13岁印度女孩登顶珠峰 创最年轻女性记录

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Nepalese side, but Nepal forbids climber
s younger than 16. 官方人士称,玛拉瓦及其所在登
峰的。大部分爬珠峰的人都会选择更容易的尼泊 尔一侧登山,但是尼泊尔禁止16岁以下的人攀爬
l go places. She is not only bright in academics, but
also in adventure,' Malavath's parents told
Times of India. 玛拉瓦的父母告诉
even more impressive as they climbed the peak from
the more dif
ficult Tibetan side. Most climbers scale the
world's tallest mountain from the easier
less than $600 a year, reached the summit on May 25.
w the Dalit wants to be a role model for other poor
children. “贫民”女孩普尔纳的父母都是劳动人民,
不仅学业出色,而且富有冒险精神。” They said
they hoped their son Naresh would also conquer Everest one d
ay. 他们还说希望自己的儿子纳雷什将来有一天也
能够登顶珠峰。 Officials said this achievement is
After spending her life at the bottom of the heap,
Malavath Poorna has finally come out on top. 玛拉
瓦· 普尔纳自出生起就生活在珠峰山脚下,现在她
The 13-year-old girl from India has become the
from Base Camp, following her treacherous 52-day
climb. 52天的惊险旅程结束后,普尔纳在大本营接
目的是鼓舞那些和我同样家庭背景的年轻人和学 生。” 'Fo
r a tribal girl like me, opportunities are very rare and I
youngest female to conquer Mount Everest, the
world's highest peak. 这位13岁的印度女孩
成为登顶世界最高峰——珠峰的最年轻女性。 The
'untouchable', whose laborer parents earn
峰,她想成为其他贫穷孩子的模范。 'The

aim of my expedition was to inspire young people
and students from my kind of background,' she
told BBC on a satellite phone
special ceremony to mark Mala
vath's achievement. 她的父母非常开心,在玛
'We are happy that our girl has set the world
record. We know she wil
was looking for one opportunity where I could prove
my caliber.' “对
一直寻求机会来展示我的才能。” Her overjoyed
parents couldn't contain their pride during a
珠峰。森英语 编