






具体准备步骤如下:1. 清洁设备:在使用新的喷涂机前,应先清洁设备以去除可能存在的灰尘或杂质,以免影响喷涂效果。

2. 检查设备:检查设备各部件是否完好无损,并确保喷嘴、喷枪等部件安装牢固。

3. 安全防护:佩戴个人防护装备,如手套、护目镜和口罩,以保护自身安全。


以下是涂料准备的基本步骤:1. 涂料调制:根据所需的涂料种类和颜色,按照涂料供应商提供的比例,将涂料与稀释剂充分混合搅拌,以获得理想的涂装效果。

2. 过滤涂料:使用过滤网将调制好的涂料过滤,确保涂料中不含有固体颗粒或杂质,以免堵塞喷涂机。

3. 充分搅拌:对已过滤的涂料再次进行充分搅拌,以确保颜色和成分均匀混合。

三、操作步骤在进行喷涂操作之前,请确保已经熟悉了喷涂机的各个部件和控制方式,并按照以下操作步骤进行喷涂工作:1. 调整喷涂机参数:根据所需的喷涂效果,调整喷涂机的喷涂压力、喷枪距离和喷嘴大小等参数。


2. 喷涂方向:选择适当的喷涂方向,确保喷枪和工作表面呈垂直或平行的角度。


3. 喷涂速度控制:控制喷涂机的喷涂速度,避免过快或过慢,以免涂料出现流淌或积聚的现象。


4. 喷涂重叠:在进行喷涂工作时,应采用重叠喷射的方式,以确保涂层的均匀和完整。


5. 喷涂距离控制:根据涂料的粘度和所需的涂层厚度,调整喷涂机与工作表面的距离。





拉式电弧喷涂设备包括:1.拉式电弧喷涂枪 2.电弧喷涂电源另需配套设备:空气压缩机、空气滤清器、放丝盘架。















三、操作程序1. 准备工作- 操作人员应经过专业培训,熟悉自动喷漆设备的操作原理和性能。

- 检查设备是否处于正常工作状态,包括电源、气源、控制系统等。

- 确保喷漆房内通风良好,温度、湿度符合要求。

2. 喷涂作业- 根据工件材质、颜色和涂装要求,选择合适的油漆和稀释剂。

- 调整喷枪与工件的距离、角度和压力,确保喷涂均匀。

- 检查喷枪雾化效果,如发现异常及时调整。

- 按照喷涂工艺流程进行作业,确保涂层质量。

3. 烘烤作业- 喷涂完成后,将工件放入烤漆房,启动烘烤程序。

- 根据油漆种类和涂层厚度,调整烘烤温度和时间。

- 烘烤过程中,注意观察工件表面变化,确保涂层干燥均匀。

4. 冷却作业- 烘烤完成后,待工件自然冷却至室温。

- 冷却过程中,避免工件受到撞击或划伤。

5. 清理作业- 喷涂作业结束后,清理喷枪、喷漆房和设备周边。

- 清理过程中,注意安全,避免油漆溅射。

四、注意事项1. 安全操作- 操作人员必须穿戴防护用品,如防护服、手套、口罩等。

- 严禁在喷漆房内吸烟、饮食,严禁使用明火。

- 注意喷漆房内通风,避免中毒。

2. 设备维护- 定期检查设备,确保其正常运行。

- 发现设备故障,及时报修。

3. 环保要求- 严格按照环保法规,处理油漆废液、废气等废弃物。

- 减少对环境的污染。

五、应急处理1. 火灾- 发现火灾,立即报警并使用灭火器进行灭火。

- 人员迅速撤离现场,确保安全。

2. 中毒- 发现人员中毒,立即将中毒者移至通风处。

- 鼓励中毒者深呼吸,给予氧气吸入。

- 立即报警,寻求专业救援。

六、培训与考核1. 操作人员必须接受专业培训,掌握自动喷漆设备的操作技能和安全知识。

2. 定期对操作人员进行考核,确保其熟练掌握操作规程。





自动喷漆机安全操作规程模版1. 安全装备1.1. 在操作自动喷漆机之前,确保佩戴适当的个人防护装备,包括护目镜、口罩和防护手套。

1.2. 检查自动喷漆机的防护罩是否完好,如有损坏应立即更换。

1.3. 在操作区域周围设置明显的警示牌和安全标识,以提醒他人远离操作区域。

2. 机器检查2.1. 在每次使用自动喷漆机之前,检查所有电气设备和电缆是否正常工作,并且没有损坏或暴露的部分。

2.2. 确保自动喷漆机的阀门和管道连接牢固,并且没有渗漏的现象。

2.3. 检查喷漆机的喷嘴是否清洁和畅通,如有堵塞应及时清理。

3. 操作准备3.1. 在开始操作自动喷漆机之前,确保工作区域通风良好,以减少有害气体的积聚。

3.2. 将自动喷漆机放置在平稳的表面上,确保机器的稳定性,防止其倾斜或移动。

3.3. 检查喷漆机的气压是否符合要求,并根据需要进行调整。

4. 涂料使用4.1. 只使用符合规定的涂料,并按照说明书中的建议稀释涂料。

4.2. 在操作自动喷漆机时,避免将喷嘴对准自己或他人,以免发生意外伤害。

4.3. 在更换喷漆颜色或涂料种类之前,确保喷漆机已经完全清洁,以避免涂料混合反应。

5. 操作技巧5.1. 在操作自动喷漆机时,保持均匀的动作和节奏,确保喷漆的效果均匀且外观一致。

5.2. 避免在喷漆过程中停顿或停机,以免在喷漆机运转时产生过多的涂料积聚。

5.3. 在喷漆过程中,保持一定的喷漆距离和喷漆速度,以避免过多的涂料喷洒在同一个区域。

6. 废料处理6.1. 在使用完毕后,将剩余的涂料存放在专用的容器中,并妥善密封,以免泄漏。

6.2. 将废料和涂料容器安全地处理,遵守环保标准,并将其送至指定的废弃物处理设施。

7. 紧急情况处理7.1. 在发生涂料溅射或其他紧急情况时,立即停止喷漆机的运行,并迅速采取适当的应急措施。

7.2. 在紧急情况下,及时报告相关人员,并根据需要提供急救和紧急服务。

8. 定期维护8.1. 对自动喷漆机进行定期的维护和保养,包括清洁喷嘴、更换滤芯和清理机器内部。



目录Contents 一:产品概述Machine Instruction二:技术规格说明Instruction of Technology Data三:操作指导书Operation manual四:常见故障处理Common Fault Troubleshooting五:维护与保养Preventive Maintenance and Repairing六:主要备件清单Main spare part list七:安全要求Safe Requirement一:概述Overview本公司生产的助焊剂全自动喷涂设备主要分外置机和内置机,客户可根据实际需要进There are two types machine model to be selected by customer, it is internal and external machine.行选择。


The operation manual is base on GDFS-400W operation.产品特点Machine feature:1:采用图片处理的方式选择需要喷涂的区域,操作简单,定位精确;With image processing to choose need spraying area, simple operation, and precise position.相对于传统的多点测量编程,可减少误差,节省时间;Programming time is very short and Zero missing comparing the traditional flux machine.2:对于PCB板上需要重点喷涂区域可以进行定点喷涂;;For more flux require area that machine can spray it with fixed point spraying method.相对传统的全局喷涂,此项功能可大大减少助焊剂的使用量,节约成本;Compare to traditional global spraying, the function can save more flux.3:采用精密步进电机和高精度感应器的双轴喷涂平台,喷头可随承载PCB板的轨道同时X-Y table is using high accuracy step motor and driver, Spray head can follow pallet conveyor 同向运动,弥补了传统单轴喷涂的盲区。





三、操作人员要求1. 操作人员必须经过专业培训,熟悉自动喷涂设备的操作规程和安全注意事项。

2. 操作人员应穿戴好个人防护用品,如防尘口罩、防护眼镜、防静电鞋等。

3. 操作人员应了解本规程内容,并在操作过程中严格遵守。

四、操作步骤1. 准备工作(1)检查设备各部分是否完好,如喷枪、喷杯、输送带等。



2. 设备启动(1)打开设备电源,启动控制系统。



3. 喷涂作业(1)根据工件材质和喷涂要求,选择合适的涂料和喷枪。





4. 喷涂结束(1)关闭喷枪,停止喷涂作业。



5. 设备关闭(1)关闭压缩空气,释放压力。



五、注意事项1. 操作人员应遵守设备操作规程,不得擅自更改设备参数。

2. 喷涂过程中,严禁操作人员离开工作场所,确保设备安全运行。

3. 严禁在设备附近吸烟、使用明火,防止火灾事故发生。

4. 定期检查设备,发现异常情况及时上报并处理。

5. 操作人员应定期参加安全教育培训,提高安全意识。

六、维护保养1. 每班工作结束后,清理设备,保持设备整洁。

2. 每周检查设备各部分磨损情况,及时更换磨损件。

3. 每月对设备进行一次全面保养,包括润滑、清洁、检查等。

4. 每年对设备进行一次全面检修,确保设备安全、稳定运行。



自动喷涂机操作规程1. 目的本文档旨在规范并确保自动喷涂机的安全、高效操作,提高喷涂作业的质量和效率。

2. 适用范围本操作规程适用于所有操作自动喷涂机的人员。

3. 安全措施3.1 使用前必须穿戴个人防护装备,包括防护眼镜、手套和防护服。

3.2 在操作过程中确保操作环境通风良好,避免吸入有害气体。

3.3 定期检查自动喷涂机的安全装置,确保其正常运行。

3.4 禁止擅自更改喷涂机的安全设置和参数,如需调整应由专业人员操作。

4. 操作步骤4.1 确保自动喷涂机连接到电源,并确认电源电压和频率与机器要求相符。

4.2 检查喷涂介质的储存情况和质量,确保其符合要求。

4.3 打开自动喷涂机,并根据使用手册将喷嘴和气压进行调整。

4.4 把待喷涂的物品放置在合适的位置,并确保物品表面干净、平整。

4.5 将喷涂介质倒入喷涂机的喷涂中,并遵循使用手册中的喷涂介质添加要求。

4.6 根据需要调整喷涂机的工作速度和喷涂面积。

4.7 在操作完成后,关闭自动喷涂机,并进行清洁、维护工作。

4.8 定期对自动喷涂机进行保养和维修,保证其正常运行。

5. 注意事项5.1 使用过程中严禁将手放入喷涂机内部或靠近喷嘴,避免意外伤害。

5.2 喷涂前应检查周围环境是否安全,并确保没有易燃物品存在。

5.3 长时间操作自动喷涂机时应进行适量休息,避免疲劳造成事故。

5.4 禁止将喷涂介质倒入非指定中,避免混乱和误用。

6. 附则本操作规程由操作人员严格遵守,如有违规操作或发现安全隐患,应立即汇报相关负责人并采取相应措施。






一、准备工作1.1 检查设备: 在操作喷涂设备之前,首先要对设备进行检查。



1.2 个人防护: 操作喷涂设备时,务必佩戴防护眼镜、手套和口罩,以防止涂料溅到皮肤、眼睛或吸入体内。

1.3 工作环境: 在操作喷涂设备之前,确保工作区域通风良好,并清理好周围的杂物,防止喷涂时的障碍和安全风险。

二、操作步骤2.1 混合涂料: 根据涂料的种类和要求,将涂料和稀释剂按照一定的比例混合搅拌均匀,确保涂料的质量和流动性。

2.2 连接设备: 将喷涂设备的喷枪与涂料容器或喷枪上的涂料储罐连接好,并确保连接处紧固可靠,无漏液现象。

2.3 调整压力: 根据涂料的粘度和要求,使用压力调节器调整喷涂设备的出涂料压力。


2.4 开始喷涂: 按下喷枪的扳机,开始均匀地喷涂在待涂物体的表面上。



2.5 检查涂装效果: 喷涂完成后,等待涂料干燥,然后检查涂装效果。


三、清洁与维护3.1 清洁设备: 喷涂设备使用完毕后,必须立即清洁。



3.2 定期维护: 对于长期使用的喷涂设备,定期进行维护和保养是必要的。


四、操作安全4.1 防火防爆: 在操作喷涂设备时,应注意防火防爆。





























1. 准备工作首先,请确保您的喷涂机已经正确安装并连接到电源。

在使用喷涂机之前,您需要进行以下准备工作:a) 检查涂料罐:确保涂料罐中的涂料充足,并且密封良好。

b) 检查喷嘴:确保喷嘴没有堵塞或损坏。

c) 检查稀释剂:如果需要稀释涂料,请准备好适当的稀释剂。

2. 操作步骤请按照以下步骤正确操作喷涂机:a) 打开电源开关:根据机器上的指示,打开电源开关。

b) 调节喷嘴:根据您的需求,选择适当的喷嘴大小和喷雾模式。

c) 控制喷涂压力:根据涂料的特性,调节喷涂机的喷涂压力。

d) 喷涂前测试:在开始正式喷涂之前,先进行一次测试,以确保喷涂机正常工作,并且调整适当的喷涂距离和速度。

e) 开始喷涂:将喷涂机对准需要喷涂的物体表面,均匀地移动喷涂机,保持适当的距离和速度进行喷涂。

f) 结束喷涂:在喷涂完成后,将喷涂机开关关闭,并且清洗喷嘴和喷涂机的涂料残留物。

3. 安全注意事项为了确保您的人身安全和喷涂机的正常运行,请遵守以下安全注意事项:a) 戴上防护设备:在操作喷涂机时,请佩戴防护眼镜、手套和口罩,以避免涂料喷溅。

b) 通风良好:请在通风良好的环境中使用喷涂机,以避免吸入有害气体。

c) 警示标识:请认真阅读喷涂机上的警示标识,并且按照标识上的要求操作。

d) 防火措施:在操作喷涂机时,请远离火源,并且不要在易燃物附近使用喷涂机。

e) 定期保养:请定期检查和清洁喷涂机的部件,并且按照使用手册中的保养指引进行维护。

4. 故障排除如果您在使用喷涂机时遇到以下故障,请参考以下故障排除指南:a) 喷嘴堵塞:检查喷嘴是否有堵塞,并且清洗或更换喷嘴。

b) 喷涂不均匀:检查喷涂压力是否调整正确,以及喷涂速度和距离是否适当。

c) 电源问题:检查电源连接是否松动,并确保电源正常供电。






3目的4开机前准备:2.1逐项检查压缩空气、过滤水、房间温湿度的供应状况,确保满足生产线工艺要求:自来水供应压力≮3 bar;纯水电导率< 10 µs/cm;压缩空气干燥、纯净、供应压力≮6 bar。


















二、设备准备在开始操作喷漆设备之前,需要做以下准备工作:1. 检查设备:确保喷漆设备正常运作,无异常情况。

2. 配料准备:准备好所需的涂料和溶剂,并按照要求进行配比。

3. 通风条件:确保操作环境通风良好,以免产生有害气体。

三、操作步骤1. 清洁表面:使用砂纸或其他工具将待涂物表面清洁干净,确保无尘、无污物。

2. 调节喷枪:根据涂料的稠度和喷涂效果要求,调节好喷枪的喷嘴和压力等参数。

3. 点缀漆:先进行点缀性喷涂,将喷枪垂直于待喷涂物表面,保持适当距离,开始喷涂。

4. 均匀喷涂:从左至右、从上至下均匀喷涂,保持匀速、匀力,避免出现喷漆厚度不均的情况。

5. 交叉喷涂:将喷涂方向进行交叉,保证喷涂的均匀性和覆盖率。

6. 多道次喷涂:对于需要多道次喷涂的涂料,需等待前一道次干燥后再进行下一次的喷涂。

7. 完善修饰:喷涂完毕后,根据需要进行细节修饰,以获得更加理想的涂装效果。

四、注意事项1. 个人保护:操作喷漆设备时,应佩戴防护手套、口罩、护目镜等个人防护装备,避免接触有害物质。

2. 环境保护:喷涂过程中应注意环境保护,避免污染空气和水源。

3. 设备清洁:操作结束后,及时清洁喷漆设备,避免堵塞和生锈。

4. 安全用电:使用喷漆设备需接地保护,确保电源安全可靠。

5. 防火措施:喷涂操作属于易燃工作,应注意防止火源接触,保持作业区域无明火。

6. 定期维护:定期对喷漆设备进行检修和维护,保证设备正常运转。







The terminology of the future manufacturing state – Industry 4.0, 4IR, Fourth industrial revolution, Industrial Internet of Things, cyber physical systems, machine learning – has become a new industrial language which has lost many of its target audience. While most engineers and manufacturing executives know of these terms, the jargon can be confusing and off-putting to many companies, especially SMEs, who simply want to know: what does it do and what is the value proposition?Autodesk and KUKA Robotics UK have combined to explain how some of the new digital technologies that will transform manufacturing – including cloud computing, digital twins, generative CAD design and collaborative robots – really work and what they can do for smaller companies. Our chosen approach is not to baffle the end-user with buzzwords but explain the technology and the opportunities and how companies are using it.Some of the central terms in the Industry 4.0 lexicon are really important to manufacturing industry as it evolves.A gility, for example, refers to the greater responsiveness of factories to consumer demands. While mass personalisation is still in its early stages, and is better suited so far to consumer durables like cars than commodity goods, digital technology is and will be needed in manufacturing lines for products like cosmetics and soft drinks, where the same dispensers can fill bottles in series with different fluids to ship mixed batches, reducing packing time. KUKA Smart Production says that tomorrow “product lifecycles will be shorter than the lifetime of the production system”.D igital twins are the simulated offline versions of real parts and assemblies that reveal how they physically behave before they are manufactured. This technology is getting very sophisticated so engineers can test a wider range of physical and mechanical performance metrics offline before the cost of making the first one-offs.T he cloud factory – really means a factory where the operational data needed to run machines and processes are stored in the cloud, rather than a fixed data centre. Cloud access becomes very relevant in a machine learning environment, when machines like robots are expected to “learn” new actions by interpreting data from their environment, such as face recognition to work alongside a human operative. The cloud enables the passage of operating data to the ‘deep learning’ phase of machine learning, and to feed this back to a robot to optimise its next operation.OBJECTIVEThese connected factory technologies are not being developed to force or scare companies into buying more software or equipment. They are here to solve real world problems.KUKA’s Industrie 4.0 and Smart Factory report summarises this nicely. By 2025, in just eight years, there will be about 8 billion people in the world, half of them in the “Consumer Class”, people who routinely purchase items like consumer durables (cars, white goods etc). Populations are aging, and the population in Germany and some developed countries is slowing or shrinking. If manufacturing productivity in high cost countries does not improve there may be more offshoring to low cost countries – even though there is evidence of reshoring production from Asia. There is a growing demand for personalization of mass produced products, we want to customize what we buy – only automation can do this economically. Robots and other machines will be used as “assistant systems” for workers, aka the Human Robot Cooperativte.More drivers for the “fourth industrial revolution” are well documented. In short, digital technology can keep manufacturing viable in developed countries and deliver the customisation that people want, economically, with more variety than has been possible, with an often ageing and “manufacturing-neutral” workforce. The last point refers to the manufacturing recruitment challenge; if countries like the UK cannot attract more people to work in factories, technology will have to do the work.BACKGROUND World Population B illion People Below Consumer Class Consumer Class % Population in Consumer Class 1950132.5 3.7 5.3 6.87.91970231990232010362025532.2 2.8 4.0 1.2 2.44.2Production agility and market responsiveness.Quite simply, companies will need to be more agile to respond to changing product iterations and varying demand volumes more quickly in the future. Part of the key is to connect devices to give factories more information.The Internet of Things, as we know, is about connecting industrial devices together. How does this translate into better business?One area is connecting customer demands to production. Companies now want to re-iterate their products quickly; they cannot afford to be tied into rigid production processes to make colossal quantities of products of each iteration, if consumer tastes or design intent changes mid-run.“The challenge facing industry is how can we make manufacturing processes more nimble so they can support the more nimble approach to product evolution?” says Steve Hobbs, Vice President of CAM and Hybrid Manufacturing at panies like Autodesk and KUKA are addressing this in two main ways:1) A pply one-off prototyping / tool-making technology into volume production The kind of CNC devices commonly used in tool rooms and job shops were all about making one-offs. This needs quite deep knowledge to, for example, make an intricate mould tool that will mould a million parts. The tool-making knowhow needs to be applied more quickly to mass production.2) R obot reprogramming Typically an industrial robot is not treated as a reprogrammable device.It would be programmed in situ in a sequence of specified moves, also known as the teach pendant. The robot performs one operation like spot welding or lifting until it gets scrapped because a new line is started elsewhere. CNC machine tools are very much reprogrammable devices.CHANGING THE RULES OF THE GAME “We want to apply the technology we use with CNC cutting for example to make it much easier for robots and other automation devices to be reprogrammed on the fly.” Steve Hobbs Vice President of CAM and Hybrid Manufacturing | Autodesk The better use of, the optimisation of, robots to do things beyond their original sequential task remit is a key part of the Industry 4.0 evolution. KUKA is using new digital tools to programme ultra-efficient smart factories covering key technologies such as mobile robotics, machine learning, reconfigurable production cells and collaborative robots. The rapid growth in the versatility of robots in recent years is remarkable, driven by the need for agile manufacturing.“Industry 4.0 should not be seen as a solution or product, per se,” says Jeff Nowill, CEO of KUKA Robotics UK and KUKA Ireland.“It is a way of making any manufacturing environment more market and demand appropriate by employing technology to seamlessly and automatically improve cycle time, batch-magnitude, process characteristics, quality or manifestly change output according to – or even anticipating –demand. As such, it is a vehicle to be a better manufacturer, but it’s primarily about having the right value-proposition to start off with.”Key business benefit: Production can be completed more quickly than it can in “analogue” or unconnected factories, delivering greater variation to customers in high volume, while simultaneously increasing speed and reducing waste.Agility: Companies cannot afford to be tied into your production processes to make colossal quantities of those products on each iteration.Build and test offline.An essential point of smart factory technology is the ability to design and test products – and their manufacturability – offline before anything is made for real.“We cannot experiment with the physical equipment, because if we take down the production line we will be losing output and we kill the economy of scale. Stopping an automotive plant can cost £10,000 a minute,” says Bart Simpson, Senior Director, Operations at Autodesk.Much of the 3D design, physical property analysis (FEA), and factory performance simulation can be done offline with a digital twin, a digital replica of the part or machine on screen, with all its working parts. These tools allow engineers to get, often complex, products right first time without building a prototype.“Making one-offs in tool rooms, you cannot do trial and error. If you made a part and “try it out” before you make the one-off, you have put 100% overhead on your process. So you need tools to make sure you get it right first time.”Steve Hobbs Vice President of CAM and Hybrid Manufacturing | Autodesk But engineering simulation (CAD and CAE) have been around for years. The next “Industry 4.0” phase requires two things:1) R icher simulation tools Autodesk now has clever simulation tools for metal cutting, and additive manufacturing processes, as well as more traditional finite element analysis tools.2) H igher accuracyBetter technology means greater assurance that these simulations are aligned to what actually happens in production DIGITAL TWINS Image courtesy of Briggs Automotive Company Ltd.“Smart factories are about connecting devices, ” says Bart Simpson. “Connecting devices has been around for some time but it has been difficult to glue those connections together and aggregate data in a meaningful way. Now this is possible.”Such powerful simulation also benefits factory planning and robotic operations. A big area for the smart factory is standardised Business benefit: Next generation software can interrogate parts, products, machines and factories to reveal design flaws and cost-saving solutions more accurately and quickly than was previously possible.What is my data and where does it go?The data in a machine shop environment includes spindle speeds, number of revolutions, temperature, coolant temperature and levels, tool wear, tool changeover intervals and machine running time. Also parts produced in a shift and quality C controllers are powerful computers in their own right. Under business-as-usual or “Industry 3.0”, many machine operators are not using them to the potential, rather just as a programmable interface. Inside the CNC are gigabytes of useful performance data.Let’s compare two scenarios, business as usual and Industry 4.0.Industry 3.0 machining In a traditional CAD/CAM environment, one would programme a part, generate the G code to drive the machine, and typically get an inaccurate estimate of how long it would take to cut the part.“The reason for this is that we don’t have real performance data for that machine,” says Steve Hobbs. “It has finite spindle acceleration and processing time for the CNC controller, things which mean it does not move instantaneously. In reality parts will take longer to cut than we expect.”Engineers build in fudge factors that add e.g. 20% to the expected time, but it is hit or miss.THE FACTORY AND DATA “Industry 4.0” machining This is Industry 3.0 with feedback.Machine performance data can predict how long a job will take. The job is run on the machine, live feedback from the machine measures how long it took and the operator can start to correlate the results and learn from them. Engineers can use simple manual correlations or a smarter machine learning approach to collect the data.Virtuous circle: When companies can feedback thetrue experience data from their factories, they can improve the quality of their digital model used to simulate that facility and therefore the accuracy of the simulation and the reliability of the results can be improved. The aim is a “virtuous digital circle” where the simulated production processes are a much more faithful representation of what will really happen on the shop floor, eliminating guess work.Business benefit: “The advantage is to harness manufacturing data and make it visible, in real-time across the supply chain. The benefit is to connect people, data, and machines to improve production efficiency, better decision making and enable an agile response to demand.”Cloud computing has also become a buzzword and there is a spectrum of true understanding of its role in smart factories.By using a cloud platform, or simply, moving and storing industrial data offline using the internet or local network as a interface, the wireless connections between the product and machines at the “field level” can speak instantly to the enterprise level systems like ERP and MES SCADA systems at the top level of the enterprise.In yesterday’s regime, product and field data – such as product defects, machine optimisation data like spindle speed and temperature – remained on the shop level and had to be manually fed into an enterprise IT system.Architectures like KUKA’s Edge Cloud Gateway does all this automatically. A board meeting can pull up real-time shop floor KPIs as the line is running, from the ERP system. The cloud makes this possible.“The driver for Industry 4 is the desire to use technology to the point where it becomes easier to connect the operation via cloud connections, and we can aggregate data much more easily where, with for example Autodesk Fusion 360 Production and other cloud tools, you can pull the data in from different factory sources to a database and you can start to link that data together, recognise patterns and see trends,” says Steve Hobbs, Autodesk.Business benefit: The I4.0 difference is that finally the process interrogation that manufacturing engineers have discussed for years are feasible because they have access to connectivity that they never had before. The cloud enables this.WHAT IS THE CLOUD FACTORY“Industry 4.0” factory and logistics technologies are enablers for mould-breaking businesses that disrupt established norms.Jeff Nowill of KUKA Robotics points to disruptive businesses that rebuild traditional systems, that think like their customers and which are brave enough to remodel their manufacturing and distribution to deliver this, rather than hope people will accept their rigid system.“Again, companies need the right value-proposition to begin with. That’s a case of understanding the complex relationship between your product or service within the context of your market, customers, competitors and the prevailing and future political climate. That gets a class-leading value-proposition to the table and thereafter, Industry 4.0 and its associated digital technologies can come into their own to ensure the application of the value proposition is world class. Zara the clothing business is a great example of this.”In 1990 Zara adopted a just-in-time (JIT) system, modified from the Toyota Production System. It enabled the company to establish a business model that allows self-containment through the stages of materials, manufacture, product completion and distribution to stores worldwide within just a few days. After products are designed they take 10 to 15 days to reach the stores. All of the clothing is processed through the distribution centre in Spain and in most cases, the clothing is delivered within 48 hours. Zara produces over 450 million items per year. Reportedly, Zara needs just one or two weeks to develop a new product and get it to stores, compared to the six-month industry average, and it launches around 12,000 new designs each year.To integrate such demanding manufacturing and delivery schedules, companies will need to integrate smart factory technology with smart logistics solutions and equipment such Swisslog’s automated picking robots and warehouse management. A good example of fully automated fulfilment in UK retail is Ocado, which picks all its orders and navigates its huge warehouse automatically.NEW BUSINESS MODELSMyth busting: Robots create jobsDespite the common belief that automation removes jobs in the automotive industry, the opposite is happening in Germany and some nations. From 2010-2015, the number of employees in the German automotive industry expanded by 14% to reach 710,000 workers by late 2016 (Source: Euromonitor).ZND UK in Rotherham is Europe’s largest manufacturer of temporary fencing and pedestrian barriers. Since 2012 it has had a fully automated robot-operated line to feed wire coil to the fence assembly process, to braze on supports, further value-add operations and handle the material between cells. Engineering manager Paul Fenwick says without the KUKA robotic line, the process would need 16-men per shift. With robots, throughput has risen from 80 per line per shift, to 500 per line per shift – a rise of 600%. Robotic brazing has created a better product, so demand has increased, meaning more recruitment to man the lines. For ZND, the term “Industry 4.0” may be irrelevant but by automating the factory fully it has raised output to meet demand, increased quality and created jobs.KUKA CASE STUDY - ZND UKReference linksI ndustrie 4.0 and collaborative robots in German car industry /2016/10/industry-4-0-german-car-industry-introduces-collaborative-robots.htmlH ow robots will change the workforce /news/2016-12-robots-workforce.htmlT he Ocado warehouse run by robots /news/av/business-38897417/the-ocado-warehouse-run-by-robots T he Zara business model /why-zara-is-crushing-the-retail-industry-2016-5S eeing Digital Twin Doublehttp://www.digitaleng.news/de/seeing-digital-twin-double Coming Up Next…..The second Autodesk and KUKA Robotics paper on Deciphering Industry 4.0 will investigate: HUMAN AND ROBOT COLLABORATIONAs manufacturing companies seek to automate the assembly of products more and more, human and robot collaboration is a growing field. Companies that are used to assembling complex structures fully manually know that one way to increase throughput is to develop reliable and safe systems where humans and robots can work side-by-side.Much research is being done in this area, in the UK especially at Cranfield and Loughborough universities, and more companies are installing collaborative robots, or “cobots”, to assist workers with desk-based and light, repetitive assemblies and inspection tasks.Our white paper discusses the latest advances in this field and demonstrates the business case.Expect the next paper out in SEPTEMBER 2017.Our third paper will continue to explore Smart Logistics and Mass Customisation and our fourth paper will discuss Generative Design & Artificial Intelligence.We hope you have found this white paper useful.Please get in touch with Autodesk and KUKA Robotics if you wish to discuss any part of this report further. 。





二、设备准备1. 检查设备:确认电动喷漆机的所有零部件完好无损,电源线接头良好连接,气管无折断或漏气现象。

2. 安装喷嘴:根据所需喷漆效果选择合适的喷嘴,并正确安装于喷漆机枪体上。

三、涂料配制1. 选用合适的涂料:根据所需喷涂物体的材质和工艺要求,选择合适的涂料(油漆、涂料等),并按照说明书中的配比要求进行混合。

2. 稀释涂料:如有需要,根据实际情况选择适当比例的稀释剂,将涂料稀释至合适的粘度,以确保喷涂顺畅。

四、操作步骤1. 电源连接:将电动喷漆机连接至稳定的电源插座,并确保其接地良好。

2. 气源连接:将气管连接至电动喷漆机的气源接口,确保连接牢固。

3. 喷漆机准备:打开电动喷漆机的电源开关,待其预热至工作温度。

4. 喷漆准备:将涂料倒入喷漆机的容器中,并确保容器盖子紧闭,避免涂料泄漏。

5. 启动喷漆机:按下启动按钮,喷漆机开始喷涂。


6. 均匀喷涂:以均匀的速率来移动喷枪,保持喷涂距离和角度恒定。


7. 喷涂顺序:按照固定的顺序,先喷涂平面部分,然后再进行角部和边缘的喷涂。


8. 喷涂厚度:根据工艺要求和喷涂涂料的粘度,控制每次喷涂的厚度。


五、清洁与维护1. 清洁喷枪:每次使用完毕后,将喷枪拆卸并用清洁剂清洗干净,避免涂料残留造成堵塞。

2. 清洁设备:定期清洁电动喷漆机的过滤器、喷嘴等部件,保证其畅通无阻。

3. 维护保养:根据喷漆机的使用频率,定期检查和更换零部件,保证设备的正常运作。

六、安全注意事项1. 请佩戴适当的防护设备,如手套、护目镜和口罩,以保护自身安全。

2. 在操作过程中,严禁将喷枪对准人体或动物,以防造成伤害。





二、安全须知在操作电动喷涂机之前,请务必仔细阅读并理解以下安全须知:1. 仅供专业人士使用:本设备仅适用于熟悉喷涂工作的专业人士操作,请勿将设备交予无经验的人员使用。

2. 穿戴防护装备:在使用喷涂机时,必须穿戴适当的防护服、手套、护目镜和口罩,以保护自己的安全。

3. 注意通风环境:在使用喷涂机时,请确保操作区域具备良好的通风条件,以避免喷涂产生的气体积聚。

4. 断电操作:在维护和更换零部件之前,请先断开电源,并确保设备处于关闭状态。

5. 防止滴漏和触电:使用时请确保电源线不被切割或损坏,避免发生触电事故。


三、设备放置在开始使用电动喷涂机之前,请确保设备放置在平稳的工作台面上,并遵循以下步骤:1. 设备连接:将电源线插入电源插座,并确保电源开关处于关闭状态。

2. 准备喷枪:将喷枪连接到机身,确保连接牢固,喷嘴未堵塞。

3. 探测开关:检查设备上的各种探测开关是否正常工作。

四、操作步骤1. 准备工作:在开始涂装之前,应先调整好喷涂机的压力和喷嘴,确保处于最佳工作状态。


2. 开始涂装:打开电源开关,调整合适的涂料流量和风压,通过牢握喷枪手柄进行均匀的喷涂。


3. 喷涂角度:对于垂直面的喷涂,请保持喷枪与表面垂直,以获得更好的效果。


4. 喷枪移动:在喷涂时,应以匀速且平稳的方式移动喷枪,避免在同一位置停留时间过长,以免造成喷漆积聚或颜色不均匀。

5. 结束操作:喷涂结束后,请关闭电源开关,断开电源线,并进行设备的清洁和维护。

























一、助焊剂涂敷I. Application of soldering flux喷雾作业使用指南A guide to the operation of spray operation1、喷雾使用时须注意喷嘴的调整,务必使助焊剂均匀分布在PCB板面上。

2、应根据实际情况调整助焊剂的喷涂量:通常须增加助焊剂喷涂量的情况有:(1) 基板严重氧化时(此现象无法用肉眼去客观辨认,须经实验室检测)。

(2) 零件脚端严重氧化时(同上)。

(3) 基板零件密度高时。

(4) 基板零件方向与焊锡方向不一致时。

(5) 多层板。

(6) 焊锡温度较低时。



1. Note the adjustment of nozzles when spraying operation. Make sure to enable the soldering flux to be well distributed on the PCB plate.2. Adjust the volume of spray of soldering flux as the case may be:Generally, the case where necessary increase in soldering flux includes:(1) When substrates are severely oxidized (Such phenomenon cannot be distinguished by naked eyes, so it must be subject to the test ).(2) When the part pins are severely oxidized (ditto).(3) When the density of substrates is high.(4) When the substrate part direction is not identical to that of the solder.(5) Multi-layer plates.(6) When the solder temperature is too low.3. When it is required that the board surface should be clean, under the circumstances that solder effect is guaranteed, it is allowed to reduce the volume of soldering flux, but it is necessary to ensure that every corner of the PCB boards will be sprayed with soldering flux.4. When soldering flux containing rosin is used for spray operation, it is advisable to perform shift operation using two nozzles to ensure that the nozzles will not be jammed or blocked.发泡作业使用指南A Guide to Foaming Operation1、助焊剂发泡作业时,作业比重应随基板或零件脚氧化程度决定,助焊剂比重控制在规格值0.01范围内,助焊剂比重随温度变化而变化,一般以20℃时比重为标准,从经验知在(15-30℃)范围内,温度每升高一度,助焊剂比重下降0.001。



3.7.3 每天检查悬链传送系统运行情况,视需要启动传送带系统的加油润滑器及毛刷除尘机,每班
运行 3.5 小时左右;及时检查润滑器油筒内的油位并定期给筒内加油。
3.7.4 至此生产线启动准备工作完成。
3.7.5 按生产作业计划开始向悬链吊具上挂料,挂料时调整吊具复位并方向一致,挂料时应按工艺
2.14 由于旋碟为高速旋转设备、往复机为具有机械惯性的垂直运行设备、喷涂设备及控制设备带有
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目录Contents 一:产品概述Machine Instruction二:技术规格说明Instruction of Technology Data三:操作指导书Operation manual四:常见故障处理Common Fault Troubleshooting五:维护与保养Preventive Maintenance and Repairing六:主要备件清单Main spare part list七:安全要求Safe Requirement一:概述Overview本公司生产的助焊剂全自动喷涂设备主要分外置机和内置机,客户可根据实际需要进There are two types machine model to be selected by customer, it is internal and external machine.行选择。


The operation manual is base on GDFS-400W operation.产品特点Machine feature:1:采用图片处理的方式选择需要喷涂的区域,操作简单,定位精确;With image processing to choose need spraying area, simple operation, and precise position.相对于传统的多点测量编程,可减少误差,节省时间;Programming time is very short and Zero missing comparing the traditional flux machine.2:对于PCB板上需要重点喷涂区域可以进行定点喷涂;;For more flux require area that machine can spray it with fixed point spraying method.相对传统的全局喷涂,此项功能可大大减少助焊剂的使用量,节约成本;Compare to traditional global spraying, the function can save more flux.3:采用精密步进电机和高精度感应器的双轴喷涂平台,喷头可随承载PCB板的轨道同时X-Y table is using high accuracy step motor and driver, Spray head can follow pallet conveyor 同向运动,弥补了传统单轴喷涂的盲区。

moving direction, means the spraying no blind point with single Y axis.4:用户权限分级管理;User permissions classification management5:报警信息界面显示,方便快速处理;Warning message displays windows,convenient quickly to handle.6:生产信息可根据条件查询和导出;User can check production information conditionally.7:可脱机运行,摆脱设备运行时对电脑的依赖;Machine can run off line, computer can shut down when machine running.二:技术规格说明GDFS-400W∙外观尺寸(L*W*H):1200*1150*1300Machine Dimension (L*W*H):1200*1150*1300∙机器重量:250KGMachine Weight: 250 Kg∙工作电压:220V±10%,50Hz;Operating voltage: 220V±10%, 50Hz∙功率:1500WPower: 1500W∙气压范围:0.2~0.4MpaAir pressure range:0.2~0.4Mpa∙适用线路板尺寸(mm):Min:50*50 Max:400*400Fitting PCB size(mm):Min:50*50 Max: 400*400∙适用线路板重量:Max 10KgPCB and pallet weight:Max 10Kg∙适用线路板上部空间:120mmPCB Upper space: 120mm∙适用线路板下部空间:30mmPallet lower Space: 30mm∙喷涂类型:区域喷涂和定点喷涂Spray type: Area spray and fixed point spray∙助焊剂箱体容积:2L (Max)自动抽取Flux tank volume: 2L (Auto feeding)∙助焊剂液位检测:低液位报警,抽取不到助焊剂报警Flux liquid detecting: Lower warning and no liquid warning ∙喷涂定位:手动图片编辑,托盘长宽设定,自动导入喷涂位置坐标Spraying location: auto analysis programming and setting XY coordinator三:操作指导书Machine Operation Manual1: 准备工作Preparatory work(1):检查压缩空气过滤器是否有积水,如果有积水应及时排出;Checking the air filter, if water found, empty the filter.(2):接通整机机电源,闭合断路器;Connect the power and power on breaker switch.*蓝色手柄在下方时为开路状态,推向上方为闭合状态Blue hand shank: Upper is on, Lower is off*左侧为整机电源断路器,闭合后整机所有用电设备通电;Left breaker is machine power switch, if on, all element is power on.*右侧为轨道电机断路器,仅把机器作为“轨道”使用时闭合;此开关闭合后无法对轨道进行“运行”和“停止”操作;Right breaker is conveyor power switch, if on, conveyor will always runwithout control by machine controller(3):检查喷涂机轨道宽度设定是否与产品宽度一致,根据需要进行调整;Inspect conveyor width is same to program setting, adjust it if need.(4):打开电脑电源,确定电脑和控制器已联结并能正常通信;T urn on the computer, confirm computer and Micro-processer is on line andCommunication is ok.2:进入操作系统Started computer and enter the operating system(1):在电脑主机页面双击打开“高达喷雾系统”Double click "GaoDa spray system" to enter application software.(2):输入帐号和密码,点击“登录”,进入喷雾操作系统Input user name and password, click "login", enter the spraying operating system (3):操作分两种模式Two modes of operationA .没有项目:No project existing登录系统->新建项目->加载图片->剪贴->完成确认->重设产品长宽->进入“区域工具”按需要编辑喷涂区域->点击“保存项目”->点击“设备操作”->点击“喷涂当前项目”->点击“复位”->点击“开始”Log on to the system - > new project - > loading picture - > Clip - > completion confirmation - > reset the product aspect - > Enter "area tool" according to need to edit the spray area - > click "save project" - > click "operation" - > click "spraying current project" - > click "reset" - > click "start"B.已有项目:Existing project登录系统->打开项目->选择要喷涂的项目->点击“设备操作”->点击“喷涂当前项目”->点击“复位”->点击“开始”Log on to the system - > Open Project - > select target project - > click "spraying equipment operation" - > click "spraying current project" - > click "reset" - > click "start"3: 以需新建项目为例介绍机器设置和编辑操作Below is sample of new project setup to instruct machine setting and operation3. 1: 托盘图片编辑Pallet and PCB picture editing3.1 A: 点击“新建项目”;Click on the "new project3.1 B: 点击“加载图片”,找到事先倒入到计算机中的待喷涂托盘的图片并加载;* 注意示意图片的方向为俯视图,并且托盘运行方向与轨道一致,否则要进行旋转和镜像操作;B: Click "loading pictures", find the advance picture to be painted and loading.* Note the picture direction is bird view, and the pallet running directionSame to conveyor running, if not, need to rotate and mirror image operation 3.1 C: 选择“缩放比例”,通常情况下0.3左右即可,根据实际情况而定;Select "Scaling", normally according to actual, usually about 0.3 is fit3.1 D: 选择“剪切”,将托盘整个选择并剪切下来即可,本图只是示范;Select "shear", select and cutting down pallet size, this is a demonstration; 3.1 E: 点击“完成确认”,图片会自动加载到喷涂编辑区域;Click "completion confirmation", the picture will be automatically loadedinto the spraying and editing area;3.2:喷涂区域编辑Spraying area editing3.2 A: 点击“重设产品长宽”,将测量好的托盘的长和宽输入电脑;*注意测量和输入的单位要匹配,*测量宽度时不包括挂在轨道链条或钩爪部分,一般托盘都有明显区分;Click "reset the product size", input pallet length and width to related windows* Note measurement data should be match input unit,* Pallet width does not include hanging edge; it is obvious to find the hanging edge;3.2 B: 点击“区域工具”里的“区域”, 进行对所需喷涂部分进行区域选定;*为弥补照所示区域与实际区域的误差,所选定区域应略大于图示部分;Click “area" on "regional tools ", selects the required spraying to drawing;To compensate for deviation of actual area, drawing should be slightly larger actual area;3.2 C: 点击“定点”,可根据实际需要对需进行重点喷涂的部分进行定点喷涂;*可根据实际需要更改定点喷涂的喷涂时间Click "point", Select some fixed point, can according to the need to fixed-point spraying;* According to product require, change the spraying time of fixed-point spraying3.2 D&E: 当区域或定点选定后,在上图的DE区域会自动显示所选定区域的坐标,同时会显示区域编号,如果需要进行删除等操作,可双击DE部分的某个待编辑区域或在图片中进行选择和编辑;*上图中只对部分区域进行了选定编辑,仅作参考D&E: when the spraying area or point selected, will automatically display the selected zone coordinates in the D&E region on above graph , also display area number at the same time, if you need to delete, double-click the D&E target part of a region to edit, or select and edit in the picture;*Above graph is only part of the region was selected and editor, for reference only3.3 参数设置P arameter settings*本章节中所列举的参数的任何修改都会影响到设备的运行和使用,非指定或经过培训的人员禁止修改;客户在使用过程中应对使用人员进行分级授权管理!*如果产品感应位置不动的情况下,参数无需调整,只进行3.1和3.2的新项目设定即可;*In the chapter, any modification of parameters will affect equipment operation and running, non designated or training persons are prohibited for any operation, customer should be using staff grading authorization management system for any system operation!!!* If the product detects sensor position without moving, the following parameters adjustment is not required, only 3.1 new projects and 3.2 setting;3.3A: 待喷涂产品感应器位置:此参数为某些不能感应托盘进盘边缘而设置,例如某些只能感应电路板上某个特定的零部件;该参数指感应点到托盘进盘边沿的距离,输入时要注意测量值与输入值的单位要统一;采用对射光纤感应的机器不需要设置此参数;Product detecting sensor position: this parameter is for product detecting point setting, such as detecting point a specific components, the data is distance of detecting point to the tray edge, input data unit should be same the measurement data; the optical fiber sensing does not need to set this parameter3.3B: 产品感应滤波:此参数为解决不同的托盘之间长度有偏差时进行过滤而设置的,通常情况下设置为5,当然根据实际情况可能有不同设置;Product of detecting filtering: this parameter setting is due to each pallet actual length slightly deviation, usually setting data is 5, of course, according to the actual situation may be different setting;3.3 C: 喷嘴定位速度:指喷涂开始时喷嘴由原点运行至喷涂起始处时的速度,其值须与喷嘴喷涂速度匹配,否则会造成喷嘴晃动过大;N ozzle positioning speed: it is nozzle moving speed when nozzle no any spraying action, it must match the nozzle spraying speed, otherwise, it will cause excessive shake nozzle;3.3 D: 喷嘴喷涂速度:指喷嘴在指定喷涂区域内的运行速度,其值须与喷嘴定位速度及轨道运行速度匹配,否则会造成各种超程报警;N ozzle spraying speed: it is nozzle moving speed when nozzle spraying within the region, the value must match the nozzle location and conveyor running speed, otherwise it will cause various over travel warning;3.3E: 轨道电子齿轮分子:为轨道驱动轴驱动齿轮的周长值,此值的任何修改都会造成轨道速度计算值与实际运行值之间有误差,会立即影响到喷涂的精确,甚至会造成喷嘴与轨道运行匹配问题,造成频繁报警;Rail electronic gear numerator: it is drive gear perimeter of rail drive shaft, any modification of this value will cause the orbital velocity calculation error between the actual values, will affect the spray nozzle location accurate, even cause the track running matching problem, resulting in frequent alarm;3.3 F: 电子齿轮分母:根据所选用的Encoder型号/参数不同而有不同的设定,如果在使用过程中出现必须更换Encoder的情况,必须保证型号及参数与原来的完全一致;Electronic gear denominator: according to the selected different Encoder type and parameters are for different settings, if must be replaced Encoder when it failure, must ensure that the models and parameters is same the original completely consistent;3.3 G: 喷嘴分辨率:指单点喷涂时在PCB上形成的圆形直径,区域喷涂时指单次喷涂的宽度值.Nozzle resolution ratio: it is nozzle spraying point diameter formed on the PCB, aregional spraying is single spraying width value formed on PCB.3.3 H: 喷嘴位置X: 喷嘴居于原点时其中心到感应点中心的水平距离.Nozzle position X: it is the horizontal distance from the center point of nozzle on origin position to the product detect sensor.3.3 I: 喷嘴位置Y: 喷嘴居于原点时其中心到轨道固定边的距离N ozzle position Y: it is the distance from the center point of nozzle in originposition to fix rail edge.3.3 J: 产品检测信号过滤: 设置一个规定距离,其间感应器都有信号输出电脑才认为有托盘进来,否则判定为误感应,机器不会动作;该参数的作用是屏蔽误感应信号;Product detection signal filtering: Set a prescribed length, which are signal output,it is means system detected product, otherwise, system judged as wrong induction,the machine does not action; the parameters of the induction signal is shielded error;3.3 K: 产品检测信号电平:根据所设定的感应器的输出信号,选择高或低电平为有效信号;Product detection signal level: according to the output signals of the sensor set,choose high or low level of effective signal;3.3 L&M: 这两个区域内的参数为机器出厂设定参数,正常情况下无需更改;L&M area parameter is factory origin setting, normally, without change;4:机器运行操作Machine operation instruction当1-3步骤完成后,点击操作界面左侧工具栏的“设备操作”,会弹出运行对话和演示框并可以对机器进行运行操作When the 1-3 step is completed, click interface left Toolbar "operation", will pop up dialog box,Then can operate and demonstrate the machine4.0 A: “喷涂当前项目”: 指喷涂指定的单个项目"Spraying current project": it is means that machine should spray selected project.4.0 B: “喷涂选择项目”指多产品并行时, 将并行的喷涂项目加载到喷涂列表;"Select spraying project":loading multiple spraying project to spraying list when multiple project running;*此项目为产品附加的选项功能,需要根据客户的要求而选用。
