目录Chapter 2 Linear programming (2)Solution: (4)Chapter 3 Simplex (6)Solution: (7)Chapter 4 Sensitivity Analysis and duality (11)Solution: (14)Chapter 5 Network (18)Solution: (20)Chapter 6 Integer Programming (23)Solution: (25)Chapter 7 Nonlinear Programming (28)Solution: (28)Chapter 8 Decision making under uncertainty (29)Solution: (31)Chapter 9 Game theory (34)Solution: (36)Chapter 10 Markov chains (39)Solution: (41)Chapter 11 Deterministic dynamic programming (43)Solution: (43)Expanded Projects (44)Chapter 2 Linear programming1. A firm manufactures chicken feed by mixing three different ingredients. Eachingredien t contains three key nutrients protein, fat and vitamin. The amount of each nutrient contained in 1 kilogram of the three basic ingredients is summarized in the following table:Ingredient Protein(grams)F at(grams)Vitamin(units)12511235245101603327190The costs per kilogram of Ingredients 1, 2, and 3 are $0.55, $0.42 and $0.38, respectively. Each kilogram of the feed must contain at least 35 grams of protein, a minimum of 8 grams of fat and a maximum of 10 grams of fat and at least 200 units of vitamin s. Formulate a linear programming model for finding the feed mix that has the minimum cost per kilogram.2.For a supermarket, the following clerks are required:Days Min. number of clerksMon 20T ue16Wed13Th u16F ri19Sat14Sun12Each clerk works 5 consecutive days per week and may start working on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.The objective is to find the smallest number of clerks required to comply with the above requirements. Formulate the problem as a linear programming model.3.Consider the following LP problem:12121212126841634243412,0MaxZ x x Subject tox x x x x x x x =++≤+≤-≤≥ (a) Sketch the feasible region.(b) Find two alternative optimal extreme (corner) points.(c) Find an infinite set of optimal solutions.4. A power plant has three thermal generators. The generators’ generation costsare $36/MW, $30/MW, and $25/MW, respectively. The output limitation for the generators is shown in the table. Some moment, the power demand for thisplant is 360MW, please set up an LP optimization model and find out the optimal output for each generator (with lowest operation cost).5. Use the Graphical Solution to find the optimal solutions to the following LP:12121212max 4.. 36 20 ,0z x x s t x x x x x x =-++≤-+≤≥Solution :1. Let x 1 = the amoun t of Ingredien t 1 mixed in 1 kilogram of thechicken feedx 2 = the amoun t of Ingredien t 2 mixed in 1 kilogram of the chicken feedx 3 = the amoun t of Ingredien t 3 mixed in 1 kilogram of the chicken feedThe LP model is:1231231231231231231230.550.420.382545323511107811107102351601902001,,0Min Z x x x Subject tox x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x =++++≥++≥++≤++≥++=≥2.Let x1 = number of clerks start working on Mondayx2 =number of clerks start working on Wednesday x3 =number of clerks start working on Friday The LP model is:12313131212123232312320161316191412,,0Min Z x x x Subject tox x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x =+++≥+≥+≥+≥++≥+≥+≥≥3. (a)(b) The t w o alternativ e optimal extreme points are (4, 3) and (6,3/2 ). (c) The infinite set of optimal solutions: {λ(4, 3) + (1 − λ)(6,3/2) : 0 ≤ λ ≤ 14. Model:123123111123max 363025.. 360 5020050150 50150 ,,0z x x x s t x x x x x x x x x =++++=≤≤≤≤≤≤≥Solution:x 1=60(MW); x 2=150(MW); x 3=150(MW)5. According to the figure, the solution is: x 1=0; x 2=0Chapter 3 Simplex1. Show that if ties are broken in favor of lower-numbered rows, then cyclingoccurs when the simplex method is used to solve the following LP: 123123412341234369920/32/3099210(1,2,3,4)i Max Z x x x Subject tox x x x x x x x x x x x x i =-+-+--≤+--≤--++≤≥= 2. Use the simplex algorithm to find two optimal solutions to the following LP:123123123123max 53.. 36 53615 ,,0z x x x s t x x x x x x x x x =++++≤++≤≥3. Use the Big M method to find the optimal solution to the following LP:1212121212max 5.. 26 4 25 ,0z x x s t x x x x x x x x =-+=+≤+≤≥4. Use the simplex algorithm to find two optimal solutions to the following LP .123123123123max 53.. 3653615 ,,0z x x x s t x x x x x x x x x =++++≤++≤≥5. For a linear programming problem:1212121234241232850(1,2)i Max Z x x Subject tox x x x x x x i =++≤+≤+≤≥= Find the optimal solution using the simplex algorithm.Solution:1.Here are the pivots:BV={S1,S2,S3}.BV={X2,S2,S3}.We now enter X3 into the basis in Row 2.BV={X2,X3,S3}.We now enter X4 into the basis in Row 1.BV={X4,X3,S3}.X1 now enters basis in Row 2.BV={X4,X1,S3}.We now choose to enter S1 in Row 1.BV={S1,X1,S3}.S2 would now enter basis in Row 2. This will bring us back to the initial tableau, so cycling has occurred. 2. Standard form:1231231123212312max 53.. 36 53615 ,,,,0z x x x s t x x x s x x x s x x x s s =+++++=+++=≥Tableau:So: z=15; x 1=3 ; x 2=0;x 3=03. Standard form:12121211221212max 5.. 26 4 25 ,,,0z x x s t x x x x s x x s x x s s =-+=++=++=≥=>12112112112212121max 5.. 26 4 25 ,,,,0z x x a M s t x x a x x s x x s x x s s a =--++=++=++=≥ Tableau: => => So, the solution is z=15, x 1=3, x 2=04. Standard form:1231231123212312max 53.. 36 53615 ,,,,0z x x x s t x x x s x x x s x x x s s =+++++=+++=≥So, the solution is z=15,x 1=0,x 2=5 or z=15,x 1=3,x 2=0 5. Optimal solution:Chapter 4 Sensitivity Analysis and duality1. Consider the following linear program (LP):1212232420(1,2)i Max Z x x Subject tox x x x i =++≤≤≥=(a). De termin e the shadow price for b 2, the right-hand side of the constrai n t x 2 ≤ b 2. (b). De t e rmin e th e allowable r ange to s tay optimal for c 1, the co e ffic i e n t of x 1 in theob jec tiv e function Z = c 1x 1 + 3x 2.(c). De termin e the allowable range to stay feasible for b 1, th e right-hand side of theconstrai n t 2x 1 + x 2 ≤ b 1.2. There is a LP model as following,1212121234524123280(1,2)i Max Z x x Subject tox x x x x x x i =++≤+≤+≤≥= The optimal simplex tableau is1) Give the dual problem of the primal problem.2) If C2 increases from 4 to 5, will the optimal solution change? Why? 3) If b2 changes from 12 to 15, will the optimal solution change? Why? 3. There is a LP model as following12312312312236222333280(1,2)j Min Z x x x Subject tox x x x x x x x x j =++++≥-++≤-+≤≥= 1) give its dual problem.2) Use the graphical solution to solve the dual problem.4. You have a constraint that limits the amount of labor available to 40 hours perweek. If your shadow price is $10/hour for the labor constraint, and the market price for the labor is $11/hour. Should you pay to obtain additional labor? 5. Consider the following LP model of a production plan of tables and chairs:Max 3T + 2C (profit) Subject to the constraints:2T + C ≤100 (carpentry hrs) T + C ≤80 (painting hrs)T ≤ 40T, C ≥ 0 (non-negativity)1) Draw the feasible region. 2) Find the optimal solution.3)Does the optimal solution change if the profit contribution for tables changed from $3 to $4 per table?4) What if painting hours available changed from 80 to 100?6. For a linear programming problem:11221212121234524123280(1,2)i Max Z c x c x x x Subject tox x x x x x x i =+=++≤+≤+≤≥=Suppose C2 rising from 4 to 5, if the optimal solution will change? Explain the reason. 7. For a linear programming problem:112212121221234524123280(1,2)i Max Z c x c x x x Subject tox x x x b x x x i =+=++≤+≤=+≤≥=Suppose b2 rising from 12 to 15, if the optimal solution will change? Explain thereason.8. For a linear programming problem:112212121221234524123280(1,2)i Max Z c x c x x x Subject tox x x x b x x x i =+=++≤+≤=+≤≥=Calculate the shadow price of all of the three constraints. 9.1) Use the simplex algorithm to find the optimal solution to the model below(10 points)1212125231250(1,2)i Max Z x x Subject tox x x x x i =++≤+≤≥=2) For which objective function coefficient value ranges of x 1 and x 2 does thesolution remain optimal? (10 points) 3) Find the dual of the model; (5 points)4) Find the shadow prices of constraints. (5 points)5) If x1 and x2 are all integers, using the branch-and-bound to solve it.( 15points)10. A factory is going to produce Products I, II and III by using raw materials A and B.1) Please arrange production plan to make the profit maximization. (15) 2) Write the dual problem of the primal problem. (5)3) If one more kg of raw material A is available, how much the total profit will be increased? (5) 4) If the profit of product II changes from 1 to 2,will the optimal solution change? (5)Solution :1.(a) T h e shadow pr ic e for b 2 is 2.5. Replace th e constrai n t x 2 ≤ 2 by the constrain t x 2 ≤ 3.The new optimal solution is (x 1, x 2) = (0.5, 3) with Z = 9.5. Thus, a unit increas e in b 2 leads t o a 2.5 unit increase in Z .(b) The all o wabl e range to s tay optimal i s 0 ≤ c 1 ≤ 6. The ob j e ctiv e fun c t ion Z =c 1x 1 + 3x 2 is p arall e l to th e c on s tr ain t boundary equation 2x 1 + x 2 = 4 when c 1 = 6. The ob j e ctiv e function Z = c 1x 1 + 3x 2 is parallel to t he c on s tr ain t boundary equation x 2 = 2 wh e n c 1 = 0.(c) T h e allowable range to stay feasible is 2 ≤ b 1 < ∞. The righ t -h and sideb 1 can b e decreased un t il thec on s tr ain t boundary e qu ation 2x 1 + x 2 = 4 intersects th e solution (x 1, x 2) = (0, 2). This occurs when b 1 = 2. T h e right-hand side b 1 can b e in c r e ase d w i thou t i nte r s ec t ing a s olu tion .2.1) the dual problem:123123123125128..233424,0Min w y y y S ty y y y y y y y =++++≥++≥≥2) when C2 changes from 4 to 5, the optimal basic variable will not change, because the coefficient of the nonbasic variable remain positive.3) when b2 changes from 12 to 15, the optimal basic variable will not change. 3.1) the dual problem of the primal problem is :121212121223..222336,0Max w y y S ty y y y y y y y =--≤+≤+≤≥ 2) using the graphical solution, the optimal solution of the dual problem is: w= 19/5, y1=8/5, y2=-1/5.4. No. If you obtain one additional labor, you should pay $11. But by the shadowprice, you can only earn $10. So we should not pay to obtain additional labor. 5.2) The optimal solution is T=20, C=60 and the maximum profit is 180.3) If the profit contribution for tables changed from $3 to $4 per table, therewill be two optimal solutions, says T=20, C=60 and T=40, C=20, and the maximum profit is 200.4) Because painting hrs is a constraint condition for T=20, C=60, so theoptimal solution will change. The new optimal solution is T=0, C=100, and the maximum profit is 200.6. Parameter is calculated below:1212311211[,,][,][0,4,3][0,0]11104202311/81/403/81/401/41/2111240320001001BV NBV s j BV NBVBV s x x NBV s s C C B B a a a N c c B N c --====⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦--⎡⎤⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=-If c2 rising from 4 to 5, then ,and >0,so the optimal solution will not change.7. If b2 rising from 12 to 15, every element of =[9/8,29/8,1/4] is large thenzero,so the optimal solution will not change. 8. Shadow price is calculated by 。
每小题1分,共10分)1.线性规划具有唯一最优解是指A.最优表中存在常数项为零B.最优表中非基变量检验数全部非零C.最优表中存在非基变量的检验数为零D.可行解集合有界2.设线性规划的约束条件为则基本可行解为A.(0, 0, 4, 3) B.(3, 4, 0, 0)C.(2, 0, 1, 0) D.(3, 0, 4, 0)3.则A.无可行解B.有唯一最优解mednC.有多重最优解D.有无界解4.互为对偶的两个线性规划, 对任意可行解X 和Y,存在关系A.Z > W B.Z = WC.Z≥W D.Z≤W5.有6 个产地4个销地的平衡运输问题模型具有特征A.有10个变量24个约束B.有24个变量10个约束C.有24个变量9个约束D.有9个基变量10个非基变量A.标准型的目标函数是求最大值B.标准型的目标函数是求最小值C.标准型的常数项非正D.标准型的变量一定要非负7. m+n-1个变量构成一组基变量的充要条件是A.m+n-1个变量恰好构成一个闭回路B.m+n-1个变量不包含任何闭回路C.m+n-1个变量中部分变量构成一个闭回路D.m+n-1个变量对应的系数列向量线性相关8.互为对偶的两个线性规划问题的解存在关系A.原问题无可行解,对偶问题也无可行解B.对偶问题有可行解,原问题可能无可行解C.若最优解存在,则最优解相同D.一个问题无可行解,则另一个问题具有无界解9.有m个产地n个销地的平衡运输问题模型具有特征A.有mn个变量m+n个约束…m+n-1个基变量B.有m+n个变量mn个约束C.有mn个变量m+n-1约束D.有m+n-1个基变量,mn-m-n-1个非基变量10.要求不超过第一目标值、恰好完成第二目标值,目标函数是A.)(m in22211+-+++=ddpdpZB.)(m in22211+-+-+=ddpdpZC.)(m in22211+---+=ddpdpZD.)(m in22211+--++=ddpdpZ二、判断题(你认为下列命题是否正确,对正确的打“√”;错误的打“×”。
1. 一道5x5的指派问题很简单
-1311611 -2 002 -111/21/214 07三、(15分)用图解法求解矩阵对策,其中四、(20分)(1)某项工程由8个工序组成,各工序之间的关系为工序 a b c d e f g h —— a a b,c b,c,d b,c,d e 紧前工序试画出该工程的网络图。
2-11 02311311111610-3-1-2(1)目标函数变为;(2)约束条件右端项由变为;(3)增加一个新的约束:八、(20分)某地区有A、B、C三个化肥厂向甲、乙、丙、丁四个销地供应同一种化肥,已知产地产量、销地需求量和各产地运往不同销地单位运价如下表,试用最小元素法确定初始调运方案,并调整求最优运输方案销地甲乙丙丁产量产地A 4 12 4 11 16B 2 10 3 9 10C 8 5 11 6 22 需求量8 14 12 14 48《运筹学》试卷二一、(20分)已知线性规划问题:(a)写出其对偶问题;(b)用图解法求对偶问题的解;(c)利用(b)的结果及对偶性质求原问题的解。
二、(20分)已知运输表如下:销地B1B2B3B4供应量产地A1 3 2 7 6 50A2 7 5 2 3 60A3 2 5 4 5 25需求量60 40 20 15(1)用最小元素法确定初始调运方案;(2)确定最优运输方案及最低运费。
2.考点:TP L,AP L,MP L。
如果用e M表示需求收入弹性系数,用M和ΔM分别表示收入和收入的变动量,Q和ΔQ表示需求量和需求量的变动量,则需求收入弹性公式为:e M=(ΔQ/ΔM)·(M/Q)。
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