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the works in middle period are of vigorously criticizing on bourgeois by humor and satire.
3、The later period(18531865)
• Hard Times 《艰难时世》—— 1854年 • A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》—— 1859年 • Great Expectations 《远大前程》——1860年-1861 年 • Our Mutual Friend《我们共同的朋友》——1865
Jaggers successful London trail lawyer attorney Miss Havisham wealthy and vengeful women was abandoned by her fiance Compeyson on the wedding Estella beautiful and arrogant
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
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Charles Dickens
Life experience
Major works
Charles Dickens Born: 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England Died: 9 June 1870 (aged 58)in Higham, Kent, England
Mrs.Joe Pip’s old sister
Magwitch convict on the marshes; Source of Pip’s expectation; Estella’s father
childhood of youth
Period of Period
middle age
hometown years later, he met Estella
Period of childhood
After meeting Estella
Arriving in London
Finding out the truth
After the prisoner was arrested
Period of youth
Pip started his journey of great expectations in London, learning the details of becoming a gentleman from his tutor, wearing fine clothing, and joining cultured society. in the
Meanwhile, he also formed class
conception, he felt very embarrassed and angry at joe’s ill manners. Pip is introduced to his benefactor, which changed his world.
changed when he was visited by a London
attorney, Jaggers who informed Pip that he was going to inherit a substantial property from an unknown people and get trained as a gentleman
Period of middle age
He found that he was sponsored by the
prisoner he helped in his childhood. Pip tried to send him abroad with the help of his friend, Herbert, but they failed . The prisoner was arrested ,and all his possessions were ruthlessly confiscated. Pip impoverished again, what’s worse, he got sick severely. Due to Joe’s care ,he recovery quickly. Finally Pip left for India to work for his friend’s company. When he returned to his
Kind-heart Content with present life
Ambitious To be rich gentleman
greed and luxurious
Shocked and painful grateful
desperate Pragmatic
Herbert Pocket Wemmick Chief clerk for Jaggers mentor Molly Jaggers’ servant; Estella’s mother
Joe Kind blacksmith married to Pip’s sister
Loves unconditionally
Reporter in the House of Commons (1935)
Work as an apprentice in law office; recorder in court
In 1836, published Sketches by Boz
In1836, married
In1837, published Pickwick Papers become famous
Buried at Westminster Abbey, poet’s corner
Died at age of 58, on June 8, 1870
Created many famous novels
Major works
1、The early period(1836-1845) 2、The middle period(1846-1852) 3、The later period(1853-1865)
the works In early period are of gentle social criticism, Fantastic optimism,
2、The middle period(18461852)
• American Notes《美国纪行》——1842年 • Martin Chuzzlewit 《马丁· 翟述伟》—— 1843年1844年 • Dombey and Son 《董贝父子》—— 1846年-1848年 • David Copperfield 《大卫· 科波菲尔》—— 1849年1850年
the works in later period are of social criticism, gentle reformism and strong humanitarian
Great Expectations
Pip’s character
Character relation
1、The early period(18361845)
• The Pickwick Papers 《匹克威克外传》—— 1836年 • Oliver Twist 《奥利弗· 退斯特》又名《雾都孤儿》 —— 1837年-1839年 • Nicholas Nickleby 《尼古拉斯· 尼克贝》 —— 1838 年-1839年 • The Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》 —— 1840年1841年
Period of
Period of childhood
Pip led a humble life with his ill-tempered elder sister and easygoing husband, Joe. One day, He helped an escaped prisoner. he just want to be a blacksmith like Joe. After meeting Estella, he was determined to become a gentleman His life suddenly
Occupation:Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
19th Century British Critical Realism Novelist
Life experience of Charles Dickens
Born in Portsmouth, England(1812) Happiest time His families were on prison for debt Worked in Shoe blacking warehouse