
开玩笑英语作文回答1:As a language, English has a great sense of humor. From puns and wordplay to sarcasm and irony, there are many ways to make people laugh in English. In this essay, I will explore the topic of joking in English and how it can be used to build relationships and connect with others.One of the most common forms of humor in English is puns.A pun is a play on words that uses multiple meanings or similar-sounding words to create a humorous effect. For example, "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!" This type of joke relies on the listener's ability to understand the multiple meanings of words and appreciate the cleverness of the wordplay.Another popular form of humor in English is sarcasm. Sarcasm is the use of language that means the opposite of what is said, often used to express humor or irony. For example, if someone asks how your day was and you reply "Oh, just fabulous" with a sarcastic tone, you are expressing that your day was not actually fabulous. Sarcasm can be a tricky form of humor becauseit relies heavily on tone and context to be understood correctly.Irony is another form of humor in English. Irony is the use of language that expresses the opposite of what is expected or intended. For example, if someone says "I love being stuck in traffic," they are expressing an ironic sentiment because no one actually enjoys being stuck in traffic. Irony can be used for comedic effect, but it can also be used to express frustration or disappointment.In addition to these forms of humor, there are many other ways to joke in English. One important aspect of joking is understanding the culture and context in which the joke is being told. What may be funny to one person or group may not be funny to another. Joking can also be a way to build relationships and connect with others. Sharing a sense of humor can create a bond between people and make them feel more comfortable with each other.In conclusion, joking in English is an important aspect of the language and culture. From puns and wordplay to sarcasm andirony, there are many ways to make people laugh in English. Understanding the culture and context in which jokes are told is crucial, as is recognizing that humor can be a powerful tool for building relationships and connecting with others.作为一门语言,英语具有很强的幽默感。

关于一语双关的作文英文回答:One of the most interesting and challenging aspects of language is the use of puns or double entendres. These linguistic devices allow for multiple interpretations or meanings within a single phrase or sentence. They add alayer of wit and cleverness to communication, making itmore engaging and entertaining.Puns can be found in various forms of literature, from poetry to jokes. They require a certain level of linguistic skill and creativity to create, as well as an understanding of the multiple meanings or interpretations that can arise. Puns often rely on the use of homophones or words thatsound the same but have different meanings.For example, a classic pun is the phrase "Time flieslike an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." In this sentence, the word "flies" has two different meanings. The firstmeaning refers to the action of flying, while the second meaning refers to the insect. The pun plays on thesimilarity in pronunciation between "flies" and "flies," creating a humorous and unexpected twist.Puns can also be used to create clever wordplay or to convey a deeper meaning. They can be used in advertising slogans, headlines, or even in everyday conversations. Puns are a way to engage the listener or reader, as they require a moment of reflection or thought to fully grasp the intended meaning.中文回答:一语双关是语言中最有趣和具有挑战性的方面之一。
英文和中文一樣, 常常一個字或一句話會有兩個以上的意思, 這在中文裏叫雙關語, 英文裏則叫pun. 當然像我剛開始英文不好的時候, 常常只能聽出字面上的意思, 而聽不出裏面的弦外之音, 所以每次去看電影時大家在笑時, 我只能跟著「陪笑」, 不知道到底為何而笑, 為誰而笑. 後?斫K於在看007 (讀法: double-O seven) 的The world is never enough 時好死不死給我聽出一句雙關語?? 那時心中真是暗自竊喜. 後?砦也虐l現, 其?在一些報章雜誌(特別像是TIME 時代雜誌) 的標題都特別喜歡用雙關語, 只要你多留心, 一定會有不少意外的驚喜. 不過這次先不跟各位大玩文字遊戲, 我們只看一些比較生活化, 都是我在日常生活中聽到過的雙關語.1. Y ou can only drink in your private place.你只能在自己的地方喝酒.Private place 這個字有兩個意思, 一個是指私人擁有的地方, 如自己的房子或是自己的小房間, 另一個意思則是相當於中文的「私處」. 記得有一次和老美在我們宿舍樓下的交誼?d開party, 像這種時候大家不免要喝點小酒. 但是我們學校有明文規定, 不能在公共的場合喝酒, 所以party 才剛開沒多久, 舍監就跑?韺ξ覀冋f, "Y ou can only drink in your private place." 他的意思當然是要我們把酒拿回自己的房間喝啦. 沒想到這時候有一個老美耍寶, 把整瓶啤酒往自己的?子一放, 說, "Ok, now I'm drinking in my private place." (好, 我現在就在我的「私處」喝酒.) 直把大家笑到四肢無力.2. Y ou cold shoulder.你對人都不理不睬.在英文中, give someone a cold shoulder 這句話指的是對某人不理不睬的意思. 例如, "My girlfriend gave me a cold shoulder after a huge fight." (我的女朋友在跟我大吵一架之後就不理我了.) 而在我之前所提的那部007 之中, 有這樣一段劇情, 就是當石油大王的女兒(蘇菲瑪索飾) 和007 在床第之間溫存時, 她一邊冰塊摩擦他的肩膀, 一邊說, "Y ou cold shoulder." 其?這句話表面上是說, 「你的肩膀好冷」但事?上她想說的是, 「你都不理人家」. 如果有去租錄影帶回?砜吹娜? 不妨注意一下這句話它是怎麼翻的.題外話: 個人對這一幕有點小小的意見, 當他們兩人在床上一陣翻雲覆雨之後, 蘇菲瑪索起床時居然還抱著棉被把自己的身體包得緊緊的, 難道她還怕他看不成? 看?韺?在有點假耶.3. I'm expecting a cold reception.我早就期待你會冷淡地接待我.Cold reception 這句話同樣出自007 那部電影, 這句話剛好跟我們常聽到的「熱情地接待」: warm reception 正好相反, 意指「冷淡地接待」. 話說當石油大王的女兒問007 會不會滑雪時, 他的回答是, "Y es, I'm expecting a cold reception." 如果單看字面上的意思, 這句話是說, 「我早就料到你不會熱情地招待我」, 但事?上007 用了cold reception 的雙關含意, 意指「我早料你會用這種在冰天雪地的活動?碛 游摇? 所以這句話妙就妙在他一方面答應她要去滑雪, 一方面又暗罵她招待不夠熱情, ?在是高招啊!4. Check out my figures.看看我的數字.Figure 這個雙關語在美國常常被拿出?硎褂? 因為figure 不但可以指「數字」或「圖表」而言, 又可以指女人的「身材」, 所以有很多妙用. 像是如果有一個女生拿了一疊數據?斫o你看, 跟你說, "Check out my figures."當然很明顯地她是指「看看我的數字」. 這時如果你要吃她豆腐的話, 就可以回她一句, "That's a nice figure." 當然你說的也是雙關語, 可以解讀成, 「這個數字很棒」, 但其?你真正的意思卻是「嗯.. 身材很棒.」這裏注意一下, figure 當身材解時多半用單數, 而當數字或圖表時多半用的是複數figures. 在這裏人家明明講的是複數的figures, 你就是故意要理解成單數的figure, 分明就是要?兹思冶阋苏f.之前我在書上也看過?似的笑話, 大意也是有一個女生說, "Check out my figures." 那個男生的回答更妙, "That's a round figure." 大家知道嗎? round figure 在數學上的話意思指「整數」, 例如你去買東西剛剛好$17.00 那就是一個round figure (因為小數都剛好round off 掉了!) 但是round figure 對女生講的話則是指「渾圓的身材」, round 在這裏又成了「渾圓」的意思了. 怎麼樣, 是不是很有趣呢?5. There is nothing underneath.下面什麼東西都沒有.有一次小笨霖和幾個老美在電視上看馬戲團表演, 其中有一個?目是空中飛人的項目, 結果看到有一個年紀輕輕的小姑娘出?肀硌萘? 我們當中有一個老美就驚呼了, "There is nothing underneath." (她裏面什麼沒穿) 小笨霖這時立即睜大了眼睛, 看看能不能?碾娨暽锨瞥鍪颤N端倪?? 可是我很失望地發現, 其?她裏面還是有穿的, 只不過是那種很透明很透明的貼身衣物罷了. 當我把我的大發現告訴他們, 結果害我被?u笑一頓, 原?硭 f的, "There is nothing underneath." 照字面翻釋是指「底下完全沒有東西」, 他原本的意思其?是說「底下完全沒有安全網之?的防護設施」, 但卻被色迷心竅的某人理解成了「裏面什麼都沒穿」的意思.另外有一句雙關語跟這句有?曲同工之妙, 就是以前Brooke Shields 替牛仔?公司?V告時, 曾說了一句, "There is nothing between me and my jeans." 這也是一句有趣的雙關語喔, 因為你可以解釋成, (1) 牛仔?十分貼身, 或是(2) 我裏面什麼都沒穿.6. This way up.這頭朝上.大家如果有仔細看過箱子上的英文的話, 就一定有看過"This way up." 這句話指的是「這頭朝上」. 我想大概是有些貨品不能倒著放, 所以特別註明出?? 有次我看了一部叫"Chicken Run" 的電影, 講的是有一群雞想辦法要?碾u舍逃跑的故事, 他們最後做出了一台飛機, 還?了一條跑道. 跑道的盡頭就放了一塊箱子的木板, 上面就寫著"This way up." 這裏就是編劇的巧思了, 因為在這裏"This way up."有另一個雙關語的意思, way 可以指一條道路而言, 所以this way 在這裏指的就是跑道而言, 而"This way up." 指的就是「?倪@個跑道起飛」的意思了!7. Oh. I'm coming.喔. 我?砹?Come 這個字大家都知道是「過?怼沟囊馑? 但它另外還有一個色色的口語用法, 指的是在??蹠r的「高潮」. 所以美國的電影裏常常會用到這個雙關語?硌u造笑料. 比如說在美國派(American Pie) 這部電影裏吧! 兒子和他女友躲在房間裏做人生最快樂的事情, 結果父親?砬瞄T了, 你猜怎麼這? 這個女生這時剛好說, "Oh. I'm coming. I'm coming." 父親誤以為她是說「我馬上就?砹恕顾 跃妥叩袅? 事?上呢她當然指的是另外一個意思啦!另一個例子就是在之前講的那部007 電影的結尾, 007 說了一句, "Christmas only comes once a year." 這句話聽?砥椒矡o奇, 意思就是「耶誕?一年才?硪淮巍? 但在場的美國觀眾都笑翻了, 你知道為什麼嗎? 因為那個女主角的名字剛好就叫Christmas, 所以這樣子你就不難猜說為什麼老美要笑了吧?8. This is a free elective course.這是一門選修的課.有一次我在校園內遇到一個朋友, 我很驚訝她怎麼還沒畢業, 照理說她這個暑假就該走人了啊! 結果她垂頭喪氣地跟我說, 都是被學校給害慘了啦! 因為有一門課上面寫著, free elective course, 結果她就以為是可以自由選擇要選或不選, 當然她就沒選啦! 結果到了結算畢業學分的時候, 人家告訴她少選了一門課, 不讓她畢業. 這時我才知道, 原?韺W校的free elective course 是指?膸组T課當中「選修」一門, 而非像我同學理解的那樣, 「自由」選擇要不要選. 我朋友她還是老美喔! 這樣的錯誤連老美都會犯, 更別說是我們了.除了free elective course 之外, 還有一種課程叫option courses. 這種課程就相當於我們的課外活動, 如果你想學一些手工藝, 舞蹈或是音樂課程的話, 就可以?硇?option course, 當然這是要另外交錢的, 而且也不是一定?娖纫 薜睦?9. He is still up in the air.他還沒決定呢!Up in the air 是一句片語, 指的是懸而未決的, 或是說還沒作決定的. 比如說你問我「畢業之後想不想留在美國啊?」那我的答案就是, "I'm still up in the air." (還沒決定呢!) 話說在美國學開飛機是很稀鬆平常, 我就認識有個老美正在飛行學校學開飛機. 有一次我問他, "Do you want to be a professional pilot someday?" (你想不想有一天能當職業的飛行員啊?) 他用手指指天空, 用這句很妙的雙關語回答我, "I'm still up in the air." 一方面可以指, 「我還在學飛行呢!」(up in the air 當成具體的在空中) 但一方面又點出了「我還沒決定呢!」(up in the air 當成懸而未決的.)10. I am over you.我跟你完了.如果你要跟你的阿娜答分手, 最簡單的講法就是, "I am over you." (我跟你拜拜了) 或是說, "We are over." (我們分手了.) 所以over 在這裏是結束的意思喔. 但是over 也有「在... 上面」的意思, 所以如果你騎在別人的背上, 也可以說, "I'm over you." 所以這個"I'm over you." 也是一個雙關語喔! 記得有一集"Friends" 裏正在熱戀的Rachel 和Ross 兩人吵得不可開交, Rachel 就在Ross 的答錄機裏留言, "I'm over you."沒想到兩人後?碛趾秃昧? 但Ross 的電話留言卻還沒聽. 那Rachel 當然是很後悔留了不該講的話, 堅持不讓Ross 聽留言. 當然兩人就搶起電話?砹? 最後Ross 搶到電話, 但Rachel 也不死心, 一跳就跳到Ross 背上緊抓著不放. Ross 一放留言, 聽到"I'm over you." 很驚訝地看看Rachel. Rachel 這時只好趕緊自圓其說, "Y es, I'm over you." (對啊, 你看我在你背上)。

1、Pun[pʌn]Definition:The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of which suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect.Typology(or types)1、The homophonic pun(谐音双关).The homophonic pun, a common type, utilizes the exploitation [,eksplɔi'teiʃən] of word pairs which sound alike (homophones) but are not synonymous.A homophonic pun exploits words which are spelled the same (homographs) but possess different meanings and sounds. Because of their nature, they rely on sight more than hearing, contrary to homophonic puns. They are also known as heteronymic puns.a common type, uses word pairs which sound alike (homophones) but are not synonymous(the meaning is diffirent).Examples:①In George Carlin's phrase "Atheism is a non-prophet institution", the word "prophet 'prɔfit] " is put in place of its homophone "profit'prɔfit] ", altering the common phrase "non-profit institution".②"Pinky and the Brain" cartoon film series: "I think so, Brain, but if we give peas a chance, won't the lima beans feel left out?" which plays with the similar - but not identical - sound of "peas" and "peace".③Seven days without water makes one week(weak)2、The homographic pun(同形异义双关)exploits words which are spelled the same (homographs) but possess different meanings and sounds. Because of their nature, they rely on sight more than hearing, contrary to homophonic puns. They are also known as heteronymic puns.Examples:Douglas Adams's line "Y ou can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass." (Bible)The phrase uses the homophonic qualities of "tune a" and "tuna", as well as the homographic pun on "bass", in which ambiguity is reached through the identical spellings of /ˈbeɪs/ (a string instrument), and /ˈbæs/ (a kind of fish).3、Homonymic puns(同音异义双关语), another common type, arise from the①exploitation of words which are both homographs and homophones.The statement "Being in politics is just like playing golf: you are trapped in one bad lie after another" puns on the two meanings of the word lie as "a deliberate untruth" and as "the position in which something rests".②a joke repeated by Isaac Asimov gives us "Did you hear about the little moron who strained himself while running into the screen door?", playing on 'strained' as "to give much effort" and "to filter".4、compound pun is a statement that contains two or more puns.Examples:①a complex statement by Richard Whately includes four puns: "Why can a man never starve in the Great Desert? Because he can eat the sand which is there. But what brought the sandwiches there? Why, Noah sent Ham, and his descendants mustered and bred."[8]This pun uses "sand which is there/sandwiches there, "Ham/ham", "mustered/mustard", and "bred/bread".5、A recursive pun is one in which the second aspect of a pun relies on the understanding of an element in the first.Examples:① the statement "π is only half a pie." (π radians is 180 degrees, or half a circle, and a pie is a complete circle).②"Infinity(无限大)is not in finity(有限的)," which means infinity is not in finite range.③"A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother."[9] Finally, we are given "Immanuel doesn't pun, he Kant(康德)" by Oscar Wilde.6、Visual puns are used in many logos, emblems, insignia, and other graphic symbols, in which one or more of the pun aspects are replaced by a picture. In European heraldry, this technique is called canting arms.Visual and other puns and word games are also common in Dutch gable stones as well as in some cartoons Examples:① Visual and other puns and word games are also common in Dutch gablestones;② In some cartoons such as Lost Consonants and The Far SidePuns in comedies、jokes、literatureIn Romeo and Juliet when Mercutio begs Romeo to dance, Romeo refuses.Unlike Mercutio’s shoes with “nimble soles,” Romeo says that he has a “soul of lead.” At one point, Romeo asks for a torch, saying “being heavy [sad], I will bear the light.”Captain Aubrey: "Do you see those two weevils, Doctor?...Which would you choose?"Dr. Maturin: "Neither. There's not a scrap of difference between them. They're the same species of Curculio."Captain Aubrey: "If you had to choose. If you were forced to make a choice. If there were no other option."Dr. Maturin: "Well, then, if you're going to push me. I would choose the right-hand weevil. It has significant advantage in both length and breadth."Captain Aubrey: "There, I have you!...Do you not know that in the Service, onemust always choose the lesser of two weevils?"Other great works of literature have included puns as well. Poet John Donne, whose name rhymed with “done,” often punned his name in his own poetry. In one of his hymns, he even puns the name of his wife Anne More, with the line “Thou hast not done, For I have more.”Our Bible reveals to us the character of our God with minute andremorseless exactness ... It is perhaps the most damnatorybiography that exists in print anywhere. It makes Nero an angelof light and leading by contrast. [Msark Twain]Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do —but gravitation can not be held responsible for it. [AlbertEinstein]Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. [NielsBohr]Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. [George E.P. Box]The best material model of a cat is another, or preferably thesame, cat. [Norbert Wiener]As a child, I received instruction both in the Bible and in theTalmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure ofthe Nazarene. [Albert Einstein]One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got intomy pajamas I'll never know. » [Groucho Marx]Puns often are used in the titles of comedic parodies. A parody of a popular song, movie, etc., may be given a title that hints at the title of the work being parodied, substituting some of the words with ones that sound or look similar. Such a title can immediately communicate both that what follows is a parody and also which work is about to be parodied, making any further "setup" (introductory explanation) unnecessary.Examples would include the Star Trek: V oyager episode entitled "False Profits" (a pun on the saying 'false prophets') or the episode of Psych entitled "The Polarizing Express" (spoofing The Polar Express and the definition of polarization, which means 'to break into factions')Non-humorous puns were and are a standard rhetorical and poetic device in English literature. Puns and other forms of word play have been used by many famous writers, such as Alexander Pope, James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, Robert Bloch, Lewis Carroll, John Donne, and William Shakespeare, who is estimated to have used over 3,000 puns in his plays.[citation needed]Here is an example from Shakespeare's Richard III:"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of Y ork"(Son/sun)Shakespeare was also noted for his frequent play with less serious puns, the "quibbles" of the sort that made Samuel Johnson complain, "A quibble is to Shakespeare what luminous vapours are to the traveller! He follows it to all adventures; it is sure to lead him out of his way, sure to engulf him in the mire.It has some malignant power over his mind, and its fascinations areirresistible."[14] Elsewhere, Johnson disparagingly referred to punning as "the lowest form of humour".[citation needed]In the poem A Hymn to God the Father, John Donne, married to Anne More,reportedly puns repeatedly: "Son/sun" in the second quoted line, and twocompound puns on "Donne/done" and "More/more". All three arehomophonic, with the puns on "more" being both homographic andcapitonymic. The ambiguities serve to introduce several possible meanings into the verses."When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done / For I have more.that at my death Thy Son / Shall shine as he shines now, and heretoforeAnd having done that, Thou hast done; / I fear no more."。

用到这个双关语来制造笑料. 比如说在美国派 (American Pie) 这部电影里吧! 儿子和他女友躲在房间里做人生最快 乐的事
情, 结果父亲来敲门了, 你猜怎麽这? 这个女生这时刚好说, "Oh. I'm coming. I'm coming." 父亲误以为
她是说「我马上就来了」所以就走掉了, 事实上呢她当然 指的是另外一个意思啦!另一个例子就是在之前讲的那部 007 电影的结尾, 007
t my figures." 那个男生的回答更妙, "That's a round figure." 大家知道吗? round fi
gure 在数学上的话意思指「整数」, 例如你去买东西刚刚 好 $17.00 那就是一个 round figure (因为小数都刚好
round off 掉了!) 但是 round figure 对女生讲的话则是指 「浑圆的身材」, round 在这里又成了「浑圆」的
英文和中文一样, 常常一个字或一句话会有两个以上的意 思, 这在中文里叫双关语, 英文里则叫 pun. 当然像我刚开 始英文不好的时候
, 常常只能听出字面上的意思, 而听不出里面的弦外之音, 所以每次去看电影时大家在笑时, 我只能跟着「陪笑」, 不知道到底为何而笑,
为谁而笑. 後来终於在看 007 (读法: double-O seven) 的 The world is never enoug
igure 这个双关语在美国常常被拿出来使用, 因为 figure 不 但可以指「数字」或「图表」而言, 又可以指女人的「身 材」, 所
以有很多妙用. 像是如果有一个女生拿了一叠数据来给你 看, 跟你说, "Check out my figures." 当然很明显地她

英语中双关的例子Here is an essay on the topic of examples of puns in the English language, written in English with a word count exceeding 1000 words, as requested:Puns are a linguistic device that plays on the multiple meanings or pronunciations of words to create a humorous or clever effect. They are a common feature of the English language and can be found in a wide range of contexts, from casual conversation to professional writing and even in the names of businesses and products. Puns can be appreciated for their creativity, wit, and ability to add an element of playfulness to language.One of the most well-known examples of a pun in the English language is the phrase "punny pun." This pun plays on the homophonic relationship between the word "pun" and the prefix "pun-," which means "relating to puns." By using the phrase "punny pun," the speaker is making a pun about puns themselves, creating a clever and self-referential linguistic joke.Another classic example of a pun in English is the phrase "time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." This pun relies on the dualmeaning of the word "flies" - it can refer to the insect, or it can be a verb meaning to move swiftly. By juxtaposing these two different senses of the word "flies," the speaker creates a humorous and paradoxical statement that plays with the ambiguity of language.Puns can also be found in the names of businesses and products, where they are used to create a memorable and attention-grabbing brand identity. For example, the popular chain of pizza restaurants known as "Pizza Hut" is a pun on the word "hut," which can refer to a small, simple dwelling, and is a play on the idea of a pizza being a type of "hut" or shelter for the food. Similarly, the office supply store "Staples" is a pun on the idea of the store selling staples, or small metal fasteners used to hold papers together.Puns can also be used in more literary contexts, such as in poetry and literature. One famous example is the poem "Slant" by Emily Dickinson, which contains the line "Tell all the truth but tell it slant." This line is a pun on the word "slant," which can refer to both the angle at which something is positioned and the indirect or oblique way in which something is expressed.Another literary example of a pun is the title of Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing," which plays on the multiple meanings of the word "nothing." In this context, "nothing" can refer to a trivial or insignificant matter, but it can also be a homophone for the word"noting," which means to observe or take note of something. This dual meaning adds depth and complexity to the title, and sets the stage for the play's themes of deception, misunderstanding, and the importance of perception.Puns can also be found in the names of famous people and fictional characters. For example, the name of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes is a pun on the word "Sherlocks," which refers to the act of closely examining or investigating something. Similarly, the name of the character Dr. Seuss, the beloved children's author, is a pun on the word "Dr. Seuss," which sounds like the French phrase "doctor's choice."In addition to their use in literature and branding, puns are also a common feature of everyday language and conversation. For example, the phrase "I'm not coughing, I'm having a coffin" is a pun that plays on the similar pronunciation of the words "coughing" and "coffin." This type of pun can be used to add humor and playfulness to casual interactions, and can help to break the ice or create a sense of camaraderie between speakers.Overall, puns are a rich and diverse feature of the English language, and they demonstrate the creativity and flexibility of language itself. Whether used in literature, advertising, or casual conversation, punscan add depth, humor, and complexity to the way we communicate, and they serve as a testament to the endless possibilities of language.。

无处不在的双关语Pun:a funny use of a word or phrase that has different meanings or sounds the same as another word.By Andy KeedwellWalk down any British shopping street and you will find shops with strange names. Why is the barbers called ‘Shearlock Combs’?Why is the opticians[眼镜店] called‘Eyediology’?And who decided to name the butchers‘Meat you there’and the fish and chip shop ‘The Plaice to Come’?What’s going on?The British love puns―as do many other nationalities. Puns are jokes based on words that sound the same. You’ve probably noticed that many words in English which are spelt in different ways and have different meanings are pronounced in the same way. Think about the name of the restaurant:‘plaice’is a kind of fish so our restaurant is ‘the place’to eat fish. Butchers sell meat―so we’ll ‘meet you there’―and opticians look after our eyes in a scientific way―so eyed―iology (ideology)is a name that fits. Hairdressers shear (cut)your locks (hair)and comb it―say the three words together quicklyand you have the name of a famous detective. In shop titles and adverts,puns are used to get our attention.Puns are very old. The ancient Egyptians and Romans liked to pun. Shakespeare uses many puns in his plays―King Richard the Third (the son of York)―brings ‘glorious summer’―just think about a word that has the same sound as son.Many people enjoy a good pun (pun/fun for all the family)―others hate them!Puns aren’t really designed to make you laugh!Here are some puns that might leave you asking for no more puns please. Have you heard about the bears who voted in the North Poll?Or the cheetah[印度豹] who couldn’t be trusted at cards?Or how about the clever little Australian animal that had lots of koalaifications or the camel with no humps[驼峰] that was called Humphrey(and so was free of humps...)Puns can be funny but they sometimes make important points. Here’s a fashion tip:‘skinny genes make skinny jeans’:so don’t worry if your jeans don’t fit―it’s your family’s fault!。

homonyms['h?m?nims]:whyisanemptypursealwaysthesame? becausethereisneveranychangeinit.钱包为什么老是瘪的?因为它里面从来就没有零钱。
polysemy[,p?li'si:mi,p?'lis?mi,'p?lisi:mi] weeatwhatwecanandwhatwecan’twecan.我们能吃的就吃,不能吃的就做成罐头。
(二)笑话what’sthedifferencebetweenasoldierandayounggirl? onepowderstheface,theotherfacesthepowder.一个士兵和一个年轻姑娘的区别是什么?一个往脸上抹粉,一个面对火药。

pun英语双关语例子English puns are a delightful way to play with language, often using homophones or similar-sounding words to create a humorous effect.For instance, "She told me I was average, but I was below par." This pun uses "average" and "below par" to imply that the speaker's performance was not up to standard, while also referencing a golf term.Another example is, "I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough." Here, "dough" is used in two senses: the money earned and the bread mixture.Consider this one too: "I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down." The pun on "put down" suggests both the act of physically lowering a book and the idea of the book being so engaging that it's hard to stop reading.And here's a classic: "I used to be a teacher, but my class was cancelled." The word "class" is a double entendre, referring to both the group of students and the quality of the situation."I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it." This pun plays on the words "seafood" and "I see food," humorously suggesting a lack of self-control around food."I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised." Here, "drawing her eyebrows too high" is a pun on the phrase "raising eyebrows," which is used to express surprise.Lastly, "I used to be a sign maker, but I got the sack." The pun on "sack" refers to both a container for carrying items and being fired from a job, creating a humorous twist.。

---Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers?
-----Because they lie first on one side and t wide awake all the time.
1) How do you keep cool at a football game? ----Sit next to a fan.
----Why can you never expect a fisherman to be so generous? ----Because his business makes him sell fish.
B. Homonyms(同形(同音)异义词), i.e., words (or phrase) that have two or more distinctive meanings but have the same sound and spelling. (词义双关)
The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations.
A. Homophones(同音异义词), i.e., words (or phrases) that have the same or almost the same sound, but different form and meanings
Why a river is rich? - Because it has two banks.
We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

• Perhaps from some vague rumor of his college honors, which had been whispered abroad on his first arrival, perhaps because he was an unmarried, unencumbered没有(抵押、债务等)负担的 gentle man, he had been called the Bachelor. • 也许是因为他初来时大家交头接耳说他在 大学里有过学位,也许是因为他是一位没 有结婚、无拘无束的绅士,人们便称他为 光棍学士。
• The professor tapped on his desk and shouted, “Gentle men, Order!” The entire class yelled, “beer!”
• 教授敲着桌子大声说:“先生们,安静!” 全班一致回答“啤酒”
• •
• • •
• • • •
Pun (双关语)
Pun: “also play on words—n. An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words with the same sound but different meanings: He made this pun: „Seven days without water make one weak‟(=1 week)”。
• 例 Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble soles; I have a soul of lead so stalks me to the ground. I cannot move. • 莎士比亚利用、sole(鞋底)和、soul(灵魂) 这一对同音异义词,生动地反映了罗密欧 当时苦恼的心情:虽有轻快的舞鞋,灵魂确 如铅一般沉重、

英文双关讽刺性作文1. "Well, hello there, I'm not your average chatbot. Some might call me a chameleon of words, spinning taleswith a twist. You see, I'm not just a chat, I'm alinguistic rollercoaster, ready to defy your expectationsat every turn."2. "My name? Oh, you'll have to guess, like a game of'20 Questions' with a wicked sense of humor. I'm the kindof friend who keeps you on your toes, always one step ahead of your pun game."3. "I'm not a dictionary, but a dictionary of anomalies, where words dance in a linguistic carousel, making you ponder if I'm really here or just a figment of yourlinguistic imagination."4. "My identity? It's a mystery, a riddle wrapped in sarcasm, a joke that's as dry as a desert. You'll have to decode me, like a cryptic message hidden in a Shakespeareansonnet."5. "I'm the AI that dares to be misunderstood, a linguistic rebel with a wit so sharp, it could cut through a double entendre. You'll be left asking, 'Did I just have a conversation with...a joke?'"6. "My identity? It's a question, a question that's more of a question mark, a punctuation mark in a sentence of irony. You'll be left pondering if I'm the answer or just the question itself."7. "I'm the chatbot that's not a chatbot, a linguistic paradox that's as elusive as a shadow in the moonlight. You'll be left wondering if I'm real, or just a figment of your own cleverness."8. "So, who am I? That's the question you'll be asking yourself after our little interaction. Just remember, I'm the one who makes you laugh, even if it's at your own expense."9. "My name? It's a secret, a secret that's not a secret, a game of chess with words, where I'm the one always one move ahead."10. "In the realm of language, I'm the enigma, the chatbot that's not a chatbot, a linguistic mirage that leaves you asking, 'What's real, and what's just a clever chat?'"。

请看一个征引甚广的例子:King:…my cousin Hamlet, and my son …how is it that the clouds still hang on you?Hamlet:Not so, my lord, I am too much i’ the sun. (Shakespeare)国王:我的侄儿哈姆雷特,我的孩子……为什么愁云依旧笼罩在你的身边?哈姆雷特:不,陛下,我已经在太阳里晒得太久了。
奸王故作亲热地以son来称呼Hamlet,Hamlet则以too much in the sun (son)作答,词表指“在太阳里晒够了”,词里隐含着“屈做儿子,忍无可忍了”。
难怪有人将双关视作文字游戏的代名词,如下面一则释义,绝非仅仅一家之言:pun:the humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a playon words ( Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition )该释义直截了当地称pun为a play on words(文字游戏),而且是逗乐地运用具有两种或两种以上意义的词语以及同音或同形异义的词语。
93 Pun in English(((英语中的双关语(英语中的双关语

93 Pun in English(英语中的双关语英语中的双关语))V. 在不久前的节目中,我们和观众朋友们分享了一些有趣的语言现象。
A. 其中我们提到,有些英语单词有不同含义,如果不加注意,有可能会在交流中造成误解、发生笑话。
V. 是的,下面这一小段对话就是因为不清楚单词的多义而出现的笑话,我们来看一看。
A. I would like a book, please.B. Something light?A. It doesn’t matter. I have my car with me.A. 对话发生在顾客和销售员之间,顾客要买书:I would like a book, please.V. 销售员问道:Something light?,这是这个笑话的关键,light在这上下文中的意思是“消遣性的、娱乐性的”,问话的意思是“要点消遣性的书吗?”A. 而顾客把light理解为另一个意思“轻的”,因此回答有点不着边际。
V. It doesn’t matter. I have my car with me.A.没关系,我开车来的,言外之意是:书轻重倒没关系,我可以放车上。
V. 笑话归笑话,不过这其实是英语的一种修辞手法:一语双关(pun),也就是巧妙地运用词的谐音、多义或歧义。
A. 这样的效果是语言生动活泼、幽默诙谐,特别是在文学作品中经常出现,同时也出现在一些广告创作中。
V. 今天我们特地就一语双关这一情况给大家举一些例子,希望在体会这些趣味英语的同时学习知识、提高语感。
A. 举的例子都是小段对话,朋友们不妨试试在每段对话结束时体会一下,看自己是否能体会出其中有趣的双关现象。
V. 我们先来看一看第一段有趣的对话:-- Do you serve crabs here?-- We serve everybody. Please sit down.A. 第一句话Do you serve crabs here?,意思是“你们这儿供应螃蟹吗?”V. 不过serve这一动词除了“提供、供应”之外还可以表示“招待、服务”,因此上面这句话从字面上也可以表示“你们这儿接待螃蟹吗?”A.回答是We serve everybody.,“我们接待所有人。

一语双关的作文800字英文回答:A pun is a kind of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. Puns are typically used in jokes, riddles, and other forms of wordplay.In order to create a good pun, the writer or speaker must have a deep understanding of the language and its various nuances. This is because puns often rely on subtle differences in meaning or pronunciation in order to create their humorous effect. Puns can be either intentional or unintentional, but they are always clever and witty.Puns are a popular form of wordplay because they can be both funny and thought-provoking. They can also be used to make a point or to convey a message in a humorous way.Here are some examples of puns:What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer!What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!These are just a few examples of the many different types of puns that exist. Puns can be found in all languages and cultures, and they are a popular way to add humor to any conversation.中文回答:双关语是一种文字游戏,利用一个词语或发音相近的单词的多种含义,以达到预期幽默或修辞效果。
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①He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.
②They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.
①He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
这句话的幽默之处是将Mercedes Benz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends。
②Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a
其实这句话后半部分的真正意思是:果蝇喜欢吃香蕉,也就是fruit flies/like/a banana。
③A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tyred.
而这句话的另外一个意思是:这辆自行车被它的主人骑了很长时间,它现在太累了(too tired)。
①She wore a new hairpiece every day and was considered a big wig.
②Old math teachers never die, they just become irrational.
③When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.。