实用商务英语写作课件-unit 1




❖I wish I had my own space. I have to carry everything around in my bag and sometimes there’s nowhere to sit.
❖ hot-desking
❖I like it because it’s only for a couple of months and I’m saving up to go round the world.
❖长期兼职(permanent part-time),即雇用 一些不愿全天候完整时间工作,而仅利用部分时 间工作的员工,其工作时间虽不是整天整周,工 作时间却定期不变(例如某私人企业定期雇用会 计师在每个工作日下班后为其处理财务账目)。
❖ 分担工作(job-sharing),即一份全职工作由两 人分担,两人均为长期兼职员工,按需要分摊工 作时间、工资、假期及福利。
C You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract.
D You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish.
❖ 弹性工作时间(flexitime),亦作flexible working hours, 就是将员工工作时间分为核 心时间和弹性时间。核心时间(例如早上10点到 12点,下午2点到4点)为员工必须工作时间, 其余时间定为弹性时间,即员工自己选择的工作 时间, 这样员工可灵活决定上下班时间。员工每
Business English
1.1 Ways of working


2) Functions of a Resume
▪ 简历和求职信是有密切联系的。好的 简历可以使应聘者赢得招聘者的好感, 加深印象,从而获得面试的机会。反 之,如果简历过于简略、夸大其词或 者过于自谦,则会适得其反。
3) Contents of a Resume a)本人情况 b)学历 c)工作经历 d)其他
AWARDS: Third prize in University Public Speaking Competition, 2000 Second prize in University English Competition, 2001
SPECIAL INTEREST: Computer programming
REFERENCES: Mr. Gao Hong (General Manager of the Beijing Huafeng Stock Co. Ltd.) 23 Hepingmenwai Beijing, 100009 Tel: (010) 7463-6352 Mrs. Lin Bing (Dean of the Economics Department of Hebei University) 45 Changjiang Avenue Shijiazhuang Tel: (0311) 836-2726
Responsible for recruitment, screening and interviewing of personnel
Extensively involved in labor relations such as contract negotiations
Interpret and oversee implementation of all personnel policies; control administration of comprehensive employee benefit programs



Compare the following sentences:
Uncourteous We request early reply. Courteous We appreciate your early reply. We are sorry we didn’t make ourselves clear.

Academic writing : a. colorful words b. complicated structures Business writing : a. no fancy words b. no complicated expressions c. is intended to communicate information
We regret you have misunderstood us.
Writing Features

Academic writing vs. business writing Plain writing style Euphemistic writing tone
Academic writing vs. business writing
1. Consideration

Give consideration to the business partner’s varied wishes, demand, interest and difficulties. Emphasize the “You ”attitude rather than the “ I ” or “ We ” attitude.
non-discriminatory : chairperson, To Whom it May Concern discriminatory: chairman, Dear Gentlemen

1-4 商务英语写作ppt课件

1-4 商务英语写作ppt课件
the 10th. Practice: i. We can permit you to attend classes when
you are free. ii. We have received your letter of June1.
3. Positive language
e.g. Unfortunately, your order cannot be sent until next week.
Making requests
我们想坐火车去那里,住宿在有独立卫浴的双人间。 请告知这次旅行是多少天,花费和日程安排?
We would like to go by train and to live in a double room with private bathroom. 1.Would you please tell me how many days the travel takes? 2How much will it cost? 3.What is the scheduling?
Address of an Envelop
Envelop addressing calls for accuracy, legibility and good appearance.
Two forms: 1. indented style 2. block style
1. The indented form
We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.

商务英语写作Unit 1 An Overview of Business Letter Writing[精]

商务英语写作Unit 1 An Overview of Business Letter Writing[精]
and for being successful in the jobs, and applicants who have job-
related values in areas such as integrity, service, and safety to ensure that
there is
• Your writing should be vivid, specific and
definite rather than vague, general and abstract, especially when you are requiring a response, solving problems, making an offer or acceptance, etc.
• They have a
decided advantage in regard to freight charges
• Messrs. Smith and
Richardson have been informed that they would receive an answer in a few days.
to 10 tea-sets in
shipment was found.
We/I attitude
You attitude
1. A large sale of our
products will make our company more profitable.
2. We are in need of fund
• This letter is to inform • Since you are our

商务英语 Unit 1 globalisationPPT课件

商务英语 Unit 1 globalisationPPT课件

Globalization prevents governments from controlling√
their welfare systems.
Globalization lowers people’s living standards.
Globalization could lead to big employment problems √
c) basic facilities and services of a country, for example water, power, roads
d) a movement of large sums of money out of a country
e) the ability of a business to make money
2021ne Globalisation
Listening Warm-up discussion
For or against globalisation?
•Destroys cultural diversity •Homogenizes our world •Bankrupts local small businesses
globalization or against it?
Back to overview
Listening For and against globalization
Which of the points below does Stephen Haseler make?
flight of capital Issue

实用商务英语函电课件Unit 1

实用商务英语函电课件Unit 1

An introduction to the course
• 商务英语函电课是一门融国际贸易实务与英语为 一体的大专院校高年级英语课,既要讲授对外贸 易业务各个环节的知识,又要训练、培养能够磋 商业务,又能撰写函电的外贸人才。
An introduction to the course
Through lecturing on writing styles of business letters as well as business terms and different expressions, and practicing business steps involved in the foreign trade, this course is designed to train and improve students’ working capability in the foreign trade by helping them have a good command of basic foreign trade terms and upgrade skills of applying expressions commonly used in the international business line.
5. to know how to make payment, and know how to use flexible payment methods, how to view or examine letters of credit to avoid mistakes;
6. to be able to lodge a claim against the other party or settle a claim courteously/politely;

unit 1 商务英语 ppt课件

unit 1 商务英语  ppt课件

Tariff & Barrier
Tariff :an amount that must be paid when particular goods are imported into a country or occasionally when they are exported.
UN (United Nations)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IMF International Monetary Fund
World Bank World Bank Group
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
email…… the quick spread of SARS and other epidemics? the sending of peace corps to war-areas in the other parts of the world? Toyota outsources its auto parts to U.S manufacturers
What is the relationship between globalization and international organizations?
What are international organizations?
Can you recognize these organizations?
economic recession
geographical disparities

unit 1 商务英语之公司结构课件

unit 1 商务英语之公司结构课件
unit 1 商务英语之公司结构
Accounting Assistant 会计助理
Accounting Clerk 记账员
Accounting Manager 会计部经理
Accounting Stall 会计部职员
Accounting Supervisor 会计主管
Administration Manager 行政经理
unit 1 商务英语之公司结构
Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员 Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人
Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理 Deputy General Manager 副总经理
Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师
6. Chemical Engineer 化学工程师
Civil Engineer 土木工程师
7. Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员
Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼
8. Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员
9. Computer Engineer 计算机工程师
the Sceoniomr mpaannagye.rs
company officers
unit 1 商务英语之公司结构
总经理 “General Manager”
• 对一个普通的没有董事会的公司来说,总经理是 该公司的最高领导者。
• 若该公司是一个设有董事会的股份有限公司,该 公司管辖许多分公司,分公司的最高领导者也被 称为“总经理”(G.M.),而总公司(Head Office)的“总经理”应翻译成“Managing Director”。Managing Director仅次于Chairman, 若有几个Managing Director,则各称“联合管理 董事”(Joint Managing Director),目前通常 称为“首席常务董事”或“总裁”。

商务英语I PPT课件 Module 1

商务英语I   PPT课件  Module 1

communication post-it note

have a coffee break around 3 in the afternoon. We must maximize profits. maximize one's opportunities
could enhance publishers internal communication among the various departments and cooperation.
locals are hospitable and welcoming.
guard gives them the post - it note that was left behind.


corporate world 商界 useful contacts 有用的人脉关系 联合总裁/主席 co-chair ‘networking’ event 联谊活动 locals 当地人 be spread out 分散在各地 internal
boss must know how to delegate.
availability of cheap long–term credit would help small business.
are plenty of distractions here.
are too many distractions here to work properly.


teller machines (ATM) and telephone banking in the 1980s were also forms of
electronic commerce. From the 1990s onwards, electronic commerce would PPT模板下载:行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板:素材下载: PPT背景图片:图表下载: 优秀PPT下载:教程: Word教程: 教程: 资料下载:课件下载: 范文下载:试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载:
additionally include enterprise13 resource planning systems (ERP), data mining14
and data warehousing15.
Some people find it useful to categorize electronic commerce by the types of
➢Know main categories and basic types of e-business.
➢Master words and expressions related to e-business.
Translation Skills(省略法)
mode of business extends far beyond the obvious points of convenience for the
customer and cost savings for the business. The most powerful implementations8

商务英语写作 全套课件共278页PPT

商务英语写作  全套课件共278页PPT
Write simply, clearly, courteously, grammatically and to the point.
Paragraph correctly with one topic in each paragraph. Make sure that your typing is accurate and the display artistic, aiming at an attractive and pleasing appearance for your
Body of the letter is the main part of a letter. It expresses the writer’s desires, opinions, purposes, etc. So it should be carefully planned and paragraphed, with the opening sentence referring to previous correspondence, the actual message of the letter and the closing sentence referring to your intentions, hopes or expectations concerned with your future actions or plans. When writing, the writer should pay attention to the following:
Structure of BusinessFra bibliotekLetters
8) Complimentary Close

《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 1 Introduction

《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 1 Introduction
2. The purpose of this book:
This book will give you an introduction into the most common types of business writing you are likely to meet.
II. The outline of this book
2. Differences (1) Academic writing at college involves essays or assignments for
a teacher who then corrects the work and awards a grade. (2) Business writing is intended to make business transactions or
❖ Writing involve a number of stages :
❖ (1) Clarifying your aim ❖ (2) Identifying your readers ❖ (3) Generating ideas ❖ (4) Organizing the ideas ❖ (5) Sketching a synopsis ❖ (6) Drafting your text ❖ (7) Revising and editing ❖ (8) Proofreading
❖ Part One Introduction
❖ Chapter 1: Introduction of business writing
❖ Part Two Business Correspondence
❖ Chapter 2: The layout of business correspondences



Globalization could lead to big employment problems in the West. Globalization lowers people’s living standards. Globalization prevents governments from controlling their welfare systems. Globalization creates cross-cultural problems.
Different types of telecommunications way
radio telegraph television telephone data communication and computer networking
Wireless communication
---- Sam Walton The Founder of Wal-Mart
Japan & Globalisation
Toyota: --nearly the world’s biggest carmaker --changing their business & management style to respond to the race of globalisation --factories in 27 countries
Wal-Mart Global brief Apr 30, 2010
Retail Units Worldwide: 8,445 US Retail Units: 4, 364 Wal-Mart Stores-804 Supercenters-2,767 SAM’S CLUBs-605 Neighborhood Market-182 International Retail Units: 4,068 China-284 (Aug, 1996)



The ability to write effectively is a valuable
business asset.
Three reasons: 1) business is transacted in writing; 2) writing effectively helps increase company sales and profit; 3) proficiency in writing gives a personal advantage
Course Outline
Text Book
胡英坤 车丽娟 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 2013.8
1 An Overview of Business W商务ri写tin作g概述 2 Structure and Style of Bus商in务e信s函s 的Le结t构te与rs格式 3 Sales-related Inquiries and询R盘e与p回li复es 4 Orders and Confirmation L订e单tt与er确s认函 5 Letters about Shipment 装运函
The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the reader.



Rail Freight
Advantages Fast delivery Capacity Cost effective Safe mode of transport Reliable More environmentally friendly than alternatives Does not add to congestion
Air Freight
Advantages Fastest for long distance deliveries Customer perception is high, easy for order fulfilment Very safe mode of transport Reduces lead time on suppliers Improved service levels
Rail Freight
Rail transportation offers many advantages and is (for obvious reasons) used for domestic use or inter-continental. Rail transport is ideal for heavy goods and has a wide range of applications.
Sea Freight
Sea transportation is usually used by companies who ship a large amount of goods at once, with longer lead times. This mode of transport is the longest, yet is ideal for bulk shipments such as coal and minerals.

商务英语写作unit 1

商务英语写作unit 1
To expect an answer
to expect no answer
9.1.1 Thanks for receiving a letter
Correspondence / Communication in writing ☺ 函:Business letters ☺ 电:Telegrams, telexes, faxes & E-mails
3.The nature & goal of the course
☺ Nature - An English course combining international trade with English.
☺ Goal - To cultivate the ability of negotiating international trade in English, especially in English correspondence.
1) Sender’s name: China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Branch
2) Sender’s address: 198 Hunan Road, Shanghai, China 3) Sender’s E mail: shanghai @hotmail 4) Sender’s telephone number: 86 21 66231198 5) Sender’s fax number: 86 21 24317579 6) Sender’s website: slihgc 7) Date: June 23, 2004 8) Receiver’s name: Messrs Jameson & Sons Ltd. 9) Receiver’s address: 34 Madison Square, Melbourne, Australia 10)Salutation: Dear Sirs
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Business writing (example): no complicated expressions
We are having trouble with the five computers you recently installed. As a result, we’re returning them to you today and requesting our money back — as you agreed today on the telephone. You asked for a brief documentation of the problems we’re having, so you can tell your suppliers. Here are the main problems we had.
Unit 1 Overview of Business English Writing
1. Writing Principles 2. Writing Features 3. Writing Process 4. Exercises
Writing Principles
1. Consideration 2. Completeness 3. Correctness 4. Concreteness 5. Conciseness 6. Clarity 7. Courtesy
Concrete a 10% reduction on April 10 80%
5. Conciseness
Conciseness means the message is expressed with brevity without sacrificing clarity or courtesy. Avoid wordy language and redundancy, or repetition.
1. Consideration
Give consideration to the business partner’s varied wishes, demand, interest and difficulties. Emphasize the “You ”attitude rather than the “ I ” or “ We ” attitude.
You’ll get a 5% discount We’ll allow you a 5%
if you pay by L/C.
discount if you pay by L/C.
2. Completeness
A business letter should contain all the necessary information and data. One may use 5 Ws to check — Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
Business writing : a. no fancy words b. no complicated expressions c. is intended to communicate information
Academic writing (example): complex structure
requested in your letter of June 6 that you requested in your letter
by air.
of June 6.
The products are not only different in quality, but also in price.
Compare the following sentences:
Congratulations to you for your success.
We want to send our congratulations to you for your success.
What the members of the What the members of the
Marketing Department need Marketing Department need
is exploration.
is exploration of the new
3. Correctness
Plain writing style
Simple and familiar words Short and simple sentences Concise paragraphs, one paragraph with
one topic
Compare :
simple: ease, improve, expect complex: alleviate, ameliorate, anticipate
Euphemistic writing tone
Be courteous and sincere Avoid anger and offense Be indirect in sending unfavorable news Be non-discriminatory in language
As a third-year college student majoring in English who has already acquired a bit over ten thousand dollars in student loan debt, I find Mepherson’s rejection of National Service Plan to be short-sighted and insensitive to the experiences of many college students who are struggling to put themselves through school only to face enormous financial burdens upon graduation.
Compare the following sentences:
There are three rules that should be observed.
Three rules should be obsetween May and July they will deliver the goods.
Correctness means proper expressions with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, as well as appropriate tone.
Compare the following sentences:
Wrong The market investigation report meeting was held on Wednesday.
Between May and July they will deliver the goods.
6. Clarity
We should first identify what we want to express and then express the idea in plain, simple words and formats.
4. Concreteness
A letter should be specific and definite rather than vague, abstract and general.
Compare the following sentences:
Vague a substantial reduction several days later the majority
polite: The system may automatically shut down if any installation errors occur.
impolite: You didn’t read the instructions carefully, so your system has shut down.
Compare the following sentences:
We sent you 3 samples this
We sent you this morning, by
morning of the products that you air, 3 samples of the products
Compare the following sentences:
The third generation products are better.
The third generation products are better than the second generation products.
The products are different not only in quality, but also in price.
7. Courtesy
Courtesy means to show in your letters the honest friendship, thoughtful appreciation, sincere politeness, considerate understanding and heartfelt respect.
Employees want to keep their jobs they will work hard for promotions.