 7年 1 1月
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap l a i n Re e r h o mp t r p i to s a c fCo u e s c
Vo. 4 No 1 12 ." 1
No .2 o v o 7
vs aiain ag r h wa e e s r h n d s ly n i l z t oi m sn c sa y w e ipa i g HDR g so h tn a d o t u e ie . n v l lo t m a e n u o l t i e n t e sa d r u p td v c s A o e g r h b s d o ma a i s aila d s t t a no ma in w sp o o e rte d s ly o p t n t i il i fr t a rp s d f ip a f a a sc o o h HDR g s T ea g rtm o l e i ep o lmso ・ i ma e . h o h c u d d a w t t r be f l i l hh O v r l i r si n p e e v t n a d v s a e al r p o u t n h a e of ew e h s w s e o l e a h e e a- e a mp e so rs r ai i l d ti r d ci .T e t d . f b t e n t e e t o i u sc u d b c iv d ab l o n u se o r s l a c h o g h d p iee h n e n fd ti .E p r n a e u t s o h u e o e o a c f h p ra h i r s n e tr u h t e a a t n a c me to ea l v s x e me tl s ls h w t e s p r r r r n eo e a p o c nt m i r i pfm t e o iu u l y f sa q ai . v l t
学习Photoshop中的高动态范围和HDR照片合成方法高动态范围(High Dynamic Range,简称HDR)照片合成是一种将不同曝光度的多张照片合成为一张高质量照片的技术。
在“处理操作”下拉菜单中,选择“合并到HDR Pro”。
对于大多数普通照片,选择“ProPhoto RGB”色彩空间以及16位的位深度会给予您足够的灵活性。
单击“OK”按钮后,HDR Pro对话框将打开。
像的生成及显示方面的论文,详细介绍他们的思路及实现过程, 非线性处理和伽马校正等处理对原始图像的破坏, 该系统使用
RAW 格式图像进行后续处理。在每一步融合过程中,为了保证
1 高动态范围图像的生成
图像全局和局部稳定性, 该系统分别使用了全局稳定算法和局 部稳定算法,全局稳定算法自动检测并避开处于饱和态的像素,
图片的完整系统模型, 该系统首先融合几张不同曝光度的原始 图像获取场景的光强度信息, 并通过反复边缘检测来拓展图像 在不同的亮度等级下的细节信息, 然后利用色阶重建进行边缘 优化,最后通过局部对比度增强完善高动态图像。在原始低动态
图像的生成、显示和压缩等方面,本文将整理有关高动态范围图 图像获取过程中, 为了避免商用相机在拍摄过程中自带的色阶
关键词: 高动态范围图像; 曝光度; 全局算子; 局部算子
中图分类号: TP391
文献标识码: A
Abstract: The large dynamic range of high dynamic range (HDR) images make the capturing HDR image difficult using the typical
2008 年Wen-Chung Kao 提出了一个可以获取高动态范围
创 到烈日当空的正午,其动态范围可达亿级,然而普通的打印及显
示设备可表示的动态范围仅仅只有 100:1。因而高动态范围图
新 像的生成与显示都非常困难。近年来国内国外高度关注高动态
地址:518060 广东省深圳市南山区南海大道3688号
关于HDRI的较全面介绍HDRI(High Dynamic Range Imaging)是一种用于捕捉和呈现广泛动态范围的图像的技术。
其中,拍摄高动态范围(High Dynamic Range,简称HDR)场景是一项具有挑战性的任务。
在选择合适的后期处理软件时,可以考虑使用功能强大的HDR软件,如Photomatix、Adobe Lightroom等。
1.2数字图像中的动态范围动态范围(Dynamic Range)在很多领域用来表示某个变量最大值与最小值的比率。
由于真实世界中同一场景中动态范围变化很大,我们称之为高动态范围(high dynamic range, HDR),相对的普通图片上的动态范围为低动态范围(low dynamic range,LDR)。
如何处理高动态范围的场景在摄影和电影制作中,我们经常会面临高动态范围(High Dynamic Range,简称HDR)的场景。
monitor hdr metadata处理 -回复
monitor hdr metadata处理-回复HDR(High Dynamic Range)是指高动态范围的图像显示技术,它能够捕捉和显示比标准图像(SDR)更广泛的亮度范围和色彩深度。
随着HDR 技术在电视、电影和游戏中的应用越来越普遍,处理HDR元数据(HDR Metadata)成为一个重要的话题。
第二步:了解常见的HDR元数据格式HDR元数据可以使用多种格式存储和传输,常见的格式包括SMPTE ST 2086、CEA 861.3和Dolby Vision等。
SMPTE ST 2086是一种广泛采用的HDR元数据格式,它定义了视频的最大和最小亮度值、参考白点和参考黑点等参数。
CEA 861.3是针对HDMI接口的HDR元数据格式,它补充了SMPTE ST 2086中的一些参数,并添加了一些额外的参数。
而Dolby Vision是一种封装了HDR元数据的高级格式,它不仅包含图像处理的参数,还包括了动态元数据和场景分析信息。
第三步:理解HDR元数据的处理流程在处理HDR元数据时,需要进行以下几个步骤:1. 元数据解析:首先,需要解析出HDR元数据中的各种参数,包括亮度范围、颜色空间和色彩深度等。
2. 参数映射:接下来,需要将解析出的元数据参数映射到显示设备的能力范围内。
3. 图像处理:根据元数据参数,对输入图像进行适当的处理。
高动态范围图像技术相关介绍与应用前景作者:王祥骏 2009301760019作者单位:武汉大学印刷与包装系摘要: 高动态范围图像技术用于解决通过显示设备显示时,遇到的动态范围不匹配的问题。
关键词: HDR 图像; 阶调映射算法; 色阶映射算子。
引言高动态范围图像(High dynamic range image,HDRI) 技术用于解决通过显示设备显示时,遇到的动态范围不匹配的问题. 电子影像采集设备所能正确再现的影像亮度范围通常有限,会导致被采集景物影像的部分阶调层次损失。
目前主流的CRT 显示器所能产生的亮度范围大约是1 cd/m2 .100 cd/m2, 虽然动态范围很窄, 但是已经足以应付大多数低动态范围图像的显示要求, 并且效果也基本令人满意. 而相对于高动态范围图像的亮度范围(0.001 cd/m2 .100 000 cd/m2), 显示器所能产生的亮度范围显得过于狭窄, 如果将图像的动态范围线性压缩到显示器的响应范围来显示, 所得到的观赏效果跟原始场景相去甚远.高动态范围图像的获取高动态范围图像的获取一般有两种方式: 1) 用图像传感器捕获的方式; 2) 图像合成的方式. 在计算机图形学领域, 整体光照度方法(辐射度方法, 光线跟踪算法等) 大多计算的是场景的真实辐射值, 而不是最终的显示亮度值, 因而动态范围会非常宽广.下面主要讨论如何通过摄像手段来捕获高动态范围图像.多次曝光图像序列Mann和Debevec意识到虽然目前的传感器动态范围有限, 但是通过对同一个场景使用不同的曝光量拍摄多幅图像, 高曝光图像采集场景中暗的部分, 低曝光图像采集场景中亮的部分, 再通过特定的算法就可以从这一系列图像中大致恢复出真实场景的动态范围. 在这个过程中, 首先要恢复底片或数码相机的响应曲线, 这是因为底片的光响应曲线是非线性的, 而数码相机的感光器件在动态范围内的光响应虽然是线性的, 但通常得到的图像却是传感器原始输出图像的非线性变换. 不过现在的大多数数码相机都能够提供原始像素格式(RAW pixel)的图像, Madden就是通过RAW pixel 图像直接恢复出了原始的高动态范围场景. 假定一幅图像I1,其中等亮度的细节能很好地分辨, 而明亮部分曝光过度呈现全白, 阴暗部分曝光不足无法分辨, 适当增加和减小曝光量再各拍一幅图像I2 和I3. 对于I2,I1 中曝光不足的部分得到了明显的改善; 同样对于I3, I1 中曝光过度的部分细节也能够分辨. 而在传感器线性响应范围内, 图像像素点的亮度与曝光量和该点的场景辐射强度成线性关系, 对于同一场景点,辐射强度是不变的, 那么根据曝光量综合I1, I2 和I3 的可分辨区域, 进行简单的线性运算就能恢复出整个场景的细节. 由于这种方法需要拍摄多幅图像,成像速度很慢, 所以只适合于拍摄静态的场景.光束分离Aggarwal在2001 年提出了光束分离的方法,并且研制出了原理性样机, 这种方法的原理和上述的多次曝光图像序列基本一致, 也是采用对同一场景的多个不同曝光的图像来恢复原始场景. 不过前者采集的过程有先有后, 是一个时间序列; 而后者由于采用了特定的光路, 使所有的图像能够一次性获得, 从而大大提高了成像速度, 可以用于动态场景的拍摄.使用一个6 面的分光棱镜将光线分成6 束, 每个分光面对应一个传感器, 这样就可以通过设定每个传感器的曝光时间或者采用非均匀的分光方式得到一组曝光量各不相同的图像.1.1.3 高动态范围图像传感器常见的8 bit 灰度图像的动态范围只有48 db,这一方面是因为传感器本身的动态范围低, 另一方面是为了降低成本, A/D 转换器的分辨力也只有8位. 近年来半导体技术的发展使图像传感器动态范围有了很大的提高, 比如Dlasa公司的高性能CCD, 线性动态响应范围达到了72 db (4 000 : 1),Fairchild 公司的科学级CCD的动态范围达到了83 db (14 000 : 1), 而Hamamatsu 公司的S10140/10141系列, 标称的动态范围达到了90 db(30 000 : 1). 但是这仍然不足以捕捉真正的高动态范围图像, 于是一些新型的传感器应运而生.人类视觉系统(Human visual system, HVS)有一整套完整高效的自动调节机制, 瞳孔会自动根据光线的强弱变大或变小以调节通过的光通量, 此外视网膜能根据投射到该区域的辐射强度自动调节视锥细胞的敏感度. 受到这一机理的启发, Chen 和Ginosar开发了一种Adaptive SensitivityTM CCD图像传感器, 这种传感器每个像素的灵敏度都是可以控制的(通过控制曝光时间), 并且研制出了9£16的试验性芯片.Nayar和Mitsunaga提出了一种空域变曝光像素(Spatially varying pixel exposures, SVE)的方法, 如图2 所示的像素阵列中有灰度不同的四种方格(e0; e1; e2; e3), 分别代表四种不同敏感度的像素, 越亮的表示敏感度越高(e0 < e1 < e2 < e3). 当某个像素饱和时, 可能它邻近的某个像素没有饱和,反之,当某个像素输出为零时, 它邻近的某个像素可能输出为非零. 像素敏感度在空间域变化的同时对动态范围进行了采样, 这样就可以利用邻近像素的信息估算出当前像素的实际值, 从而得到真实场景的高动态范围图像.高动态范围图像的编码格式高动态范围图像由于具有极广的灰阶和色域,传统的24-bit RGB 图像编码格式已经不足以描述如此之多的信息量, 简单地用浮点数来表示又需要很大的存储空间, 因此急需开发一种简单高效的编码方式. 不同的研究领域为了特定的应用需求采用了不同的格式, 如计算机图形学领域的RGBE 和OpenEXR格式, 摄影领域的RAW 格式, 医学成像领域的DICOM 格式, 电影摄影学领域的DPX 格式. 即使是同一种格式(例如RAW 格式), 不同厂家的标准也不太一样, 这样不利于信息的交流, 给使用者造成了很大的不便. 最具代表性的编码格式有如下几种:1) Pixar 33-bit log-encoded TIFF;2) RGBE and XYZE radiance 32-bit;3) IEEE 96-bit TIFF & portable FloatMap;4) 16-bit/sample TIFF;5) LogLuv TIFF;6) ILM 48-bit OpenEXR format.色阶映射算子为了解决真实场景和显示设备动态范围不匹配的矛盾, 近年来国外的许多学者提出了各种各样所谓的色阶映射算子(Tone mapping operator,TMO).HDR 图像是一种与真实场景相关,包含了更多颜色信息的图像类型。
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Pattern Recognition 40(2007)2641–2655/locate/prLearning to display high dynamic range imagesGuoping Qiu a ,∗,Jiang Duan a ,Graham D.Finlayson ba School of Computer Science,The University of Nottingham,Jubilee Campus,Nottingham NG81BB,UKb School of Computing Science,The University of East Anglia,UKReceived 27September 2005;received in revised form 10April 2006;accepted 14February 2007AbstractIn this paper,we present a learning-based image processing technique.We have developed a novel method to map high dynamic range scenes to low dynamic range images for display in standard (low dynamic range)reproduction media.We formulate the problem as a quantization process and employ an adaptive conscience learning strategy to ensure that the mapped low dynamic range displays not only faithfully reproduce the visual features of the original scenes,but also make full use of the available display levels.This is achieved by the use of a competitive learning neural network that employs a frequency sensitive competitive learning mechanism to adaptively design the quantizer.By optimizing an L 2distortion function,we ensure that the mapped low dynamic images preserve the visual characteristics of the original scenes.By incorporating a frequency sensitive competitive mechanism,we facilitate the full utilization of the limited displayable levels.We have developed a deterministic and practicable learning procedure which uses a single variable to control the display result.We give a detailed description of the implementation procedure of the new learning-based high dynamic range compression method and present experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in displaying a variety of high dynamic range scenes.᭧2007Pattern Recognition Society.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Learning-based image processing;Quantization;High dynamic range imaging;Dynamic range compression;Neural network;Competitive learning1.IntroductionWith the rapid advancement in electronic imaging and com-puter graphics technologies,there have been increasing interests in high dynamic range (HDR)imaging,see e.g.,Ref.[1–17].Fig.1shows a scenario where HDR imaging technology will be useful to photograph the scene.This is an indoor scene of very HDR.In order to make features in the dark areas visible,longer exposure had to be used,but this rendered the bright area saturated.On the other hand,using shorter exposure made features in the bright areas visible,but this obscured features in the dark areas.In order to make all features,both in the dark and bright areas simultaneously visible in a single image,we can create a HDR radiance map [3,4]for the ing the technology of Ref.[3],it is relatively easy to create HDR maps for high dynamic scenes.All one needs is a sequence of low∗Corresponding author.Fax:+441159514254.E-mail address:qiu@ (G.Qiu).0031-3203/$30.00᭧2007Pattern Recognition Society.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2007.02.012dynamic range (LDR)photos of the scene taken with different exposure intervals.Fig.2shows the LDR display of the scene in Fig.1mapped from its HDR radiance map,which has been created using the method of [3]from the photos in Fig.1.It is seen that all areas in this image are now clearly visible.HDR imaging technology has also been recently extended to video [13,14].Although we can create HDR numerical radiance maps for high dynamic scenes such as those like Fig.1,reproduction devices,such as video monitors or printers,normally have much lower dynamic range than the radiance map (or equivalently the real world scenes).One of the key technical issues in HDR imaging is how to map HDR scene data to LDR display values in such a way that the visual impressions and feature details of the original real physical scenes are faithfully reproduced.In the literature,e.g.,Refs.[5–17],there are two broad categories of dynamic range compression techniques for the dis-play of HDR images in LDR devices [12].The tone reproduc-tion operator (TRO)based methods involve (multi-resolution)spatial processing and mappings not only take into account the2642G.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition 40(2007)2641–2655Fig.1.Low dynamic range photos of an indoor scene taken under different exposureintervals.Fig.2.Low dynamic display of high dynamic range map created from the photos in Fig.1.The dynamic range of the radiance map is 488,582:1.HDR radiance map synthesis using Paul Debevec’s HDRShop software (/HDRShop/).Note:the visual artifacts appear in those blinds of the glass doors were actually in the original image data and not caused by the algorithm.values of individual pixel but are also influenced by the pixel spatial contexts.Another type of approaches is tone reproduc-tion curve (TRC)based.These approaches mainly involve the adjustment of the histograms and spatial context of individual pixel is not used in the mapping.The advantages of TRO-based methods are that they generally produce sharper images when the scenes contain many detailed features.The problems with these approaches are that spatial processing can be computa-tionally expensive,and there are in general many parameters controlling the behaviors of the operators.Sometimes these techniques could introduce “halo”artifacts and sometimes they can introduce too much (artificial)detail.TRC-based methods are computationally simple.They preserve the correct bright-ness order and therefore are free from halo artifacts.These methods generally have fewer parameters and therefore are eas-ier to use.The drawbacks of this type of methods are that spa-tial sharpness could be lost.Perhaps one of the best known TRC-based methods is that of Ward and co-workers’[5].The complete operator of Ref.[5]also included sophisticated models that exploit the limita-tions of human visual system.According to Ref.[5],if one just wanted to produce a good and natural-looking display for an HDR scene without regard to how well a human ob-server would be able to see in a real environment,histogram adjustment may provide an “optimal”solution.Although the histogram adjustment technique of Ref.[5]is quite effective,it also has drawbacks.The method only caps the display contrast(mapped by histogram equalization)when it exceeds that of the original scene.This means that if a scene has too low contrast,the technique will do nothing.Moreover,in sparsely populated intensity intervals,dynamic range compression is achieved by a histogram equalization technique.This means that some sparse intensity intervals that span a wide intensity range will be com-pressed too aggressively.As a result,features that are visible in the original scenes would be lost in the display.This un-satisfactory aspect of this algorithm is clearly illustrated in Figs.9–11.In this paper,we also study TRC-based methods for the dis-play of HDR images.We present a learning-based method to map HDR scenes to low dynamic images to be displayed in LDR devices.We use an adaptive learning algorithm with a “conscience”mechanism to ensure that,the mapping not only takes into account the relative brightness of the HDR pixel val-ues,i.e.,to be faithful to the original data,but also favors the full utilization of all available display values,i.e.,to ensure the mapped low dynamic images to have good visual contrast.The organization of the paper is as follows.In the next section,we cast the HDR image dynamic range compression problem in an adaptive quantization framework.In Section 3,we present a solution to HDR image dynamic range compression based on adaptive learning.In Section 4,we present detailed imple-mentation procedures of our method.Section 4.1presents re-sults and Section 4.2concludes our presentation and briefly discusses future work.2.Quantization for dynamic range compressionThe process of displaying HDR image is in fact a quantiza-tion and mapping process as illustrated in Fig.3.Because there are too many (discrete)values in the high dynamic scene,we have to reduce the number of possible values,this is a quantiza-tion process.The difficulty faced in this stage is how to decide which values should be grouped together to take the same value in the low dynamic display.After quantization,all values that will be put into the same group can be annotated by the group’s index.Displaying the original scene in a LDR is simply to rep-resent each group’s index by an appropriate display intensity level.In this paper,we mainly concerned ourselves with the first stage,i.e.,to develop a method to best group HDR values.Quantization,also known as clustering,is a well-studied subject in signal processing and neural network literature.Well-known techniques such as k -means and various neural network-based methods have been extensively researched [18–21].Let x(k),k =1,2,...,be the intensities of the luminance compo-nent of the HDR image (like many other techniques,we only work on the luminance and in logarithm space,also,we treatG.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition 40(2007)2641–26552643QuantizationInputHigh dynamic range data (real values)1x xMappingDisplaying Intensity LevelsFig.3.The process of display of high dynamic range scene (from purely anumerical processing’s point of view).each pixel individually and therefore are working on scalar quantization).A quantizer is described by an encoder Q ,which maps x(k)to an index n ∈N specifying which one of a small collection of reproduction values (codewords)in a codebook C ={c n ;n ∈N }is used for reconstruction,where N in our case,is the number of displayable levels in the LDR image.There is also a decoder Q −1,which maps indices into reproduction values.Formally,the encoding is performed as Q(x(k))=n if x(k)−c n x(k)−c i ∀i (1)and decoding is performed as Q −1(n)=c n .(2)That is (assuming that the codebook has already been de-signed),an HDR image pixel is assigned to the codeword that is the closest to it.All HDR pixels assigned to the same code-words then form a cluster of pixels.All HDR pixels in the same cluster are displayed at the same LDR level.If we order the codewords such that they are in increasing order,that is c 1<c 2<···<c N −1<c N ,and assign display values to pixels belonging to the clusters in the order of their codeword values,then the mapping is order preserving.Pixels belonging to a clus-ter having a larger codeword value will be displayed brighter than pixels belonging to a cluster with a codeword having a smaller value.Clearly,the codebook plays a crucial role in this dynamic range compression strategy.It not only determines which pix-els should be displayed at what level,it also determines which pixels will be displayed as the same intensity and how many pixels will be displayed with a particular intensity.Before we discuss how to design the codebook,lets find out what require-ments for the codebook are in our specific application.Recall that one of the objectives of mapping are that we wish to preserve all features (or as much as possible)of the HDR image and make them visible in the LDR reproduction.Because there are fewer levels in the LDR image than in the HDR image,the compression is lossy in the sense that there will be features in the HDR images that will be impossible to reproduce in the LDR images.The question is what should bepreserved (and how)in the mapping (quantization)in order to produce good LDR displays.For any given display device,the number of displayable lev-els,i.e.,the number of codewords is fixed.From a rate dis-tortion’s point of view,the rate of the quantizer is fixed,and the optimal quantizer is the one that minimizes the distortion.Given the encoding and decoding rules of Eqs.(1)and (2),the distortion of the quantizer is defined asE =i,ki (k) x(k)−c i where i (k)=1if x(k)−c i ≤ x(k)−c j ∀j,0otherwise .(3)A mapping by a quantizer that minimizes E (maximizes rate distortion ratio)will preserve maximum relevant information of the HDR image.One of the known problems in rate distortion optimal quan-tizer design is the uneven utilization of the codewords where,some clusters may have large number of pixels,some may have very few pixels and yet others may even be empty.There may be two reasons for this under utilization of codewords.Firstly,the original HDR pixel distribution may be concentrated in a very narrow range of intensity interval;this may cause large number of pixels in these densely populated intervals to be clustered into a single or very few clusters because they are so close together.In the HDR image,if an intensity interval has a large concentration of pixels,then these pixels could be very important in conveying fine details of the scene.Although such intervals may only occupy a relatively narrow dynamic range span because of the high-resolution representation,the pixels falling onto these intervals could contain important de-tails visible to human observers.Grouping these pixels together will loose too much detail information.In this case,we need to “plug”some codewords in these highly populated intensity intervals such that these pixels will be displayed into different levels to preserve the details.The second reason that can cause the under utilization of codewords could be due to the opti-mization process being trapped in a local minimum.In order to produce a good LDR display,the pixels have to be reasonably evenly distributed to the codewords.If we assign each code-word the same number of pixels,then the mapping is histogram equalization which has already been shown to be unsuitable for HDR image display [5].If we distribute the pixel popula-tion evenly without regarding to their relative intensity values,e.g.,grouping pixels with wide ranging intensity values just to ensure even population distribution into each codeword,then we will introduce too much objectionable artifacts because compression is too aggressive.In the next section,we intro-duce a learning-based approach suitable for designing dynamic range compression quantizers for the display of HDR images.3.Conscience learning for HDR compressionVector quantization (VQ)is a well-developed field [16](although we will only design a scalar quantizer (SQ),we will borrow techniques mainly designed for VQ.There are2644G.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition40(2007)2641–2655 many methods developed for designing vector quantizers.Thek-means type algorithms,such as the LBG algorithm[18],and neural network-based algorithms,such as the Kohonenfeature map[19]are popular tools.As discussed in Section2,our quantizer should not only be based on the rate distortioncriterion,but also should ensure that there is an even spreadof pixel population.In other words,our quantizer should min-imize E in Eq.(3)and at the same time the pixels should beevenly distributed to the codewords.Therefore the design algo-rithm should be able to explicitly achieve these two objectives.In the neural network literature,there is a type of consciencecompetitive learning algorithm that will suit our application.Inthis paper,we use the frequency sensitive competitive learning(FSCL)algorithm[20]to design a quantizer for the mappingof HDR scenes to be displayed in low dynamic devices.Tounderstand why FSCL is ideally suited for such an application,wefirst briefly describe the FSCL algorithm.The philosophy behind the FSCL algorithm is that,when acodeword wins a competition,the chance of the same codewordwinning the next time round is reduced,or equivalently,thechance of other codewords winning is increased.The end effectis that the chances of each codeword winning will be equal.Putin the other way,each of the codewords will be fully utilized.In the context of using the FSCL for mapping HDR data tolow dynamic display,the limited number of low dynamic levels(codewords)will be fully utilized.The intuitive result of fullyutilized display level is that the displayed image will have goodcontrast,which is exactly what is desired in the display.How-ever,unlike histogram equalization,the contrast is constrainedby the distribution characteristics of the original scene’s inten-sity values.The overall effect of such a mapping is thereforethat,the original scenes are faithfully reproduced,while at thesame time,the LDR displays will have good contrast.FSCL algorithmStep1:Initialize the codewords,c i(0),i=1,2,...,N,to ran-dom numbers and set the counters associated with each code-word to1,i.e.f i(0)=1,i=1,2,...,NStep2:Present the training sample,x(k),where k is thesequence index,and calculate the distance between x(k)andthe codewords,and subsequently modify the distances usingthe counters valuesd i(k)= x(k)−c i(k) d∗i(k)=f i(k)d i(k)(4)Step3:Find the winner codeword c j(k),such thatd∗j(k) d∗i(k)∀iStep4:Update the codeword and counter of the winner asc j(k+1)=c j(k)+ (x(k)−c j(k))f j(k+1)=f j(k)+1where0< <1(5)Step5:If converged,then stop,else go to Step2.The FSCL process can be viewed as a constrained optimiza-tion problem of the following form:J=E+iki(k)−|x(k)|N2,(6)where is the Lagrange multiplier,|x(k)|represents the totalnumber of training samples(pixels),N is the number of code-words(display levels),E and are as defined in Eq.(3).Minimizing thefirst term ensures that pixel values close toeach other will be grouped together and will be displayed asthe same single brightness.Minimizing the second term facil-itates that each available displayable level in the mapped im-age will be allocated similar number of pixels thus creating awell contrast display.By sorting the codewords in an increasingorder,i.e.,c1<c2<···<c N−1<c N,the mapping also ensuresthat the brighter pixels in the original image are mapped to abrighter display level and darker pixels are mapped to a darkerdisplay level thus ensuring the correct brightness order to avoidvisual artifacts such as the“halo”phenomenon.Because the mapping not only favors an equally distributedpixel distribution but also is constrained by the distancesbetween pixel values and codeword values,the current methodis fundamentally different from both traditional histogramequalization and simple quantization-based methods.His-togram equalization only concerns that the mapped pixels haveto be evenly distributed regardless of their relative brightness,while simple quantization-based mapping(including many lin-ear and nonlinear data independent mapping techniques,e.g.,Ref.[2])only takes into account the pixel brightness valuewhile ignoring the pixel populations in each mapped level.As a result,histogram equalization mapping will create visu-ally annoying artifacts and simple quantization-based methodwill create mappings with under utilized display levels whichoften resulting in many features being squashed and becomeinvisible.With FSCL learning,we could achieve a balancedmapping.4.Implementation detailsBecause the objective of our use of the FSCL algorithm inthis work is different from that of its ordinary applications,e.g.,vector quantization,there are some special requirementsfor its implementation.Our objective is not purely to achieverate distortion optimality,but rather should optimize an ob-jective function of the form in Eq.(6)and the ultimate goalis,of course,to produce good LDR displays of the HDR im-ages.In this section,we will give a detailed account of itsimplementation.4.1.Codebook initializationWe work on the luminance component of the image only andin logarithm space,from thefloating point RGB pixel valuesof the HDR radiance map,we calculateL=log(0.299∗R+0.587∗G+0.114∗B),L max=MAX(L),L min=MIN(L).(7)In using the FSCL algorithm,we found that it is very importantto initialize the codewords to linearly scaled values.Let thecodebook be C={c i;i=1,2,...,N},N is the number ofcodewords.In our current work,N is set to256.The initialG.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition 40(2007)2641–26552645020004000600080001000012000133659712916119322505000100001500020000250000326496128160192224petitive learning without conscience mechanism will produce a mapping close to linear scaling.Left column:competitive learning without conscience mechanism.Right column:linear scaling.Radiance map data courtesy of Fredo Durand.values of the codewords are chosen such that they are equally distributed in the full dynamic range of the luminance:c i (0)=L min +i256(L max −L min ).(8)Recall that our first requirement in the mapping is that the dis-play should reflect the pixel intensity distribution of the original image.This is achieved by the optimization of E in Eq.(3)with the initial codeword values chosen according to Eq.(8).Let us first consider competitive learning without the conscience mechanism.At the start of the training process,for pixels falling into the interval c i (0)±(L max −L min )/512,the same code-word c i will win the competitions regardless of the size of pixel population falling into the interval.The pixels in the intensity intervals that are far away from c i will never have the chance to access it.In this case,distance is the only criterion that de-termines how the pixels will be clustered and pixel populations distributed into the codewords are not taken into account.Af-ter training,the codewords will not change much from their initial values because each codeword will only be updated by pixels falling close to it within a small range.In the encodingor mapping stage,since the codewords are quite close to their corresponding original positions which are linearly scattered in the FDR,the minimum distortion measure will make the map-ping approximately linear and extensive simulations demon-strate that this is indeed the case.As a result,the final mapped image will exhibit the pixel intensity distribution characteris-tics of the original image.Fig.4(a)shows a result mapped by competitive learning without the conscience mechanism,com-pared with Fig.4(b),the linearly scaled mapping result,it is seen that both the images and their histograms are very similar which demonstrate that by initializing the codewords according Eq.(8),optimizing the distortion function E in Eq.(3)has the strong tendency to preserve the original data of the original im-age.However,like linear compression,although the resulting image reflects the data distribution of the scene,densely pop-ulated intensity intervals are always over-quantized (too much compression)which causes the mapped image lacking contrast.With the introduction of the conscience mechanism,in the training stage,competition is based on a modified distance measure,d ∗in Eq.(4).Note that if a codeword wins the competitions frequently,its count and consequently its modi-2646G.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition 40(2007)2641–2655σ = 0.05, η(0) = 0.1 σ = 0.05, η(0) = 0.2 010002000300040005000600070008000900006412819210002000300040005000600070008000064128192100020003000400050006000700006412819210002000300040005000600070000641281921000200030004000500060007000064128192σ = 0.05, η(0) = 0.3σ = 0.05, η(0) = 0.4σ = 0.05, η(0) = 0.5Fig.5.Final mapped images and their histograms for fixed and various (0).Radiance map data courtesy of Fredo Durand.fied distance increases,thus reducing its chance of being the winner and increasing the likelihood of other codewords with relatively lower count values to win.This property is exactly what is desired.If a codeword wins frequently,this means that the intensity interval it lies in gathers large population of pixels.In order to ensure the mapped image having goodG.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition 40(2007)2641–26552647η(0) = 0.2, σ= 0.05 020004000600080000641281922000400060008000064128192100020003000400050006000700006412819210002000300040005000600070000641281921000200030004000500060007000064128192η(0) = 0.2, σ = 0.04 η(0) = 0.2, σ = 0.02η(0) = 0.2, σ = 0.0087η(0) = 0.2, σ = 0.002Fig.6.Final mapped images and their histograms for fixed (0)and various .Radiance map data courtesy of Fredo Durand.contrast,these densely populated intensity intervals should be represented by more codewords,or equivalently,more dis-play levels.The incorporation of the conscience mechanism makes the algorithm conscience of this situation and passes the chances to codewords with lower count values to win the com-petitions so that they can be updated towards the population dense intensity intervals and finally join in the quantization of these intervals.2648G.Qiu et al./Pattern Recognition40(2007)2641–2655 The training starts from linearly scattered codewords,withthe introduction of the conscience mechanism,the code-words are moved according to both their values and the pixelpopulation distribution characteristics.At the beginning of thetraining phase,the mapping is linear,and the mapped image’shistogram is narrow,as training progresses,the mapped im-age’s histogram is gradually wider,and when it reaches anequilibrium,it achieves an optimal mapping that preserves theappearance of the original scene and also has good visibilityand contrast.Although initializing the codewords according to Eq.(8)may lead to largerfinal distortion E than other(random)meth-ods for codeword initialization,this does not matter.Unlike conventional use of FSCL,our objective is not to achieve rate distortion optimality,but rather,the aim is to cluster the HDR image pixels in such a way that the groupings not only reflect the pixel distribution of the original scene,the pixel populations are also evenly distributed to the codewords such that the im-age can be displayed in LDR devices with good visibility and contrast.Because of the special way in which the initial values of the codewords are set,some codewords may scatter far away from densely populated intensity intervals where more codewords are needed to represent the pixels.In order to achieve this,we let the fairness function,f i’s in Eq.(5)of the FSCL algorithm,accumulate the counts throughout the entire training process,thus increasing the chances to obtain more contrast.4.2.Setting the training rateThe training rate in Eq.(5)is an important parameter in the training of the quantizer.It not only determines the convergence speed but also affects the quality of thefinal quantizer.In the neural network literature,there are extensive studies on this subject.In our work,we use the following rule to set the training rate as a function training iterations(k)= (0)exp(− k)),(9) where (0)is the initial value set at the beginning of the training, is a parameter controlling how fast the training rate decadesas training progresses.In the experiments,we found that larger initial training rate values and slower decreasing speeds(smaller in Eq.(9)) led to higher contrast images when the algorithm achieved an equilibrium state.The result is rger initial val-ues and slower decreasing speed of the training rate make remain relatively large throughout.Once a codeword,which may be far away from densely populated intensity intervals, wins a competition,the larger training rate would drag it closer to the densely populated intensity intervals and thus increasing its chance to win again the next time round.Thefinal result is that densely populated intensity intervals are represented by more codewords or more display levels and the displayed im-ages will have more details.The effects for smaller training rates are almost the opposite,small training rate will result in1214161811011211411611810.η(0)=EIterationsFig.7.Training curves forfixed =0.05and various (0)corresponding to those in Fig.5.the image having a narrower histogram(lower contrast)and more similar to the effect of linear compression.This is again expected.Because we initialize the codewords by linear scal-ing and small will make thefinal codewords closer to their initial values when the training achieves an equilibrium.Fig.5 shows examples of mapped images and their histograms with different (0)andfixed .Fig.6shows examples of mapped images and their histograms with different andfixed (0). By changing the training rate settings,the mapped image’s his-togram can be controlled to have narrower shapes(lower con-trast images)or broader shapes(higher contrast images).This property of the training rate provides the users with a good guidance to control thefinal appearance of the mapped HDR images.According to the above analysis,in order to control the final appearance of the mapped image,we canfix one param-eter and change the other.To achieve the same contrast for the final mapping,we can either use a smaller (0)and a smaller , or,a larger (0)and a larger .However in the experiments we found that,with a smaller (0)and a smaller ,the algorithm took longer to converge to an equilibrium state.Fig.7shows the training curves for the training rate settings corresponding to those in Figs.5and8shows the training curves for the train-ing rate settings corresponding to those in Fig.6.The image in Fig.5mapped with (0)=0.5and =0.05and the image in Fig.6mapped with (0)=0.2and =0.002have similar contrast.However,as can be seen from the training curves in Figs.7and8,for (0)=0.5and =0.05,the training con-verged within100iterations and for (0)=0.2and =0.002 the training took more than400iterations to converge.Thus as a guide for the use of the training algorithm,we recom-mend that the control of thefinal image appearance be achieved byfixing a relatively aggressive and adjusting (0)because of the fast convergence speed under such conditions.Setting (0)=0∼1and =0.05,and train the quantizer for100 iterations worked very well for all images we have tried.After 50iterations,E changed very little by further iterations,there-fore for most images,less than50iterations suffice.Through experiments,we also found that it was only necessary to use。