To Laozi, resorting to deceit is true futility and would accomplish just the opposite result. Those who intend to play tricks are not genuine and therefore are not natural. Deceit is detrimental to naturalness and to the harmony of life.
to prosperity, but also the way to preserving life.
Returning to a Newborn State
★ Laozi saw the world as a madding crowd of vanity. He chose to live a simple, quite life, and to keep his mind undisturbed in the face of temptation. He said he would rather remain a “newborn baby.” ★The state of the newborn is free of any knowledge, desire, impurity or falsehood. (complete innocence)
Laozi/Classic of the Way and Virtue/Dao de jing
Classic of the Way and Virtue
★ 5,000 Chinese characters ★ 81 chapters ★ two parts, Dao (the way) and De (Virtue). It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in Ancient China. The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.
To Laozi, resorting to deceit is true futility and would accomplish just the opposite result. Those who intend to play tricks are not genuine and therefore are not natural. Deceit is detrimental to naturalness and to the harmony of life.
to prosperity, but also the way to preserving life.
Returning to a Newborn State
★ Laozi saw the world as a madding crowd of vanity. He chose to live a simple, quite life, and to keep his mind undisturbed in the face of temptation. He said he would rather remain a “newborn baby.” ★The state of the newborn is free of any knowledge, desire, impurity or falsehood. (complete innocence)
Laozi/Classic of the Way and Virtue/Dao de jing
Classic of the Way and Virtue
★ 5,000 Chinese characters ★ 81 chapters ★ two parts, Dao (the way) and De (Virtue). It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in Ancient China. The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.
Answer one
I prefer Confucius. The reason why are as followed.
Teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese.
Emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships.
Answer two
I considered that Confucius ‘s thoughts was better than Laozi’s . The reason why are as followed.
The Confucius required people to hold Heaven in awe.
Confucius pay great attention to harmonious human relationships.
Confucius stresses on self-reflection .
Answer two
• Different • Laozi’s enlightening views are based
on his philosophy of naturalness and non-action.
Answer two
• All in all, I support Confucius, resulting from its thoughts meets the needs of our time to build up a harmonious society and ag的学习习惯
The foundation of success lies in good habits
lǐ.)) ,Ku County in the state of Chu ,in present day
Luyi(鹿里) ,Henan Province Career: librarian,
grand scribe(太史) Old age:resigned from official post and lived in seclusion。
established the earliest ontology (本体论)and cosmology(宇宙学)in China Career: librarian,
Zi and zhuang Zi Immortals The Tao prouduced one, one produced two,Two produced Three,Three produced Three,Three produced All things.
Daoist Thingking
Daoism as Philosophy of laozi
Crossing the
xiān guò De Jing
Lao-Tzu’s sayings:
The Tao prouduced one, one produced two,Two produced Three,Three produced Three,Three produced All things.
The goodness of water is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures.
Luyi(鹿里) ,Henan Province Career: librarian,
grand scribe(太史) Old age:resigned from official post and lived in seclusion。
established the earliest ontology (本体论)and cosmology(宇宙学)in China Career: librarian,
Zi and zhuang Zi Immortals The Tao prouduced one, one produced two,Two produced Three,Three produced Three,Three produced All things.
Daoist Thingking
Daoism as Philosophy of laozi
Crossing the
xiān guò De Jing
Lao-Tzu’s sayings:
The Tao prouduced one, one produced two,Two produced Three,Three produced Three,Three produced All things.
The goodness of water is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures.
Legend has it that Laozi left his position as an imperial archivist and withdrew from society, seeking solitude to contemplate the principles of the Dao.
《老子英文简介》PPT课 件
Explore the life and philosophy of Laozi, one of the most influential thinkers in ancient China. Discover the key concepts of the Dao De Jing and its relevance in modern society.
other artistic expressions that
reflect the connection between
human existence and the natural
Translation and Interpretation of the Dao De Jing
Translation Challenges
Common Misconceptions about Laozi
Mystical Superstition
Laozi's philosophy is often misunderstood as promoting mystical practices or superstitions, while it actually emphasizes self-reflection and practical wisdom.
2 Naturalness
《老子英文简介》PPT课 件
Explore the life and philosophy of Laozi, one of the most influential thinkers in ancient China. Discover the key concepts of the Dao De Jing and its relevance in modern society.
other artistic expressions that
reflect the connection between
human existence and the natural
Translation and Interpretation of the Dao De Jing
Translation Challenges
Common Misconceptions about Laozi
Mystical Superstition
Laozi's philosophy is often misunderstood as promoting mystical practices or superstitions, while it actually emphasizes self-reflection and practical wisdom.
2 Naturalness
《庄子》英译 Chuang-Tzu
ABrief Introduction of Chuang-Tzu
The English Translation of ChuangTzu
A Comparative study of different versions of the Translation of Chuang-Tzu
Rich in imagination, original in ideation, bold in exaggeration and profound in conception, “Nineteen Allegories” in Zhuang Zi strikes the reader with a powerful and charming artistic appeal. Zhuang Zi is varied and colorful in language use, novel in sentence formation and superb in diction, seeking an inherent rhythem and an occasional use of crambos without the affected pursuit of formal ornaments.
翟理斯 英语世界中研究庄子最早,翻译庄子全集的 第一人。Chuang Tzu: Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer,1889年。 Chuang Tzu, Taoist Philosopher and Chinese Mystic.1926年再版。
理雅格 1891年,The Writings of Kwang-Kau
1. 1926年,冯友兰受燕京大学的美籍教授博晨光 (Lucius Chapin Porter)邀请,在北京的“华语学校” 开了一门课,为一些来华的外国人讲《庄子》。华 语学校是居住在北京的外国人,为了学习中国,了解 中国文化而自办的一所学校。这门课的读本,就是 后来的冯友兰《庄子》英译本A Taoist Classic Chuang-Tzu。1931年商务印书馆出版。
ABrief Introduction of Chuang-Tzu
The English Translation of ChuangTzu
A Comparative study of different versions of the Translation of Chuang-Tzu
Rich in imagination, original in ideation, bold in exaggeration and profound in conception, “Nineteen Allegories” in Zhuang Zi strikes the reader with a powerful and charming artistic appeal. Zhuang Zi is varied and colorful in language use, novel in sentence formation and superb in diction, seeking an inherent rhythem and an occasional use of crambos without the affected pursuit of formal ornaments.
翟理斯 英语世界中研究庄子最早,翻译庄子全集的 第一人。Chuang Tzu: Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer,1889年。 Chuang Tzu, Taoist Philosopher and Chinese Mystic.1926年再版。
理雅格 1891年,The Writings of Kwang-Kau
1. 1926年,冯友兰受燕京大学的美籍教授博晨光 (Lucius Chapin Porter)邀请,在北京的“华语学校” 开了一门课,为一些来华的外国人讲《庄子》。华 语学校是居住在北京的外国人,为了学习中国,了解 中国文化而自办的一所学校。这门课的读本,就是 后来的冯友兰《庄子》英译本A Taoist Classic Chuang-Tzu。1931年商务印书馆出版。
老子和庄子 PPT
• 太上,不知有之; 其次,亲而誉之; 其次,畏之; 其次,侮之。
• 小国寡民。使有什伯之器而不用;使民重死而 不远徙。虽有舟舆,无所乘之;虽有甲兵,无 所陈之。使民复结绳而用之。甘其食,美其服 ,安其居,乐其俗。邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻 ,民至老死不相往来。 ——反思文明的弊端
人道:人生哲著书十五篇,言 道家之用,与孔子同时云。 盖老子百有六十余岁,或言二百余岁,以 其修道而养寿也。 自孔子死之后百二十九年,而史记周太史 儋见秦献公曰:“始秦与周合,合五百岁而离 ,离七十岁而霸王者出焉。”或曰儋即老子, 或曰非也,世莫知其然否。老子,隐君子也。 道教尊称老子为:道德天尊
• 为学日益, 为道日损。 损之又损,以至 于无为。 无为而无不为。
• 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 (清代学者俞樾解“常”为“尚”,上也。错) (“常”本为“恒”,避讳而改) • “绝仁弃义,民复孝慈” (通行本《老子》) “绝伪弃虑,民复季子”(郭店本《老子》)
• 以“道”为核心 • 天道:宇宙观、宇宙哲学 • 人道:政治观(政治哲学、社会哲学) 人生观(人生哲学:为人处世养生)
孔子去,谓弟子曰:“鸟,吾知其能飞; 鱼,吾知其能游;兽,吾知其能走。走者可以 为罔,游者可以为纶,飞者可以为矰。至于龙 ,吾不能知其乘风云而上天。吾今日见老子, 其犹龙邪!” 老子修道德,其学以自隐无名为务。居周 久之,见周之衰,乃遂去。至关,关令尹喜曰 :“子将隐矣,强为我著书。”于是老子乃著 书上下篇,言道德之意五千余言而去,莫知其 所终。
道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负 阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。
Emphasizing flexibility and innovation
Taoist philosophy believes that flexibility and innovation are important means of solving problems. It advocates daring to break through conventions and try new methods and ideas when facing difficulties and challenges.
Advocate for governing without action: Taoist philosophy believes that the best way of governance is to allow things to develop naturally, rather than excessive intervention. It emphasizes respecting natural laws and avoiding excessive human intervention to achieve natural harmony in society.
By developing inner peace, we can better handle stress situations and improve our overall well being Taoism also emphasizes the importance of self-control and the ability to retain call in the face of diversity
Taoist philosophy believes that flexibility and innovation are important means of solving problems. It advocates daring to break through conventions and try new methods and ideas when facing difficulties and challenges.
Advocate for governing without action: Taoist philosophy believes that the best way of governance is to allow things to develop naturally, rather than excessive intervention. It emphasizes respecting natural laws and avoiding excessive human intervention to achieve natural harmony in society.
By developing inner peace, we can better handle stress situations and improve our overall well being Taoism also emphasizes the importance of self-control and the ability to retain call in the face of diversity
Wu-wei literally means “non-action,” but
it doesn’t mean don’t ever move.
It means to always act in accordance with
the Dao, and not to do things that don’t
It is believed to be derived from the Taijitu (Diagram of the Ultimate Power).
Yin yang are complementary opposites within a greater whole. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, although yin or yang elements may manifest more strongly in different objects or at different times.
“go with the flow.” Water does not flow uphill—does it? No, it always flows downhill—it always finds the path of least resistance, as does a good Daoist
Yin yang constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis.
The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol, for which it is probably best known in western cultures.
critics for centuries, and have
influenced every aspect in our life
① Tao/Dao the image of a hairy, human head
a foot walking "the way of the ancients"
Story : 孔子适周,将问礼于老子。
Once, Confucius went to Zhou and consulted with Laozi on ritual matters.
老子曰:“良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德、容貌若愚。去 子之骄气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益于子之身。”
disappeared without a trace.
• Work:Dao De Jing《道德经》
• Achievement:esteemed as a philosopher by
Confucianists; a saint(圣人)or god by the common people of China; a divinity(神)and the representative of the Dao
Laozi's response was a critique of Confucius's teachings. Laozi tells Confucius to give up his stiff deportment and prideful airs.
孔子去,谓弟子曰:“鸟,吾知其能飞;鱼,吾知其能游; 兽,吾知其能走。走者可以为罔,游者可以为纶,飞者可以 为矰。至于龙吾不能知,其乘风云而上天。吾今日见老子, 其犹龙邪!”
and Taoism
老子(约公元前571年—公元前471年), 姓李名耳,字聃。是我国古代伟大的哲学家和 思想家、道家学派创始人。在道教中,老子被 尊为道教始祖。老子乃世界文化名人,世界百 位历史名人之一,存世有《道德经》(又称 《老子》),主张无为而治,其学说对中国哲 学发展具有深刻影响。
What is "Non-action"? (何为“无为”?)
Wu wei : means " non-action" or "to take things let their own course", proposed by Lao Zi, is not doing nothing, but comply to nature, excludes the unnecessary indulging, and not reluctantly using people’s power to interfere the natural or social laws own development. 老子提出的“无为”,不是什么也不做,而是指 要顺应自然,排除不必要的妄为,不要勉强用人事 的力量去干扰自然规律或社会规律的自身发展。
Lao-Tzu’s sayings:
道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。
The Tao that can be told of ,is not the Absolute Tao; The Names that can be given,are not Absolute Names. The Nameless is the பைடு நூலகம்rigin of Heaven and earth; The Named is the Mother of All Things.
老子(约公元前571年—公元前471年), 姓李名耳,字聃。是我国古代伟大的哲学家和 思想家、道家学派创始人。在道教中,老子被 尊为道教始祖。老子乃世界文化名人,世界百 位历史名人之一,存世有《道德经》(又称 《老子》),主张无为而治,其学说对中国哲 学发展具有深刻影响。
What is "Non-action"? (何为“无为”?)
Wu wei : means " non-action" or "to take things let their own course", proposed by Lao Zi, is not doing nothing, but comply to nature, excludes the unnecessary indulging, and not reluctantly using people’s power to interfere the natural or social laws own development. 老子提出的“无为”,不是什么也不做,而是指 要顺应自然,排除不必要的妄为,不要勉强用人事 的力量去干扰自然规律或社会规律的自身发展。
Lao-Tzu’s sayings:
道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。
The Tao that can be told of ,is not the Absolute Tao; The Names that can be given,are not Absolute Names. The Nameless is the பைடு நூலகம்rigin of Heaven and earth; The Named is the Mother of All Things.
41、实际上,我们想要的不是针对犯 罪的法 律,而 是针对 疯狂的 法律。 ——马 克·吐温 42、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就 像影子 跟随着 身体一 样。— —贝卡 利亚 43、法律和制度必须跟上人类思想进 步。—托·富 勒
45、法律的制定是为了保证每一个人 自由发 挥自己 的才能 ,而不 是为了 束缚他 的才能 。—— 罗伯斯 庇尔
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
41、实际上,我们想要的不是针对犯 罪的法 律,而 是针对 疯狂的 法律。 ——马 克·吐温 42、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就 像影子 跟随着 身体一 样。— —贝卡 利亚 43、法律和制度必须跟上人类思想进 步。—托·富 勒
45、法律的制定是为了保证每一个人 自由发 挥自己 的才能 ,而不 是为了 束缚他 的才能 。—— 罗伯斯 庇尔
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
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老子:“孔丘啊,当今之世王纲失序,礼乐 纷乱,你还要推行礼乐仁义吗?” 孔子:“丘惭愧,一无所成。” 老子:“那就索性放弃吧,名爵者,公器也, 不可久居。” 孔子:“可丘毕竟不能像葫芦一样挂在门楣 上无用于世。”
老子:“无用,安知不是大用,弱则生,柔 则存,天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能 胜,上善若水啊。” 孔子:“先生微言大义,吾道一以贯之,先 生的道是大道无形,不限于世间万物,而我 的道则只在人间。” 老子:“那就不要在意天下的误解吧,富人 赠人以金,我没有金子,就送你这几句话 吧。”
众 妙 之 门 。 玄 之 又 玄 ,
同 谓 之 玄 。
同 出 而 异 名 ,
此 两 者 ,
常 有 , 欲 以 观 其 徼 。
故 常 无 , 欲 以 观 其 妙 ;
有 名 万 物 之 母 。
无 名 天 地 之 始 ;
名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。
《 老 子 》 第 六 十 七 章
道 可 道 , 非 常 道 。
三 生 万 物 。 二 生 三 ,
一 生 二 ,
道 生 一 ,
道 法 自 然 。 天 法 道 ,
地 法 天 ,
人 法 地 ,
Governing according to the Way
Applying his thought on the Way to politics, Lao Zi refuted the Confucian doctrine of humanity and rites and advocated inaction in governing a country, which means to let things take their own course and not interfere in people’s life. According to Lao Zi, an ideal society was one small in population and territory.
相传这是春秋时期晋国的乐师师旷或齐国的 刘涓子所作。 现存琴谱中的《阳春》和《白雪》是两首器 乐曲,《神奇秘谱》在解题中说:“《阳春》 取万物知春,和风淡荡之意;《白雪》取凛 然清洁,雪竹琳琅之音。”
楚襄王问宋玉,先生有什么隐藏的德行么? 为何士民众庶不怎么称誉你啊? 宋玉说,有歌者客于楚国郢中,起初吟唱 “下里巴人”,国中和者有数千人。当歌者 唱“阳阿薤露”时,国中和者只有数百人。 当歌者唱“阳春白雪”时,国中和者不过数 十人。 “是故其曲弥高,其和弥寡。” --《楚辞》中的《宋玉答楚王问》
Tao Te Ching
It is widely believed that he was the author of the Taoist scripture Lao Zi (also known as Tao Te Ching, or Dao De Jing, roughly translated as The Classic of the Way and Its Virtue). Slightly more than 5 000 characters, this book is considered as one of the most influential texts on Chinese philosophy and religion.
The Way
The core of Lao Zi’s thought is “Tao” (the Way), by which he referred to the condition of the universe before the creation of the heaven and the earth. Therefore, it is from Tao that all the elements of the universe are derived.
9. Lao Zi and Tao Te Ching
Lao Zi
Lao Zi (also known as Lao Tzu, Lao Tse) was born in the later years of the Spring and Autumn Period. His real name was Li Er and his courtesy name was Dan. He worked as an archivist in the imperial library of the Zhou Dynasty.
孔子适周问礼于老子,老子曰:“子所言者, 其人与骨,皆已朽矣,独其言在耳!且君子, 得其时则驾,不得其时,则蓬累而行。吾闻 之:良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德,容貌若愚; 去子之骄气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益 于子之身,吾所以告子,若是而已。”
临别时老子向孔子赠言曰:“聪明深察而近 于死者,好议人者也。博辩广大危其身者, 发人之恶者也。为人子者毋以有己,为人臣 者毋以有己。” 孔子问礼于老子之后,对弟子们说:“鸟, 吾知其能飞;鱼,吾知其能游;兽,吾知其 能走。至于龙,吾不能知,其乘风云而上天。 吾今见老子,其犹龙也!”
《 老 子 》 第 六 十 三 章 治 大 国 者 若 烹 小 鲜 。 《 老 子 》 第 六 十 三 章
味 无 味 。 事 无 事 ,
为 无 为 ,
The ideal life
According to Lao Zi, the ideal life of the individual is a life following the principles of the Way.