







关键词:梦想;对话形式;暴力形式;象征;会话隐喻作者简介:刘博京(1987- ),男,东北师范大学文学院比较文学与世界文学硕士研究生。











而这 些使得人物 在面对冲 突时的反应和 对 自我 的认知等方 面有 了连贯性 。在 此基础上 ,也就逐渐 形成 了属 于他们 的 共 同的可辨认 的群体特征,也就是 “ 重压下的优雅 ”。 《 白象似 的群 山》是海 明威最著名 的短篇 小说之一 , 人们 认为海 明威在他 的众 多文学作 品中创造 了鲜 明的 “ 硬汉”形象 。这些人物从不发表言论,从不谈论 自己的信 仰 ,他们行 为而不理论。海 明威很好地描述 了迷惘的一代的 生存状态 。R b r s 出危机感和幻灭感隐藏于酗酒、移情 oet指 换爱、酷嗜猎取大动物等行动 中,而这些危机感等主要来源 完成 于1 2 年。小说 中的场景 、角 色和对话都 为这篇小说 于一战之后 的阴影。这种幻灭感迫使海 明威作品中的人物对 97 增添 了不可磨 灭的光彩 。故 事主要描述 在一个去往 西班牙 自我进 行了重新调整,从而更好地面对这个生存环境 。比如 某处 的火车站 台上 的一对情侣 之间 的故事 。故事 最开始对 海 明威的作 品 《 丧钟为谁鸣》 中的乔丹 , 《 永别了,武器》 老人与海》中的桑提亚哥在面对 困难时都 场景进行 了描述 , “ 埃布罗河 河谷 的那 一边 ,白色 的 山冈 中的亨利 中尉和 《 起伏连 绵 。这一边 , 白地一 片 ,没有树 木 ,车站 在阳光下 没有被打倒 ,反而选择了重生 ,他们 都因是海明威作 品中的 两条铁路 线 中间。”通过这个 场景 的描述 可 以看 到这个站 典型的硬汉形象而被全世界所共知。 台乖僻 荒凉 。而这 些描述在 一定程度上 也隐含象 征着这对 不 同 于 以上作 品中 的硬 汉形 象 , 《 白象似 的 群 山》 情侣之 间的关系 、问题和未来 。对于这 本小说 中的重要 的 中的男主人公面对难 题时 ,没能体现 出重 压下的优雅 ,反 象征解读 ,存在着 众多的争议 。一些学 者通过对 于本文的 而选择 了逃避 ,这使得 他成 为海 明威作 品中所阐述 的迷惘





















关键词:写作手法,语言特色,象征,冰山原则AbstractErnest Hemingway is a giant of modern literature. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 for “masters the modern narrative techniques”. His writing style not only makes him famous but also makes him different from many other greatest American writers. He has exerted a strong influence on the literature both of America and the world.“Hills Like White Elephants”is one of Hemingway’s excellent short stories, which provides us with a piece of wonderful picture with condensed ink. There are just 1469 words in this novel, of which the majority is dialogues between a girl and a man awaiting a train at a station in Spain. All the story features short sentences; and there are few modification words to describe the facial expression,the inner minds as well as the actions of the figures. The research into his writing style allows us to grasp the story thoroughly. Meanwhile we will profound the theme of the story and appreciate it well.This thesis is divided into three parts. Part one is a brief introduction to Hemingway and his novel “Hills Like White Elephants”. Part two analyses Hemingway’s writing techniques in the aspects of unique language, symbol technique and his Iceberg Theory. Firstly, his unique language can be summarized as the following three features: (a) one syllable or two syllables words are mostly used; (b) less adjectives and adverbials have been used; (c) the length and rhythm of his sentences are varied in different situations; (d) simple sentences outnumber complex sentences, and sentence connectors like "and", "but", "then" are used repeatedly in the novel to link most of the sentences. Secondly, his novels are always full of symbols, which greatly enrich the meaning of his story. In “Hills Like White Elephants”the symbols not only implies the fate of the young men but also make the character more vivid and the theme clearer. Finally, technique of his Iceberg Theory has been fully reflected by his "Hills Like White Elephants". For under the concise language, there exists rich information and deep feelings, it is just the highlight of the Iceberg Theory. Based on these analyses, the last part makes an conclusion and points out the purposeand significance of the research in this thesis.Key Words: writing style; features of language; symbolic; iceberg theory目录摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Introduction to the writer and his “Hills Like White Elephants” (5)2Analysis of writing techniques of "Hills Like White Elephants" (7)2.1The unique Language (7)2.1.1 A lexical choice (7)2.1.2 Few adjectives and adverbs (8)2.1.3 Short and simple sentences (8)2.2 The use of Symbolism (9)2.2.1 The symbolic significance of the title and the heroine'sname (9)2.2.2 The symbolic significance in the setting (10)2.2.3The symbolic significance between the dialogues (11)2.3 Technique of Iceberg Theory (12)2.3.1 The style of Iceberg Theory (12)2.3.2 Iceberg Theory in Hills Like White Elephants (13)3Conclusion (15)Bibliography (16)Acknowledgements (17)1. Introduction to the writer and his “Hills Like WhiteElephants”Ernest Hemingway is a giant of modern literature, well versed in modern narrative art, for which he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1954. His four major novels are The Sun Also Rises (1926), A Farewell to Arms (1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), and The Old Man and the Sea (1952). Since he is a wounded veteran of World War I, most of his works are connected to wars. Every role in his work reflects his own characteristics, that is, full of courage, perseverance, wisdom, and never giving in to fate, but none of them are perfect, which makes the role more real. His stories of courage in the face of tragedy encourage the new generation. The application of short, uncomplicated, active sentences, and only few adjectives becomes Hemingway's recognizable style that has been widely copied by other writers. Due to the concise language, his style is endowed with the title telegraph style. That makes the tempo of the story, the tone and the changing feelings of the figures clearer. We should be aware that Hemingway's language is concisely direct but never blunt or simply plain.His novels are always full of symbols, which can greatly enrich the meaning of the story. The subtle employment of symbolism is a sharp tool to help to delve into the deep-seated treasures; thus, the maximum of meaning is reached through the use of this technique. What is more, he has created a kind of Iceberg Theory style. Iceberg Theory is greatly moving the plot forward. Due to Theory style, there is always a network of association and inference, a submerged reason behind the inclusion (or even the omission) of every detail."Hills Like White Elephants" is an important piece in Hemingway's second collection of short stories, Men Without Women, published in August of 1927. The short story is a conversation between a girl and a man waiting for a train at a station in Spain. The man tried to persuade the girl to have a small operation. Though the novel does not tell what on earth the surgery is, according to the real life experience, we can guess that is an abortion. Basically, the whole novel is a dialogue between the girl andthe man. There are actually 110 bars in the text, of which only 12 bars are described. At the very beginning, Hemingway uses 113 words to briefly introduce the setting. This is a barren station with "no shade" and "no trees", and the hills by the side of the station are white and dry. In the beginning, the young women acts as an ice breaker, describing the outline of the distant mountains under the sun, “they look like white elephants”. But with little or almost no patience the man starts his own concerned topic about whether the young woman will have the operation or not. The man wants the girl to have an abortion but the girl wants to keep the baby, and neither of them will give in. Then the topic about the abortion becomes very sensitive. Therefore, their talk is very tight and brittle. At several points the girl talks about drinks, for she wants to avoid the sensitive topic. But the man seems to stick to the topic, explaining and comforting again and again.Finally the girl says: "I will scream” Here, the novel’s internal tension has reached its peak, slipping quickly to an abrupt end.2. Analysis of writing techniques of "Hills Like WhiteElephants"2.1The unique LanguageDistinguished from many greatest American writers, Hemingway is renowned for his writing style of unique language. His style looks simple at first glance but subtle and delightful inside.Readers are often attracted by his individual characteristics of the language.His individual characteristics of the language can be summarized as the following four patterns: (a) one syllable or two syllables words are mostly used; (b) less adjectives and adverbials have been used; (c) the length and rhythm of his sentences are skillfully varied in different situations; (d) simple sentences outnumber complex sentences, and sentence connectors like "and", "but", "then" are used repeatedly in the novel to link most of the sentences.2.1.1 A lexical choiceHe is very careful with words. Concrete, specific, more commonly found, casual and conversational are his chosen principles. He once said "Of any writer, no matter how good a word or a phrase he may have, if he puts it in where it is not absolutely necessary and irreplaceable, he is spoiling his work for egotism. Writing is architecture, not interior decoration."For example “Across, on the other side, were fields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were moun tains.” Just a few short sentences and some simple words outline a pair of pure and fresh scenery in front of the reader. His language is simple, concise, natural, easy to understand just because all the words he chooses are “concrete, specific, more commo nly found, more Anglo-Saxon, casual and conversational”Hemingway seems to prefer words of Anglo-Saxon origin, the most of which consist of one syllable or two syllables. Though Anglo-Saxon origin is small in part they are the most frequently used in daily speech and writing, which makes vital contribution to Hemingway’s works for the simple and easy understanding.2.1.2 Few adjectives and adverbsHe seldom uses adjectives and abstract nouns, and avoids complicated syntax.For example, in the beginning of this novel, he uses several sentences to describe the setting.“The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. Close against the side of the station there was the warm shadow of the building and a curtain, made of strings of bamboo beads, hung across the open door into the bar, to keep out flies. The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes.”Among these words, there are just four described adjectives: long, white, warm, hot. "Long" and "white" is used to describe the mountain. The mountain is the whole background of the novel, it plays an important role when expressing the character’s emotion. The other two adjectives, hot and warm, implies that the story happen in hot summer.All these adjective words are essential to introduce the background of this novel.2.1.3 Short and simple sentencesAs we all known, Hemingway prefers to use simple sentences. He skillfully employs many short sentences in the writing, particularly in describing the step-by-step actions and energetic activities. But he varies the length and the rhythm of his sentences on different occasions to stress something or express different attitudes and emotions. For example, the girl and the man have a disagreement. The girl feels unjust and stray, while the man feels fidgety. But the author does not use the words s uch as “angry” or “impatient” to directly describe the characters' psychological activities. Instead, he just hides these emotions in the dialogues. There are some parts of the dialogues:“What did you say?”“I said we could have everything.”“No, we can't.”“We can have the whole world.”“No, we can't.”“We can go everywhere.”“No, we can't. It isn't ours any more.”“It's ours.”From these simple sentences, readers can feel that the characters in the novel want to solve the problem as soon as possible. The author omits such words like “she said”, “he said”. This makes the dialogues shorter or even in a hurry. None of them want to say more words. This arrangement seems simple but it is really intentional. Wanting the readers to feel the psychological activities themselves, he just put out the original dialogue without any modified words. This will not only attract readers’ curiosity but also makes the novel more convincing.2.2 The use of SymbolismSymbolism is an important writing style of Hemingway, and is fully embodied in the “Hills Like White Elephants”."Hills Like White Elephants" shows Hemingway's use of iceberg theory or theory of omission: a message is presented through a story's subtext. Among those that might be mentioned, we shall focus on the title, the names of the hero and heroine, the landscape, and some special words.2.2.1 The symbolic significance of the title and the heroine’s nameThe title Hills Like White Elephants is an important metaphor. “white elephants” is mentioned several times.The meaning of the white elephants in china seems chicken ribs. The white elephants coming from Thailand in which a white elephant is given to unflavored people by the ruler. Due to the fact that the elephant is sacred and not allowed to work, it is a burden for the owner for it would consume the whole money of its owner until he becomes destitute. Jig's reference to white elephants could be in regard to the baby. The American could see the baby as a white elephant and not want to raise it because of the cost, while Jig could see the child as an extraordinary addition to her mundane life of drinking and mindless traveling. When the girl said: “They look like white elephants” she is implying that she has a baby. The hills are “lovely” and“bright” though“the country was brown and dry”, “therewas no shade and no trees”. From these we can know that the baby is a beautiful thing to the girl, and brings her change and hope in life. Furthermore, the white elephants are also a symbol of the steady life the girl is dreaming of. Maybe it is time for her to set down and have a family to live a peaceful life. As having a baby means responsible and fewer enjoyment, the man looks the baby as a burden and even useless thing.Jig is the name of the girl, which is clearly addressed in the novel. It’s not just a normal name. It is symbolic. Jig is a kind of lively dance. From the dictionary, we find that Jig have a deep meaning “particular assort of behavior or activity which varies according to the situation that someone is in”. The name Jig is very in accordance with the image of the girl, young and roaming about gaming life. At the same time. It also means the love between the girl and the man will end up.2.2.3 The symbolic significance in the settingThe symbolism of the hills can be thought of as the image of the swollen breasts , and to the prenatal dream of the mother of the future Buddha in which a white elephant (in this case, a symbol of prestigious leadership) presents her with a lotus flower, a symbol of fertility.“The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station were between two lines of rails in the sun.”This is concise to describe about the scene. “The station was between two lines of rails in the sun”symbolizing the hero and heroine never reaches an agreement to solve serious problem which threats the relationship between them. The girl looking forward to this baby, and she wants a stable relationship and enjoys the happiness of the family life; while the man considers the baby as a burden, and he wants the girl to have abortion then continues to live just like the past. They have different expectations, and no one wants to give in, just like two parallel railways won't cross together.Just take a look at these sentences “The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry.”“The girl stood up and walked to the end of the station. Across, on the other side, were fields of grain andtrees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were mountains. The shadow of a cloud moved across the field of grain and she saw the river through the trees.”Describing scenery on both sides also contain symbolism. On one side the country is “brown and dry”, symbolizing that the relationship between the girl and the men was week, indicating that the girl may have abortion; their prospects will be a dim and lifeless. On the other side, there are “grain” “t rees” “river”. All this reveals the lush life, symbolizing another choice of the girl to give birth to the baby.2.2.4 The symbolic significance between the dialogue“Everything tastes like liquorices. Especially all the things you've waited so long for, like ab sinthe.”This is just one of the girl's sentence. There is no doubt that "tastes like liquorices" "waited so long for" also have symbolic meaning for the baby. For the girl, the baby is the source of happiness and she is optimistic with the future family life. She has longed for a family life with a baby. However, the man is unwilling to welcome the new life. Maybe for him, the baby does not "taste like liquorices" and "waited so long for".There are also some special words carrying the symbolism. For example, the word "two" appears again and again, like "two lines of rails", "Two big ones", "two glasses of beer and two felt pads", "two heavy bags". All these are symbolizing the man just cares about the 2-person world, not wishing the baby come down.Apart from the hills, other parts of the setting provide symbolism which expresses the tension and conflict surrounding the couple. The train tracks form a dividing line between the barren expanse of land stretching toward the hills on one side and the green, fertile farmland on the other, symbolizing the choice faced by each of the main characters and their differing interpretations of the dilemma of pregnancy. Jig focuses on the landscape during the conversation, rarely making eye contact with the American.It's the author's intention to choose “tracks” instead of “rails” as in the setting. Except to expressing the track, the main meaning of "track" is traces, which symbolizes the trajectory of life. People are expecting "train" arrives, but finally wedo not see the sign. The another meaning of "train" is "consequences", which implicatively show the theme. People do not know where to go for the future, only confusedly waiting.2.3 Technique of Iceberg Theory2.3.1 The style of Iceberg TheoryHemingway expresses his characteristic themes of love, stoicism, war and death in perfectly controlled prose. He seems to excise all emotion from his work while allowing it to move powerfully beneath the surface. That is his famous “Iceberg Theory”. What’s “Iceberg Theory”?As the common sense, an iceberg is divided into the visible and the invisible part by surface of the sea. The art of literature is just like a sublime iceberg, in which the objective description can never be separated from the subjective emotion. The former is visible but the later remains invisible. The one-eighth is the objective image upon which artistic emotion depends; the seven-eighths is the connotation, the submerged, suppressed part of the message, which, moreover, opens to critical view and auctorial process of exclusion----inclusion, an exercise of willed choice, which closely parallels the life-choice of the protagonist-narrator.Hemingway once said, “If a writer of the prose knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.”As a matter of f act, in Hemingway’s own words, the feature of his Iceberg Theory is to omit something that both the author and the reader know, and the essence of it is to explore the hidden seven-eight facts through the only one-eight obvious fact. He always tries to write on the principle of iceberg, which means there is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows. Anything he knows he can eliminate and it only strengthens his iceberg. It is the part that doesn't show. Because of the image we can see the “whole” from a small part; this method is usually used to reveal social problems.2.3.2 Iceberg Theory in Hills Like White ElephantsAs we all know Hills Like White Elephants is an early work of Hemingway. Though it comes out before Iceberg Theory has been clever put out, it still can show this Iceberg Theory completely.To begin with, it omits the background of the story. The story started with a girl and a man talking about something in a station. But the readers still do not know anything abut them like their past or their future. Although from their dialogue we may get some information, to some extent, we still feel confused . One must get his or her understanding to scrutinize between the lines. If we read the story carefully we can’t help thinking what will happen to them. It makes the novel mysterious and attracts the reader’s attention.Secondly, it omits the intensely full-face conflict. The dialogue seems arbitrary, but the conflict between the two characters is just hidden. Only when the girl says out “Would you please please please please please please please stop talking.” the conflict unveils, and the story comes to an end.Furthermore, it omits the proverbial information. The whole dialogue focuses on the operation, but the author never points out what kind of is. However, the reader can know the fact that the operation may be an abortion according to the common sense of life after reading the dialogue. What’s more, there is no any words to describe the feelings of the heroes and heroines. But with the dialogue going on, we can feel the girl’s disappointment and the man’s fretfulness. As Hemingway said, what he omits is what he and the reader have known.“It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig.” the man said. “It's not really an operation at all.” From this sentence, we may find the man tries to persuade the girl to have the abortion, as he explains the abortion from his point---“simple”, “not really an operation at all”. From this we can realize the men’s selfish ness and insincerity becau se what is “simple” to him may hurt the girl and bring physical damage to her. He just does not want to undertake the responsibility of being a father or having a family. To his point, the baby is really a big trouble. Having the abortion, they can live as happily as the past. But deeply reading this novel, we may find that the baby meanseverything to the girl, and losing the baby, she will never be happy again.Although the author does not describe their emotion, from the dialogue we can see the girl is full of grief and despair, but she acts as if nothing happens; while the man is coldly selfish but pretends to be attentive. We can taste the conflict between them from existing information in this novel .The novel ends up with the unclearness of the gi rl’s final decision but we still find some hints. It’s not difficult to recognize if we pay much attention to the character’s conversation. It’s the girl who starts the dialogue; which implies that the abortion in the end will be on her decision. One detail of taking her hat off and putting it on the table means that she is getting off what covers her and wants to speak the situation out clearly. In the end of the story, the girl sees “grain” “trees” “river” on the other side. The words “I feel fine” sugges ts that she will keep the baby and starts her new life without the man.To sum up, Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory is fully reflected by his Hills Like White Elephants. For under the concise language, there exists rich information and deep feelings, which is just the highlight of the Iceberg Theory.3. ConclusionThis thesis mainly focuses on a study on Ernest Hemingway's writing style in “Hills Like White Elephants”. In this novel , his writing style appears more concrete and outstanding. We can easily understand his symbolic way of writing, which contains implication, philosophy, deep meaning and characterization. His Iceberg Theory follows the principle of omission, adopts images expressed in language of vitality, and gives the novel an everlasting position in world literature.To begin with, we discuss his unique language which is simple and natural on the surface but actually deliberate and artificial inside. In fact, his method of applying language revels his writing style clearer. This article is aimed to showing the charterers of his language by analyzing his novel “Hills Like White Elephants”. In addition, his novels are usually full of abundant use of symbolism. It makes his novel rich in capacities, contents and themes. Analyses on the significance of the symbolism in the novel make us catch the author’s meaning better. Finally, the technique of the Iceberg Theory,to some extent, makes his novels difficult to understand. He just tells what is happening without explaining what it means or introducing the background in details. Reading his novels, Readers need more patience to catch the meaning.The efforts in this thesis will be helpful to the study of other Hemingway's short stories. To begin with, the thesis will enlighten the people who are interested in Hemingway and his short stories, and give them help to further explore Hemingway’s short stories. In addition, the readers may have more deep understanding of Iceberg theory. Therefore, they will dig out more treasure in Hemingway’s s hort stories and profoundly appreciate the artistic charm in Hemingway's short story.Due to the limited experience, the research into the Iceberg theory may be incomplete and more analysis is necessary to better understand this theory. The process is tough but the future is bright.Bibliography1. Hemingway, E.1928. Men without Women [M].New York: Macmillan publishing Company.2. Baker, Carlos. "Mountain and Plain", Study of Ernest Hemingway, China: Social Science Press, 19813. Bates, H.O. "The Artistic Style of Ernest Hemingway", Study of Ernest Hemingway, China: Social Science Press, 19814. Booz, Elisabeth B. A Brief Introduction to Modern American Literature.上海外语教育出版社,19825.董衡巽编选,海明威研究[M],北京:中国社会科学出版社,1980。

Hills Like White Elephants赏析

Hills Like White Elephants赏析
• White elephant metaphorically refers to some expensive presents with limited value.
• It may symbolize the baby, too costly to keep in that it demands not only material provision but also responsible nurture.
Introduction to Hemingway
Hemingway's birthplace in Oak Park, Illinois.
Hemingway fishing as a young boy.
The Kansas City Star building, where Hemingway took his first job as a cub reporter.
• Physically it is quite dangerous for it was back in the 1920s’, when medical condition for an abortion was not what it is today. Besides, this operation is practiced illegally in Spain, a rigid, pious, roman Catholic country that equals abortion to murder.
The American: Man traveling with Jig.
The Woman: Waitress at the train station.
Study Questions for comprehension and consideration














海明威--白象似的群山--赏析————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ白象和群山恐怕是很难扯到一块去的,首先,山如何会是白色的呢?除非是雪山或冰山。






























浅析《白象似的群山》中海明威的创作风格[摘要] 海明威以他那与众不同的创作风格著称于世,特别是他独树一帜的、发人深省的“冰山原则”更是不同凡响。


[关键词] 白象似的群山海明威创作风格冰山原则《白象似的群山》是美国著名作家厄内斯特·海明威的著名短篇小说,1927年发表于短篇小说集《没有女人的男人》(马建军,2002:24)。

小说故事情节简单:一个美国男人和一个姑娘---Jig在西班牙北部一个偏僻的火车站等一趟从巴塞罗那(Barcelona )开往马德里(Madrid )的火车,在等车的过程中,男人和姑娘交谈着,然后呢?仍然是交谈,这就是故事的全部。






那么,究竟什么是“冰山原则”呢?海明威自己在他的纪实性作品《午后之死》(Death in the Afternoon)中,第一次把文学创作比作漂浮在大洋上的冰山,并做过这样的解释:“冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分之一在水面上”,八分之七的,或者说作家的深厚的思想情感,潜伏在水面下——作品的字里行间。



























常用的短语 “ j i g i s u p ”意思是游戏 的结束 。这也象 征着 男人 和女孩 之 间的情感游戏也将结束 。 3 .3火 车和轨道的象征意义 在小说的开头 ,叙述者用简单的语言描写 了故事发 生的背景 ,从 中 我们可以了解到故事发生在西班牙的埃波罗河谷 ,且小说 中主人公将 要 乘 坐的是一辆从 巴塞罗那开往马德里 的快车 ,但我们并不 清楚故事发 生 的具体地点在哪 ,具体的时间和 日期是什么 ,我们甚至不 知道他们会 不 会 乘车。这里的火车象征着变化和运动 ,但从某种程度 上说他们害怕这 种 变化和运 动 ,因为变化和运动并不总是 向着积极 的方 向发展 ,它也 能 标 志着他们 的关系 向着消极的方 向转变 ,那么它是否意味着是一辆 “ 人 生之车” 呢?另 外一个 我们 要注 意的事 实是 :火车 只停 留两 分钟 ,很 短。这一 有限的时间象征着吉格必须尽快堕胎 的时 间。首先 ,她不可 能 长时间地 琢磨这一 难题 ,因为 她越 迟去 堕胎 ,她 的危险 性就 越大 。其 次 ,因为堕胎在当时的西班牙是违法 的,即使在近来 也这样 ,在 当时专 制统 治时期 它是要 遭到严厉惩罚的行为 ,在有人知道这事 之前必须解决 掉。 “ 车站在 阳光下两条铁 路线 中间” , 火 铁轨道是平行的 ,永远不会交 叉 。这也具有双层象征涵义 ,一方面象征着小说 中的男女 主人公在对 待 堕胎手术 这个问题的争辩 中终将毫无结果 ,另一方面也象 征着人类 面对 社 会中的诸多问题 ,难 以达成共识去解决那些 问题 。 3 .4 “ 酒 ” 的象 征 意 义 在酒 吧 ,姑娘问 :“ 咱们喝点什么 呢? ”男人 回答说 :“ 咱们 喝啤酒 吧。 ( 吴翔 林 ,5 7 ) ” 两人要 了两 大杯 的 “ D o s c e r v e z a s ” 。男人接过 啤酒 将 之一饮而尽。为什 么这么 急于 喝 啤酒 ?这 一点恰 好 表现 出男 人的 焦



白象似的群山解读_《白象似的群山》文本解读关键词:海明威“冰山”原则内心独白摘要:海明威的短篇小说《白象似的群山》读起来意味无穷。长期以来,在对这篇小说众多的评论中,研究者将焦点更多地放在了解释甚至演绎上,缺失的却是细致的文本阅读和体验。本文试图从阅读的角度对故事文本进行体验和分析,并对海明威独特的叙事视角和高超的创作技艺进行探讨,从而更好地解读人生。一、引论海明威的短篇小说《白象似的群山》篇幅虽短,但读起来意味无穷。研究者从不同的视角对小说文本进行了解读和批评,如小说的象征意义、对话分析、男性形象、女性形象;更有人从小说的叙事结构和心理结构进行评述。但在对这篇小说众多的评论中,焦点更多地放在了解释甚至演绎上,缺失的却是细致的文本阅读和体验。正如英国作家王尔德所言,“文学批评只是评论者的自传”。本文试从阅读的角度对故事文本进行体验和分析。二、独特的叙事视角小说的叙事视角是从一个偷听者的叙述展开的,开头简单描述了故事的地理背景为西班牙埃布罗河谷,观察的位置是河谷这边一个小车站的酒馆,而跨过河谷的另一边是可见的连绵群山,山顶有积雪覆盖,而山下则裸露荒凉,不见树木,时间为盛夏,少风,因为房屋的遮荫下也是温热,并不凉爽。故事的主角是两个旅行的男女,坐在酒馆外面凉荫下等待从巴塞罗那开往马德里的火车。一般来说,这种景色很难吸引游人停留,偶有驻足,也是不得已的暂时停靠,等待离开。所以故事从一开始的简单叙述中就给读者一种促迫的感觉,局限了阅读的期望:这里不是一个能够发生大场面大事件的地方,任何故事在这里只能匆匆开始,匆匆了结,甚至只能是一种片段或过渡。但这也赋予故事一种预期的张力,使读者预感到可能会发生些什么,但可能发生的一切又会随火车的到来而暂时结束;山谷、群山、车站、酒馆、火车只是演出的道具,从而被赋予强烈的象征意义。我们首先听到女主角开口说话:“我们喝点什么?”这不一定就是男女主角谈话的真正开始,而是他们坐在酒馆前开始说话,叙述者能偷听到的部分。主角人物出场时,读者就如叙述者一样,对他们的印象是非常模糊的:既不知道他们从何而来,也不知道他们的身份,对此前他们两人之间发生了什么更一无所知。我们唯一得到的线索就是他们两个的对话早在来小酒馆之前就已经开始了,而他们谈论的话题可能发生在更久以前。他们在小酒馆坐下后,那个女孩开口问“我们喝点什么”,实际上并不是一个真正的问题,而很可能是一种对话转折手段。那个男人回答“太热了”,“喝啤酒吧”,这种回答很不寻常。男人根本没有给他的女伴任何商量的余地,而是根据自己的喜好直接点了啤酒,显示出在两人关系上他一直处在决策者和控制者的地位,女孩只是听从者。女孩第一次说出连绵的群山“它们看上去真像大白象”,可见女孩心思细腻,触景生情,期望得到男人的积极回应。但男人的回答却有点咄咄逼人,显得很不耐烦,“我可没看出来”,“就因为你说我看不出来什么也证明不了”。这里,恋人之间用上“证明”(prove)这个字眼很不一般,它暗示了两人之前的争吵。在这些对话中,作为读者的我们可以看出,肯定有什么事情在他们彼此心中萦绕不去,难以排解。两个人都是言此而意彼,话不由衷。但女孩似乎更愿意采取合作的态度,避免进一步的冲突,所以聪明地转移了话题,引导男人去看酒馆珠帘上的字。当两个人要了珠帘上说的那种饮料,女孩说出“这酒甜丝丝的就像甘草”时,男人就急不可耐地把对话重新拉回原来的话题,回答说“啥东西都这味”,在女孩回应“样样东西都甜丝丝的像甘草。特别是一个人盼望了好久的那些东西,简直就像艾酒一样”后,他粗暴地打断女孩,显示出他以自我为中心,缺乏交流技巧,同时也预示了两人之间交流的困难。这种情景在小说中出现了四次,第一次是男人试图阻止女孩说下去,第二次是女孩要求“我们别再谈了好不好”,第三次是女孩强烈要求男人不要再说下去“求你,求你求你,千万求求你别再说了好吗”,最后一次是女孩激烈阻断男人说下去“你要再说我就大声喊了”,显示了两人之间情绪的变化:开始男人想直奔话题,目的在于把两人的难题作个了断,而女孩试图通过婉转的方式让男人明白自己的心事,表现出了更多的耐心和顺从;到了后来,女孩失去了信心,不再指望男人真正理解自己。在整个故事发展中,女孩显得更成熟,对事物的把握也更透彻,而男人似乎没什么改变,陷在个人的盘算中无法自拔。男人试图再次回到自己想说的话题,“那实在是一种非常简便的手术,吉格”,“甚至算不上一个手术”;“我知道你不会在乎的,吉格。真的没有什么大不了。只要吸出来就行了” ;“我陪你去,而且一直呆在你身边。他们只要注入空气, 然后就一切都正常了”。我们第一次得知他们实际一直在谈什么,也是第一次得知女孩的名字叫吉格。值得一提的是,在英文文本中,“operation”并不像汉语“手术”的意思那么显而易见。三、高超的创作技艺在故事的语境中,汉语“手术”词义单一,且很容易使读者推测出故事中所说的手术就是流产手术。但在原文中,读者并不能一下就能猜测到“operation”指的是什么,只能从以后对话展开中得知这个词的实际含义。这里海明威故意隐去了能凸显这个词义的搭配和细节,显示出他操纵情节及应用“冰山”原则的高超技巧。女孩从这时开始显示出更多的思考,并在对话中慢慢获得主动。她一连串地反问男人“我们以后怎么办?”“你怎么会这么想?”“你真的希望我去做吗?”“如果我去做,那你以后就不会心烦了吧?”逼得男人左支右绌,车轱辘儿话一遍又一遍地说:“你要真不想去做,我绝不勉强。”在整个对话中,男人这种话重复了十三次,充分暴露了他急于摆脱困境而又拒绝承担责任的心态。男人希望姑娘为自己的事承担责任,试图把自己从这件事中摆脱出来。如果姑娘要去做手术,那也必须是她自己做出决定,心甘情愿地去做,而不是接受男人的建议被动去做的。在两性心理中,这是一种典型的男人式思维:当一个人有事时,他(她)应该自己独立面对,自己决定应该怎么做,而他人则不应过多干涉,以免造成妨碍或伤害。但在这个故事语境中,男人希望姑娘独立做出决定的事却不是“她”一个人的事,为此应该承担责任的也不是那个姑娘。这在故事中形成了一种强烈的反讽:当男人说出这番话时,他把所有的责任和负担都推给了姑娘,他喋喋不休地表白自己,实际却在坚持要那姑娘按他的想法去做,并认为那不过是一个简单的小手术,不会造成什么伤害,不仅暴露出这个男人的无知,也表明了他只注意自己的感受,以自我中心,对他所爱的人的感受缺乏关切,毛躁急进,一味按自己的想法行事。在两个人的对话中,“你”(you)这个字出现了四十三次,有三十一次出自男人之口,显示这个男人一直试图控制话题,把谈话集中在女孩身上,并希望通过谈话解决他心目的核心“难题”。此外,从行为动作上看,男人自始至终只有几个简单的行为:他坐下要啤酒,他对女孩说话,他拎起包准备离开,而那个女孩却不时四处张望,尤其是三次打量远处的山峰,表明她一直在想自己的心事,并没有真正去听男的在说什么,最后甚至逃离交谈的现场,这使故事呈现出一个更大的嘲弄甚至荒诞:虽然两个人一直在说话,却缺乏真正的交流,男人不关心女孩的心理感受,而女孩却根本不听他的谈话。在整个故事中,男人丝毫没有改变,他甚至不知道自己到底做错了什么,对女孩的态度和感受懵懂困惑,笨拙无措,不仅暴露了他在情感上的浅陋无知,也泄露了他在心智上的不成熟和人格缺失。在他的心里,吉格应该为此独立做出决定并承担起责任,而他自己只是一个事不关己的建议者,他希望吉格明白他自己烦恼的正是这件事。他一厢情愿地认为这也是困扰他们两人的难题。实际上,吉格并不这么想,她更在乎的是男人对这件事的态度,以及他是否真正关心自己,怀上孩子似乎对吉格并没有造成多大的烦恼。男人不懂这一点,也无从理解。他期望的是,在解决了这个问题后,他又能和吉格一起到处游荡,幸福快乐,因为让他们不开心就“只有这一件事”。对此,吉格直接点明了要害,“那我就去做,因为我根本不在乎自己”。这句话不但是对话的转折点,也是整个故事的转折点。到此吉格算是彻底明白眼前这个男人,也真正理解两个人之间的关系。她内心似乎意识到,他们之间某种东西永远失去了。在说了这句话后,她关闭了进一步交流的心门,也拒绝再谈下去。当男人还在喋喋不休地再说下去时,她甚至变得有点歇斯底里。故事虽没有确定的结局,但作为读者的我们却意识到,那个女孩已发生了变化。四、结语海明威在自己的作品中很少用比喻,但这个故事却用到不少明喻,如“像白象”用了四次,使“白象”成了故事中一个重要意象,“像甘草”用了两次,“像艾酒”用了一次。这种明喻的反复使用,显示了事物的不确定性,表示人物对事物缺乏清晰深刻的认识。另外,故事中多用情态词,如“本能够”“可以”“应该”“或许能”,暗示了故事中人物缺乏过去,没有未来,对将要发生的事情难以把握,飘摇不定。整篇几乎全由对话构成。对话的语气和内容的重复对人物刻画起到了至关重要的作用。如故事中男人的话语中用词单调,结构重复,多为陈述或判断句,显示出他武断自私,缺乏对他人关切和体贴的性格;女孩的话语多为疑问或祈使句,言辞中常用比喻,显示她对两人之间的关系疑虑重重,对事物缺乏真切的了解。故事一直到结束,两人的交谈又回复到开头那种淡然,但没有任何结局。但是读者和吉格都知道,已发生了重要的变化。一直等待的火车还没有到来,冲突没有解决,故事戛然而止,为读者留下了无尽的想象。它似乎只是一个片段,一个过场,故事还没发生就已经结束,就像人生,头尾完整的事件只存在于想象,我们能看到只不过是一瞬中偶然的片羽吉光。(责任编辑:水涓)作者简介:冯长甫,河南西华县人,硕士,中国人民银行郑州培训学院副教授,英语教育专业硕士生导师,主要研究方向为英语语言文学。参考文献:[1] Hemingway, Ernest. The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Finca Vigaiaed. New York: Scribner's, 1987.[2] Koloze, Jeff. An Ethical Analysis of the Portrayal of Abortion in American Fiction: Dreiser, Hemingway, Faulkner, Dos Passos, Brautigan, and Irving. Lewis-ton, N.Y.; Queenston, Ont.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.[3]Wagner-Martin, Linda. Ernest Hemingway: Seven Decades of Criticism. East Lansing: Michigan State Uni-versity Press, 1998.感谢您的阅读!。

《白象似的群山》的语法隐喻分析 白象似的群山原文阅读

《白象似的群山》的语法隐喻分析 白象似的群山原文阅读

《白象似的群山》的语法隐喻分析白象似的群山原文阅读一、引言语法隐喻最早由系统功能语言学派的创始人韩礼德提出的通过研究语法结构对语义的体现关系,他区分了两种体现关系: 一致式和非一致式。


韩礼德提出的语法隐喻只包括概念隐喻和人际隐喻(Halliday, 2000)。










































2、主人公名字的象征意义 Jig是小说中女主人公的名字,也是小说中唯一有名字的人物,而这个名字并非一个简单的符号。Jig首先是一种起源于英国通常为三拍子的快步舞。但它常用于“the jig is up”中,这是一个英语俚语,意思是“把戏已拆穿;一切都完了,已无成功的希望。”[1] 海明威用Jig来命名小说里的女主人公非常符合她年轻,四处漂泊,游戏人生的形象。同时也象征美国男子和Jig之间的性爱或爱情终因Jig的怀孕而终止;俩人的游戏终因“流产”而宣告结束。
According to a legendary Indian custom, white elephant is regarded as a sacred animal. If the King wanted to punish any subjects who were out of his favor, he would bestow them a white elephant, for in this way they would soon be ruined by the high cost of maintaining this precious gift. Derived from this custom, nowadays white elephant refers to something that might be rare and precious, but at the same time is useless and burdensome to maintain.
Hemingway sets “Hills Like White Elephants” at a train station to highlight the fact that the relationship between the American man and the girl is at a crossroads. Planted in the middle of a desolate valley, the station isn’t a final destination but merely a stopping point between Barcelona and Madrid. Travelers, including the main characters, must therefore decide where to go and, in this case, whether to go with each other and continue their relationship. Moreover, the contrast between the white hills and barren valley possibly highlights the dichotomy between life and death, fertility and sterility, and mirrors the choice the girl faces between having the baby or having the abortion. The girl seems torn between the two landscapes, not only commenting on the beauty of the hills but also physically walking to the end of the platform and gazing out at the brown emptiness around the station.


的话语越来 越体现出言散漫、流动性,似乎是她体内潜藏 着的一位‚她者‛在自说自话,神经质、不可 捉摸、心浮气躁、变幻莫测。
‚我们可以到处逛逛。‛‚不,我们不能。这 世界已不再是我们的了。‛ ‚是我们的。‛‚不,不是。一旦他们把它拿 走,你便永远失去它了。‛ ‚但他们还没有把它拿走呵。‛‚咱们等着瞧 吧。‛

女孩对他们之间的关系开始怀疑和动摇,到最 后她笑的时候, 已经绝望了。她正在一点一点 地关闭她的情感之门,她内心柔弱的东西正在 一点一点地流失,正在一点一点地物化。

这种物化的开始在人的心理会产生一种逼人的 压迫感,这种淤积在她心头的压抑使女孩感到 窒息,她要说,她要释放,于是在谈话中,她一次又 一次地提到白象似的群山,然而男人却视而不 见。在这里,海明威实际在用白象似的群山对 应女孩内心压抑的情感,给读者以更为直观的 感觉。

故事发生的地点是车站,车站象征着离别,它 意味着同过去说再见,改换生活方向,游历下一 个地方等。在此,它还意味着两位恋人的分歧 与冲突。正如两条铁轨永远不能相交一样,两 者的矛盾永远难以调和。

在整篇的交谈中,女孩三次抬头看山,看连绵起 伏的群山,而且还一再向男人提起白象似的群 山,而男人对白象似的群山却没有丝毫的感觉, 他们内心交流是不通畅的,是隔阂的。 他们之间的对话根本不在一个层面,双方都言 不由衷。

白象似的群山已与远处的田野、流淌的河水融 为一体,这时白象似的群山象征着与文明社会 相对应的相对自由的自然界,凸显出女孩一种 想躲避与逃离的情绪。

在这个故事中文明社会对女孩的压力是通过这 个男人实现的,所以女孩首先想躲避与逃离的 就是这个男人。因此, 在整篇的交谈中,女孩一 直没有看男人,女孩一直在躲避男人的目光,她 看远处的山,看珠帘,看桌子腿下的地,甚至站起 身来,走到车站的另一头,去看远处的田野、流 淌的河流。只是在小说的结尾,她不仅看着男 人而且还冲着男人笑了。












论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格AbstractBeing distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteris tic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world.Key WordsDialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory摘要在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。

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小说仿佛一幅水墨写意 , 冷峻疏朗 , 深邃含蓄 , 没有抒情渲染 , 没有梦幻寄托 , 甚至没有多少描写形象 , 稀稀落落的字里行间仿佛全然出于不经意 , 更像是一幕电影镜头 , 留下许多空白让我们去回味、推断。

其真正的意图往往是“千呼万唤始出来 ,犹抱琵琶半遮面” 。

初看上去 , 这篇小说并没有向读者阐明什么内涵 , 读者只看到故事发生的表象 , 这是体现海明威“冰山”创作理论的典型短篇之一。

在这个四千字左右的短篇中 , 他以简洁凝练的文笔 , 客观而准确地勾勒出了一幅富有实感的画面: 一对不知从哪里来到哪里去的男女在一个不知道名称的车站候车 , 喝酒 , 交谈。

小说真正做到了使读者参与进去 , 去思考 , 揣摩和推测。

正如他自己所说的: “关于显现出来的每一部分 , 八分之七是在水面以下的。

你可以略去你所知道的任何东西 , 这只会使你的冰山厚积起来。

” [1 ]本篇就是厚积薄发的典范。

文中有许多地方的解读是多义性的 , 开放式的 , 并留用了一个开放式的结尾。

读者可以想象自己的结尾方式 , 因此在读的过程当中有身临其境的感觉。

本文试图从文本的角度解读其丰富的思想意蕴 , 就教方家。

一、象征的意蕴故事讲述的是一个男人和一个女人到某地去旅游 , 且女人有可能要做堕胎手术。

故事中的许多细节都与生育和不妊的意象有关 , 这一主题也可以从小说的标题窥见一斑:“群山”喻指孕妇的大肚子形状 , 而“白象”则是一个典故 , 指无用或废弃的东西。


在小说的开头 , 叙述者用简单的语言描写了故事发生的背景 , 从中我们可以了解到故事发生在西班牙的埃波罗河谷 , 且小说中主人公将要乘坐的是一辆从巴塞罗那开往马德里的快车 , 但我们并不清楚故事发生的具体地点在哪 ,具体的时间和日期是什么 , 我们甚至不知道他们会不会乘车。

这里的火车象征着变化和运动 , 但从某种程度上说他们害怕这种变化和运动 , 因为变化和运动并不总是向着积极的方向发展 , 它也能标志着他们的关系向着消极的方向转变 , 那么它是否意味着是一辆“人生之车”呢 ?另外一个我们要注意的事实是: 火车只停留两分钟 ,很短。


首先 , 她不可能长时间地琢磨这一难题 , 因为她越迟去堕胎 , 她的危险性就越大。

其次 , 因为堕胎在当时的西班牙是违法的 , 即使在近来也这样 , 在当时专制统治时期它是要遭到严厉惩罚的行为 , 在有人知道这事之前必须解决掉。

刚开始读小说 , 我们得到的第一印象就是我们处于烈日下一个干燥 , 寸草不生的地方 , 没有树 , 它强调了缺乏生命的暗示。

而与背景相反的是: 小说的主人公出现在生命活动浓郁的房子里 , 在房干燥热的阴凉处 , 这就强调了象征生育力的孕妇和她周围一切的对比。

这“一切”当然包括有“繁殖神”意蕴的那位美国男人 , 因为他也在荫凉处 , 在与外面的荒芜相区别的避荫处。


这让人想到隐私 , 那是使他们免遭酒吧里的世界侵扰的 , 房子的燥热的阴凉处的观念所突出的“隐私” 。

在第一自然段里 , 叙述者对人物做了简短明了的介绍。

2 1 1叙述者只是提到“那个美国男人和那个跟他一道的女孩” [2 ]。

我们并不知道他们叫什么名字 , 他们也许是像他们一样的众多夫妻的象征。

但我们可以从叙述者的不同处理上———称女的为“the girl (女孩)” , 而称男的为“ theAmerican (那个美国男人)”———可以推测二者年龄的差异。

后来我们知道女孩名叫“吉格” , 但仍不知道那位美国人叫什么。

况且女孩的名字不是一个常规的名字 , 而是具有象征性 , 因为它是一活泼的舞蹈的名字 , 或也指一种活泼的舞蹈 ? 或按《科林斯大词典》的解释 , 指一种人们随环境的变化而改变的特别的行为或活动 ? 她的名字暗示了她可能会改变堕胎的主意 , 这一点我们可以从后面的对话中得到证实 , 而那位美国男人则害怕她改变堕胎的主意 , 所以一直在让她确信堕胎“以后咱们就好了 , 就像从前那样” 。

紧接着第一段的介绍性描写 , 是两人的对话。

对话陈述得相当自然 , 但却是作者精心勾画的。

通过对话可以我们推想出他们的关系———不是夫妻 , 至少是情侣关系。

对话的语言简洁明快 , 并且富于口语化。

这种口语活的语言常常是用来表达感情的 , 而对话的真正主题并没有清晰地表述出来 , 而是隐藏在对话里面。

他们谈论爱情、感情和怀孕 , 有时气氛很紧张 , 但他们不能公开表达出来。

也许他们不想让别人听见 , 以免别人了解他们的隐私: 或者可能只是沟通的困难 , 或者是感情的困惑 , 或者兼而有之。

是那位女孩先开始对话的 , 这就包含着最终也由她自己决定是否堕胎。

她是引发谈话的人 , 也是做最终决定的人 , 她会沿着自己决定的方向一直走下去。

当酒吧女招待给他们端来饮料时 , 那位女孩子在眺望远处群山的轮廓 ,好像在考虑生孩子的可能性。

但当她告诉同伴她似乎看到了一头象时 , 同伴的回答是“我从来没有见过象” , 暗示着以前未当过爸爸。


小说中的人物对我们来说也很神秘 , 我们对他们的生活毫不了解 , 只知道他们的生活中只有“性”和“酒” 。

他们花时间喝酒 , 把酒当做春药。

他们要了两次酒 , 因为女孩想尝试没有尝试过的东西。

也许她正在考虑生活中一种新的关系 , 一种新的经历的可能性。

但当她尝了酒后 , 她说:“这酒甜丝丝的就像甘草。

”这是一种很普通的 , 不特别的味道。

一开始他们好像在谈论干草 , 但接下来的对话让读者觉得: 他们真的是在谈论干草吗 ?“That’s the way with everything.” [3 ](“样样东西都是如此” )“yes ,”said the girl . “Everything tastes of all the things you’ve waited so long for , likeabsinthe.”( “是的。



特别是一个人盼望了很久的那些东西 ,简直就像艾酒一样。

” )当女孩子重复那个词“样样东西”时 , 读者一下子就明白: 干草并不是谈论的话题 , 艾酒也不是 , 吉格的脑中也并不知道它到底是什么 , 只不过她用他的话来回答他、嘲讽他 , 是暗示了她的失落感。

并且又说:“样样东西都甜丝丝的像干草 , 特别是一个人期盼了很久的那东西……。
