



计算机专业英语复习题标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]1.home page 主页2.graphical user interface (GUI) 图形用户界面3.artificial intelligence 人工智能4.carbon copy 打字副本5.field 字段6.software suite 软件套装7.desktop operating system 桌面操作系统ser printer 激光打印机9.machine language 机器语言10.relational database 关系数据库11.menu bar 菜单栏12.secondary storage 辅助存储器;二级存储器13.system software 系统软件二、1.内存 memory2.输入设备 input device3.扬声器 speaker4.局域网 local-area network5.传输控制协议 transmission control protocol6.集成电路 integrated circuits7.上下文敏感 context sensitive8.微处理器 microprocessor9.只读存储器 Read-only memory10.触摸屏 touch screen11.像素 pixel12.多媒体 multimedia13.自动换行 word wrap三_________.A、peopleB、OSC、keyboardsD、proceduresE、software( abc ) 2、For microcomputer, there are three basic system units:____________ .A、Desktop system unitsB、Notebook system unitsC、Personal digital assistant system unitsD、Arithmetic-logic units( a ) 3、Language translators convert programming statementsinto__________.A、machine languagesB、UNIXC、service programsD、operating systems( b ) 4、The ____________is a list of commands or options from which you can choose.A、iconB、menuC、windowD、pointer( a ) 5、Database management systems are comprised of tables that are made of rows called __________ and columns called __________ .A、fields, recordsB、ranges, sheetsC、records, fieldsD、records, ranges( abcd )6、The four main computer operations are _________.A、inputB、processingC、outputD、storageE、compile( c ) 7、RAM is a kind of____________ memory.A、permanentB、smartC、temporaryD、flashE、expansion( acd )8、Which are the types of non-impact printer: ____________ .A、 thermal printerB、dot matrix printerC、laser printerD、ink-jet printerE、all of above( a )9、What is an extension of a driver in Windows environmentsA、.drvB、.txtC、D、.sysE、.win( c ) 10、The following answers ____________ is the system software.A、PHOTOSHOPB、EXCELC、Windows NTD、POWERPOINT ( bde ) 11、In monitors, the three primary colors are__________ .A、yellowB、redC、whiteD、greenE、blue( ab ) 12、Typically, the first page of a Web site is referred to as its__________ .A、home pageB、web pageC、HTMLD、URLE、site( ) 13、The new addressing system IPV6 defines an IP address as a ______________number. A、16-bit B、32-bit C、64-bitD、128-bit四、(一)Laptop computers are popular all over the world. People use themon trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people. Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the1500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a$10 million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. Thestudents with laptops will also have access to the Internet. In addition, theywill be able to use e-mail to “speak” with their teachers, their classmates,and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop program isthat students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs.They can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!Because of the many changes in computer technology, laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable. As laptops becomemore powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet, but alsolibraries and other resources. State higher-education officials are studyinghow laptops can help students. State officials are also testing laptopprograms at other universities, too. At Westlake College, more than 60 percentof the staff use computers. The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, “Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we’re giving students a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything.”笔记本电脑在世界各地流行。



一单选题 (共10题,总分值30分 )1. hacker (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙2. functional testing (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙3. relational database (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙4. firewall (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙5. software testing (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙6. audi (3 分)B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙7. application software (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙8. machine language (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库J. 防火墙9. memory (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙10. structured programming (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙二填空题 (共1题,总分值5分 )11. Microsoft Word XP is the current Window versionof Word, and documents created in Word XP can beeasily _________________________________Excel, Power Point and Access files. In the interface of Word, the_________________________________displays the name of the current application and name of the current document;the_________________________________lists the names of the menus available;the_________________________________gives the user quick access to frequently used editingfunctions; the_________________________________enables theuser to change left and right margin.toolbarrulertitle barmenu barincorporate into (5 分)三翻译题 (共10题,总分值50分 )12. hard disk (5 分)13. 集成开发环境(5 分)14. 通用串行总线(5 分)15. network security (5 分)16. software maintenance (5 分)17. electronic commerce (5 分)18. 广域网(5 分)19. 结构化查询语言(5 分)20. management information system (5 分)21. 面向对象编程(5 分)四阅读理解 (共1题,总分值15分 )22. The Internet, then known as ARPANET, wasbrought online in 1969, which initiallyconnected four major computers at universitiesin the southwestern US . The early Internet wasused by computer experts , engineers, scientists, and librarians. There was nothing friendly about it. There were no home or office personalcomputers in those days, and anyone who used it, whether a computer professional or an engineeror scientist or librarian, had to learn to use a very complex system.The Internet matured in the 1970's as a result of the TCP/IP architecture. As the commands for E-mail, FTP , and telnet were standardized, it became a lot easier for non-technical people to learn to use the nets. It was not easy by today' s standards by any means, but it did open up use of the Internet to many more people in universities in particular. Other departments besides the libraries, computer, physics, and engineering departments found ways to make good use of the nets -- to communicate with colleagues around the world and to share files and resources.In 1991, the first really friendly interface to the Internet was developed at the University of Minnesota. The University wanted to develop a simple menu system to access files and information on campus through their local network.Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to research, education, and government uses. Commercial uses were prohibited unless they directly served the goals of research and education. This policy continued until the early 1990's, when independent commercial networks began to grow.(四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。



计算机专业英语复习资料计算机专业英语复习资料1、that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system;(p1) 处理器是计算机智能系统2、In 1965,when he first set out what we now call Moore’s Law,Gordon Moore said the number of components that could be packed onto an integrated circuit would double every year or so(later amended to18 months). (P17)在1965年,⼽登穆尔说,可以将很多的零部件装载在⼀个集成电路元件中,这样的话就可以每年都翻倍,这也就是他第⼀次提出摩尔定律(后来修订为18个⽉)3-43、This multicore processor plugs directly into a single socket on the motherboard. (P18)这种多内核处理器直接插⼊主板上的⼀个单⼀的插座。

4、Multicore processors are especially well suited to tasks that have operations that can be divided up into separate thread and run in parallel. (P18)多核处理器特别适合那些可以分成单线程和并⾏运⾏的任务操作。

5、640*480 means that the screen consists of 640 columns by 480 rows of pixels. (P36)640×480表⽰屏幕由640列480⾏的像素组成。

6-76、However, they also are bulky, fragile, and consume a great deal of power. (p37)然⽽,他们也都是笨重的,脆弱的,并且消耗⼤量的电⼒。



计算机专业英语复习题注:本答案解释及翻译属本人分析,如有错误,敬请谅解!I.Choose the best answer/.选择最佳答案。

1. When you run your computer, A will be firststarted.A. Operation systemB. systemsoftwareC. office softwareD. driven software译:当你运行你的电脑时,XX是首先被启动。


所以选A2.Post is the short form for AA. power on self-testB. post office system testC. power on system-testD. personal operating system text 译:post 的缩写。

The short from for某某的缩写形式。

A是开机自检B是办公系统测试C 是开机系统自检D是个人操作系统文本。


3.One of the benefits of video conferencing is low costs.A.specially equipped conference roomsB. saving travel timeC. low costsD.linking of local sites 译:视频协商(视频会议)的好处之一是__。

Benefit 好处,益处conference协商,讨论,商谈A是特别的协商会议室B是减少旅游时间C是低花费D是连接本地地址4.The menu bar of word 2003 has C menus orders.A. sevenB. eightC. nineD. ten Word 2003的菜单栏中有9个菜单命令。



2018 春专业英语试题 A3.把下列句子翻译成中文(每小题2 分,共20分)。

(1)C is one of the most popular computer language in the world.(2)Every browser has the built-in ability to understand HTML.(3)A database management system allows control of security and data integrity requirements.(4)Machine language consists of the raw numbers that can be directly understood by a particular processor.(5)Star topologies are normally implemented using twisted pair cable, specially unshielded twisted pair(UTP).(6)A multi-user operating system allows different users to take advantage of the computer's resources simultaneously.(7)Most general purpose computers are desktop systems.(8)the BIOS checks to see if this is a cold boot or a reboot.(9)The hypertext markup language is the language most frequently used to express Web Pages.(10)Deselect the text by clicking anywhere outside of the selection onthe page or pressing an arrow key on the keyboard.4.将下列词填入适当的位置(每词只用一次)(每空1分,共10分)though real capabilities object-oriented newinstance object operations model classA class is simply arepresentation of a type of . It is the blueprint/plan/template that de scribes thedetails of an object. A class is the blueprint from which the individual o bjects are created. Class is composed ofthree things: a name, attributes, and .In world, you’ll often find manyindividual objects all of the same kind. As an example, theremay be thousands of other bicycles inexistence, all of the same make and . Each bicycle has builtfrom the same blueprint.In terms, we say that the bicycle is an of the class of objects known as bicycles.In the software world, you may not have realized it, you have alread y used . Forexample, the TextBox control, you always use, is made out of the TextBox c lass, which defines itsappearance and . Each time you drag a TextBox control, you are actu ally creating a instance of the TextBox class.2018 春专业英语试题答案 A3.把下列句子翻译成中文(每小题2 分,共20分)。



一、把下列词汇翻译成英语(每小题1分,共18分1分布式系统Distributed NetworkOperating System2命中率hit rate3管程monitor4互斥mutual exclusion5临界区Critical Section6宽度优先搜索 breadth first search7容错fault-tolerance8嵌入式系统embedded operatingsystem9人机交互human-computer interaction 10约束满足Constraint Satisfaction 11搜索引擎search engine12代理网关Proxy Gateway13关系代数relation algebra14死锁检测 deadlock detection15分形压缩Fractal compression16布尔搜索boolean search17地址解析协议Address ResolutionProtocol18素数定理prime number theorem二、把下列术语翻译成汉语(每个1分,共17分1.portability可移植性2.hash coding哈希编码3.disk mirroring 磁盘镜像4.expansion slot扩展插槽5.touch screen触摸屏6.Page fault页面错误7.virtual reality虚拟现实8.Electronic commerce电子商务9.instruction prefetch 指令领取10.space complexity空间复杂度11.pattern match模式匹配12.Data warehouse数据仓库13.eigenvalue特征值14.course ware 课件15.collision detection冲突检测16.ontology本体工程学17.cross-platform跨平台三、写出下列缩写词的英文全称,并翻译成汉语(每小题2分,共16分GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer,精简指令集计算机BLOB Binary Large Object二进制大对象AI Artificial Intelligence人工智能CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计DSS Decision Support System决策支持系统USB Universal Serial BUS通用串行总线HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language超文本标记语言四、用英语回答问题(每小题5分,共35分1.What is the common structure of a presentation? And which parts are important and must be explained clearly?Answer:Title of the presentation/name/affiliation of the authorOutlineWhy/What you want to doPrior art /related work/ what’s newHow to doResultsEvaluation: contributions/advantages/limitationsApplications/recommendationsConclusion/future work“What’s new”,“how to do”,and “results” are important and must be explained clearly.2. What is the clear structure of a scientific paper? Which sections do you need to address in detail?Answer:A scientific paper usually consists of the abstract, keywords(optional, introduction, method, result, discussion(optional,conclusion \future work, and referenceIntroduction method and result must be addressed in detail.3.What is the common structure of a thesis? What should be declared on the cover page?Answer:A thesis generally consists of the cover page, abstract, acknowledgement, table of contents, list of figures/tables, chapters, list of publications, and bibliography.The cover page provides the basic information of you and your thesis, including the title of your thesis, your research direction, your name and affiliation, and the submitting time of your thesis.4. What kinds of documents are generally necessary to apply for a visa? Answer:The required documents vary with the countries, but generally the following are necessary:Visa application forms with two photographsYour passportThe certificate of flight reservation and hotel reservationThe balance certificate of your personal bank accountConfirmation of your status and affiliationOfficial invitation letter from the conference organizing committeeVisa application fee5.Before submitting your paper to an international journal/transaction, what information should you get? And where can you find that?Answer:Before submitting your paper to an international journal/transaction, you should be familiar with the submission guideline for the appropriate publication. The guideline information can generally be found through selecting the link in the author resources section of the web page provided by the journalRead carefully the aim, scope, policy, and submission procedure of the journal. Then click on the submit manuscript icon and submit your paper step by step according to the textual prompt.6.What search sites do you often use? Do you know any popular database of research?Answer:Most popular search sites at present are probably Google and Yahoo!. Engineering Village provides access to the top information resources in the applied science, technical and engineering fields including Compendex and Inspec.7.What should you consider of when you select a research subject? Answer:follow your interest, attend to new theory or technology, think independently, search literature extensively, interdisciplinary researchprovides new opportunity五、英译汉(25分This isn’t AI for AI’s sake—this renaissance is not one of stand-alone AI applications. Unlike first-generation AI applications, AI now can be embedded in heterogeneous networked computing environments and used for search, retrieval, and analysis of previously unimaginable quantities of data. Because the wealth of data makes direct human analysis impossible, AI-based support has become necessary to help users fully exploit that information.A lthough computers have become ubiquitous, many people still clearlyprefer pen and paper for many tasks because pen and paper note-taking is frequently less intrusive, less noisy, more flexible, more convenient and simpler than current computer alternatives.AI paradigms are not orthogonal among themselves. They are rather successive steps in our knowledge of what a cognitive system should be. It seems that currently at least three paradigms are used in AI. Let us call them the be haviourist paradigm, the agent paradigm, and the artificial life paradigm.Predicting the results of the next generation of fundamental research requires either bravery or foolishness. One need not hazard such risks, however, to identify the core challenges facing the next generation of AI systems, namely, exhibiting robust operation in hostile environments, broad and deep knowledge of large domains, the ability to interact naturally with people, and a degree of self-understanding and internal integrity.While the first industrial revolution was fuelled by natural resources, the second is being fuelled by information and knowledge — which justifies the fourth century slogan: ‘Knowledge is power’. Today, a sure way for a company to commit commercial suicide is by failing to protect its intellectualproperty (i.e. knowledge and by ignoring the machines of the second industrial revolution. Those companies that make current machines more intelligent and exploit them to their advantage are set to dominate the twenty-first century.这不是AI领域所追求的目标。



题号得分得分阅卷人一二三四五六总分一、 Give out the full names for the following abbreviations (写出以下缩写词的全称)(15%)WAN__________________________________________________HTTP__________________________________________________NT____________________________________________________CEO__________________________________________________DBMS________________________________________________ISP___________________________________________________XML__________________________________________________BIOS_________________________________________________IT____________________________________________________WWW_______________________________________________得分阅卷人二、 Match the following words and expressions in the leftcolumn with those similar in meaning in the right column (将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语般配)(10%)1. output devices a. 操作系统2。

silicon b. 扩展储存器3。

expanded memory c. 硅4。



计算机专业英语测试题一、词汇测试题(每小题1分,共20分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (共10分,每题1分)1.Cyber cafe2.microcomputer3.ROM4.Object-oriented programming5.utility program6.system specification7.database administrator8.modulator-demodulator9.client/server model10.spreadsheet program(二).Translate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English (共10分,每题1分)1.中央处理器2.广域网3.超级计算机4.电子商务5.计算机安全6.计算机文化7.网站8.域名9.数据库管理系统10.软件工程二、完型填空题(每空1分,共20分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the list following each paragraph, making changes if necessary:1. Computer hardware is the involved in the of a computer and consists of the that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: , , and . Components in these categories connect to , specifically, the computer’s central unit (CPU), the electronic that provides the computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry called bus.microprocessors component processing functionoutput equipment input circuitry storage2.In the relational model, data is organized in two-dimensionalcalled . There is no or structure imposed on the data. The tables or relations are, however, related to each other. The database management system (RDBMS) the data so that its external is a of relation or tables. This does not mean that data is stored as tables: the physical of the data is independent of the way in which the is logically organized.hierarchical set organize relational relationdata storage view network table三、英译汉题(每题10分,共20分)Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:1.The field of computer science has grown rapidly since the1950s due to the increase in their use. Computer programs have undergone many changes during this time in response to user need and advances in technology. Newer ideas in computing such as parallel computing, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence, have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function. In parallelcomputing parts of a problem are worked on simultaneously by different processors, and this speed up the solution of the problem. Another type of parallel computing called distributed computing use CPUs from many interconnected computers to solve problems. Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has led to several other new styles of programming.2.High-level languages are commonly classified asprocedure-oriented, functional, objected-oriented, logic languages. The most common high-level languages today are procedure-oriented languages. In these languages, one or more related blocks of statements that perform some complete function are grouped together into a program module, or procedure, and given a name such as “procedure A”. If the same sequence of operations is needed elsewhere in the program, a simple statement can be used to refer back to the procedure. In essence, a procedure is just a mini-program. A large program can be constructed by grouping together procedures that perform different tasks.四、汉译英题(20分)最著名的互联网例子是因特网。



计算机专业英语考试试题及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a programming language?A. JavaB. PythonC. HTMLD. CSS2. What does the acronym "SQL" stand for?A. Structured Query LanguageB. Simple Query LanguageC. Script Query LanguageD. Secure Query Language3. Which protocol is commonly used for sending and receiving emails?A. FTPB. HTTPC. SMTPD. TCP4. What does the term "CPU" refer to?A. Central Processing UnitB. Computer Processing UnitC. Central Program UnitD. Computer Program Unit5. Which of the following is NOT a type of network topology?A. StarB. RingC. MeshD. Scroll二、填空题1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is used for ____________.2. The process of converting source code into machine code is called ____________.3. IP address stands for ____________.4. The act of copying files from a remote server to a local computer is known as ____________.5. The programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS and macOS is ____________.三、简答题1. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter? Provide examples of programming languages that use each of these methods.2. Explain the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) and provide an example of a programming language that utilizes this paradigm.3. Describe the client-server model and provide an example of a commonly used protocol within this model.四、论述题Discuss the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various industries. Provide examples of how AI is being used in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. Analyze the potential benefits and challenges of implementing AI in these industries.答案:一、选择题1. C. HTML2. A. Structured Query Language3. C. SMTP4. A. Central Processing Unit5. D. Scroll二、填空题1. creating and structuring the content of a webpage2. compilation3. Internet Protocol4. downloading5. Swift三、简答题1. A compiler translates the entire source code into machine code before the program is executed. Examples of languages that use compilers are C, C++, and Java. On the other hand, an interpreter translates and executes the source code line by line. Python and Ruby are examples of languages that use interpreters.2. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes data and functions into reusable objects. It focuses on the concept of classes and objects, allowing for code reuse and encapsulation. An example of a programming language that uses OOP is Java, where objects are instances of classes and can interact with each other through methods and attributes.3. The client-server model is a distributed computing architecture wherea server provides services or resources to multiple clients. The clients request and receive these resources through the network. An example of a commonly used protocol within this model is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is used for communication between web browsers (clients) and web servers.四、论述题Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on various industries. In healthcare, AI is being used for diagnoses and treatments, analyzing medical images, and personalized medicine. For example, AI-powered algorithms can help detect diseases like cancer at an early stage, leading to better treatment outcomes. In finance, AI is utilized for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and customer service. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of financial data to identify patterns and make accurate predictions. In transportation, AI is being employed for autonomous vehicles, traffic management, and logistics optimization. Self-driving cars, for instance, use AI algorithms to navigate and make decisions on the road.The implementation of AI in these industries brings about many benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and cost savings. AI systems can process and analyze vast amounts of data much faster than humans, leading to faster and more accurate results. However, there are also challenges to consider. Privacy and security concerns arise as AI systems handle sensitive information. There is also the worry of job displacement, as AI automation may replace certain human tasks. Additionally, ethical considerations need to be addressed, such as bias in algorithms and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes.Overall, the impact of AI on various industries is undeniable. It has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, finance, transportation, and many other sectors. However, careful implementation and regulation are necessary to ensure its responsible and beneficial use.。

计算机专业英语 考试

计算机专业英语 考试

一、选择题1.What is the process of converting a high-level programming language into machine languagecalled?A.Debuggingpilation(正确答案)C.ExecutionD.Interpretation2.Which of the following is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around data,and the operations performed on that data?A.Object-oriented programming(正确答案)B.Procedural programmingC.Functional programmingD.Event-driven programming3.In computer networks, what does the term "protocol" refer to?A. A set of rules governing the exchange of information between devices(正确答案)B.The physical connection between devicesC.The speed of data transmissionD.The type of data being transmitted4.What is the term used to describe the process of dividing a complex problem into smaller, moremanageable parts?A.Modularization(正确答案)B.OptimizationC.EncapsulationD.Polymorphism5.In computer security, what is the term for unauthorized access to or modification of data?A.EncryptionB.DecryptionC.Hacking(正确答案)D.Firewall6.Which of the following is a type of software that allows two or more computers tocommunicate and share resources?A.Operating systemB.Database management systemwork operating system(正确答案)D.Word processing software7.What is the term used to describe the process of identifying and correcting errors in computerprograms?A.Debugging(正确答案)B.TestingC.Codingpilation8.In computer graphics, what is the term for the number of distinct pixels that can be displayedon a screen?A.Resolution(正确答案)B.Color depthC.Refresh rateD.Aspect ratio。



Test of Special English for Computer Science《计算机专业英语》考试题A一、写出下列计算机专有名词的中文名. (20%)CPU: RAM:DNS: USBLAN: SMTP:URL: WAN:FTP: HTTP:二、阅读理解.(50%)1 本题20分, 阅读下面的短文,回答下列问题.[1] High-level languages (HLL) allow programmers to express algorithms more concisely, take care of much of detail, and often support naturally the use of the structured programming or objected-oriented design.[2] Alas, this solution gave rise of a problem, known as the semantic gap, the difference between the operations provided in HLLs and those provided in computer architecture. Symptoms of this gap are alleged to include exection inefficiency, excessive machine program size, and compiler complexity. Designers of traditional CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) machines responded with architectures intended to close this gap. Key features include large instruction sets, dozens of addressing modes, and various HLL statements implemented in hardware.Please answer the following questions (1) – (3) in English:(1)Which functions are there for HLL in the computer according to paragraph[1]?(5分)(2)What is the meaning of “the semantic gap”in the paragraph [2] ? (7分)(3)Please explain which important features there are in CISC machine in orderto reduce this gap? (8分)2 本题10分, 阅读下面的短文,回答下列问题.[3]A major challenge is hence the harmonization of parallel machine architectures, compilers, and the programming languages, with the goal of allowing programs to be written in high-level, problem-oriented languages, while developing compilers that translate the programs into efficient target code for a wide variety of parallel architectures. Success will be measured by how well real, machine-independent application programs will execute on real, parallel computers. Since highly parallel machines with thousands and tens of processors are already being manufactured and used commercially, this challenge requires a solution urgently.Please answer the following questions (4) – (5) in English:(4)Please explain what is the the goal is in paragraph [3]? (5分)(5)Please explain what the urgent solution needed by the challenge is inparagraph [3]. (5分)3. 本题20分, 阅读下面的短文,回答下列问题.[4]Many embedded system s require predictable and bounded responses to real-world events. Such “real-time”systems include factory automation, data acquisition and control systems, audio/video applications, and many other computerized products and devices. What’s a “real-time system”? The commonly accepted definition of “real-time”performance is that real-world events must be responded to within a defined, predicable, and relatively short time interval.[5]Although Linux is not a real-time operating system (the Linux kernel does not provide the required event prioritization and preemption functions), there are currently several add-on options available that can bring real-time capabilities to Linux-based systems.The most common method is the dual-kernel approach. Using this approach, a general purpose (non-real-time) OS runs as a task under a real-time kernel. The general purpose OS provides functions such as disk read/write. LAN/communications, serial/parallel I/O, system initialization, memory management, etc., while the real-time kernel handles real-world event processing. Y ou might think of this as a “have your cake and eat it too”strategy, because it can preserve the benefits of a popular general purpose OS, while adding the capabilities of a real-time OS.Please answer the following questions (6) – (8) in English:(6)Is embedded system“real-time” system according to paragraph [4]? (5分)(7) Is Linux “real-time”OS?And how does Linux provide “real-time”capabilities? (8分)(8) Which functions are there in the general purpose OS? (7分)三、把下面的短文译为中文.(30%)1. 把下面这段[6]英文翻译成中文. (15分)[6]Polymorphism gives objects the ability to respond to messages from routines when the object’s exact type is not known. In C++ this ability is a result of late binding. With late binding, the addresses are determined dynamically at run time, rather than statically at compile time, as in traditional compiler languages. This static (fixed) method is often called early binding. Function names are replaced with memory addresses. Y ou accomplish late binding by using virtual functions. Virtual functions are defined in the parent class when subsequent derived classes will overload the function by redefining the function’s implementation. When you use virtual functions, messages are passed as a pointer that points to the object instead of directly to the object.2. 把下面这段[7]英文翻译成中文. (15分)[7] A long term goal could be to develop interactive program transformation systems that assist programmers in parallelizing programs and provide feedback and guidance. The problem with this idea is that the approach of semiautomatic program transformations is still an object of active research, even for sequential programs. In the medium term, a production-quality transformer for deriving realistic, parallel programs is unlikely to appear. The traditional method of teaching algorithms and formulating them in programming languages with explicit parallelism is likely to be more successful, especially since the body of known parallel algorithm is large and growing rapidly. Initial indications seem to be that writing parallel software is not significantly harder than writing sequential software, provided the languages and support tools are adequate.。



The raw data are stored on the disk using the .收藏A.DBAB.DBMSC.file systemD.data dictionary回答错误!正确答案:CA copy is a copy of a current file made in order t o protect against loss or damage. 收藏A.fileB.hardC.backupD.softWhich of the following is WRONG about Web 2.0?收藏A.The ideas of Web 2.0 was featured originally in late 2004.B.Web 2.0 enables business to embrace the Web as a platform and user its strengths more effectively.C.Web 2.0 enhances creativity, information sharing and collaboration among Web users.D.Web 2.0 changes the ways of software developers and end-users utilizing the web回答错误!正确答案:B is the model for .NET-based applications. (data access)收藏A.data processB.data accessC.data miningD.data achieveWhich of the following type of wireless devices has the highest po wer consumption? 收藏A.ZigBeeB.Wi-FiC.BluetoothD.Not mentioned回答错误!正确答案:BIn the following descriptions, which is RIGHT about the functions of CPU socket? 收藏A.A CPU socket forms an interface both with the CPU and the PCBB.A CPU socket provides heat sinkC.All above.D.A CPU socket houses a CPU on motherboarA mouse is a small device that a computer user pushes across a d esk surface in order to point to a place on a and to sele ct one or more action to take from thatposition.收藏A.platformB.desktopC.consoleD.display回答错误!正确答案:DWhich of the following is WRONG about the terminology used in so ftware engineering?收藏A.Smalltalk-LanguageB.Macro assemblers-ToolC.Offshore outsourcing--PlatformD.Lean software development-ProcessWhich one is not a computer languages?收藏A.PASCALB.word 2000C.C++D.~C回答错误!正确答案:BIn the system development process, the code is written in the ( ) p hase. 收藏A.testingB.implementationC.designD.analysisA(n) translates all the source code of a program w ritten in a high-level language into object code prior to the e x ecuti on of th program.收藏A.interpreterB.assemblersC.compiler回答错误!正确答案:CThe attributes of the stack are ().收藏A.built into their circuitryB.queueC.LIFOD.FIFOConfidentiality of the message is not enough in a secure communic ation; ( ) is also needed. The receiver needs to be sure of the send er' sdentity.收藏A.encryptionB.authenticationC.authorizationD.encapsulation回答错误!正确答案:Bis a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O. S.收藏A.Windows 98B.Windows 2000C.LinuxD.Office 2000Which of the following facts is(are) mentioned about the usage on Web 2.0 in this article?收藏A.WikisB.RSSC.All aboveD.Blogs回答错误!正确答案:CWhich of the following RDBMS is not open source according to this article?收藏A.PostgreSQLB.SQL ServerC.MySQLD.SQLiteMany viruses go resident in the memory like a (). 收藏A.tsr programB.data fileC..com fileD..exe file回答错误!正确答案:AMany viruses go resident in the memory like a (). 收藏A.tsr programB.data fileC..com fileD..exe fileAssembly-language instructions are a series of .收藏A.machine codesB.0s and 1sC.wordsD.abstract codes回答错误!正确答案:DVideodisc and laser technology provide the ability to收藏A.cost moreB.enhance other forms of educationC.create some education filesD.store large amounts of dataWhich of the following items is not included in the “three companio n application ”in Painter Series?收藏A.Sketch PadB.ExpressionC.SketcherD.Dabbler回答错误!正确答案:AAnti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ( ) your compute r / smemory and disk devices.收藏A.deletingB.replacingC.changingD.回答错误!正确答案:DJust a minute, I ' nwaiting for the computer to up.It won' t take long to start it.收藏A.logB.bootC.activateD.scroll回答错误!正确答案:BIf you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, yo u should learn how to收藏A.subtractB.calculateC.addD.回答错误!正确答案:D is the ( ) model for .NET-based applications. (data access) 收藏A.data miningB.data achieveC.data processD.data access回答错误!正确答案:DWhich one is not a computer languages?收藏A.CB.word 2000C.PASCALD.C++In 2000, the number of viruses topped ().收藏A.50000B.1000C.7500D.500回答错误!正确答案:AIn the case of a(n) , a program is translated into e x ecutable form and e x ecuted one statment at a time rather than being translated completely before e x ecution.收藏A.compilerB.assemblersC.DebuggerD.interpreterPlease find the item that is not belong to the DBA收藏A.schema definitionB.storage structure and access method definitionC.DDLD.integrity constrain specification回答错误!正确答案:CHardware components are used for the purpose of ().收藏A.central processingB.outputC.all of the aboveD.inputJust a minute, I ' nwaiting for the computer to ( ) up. It won' t take l ong to start it.收藏A.bootB.logC.scrollD.activate回答错误!正确答案:ACommunication through the Internet, the performs the reverse f unction. 收藏A.DTEB.Data communications equipment (DCE)C.CRTD.A station controller (STACO)回答错误!正确答案:BThe control unit fetches from memory and decodes the m. 收藏A. dataB.instructionsB. resultsD.information回答错误!正确答案:B()as a significant majority of market share in the desktop收藏A.Microsoft WindowsB. unixC.linuxD.Mac OS回答错误!正确答案:AThe largest and fastest computers are ().收藏A.hand-held PCsB.workstationsC.supercomputersD.mainframe computers回答错误!正确答案:CIn the system development process, the code is written in the phase. 收藏A.testingB.analysisC.implementationD.回答错误!正确答案:C()is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.收藏A.FTPB.HttpC.DNSD.SMTP回答错误!正确答案:A, such as those supplied for OLE DB and O DBC, allow you to use data libraries designed for earlier data acces s technologies.收藏A.Bridge providersB.Native providersOne of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on a ny platform with a Java Virtual ( ) while C# only runs in Windows f or the foreseeable future.A.SoftwareB.HardwareC.ProgramD.Machine回答错误!正确答案:DWindows gives you more control over the you work. 收藏A.wayB.powerC.energyD.operationA machine language is a(n) language in binary code that the computer can understand and e x ecute directly.收藏A.high-levelB.flat levelC.low-level回答错误!正确答案:CA processor is composed of two functional units, they are .收藏A.a control unit and some registersB.an arithmetic/logic unit and a storage unitC.a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unitD.some registers an arithmetic/logic unit回答错误!正确答案:CA company,s ability to deploy and support customer -oriented ( ) sy stems will be of vital importance to its prosperity.A.e-LearningB.e-ShoppingC.e-BusinessD.e-Banking回答错误!正确答案:CIn the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the phas e.收藏A.designB.implementationC.analysisD.testingis a word processing tool that helps you to crea t e quality documents.A.ExcelB.OutlookC.WordD.Access回答错误!正确答案:CThe serves as an interface between hardware and software. 收藏A.application programB.systemC.operating systemD.control unitWhat does the phrase “framebased” mean appearing at the beginning of the article?收藏A.All generations of Ethernet are built on improving infrastructure from coaxial cable to twisted pair.B.All generations of Ethernet base on the same physical layer as the underlying frame.C.All generation of Ethernet conform to the multi-layers structure of the OSI reference model.D.All generations of Ethernet base on the same architecture formats and the same interfaces for higher layers.回答错误!正确答案:AAfter I finished the last paragraph, I moved the ba ck to the third paragraph and del—eted收藏A. iconB.joystickC.cursorD.mouseFor some time, we' ve been experiencing some in t his particular program. It cannot run in a normal way.收藏A.bugsB.defaultsC.loopsD.routines回答错误!正确答案:AMultimedia will become increasingly throughout every aspect o f our lives.收藏A.pervasiveB.permitC.preciseD.passTo access a page on the WWW, one needs a that usually consists of three parts: a controller, a method, and an inter preter.收藏A.browserB.codeC.routerD.password回答错误!正确答案:ATo access a page on the WWW, one needs a ( ) that usually consi sts of three parts: a controller, a method, and an interpreter.收藏A.browserB.routerC.passwordD.code回答错误!正确答案:AA is a set of rules that controls the interaction of different devices in a network or internetwork.收藏A.queryB.dialogC.modelD.protocol回答错误!正确答案:DWhereas a repeater operates only in the physical layer of the OSI model, a bridge operates in both the physical layer and thelayer of the OSI model.收藏A.Physical LayerB.Network LayerC.Transport Layerdata-link回答错误!正确答案:DAll computers can perform basic machine operations under the cont rol of (). 收藏A.programsB.instructionsC.commandsD.operations回答错误!正确答案:AA ( )is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.收藏A.keyboardB.modemC.printerD.mouse回答错误!正确答案:B()as a significant majority of market share in the desktop收藏A.linuxB.Mac OSC.Microsoft WindowsD.unix回答错误!正确答案:CWhich of the following description is WRONG about Wi-Fi?收藏A.One can connect Wi-Fi devices in ad-hoc mode for client-to-client connections without a router.B.Communications between two devices need the involvement of an access point with WI-Fi.Now most laptops are built with wireless network adapters inside.D.Any standard Wi-Fi device will work anywhere in the world with global operative set of standards. 回答错误!正确答案:Bprimary memory which is stored on chips located ().收藏A.on the motherboar~DB.outsideC.on the CPUD.inside the processor回答错误!正确答案:AThe abbreviation USB stands for Universal Bus.收藏A.SyntacticB.SymmetricSerialD.Sequential回答错误!正确答案:CA ( ) copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect agai nst loss or damage.收藏A.har~DB.fileC.backupD.soft回答错误!正确答案:CA characteristic of operating system is .收藏A.error recoveryB.all the aboveC.memory managementD.resource management回答错误!正确答案:DThe Whale will crea t e ( ) different versions of itself when it infects files.收藏A.31B.33C.32D.30回答错误!正确答案:BChemical energy, ( ) from fuel or other matters, can be transformed into heat energy.收藏A.whetherB.not considered thatC.if or notno matter how回答错误!正确答案:Awhat does " neural network " mean? 收藏A.神经网络B.社会网络C.自然网络D.精神网回答错误!正确答案:Ais an architectural framework.收藏A.dnsB.wwwC.httpD.回答错误!正确答案:BWhich of the following is RIGHT about the current trends in softwar e engineering? 收藏A.Experimental software engineering advances the knowledge on experiments through software.B.Software Product Lines produce successions of individual software system products.C.Agile software development is a light and change-driven process.D.Aspects describe the behavior or all objects or functions in particular circumstances and design particular-purpose code for them.回答错误!正确答案:CA is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.收藏A.monitorB.network cardC.sound cardD.video card回答错误!正确答案:CEach is a unit of both atomicity and consistency.收藏A.transactionB.schema detailsC.databaseD.storage structure回答错误!正确答案:AWhich of the following descriptions in WRONG about the uses of W i-Fi? 收藏A.The hardware provides indication to the sender about whether the transmission was delivered B.All stations share a single radio frequency communication channel.C.A carrier wave is used to transmit the data in packets.D.Each station is constantly tuned in on the channel.回答错误!正确答案:AWhen power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is收藏A.remainB. lostC.manipulatedD.reliable回答错误!正确答案:BSmall as it is, a personal computer can perform the same program instructions as ().收藏A.typewriterB.printersC.larger computersD.human beings回答错误!正确答案:CThe attributes of the stack are ().收藏A.LIFOB.queueC.FIFOD.built into their circuitry回答错误!正确答案:CA periodic refresh is needed to restore the information for the . 收藏A.EPROMB.SRAMC.DRAMD.EEPROM回答错误!正确答案:CA(n) is a sequence of code in a program e x ecuted re peatedly,either fro a fixed number of times or until a certain conditi on is met.收藏A.LoopB.sel ected回答错误!正确答案:AThe most commonly used tool in the design phase is the ().收藏A. structure chartB.flowchartsC.object-relationship charttopology chart回答错误!正确答案:AA Web site is often more effective as a(n) tool than a selling tool.收藏A.ElectronicalB.PoliticC.TechnicalD.Marketing回答错误!正确答案:DData ( ) can reduce the amount of data sent or stored by partially eliminating inherent redundancy.收藏A.compilationB.compressionC.conversionD.configuration回答错误!正确答案:BThe history of programming languages can be traced back almost t o the invention of the ( )computer in th 1940s.收藏A.biologicB.analogC.digitalD.electrical回答错误!正确答案:CMany companies use to train their employees.收藏A.technologyB.entertainmentC.animationD.multimedia applications回答错误!正确答案:DThe abbreviation USB stands for Universal ( ) Bus.收藏A.SyntacticB.SerialC.SequentialD.Symmetric回答错误!正确答案:BThe larger the system of the computer, the greater its (). 收藏A.processing speedB.both A and BC.neither A nor Bstorage capacity回答错误!正确答案:DThese days it is not uncommon for one to see people using ( ) eve rywhere--even on airplanes.收藏A.microcomputersB.minicomputersC.desktopsD.laptops回答错误!正确答案:DMost operating system have a standard set of to handle the processing of all input and output instructions.收藏A.I/O operationB.spreadsheetC.data tableD.control instructions回答错误!正确答案:DThe purpose of the is to provide fully integrated analog servic es to users. 收藏A.HTTPB.FTPC.WWWD.ISDN回答错误!正确答案:DThe largest and fastest computers are ().收藏A.hand-held PCsB.workstationsC.supercomputersD.mainframe computers回答错误!正确答案:CA company,s ability to deploy and support customer -oriented systems will be of vital importance to its prosperit y.收藏A.e-ShoppingB.e-BankingC.e-LearningD.e-Business回答错误!正确答案:DWhat does Tim Berners-Lee'sdescription about Web 2.0 mean?收藏A.Web 2.0 is a very popular now.B.Web 2.0 is an entirely new concept.Web 2.0 is not defined clearly.D.web 2.0 is an revolution in the World Wide Web回答错误!正确答案:DIn the system development process, ( ) and pseudocode are tools u sed by programmers in the implementation phase.收藏A.object-relationship chartB.structure chartC.flowchartsD.toplogic chart回答错误!正确答案:CA is used to communicate with another comput er over telephone lines.收藏A.mouseB.keyboardC.modemD.printer回答错误!正确答案:CThe abbreviation HTTP stands for Hypertext ( ) Protocol.收藏A.TransmissionB.TransferC.TransportationD.Transition回答错误!正确答案:Brefers to the parts of the computer that you can s ee and touch. 收藏A.HardshipB.InstructionC.SoftwareD.Hardware回答错误!正确答案:DHardware components are used for the purpose of ().收藏A.outputB.all of the aboveC.inputD.central processing回答错误!正确答案:BYou can come with me to the museum this afternoon ( ) you don' t mind walking for half an hour.收藏A.so far asB.exceptC.unlessD. if回答错误!正确答案:DAll computers can perform basic machine operations under the cont rol of (). 收藏A.instructionsB.commandsC.operationsD.programs回答错误!正确答案:DThe RGB value is composed of components.收藏A.threeB.oneC.twoD.four回答错误!正确答案:BThe turns the object file into an executable program.收藏A.interpreterB.linkerC.computerD.compiler回答错误!正确答案:AWe ll go to Paris for our holiday, ( ) it isn ' too expensive. 收藏A.so far asB.provided。



计算机专业英语期末复习资料考试题型:一、将中文的计算机专业术语翻译成英文(单词或词组)(20题,20分)范围:(1)第255页-第261页英文单词(2)第178页-第188页英文词组,第262页-271页部分词组重点词汇和词组(出现概率:90% :adapter ani mati on asynchronous chip deadlock en capsulati onin stall in structio n in terrupt multitask multi-thread opera ndoverflow overload ing processor pixel router remoteassembly engin eeri ng executable memory multimedia pixelresolutionstructure switch tran sact ion variable volatilesimplicity flexibilitycon fidentialityreliability recoveryprotocoltraffic cha nnel refresh in stallati on stack port dow nl oad buffer attribute menuClipboard Cluster con gesti on compatibility compiler con sole compressi on zoomdecode encode debug decryptio n en crypti on directory docume nt edit feedbackfolder format frame function hit host hypertext ico n image unin stallkeyboard logi n logo n log out n etmask on li ne offline overloadi ng packagepassword peripheral pipe platform process queue quit resp onse request serial sig nature simulate terminal thread topology update upload utility video bootmemoryremote procedure call iden tifier/locator、选择合适的英语单词填空(10题,20分)范围:(出现概率:90%database management system distributed n etwork object-orie ntedprogram ming optimal scheduli ng algorithm software life cycle symmetric key en crypti on structured query Ian guagevirtualaddress spaceasymmetric keyen crypti on 8-bit shift register arithmetic logical operati onsmultitask ingoperati ng system un authorized accesswireless com munication the real mode clock pulsesloosely coupled multiprocess ing digital sig nature tran smissi on controlprotocoluser datagram protocol universal com muni cati onserial bus quality of service inter-processredundant arrays of in expe nsive disks routi ng in formati on protocol ope nshortest path firstglobal positi oning system hyper text tran sport protocol in tegrated circuit full duplex graphical user in terface doma inn ame system power- on self-test ran dom accesssoftware developme nt kitun iform resource(1 )第41 页:A switch is ideally suited to represent the value of anytwo-state variable because it can only be “off ” or “ on” .(2 )第51 页:A volatile memory is one that loses its data when power isremoved from the circuit, while non volatile memory reta ins its data even whe n power is removed.(3 )第57 页:In put is a process that in volves the use of a device to en codeor tran sform data into digital codes that the computer can process.(4)第58 页:A mouse is a small device that a computer user pushes acrossa desk surface in order to point to a place on a display scree n and to select oneor more acti ons to take from that positi on.(5 )第59 页:Resolutio n refers to the nu mber of in dividual dots of color, known as pixel contained on a display.(6)第60页:A scanner is a device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translate the information into a from the computer can use.(7)第72 页:A data structure is a specialized format for organizing andstori ng data.(8)第85 页:The computer memory locations are called variables becausethey hold values that might vary.(9)第86 页:An executable program is a sequenee of extremely simplein struct ions known as machi ne code.(10)第86 页:Each mach ine Ianguage in structi on has an equivale nt comma nd in assembly Ian guage.(11)第87 页:A complier is a program that translates source code into object code.(12)第87 页:An in terpreter tran slates high-level in structi ons in to anin termediate form, which it the n executes.(13)第92 页:Software engineering is the application of tools, methods,and disciplines to produce and maintain an automated solution to a real-worldproblem.(14)第149 页:Multimedia is any comb in ati on of text, graphic art, sound, ani mati on, and video delivered to you by computer or other electro nic means.(15)第164 页:A transaction is a collect ion of operati ons that performsa sin gle logical function in a database applicati on.三、判断题(10题,20分)范围:(出现概率:96%(1 )第52 页:One kilobyte(KB) equals 1024 bytes.(2 )第52 页:If a cell con sist of k bits, it can hold anyone of 2k differe nt bit comb in ati ons.(3 )第62 页:Keyboard, mouse and mon itor/sca nner are all in put devices. (False)(4 )第76 页:The main feature of queues is that they follow a first-i n/first-out rule. (queue -> stack)(5)第83 页:Most operating systems have a standard set of controlin struct ions to han dle the process ing of all in put and output in struct ions.(6)第89 页:” ADDAX,BX” is a instruction of machine Ianguage. (false, high-level la nguages, assembly Ian guage)(7)第111 页:A gateway could be used to connect the different networks.(8)第115、116、119 页:IP and IPX are examples of network-layer protocols. TCPand SPXare transport layer protocols. TCP and SPXare session layer protocols. (false)(9)第157、161 页:A 256-color graphic requires eight bits for each pixel. For a 16-color graphic, each pixel can have one of 16 colors.(10 )第175 页:Some viruses can be catastrophic by damaging files,destro ying data and crash ing systems.四、排序题(1题,6分)理解第47 页的"The CPUexecutes each instruction in a series of small steps: ................. Go to step 1 to begi n executi ng the follow ing in struct ion. This seque nee of stepsis frequently referred to as the fetch-decode-execute cycle. ”, 将1-7 排序好(可参考《计算机组成原理》第五章内容理解)(出现概率:100%五、阅读题(2篇,24分)第66 页的“ Time-Shared Bus ”(出现概率:100%另一篇参考第46页六、翻译题(2题,10分)第43页的阅读材料“ Digital Computer System ”的第一段(出现概率:90%第97 页的阅读材料“ The Software Life Cycle ”第二段的“ in which development proceeds linearly through the phases of ................. and maintenance. ”,并参考第92 页-94 页的内容(出现概率:90%。



计算机专业英语复习题一、判断对错1. The software system is the physical equipment that you can see and touch.2. Typically, a data value is set to zero to represent FALSE and 1 value for TRUE.3. In the earliest general-purpose computer, most input and output media were magnetic disks.4. Supercomputers are largest, fastest, and most expensive computer available.5. A computer system consists of hardware system and software system.1. The data bus always receives data from the CPU, and the CPU never reads the data bus.2. Main memory holds whatever programs and data are available for immediate use by theCPU.3. Dynamic RAM does not have to be refreshed.4.Dot-matrix printer work by squirting tiny droplets of liquid ink at the paper.5. The auxiliary memory is very small, relatively expensive, and has very high access speed.1. Shift registers operate in serial fashion all the bits of the word at a time.2. RISC processors have larger instruction sets that often include some particularly complexinstructions.3. SIMD represents an organization that includes many processing units under the supervisionof a common control unit.4. Parallel processing is established by distributing the data among the multiple functional units.5. RISC is a complex instruction set computer.1. A number of different algorithms can exist for solving a computational problem, and each ofthese algorithms could have a same running time complexity.2. The divide-and-conquer algorithm is a bottom-up technique that usually begins by solvingthe smallest subproblems, the dynamic programming solves problems in a top-down fashion.3. An important property of arrays is that their size and shape are constant.4. If all of the elements stored in a list are of the same type, then the list is said to beheterogeneous. However, if different types of elements are stored in the list, then the list is said to be homogeneous.5. A queue is a dynamic set that obeys the LIFO property.1. The computer hardware recognizes only assembly language instruction.2. A program written in the assembly language of one microprocessor can run on a computerthat has a different microprocessor.3. Assembly languages are platform-independent, but high-level languages are notplatform-independent.4. The 4GLs are also called nonprocedural languages.5. Each assembly language instruction corresponds to one unique machine code instruction.二、完形填空Unit 1This chapter introduces digital computer, data types, the evolution of computers, and types of computers. 1 is known to all, it’s hard to find a field in 2 computers are not being used. Digital computer, also called electronic computer or computer, is a digital system that 3 various computational tasks. Digital computers use the 4 number system, which has two digits: 0 and 1.By using various coding 5 , groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers 6 other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letters of the alphabet. A computer system consists of hardware system and software system. Programs tell the hardware what to do. 7 software is designed to accomplish real-world tasks in fields such as accounting, entertainment, and engineering. Computers are usually 8 into four broad categories: microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers. It’s hard to give a 9 definition to each type because computer speeds and storage 10 change rapidly.1. A. As B. It C. As it D. That2. A. what B. which C. where D. when3. A. performs B. carries C. makes D. integrates4. A. decimal B. binary C. Arabian D. American5. A. technique B. technologyC. techniquesD. technologies6. A. instead of B. rather thanC. but alsoD. as well7. A. Application B. System C. Word D. Excel8. A. put B. made C. conducted D. classified9. A. precious B. progress C. proceeding D. precise10. A. capacities B. capable C. capabilities D. capacity1.A2. B3. A4. B5. C6. C7. A8. D9. D 10.AUnit 2A computer system 1 of hardware system and software system. The hardware of the computer is usually divided into three major parts or three 2 subsystems: the CPU, the memory subsystem, and the I/O 3 . The CPU is made up of three major parts, Register Set, the 4 logic unit, or ALU, and Control Unit. It performs many operations and controls computer. Memory is also known as 5 memory or main memory, which is cataloged into two major types of memory: Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM).It refers to the 6 in the computer that hold whatever programs and data are available 7 immediate use by the CPU, along with the program’s data. Computer systems include special hardware 8 between the CPU and peripherals to supervise and synchronize allinput and output transfers. These components are called 9 units because they interface between the processor bus and the peripheral device. The I/O subsystem allows the CPU to 10 with input and output devices.1. A. consists B. makes upC. constitutesD. comprise2. A. premier B. primaryC. preliminaryD. elementary3. A. system B. machine C. subsystem D. device4. A. mathematic B. authorativeC. arithmeticD. authoritative5. A.external B.exterior C. Interior D. internal6. A. circuits B. wires C. lines D. hardware7. A.by B. for C. with D. in8. A.software B. setting C. listing D. components9. A. singular B.dual C. interface D. compact10. A.handle B. interact C. respond D. link1. A2. B3. C4. C5. D6. A7. B8. D9. C 10. BUnit 3In computer engineering, computer architecture is the ___1___ design and fundamental operational structure of a computer system. It is a ___2___ and functional description of requirements, especially speeds and interconnections, anddesign implementations for the various parts of a computer —___3___ largely on the way by which the central processing unit (CPU) performs internally and accesses addresses in memory. Computer system architecture ___4___ the design of the four ___5___: parallel processing, pipelining, vector processing and RISC. Parallel processing system is used to provide simultaneous data-processing tasks for the purpose of increasing the ___6__ speed of a computer systemand is able to perform ___7___ data processing to achieve faster execution time. A pipeline is a set of data processing elements connected in series, so that the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often ___8___ in parallel or in time-sliced fashion. A vector processor, is a CPU design that is able to run mathematical operations on multiple data elements simultaneously. Computers with vector processing capabilities are in demand in 9___ applications. RISC processors have fewer and __10___ instructions than CISC processors. As a result, their control units are less complex and easier to design.1. A. lastest B. conceptual C. ideal D. simple2. A. plan B. design C. blueprint D. concept3. A. relying B. depending C. attaching D. focusing4. A. refers B. speaks C. involves D. interacts5. A. ingredients B. types C. kinds D. lists6. A. computational B. computerC. computationD. computing7. A. current B. compoundC. concurrentD. massive8. A. displayed B. carriedC. accomplishedD. executed9. A. special B. specialized C. specific D. especial10. A. simple B. simplifying C. singular D. simpler1. B2. C3. D4. C5. A6. A7. C8. D9. B 10.D Unit 4Algorithms are essential to the way computers process information, because a computer program is 1 an algorithm that tells the computer what specific 2 to perform in certain order in order to carry out a speci fied task, such as calc ulating employees’ paychecks or printing students’ report cards. Thus, an algorithm can be considered to be 3 sequence of operations that can be performed by a turning-complete system. In fact, a data structure is a way of 4 data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Often a carefully 5 data structure will allow the 6 efficient algorithm to be used. The choice of the data structure often begins from the choice of an 7 data type.A well-designed data structure allows a variety of critical operations to be performed, using as few resources, both execution time and memory space, as possible. Data structures are implemented by a 8 language as data types and the references and operations they provide. Moreover, differentkinds of data structures are 9 to different kinds of applications, and some are highly specialized to certain tasks. For example, B-trees are particularly well-suited for implementation of databases, 10 networks of machines rely on routing tables to function.1. A. essentially B. essential C. partially D. mainly2. A. methods B. steps C. plans D. exercises3. A. some B. a C. the D. any4. A. receiving B. storing C. input D. output5. A. chosen B. madeC. programmedD. picked6. A. very B. most C. more D. less7. A. abstract B.concrete C. special D. certain8. A. basic B. runningC. programmingD. advanced9. A. comforted B. suited C. compared D. hooked10. A. therefore B. with C. when D. while1. A2. B3. D4. B5. A6. B7. A8. C9. B 10. DUnit 5A total computer system includes both hardware system and software system. Hardware consists of the 1 components and allassociated equipment. Software refers to the programs that are2 for the computer. It is possible to be familiar with various3 of computer software without being concerned with details of how the computer hardware operates.A programming language is a language used to write computer programs, which involve a computer 4 some kind of computation or algorithm and possibly control over 5 devices such as printers, robots, and so on. Programming languages differ from 6 languages in that natural languages are only used for interaction between people, while programming languages also allow humans to communicate 7 to machines. Some programming languages are used by one device 8 control another. A prominent 9 of programming languages is to provide instructions to a computer. Thousands of different programming languages have been 10 , and new languages are created every year.1. A. mental B. possible C.essential D. physical2. A. design B. spoken C. writtenD. made3. A. parts B. kinds C.types D. aspects4. A.performed B. to performC. performingD. performs5. A.intenal B. external C. inside D. outside6. A. natural B. Human C. computer D. artificial7. A.orders B. instructions C. codes D. calls8. A. to B. for C. with D. over9. A. show B. research C. purpose D. study10. A. creatingB. created C. to create D. creation1. D2. C3. D4. C5. B6. A7. B8. A9. C 10. B三、汉译英1.coding techniques 编码技术2. application software 应用软件3. floating point data 浮点数据4.timesharing分时,分时技术5. storage capacities 存储容量1. system buses 系统总线2. virtual memory 虚拟存储器3. computer architecture 计算机体系结构4. instruction set 指令集5. direct memory access 直接存储器存取1.parallel processing 并行处理2. pipeline processing流水线处理3. vector processing 向量处理4. scalar processor标量处理器5. backward compatibility 向下兼容1. parallel algorithm并行算法2. exhaustive search穷举搜索3. dynamic programming 动态规划4. doubly-linked list 双向链表5. two-dimensional array 二维数组1. derived class派生类2. Inheritance 继承3. markup languages 标记语言4. Hyperlinks 超链接5. Java virtual machine Java虚拟机四、翻译句子1. By using various coding techniques, groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers but also other discrete symbols.2. System software includes not only the complex programs used by technicians to create application software in the first place but also the organizational programs needed to start up the computer and govern its use of other programs.3. Data are numbers and other binary-code information that are operated on to achieve required computational results.4. Rather than arithmetically or logically manipulating characters, a computer may concatenate strings of characters, replace some characters with others, or otherwise manipulate character strings.5. Software applications like word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database management programs, painting and drawing programs, desktop publishing, and so forth became commercially available, giving more people reasons to use a computer.1. By asserting these internal and external control signals in the proper sequence, the control unit causes the CPU and the rest of the computer to perform the operation needed to correctly process instructions.2. In a computer with virtual memory, less-used parts of programs are shifted from RAM to a hard disk and are moved back only when needed.3. A technique used to compensate for the mismatch inoperating speeds is to employ an extremely fast, small cache between the CPU and main memory whose access time is close to processor logic clock cycle time.4. The data transfer rate of peripherals is usually slower than the transfer rate of the CPU, and consequently, a synchronization mechanism may be needed.5. In some computers the interrupt vector is an address that points to a location in memory where the beginning address of the I/O service routine is stored.1. The purpose of parallel processing is to speed up the computer processing capability and increase its throughput, that is, the amount of processing that can be accomplished during a given interval of time.2. It is characteristic of pipelines that several computations can be in process in distinct segments at the same time.3. To achieve the required level of high performance it is necessary to utilize the fastest and most reliable hardware and apply innovative procedures from vector and parallel processing techniques.4. In general, the greater the number of instructions in an instruction set, the larger the propagation delay is within the CPU.5. Although CISC processors are more complex, this complexity does not necessarily increase development costs.1. In short, communication problems arise when the language used for an algorithm's representation is not precisely defined or when information is not given in adequate detail.2. Another common algorithmic structure involves that the need to continue executing a statement or sequence of statements as long as some condition remains true.3. In many algorithms, running time will vary not only forinputs of different sizes, but also for different inputs of the same size.4. Thus, dynamic programming is a bottom-up technique that usually begins by solving the smallest subproblems, saving these results, and then reusing them to solve larger and larger subproblems until the solution to the original problem is obtained.5. The conversion from this conceptual one-dimensional array organization to the actual arrangement within the machine’s memory is straight forward a nd the data can be stored in a seguence of 24 memory cells with consecutive address in the same order envisioned by the programma.1. Documentation is needed for everyone who will be involved with the program——users, operators, and programmers.2. Rather, programs written in a high-level language or assembly language are converted to machine language, which is then executed by the computer.3. The corresponding programs set forth precise procedures, or series of instructions, and the programmer has to follow a proper order of actions to solve a problem.4. 4GLs may not entirely replace third-generation languages because they are usually focused on specific tasks and hence offer fewer options.5. Inheritance is the means by which objects of a class can access member variables and functions contained in a previously defined class, without having to restate those defi nitions.。



课文A:计算机概览A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information.计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数字数据进行运算或对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。

The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the computer. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts[1]. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing through the techniques of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow's weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new areas of conjecture.Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources[2]. The same advanced techniques also make the invasions of privacy and restricted information sources possible, and computer crime has become one of the many risks that society must face if it is to enjoy the benefits of modern technology.要不是由于计算机的发展,现代的高科技世界是不可能产生的。



计算机英语考试复习资料1.artificial intelligence 人工智能2.paper—tape reader 纸空阅读机3.optical computer 光学计算机4.neural network 神经网络5.instruction set 指令集6.parallel processing 平行处理7.difference engine 差分机8.versatile logical element 通用逻辑器件9.silicon substrate 硅基10.vacuum tube 真空管(电子管)11.the storage and handling of data 数据的存储与处理12.very large—scale integrated circuit 超大规模集成电路13.central processing unit 中央处理器14.personal computer 个人计算机15.analogue computer 模拟计算机16.digital computer 数字计算机17 .general-purpose computer 通用计算机18.processor chip 处理器芯片19.operating instructions 操作指令20.input device 输入设备1.function key 功能键2.voice recognition module 语音识别模块3.touch—sensitive region 触感区,触摸区4.address bus 地址总线5.flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪6.dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机(针式打印机)7.parallel connection 并行连接8.cathode ray tube 阴极射线管9.video game 电子游戏(港台亦称电玩)10.audio signal 音频信号11.operating system 操作系统12.LCD (liquid crystal display)液晶显示(器)13.inkjet printer 喷墨打印机14.data bus 数据总线15.serial connection 串行连接16.volatile memory 易失性存储器17 。



计算机专业英语复习提纲(注意:加粗单词为重点词汇)第一章1 The Invention of the ComputerENIAC---the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer,It was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. The project began in 1943and was completed in 1946.ENIAC--- 电子数字积分计算机。

它是由宾夕凡尼亚大学的J. Presper Eckert 和John Mauchly 研制的。


2 Computer Generations1. First-Generation Computers: 1951~1958First-generation computers were characterized by the use of vacuum tubes as their principal electronic component. V acuum tubes are bulky and produce a lot of heat, so first-generation computers were large and required extensive air conditioning to keep them cool. In addition, because vacuum tubes do not operate very fast, these computers were relatively slow.第一代计算机的特色是使用真空管为其主要电子器件。




计算机专业英语复习资料I.V ocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一)Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.(写出下列词组的汉语。

共10分,每题1分)1.Operating system____________2.white bOx testing__________3.hard disk_________4.management information system_______________5.electronic commerce___________________6.relational database__________________7.software engineering___________________8.software maintenance__________________9.menu bar______________10.n et wo r k s ec u r i t y___________________(二)Fill in the blank swith the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。

共10分,每题1分)1.只读存储器__________2.广域网___________3.传输控制协议___________ 4.文件传送[输]协议__________5.通用串行总线__________ 6.面向对象编程____________7.集成开发环境___________8.结构化查询语言___________9.数据库管理系统___________ 10.开放系统互连______(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the rightcolumn.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。



(a)The program is an introduction or statement that can direct the computer to perform a required task of data processing.The program design is a multiple step process to create the list of instructions.(b) It is important to understand the difference between classes and objects of that class.Class simply create some objects’ detailed description,so,a single class may create multiple objects.(c)JAVA is a high-level programming language that object oriented,network friendly,it allows programmers to build applications that can run on almost any operating system.(d)ActiveX is a group of controls or reusable components,it makes some programs or almost any type of content that can be embedded in a web page.Whereas every time you visit a web site to download a JAVA,use the ActiveX,the component download only once ,then used for later,repeatly,are stored on your hard disk.(e)Program design involves a lot of creativity.Design is a guide to the various components of the function or purpose,But the programmer has great flexibility in the implementation and design of the code.No matter what language is used,each program module relates to at least three aspects:control structure,algorithm,data structure.1:随着科学技术的不断进步、人们对大脑功能认识的不断深入以及高性能PC的问世等,近20年以来一个新的研究领域——“脑—计算机接口”正在蓬勃发展。



计算机专业英语--07757-15日上午-复习资料一、选择填空题:1. How many layers does the ISO/OSI mode have? (seven )2.How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )3. How many parts are there in URL? (3 ) 04.How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3 )5.How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )6.How many layers does the TCP/IP layering model have? (5 )7.How many basic units do today's digital computers consist of? ( 4 )8. How many classes are the data models divided into?( 3 )9. How many basic operating system types are there? (3 )10. He had a large (number) of facts to prove his statements.11. He told me all (As a result ), he will have to be away from school for two or three months.12.How data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called (.bits )13. How many basic operating system types are there? (3 ).14. How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3)HTML stand for(Hypertext Markup Language ) 15.External devices are linked to a small computer system through (interfaces ). 16.CPU has only two fundamental sections: the arithmetic and logic unit and(the control unit ).17.arithmetic and logic unit executes instructionsCD-ROM belongs to (optical laser disk ) 18. Creating the database and its table structure uses (data definition )19. A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and dataconstraints is a (data model )20. Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).21. A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, storage,control unit and (processing components ).22.A special type of primary storage which cannot be altered by the programmer is called (ROM )23. A list of protocols used by a certain system , one protocol per layer, is calleda (protocol stack )24.A computer system has four parts, they are output, storage, processing components and ( input )25. Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).26. A data model is a collection of conceptual tool for describing (data, data relationship, data semantics, data constraints )27.A communication pathway connecting two or more devices is a (channel )28.A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address )29. All functions in spreadsheets start with (an equal sign ).30. A bus that is used to designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus is called ( address bus )31. An E-mail server can be considered asa (powerful operating system )32.A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, processing components , control unit and (storage ).33.All Intranet related documents are written in(HTML )19. A programming technique that allows you to view concepts as a variety of objects is called (object oriented programming )34.A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address )35.A bus that is used to control the access to and the use of the data and address bus is called (control bus)36.A location in memory is accessed by its (address ).37. A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and executed on the recipient’s machine. The sentencedescribes (applet )38. An E-mail server can be considered asa (high-configuration computer ) .39. A protocol is a set of (regulations).40. All functions in spreadsheets startwith (an equal sign ).41. A computer system has input, output,storage, and (CP ).42. A protocol is a set of (regulations).43.All Intranet related documents arewritten in (HTML)44.A bus that connects major computercomponents is called (system bus )45.A bus that is used to designate thesource or destination of the data on thedata bus is called ( address bus )46.A bus that provides a path for movingdata between system modules is called( data bus )47.A collection of conceptual tools fordescribing data, data relationships,(data semantics and data)48.A collection of interconnected networksis called an (internet )49.A communication pathway connecting twoor more devices is a (channel )50.A computer having the hardware andsoftware necessary for it to be connectedto a network. The sentence describes(Network Computer)51.A computer processes information into( data ).52.A computer system has input, output,(storage) and processing components.53.A display screen is divided into a gridof ( pixels ).54.A location in memory is accessed by its( address ).55.A multiprocessor system has( more thanone CPU )56.A protocol is a set of( regulations ).57.A small piece of code that can betransported over the Internet and executedon the recipient’s machine. The sentencedescribes (applet )58.A special type of primary storage whichcannot be altered by the programmer iscalled (ROM )59.A Web browser is a piece of(software ).60.All programs and data must betransferred to (primary storage ) from aninput device or from secondary storagebefore programs can be executed or data canbe processed61.All the characteristics thatdistinguish birds (from) other animals canbe traced to prehistoric times.62.An (Intranet ) is simply the applicationof Internet technology within an internalor closed usergroup63.An(MISD ) computer would apply severalinstructions to each datum it fetches formmemory64.An(SISD) computer carries out oneinstruction on one datum at a timeconstraints is a (data model )65. What does HTTP stand for? (HypertextTransfer Protocol )66.What does the WWW stand for?(World WideWeb )67. Which is an simply the application ofinternet technology within an internal orclosed group?( intranet )68. WWW stand for(World Wide Web)69. When a CPU needs the data to operate,it goes where first? (the cache ).70.What kind of computer would applyseveral instructions to each datum itfetches form memory? (MISD )71. What is a computer program? (a set ofinstructions )72.What is a set of programs thatmanipulate encoded knowledge to solveproblems in a specialized domain that81.normally requires human expertise?(Expert system )73.Which one can be rewritten? (U-DISK )74. When hypertext pages are mixed withother media, the result iscalled(hypermedia )75.What does a worksheet mean?(a workingarea framed by letters and numbers )76. What does A worksheet mean? (an EXCELprogram )77. What kind of computer would apply oneinstructions to each datum it fetches formmemory? (SISD )78.Which networks usually span tens ofkilometers?( Metropolitan area )79.What does IC stand for? (IntelligentCircuit )80.What you said reminds me(of somethingI read a few days ago.)81.Which description is false? (deltaframes don’t record the interframechanges )82.Which description is false?(The beautyof an Intranet lies in platformdependence )83.Which description is false?(We can’tview an OS as a resource allocator )84.Which description is true?(It’s notnecessary that different views shouldcontain different data )85.Which is a magnetic secondary storagedevice? (disk )86.Which is magnetic secondary storagedevices?( .tape )87.With optimal laser disk technology, theread/write head used in magnetic storage isreplaced by (two) lasers88.Would you mind (filling) this form?89.The way each object combines its memberdata and member functions into a singlestructure is called (Encapsulation )90.The standard query language ofrelational database is (SQL )91.The “brain” of a computer system is(CPU )92. The ISO/OSI mode has (seven ) layers93.The basic output device on a smallcomputer is a (display screen ).94.To prevent user programs frominterfering with the proper operation ofthe system, the hardware was modified tocreate two models: (User mode and monitormode )95.The realization of the mobile internetrelies on a new set of standards ,known asthe (WAP )96.The software that allows one or manypersons to use and/or modify this data isa (DBMS )97.The physical components of a computerare collectively called (hardware ).98.. The most popular processorinterconnection topology is the(hypercube ).99. The part of an instruction that tellsthe processor what to do is the(operand ).100.The part of an instruction that tellsthe processor what to do is the (operationcode ).101.The permanently useful data is storedin ( the ROM )102.The interference that distortselectronic signals transmitted over adistance is called (noise ).103.The WWW is based on which of thefollowing standards(client-server model )104. The Central Processor has only twofundamental sections(the control unit andthe arithmetic and logic unit)105.The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)reference model is based on a proposaldeveloped by (ISO ).106. The basic output device on a smallcomputer is a (display screen ).107.The software which acts as an interfacebetween a user of a computer and thecomputer hardware is (operating system )108.The protocol which downloads filesfree of charge from thousands of computersaround the globe is (FTP protocol )109.The “intelligence” of a computersystem is (processor )110.The Central Processor has only twofundamental sections (the control unit andthe arithmetic and logic unit )111.The computer component that actuallymanipulates the data is (theprocessor ).112.The data models don’t include(control unit models )113.The decision (having been making ),the next problem was how to make a goodplan.114.The house(standing ) at the corner ofthe street was built in 1984.115.The interference that distortselectronic signals transmitted over adistance is called (noise ).116.The kids are (bound to)be hungry whenthey get home—they always are.117.The most popular processorinterconnection topology is the(hypercube ).118.The physical components of a computerare collectively called (hardware ).119.The processor fetches and executes(instructions).120.The realization of the mobile internetrelies on a new set of standards ,known asthe (WAP )121.The smog is due to invisible gases,(mostly from automobile exhaust.)122.The software that allows one or manypersons to use and/or modify this data isa (DBMS )123.The software which acts as an interfacebetween a user of a computer and thecomputer hardware is (operating system )124.The source of a computer’s logic is(software ).125.The standard query language ofrelational database is (SQL )126.The steps that occur between theuser’s click and the page being displayeddon’t include (the TCP connection isn’treleased )127.The waveform repeats the same shape atregular intervals and this portion iscalled a (period )128.The WWW is( based on client-servermodel standards)129.Three main categories of optical laserdisks don’t include (primary storage )130.To facilitate an even faster transferof instructions and data to the processor,most computers are designed with(Cachememory)131. Optical laser disk includes CD-ROM,magneto-optical disk and (WORM disk )132.Output devices don’t include(scanner )133.Output devices don’t include (mouse )134.Output devices don’t include(scanner )135. Objected-based logic models are usedfor ( describing data at the conceptual andview levels )136.Data and program instructions arestored in (memory ).137.If an object inherits its attributesfrom a single parent, it is called(singleinheritance )138. Programmers write ( source code ).139.(Primary storage) provides the CPUwith temporary storage for programs anddata140.Normally, how long does a user need towait until his/her E-mail account is readyif he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (notime )141.Before typing in any data, a user needsto (select the cell).142.Cache memory is employed by computerdesigners to increase computer system(throughput )143..LCD is based on which of the following?(TFT )( It is not yet known )whether robots willone day have vision as good as human(database management system ) allows oneor many persons to use and/or modify thisdata(Expert system) is s set of programsthat manipulate encoded knowledge to solveproblems in a specialized domain thatnormally requires human expertise(Multimedia)is encoded at least through acontinuous and a discrete medium(the World Wide Web ) is an architecturalframework for accessing linked documentsspread out over thousands of machines allover the Internet(parallel OS ) is tightlycoupled144.Data and program instructions arestored in (memory ).145.Each cell of a worksheet can hold (onepiece of data ).146.Edison failed (thousands of ) timesbefore he succeeded in producing the firstelectric lamp.hard disk is a magnetic secondary storagedevice147.In computer networks, the rules and conventions used in the conversation are known as (protocol ) 148.Input devices don’t include (video displays ) 149.It is impossible to solve (so difficult problem ) in such a short time. 150.(LCD )is based on TFT 151.Memory’s contents are changed when it is (written ). 152.Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (no time ) 153.Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the IRC service provider side will provide the user a (channel ). 154.One of the methods (adopted ) is to organize visits to other factories. 155.Physical data models are used for (describing data at the lowest level ) 156.Polymorphism gives objects the ability to respond to (messages from ) routines when the object’s exact type isn’t known. 158. In C++ this ability is a result of (late binding ) 159.Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit) 160.Programs are known collectively as (software ).record-based logic models don’t include (Physical data model )\ 161.Scientists will have to come up (with ) new methods of increasing the world’s food supply. 162. Which of the following feature of a word processor becomes more useful with the growth of the amount of text?( wording searching) 163. Which of the following feature of a word processor can show underline, bold, italic, font and other typing styles on the screen? (WYSIWYG ) 164. Which of the following does NOT belong to hidden characters or commands? (retrieval) 165. Where is the Entry Bar of a worksheet?(below the icons of the worksheet ) 166. Which of the following can NOT be created by spreadsheets?(start chart ) 167. Which of the following message can be sent by E-mail without an attachment? (text message) 168. Which of the following can be applied for an E-mail message without an attachment? (none) 169. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the E-mail advantages? (none) 170. A private network-based E-mail system is not for (home users) 171. Which of the following is called a searching engine?(Web browser ) 172. Which of the following is NOT an Internet application?(file compiling) 173. To start an online chatting, a user needs to know the (Web address of an IRC client ) 174. Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the IRC service provider side will provide the user a (channel ) 175. Which of the following is the primary function of the WWW? (accessing resources ) 176. Which of the following is NOT supported by the WWW? (File compiling) 177. To accommodate a binary number, which of the following of a computer doesn't have more digits than those for decimal numbers do? (keyboard ) 178. Which of the following unit provides signals to start the operations in the ALU the memory and the input/output unit? (control unit ) 179. What does IC stand for?( Intelligent Circuit ) 180. How many the most influential components does a computer system configuration include? (4 ) 181. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the most influential components of a computer system configuration? (the operating system ) 182. Which of the following memory will lose the data stored in it when the power is gone or a malfunction occurs? (the RAM) 183. The permanently useful data is stored in which of the following memory? (the ROM ) 184. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output?( voice) 185. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output device? (a monitor) 186. Which of the following belongs to an impact computer hardcopy output device? (a plotter ) 187. Which of the following is the major advantage of a DVD-ROM over a CD-ROM? (capacity ) 188. Which of the following is the major advantage of a CD-R or a CD-RW over a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROM? (writing data) 189. Which of the following is the major advantage of a U-disk over a hard disk? (easy to carry ) 190. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?( data) 191. Which of the following is the most fundamental concept of computer software?(program ) 192. Which of the following does NOT belong to computer system software? (word processing program ) 193. Which function of a word processor can ensure typing correctness?(spell checking ) 194. What do users need to do with the spell-checked files to ensure their correctness?(proofread ) 195. Which of the following is NOT one of a word processor's functions?(compiling typed text ) 196. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?( data ) 197. A computer processes data into ( information). 198. Data flow into the computer as(input ). 199. Information flows from a computer as ( output ) 200. The ( stored program )distinguishes a computer from a calculator. 201. The physical components of a computer are collectively called( hardware ) 202. Programs are known collectively as( software ) 203. A physical switch is (hardware ); its setting is(software ). 204. A ( byte ) holds enough bits to store a single character. 205. A ( word )is a group of ( bytes ) 206. The " digit-times-place-value "rule work, with (numbers )but not with( characters ) 207. When memory is(read ).its contents are not changed. 208. The programmer can read and write(RAM ). 209. What type of memory can only be read? ROM 210. The processor's, components are synchronized by( clock pulses ) 211. Which processor component executes instructions? (arithmetic and logic unit ) 212. The basic input device on a small computer is a ( keyboard ). 213. The basic output device on a small computer is a( display screen ) . 214. A (printer ) generates hard- copy output. 215. External devices are linked to a small computer system through( control units ) 216.The (register ) translates between the computer's internal codes and a peripheral device's external codes. 217. A(remote ) terminal communicates with a distant computer over data transmission lines. 218. (Wide area ) network can be worldwide. 219. (Metropolitan area )networks usually span tens of kilometers. 220.(The network layer ) is concerned with controlling the operation of the subnet. 221. (The physical layer ) is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. 222. The main task of (The data link layer )is to transform a raw transmission facility into a line that appears free of undetected transmission errors to the network layer. 223.(The session layer )allows users on different machines to establish sessions between them. 224. The ( operating system )serves as ahardware/software interface.225. The source of a computer ’s logicis(software ).226. A disk drive is limited to afew( primitive operatios )227. Programmers write ( source )code.名词解释:1.class hierarchy 类层次2.XML 可扩展标记语言3.Intranet 内部网4.data bus 数据总线5.Operating system 操作系统6.CAD 计算机辅助设计7.Neural Networks 神经网络8. topology analysis 拓扑分析9.ADO ActiveX 数据对象10. multiprogramming 多道程序设计11. ODBC 开放数据库互连12.VR 虚拟现实13.cache memory 高速缓冲存储器14.FTP 文件传输协议15.system bus 系统总线16. GUI 图形用户界面17.ROM 只读存储器18.object-oriented programming 面向对象编程19.virtual reality 虚拟现实20.主存(Main memory )21.调制解调器(modem )22.可编程只读存储器 (PROM )23. off-line operation 脱机操作24.客户端/服务器(Client/Server )25.多媒体(Multimedia )26.虚函数(virtual function )27. neural network 神经网络28..VDT 视频显示终端29.EDI 电子数据交换30.CAM 计算机辅助制造31. RDBMS 关系型数据库管理系统32.database 数据库33.RAM 随机存储器工具条( toolbar )35.统一资源定位( URL )36.统一资源标识符( URI )37.人工智能( Artificial Intelligence )38. KDD 数据库中的知识发现39.面向对象(Object Oriented )40.图形用户接口(Graphical userinterface )41.中央处理器( CPU )42.计算机网络( computer network )43.国际互联网 (Internet )44.计算机辅助制造( CAM )45.软件工程(software engineering )46.视频压缩(video compression )47.算术逻辑部件( ALU )48.计算机应用(computer application )49.电子商务(Electronic Business )50.虚拟现实(virtual reality )51. EJB 企业(Java Beans )52.图形用户接口(Graphical userinterface )53.应用编程接口(API )54.视频点播VOD55. memory stick 记忆棒56.传输控制协议/互联网协( TCP/IP )57.万维网( WWW )58.地理信息系统( GIS )59. RAP 快速应用程序原型技术60.只读存储( ROM )61.系统软件( system software )62.磁盘操作系(DOS )63.结构化查询语言( SQL )64.虚拟专用网( VPN )65.开放式系统互( OSI )66.个人数字助理(PDA )67. VLSI 超大规模集成电路68.带宽(bandwidth )69.集成电路(integrated circuit )70.结构化编程(Structured programming )71.复杂指令集计算机(CISC )72.短信消息服务(SMS )73.PCI 外围设备互连74.real time operating system 实时操作系统75.OODBMS 面向对象的数据库管理系统76.abstract data type 抽象数据类型77.abstract data type 抽象数据类型78.bit:位,二进制位79.bitmap:位图80.boot:引导,自举81.cache:高速缓存82.CAD 计算机辅助设计83.capacity:容量84.cursor:光标85.desktop:桌面86.disk:硬盘87.document:文档 88.DVD:数字视盘 89.E-mail:电子邮件 90.Ethernet:以太网 91.Expert System 专家系统 92.field:域 93.font:字体 94.Hard disk 硬盘 95.HTML 超文本标记语言 96.HTTP:超文本传输协议 97.icon:图标 98.input:输入 99.instruction:指令 100.ISP 因特网服务提供商 101.item:条目 102.KDD 数据库中的知识发现 103.keyboard:键盘 104.MIMD:多指令流多数据流 105.mouse:鼠标 106.multiprogramming 多道程序设计 work communication 网络通信 108.off-line operation 脱机操作 109.output:输出 110.package:包 111.pixel:像素 112.pointer:指针 113.primary memory 主存 114.processor:处理机 115.RAM 随机存储器 116.real time operating system 实时操作系统 117.SIMD:单指令流多数据流 118.SISD:单指令流单数据流 119.sort:排序,分类 120.system bus 系统总线 121.throughput:吞吐量 122.topology analysis 拓扑分析 123.virtual reality 虚拟现实 124.WAN 广域网 125.Web site 网站站点 126.超文本标记语言( HTML ) 127.超文本传输协议(HTTP ) 128.程序(program ) 129.电子邮件(:E-Mail ) 130.防火墙:(firewall ) 131.封装 (encapsulation ) 132.工具条 ( toolbar ) 133.工作站(workstation ) 134.光驱:(CD-ROM ) 135.国际互联网 (Internet ) 136.机器人(robot ) 137.集线器(hub ) 138.计算机(Computer ) 139.计算机辅助软件工程 (CASE ) 140.键盘 (keyboard ) 141.可编程只读存储器 (PROM ) 142.可移植性 (transportability ) 143.客户端/服务器 (Client/Server ) 144.软盘驱动器( FDD ) 145.数据(data ) 146.数据库管理系( DBMS ) 147.搜索引擎 (search engine) 148.随机存取存储器(RAM ) 149.网络计算机(network computer ) 150.文件:(file ) 151.下载:(download ) 152.小型计算机系统接口 (SCSI ) 153.协议(protocol ) 154.芯片(chip ) 155.虚函数(virtual function ) 156.指令:(instruction ) 157.主关键字(key ) 158.专家系统(expert system ) 判断题: 1.CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs( T ) 2.CD-ROM stands for compact disk read-only memory. ( T ) 3.CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs T ) 4.Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T ) 5.C is an Object-Oriented programming language. ( F ) 6.The system clock is the brain of a computer. ( F ) 7.Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T ) 8.Cache memory is less expensive than RAM.( F) 9.CD-R recorders can be used to duplicate CDs( T ) 10.C++ language is a structured programming language. (F ) 11.Cache memory is as fast as RAM. ( T ) 12.C++ language is a structured programming language.( F) 13.Cache memory is more expensive than RAM.( T )14.CPU has only one fundamental section: the control unit. ( F )15.Internet resources are stored on Web servers. ( T )16.Windows 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense.( F ) 17.We can view an operating system as a resource manager. ( T )18.Windows 95 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( T ) 19.We can view an OS as a resource manager. ( T )20.We can view an operating system as a output hardware. ( T )21.WWW stands for World Wide Web. ( T )22.You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )23.You can connect 120 devices to a computer by USB. (T )24.You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )25.You can connect 127 devices to a computer by USB. ( T )26.You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )27.Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( T )28.Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts.( F ) 29.Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )30.Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )31.ALU is one of the components of CPU.( T )32.A cache runs as fast as a RAM. ( F)33.An OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )34.A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F ) 35.A CPU includes the ALU and the controller. ( T )36.ALU is one of the components of CPU. ( T )37.JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language.(T )38.A scanner belongs to the output device. ( F )39.A U-disk belongs to the output device.( T )40.PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory. ( F )41.PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F)42.Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F)43.Microsoft Windows 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( T )44.PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F)45.Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F)46.PCIisabbreviationofperipheralcomponen tinterconnect.( T )47.Primary storage provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (T)48.Printer is the I/O device of the computer. ( T )49.The system clock sends out pulses regularly. ( T )50.PDA is one of the components of CPU. ( F )51.PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F )52.FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )53.PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory.(T )54.HTTP stands for High Transportation Port. ( F )55.Hard disks and floppies operate in different ways. ( F)56.Hard disk provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F)57.Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T)58.HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)59.HTTP is used to locate Internet resources. ( F )60.VDT stands for video display terminal. (T)61.System bus provides a path for moving data between system modules. ( F )62.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )63.There 3 main categories of optical laser disks: CD-ROM, DVD and VCD. ( F )64.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )65.The user name must be unique for E-mail accounts. ( T ) 66.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB ofdata. ( F )67.The Web browser is used to display thedata stored on the Internet. ( T )68.The wide of the bus is also called the"word length". ( T )69.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB ofdata. ( F )70.The CPU is the brain of a computer( T )71.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB ofdata. ( F )72.To format a floppy means that magneticareas are created. (T )73.Microsoft SQL server 2000 is anoperating system of the computer. ( F )74.Microsoft Office 2003 is operatingsystem software. ( F )75.-DOS refers to Microsoft Disk OperatingSystem. ( T )76.MS Office 2000 is the first Windowsoperating system in a real sense. ( F )77.Microsoft Office 2003 is an operatingsystem software. ( F )78.MS-DOS is a Object-Oriented programminglanguage. ( F )79.MS Windows 2000 is a hardware componentof computer.(F)80.DVD provides CPU with temporary storageprogramdata.( F )81.JAVA is a structured programminglanguage. ( F )82.JAVA is a Object-Oriented programminglanguage. ( T )83.ROM is the abbreviation of read ofmemory. ( F )84.OS is the software which acts as aninterface between a user and a computer.( T )85.FTP is not a protocol of the computernetwork. ( F )86.FTP is a protocol of the computernetwork. ( T )87.Linux is an operating system. ( T )88.URL is used to locate Internet resources.( T )89.E-mail is a method of sending andreceiving messages on the Internet. ( F )90.XML is used to write Web pages.( F )91.A buffer's capacity is low and price ishigh, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )92.A scanner belongs to the output device.( F )93.A U-disk belongs to the outputdevice.( T )94.Both the user names and the passwordsmust be unique for E-mail accounts.( F )95.C is an Object-Oriented programminglanguage. ( F )96.FTP is not a protocol of the computernetwork. ( F )97.Hard disk provides CPU with temporarystorage for programs and data. (F )98.HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)99.Linux is an operating system. ( T )100MS-DOS refers to Microsoft DiskOperating System. ( T )101.Primary storage provides CPU withtemporary storage for programs and data.(T)102.The smallest unit of the memory is themagnetic cell.( T)103. Magnetic cells use the "write" and"read" currents with same direction tostore and retrieve data.( F)104. The most influential component of acomputer system configuration is thememory.( F )105. Both ink-jet and laser printers arenon-impact printers; they are based on thesame principle. (F)106. Ink-jet printers have pins in theirprinting heads to form dots to produceprinted results.( F)107. A plotter is the popular hardcopyoutput device commonly used in theeducation sector. (F)108. Word processors ease much of tediumassociated typing, proofing. andmanipulating words. (T)109.The real strength of a word processoris its ability to store, retrieve , andchange data. (T)110.The implementation of the WWW is basedon a standard client-server model. (T)111.All Von Neumann type digital computersconsist of the input/output unit, thearithmetic unit, networking unit, thecontrol unit and the memory. (F)112.A scanner belongs to the input/outputdevice. (T)113. A binary number needs more computerresource to accommodate than a decimalnumber.(T)114.The operations on decimal numbers aremuch easier and need much less time than ina binary system. (F)115. HTML is so important to the WWW thatit is recognized every where on the WWW.(F)116. The Web server is the only componentof the WWW that is able to read the HTML.(F)117. Generally speaking, most of E-mailsystems do allow text formatting.(F)118. Users have to attach word-formattedtexts to their E-mail messages if they haveto send word-formatted texts. (T)119.Instantaneousness and high efficiencyare major advantages of the E-mailapplication. (T)连线题:1. Computer software A. provides supportfor application software.2.System utilities B refers toMicrosoft Disk Operating System.3.System software C is a set of computerprograms.4. Operating systems D. has been widelyused in CAD programs.5.MS-DOS E. are more suitable for PCusers.6. The Unix F. can be understood assystemtune-up programs.7. The Linux G. are truly powerfulenterprise-level computing tools.8. The Unix and Linux H. is the firstWindows operating system in a real sense.9. MS Windows I. has been adopted fornternet servers.10. Windows 95 J. are preloaded ontocomputers by computer makers.11. The storage device A. sends outpulses regularly.12. A CPU includes B. faster than a RAM.13.The wide of the bus C. the ALU and thecontroller.14. The system clock D. is used to readand write data.15. ROM E. belongs to the systemconfiguration of a computer.16. A buffer runs F. the buffer firstwhen it needs data to operate.17. A CPU searches G. exchangesections of data when necessary.18. A hard disk and a RAM H. is theextension of the RAM.19. A RAM I. is able to keep the datastored in it when the power is gone.20. The virtual memory J. is also calledthe "word length"连线结果:1-C 2-F 3-A 4-J 5-B 6-D7-I 8-G 9-E 10-H 11-E 12-C 13-J14-A 15-I 16-B 17-F 18-G 19-D20-H填空题:1.Thread is sometimes called lightweightprocess.2.A collection that stores objects of thesame data type is referred to asa homogeneous collection.3.A virus scanner is a program that isdesigned to check an entire computer systemfor known viruses or suspicious activity.4.A stack is a list of items that areaccessible at only one end of the list.5. Electronic Business is the integrationof IT and particularly the Internet intobusiness processes to change organizationsand create new ones.6. Cache memory is employed by computerdesigners to increase the computer systemthroughput .7.The operating system acts as the managerof system resources and allocates them tospecific programs and users as necessaryfor their tasks.8.Hubs can be categorized as either CSMA/CDor full-duplexrepeaters.9.Frequency division multiplexing (FDM)is the technical term applied to a networksystem that uses multiple carrierfrequencies to allow independent signalsto travel through a medium.10、The Unified Modeling Language(UML)is agraphical language for visualizing ,specifying , constructing , anddocumenting the artifacts of asoftware-intensive system.11. Data query uses a set of commands toexplore the database contents and allowsthe user to convert the raw data into usefulinformation.12.Another important object-orientedconcept that relates to the class hierarchyis that common messages can be sent to theparent class objects and all derivedsubclass objects. In formal terms, this iscalled polymorphism.13.Anentity is an object , which can beuniquely distinguished from other objects.14.Remote teleworkers also have the optionto have an ISDN line installed to their homeor office , linking them to the corporateIntranet via a local internet serviceprovider(ISP).15.In predicate calculus , eachpredicate is given a name , which isfollowed by the list of arguments.16. Virtual functions utilize a table foraddress information.17.The MAC sublayer defines the CarrierSense Multiple Access with CollisionDetection protocol , which made Ethernetfamous.18.Pages are viewed with a browser .19.An expert system’s knowledge isobtained from expert sources and coded ina form suitable for the system to use in itsinference or reasoning processes.20.Windows managers manage the devicesused to exchange information betweenapplications and users.21.Methods are similar to the functions ofprocedure-oriented programming.The C++ class actually serves as atemplate or pattern for creating objects.22.The private section of a class limits theavailability of data or methods to theclass itself.23.Flash memory is intermediate betweenEPROM and EEPROM in bith cost andfunctionality.24.Inheritance in object-orientedprogramming allows a class to inheritproperties from a class of objects.25.The Entity-Relationship model( E-Rmodel )is based on a perception of a realworld which consists of objects calledentities and relationships among theseobjects.26.Linux is an operating system , whichacts as a communication service between thehardware and the software of a computersystem.27.Spooling provides a pool of jobs whichhave been read and waiting to be run.28.Data management uses a set of commandsto enter , correct , delete , and updatedata within the database tables.29.The pattern of the oscillation iscalled a waveform .30.Moore observed that the number oftransistors that could be put on a singlechip was doubling every year and 27. Toreduce design complexity , most networksare organized as a series oflayer( levels ) , each one built upon theone below it.31.correctly predicted that this pacewould continue into the near future.32.Thread is sometimes called lightweightprocess.33.A collection that stores objects of thesame data type is referred to asa homogeneous collection.34.A virus scanner is a program that isdesigned to check an entire computer systemfor known viruses or suspicious activity.35.A stack is a list of items that areaccessible at only one end of the list.36.Electronic Business is the integrationof IT and particularly the Internet intobusiness processes to change organizationsand create new ones.37.Cache memory is employed by computerdesigners to increase the computer systemthroughput .38.The operating system acts as the managerof system resources and allocates them tospecific programs and users as necessaryfor their tasks.39.Hubs can be categorized as eitherCSMA/CD or full-duplexrepeaters.。

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一、把下列词汇翻译成英语(每小题1分,共18分1分布式系统Distributed NetworkOperating System2命中率hit rate3管程monitor4互斥mutual exclusion5临界区Critical Section6宽度优先搜索 breadth first search7容错fault-tolerance8嵌入式系统embedded operatingsystem9人机交互human-computer interaction 10约束满足Constraint Satisfaction 11搜索引擎search engine12代理网关Proxy Gateway13关系代数relation algebra14死锁检测 deadlock detection15分形压缩Fractal compression16布尔搜索boolean search17地址解析协议Address ResolutionProtocol18素数定理prime number theorem二、把下列术语翻译成汉语(每个1分,共17分1.portability可移植性2.hash coding哈希编码3.disk mirroring 磁盘镜像4.expansion slot扩展插槽5.touch screen触摸屏6.Page fault页面错误7.virtual reality虚拟现实8.Electronic commerce电子商务9.instruction prefetch 指令领取10.space complexity空间复杂度11.pattern match模式匹配12.Data warehouse数据仓库13.eigenvalue特征值14.course ware 课件15.collision detection冲突检测16.ontology本体工程学17.cross-platform跨平台三、写出下列缩写词的英文全称,并翻译成汉语(每小题2分,共16分GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer,精简指令集计算机BLOB Binary Large Object二进制大对象AI Artificial Intelligence人工智能CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计DSS Decision Support System决策支持系统USB Universal Serial BUS通用串行总线HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language超文本标记语言四、用英语回答问题(每小题5分,共35分1.What is the common structure of a presentation? And which parts are important and must be explained clearly?Answer:Title of the presentation/name/affiliation of the authorOutlineWhy/What you want to doPrior art /related work/ what’s newHow to doResultsEvaluation: contributions/advantages/limitationsApplications/recommendationsConclusion/future work“What’s new”,“how to do”,and “results” are important and must be explained clearly.2. What is the clear structure of a scientific paper? Which sections do you need to address in detail?Answer:A scientific paper usually consists of the abstract, keywords(optional, introduction, method, result, discussion(optional,conclusion \future work, and referenceIntroduction method and result must be addressed in detail.3.What is the common structure of a thesis? What should be declared on the cover page?Answer:A thesis generally consists of the cover page, abstract, acknowledgement, table of contents, list of figures/tables, chapters, list of publications, and bibliography.The cover page provides the basic information of you and your thesis, including the title of your thesis, your research direction, your name and affiliation, and the submitting time of your thesis.4. What kinds of documents are generally necessary to apply for a visa? Answer:The required documents vary with the countries, but generally the following are necessary:Visa application forms with two photographsYour passportThe certificate of flight reservation and hotel reservationThe balance certificate of your personal bank accountConfirmation of your status and affiliationOfficial invitation letter from the conference organizing committeeVisa application fee5.Before submitting your paper to an international journal/transaction, what information should you get? And where can you find that?Answer:Before submitting your paper to an international journal/transaction, you should be familiar with the submission guideline for the appropriate publication. The guideline information can generally be found through selecting the link in the author resources section of the web page provided by the journalRead carefully the aim, scope, policy, and submission procedure of the journal. Then click on the submit manuscript icon and submit your paper step by step according to the textual prompt.6.What search sites do you often use? Do you know any popular database of research?Answer:Most popular search sites at present are probably Google and Yahoo!. Engineering Village provides access to the top information resources in the applied science, technical and engineering fields including Compendex and Inspec.7.What should you consider of when you select a research subject? Answer:follow your interest, attend to new theory or technology, think independently, search literature extensively, interdisciplinary researchprovides new opportunity五、英译汉(25分This isn’t AI for AI’s sake—this renaissance is not one of stand-alone AI applications. Unlike first-generation AI applications, AI now can be embedded in heterogeneous networked computing environments and used for search, retrieval, and analysis of previously unimaginable quantities of data. Because the wealth of data makes direct human analysis impossible, AI-based support has become necessary to help users fully exploit that information.A lthough computers have become ubiquitous, many people still clearlyprefer pen and paper for many tasks because pen and paper note-taking is frequently less intrusive, less noisy, more flexible, more convenient and simpler than current computer alternatives.AI paradigms are not orthogonal among themselves. They are rather successive steps in our knowledge of what a cognitive system should be. It seems that currently at least three paradigms are used in AI. Let us call them the be haviourist paradigm, the agent paradigm, and the artificial life paradigm.Predicting the results of the next generation of fundamental research requires either bravery or foolishness. One need not hazard such risks, however, to identify the core challenges facing the next generation of AI systems, namely, exhibiting robust operation in hostile environments, broad and deep knowledge of large domains, the ability to interact naturally with people, and a degree of self-understanding and internal integrity.While the first industrial revolution was fuelled by natural resources, the second is being fuelled by information and knowledge — which justifies the fourth century slogan: ‘Knowledge is power’. Today, a sure way for a company to commit commercial suicide is by failing to protect its intellectualproperty (i.e. knowledge and by ignoring the machines of the second industrial revolution. Those companies that make current machines more intelligent and exploit them to their advantage are set to dominate the twenty-first century.这不是AI领域所追求的目标。
