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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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#define MAXN 100 //顶点个数的最大值

#define MAXM 200 //边数的最大值

struct ArcNode


int to, dur, no; //边的另一个顶点,持续时间,活动序号

ArcNode *next;


int n, m; //顶点个数、边数

ArcNode* List1[MAXN]; //每个顶点的边链表表头指针(出边表) ArcNode* List2[MAXN]; //每个顶点的边链表表头指针(入边表) int count1[MAXN]; //各顶点的入度

int count2[MAXN]; //各顶点的出度

int Ee[MAXN]; //各事件的最早可能开始时间

int El[MAXN]; //各事件的最迟允许开始时间

int e[MAXM]; //各活动的最早可能开始时间

int L[MAXM]; //各活动的最迟允许开始时间

void CriticalPath( ) //求关键路径



int i, j, k;

int top1 = -1;

ArcNode* temp1;

memset( Ee, 0, sizeof(Ee) );

for( i=0; i


if( count1[i]==0 )

count1[i] = top1, top1 = i;


for( i=0; i


if( top1==-1 )


printf( "Network has a cycle!\n" ); return;




j = top1; top1 = count1[top1];

temp1 = List1[j];

while( temp1!=NULL )


k = temp1->to;

if( --count1[k]==0 )

count1[k] = top1, top1 = k;

if( Ee[j] + temp1->dur > Ee[k] ) //有向边 Ee[k] = Ee[j] + temp1->dur;

temp1 = temp1->next;

}//end of while

}//end of else

}//end of for


int top2 = -1;

ArcNode* temp2;

for( i=0; i


El[i] = Ee[n-1];

if( count2[i]==0 )

count2[i] = top2, top2 = i;


for( i=0; i


j = top2; top2 = count2[top2];

temp2 = List2[j];

while( temp2!=NULL )


k = temp2->to;

if( --count2[k]==0 )

count2[k] = top2, top2 = k;

if( El[j] - temp2->dur < El[k] ) //有向边 El[k] = El[j] - temp2->dur;

temp2 = temp2->next;

}//end of while

}//end of for


memset( e, 0, sizeof(e) ); memset( L, 0, sizeof(L) ); printf( "The critical activities are:\n" );

for( i=0; i

temp1 = List1[i];;

while( temp1!=NULL )

j = temp1->to; k=temp1->no; //有向边

e[k] = Ee[i]; L[k] = El[j] - temp1->dur;

if( e[k]==L[k] )

printf( "A%d : %d->%d\n", k, i, j );

temp1 = temp1->next;




int main( )


int i, u, v, w; //循环变量、边的起点和终点

scanf( "%d%d", &n, &m ); //读入顶点个数n,边数

memset( List1, 0, sizeof(List1) ); memset( List2, 0, sizeof(List2) );

memset( count1, 0, sizeof(count1) ); memset( count2, 0, sizeof(count2) );

ArcNode *temp1, *temp2;

for( i=0; i


scanf( "%d%d%d", &u, &v, &w ); //读入边的起点和终点


temp1 = new ArcNode; //构造邻接表

temp1->to = v; temp1->dur = w;

temp1->no = i+1; temp1->next = NULL;

if( List1[u]==NULL ) List1[u] = temp1;

else{ temp1->next = List1[u]; List1[u] = temp1; }


temp2 = new ArcNode; //构造邻接表

temp2->to = u; temp2->dur = w;

temp2->no = i+1; temp2->next = NULL;

if( List2[v]==NULL ) List2[v] = temp2;

else{ temp2->next = List2[v]; List2[v] = temp2; } }

CriticalPath( );

for( i=0; i


temp1 = List1[i]; temp2 = List2[i];

while( temp1!=NULL )


List1[i] = temp1->next; delete temp1; temp1 = List1[i];


while( temp2!=NULL )
