英国签证面试问题英国签证面试问题(适用于有工作的人)你目前在什么单位工作?你的工作职责是什么?你的职务是什么?你什么时候毕业的?毕业于什么学校?什么专业?你工作几年了,为什么工作了这么多年才考虑出国读书? 你的年收入是多少?你准备修什么专业?这和你现在的工作有什么联系吗?你结婚了吗?你的配偶是否支持你出国?你单位的地址在哪?你单位电话号码为多少?关于担保人和你资金证明的相关问题:你出国是你自己出的钱吗?谁为你出钱?你提供了什么材料来证明你的资金?谁是你的经济担保人?他的年收入是多少?他在什么单位工作?任何职?他工作多少年了?你为你这次留学准备了多少钱?你认为你准备的钱够你在英国的所有花费吗?如果不够怎么办?有关你毕业后的问题:你能顺利完成你的学业吗?你毕业后准备继续深造吗?你毕业后是否准备留在英国?你是在英国读的书,为什么不准备在英国工作一段时间来增加工作经验呢?你毕业后有什么打算?以下问题适用于已有工作的人:你毕业后会回你现在的公司工作吗?你的年薪是多少?回来后是否会有所改变?你花费你年薪的若干倍钱去读书,我不能理解?你为什么不在国内读研究生?你毕业后是否会回国吗,为什么?英国留学签证面试问题(一)出国的原因及目的为什么选择英国?你为什么要出国读书?你申请的是什么类型的签证? tier 4 student visa你在英国有亲属或朋友吗?你准备什么时候到达英国?(二)学校的情况及你的学习计划:你怎么知道的这所学校?你的学习计划?(参考答案:如几个月的语言,几个月的预科,之后读学士学位)你为什么不在国内读大学?你在英国停留多长时间?你将学习多长时间的语言课程?我不相信你在读完语言课程后能达到xx课程的入学要求?你参加ielts考试了吗?你为什么要读预科/a-level?你的学费是多少?你在英国将花费多少钱?你预科准备读什么专业?你为什么选择这个专业?预科毕业后你将申请哪所大学?你在英国准备住在哪里?你是否准备让你家人来英国探亲?你在英国是否有亲属朋友?你在英国期间是否打工?你是否已经交了学费?(三)关于自身学习及工作背景:你现在是做什么的?你的学校是个什么样的学校,是什么性质的学校?你为什么不读完高中再走?你家有几口人?你是什么时候办的护照?你是第一次签英国吗?你是否曾被其它国家拒签过?。
[转]关于英国签证中⼼⾯签问题的总结关于英国签证中⼼⾯签问题的总结,请⼤家参考:A:Sample of possible questions for screening intention to study:关于学校申请、专业⽅⾯的问题1:Why do you want to study in UK?你为什么去英国留学?2:What are the benefits of studying in the UK compared to your home country or USA/Canada/Australia etc?你认为相⽐较中国或者美国,加拿⼤,澳⼤利亚等其他国家,留学英国的好处有哪些?3:Why did you choose this University/College?你选择这个⼤学或者学院的就读的原因是什么?4:How did you find about it?你是怎么知道的?5:Which other colleges/universities have you considered?还有哪些⼤学或者学院你是有意向就读的?6:Where is the college/university?⼤学或者学院的位置在哪⾥?7:Do you know anyone who has already studied there?你认识的⼈有谁就读在这些⼤学或者学院⾥吗?8:Do you know roughly how large the college/university is?你⼤概知道这个⼤学的规模吗9:Why did you choose this course and how does it relate to your previous study?为什么你会选择这个专业,跟你之前的学习背景有关系吗?10:How do you explain the gaps in your study/professional history?你是怎么理解在你过去的学习/专业的差距的?11:What is the relevance of the course to your future career path?你未来职业规划的相关课程是什么?12:What qualification will you receive?你以后会获得什么学历?13:How long does the course last?你的课业是多长时间?14:How is your course assessed? (apparently frequently asked and students do not know)你的课程是什么评估⽅式?15:Do you know what level you course is at?你知道你的课程是什么级别的?16:Did you consider any other course?你考虑过其他的课程吗?17:Does this course offer any professional recognition?你的课程有那些专业性的认证?18:Are you planning to stay in the UK on completion to study for a higher award?你是否会在英国进修更⾼层次的课程?19:Are you thinking of transferring to another institution on completion?如果读更⾼的课程是选择本校还是考虑其他学校?20:What facilities are you expecting at the college/university?你对学校的设施有什么要求吗?21:Will you need help finding accommodation?你需要帮忙寻找住处吗?22:Do you need a meet and greet service?你需要有⼈给你介绍学校或者指导吗?23:Do you understand the responsibilities of students entering the UK under Tier 4 of the PBS?你是否知道你持有T4学⽣签证(计点积分体系)进⼊英国要遵守的要求?B:Sample of possible questions for screening financial viability:关于签证⽅⾯的问题1:What is your current occupation?你⽬前的职业是什么?2:Do you have relatives who have studied at similar level or studied overseas?你认识其他跟你相同⽔平或学业的留学⽣吗?3:Do you think your course is appropriate for someone your age?你觉得你的课业适合你的年龄吗?4:Who is financing your studies?谁⽀付你学业的费⽤?5:What is the profession of your financial sponsor and what relationship they have to you?你的担保⼈是什么职业,你们是什么关系?6:Do you have evidence of the financial status of your financial sponsor, e.g. bank statements for last 6 months, bonds, investments, etc.?你是否有你担保⼈的资⾦证明,如最近利六个⽉的银⾏对账单,债券,投资等?7:Are you able to verify the genuineness of these documents?你能证明这些⽂件的真实性吗?8:Can you prove the money is available for study?你如何证明这笔资⾦在你留学期间可⽤?9:Would you be able to pay your tuition fees in full up front?你是否可以在⼊学前全部⽀付你的学费?10:Have you checked the refund policy?你是否了解退款的政策11:Do you know what your accommodation will cost in the UK?你在英国的住宿费要花多少?12:Do you know how much your living expenses will be?你的⽣活费⼤概要⽀出多少?13:Do you know whether you are entitled to work part-time in the UK?你是否有权在英国打⼯吗?14:Do you know how many hours are you allowed to work?你知道你的签证允许打⼯的时间吗15:Do you know the likely hourly rate of pay?你知道打⼯的时薪是多少吗?16:How reliant are you on being able to work?你觉得你有什么能⼒可以让你去打⼯?。
最新最全的英国留学签证面试问题最新最全的英国留学签证面试问题汇总从2013年6月1日起,所有申请英国Tier 4签证的学生都必须要求进行面试,具体的形式是进行面对面测试,还是电话面试目前还没有正式下达相关的具体通知。
1.Personal background/individual circumstances·History of visa applications:(按照签证记录如实回答)I didn’t have any applications before·Has the student ever been refused entry clearance into the UK?No I haven’t·Has the applicant travelled abroad before and complied with visa terms?No I haven’t·Is there any evidence of a previous visa refusal in their passport? If so, what reason were they given for the refusal?No, there are not·Have other close members of their family travelled abroad before at all or regularly, or studied abroad successfully?No they haven’tcational background: Assessment of ability and suitability for their chosen study plan·Why has the student chosen **** course and *** university?Because it’s a famous university and the course has a good opportunity in China ·Which university have they chosen and why? Students should be able to give details of university choice, the course they have chosen, the location and why they feel it is the right choice for them.University of Birmingham, it is a famous university in the city of Birmingham, and many of my teachers and friends have graduated from that school.·Have they done research on the above points? Do they have knowledge of the UK, its culture, education system, and a clear expectation of what it will be like to live and study in the UK?Yes it is an traditional industrial country and it is high reputed in education quality. ·Are there any negative factors(e.g. failure to complete a course, long interruptions in study, poor grades)in High School or Higher Education courses in their home country? If there are the students should be able to give very good reason for wanting to study abroad.No, I will for study in the Uk after my completion of undergraduate course in China. And I think an experience of studying abroad will make me more competitive in searching a good position or job.·Are they leaving full time education to study in the UK without a compelling reason for doing so?Yes. I will for studying postgraduate course in the Uk after my completion of undergraduate course in China.·What does the student intend to do once they have completed their course?Go back to china to find a good job.Do you intend to work in the UK after your study? (这个意识一定要有哦)NO. I will go back to China and find a job then.·What is the relevance of the course(s) and qualifications to the student’s career choice and plans for the future?I want to work in HR department in the future提醒:Always ensure you see and thoroughly check the original academic documents and a SELT certificate. Every IELTS, Pearson PTE and TOEFL certificate must be verified. If the student has taken their SELT a number of months or more than a year ago, please check that their English is still the level gained on the SELT.3.Financial background-these checks are becoming much stricter·Has the student made an estimate of the costs of the course and the living expenses to meet the immigration rules requirements on fees and maintenance? (注意学费+生活费(伦敦1000镑每月,非伦敦800镑每月)Yes, about 35000 pound.·How much are the course fees and who is paying for the course?The main courses will cost me 15000 pounds and the pre-session course will cost 2600 pounds. My parents have saved money in my account, so I will pay it from my account.·What do the student’s parents do for a living?My father works for government, my mother works for library.·How will the student finance the whole length of study in the UK for both the pre-sessional and degree course?From the money in bankbook, which has been prepared by my parents.·What evidence can the student provide that they can pay?The bankbook·How much monthly maintenance will the student require when living in the UK? About 800 pounds per month·Which bank will the students deposit their money to cover their fees and maintenance?ICBC·Will the total amount of the finance deposited include any loans?No提醒:·It is vital to show total required finances for course fees and maintenance on the bank statements for a full 28 days before the visa application is made. If the student has taken out a loan as part of their finance they must ensure the money from the loan has also been in their bank account for 28 days. There are no exceptions to this.·How will the course benefit the student financially-does the student have a realistic return in relation on the total costs of the course(s) and living in the UK?A degree cerfificate from abroad is competitive to find a job in China, especially those from UK.·What are the student’s job prospects when they return to their home country if they successfully achieve their degree?I want to work for a non –government organization as a staff in HR department in China.备注:尤其注意有以下情况的学生,特别要认真备好各种可能的问答。
英国留学签证面试问题及注意事项英国留学签证面试问题及注意事项第一、面签问题之自身学习及工作背景1.你现在是做什么的?2.你的学校是个什么样的学校,是什么性质的学校?能向我介绍一下你学校的情况吗?3.你有什么能证明你身份的东西吗?你还有其它可以证明身份的东西吗?4.你为什么不读完高中再走?你在国内能考上大学吗?5.难道国内没有你要读的专业吗?6.既然国内有你要读的专业,你为什么不在国内读,而要花更多的钱去英国读书?7.你是什么时候办的护照?你是怎么办的护照?8.你为什么不选择中介公司帮你办理留学?9.我可以看看你和学校往来的信件吗?10.你是第一次签英国吗?你是否曾被其它国家拒签过?11.去英国做什么?12.为什么选择英国?13.在选择英国之前是否考虑过其它国家?或是否和其它国家进行过比较?14.你认为英国与其它国家相比有什么优势吗?或和其它国家比较过什么?15.你是什么时候开始有出国打算的?16.你是什么时候决定去英国的?17.难道有什么重大的变故使你产生出国的念头吗?18.你为什么要出国读书?19.你对英国了解吗?20.你在英国有亲属或朋友吗?第二、面签问题之出国原因及目的方面1.去英国做什么?为什么选择英国?2.在选择英国之前是否考虑过其它国家?或是否和其它国家进行过比较?3.你是什么时候开始有出国打算的?你是什么时候决定去英国的?4.你认为英国与其它国家相比有什么优势吗?或和其它国家比较过什么?5.你为什么要出国读书?你对英国了解吗?6.你在英国有亲属或朋友吗?准备什么时候到达英国?7.难到有什么重大的变故使你产生出国的念头吗?第三、面签问题之学校的情况及学习计划1.你的学习计划?你为什么不在国内读大学?2.你语言课程的学习内容是什么?每周的学费和课时数?3.你每天只有3个小时的语言课程,你认为够用吗?4.学校会组织一些什么样的活动哪?5.听说读写都学什么内容?6.你将学习多长时间的语言课程?7.什么是IELTS考试?8.IELTS考试分几个部分?分几种类型?你参加哪种考试?9.你为什么不选择A-level或AS/A2-level10.你认为这个课程对你未来工作或者深造有什么帮助?11.你的课程名称叫什么?你修读的是什么学位课程?学业完成后你将获取什么学历?12.课程开始和结束的日期是什么时候?总共有多少个学期?13.课程内容是什么?有些什么科目?14.是什么原因让你选择报读这个课程?有做过什么资料搜集吗?有考虑过别的学校的课程吗?据透露,英国大学陆续接到UKBA及BC的最新通知,从2013年6月1日起,所有申请Tier 4签证的学生都必须要求进行面试(Interview),具体的形式是进行面对面测试,还是电话面试目前还没有正式下达相关的具体通知。
英国面签常见问题英国面签常见问题汇总一、基本情况1. What’s your name and DOB(date of birth) ?你的名字和生日是?2. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?你曾经申请过去其他国家的签证吗?3. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?这是你的第一次申请签证吗?4. Is this the first time going out of the China?这是你第一次离开中国么?5. When will you arrive in UK?你什么时候到英国?6. And how long ? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?你希望在那待多长时间?最多呆多久?7. Are you traveling along or with someone else?还有其他人和你一起去么?8. Do you know anyone at all in the UK.你在英国有认识人么?9. Are you one of any political parties in China?你是中国共产党员吗?二、留学目的你为什么想去英国?2. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?在英国你想获得什么学位呢?3. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?你认为英国比其他国家更有有优势吗?4. When you have the idea to go abroad to study ?你什么时候有出国留学的想法?5. Do you know about UK?你真的了解英国吗?6. Would you come back after graduation?你毕业之后会回来么?三、学习计划1. Where will you study ?你在哪里上学?2. How do you know this University?你对这所大学有什么认识?3. How much do you know this University?有关这个学校你知道多少?4. Which course will you study? How much do you know about your course?你想要学习什么专业呢?有关这个课程你知道多少?5. How many hours will you study per week?你每周要上多少个小时?在英国准备住在哪?7. Why do you choose this University and this programme?为什么想要学习这个大学的`专业?8. What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?你毕业后打算获取什么学历?9. What is your future plan? What will you do after graduation?你将来有什么计划?毕业后要干什么?四、资金证明和来源1. What about the living expenses in the UK?你的英国生活费多少?2. Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study? (what are your tuition fees?)你知道你一学期大概花费多少么?(学费是多少?)3. Who will pay your tuition fee and living expense?谁将会支付这费用呢?4. What do your parents do? How can they support you? How does the money come from?你的父母是做什么的?他们怎么能支持你?这些钱怎么来的?5. Can you give some description of you r father’s company? Can you give some description of your mother’s company?你可以说一下你父亲的公司吗?你可以给你母亲公司的一些描述吗?6. What is their annual income?what is your parents salary?他们年收入是多少啊?月工资是多少?。
盘点:史上最全的英国面签问题大汇总(英文版)从2013年6月1日起,所有申请Tier 4签证的学生都必须要求进行面试(Interview),具体的形式是进行面对面测试,还是电话面试目前还没有正式下达相关的具体通知。
基本情况篇:1. Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?Yes,please2. Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ?Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself.3. And how long ? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?4. Are you traveling along or with someone else?5. Do you know anyone at all in the UK.6. Is any of your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?7. Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK.Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK.8. Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the U k.9. Are you one of any political parties in China?10. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?11. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?Yes, it is the first time .12. Is this the first time going out of the China?13. Why do you want to go to the UK.?Because of it’s excellence in higher education. and warm welcome to international students.14. What will you do in the UK?I want to improve my English, and get my academic degree.15. Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than China?In my speciality, UK has more advanced technology than China.16. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?17. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?18. When you have the idea to go abroad to study ?19. Do you know about UK?20. When will you arrive in UK?出国目的篇:1. What is your future plan? What will you do after graduation?I will come back to China, and devoted myself to developing food industries of China.2. Wold you come back after graduation?Yes indeed.3. What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?Master of Science.4. Will you want to settle in the UK?No, I will not.5. After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?No, I will not. Although China is a developing country, it is more potential and challenging than other countries. China will give me more chances to succeed.. So to come back to China is advisable choice for me .6. In the UK, you will earn much money than in China. Then why do you say you will come back to China?Money is important, In China the emotion to parents is more important than money. My parents are in China. I will definitely come back and am responsible for looking after them when they get old.7. If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?No, if a company in UK wants to hire me ,a better company in China also will hire me .So,it is the same.8. What do you think your future position after your study?I want to be the administrator of a food company. In the UK, I will learn how to combine the food knowledge with the management skills.9. And what do you think your future salary?学习计划篇:1. Where will you study ?2. How did you know this University?3. How much do you know this University?I know this university is welcome to Chinese students and has high reputation in teaching and research. What is more ,it rates the first place in Food Sciences in UK.4. Which subject will you study /?what is your proposed course?5. Which course will you study? what is the course arrangement? How much do you know about your course?The course combines the Food Sciences with the management operations. Therefore, I will study some knowledge about Food Sciences such as Food Factory operation, Food flavor ,Food Commodities, And some knowledge about management such as, management quality, marketing& logistics, managing Operations& Change. And in the autumn semester, after industrial placement a dissertation will be submitted.6. How many hours will you study per hour?7. When is the opeing date of school term?8. Where are you going to live in UK?I was allocated a room at Sutton bonington campus, at Nottingham.9. Do you need use English in your study?Yes, Indeed,.It is necessary for me to use English in my work.10. Do you have to take the English Course?Yes, If I meet some difficulties in communication ,I will turn to the English course learn Center.11. Have you ever considered other school while applying ? What are they?Yes, they are leeds ,reading ,Oxford brooks,Birmingham.12. Then why do you choose this University?It rates the first place in my speciality.And it’s welcome to Chinese students.13. Why do you choose Food Production Management? Why do you want to study Food Production Management?I am very interested in Food Sciences. And Some management skills will be benefit for me.14. What is your last degree obtained?15. When did you graduate?16. What do you do now? what have you studied?I learn English and some knowledge about Food Sciences.资金证明和来源篇:1. What are your tuition fees?2. What about the living expenses? In addition to tuition?3. Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study?4. Is the found available ? how much?5. Does it include the stocks?6. Where does the money come from? Who will pay for the money ?Who will pay your courses?7. What is their annual income? What is your parents salary?My father’s annual salary is RMB51,300,00My mother’s annual income is RMB29,153,008. What do your parents do? How can they supported you?How does the money come from?They have the ability to support me.9. Can you give some description of your father’s company? Can you give some description of your mother’s company?10. Can I look at your bankbook?11. Can I look at your bank certification?小编提醒:在你面签之后,无论签是否拿到签证,都建议你立刻拿起笔,把你签证过程中的所有问题及你如何回答的都记下来,如果你拿到签证,就一切OK!如果你被拒签或撤签,这些问题就更重要了,因为你每说的一句话和你所有的材料在使馆都有记录的,我可以根据你面试的问题为你分析是否能再签及如何再签。
英国语言签证面试问题英国语言签证面试问题1、你现在在哪所学校学习?读几年级?学习成绩如何?哪些功课比较好?你的语文、数学、英语、班主任老师叫什么名字?what’s your current school? what’s your grade now? what about your scores in school? what is your strongest subject? what’s name is your counselor, mathematics teacher or english teacher?2、你喜欢什么活动?有什么兴趣爱好?what's your hobby? what do you do in your spare time?3、你为什么要放弃现在中学的学习?why do you give up your current study in china?4、你为什么要去美国读中学?是你自己要去的'还是你父母亲要你去的?why do you want to study in the united states? is it your parents’ idea or yourself?5、为什么选择去美国留学而不选择其他国家?why do you choose an american school, not other countries’?6、你去美国哪所中学?你为什么选择这所学校?这所学校有什么吸引你的地方?你被几所学校录取了?哪几所学校?which school will you study in the united states? why do you choose this school? which aspects attract you most? have you received other schools’ acceptance letters? what schools?7、你是怎么知道这所中学的?有没有参加过这所中学的考试和面试?(ssat考试、学校当面面试,电话面试)是谁面试的?什么时候面试的?how do you know this school? have you ever taken any entrance tests of this school? who did the interview with you?what time?8、你参加过什么入学考试?考得怎么样?(ssat考试)when/where did you join the ssat test? what score did you get in ssat test?出国签证英语面试题2015-11-06 10:39 | #2楼1) what will you study in the united states?2) what is your major? in what aspect of your major will you study?3) what will you do in usa?4) are you going to study in usa?5) when/where did you get your bs/ms(bachelor/master degree)?6) what/where are you studying now?7) how long will you study in usa?8) have you any scholarship?9) what do you want to study in usa?10) what do you do with your work for bs/ms/phd?11) what is your purpose for the visa?12) what is your academic background?13) how do you know this univ.(university)?14) what is your plan? what will you do after graduation?15) give me three reasons that you will come back to china?16) can you explain why 90% chinese students didn't come back?17) why do you choose this univ.?18) why do you like your major?19) why do you want to study in usa?20) why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?21) why do you receive financial aid from this univ.?22) what is the difficult class do you have?23) do you want your wife to go with you?24) why do you change your major?25) what's the difference between your major now and the major in usa?26) how many universities have you applied? how many of them admitted you? how many of them give you financial aids? ...27) please explain why you chose **** university in academic standard level in details.28)please give me five reasons why you select this university!29)where do/will you live ? where is your hukou(户口,用中文)?。
英国面签时签证官所提问题大全**出国的原因及目的**1. 去英国做什么?What will you do in UK?2. 为什么选择英国?Why do you select UK?3. 在选择英国之前是否考虑过其它国家?或是否和其它国家进行过比较?Before you select UK, did you consider other country? Or if you have a comparison with other country?4. 你认为英国与其它国家相比有什么优势吗?或和其它国家比较过什么?Do you think what’s the advantage of UK comparing with other country? What do you compare UK with other countries?5. 你是什么时候开始有出国打算的?When do you plan to go abroad?6. 你是什么时候决定去英国的?When did you decide to go to UK?7. 难道有什么重大的变故使你产生出国的念头吗?Is there any important accident that make you have the idea of going abroad?8. 你为什么要出国读书?Why do you study abroad?9. 你对英国了解吗?Do you know UK?10. 你在英国有亲属或朋友吗?Do you have relatives and/or friends?11. 有人向你介绍过英国吗?Is there anyone who tell you something about UK to you?12. 你听说过什么人去英国留学吗?Do you hear of someone who study at UK?13. 你准备什么时候到达英国?When will you arrive in UK?Why will you arrive in UK in August? **学校情况及学习计划** 1. 你怎么知道的这所学校?How do know the university?2. 你是怎样申请的?How did you make your application?3. 你是否还知道其它学校?Do you know other universities?4. 你在选择这个学校时是否和其它学校比较过?Did you compare the university with others?5. 比较过什么?What did you compare?6. 你的学习计划?What’s your study plan?7. 你为什么不在国内读硕士?Why don’t you get a master degree at your domestic univer sity?8. 你在英国停留多长时间?(说出你应在英国停留的具体几年几个月)How long will you stay in UK?9. 你语言课程的学习内容是什么?每周的学费和课时数?10. 你每天只有4个小时的语言课程,你认为够用吗?11. 学校会组织一些什么样的活动哪?12. 听说读写都学什么内容?13. 你将学习多长时间的语言课程?我不相信你在读完语言课程之后能达到预科或A-level 或者研究生的入学要求?14. 什么是IELTS 考试?[际英语水平测试系统,(International English Language Testing System)]15.IELTS 考试分几个部分?(个部分:听,说,读,写。
• 您申请了多少所大学?
• 您为什么要选择这些大学或专业呢?
• 您为什么选择去英国/美国/澳大利亚学习呢?
• 是受谁的影响您选择去国外学习呢?
• 您目前在哪里学习?
• 您怎么证明学业结束后会回到自己的国家?
• 您为什么希望去国外学习而不是在自己的国家学习?
• 如果您的签证被拒绝了,您会怎么办呢?
• 在暑期的时候,您会回国吗?
• 在资金上,您如何支持自己的学业呢?
• 您知道您的学费需要多少钱吗?
• 您有没有获得奖学金?
• 您的父亲从事什么职业?
• 您的家庭收入怎么样?
• 您住在哪里?
• 您的父母为什么支持您出国呢?
英国留学移民签证面试108问第一篇:英国留学移民签证面试108问英国留学移民签证面试108问由于英国签证政策的改革,自2013年6月1日起,所有申请英国Tier 4签证的学生必须进行面试,引发准备申请留学英国同学的广泛关注。
下面就由金诺华留学移民的小编给大家整理英汉对应的108个面签问题,如有补充或移民也可搜索“金诺华留学移民”.一、问好:1.Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?你是否适合和很好的接受面试?2.Are you feel ok?你觉得ok吗?3.Hello,nice to meet you你好,很高兴见到你4.What`s your name?你的名字叫什么?5.When were you born?你什么时候出生的?6.Where are you from?你是哪里人?7.How old are you?你多大了?8.Have you been to Beijing/UK before?你之前去过北京/英国吗?二、出国的原因及目的9.What will you(intend to)do in UK?你打算去英国做什么?10.Why do you select UK as your destination?/Why do you study abroad? 为什么选择去英国?/为什么要店铺?11.Before you select UK,did you consider other country?Or if you have a comparison with other country?在选择英国之前是否考虑过其它国家?或是否和其它国家进行过比较?12.Do you think what’s the advantage of UK comparing with other country?What do you compare UK with other countries?你认为英国与其它国家相比有什么优势吗?或和其它国家比较过什么?13.When do you plan to go abroad?/ When did you decide to go to UK? 你计划什么时候有出国?/你是什么时候决定去英国的?14.Do you know about UK?你了解英国吗?15.Do you have relatives and/or friends?(根据实际情况回答)你在英国有亲属或朋友吗?16.Is there anyone who tell you something about UK to you?有人向你介绍过英国吗?17.Do you hear of someone who study at UK?(回答的时候需要和前面的问题一致,建议根据自己最真实的情况,免得因提供虚假信息而导致前后不一致。
例如:申请者不是一个真正的学生;或者申请者的英语能力达不到规定的水平如果申请Tier 4签证的学生被要求参加面试,却无故缺席,没有作出合理解释,则其将被拒签。
为你的英国留学签证面试做好准备了解如何申请计点积分制Tier 4学生签证的基本信息,如果你首先做好了全面的研究的话,签证面试是很容易的。
23. Is there anything you would like to add or amend to the interview?关于我们的面谈,您有什么需要添加或改动的吗?
24. Are you happy with the way the interview was conducted?对于我们的面谈问题的组织形式,您是否满意?
I have obtained a conditional offer from University of Southampton and I did not reach the language requirement for this master programme, University of Southampton gave me a chance to study a pre-sessional English course
University of Southampton
Have university accommodation
About 10 or 15 minutes .
20.Before the account was opened where was the money在存入这个账户(注:应该是指担保金账户)之前,钱是在哪里的?
16.Will you be travelling alone to UK?您将一个人前往英国吗?(针对18岁以下申请人)
17.Do your parents agree and support your study plan in UK?您的父母是否同意并支持您在英国的学习计划?(针对18岁以下申请人)
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英国Tier4留学签证面签问题与答案申请英国留学签证大部分学生都需要精心准备留学申请材料即可,但英国留学新政策以来,有一部分同学还是需要进行面签的,那么英国留学签证面试该如何准备呢?签证官最常提问的是什么问题呢,该如何回答才得体并获得签证?1) 对去美国的目的提问.What will you study in the United States?What will you do in USA?What are you going to study in USA?What are you going to do in USA?Are you going to study in USA?What do you want to study in USA?答案:I will study for my Ph.D in Mathematics in the University of Florida.2) 对学习专业提问.What is your major?In what aspect of. your major will you study?答案:My major of undergraduate and graduate study is Applied Mathematics. I will continue to study Mathematics for my Ph.D. in the University of Florida. My specified field of study will be Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling.3) 对现有学位提问.When/where did you get your BS/MS?答案:I got my Bachelor's degree in 1997 from Central University for Nationality.I will get my Master's degree in Mathematics in few days from Beijing Normal University.4) 对现在的行为和地点提问.What/where are you studying now?答案:I am now studying for my Master's degree in Mathematics in Beijing Normal University.5) 对留美时间提问How long will you study in USA?答案:About 5 years. My future advisor said that if I work hard I can get my ph.D within a shorter time.6) 对奖学金提问Have you gotten any scholarship?答案:Yes. I have gotten teaching assistantship from the department.7) 对学习计划提问What do you do with your work for BS/MS/Phd?答案:I will take courses, teaching, do research,and finish my thesis in the area of Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling to get my Ph.d in Mathematics in 5 years.8) 签证目的提问What is your purpose for this visa?答案:I need a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D degree in Mathematics in the University of Florida. I plan to finish my study in about 5 years and then come back to china.9) 对背景提问What is your academic background?答案:From 1993 to 1997 I studied in Central University for Nationality for my Bachelor's degree. Since September 1997 I have been studying in Beijing NormalUniversity for my master's degree. I will graduate and get my Master's degree in few days.10) 对美国学校提问How do you know this Univ.?答案:University of Florida is a famous university in USA. I started to know about the University of Florida from my professor. He encourages me to pursue Phd degree in University of Florida because it has the most excellent professors in my field.11) 对选校原因提问Why do you choose this Univ.?答案:Firstly, University of Florida is one of famous universities in USA.There are large of numbers of excellent mathematicians in University of Florida. Secondly, the Department of Mathematics at University of Florida offers broad program in Mathematical Sciences, particularly in Applied Mathematics. There is an excellent mathematics faculty. Among the faculty are one Fields Medallist and a winner of the Moscow Prize, two of the most prestigious awards in the field of Mathematics Science. Thirdly, student can get careful advising and individual attention.12) 对回国计划提问What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?答案:I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling and finish my Ph.D study in Mathematics in the University of florida.Then I will come back to China and do research in the laboratory at Beijing Normal University. There are many theoretical subjects and practical projects supported by government and companies.13) 对回国原因提问Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?答案:Firstly, China is a developing country and needs large numbers of talents. So after getting Phd degree from USA, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in China and it is easier to have a higher position and become a leading scientist in my academic field in China. Secondly, I love my mother and farther. I owe them much and since I am their only son, the very least I can do for them is to look after them when they are old. I also have many friends and relatives here that I would not be able to leave behind. Thirdly, Chinese government has offering the priority for the students from USA to establish their professional careers. For example, ZhongGuanCun in Beijing and PuDong in Shanghai.14) 对不回国原因提问Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?答案:There maybe many reasons.As a matter of fact, that used to be the reality. But things has been changing greatly during the recent years and much more students are coming back are coming back after they have finished their study. And, Chinese government has offering the priority for the students from USA to establish their professional careers. For example, ZhongGuanCun in Beijing and PuDong in Shanghai.15) 对专业提问Why do you like your major?答案: Firstly, I love mathematics. I won many different mathematical competition held in China. For example, in both National Junior Middle School Student Mathematical Olympic Competition 1990 and National Senior Middle School Student Mathematical Olympic Competition 1992, I won First Class Prize. I won National Second Class Prize in National College Student Mathematical Contest in Modeling 1996. Secondly, having experienced success and failure in my studies and research, I really feel that mathematics plays an important role in science and in practical life. Ascientist who has not a good mathematical background cannot do research in depth. Given my future development, I decide to continue my mathematical study in depth.16) 对选择美国提问Why do you want to study in USA?答案: I can learn the latest knowledge in my field in USA. There are the best universities, the most excellent professors and the best education condition in the USA.17) 对读博士提问Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?答案:Firstly, I realized that undertaking the research offers many challenges, and it is necessary to expand my knowledge in mathematical field. My long range objective is to become a leading scientist in my field. Given my future development, I think a Ph.D is necessary for me to realize my career objective. So I decide to continue my mathematical study in depth. Secondly, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the university or institute in china with my Ph.D got in the United States.18) 对助学金提问Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?答案:Yes. on the basis of the evaluation of my resume, personal statement, undergraduate transcripts, and gre toefl scores, the department give me teaching assistantship.19) 对最困难的课提问What is the difficult class do you have?答案:Probably Function Analysis. It is a course about advanced mathematics and requires high ability in abstract thinking and high technique in computation.20) 对是否换专业提问What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?答案:They are not difference. Both of my undergraduate study and graduate study belong to mathematics. Just that my graduate study will be more detailed and advanced. And that I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling, which is a sub-area of Mathematics.原文请点击:/liuxue/Notice_1287_18547.html。