
电动托盘搬运车 [单选]对吸入性损伤早期诊断最有意义的是()A.颜面部烧伤B.密闭现场C.胸片D.烦躁E.声嘶及喘鸣 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A1型题]对医师是"仁者"最准确的理解是()A.仁者爱人,爱病人B.医师应该精通儒学C.医师应该是伦理学家D.医师应该善于处理人际关系E.医师角色要求道德高尚 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]关于胃贲门区的超声解剖,叙述错误的是()。A.贲门位于食管下端与胃底交界处B.贲门位于肝左外侧叶后方C."鸟嘴征"是贲门及周围结构的长轴图像,鸟嘴尖端指向胃底D.贲门长轴图像呈上小下大的喇叭状结构E.短轴图像上贲门的食管端呈靶环样结构 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]葡萄胎清宫术后随访的主要监测方法是()。A.妇科检查B.X线胸片检查C.血β-HCG测定D.临床症状E.B超检查 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]通过遥控器的以下组合操作来操作高清变焦摄像机的变焦()A、shift键↑+滚转指令→B、shift键↑+俯仰指令↓↑C、shift键↑+滚转指令←D、shift键↑+油门指令↓↑ 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]物业的车辆管理人员应包括()。A.车辆交通的疏导人员B.客户服务人员C.园区巡视人员D.道路清洁人员 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A1型题]临产的主要标志是()A.不规则宫缩B.见红C.规律性宫缩,阴道流血D.规律性宫缩,宫颈口扩张E.规律性宫缩渐强+宫口扩张+先露下降 电动托盘搬运车 [填空题]高级优质钢在钢牌号后加字母符号()而特级优质钢则在钢牌号后加字母符号()。 电动托盘搬运车 [判断题]中间再热可以降低汽轮机的热耗,因此在机组中可采用多次再热。()A.正确B.错误 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A1型题]前置胎盘的主要临床特征是()。A.腹部小于妊娠月份B.无痛性反复阴道出血C.突然发生持续性腹痛或腰酸D.恶心、呕吐E.贫血 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]甲烷化催化剂的设计装填量是()m3。A.10B.12C.20D.6 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]王某因出国请自己的好朋友张某代为保管家传的一幅油画,后张某因急用钱而将该画卖给了吴某。问张某与吴某之间就油画的买卖合同效力为()。A.有效B.无效C.效力待定D.可撤销 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]不属于男性不育症病因的是()A.淋病B.输卵管堵塞C.染色体异常D.精索静脉曲张E.服用化疗药物 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]根据采购标的物分类,货物采购合同不包括()。A.材料采购合同B.通用设备采购合同C.特定设备采购合同D.其他设备采购合同 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]下颌关节间隙正常值为()A.1.5mmB.1.8mmC.2.0mmD.2.5mmE.3.0mm 电动托盘搬运车 [问答题,简答题]氧气总产量富裕时,要求生产液氧,空分工应如何进行操作? 电动托盘搬运车 [填空题]高层建筑结构的水平向承重体系有(),(),(),()。 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A1型题]儿童意外伤害的预防措施包括()A.伤害监测B.伤害干预C.伤害干预措施研究D.伤害的急救和康复E.以上都有 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]脂溶性维生素的特点是()A.分子特异性高B.不易溶于脂肪和脂肪溶剂中C.需每天供应D.过量摄入易致中毒E.脂溶性维生素排泄快 电动托盘搬运车 [填空题]刚度与质量分布特别不均匀的建筑物、甲类建筑物等,宜采用()。 电动托盘搬运车 [填空题]焦炉煤气的硫主要有()、()、()、()、()、()。 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]炉膛火焰电视监视系统的检测部件需具有控制保护系统,其主要作用是()。A、超温保护;B、控制通风;C、吹扫;D、控制方向。 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]下述哪项提示胎盘功能低下?()A.NST示有反应型B.羊膜镜检查羊水为白色浊状C.OCT试验阴性D.孕妇血清催产素酶为每小时5mg/dl,1周后为每小时2mg/dlE.12h胎动12次 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]基底胶结的渗透率()。A、没有B、很低C、中等D、很高 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]机舱失火,现场指挥是()。A.轮机长B.大副C.大管轮D.二管轮 电动托盘搬运车 [判断题]任何单位和个人在与金融机构建立业务关系或者要求金融机构为其提供一次性金融服务时,都应当提供真实有效的身份证件或者其他身份证明文件。A.正确B.错误 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]“计算机集成制造系统”英文简写是()。A.CADB.CAMCIMSD.ERP 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]癌与肉瘤的最主要区别是()A.组织来源不同B.发生的年龄不同C.肿瘤内血管多少不同D.瘤细胞的分布方式不同E.转移的途径不同 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]TMN至用户终端的通信路经是().A.业务节点—-业务节点接口—-用户-网络接口B.用户—网络接口—-业务节点—-业务节点接口C.业务节点接口—-业务节点—-用户—网络接口 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]颈动脉听诊区位于()A.胸锁乳突肌外缘与甲状软骨连线的交点B.锁骨上窝C.胸锁乳突肌后缘上方2~3颈椎横突水平D.锁骨下窝E.胸锁乳突肌内缘与甲状软骨连线的交点 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]治疗大头瘟毒,头面红肿,咽喉不利,宜首选()A.穿心莲B.板蓝根C.金银花D.山豆根E.蒲公英 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]跳汰机技术要求中当床层厚度变化值大于()mm时,排料装置应能自动改变排料速度。A、5B、10C、15D、20 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]以下不属于冲动形成异常的心律失常是哪个()A.房室传导阻滞B.窦性心动过缓C.房性早搏D.室性早搏E.心房颤动 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]发生液漏时,只要增加上升气量,适当()氧气取出量,保持上升气流的正常流速,液漏即可消除。A、减少B、不变C、增加 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]AGC以满足什么供需实时平衡为目的?()A.有功功率B.无功功率C.电力电量D.交换功率 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A1型题]健康喂养的3个月婴儿,体重5kg。用牛奶喂养,每天应给予()A.8%糖牛奶(ml)5.50另给水分(ml)200B.8%糖牛奶(ml)450另给水分(ml)200C.8%糖牛奶(ml)600另给水分(ml)100D.8%糖牛奶(ml)500另给水分(ml)300E.8%糖牛奶(ml)650另给水 电动托盘搬运车 [单选]人员密集场所的疏散通道、安全出口必须按规定配置()。(易)A、防火门和闭门器B、应急照明和疏散指示标志C、阻燃地毯和防滑地砖D、报警按钮和消防广播 电动托盘搬运车 [问答题,案例分析题]临床情景:张先生,26岁。右侧前臂被车床切割伤1小时。查体:右侧前臂外侧有一伤口,长约5cm,深及皮下组织,伤口污染严重。要求:请为患者行清创术。 电动托盘搬运车 [问答题,简答题]检修后的空压机,试车完毕后,你如何进行停车操作? 电动托盘搬运车 [单选,A1型题]下列有关偏倚分类,正确的是()A.分为选择偏倚、失访偏倚、信息偏倚和混杂偏倚四类B.分为失访偏倚、回忆偏倚和调查偏倚三种C.分为选择偏倚、信息偏倚和混杂偏倚三种D.分为Berkson偏倚,Neyman偏倚,检出征候偏倚和时间偏倚四种E.以上均正确

班级考号姓名总分(一)(ham--heat)A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。
1 He was __________(英俊) and generally the center of attention wherever he was.2 I thought he __________(处理) the situation very well.3 My grandfather is getting old and can't __________(听) very well.4 With the __________(庄稼) finished, I was able to relax with an easy mind.5 No one knows exactly what __________(发生) but several people have been hurt.B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
1 I hate __________ when people talk about me behind my back.2 The shirts __________(hang) on the line were blowing in the breeze.3 Fresh fruit and vegetables form an important part of a __________(health) diet.4 I'd __________(happy) offer to help him if I thought it would make any difference.5 This group of chemicals is known to be harmful __________ people with asthma(哮喘).6 He had hardly collected the papers on his desk __________ the door burst open.7 After a short __________(heat) argument, he agreed to pay the cost in cash.8 We must ensure that tourism develops __________harmony with the environment.9 This necklace __________(hand) down to my mother by my grandmother.10 We ___________(head) towards Kunming when our truck broke down.C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。

高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十五)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.tornado2.drought3.landslide4.tsunami5.magnitude6.evacuate7.helicopter8.crack9.brick10.metal11.revive12.revival13.unify14.volcano15.typhoon16.hurricane17.whistle18.summary(二)重点单词——我会写1.n.灾难;灾害2.vi.& vt.(使)滑行;滑动3.n.洪水;大量vi.淹没;大量涌入vt.使灌满水;淹没4.n.& vt.营救;救援5.vt.损害;破坏n.损坏;损失6.vt.摧毁;毁灭7.n.避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危险) 8.n.& vt.破坏;毁坏9.n.百分之…… adj.& adv.每一百中10.vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱11.vt.埋葬;安葬12.n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力13.n.上下文;语境;背景14.n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品vt.供应;供给15.vi.& vt.轻叩;轻敲;轻拍n.水龙头;轻叩;轻敲16.n.管子;管道17.adj.镇静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇静18.n.援助;帮助;救援物资vi.& vt.(formal)帮助;援助19.vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击n.撞车;碰撞20.vt.& vi.( )打扫;清扫21.n.海浪;波浪vi.& vt.挥手;招手22.vi.& vt.( )侵袭;突击;击打n.罢工;罢课;袭击(三)拓展单词——我会变1.n.死;死亡→ adj.死的→ adj.致命的→ v.死亡2.vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动→ n.效果;影响→ adj.有效的→ n.喜欢;喜爱;感情3.n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vt.(使)震惊→ adj.令人震惊的→ adj.感到震惊的4.n.电;电能→ adj.电的;用电的→ adj.电子的5.vi.& vt.呼吸→ n.呼吸→ adj.气喘吁吁的6.n.智慧;才智→ adj.明智的→ adj.不明智的7.vt.遭受;蒙受vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→ n.受难;苦楚8.vi.& vt.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→ n.喷发9.vi.生存;存活vt.幸存;艰难度过→ n.幸存;生还→ n.幸存者;生还者10.n.突发事件;紧急情况→ adj.紧急的→ vi.浮现;出现11.vt.& vi.递送;传达vt.发表→ n.投递;送交12.n.长;长度→ adj.长的→ v.(使)变长(四)核心短语1.火山喷发2.似乎;好像;仿佛3.严重受损;破败不堪4.震惊;吃惊5.露天;在户外6.急救箱7.现有(尤指帮助)8.消灭;彻底消除答案:(一)阅读单词——我会认1.tornado n.(pl.-oes or -os)龙卷风;旋风2.drought n.旱灾;久旱3.landslide n.(landfall)(山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡4.tsunami n.海啸5.magnitude n.(地)震级;重大6.evacuate vt.疏散;撤出vi.撤离7.helicopter n.直升机8.crack n.裂纹;裂缝vi.& vt.(使)破裂9.brick n.砖;砖块10.metal n.金属11.revive vt.& vi.复活;(使)苏醒12.revival n.振兴;复苏13.unify vi.& vt.统一;(使)成一体14.volcano n.(pl.-oes or -os)火山15.typhoon n.台风16.hurricane n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风17.whistle vi.吹口哨;发出笛声vt.吹口哨n.哨子(声);呼啸声18.summary n.总结;概括;概要(二)重点单词——我会写1.disaster n.灾难;灾害2.slide vi.& vt.(使)滑行;滑动3.flood n.洪水;大量vi.淹没;大量涌入vt.使灌满水;淹没4.rescue n.& vt.营救;救援5.damage vt.损害;破坏n.损坏;损失6.destroy vt.摧毁;毁灭7.shelter n.避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危险)8.ruin n.& vt.破坏;毁坏9.percent n.百分之…… adj.& adv.每一百中10.trap vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱11.bury vt.埋葬;安葬12.effort n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力13.context n.上下文;语境;背景14.supply n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品vt.供应;供给15.tap vi.& vt.轻叩;轻敲;轻拍n.水龙头;轻叩;轻敲16.pipe n.管子;管道17.calm adj.镇静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇静18.aid n.援助;帮助;救援物资vi.& vt.(formal)帮助;援助19.crash vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击n.撞车;碰撞20.sweep vt.& vi.(swept,swept)打扫;清扫21.wave n.海浪;波浪vi.& vt.挥手;招手22.strike vi.& vt.(struck,struck/stricken)侵袭;突击;击打n.罢工;罢课;袭击——1n.死;死亡adj.死的.致命的2.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动n.效果;adj.有效的n3n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vt.(使)震惊adj.令人震惊的adj.感到震惊的4n adj.adj.电子的5vt.呼吸.气喘吁吁的6.adj.7vi.(n.受难;苦楚8vt.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)n.喷发9vt.幸存;艰难度过.幸存者;10n.突发事件;紧急情况adj.紧急的vi.浮现;出现11vi.vt.发表12adj.长的(使)变长1234567)8。
高考英语单词变形速记精练(原卷版):专题01 巧记派生词(字母a-d)

专题01 速记派生词(字母a-d)养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。
一关联背诵1.absent adj.缺席的; --- n. absence ;be absent from缺席……联想:反义词present出席的,到场的;n.礼物;v呈现,赠送present sb with2. accept v. 接受--- n. 接受acceptance ;3. access n. 入口,通道;---adj. 可进入的,可接近的accessible ;4. accident n. 事故---adj. 偶然的/地accidental(ly) ;5. accuracy n. 精确--- adj. 精确的accurate ;6. admire v. 羡慕--- adj. 令人羡慕的admirable(去e变able);n.钦佩----admiration7. admit v. 承认,n. 承认,准许(入场,入学)---admission;8. advise v. 建议--- n. (不可数)advice9. age n. 年龄--- a. 年迈的aged ;10. agency n. 代理机构;--- n. 代理人agent11. ambition n. 雄心;--- a. 有雄心的ambitious12. angry a. 愤怒的--- n. 愤怒anger ;13. anxious adj.焦虑的; ---n. 焦虑anxiety ;14. appear v. 出现,看上去---n. 外貌appearance;15. apply v. 申请;n. 申请人---applicantn. 申请application;16. argue v.争论; n. 争论---argument; (易错字,去e)17. arrive v. 到达---n. 到达arrival ;18. assist v. 援助; --- n. 援助assistance;n. 助手assistant;19.attract v. 吸引--- n. 吸引attractiona. 有吸引力的attractive20. bake v. 烘烤(面包)--- n. 面包店bakery;21. balance n.平衡; ---adj. 平衡的balanced ;22. beg v. 乞求,乞讨--- n. 乞丐beggar ;23. behave v. 表现; ---n. 行为behaviour24. believe v. 相信; ---n. 信条,信念belief形近词:宽慰relief ; 贼thief25. benefit n. 利益,好处---- adj. 有益的beneficial;26. bleed v. 出血,流血---- n. 血液blood;27. brave a. 勇敢的---n. 勇气bravery28. breath n. 呼吸--- v. 呼吸breatheadj. 上气不接下气的breathless;29. careless adj.粗心的,----n. 粗心carelessness;30. casual adj.随意的,漫不经心的;----adv. 随意地casually;31. caution n.谨慎--- adj. 谨慎的cautious32. center n. 中心---- a. 中心的central33. certain adj.确定的---adv.确定地certainlyadj. 不确定的uncertain;对比curtain窗帘34. cheer n. & v. 欢呼--- adj.高兴的cheerful;35. choice n选择--- v. 选择choose过去式chose过去分词-- chosen36. clear adj. 清楚的--- v. 澄清clarify37. combine v. 使联合---n. 联合combination38. companion n. 伙伴(可数名词)----n. 陪伴(不可数)company39. compete v. 竞争---n. 竞争competitioncompetitor n.竞争者--- adj.有竞争力的competitive40.culture n. 文化---adj. 文化的cultural对比nature---natural41. curious a. 好奇的---n. 好奇心curiosity42. danger n. 危险--adj. 危险的dangerous43. decide v. 断定;决定---n. 决定decision44. deep a. 深的--- n. 深度depth(注意只剩一个p)45. defend v. 防守,保卫-- n. 防守,保卫defence (美defense)46. delight n. 高兴v. 使高兴--adj. 感到开心的delightedadj. 令人开心的delightful47. difficult a. 困难的--- n. 困难difficulty48. dirt n. 污垢,泥土--- adj. 脏的dirty49. describe v. 描述--- n. 描述description50. determine v. 决定--n. 决心determination二速记练习1.absent adj.缺席的; --- n. ____________;be absent ______缺席……反义词___________出席的,到场的;n.礼物;v呈现,赠送present sb with2. accept v. 接受--- n. 接受____________ ;3. access n. 入口,通道;---adj. 可进入的,可接近的____________ ;4. accident n. 事故---adj. 偶然的/地____________ ;5. accuracy n. 精确--- adj. 精确的____________ ;6. admire v. 羡慕--- adj. 令人羡慕的____________;n.钦佩---____________7. admit v. 承认,n. 承认,准许(入场,入学)---____________;8. advise v. 建议--- n. (不可数)___________9. age n. 年龄--- a. 年迈的___________ ;10. agency n. 代理机构;--- n. 代理人___________11. ambition n. 雄心; ---a. 有雄心的____________12. angry a. 愤怒的--- n. 愤怒__________ ;13. anxious adj.焦虑的; ---n. 焦虑___________ ;14. appear v. 出现,看上去---n. 外貌___________;15. apply v. 申请;---n. 申请人---____________;n. 申请___________;16. argue v.争论; n. 争论---____________;17. arrive v. 到达---n. 到达____________;18. assist v. 援助; --- n. 援助___________;n. 助手____________;19.attract v. 吸引--- n. 吸引____________;a. 有吸引力的___________;20. bake v. 烘烤(面包)---- n. 面包店___________;21. balance n.平衡; ----adj. 平衡的__________ ;22. beg v. 乞求,乞讨--- n. 乞丐__________ ;23. behave v. 表现; ----n. 行为_________;24. believe v. 相信; ---n. 信条,信念___________;25. benefit n. 利益,好处--- adj. 有益的____________ ;26. bleed v. 出血,流血--- n. 血液blood ;27. brave a. 勇敢的---n. 勇气____________;28. breath n. 呼吸--- v. 呼吸____________;adj. 上气不接下气的____________;29. careless adj.粗心的,---n. 粗心_____________;30. casual adj.随意的,漫不经心的;---adv. 随意地___________ ;31. caution n.谨慎--- adj. 谨慎的___________;32. center n. 中心---- a. 中心的_________;33. certain adj.确定的---adv.确定地_________;adj. 不确定的__________ ;34. cheer n. & v. 欢呼---- adj.___________;35. choice n选择--- v. 选择___________;过去式___________; 过去分词__________;36. clear adj. 清楚的--- v. 澄清__________;37. combine v. 使联合---n. 联合_____________;38. companion n. 伙伴(可数----n. 陪伴(不可数)__________;39. compete v. 竞争---n. 竞争___________;competitor n.竞争者--- adj.有竞争力的_____________;41.culture n. 文化---adj. 文化的___________;41. curious a. 好奇的---n. 好奇心___________;42. danger n. 危险--adj. 危险的__________;43. decide v. 断定;决定---n. 决定___________;44. deep a. 深的--- n. 深度___________;45. defend v. 防守,保卫-- n. 防守,保卫_________;46. delight n. 高兴v. 使高兴---adj. 感到开心的__________;adj. 令人开心的__________;47. difficult a. 困难的--- n. 困难__________;48. dirt n. 污垢,泥土--- adj. 脏的__________;49. describe v. 描述--- n. 描述__________;50. determine v. 决定--n. 决心___________;三真题演练1.(2022全国甲卷) On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its____________(attract).2.(2022新高考全国II卷)Scholarships are for Group Play ____________(admit) fees and/ or transportation.3.(2020海南卷) I was back teaching after an ____________(absent) of 15 years, dealing with the various kinds of“forbidden fruit” that come out of book bags.4.(全国卷I)As the Kennedy Centre’s artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more ____________(access), and preserve its history and culture.5.(湖南卷I) We should pay tribute to soldiers died in __________(defend) of our country.6.(北京卷)These animals live between the surface of the ocean and a ____________(deep) of about 3,300 feet.7.(天津卷)This ____________(combine) of healing myself and healing the world struck me as the perfect solution.8.(新高考I卷)Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been ____________(benefit) than harmful.四模拟演练professional one who ranked top ten.2.Please accept our apologies for any (convenience) we have caused.3.Due to the widespread (apply)of this medical technology,more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.4.Like their children, parents are often (defend)about their private lives.5.If you have been working hard, don’t be afraid to take a break and give yourse lf a well-(deserve) pat on the back or to reflect on your goals.6.One afternoon, I grew (bore) and decided to go on an outing.7.The second-hand car (appear) to be in good condition,so I bought it.8.As a student, your personal (behave) outside school also reflects on the school.对高三学生而言,就是要通过训练转化为学生的答题能力。

1. Chemicals in the factory's sewage(下水道) system have changed the _________ of the whole area.A. engineB. electricityC. endingD. ecology2. The car almost fell into the river. Fortunately, it stopped just at the _________ of the broken bridge.A. edgeB. emergencyC. entranceD. evolution3. What is learned in books cannot have the same deep _________ on a child’s character as what is learned through experience.A. effortB. affectC. effectD. expectation4. Great _________ to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage is to be avoided.A. effectB. experienceC. exportD. efforts5. Having a cell-phone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an _________.A. accidentB. emergencyC. escapeD. incident6. At the beginning of the party, ______ of the guests was given a piece of paper.A. everyoneB. eachC. everyD. all7. People were pushing each other out of the way________ to get to the front.A. eagerB. eagernessC. hopeD. hopeless8. Keep ______ hours is a very good habit and it will keep you healthy.A. easyB. quickC. eagerD. early9. I gave him a warning, ________ he, to my disappointment, turned a deaf ear.A. of whichB. at whichC. to whichD. to it10. ---Oh, dear! You appear so worried. What ______ has happened to you?---Well, Mum. It's a long story.A. in the factB. on the earthC. in factD. on earth11. Small cars are ___ of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers.( 高考上海春季卷)A. freeB. shortC. economicD. economical12. The new law will come into ________ on the day it is passed.A. effectB. useC. effortD. being13. Showing some sense of humor can be a (n) _____ way to deal with some stressful situation.A. favorableB. efficientC. effectiveD. favorite14. The secret of his success is that he does everything _______. ( 高考上海卷)A. efficientlyB. effectivelyC. anxiouslyD. sufficiently15. The lady dressed in fashionable clothes is _____ in her appearance, but rude in her speech.A. evidentB. considerateC. elegantD. innocent16. The ______on his face told me that he was angry. ( 高考湖北卷)A. impressionB. expectationC. appearanceD. expression17. This dictionary is available in _______ form in this library.A. electricB. electronicC. electricalD. electricity18. --- I hear they aren't pleased with the house you've chosen for them.--- Well, ________ could they live in such comfort? ( 高考北京卷)A. where elseB. what elseC. howD. why19. The next morning there was always something in anyone else's stockings. Only mine hungthere _______.A. endlessB. nothingC. fullD. empty20. The tourist industry should be _______ to supply a variety of jobs.A. enrichedB. inventedC. producedD. encouraged21. When the meeting was _____, they all rose and left.A. at the endB. at an endC. at the end ofD. at an end of22. Yesterday, we held a meeting about English study. The meeting ____ failure.A. ended withB. ended inC. ending withD. ending in23. The poor driver telephoned the police and ______what had happened.A. toldB. talkedC. expressedD. explained24. Drinking too much will _________ drivers’ lives.A. endangerB. threatenC. enableD. harm25. My grandfather is as ________ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day. ( 高考北京卷)A. enthusiasticB. energeticC. talkativeD. sensitive26. To gain their _____ after an exhausting game, the players 1ay in the grass. ( 高考上海卷)A. force B.energy C.power D.excuse27. _____ in writing letters, he had no time to notice me.A. EngagedB. EnlargedC. InterestedD. Surprised28. Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way________ to the Home Cirele Building.( 高考湖南卷)A. easy enoughB. enough easyC. easily enoughD. enough easily29. To the child’s quick recovery, five doctors took turns looking after him day and night.A. ensureB. enrichC. promiseD. indicate30. Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not _______ . ( 高考上海卷)A. widelyB. thoroughlyC. entirelyD. extensively31. Fitness is important in sport, but of at least importance are skills. ( 高考天津卷)A. fairB. equalC. reasonableD. especially32. Though the weather was _____cold and windy, I came _____ to see you.A. specially; specially B.especially; especiallyC.especially; specially D.specially; especially33. Mr. Smith appealed to his friends to _______ his stolen car.A. keep an eye out forB. keep an eye onC. keep an eye onD. keep an eye for34. Everyone was on time for the meeting, _______ Chris, who's usually ten minutes late for everything. ( 高考湖南卷)A. especiallyB. evenC. onlyD. yet35. Sometimes we just believe what we see ______ the reality may be different.A. now thatB. even soC. as long asD. even if36. Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost , their political influence should be very great.( 高考广东卷)A. As a resultB. As usualC. Even soD. Even if37. In theof rain, the opening ceremony of the book fair will have to be held indoors.A. face B.event C.end D. course38. On New Year's Eve, New York City holds an outdoor _____________ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.A. affair C. endB. incident D. event39. There was so long a queue for drinks at the interval that they _______ gave up.( 高考上海卷)A. unfortunatelyB. eventuallyC. generouslyD. evidently40. I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have heard of her.( 高考广东卷)A. everB. evenC. justD. never41. --- Shall we go skating next Saturday?--- Can we make it ______ other day, John? I'll have to finish my term paper next week.A. anyB. oneC. everyD. each42. --- The exam was easy, wasn't it? --- Yes, but I don't think _________ could pass it.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody43. The class are going to be _____on everything they have learned this year.A. checkedB. examinedC. equaledD. graded44. ---Do you think the Opera House in Sydney makes you think of seashells?--- Of course. Some modern architecture _____ from nature.A. takes examplesB. take exampleC. give examplesD. set an example45. Mary has done many interesting things . She should write a book about her _____.A. experienceB. experiencesC. an experienceD. some experiences46. The boy has a handsome face _____ the scar on his forehead.A. except B.except for C.except that D.besides47. He was so ______ that he could say nothing but hold his sister’s hands firmly. His sister said nothing, either, _______ tears coming into her face.A. exciting; excitedB. exciting; excitingC. excited; excitedD. excited; exciting48. To be understood, the foreigner had to _______ himself in body language.A. enjoyB. admireC. attractD. express49. --- I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.--- There is no _____ for this while you are on duty. ( 高考北京卷)A. reason B.excuse C.cause D.explanation50. The more one is ________ the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language.A. exposed toB. experienced inC. caught onD. kept up51. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?---Yes. They have better players, so I ______ them to win. (1999)A. hopeB. preferC. expectD. want52. I really do not know whether we can succeed,so do not expect ______.A. us too muchB. us of too muchC. too much of usD. of us too much53. The performance "the 1,000-hand Kwan-yin", an unusual dance, is so moving and perfect that it is almost beyond all the viewers' _______.A. expectationB. wishC. hopeD. expression54. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ________. ( 高考天津卷)A. billsB. expensesC. errorD. charges55. _____ more and more forests destroyed, some birds are ____ with the danger of dying out.A. Within; facingB. By; facingC. As; facedD.With; faced56. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. _______ most people say it was the worst winter of their 1ives. ( 高考浙江卷)A. As far asB. In factC. In a wordD. As a result57. The cause of the accident may have been the engine's ________to operate.A. faultB. failureC. inconvenienceD. disorder58. He had many ____; he was obviously ________.A. fall; a drinkB. falls ; drinkC. feelings; drinksD. falls; drunk59. After her time in hospital, Jenney’s parents are afraid she has _____ in her lessons.A. fallen behind B.fallen down C.fallen back D.fallen off60. In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has ________.A. turned downB. turned overC. fallen downD. fallen over61. John is very lazy. He falls ______ behind in his studies. ( 高考广东卷)A. veryB. farC. moreD. flat62. The red dress fits me ______ well, b ut it’s _____ expensive.A. rather; fairlyB. fairly; fairlyC. fairly; ratherD. raher; rather63. My whole ______ is going to Europe for the coming vacation. Would you please take care of my ______?A. family; homeB. home; houseC. home; familyD. family; house64. The ____ is mine. I didn't recognize the ______ necklace.A. fault; faultB. fault; falseC. false; faultD. false; faulty65. A driver is asked to keep his safety belt ________ while driving on the freeway.A. fixedB. possessingC. fastenedD. approving66. “I don’t think it’s my ____ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, that’s all,” said the boy. ( 高考上海卷)A. error B.mistake C.fault D.false67. He is such a man who is always ______ fault with other people.( 高考安徽卷)A. feelingB. seekingC. findingD. looking for68. Pop music is loved by lots of people, but it is not to everyone' s _____.A. smellB. favourC. soundD. taste69. You are really very kind. I’ll never forget the _________ you have done to me.A. favorB. favoriteC. helpD. good70. Teachers should not have ________in class, but most of them do.A. favoritesB. interestC. charactersD. favor71. He got to the station early, _______ missing his train. ( 高考江苏卷)A. in fearB. instead ofC. for fear ofD. for fear that72. It ________ wonderful to lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine.A. feelsB. is feltC. is feelingD. is to feel73. I like _______ beer very much, while I don’t feel like _________ beer tonight.A. drinking; to drinkB. drinking; in drinkingC. to drinking; drinkingD. drinking; drinking74. Go and ______ the doctor. Don’t forg et to ask him to ______ his first-aid kit (急救箱).A. carry; carryB. fetch; bringC. take; fetchD. fetch; fetch75. She devoted herself ________ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. ( 高考湖北卷)A. entirelyB. extremely B. strongly D. freely76. Because of _______ competition, prices of food are likely to drop.A. federalB. fierceC. friendlyD. fundamental77. --- That's me when I got married. See what I look like now!--- Why not take up exercise to improve your ________.A. appearanceB. formC. shadowD. figure78. In 2004, tsunami struck Southeast Asia, and it is quite difficult _________ the losses.A. figure outB. make outC. fill inD. think out79. The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and that of the Japanese towards their prisoners, _______ everyone with horror.A. fullB. feltC. filledD. feared80. We can advise the manager, but in the end, it is he who has the _____ say.A. femaleB. fondC. finalD. full81. In my opinion, this kind of dress ______ professional women like you and me. Don't you think so?A. doesn't fitB. won't fit forC. doesn't suitD. isn't suited for82. He’s never done this type of work before; I’m not sure how he’ll _____ with the other employees.A. fit in B.come up C.end up D.fill up83. When he was making a speech in Beijing University, thousands of eyes were _____ on him.A. centered B.set C.fixed D.fitted84. When anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him, and he always ____ it.A. checkedB. droveC. followedD. fixed85. The radio stops working because the battery is _______.A. slowB. flatC. belowD. free86. He has just completed his ______ around the world.A. flightB. flyingC. flyD. flies87. The winners are _____; in third place, Mandy Johnson; in second place….A. as follows B.as follow C.like follows D.as following88. ---The English teacher spoke so fast that I couldn't ________ what he said.--- He said there would be a discussion ________ the lecture.A. catch; followedB. get; will followC. understand; followsD. follow; following89. More and more young people are fond ___ playing tennis nowadays.A. onB. toC. inD. of90. They will be filled with joy when they _____ on Chinese soil in late July.A. set foot B.set out C.set forth D.set in91. It must have rained last night, __________ the ground is wet.A. forB. becauseC. asD. since92. ---What ______ you to come the party?---An unexpected accident ______ me going.A. prevented; forbadB. protected; forbadC. forbad; preventedD. stopped; kept93. ---I’m terribly sorry I broke your glass.---.( 高考安徽卷)A. That’s rightB. Bad luckC. SorryD. You can forget it94. --The light is still on in the office.-- I’m sorry I forgot ___________ .A. to turn it onB. to turn it offC. turning it upD. turning it down95. He ________ me this time, though I had made a terrible mistake.A. forgaveB. excusedC. forbadD. pardon96. As a ________ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.A. figureB. formerC. lateD. frontier97. Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor, left more than 9 million dollars of his ______ to found the Nobel Prizes.A. fortuneB. worthC. fundD. income98. ---What about the protection?---Let’s keep the surface ____ dirty by putting a cover over it.A. far fromB. free fromC. apart fromD. away from99. Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally _______. ( 高考福建卷) A. friendly B. various C. common D. changeable 100. The machine won't _________ properly if you don't oil it well.A. furtherB. freeC. followD. function101. Since the policy of being open to the outside world was put into practice, a ______ change has taken place in China.A. fundamental B.essential C.elementary D.basic102. ---Would you be so kind as to give me a lift? I’m too tired to walk any _______.-- I’m so sorry, but the car’s too crowded.A. farB. longC. longerD. further103. Tom has been writing all afternoon but he _________ by now.A. should finishB. should be finishedC. is finishingD. finishes104. I have offered to paint th e house _______ a week’s accommodation. ( 高考山东卷)A. in exchange forB. in the event ofC. by means ofD. in place of参考答案1-10 DACDB BADCD 11-20 DACAC DBADD 21-30 BBDAB BACAC31-40 BCABD CBDBA 41-50 CDBAB BCDBA 51-60 CCABD BBDAC61-70 BCDBC CCDAA 71-80 CADBA BDACC 81-90 CACDB AADDA91-100 ACDBA BABAD 101-104 ADBA。

(一) 1. I like English best, what is your f__________subject? 2. If you knock into somebody,you should a__________ to him. 3. Please speak as loudas you can to make yourself u__________. 4.---This problem is not difficult. --- But that one iseven e__________. 5. I think you can sit on this newlybought chair very c__________. favoriteapologize understood easier comfortable 6. A greatcelebration was held on his _________(50岁)birthday.7. The assistant is very friendly to all the__________(顾客). 8. When I came to theriverside, I found a boy __________(挣扎) in the water.9. The students in our school study very hard,___________(尤其) those in our class. 10.He divedinto the water, leaving only his face _________(裸露) fiftieth customers struggling especially exposed 11.Don’t be frightened by the television camera, Justspeak _________.(自然地) 12. All countries, bigor small, should be __________(平等). 13. He didn’t __________(认出)me at first when we metin the street of London. 14. The boy spoke in avery low voice, ________(承认) he had broken the glass.15. They quarreled once, but they were quite___________(友好) now. naturallyequal recognize admitting friendly 16. We were e_______to know where she had gone. 17. The colleges anduniversities were only for men, and women were notp________ to attend. 18. Train services are now backto n_______ after last week’s str ike. 19. The fishsmells; I don’t think it is quite f_______. 20.Tomis preparing for an exam. Don’t d ________him. eager permitted normal fresh disturb 21. What Tom didduring the sports meet made all of us ___________(失望). 22. Wang Ying’s father is afamous ________(音乐家), and he teaches music inCentral Music College. 23. I am good at English_____________ (作文). 24.More than 100,000 people were killed in the 2004 Asiantsunami, ___________ (包括) thousands of foreigners.25. I was born on the first of __________ (十月). disappointed musician compositions including October26. --- Merry __________(圣诞节) to you! --- Thesame to you. 27. His mother is a __________(中年) woman who is very strict with her children. 28.Some people work together under _________(压力).29. He will come here next __________ (星期三).30.I expected that she would ________(接受) ourinvitation. Christmas middle-aged pressureWednesday accept 31. Will it be __________(方便) foryou to start work tomorrow? 32. They walkedbecause they couldn’t ________(付得起) a taxi.33. They are used to being ________(分成) into groupsin their English class. 34. Because his family wasvery rich, he _______(受到) college education abroad.35. Their floor is on the ________(第五) floor. convenient afford divided received fifth 36. It issaid that this show is going out ______(实况转播). 37. Nowadays children can choose to go to different___________(幼儿园). 38. They advised____________(提高) people’s living standard.39. I’ll go and see you next _________(星期四).40.After these days’ climbing, they reached the topof the mountain ___________(成功地). livekindergartens improving Thursday successfully 41. Weaim at ________(质量) rather than quantity.42. We gave our classroom a ________(彻底) cleaningbefore the Spring Festival. 43. We tried to________(劝说) him to give up smoking.44. She looks ________(面熟) to me, but I don’tremember her name. 45. He ________(未能) to pass the driving test last summer. quality thorough persuade familiar failed 46. Thehouse was sold at such a low price that he had___________(预料) 47. It’s wrong to_________(作弊) in the exam.48. It’s _________(危险) to swim in the river.49. He wants to come but he’s ________(不能) to.50.Do you know about the _________(非洲) history? expected cheat dangerous unable African Thank you(二) 1. Tom was ___________ (泄气) when he failed agame. 2. Mr.Zhang is among the _________ (有经验的) managers.3. This novel is __________(翻译) from French.4. It is our duty to __________(保卫) our motherland.5. The teacher often ____________(鼓励) the childrento practise more. discouraged experienced translated defend encourages 6.G_________ speaking , girls are more careful than boys.7.Walking across the Luobupo Desert alone is obviouslya / an___________ (冒险的)action. 8. Mr. Greentold his students to r__________ their lesson beforeclass. 9.Though South Korea alsocelebrates the Spring Festival, its form________(不同) from ours. 10.At the sound of the gun, all thebirds in the tree flew away in all d___________. Generally adventurous review differs directions 11.They _________(控制) the fire and put it out in the end.12. I’m making ___________ (准备) for the coming exam.13. I saw her going in the ________(相反) direction.14. They can’t _________ (表达) themselves in English.15. Asia is much larger than any of theother____________(大陆)in the world. controlled preparations opposite express continents 16. Thesecond month of a year is F___________.17. After leaving u_____________, he became a doctor.18. The p___________ of China is larger than that ofany other countries. 19. Each office will bee__________ with a computer soon20.Madame Curie spent a great deal of her time onscientific e__________. February universitypopulation equipped experiments 21. We couldn’t standthe ________(残酷) done to him. 22.How long may I __________(借) this book?23. I haven’t a thing in __________(共同的) with her.24. We have a great __________(钦佩) for the people’sheroes. 25. I want to be an __________(工程师), when I grow up. cruelty keepcommon admiration engineer 26. May I i ___________ myfriend to you? 27. A dozenmeans t__________.28. In my opinion, nothing is more v________ than health.29. The old woman was kind. She o_________ us a roomfor the night. 30.This problem needs _____ ( 解决) at once. introduce twelvevaluable offered solving 31. There will be an_________(展览) next week in our city.32. She had her arms and feet hurt in a car __________(事故). 33. Madame Curie madean __________(重要的) discovery.34. Mr. Li studied law at college and became a___________(律师) after graduation. 35. Haveyou ever seen the famous ___________(喜剧) TwelfthNight by Shakespeare? exhibition accidentimportant lawyer comedy 36. A doctor should answer forhis p___________ just as a teacher for his students.37. Sports can keep us h_________.38. The coldest continent on the earth is A____________.39. You look too fat. I advise you to lose yourw____________. 40.The doctortold me to have more v____________ and fruit. patients healthy Antarctic weight vegetables 41. Thebuilding ________(环绕) with green trees is the ourlibrary. 42. This kind of car can be driven ata speed of 120 ________(千米) an hour. 43. Poetsoften use their _________ (想象力) to write poems44. When did the ________(宇航员) first land on the moon.45. The word “see” has the same __________(发音) asthe word “sea”. surrounded kilometersimagination astronaut pronunciation 46. _______(现代)agriculture has many advantages than traditionalagriculture. 47. There are many kinds of a_________in the zoo. 48. Mary iso__________ about her chances of winning a gold medal. 49. We often go swimming in summer v_________.50.Marx’s mother t___________ is German. Modern animals optimistic vacation tongue Thankyou(三) 1. He has ________(总共) collected 1020 stamps.2. The whole city was ________(美丽) lit up on themid-autumn night. 3. It’s time you make your own________(选择). 4. He offeredhis _____________(祝贺) on our victory.5.The four poles, __________(支撑) the ceiling werewell built. altogether beautifully choice congratulations supporting 6. Cotton and wooden________(工业) are developing very fast in this country.7. It’s no use ___________(争吵) with such a man.8. At ________(高度) of four miles, the air becomes toothin to breathe. 9. I had to be _________(打断)while walking. 10.I can’tsleep with those __________(吵闹) children in the house. industries quarrelling height interrupted noisy 11. Ilike t________. I have been to many places in the worldand I am going to New Zealand this year. 12. Dolphinsare wild c________.13. Can you give one of the best m________ to learn aforeign language? 14. The Spring Festival is ourt_________ festival. 15. Whenthere is not enough rainfall, i__________ is needed,because the crops won’t grow without water.traveling creatures methods traditional irrigation 16.The P________ Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.17. Benjamin Franklin’s experiments showed thatlightning and e _______are the same. 18. We canc___________ in both Chinese and English.19. There are many rivers and m__________ in our country.20.The meeting lasted for a whole day but no___________(协定)was reached. Pacificelectricity communicate mountains agreement 21.“Mindyou________ (行为) , ”the mother said to her young boy.22. Our party has now a correct ________ (政治)line.23. Living in the country is less _________ (昂贵)thanin the city. 24. I have a ________(负面的)opinion about this matter. 25. She wasreally quite ________(孤独) in the world. behavior political expensive negative lonely 26. Canyou understand this passage without e__________?27. Light travels much faster than sound w__________.28. They have some s________ dishes not found anywhereelse, 29. Without hard work, it isi_________ for anyone to learn a foreign language.30.Our school has founded the Students’ U__________. explanation waves special impossible Union 31. Hedreamed of buying a little ________(别墅)in the country.32. He spent three weeks by the ________ (海滨) in thesummer. 33. This area has very low________(降雨量) . 34.It’s wrong to read other’s________(私人的) letterswithout permission. 35. They were _______(秘密地)married last week. cottage seasiderainfall private secretly 36. His remarks were________(简洁的) and to the point.37. I’m d__________ to go and nothing will stop me.38. The police asked me if I p_________ a gun.39. The school picnic is on Sunday, so we are p_________for a fine day. 40. He d________ his mother andwent to the party. brief determinedpossessed praying disobeyed 41. On our _________(毕业) from college, he entered the government office.42. The islands were ________(发现) by an English ArmyCaptain 43. Please write and let me haveyour ________(想法)on the matter. 44. Nomedicine can ________ (治愈) a man of discontent.45. I was ________ (震惊) at his conduct. graduation discovered thoughts cure shocked 46. Thisarea suffered a________ (灾难)from the earthquake.47. On Oct 1st, we warmly c________ our National Dayevery year. 48. The Chinese mainland isseparated from Taiwan by the Taiwan s________. 49. Theold houses have been t________ down.50. Please remember the ______(历史) moment, whenLianzhan came back to mainland after 60 years.disaster celebrate strait torn historic Thank you1. In summer, a sudden change in t___________(温度)could bring rain. 2.The________(形势) both at home and abroad is excellent.3. They had the building________(重建) after the fire.4. As everyone knows, he is a___________(世界著名)expert on DNA. 5. I want to putyou on a very________(严肃)subject. temperature situation rebuilt world-famous serious 6.Please t ____the music down when I answer the phone.7. How many passengers does this airline f ____everyweek. 8. Nobody can go in withoutthe teacher’s p_________.9. At p________, about 20% of the smokers have givenup smoking. 10.We can read bothhome news and i ___________news in the newspaper. turn fly permission present international 11. From his________(口音). We can know that he’s from Beijing.12. My son carried my ________(行李)to the bus station.13. I am working at my ________(演讲), changing themand bettering them. 14. There are few fish inthe________(污染)rivers. 15.She got up and drew the ______(窗帘) aside. accent luggage speech polluted curtain 16. Hes_______ to his feet and walked slowly towards the door.17. This ruler is 50 c_________ long.18. Don’t p________ your gun at others.19. He bought a p_________ raincoat yesterday.20.The policemen q__________ him about the stolen car. struggled centimeters point plastic questioned 21.His job is to do ________(科学) research.22. All the teachers are ________(尊敬) by the studentsin our school. 23. He has made several _________(发现) in science. 24. Einsteinfought for human ________ (权利). 25. Do you know by whom this country once was________(统治)? scientific respected discoveriesrights ruled 26. A c________ is a machine that makes photos. 27. Man-madesatellites are carried into space by r__________.28. ‘You are so kind”, said Jim, “Don’t m__________it.” 29. “Paul gave me 12 apples”means “Paul gave me a d __________apples”. 30.Thep_______ appeared in the newspaper was very exciting. camera rockets mention dozen passage 31. This afternoonhe suddenly fell ill and an ___________(救护车) wascalled to carry him to hospital. 32. They________(尖叫) for help from the window of the burninghotel. 33. The _________(系统) underlying modern physics is not fully worked out. 34. There has recently been ________(趋势) towardssimple style in women’s dresses. 35. It was a________(荒芜的)land and nobody was living on it. ambulance screamed system trend deserted 36. This newproduct is sold ________(世界各地).37. When I went in, he ________(假装) to be sleeping.38. I will never ________(宽恕)you for what you havedone to your parents. 39. Both our material and________(精神) life has been greatly improved in recentyears. 40.He has formed the habit of getting up andgoing to bed early and does everything ________(有规律地) worldwide pretended forgive spiritualregularly 41. He has 30 _______(绵羊) on the farm.42. ________(贫困) prevented the girl from continuingher education. 43. She is wearing a________(破旧的) coat . 44. We have decided to________(牺牲) a trip for a newcar . 45. Mary is so________(累) that she can’t go with us. sheepPoverty shabby sacrifice tired 46. A fence at the backof the garden ________(分开) us from the neighbors 47. Millions of people from all over the world have________(参观) the Great Wall. 48. The teacherasked the students to practise ________(说) Englishevery day. 49. It’s very ________(稀罕的) forhim to be late for school.50.Our rice is very __________(合情合理), you candepend on us. separated visitedspeaking rare reasonable Thank you1. September is the n________ month of a year.2. Where we will go swimming d_________ on the weather..3. The boat is sailing a________ the wind, so it ismoving very slowly. 4. He tried to e ________thereason why he was late. 5. Goinga_______ means going to work or live in a foreigncountry ninth depends against explain abroad6.Recently our factory succeeded in________(采用) anew method to deal with industrial wastes. 7. The underground trains carry more p_________ than the busesdo. 8. Bob and John are in the same school butin d_________ grades. 9. It’s a s________for a young man like you not to study hard.10.He said he p_________ drawing to painting. adopting passengers different shame preferred 1. The___________(特征) I like best in him is his honesty.2. He _________(答应) that the roof should be repairedwithin two days. 3. _________(彩排) the playbefore you perform it on the stage 4.You can’t ________(可能地)run a mile in two minutes.5. The gold ring is kept in a _________(秘密的)hidingplace. characteristic promised Rehearsepossibly secret 6. I think I must make an a________to her for not going to her party. 7 This roadis about 1,000 meters in l_________..8.People who live with________________(残疾) shouldhave equal access to public facilities. 9.Theteachers were busy ____________(分析) how to improvethe students’ spoken English. 10.We were married on20 May 1986 , so every year we have a party onour____________(周年纪念). apology lengthdisability/ disabilities analysing/ analyzinganniversary 1.It’s bad ________ (礼貌) to talk withyour mouthful. 2. He became____________(有经验)at learning English.3. Don’t be __________(泄气), try again.4. The water in the wet clothes is being turned intov______(水蒸气)and they get drier and drier. 5. Asthe storm became nearer, black clouds were ________(聚集)over the sky. nanners experienced discouragedvapour gathering 6. Something is wrong with my bike.I’ll have it r_________. 7. He wroteone of his great______( 著作) , “The Civil War inFrance”. 8. The boy is interested in ______(生物), isn’t he? 9. Don’t drawa c________ before you think it over.10.The police ________( 控告) him of stealing. repaired works biology conclusion accused 1. He madea few mistakes in g_________(语法) in his composition.2. The _______(灿烂的) jewels are glowing in the shopwindow. 3. Usually children are ______(好奇的)about everything they see and meet. 4. Jane waslucky that she was just _______(轻微)hurt in theaccident. 5. She was a ______(模范)worker in thefactory. grammar splendid curiousslightly model 6. Wood is becoming ______(紧缺)in thecountry and a new material must be found to replace it.7. She was well known as an _______ (出色) dancer8. ______(成百万) of other stars are even bigger andbrighter than the sun. 9. Go ahead withyour________(音乐会). 10However, his __________(知识) of French remained veryweak. scarce excellent millions concertknowledge 1. The doctor’s treatment gave the patient some ________(减轻痛苦) . 2..When you’re busy ,it’s important to give yo urself timeto________(放松) 3. Every time you go to the__________(超市),you go away with your purchases packed in plastic bags. 4. Water was found at a________(深度) of 25 feet. 5. “Am I to carry it_________(楼上).” “Please don’t , just leave it here.” relief relax supermarket depth upstairs 6. The boy is always late for school, so he is f________ punished. 7. The m________ team was made up of four doctors and five nurses. 8. She was not aware, however, of the ______________________(环境). 9. This story will bet__________ from English into Chinese.10.The hospital receives and treats _________(精神病的)patients. frequently medical circumstances/environment translated mental Thank you1. The reporter decided to writer a report about the people_____ (沉溺于) to drugs.2. Without international___________ (合作) , developingcountries cannot prosper. 3. My feelings at themoment are beyond __________ (描述).4. As we all know , Latin is a_______ (古典) language.5. _______ (固定) English programs are broadcast onCCTV ,Channel 4 every day. addicted cooperationdescription classical Regular 6.I read one of the early________ (版本) of the book in 1999.7.It is said that Kelly Chan;s concert tickets have notbeen ________ (可得到的)at the box office. 8. He hasa gift for arts and _________ (欣赏) oil paintings most.9. The customs of the U.S.A are ______ (相似) to thoseof Britain in some way. 10.Many _________ (志愿者)were sent to the earthquake-stricken area to joinin the rescue work . editions availableappreciates similar volunteers 11. We should show no______(怜悯)to the enemies of the people.12. Do come please. I will wait for you atthe (入口处).13. Without any (犹豫),she took up the red flag and rushed out.14. There are two ______ (国家) languages in Canada.15. The problems of the laid-off workers andre-employment has caught great social _______ (关注).mercy entrance hesitation national attention 16. He______ (舍弃) his wife and children and went abroad.17. Is the difference between manual (体力) and ______(脑力) labor great in our country? 18. Mike ,a foreign ________ (商人),came to our factory last week.19. _____ (生物学) is the science of life and livingthings.20.Letters ________ (邮递) by air is much faster thanthose by train, but they cost more.deserted mental merchant Biology delivered21.Race_________ (隔离) lasted about two centuries inAmerica until the last half of 20th century. 22.WhenI greeted her on the way to work, she_________(回应)with a smile. 23. From her ______( 迷惑) expression on the face, I know she hasn’t gotmy idea. 24. He got ________ (临时的) workwhile he was waiting to go to the university .25. His father serves in a __________ (政府) office. separation responded puzzled temporary government 26.They drew different __________ (结论) from the samefact. 27.You are_______ (弄错了) I’m not Alice.28. He gave me an apple in _________ (交换) for a pieceof cake. 29. ______ (严格) speaking ,he should be punished for this 30.Mr Li observed his students making experiments inthe _________ (化学) lab. conclusionsmistaken exchange Strictly Chemistry 31. Judging fromhis appearance, he exactly__________ (像) his mother.32.This year one thousand new students were_______ (录取) to our school. 33. The dictionary Ibought yesterday is of great v_____ to me. 34. Now people all over our country are f______ againstpollution. 35. Those who break the lawmust be p_______. resemblesadmitted value fighting punished 36. The ground is allwet because it has rained h__________ all morning.37. Is he losing weight? He looks much t_____ thanbefore. 38. He can’t see anythingbecause he lost his s____ in an accident.39. He does morning exercises every day to keep himselfh____. 40.They got_________ (订婚)one year ago and they’ll hold a wedding tomorrow.heavily / hard thinner sight healthy engaged 41. Whendo you think the patient can be o_________ on?42. The class was s_____ as the teacher explained theexam rules. 43.Because somegreat masters of tennis didn’t take part in the game,there were many _______(未占用的) seats in the stadium.44. For _____ (各种各样)reasons, he had to leave his homeland. 45. It was noisy. He had to r____ his voicewhen speaking . operated silentvacant various raise 46.It is not polite that youdressed in _________(随便的) clothes for the party.47.As a matter of fact, the house is well _________(布置). 48. Talking of hisfather’s death, th e girl kept on w____ eyes with herback hand. 49. The illness ______(传播)quickly and soon masses of people in the surroundingareas were in hospital. 50.The earth is getting dirty.We must take measures against p______.casual furnished wiping spread pollution Thank you1. Peter was born on D________ 12, 1988.2.These poor children have to go out for food in________(冰冻的) weather. 3. She went to theparty with a n________ around her neck. 4. He went to the hospital last Sunday and had his eyese__________. 5. We must p________ thefactories from sending out bad gases. Decemberfreezing necklace examined prevent 6. The _________(宇航员) landed on the moon.7. There are some notes and ________ (解释) after thetext. 8.You managed the projectwell, _________(考虑到) your inexperience..9.To be honest, it will take about three hours ifeverything goes________(顺利) . 10.When I arrivedI saw the place was already __________ (传播)by twostrangers in uniforms. astronaut explanationconsidering smoothly occupied 11.The snow-cappedmountain and beautiful flowers are really a________ (享受,盛宴) for eyes. 12. Do n’t take a taxi; the buscan take you there more ________ (便宜).13. Our government announced every citizen enjoy thefreedom of ________ (宗教). 14. There areno _______ (钢琴) in the school for the poor childrento play. 15. Don’t be frightenedby the television camera. Just speak _________(自然的). feast cheaply religion pianos naturally16.The___________(重大突破) in fighting cancer giveshope to cancer patients all over the world. 17. Noone knows the ________ (原因) of his sudden death.18. He is ________ (可能的) to come here tomorrow.19. The ________ (发现) of radium has helped many people.20. Factory 798 was________ (装饰) with small roundwindows, bent roofs and twenty-foot high of buildings. breakthrough cause likely discovery decorated 21.A________ earnings in the state are about $ 1,5000 amonth. 22. We have receivedi________ that Grant May have left the country.23. Her teacher _________ (影响) her decision, for whathe said was very persuasive. 24. A babyc___________ its needs by crying.25. I won’t waste any more of your p________ time.Average information influenced communicates precious26. We are not allowed to________ (靠近) the forbiddenarea. 27.The government is________ (呼吁) to everyone to save water.28.By practicing good thinking ________ (策略) , webecome more creative. 29. Most of theworld’s ________ (人口) don’t get enough to eat.30.He has got a ________ (独特) opportunity to studyabroad. approachappealing strategies population unique 31. Chinesehistory is filled with great ___________ (成就) inscience and technology 32 . I’dlike to write him a letter, but I don’t know his_______(地址).33. At that time in the southern states, blacks werenot treated as equal __________(公民) in the USA. 34 .Annie Sullivan was a lively young woman with__________(耐心)and imagination. 35.Officers can’t work properly without certainimportant pieces of ___________ (仪器) achievementsaddress citizens patience equipment 36. Modern_________ (体操) began in the nineteenth century.37 I think reading English newspaper is a good way of________(改进)your English. 38 To bea ________ (侦探) seemed like to a hero to me.39. Antonio was a __________(商人) of Venice who wasliked by everyone. 40. At the endof the nineteenth century, foreign ___________( 侵略者 ) destroyed Yuanmingyuan. gymnastics improvingdetective merchant invaders 41.Mike’s family used tolive in a __________(欧洲的) country. 42. Take the __________ (伞) with you, Tom. It’sraining outside. 43. She was__________(满意的) with her birthday presents from herfriends. 44. They met with a trafficaccident during the ride. ________(幸运地) nobody wasinjured. 45. It was too noisy. He had to_________(抬高)his voice when speaking.European umbrella satisfied Fortunately raise 46.The nurse took the boys temperature to see if he hada _______(高烧). 47. In the schooll_______, I found lots of books I was interested in.48. To his d________, his daughter won the first prizein the competition. 49. Talking of hisfather’s death, she kept on w_______ her eyes with a handkerchief. 50.While watching the game, thefootball fans often make a sign with fingers which meansv______.fever library delight wiping victory Thank you。

高考英语单词记忆一adventure ;n.& vt.:venture 冒险;投机risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的airplane ;n. aircraft 飞行器;飞机;disappoint ;v. 指定;委派argue ;vi. 争论;争吵discuss;brave ;adj. 勇敢的;care about担心;关心care for 喜欢;cast vt.& vi. 投掷;投射;抛(cast,cast) 广播compass ;n. 罗盘;指南针pass 通过;经过deserted adj. 荒芜的;荒废的;为人所弃的;desert 沙漠;dessert甜点;drop sb a line给某人写信(通常指写短信)e-pal;;n. pale苍白的; e-friend;error ;n. 错误;差错;false adj. 错误的;fault n.错误false; incorrect不正确的feeling ;n. 触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪;;touch;Fond;adj. 喜爱的;喜欢的; ( be) fond of喜欢;爱好Fry;;vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸frying-pan; pot; tryGun;;n. 炮;枪Hammer;n. 锤子;槌;火腿;Handsome;;adj. 英俊的;美观的;beautiful; pretty; smarthonest;adj. 诚实的;正直的hunt vt.& vi.& n. 打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找look/ search forin order to 为了;lie ;n./v. ;lied ); lay;lain躺;loyal ;adj. 忠诚的;忠心的;;n.忠诚;loyalist;忠臣;match; ;n. 火柴;比赛; 前进mirror; ;n. 镜子; :error 错误; terror; 恐怖;movie; ;n. 电影;film;move; I在里边演动感move电影movie;parachute ; n. 降落伞;ArA对称; graph; separate; characterrope; n. 绳;索;望远镜;saw;;n. 锯; seescared;;n. scar; scarf 围巾; s hare;;n./v. 分享;共有;分配;共享;份额;野兔smart;;adj. 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的; 市场solution;;n. 解答;解决办法;解决方案solve; ;v. resolution n.决心;sorrow; n. 悲哀;悲痛;row (划船)n.行;排sad ;arrow 箭speech; vt.& vi. 演说;讲话;语音speak;pronunciation ;lecturesuch as 例如;like; for example;survive; ;vi.&vt 幸免于;幸存从……中生还;surprise;surface ;vive-万岁(法语)wise ; adj. 英明的;明智的;聪明的;classical;class;formal;informal;二a great many 许许多多;极多(修饰可数名词) a number of;many a;penty of; bathroom ;n./v. 浴室;盥洗室;厕所bathe;洗澡;bring in;引进;引来; bring together带来;聚集;broad; ;adj. ―宽的路‖closet;;n. 壁橱;储藏室; ;come about;发生; ;commander; n. 司令官;指挥官指挥;控制; manCommunicate;vi. 交际;沟通;传达communication;n. 交流;通讯;通信compare vt. 比较contrast 对比削皮;剥去;prepare;cookbook;n. notebook; exercise book; guidebook;指南;end up with 以……告终begin/start with 以……开始equal adj. 相等的;胜任的; vt. 等于;比得上equality平等;equation 方程式;等式unequal不等的; be equal to ;except for;除了……之外besides;加上; in addition to ; apart from;exchange ;vt.& n. 交换;交流;兑换;变成communicate communication;expression;n.短语;表情;;fall;n秋天;瀑布;rainfall ;autumn ;call ;hall ;tallglobal ;adj. 全球的;球形的globe;n. 球; 地球仪government; n. 政府;内阁govern统治; 管理; rule ;howl;嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭independent;adj. 独立自主的depend;international;adj. nation; nationallandlady;n. 女房东;老板娘land+ lady;majority;n. 多数;大半major 主要的make oneself at home 别客气movement;n. 运动;动作;运转;move;native;adj./n 本国的;本地的civil 国内的;local;当地的;本地人;本国人organization;n.组织;机构;团体organize; opposite在……对面president;n. 总统;校长;行长;会长; 居民;居住者;reside居住residence住宅pronounce;;vt. 发音;宣告;断言;名词; pronunciation; pronoun;publish;v. 发表;出版;公布pub酒吧(店)print ;come out;repeat; n.vi重做;重复;复述重复;反复replace;vt. 取代;替换;代替; change ; take the place of;service; n. 服务;服务性工作serve; conservation 保护;维护signal; ;n. 信号;design ;assign;appoint ;sign 标志;迹象;签名situation; n. 情形;境遇;situate v.位于;处于;坐落southern; n. 南方的;南部的northern;south;Spanish; ;adj. n 西班牙语;西班牙人;西班牙(人、语)的stand; ;n. 台;看台;摊,摊位;站;容忍;standard; understand ;stagestatement; n. 陈述;声明;综述statestay up;不睡;熬夜;sit up;stay away fromtidy;;vt. 整理;收拾tide 潮汐clean tongue ;n. 舌头;语言;口语;language mother tongue;n. 母语tongue twistertotal;;adj. ./v. 总数;合计; 总共;altogether adv.总计;总数in total;; altogether; add up to ;in all; all in all;on the whole;totally;adv. 完全地;整个地tourism;;n. 旅游;观光tour;towel;;n. 毛巾; scarf 围巾;纸巾hankerchief;手帕trade; adj.贸易;商业; business WTO. merchant;typhoon;;n. 台风; 谐音: type 类型;种类;打字adventurous;;adj. 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的; adventure ;三as well as 也;还;而且;以及backpack ;;n. 背包pack 包落后的;向后forward 向前; basic; adj./n 基本的;基本;要素base 基础的basis 基础basinboard; vt. 上(船、飞机等)on broad;broad 宽的;aboard 在船/飞机上cellophane ;n. 手机mobile phone; automobile汽车combine ;vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合connect 联合;unit; join;consider ;vt. 考虑;照顾;认为side;contain ;vt. 包容;容纳; include ;tain 锡铂; tin 锡罐;destination ;n. 目的地purpose 目标;aim; goaleco-travel; ;n. 生态旅游; ecology 生态学; ecologist 生态学家equipment; ;n. 装备;设备; equip v. quip双关语; decorate装潢;装饰; excitement ;n. 刺激;兴奋;激动;excite 使激动;thrill;刺激;experience;vt.& n. 体验;经历;经验;experiment;试验;experienced adj.get away from 逃离;(fled;fled)handle ;vt./n 操作;处理;柄;把手control; operate ;conduct hand;means ;n. 手段;方法way;method; approach;nature ;n. 自然;自然界;natural; 自然的;strait; feature特征;characteristicnormal adj. 正常的;正规的;标准的formal abnormal非正式的;正式的;informal非正式的;normal ;n. 正规;常态; regular; irregular; abnormalon the other hand 另一方面unit;单元; unity统一;团结; unitepaddle; vi.n.vt. 划桨;涉水;pad row 划船particular; ;adj 特别的;特殊的;special;especial;common;general;poison ;n. 毒药;毒害; poisonous有毒的;有害的;恶毒的protect sb / sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物;defend; keep; prevent; stop...from 阻止;responsibly adv. responsible; adj. respond 回答;反应see sb off . (到火车站、飞机场等处)为某人送行bring sb. back;separate; adj. 单独的;分开的比率;分开;隔离; Sep. 九月(缩写)similarity; .n 类似;类似处similar;相似的;differencesimple ;adj. 简单的; difficult; complexsimply ;adv. 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直;spider ;n. 蜘蛛spider map蜘蛛图;stream ;vt.& vi.乳酪scream 尖叫;task;;n. 任务;作业; duty 值日;职责;tip; n.小费;坑;沟通dip;transportation;;n. 运输;运送transport; ;vunpack;;vt.& vi 打开(包裹、行李等);卸货pack 包裹;load 装载;unload 卸载vacation ;n. 假日watch out 注意;当心;look outadvance;;vt.& vi./n. 前进;提前distance;距离;前进;提升;前进;进步;progress;注意:指―进步‖时advance是可数名词;progress是不可数名词。

高考英语词汇专项之单词拼写1.Unluckily, his several ________(努力,尝试) to swim across the Zhujiang River have failed2.The Guangzhou Tower has ________(吸引) thousands of visitors since it opened to the public3.In the early th century, people ________(采取,采纳) a more humanistic attitude toward arts4.Thanks to all those experienced doctors, he was completely _______(治愈) when leaving the hospital5.There are so many ________(广泛分布的) islands in this area6.No one can prove himself ________(绝对地) right7.________(看一下) at the map in her hand, Marry told us the next village was about miles away8.The film “Gone with the bullet” by Mr Jiangwen didn’t make a good _______(印象) on us9.When the medicine started to take ________(效力), the pain in my back slowed down10.Those who dream of ________(打败) the Chinese people will finally find themselves wrong11.The city hall is planning to start a____________(运动) against smoking12.The lab is________(配备)with a lot of modern objects for medical experiments13.The postman__________ (递送)the letters every day14._____________(不幸地), he failed to catch the train15.He is only , and__________(因此) he has no right to vote16.It is no use___________(懊悔) for what you have done17.The film To Our Eventually Lost Youth is_________(导演)by Zhao Wei18.The________(焦点) of public health is prevention and protection rather than treatment19.We agreed without much further___________(争论)20.My kind mother intended to________(款待) our guests21.I’ll tell him the news on his _________(到达)22.Reading more books is of great_____________(益处)to children23.Smoking has a __________(有害的) effect on our health24.Try to keep a ____________ (平衡) between work and rest25._____________(明显地), I believe we can win it26.We should know our weaknesses and____________(强项)27.He is ________________(闲聊) with his friend on QQ28.Now we still don’t know whether life __________(存在) on Mars29.You can ______________(混合) it with water30.Sometimes people wonder why they’re in ____________(债务)31.What you said is very (令人信服), but it is not evidence32.Who do you know the prize for the best (表演者)went to ?33.He was p__________ by his parents for telling lies34.In g____________, men are usual taller than women35.His father is a __________ (专家)in heart diseases36.It’s hard for her to decide what to buy because she is quite p________ about the things she buys37.Jane always makes ___________ (评论) on David’s clothes38.With her great efforts, she has a__________ everything she wanted to do39.The Nation pays great importance to develop responding system to (不测事件)。

(共10小题)1.People in the past suffered from cold and _______________.2. you must be _______________ that smoking is harmful.3.It is impolite to ______________ others when talking.4. these men are _______________.5.When they got home, they found it very ________________6.The audience began to _______________ when the famous star appeared.7. <Beauty and ___________> is an interesting film.8.She had no man with his __________ to protect her9. Nobody has the right to ____________ in the street.10. The board is only one ______________ thick.二.(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍。
11 How much is the man’s bag?A. Three dollars.B. Four dollars.C. Five dollars.12. When did the woman get home?A. At 8:35.B. At 9:05.C. At 9:15.13. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Doctor and patient.B. Mother and son.C. Teacher and student.14. What does the man mean?A. The concert hall is so crowded.B. He does not want to sit close to the stage.C. He would rather stand than sit.15. Why can’t the man help the woman?A. He must be leaving at once.B. He doesn’t know how to help her.C. He is too busy to help her.听材料,回答问题。

高考英语重点词汇积累专题集中训练50题含答案一、根据中英文提示填写单词1.Don’t h______ (犹豫) to ask me if you have any questions.2.What she does p________(拥有) is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)3.Do not u_______ (从事) exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest. 4.Do not u_______ (从事) exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)5.根据首字母和已给出的中文,写出所缺单词的正确形式,每空填一个词。
1. Certain drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal (致命的) in c_________ (混合)2. The Nobel Prize winner owed his success to his parents’ e_________ (鼓励).3. I have a big family to support, so I need a p_________ (长久的) job.4. The man was in a hurry; unfortunately, he was caught in a t_________ (交通) jam.5. As a proverb goes, there is no rule without e_________ (例外).6. The students have been active p_________ (参与者) in the discussion in their classes.7. It is o_________ (显而易见的) that students in Shenzhen Senior High School are making great progress in their academic achievements.8. We have to be r_________ (现实主义的) about our chances of winning.9. The heavyweight champion is fighting an unknown c_________ (对手).10. The history teacher gave us a lecture on a_________ (古代) Greece.11. Tom p_________ (假装) to be asleep when his mother called him.12. Can you name all the seven c_________ (洲) in the world?13. The Chinese government spares no effort to get rid of p_________ (贫穷) throughout the country.14. An unhappy home e_________ (环境) can affect a child’s behaviour.15. The book gives s_________ (具体的) instructions on how to start a business on the Internet.16. This bus is c________ (连接) to electric wires.17. I’ll be very glad to accept i_________ (邀请) to your party.18. A well-balanced student should like both intellectual things and a_________ (田径运动).19. Nowadays more and more college graduates go to work in m_________ (多山的) areas.20. May I have your attention please? I have an a_________ (声明) to make.6.She began to cry the i________(一……就) she read the letter from her mother. 7.Don’t h________(犹豫) to contact me if you need more information. (根据中英文提示填空)二、根据汉语意思填写单词8.It is universally _________ (承认,认为) that forests are essential to us. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)9.It was so dark in the cave that we couldn’t find the________(出口)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)10.I have been so __________ (占用) with work that I haven’t had time for social activities. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)11.Don’t_______(指) at me with your finger!12.Both my parents were born in ____ (十月),but five years apart.13.Don't_____(折叠)down the corners of the page,it damages the book. (根据汉语提示填空)14.The children are helpless ___________(受害者) of the fighting.15._________(一……就) I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)16.Put a handkerchief over your mouth when you_________(打喷嚏). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)17.Diets are the most effective when ________(结合) with exercise. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)18.__________(祝贺) on your successful performance!19.Don’t __________ (暴露) your skin to sunlight directly. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)20.In fact, I feel ill__________,(一......就......) I drink coffee. (根据汉语提示单词拼写) 21.Do not________(犹豫) to get in touch with me if you need help. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)22.There are no more ________ (大陆) and no more moons to search for, little left to discover. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)23.__________ its cause __________ its cure was understood. (既不……也不……) (根据汉语意思填空)24.In high school, I was very unpopular, and I did ________ (遭遇) a little prejudice. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)25.Don’t __________ (暴露) your skin to sunlight directly.26.“I reflect on how my day’s gone and think about the rest of the week,” he said. “It’s a chance for ________(自我反省). You return to work recharged and with a plan.” (根据汉语提示单词拼写)27.Don’t ___________(暴露) your skin to the sun or your will be burnt.28.Tell me the _______they arrive.(瞬间) (根据汉语提示填空)三、根据首字母填写单词29.As s_______, this sports meeting will be held on the playground this weekend. (根据首字母单词拼写)30.Her dream is to become a d_____ one day, designing bridges and tall buildings. 31.He promised to pay his d_______ within a month. (根据首字母单词拼写)32.Getting the silent treatment is an unpleasant experience. when i________ by someone they love, people may feel painful, lost in doubt and sadness. (根据首字母单词拼写)33.Alcohol can damage the liver and do great harm if c_______ in large quantities. (根据首字母单词拼写)34.Don’t h___________ to contact me if you need any more information.(根据首字母单词拼写)35.Sometimes, wearing helmets gives cyclists a false sense of s______ and encourages them to take risks. (根据首字母单词拼写)36.Lanzhou has the d ________ of being the only capital city that the Yellow River flows through.(根据首字母单词拼写)37.The police are trying to find out the i__________ of the men killed in the accident. 38.I told him the good news the i___________ I met him on the street. (根据首字母单词拼写)39.Club members have many special p______, like free use of the swimming pool. (根据首字母单词拼写)40.Don't p________to be an expert since you don't have much knowledge ofit. (根据首字母单词拼写)41.The little boy walked out of the kindergarten and began to run to her mother i______ he saw her. (根据首字母单词拼写)42.Don’t f________ that you can succeed without hard work. (根据首字母单词拼写)43.Children, when a________ by the parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. (根据首字母单词拼写)44.I recognized him i_______ I saw his picture. (根据首字母填空)45.The little boy rushed towards his mother the i________ he saw her. (根据首字母单词拼写)四、单词拼写语境填词46.You ________ (应该) to work harder.47.The marriage ________ (典礼) took place in the church.48.He introduced his new ________ (新娘) to us.49.John asked his brother to be __________ (伴郎) at his wedding.50.Suddenly I noticed the ________ (发带) in her hair.51.Excuse me,where is the e________ to the exhibition hall?52.We had three i________ to the party.53.The two towns are l________ by a railway.54.He always c________ food and clothing to the poor.55.I a________ a wedding yesterday.五、根据句意填写单词56.I was about to give up ___ my father came and encouraged me to keep going. (用适当的单词填空)57.—Is everyone here?—Not yet...Look, there ________the rest of our guests!(用适当的单词填空)参考答案:1.hesitate【详解】考查动词。

30-2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础练+提升练)基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.He tried to __________(掩饰)his disappointment with a smile.【答案】mask【句意】他试图以微笑来掩饰他的失望。
2.The price of pork is going up __________(疯). It’s really too mu ch for us.【答案】madly【句意】猪肉的价格疯长。
3.I love teaching and my students in USA. I also __________(想念)my family and my colleagues.【答案】miss【句意】我热爱我在美国的工作和学生,我也想念我的家人和同事。
4.I hope you will study hard and m__________ as m__________ knowledge as possible.【答案】master, much【句意】我希望你努力学习,掌握尽可能多的知识5.Most __________(手工的)labor in the past has been replaced by modern machines.【答案】manual【句意】过去的大多数的手工劳动都被现代化的机器取代了。
6.When it comes to speaking in public, no one can __________(比得上)him.【答案】match【句意】要说在公众场合讲话,没有人能比得上他。
7. What’s the __________(最多)weight of luggage that I can take aboard the plane, Sir?【答案】maximum【句意】先生,我能带上飞机的最大行李重量是多少?8.If you spot any mistakes in the article, just __________(作记号)them with a pencil.【答案】mark【句意】如果你发现这篇文章里的任何错误,就用铅笔标记一下。

(2)on the basis of (6)are aware of (10)became of
(3)because of (7)believe in
(4)begging for (8)are blessed with
(1)You should avoid mentioning his mistake again . (2)The noise keeps everyone awake.
(5)account (10)appreciate
(1)一 (5)BCCDC
(6) 一 (10)BACAA
3.词组填空 (1)adapt to (6)is against
(2)was accused of (7)are aimed at
(3)add up to (8)were about to
(7)burst out
(8)burst into (9)burnt down
(10)build up
(1)I don ’ t like to borrow money from frien.ds
(2)Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.
(3)His brother was born blind . (5)The government is trying to bring prices down.
(5)conclusion (10)confidence
(1)concentrate on (2)comment on
(3)are concerned about
(4)consist of (5)am content with

高考英语重点词汇积累专题集中训练50题含答案一、根据汉语意思填写单词1.It is universally _________ (承认,认为) that forests are essential to us. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)2.Diets are the most effective when ________(结合) with exercise. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)3.If she had further considered the problem, she might have come to the correct ______(结论).(根据汉语提示单词拼写)4.It was so dark in the cave that we couldn’t find the________(出口)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)5.Another _______________(可能性) is that when there is a lot of talent on a team,some players may make less effort. (根据汉语意思单词拼写)6.The guideline asks the local education ________(权威) to create a good environment for teachers at primary and secondary schools. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)7.Don't ____________ (责备) your food because you have no appetite.8.You can choose to forgive someone who has hurt you even if they do not______________ (应受;值得)or ask for forgiveness.9.If________(具有)many valuable qualities which are vital to your success, you are certain to make great achievements. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)10.If necessary, don't________ (犹豫;迟疑) to give me a call. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)11.There is no________(线索) to the identity of the thief. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)12.As an old saying goes, once ________ (咬), twice shy. Cindy doesn’t want to swim again.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)13.We need to take ___________(措施) at once to prevent the growth of the population in China.14.If ________ (真有) many valuable qualities which are vital to your success, you are certain to make great achievements.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)15.There are many _________________(时刻) when people don’t know what they want. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)16.“I reflect on how my day’s gone and think about the rest of the week,” he said. “It’s achance for ________(自我反省). You return to work recharged and with a plan.” (根据汉语提示单词拼写)17.Children are admitted only if ________(陪伴) by an adult. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)18.When __________ (拖;拽)away by his mother, the child was kicking and screaming. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)19.He won´t come,unless ________ (邀请). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)20.Your tie does ________(适合) your shirt. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)21.What a ________(巧合)! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.22.He gives you his full attention________(一.......就.....) you begin to speak. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)23.As ________(日程安排), the winter vacation starts from January 20th this year. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)24.It began to rain ______(瞬间) I arrived home. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)二、根据首字母填写单词25.Even when r________, these huge fruits have a greenish yellow skin and flesh, so don’t be put off.(根据首字母单词拼写)26.He promised to pay his d_______ within a month. (根据首字母单词拼写)27.Having overcome a lot of difficulties, we reached our travel d ________ in SiChuan at last. (根据首字母单词拼写)28.If you are not satisfied with the life you are living, don’t just c________ about it. Do something to change it. (根据首字母单词拼写)29.Do not j________ a person by his or her appearance. (根据首字母单词拼写)30.Don’t h__________ your eyes by reading in the bright sun.31.Club members have many special p______, like free use of the swimming pool. (根据首字母单词拼写)32.Knowledge can be of a great b__________ to everybody.33.Do r_____ me of the meeting because I'm likely to forget. (根据首字母单词拼写)34.As is reflected in Qingming Scroll, the North Song Dynasty, though o________ twenty years after the painting was completed, was once prosperous (繁荣). (根据首字母单词拼写)35.My mum keeps a notebook of my grades in every exam and asks my teachers how I’m doing at school w________ she can. (根据首字母单词拼写)36.The medicine will do harm to people’s health if c__________ in large quantities. 37.Children under 14 are not allowed to enter unless a_________ by an adult. (根据首字母单词拼写)三、根据中英文提示填写单词38.Don’t g________ (怒视) at your teacher like that. What he did is good for you. 39.Don't f________ (折起) down the comers of the page; it damages the book. (根据中英文提示填空)40.Time is knowledge and time is money. Don’t w________ (浪费) it, please. (根据中英文提示填空)41.Don't d_________ (欺骗) yourself into thinking that the bad plan will work. (根据汉语提示填空)42.Do not u_______ (从事) exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)43.Don't b_____ (麻烦) to fetch me the book and I can manage it myself.四、根据句意填写单词44.______ really surprised us was that the president sp oke at the meeting for nearly two hours without referring to his notes. (用适当的词填空)45.I was about to give up ___ my father came and encouraged me to keep going. (用适当的单词填空)五、单词拼写46.He ____________ (假装) not to know her but in fact they were in league together. 47.Time turned the edge of his anger and he ____________ (原谅) the boy.48.Do keep your eyes ____________ (集中) on the prize and never give up.49.His ____________ (谈论) not only broke the ice, but aroused everyone's interest. 50.Just now the two boys were playing games and now they are ____________ (吵架).51.Don't ____________ (责备) your food because you have no appetite.52.They united together and ____________ (克服) difficulties caused by the natural disaster.53.Adopt a positive ____________ (态度), and ask for what you want from life.54.It is acceptable to manage all the possible conflicts in a friendly ____________ (方式).55.The ____________ (敏感的) man finally made a sensible decision, which shocked everyone present。

高考英语3500词配套练习【16-20课时】高考英语3500单词配套练习第16课时(nod — pair)1. 单词拼写(1) A n__________ family usually consists of a husband, a wife and their children.(2) UFO stands for “Unidentified Flying O__________”.(3) The Pacific O__________ covers one-third of the Ear th’s surface.(4) English is the o__________ language of the USA.(5) The manager is o__________ and believes good things will happen in the future.(6) Would you prefer rice or n__________?(7) O__________ is necessary for most animals and plants to live.(8) He had put on his o__________ and was pulling the collar up over his ears.(9) With China’s entry into the World Trade O__________, more foreigners are coming toBeijing to work.(10) A large p__________ has arrived for you.2. 单项选择(1) — Have you got a camera? — No. I should buy ________.A. itB. anyC. oneD. some(2) I know what people are saying — but ________ of it is true.A. noneB. no oneC. oneD. all(3) It’s ________ to feel nervous before an exam.A. ordinaryB. commonC. normalD. usual(4) She’d looked everywhere for her glasses, but they were ________.A. nowhere foundB. to find nowhereC. nowhere to findD. nowhere to be found(5) Dad loves fishing best; the hobby ________ most of his spare time.A. observesB. occupiesC. costsD. spends(6) Doctors believe only ________ tiny number of people ________ at risk.A. a; isB. a; areC. the; isD. the; are(7) I can’t do everything ________. —You’ll have to be patient.A. all at onceB. just for onceC. once moreD. once upon a time(8) I arrived only ________ that the others had already left.A. foundB. findingC. to findD. having found(9) The government ordered that for every tree cut down, two more ________ planted.A. could beB. beC. wereD. to be(10) ________ a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.A. BecauseB. As a resultC. According toD. Owing to3. 选词填空(必要时改变词形)overweight opposite outgoing oppose outlineoptional nowadays observe otherwise order(1) Most people are aware of the importance of a healthy diet.(2) One student performs the experiment while his partner .(3) Most bosses are to employees working overtime. They don’t think it’s agood idea.(4) I thought the medicine would make him sleep, but it had the effect.(5) Jamie is friendly, woman; she likes to meet and talk to new people.(6) You’ll have to go now, you’ll miss your bus.(7) He sat down at a table near the window and a meal.(8) The doctor said I was slightly and that I needed more exercise.(9) Write a short covering the main points before you start on your essay.(10) You don’t have to do the course —it’s .4. 句子翻译(1) 慢一点儿!我跟不上你。

高考英语重点词汇积累专题集中训练50题含答案一、根据汉语意思填写单词1.Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my________(理解). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)2.I have been so __________ (占用) with work that I haven’t had time for social activities. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)3.It was so dark in the cave that we couldn’t find the________(出口)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)4.________ (一旦) you start a task, you must bear it through. (根据汉语提示单词拼写) 5.Also, while listening, don’t ________ (忽视) the speakers’ tone and intonation — these can be important clues, too. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6.Another _______________(可能性) is that when there is a lot of talent on a team,some players may make less effort. (根据汉语意思单词拼写)7.He gives you his full attention________(一.......就.....) you begin to speak. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)8.Children, when ________ (陪伴) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)9.If ________ (录取) by your ideal university, you’d better make a plan in advance so as to fully enjoy your college life. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)10.It also has great ________(潜力)for development.11.We need to take ___________(措施) at once to prevent the growth of the population in China.12.I watched the live lessons online given by my teachers as________ (计划). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)13.There are several __________ (因素) we haven't considered yet. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)14.The geography teacher tells us that there ________(存在) a pull between the earth and the moon. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)15.__________(祝贺) on your successful performance!二、根据中英文提示填写单词16.Don’t h______ (犹豫) to ask me if you have any questions.17.I’m writing to apply for the p________ (职位) as a student volunteer in the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. (根据中英文提示填空)18.The relations between our two countries have improved markedly in every a_______(方面).19.The i______ I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for. (as soon as) (根据英文提示单词拼写)20.Don't d_________ (欺骗) yourself into thinking that the bad plan will work. (根据汉语提示填空)21.There is often a great c______(庆祝) of Christmas Eve in America.22.Don’t t________(取笑) him about his weight. You are so impolite. (根据中英文提示填空)三、根据首字母填写单词23.Getting the silent treatment is an unpleasant experience. when i________ by someone they love, people may feel painful, lost in doubt and sadness. (根据首字母单词拼写)24.If you are not satisfied with the life you are living, don’t just c________ about it. Do something to change it. (根据首字母单词拼写)25.Further t______ will prevent cancer from developing.(根据首字母单词拼写)26.There is no d_________ that he dislikes fishing. (根据首字母单词拼写)27.Knowledge can be of a great b__________ to everybody.28.When r________ to the concerns of the public, the government showed their confidence in winning the battle against the COVID-19. (根据首字母单词拼写)29.The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless a________ (to travel or go somewhere with sb) by an adult. (根据首字母单词拼写) 30.The m__________ I closed my eyes, I fell asleep. (根据首字母单词拼写)31.My mum keeps a notebook of my grades in every exam and asks my teachers how I’m doing at school w________ she can. (根据首字母单词拼写)32.Don't p________to be an expert since you don't have much knowledge ofit. (根据首字母单词拼写)33.By age two, nearly all the kids were reported to be using smartphones—sometimes whileg ________ to the TV. (根据首字母单词拼写)34.I recognized him i_______ I saw his picture. (根据首字母填空)35.Despite heavy traffic,the journalists arrived at Lukou Airport thirty minutes ahead of s______.36.Chongyang Festival is a day for people in China to show r______ to seniors. (根据首字母单词拼写)37.On the National Day, the whole city was decorated with a wide v________ of fresh flowers and looked like an ocean of flowers. (根据首字母单词拼写)38.Once r________, the results were published in the bimonthly magazine Psychology Today. (v. to make sth available to the public) (根据首字母单词拼写)四、根据句意填写单词39.Don’t take yourself too seriously. _____ _____ you make a mistake again?(用适当的词填空)40.The director said that not only the animals but also the jungle ________ digitally created. (用适当的词填空)41.It will be another month________ he returns . (用适当的词填空)42.________they abandoned their dreams, they wouldn’t have achieved their success. (用适当的词填空)五、单词拼写语境填空43.Here I learned my first important lesson:________(残疾的)as I was in language,I could still be smart and well express myself with clay.44.Children,when________(陪伴) by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium. 45.______________(在……对面)is St. Paul's Church,where you can hear some lovely music.46.The Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana,California celebrated this year the15th__________(周年纪念日) of the Bubble(泡泡) Festival.47.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend__________(目的地) for people inAsia.单词填空48.I_________ by the teacher’s words,he decided to study harder than before. 49.Everything taken into c__________,he has done a good job this time.50.It’s hard for her to decide what to buy because she is quite p___________ about the things she buys.51.All things considered, the national mood reflected high confidence and_____________(乐观).52.The museum had several paintings________ (代表) the artist's early style.53.The bar was full of people and he felt that the people were observing him ____.(好奇地) 54.That girl has great _________(决心) ; I am sure she will do well.55.For a moment she _____________(懊悔) insisting that nobody should meet her.56.I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social_______(场合).57.As they crossed the railway station, they heard the whistle of the _____(靠近) train.参考答案:1.comprehension【详解】考查名词词义辨析。

⑵ Modern farming methods have
done considerable harm to the
countryside. (词性__n_. ; 意义_损__害_,_伤__害__ )
⑶ The bacteria is harmless to
humans. (词性 _a_d_j.; 意义_无__害__的__ )
[练一练]用harmful/harm/harmless 填空。
This object gives off _h_a_r_m__fu_l_gases. They may do _h_a_r_m__to our health. You must make the object______h_a_rm_ less before you use it.
[读一读]阅读下列句子, 归纳violent及 其同根词的词性和意义。 ⑴ There was a violent wind.
(词性 _a_d_j._; 意义_猛__烈__的__ )
⑵ Students were involved in violent clashes with the police.
presence n.在场; 出席; 存在 in sb’s presence/in the presence of sb. 在某人面前; 当着某人的面 present adj.出现; 在场; 当前的 be present at sth. 出席……
[读一读]阅读下列句子, 归纳presence 及其同根词的词性和意义。 ⑴ He seemed to hardly notice my
(词性 _a_d_j._; 意义 暴__力__的___)
⑶ Is there too much violence on TV? (词性 __n_. ; 意义_暴__力_ )

高考英语3500单词配套练习高考英语3500单词配套练习第1课时(abandon—amount) 1. 单词拼写(1) The captain gave the order to a________ the ship because it was sinking. (2) Plants a________ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.(3) Tim was looking through an old photo a___________, with pictures of Christmas.(4) I’m sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a________; I mean I did not intend to do it. (5) I’ve opened an a_____________ with the Agricultural Bank of China. (6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all a__________ about his safety. (7) He has never achieved his a________________(夙愿,目标) of becoming a famous writer. (8) She was born without the a____________(能力) tospeak. (9) Shelly speaks with a slight a_________(口音). (10) I’d ___________ it if you give me an early reply. (感激) 2. 单项选择(1) I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem ________ to find the time. A. about B. able C. active D. accurate (2) Slavery was _______ in the US in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal fights. A. absorbed B. abused C. abolished D. adopted (3) A billion people in the world will not have _________ to clean drinking water. A. action B. advance C. access D. agreement (4) Dana admitted _________ hurt by what I had said. A. to feel B. felt C. having felt D. feeling (5) I couldn’t ________ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room A. aim B. allow C. afford D. advise (6) The couple are unable to have children of their own, buthope to __________ one A. adapt B. adopt C. advertise D. acquire This book teaches you how to _________ what is causing the stress in your life. A. analyze B. affect C. advocate D. admire ____________ music, he also develops a strong love for painting. A. Anything but B. All but C. Apart from D. In advance He is a man full of ____________. He dares to run risks. A. adventure B. adolescence C. accommodation D. anniversary Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _________ honest. A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in all 3. 词组填空(必要时改变词形) take action, be aimed at, be addicted to, adapt to, be against, agree with, be just about to, add up to, take advantage of, be accused of (1) The children are finding it hard to____________ the new school. (2) The professor _____________stealing hisstudent’s ideas. (3) The numbers ______________exactly 100. (4) Your story doesn’t ____________ what the police have told us. (5) I ________________ the good weather to paint the door. (6) The use of drugs _______________ the law; it’s illegal.(7) These measures __________________ preventing violent crimes. (8) We ___________________ leave when Jerry arrived. (9) The government must _______________ now to stop the rise in road accidents. (10) Some kids _______________ surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.4. 完成句子(写到作业本上) (1) Tom ________________________ and was scolded by the manager. (缺席了会议) (absent) (2) _________, Jason seemed to ignore what was happening outside. (全神贯注于工作中) (absorb) (3) Only when you realize the importance of diligence,______. (你才有可能达到目标) (achieve) (4) With the price of goods going high, the living expenses _______. (增加了人们的经济负担) (add to) (5) I believe that through hard work, I _______________. (我会被重点大学录取) (admit) (6) We should make full use of time to _____________. (把我们所学的东西用于实践) (apply) (7) ______, I hope every family in the world can get together happily. (随着中秋节的来临) (approach) (8) You should _______________ when causing trouble to others. (为所作的事道歉) (apologize) (9) You shouldn’t have made him ______________________. (被如此小事所烦恼) (annoy) (10) Students in our school ___________ good resources in the library. (有机会使用) (access) 5. 单词翻译(写到作业本上) 1. 抛弃;丢弃 2. 滥用;虐待 3. 完成4. 准确的,精确地 5. 丰富的6. 全神贯注于7. 习惯于做某事8. 达到目标9. 积极的10. 改编11. 沉溺于12. 另外13. 调整14. 羡慕15. 采纳16. 事先17. 登广告18. 提倡19. 担负得起……的费用20. (气候、食物等) 适合21. 帮助22. 警报23. 活着的24. 准许25. 总而言之第2课时(ample—average) 1. 单词拼写(1) He made funny faces to a_________ the children. (2) You need to sit down and a_________ (分析) why you feel so upset. (3) My a_________ (祖先) originally came from Ireland. (4) The show attracts an a_________ (观众) of about 20 million.(5) The family are making a_________ (安排) for his birthday party. (6) The tall building was designed by the famous a_________ Frank Lloyd Wright.(7) You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_________ (8) Ann wants to be an a_________. Does shereally like to travel and work in a spacecraft? (9) It was discovered that three of the Olympic a_________ had taken drugs. (10) The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a_________ in January.2. 单项选择(1) The government has_________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs. A. answered B. announced C. approved D. assumed (2) I knocked at the door and nobody_________. A. applied B. apologized C. answered D. argued (3) The bright colors can make a small room_________ much bigger. A. arise B. arrange C. notice D. appear (4) I don’t need any help, but I do _________ your offer. A. apply B. appreciate C. annoy D. appeal (5) Helen left her last job and has yet to find_________. A. else B. other C. another D. extra (6) --Hello, is _________ home?--Yes. We’re here.A. anyoneB. oneC. nobodyD.someone (7) Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to _________ you?A. affectB. assistC. applyD. arrange (8) He decided to adopt a different _________ and teach history through story-telling. A. analysis B. angle C. attitude D. approach (9) The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a/an _________ of 19. A. average B. usual C. normal D. regular (10) Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _________. A. aspect B. attempt C. effort D. attack 3. 改变词形(1) The school carried out an _________ (analyze) of pupils’needs. (2) There were puzzles and games to keep the children _________ (amuse). (3) Silence,please. Mr. Bennett is about to make an _________ (announce).(4) After an _________ (anxiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe. (5) She rushed into the hotel,_________(apology) for being so late. (6) Women are more concerned than men about their personal _________ (appear).(7) I broke the vase during an _________ (argue) with my husband. (8) She was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on ________ (arrive). (9) He was one of 30 ________ (apply) for the manager’s job.(10) The young man was accused of _________ (attempt) murder. 4. 选词填空(必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上) atmosphere arrange attracts available ancient ashamed attack attend armed area (1) Man has used the horse since ________ times. (2) The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ________. (3) What ________ me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.(4) We need someone to work on this job immediately. Who’s ________? (5) A smoker has three times the risk ofhaving a heart ________ than a nonsmoker.(6) After ________ church, the family would go home for dinner. (7) She was so ________ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.(8) If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and ________ them in order of importance. (9) The crowd ________ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police. (10) The room is 12 square meters in ________. 5. 句子翻译(写到作业本上) 1) 他于粗心驾驶而被捕。

高考英语词形变化专题训练(九)一、词形记忆1. real adj. 真的really adv. 真正,确实reality n. 现实realize vt. 实现,认识到2. recent adj. 新近的,近来的recently adv. 近来3. reason n. 理由,原因reasonable adj. 有道理的,合情合理的reasonably adv. 合情合理地4. regular adj. 规则的regularly adv. 规则地irregular adj. 不规则的5. sad adj. 难过,悲哀,悲伤sadly adv. 难过,悲哀,悲伤sadness n. 难过,悲哀,悲伤6. safe adj. 安全,平安safely adv. 安全,平安safety n. 安全,平安save v. 挽救,节约7. satisfy v. 使满足,满足satisfying adj. 令人满意的satisfied adj. 感到满意的satisfaction n. 满足8. science n. 科学scientist n. 科学家scientific adj. 科学的9. secret n./adj. 秘密,秘密的secretly adv. 秘密地10. separate v. 使分开adj. 分离的,分开的separately ad.单独地,各自地separation n. 分离,分开,单独11. serve v.服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜)service n. 服务,服役servant n. 仆人,佣人12. silent adj. 寂静的,安静,沉默silently adv. 寂静地,安静,沉默silence n. 寂静,安静,沉默13. simple adj. 简单的,简朴simply adv. 简单地,简朴14. slight adj. 轻微的,微小slightly adv. 轻微地,微小15.slow adj. 慢慢的slowly adv.慢慢地二、词形默写1.adj. 真的adv. 真正,确实n. 现实vt. 实现,认识到2. adj. 新近的,近来的adv. 近来3. n. 理由,原因adj. 有道理的,合情合理的adv. 合情合理地4. adj. 规则的adv. 规则地adj. 不规则的5. adj. 难过,悲哀,悲伤adv. 难过,悲哀,悲伤n. 难过,悲哀,悲伤6. adj. 安全,平安adv. 安全,平安n. 安全,平安v. 挽救,节约7. v. 使满足,满足adj. 令人满意的adj. 感到满意的n. 满足8.n. 科学n. 科学家adj. 科学的9. n./adj. 秘密,秘密的adv. 秘密地10.v. 使分开adj. 分离的,分开的ad.单独地,各自地n. 分离,分开,单独11.v.服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜)n. 服务,服役n. 仆人,佣人12.adj. 寂静的,安静,沉默adv. 寂静地,安静,沉默n. 寂静,安静,沉默13. adj. 简单的,简朴adv. 简单地,简朴14.adj. 轻微的,微小adv. 轻微地,微小15. adj. 慢慢的adv.慢慢地三、词形练习1. At last, Martin that the reality he had to face was so cruel.( real)2. I sent an e-mail to Mrs Green ,asking if she is doing fine with everything .( recent)3. If you think the price is , I take this one.( reason)4.He plays basketball as he knows regular exercise benefits his health.( regular)5. I didn’t know what to say to reduce her .(sad)6. The drowned girl was and then carried to .( safe)7. With their met, the children looked . (satisfy)8. did the experiment over and again though they have failed hundreds of times.( science)9. The kids hid a gift under grandpa’s pillow before they left.( secret)10. After nearly a hundred years’ , the city returned to its native country.( separate)11. It was more than ten years since he in the PLA naval.( serve)12. To break the , he started with a joke. (silent)13. We paid a visit to our grandma who lives and alone in the country.( simple)14. She put her lips upon his ear and whispered something to him.( slight)15.The old man stood up and walked towards the policeman.( slow)四、参考答案1. At last, Martin realized that the reality he had to face was so cruel.( real)2. I sent an e-mail to Mrs Green ,asking if she is doing fine with everything recently.( recent)3. If you think the price is reasonable, I take this one.( reason)4.He regularly plays basketball as he knows regular exercise benefits his health.( regular)5. I didn’t know what to say to reduce her sadness.(sad)6. The drowned girl was saved and then carried to safety.( safe)7. With their satisfaction met, the children looked satisfied . (satisfy )8. Scientists did the scientific experiment over and again though they have failed hundreds of times.( science)9. The kids secretly hid a gift under grandpa’s pillow before they left.( secret)10. After nearly a hundred years’ separation , the city returned to its native country.( separate)11. It was more than ten years since he served in the PLA naval.( serve)12. To break the silence, he started with a joke. (silent)13. We paid a visit to our grandma who lives simply and alone in the country.( simple)14. She slightly put her lips upon his ear and whispered something to him.( slight)15.The old man stood up and walked slowly towards the policeman.( slow)。

1.nation n.—adj.___________国家的,全国的,国内的–n. ___________ 国籍、民族2.nature自然—adj. ___________自然的—adv. ___________自然地3.noise n.噪音--adj. ___________ 嘈杂的;喧闹的4.north --adj. ___________ 北部的;北方的5. net 网--n. ___________网络,人际网6. neighbour (n./adj./ v.)--n. neighbourhood 附近一带;周围;邻里关系___________7.nine –十九___________ –九十___________– 第九___________—第九十___________8. negotiate谈判;协商;达成协议—___________ n.谈判,磋商,协商9.___________--___________ n. 新闻;消息—___________ n.报纸;报社10. near ___________–nearly adv.差不多,几乎-nearby ___________二、翻译下列词组:negative effect___________ nod at sb. ___________ neat and tidy___________pins and needles___________ human nature___________ native language_________三、根据中文写出单词的正确形式。
1. Among the ___________(九十) students in the __________(第九)grade, only _______(九) of them will be admitted to this school after _________ (十九) trainings with a professional coach.2.__________ (没有) of the passengers and crew were injured.of3. She was not exactly overjoyed at the prospect of looking after her _________(侄女)instead of her __________(侄子,外甥).4. “Her height and weight are__________(正常)for her age, so there is no need(需要) to worrya lot.” replied the doctor.5.He listened to David Bright's racy stories about life in the _________(海军).6. I made friends with the ___________(本地人), and their reaction amazed me.(2016 浙江完型)7. One of their __________(邻居)had written to complain(抱怨) about the sound of the piano.(2015北京完型)8. Without motivation you can __________(既不)set a goal ___________(也不)reach it. (2019全国卷II 七选五)9. They planned to keep the budget low by living on boiled __________(面条), with the occasional hamburger shop treat.(2018 江苏完型)10. Hearing mom say, "I can’t believe what’s printed in the__________(报纸)this morning," made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.(2019天津阅读理解B )11. We dance from Florida to Alaska, from ___________(北方)to south and sea to sea.[2018年全国卷III 七选五]12. After staying overnight in London, we travel on Day 2 to ___________(北方的)France to visit the World War I battlefields.[2018年全国卷III阅读理解A]四、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语意思。
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[单选]在《计算机信息安全保护等级划分准则》中确定了5个安全保护等级,其中最高一级是()A.用户自主保护级B.结构化保护级C.访问验证保护级D.系统审计保护级 [单选]面具面容见于()A.肢端肥大症B.震颤麻痹C.甲亢D.破伤风E.长期应用糖皮质激素 [单选]《部标》规定:快速列车始发前供电时间不少于()。A、2小时B、1.5小时C、0.5小时D、1小时 [多选]eSpaceU19xx支持以下哪几种转VMS的方式?()A.遇忙转语音邮箱B.无条件转语音邮箱C.离线转语音邮箱D.无应答转语音邮箱 [多选]MEN1的甲状旁腺功能亢进症与散发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的鉴别点包括()。A.前者较后者发病年龄早,且没有性别差异B.两者的甲状旁腺病理学不同C.两者甲状旁腺手术后的结局不同D.前者几乎不会进展为甲状旁腺癌E.两者的临床表现不同 [单选,A1型题]终末血尿提示病变部位在()A.前尿道B.后尿道C.肾脏D.输尿管E.膀胱 [单选]“统治阶级有统治阶级的道德,被统治阶级有被统治阶级的道德”。这名话说明了()A.道德的时代性B.道德的普遍性C.道德的阶级性D.道德的抽象性 [单选]斑疹伤寒患者血清中可测出对变形杆菌“OX19”,的抗体,是属于()A.间接凝集反应B.直接凝集反应C.反向凝集试验D.交叉凝集反应E.反向间接凝集反应 [单选]在国有资产评估的初始阶段,资产评估发挥着()作用,这是国有资产评估所特有的作用。A.评价B.管理C.鉴证D.定价 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]有关Auer小体哪些说法是错的().Auer小体又称为棒状小体B.是急性非淋巴细胞白血病的细胞形态学标志C.急性粒细胞白血病可见D.Auer小体POX染色呈阴性E.急性单核细胞白血病的Auer小体常细长 [多选]哪些选项属于烟花爆竹()A、烟花爆竹制品B、用于生产烟花爆竹的民用黑火药C、烟火药D、引火线 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]医疗机构从业人员分为几个类别()A.3个B.4个C.5个D.6个E.7个 [单选]关于卵巢赘生性囊肿的描述哪个不对()A.表面光滑者多为良性B.囊性者多为良性C.可为双侧D.实性、活动受限者多为恶性E.恶性者表面多规则 [单选]驾驶员常会出现腰酸、腰痛,主要是由于坐姿不正确引起的()反应。A、精神疲劳B、肌体疲劳C、脊椎疲劳 [填空题]识别危险源及环境因素应注意的三种时态是()()(),三种状态是()()()。 [多选]LMT工具可以图形化实现的功能有:()A.加载版本B.跟踪信令C.配置智能路由D.配置号长路由 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]CPR后因缺氧最易引起的并发症是()A.肺水肿B.脑水肿C.心力衰竭D.肾衰竭E.肝功能衰竭 [单选,A1型题]卫生经济学是应用经济学的基本理论和方法研究卫生领域中的()。A.社会现象和经济现象B.经济关系和经济活动C.经济理论和管理理论D.管理理论和管理活动E.社会关系和社会活动 [单选]素描是造型训练,如石膏写生,其作画过程共分()个步骤。A、2个B、3个C、4个D、5个 [单选,A1型题]β+粒子和物质作用后,不会出现的情况是()A.产生能量相等的一对γ光子B.产生一对能量各为140keV的γ光子C.产生一对辐射方向相反的γ光子D.产生一对穿透能力比Tc强的γ光子E.产生一对γ光子,PET利用这对γ光子进行成像 [单选]正确构成肝左叶“工”字形结构的血管是A.门静脉左支横部、矢状部,左外叶上、下段支B.门静脉左支横部、矢状部,左内叶支C.门静脉左叶上、下段支,左内叶支,左支矢状部D.门静脉左支横部、矢状部,左内叶支,左外叶上、下段支.门静脉横部,左侧叶上、下段支,左内叶支 [单选]()是指在交易所交易池内由交易者面对面地公开喊价,表达各自买进或卖出合约的要求。A.交易者协商成交B.连续竞价制C.-节-价制D.计算机撮合成交 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于心前区疼痛最常见的原因,正确的是()。A.各型心绞痛、急性心肌梗死B.急性心包炎C.急性主动脉夹层动脉瘤D.心血管神经症E.肋间神经损伤 [单选]建筑内部因采用大量可燃材料装修、使用可燃家具,将()。(易)A、延长轰燃出现的时间B、增加火灾荷载C、降低耐火等级D、影响防火间距 [填空题]只有为客户提供(),才能赢得客户对我们的信任 [填空题]常见的液压泵有()油泵、()油泵、()油泵。 [填空题]医疗保险基本运行系统的构成要素()、()、()、()。 [单选]胎膜早破对母儿的影响不包括()A.胎盘早剥B.产后出血C.脐带脱垂D.急产E.败血症 [名词解释]酚系数 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列情况可导致α1-酸性糖蛋白降低的是().A.风湿病B.恶性肿瘤C.心肌梗死D.严重肝损伤E.糖尿病 [单选]塔架制作的钢材进行检查时,对厚度大于14mm的钢板的检查方法为()。A.按张数的10%进行磁粉探伤检查B.应100%进行磁粉探伤检查C.应按张数的10%进行超声波检查,表面用磁粉探伤检查D.应100%进行超声波检查、表面用磁粉探伤检查 [单选]若卵子未受精,则黄体开始萎缩的时间是在排卵后()。A.5~6天B.7~8天C.9~10天D.11~12天E.13~14天 [单选]通过不合理的价格因素,暗中向农民转嫁的负担属于()负担。A.国家B.隐性C.社会D.个人 [问答题,简答题]经食物传播有哪些特征? [单选]有关骨盆,下列陈述错误的是()。A.骨盆入口平面即真假骨盆分界面B.骨盆入口平面呈横椭圆形C.中骨盆平面为骨盆最小平面D.中骨盆横径大于前后径E.骨盆由两块髋骨(一块尾骨,一块骶骨)组成 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]透明大体标本的制作,标本存放的最好材料是()。A.有机玻璃标本缸B.玻璃标本缸C.不锈钢标本缸D.树脂标本缸E.塑料标本缸 [单选]男性,60岁,嗜酒,急起高热,咳嗽,咳粘液脓性痰,量多,胸痛。胸片示右上肺叶实变,有多个蜂窝状空洞,叶间隙下坠,下列哪项诊断可能性最大()A.肺炎球菌肺炎B.克雷白杆菌肺炎C.急性肺脓肿D.病毒性肺炎E.肺炎支原体肺炎 [单选,A1型题]医疗用毒性药品处方,每次处方极量()A.不得超过1日极量B.不得超过2日极量C.不得超过3日极量D.不得超过5日极量E.不得超过7日极量 [单选,A1型题]臌胀患者,腹水严重,以下治疗原则说法恰当的是()A.缓则治本B.急则治标C.标本兼治D.通因通用E.塞因塞用 [单选]甲公司与乙公司因某一建筑工程承包合同发生争议,双方约定提交某仲裁委员会进行仲裁。甲公司申请公开审理,乙公司表示本案涉及该公司商业秘密,不同意公开审理。下列表述哪项是正确的?()A.不公开审理B.公开审理C.由仲裁庭决定本案是否公开审理D.由仲裁庭裁定本案是否公开