






3.预测外呼时,接不到电话,如何解决?(1)系统ipcc本地余额、计费余额;(2)尝试软电话eyebeam重新注册,坐席重新签入4.通话时没声音是什么情况?(1)检查耳麦、声卡是否正常,可以通过QQ语音测试(2)检查软电话eyeebam音频编码(只留一个G729 或G711·ALAW)eyebeam:[选项]—[高级]—[音频Codec]—[启用的Codec](3)eyebeam,[选项]—[设备]—[耳机]:如图[耳机] 扬声器设备、麦克风设备选上自己的耳麦设备,还是不行的话可以把 [扬声器]下扬声器设备、麦克风设备也都选耳麦设备(4)检查软电话eyebeam 麦克风音量是否被关闭或过小(或禁音),如图5.手动拨打时,客户端显示一直在Tring(呼叫中...)是什么原因?(1)拨打的号码是否为广东、北京、新疆、内蒙古、西藏(这些号码可能有盲区)(2)提醒技术切换线路6.接通后,一方挂断,而另一方任然是通话中,怎么处理?检查路由器防火墙并禁用ALG项。

7.常见错误提示信息(针对eyeebam)(1)403 - Forbidden :坐席密码输入错误(2)408 - request timeout :SIP账号设定,删除账号,点关闭,提示“SIP账号没有启用”,重新输入若任不行,联系技术,重启FS(/删除db)(3)呼叫失败:检查是否是余额不足8.预测呼,坐席接完一通,下一通进来过快(或过慢)。

管理员登陆网页,[外呼管理]—[预测外呼],对业务的“间歇时间”调整9.预测呼电话进来后不弹框 & 录音下载不弹窗检查网址栏下方(IE浏览器)是否有拦截信息,“总是允许”检查浏览器右下角(搜狗)是否有拦截信息等,“总是允许”。



PCT通知书译本第一篇:PCT通知书译本授予专利权的通知书notification to grant patent right 会晤通知书notification of interview 手续补正通知书notification to rectify formalities 费用减缓审批通知书notification of decision on reduction of fees 补正通知书notification to make rectification 修改更正通知书notification of amendment and corrections 专利权终止通知书notification of termination of patent right 办理登记手续通知书notification to go through formalities of registration 中止程序结束通知书notification of cessation of suspension 发明专利申请实质审查请求期限届满前通知书 notification before expiration of time limit of request for substantive examination on the patent application for invention 缴纳年费通知书notification to pay annual fee 视为未要求优先权通知书notification that claim to priority deemed not to have been made 视为未提出通知书notification that request deemed not to have been made 向外国申请专利保密审查意见通知书notification of confidentiality examination on patent application to be filed abroad 恢复权利请求审批通知书notification of decision on request for restoration of right 延长期限审批通知书notification of decision on extension of time limit 专利权评价报告复核意见通知书notification of reviewing conclusion concerning evaluation report of patent 缴纳申请费通知书notification to pay filing fees 保密审批通知书notification of decision on secrecy 保全程序开始通知书退款审批通知书notification of decision on refund 不受理通知书 notification of nonacceptance 专利申请受理通知书notification of acceptance 审查意见通知书、notification of an office action 补正通知书notification to make rectification 手续合格通知书notification on passing examination on formalities 视为撤回通知书notification that application deemed to be withdrawn 恢复权利请求审批通知书notification on decision on request for restoration of right 缴费通知书notification to pay the fees 费用减缓审批通知书notification on decision on reduction on fees 发明专利申请初步审查合格通知书 notification on passing preliminary examination on the application for invention 发明专利申请公布通知书notification on publication on the application for invention 发明专利申请进入实质审查阶段通知书 notification on entering the substantive examination procedure on the application for invention 授予发明专利权通知书notification to grant patent right for invention 授予实用新型专利权通知书 notification to grant patent right for utility model 授予外观设计专利权通知书notification to grant patent right for design 办理登记手续通知书notification to go through formalities on registration 视为放弃取得专利权通知书notification that entitlement to patent deemed abandoned 专利权终止通知书notification on termination on patent right 驳回决定decision on rejection 复审决定书reexamination decision 无效宣告请求审查决定examination decision of request for invalidation 重新确定申请日通知书notification of re-determination of fifing date 电子申请注册请求审批通知书notification of examination on registration of electronic application 因国家安全原因不再传送登记本和检索本的通知书 notification of not forwarding record copy and search copy for national security reasons 恢复权利请求审批通知书notification of decision of request for restoration of right 不予执行财产保全通知书notification of non-enforcement of property preservation 保全程序开始通知书生物材料样品视为未保藏通知书notification that biological material sample deemed not to have been deposited 缴纳单一性恢复费通知书notification to pay restoration fee for unity 重新确定申请日通知书notification of redetermination of filing date 视为未委托专利代理机构通知书notification that patent agency deemed not to have been appointed 视为未要求不丧失新颖性宽限期的通知书notification that grace period concerning novelty deemed not to have been claimed 提交资料通知书notification to submit materials 分案通知书notification to make divisional application 选定通知书notification of election 撤回要求书或者选定通知书(pct/ib/339表)notification of withdrawal of demand or elections 要求书被认为未提交或者选定被认为未作出通知书(pct/ib/350表)notification that demand is considered not to have been submitted or made 记录变更通知书notification of the recording of a change 国际申请进入中国国家阶段通知书 notification of international application entering the chinese national phase 修改不予考虑通知书notification of non-consideration of the amendment 国际申请不能进入中国国家阶段通知书notification of the failure of the international application to enter the national phase 视为未要求不丧失新颖性宽限期通知书notification that grace period concerning novelty deemed not to have been claimed 确认援引项目或部分决定的通知书 notification on decision of confirmation of incorporation by reference of element or part 撤回优先权要求通知书notification of withdrawal of priority claim 改正译文错误通知书notification of correcting translation errors 无效宣告请求受理通知书notification of acceptance of request for invalidation 无效宣告请求视为未提出通知书 notification that request for invalidation deemed not to have been made 无效宣告请求不予受理通知书notification of nonacceptance of request for invalidation 复审请求视为未提出通知书notification that request for reexamination deemed not to have been made 复审请求不予受理通知书notification of nonacceptance of request for reexamination 转送文件通知书notification of transfer of documents 无效宣告请求审查通知书notification of examination on request for invalidation 口头审理通知书notification of oral proceedings 无效宣告请求案件审查状态通知书 notification of examination status of request for invalidation 复审请求口头审理通知书notification of oral proceedings for request for reexamination 无效宣告审查结案通知书 notification of termination of examination on request for invalidation 复审通知书notification of reexamination 形式审查通知书notification of formal examination篇二:简述pct 简述pct 中国专利申请量连年攀升,最为让国人欣喜的是pct申请2009竟然达世界第一。



TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)作为一种重要的网络传输协议,在互联网通信中扮演着重要的角色。





1. 确认网络连接:首先,检查计算机是否正常连接到网络,可以通过使用其他网络应用程序或者ping命令来确认。

2. 确认端口号:确认通信双方使用的端口号是否正确配置,在客户端和服务器端分别检查。

3. 检查防火墙设置:防火墙设置可能会阻止TCP连接,确保防火墙允许TCP流量通过。

4. 检查IP地址和域名:确认服务器的IP地址或域名是否正确输入,如果使用域名,还需要确认DNS解析是否成功。



1. 检查带宽限制:网络中的带宽限制可能导致数据传输缓慢,使用网络性能工具检测网络带宽是否正常。

2. 排除网络拥堵:网络拥堵也会导致TCP连接问题,可以使用网络分析工具检测网络流量和拥堵情况。

3. 检查MTU设置:MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit)表示在单个数据包中可以携带的最大数据量,确保在网络路径上的每个设备都设置正确的MTU值。

4. 排查传输错误:TCP协议中的传输错误可能包括丢包、重传和乱序等问题,可以使用网络抓包工具来分析传输过程中的错误。



1. 检查网络延迟:网络延迟可能导致连接时延增加,可以使用ping命令或者网络性能工具来检测延迟情况。

2. 确认带宽利用率:带宽利用率过高可能导致传输速度下降,使用网络性能监测工具来确认带宽利用率是否正常。

3. 检查硬件性能:服务器或客户端的硬件性能问题也会导致TCP 通信性能下降,检查服务器负载情况以及客户端设备的性能状态。




BitTorrent 是离散中心服务器(Tracker)型的P2P协议,目的在于高速分享大文件,而非匿名。



















锐捷认证客户端常见问题解答(Rujie client FAQ)Fault phenomenon 1: client prompt "can not find the appropriate network card.""Reason: the system does not properly access the network card information, or the network card has a problemSolution: exit and reopen the client. If the problem persists, please uninstall the network driver, reinstall it, and change a network card if it still doesn't work out.Fault phenomenon 2: client prompt: "the system working environment and software running environment conflict, the software can not run normally, CODE = 2.""Reason: the installation of multiple network cards and server requirements are inconsistentThe solution: uninstall or disable the extra network card and leave only one network card running (if it is the Win98 system, disable the Dial-Up Adapter).The other: sometimes installed cameras also have this message, as long as the installation of the camera program after the perturbation without pulling out the camera to restart the computer system can be installed; and when the virtual machine will prompt code=2, it is because the virtual machine will be out of a virtual network card, and the nature of multi card system is the same. Therefore, we do not recommend using the virtual machine installed on the internet!Disable redundant network card drivers: my computer - properties - hardware - Device Manager - View - shows hidden devices - network adapters - disabled.Fault phenomenon 3: client prompt: "the system working environment and software running environment conflict, the software can not run normally, CODE = 4.""Reason: the proxy server was installed and the server requested is inconsistentSolution: turn off or uninstall the proxy server and all the software that could become proxy servers (such as your own SMTP mail server, FTP file, download server, etc.).Malfunction 4: authentication failed, without any error tipsReason: WINXP users enabled the system to own 802.1X authenticationSolution: double click the network connection icon and remove the tag before the "802.1X authentication" in the authentication tag inside the property.Fault 5: authentication failed, prompting the maximum number of connections to be reached"Two situations lead to the above:Reason: student account number is stolen! Solution: Please bring your student ID card to the information center in time.Fault phenomenon 6: cannot authenticate, prompt the network card not to connect"Reason: cable connection is not correct, the quality of the network is poor, the quality of the small switch installed by himself is poor, and the switchboard is out of powerSolution: check whether the network is normal, to confirm whether the exchange cabinet power failure. If the students around are such a situation, please promptly student management network group (22328778)Malfunction 7: cannot authenticate, the authentication client has been stuck in: "looking for authentication server" and finally "authentication failed""Reasons: bad quality of the network, or network card problems, or did not choose to use private multicast address authentication"Solution: check whether the network is normal, in the authentication client set "use private multicast address authentication", reinstall the network card driver, and if the problem persists, replace a network card.At this time such as data packets without receiving packet (0) can try to card rate to 10M full duplex mode (Methods: network connection - local connection - properties - configuration - - link mode - speed/duplex high value - 10 full mode)Malfunction 8: cannot authenticate, the authentication client stops at: connection authentication server...Reason: the service access switch to the network management center server communication is not normal, may be a switch or network management center power failureSolution: notify the network management team of this phenomenon and be patient.Malfunction 9: "the current system conflicts with the work environment. DHCP gets the failure, code=6."Symptoms: the original network can be normal dynamic access to IP address, authentication, access to the Internet, suddenly code=6 can not get IP address, Certified Internet accessSolution: Check: start - run - CMD - ipconfig input /renew input as a hint: "= = = = The following error occurred when renewing adapter in a non local connection: socket to try a" prompt according to the operation to recover the problem, if not this hint to reinstall the NIC with the client software to try, you can set the relevant information such as the appropriate changes to the registry.Reason: this problem may occur if the WinSocks library or TCP/IP stack is corrupted.Solution:To solve this problem, follow these steps:Warning: Registry Editor improperly used can cause serious problems. You may need to reinstall your operating system.Microsoft does not guarantee that you can solve problems caused by improper use of the registry editor. Using the Registry Editor takes you at your own risk.1. click start, and then click run.2. in the open box, type regedit, and then press the Enter key.3. browse to the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsoc k4. on the registry menu, click export registry file.5. in the file name box, type the name of the backup file; for example, type Winsock Registry key, and then click save. Make a note of the name of the folder where the registry file is saved.6. repeat steps 3 through 5 of the following registration entries:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsoc k27. remove the following items from the registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsoc kHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsoc k2Note: the two registry keys are backed up from steps 3 through 6. In case of unexpected behavior on the computer, you can use the backup file to restore these registry keys. For more information about how to restore registry keys from the.Reg file, search for the import or export registry keys topic in the registry editor help file.8. close the registry editor.9. uninstall the TCP/IP protocol. To do this, follow these steps:A. in the control panel,Click the network and dial up connections, right-click the LAN connection, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.B. in this connection using the selected components, click Internet protocol (TCP/IP), and then click uninstall.C. uninstall TCP/IP as shown on the screen.10. restart the computer and reinstall the TCP/IP (if it is not automatically installed):A. in the control panel, double-click the network and dial up connections, right-click the LAN connection, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.B. click install.C. in the select network component type dialog box, click agreement, and then click add.D. under the vendor, click Microsoft, click the Internet protocol under the network protocol (TCP/IP), and then click ok.E. install the TCP/IP as shown on the screen.11. test the Internet connection to see if it is normal.Solution two: start - run - enter Netsh Winsock reset, reboot the system, or direct super rabbit IE fix - force fix Winsock2 try.Solution three: try to shut down the firewall and antivirus software, then verify.Solution four: if the above operations can not solve the problem, or afraid of trouble, it is recommended to reinstall the system (if no special instructions, the default is for the XP system)Fault phenomenon 10: client running, that is, the disappearance of the fault?Answer: cause of the failure: if the user's computer has set up multiple DNS or multiple IP addresses and the system has system32.exe, this process may be Trojan horse into the program,It may cause other faults if it is disguised as another name.The troubleshooting is as follows: see the process with the CTRL+DEL+ALT key.Another: the certification of the Internet, as long as the "hook" "save password" item, the other four please do not tick, or sometimes there will be "initialization card failed" tips!Fault phenomenon 11.. Client prompt authentication failed, indicating "IP type error" fault?Answer: cause of failure: authentication server did not receive IP address information.Fault solution: students dormitory online IP address is automatically access to IP access to the Internet, so if the binding IP address is not certified Internet access.At this point, you can connect to the network - the local connection - Property - internet protocol (TCP/IP) - automatically gets the IP address and automatically gets the DNS server address faultFault phenomenon 12.. Client can authenticate successfully,but is unable to access the Internet fault?Answer: the reason for the failure: automatic access to the IP address error.Troubleshooting: check out what IP address you've gotFault phenomenon 13., the client can authenticate successfully, you can go to QQ, but you can't open the fault of the web pageAnswer: generally a personal system problem.Fault solution:First, infected with the virus causedThis often occurs when you open IE, and in the lower left of the IE screen, prompt: "the page is being opened, but the old half."The sky is not responding. In the task manager, look at the process. (enter the method, put the mouse on the taskbar, right - taskManager - process) look at the occupancy rate of CPU, and if it's 100%, be sure you're infected with the virus,At this point, you want to run other programs, just suffering. It's important to find out which process greedily takes up CPU resources.After finding the best record the name, and then click on the end, if not complete, should start to securityType, delete this, and enter the registry. (method: start - run, enter regedit) in the registryDialog box, point edit - find, enter that program name, find, click the right mouse button to delete, and then several timesThe search often can be completely deleted clean.With a lot of viruses, the only way to do this is to remove them manually.Two, installed isolation firewallIf you install the firewall isolation, such as Mcafee virus firewall, or Skynet, Kingsoft, Rising Firewall, canTry to switch off first to see if the firewall software has been isolated from the IE. Or check your Start > program inNo network assistant, Baidu super search, such as garbage cleaning, shielding lists and other functions, if availableFirst off, or unloaded, these are normally installed automatically when you are not aware of them,Three, and set up proxy serverCheck that the proxy server (control panel - Internet option)is connected to the IE browserDomain network settings - using proxy servers for LAN - setting proxy servers does not affect QQ networking, because QQ uses4000 ports, while access to the Internet uses 80 or 8080 ports. Proxy servers are generally not very stable, sometimesHou shang,Sometimes I can't get on. If you have this setting, please cancel the agent to see if it has any effectFour, DNS server parsing errorThe so-called DNS, that is, domain name server (Domain Name Server), it translates the domain name into the computer can identify IPAddress, if the DNS server error, it can not be domain name resolution, and naturally can not access the internet.But normally, if you set up two of our school's DNS on your computer, just DNS is no problem, now promptedPlease set the following DNS in your computer, namely: and, reinstall the driver or replace the network adapter to try.Six, the system file missing, resulting in IE can not start properlyThis phenomenon is quite common, because:1, the system instability is characterized by frequent crashes, often inexplicable restart, illegal shutdown, resulting in loss of system files;2, the hardware and software conflicts often show the installation of certain programs that cause network card driver conflicts or conflicts with IE. SinceAfter the introduction of hyper threading INTEL by CPU, one of the outstanding problems is that the IE6 under XP SP1 conflicts with hyper threading;3, viruses cause damage or loss of system files.If it is the first case, you can try to repair the system, or 2000 or XP system, into the original installation CD (Note: 1)Make sure you install the disc first. Enter SFC /scanow in the start run and press enter. 98 of the system can also use SFC lifeOrder for inspection.In second cases, you can uninstall the most recently installed hardware or programs, and 2000 or XP systems are availableAfter the device starts, press F8 to enter the boot menu, select the last correct configuration, and if the XP system is availableIn order to take advantage of the restore function of the system, the problem can be solved quickly.If it's XP's system, you can disable hyper threading in BIOS or upgrade to SP2 because of hyper threading CPU. thisUnder the circumstances, QQ comes with TT browser in general can be normal browsing, you can use a try.If it is the third case, the system disk should be comprehensive killing virus.Seven, IE browser damageIf the above method does not work, there may be damage to the IE kernel, although the system repair, also unable to make up for itWhat's the best way to reinstall IE?.If it is 98 or 2000 systems, if the version of IE is 5, it is recommended to upgrade to 6.98 of the system has been upgraded, installed 6, then click on the add / Remove program in the control panel will be playedMake a repair dialog box, select the default fix, restart it.If it is 2000+IE6.0 or XP (comes with IE is 6) of the system, reinstall IE is a bit troublesome, there are two kindsMethod:1, open the registry, expandHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\InStalled, Components\{,89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383,}, IsInstalledThe value of DWORD is changed to 0;2. Put in the XP installation CD and enter "rundll32.exe setupapi", "InstallHinf" in the start run132%节defaultinstall windir % \ inf文件ie.inf”注:重装IE并不一定就能解决问题,仅是一个处理问题的思路而已。



瑞友天翼常见问题解答1、Q:登陆瑞友天翼应用程序时提示“服务器内部认证失败或者没有足够的登录权限”A:由于瑞友天翼用户绑定的NT系统用户没有设置密码、密码错误或者系统绑定的用户没有加入到remote desktop users里。

2、Q:打开瑞友天翼应用程序的时候,提示“客户端无发连接到远程计算机”A:15872端口不通,在运行CMD,输入telnet 外网IP加端口号或域名加端口号(如:telnet 5872),如果不通就需要在网关(ADSL、防火墙、ROUNT等)处做端口映射。

没有服务器地址转换,解决方法:瑞友天翼集群管理控制台——集群属性——服务器地址设置——地址转换模式3、Q:登陆瑞友天翼应用程序时提示“安全策略检测到协议信息过期”A:打开瑞友天翼集群控制管理台的属性——>集群基本信息,把RAP文件超时设置里的使用 RAP文件超时检测的勾去掉或修改失效时间就可以解决。


A:指定 Windows Server 2003 终端服务中的许可证服务器要选择特定许可证服务器,请执行以下步骤,然后退出注册表编辑器:1. 单击开始,单击运行,键入 regedit,然后单击确定。

2. 在注册表中找到并单击下面的项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Te rmService\Parameters3. 在编辑菜单上,指向新建,然后单击。

4. 将新项命令为“LicenseServers”。

5. 在注册表中找到并单击下面的项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Te rmService\Parameters\License Servers6. 在编辑菜单上,指向新建,然后单击。




故障现象2:客户端提示―目前系统工作环境与软件运行环境相冲突,软件不能正常运行CODE=2‖原因:安装了多块网卡,和服务器要求的不符合解决办法:卸载或者禁用多余网卡,只保留一张网卡运行(如果是w in98系统,禁用拨号适配器)。




故障现象4:认证失败,没有任何错误提示原因:WINXP用户启用了系统自带的802.1X认证解决办法:双击网络连接图标,把属性里面的身份验证标签下―启用8 02.1X身份认证‖前的勾去掉。

具体参照本文第三节日常使用注意事项中的WINDOS XP用户设置。

卸载任何第三方网卡加速软件如nv idia net mangermant。








1. 在属性设置没有把私有认证打上勾,请把打上勾。

2.在属性设置没有选中电脑中的有线网卡,如果电脑有多个网卡的,只留下一个“本地连接”正在使用的,其它网卡全部禁用3.如果打开客户端,连接的时候,出现无法启动DHCP Clinet服务!,这种情况一般都是运行客户端的权限问题,解决的方法有如下:Win7系统:右键点击客户端,选择属性,将会出现以下属性ZTE Authentication Clinet 属性对话框,如果以兼容式运行这种程序里有win7这个选项,请把前面的勾打上,如果没有的话,就不用打,然后再把以以管理员身份运行此程序前面的勾打上即可以,点击确定退出。








7. 认证通过后,打不开网页的查看“本地连接“后面是否有共享字样。

处理方法:右键网络--属性-- 更改适配器设置--右键本地连接--属性--共享--勾取消—确定8.多网卡问题处理办法:打开中兴点击属性--网卡设备--查看有几个网卡多余网卡--禁用(停用)停用网卡步骤:选择--网络和共享中心--更改适配器设置--右键--网卡选择--禁用(停用)除本地连接外—全部禁用(停用)右键中兴客户端退出打开属性--网卡设备如果还有网卡存在2处理办法:右键计算机----管理----设备管理器----网络适配器把多余网卡禁用(停用)--打开中兴客户端属性--网卡设备只有一个网卡才是正确的。



客户端常见问题的解决方法简要目录1.安装首次使用错误2.日常维护错误3.常见客户端错误提示代码表4.兼容性问题5.关于PPOE插件程序被Vista系统相关软件阻止的说明1.安装首次使用错误为了确保客户端软件的正确安装,安装之前最好禁用杀毒软件和防火墙,待安装结束后再重新打开!!!●安装过程中没有提示错误,但是双击打开客户端登陆软件程序报“无法启动此程序,因为系统中packet.dll (或者WanPacket.dll、NPPTooLs.dll) 文件已丢失”错误截图如下:该故障是由于Drcom客户端需要调用wincap控件进行运行,而用户PC电脑之前其他程序也安装了wincap控件(有些软件集成了wincap模块,没有写入反安装或者卸载程序信息),解决办法是找到原有安装信息,先卸载wincap旧版本后,在客户端软件安装目录底下的winpcap文件夹找到wincap的新版本安装程序,重新安装一次就可以解决该问题。


2.日常维护错误当出现无法正常上网时,请先检查客户端安装目录下的“drcomdll.log”文件,在当前时间内对应的内容如下示例时才可正常上网:15:28:17 Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection - 数据包计划程序微型端口如果有其他提示,请按提示检查:21:50:14 proxy service SharedAccess found!21:50:14 proxy service Ipnat found!21:50:16 proxy service SharedAccess found!21:50:16 proxy service Ipnat found!21:50:16 发现Windows NAT代理软件!如有上述提示,客户端自动掉线,经过排查,系统确实没有使用代理软件,有可能是误报.因此,经过研发检查,有可能跟以下因素有关:●Window系统自带的防火墙,一般使用客户端后建议用户都把windows系统自带的防火墙停用,让杀毒软件来进行监控;●实际上windows服务也会导致误报,一般来讲都建议关闭该服务(改成手工运行)建议关闭的服务如下图所示:该服务是微软的互联网共享服务,不同系统会少许差异一般都建议关闭该服务!避免引起客户端误判。



电子申请常见问题解答1.电子申请客户端问答 (1)1.1. 升级安装问题解答 (1)1.2. 操作使用问题解答 (4)1.3. 校验规则问题解答 (5)1.4. 批量接口问题解答 (7)1.5. 著变问题解答 (8)1.6. 其他问题解答 (9)2.在线业务办理平台问答 (12)1.电子申请客户端问答1.1.升级安装问题解答1.1.1.cpc客户端中,案卷打开报错,如下图:答: 出现此问题是因为,用户的cpc客户端是旧版本的客户端程序,请使用20161022发布的新的客户端升级程序进行升级即可解决。


1.1.3.客户端升级失败,升级程序会生成一个OffLineUpdate.err文件,打开该文件,显示的错误信息“C:\Program Files (x86)\gwssi\CPC客户端\DevExpress.Utils3.dll”,该如何操作?答:关闭电子申请客户端,结束OffLineUpdate进程。





1.1.6.CPC客户端升级过程中,提示升级失败或提示“目录不是空的”怎么解决?答:可能是由于升级操作不当导致,建议重新执行升级程序或删除该路径下C:\Program Files (x86)\gwssi\CPC客户端\Config\BAR\ frmMain.xml文件。



认证客户端常见故障解决办法来自/2006/doc.html认证客户端常见故障解决办法目录一、客户端软件正确连接过程 (3)二、常见故障及解决办法 (5)故障现象1:客户端运行一下就消失 (5)故障现象2:客户端提示“找不到合适的网卡” (8)故障现象3:客户端提示“目前系统工作环境与软件运行环境相冲突,软件不能正常运行CODE =2” (9)故障现象4:客户端提示“目前系统工作环境与软件运行环境相冲突,软件不能正常运行CODE =4” (9)故障现象5:认证失败,没有任何错误提示 (9)故障现象6:认证失败,提示“已达到最大连接数” (10)故障现象7:认证失败,提示“IP类型错误” (11)故障现象8:认证失败,提示“MAC地址绑定错误” (11)故障现象9:认证失败,提示“IP地址绑定错误” (11)故障现象10:无法认证,提示“网卡未连接上” (12)故障现象11:无法认证,认证客户端停顿在:寻找认证服务器。



(13)故障现象14:认证成功,可以上QQ,但是无法打开网页 (13)故障现象15:经常断线 (14)故障现象16:用户会出现“拨号软件与系统环境有冲突”或者“本地连接受限制” (17)故障现象17:锐捷安全认证客户端无法认证成功,提示“不在认证时段内”的故障 (18)故障现象18:锐捷安全认证客户端无法认证成功,提示“用户不存在或者密码错”的故障18故障现象19:客户端无法认证成功,提示“用户处于开户状态,请先激活”的故障 (18)故障现象20:客户端无法认证成功,提示“用户被暂停,请先恢复”的故障 (19)故障现象21:客户端安装过程中提示:“内部故障错误号码:0X80040707”,客户端安装失败 (19)故障现象22:客户端提示程序被破坏 (19)故障现象23:部分安装了摄像头的用户,客户端认证后报CODE2错误 (20)故障现象24:用户使用R EALTEK 8029的网卡,为何客户端认证后在59秒总掉线 (20)一、客户端软件正确连接过程1、点击客户端软件的“连接”按钮后,系统会连续快速弹出一个“正在初始化...”、“寻找认证服务器...”、“连接认证服务器...”、“正在进行认证….”连接状态小窗口,连接状态小窗口在连接正常情况下,会一闪而过的,不需要我们去干预。

Symantec Endpoint Protection 常见问题解答 (PDF)

Symantec Endpoint Protection 常见问题解答 (PDF)

常见问题解答:端点安全Symantec™ Endpoint Protection 和 Symantec™ Endpoint Protection 中小企业测试版常见问题解答无与伦比的安全性。



1. Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 中新增了哪些功能?Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 新增了先进的防护系统 Symantec Insight™,可让 Symantec Endpoint Protection 提供无以伦比的安全性和引人瞩目的性能。

Symantec Endpoint Protection 还提供了一系列的功能,并借此成为保护虚拟环境的理性之选。


实时 SONAR 3 第三代主动行为防护—在程序运行时对其进行检查,识别并阻止恶意行为,即便是新的和以前未知威胁的恶意行为也不例外。



•Virtual Image Exception:可将标准虚拟机映像中的文件加入到白名单中,从而优化扫描。


•Insight 缓存共享:将 Insight 云查找重定向到本地服务器,以减少带宽和延迟时间。

•虚拟客户端标记:Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 可自动识别和管理虚拟客户端。

Endpoint Protection for Mac® 和 Endpoint Protection for Linux®—通过 Symantec Endpoint Protection 管理控制台进行管理。




随着移动互联网的普及,离线客户端在移动端的应用场景也越来 越广泛,可以提供更加稳定和快速的数据访问体验。
物联网设备的普及也为离线客户端的应用拓展了新的领域,可以提 供更加智能和高效的数据访问体验。
桌面应用也可以利用离线客户端的技术,提供更加稳定和快速的数 据访问体验。

在登录离线客户端之前,需要确保设备已经连接到公司 内部网络,并且已经安装了必要的软件和驱动程序。
输入用户名和密码,选择要登录的服务器和端口,点击 登录按钮即可。如果需要使用其他高级功能,例如 SSL/TLS加密或代理设置,可以在登录时进行相应设置 。
在某些情况下,网络连接可能不稳定或不可靠。在这种情 况下,使用离线客户端可以避免因网络问题导致的操作受 限或工作停滞。
对于需要保护敏感信息或数据的场景,如涉及个人隐私、 企业机密等,使用离线客户端可以更好地保护用户的隐私 和安全。
02 功能选择

OpenText ALM Quality Center客户端常见问题解答说明书

OpenText ALM Quality Center客户端常见问题解答说明书

ALM/Quality Center Clients Frequently Asked QuestionsApril 2023OpenT ext ALM/Quality Center is continually evolving. We continue to innovate, enhancing the user experience and improving administration efficiency to meet the demands of the digital age. Have questions about the evolution of ALM/Quality Center clients? We have created the fol-lowing guide to provide the answers to your FAQs.Microsoft has ended the support for Internet Explorer for certain operating systems since June 15, 2022.How does it impact ALM Desktop Client?Following Microsoft’s announcement, Micro Focus (now part of OpenT ext) ended support for ALM Desktop Client on Internet Explorer start-ing June 15, 2022. Our recommended replacement is ALM Client Launcher—a Windows application that runs ALM Desktop Client with-out dependency on Internet Explorer. It support full functionality of ALM Desktop Client and greatly reduces administration overhead.Y ou need ALM/Quality Center 12.60 or later to use ALM Client Launcher. Since ALM/Quality Center 12.60 ended committed support on August 31, 2022, OpenT ext recommends updating your ALM/Quality Center server to the latest product version to avoid Internet Explorer depen-dency, as well as receive latest updates and benefits from the full range of new features and functionalities. OpenT ext’s product support lifecy cle provides an overview of which versions of our products are suppor ted. Visit this lookbook for information and resources on ALM/Quality Center upgrade.What is ALM Client Launcher and what benefits doesit bring?ALM Client Launcher is a Microsoft Windows application to run ALM Desktop Client without dependency on IE browser and Active X tech-nology. It can be deployed via Windows Installer and greatly reduce administration overhead. The installer makes it easy for IT organiza-tions to distribute ALM Client Launcher to all end-user environments. Y ou can also install ALM Client Launcher from command line, enabling automatic deployment using scripts. Alternatively, your organization may let each individual user install it for himself without the need of administrator privilege.ALM Client Launcher runs the ALM Desktop Client in place of Internet Explorer, preserving all functionality including Lab Management and Site Administration. Therefore it is the best choice for minimizing the impact of IE11 retirement on your business.F igure 1. ALM Client Launcher Windows installerWhere can I download ALM Client Launcher?You can download it from OpenT ext AppDelivery Marketplace. Please refer to the product compatibility information on the marketplace page to learn the supported versions of ALM server.If you are using ALM/Quality Center 15.5 or later, you can download ALM Client Launcher directly from your ALM server via the ALM qcbin page (for example https://alm.server.domain/qcbin/). Click on the ‘A LM Desktop Client’ link or the rocket icon next to it and it will guide you where to download.FAQFAQALM/Quality Center ClientsFigure 2. ALM qcbin pageHow do I migrate ALM Desktop Client from Internet Explorer to ALM Client Launcher?Simply run ALM Client Launcher and no client-side migration needed. When you run ALM Client Launcher for the first time it will download the ALM client files to your local machine. From then on, you can enjoy the same ALM functionality as what you can access with ALM Desktop Client on Microsoft Internet Explorer.Besides ALM Client Launcher, what other client options does OpenT ext recommend?Besides ALM Client Launcher, we recommend the following lightweight clients.Lightweight ClientsThese clients contain a subset of ALM client functions and feature simple and modern UI, providing enjoyable and productive user experiences.■Web Runner: a pure web-based client with release management,requirement management, test plan, test lab, defect management and dashboard view functions.■Quality of Things (QoT): runs on tablet devices running Android, iOS or Windows, with offline manual testing capability.What browsers does Web Runner support?Web Runner is purely web-based, so it works with any browser including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge, and runs on any type of PC or tablet with a browser.What can I do in Web Runner?Most of the common end-user tasks can be done in Web Runner, with the following modules: Dashboard, Releases, Requirements, T est Plan, T est Lab and Defects. Y ou can implement customizable workflow using JavaScript language. You can also create and view test coverage for requirements, and view requirement coverage for tests.Web Runner has a modern user interface that provides a productive work environment.Web Runner functionalities are evolving in each release, see Appendix to learn details.Can I run UFT tests with Web Runner?Yes, with the ALM T est Execution Agent configured on your host ma-chine, you can trigger UFT tests and view the results (passed/failed) in Web Runner.Does Web Runner have any features to enforce processes?Y ou can use customizable workflow scripts to implement controls.If I connect to an ALM project in Web Runnerand modify workflow script there, how does that present in the ALM Desktop Client for the sameALM project, and vice versa?Workflow defined in Web Runner is not the same as what defined in ALM Desktop Client. The same ALM project can have two separate workflows: the new JavaScript script workflow for Web Runner and the existing VB script workflow for ALM Desktop Client.If you want to apply the same workflow for all the users of a project, either let them use the same client or keep the two workflows consistent.Y ou can restrict a user group from using both ALM Desktop Client and Web Runner. T o disable certain user groups from using Web Runner, you can do so in Project Customization—Module Access.T o disable certain user groups from using ALM Desktop Client, you can do a simple edit to the workflow VB script ‘CanLogin’ function. Here’s an example:Function CanLogin (DomainName, ProjectName, UserName)CanLogin = Trueif User.IsInGroup("Defect Reporter") thenmsgbox "You are expected to visit this ALM project using Web Runner!" CanLogin = Falseend ifEnd FunctionIs there a migration tool from VB script workflowin ALM Desktop Client to the JavaScript one inWeb Runner?No such tool will be available. The best practice is to first identify which user groups can start to use Web Runner, and then review their work-ing process and implement the new JavaScript workflow. Others still remain on the ALM Desktop Client and their existing workflow. Does Web Runner consume a full ALM license?Because Web Runner has most of the common functionality, it needs a full ALM/Quality Center license.Is there a web-based UI for site admin?Yes. Site Administration has a web-based user interface that enables site administrators to manage their ALM/Quality Center environments from anywhere and any browser with full admin functionality. Where can I download Quality of Things (QoT)?Install QoT for Android from the Google Play Store, QoT for iOS from Apple App Store, and download QoT for all supported OS, including Windows from the OpenT ext AppDelivery Marketplace.Is QoT included with an ALM license purchase,like an add-in, or does it require a separate license?QoT is part of the ALM/Quality Center offering, with no additional charge. Note that QoT consumes a full license when connected to the server (online mode).Does QoT have any features to enforce process?Though ALM/Quality Center workflow is not supported, QoT allows ad-mins to set rules for all users to control what they can do under certain conditions. For example, a test can be downloaded or executed only when it meets certain conditions.Does QoT include reporting features?Because QoT is mainly for test execution and not management, there are no plans to add reporting and dashboards.Is it okay to access a single ALM project via different types of ALM client?Y es. Each user can use their preferred client to access the same project in ALM.What will happen to those client options not inOpenT ext’s recommended list?In the past, OpenT ext introduced a few different client options as listed in the table below. They are essentially different ways to run the same ALM Desktop Client. OpenT ext will continue to support these options if the technology they rely on is still supported by the vendor. However, we recommend using ALM Client Launcher which offers more conve-nience in terms of deployment and upgrade.Legacy Options to Run ALM Desktop ClientHow do I use ALM Desktop Client with Microsoft Edge? Run ALM Desktop Client in Microsoft Edge ‘Internet Explorer (IE) mode.’ Refer to Microsoft Getting Started Guide on Microsoft Edge + Internet Explorer mode. OpenT ext also provides a KB article with instructions about how to access ALM from the Edge Browser with IE mode. How long will ALM Desktop Client for Microsoft EdgeIE Mode be supported?According to Microsoft, Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge en-ables backward compatibility and will be supported through at least 2029. As long as IE mode in Edge is supported, OpenT ext supports ALM Desktop Client running in this mode.How do I deploy ALM Desktop Client withMicrosoft Application Virtualization (MS App-V)?A brief description of the process is:1. Create a .msi installation file for ALM Desktop Client files using the tool OpenT ext provided2. Package the .msi file and register it in Microsoft App-V server3. On App-V client, download the ALM App-V package and launch the client.For more detailed instructions, please refer to the KB article.ALM Desktop Client Microsoft Edge(Internet Explorer mode)Windows administrator ALM Explorer Microsoft Windows Windows administratorALM Client forMicrosoft App-VMicrosoft Windows Windows userFAQALM/Quality Center ClientsAppendix: Comparing Web Runner Functionalities in ALM/Quality Center VersionsDashboard Analysis ViewDashboard View View Only View Only View OnlyManagement Releases CRUD ●ProgressQualityStatusRequirements Requirements CRUD ●Requirement Tree ●Requirement GridLinked Defects ●Requirement TraceabilityT est Coverage ●Coverage AnalysisTraceability MatrixVersion Control View OnlyT esting T est Plan CRUD ● ●T est Plan Tree ● ●T est GridParametersT est ConfigurationsRequirement Coverage View OnlyLinked Defects ● ●DependenciesAnalysisVersion Control View Only View OnlyT est Lab CRUD ●Execution Grid ● ● ●Manual T ests OnlyExecution FlowAutomationLinked Defects ● ●AnalysisT est RunsDefects ● ● ● ●Blank: Unsupported ●: Supported Continued on next page CRUD: create, read, update, and deleteProduct Module Product Feature ProductFunctionality17.0.x16.0.x15.5.x15.0.xProject Customization User Properties●*●*●*●* Project Users●*●*●*●* Groups and Permissions●*●*●*●* Module Access●*●*●*●* Project Entities●*●*●*●* Requirement Types●*●*●*●* Risk-Based Quality ManagementProject Lists●*●*●*●* Automail●*●*●*●* Alert UsersWorkflow ●Blank: Unsupported ●: Supported*T hese customizations need to be defined using the ALM Desktop Client. Existing customizations can all be used in Web Runner.Need More?■Learn more about ALM/Quality Center: /alm ■Get help from ALM/Quality Center online documentation:https:///alm Learn more at/opentext。





2 下载学校规定的最新认证客户端重新安装即可。







2、系统中病毒MAC地址冲突也会提示. 请升级防杀软件查杀。















目录一、任何问题,请先按如下步骤处理,如果不行,在按对应问题根据以下解决方法解决 (1)二、系统未准备好,请检查网络连通性。

(1)三、发现“Windows系统自带共享代理” (2)四、弹出提示:发现您正在使用以下代理软件: (3)五、客户端运行一直报错,无法启动 (4)六、提示发现以下代理软件,检测代理软件进程失败: (5)七、弹出提示:发现您修改了网卡MAC地址。





(9)十一、能登上客户端,但是打不开网页! (9)十二、Win客户端提示“找不到drcomfigure文件” (10)十三、经常掉线,但无任何提示 (10)一、任何问题,请先按如下步骤处理,如果不行,在按对应问题根据以下解决方法解决1.首先重新下载安装客户端2.运行客户端中的“万能修复工具”二、系统未准备好,请检查网络连通性。























中国PCT国际专利申请客户端用户参考手册二零一四年八月目录1 客户端简介 (1)1.1 客户端概述 (1)1.2 运行环境 (1)1.3 技术支持 (1)1.4安装/卸载 (2)1.4.1 安装CEPCT离线客户端 (2)1.4.2 卸载CEPCT离线客户端 (3)2 操作平台 (4)2.1 菜单栏 (4)2.2 工具箱 (4)2.3 操作区 (6)3 文件制作 (8)3.1 文件制作菜单简介 (8)3.2 新申请文件制作及提交流程 (8)3.2.1 请求书 (9)3.2.2 其他申请文件 (20)3.2.3 附加文件 (28)3.2.4 签章 (29)3.2.5 签名 (31)3.2.6 提交 (32)3.3 中间文件制作及提交流程 (36)3.3.1 制作中间文件 (36)3.3.2 签章 (39)3.3.3 签名 (41)3.3.4 提交 (43)3.4 其他常用文件制作菜单 (45)3.4.1 查找 (45)3.4.2 删除 (46)3.4.3 预览 (48)3.4.4 地址簿 (49)3.4.5 模板 (50)3.4.6 期限监控 (51)3.4.7 在线支付 (52)4 通知书管理 (53)5 证书管理 (54)6 案卷管理 (55)6.1 查询 (55)6.2 导出 (55)6.3 导入 (56)7 系统设置 (58)7.1 数据备份 (58)7.2 数据还原 (58)7.3 选项 (60)7.4 垃圾文件清理 (61)8 皮肤 (62)1 客户端简介1.1 客户端概述中国PCT国际专利申请客户端(以下简称CEPCT离线客户端)是PCT国际阶段审查管理系统的一部分,该客户端实现了制作新申请和中间文件,以及向服务器端提交案卷,下载电子回执和通知书等功能。


1.2 运行环境为运行CEPCT离线客户端软件,用户需要如下硬件和软件环境:1. CPU Intel 双核2.5GHz2. 2G的RAM(随机存取存储器)3. 操作系统要求Win XP或Win 74. 硬盘中尚存有10G的可用空间5. OFFICE 2003/OFFICE 20076. Adobe Acrobat或者Acrobat Reader(推荐8.x版本)7.客户端与WPS软件冲突,为保证客户端正常使用,请卸载WPS1.3 技术支持如欲得到关于CEPCT的进一步帮助或信息, 请按下列地址与CEPCT服务台联系:PCT咨询电话:PCT电子申请咨询邮箱:PCT电子申请网站网址:1.4安装/卸载1.4.1 安装CEPCT离线客户端所需安装文件如下:图1-1 安装文件1. 导入有效的CPC证书。

LiteBlue 多因素身份验证常见问题解答说明书

LiteBlue 多因素身份验证常见问题解答说明书

“Unknown device or location” error message in LiteBlueQuestion: Why am I getting an “Unknown device or location” error message when I attempt to log in to LiteBlue?Answer: Due to recent security updates within LiteBlue, login attempts from unrecognized devices or locations are being blocked.If you receive an “Unknown device or location” message and cannot advance past the initial LiteBlue login screen, please take the following steps:•First, try logging in to LiteBlue from a device previously used to access the website since setting up your MFA preferences (on or after January 15, 2023).•If you do not have access to that device, but have an ACE ID, try logging in to LiteBlue on the postal network.When setting up MFA for LiteBlue, please use your preferred personal device. On your subsequent log in, please use a Postal Service device if you have access to one.“Your account is locked” error message in LiteBlueQuestion: Why am I getting a “Your account is locked” error message when I attempt to log in to LiteBlue? Answer: Your account is locked because you have entered your password incorrectly more than six times or you have not set up your security question in LiteBlue. Please click on the Password Recovery / Password Reset link.General QuestionsQuestion: I am a contractor with the Postal Service, does MFA impact me?Answer: No. Since your personal information is not housed on the LiteBlue postal network, you are not impacted by the SSP password reset or MFA requirements.Question: Why is Multifactor Authentication (MFA) being required for LiteBlue?Answer: MFA is a tool to assist the Postal Service in preventing cyberattacks and protecting you and your personal information. It provides an additional level of security to help protect your ID, passwords, and other personal data from unauthorized access and misuse.Question: How do I set up my MFA preferences for LiteBlue?Answer: Follow the step-by-step instructions in the User Guide and/or Videos posted on the MFA Blue and LiteBlue pages to establish your MFA preferences.Question: Am I required to have a postal cell phone for MFA?Answer: No, you can use any phone for MFA.Establishing your MFA security methodsQuestion: Why can’t I sign in to LiteBlue?Answer: After January 15, you will be unable to access LiteBlue until you establish your MFA preferences. Please refer to the User Guide and/or Videos posted on the MFA Blue and LiteBlue pages for further instructions.Question: I am trying to reset my SSP password but do not know the answers to my security question. What can I do?Answer: Follow the step-by-step instructions in the User Guide posted on the MFA Blue and LiteBlue pages to establish your MFA preferences.Question: What should I do if I do not have Google Authenticator or OKTA Verify on my smartphone? Answer: To utilize these MFA preferences, you must download the application from your smartphone’s App Store. Please refer to the User Guide and/or Videos posted on the MFA Blue and LiteBlue pages for instructions on how to download these options. Alternatively, you can select the “Phone” MFA option, which does not require a smartphone.Question: What if I do not have a smartphone?Answer: If you do not have a smartphone, you can select the “Phone (Voice)” MFA option and utilize any phone to include a landline. This MFA method allows you to proceed without the use of a smartphone by receiving your verification code via a voice message in the form of a phone call. Additionally, if your phone receives text messages, you may select the “Phone (SMS)” MFA option as well.Question: If I am using a postal smartphone, where do I find the Google Authenticator or OKTA Verify applications?Answer: If you are utilizing a postal smartphone, OKTA Verify and/or Google Authenticator can be found on the USPS AppStore on those devices. You may utilize the search feature to locate both applications. Question: When setting up Google Authenticator or OKTA Verify on my smartphone, how do I scan the QR code?Answer: When establishing OKTA Verify or Google Authenticator you must select “OK” when your phone notifies you that “OKTA Verify” or “Google Authenticator” would like to access the camera. Enabling thisfeature within the application will automatically enable you to point the camera on your phone at the QR code and scan it.Question: Does it matter what type of smartphone I have? (iOS, Android)Answer: No, you can use either an iPhone (iOS) or Android model smartphone. Please note: The screenshots in the User Guide and Videos are from an iOS device. If you are utilizing an Android smartphone, your screen may appear slightly different. However, the steps for authentication remain the same.Question: How can I change my MFA settings (to include my phone number on file)?Answer: To change your previously established MFA settings, select the “Self-Service Profile” link on the LiteBlue sign in page or under HR Apps in LiteBlue. For detailed instructions please utilize the User Guide and refer to the “How to access your Self-Service Profile”.Accessing your Self-Service Profile (SSP)Question: How do I access my SSP?Answer: After March 20, 2023, SSP is being relocated to LiteBlue to further protect your personal information. After March 21, 2023, you can access your Self-Service Profile via the following options: •“Self-Service Profile” link on the LiteBlue sign in page.•“Self-Service Profile” link under Employee Apps on the LiteBlue home page.•“Self-Service Profile” link under Resource Index on the LiteBlue home page.•“Self-Service Profile” tab on the apps page in LiteBlue.For detailed instructions please utilize the User Guide and refer to the “How to access your Self-Service Profile”.Question: Why does my SSP look different?Answer: After March 21, 2023, SSP is being relocated to LiteBlue to further protect your personal information. The new SSP portal has been redesigned and simplified to include all your information in one place. Question: Why do I have to set up MFA to access my SSP?Answer: After March 21, 2023, MFA is required for access to SSP to further protect your personal information from unauthorized access and misuse.。

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●CPU Intel 双核2.5GHz
●操作系统要求Win XP或Win 7
●OFFICE 2003/OFFICE 2007
●Adobe Acrobat或者Acrobat Reader(推荐8、9版本)
●由于Adobe 版本过低或由于Windows 安全机制过高
●Adobe Acrobat或者Acrobat Reader(推荐8、9版本)



