广东省佛山市顺德区龙江镇 2019-2020 年第二学期第一次教学质量检测 七年级语文试卷(Word


广东省佛山市顺德区龙江镇 2019 学年第二学期第一次教学质量检测 七年级下数学试题

广东省佛山市顺德区龙江镇 2019 学年第二学期第一次教学质量检测 七年级下数学试题

知, A. 6B., C .顺德区龙江镇 2019 学年第二学期第一次教学质量检测一、选择题(10 个题,每题 3 分,共 30 分) 1. 下列各式运算正确的是( ) A .a 2+a 3=a5B .a 2•a 3=a6C .(a 2)3=a6D .a 0=12. 禽流感病毒的形状一般为球形,直径大约为 0.000000102m ,该直径用科学记数法表示为 ( )A .102×10﹣7mB .1.02×10﹣7mC .102×10﹣6mD .1.02×10﹣8m3.已知:2m=1,2n=3,则 2m +n=( )A .2B .3C .4D .64.在|﹣2|,﹣(+2),2﹣1,0 这四个数中,最小的数是( ) A .|﹣2|B .﹣(+2)C .0D .2﹣15.下列式子中可以用平方差公式计算的是( ) A .(x +2)(x +2) B .(x ﹣2)2C .(x +2)(﹣x ﹣2)D .(x +2)(x ﹣2)6.已 化简 的结果是( )D. 2m7.若 2x 与一个多项式的积为 2x 3﹣x 2+2x ,则这个多项式为()8.化简的结果是( ) A.B.C. D.9.下列计算:①3x 3•(﹣2x 2)=﹣6x 5;②(a 3)2=a 5;③(﹣a )3÷(﹣a )=﹣a 2;④4a 3b ÷(﹣2a 2b )=﹣2a :⑤(a ﹣b )2=a 2﹣b 2;⑤(x +2)(x ﹣1)=x 2﹣x ﹣2,其中正确的 有 ( ) A .1 个B .2 个C .3 个D .4 个10.如,,,那么 a 、b 、c 的大小关系是( )A.B.⎣ ⎦C. D.二、填空题(6 个题,每题 4 分,共 24 分) 11. 计算:- 3﹣2 = ;12. 若 x 2+mx ﹣15=(x +3)(x +n ), 则 m = ,n = .13.若 x 2+y 2=10,xy =3,则(x ﹣y )2= .14. 若,则m =15.已知 2a = 5,2b = 10,2c = 50,那么 a 、b 、c 之间满足的等量关系是16.如图,有两个正方形 A ,B ,现将 B 放在 A 的内部得图甲,将 A ,B 并列放置后构造新的正方形得图乙.若图甲和图乙中阴影部分的面积分别为 3 和 15,则正方形 A ,B 的面积之和 为 .三、解答题(一)(3 个题,每题 6 分,共 18 分)17.计算:18.计算. (2x 3 y )2⋅ (- 2xy )+ (- 2x 3 y )3÷ (2x 2 )19.计算 ()﹣2+4×(﹣1)2019﹣|﹣23|+(π﹣5)四.解答题(二)(3 个题,每题 7 分,共 21 分)20.化简求值: ⎡(x + 2y )(x - 2y )-(x + 4y )2⎤ ÷ 4y ,其中 x = 1, y = 421.利用整式乘法公式计算(要求有运用公式的过程):(1)108×112 (2)(a ﹣2b +3)(a +2b ﹣3).22. 请通过几何图形说明:(a+3)2≠a2+32 (a ≠ 0)五.解答题(三)(3 个题,每题9 分,共27 分)23.如图 1 所示,从边长为a 的正方形纸片中剪去一个边长为b 的小正方形,再沿着线段AB 剪开,把剪成的两张纸拼成如图 2 的等腰梯形(其面积=(上底+下底)×高)公式的探究与应用:如图1所示,可以求出阴影部分的面积是若将图1 的阴影部分裁剪下来,重新拼成一个如图2 所示的长方形,求此长方形的面积比较两图阴影部分的面积,可以得到一个公式:;运用公式计算24.对于任何实数 a ,b ,c ,d ,我们规定符号的意义是=ad ﹣bc .(1)按照这个规定请你计 的值;(2)按照这个规定请你计算:当 x 2﹣3x +1=0 时 的值.25.一天,小明和小玲玩纸片拼图游戏,发现利用图①中的三种材料各若干可以拼出一些长方形来解释某些等式,比如图②可以解释为:(a +2b )(a +b )=a 2+3ab +2b 2(1)图③可以解释为等式:.(2)要拼出一个长为 a +3b ,宽为 2a +b 的长方形,需要如图所示 块,块 块.(3)如图④,大正方形的边长为 m ,小正方形的边长为 n ,若用 x 、y 表示四个小长方形的两边长(x >y ),观察图案,以下关系式正确的是(填序号).。

















1.Question1:(录音)A.Doing business.B.Being a teacher.C.Learning art.2.Question2:(录音)A.Twice a week.B.Every day.C.Once a week.听第二段材料,回答第3-4题。

3.Question3:(录音)A.Watching a movie.B.Going to a concert.C.Playing a computer game.4.Question4:(录音)A.Visit Mike.B.Go swimming.C.Take a walk.听第三段材料,回答第5-6题。

5.Question5:(录音)A.Cloudy.B.Sunny.C.Rainy.6.Question6:(录音)A.Look after his dog.B.Stay with his child.C.Do some cleaning.第二节回答问题(共4小题,每小题2分,满分8分)听下面一段材料,然后回答问题。













(2)bān lán的山雕,奔驰的鹿群,带着松香气味的煤块,带着赤色的足金。

(3)我们谈到红军,谈到kējuān záshuì,谈到她在这里的生活情形。

(4)“jūgōng jìn cuì,死而后已”正好准确地描述了他的一生。










广东省佛山市顺德区2019-2020学年九年级第二次教学质量检测语文试题卷(Word版 含答案)

广东省佛山市顺德区2019-2020学年九年级第二次教学质量检测语文试题卷(Word版 含答案)

顺德区 2019-2020 学年度第二次教学质量检测九年级语文试卷说明:1.全卷共 7 页,满分为 120 分。

考试用时为 120 分钟。


用 2B 铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。



4.本试卷设有附加题,共 10 分,考生可答可不答;该题得分作为补偿分计入总分,但全卷最后得分不得超过 120 分。





(李白《行路难(其一)》)(1 分)(2)□□□□□,寒光照铁衣。

(乐府诗《木兰诗》)(1 分)(3)又患无硕师名人与游,□□□□□,□□□□□□□□□。

(宋濂《送东阳马生序》)(2 分)(4)王维《使至塞上》一诗中,描绘奇特壮美的塞外风光的句子是:□□□□□,□□□□□。

(2 分)(5)默写龚自珍的《己亥杂诗(其五)》整首诗。

(4 分)□□□□□□□,□□□□□□□。



(4分)(1)经历一整年的低位pán huán()后,人民币汇率已走出寒冬,重回稳定运行的轨道。

(2)院里的金菊从春天开到秋天,一拨又一拨,好像金鸡展翅,永不diāo xiè()。

(3)昨天下午 3 点 40 分左右,洪泽湖上出现了hǎi shìshèn lóu()壮观景象。


3.下列句子中加点的词语使用不.恰.当.的一项是()(3 分)A.防疫春耕两手抓,一列列钢铁巨龙昼夜兼程,飞驰在大江南北,为广袤..的田野带去无限希望。

























顺德区2019-2020学年度第二次教学质量检测九年级数学试题参考答案及评分建议一、1.B ;2. B ;3. A ;4.D ;5.A ; 6.B ;7.D ;8.C ;9.C ;10.C 二、11. 3; 12. 12; 13. 8; 14. −1;15. xy 12-=;16.2√5 ;17.122. 三、解答题(一)18.解:原式=1−(2−√3)+√3┅…┅…┅…┅3分(每一个计算结果正确得1分)=1−2+√3+√3┅…┅…┅…┅…4分=2√3−1┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…6分 19.解:原式=()()()33232x x x x x x +--⋅-- ┅…┅…┅…┅2分 ()3=x x + ┅…┅…┅…┅3分 解方程240x -=得:12x =,22x =- ┅...┅...┅...┅4分 由于当2x =时,22x x -=0,原式无意义,所以2x =- ┅...┅...┅ (5)当2x =-时,原式=()323122x x +-+==-- ┅...┅...┅ (6)20.解:把点A(-1,8)、B (2,-1)、C (0,3)代入y =ax 2+bx +c ,得: {a −b +c =84a +2b +c =−1c =3┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…2分解得:a=1,b=-4,c=3┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…4分243y x x =-+┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…┅…6分四、解答题(二)21.解: ⑴结论、作图正确┅...┅...┅ (4)说明:本题原来设想是考两个基本作图的,但是又怕评分标准太严格,学生得分更低。


但是老师讲评试卷时要跟学生讲清楚,用考题带动大家备考多思考,有备无患!⑵ ∵AC =1.5m,S ∆ABC=1.5m 2,即BC=2 m ┅……5分证:△BFD ∽△BCA ┅……┅……6分∴ED BE AC BC=即 ED 1.5=2−ED 2 ...┅...┅...┅7分 ∴DE=DF=67 m . ...┅...┅ (8)22.解:乙厂每天生产口罩x 万只,则甲厂每天生产口罩1.5x 万只 ┅…┅…1分 根据题意得:606051.5x x-= ┅...┅...┅...┅3分 解得:x=4 ┅...┅...┅ (4)经检验,x=4 是原方程的解,且符合题意, ┅...┅...┅ (5)∴1.5x=6 . ┅...┅...┅ (6)∴甲厂每天生产口罩6万只,乙厂每天生产口罩4万只.设安排两个工厂工作a 天才能完成任务(64)100a +≥ ┅...┅...┅...┅ (7)10a ≥答:所以至少应安排两个工厂工作10天才能完成任务. ┅...┅...┅ (8)23. 解:(1)∵四边形ABCD 是正方形∴AD//BC ,AD=BC ,∠DAB=∠DCB=90°┅...┅...┅...┅ (1)∴∠DAE=∠AEC ,∠DAC=45° ┅...┅...┅...┅ (2)∵AC=EC∴∠AEC=∠EAC ┅...┅...┅...┅ (3)∴∠DAE =∠EAC=22.5° ┅...┅...┅...┅ (4)(2)在Rt △DAB 中,正方形ABCD 边长为1,由勾股定理得:DB=√2=AC∴EB=1+√2 ┅...┅...┅...┅ (5)∵∠DAE=∠AEB, ∠APDC=∠EPB∴△DAP ∽△BPE ┅...┅...┅...┅ (6)∴AD EB =DP BP ┅…┅…┅…┅…┅7分 即1+√2=√2−BP∴BP=1 ┅...┅...┅...┅ (8)五、解答题(三)24.(1)答:()2,0A -,()2,4C ┅…┅2分(写对一个点的坐标得1分)(2)2y x =+,8y x= ┅…┅6分 (求对一个表达式得2分) (3)()0,9P 或()05-, ┅…┅10分(写对一个点的坐标得2分)25.解:(1)当0x =吋,y x m m =+=, B ∴ (0,)m ,8AB =Q ,而(0,)A m -,()12m m ∴--=,6m ∴=, ┅ (1)2:6L y x x ∴=+,L ∴的对称轴3x =-,又知O 、D 两点关于对称轴对称,则OP DP =OB OP PB OB DP PB ∴++=++∴当B 、P 、D 三共线时OBP ∆周长最短,此时点P 为直线a 与对称轴的交点,…┅2分 当3x =-吋,63y x =+=,(3P ∴-,3 ); ┅ (3)(2)22()24m m y x =+-, L ∴的顶点2(,)24m m C --, ┅…┅4分 Q 点C 在l 上方, C ∴与l 的距离221()(2)1144m m m =---=--+..., ┅...┅5分(配方法写对即得1分) ∴点C 与l 距离的最大值为1;┅ (6)(3)当2020m =时,抛物线解析式2:2020L y x x =+直线解析式:2020a y x =+ 联立上述两个解析式可得:12020x =-,21x =, ┅...┅7分 ∴可知每一个整数x 的值 都对应的一个整数y 值,且2020-和1之间(包括2020-和1)共有2022个整数; Q 另外要知道所围成的封闭图形边界分两部分:线段和抛物线, ∴线段和抛物线上各有2022个整数点 ┅...┅9分 ∴总计4044个点, Q 这两段图象交点有2个点重复重复, ∴美点”的个数:404424042-=(个); 故2020m =时“美点”的个数为4042个.┅ (10)。



顺德区龙江镇2019 学年第二学期第一次教学质量检测七年级英语试卷(满分 120 分,考试时间 90 分钟)一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D 四部分,共30 小题,每小题1 分,共30 分)A. 听单句话(本题有5 小题,每小题1 分,共5 分)根据所听到的话和卷面的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答題卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。


1. What can the speaker do?A. C.B2. Which is Jack’s?A. B C c.3. Where is the speaker going to visit tomorrow?A.B C.4. How did Tom come back?A. B. C.5. What does Amy want to have?A. B. C.听对话(本题有10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。


听第一段对话,回答第6 小题。

6. What can the boy do?A. Play tennis.B. Play table tenms.C. Play basketball.听第二段对话,回答第7 小题。

7. Whose blue watch is it?A. It is the girl’s.B. It is Jack’s.C. It is Jack's brother’s.听第三段对话,回答第8 小题。

8. How does Mrs. Green go to work every day?A. By car.B. By bike.C. By bus.听第四段对话,回答第9 小题。

9. Who lost the bag?A. The boy.B. Cindy.C. Cindy’s brother.听第五段对话,回答第10 小题。






题号分值参考答案与评分说明一241 10 本题共5小题,每句1分,每句错、漏、多1字扣0.5分,扣完该句分为止。

(1) 2 风休住蓬舟吹取三山去(2) 2 入则无法家拂士出则无敌国外患者(3) 2 东风不与周郎便铜雀春深锁二乔(4) 2 可怜身上衣正单心忧炭贱愿天寒(5) 2 人有悲欢离合月有阴晴圆缺2 4 (1)眼花缭乱(2)旁骛(3)震耳欲聋(4)倦怠评分细则:本题共4小题,每题1分。

错一字扣1分3 3 C 入木三分,形容书法笔力刚劲有力,也比喻对文章或事物见解深刻透彻。



自出心裁,1. 【解释】:心裁:心中的设计、筹划。




”4 3 B5 4 (1)示例:家庭就餐时八口人围坐在圆桌边,面对着读者的一对老夫妇表情愤怒、无奈,因为儿孙们都埋头看手机,无暇顾及老人和周围的人。







2019-2020学年佛山市顺德区龙江中学高三英语第一次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AChildren under the age of 18 will be allowed up to three hours per week to play video games, according to a notice issued by China's National Press and Publication Administration. Online game companies are required to provide services to minors — from8 to 9 p. m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays — as a way to safeguard their physical and mental health. Children are playing more and more online games these days. Is it time to limit their online gaming time? What role do parents have? Readers share their opinions.RizlaredOnline games are addictive, but if children are taught how to manage in a sensible and responsible manner then it is no longer a threat(威胁).To achieve this, parents need to set examples for not being glued to their phones. Teaching is and always will be the best solution to such problems.AndrewGood policy. By limiting time spent on online games, kids can spend time doing more useful things to develop their potential. They can go outside and run, jump and swim instead of sitting on a couch at home and playing with a smart phone.AdamIt is often seen that parents argue with children over cellphones. Most parents can hardly set and enforce the time limit for its daily usage. Some forcibly take away their cellphones, but it will ruin trust and relationship. Even worse, it will make their kids hate them.PinkExcessive(过度的)gaming is purely a waste of time and energy for minors and has a negative effect on both physical and mental health. The gaming industry should not put profit- flaking interests as its priority (优先事项) . They should act in a socially responsible way toprovide an environment for children to ensure their well-being and development.LaurenThere would be a loophole(漏洞). Children could use their parents’ or other adults’ IDs to avoid real-nameregistration, thus making it impossible to put this policy in effect. Parents ly need to strengthen guidance and supervision to keep their children from gaming addiction.1. What should kids do according to Andrew?A. Play online games.B. Play with a smart phone.C. Study all the time.D. Go in for outside activities.2. What does Pink advise the gaming industry to do?A. Pay attention to its profit.B. Focus on kids’ health.C. Be responsible for kids’ surroundings.D. Persuade kids lo play more games.3. What role do parents have according to the passage?A. They keep hold of their phones.B. They set examples for their kids.C. They limit their kids’ time.D. They blame kids for addiction.BGlobal food demand will double by 2050, according to a new projection, and the farming techniques used to meet that unprecedented(空前的) demand will significantly determine how severe the impact is on the environment, researchers said.The study researchers warned that meeting the demand for food would clear more land, increase nitrogen(氮) use and significantly add to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.“Agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions could double by2050 if current trends in global food production continue,” study researcher David Tilman, of theUniversityofMinnesota, said in a statement. “This would be a major problem, since global agriculture already accounts for a third of all greenhouse gas emissions.”The researchers studied various ways in which the increasing food demand could be mentioned. They found that the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach would be for more food producers to adopt the nitrogen-efficient “intensive” farming method, which involves the heavy use of labor and the production of more crops per acre.This approach was shown to be more effective than the “extensive” farming currently practiced by many poor nations, a method that includes clearing more new land to produce more food.Different farming methods produce significantly different yields, the researchers found — in 2005, the crop yields for the wealthiest nations were more than 300 percent higher than what the poorest nations produced.According to their analysis of the effects of extensive farming, if poorer nations continue using this method, by 2050theywill have cleared an area larger than theUnited States, about 2.5 billion acres. However, if wealthynations help poorer nations to improve food yields by incorporating(吸收) intensive farming practices, that number could be reduced to half a billion acres.The researchers stress that the environmental effects of meeting future food demand depend on how global agriculture expands and develops.“Our analyses show that we cansave most of the Earth’s remaining ecosystems by helping the poorer nations of the world feed themselves,” Tilman said.4. What is the best title of this passage?A. The World Will Need Double Food by 2050B. Man Will Face the Risk of Lacking Food in the FutureC. Future Farmers Hold Environment’s Fate in Their HandsD. Different Farming Methods Produce Significantly Different Yields5. The character of the extensive farming is ________.A. very cost-effectiveB. to produce more crops per acreC. at cost of more new land to produce more foodD. very environmentally friendly6. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A. poorer nations mainly use the intensive farmingB. wealthy nations mainly use the extensive farmingC. the intensive farming needs less food producersD. the extensive farming has a worse effect on ecosystems7. According to the passage, the underlined word “they” in the 7th paragraph refers to “________”.A. poorer nationsB. the effects of extensive farmingC. wealthy nationsD.future food demandCAfter a year at sea, 16-year-old Laura Dekker can finally say, “Missionaccomplished!” Last month, she finished a daring trip around the world aboard her 38-foot boat, Guppy. Dekker, who is from theNetherlands, traveled more than 30,000 miles all by herself. She is the youngest person ever to sail around the globe alone.Dekker had wanted to lake on this challenge when she was even younger. She first tried to set sail at the age of 13, but a court in theNetherlandsstopped her. They said that she was too young to make such a risky trip by herself. But Dekker insisted she had the navigation skills and patience of an adult sailor.She finally took off on January 20, 2011. During her trip, Dekker battled loneliness, storms, and worries about pirates. But she also got to surf, scuba dive, and started a new hobby: playing the flute. Although Dekker didn’t spend all of her time at sea—she stopped at ports along the way—she did spend her 16lh birthday on the open ocean. To celebrate, she ate doughnuts for breakfast.But Dekker didn’t sail into the record books. Guinness World Records and the World Sailing Speed Record Council no longer recognize records for “youngest” sailors. They dropped the category in 2009 to discourage children fromattempting such dangerous feats (壮举). But that didn’t stop Dekker,who was born on a yacht during a seven-year world voyage undertaken by her parents.Dekker doesn’t mind that she won’t hold an official record. She says it was a personal goal, and she is happy she achieved it.“I am not disappointed at all that Guinness World Record won’t recognize my attempt.” Dekker wrote on her website. “I did not start on my trip to achieve any record…I did it just for myself.”8. Dekker wasn’t allowed to sail at the age of 13 because .A. people were concerned about her safetyB.she didn’t learn any sailing skills wellC. she had to continue her study at schoolD. she didn’t have enough patience for long trips9. What does the underlined word “accomplished” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Failed.B. Completed.C. Continued.D. Started.10. In 2009 records for youngest sailors were canceled in order to .A. set a higher sailing standard for teen sailorsB. stop children entering Guinness World RecordsC. encourage parents to sail with their childrenD. prevent children making dangerous attempts11. What could be the best title for this passage?A. A New Guinness World Record in SailingB. A New Sailing Standard for Teen SailorsC. A Teen Girl Sailing Alone Aroundthe WorldD. The Youngest Sailor in Guinness World RecordsDAs one of the world’smost popular cultural mediums, cinema is at the leading position at the Taihu World Cultural Forum(论坛), an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges. So far this year, Chinese box office has already topped 58 billion yuan, the China Film Administration said. This indicates that China, the world’s second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world’s top cinema market.Cao Yin, director of the program center at China Movie Channel, said that China has 67,000 cinema screens. the most of any country, and the number is expected to increase to 80,000 by the end of next year. Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with 22 countries (including the United States, Canada, Japan. India etc.) ,Cao added it has deepened cinematic exchanges between Chinese filmmakers and their foreign counterparts (同行).With the country’s huge native market, which produced more than 1,000 films in 2019, Hong Kong director Stanley Tong said he believes foreign filmmakers will increasingly seek cooperation with China. “International coproduction will become an important platform to send Chinese stories oversea and give us a broader vision of creation,” Tong said.Recently, over 80 percent of the world’s top 100 highest box-office titles have been action films. Tong said the films, in which plots are basically secondary to shining stunts (特技), is one of the easiest ways to appeal to foreign audiences. But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas. When asked what kinds of Chinese films would have the most global appeal. Yan Zhaozhu, chairman of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, said stories that address universal issues, such as environmental protection and climate change, are perhaps the best options.12. What is the purpose of the Taihu World Cultural Forum?A. To strengthen cultural exchanges.B. To build more cinemas in China.C. To invite more tourists to Taihu.D. To attract more international investment.13. What can we infer about Cao Yin’s opinion in Paragraph 2?A. Chinese box office has already overtaken the United States so farB. The screens of Chinese cinemas will be world-leading in the futureC. China has signed the most coproduction agreements with other countriesD. There will be more and more cooperations between Chinese filmmakers and other countries.14. How do Chinese filmmakers feel about selling their movies to the world right now?A. Easy.B. Disappointed.C. Challenged.D. Confused.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Box Office: Unclear FutureB. China: Top Second Movie MarketC. Cinema: The Leading Cultural PositionD. Chinese Filmmakers: Severe Competition Situation第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 某渗透装置如图烧杯中盛有蒸馏,图中半透膜允许单糖透过。


从理论上分析,该实验过程中最可能出现的现象是A. 漏斗中液面开始时先上升,加酶后即下降B. 漏斗中液面先上升,加酶后继续上升,然后再下降C. 加酶前后,在烧杯中都可以检测出蔗糖D. 加酶后,可以在烧杯中检测出葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖酶2. 狮子鱼多栖息于温带靠海岸的岩礁或珊瑚礁内,但在马里亚纳海沟7000米以下的深海环境生存着一个通体透明的新物种——超深渊狮子鱼。



下列说法正确的是()A.在海底漆黑环境的诱导下,超深渊狮子鱼的眼睛应已退化B.超深渊狮子鱼与温带靠海岸分布的狮子鱼一定不能交配成功C.在自然选择作用下,超深渊狮子鱼种群与温带靠海岸狮子鱼种群的基因库不同D.在深海环境中,超深渊狮子鱼个体间在斗争过程中相互选择,共同进化3. 如图为真核生物细胞借以维持其基本形态的结构示意图。

据图分析,下列叙述错误的是()A.该结构与细胞的运动.分化等生命活动有关B.该结构是由蛋白质纤维组成的网架结构C.该结构与能量转换无关D.动植物细胞中都存该结构4. 下列关于免疫系统组成和功能的表述,正确的是()A.吞噬细胞属于第二道防线,不参与特异性免疫B.免疫活性物质都是由免疫细胞产生的,具有免疫作用C.抗原进入人体后激起的特异性免疫必然包括体液免疫D.免疫系统对癌细胞的识别和清除属于免疫自稳5. 下列属于人体内环境的组成成分的是()①血液、组织液和淋巴①血浆蛋白、O2和葡萄糖①葡萄糖、CO2和胰岛素①激素、血红蛋白和氨基酸①喝牛奶,进入胃中①口服抗菌药物和唾液淀粉酶①肌肉注射青霉素①精子进入输卵管与卵细胞结合A. ①①①B. ①①①①C. ①①①①①D. ①①①①①①6. 用普通光学显微镜观察组织时,以下叙述正确的是()A.用10倍物镜观察组织时镜头与玻片的距离比用40倍物镜观察时近B.若载玻片上有d,则视野中呈现pC.换上高倍物镜后视野调节的越亮越好D.若将玻片标本向右移动,一污点不动,则污点可能在反光镜上7. 下列有关植物激素或植物生长调节剂的叙述,正确的是()A.西瓜、草莓使用高浓度膨大剂,可以加快长势和增加口感B.用赤霉素处理马铃薯、大蒜,可延长其休眠时间以利于储存C.用一定浓度的乙烯利处理采摘后未成熟的香蕉,可促其成熟D.植物生长调节剂是植物产生的,对植物生长发育有调节作用的化学物质8. RNase P是一种核酸内切酶,由RNA和蛋白质组成。



2019-2020学年佛山顺德区龙江实验学校高三英语第一次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ALocated in the beautiful Sichuan Basin, Chongqing is a magical 8D city. The natural history and cultural scenery of the area provide children with learning opportunities because they can enjoy the many wonders of this area.Fengjie Tiankeng Ground JointTiankeng Diqiao Scenic Area is located in the southern mountainous area of Fengjie County. The Tiankeng pit is 666 meters deep and is currently the deepest tiankeng in the world. The scenic spot is divided into ten areas including Xiaozhai Tiankeng, Tianjingxia Ground, Labyrinth River, and Longqiao River. There are many and weird karst cave shafts, and countless legends haunt them.Youyang Peach GardenYouyang Taohuayuan Scenic Area is a national forest park, a national 5A-level scenic spot, and a national outdoor sports training base. Located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain. The Fuxi Cave in the scenic spot is about 3,000 meters long, with winding corridors, deep underground rivers, and color1 ful stalactites. The landscape is beautiful.Jinyun Mountain National Nature ReserveJinyun Mountain is located in Beibei District of Chongqing City, about 45 kilometers away from the Central District of Chongqing City. The nine peaks of Jinyun Mountain stand upright and rise from the ground. The ancient trees on the mountain are towering, the green bamboos form the forest, the environment is quiet, and the scenery is beautiful, so it is called "Little Emei". Among them, Yujian Peak is the highest, 1050 meters above sea level; Lion Peak is the most precipitous and spectacular, and the other peaks are also unique.Chongqing People's SquareChongqing's Great Hall of the People, one of the landmarks of Chongqing, gives people the deepest impression than its magnificent appearance resembling the Temple of Heaven. It also uses the traditional method of central axis symmetry, with colonnade-style double wings and a tower ending, plus a large green glazed roof, large red pillars, white railings, double-eave bucket arches, and painted carved beams.1.How deep is the Tiankeng Ground Joint?A.666mB.3,000mC.45kmD.1050m2.Which of the following rocks can you see in Youyang Peach Garden?A.LimestoneB.StalactiteC.MarbleD.Quartzite3.Which attraction is closest to downtown Chongqing?A.Fengjie Tiankeng Ground JointB.Jinyun Mountain National Nature ReserveC.Chongqing People's SquareD.Youyang Peach GardenBIf our kids don’t fall, they don’t learn to get up. I still remember the day in high school that my mom forgot to pick me up from school. I’m the oldest of four children, and no doubt she’d had a long day with the other kids and it’d slipped her mind. After waiting at school for an hour, I walked the three miles home, and when I got to my house, I shut our front door with anger, stormed into the kitchen and screamed in my mom’s face that she’d forgotten me.Later that night, my dad told me I no longer had a ride to school the next day. I figured my mom would still take me, but when the morning came, she refused. It was midterm, and as a straight-A student ready to start college applications, being late wasn’t an option (选择). In my mind, missing these tests would have been the end of my academic career. I begged my mom. I told her she was ruining my future and everything I’d worked for. But sheheld her ground, and that day, I walked to school. And I missed my tests.My mom didn’t rescue me from failure. She let me suffer from it. She let me figure it out. She let me learn. Now, as a mom myself, I’ve realized that I want my kids to experience failure because failure is how we grow, learn and think outside of ourselves. It’s how we self-educate to learn what’s right and respectable, and what’s not. It’s how we become responsible and enthusiastic. Falling down makes us better because we learn how to get up.4. What is one of the reasons that the author got angry that day?A. She was tired.B. She failed in a test.C. She was late for school.D. She had to walk home by herself.5. How does the author feel about her childhood experience?A. Terrible.B. Meaningful.C. Embarrassing.D. Colorful.6. The underlined phrase “held her ground” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.A. gave in to meB. said yes to meC. stayed in the placeD. kept to her idea7. What is the best title for the text?A. My Way of GrowingB. The Value of FailureC. My Love for MotherD. Failure in My LifeCA Virginia teen is doing his part to make sure frontline health care workers are getting the meals they need to help them take care of themselves and others.Arul Nigam, 17, of Tyson's Corner, Va. , has had to make several adjustments since his school year ended abruptly in mid-March due to the coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情).“We didn'thave any classes for like over a month and then after that there were a lot of technical difficulties. So I started to have a lot more free time,” he tells Yahoo Life. “It was really saddening, but it was also something that really surprised me, that our health care workers are facing something like that,” Nigam says. “So I wanted to see what I could do to help them because obviously, they're sacrificing so much and giving so much for all of us. ”In late March, the teen started fundraising efforts with the help of friends and family to help these health care workers receive much-needed meals. He also began doing research about what hospitals had the most amount of coronavirus cases, so he could prioritize those places first. He was also arranging for the orders to be fulfilled at local family-owned restaurants impacted by shutdown orders. So far, Nigam has delivered over 1,000 meals to 22 hospitals in 13 states, including New York, Massachusetts and Maryland.Nigam's efforts have not only helped health care workers, but restaurants as well. With quarantine restrictionstaking a toll onthe food industry, places like Best Coast Burrito in Oakland, Calif. , have lost business over the last few weeks. Best Coast's owner,Alvin Shen, tells Yahoo Life that being able to partner with Arul and others in efforts to feed those on the frontline has been a big help.8. What would Nigam probably do according to his words?A. Study at home by himself.B. Spend the more free time playing.C. Donate some money to health care workers.D. Do something helpful for health care workers.9. What is Nigam's priority when delivering food?A. The urgency of meals.B. The severity of the virus.C. The number of doctors.D. The position of hospitals.10. What does the phrase “taking a toll on” in the last paragraph mean?A. Turning a blind eye to.B. Keeping an eye on.C Causing lots of damage to.D. Answering completely for.11. Where can you probably read this text?A. Science fiction.B. Fashion magazine.C. Life magazine.D. Entertainment newspaper.DI cried the first time I saw the Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院)years ago. I'd waited my entire life to see this great French architecture, and experienced it in its full glory on a bright sunny day. Last night, I again cried for the centuries-old church while watching it burn.I hadn't expected to spend my evening that way. My friend and I were having dinner at a cafe a block or so away from the Notre Dame, choosing to skip going inside with the intention to go back the next day.However, we heard that it caught fire, so we left the cafe and ran towards the church, following heavy smoke from it, and soon we joined a nearly silent crowd. Some were praying, some were crying, but most were staring in disbelief at the disaster happening before us. The fire continued to get worse. About 400 firefighters were working to control the fire. We could see their flashlights shining as they inspected the front from a balcony.The Notre Dame is part of the heartbeat ofParis, I reflected on the experiences I've had there, from attending a bread market out front to admiring the beautiful windows and architecture inside. It is a spot that helps makeParismagical. And here we were, watching it burn down. It was too much to handle, but it was impossible to look away.About 9:30 pm, the gathered crowd spontaneously(自发地)began to sing Hymns(圣歌)to the church. We sang along with the group, feeling at once less like tourists and more like members of them. I hadn't imagined all that before.For hundreds of years, the Notre Dame hasseen the most joyous and the most terrible moments in the lives of both France and her people. And when everyone was able to become one emotional force, it showed that even in her darkest hour, the Notre Dame was still there to bring us all together.12. Why did the author cry for the Notre Dame for the first time?A. She was touched by its greatness.B. She was sorrowful to watch it burn.C. She was regretful for missing its glory.D. She was excited about French cultures.13. What was the author doing when the Notre Dame caught fire?A. Heading for a faraway cafe.B. Visiting a church with a friend.C. Eating nearby with a friend.D. Wandering along the street alone.14. What can we know about the fire scene?A. People expressed their sadness in different ways.B. People were nervously rushing in different directions.C. Hundreds of volunteers joined in putting out the fire.D. Firefighters kept people away with shining flashlights.15. What impressed the author most?A. The church allowed visitors to gaingreat experiences.B. Many foreign tourists became members of the church.C. The church survived disasters for hundreds of years.D. People were brought together to sing to the church.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020年佛山顺德区龙江实验学校高三英语一模试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASan Francisco Bay Area is a great place if you're a sports fan as you'll find several events all year round and plenty of team pride. If you are anywhere close to the area during a game,these fantastic sports events are here for you.San Francisco Giants BaseballThe San Francisco Giants baseball team plays in SF at Oracle Park. This is a fun ballpark because it's always packed with great energy and offers views of the bay. It's one of the most popular San Francisco sports events. The Giants are part of the National League West Division. Since their arrival here in 1958,they have been World Series Champions three times.Golden State Warriors BasketballThe fan base of the Golden State Warriors distributes the whole San Francisco Bay Area as this region's only NBA team.Their regular season runs from late October through mid-April, and all home games are played at the Chase Center in San Francisco.In total, the Warriors has won six NBA championships.San Francisco 49ers FootballThe 49ers are San Francisco's NFL team, though they have recently moved to Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, about an hour south of SF. The football team was named for the prospectors (探矿者) who arrived in the area in 1849 for the Gold Rush. They’ve won 5 Super Bowl championships, all between 1981 and 1994.San Jose Sharks HockeyThe San Jose Sharks represent the Bay Area in hockey (冰球).They were founded in 1991 as the only Bay Area team to compete in the NHL. Sharks fans love going to these San Francisco sports events at the SAP Center,which they call the Shark Tank,located about an hour southeast of SF.1.Where can a sports fan have a good view of the area?A.The Oracle Park.B.The Chase Center.C.Levi's Stadium.D.The SAP Center2.Which team has claimed the most titles according to the text?A.The Giants.B.The Golden State Warriors.C.The 49ers.D.The San Jose Sharks.3.Where is the passage probably taken from?A.A book review.B.A news report.C.A science fiction.D.A tourist magazine.BAccording to statistics published by the BPI (Buying Power Index) a couple of months ago, digital streaming (流媒体) now accounts for 80 percent of the music consumption in the UK. Despite the incredible growth of online streaming platforms like iTunes, Apple Music and Tidal over the past 15 years, a more traditional medium has also seen a return of interest and sales in the music industry. In 2020, almost one in five of all albums purchased in the UK is vinyl (黑胶唱片), and it has once again become the most popular physical musical medium.With digital streaming so easy and convenient, why are so many peopledrawn to traditional records? Some experts claim that vinyl is a physical medium for experiencing music, something tangible (有形的) to hold and own. For most people, having something tangible and interacting with it gives depth to the experience of music. Listening to an album and touching it the way the artist intended can make them feel more connected to the music and the artist. Records are physical products that can be not only displayed but also gifted, shared, traded and passed down through generations.Sound quality is another hot topic. A lot of music lovers feel that the analogue sound (模拟声音) vinyl offers is superior to modern digital audio, particularly with regards to the compressed formats streaming platforms use. There’s a common belief that old-school analogue audio has a warmer, fuller sound than digitised music. For vinyl followers, the very defect traditional recorders often have, such as the familiar crackle (劈啪作响) when the record starts, bring the music to life in a different way.There’s aritualisticaspect to vinyl that a lot of people are drawn to, too. The act of putting a record on—carefully removing the record from the sleeve, placing it on the record player and gently dropping the needle on the right groove (凹槽)—is a more assiduous (一丝不苟的), mindful way of engaging with music. When you’re listening to vinyl, you can’t tap abutton and go about your day while the streaming service provides hours of music. You need to stay close to the record player to move the needle and flip the record over.It’s clear that the vinyl interest is well underway, and vinyl records are truly making a comeback. In an increasingly digital society, there’s something to be said for analogue experiences. Perhaps one of the great things about being alive in the 21st century is our ability to have the best of both worlds—the timeless appeal of physical records alongside the easy access to vast music libraries that streaming offers.4. What are the statistics published by the BPI used to show?A. An increase in music consumption.B. The recovery of music industry.C. A comeback of a physical medium.D. The acceptance of online streaming.5. According to some experts, why does vinyl interest many people?A. It attracts people by its realistic feel.B. It offers simple access to different music.C. It shares a new way to enjoy music.D. It provides people with perfect sound effect.6. The underlined word “ritualistic” in Para.4 means something ______.A. Overlooked by society.B. Updated very frequently.C. Performed as part of a ceremony.D. Kept for a long time without changing.7. How does the writer feel about the future development of music medium?A. Traditional records will get underway.B. The analogue experiences may matter more.C. Vinyl sales will boom with technological advance.D. There should be a good mix of old and new.CWhether for a special holiday, as a way of showing gratitude or just a way of letting someone know you care, gift giving is a universal custom Though the purpose may be similar from place to place, traditions vary widely from one country to the next. A behavior that shows respect in one place might be consideredoffensivesomewhere else. Take a look at unique gifting traditions from around the world.Here in theUS, a set of kitchen knives seems like the perfect gift idea for a wedding. However, in certain European countries likeGermany, people believe that a knife presented as a gift will cut off your friendship. There is a way to break it: Tie a coin to the knife or gift box. The receiver then returns the coin to you as a “payment”to remove the bad luck.There's a well-known Italian wedding tradition where the groom's (新郎) tie is cut into a number of tinypieces. Wedding guests can then "buy” these tie pieces in exchange for cash. It's a fun way to give money to the new couple thatleaves guests with a wedding souvenir.As left hands are considered unclean in Indian culture, behaviors such as touching, passing money, or giving gifts are to be done with the right hand. Different from some other cultures , an odd number (奇数) of thingsor currency represents good luck. For example, £11 should be given rather than £10.InZimbabwe, it is common to directly ask for a gift. When you receive a gift without asking for it, even if the giver's family is poor, it's the worst way to reject the offering. Also, expressing thanks with actions is better than giving thanks orally (口头地).These may include jumping up and down, dancing, or whistling.8. What does the underlined word “offensive“ in paragraph 1 refer to?A. Rude.B. Creative.C. Suitable.D. Caring.9. How do people prevent friendship breaking down when giving gifts like knives?A. The guests cut the groom's tie into pieces.B. The receiver returns the coin to the giver.C. The giver gives gifts with the right hand.D. The receiver expresses thanks by dancing.10. What can we learn about the gift giving inZimbabwe?A. It is not proper to ask for a gift directly.B. It's better to reject a gift from a poor family.C. One can express thanks by writing letters.D. Showing gratitude with actions is better than words.11. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. The Wayof Showing GratitudeB. A Fun Behavior to Respect PeopleC. Various Gift Giving TraditionsD. A Special Custom of Gift GivingDAs I work in theLarkwhistle Garden in Dyer's Bay, Ontario, I take my time and the garden is teaching me about working with the earth. I recognize that there will be both successes and failures and there are many variables(变量)that affect them both.The quality of the seeds planted has a bearing on how the plants will grow. The weather can be too hot, too cold, or exactly right, and usually varies between all three. Weeds seem to grow in the garden and need to be taken care of, pulled, and removed to ensure they do not eat into the fruits, vegetables, and flowers we have so lovingly planted.I take time to stand back and rest, and to observe the plants and how they are growing. Each plant is unique and develops in the way that is best for them. Some have large broad leaves to shadow their fruit from the severe rays of the sun, while other plants are more open, their fruit needing the light to grow and ripen.Getting my hands dirty, feeling the sweat on my forehead, and the strength and flexibility of my body as I dig, bend and work under the warm summer sun, reminds me I am alive in ways I would not have remembered sitting on the couch.It is attractive to move things around, to transplant, and to disturb the natural order of how plants grow. The garden teaches me that it is important to know when to disturb things and when to let them be. The garden's life cycle follows a pattern that is repeated according to laws of nature, birth, growth, and then dies and it teaches us to accept this fact.12. How many variables may affect the growth of plants in the garden?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.13. What can we learn about the author?A. He feels exhausted while gardening.B. He enjoys life from working practice.C. He takes pleasure in harvesting fruits.D. He dreams away his time in the garden.14. How is the garden tended by the author?A. Its rank grass is got rid of.B. Its plants are left to grow freely.C. Its temperature is controlled properly.D. Its plants with large broad leaves are cut off.15. What fact does the author learn from gardening?A. Life takes its course.B. Hard work benefits health.C. Time is short and precious.D. Gardening brings good harvest.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

























2019-2020学年佛山顺德区龙江实验学校高三英语第一次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Rechargeable Go!☑The digital sound processing chip(芯片) provides clear sound and makes speech easier to understand with less whistling sound☑Never replace batteries again!Full Charge Gives 16 Hours of Use! (Free Charging Station Included)☑Easy On/ Off Button☑Automatic Noise Reduction and Feedback Canceler☑100% Money Back Guarantee5 Star Reviews☑☑☑☑☑Amazing!"My sisters had all given up hope that our elderly mother would hear us clearly again. And then we took a chance. We're so glad we did. They've been amazing for her, and for our entire family."-Karen M.The new HearClear GO Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aids feature advanced digital technology at an unbelievably affordable price! The GO has the same key elements that all high-end digital hearing aids share while leaving out fancy bells and whistles that increase cost and require expensive adjustments. You'll be happier saving much money!Your lightweight GO hearing aids are amazingly convenient! With the GO'S charging station, you won't have to keep replacing tiny hearing aid batteries, and the GO is pre-programmed for most mild to moderate hearing loss-no costly professional adjustments needed.You can spend thousands on an expensive hearing aid, or you can spend just $ 239 on a hearing aid that's great for most mild to moderate hearing loss (only $ 199 each when you buy a pair). We're so sure you'll be happy with your new hearing aids.1. Which is the feature of the GO?A. It removes noises.B. It has separate on/ off buttons.C. It includes small batteries.D. It focuses on practical functions.2. Why does the author refer to Karen?A. To prove the GO's popularity.B. To explain the GO'S function.C. To convey the family's amazement.D. To show the GO'S high performance.3. How much do you pay for a pair of the GO?A. $ 199.B. $ 239.C. $ 398.D. $ 478.BEarthquakes are a natural disaster—except when they're man-made. The oil and gas industry has forcefully used the technique known as hydraulic fracturing (水力压裂法) to destroy sub-surface rock and liberate the oil and gas hiding there. But the process results in large amounts of chemical-filled waste water. Horizontal drilling (水平钻孔) for oil can also produce large amount of natural, unwanted salt water. The industry deals with this waste water by pumping it into deep wells.On Monday, the US Geological Survey published for the first time an earthquake disaster map covering both natural and “induced” quakes. The map and a report show that parts of the central United States now face a ground-shaking disaster equal to the famously unstable terrain (不稳定地形) of California.Some 7 million people live in places easily attacked by these man-made quakes, the USGS said The list of places at highest risk of man-made earthquakes includes Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio and Alabama. Most of these earthquakes are ly small, in the range of magnitude (震级) 3, but some have been more powerful, including a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in 2011 in Oklahoma that was connected to waste water filling.Scientists said they do not know ifthere is an upper limit on the magnitude of man-made earthquakes; this is an area of active research Oklahoma has had prehistoric earthquakes as powerful as magnitude 7.It's not immediately clear whether this new research will change industry practices, or even whether it will surprise anyone in the areas of newly supposed danger. In Oklahoma, for example, the natural rate of earthquakes is only one or two a year, but there have been hundreds since hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, with thewaste water filling, became common in the last ten years.4. What kind of human activities can cause earthquakes?A. The man-made produced waste water in the factories.B. The process of digging deep wells in those poor areas.C. The advanced techniques used to deal with waste water.D. The oil or gas industry's work connected with the earth.5. What does the underlined word “induced” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Man-made.B. Reduced.C. Newly-built.D. Controlled.6. How much magnitude can man-made earthquakes reach?A. It's been said as small as magnitude 3.B. It has been said as high as magnitude 7.C. It's being studied without a final conclusion.D. It has risen by an average of magnitude 5. 6.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Natural Earthquakes in America Are Disappearing NowB. 7 Million Americans at Risk of Man-Made EarthquakesC. Time for Oil and Gas Industry Change Their Working PracticeD. More Often Earthquakes as Powerful as Magnitude 7 in AmericaCI am a part of the Windward Robotics team known as the Omnicats, one of the many clubs offered at my school. My eight teammates and I started out by watching the robotics qualifiers and finals of Chinese teams. We used these robotics videos for inspiration and drew up mind maps of what our team wanted to do.We meet every day for two hours after school in order to build our robots. Typically, adultsoverseewhat students are building, but my school lets teens take control. It leaves room for more errors, but we're prouder of our final product.Before our first real match, a practice was offered at the actual site. My sub-team had been further along than other teams but quickly fell behind. When we arrived on that big day, I immediately felt my teammates' nervousness. Our first match was in three minutes. All of us glanced around at each other since we were not prepared at all. Our robot was still sitting in a box. Two of our teammates rushed to take the robot for an officialexamination as the rest of us discussed our strategy (策略).Our team captain explained that we all should try driving the robot now, while it was early in the season. She gave me the remote. I had only driven for a limited amount of time in practice so I was extremely nervous. Our autonomous code (自动代码) beganto run almost immediately after our short discussion. Despite all the drama, we ended up winning the match.Not too bad for the first match! I was so proud. I did not enjoy the pressure of driving but liked building the robot behind the scenes instead.We have transferred to a different type of robotics at the end of the semester, which involves the whole team designing one giant robot with large tools. I am a part of the electrical team now, so I make sure the motherboard (母板) can supply the robot's energy needs. We have all enjoyed the rest of the season and learned that robotics it never dull!8. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. InspectB. AdmireC. OverlookD. Assume9. Why did her teammatesfed so nervous before first match?A. Because it was really too difficult for them.B. Because they didn't prepare for it at all.C. Because they didn't know what the match would be like.D. Because they didn't make full preparations before the match.10. How did the author feel about their first robotics match?A. It was tiring but exciting.B. It was stressful but wonderful.C. It was terrible but powerful.D. It was boring but professional11. What is the best title for the text?A. A Girl Who Loves RobotsB. My First Robotics MatchC. Teamwork for RobotsD. Robotics Is Never DullDWolves have a certain undeserved reputation: fierce, dangerous, good forhunting down deer and farmers’ livestock. However, wolves have a softer, more social side, one that has been embraced by a heart-warming new initiative.In a bid to save some of Europe’s last wolves, scientists have explored the willingness of these supposedlyfierce creatures to help others of their kind. Female wolves, the scientists have discovered, make excellent foster parents to wolf cubs that are not their own. The study, published in Zoo Biology, suggests that captive-bred wolfcubs(幼兽)could be placed with wild wolf families, boosting the wild population.The gray wolf was once the world’s most widely distributed mammal, but it became extinct as a result of widespread habitat destruction and the deliberate killing of wolves suspectedof preying on livestock. Fear and hatred of the wolf have since become culturally rooted, fuelled by myths, fables and stories.In Scandinavia, the gray wolf is endangered, the remaining population found by just five animals. As a result, European wolves are severely inbred and have little geneticvariability(变异性), making them vulnerable to threats, such as outbreaks of disease that they can’t adapt to quickly. So Inger Scharis and Mats Amundin of Linkoping University, in Sweden, started Europe’s first gray wolf-fostering program. They worked with wolves keptat seven zoos across Scandinavia. Eight wolf cubs between four and six days old were removed from their natural parents and placed with other wolf packs in other zoos. The foster mothers accepted the new cubs placed in their midst.The welfare of the foster cubs and the wolves’ natural behavior were monitored using a system of surveillance cameras. The foster cubs had a similar growth rate as their step siblings in the recipient litter, as well as their biological siblings in the source litter. The foster cubs had a better overall survival rate, with 73% surviving until 33 weeks, than their biological siblings left behind, of which 63% survived. That rate of survival is similar to that seen in wild wolf cubs. Scientists believe that wolves can recognize their young, but this study suggests they can only do so once cubs are somewhere between three to seven weeks of age.If captive-bred cubs can be placed with wild-living families, which already have cubs of a similar age, not only will they have a good chance of survival, but they could help dramatically increase the diversity of the wild population, say the researchers. Just like the wild wolves they would join, these foster cubs would need protection from hunting. Their arrival could help preserve the future of one of nature’s most iconic and polarizing animals.12. What’s the theme of the passage?A. Giving wolf cubs a new lifeB. Foster wolf parents and foster cubsC. The fate of wild wolvesD. Changing diversity of wild wolves13. Which of the following flow chart best demonstrates the relationship between the wolves?A. B.C. D.14. Which of the following statements is true?A. Female wolves are willing to raise wolf cubs of 3 to 7 weeks old.B. Foster cubs are accepted by foster parents and are well bred.C. Man’s hostile attitude towards wolves roots in myths, fables and stories.D. Foster cubs and their biological siblings have similar growth rate and survival rate.15. What’s the purpose of the research?A. To help wolves survive various threatsB. To improve wolves’ habitat and stop deliberate killingC. To save endangered wolves by increasing their populationD. To raise man’s awareness of protecting wolves第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 如果成千上万只昆虫生活在一株大树上,鸟又以该树上的昆虫为食。

那么树、昆虫和鸟的能量金字塔应是()A. B. C. D.2. 下列关于实验操作步骤的叙述中,正确的是()A.用于鉴定还原糖的斐林试剂甲液和乙液,可直接用于蛋白质的鉴定B.鉴定还原糖时,要加入斐林试剂甲液摇匀后,再加入乙液,且必须要现配现用C.用于鉴定蛋白质的双缩脲试剂A液与B液要混合均匀后,再加入含样品的试剂中D.脂肪的鉴定实验中需要用显微镜才能看到被苏丹Ⅲ染成橘黄色的脂肪颗粒3. 下列有关蛋白质种类(或类型)与其功能的对应关系中,不正确的是()A.肌动蛋白-结构蛋白B.抗体-催化功能C.血红蛋白-运输功能D.胰岛素-信息传递功能4. 下列关于生长素的叙述,不正确的是()A.在植物体内可以进行极性运输和非极性运输B.在植物体中含量很少,主要分布在生长旺盛的部位C.既可以催化细胞代谢,又可以给细胞传达调节代谢的信息D.主要合成部位是芽、幼嫩的叶和发育中的种子5. 下列有关细胞间信息交流的说法,不正确的是()A. 不同细胞之间必须相互接触才能传递信息B. 能在细胞之间传递信息的物质并不都是激素C. 髙等植物细胞间的胞间连丝有信息交流的作用D. 细胞间的信息交流有利于整个生物体完成相应的生命活动6. T细胞内HIV的遗传物质RNA不能直接翻译成蛋白质;结核杆菌可以边转录边翻译出蛋白质;酵母菌的mRNA从核孔出来之后才能翻译成蛋白质。

下列有关上述材料的叙述,错误的是A.不同生物的mRNA的基本组成单位相同B.细菌中蛋白质的合成可以在拟核区进行C.以上三种生物的遗传信息的传递遵循的中心法则各不相同D.碱基序列相同的DNA分子控制合成的蛋白质可能不同7. 下列与生物实验有关的叙述,错误的是()A.斐林试剂和双缩脲试剂所含有的化学成分种类相同B.检测花生种子匀浆中是否含有脂肪需要使用显微镜C.实验中对无关变量的控制要求为各组实验均相同且处于适宜状态D.观察植物细胞有丝分裂中,装片的制作流程是:解离→漂洗→染色→制片8. 某肽链由51个氨基酸组成,如果用肽酶将其分解成1个二肽、2个五肽、3个六肽、3个七肽,则这些短肽的氨基总数的最小值、肽键总数、分解成这些小分子肽所需水分子总数依次是()A. B.C. D.9. 下列有关A TP叙述,正确的是()A. A TP是生物体内主要的能源物质B. 一个ATP分子中只含有1个高能磷酸键C. A TP中的高能磷酸键非常稳定,不容易断裂D. A TP直接为生物体的各种需能反应提供能量10. 将某种植物的成熟细胞放入一定浓度的物质A溶液中,发现其原生质体(即植物细胞中细胞壁以内的部分)的体积变化趋势如图所示。





1. 以下有关细胞大小和分裂的叙述,正确的是A.细胞体积越小,表面积也越小,物质运输效率越低B.原核细胞只能通过无丝分裂增加数目C.人的成熟红细胞可以进行有丝分裂,蛙的红细胞能进行无丝分裂D.细胞不能无限长大的原因之一是细胞核中的DNA不会随着细胞体积的增大而增加2. 某科研小组探究pH对月鳢胰蛋白酶活性的影响,结果如图所示,下列有关叙述正确的是()A.pH过低和过高时胰蛋白酶活性降低的原因相同B.pH过高或过低会促使胰蛋白酶水解成氨基酸,从而使其失活C.该实验可利用双缩脲试剂检测因pH过高导致的胰蛋白酶被破坏的程度D.pH由过低升高到过高时,酶的活性先升高后降低3. 下列有关质壁分离与复原的叙述正确的是()A. 能否发生质壁分离与复原可作为判断动物细胞是否为活细胞的依据B. 发生质壁分离的细胞,细胞壁和原生质层之间的液体为清水C. 在质壁分离与复原实验中,可将细胞中液泡体积的变化作为观察指标D. 将洋葱根尖分生区细胞放在0.3g/ml的蔗糖溶液中,能观察到明显质壁分离现象4. 如下图所示,用燕麦胚芽鞘做实验,可使其发生向右弯曲生长的是A.B.C.D.5. 下列各项中,不可能造成组织水肿的是()A.患有肾小球肾炎,蛋白质随尿液排出体外B.摄入蛋白质不足,营养不良,血浆蛋白含量下降C.食物过咸,细胞外液渗透压升高,肾小管重吸收水分增多D.药物或食物过敏,毛细血管通透性改变,血浆蛋白渗出6. 在无人为因素的干扰下,群落演替的总趋势是()A.物种多样性的增加和群落稳定性的提高B.物种多样性的减少和群落稳定性的降低C.物种多样性的增加和群落稳定性的降低D.物种多样性的减少和群落稳定性的提高7. 下列相关实验与科学方法对应错误的是()A. 丹尼利和戴维森探索膜成分实验——归纳法B. 观察叶绿体和细胞质流动——显微观察法C. 制作真核细胞三维结构模型——建构模型法D. 分离细胞中的细胞器——差速离心法8. 人体内的吞噬细胞能吞噬入侵的病菌、细胞碎片和衰老的红细胞。



2019-2020学年佛山市顺德区龙江中学高三英语一模试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATheBest Placeto Camp in Each StateWashington-SecondBeach, Olympic National ParkCampers put up their tents right on the sand of thisPacific Northwestbeach. Make a campfire, photograph sunset over the sea and try to absorb this charming spot with your entire being.Alaska-Bartlett Cove Campground, Glacier (冰川) Bay National ParkIn a state full of natural riches,Glacier Bayis a wonder, home to high peaks, whales, 700 miles of coastline, and light blue glaciers that flow directly into the sea. Set within temperate rainforest along Bartlett Cove, the park's only campground is impressively green and an easy jumping-off point for boat tours.Arizona-Havasupai Campground, Havasupai ReservationGetting to Havasupai is a challenge. Permits are snatched (剥夺) up almost instantly, and even if you get one it's a 10-mile hike from the border to reach this rural campground that hugs Havasu Creek. Make the journey, however, and you're rewarded with a series of great waterfalls and natural pools.Arkansas-BuffaloNationalRiverAmerica's first national river travels 135 miles through the Ozark Mountains, winding its way over rapids, forming peaceful pools and passing rocky cliffs topped by green forest. Plan a float trip and absorb the scenery ata leisurely pace, pausing for hikes to visitLostValley's caves or the 200-foot waterfalls.1.Which state may attract people preferring glaciers?A.Alaska.B.Washington.C.Arizona.D.Arkansas.2.What makesArizonaa popular camp choice among tourists?A.The blue glaciers and green rainforests.B.The winding national river and cliffs.C.The soaring peaks and long coastline.D.The beautiful waterfalls and pools.3.What can you do when camping inArkansas?A.Take a long trip on foot.B.Visit caves and waterfalls.C.Put up a well-equipped tent.D.Enjoy a view of sunset.BAccording to the study posted onScienceDirect, gardening just two to three times a week increase the benefits of better well-being as much as possible and lower stress levels.The research explored why residents engaged with gardening and the extent to which they recognized any health benefits from the activity.A questionnaire was handed out electronically within theUK, with 5,766 gardeners and 249 non-gardeners responding. Data was collected on factors including garden typology(类型学), frequency of gardening and individual awareness of health and well-being."This is the first time the dose response(剂量效应)to gardening has been tested and the evidence from the survey strongly suggests that the more frequently you garden, the greaterthe health benefits," said Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) lead author Dr Lauriane Chalmin-Pui. In fact, gardening every day has the same positive impact on well-being than undertaking regular and powerful exercise like cycling or running.When gardening, our brains are pleasantly entertained by nature around us. Gardening takes our attention away from ourselves and our stresses, therefore, it helps restore our minds and reduce unfavorable feelings.Improving health, however, was not the main motive power to garden, but rather the direct pleasure gardening brought to the participants."Gardening is like effortless exercise because it doesn't feel as exhausting and hard as going to the gym, for example, but we canexpendsimilar amounts of energy," Chalmin-Pui added.Most people say they garden for pleasure and enjoyment, so people who like gardening may be easy to be addicted to it. However, this sometimes may become a piece of good news, from the aspect of mental health. "We hope all the millions of new gardeners will be getting their daily gardening and feeling all the better for it. " Chalmin-Pui said in the interview.4. What can be inferred about gardening from the survey?A. Improving health is the aim of the participants.BGardening makes no difference to health.C. Health benefits from frequent gardening.D. Too much gardening always does harm to health.5. What does the underlined word "expend" mean in paragraph 7?A. Consume.B. Make use of.C. Increase.D. Save.6. Why do so many participantslike gardening?A. It isn't exhausting.B. It is good for health.C. It brings pleasure.D. It is like going to the gym.7. What is Chalmin-Pui's attitude to the new gardeners' gardening?A. Carefree.B. SupportiveC. Tolerant.D. Indifferent.CJoshua Nelson, 18, fromMissouri, is graduating fromSt. CharlesWestHigh Schoolthis week and will be attendingSoutheastMissouriStatein the fall. He had saved upmoney to pay for his tuition, but when he received the college's President's Scholarship, he decided to take his savings and donate it to other students in need.“It comes from my family education and faith," Nelson said. "I've always lived by strong principles as far as being a cheerful giver andhaving an open handwhen it comes to giving back so I feel like that really motivated me.”SEMO's President's Scholarship is the school’s most celebrated, and is only awarded to five top students annually. Nelsonsaid he sat down and outlined how a scholarship could work to help future students who need financial assistance for college. Originally the plan was to give away $ 1,000 the one time, but then he met up with his counselor (顾问), Yolanda Curry, to work outa game plan.“I wasn't expecting it at all!” Curry said. "He told me he had a great idea and wanted to share it with me. I could tell he was really excited.Nelson, in association with his high school, set up the Joshua Nelson Leaders In Action Scholarship fund. Each year, $1,000 will be awarded to a senior. The money will come from donations, of which there have been $16,000 so far — for a total of $17,435 at last count, according to the school. With the money already in the fund, there's enough to give out a scholarship each year for over a decade. The first scholarship was awarded on June 1 to Darrell Montalvo-Luna. As the first recipient, his scholarship was $2,000.“Joshua has the heart of a servant leader. He leads by example and he's genuinely excited when good things happen for other people," Curry said. "He's an encouragement — he's good at building others up and does what he can to help encourage and motivate those around.8. What did Nelson's initial donation come from?A. His scholarship.B. His savings.C. His pocket money.D. His wages.9. What does the underlined phrase "having an open hand" in paragraph 2 mean?A. Ambitious.B. Courageous.C. Generous.D. Cautious.10. How did Curry feel when hearing Nelson's idea?A. Shocked.B. Confused.C. Excited.D. Delighted.11. What can be inferred about the Joshua Nelson Leaders In Action Scholarship fund?A. It never supports high school students.B. It was set up more than ten years ago.C. It was founded by Nelson and Curry.D. It is going very smoothly.DWhen an animal species is considered endangered, it means that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has evaluatedit as nearly extinct, which means that a majority of its population has already died off and the rate of birth is lower than the species’death rate. Today, more and more animal and plant species are on the way to extinction because of a variety of major factors that cause a species to become endangered, and as you might expect, humans play a role in quite a few of them — in fact, the biggest threat to endangered animals is human encroachment (侵入) on their habitats.Every species needs a habitat, where an animal finds food, raises its young. Unfortunately, humans destroy animal habitats in a number of different ways: building houses, clearing forests to getlumberand to plant crops, draining rivers to bring water to those crops, and making streets and parking lots.In addition, human development pollutes the environment with all kinds of chemicals, which destroys food sources and shelters for the creatures and plants of that area. As a result, some species die out while others are pushed into areas where they can’t find food and shelters — to make matters worse, when one animal population suffers, it affects many other species in its food web, so more than one species’population is likely to decrease.Habitat destruction is the number one reason for animal endangerment, which is why conservation groups work hard to repair the effects of human developments — many non-profit groups like the Nature Conservancy are taking measures to clean up coastlines and establish nature preserves to prevent further harm to native environments and species around the world.12. A species is considered endangered________.A. when the IUCN has noticed its population changeB. when most of its population has died offC. when the species’ birth rate is close to its death rateD. when the species is losing its habitat13. What does the underlined word “lumber” probably mean?A. Gas.B. Food.C. Chemicals.D. Wood.14. What is being done to protect the endangered species?A. Calling for human development.B. Raising money.C. Establishing nature preserves.D. Educating people.15. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Habitat destruction causes animal endangerment.B. Animals die out due to environment pollution.C. Measures need to be taken to increase species.D. Non-profit groups are making great contributions.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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顺德区龙江镇2019 学年第二学期第一次教学质量检测七年级语文试卷说明:1.全卷共 8 页,满分 120 分。

考试用时为 120 分钟。


用 2B 铅笔把对应号码的标号涂黑。



4.本试卷设有附加题,共 10 分,考生可答可不答;该题得分作为补偿分计入总分,但全卷最后得分不得超过 120 分。



一、基础(24 分)1.根据课文默写古诗文。

(10 分)(1)独坐幽篁里,□□□□□。




(2 分)(5)请把岑参的《逢入京使》默写完整。

(4 分)□□□□□□□,□□□□□□□。



(4 分)(1)他并没有先“说”,但他“做”了,做出了zhuóyuè()的成绩。

(2)bān lán( )的山雕,奔驰的鹿群,带着松香气味的煤块,带着赤色的足金。

(3)我们谈到红军,谈到kē juān zá shuì( ),谈到她在这里的生活情形。

(4)“jūɡōnɡjìn cuì(),死而后已”正好准确地描述了他的一生。




D.为了揭开“天书”神秘的面纱,林国恩近 9 年来可谓沥.尽.心.血.。





(将“谣言、”或“、流言广为流传”删掉)5.请用一句话概括下面这则消息的主要内容,不超过 20 个字。

(4 分)乐观不仅能使人感到年轻,美国的一项研究发现,乐观可能有助于提高人体抵抗疾病的免疫力。




(1)请用一句话概括材料的主要信息,不超过 20 字。

(2 分)(2)请以“乐观”为描述对象,用上一种修辞手法,写一句话。

(2 分)二、(46 分)(一)(10分)孙权劝学初,权谓吕蒙曰:“卿今当涂掌事,不可不学!”蒙辞以军中多务。






(3 分)(1)辞.以军中多务( ) (2)及.鲁肃过寻阳( ) (3)即更.刮目相待( ) 7.把下列句子翻译成现代汉语。

( 4 分)(1)但当涉猎,见往事耳。









”(选自《寓林折枝》) 9.下列各组句子中,加点词语意思相同的一项是( )(3 分)A.颇能文./文.不加点B.初.赴童试讫/初.,权谓吕蒙曰C.及.揭案竟不录/及.鲁肃过寻阳D.只就.黑砚抻写/蒙乃始就.学10.请用三条“/”给文中画线的句子断句。

(3 分)尹检视原卷则是用笔淡如薄雾乍有乍无不可辨识11.文章借这个“世家子”的故事讽刺什么?(3 分)(三)(10分)器成还须久为功邝西曦①人才的成长也是有过程的,一旦超出科学界限,所谓的速成只会营造“海市蜃楼”般的幻影。






“我报名了翻译速成班,一个月就能拿下口译资格证”“我加了个减肥群,10 天极速变苗条”“我刚买了明星快速养成手册,正在琢磨如何一夜成名”……急于工作,急于恋爱,急着看成效,似乎成为唯恐落后于时代节拍的“紧箍咒”。












⑦“十年法则”认为,每个领域的大师都需要 10 年左右的勤学苦练;“一万小时定律”指出,从平凡到超凡的跨越,需要经历一万个小时的稳扎稳打。














(4 分)(四)(17分)同行的时光①旧历八月的北方小镇,碧空如洗,阳光柔软而熨帖——真是一年里最好的时光了。

















