
品牌营销策略外文文献Brand Marketing StrategyIntroductionBrand marketing is a crucial aspect of any business strategy as it helps create awareness, build loyalty, and differentiate a company's products or services from its competitors. This paper aims to discuss various brand marketing strategies and their importance in the global market.Importance of Brand MarketingBrand marketing plays a vital role in creating a positive perception of a brand in consumers' minds. It helps build trust, credibility, and loyalty among customers, leading to repeat purchases and brand advocacy. A strong brand also allows a company to command premium prices for its products or services and gives it a competitive advantage in the market.Brand Positioning StrategyBrand positioning is a crucial step in brand marketing strategy as it determines how a brand should be perceived in the market. It involves identifying the target audience, understanding their needs and preferences, and positioning the brand in a way that resonates with them. This can be achieved through effective communication, advertising, and branding activities.Brand Differentiation StrategyBrand differentiation is an essential aspect of brand marketing, especially in highly competitive markets. It involves highlighting the unique features, benefits, or values of a brand that set it apart from its competitors. This can be done through product innovation, superior quality, excellent customer service, or a unique brand personality.Brand Extension StrategyBrand extension is a strategy where a company uses its established brand name to launch new products or enter new markets. This strategy leverages the existing brand equity to gain a competitive advantage and reduce the risk associated with introducing new products or entering new markets. However, it is important to ensure that the brand extension aligns with the brand's core values and does not dilute its equity.Digital Marketing StrategyWith the advent of the internet and social media, digital marketing has become an integral part of brand marketing strategy. It helps businesses reach a wider audience, engage with customers in real-time, and build an online brand presence. Digital marketing activities include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising.Customer Relationship Management StrategyBuilding strong relationships with customers is essential for long-term success and brand loyalty. Customer relationship management (CRM) strategy involves collecting and analyzing customer data to understand their preferences, needs, and behaviors. This information can then be used to personalize marketing communications, offer tailored products or services, and provide excellent customer service.ConclusionIn conclusion, brand marketing plays a crucial role in the global market as it helps create awareness, build loyalty, and differentiate a brand from its competitors. Various brand marketing strategies, such as brand positioning, differentiation, extension, digital marketing, and customer relationship management, can be used to achieve these objectives. It is essential for businesses to continuously evaluate and adapt their brand marketing strategies to stay competitive and meet evolving customer preferences.。

品牌战略英文作文Brand strategy is crucial in today's competitive market. It helps a company differentiate itself from competitorsand build a strong brand image.When developing a brand strategy, it is important to consider the target audience and their preferences. Understanding what resonates with consumers can help create a brand that connects with them on a deeper level.Consistency is key in brand strategy. From the logo and color scheme to the messaging and customer experience, everything should align with the brand's values and promise.In today's digital age, social media plays asignificant role in brand strategy. It allows companies to engage with their audience in real-time and build relationships that go beyond traditional marketing tactics.A successful brand strategy not only attracts newcustomers but also retains existing ones. By delivering on promises and providing a consistent brand experience, companies can create loyal customers who advocate for the brand.In conclusion, brand strategy is essential for any business looking to succeed in today's competitive market. By understanding the target audience, maintaining consistency, leveraging social media, and focusing on customer retention, companies can build a strong and memorable brand that stands out from the competition.。

and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba,
Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanesemobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from
consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to
a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a
brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the
residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last
econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned
economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown
out of nothing.
Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on
brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.

毕业论文英文文献总结《品牌》第一篇:毕业论文英文文献总结《品牌》毕业论文中英翻译Brand050511班陈露20051235 Concepts Some people distinguish the psychological aspect of a brand from the experiential aspect.The experiential aspect consists of the sum of all points of contact with the brand and is known as the brand experience.The psychological aspect, sometimes referred to as the brand image, is a symbolic construct created within the minds of people and consists of all the information and expectations associated with a product or service.People engaged in branding seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience(see also brand promise), creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique.A brand is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace.The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management.Careful brand management, supported by a cleverly crafted advertising campaign, can be highly successful in convincing consumers to pay remarkably high prices for products which are inherently extremely cheap to make.This concept, known as creating value, essentially consists of manipulating the projected image of the product so that that the consumer seesthe product as being worth the amount that the advertiser wants him/her to see, rather than a more logical valuation that comprises an aggregate of the cost of raw materials, plus the cost of manufacture, plus the cost of distribution.Modern value-creation branding-and-advertising campaigns are highly successful at inducing consumers to pay, for example, 50 dollars for a T-shirt that cost a mere 50 cents to make, or 5 dollars for a box of breakfast cereal that contains a few cents' worth of wheat.A brand which is widely known in the marketplace acquires brand recognition.When brand recognition builds up to a point where a brand enjoys a critical mass of positive sentiment in the marketplace, it is said to have achieved brand franchise.One goal in brand recognition is the identification of a brand without the name of the company present.For example, Disney has been successful at branding with their particular script font(originally created for Walt Disney's “signature” logo), which it used in the logo for .Consumers may look on branding as an important value added aspect of products or services, as it often serves to denote a certain attractive quality or characteristic(see also brand promise).From the perspective of brand owners, branded products or services also command higher prices.Where two products resemble each other, but one of the products has no associated branding(such as a generic, store-branded product), people may often select the more expensive branded product on the basis of the quality of the brand or the reputation of the brand owner.Brand name The brand name is often used interchangeably w ithin “brand”, although it is more correctly used to specifically denote written or spoken linguistic elements of any product.In this context a “brand name” constitutes a type of trademark, if the brand name exclusively identifies thebrand owner as the commercial source of products or services.A brand owner may seek to protect proprietary rights in relation to a brand name through trademark registration.Advertising spokespersons have also become part of some brands, for example: Mr.Whipple of Charmin toilet tissue and Tony the Tiger of Kellogg's.The act of associating a product or service with a brand has become part of pop culture.Most products have some kind of brand identity, from common table salt to designer jeans.A brandnomer is a brand name that has colloquially become a generic term for a product or service, such as Band-Aid or Kleenex, which are often used to describe any kind of adhesive bandage or any kind of facial tissue respectively.Brand identity How the brand owner wants the consumer to perceive the brandHoward Schultz(president, ceo and chairman of Starbucks “No-brand” branding Recently a number of companies have successfully pursued “No-Brand” strategies, examples include the Japanese company Muji, which means “No label, quality goods” in En glish.Although there is a distinct Muji brand, Muji products are not branded.This no-brand strategy means that little is spent on advertisement or classical marketing and Muji's success is attributed to the word-of-mouth, a simple shopping experience and the anti-brand movement.Another brand which is thought to follow a no-brand strategy is American Apparel, which like Muji, does not brand its products.[3] [4] [5]Derived brands In this case the supplier of a key component, used by a number of suppliers of the end-product, may wish to guarantee its own position by promoting that component as a brand in its own right.The most frequently quoted example is Intel, which secures its position in the PC market with the slogan“Intel Inside”.Brand extension The exis ting strong brand name can be used as a vehicle for new or modified products;for example, many fashion and designer companies extended brands into fragrances, shoes and accessories, home textile, home decor, luggage,(sun-)glasses, furniture, hotels, etc.Mars extended its brand to ice cream, Caterpillar to shoes and watches, Michelin to a restaurant guide, Adidas and Puma to personal hygiene.Dunlop extended its brand from tires to other rubber products such as shoes, golf balls, tennis racquets and adhesives.There is a difference between brand extension and line extension.When Coca-Cola launched “Diet Coke” and “Cherry Coke” they stayed within the originating product category: non-alcoholic carbonated beverages.Procter & Gamble(P&G)did likewise extending its strong lines(such as Fairy Soap)into neighboring products(Fairy Liquid and Fairy Automatic)within the same category, dish washing detergents.Multi-brands Alternatively, in a market that is fragmented amongst a number of brands a supplier can choose deliberately to launch totally new brands in apparent competition with its own existing strong brand(and often with identical product characteristics);simply to soak up some of the share of the market which will in any case go to minor brands.The rationale is that having 3 out of 12 brands in such a market will give a greater overall share than having 1 out of 10(even if much of the share of these new brands is taken from the existing one).In its most extreme manifestation, a supplier pioneering a new market which it believes will be particularly attractive may choose immediately to launch a second brand in competition with its first, in order to pre-empt others entering the market.Individual brand names naturally allow greater flexibility by permitting a variety of differentproducts, of differing quality, to be sold without confusing the consumer's perception of what business the company is in or diluting higher quality products.Once again, Procter & Gamble is a leading exponent of this philosophy, running as many as ten detergent brands in the US market.This also increases the total number of “facings” it receives on supermarket shelves.Sara Lee, on the other hand, uses it to keep the very different parts of the business separate —from Sara Lee cakes through Kiwi polishes to L'Eggs pantyhose.In the hotel business, Marriott uses the name Fairfield Inns for its budget chain(and Ramada uses Rodeway for its own cheaper hotels).Cannibalization is a particular problem of a “multibrand” approach, in which the new brand takes business away from an established one which the organization also owns.This may be acceptable(indeed to be expected)if there is a net gain overall.Alternatively, it may be the price the organization is willing to pay for shifting its position in the market;the new product being one stage in this process 毕业论文英文翻译050511班陈露20051235一、概念(一)、概念一些人区别一种品牌的心理是来自经验方面。

附录一During the operation of Global brand strategy, most of the MNCs are in a dilemma of Standardization and Localization. They sometimes are bigoted to standardization, sometimes are in deep love with completely localization. Neither of them is right. The authors take the case of Global brand strategy of Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. for example and carry out an empirical study of sixty global companies operating in Chinese market. According to the shaping condition, strategy advantages, operating mode, management system of global brands and a series of problems of operation of global brand strategy of MNCs, the authors innovatively develop the strategic model of Global Standard Brand Strategy and Localization Management for MNCs.The concept of geographical brand from the angle of marketing, and points out the real reason why there is no more than 10% sale of market enterprise brands are produced by inducing the mutual model of geographical brand through demonstrative research and make up the shortage of the research on influencing factors of the assimilation of enterprise brands under the situation of mutual geographical brand. By applying demonstrative research, it shows: the extent of the legislative object which is under the protection of national appellations of origin is too wide, and the creation of technology and the development of technology will be restricted; the naming of products should avoid the appellations of origin as much as possible; if the restriction of mutual geographical brand should not be broke through, the enterprise strategy to achieve the strong brand is dangerous.On the basis of empirical data, this paper analyzes the regional differences of dominant factors that affect the brand loyalty from both macro and micro perspectives. According to the regional socioeconomic situation, the differences of perceived brand values which drive brand loyalty are examined. It is shown that the influence of functional, symbolic and experiential values on brand loyalty is various in different socioeconomic situations. Results in this paper promote the comprehension of the diversity among consumers across different regional markets, and offer meaningful reference for marketing in this newly emerging big market.By the means of Transaction Cost Analysis, the article explains how an enterprise decides appropriate marketing channel governance forms during industry lifecycle. The article points out that the major determining factors of channel governance strategy are: the level of asset specificity, environmental uncertainty and transactionfrequency. During the different stages of industry lifecycle, it is the above three factors that collectively influence the level of channel production efficiency and channel governance efficiency, which ultimately determine what channel governance form an enterprise shall adopt.This article uses the multi-method to study the phase of consumer’s experiences after their impulse buying. We are trying to investigate, when the impulse buying occurred, how the resul t of the impulse buying influenced the consumer’s buying impulsiveness and normative evaluations of the next impulse buying decision. The finding shows that, when the negative result goes to some extent, the next impulsive buying would be influenced very much. And ulteriorly, we find there is much deferent trait between the male and female consumers as well as among the consumers who have different buying impulsiveness trait. As one of general buying behaviors, impulse buying is affected by many factors. Researchers had paid attention to the effect of mood on impulsive buying, but they did not study the process of it.Through introducing the mood self-regulation motivation and browsing,the article expounded the course through which negative mood influenced the impulse buying ,considering the impossible factors during the course at the same time,and the hypotheses were verified by empirical method. Theoretical and managerial implications, as well as future research directions were also provided.Consideration set including a set of brands that a consumer will actively consider and evaluate during his buying process. Only those brands in consideration set can be bought ultimately by consumers . Consideration set has been an important research field of Western scholars for about forty years, While our domestic scholars carried through little research on this topic .This paper will test the influence of product-harm crisis and its responsing process on consumer consideration set using data from a filed experiment carried out in shanghai.Customers are likely to view the services as a bundle of attributes, which may differ in their contribution from the service evaluation and choice. In this article, we study the attributes of inpatients satisfaction. By using factor analysis and multiple linear regression, we found (1) the attributes which affect inpatients’ satisfaction include medical quality, the understanding and communication with hospital staff, environment, waiting time and additional service. (2) medical quality is the most important aspect. The second is understanding and communication. The other three attributes are not so import.Building a model of customer decision-making behaviour to the international education industry for understanding the characteristics of this kind of decision-making behaviour. The results indict that the model as cultural value—motivation—intent to study abroad gives us a good way to understand the students who intent to study abroad. The financial barriers and psychological problem will moderate the relationship between motivations and intention to study abroad. Under the current competition environment, building good relationship with high value customers is an important way for enterprises to gain competitive advantage. An approach to cluster customers and analyze their characteristics is put forward in this paper. The basic analysis process of the method consists three stages. Firstly, through querying transaction records and analyzing transaction cost, each customer’s total profit contribution to enterprise can be gained, and it is used to measure the customer value. Secondly, the k-means clustering method is used to partition customers into different clusters by their value. Lastly, a decision tree is built to reflect customer characteristics with different customer value, and help the management to develop right customer strategy.This article expands the concept of brand in theory, gives the relation and harmony theory model of enterprise innovation competence and the competitive competence of brand, and studies the multiplier effect theories of enterprise's innovation ability and brand competitiveness.Based on the theories of marketing channel behaviors and relationship marketing, by testing hypotheses, this paper explores the impact of relationship marketing orientation on a firm’s marketing channel behaviors. It found that, firstly, relationship marketing orientation has a positive effect on a firm’s exercises of noncoercive power, and has a negative moderate effect on the positive relationship between firm’s power and its exercises of coercive power. Secondly, relationship marketing orientation positively affects a firm to adopt joint-problem-resolution approach. And finally, a firm’s exercises of coercive power are positively related to the firm’s adoption of joint-planning approach, and the firm’s exercises of noncoercive power are negatively related to the firm’s adoption of joint-planning approach and positively related to the firm’s adoption of joint-problem-resolution approach.In this paper, the model of Revelation Principle in Game Theory is used into Market Segmentation. In the initial transaction, the monopolistic firm offers a menu of Marketing Strategies Portfolio designed according to the distribution o f customers’utility in order to differentiate customers based on their selected marketing strategy. In a long-term firm- customers relationship, the firm implements Market Segmentation through the information gained in the initial transaction, and get the added value by customization in product development or individualistic service. We investigated the Market Segmentation implemented through matching of product and pricing strategy and its properties, and proved similar result resulted from combination of product, pricing and promotion strategy.From: Philip kotler(2004). Megamarketing.Various Views’ World.Harvard.Business Review.附录二在贯彻全球品牌战略的过程中,各跨国公司经常会在标准化与本土化之间处于模棱两可、进退两难的境地,有时可能陷入脱离东道国市场的盲目标准化的思路,有时又可能实行完全本土化的思路。

该文献的标题是“Building a Strong Brand: A Comprehensive Review and Integration of the Literature”。

外文翻译:品牌战略原文来源:Aaker, David A.; Erich Joachimsthaler (2000). Brand Leadership. New York: The Free Press. pp. 1–6. ISBN 0-684-83924-5.译文正文:品牌管理是营销技术应用到具体产品,产品线或品牌。
由《Interbrand》与《Business Week》公布的每年最具价值的品牌名单中可以发现,公司的市场价值通常是由品牌决定。
管理学科的品牌开始了在宝洁公司的PLC作为一个由Neil 阁下麦克尔罗伊著名的备忘录的结果。

品牌战略英文作文英文:Brand strategy is a crucial aspect of any business, as it helps to differentiate a company's products or services from those of its competitors. A successful brand strategy should be able to communicate the unique value proposition of a company to its target audience, and create a strong emotional connection with them.One of the key elements of a brand strategy is brand identity. This includes the visual and verbal elements that represent the brand, such as the logo, tagline, and brand voice. A strong brand identity can help to create brand recognition and recall, which is important for building brand equity.Another important aspect of brand strategy is brand positioning. This involves identifying the unique position of the brand in the market, and communicating this to thetarget audience. For example, a luxury car brand may position itself as a symbol of status and prestige, while a budget airline may position itself as a low-costalternative to other airlines.In order to develop a successful brand strategy, it is important to conduct market research and understand the target audience. This can help to identify the needs and preferences of the target audience, and develop a brand strategy that resonates with them.中文:品牌战略是任何企业的关键因素,它有助于区分公司的产品或服务与竞争对手的产品或服务。

品牌营销策略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Brand Strategy ResearchKapferer,J.HEconomic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means ofcompetition to increase brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last century 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’s socialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.Japanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electr onics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shake However,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filled with“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various other internantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the appliance industry ,led by haier brand,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the IT industry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goodsmarket,“P&G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors. Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporationssharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20 million“three capital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrial competitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market isconstrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer Sergio Zyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Products physical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategicdecision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.翻译:企业品牌战略研究卡普费雷尔,J.H在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。

企业品牌战略研究外文翻译毕业论文华南理工大学广州学院本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译外文原文名 Brand Strategy Research中文译名企业品牌战略研究英文原文版出处: Kapferer,J.H. Strategic Brand Management M. London: Kogan Page, 2010:52-61.译文成绩: 指导教师(导师组长)签名:译文:企业品牌战略研究二、中国企业实施品牌战略的现状1、众多昔日名牌稍纵即逝中外企业在市场上的品牌大战,使刚刚成长起来的民族品牌受到极大的冲击。
、品牌战略已日渐引起国内企业重视、政府的扶持 2自上世纪80年代改革以来,中国社会主义经济建设取得了令人瞩目的成就,从计划经济时代走向市场经济时代的中国企业,品牌经营无从无到有。

企业品牌战略研究外文翻译Brand Strategy ResearchIn today's era of economic n。
establishing a strong brand。
it XXX increase brand awareness。
improve brand ning。
and create a positive brand image.One example of the importance of brand strategy can be seenin the defeat of Japanese mobile phone brands in the Chinese market。
On November 22.2006.NEC XXX from the 2G and 2.5 mobile phone market。
following the footsteps of other Japanese mobile phone manufacturers such as Sharp。
and Sanyo。
With the n of Kyocera。
Japanese mobile phone XXX from the 2G mobile phone market in China.To avoid a similar fate。
XXX Management。
establishing a strong brand is essential for XXX strategy。
it is clear that brand XXX success in today's global market。
By ritizing brand management and utilizing us competitive means。

2012 届毕业论文中国企业品牌国际化战略研究系、部:经济与管理系学生姓名:彭诗尧指导教师:王阳职称讲师专业:国际经济与贸易班级:国贸0802完成时间:2012/5/22中国企业品牌国际化战略研究摘要新经济时代,全球化趋势对企业国际化的要求日益迫切。
关键词: 企业;品牌国际化;竞争力ABSTRACTThe new economic era, the trend of globalization is increasingly urgent requirements of the enterprise internationalization. Actively participate in international competition, changing the image of Chinese products, and establish a brand position in the international arena, has become the inevitable choice of the Chinese enterprises in the conditions of economic globalization. As market competition intensifies, enterprises are facing challenges not only from the product prices and technology, sales channels and strategies, corporate governance and culture, how to build a successful brand, the brand barrier "formed in the competition, has become a business an important topic in need of serious study. The article first start from the concept of "international brand", so we have a preliminary understanding of the existing brand internationalization. And it comes to brand internationalization of Chinese enterprises is an inevitable trend. Resolution, and then brand the path of internationalization of our enterprises favorable conditions and the obstacles encountered in the brand internationalization road to explore the possible choice of international strategy. Finally, Lenovo and Haier instance some of the recommendations of the corporate brand on the international road.Key Words: Enterprise;Internationalization;Competitiveness目录摘要............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译一、外文原文标题:Corporate Brand Building: A Methodology原文:BRAND BUILDING VS REPUTATION MANAGEMENTThe author has always found the term 'reputation management' a little limp. It does not pass the cocktail party test. If someone asked at the metaphoric cocktail party 'What do you do?' The author would not imagine saying 'Oh ... I manage reputations'. Put bluntly, as a client and not a consultant it would seem wasteful to pay good money for someone to 'manage my reputation'. It sounds like something to be done for oneself-not left to some-one else. And it docs not sound espe-cially dynamic. On the other hand, paying someone to 'build my brand' sounds altogether more energetic and useful.That is one of the reasons why the author's company evolved its strapline from 'PR solutions to marketing pro-blems' to 'building corporate and pro-duct brands'. The other is that it better expresses what the firm now does as a consultancy: corporate as well as mar-keting PR. The identity shift did, how-ever, present two problems.First, we did not want to alienate clients who did not see their organisa-tions as brands. Much of our business is in the public sector. We do not yet live in a world where government bodies see themselves as brands (although with the reinvention of the Labour Party it may only be a matter of time). Putting the 'corporate' before 'product' in the strap helped. The term 'product brand' leads on to consumer PR, which is only part of our work.Secondly, it begged the question - if we are a brand-building PR firm, then how exactly do we build brands - especially corporate brands? We needed to package what we were already doing across the firm in differ-ent ways into a best practice methodol-ogy available to our staff.What follows is based on internal seminar presentations about this methodology.WHAT ARE BRANDS FOR?What job of work do brands do?David Ogilvy famously and suc-cinctly pointed to the power of emo-tion as the only sustainable differentiator in promoting a company, recognising that people buy with their heart as much as their head. At the risk of teaching grandmothers to suck eggs, it is reproduced because of its critical importance:"A company with a price advantage can be undercut. A company with a performance advantage can be outflanked. But a company with an emotionaldifference can potentially demand a premium forever."It is this emotional difference that makes the brand. As well as command-ing a premium, the brand:- Creates a strong sense of identity for staff and customers alike (eg the Co-operative Bank)- creates consistency across diverse products and services (eg Body Shop)- builds a deposit account of goodwill to help it weather crises (eg British Airways)- enables credible extensions into new product areas and new sectors like the super-elastic Virgin.A corporate brand goes beyond price and performance to secure the loyalty of its stakeholders.For example, Asda's controversial and high-profile pricing campaigns on books, pharmaceuticals and now luxury-branded goods express its posi-tioning as a consumer champion. The message that comes through the cam-paigns is not so much "our prices are cheaper" as "we are taking up cudgels on your behalf against artificially high prices".WHAT IS A CORPORATE BRAND?Some people make a distinction between corporate brands and product brands, and some think of brands only as product brands. But the author believes there is little practical differ-ence between corporate and product brands, especially when it comes to building them.A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer. If we agree withOgilvy, a good product brand offers the consumer positive associations based on emotion as much as on reason. Individuals share or aspire to the values behind that brand. They buy the brand because of what it says about them. Assuming they can afford it, they buy their beloved Mercedes because they like the associations (and enjoy the drive).Actually, they are not buying a brand at all, they are buying a car. The brand is intangible - it is in their mind. It is equally intangible whether the brand is attached to a product or to an organisation. Plus, with many brands - Mercedes is a good example - the 'product' brand and the 'corpo-rate' brand are virtually indistinguish-able. If it was rumoured one day that Mercedes were launching a three-wheeler, we would expect it to have similar qualities to their four-wheelers.It is this equality of intangibility that makes it possible to build a brand around a firm (corporate brand) as readily as around a product (product brand). But corporate brand building is more complex and more challenging, because products are objects, while organisations are people.The author's firm sees a corporate brand as made up of three elements: vision, values and style."Vision" is as much a giving thing as a seeing thing: the contribution a firm makes to its staff , its customers, its industry, its local and possibly global community. The acid test is to ask: if the firm disappeared overnight, would anyone notice or care? The author believes the world would take notice and mourn the demise of a firm like Apple , for instance, incomparably more than a host of its lesser rivals. Apple is not just respected and appre-ciated. It is loved because of its mission to create products which empower and delight people. "Values" are what the firm stands for - its principles, expressed through policies and practices. These are defined as much by what the firm does not do as by what it docs. The extraordinary overnight success of the Co-operative Bank, for example (which woke up one morning, threw out its tired, old-fash-ioned wardrobe and replaced it with a new set of natty designer threads), is down to a solemn promise to customers not to invest in regimes and industries which oppress the human spirit. It reinvented itself, drawing deep from its heritage of socialresponsibility, refor-mulated so as to be relevant to modern times. What is crucial here is that it is impossible to separate the association of ethical banking from the Co-operative Bank brand. The brand positioning is not some kind of corporate sales pro-motion (often a waste of money, as some of the sponsors of the 1998 World Cup discovered). It has become part of the organisation's identity.Vision and values are expressed in how the firm conies across in its com-munication and through its people and its style. Very often this is the trickiest bit. One the one hand it requires iden-tifying and grooming the right 'heroes' to communicate vision and values as spokespeople in the media. The right people are not always the most senior people. On the other hand, it requires ensuring that everyone, not just the chosen heroes, understands the vision and values and communicates these appropriately in contact with external audiences, especially customers. In communicating its corporate brand proposition, a firm is making a promise to its audiences. It must deliver behind the promise, or be pilloried for incon- sistency and betrayal. People will judge a firm far more on their personal experience face to face or on the phone than on what they read about it in the newspapers. This means checking that policies, products, practices, systems - in fact, the firm's entire operation - are set up to support it, before going public. The difficulty in large firms is that internal and external communica-tions (let alone operations, sales and marketing) are all too often the pro-vinces of different departments and power structures. The advent of com-munication directors with responsibility across all communication has to be a step in the right direction.HOW DO WE BUILD THE BRAND?The author's firm has developed a four-stage approach, under the headings:- reconnaissance- strategy - fulfilment- evaluation.Stage 1: ReconnaissanceEffectively, this is a SWOT-plus analy-sis that uses information from internal and external sources, including desk and survey research, to agree:- goals: where is the firm going, what is it trying to achieve- current position: where is it coming from, how is it perceived and how does it stack up against the competi-tion- vision, values and style: what is its contribution, what are its values, how should these affect style of communication- issues: what relevant (and media-friendly) issues are there in the public domain that can be exploited to create a debate and that can be "owned"- preferably exclusively- by the firm to build its corporate brand through association?Stage 2: StrategyAt the heart of strategy is a campaigning theme in which the firm sets out to make a contribution to the world on one or more of the relevant issues that have been identified.This is not about saying, but doing: taking action to right a wrong, or to make life better for its stakeholders. This may include the submission of a researched report to a relevant author-ity, calling for some kind of action, perhaps even a change in the law.For example, when the insurer Direct Line first went into the home insurance sector in the early 1990s, having become market leader in the very dif-ferent motor insurance sector, it her-alded its arrival with a submission to the Office of Fair Trading attacking banks "and building societies" practice of 'tieing in' insurance products to mortgage agreements in order to earn commission on the insurance. Entitled "A billion pound burglary", Direct Line's report achieved substantial cov-erage, giving it the high moral ground in the new sector before it actually launched its product. It also implied home insurance would be cheaper from Direct Line, as there would be no com-mission to pay.In defining strategy, thought is given to how the campaigning theme will actually be exploited, typically through a three-part focus:- Third parties: who else should be involved? Third parties may be: Westminster, Whitehall, Brussels; allies and alliances (eg with other firms); associations (eg trade bodies, unions); pressure groups- media: national, regional, trade , consumer, broadcast, new media and Internet - policies, products and practices: putting the firm's own house in order and ensuring staff are on board to ensure the firm delivers the promise made in the campaign and that there are no disappointments for stakeholders or inconsistencies that could attract negative media attention.Stage 3: FulfilmentThis means the execution of strategy and involves:- planning: audiences, objectives, messages, tactics, schedule, budgets- implementation: carrying out campaign initiatives- monitoring: of coverage, compe-titor activity, legislative develop-ments which may help or hinder the campaign and corporate brand positioning.Stage 4: EvaluationEvaluation is obviously tailored to cli-ents' requirements and may include some or all of the following:- coverage: level and quality of media coverage achieved- Output: client satisfaction with performance against pre-agreed targets- outcomes: changes in audience perception of the brand and/or changes in audience behaviour- objectives: progress towards agreed campaign goals and recommenda-tions for the next phase of corporate brand-building activity.CONCLUSIONCorporate brand building means creat-ing emotional associations between a firm and its audience to achieve sustain-able competitive edge. For this to happen, the firm must have a vision (its contribution to the world over and above making products and making money) and values which have relevant appeal. Vision and values must be so integral to the firm that it is difficult to think of the firm without making the association with its vision and values. If this is achieved, the firm can be said to have a strong corporate brand.The brand is built through cam-paigns in which the firm expresses vision and values by taking action in the public arena - with third parties, via the media and in itsproducts, poli-cies and practices - for the benefit of the outside world, especially stake-holders. In this sense, corporate brand building may sound like altruism, but it is really enlightened self-interest. It strives to see the world from the audi-ence's perspective, rather than, selfishly, just from the firm's point of view. (This is another reason, by the way, the term "reputation management" should be killed. It emphasises the firm's-eye view of the world.)It may be asking too much of CEOs under pressure to deliver short-term profit to take a leaf out of JFK's book and ask what they can do for their country, rather than what their country can do for them. But, they might check how much they are already paying out, for example, on sponsor - ships, corporate hospitality, advertising and PR, to see if some of the funds might be better invested in building a powerful and sustainable point of dif-ference into the very fabric of their firm.出处:Francis Hallawell. Corporate Brand Building: A Methodology. Journal of Communication Management [J]. 1999. 3 (4), pp. 381-386.中文译文标题:企业品牌建设:一个方法论译文:品牌建设与声誉管理作者总是发现“声誉管理”这个术语有点站不住脚。

外文翻译外文翻译原文1Supply chain interactions due to store-brand introductions: Theimpact of retail competitionStore-brand products are of increasing importance in retailing, often causing channel conflict as they compete with national brands. Focusing on the interactions that arise in single-manufacturer single-retailer settings, previous research suggests that one main driver of store-brand profitability to the retailer is that it leads to a reduction of the national-brand wholesale price. Under retail competition, the Robinson Patman Act then introduces an interesting trade-off: A retailer that introduces a store brand incurs the associated costs and risks, while sharing this benefit with its competition. We show that the resulting interactions can cause retailers to play “chicken”, either of them preferring a store-brand introduction by the competitor. Such interactions do not arise in channels with a single retailer, as has been the object of most previous research, and we show that some of the key insights derived from single-retailer models fail to hold when retailers compete. We conduct a numeric study, and our findings suggest that retailers are more likely to randomize their store-brand introduction strategies when customers have strong store preferences, and when the retailers’ store-brand products are similar to the national-brand product in terms of customer valuations and production cost.Intuition suggests that the introduction of store brands increases the retailers’ power in the supply chain and that the manufacturer needs to reduce the wholesale price to sustain national-brand sales. Assuming that this intuition holds and that this wholesale price reduction is one of the key drivers of store-brand profitability, the legislation associated with the Robinson Patman Act introduces an interesting trade-off into the retailers’ decision making. Since the act requires that the manufacturer charges the same wholesale price to all retailers (unless there is a good and fair business reason for differentiation), the manufacturer might have to adjust this “global” wholesale price due to some retailers’ store-brand introduction. While manufacturers in practice justify slight wholesale price differences by differentiating packaging and deliveryoptions, the act ensures such differences to be minor. A retailer that introduces a store brand then incurs the associated risks and costs, while sharing most of the benefit with all competing retailers. We show that such interactions might induce retailers to play chicken, either of them preferring a store-brand introduction by the competitor. Such interactions do not arise in supply chains with a single retailer, as has been the object of most previous research.To the best of our knowledge, our work presents the first attempt at explicitly studying the determinants of store-brand introduction decisions of independent and competing retailers. We consider these decisions in a spatial model with aspects of both vertical and horizontal product differentiation, where store-brand introductions are associated with fixed costs. Most analytical research of store-brand introduction interactions in supply chains has considered single-retailer settings. We show that the supply chain interactions that govern store-brand introduction decisions might be of a very different character in the presence of retail competition.Author: Ana Groznik and H. Sebastian HeeseNationality: Ana Groznik(Portugal),H. Sebastian Heese(USA)Originate from: Production, Manufacturing and Logistics由供应链协作引入商店自有品牌:农产品零售业竞争的影响商店自有品牌的产品在零售渠道冲突中变得越来越重要,这往往导致他们与民族品牌产生竞争。

关于品牌价值的外文文献原文以及翻译译文INTERNATIONAL FACTORINGON THE BRAND STRATEGY AND COUNTERMEASURESRESEARCHBy T.BettinaWith economic development and people's living standards, increasing the wealth of material and products, business competition from products and services, competition, to a higher stage of the competition between brands. Brand is both a business products and services unique to the mark, to some extent also is a standard and commitment. It is a business permit to enter the market and consumers a bridge between the enterprises are relying on market positioning.Brand strategy and practice of systematic research, only started in the late 1980s. In 1988, Philip. Morris and Nestle's acquisition of two well-known, so that the brand value of the assets of the market to be officially confirmed, marking the modern era of the brand. Chinese enterprises in the theory and practice of brand strategy in recent years has made considerable progress and development, but the West still a big gap compared with developed countries. Promoting the brand strategy will help enterprises establish an advanced view of the market, and strengthen the awareness of the market.First, the concept of brand strategy-related analysis(A) the definition of brand and constituteThe most basic brand is defined as one intended to be used to identify (or group) vendor in terms of quality products and services names, terms, mark, symbol or design, or their combination, and intended to be used to distinguish one (or a group) and its vendor Competitors. Brands include brand names, trademarks and brand logo. Brand, in essence, represents the seller to the buyer on the delivery of the product features, benefits and services, consistent commitment to the brand is the best guarantee of quality.The brand is divided into 6 levels of meaning: attributes, interests, values, culture, personality, the user. Therefore, the most durable brand is the meaning of their values, cultures and personalities, including visual, emotional, the idea that they constitute the essence of the brand.(B) the definition of brand strategy with the aim of Brand Strategy, as its name implies, is the corporate brand to create, use and maintenance of the core, in its analysis of conditions and the external environment on the basis of the development of the overall business plan of action. From the practical point of view, is the choice of brand strategy, packaging, training, promotion and protection of a particular brand, reputation make it step by step and give full play to the effects of brand-name brands and companies to promote their own development and growth.The main purpose of the brand strategy is to create high visibility, high credibility, and a larger market share enormous economic benefits.First, high visibility. High-profile corporate products and services to smooth the sale an important factor in business and a great intangible asset.Secondly, the high degree of credibility. A high degree of credibility is a business and all employees and even years of hard struggle of several generations, well-formed operation of theenterprises and products in the market a good impression on the minds of consumers. To the consumer, the high degree of credibility means that the quality of high-tech content and a good level of service; cooperation of enterprises and banks, financing, a higher degree of redibility means that reliable and trustworthy. In a market economy, only about reputation, business can be the main market recognition can be long-term development.Thirdly, a larger market share. Market share from the market coverage and market share both to consider. Corporate brand through the implementation of the strategy, to increase brand awareness, reputation, business products and services to increase market share, which is good business to ensure effective.Fourth, the huge economic benefits. The success of the brand strategy can make the product more of the sales market, but also in the market than similar products of a higher sale price. As a result, brand-name products and good services to achieve significant sales and higher profits for companies bring in huge commercial profits.We can see that the brand strategy is to expand the direct purpose of the enterprise products and services in the market, so as to increase market share and achieved great economic benefits. In the long run, the brand strategy is to achieve the brand and grow the business and sustainable development.Second, China's enterprises of the importance of brand strategySince the reform and opening up, China's economy has experienced sustained growth for decades. With the economy expanding and opening up, China's domestic market has been in the international market has become an important component of China's enterprises to participate in international competition means great changes have taken place. World-renowned enterprise in an increasingly competitive and complex Chinese market, the implementation of brand strategy, brand China is facing severe challenges in international competition. In particular after the accession to the WTO, China will be in the majority of enterprises with foreign competitors in a powerful position face-to-face contest, a growing number of famous foreign brands will enter into our life. In the face of this unprecedented impact on the brand, China is only the implementation of brand strategy, create brand and corporate brand products in order to enter the international market and international market competition with foreign brand rivals. On the other hand, with progress in science and technology, consumer demand and continuous improvement in the level and pay attention to brand, the pursuit of brand and increase brand-name consumer phenomenon is increasingly clear, the implementation of corporate brand strategy is not only conducive to the expansion of market share, but also more Large economic benefits. China's domestic enterprises to take part in market competition, and only the implementation of brand strategy in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the competition.(A) business development must be to promote the growth of the brand strategyAs China's market economy reform, in particular China's accession to the WTO. China's all over the original system of small businesses, the impact of a market economy, gradually formed a number of cross-regional business and the well-known brands. In the competition, non-brand-name slowly out of the market, an industry often controlled by a few big brands, market competition into a major competition between brands. With the world-class international brands to enter China, domestic brands will lose the advantages of the original, faced with severe competition. In this case, the number of domestic famous brands have "Yi Zhi", or the acquisition by multinational companies, or joint ventures with foreign brands, domestic brands positions arenibbled away. The right to choose and implement the brand strategy to improve our products and services in the domestic market, step by step into the world, with the developed countries of the world famous enterprises match, China's entrepreneurs is incumbent upon the sacred mission. Number of national brand value of the industry (1,000,000 U.S. dollars)Coca-Cola Beverage 83845 U.S. 12 U.S. Microsoft software 56,654U.S. 3 IBM computer 437814 General Electric of the United States diversified 33,5205 Ford Motor of the United States 331976 Disney entertainment of the United States 32,2757 INTEL U.S. computer 300218 McDonald's 26,231 U.S. Food9 AT & T of the United States Telecom 2418110 Marlboro 21,048 U.S. tobacco11 NOKIA Finland Telecom 20694Mercedes-Benz car 12 Germany 1778113, Switzerland Nestle Beverage 17595Hewlett-Packard computer 17132 U.S. 1415, Guillermo personal belongings of the United States 15,89416 KODAK image of the United States 1483017 ERISSION Swedish telecommunications 14,76618 SONY Japanese electronics 1423119 U.S. financial services 12,550 American Stock Exchange20 TOKYO Japan Automobile 12,310Table 2-1 World brand value of the top 20 list (Source: /962577.html) You Shangbiao, it is not hard to see that the size of the value of the brand also reflects the brand owner (or group of transnational corporations) in the global enterprise or industry position and competitiveness.China's major cities has been a strong consumer brand awareness of the consumer, small and medium-sized cities and rural markets have gradually enhance brand awareness. Young people to pursue well-known consumer brands to achieve self-worth, has become a fashion, but they are small in the consumption of foreign brands such as Nestle, McDonald's grow up so as to pursue the development of foreign brands for fashion, which can not have Sighted people for the national brand of domestic concerns. In the Chinese market, foreign brands through joint ventures, wholly or in a variety of ways, such as mergers and acquisitions, to create a successful local brands. In contrast, China's opening up, in addition to an earlier, compared with full competition in the industry, such as household appliances, cosmetics, food and beverage industries better than brand development, the protection of national policy and restrictions on the industry, the real strength of the brand little. If you do not go on this way to strengthen the focus on brand protection, brand promotion of growth in these areas would not be able to enterprises and foreign enterprises to compete, can not be developed.(B) market in China has become the brand competitionWith the reform and opening up of China's socialist market economy and building the prosperous development of China's market situation has changed dramatically, showing thefollowing trends: from a single-system to the needs of the diverse needs of change; by the identical to the individual needs of demand Change; by the type of poverty, food and clothing needs-to-well-off, rich-changing needs. Require a change in demand for a corresponding change in supply, which led to the need to intensify competition among enterprises and changes in the way, in such circumstances, China has gradually formed the pattern of brand competition.First of all, competition among enterprises has been content to seek resources, the advantage into a commodity to seek technical advantages, strengths and talent brand, and technology, human resources advantages will ultimately have to be reflected in the brand. As a result, the economy entered a "relative surplus" of the times, the importance of resources has declined to seek brand has become a large enterprise to achieve long-term development of the most urgent task.This was followed by gradual means of competition on price-based competition means, in order to shift the main means of non-price competition. In the past, China's market price war among enterprises is the main means of competition, but consumer demand as by the type of food and clothing to the well-off-the-well-off change in the quality of goods at low cost is no longer subject to mainstream consumers, they are more important Is the brand, quality, service and so on non-price factors. Although the price reduction strategy in a certain period of time so that competitors at a disadvantage, but it will benefit their own business down, resulting in a lose-lose outcome. And rely on high quality, innovative products and superior service set up by the brand advantage, the enterprise market will rise, increasing economic efficiency, sustainable development of the enterprise.Finally, the structure of the competition has been limited to domestic competition among enterprises, to between domestic and foreign enterprises to compete more. Since China opened the door, a number of powerful multinational corporations in developed countries to enter the Chinese market on a large scale, with local enterprises in China's heated market competition, our international market competition, in an increasingly competitive market. As a result, Chinese enterprises should use the favorable conditions for local enterprises, and strive to create a national brand, with foreign brands and fight to safeguard national industries. Only after a firm footing in order to get out, to participate in the international market competition, international operations.关于当代品牌战略与对策的思考发展概况前景作者:T.贝蒂娜随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,物质产品的日益丰富,企业经营的竞争已由产品的生产和服务的竞争,转向更高阶段的品牌之间的竞争。


Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. KoganPage, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establhave become pressingstrong b rand and enhance our competitiveness,Based on the analysis of the development ofissues facing e nterprises.corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strato discuss the brand strategy in enterprisesignificance,an its functionalmarketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competi to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a g brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, N EC announced that it w ould withdrawfrom 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, w hich means that, followingSanyo, a Japanese m obile phoneSharp, P anasonic, Toshiba, M itsubishi,manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, J apanese m obilephone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China ou of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, t oday anydifferent from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that companies in China, Japanese home appliance m arket downturn, thesystem, d ecision-making following main reasons: First, rigid enterprisethe reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the difficult,to adapt t o the rapidly changing ChineseChinese market, i t i s difficultmarket; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not stro to judge according to their marker launch t o meet consumeris d ifficultdemand and forecast products, follow the trend h as been in a passive can not satisfy market demand; Third, f ailure to grasp the situation,industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance compa lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causin companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international r“Japanese Company” to the lessons learnedand whether the enterprise ofbehind?Second, the brand strategy implementation i n China the Current Situation”Many old famous “flash in the panChinese and foreign enterprisesin the Chinese market the brand war;century, ajust grow up to be a great impact onnational brands. The last80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, i s to belittle-knownacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really devel very limited. Here a typical case, t he last century 80s to early 90s, h eworked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterpris caused the government to support.Since t he 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has made remarkable achievements. F rom aplanned economy to market economy era Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-na organization promoting the efforts, policies m easures have greatlycities enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and otheron the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali million Y uan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..Consumer40th InternationalJanuary 8th 2009 year t o January11th,theElectronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian h otel o pening. N ational enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to parin thein China CES, including manufacturers, media and spectators,exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most“TWICE” named for the authoritative consumer electronics industry mediaChinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult toHowever, we should also s ee the face of numerous products o n the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. Wit the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeeze i the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled w ith “Sony”,brands,“Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” and various o ther i nternationalmany of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national braled by Haier brand, “Konka” ,China .Although the appliance industry,“Changhong” , “TCL” and other domestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic”“Samsung” and other brands, they are still“Lenovo” , “Founder” ,there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry,’s competitiveness has improved significantly, “Great Wall” and the brandbut with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compain Consumer Goods market,to, brand awareness is still insufficient;companies have“P&G”, “Oliver” , “Henkel” , and other i nternationalformed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors Currently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunibrands h as been inevitable,but there are a lsoand space f or i nternationalbrand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a l technology d evelopment, b rand competitiveness is not strong; b randlack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale personality,production and management, brand development lack of overall planningBrand awareness i soperations,abilityof weak exports and internationalnot strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range o such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social f actors: socialsupport t he mechanisms need to be improved, p olicies and regulationspolicy, export-orientedneed to further strengthen the country’s industrialrole i n the promotion andsectors play differentpolicies for differentlimitation, the financial environment for business investment capacit market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishmen market system in China has for many years, d espite a significanthas not really adapt to thethere s tillimprovement but stillnot perfect,market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the error brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization,competition isinternationalincreasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelmingcompanies withmajority o f the modern world famous multinationalparticular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full ra output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupa of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, thhas achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. B rand never be in the short t erminvented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprisesdo notclearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short t ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise str and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is t o rely o n their overallquality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientificbut quit a few brand management idea and superb operational skills,poor performance a nd immediateplanner i n this regard w as particularlyimpact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many suc errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the improve product awareness, or what the product packaging; good brandvisual signs o nly; A dvertising is t he only way todrawing a satisfactorycultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the mediaenterpriseproduct once formed, w ell-knownthe o ther n o attention; scalebrands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent toimprove the product p rice. Some companiesprice, to be unrealisticallyeven go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give upown brand business, with foreign companies, b rands, or to sell its ownsuch as our present more than 20 million “threebrand low-cost transfer,capital” enterprises, there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign b clean silver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan chea transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding of the terrible consequences of today has become increasinglyown brand, p roduct and intellectualdomestic enterprisesapparent-lostproperty rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market ca quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, and lasting competitive advantage c omes from innovation, in order to“status quo”“change” should beexpression of the core c ompetitiveness.TheBrand is t he c oncentratedbe out ofmarket is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot o f brand-name “dismount”themajor reason. Coca-Cola’s former c hief marketing o fficer Sergio Z yman,the company logo products andservices are different “The brand is onlyweapon to open up the market,from competitors,is the most effectiveexcellent brand can make your product s tand out .” Products p hysical properties,quantity, price, q uality, service is very easy to imitatealso includes an competitors,Er brands, a long with the product i tself,attached product t o cultural background, e motional, consumer cognitionYong Yuan Li in the competition invisible things, so that e nterprisesundefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a di impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the markconsumer spending to enterprise important symbols isthe benchmark forbrand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocati resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization process o to brand positioning“quality first, winning byBacked by science and technology, establish a’s fashion elements, the outstanding quality” business philosophy, the brandindividualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitivenes their products performance i n the competition for the brand, a nd brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth the brand through a brand is the quality of a brand in the market dow also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can b quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abEnterprises shouldto enhance their design a nd development capability.dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own br and increase m arket competitiveness; we must work hard in thetransformation.trend i n the world changes, the value o fPersonalizationhas been directly customer experience and the value of differentiationdetermined to achieve the final p roduct sales, personal s ervices are indispensable!2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategywill b e organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote theoverall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing i s an important p art o f the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand strategy not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and busine closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the bra expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurbrand performance a nd outstanding value emotionalmarket positioning,communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a nov unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, th of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consshould take the market as guide, t echnology a s a impulse. E nterprisesmeans to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishme information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to make their own in a go position in the competition.The world has entered the 21st century brand international competition,language into millions o fbranding has become a new internationalhouseholds. To establish the brand products in the market position esta a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means busin Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Ente management system must be adopted, t echnological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand r’s internationaland planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in the growth stage now, br strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, mwhile avoiding d isadvantages,choose the bestresources,and enterprisebrand strategy is a wise choice. Such as is now more prevalent and hreverse merger;well-known b rand o utside the company’s co-production,use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more b collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social accepbrand marketingof such brand. I n short choose the right brand strategy,creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensationa and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand world brand.11。

毕业论文(设计)外文翻译一、外文原文标题:Principles of corporate rebranding原文:Literature reviewIn corporate branding, major classic works include Olins (1978, 1994), Gregory (1991),Dowling (1994), Fombrun (1996) and Ind (1997). Although invaluable and creative, they tend to follow a relatively traditional marketing communication and planning framework. More recent books (Balmer and Greyser, 2003; Olins, 2003; Ind, 2004; Schultz et al., 2005; Schroeder and Salzer-Morling, 2006; de Chernatony, 2006) have focused on nuances such as living the brand, the role of experiences and internal branding. Recent special issues of journals on the topic have extended the debate (Schultz and de Chernatony, 2002; Balmer, 2003; Balmer et al., 2006; Melewar and Karaosmanoglu, 2006).Although we refer to corporate brands, very similar properties apply to organisational brands, service brands (Berry, 2000; de Chernatony and Segal-Horn, 2003; de Chernatony et al., 2005) and retailer brands (Birtwistle and Freathy, 1998; Burt and Sparks, 2002; Davies and Chun, 2002; Merrilees and Fry, 2002; Ailawadi and Keller, 2004), with a high degree of interchangeability across the terms. One way of summarizing the corporate brand literature is to contrast the nature of corporate brands with product brands. Firstly, the organization features more strongly and explicitly in corporate brands (Hatch and Schultz, 2003). Culture and structure are critical for corporate brands, not simply for implementation reasons, but as a major part of the brand essence. Another way of expressing the organizational aspect is to emphasize the role of internal processes or internal branding as part of corporate branding (Bergstrom et al., 2002; Gapp and Merrilees, 2006; Vallaster and de Chernatony, 2006). Secondly, corporate brands are likely to be more central and strategic, controlled by higher-level management such as the Chief Executive Officer(Hatch and Schultz, 2003). Thirdly, corporate brands are likely to be more abstract, representing higher-order values (like freedom or purity) compared to more functionally based product brands (de Chernatony, 2002; Urde, 2003). Fourthly, corporate brands are more complex, with potentially different brand meanings across different stakeholders (Balmer and Greyser, 2002).Most relevant literature deals with specific issues such as the potential gap between the espoused corporate brand and the actual brand image stakeholders may have of a company (Davies and Chun, 2002). However, Knox and Bickerton (2003) and Hatch and Shultz (2001, 2003) give useful frameworks for integrating components of corporate branding.Corporate rebranding can be contrasted to corporate branding, which refers to the initial coherent articulation of the corporate brand and can occur at any time. Corporate rebranding refers to the disjunction or change between an initially formulated corporate brand and a new formulation. The change in brand vision can be referred to as brand revision. The process of executing the revision throughout the organization would most likely require a change management process. With corporate branding, organizational issues may well involve some changes, but the emphasis is on getting gall units to adhere consistently to policy and procedure specifications (such as common letterheads or business cards, or the use of colors). However, with corporate rebranding, all units need to be moved from one mindset/culture to another.Shifting focus from corporate branding to corporate rebranding, we find less research or consensus. An early academic paper on rebranding was Berry’s (1988) summary of Ogilvy and Mather’s brand revitalization program. A common trigger for revitalizing brands is under-performance (Kapferer, 1997). Using renaming, a narrow approach to rebranding, both Muzellec et al. (2003) and Muzellec and Lambkin (2006) found that structural factors such as mergers and acquisitions were the main drivers of rebranding, with brand image improvement ranked lower. Before focusing on rebranding success factors, we note Stuart and Muzellec’s (2004) argum ent that rebranding may not be the solution to some problems. They suggest that rebranding considerations include comprehensive assessment of potential benefits, clarity aboutwhat is being signaled, and checking that key stakeholders understand and support the proposed change.Four academic case studies make major contributions to understanding corporate rebranding. Ewing et al. (1995) studied the rebranding of Mazda (South Africa) with a change from a narrow focus on durability and reliability to a more complex and differentiating set of core values –quality, technology and excitement. The main lessons were the needs for sensitivity to the existing customer base, strong advertising, and for internal branding within the dealer network. These lessons were packaged as a simple marketing plan framework.Schultz and Hatch (2003) provide insights into the development processes undertaken by the LEGO Group in their corporate rebranding. The new brand values were articulated and followed by the interplay between the organizational culture and communicated image. The corporate brand traveled through a complex set of cycles in its new formulation, including the linkage across the three main elements (vision, culture, image), plus the involvement of all stakeholders and the integration of the three elements. Interestingly, Schultz and Hatch (2003) conclude by posing paradoxes that require resolution if corporate rebranding is to succeed.Finally, Merrilees (2005) analyzed the rebranding of Canadian Tire, a major auto and leisure goods retailer, in response to competitive pressures. The study highlighted the roles of qualitative and quantitative market research, and company intuition to guide the new brand vision. Stakeholder management with staff, dealers, suppliers and management was featured, as was the role of a creative integrated marketing communication advertising strategy. The lessons were built into a theoretical framework, based on the three-stage process of changing the brand vision to brand-orientated commitment from stakeholders, and to brand strategy implementation including advertising and other changes to the marketing mix, linked to the new brand values.In summary, the current status of corporate rebranding theory is construed as an amalgam of the three dominant themes from the four case studies. Theme 1 is the need to re-vision the brand based on a solid understanding of the consumer, to meetboth existing and anticipated needs. Theme 2 is the use of internal marketing or internal branding to ensure commitment of the relevant stakeholders. Theme 3 features the role of advertising and other marketing mix elements in the implementation phase. These themes provide a helpful broad theoretical framework for corporate rebranding.Extending the theory of corporate rebrandingTheories can be developed or extended using typologies (Doty and Glick, 1994), propositions or principles (Kohli and Jaworksi, 1990) or case research (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 2004). We used the latter two theory-building approaches to extend corporate rebranding theory. The current theory is broad and not coded comprehensively. The more detailed a theory, the more amenable it is to evaluation and testing. Either propositions or principles could facilitate framing the theory more tightly, though principles were chosen because of the under-developed literature, and subsequently six principles were developed. Principles allow more scope for discretionary decisions on the part of corporate branders, compatible with the ambiguity that confronts some of these decisions. This characteristic is particularly evident in the first principle. Establishing principles guided by the literature is a useful method of coding. In this study, Principles 1, 2 and 3 refer to the process of revising the vision, Princi ple 4 to attaining internal support or “buy-in” to the new vision, and Principles 5 and 6 to implementing the new corporate brand strategy.Principle 1Designing a suitable brand vision for the corporate rebrand should balance the need to continue to satisfy the core ideology of the corporate brand, yet progress the brand so it remains relevant to contemporary conditions.The first principle reflects the paradox that all corporate rebranding exercises should balance remaining the same with moving forwards. Several studies support this approach. Collins and Porras (1997) compared “visionary” companies with a matched sample of other organizations in the same industry.The interplay between core and progress is one of the most important findingsfrom our work. Indeed,core ideology and the drive for progress exist together in a visionary company, like yin and yang of Chinese dualistic philosophy; each element enables, complements and reinforces the other (Collins and Porras, 1997, p. 85).We interpret this finding as affirming the benefits of combining strong branding (through the core values) and innovation (through investment and change), creating a synergistic relationship between strong brands and innovation. One fashion company reports that brand management is an evolving process “ensuring continuity and consistency” with “innovation, collaboration and vision at the heart of any good company” (Oroton, 2002, p. 5). Several studies identify the danger of strong brands doing so well that they have inertia, resist innovation and inadvertently invite rivals to outmaneuver the leader over time (Christensen, 1997). The solution is the willingness of brand leaders to innovate from time to time, which necessitates corporate rebranding for corporate sustainability.Principle 2Successful corporate rebranding may require retaining at least some core or peripheral brand concepts to build a bridge from the existing corporate brand to the revised corporate brand.There is always pressure to refresh the brand to maintain contemporary relevance. Nonetheless, maintaining a nexus between the existing and the revised corporate brand is vital. Kapferer (1997, p. 334) argues that traces of corporate brand memory should not be abandoned when the brand is revised. These traces provide legitimacy to all customers and help make the revised brand acceptable. Keller (2003, pp. 651-3) cites Adidas choosing to return to their roots to recapture lost brand equity. This principle suggests that rebranding is an incremental change process as opposed to a radical change, necessitating change management considerations initially at the design level of the new vision formulation. Indirect support for Principle 2 comes from brand extension theory. Successful brand extensions come from the successful transfer of brand meaning from one context to another, whereas rebranding is a transfer of meaning from one time to another.Principle 3Successful corporate rebranding may require meeting the needs of new market segments relative to the segments supporting the existing brand.In re-visioning the corporation, the corporate rebranding may need to tap into new market segments or even new markets (Kapferer, 1997, p. 334). Added new attributes could satisfy a new segment, like a need for a more socially responsible company. Growing the brand might require tapping into additional target markets with different needs from the original brand customer base. The emergence of new market segments reflects the natural evolution of markets over time and the need to keep brands with a contemporary, fresh focus. Principle 1 suggested the need to balance previous and new consumer needs and sometimes the needs can be coded as a new market segment. For example, the Ewing et al. (1996) Mazda case above involved adding a more sophisticated market segment, though this could still co-exist with the initial segment with more basic needs.These first three principles of corporate rebranding build on the existing literature and focus on re-creating the brand vision to suit a more contemporary market. The existing theory of corporate rebranding covers not just brand re-visioning but also internal branding and brand strategy implementation. Formulating another three principles adds specificity to these latter two stages of corporate rebranding.Principle 4A company applying a high level of brand orientation through communication, training and internal marketing is more likely to have effective corporate rebranding. Brand orientation occurs when the brand is core to the essence of the company and its strategies, that is, when all stakeholders (especially employees) have ownership of the brand and live the brand in their daily script (Urde, 1999). Other literature supports the brand orientation concept (see Macrae, 1996; Upshaw and Taylor, 2000; Wong and Merrilees, 2005). Stuart and Muzellec (2004) and Kaikati (2003) also emphasize the need for stakeholder “buy-in”. Principle 4 actuali zes the internal branding aspect of corporate rebranding. Vallaster and de Chernatony (2006) highlight the importance of leadership in facilitating internal branding. Other cases support the role of internal branding in corporate rebranding, including Bergstrom et al.’s (2002) study of Saab.Karmark (2005) provides detailed case examples of processes used by firms to help employees live the brand, as well as situations where the brand may be resisted. Overall, internal stakeholder buy-in is vital.Principle 5A successful company having a high level of integration and coordination of all aspects of the marketing mix, with each brand element aligned to the corporate brand concept in its corporate rebranding strategy implementation, is more likely to have effective corporate rebranding.Companies should implement a corporate rebranding strategy methodically. All parts of the strategy, including product or service design, customer service, distribution, pricing and relationship management, must be integrated. That is, each brand element representing each component of the marketing or retail mix should be directly linked (aligned) to the brand concept. Lindstro¨m and Andersen (1999) strongly advocate the notion of precise alignment between brand element and brand concept. Kaikati (2003) and Daly and Moloney (2004) detail particular rebranding implementation campaigns. Dav is and Dunn (2002) detail how “brand touch points” can be operationalised.Principle 6Promotion is needed to make stakeholders aware of the revised brand, with possible additional benefits if non mass media are included in the promotion mix. Although advertising is a natural choice for large firms, budget considerations require consideration of more direct promotional methods, including public relations. Public relations may have a comparative advantage when the goal is to change attitudes, such as a social campaign or indeed changing brands (rebranding). Virgin is noted for its breakthrough stunts in creating awareness for new initiatives. A number of companies have used non mass-media promotion as a medium to a stronger brand position (Joachimsthaler and Aaker, 1999). Indeed, Joachimsthaler and Aaker (1999) show that customer involvement in brand-building exercises using non mass media can be particularly effective. They give the examples of Cadbury World as a theme park creating more powerful brand experiences and Nestle´ using the Casa Buitoni Clubteaching the English how to cook Italian meals. Relatedly, these authors give another example of non mass-media promotion influencing branding, namely the role of the staff in contributing to in-store, cause-related experiences as evident in the Body Shop. These are examples of active customer involvement using interactivity.Principle 6 shows the need to communicate the new brand to the stakeholders. Moreover, non-mass methods are potentially effective in communicating the new brand. However, recognizing the effectiveness of interactivity between staff and customers in rebranding may just be the start in achieving greater involvement of stakeholders. Further, in some cases the rebranding may be initiated or led from the consumer, such as the Dunlop V olley case, leading Beverland and Ewing (2005) to suggest that branding could be seen as a two-way dialogue, rather than a top down communication exercise. We can extend this idea to include staff-led initiatives, making it potentially a three-way dialogue.出处:Bill Merrilees and Dale Miller.Principles of corporate rebranding[J].European Journal of Marketing.Vol. 42 No. 5/6, 2008,pp.537-552.二、翻译文章标题:企业重塑品牌的原则译文:企业重塑品牌的原则——比尔梅里斯和戴尔米勒文献综述在企业品牌建设方面,主要的经典作品包括奥林斯(1978年,1994年),格雷戈里(1991),道林(1994),Fombrun(1996年)和工业(1997)。
诺基亚的全球品牌战略 外文参考文献译文及原文doc 精品

本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文学院经济管理学院专业工商管理年级班别学号学生姓名指导教师年月日目录外文文献译文 (1)外文文献原文 (9)外文文献译文1、什么是品牌“品牌”,最早来源于古挪威文字Brander,意思是“烧灼”。
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企业品牌战略研究外文翻译毕业论文华南理工大学广州学院本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译外文原文名 Brand Strategy Research中文译名企业品牌战略研究英文原文版出处: Kapferer,J.H. Strategic Brand Management M. London: Kogan Page, 2010:52-61.译文成绩: 指导教师(导师组长)签名:译文:企业品牌战略研究二、中国企业实施品牌战略的现状1、众多昔日名牌稍纵即逝中外企业在市场上的品牌大战,使刚刚成长起来的民族品牌受到极大的冲击。
、品牌战略已日渐引起国内企业重视、政府的扶持 2自上世纪80年代改革以来,中国社会主义经济建设取得了令人瞩目的成就,从计划经济时代走向市场经济时代的中国企业,品牌经营无从无到有。
有的企业甚至在品牌低价出售转让,如我国现有20多万个“三资”企业中,有90%以上的合资企业在使用外方品牌;广州洁银牙膏厂以200万元低价将品牌转让给合资企业等,就是这样的突出事例,现今其可怕后果已日渐显现出来——丧失了本国企业自身品牌、产品与知识产权,民族产业竞争力究竟何在!3、产品是企业在市场中竞争优势可以很快被竞争对手模仿、超越,而品牌却难以逾越,真正持久的竞争优势来自于不断创新,以“不变”应“万变” 品牌是核心竞争力的集中体现。
Brand Strategy ResearchChinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The lastcentury, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark,is to beacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last century 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domesticenterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’ssocialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the -200000yuan. 100000yuan rewardJapanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotelopening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s mostauthoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.Withthe opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filledwith“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various otherinternantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the applianceindustry ,led by hai er brand,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brandshave developed well,but with the“Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the IT industry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries c ompared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goods market,“P,G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other internationalcompanies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors.Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international markeropportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is alace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overallplanning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro socialfactors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to further strengthen the country’s industrialpolicy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play differentrole in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion andlimitation,the financial environment for business investment capacityand market expansion ability and the important influence.Theestablishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies withparticular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to saythat now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a shorttime,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematic.The implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to highprice,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companieseven to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give uptheir own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell itsown brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20million“threecapital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using theforeign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,productand intellectual property rights,national industrial competitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market canbe quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand isinsurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market is constrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be outof danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer SergioZyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Productsphysical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price,quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategywill be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand itsown thing,related to business management of all major strategic decision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.。