Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents导学案

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Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents导学案

Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

第1课时 Section A 1a--1c

知识目标 1.重点词汇用法及短语动词用法。如:allow , wrong, midnight 2.连词until, so that 及although引导的状语从句。能力目标学会谈论问题和给出建议情感目标学会照顾自己,培养自


预习25页,完成下列句子。 1)-________________(为什么不)talk to your parents. .I have too study too much_______(所以)I don’t get _________(足够)sleep. .My parents don’t _____(允许) me ____ hang out with my friends. I got into a ______(打架) with my best friend. 5).I’m really tired because I stu died

______(直到)midnight last night.

1,独立完成1a,分别把你认为严重的和不严重的写在对应的表格中。2,听录音,完成圈出听到的问题。 3,和同桌谈论自己的问题。

My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.我父

母不允许我和朋友出去闲逛。 allow 及物动词“允许”allow ab to do sth”允许某人做某事”allow sth”允许某事”allow doing sth”允许做某事”eg.We don’t allow smoking in out house.在我们家不允许吸烟。用too much, much too, too many 填空。 There are ______________buildings in the city. -I don’t

have____________money. Can you lend me some? Your room is

______________dirty. Could you please clean it up.


第2课时Section A 2a--2d

知识目标 1.重点词汇用法及短语动词用法。look through, guess, deal, work out, 2.情态动词could和should 的用法能力目标能够用英语谈论自己的问题。情感目标学会倾诉烦恼,拥有良好的心理状态

遇到下面的事情,你有什么建议吗? 1,I lost 200 yuan so I don’t

have money for meals at school.---You________________________ I got a fight with my best friend.---You

______________________________ I broke my frend’s

bike.-----You __________________________________

1,预习2a和2b的内容,猜测听力的内容。 2, 听录音,完成2a和2b。 3,预读2d,前后两个同学进行角色扮演。

I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.昨天我发现我妹妹在翻阅我的东西。Look through”翻阅,浏览,仔细看”look at 看着,look up向上看,查找,kook around 四处张望,look into 调查。 Would you pleease __________the paper for me and see if there are any mistakes”-- OK. A.look around B.look through C. Look up D.look into

用正确的介词填空。 1.I am not good _______finding mistakes. You should talk ___your parents ____the problem. After I

looked_____the letter, I found some unknown words, so I looked them___in the dictionary. I am very angry ______ my brother. 本课所得:本课不足:

第3课时Section A 3a--3c

知识目标 1.重点词汇用法及短语动词用法。 2.理解短文大意,把握细节。能力目标理解短文大意,把握细节。情感目标学会和家人进行沟通。

预习短文翻译下列短语 1和睦相处______________2.关系

_________________ 3.沟通__________________ 和...争吵

___________5.反而,却_____________6.焦虑 ___________ 7.主动提出______________8.正确的____________9.解释,____________ 3b在文中找出那个孩子的问题是什么,Mr.Hunt的建议又是什么。 3c.文中找出和列出单词或短语意思相同的单词并造句。

1.My problem is that I can’t get on with my family.我的问题是我不能和我的家人和睦相处。 get on (well)with sb.和某人和睦相处=get slong (well)with sb. Also, my elder brother is not very
