
趣 主 动 性 就 成 了 老 师 必须 探 索 的 问题 。 “ 好 的 开 始 是 成 功 的一 半” , 因此 , 好 的h e a d — i n ( 导入) 对 一 堂 英 语 课 的教 学 起 着 举 足轻 重的作用。 学 生 对 本 堂 课 所 教 的 内 容 是 否感 兴 趣 。 注 意 力 能 否 被吸引 , 很 大 程 度 上 取 决 于 教 师 课 堂 的导 人 是 否合 适 。 以及 导 入是否精彩 , 是否有吸引力等。 恰 当的 导 入 会 令课 堂教 学 效 果 倍增 , 就 像 百 米 赛 跑 的起 跑 一 样 — — 好 的 开头 是成 功 的 一半 。 生动 、 新 颖 的导 人 可 以使 学 生 自然 地 进 入 最 佳 学 习 状 态 , 形 成 对新 的学习内容的“ 兴 奋 中心 ” , 把 注 意 力 迅 速 集 中 到 特 定 的 学习任务中 , 为 完 成 新 的 学 习 任务 做 好 心理 准 备 。 在 教 学 实践 中 ,我 特 别 关 注 导 入 原 则 在 教 学 中的 指 导 意 义 。每 一 条 原 则 的提 出 , 都 要 直 面学 生 的心 理 成 长 特点 : 每 一 条原则的要求 , 都需要教师在细致研究学生 、 了解 学 生 后 做 出 预设。 随 着 高 中英 语 新 课 程 改革 的深 入 , 高 中 英语 课 本 对 课 堂 导 人 有 了 比较 多 的关 注 , 每 一 单 元 都 专 门设 置 了话 题 的 导入 。 那 么如 何 落 实 “ 导人” 这 一 举 足 轻 重 的 步 骤 呢 ? 结 合 多 年 的英 语 课堂教学经验 , 我 想 从 以 下 几 个 方 面 谈 谈 如何 做 好 “ 导入 ” 这 个 使 课 堂 教学 事 半 功 倍 的步 骤 。 首先 , 我们要注意导人的性质。 导 人 一 定 要有 较强 的趣 味 性, 如此才能吸引学生的注意力 , 使 学 生 进 入 情 绪 激 昂 和思 维 兴奋的状态 , 为 这 堂 课 的 成 功 教 学 奠 定 基 础 。《 高 中英 语 新 课 程标准》 特 别 强 调 关 注 学 生 的情 感 态 度 , 培 养 和 提 高 学 生 的情 感 态 度 ,培 养 和 提 高 学 生 浓 厚 的 学 习 兴 趣 。兴 趣 是 最 好 的老 师, 学 生 有 了浓 厚 的 学 习兴 趣 后 , 那 么 让 他 们 带 着 积 极 的学 习 态度主动参 与教学活动 , 变“ 要我学” 为“ 我要学 ” 就 是 自然 而 然 的事 。 因此 . 设 计 一 个 能 激 发 学 生 学 习 兴趣 的好 的导 入 就 成 了非 常 关 键 和必 要 的一 个 教 学 环 节 。 其 次, 导人要有明确的针对性 . 不 能 盲 目导 入 。虽 然 导 入 要 有趣 味性 , 但也不能什么话题有趣就讲什 么 . 不 能 单 纯 地 为 了 调 动 学生 的学 习积 极 性 而 纯 粹设 计 一 个 为 “ 导人 而 导 人 ” 的 导入环节 , 如 同其 他 教 学 活 动 一 样 , 无论 采用哪种 导人方式 , 最 终都 要 为学 习语 言 现象 、发 展 学 生 综 合 语 言 运 用 能 力 而 服 务 。要 让学 生 明确 接 下 来 要 学 什 么 , 它 要 具 有 较 好 的相 关性 , 能 为 进 入 到 后 面 的教 学 环 节 做 好 准 备 ; 要 能 引起 学 生关 注 , 形 成 悬念 , 或引人人胜 , 或发人深省 , 或具有挑 战。最重要的是 , 课 堂 导 人 一 定 要 以学 生 为 中 心 .既 要 符 合 学 生 的 性 格 特 点 设 计 导人 形 式 , 又 要 结 合 学 生 已有 的知 识 结 构 确 定 内 容 。 所 以 , 课 堂导入需要 尊重学科特点 、 知识 点难易 、 学生 认知水平 , 从 而适时 、 恰当 、 合理地运用导入 。 个好 的导 人 除 了 要 选 择 好 的 导 人 内容 外 。还 要 兼 顾 好
高教中职版英语2(基础模块)教学设计unit 5

U nit 5It’t i s m e to change.(第一课时教学设计)一、学情分析本教案的授课对象为高一年级商务专业学生, 班上女生占大多数,在学习中感性认知多于理性认知,容易接受色彩、音乐、图像等的刺激;对新奇的事物感兴趣;且由于专业的训练,胆子较大,喜欢参与、表演等活动方式;英语基础参差不齐,学习积极性易调动但难以持久,所以在设计中充分利用这个优点,通过多种课堂组织形式来调动她们的积极性,设计不同难易度的任务,唤起英语学习的欲望,从而达到教学目标。
本单元设计分为4 个课时:第一课时 lead-in + listening and speaking第二课时 reading and writing第三课时 language in use + unit task第四课时vocabulary consolidation + self-check二、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语2》(基础模块高教版)第五单元的第一课时,本单元主要是关于生活习惯以及改变不良习惯的话题,该话题与学生的生活联系密切,能引起学生的共鸣。
第一课时的内容包括Lead-in & Lis tening and speak ing 两部分,主要内容是关于生活习惯及描述性形容词词汇和对话。
三、教学目标1.知识目标(1)学生能够掌握描述健康状况的词汇,如pa le,weak,fa t,th in,s l e epy,angry e tc.(2)学生能够掌握有关周末计划的词组,如:c l imb the mounta in, do outdoor ac t iv i t i e s, watch TV, s tay a t ho me e tc.(3)学生能掌握有关讨论生活习惯的句型,如:I’d ra the r……I p re fe r t o……(1)学生能听懂有关培养健康习惯的建议和意见。

- 128-校园英语 / 基础教育高中英语课堂教学设计案例南安六中/陈黎铭一、学情分析这是个理科班,班上男生居多,英语基础较差,对英语不太感兴趣。
Read to Learn介绍了阅读策略: Revision, 要求学生根据这一策略利用一些相关信息对文章内容作出正确的预测,能够根据上下文猜测生词。
(1)重点:1)学习使用阅读策略:根据标题,图片和各段的第一句来预测文章的大意;2)训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;3)理清课文故事的大体情节和发展脉络;4)感悟并描述课文中人物的情感、态度。
四、典型教学片段实录Lead-inT: We have learned historical stories and name stories. And today we are going to learn another kind of story, life stories. First, I would like to share one of my life stories with you.Please look at the pictures. When I was in university, I went to a special school to teach the students there. I taught them English and some English songs. This is one of the songs, DOE RAY ME. They sang very well, and I even brought them to my university to perform. They were great. This was really an unforgettable experience for me. After graduation, I always remind them and miss them. They are kind and strong-minded.Can you figure out what special are they?Ss: They couldn’t see!T: Yes, some of them are born to like that, they all have some diseases in eyes. Some couldn’t see anything, others just a see a little.OK, that is one of my life stories. And, today let’s know another girl. What about her life stories?Look at the photos. Who is she?Ss: She is Helen Keller.T: Great. What about her?Ss: She is Helen Keller’s teacher, Anne Sullivan.T: Good. Now let’s look at more information about Helen Keller. This is a portrait of Helen Keller when she was 7.This is her wring when she was 7. Can you figure out these words?Ss: Cat, cold ,catch…T: All right. These are word by Helen Keller.T: Great. OK. Now, could you tell me what do you know about Helen Keller? What were her problems?S1: She couldn’t see and hear.T: Right. When she was 19 months, she got a disease, which caused these problems. She couldn’t see, in other words, we say she was blind. She couldn’t hear—she was deaf. And these severe restrictions made her difficult in communication. She couldn’t communicate because she couldn’t speak, read or write.Please look at the two words, ‘severe’ means ‘serious’, ‘restriction’ means ‘limit’. (write them now on the blackboard)T: Now, please watch a video clip about Helen’s childhood and think of words that can be used to describe her behavior.(Play the video clip)OK, now who would like to use some words to describe her behavior?S2: Angry.S3: Troublesome.S4: Unbearable.S5: Stubborn.S6: Crazy.T: Wonderful.T: You all do good jobs. Now, please fill out the three sentences to further understand the three words.(Ss do them individually.)T: OK, who would like to read them out.设计说明:课的一开始简明的用师生问答的方式,总结一下前面学过的内容,自然地引出本课的主题。

学生通过阅读杂志文章了解郎平和乔丹的非凡成就、主要事迹和精神品质;推断Living Legends的标准并且寻找证据,通过分析、推断和讨论领悟这些体育界传奇人物的精神品质,并以此激励自己。
基于对语篇的分析,笔者提炼出的主题为:Sportsmanship plays an impor⁃tant part in our life,基于该主题的意义的探究包括the achievements,experiences and qualities of Lang Ping and Jordan;the standards of Living Legends以及the inspirations of sportsmanship in our life。
(二)设计基于核心素养的教学目标语言能力目标:学生通过阅读和学习文章内容,应掌握的重点词汇有master、athlete、champion、medals、injury、failure、strength、compete、never lose heart、never give up、determination等;了解郎平和乔丹的非凡成就和主要事迹,学习他们坚持不懈、迎难而上的精神品质,理解体育精神的内涵;学会运用所学词汇表达从郎平和乔丹身上学到的体育精神以及获得的启示。
思维品质目标:学生能够借助思维导图梳理语篇中的信息,理解文本内容;能够分析和判断文本信息间的逻辑关系,推断出文中表达的中心思想并找出论据;能够将所学知识迁移至新的情境中,依据Living Legends的标准选出自己仰慕的体育明星,形成个人见解。

课堂中Lead—in的合理设计一.唱英语歌曲,激发学习兴趣Free talk 是用英语就某一话题展开的师生或生生之间的交流。
如七(下Unit 8 Would you like some noodles 中section B 的教学中,任露洁老师在导入一环节中用歌曲Apple----apples green, apples red, apples sweet, I like apples 预热课堂气氛。
英语教案lead in怎么写

在说到lead-in的时候,很多老师还会想起来另外一个课堂活动组织形式warm up或者warmers,并且认为其和lead-in是同一个意思。
Warmers are not necessarily related to the topic of the lesson and are used to “wake up”students and make them interested in English and motivted to learn, lead-in actually introduce the theme of the lesson and are used to activiate schemata, the student’s prior knowledge or experience of the topic.Warmers从以上内容来看,warmers更像是课前的一个游戏,通过好玩儿的游戏过程让学生在课堂的开始有一个轻松愉悦快乐的心情状态,从而更好的迎接接下来的课程。
1. Get the learners interested in the topic.Lead-in的这一个原则通过字面意思来看,就是指一个好的课堂lead-in必须要让学生能够对本节课的话题感兴趣。

【关键词】有效课堂教学;导入法【Abstract】Effective classroom teaching into (Lead-in) is an important and effective part of classroom instruction,how to do interesting,to explain the transition to pave the way of new knowledge,is the front-line teachers,teaching and research an integral part of lesson planning.Teaching method,but is not fixed,practice comes real knowledge,import to vary due to material-specific,individualized,it is teaching good basic skills teachers should possess.【Key words】Effective Classroom; Import method俗话说“Well begun,half done”,而导入正是一节课的开端。

location, main cities……3.Talk about the basic information about Canada—4.Phrases: rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for
1.知识与技能目标1.Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.
1.Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in th
Step 1 lead-in
to Show some picturestalk and Canada , about a man
about them
Answer some questions asked以问答方式引出by the teacher本节课时的内容
英语教案要写lead in 嘛

英语教案要写lead in 嘛教案标题:引入活动在英语教案中的重要性教案目标:1. 通过引入活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力。
2. 帮助学生预习和理解新的学习内容。
3. 培养学生的听力、口语和合作能力。
教学步骤:1. 引入(Lead-in)活动(5分钟):- 使用一张图片或者一个简短的视频来引起学生对话题的兴趣。
- 提问学生有关家庭成员的问题,例如:“你有几个兄弟姐妹?你和他们的关系如何?”等等。
- 鼓励学生分享自己的家庭情况,并激发他们对于学习家庭成员表达的兴趣。
2. 导入新词汇(5分钟):- 引导学生学习和掌握本节课所需的家庭成员的英语表达。
- 通过与学生的互动,帮助他们理解和记忆新词汇。
3. 听力活动(10分钟):- 播放关于家庭成员的对话录音,并要求学生仔细倾听。
- 提问学生关于对话内容的问题,以检查他们的听力理解能力。
4. 口语练习(15分钟):- 分组让学生进行对话练习,他们可以互相询问和回答关于家庭成员的问题。
- 鼓励学生使用新学到的词汇和句型进行对话,并提供必要的帮助和指导。
5. 结束活动(5分钟):- 邀请学生分享他们在口语练习中的收获和体会。
- 总结本节课的学习内容,并展望下节课的内容。
教学资源:- 图片或视频素材- 家庭成员词汇卡片- 对话录音评估方式:- 教师观察学生的参与程度和口语表达能力。
- 学生之间的对话练习互评。
教学延伸:- 鼓励学生在家庭中运用所学的英语表达与家人交流。
- 提供更多的家庭成员相关的阅读材料,以拓展学生的阅读能力。

[关键词]:课堂导入,lead-in,课堂教学,精心设计,导入法高中英语课堂教学总体结构为lead-in-body- summary。
问卷设置如下:1、你知道什么是英语课堂的lead-in 吗?A.知道 B 有听说,但不是很清楚 C 不知道2、你们的英语课前有没有lead-in 设置?A.一直都有B有时有,有时没有C没有3、你认为有没有必要在英语课前设置lead-in?A 有必要B 没必要C 看具体情况4、你认为你们英语老师每堂课的lead-in设计得如何?为什么?A.好 B 一般 C 不好原因:(二)调查结果:问题:1、话题难度大,学生的准备工作不足,导入活动面小,大部分学生难以参与,打击了大部分学生的学习积极性;2、引题不自然,导入设计有矫揉造作,画蛇添足之嫌,令学生难以接受;3、导语设计目的不明确,为导而导,为设计而设计;导语与课堂内容联系不紧密,缺乏后续巩固环节,学生闹哄哄活动了半天后,仍不知道为什么而活动,浪费时间;4、导语话题的弯子绕得太大,安排时间过长,使课堂安排显得头重脚轻,主次不明。

高中英语英语基本时态课程教学设计Step 1.Lead-inXXX。
He has already come.He will XXX.In Chinese。
XXX in word form。
while in English。
it is important to pay n to verb tense in every sentence.Step 2.BrainstormSimple present XXXSimple past XXXPresent continuous XXXPast continuous XXXPresent perfect XXXPast perfect XXXSimple XXXFuture in the past XXXStep 3.Picture talkingP1.How do you spend your daily life as a high school student。
I study hard every day and get along well with my classmates。
but sometimes I have conflicts with my family.n:Simple present XXX:1.Structure: The subject is third person singular and the XXX persons use the base form。
do/does.age:1) XXX ns。
often used with time adverbs that indicate frequency。
such as often/usually。
on Sunday。
etc.2) XXX around the sun.3) Express XXX。
usually used with be。
《典范英语》(1b-L9) 教学设计 新

《典范英语》(1b-L9)教学设计Silly RacesStep1.导入(Lead-in):展示图片,引入故事情境展示silly races的图片,激发学生兴趣,为进入故事情境做好铺垫。
(1)展示故事Pancake中的最后一幅图片,与学生互动:Look! What was Mum doing? Mum was in a pancake race.(2)展示egg and spoon race的图片,与学生互动:Look, they were in a race. What did they have in their hands? Eggs and spoons. They were having an egg and spoon race.(3)展示sack race的图片:Look! What were they doing? They were having a sack race. They jumped like a kangaroo.(4)展示three-legged race图片:Look! They were having a three-legged race.(5)展示故事标题,与学生互动,并自然过渡到看图讲故事环节:Which race do you like? Why? Yes, they are all very funny, right? So we can call them “Silly Races". Follow me, please: “Silly Races".(教读并板书课题)One day, Kipper’s family had silly races. Was it fun? Who were in the silly races? Now l et’s listen.Step2. While reading:理解故事情节感受一家人一起趣味赛跑的乐趣.1. Listen and think.2. Read and answer:Who were in the silly races? (请学生回答并把相应人物图贴在黑板上)Who was the winner? What did they get? Now let’s read the story again.3. Storytelling(Picture 1)Look! They were in an egg and spoon race. Who ran?Yes, Kipper ran. Pay attention: ran, can, fan, van. (渗透语音教学)Who can act like Kipper? (请1-2名同学表演)Look! I have two bats and ping pang balls. Who wants to play? (请2名同学比赛托乒乓球赛跑,引导其他学生说:____ran. 奖励获胜者,引导他们说:She/He got ____.Congratulations!Was Kipper the winner? Yes, he was the No.1. What would he get?(Picture 2)Now look at the table, there are many gifts/prize. What can you see? I can see...What would Kipper get? Kipper got a banana. Who gave him the banana? Mum. AndMum gave him a star. Everyone clapped their hands. Congratulations! Kipper!(Picture 3)Look! They were in a sack race. Who ran in the sack race? Yes, Dad and Mum ran.Who ran in the front? Mum or Dad? Yes, Mum. She was the first. Can you jump like akangaroo? Who wants to play? (请2名同学比赛袋鼠跳,引导他们说:____ ran. He/Shegot _______.(Picture 4)Mum was the winner. What would she get? She got an apple. What was Kipper doing?(Picture 5,6)Look! Mum and Dad. Biff and Chip. What were they doing?They were having a three-legged race. Who ran together? Yes, Biff and Chip ran. Mum and Dad ran. W here is the finish line? It’s here. But Dad and Mum ran to the opposite. How funny! So Biff and Chip were the…What would they get? They got an orange. What were other people doing?(Picture 7,8)Aha, Mum and Dad had another silly race. Look at Dad and Mum’s feet. One was on the flipper, and the other was on a rain boot. How funny! Who ran? Dad ran, Mum ran, and Floppy ran, too. Why did Floppy run? Because he saw a black cat. What would happen next? (设置悬念,让学生猜)Can they hit together?Look at Picture8. Oh no! Dad fell. Poor old Dad!(配合表情)Do you think Dad was the winner? Yes. Can he get a gift?(Picture 9)Aha, Dad got a duck. It was a green duck. Look at Mum! What did she do? Mum gave Dad her star. Everyone was the winner. Right? Was it fun? Do you like the story?Step3. Practice1. Listen and imitate together. (打开书,齐模仿)2. Be a super star,read in groups and individuals. (给出评价标准,分组模仿朗读,先小组,后个人)3. Work in groups, practice reading the story.(四人小组,练习模仿,每人读两幅图,最后一幅图齐读。

【2019统编版】人教版高中英语必修第二册全册备课教案教学设计目录Unit 1 Cultural HeritagePeriod 1 Listening and Speaking【教材分析】Listening and Speaking introduces the topic of “Take part in a youth project”.The listening text is an interview about an international youth cultural heritage protection project. More than 20 high school students from seven countries participated in the project. The reporter interviewed two participants Stephanie and Liu Bin. By listening to the text, students can understand the significance of cultural heritage protection, and teenagers can use their knowledge, combine their own interests and advantages, etc. to participate in the action of cultural heritage protection.Listening and Talking introduces the theme of “Talk about history and culture”.The listening text is a dialogue between two tourists and tour guides when they visit the Kremlin, Red Square and surrounding buildings. The dialogue focuses on the functional items of “starting a conversation”, which is used to politely and appropriately attract the attention of the others, so as to smoothly start a conversation or start a new topic. The purpose of this section is to guide students to understand the history and current situation of Chinese and foreign cultural heritage in their own tourism experiences or from other people’s tourism experiences, explore the historical and cultural values, and be able to express accurately and appropriately in oral communication.【教学目标】1. Guide students to understand the content of listening texts in terms of the whole and key details;2. Cultivate students’ ability to guess the meaning of words in listening; discuss with their peers how to participate in cultural heritage protection activities.3. Instruct students to use functional sentences of the dialogue such as “I beg your pardon, but…” “Forgive me for asking, but…” and so on to start theconversation more politely and appropriately.【教学重难点】1. Guide students to understand the content of listening texts in terms of the whole and key details;2. Cultivate students’ ability to guess the meaning of words in listening; discuss with their peers how to participate in cultural heritage protection activities.3. Enable students to use the functional items of “starting a conversation”, which is used to smoothly start a conversation or start a new topic.【教学过程】Part 1: Listening and SpeakingStep 1: Lead inThe teacher is advised to talk about the meaning of the word “Heritage”.Boys and girls, before our listening, let’s work in pairs and discuss the meaning of the word “Heritage”.What does the word “heritage” mean? Share your ideas about your understanding of it and you can use examples to illustrate your meaning.Heritage means the traditional beliefs, values, customs, etc. of a family, country or society.For example, the Great Wall is the heritage of China.Step 2: PredictionAfter their small talk, the teacher can ask students to predict what the listening text is about by looking at the pictures.The listening text is probably about how to protect a famous heritage site by some students.Step 3: Summary of the main ideaThen play the radio which is about an interview about an international youth cultural heritage protection project. And after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following tasks.1. Listen to the conversation and sum up the main idea.Youths from seven countries are working together to protect cultural relics on Mount Tai.2. Listen again and help the reporter to complete the interview notes.International youth project, 23 high school students from 7 countriesMount Tai, one of the most famous mountains in ChinaIt has been protected for more than 3,000 years.22 temples, around 1,800 stones with writing on themStep 4: Guessing the meaning of the unknown wordsListen to the conversation again and use the context to guess the meaning of the words below. Tell the reasons why you guess so.Preserve: to protectReason: the word means the same of a word I knowPromote: to help sth to happen or developReason: The word is explained by the speakerStep 5: Speaking ProjectWork in pairs or groups and role play a conversation.Suppose you are a reporter and interviewing the students who devote their time to protecting the heritage.Reporter: It is said that you are one of the volunteers to preserve the pine trees on Mount Huang. What are you guys doing?V olunteer: We are making some signs which are designed to educate people to protect the pine trees.V olunteer: Besides, we took a lot of pictures of pine trees and create an app which aims to promote people’s awareness of protecting the precious trees.Reporter: Sounds great and anything else?V olunteer: We often wear volunteer clothes and send some brochures in the park to call on more people to protect the trees.Reporter: Does your hard work pay off?V olunteer: Definitely. More and more tourists are now stopping carving names on the trees or climbing the trees.Part 2: Listening and TalkingStep1: Listen to the tape, which is about a dialogue between two tourists and a tour guide when they visit the Kremlin, Red Square and surrounding buildings for the first time, and then ask the students to solve the following tasks.1. Listen to the conversation and answer(1).Where are the speakers?On a street.(2).What are they doing?Sightseeing.2. What do you know about the Kremlin and Red Square? Listen again and complete the fact sheet.Step 2: Speaking ProjectActivity 3 on page 7.Work in groups. Choose a cultural site that you like and role-play a conversation between some tourists and their tour guide. Take turns to play the different roles.Step 3 HomeworkAccording to Activity 3, write down a conversation between the tourist and his/her guide.Unit 1 Cultural HeritagePeriod 2 Reading and Thinking【教材分析】1. This section focuses on “Understanding how a problem was solved”, which is aimed to guide students to analyze and discuss the challenges and problems faced by cultural heritage protection during the construction of Aswan Dam, as well as the solutions. On the basis of understanding, students should pay attention to the key role of international cooperation in solving problems, and attach importance to the balance and coordination between cultural heritage protection and social and economic development. Students are encouraged to face challenges actively, be good at cooperation, and make continuous efforts to find reasonable ways and means to solve problems.【教学目标】1. Enable students to understand the main information and text structure of the reading text;2. Motivate students to use the reading strategy “make a timeline” according to the appropriate text genre;3. Enable students to understand how a problem was solved;4. Enable students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;【教学重难点】1. Guide students to pay attention to reading strategies, such as prediction, self-questioning and scanning.2. Help students sort out the topic language about protecting cultural relics and understand the narrative characteristics of “time-event” in illustrative style3. Lead students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;【教学过程】1. PredictionStep 1 Predicting the main idea of the passageLook at the title and the pictures, and then predict what the passage will be about.Q: What will be talked about?Step 2: Fast reading tasksTask of the first fast reading:Read quickly and figure out the key words of each paragraph.•Paragraph 1: challenge•Paragraph 2: proposal led to protests•Paragraph 3: committee established•Paragraph 4: brought together•Paragraph 5: success•Paragraph 6: spiritTask of the second fast reading:1. Why did the Egyptian government want to build a new dam in the 1950s?2. Why did the building of the dam lead to protests?3. How did the government save the cultural relics?4. Which one can describe the project?A. Successful.B. Negative.C. Useless.D. Doubtful.5. What can be learned from the Aswan Dam project?Step 3: Careful reading tasksRead more carefully and answer the following questions.1. What do “problems” refer to and what do “solutions” refer to?2. Find out the numbers in paragraph four and explain why the author used exact numbers instead of expressions like many?3. What can you infer from “Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless cultural relics”?4. What can you infer from “Fifty countries donated nearly 80 million to the project”?The project cost a lot of money.5. Before the building of the dam, what problems did the Nile River bring to theEgyptian?6. What words can you think of to describe the working process of the project?Step 4: ConsolidationDivide the passage into three parts and get the main idea of each part.Part 1 (Paragraph 1)The introduction of the topicKeeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites is a big challenge.Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5)The process of saving cultural relics•Big challenges can sometimes lead to great solutions.•The Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam, which would damage many cultural relics.•The government turned to the UN for help.•Experts made a proposal for how to save cultural relics after a lot of efforts and the work began.•Cultural relics were taken down and moved to a safe place.•Countless cultural relics were rescued.•The project was a success.Part 3 (Paragraph 6)The summary of the textThe global community can sometimes provide a solution to a difficult problem for a single nation.Step 5: Critical thinking:1. How to deal with the construction and the protection of cultural relics?2. As students, what should we do to protect our cultural relics?Step 6: summaryStep 7 Homework:Review what we have learned and find out the key language points in the text.Unit 1 CULTURAL HERITAGEReading for Writing【教学目的与核心素养】1. Get students to have a good understanding of some features about a news report by reading the text.2. Instruct students to write a summary about a news report properly using some newly acquired writing skills in this period.3. Develop students’ writing and cooperating abilities.4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writing discourses.【教学重难点】1. Stimulate students to have a good understanding of how to a summary about a news report2. Cultivate students to write a news report properly and concisely.【教学过程】Step 1 Lead inDo you think it is necessary for us to circulate our cultural heritage to the world? Why or why not?Do we need to learn more about other countries’ cultural heritage? Why or why not?Step 2 Read to discover details concerning the main body of the news report Read the news report and then solve the questions below.1. What are the researchers and scientists trying to do?(The researchers and scientists are trying to increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage.)2. What modern technology are they using?(They are using digital photography to record a collection of images.)3. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves?(People are interested in the Mogao Caves because they have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries.)4. What do you think of the researcher’s opinion in the last paragraph?(I agree with the researcher’s opinion. Understanding our own and other cultures is a great way to understand ourselves and others.)Have the Ss discuss the questions in groups and then share their answers to the class.Step 3: Study the organization and language features1. Read the news report again and find these parts.A. Lead sentenceLanzhou, 9 August 2017. A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together ... China’s ancient cultural heritage.B. Direct quote“Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”C. ParaphraseThey are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history. Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.D. Background informationThe Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries.E. Reporting verbsF. Words to show comparison and/or contrastToday, the caves are just as interactional as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.2. Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.A. thingsThey are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history.B. peopleAs one researcher who is working on the project explains, “Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding. ”C. timeToday, the caves are just as interactional as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.Step 4 Post reading for further summary and understanding1. Why does the writer use the quote in the report?The writer uses quotes in order to make the news report more concise, authentic and persuasive.2. Explain your understanding of the sentences: “Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”We should learn and understand our own cultures, which is vital for us to know ourselves and be proud of our profound and extensive cultural heritage. Meanwhile, we should understand and appreciate other cultures, trying to be open-minded. This way, we can deepen each other’s understanding and respect.Step 5 HomeworkWrite a news report about Li Hua who works to protect our cultural heritage using the following notes and you can add details to make the news report more concise and detailed.▪Name: Li HuaPlace: Xi’anProfession: a senior high school teacher▪wants to preserve cultural heritage:▪protect old houses▪takes photos of old buildings▪helps repair buildings▪looks for cultural relics▪ interviews old people▪ shows cultural relics to the public ▪ writes about the buildings …Section ⅤWriting关于文化遗产保护的新闻报道文体感知1.新闻报道是对最近发生的重大事件、重要人物进行简要而迅速地报道。
译林版英语三上_Unit 6 Is he your grandpa?Lead in教学设计

译林版英语3A Unit6 Is he your grandpa?(Lead in)教学设计教学目标:1.初步认读词汇:grandpa, uncle, aunt,grandmother,cousin2.培养学生积极主动学习英语的态度;培养学生运用英语表达生活的兴趣和欲望;在交流与合作中,让学生体会到学习英语的乐趣,感觉到英语就在我们的身边。
教学重点:初步认读词汇:grandpa, uncle, aunt,grandmother,cousin 教学难点:在交流与合作中,让学生体会到学习英语的乐趣教学准备:PPT课件,板书教学过程:一.Lead—in1. Greetings.用英语和同学们打招呼。
T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss….2.Let’s Listen to a song.T:What’s the song about?Ss:It’s about family.T:Today,Let’s learn Unit6 Is he your grandpa?(出示课题)二.Presentation1.Let’s learn :教师教读关于家庭成员的单词2.Look and say:出示课本Lead in 部分的图片T:Who can you see?Ss:uncle、aunt、cousin、grandmaT:Are they happy?(高兴)Ss:Yes,they are.T:What do you think of a big family? Ss:Warm,sweet,kind,nice.3.Let’s read the words about families.4.Play a game.播放猜谜游戏,让学生根据拼图提示,猜测出现的图片是家庭的哪个人。
5.Look and say:出示蜡笔小新、樱桃小丸子等的家人,学生描述家庭成员。

英语几种常见课堂类型教学设计(45分钟,适用于初中高段和高中)(供参考)阅读课的教学设计方案:Teaching objectives:Knowledge objective:Train the students’ reading ability.Ability objective:Enable the students to realize ...Emotional objective:Stimulate the students’ interest and ...Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-inUse some pictures of ... to lead in the topic.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Play a guess game: ...2. Play another guess game: ...Step 3 Predict1. Ask the students to predict what the reading passage talks about according to the title and illustrations of passage. The teacher can give some clues by talking about the illustrations:......Step 4 Skimming1. Let the students skim the whole passage to get the main idea, and then evaluate their predictions. During this activity, the teacher should give some guidance(指导)on reading skills.Main idea of the passage:...2. Let the students skim the passage and divide it into different parts to find out the main idea of every part and the topic sentences.Part 1 (paragraph 1...)......Step 5 Careful reading... (问题)Ask the students to scan the second part and complete the chart(图表)with information from the passage.Ask the students to read carefully and finish the following tasks:......(设计一些问题或判断对错等)听说课的教学设计方案:Knowledge aims1. To listen to and understand the listening materials.2. Students can master the following expressions:...(一些句型)Ability aims1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.2. Develop students’ ability to get special information and take note while listening.3. Get students to learn and use the expressions of ...Emotional aim1. Enable students to know more about ...2. Develop students’ sense of ...Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inPlay a game ...1. Divide students into pairs. Give them each two minutes to think of ......(游戏过程)Step 2 Pre-listening1. Tell students that they will listen to a dialogue about ...2. Give students some directions and make them predict what the listening text is about.Step 3 While-listening1. Ask students to listen to the tape first to get the main idea and decide whether their prediction is right or not.2. Ask students to listen to the tape again. Let them listen and answer some questions. (Show the questions on the blackboard)3. Students exchange the information and listen to the tape a third time for checking. Let them have the correct answers.Step 4 Post-listening1. Give 2-3 minutes to students to ask questions if they have any.2. Show students the listening text and let them read it aloud.3. Let students read aloud the questions and expressions on the blackboard:...(之前目标里的句型)4. Make sure they will understand and enable to use them. Then let them discuss in pairs...5. Get some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.Step 5 Homework1. Make sentences with the expressions in the lesson.2. Surf the internet to find out more information about ...3. 给一篇文章用来讲语法的课堂设计Teaching objectivesKnowledge objectivesTo learn the use of ... (语法点)Ability objectivesTo use ... (语法)correctly and properly according to the context.Emotional objectives1. To become interested in grammar learning.2. To develop the sense of group cooperationTeaching important pointsGet students to learn and master the new grammar item: ... (语法)Teaching difficult pointsEnable students to learn how to use ... correctly.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Let students dictate some new words and expressions.Step 2 Discovering useful structures1. Ask students to read through the passage ... , pick out the sentences where ...(语法)are, and then underline ... (语法)2. Let students work in pairs to translate these sentences and try to understand the use of ...3. Have students observe the sentences and draw the conclusion: ...Step 3 Understanding and summarizing1. Ask students to work in pairs to finish the following exercises on how ... are used.(Show the following on the screen)...Step 4 Using structures(Show the following exercises on the screen or give out exercises papers.)Answer the following questions using ......1. Ask students to work in group of four.2. Give them four minutes to finish the work and ask each group to choose the best answers.3. Ask students to choose the best sentences.Step 5 Playing the gameGet into groups and play the game:Step 6 Closing down by a quiz.(Show some exercises on the screen.)Let students finish them within a few minutes, and then check the answers with the whole class.4. 写作课的教学方案Teaching objectivesKnowledge objectivesBy the end of this lesson the students:1. will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of ….2. will grasp some useful words and expressions to describe … such as(写出具体的单词、短语或者句型)Ability objectives1. To grasp the use of persuasive sentences.2. To improve the ability of in gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion. emotional objectives1. To improve the students’ learning motivation.2. To make the students become confident.3. To improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discussing. Teaching important pointsTask-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approach.Teaching difficult pointsUsing the new expressions in the passage properly.Teaching proceduresStep 1 lead-inDiscussing1. Show students 4 pictures of ...2. Ask 3 students to report their work, show them the pictures of ...Step 2 Pre-writing1. Show them the sample ...2. Read the ... and think over what are the characteristics of ... , encourage some students to analyze and tell their opinion.Step 3 While-writing1. Ask students to read the requirements on the text.2. Ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 supporting sentences to ...Step 4 Post-writingLet them swap their passage with each other and recommend 3 most successful ...Step 5 Homework1. Polish students’ writing and write some more aspects of ...Their final work will be modified and selected, and then the most successful ones will be put up on the English Corner.2. Review the words and expressions in this unit.。
高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 教学设计(表格式)

B2 Unit 2 Listening & talking & Project
Q2: Who started it?
Q3:What animals were rescued?
Q4: What help does the center need?
Activity 6: Read and find out what people do to help the animals in the shelter.

Unit 1 Teenage LifeStep1. Lead-inWhat are the differences between schools in China and those in the foreign countries? Step 2. Fast-Reading1. Look at the picture and read the title of the passage on Page 14 and predict what the passage is probably about.The passage is probably about the freshman challenge in senior high school.2. Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.Step 3. Careful-Reading1.Read and do the T or F questions.Suggested answerF T F F2.Read for Details1. Why was Adam turned down by the school football team coach?Because Adam is not good at playing football.2. What does “make the team”in paragraph 3 mean?It means to join the team and become a member of it.3. Is Adam confident that he will get used to senior high school life? How do you know?Yes, he is. Because he says that he’ll be well prepared for university or whateverelse comes in the future.3.Read and fill in the blank.Suggested answer4.Retell the passageSuggested answerGoing from junior high school to senior high school is a big challenge for Adam. Firstly, he had to think carefully to choose the suitable courses. Besides, he had to choose extra-curricular activities. He couldn’t make the school football team.However, he will find a way to improve in order to make the team next year. Finally, he is worried about keeping up with others and it’s difficult to get used to all the homework. But he will study harder and get used to being responsible for a lot more. Step 4 Discussion:1.What kind of person do you think Adam is? Find the supporting sentence(s) from the passage.Possible answers to the questions.•loving literature“I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I’m good at it.”•loving sports“I tried to join the school football team ... so that I can make the team next year.”•warm-hearted/kind“I joined a volunteer club ... hand out food to homeless people ...”2.As senior high school students, what kinds of habits should we form to help us face the challenge?Possible answers to the questions.。
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[关键词]:课堂导入,lead-in,课堂教学,精心设计,导入法高中英语课堂教学总体结构为lead-in-body- summary。
问卷设置如下:1、你知道什么是英语课堂的lead-in 吗?A.知道 B 有听说,但不是很清楚 C 不知道2、你们的英语课前有没有lead-in 设置?A.一直都有B有时有,有时没有C没有3、你认为有没有必要在英语课前设置lead-in?A 有必要B 没必要C 看具体情况4、你认为你们英语老师每堂课的lead-in设计得如何?为什么?A.好 B 一般 C 不好原因:(二)调查结果:问题:1、话题难度大,学生的准备工作不足,导入活动面小,大部分学生难以参与,打击了大部分学生的学习积极性;2、引题不自然,导入设计有矫揉造作,画蛇添足之嫌,令学生难以接受;3、导语设计目的不明确,为导而导,为设计而设计;导语与课堂内容联系不紧密,缺乏后续巩固环节,学生闹哄哄活动了半天后,仍不知道为什么而活动,浪费时间;4、导语话题的弯子绕得太大,安排时间过长,使课堂安排显得头重脚轻,主次不明。
例如在导入SEFCBOOK2 第三单元的speaking的教学时,笔者作了如下设计:这样的导入,在无形中增长了学生的知识。
例如,在展开Reading of Unit20 Archaeology, JEFC Book2的教学前,笔者让学生调查并收集有3、生活话题导入法从学生最贴切的生活话题谈起,包括衣着、三餐、喜好等,在看似闲聊的氛围里不知不觉地导入正题。
例如,在介绍SEFC Book3 Unit 1 World Records 之前,笔者是这样与学生聊的:师设计出其不意的环节,令学生兴趣大增,有利于活跃课堂气氛,提高课堂效率。
例如,在导入JEFC BOOK2 UNIT10的Under the Volcano(二)根据导入手段与方式,英语课堂的导入可分为问题式导入和活动式导入。
例如,在引入JEFC Book1 的Humour 这一单元的Warming up这一课时,笔者设计了这么一个活动:T: I want to know who will be the smartest in this class. Listen! I have seven oranges in one hand and eight in the other. What do I have then?Ss(议论纷纷地):Fifteen oranges, of course.No oranges.Oh, I don’t know….T: No. None of you got the right answer. With so many oranges in your hands ,you’ve got big hands of course.Ss(大笑)Oh, no.T: Now prepare yourselves for a competition----think of laughing matters and try to make the others laugh。
Let’s see who will be the best laughter-maker.Ss(小组活动)…这一活动活跃了课堂气氛,使学生轻松地进入课堂主题的学习。
再如,有导入SEFC Book2 Unit8 First Aid的课文DRABC教学时可用多媒体在屏幕上展示一个大大的“Help!”,让学生进行猜测:T:Why is there anyone calling for help? What’s happening? What should we do if we were on the spot?Ss(热烈讨论起来): Maybe someone is drowning.Someone is being caught by a fire.…这一导入在瞬间吸引了学生的注意力,学生的思维一下子被激发起来,并为课文的引入作了及时有效的热身。
在导入BookTwo Unit17 Disabilities的warming-up and speaking这一课时时,笔者是这样安排的:四、英语课堂导入设计的意义经过认真设计,合理的课堂导入对课堂教学的完成有着不可忽视的作用:1、有助于师生共同完成自我调整过程。