

西门子供应链培训材料2(英文PPT 15页)

西门子供应链培训材料2(英文PPT 15页)

Costs associated with forecasting, developing finished goods or end item inventory plans, and coordinating Demand / Supply process across entire supply chain, including all channels. (Not including MIS associated costs.)
Plan Metrics (1)
Plan - Key Performance Indicators
Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time
Forecast Quality / Accuracy
Number of days between paying for raw materials and getting paid for product; (Inventory Days of Supply + Days of Sales Outstanding - Average Payment Period for Material)
KPI.ppt - April ‘01 Page 5
Source Metrics (2)
Supplier Compliance with requested Delivery Date
Replenishment Lead Time
Number of Suppliers
Inventory Turnover (Mat)
Байду номын сангаасash-to-Cash Cycle Time Forecast Quality (Accuracy) Total Lead Time


确定生产线的产品类 型、产量和生产工艺 要求
评估生产线的自动化 程度、设备选型和配 置
分析生产线的工艺流 程、设备布局和物料 流动
基于PLC的控制系统架构设计, 包括硬件选型、网络拓扑和通 信协议
控制系统的软件设计,包括程 序结构、编程语言和开发环境
故障诊断方法ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ工具推荐
通过查看PLC状态灯、监视程序运行等方式, 初步判断故障范围。
用备用模块替换疑似故障模块,观察系统是 否恢复正常。
使用西门子提供的专用诊断软件,对PLC进 行在线诊断和测试。
根据以往维修经验和故障现象,快速定位故 障原因。
可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller),一种数字运算操作 的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。
从1969年美国DEC公司研制出第一台PLC开始,经历了从简单到复杂、从低级 到高级的发展历程,现已成为工业自动化领域不可或缺的核心控制设备。
介绍预防性维护的概念和重要性,并 提供一些实用的预防性维护策略,以 降低设备故障率,提高生产效率。
详细讲解故障诊断的方法和步骤,包 括故障现象分析、故障定位、故障排 除等。


o 事前花时间很好地进展综合的FMEA分析,可 以容易、低本钱地对产品或过程进展修改,从 而减轻事后修改的危机
o 适当应用FMEA是一个互相作用的过程,永无 止境
o 不适宜将一个小组的FMEA分数和其它组的 FMEA分数进展比较,因为即使设计或过程 是一样的,但由于每个状况不一样所以打出 来的分数也会不一样

分 析 •现行预计的产品/过程 可能产生的失效形式
分 析

•对顾客或下工程的影 响
•哪些原因可能造成这 个失效形式
4. FMEA解决问题的逻辑思路
•失效 潜在后果
•严 重 度
•等 级
•潜在失效 •起因/机理
o 评审设计、制程、图面以确认建议的措施是否已施行
o 确认各项的设计、制程、组装的变更是否已整合到相关的文件 中
o 评估设计FMEA 、过程FMEA,系统FMEA的应用以及控制方 案的合理性
•纸面 •Paper
•硬件 •Materia
•传统形式 •Traditional
•概念 •Concept
•设计 •Design
•过程 •Process
•Produce •Time






二、培训内容1. 供应链管理基础知识- 供应链的定义和重要性- 供应链各个环节的功能和流程- 供应链的关键绩效指标2. 供应链规划和战略- 供应链战略的制定方法和原则- 供应链规划的步骤和工具- 供应链风险管理3. 供应商管理- 供应商评估和选择- 供应商关系管理- 供应商绩效评估与优化4. 库存管理- 库存控制方法和策略- 安全库存和经济批量的计算- 周转率和周转天数的分析与优化5. 物流与运输管理- 运输方式的选择与优化- 运输成本的控制与优化- 仓储管理和配送策略6. 信息系统支持- 供应链管理软件的应用- 数据分析和决策支持系统- 信息安全和风险防范三、培训目的供应链业务培训的主要目的是使从业人员掌握供应链管理的理论知识和实际技能,提高工作效率和质量。

通过培训,能够培养供应链相关人员的综合素质,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 理论知识:了解供应链管理的基本概念、原则和方法,掌握相关模型和工具的使用。

2. 技能培养:掌握供应链各个环节的操作技能,如供应商管理、库存控制、物流管理等。

3. 系统思维和协调能力:培养从业人员具备系统思维和协调能力,能够全面考虑整个供应链过程。

4. 问题解决能力:培养从业人员解决实际问题的能力,能够灵活应对各种挑战。

5. 团队合作能力:通过培训,增强从业人员的团队合作意识和沟通协作能力。


在培训过程中,需重点关注以下几个方面:1. 实践操作:通过实际案例分析和模拟操作,培养供应链从业人员的实践操作能力。

2. 个性化培训:根据不同岗位和业务需求,针对性地进行个性化培训,提升专业技能。



sThis edition of our Bylaws for the Managing Board, prepared for the convenience of English-speaking readers, is a translation of the German original.Bylawsfor the Managing Boardof Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Version dated April 28, 2009General(1) The management of the company shall be the Managing Board's ownresponsibility. The Managing Board is under an obligation to promote the company's interests and drive sustainable growth in enterprise value.(2) The members of the Managing Board shall manage the business of thecompany in accordance with the law and in accordance with the Articles of Association and these Bylaws.(3) The Managing Board shall ensure compliance with all relevant legalrequirements and internal company policies, and promote such compliance in all Siemens companies. It shall ensure appropriate risk management and risk controlling.(4) Members of the Managing Board shall not, as a rule, be over 65 years of age.§ 2Conflicts of interest(1) When making their decisions, members of the Managing Board may not beguided by personal interests nor may they exploit for their own advantage business opportunities offered to the company. Over and above the provisions specified in § 88 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the members of the Managing Board shall be subject to a comprehensive prohibition on competitive activity for the period of their membership of the Managing Board and the period of their contract of employment.(2) In connection with their function, the members of the Managing Board maynot demand or accept gifts or other benefits from third parties either for themselves or for other persons, or grant unjustified benefits to third parties. (3) The members of the Managing Board are under an obligation to disclose anyconflicts of interest without delay to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and to inform the others members of the Managing Board thereof. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall inform the Chairman's Committee of the Supervisory Board of the conflict of interest on the part of a member of the Managing Board when the relevant issue is presented to the Supervisory Board for a decision. All transactions between the company or an entity related to the company on one side, and members of the Managing Board or persons, companies or organizations related to members of the Managing Board on the other side, must be conducted in accordance with the standards that would apply in arm’s length transactions. If an individual transaction of this kind does not require the involvement of the Supervisory Board pursuant to § 112 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) but the value of the transaction concerned exceeds € 25,000, the transaction shall nevertheless require the consent of the Supervisory Board.Allocation of business responsibilities(1) The responsibilities of the Managing Board shall be allocated among anumber of portfolios, these being the portfolio of the President of the Managing Board, known as- Chief Executive Office,the three Sector portfolios (Sectors),- Energy- Industry- Healthcare,and the five corporate function portfolios,- Finance and Controlling- Legal and Compliance- Human Resources (“Arbeitsdirektor” as defined in the German Codetermination Act (MitbestG))- Technology- Supply Chain Management.(2) Any other allocation of business responsibilities to the members of theManaging Board shall be derived from the business allocation plan as defined by the Supervisory Board based on a proposal by the Chairman’s Committee of the Supervisory Board. As the member of the Managing Board with responsibility for the Human Resources portfolio, the “Arbeitsdirektor” shall be appointed in accordance with the requirements of § 33 German Codetermination Act (MitbestG).(3) The Divisions, Cross-Sector Businesses and Corporate Units assigned to theindividual Managing Board portfolios and the portfolios holding authority and responsibility for the Regions shall be defined in the business allocation plan agreed by the Supervisory Board in accordance with paragraph 2.(4) Within the framework of the resolutions of the Managing Board and inconformity with the provisions for collective responsibility pursuant to Section 4, the Sector portfolio holders shall be responsible for conducting business activities in their respective Sectors. In particular, they shall be responsible for all the development, production and sales activities in these areas and for the profit or loss from their business activities.(5) In conformity with the provisions for collective responsibility pursuant toSection 4 and as defined in greater detail by the Managing Board, the duties of the corporate function portfolios shall include guidelines, monitoring andcoordinating responsibilities for all parts of the company. The heads of the Finance and Controlling, Legal and Compliance, Human Resources and Supply Chain Management portfolios shall have an unrestricted right to issue instructions in relation to their function across all parts of the company. This shall also apply – to the extent permitted by law – to the heads of units that form a separate legal entity and to the heads of Siemens companies outside Germany.(6) The detailed delineation between the Sectors and Divisions and thebreakdown of the Divisions into Business Units shall be specified by the Managing Board. The same shall also apply to the definition of Cross-Sector Businesses, Cross-Sector Services and Corporate Units. The Supervisory Board shall be informed of the definitions established in accordance with sentences 1 and 2. Within the framework of the applicable provisions of the Codetermination Law, the employee representatives are to be consulted in a timely manner prior to the sale or closing of a Business Unit.(7) The structure and reporting obligations of the Divisions and Business Unitsshall be decided by the Managing Board based on a proposal by the President of the Managing Board. The appointment and dismissal of senior management members in the Divisions and Business Units shall be decided by the Managing Board based on proposals by the President of the Managing Board. Specifically, the Managing Board shall appoint and dismiss the holders of the following senior management positions:a) Sector CFOs, Sector General Counsels, Sector Heads of HumanResources, as well as - if applicable - Sector Heads of Technology andSector Heads of Strategy,b) Division CEOs, Division CFOs, Division General Counsels as well as -if applicable - Division Heads of Human Resources,c) Business Unit CEOs and Business Units CFOs,d) Cross Sector Businesses CEOs and Cross Sector Businesses CFOs,e) Cross Sector Services CEOs,f) Heads of Corporate Units and General Counsel Corporate,g) Regional Cluster CEOs, Regional Cluster CFOs, selected CountryCEOs and Country CFOs, Regional Heads of Human Resources aswell as Regional General Counsels.(8) The appointment and dismissal of Sector CFOs, Sector General Counsels,Sector Heads of Human Resources, Sector Heads of Technology and Division CEOs pursuant to paragraph 7 shall require the approval of the Chairman's Committee of the Supervisory Board.§ 4Collective responsibility(1) The members of the Managing Board shall bear collective responsibility forthe entire management of the company. They shall work cooperatively and provide each other with information on an ongoing basis about important activities and transactions in their respective Managing Board portfolios. If a member of the Managing Board has serious misgivings about an issue in a portfolio for which another member of the Managing Board is responsible and he/she is unable to resolve these concerns in a discussion with the other Managing Board member concerned, he/she is under an obligation to present the matter to the full Managing Board for a decision. In such cases, the matter must remain pending or the action be halted until a decision is taken by the Managing Board.(2) The overall interests of the company shall have priority over the interests ofthe individual Managing Board portfolios.(3) The Managing Board shall be required to take a decision in all matters forwhich a decision by the Managing Board is prescribed by the law, Siemens’ Articles of Association or these Bylaws, specifically regardinga) fundamental issues relating to business policies and company strategy;b) annual planning and multi-year planning;c) preparation of the annual financial statements and the consolidatedfinancial statements, the management's discussion and analysis andconsolidated MD&A, and the submission of all of these documents to theSupervisory Board;d) convening of the Shareholders' Meeting;e) proposals for the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting;f) submissions to the Supervisory Board and to the Shareholders' Meetingrequired by law or by the Siemens' Articles of Association;g) transactions that require the consent of the Supervisory Board;h) all matters that are submitted to the Managing Board by the Presidentor a member for decision.(4) A portfolio assigned to an individual member of the Managing Board shall bethat member’s own responsibility subject to the decisions taken by the Managing Board as a whole. Where activities and transactions in one Managing Board portfolio also concern one or more other portfolios, the Managing Board member concerned must reach an agreement in advance with the other Managing Board members involved. If agreement cannot be reached, each of the Managing Board members involved is under an obligation to ensure the matter is brought to the full Managing Board for a decision. In such cases, the matter must remain pending or the action be halted until a decision is taken by the Managing Board.(5) Activities and transactions in a particular Managing Board portfolio that areconsidered to be extraordinarily important for the company or associated with extraordinary economic risk shall require the prior consent of the full Managing Board. The same shall also apply to such activities and transactions for which the President or another member of the Managing Board demands a prior decision by the Managing Board.(6) A member of the Managing Board may proceed with activities andtransactions of the kind described in paragraph 4 sentence 2 and paragraph 5 without the prior consent of the Managing Board or – in the case of para-graph 4 sentence 2 – without the prior agreement of the other Managing Board members involved if the Managing Board member concerned believes, after due consideration, that the activity or transaction is required to avoid a severe, imminent disadvantage to the company. The President of the Mana-ging Board must be informed of any such activity or transaction without delay.§ 5President of the Managing Board(1) The President of the Managing Board shall be responsible for thecoordination with respect to the subject matter of all Managing Board portfolios. He/she shall endeavor to ensure that the management of all Managing Board portfolios is uniformly guided by the objectives set and approved by the Managing Board as a whole.(2) The President of the Managing Board may at any time request informationfrom the members of the Managing Board regarding issues within their respective portfolios and may specify that he/she must be kept informed from the outset about certain types of transactions. He/she may at any time also request information from a Division CEO about matters in the Division concerned; the Managing Board member responsible for the relevant Sector (Sector CEO) shall be informed accordingly. The President of the Managing Board shall be authorized to issue audit instructions to corporate audit; the head of the Finance and Controlling portfolio, who is responsible for corporate audit, shall be informed accordingly.(3) The President of the Managing Board shall represent the Managing Boardand the company in external relations, specifically involving public authorities, trade associations, economic organizations and media. This responsibility can be delegated to another member of the Managing Board in certain types of circumstances or on a case-by-case basis.(4) The President of the Managing Board shall have responsibility for leading theManaging Board in its cooperation with the Supervisory Board and its members. He/she shall keep the Chairman of the Supervisory Board regularly informed regarding the state of business and the position of the company.He/she must report to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board without delay if there are important reasons for doing so or if there are business issues that may have a significant impact on the position of the company. The Chairmanof the Supervisory Board may also at any time request from the members of the Managing Board information regarding matters in their respective portfolios; the President of the Managing Board must be informed immediately and in full regarding any such requests. A member of the Supervisory Board can – through the Chairman of the Supervisory Board – effect the provision of information regarding matters in the Managing Board portfolios from the President of the Managing Board.§ 6Meetings and decisions(1) The meetings of the Managing Board shall be convened by the President ofthe Managing Board. Any member of the Managing Board may request the convening of a meeting, specifying the matters to be discussed. The Managing Board shall decide the calendar of meetings (Board Calendar). (2) The agenda shall be distributed with the invitation to the meeting, whichshould be sent at least one week before the meeting. Proposed resolutions in connection with items on the agenda shall also be included. Any member of the Managing Board may request the addition of items to the agenda. Such a request must be made at least five days before the meeting unless the degree of urgency justifies shorter notice.(3) The President of the Managing Board shall chair all meetings. He/she shalldetermine the order in which agenda items are discussed, and the method and order of voting. He/she shall have the right to defer deliberations and decisions on individual agenda items.(4) The President of the Managing Board may determine whether persons whoare not members of the Managing Board can be admitted to a meeting to take part in the deliberations on individual agenda items. The President of the Managing Board shall determine the minutes secretary.(5) The Managing Board shall have a quorum if two thirds of its members takepart in a decision. Members of the Managing Board who are connected to a meeting by telephone or video conference shall be deemed to be present.Absent members of the Managing Board may cast their votes in writing, by telephone, by fax or by other normal means of communication (e.g. e-mail).Absent members of the Managing Board shall be informed without delay of decisions taken in their absence. Except in urgent cases, discussions and decisions regarding matters in the portfolio of an absent member of the Managing Board shall only take place with his/her consent.(6) As far as possible, decisions of the Managing Board shall be takenunanimously. If unanimity cannot be achieved, a decision shall require a simple majority of votes cast. The President of the Managing Board shall have the deciding vote in the event of equal votes for and against a proposal.(7) If so instructed by the President of the Managing Board, decisions may alsobe taken by telephone conference call, video conference, or outside meetings by the submission of votes in writing, by telephone, fax or other normal means of communication (e.g. e-mail). In derogation from paragraph 6 sentence 2, a decision of this kind can only be valid if at least two thirds of the members of the Managing Board have voted in favor of the proposal.(8) Minutes shall be taken for every meeting of the Managing Board. The minutesshall include the location and date of the meeting, the persons attending, the agenda, and the wording of decisions taken. The minutes shall be signed by the President of the Managing Board and the minutes secretary, and sent to all members of the Managing Board. The minutes shall be deemed to be approved unless an objection is lodged by a member of the Managing Board no later than at the next meeting following receipt of the minutes. Decisions of the Managing Board taken in accordance with paragraph 7 shall be entered by the President of the Managing Board in a separate record; this record shall be sent to every member of the Managing Board without delay.(9) If the President of the Managing Board is unable to carry out his/her duties,the duties for which he/she is responsible in accordance with this Section 6 shall be carried out by the member of the Managing Board appointed by the President to carry out the tasks involved. If the President of the Managing Board has not appointed any other Managing Board member as his/her deputy, or if the appointed Managing Board member is also unable to carry out the duties concerned, the duties shall be performed by the Managing Board member oldest in age. The deputy shall not be entitled to use the President’s deciding vote in accordance with paragraph 6, sentence 3.§ 7Committees of the Managing Board(1) The Managing Board may form committees to deal with certain tasks. It shallappoint one committee member as committee chairman.(2) Meetings of committees shall be held as required. Where meeting dates arenot determined in advance on the board calendar, the chairman of a committee shall convene a meeting with at least one week’s notice if he/she deems a meeting necessary or if a committee member requests a meeting and specifies the issues to be dealt with at the meeting.(3) Decisions of Managing Board committees shall require unanimity unlessotherwise stipulated in the decisions establishing such committees.(4) The rules in section 6 of these Bylaws shall apply mutatis mutandis to themeetings and decisions of the Managing Board committees.§ 8Former members of the Managing Board(1) Former members of the Managing Board shall no longer be involved in thebusiness operations of the company once they have left the Managing Board.They shall refrain from exercising any influence over the business operations of the company and from any public statements regarding such operations.The obligation on current members of Siemens’ decision-making bodies and senior managers to ensure that they do not disclose confidential information and company secrets shall also continue to apply to members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board, and to senior managers, once they have left the company.(2) Where former members of the Managing Board hold positions on SupervisoryBoards, similar positions in companies, or positions in academic, social, cultural, professional or other organizations, they shall not occupy these positions on behalf of the company. The company shall not be responsible for any expenses and obligations arising in connection with the fulfillment of such roles.(3) In derogation from paragraph 2, an agreement can be made on a case-by-case basis for a member of the Managing Board - once he/she has left the Managing Board - to take up or continue certain positions on behalf of and in the interests of the company if there is a particular benefit for the company in the case concerned. Any such agreement must be made in writing and requires the approval of the Chairman's Committee of the Supervisory Board.(4) If an agreement is in place in accordance with paragraph 3, the formerManaging Board member involved shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the fulfillment of the role concerned and to any necessary and reasonable support from the company. The agreement may also include provision for appropriate compensation.。



污水处理自动化控制 分析PLC在污水处理自动化控制系统中的作用, 实现对水质、水量等参数的实时监测与控制。
通过升级PLC硬件、扩展模块等方式提高系统性能 和稳定性。
采用先进的控制算法和编程技巧,优化控制程序, 提高系统响应速度和精度。
加强PLC与上位机、下位机之间的网络通信,实现 远程监控和数据共享,提高系统智能化水平。
一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境应用而设计 的。
从最初的顺序控制到现在的复杂过程控制,PLC技术不断发 展,功能日益强大。
PLC采用循环扫描的工作方式,执 行用户程序并控制输出。
可靠性高、编程方便、组态灵活、 安装方便、运行速度快等。
将各个硬件和软件部分集成在一 起,进行系统测试和调试,确保
1 2
工业自动化生产线控制 介绍PLC在工业自动化生产线中的应用,包括物 料输送、加工、装配、检测等环节的控制。
楼宇自动化控制系统 讲解PLC在楼宇自动化控制系统中的应用,如空 调、照明、电梯等设备的监控与控制。
环保意识的提高将促使PLC控制系统在设计、 制造、使用等各个环节更加注重节能减排和 环保要求。
06 西门子PLC培训总结与展望
包括PLC的定义、工作原理、硬件组成等,使学员对PLC有 全面的了解。
详细介绍了西门子PLC的特点、优势、应用领域等,使学员 对西门子PLC有更深入的认识。



西门子是全球领先的电子电气工程公司, 01 拥有广泛的业务领域和强大的技术实力
西门子品牌在全球范围内享有极高的声誉 02 和知名度,深受消费者和行业客户的信赖
西门子品牌在技术创新、产品质量和售后 03 服务等方面具有较高的市场地位和竞争力
能源管理:西门子提供能源管理解决方 0 2 案,包括智能电网、能源管理系统等
医疗设备:西门子提供医疗设备解决方 0 3 案,包括CT、MRI等设备
交通系统:西门子提供交通系统解决方 0 4 案,包括轨道交通、智能交通系统等
术支持和售后服务团队, 01
西门子产品 培训课件
01. 西门子产品介绍 02. 西门子技术优势 03. 西门子售后服务 04. 西门子品牌价值
家电产品:冰箱、洗衣机、 空调等
工业自动化产品:PLC、 变频器、伺服系统等
医疗设备:CT、MRI、X 光机等
交通设备:地铁、高铁、 飞机等
能源设备:风力发电、太 阳能发电、核能发电等
通信设备:交换机、路由 器、基站等
西门子PLC:可编程逻辑控制器, 02
西门子触摸屏:人机界面,用于操 04




建立和维护与供应商的良好关 系,确保采购活动的顺利进行

根据采购需求和市场调研结果,制定 合理的采购预算。
通过谈判、比价等方式,降低采购成 本,同时确保采购质量。
优化采购流程,提高采购效率,减少 不必要的浪费。
应用人工智能和机器学习技术,实现智能 调度、路径规划、异常处理等功能的自动 化和智能化。
通过区块链技术实现物流信息的不可篡改和 可追溯,保障物流安全和质量。
多个企业联合组织配送, 共享资源、降低成本,适 用于中小企业或同行业企 业间的合作。
通过先进的路线规划算法和实时 交通信息,选择最优的运输路线
通过合理的货物配载和装载方案设 计,提高车辆装载率,降低单位运 输成本。
培养组织学习和创新能力,以便在面临风险时能 够迅速调整并恢复供应链的正常运作。
绿色供应链与可持续发 展探讨
强调在供应链各个环节中融入环保、节能、低碳等理念,通过优化资源配置、提 高资源利用效率、减少环境污染等方式,实现经济、社会和环境效益的协同提升 。
减少不必要的货物中转环节,降低 中转费用和货物损坏风险。



















(1)西门子的培训体系到底是怎么样的? a、庞大的企业教育体系 b、包罗万象的培训内容

对于中国的大型企业来说,是完全具备条 件的 ; 对于中小型企业来说,具备这样的条件还 是有困难的,不排除还有部分中型企业还 可以,但大部分中小型企业,资金不够宏 厚,人员较少 。
3、西门子的人力资源开发方式对中国企 业有何借鉴意义?

1)、开办自己的职业技术学校,注重人才的前期 培养,量身打造符合自己企业技术要求一线工人, 为企业生产一线提供了源源不断的合格人才,这是 企业生产效率、产品质量的首要保证。 2)与各国高校合作,开展大学精英培训计划,获 得了大量优质的管理人才、技术精英,培养企业未 来的领袖,使他的管理团队构建于一个很高的起点, 在企业的高端人才竞争上处于主动的态势。 3)完善的在职培训,塑造学习型企业,不断增强 员工的知识、技能和能力,为公司储备了大量的生 产、技术、管理人才,从而提高公司整体的竞争力, 成为西门子公司不败的重要保证
工业生产、工业自动化、 工业软件供应商、基础设施、 运输、医疗、照明、房地产、 家用电器、水利、计算机、 商业服务、汽车、 电子。
和特点? 3、西门子的人力资源开发方式对中国 企业有何借鉴意义?
1、西门子的人才培训体系有何特点? ①全 覆 盖
涵盖了业务技能、交流能力和管理能力的 广泛领域 ;
②针 对 性
培训的内容根据管理学知识和公司业务的 需要而制定,随着二者的发展变化,培训内 容不断更新 ;



•CRM enablers
• System integration • Use of e-technologies • Selection of system/
technology partners
•Culture and change management
• Consolidating the customer value orientation
• A survey on senior marketing executives at Fortune 1000 companies indicates a widespread frustration about the return on CRM investments
•Source: Booz Allen Hamilton Survey, 2001
•"Disintermediation", multi channel management
•Interactive dialog with customers and communities, 24 hrs./7 day availability
•CRM is the holistic approach to a customer-value based company orientation – four enablers set up the frame ...
•CRM in not a technology term, but instead, a strategy driven holistic management approach



SIEMENS操作员培训教材课程目录一、课程目标 -------------------------------------------------- 1二、安全注意事项 --------------------------------------------------- 2三、送料器续料及操作步骤 ----------------------------------3一、课程目标1.1 总体目标西门子贴片机的特点是结构精巧,紧凑,易于调整。


1.2 具体目标1.能正确识别生产工具,设备及所用材料2.了解产品生产的整体工艺流程3.了解机器的安全特征4.可以根据操作指导对机器进行正确操作5.进行自觉性维护和日常清理并保持5S二、安全注意事项2.1 西门子贴片机使用注意事项1.放置供料器应保证桌面的磁条上没有任何元件和异物,放置后检查供料器是否摆放牢固。




2.打件过程中如意外打开防护罩或按下急停,应对打过的板作100% 检查。




6.每班按AM List 的要求做清洁维护。







西门子PLC、NC培训教材(二)第三部分:S7300 PLC介绍简单介绍一下,最基本的线性化编程,线性化编程具有不带分支的简单结构:一个简单的程序块包含系统的所有指令。










SIMATIC 管理器的使用:SIMATIC 管理器管理STEP 7项目,它是主程序,并且也出现在WINDOWS桌面上。

LAD, STL, FBD 编写STEP 7 用户程序的工具,有“梯形图(LAD)”、“语句表(STL)”和“功能块图(FBD)”编程语言。

在使用SIMATIC 管理器时,必须首先设定PG-PC接口。


基本STEP 7 软件包还包括处理PID闭环控制问题的块,选择“PID Control Parameter Assignment”可以为闭环控制块分配参数。

转换S5文件:利用S5/S7 转换器可以把STEP5 程序转换成相应的STEP 7程序。



CPU 存储器复位手动要求存储器复位执行存储器复位1. 把模式选择器放在“STOP”位置2. 把模式选择器保持在“MRES”位置,直到“STOP”指示灯闪烁两次(慢速)3. 松开模式选择器(自动回到“STOP”位置)1. 把模式选择器保持在“MRES”位置(STOP指示灯快速闪烁)2. 松开模式选择器(自动回到“STOP”位置)通过PG1. 把模式选择器放在“RUN-P”位置2. 菜单选择:PLC -> Operating Mode -> Stop3. 菜单选择:PLC -> Clear/Reset1. 点击“OK”按钮确认存储器复位插入存储器卡后1. 把模式选择器放在“STOP”位置2. 插入存储器卡3. “STOP”灯慢速闪烁1.把模式选择器保持在“MRES”位置(STOP指示灯快速闪烁)2. 松开模式选择器(自动回到“STOP”位置)在SIMATIC 管理器中,我们可以方便的进行PLC的故障诊断。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

•* mandatory (Corporate Logistics Policy)
Plan Metrics (1)
•Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time
•Forecast Quality / Acculy Chain Planning Costs
Management Process Costs Order
Inventory Costs Distribute (FG)
Process Costs Distribute
Inventory Turnover (FG)
Order Response Time
•xxx - KPI‘s xxx - Metrics
Supply Quality Deadline Compliance Inventory Costs Make
(WIP, UG) Process Costs Make Make Cycle Time
First Pass Yield Flow Rate Inventory Turnover (WIP /
(Mat) Process Costs Source
Supplier Compliance with requested Delivery Date
Replenishment Lead Time Number of Suppliers Inventory Turnover (Mat)
•[Lxxx Milestones Corporate Logistcis Polic
Plan Metrics (2)
•Total Inventory Days of Supply
•Total Inventory Costs
Plan - Key Performance Indicators
•Rate of warehouse inventory to average demand for Mat, WIP, UE and FE, uncharged deliveries and services and receivables
Supply Chain Planning Costs Total Supply Chain Costs
Total Inventory Days of Supply Total Inventory Costs
Supply Quality Inventory Costs Source
Key Performance Indicators
A List of Business Unit-Independent KPI for each Core Process have been Identified
Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time Forecast Quality (Accuracy) Total Lead Time
•Total Supply Chain Costs
Plan - Key Performance Indicators
•Number of days between paying for raw materials and getting paid for product; (Inventory Days of Supply + Days of Sales Outstanding - Average Payment Period for Material)
•Costs of holding inventories (Mat, WIP, UG, FG plus total of uncharged deliveries and services and receivables) - Components: 1. Cost of warehouse investment; 2. Cost of warehouse administration; 3. Cost of warehouse transactions; 4. Interest charges for capital tied up in the inventories; 5. Risk costs (e.g. scrap, reject products)
•Extent to which forecast and actual demand are the same
•Sum of Delivery Lead Time of Supplier, Make Cycle Time and Delivery Lead Time
•Costs associated with forecasting, developing finished goods or end item inventory plans, and coordinating Demand / Supply process across entire supply chain, including all channels. (Not including MIS associated costs.)
UG) Utilization
• Order Management
• Distribute
Delivery Reliability * Delivery Lead Time * Delivery Quality * Compliance with
Requested Delivery Date Non-Compliance Costs Perfect Order Fulfillment Inventory Costs Order
•Sum of Order Management Costs, Material Acquisition Costs, Inventory Carrying Costs, Supply Chain Related Finance & Planning Costs and Supply Chain Related MIS Costs