公共管理专业英语 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿





公共物品( Public goods)和公共事务( Public affairs )是公共管理中的两个重要概念。

41. 公共物品公共物品是和私人物品相对应的概念。


2. 公共事务所谓“公共事务” ,是指涉及社会全体公众整体的生活质量和共同利益的一系列活动,以及这些活动的实际结果。

5(二)管理、公共管理与公共管理学1. 管理一般说来,可以把管理看作是在一定环境中,管理主体为了达到特定的目标而运用一定的职能和手段,对管理客体加以调节控制的过程。


62. 公共管理所谓“公共管理” ,是指政府为代表的公共部门依法通过对社会公共事务的管理,以保障和增进社会公共利益的职能活动。




1.2 A new paradigmOstromThere are two opposing form of organization –bureaucracy and markets. The key difference between the two form of organization is that between choice and compulsion ;allowing the market to find an agreed result or having it imposed by a bureaucratic hierarchy.The public management paradigm has the very different underlying theoretical bases of economics and private management. As an OECD paper argues, ‗this new management paradigm emphasises results in terms of ―value for money‖, to be achieved through management by objectives, the use of markets and market-type mechanisms, competition and choice , and devolution to staff through a better matching of authority, responsibility and accountability‘(1998).1.3 The emergence of a new approachreformThe new approach:Emphasize resultsFocus on clients, outputs and outcomesManagement by objectives and performance measurementThe use of markets and market-type mechanisms in place of centralized command-and-control-style regulationCompetition and choiceDevolution with a better matching of authority, responsibility and accountabilitySome views.Rhodes saw managerialism in Britain as a ‗determined effort to implement the ―3Es‖ of economy, efficiency and effectiveness at all levels of Br itish government‘(1991).Horton would argue ‗during the 1980s and 1990s the civil service moved form an administered to a managed bureaucracy and from a system of public administration to one of new public management (NPM)‗ (1999).The Gore Report which was clearly influenced by Osborne and Gaebler set out to change the culture of American federal government through four key principles: (i) cutting red tape ‗shifting from systems in which people are accountable for following rules to systems in which they are accountable for achieving results‘; (ii) putting customers first; (iii) empowering employees to get results; (iv) cutting back to basics and ‗producing better government for less (1993).1.4 Public administration andpublic managementAdministration essentially involves following instructions and service;Management involves: first, the achievement of results, and secondly, personal responsibility by the manager for results being achieved.Management does include administration.Public administration andpublic managementPublic administrationBeside being an activity and a profession, it referred to the study of the public sector.Public administration is the use of managerial, political, and legal theories and processes to fulfil legislative, executive and judicial governmental mandates for the provision of regulatory and service functions for the society as a whole or for some segments of it.Public managementPublic management as a branch of the larger field of public administration or public affairs. Overviews the art and science of applied methodologies for public administrative program design and organisational restructuring, policy and management planning, resource allocations through budgeting systems, financial management, human resources management, and programme evaluation and audit.They was regarded as competing paradigms.1.5 Imperatives of changeThe changes in the public sector have occurred as a response to several interrelated imperatives:(1) The attack on the public sector;(2) Changes in economic theory;(3) The impact of change in the private sector ,particularly globalization as an economic force;(4)Changes in technology.(1)The attack on the public sector(i) The scale of the public sector was simply too large: consuming too many scarce resources. (ii) There were governmental responses to argument about the scope of government.(iii) There was a sustained attack on the methods of government, with bureaucracy in particular becoming highly unpopular.(2)Economic theory(i) Public choice theory.Public choice is a sub-branch of economic thought concerned with the application of microeconomics to political and areas (Mueller,1989). Public choice theorists generally conclude that the ‗best‘ outcome will involve a maximum role for market forces and a minimal role for government. Even if this view is often ideological, and not an axiom of the theory itself, they argue there is a substantial body of evidence that private markets are better than government or political markets. If the role of government in supplying goods and services could be reduced, the economy as a whole would benefit. Markets are also argued to have better mechanisms for accountability as opposed to a bureaucracy accountable to no one.(ii) Principal/agent theory.The economic theory of principal and agent has also been applied to the public sector, especially concerning its accountability. The theory was developed for the private sector to explain the divergence often found between the goals of managers (agents) in private firms and shareholders (principals).(iii) Transaction cost theory.As set out by Williamson (1986), this challenges the notion that transaction are without cost and specifies the circumstances where a firm many prefer market-testing or contracting to in-house provision. The same applies to the public sector; there are some transactions which would be less costly if contracted out to reduce administrative cost and provide some competition.(3)Private sector changeA further imperative for public sector change has been the rapid change in the private sector and the realization that the management and efficiency of the public sector affects the private economy and national competitiveness. A concern with national competitiveness leads fairly naturally to a need for reform of the public sector.(4)Technological changeTechnological change affects management, including the management of government. This should be regarded as one of the main driving forces both towards new forms of public management and away from traditional bureaucracy.Chapter 2.The Traditional Model of Public Administration2.1 Early administrationAdministrative systems existed in ancient Egypt to administer irrigation from the annual flood of Nile and to build the pyramids.China in the Han dynasty adopted the Confucian precept that government should be handled by men chosen, not by birth, but by virtue and ability.In Europe the various Empires controlled form the centre by rules and procedures. Characteristic :(1) ‗personal‘, based on loyalty to a particular individual such as a king or a minister.(2) ‗impersonal‘ ,based on legality and loyalty to the organization and the state.2.2 The reforms of the nineteenth century(1) ‗The Northcote -Trevelyan Report ‘, 1854.Appointment by merit through examinations, and non-partisan, neutral administration.It signals the start of merit- based appointments to the public service and the gradual decline of patronage.2.3 Weber‘s theory of bureaucracyWeber argued there were three types of authority:The charismatic – the appeal of an extraordinary leaderThe traditional - such as the authority of a tribal chief;Rational/legal authority.(1)Six principles for modern systems of bureaucracy set out by Weber.(i) Authority derives from the law , and from rules made according to law.(ii) The hierarchy.(iii) The organization is something with an existence separate from the private lives of its employees; it is impersonal.(iv) Administration is a specialist occupation .(v) Working for the bureaucracy was a fulltime occupation .(vi) Office management was an activity that could be learned as it followed general rules.(2)The position of the officialThe official is to be part of an elite with status higher than that of ordinary citizens.Web er‘s theory required recruitment by merit, not by election or by patronage, into a position normally held for life in exchange for impartial service. Part of the lifetime and full-time career of the public servant is the principle of fixed salary and the prospect of advancement through the hierarchical structure.The two principles – the model of bureaucracy and position of the official - had specific purposes.A formal, impersonal system offers ‗ the optimum possibility for carrying through the principle o f specialising functions according to purely objective considerations‘.The hierarchy of authority and the system of rules make for certainty in decision; and the impersonality of the system implies that the same decision can be repeated in the same circumstances; decisions are not made arbitrarily.2.4 Wilson and political controlWilson believed that the evils of the spoils system resulted from the linking of administrative question with political ones.The politics/ administration dichotomy.The worlds of the politician and the public official were to be separate.Political officesMake the rule.Be filled competitively in the political arena.Be selected on the basis of their political competence.Be judged by the electorate or their political peers.Be of limited tenure and subject to frequent elections.Bureaucratic officesDo their bidding.Be filled competitively in the bureaucratic arena.Be selected on the basis of their bureaucratic competence.Be judged by their political overseers or their bureaucratic peers.Be of unlimited tenure, subject to good behaviour.2.5 Taylor and managementScientific management-Frederick Taylor(i) Time-and-motion studies to decide a standard for working;(ii) A wage-incentive system that was a modification of the piecework method already in existence;(iii) Changing the functional organization.(2) Human relationThe theory‘s founder was Elton Mayo.(i) The social context of the work group was the most important factor in management.(ii) Conflict was pathological and to be avoided, and there was no necessary antagonism between management and workers.(iii) Productivity increased most by taking an interest in the workers.(3) A continuing debateSome people regard the theories of Taylor and Mayo as mutually exclusive-at one time theory is pre-eminent while at other times the other is-but this would be misleading.The same pointThey both did not favour unions orindustrial democracy.The goal of both-increased productivity-was the same.Both continue to influence managementin the public sector.(4)The Golden Age of public administrationThe Golden Age of public administration was from around 1920 to the early 1970s.One variation was the ‗POSDCORB‘ set of functions set out by Gulick and Urwick (1937).POSDCORBPlanning: goal setting techniques/methods applied by executives as a means of preparing future courses of organizational action;Organizing: arranging the organizational structure and processes in an appropriate manner essential to achieving these ends;Staffing: recruiting and hiring personal to carry out the essential agency work;Directing: supervising the actual processes of doing the assignments;Coordinating: integrating the various detailed elements of the work within the organization; Reporting: tracking and communicating the progress of the work within the organization; Budgeting: fiscal and financial activities necessary to economically support the completion of these programmes, services, or activities.2.6 Problems with the traditional modelThe problem of political controlThe problem of one best wayThe problem of bureaucracyThe public choice critique(1) The problem of political controlA strict separation between politicians and administrators, between policy and administration ,was never realistic in its original home.Peters(1989)Administration and policy, instead of being discrete phenomena, are actually interrelated. In both an objective and subjective manner, the nature of the administrative system can influence the policy outputs of the political system. Administration does make policy, although these policies are not always written and promulgated in the same manner as the rules made by legislatures and executives. Moreover, the operational rules developed by administrators can be more telling for the actual outcomes for individuals than are the formally promulgated rules.(2) The problem of one best wayTedious , trivial, copious, inflexible.Gulick‘s POSDCORBTaylor‘s scientificManagement(3) The problem of bureaucracyThe problems with the theory of bureaucracy.The problematic relationship between bureaucracy and democracy;Formal bureaucracy could not longer be considered as a particularly efficient form of organization.The problematic relationship between bureaucracy and democracyWith its formal rationality, secrecy, rigidity and hierarchy, it seems inevitable that there would be some conflict between bureaucracy and democracy.It did not make sense for a democracy to have a distinct elite acting secretively.There was and is some conflict between bureaucracy and democracy.Formal bureaucracy could not longer be considered as a particularly efficient form of organization There were always some extreme interpretations of Weberian principles, particularly in the personnel system, which was made more rigid, more formal and less elitist than Weber imagined, and this tended to reduce its efficiency.New theories of organizational behaviour argue that formal bureaucratic models are no longer particularly efficient or effective in any sense, when compared to more flexible forms of management .(4)The public choice critiqueThe confrontation of bureaucracy theory andpublic choice theory.The bureaucracyThe theory of publicChoice.Two main claims:Government bureaucracy greatly restricted the freedom of the individual and its power needed to be reduces in the name of ‗choice.Market economists argued that the traditional bureaucracy model did not provide an equivalent structure of incentives and rewards to those of the market. It was less efficient than market processes.Chapter 3. Public Management3.1 IntroductionThe 1980s and 1990s saw the emergence of a new managerial approach in the public sector, in response to what many regarded as the inadequacies of the traditional model of administration.Public management(1) It paid more attention to the achievement of results and the personal responsibility of managers.(2) There is an expressed intention to move away from classic bureaucracy .(3) Organizational and personal objectives are to be set clearly.(4) Senior staff are more likely to be politically committed to the government of the day.(5) Government functions are more likely to face market tests; in separating the purchaser of government services from the provider.(6) There is also a trend towards reducing government functions.3.2 The meaning of managementAdministration means following instructions .Management means the achievement of results and taking personal responsibility for doing so. 3.3 Functions of general management‗Functions of general management ‘—Allison(1982)STRA TEGY(1) Establishing objectives and priorities for the organization.(2) Devising operational plans to achieve these objectives.MANAGING INTERNAL COMPONENTS(3) Organizing and staffing.(4) Directing personnel and the personnel management system.(5) Controlling performance.MANAGING EXTERNAL CONSTITUENCIES(6) Dealing with ‗external units‘ of the organization.(7) Dealing with independent organization.(8) Dealing with the press and public.(1)Public management is management of the external environment of the organization;Public administration is within the context of the organization.(2) Traditional public administration tended to consider short-term goals within the organization. Public management aim at the longer term and at the relationship between the organization and the external environment.(3) Traditional public administration‘s some functions was not carried out to its fulles t.(4) Under the traditional model, the concepts of public service anonymity and neutrality. New public management focus on external environment, and public service anonymity has declined.3.4 The beginnings of management approachBetween 1950s to 1980s, one starting point is the 1968 Fulton Report in the United Kingdom. This report noted concerns with the management capability of the public service.Four aspects made up the total management task of the Civil Service:(1) Formulation of policy under political direction.(2) Creating the ‗machinery‘ for implementation of policy(3) Operation of the administrative machine.(4) Accountability to Parliament and the Public.3.5 The public management reformsInstead of there being reforms to the public sector, new public management represents a transformation of the public sector and its relationship with government and society.3.6 The managerial programmeThere are various ideas of what is involved in the public management of reforms.(1)Most countries are fol lowing ‗two broad avenues‘ to improve production and delivery of publicly provided goods and services(OECD,1991).① Raise the production performance of public organization.②Make greater use of the private sector.(2) ‗New public management‘ is comprised of seven main points:① Hands-on professional management in the public sector.② Explicit standards and measures of performance .③ Greater emphasis on output controls.④ A shift to disaggregation of units in the public sector.⑤ A shift to greater competition in the public sector.⑥ A stress on private sector styles of management practice.⑦ A stress on greater discipline and parsimony in resource use.--Hood 1991.(3)Holmes and Shand ,1995‗Good managerial approach‘:① A more strategic or results-oriented approach to decision-making.②The replacement of highly centralized hierarchical hierarchical organizational structures with decentralized management environment.③Flexibility to explore alternatives to direct public provision which might provide more cost-effective policy outcomes.④ Focusing attention on the matching of authority and responsibility.⑤ The creation of competitive environments within and between public sector organizations.⑥ The strengthening of strategic capacities at the centre to ‗steer‘ government.⑦ Greater accountability and transparency through requirement.⑧ Service-wide budgeting and management systems to support and encourage these changes.(4) Pollitt argued there were a number of general elements of the new model accepted by most commentators(2001).① A shift in the focus of management systems and management systems and management effort from inputs and processes to outputs and outcomes.② A shift towards more measurement.③ A performance for more specialized, ‗lean‘, ‗flat‘ and autonomous organization forms.④ A widespread substitution of contract or contract-like relationships for hierarchical relationships.⑤ A much wider than hitherto use of market or market-like mechanisms for the delivery of public services.⑥ A broad ening and blurring of the ‗frontier‘ between the public and private sectors.⑦ A shift in value priorities away from universalism, equity, security and resilience and towards efficiency and individualism.The main points involved in the public management reforms including those emerging from the various formulations.A strategic approach. Government have aimed to develop better methods for long-term planning and strategic management.Management not administration. Public management now requires professional management where administration did not.A focus on results. The organization must focus on outcomes or outputs, instead of inputs.Managerial reforms have stressed performance by individuals and by agencies.Improved financial management. The most important change in this area has been performance and programme budgeting systems to replace the older line-item budget and accounting systems. Flexibility in staffing. There has been a consistent trend away from position classification towards flexibility in arrangements for filing senior positions.Flexibility in organization. One aspect of organizational flexibility is disaggregation, which means splitting large departments into different parts by setting up agencies to deliver services for a small policy department.A shift to greater competition. Competition for provision through contracting, is seen as reducing costs compared to bureaucratic provision.The new contractualism. Under what has been called ‗contractualism‘ , any conceivable government service can be provided by contract.A stress on private sector styles of management practice. This includes staffing changes designed to better fit staff for their positions, to appraise their performance and to reward them accordingly with merit pay.Relationships with politicians. In the traditional, model the relationship with the political leadership was narrow and technical, of master and servant, of those giving the orders and those carrying them out. Under the public management model the relationship between politician and manager is more fluid and is closer than before.Relationships with the public. There is recognition of the need for direct accountability between managers and the public, as the result of demands for a ‗client focus‘ and for greater responsiveness to outside groups and individuals.Separation of purchaser and provider. Even if government is involved in an activity it does not need to be the final provider.Re-examining what government does. One important part of the public management reform process has been to examine and reexamine government programmes to ascertain if they are meeting their goals. (Six tests, public interest test, role of government test, federalism test, partnership test, efficiency test, affordability test.)Traditional public administration was based on two theories, the theory of bureaucracy and the theory of separation between politicians and administrators. There are also two main theoretical bases to new public management. These are economics and private management.There are two key assumptions in economics.First, there is the assumption of individual rationality, that individuals can be assumed to prefer more of something rather than less.Secondly, the individual rationality assumption allows the elaboration of models that can extend to high levels of abstraction. The second theoretical basis for public management can be found in private management. There are several managerial changes with antecedents in the private sector.3.8 Criticisms of managerialism(1) The economic basis of managerialismThere are two main criticisms of the economic basis of managerialism.① Economics is a flawed social science and its application to government is similarly flawed.②Economics has some validity as the basis for the economic system and private sector, its application to government is ill-conceived.(2) The basis in private management.The derivation of managerialism from a private business model is a source of criticism. The public sector might be so different that generic or private sector models of management become irrelevant to its operations.(3) ‗Neo- Taylorism‘.With its emphasis on the control of government spending and decentralizing management responsibilities with targets and performance measurement systems, Pollitt sees a management philosophy in the new model that he describes as ‗neo- Taylorian‘ (1993).(4) Politicization.There are two sides to the question of politicization.① It could be said that those making arguments about ‗politicization‘ ignore th e fact that the public service is fundamentally a political instrument.②Politicization could lead to problems of the kind that Woodrow Wilson and the reform movement in the 1880s tried to repair. Wilson argued that separation between politics and administration would reform the spoils system and reduce the corruption that system engendered.(5) Reduced accountabilityConflicts may occur between the concepts of public management and public accountability.(6) Difficulties with contracting-out.While it is easy to argue private markets are superior and efficiencies will result from privatizing government activities, implementation is not simple.(7) Ethical issues(8) Implementation and morale problemsChapter.5The Role of Government5.1 IntroductionWhat government should or should not doneeds to be of fundamental concern to publicManagers.The debate is now whether governmentsshould have no role, but what that role shouldBe.Public sector and private sector.IntroductionIn mixed economies there must be somedemarcation between those activities that fall ineither the public sector or the private sector.Since the mid-1970s, most OECD nations haveundertaken a reassessment of the role of theirpublic sectors.IntroductionThe current debate on the role of governmentmainly concern its economic aspects: should itprovide the goods and services it does, orshould some be handed to the private sectors?Should it subsidize or regulate to the extent itdoes? Such questions also raise the very politicalmatter of how various members of the communityperceive and value the things government does.5.2 The need for a public sectorBy convention, the economy is divided between the private and public sector.Governments are command-based.Markets are voluntary.Setting up a strict dichotomy between the private and public sectors is rather misleading.The private sector relies on government for infrastructure and the system of laws, without which markets could not operate.Government relies on the private sector for the production and supply of goods and services, and for tax revenue.Private and public managementThere are several reasons why the two sectors are not the same, and cannot be the same.(1) In a way not characteristic of the private sector, public sector decisions may be coercive.(2) The public sector has different forms ofaccountability from the private sector.(3) The public service manager must cope with an outside agenda largely set by the political leadership.(4) The public sector has inherent difficulties in measuring output or efficiency in production.(5) The public sector‘s sheer size and diversity make any control of coordination difficult.‗Government‘ and ‗governance‘Government is the institution itself, is the subset that acts with authority and creates formal obligations.Governance is a broader concept describing forms of governing which are not necessarily in the hands of the formal government. It mean the processes and institution, both formal and informal. It also argue that, with globalization, government is becoming more diffuse and that instead of governments having a monopoly over issues of governance there are many players.5.3 Market failure as the basis for public policyThe market mech anism alone cannot perform all economic functions; public policy is needed ‗to guide, correct, and supplement it in certain respects‘.The key kinds of market failure .Public goods.Externalities.Market transactions often have effects on third parties, or on the environment, that only government action can alleviate.Natural monopolyGovernment involvement need not mean direct government provision, and there is now a worldwide trend to privatization of such services but with some form of government regulation attached.The key kinds of market failure .Imperfect information.Market theory does assume perfect information for buyers and sellers. To the extent that information is not gained, especially by the buyer, markets can be less than optimal.Limitation of market failureSome people think market failure may result in too much government. Other people agree it may artificially reduce the scope of government action.5.4 Instruments of governmentGovernment provision Subsidy Production RegulationGovernment provisionDirect provision by government through the budget forms the major part of its operations.SubsidySubsidies vary widely but could include subsidies to farmers or industry, or to private bus companies or private schools.ProductionUnlike provision, production takes place away from the government budget, and users are charged in the same way as if the items were provided by the private sector.。


– 指为实现公共管理目标而采取的一系列行为及其过程。
3. 公共物品
– 指具有消费的非竞争性和非排他性、自然垄断性及收费困难等特征 的物品。
4. 公共资源
– 指一国或一地区内拥有的人力、物力和财力等物质和精神要素的总 称。分为自然和社会资源(公共信息资源、公共人力资源等)。
社 会
弗雷德里克· 泰罗
(Fredrick W. Taylor,1856—1915) • • • • • • “科学管理之父” 《计件工资制》(1895) 《工场管理》(1903) 《科学管理原理》(1912) 效率是管理的最高原则 提高效率的途径:挑选一流工人、 标准化操作、记件工资制等。
1. 陈振明.公共管理学.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003. 2. (澳)欧文• 休斯 .公共管理导论.北京:中国人民大学出 版社,2001.
3. 张成福,党秀云 .公共管理学 .北京:中国人民大学出版
社,2001. 4. 黎民 .公共管理学 .北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
伍德罗· 威尔逊
(Woodrow Wilson,1856—1924)
• 美国现代行政学的鼻祖,曾任美国普林 斯顿大学教授和校长,后任美国新泽西 州州长和美国第二十任总统。 • 1887年,威尔逊发表《行政(学)之 研究》(The Study of Administration)后,公共行政学成为 一门独立的学科。 – “行政研究首先要发现政府能恰 当而成功地做什么事情,以及如何以最 高的效率和最低的成本来做好这些事 情。”
– 实现公共利益——以营利为目的,追求利润最大化。


非排他性(nonexclusivity) 非竞争性(nonrivary) ● 准公共物品
第一章 绪 论
●事务是对物品形成的描述,是生产、供给特定 物品的活动 .
(结合具体案例说明社会公共事务管理的一般 程序) ●公共事务及其涵盖的领域 ● 准公共事务及其特点: 部分公益性 非盈利中介性
2、 <公共事业管理概论>课程简介 ----我院自公管06届首次开设此课程(为专业核心课程)
1)教பைடு நூலகம்选用的理由说明
第一章 绪 论
● 马斯洛的需要层次论 ● 公共需要、群体需要、个人需要及其相互关系
● 公共需要的特点:
( 4) 校际合作培养模式
校际之间进行横向合作,资源共享,教师互通,学 生可以跨校选课,以扩大学生知识面,达到文理兼通。这 需要校际合作的基础上才能进行,操作难度较大,但对于 学生培养更有价值,对提升本专业的知名度更有效。
(5)我院公共事业管理专业人才培养的计划调整与改 革的情况介绍
(3) 院系合作培养模式
专业基础课由学院教师承担,通过到其他院系选修专 业方向课的方式,进一步加强和凝练专业特色。例如,通 过与医学院或卫生学院的合作,进一步明确医疗卫生管理 方向;通过与教育学院的合作模式,培育教育事业管理的 方向特色;通过与商学院的合作培养,凝练现有的公共事 业人力资源管理方向等等。这是目前成本最低、操作最为 简便人才培养模式,关键也是在学校总体协调。



设计有效的激励机制,激发公共 部门工作人员的积极性和创造力 ,提高工作绩效。
绩效管理与组织文 化的融合
将绩效管理融入组织文化中,形 成以绩效为导向的公共部门文化 氛围。
城市垃圾处理是公共管理中的重要问题,需要制定有效的政策来规 范垃圾的收集、运输、处理和再利用。
公共管理者应当及时、准确地披露相 关信息,以便公众了解公共事务的进 展情况。
公共管理的主要领 域
包括城市基础设施、交通、住房等方面的规划与 建设,旨在提高城市居民的生活质量。
涉及城市供水、供电、供气、公共交通等方面的 管理,确保城市居民的基本生活需求得到满足。
1 2
制定科学合理的教育政策,确保教育公平和质量 。
政策分析是对政策问题 、政策过程和政策结果 进行系统分析,以推动 政策有效制定和实施的 过程。
政策问题的识别与界定 、政策目标的确定、政 策方案的制定与评估、 政策实施与监督、政策 效果评估与反馈。
定性分析、定量分析、 比较分析、成本收益分 析等。



张成福:公共管理作为一门学 科的特点
(1) 公共管理基本上是一个整合性的概念 (integrative concept) 。格恩 (A.Gunn) 认为公共管理是一种介于企业管理与传统公 共行政之间的“第三条道路 ”(third Way) 。 在“什么”(What)与“为何”(Why)层面上沿袭 公共行政,而在如何 (How) 层面上沿袭企业 管理:
威尔逊(Woddrow Wilson) 1887年发表 的《行政学研究》(The Study of Administration),公共行政学成为一门 独立学科
威尔逊“执行一部宪法比制定一部宪法要困难 的多”。
“行政科学的指导价值是效率;有效的公共行 政要求政府权力有单一的领导中心。”
政治与行政之间存在重要区别,政府官员的任 命应建立在公正和功绩而不是党派偏见的基础 上
第四阶段 : 公共行政即管理学
从 1960 年至 70 年代起,部分行政学者转 向管理领域寻求发展。
这一时期的公共行政是建立在这样的基本假 设基础之上: 一是公共行政与私部门的行政 没有本质的区别,强调一般管理或类同管理 (generic management); 二是企业绩效优于 政府绩效,而主张师法企业
对权力和权威进行了划分:权力是无视人们的反对,强使 人们服从的能力,而权威则意味着人们在接受命令时是出 于自愿。权威分为三种形式:法定权威(官僚组织)、传 统权威、神授权威。
第二阶段:行政原则(1927-1937)。魏劳毕1929 年《公共行政的原则》Principal of Public Administration 强调科学的普遍适用的行政原则 的存在。行政人员一旦学会如何应用这些原则就可 以成为专家。这些原则可不考虑环境因素而适用于 任何地方, POSDCORB 就是行政原则的最佳体现

公共管理英语(修订版)-顾建光-教学内容 4ppt课件

公共管理英语(修订版)-顾建光-教学内容 4ppt课件
Private firms generate jobs and bring growth to the entire economy, the biggest factor in reducing poverty. But to do so they need a sound investment climate—with good macroeconomic management, trade and investment policies that promote openness, and good quality infrastructure and services. They also need a legal and regulatory system that supports the day to day operations of firms by protecting property rights, promoting access to credit, and ensuring efficient tax, customs, and judicial services.
4. State and Market
• 学生试译:
4. State and Market
• Telecommunications has received the largest share of investment in projects with private participation (44 percent of the total in 1990 2001), with water and sanitation, considered a “basic needs” sector, receiving only a small fraction (5 percent).



Scientific management: This theory emphasizes the use of scientific methods to improve work efficiency and productivity It emphasizes the standardization of work processes, the use of time and motion studies, and the development of job descriptions and instructions
• Improvement of Management Professional English Application Ability
• Summary and Outlook
Training objectives and significance
Organization development
Organization development is a management approach that emphasizes changes and development in organizations It uses a variety of techniques to help organizations improve their performance, including team building, training, and reconstruction
Overview of Training Content
Management related English documents

公共管理专业英语 李柱国编

公共管理专业英语 李柱国编

公共管理专业英语李柱国编(中英文版)Title: Public Management Major English: Li Zhuguo EditionIn recent years, the study of public management has become increasingly important in the field of social sciences.As a vital part of this field, Public Management Major English, edited by Li Zhuguo, aims to provide students with the necessary skills to navigate the global landscape of public administration.近年来,公共管理研究在社会科学领域变得越来越重要。


This book is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to understand and analyze public management issues from an international perspective.It covers a wide range of topics, including public administration, public policy, and governance, all of which are essential for students pursuing a career in public service.本书旨在为学生提供理解和分析国际公共管理问题的必要知识和技能。



2、对新公共管理的评析: • 新公共管理的时代特征 • 新公共管理的“解题”特色 • 新公共管理的理论困难与受到的批评 • 新公共管理的借鉴意义
1、公共物品、公共事务与公共管理 2、管理、公共管理与公共管理学
• • • • 公共选择理论(James. M. Buchanan) 政府失败理论 代理理论 交易费用理论
传统的公共行政 新公共行政时期
1、领导者与管理者的区别 2、管理者的主要类型与职责
1、公共组织成员 2、社会公众
二、传统科层制组织的基本困境与内在缺陷。 三、公共组织的变革:
1、如何理解公共管理职能的基本内涵? 2、公共管理的程序性职能和任务性职能各有哪些? 3、我国传统公共管理职能体系有何特征?在新的历 史时期其发展趋势如何? 4、试分析市场经济体制下公共管理职能体系的确定 依据、构成及其可能范围
1、公共管理的主体:公共组织和个人 2、公共管理的对象:各类公共事务 3、公共管理的资源和手段 4、公共管理的环境

公共管理专业 英语

公共管理专业 英语

The Role of English in Public Management: Bridging the Global DivideIn the fast-paced and interconnected world of today, the importance of English in the field of public management cannot be overstated. English, as a lingua franca, has become the common language of communication across borders, sectors, and professions. In public management, this global language plays a pivotal role in bridging the divide, facilitating the exchange of ideas, and enabling effective collaboration.Firstly, English acts as a bridge between different cultures and perspectives. In the public sector, where policies and decisions often have far-reaching impacts, the ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds is crucial. English enables public managers to convey complex ideas and concepts, regardless of their native language, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative decision-making process.Moreover, English facilitates access to a vast repository of knowledge and research. The global nature of public management demands that practitioners stay abreastof trends, best practices, and innovations from around the world. By reading and writing in English, public managers can tap into this rich resource, enhancing their professional capabilities and informing their policies and strategies.Additionally, English is essential for public managers seeking to engage with international organizations and partners. In an era of globalization, cross-border cooperation and partnerships are becoming increasingly common. By communicating in English, public managers can build relationships, share experiences, and collaborate effectively with their peers from other countries, contributing to the global public good.Furthermore, English acts as a tool for professional development. Public management is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and adaptation. English-language courses and training programs provide public managers with the opportunity to enhance their skills, expand their networks, and prepare themselves for leadership roles in the global arena.In conclusion, English is indispensable in public management. It acts as a bridge between cultures, facilitates access to knowledge, enables international collaboration, and drives professional development. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of English in public management will continue to grow, making it even more crucial for practitioners to master this global language.**公共管理专业英语的重要性:跨越全球鸿沟**在当今快节奏、高度互联的世界中,英语在公共管理专业中的重要性不言而喻。



第一章1、There has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. 发达国家公共部门的管理经历了一场转变。

2、This new paradigm poses a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这种新的典范对曾被认为是公共行政的一些基本的、几乎是永恒的原理提出了直接的挑战。

3、All these points will be discussed at greater length later,but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.虽然上述一切都值得深入探讨,这里强调的主要一点是,在100年来很少发生变化的公共部门职业领域,如今已经发生了全面的变革。

4、There is some debate over whether or not public management,particularly the new public management,is a new paradigm for public sector management.这里有一些争论,关于是否公共管理,特别是新公共管理是公共部门管理的新典范。

5、Some argue that paradigm is large hurdle to jump,requiring agreement among all a discipline's practitioners -- a more or less permanent way of looking at the world.一些人认为典范是巨大的障碍,需要协议在所有学科的实践者——或多或少永久看待世界的方式。

public administration 1 总论28页PPT

public administration 1 总论28页PPT

1、全新的理论框架 2、更广泛的综合性 脱离于政治学,兼收其他学科内容,如经济学、 社会学、哲学、心理学、统计学、运筹学、管 理学、自然科学、宗教等。 3、高度的实践性和可操作性 4、系统的学术性和规范性
2.应用与理论: 实践需要理论——国家的发展路径 实践高于理论——中西方的市场与计划经济 社会的自然实验
1.1852年英国 «关于建立英国常任文官制度的报告»
2.托马斯·伍德罗·威尔逊(Thomas Woodrow Wilson,1856- 1924)的«行政学研究» ( 1887 )中,提出“行政—政治”二 分法
第一节 基本概念
(一)公共物品(public goods) 萨缪尔森(Paul A.Samuelson,1915-2009):与来自于纯粹的私人 物品的效益不同,来自于公共物品的效益牵涉到一个人以上的不可分 割的外部消费效果。相反,如果一种物品能够加以分割,因而每一部 分能够分别按竞争价格卖给不同的个人,而且对其他人没有产生外部 效果,这就是私人物品。公共物品常常要求集体行动,私人物品可以 通过市场被有效率地提供出来。
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Its jurisdiction encompasses public schools all across the country. In addition, it not only affects the education of the children, but also the lives of working parents. 它的管辖范围包括全国各地的公立学校。此 外,它不仅会影响孩子的教育,而且会影响 工作的父母的生活。 Jurisdiction:n.管辖权 Jurisdiction:n.管辖权 Encompass:v.包围,环绕,包含或包括某 Encompass:v.包围,环绕,包含或包括某 事物
Relying heavily on appraisals of efficiency and effectiveness, government agencies are incorporating systems of user-pay basis, userincreasing competition by allowing companies to bid for contracts, developing resultresult-oriented budgets, and offering incentives to public servants to improve work performance. 严重依赖效率和效益的评估,政府机构都纳 入到以用户支付为基础,通过使企业竞投合 约来增加竞争,发展结果为导向的预算,并 提供激励措施使公务员提供工作绩效的系统。
The lack of competition for governments, as opposed to the anti-monopoly laws faced by anticompanies, also affects how public projects are managed. 和企业所面临的反垄断法律相反,政府之间 缺乏竞争,也影响了公共项目的管理 the anti-monopoly laws:反垄断法律 antilaws:反垄断法律
New Zealand serves as a good example of a national government improving by putting NPM theories into practice. 新西兰作为一个国家政府通过将新公共管理 理论付诸实践得到改善的很好的例子。
While proponents of NPM believe it is a way to positively redefine public management, critics consider it an exaggeration of the value market principles, especially privatization, privatization, have for the public sector. sector. 虽然新公共管理理论的支持者认为这是一个 积极界定公共管理的方式,评论家认为这是 市场价值原则的夸大,特别是私有化被用于 公共部门。 Exaggeration:n.夸张,夸大 Exaggeration:n.夸张,夸大 Privatization: n.私有化 n.私有化
Public administration, the study of how public agencies are managed, often overlaps with public management. 公共行政,公共机构是如何管理的研究,往 往与公共管理重叠。 Overlap: v.重叠 v.重叠
What is Public management ?
Public management, focused on government and non-profit administration, noncontends that private and public project management are similar. 公共管理,侧重于政府和非营利管理,主张 私人和公共项目管理是相似的。 Private: adj.私人的,私有的,私营的,私密 adj.私人的,私有的,私营的,私密 的. n.士兵 n.士兵
Due to the immensity of the project and its impact, management is an intricately complex process. 由于项目的巨大和影响,管理成为了一个错 综复杂的过程 Immensity:n.广大,巨大,无限,浩瀚 Immensity:n.广大,巨大,无限,浩瀚
National institutions, such as the American Society for Public Administration in the United States and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration in France, study trends and issues regarding public management as it continues to evolve. 国家机构,如美国公共行政学会和法国国家 行政学院,由于公共管理的不断发展,研究 它的发展趋势和存在的问题 the American Society for Public Administration:美国公共行政学会 Administration:美国公共行政学会 the Ecole Nationale d’Administration:国家 d’Administration:国家 行政学院
A federally funded program, it is run by the Department of Education with the goal of improving the public education system in th高美国公共教 育体系的目标的教育署运行。
He believes that established and valuable government management practices must be retained and studied. 他认为,已经建立的和宝贵的政府管理方法 必须予以保留并研究
Furthermore, Mintzberg concludes that privatization should be curtailed, as it cannot be the solution to all problems within public management. 此外,明茨伯格的结论是私有化必须被限制, 因为它不能解决公共管理中所有的问题 Curtail: vt. 缩减,减少,剥夺特权,简略
Begun by the George W. Bush administration, No Child Left Behind is a valuable case study within public management. 从布什政府开始,不让一个孩子掉队成为了 公共管理中的一项宝贵研究。
The movement has become popular as international pressures have increased for more efficient and effective government. 随着国际社会寻求更有效率和更有效的政府 压力的增加,这个运动变得流行起来。
One of the strongest critics of NPM, Henry Mintzberg, believes the movement to be lopsided, with public sector managers learning solely from private management techniques. 亨利· 亨利·明茨伯格,一个新公共管理理论的强硬 的批评家,认为这场运动是片面的,因为公 共部门管理者只学习私人管理技术
The complexities within public management are underlined by the fact that government projects are often larger in scale than private sector projects and have a strong, direct effect upon the public. 政府项目的规模往往大于私人部门项目,而 且对公众有着强烈和直接的影响,这个事实 强调了公共管理的复杂性。
The most innovative facet of NPM is that it attempts to develop solutions to management issues based on market theories rather than simple administrative rules and regulations. 新公共管理最具创新性的方面是它试图基于 市场理论而不是简单的行政法规和规章来制 定解决管理问题的方案 Innovative: Innovative: n. 创新
Unlike the latter, the former views government management of projects to be completely different from that of private management due to the emphasis it lays upon the social good. 与后者不同,前者的观点认为由于政府项目 管理强调依赖于社会的良好而与私人管理完 全不同
One significant aspect of public management is government performance auditing, which enables comparisons among numerous government administrations. 政府绩效审计是公共管理的一个重要的方面, 它使得众多的政府主管部门之间能够进行比 较。 Auditing :v.审核,查账,审计,审计学 :v.审核,查账,审计,审计学