



1.I would have attended your birthday party last night but for the fact that it at that time.A.was raining B.would rain C.had rained D.had been raining 【答案】A


试题分析:句意:要不是昨晚这个时候一直下雨,我可能已经去参加你的生日聚会了。I would have attended your birthday party last night表过去本可以做某事,实际上没做,是虚拟语气,而the fact后面是同位语从句,说明事实的内容,不能用虚拟语气,所以用一般过去式,选A。


2.–What did you say?

--So you _____________ to me.

A.won’t listen B.didn’t listen C.haven’t listened D.weren’t listening 【答案】D



3.--Look where you’re going! Anything wrong?

--Oh, I ______ about the accident I saw in the morning. I was terrified when two cars collided. A.have thought B.was thinking

C.would think D.will be thinking






1. when 和while引导的状语从句中,强调某个动作正在进行的过程中时要用进行时态,


When/While we were having supper, the light went out. 我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了。

2. when用作并列连词时,主句常用进行时态,从句则用一般过去时,表示主句动作发生的过程中,另一个意想不到的动作发生了。如:

I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。


1. 表示过去某一阶段暂时性的习惯动作时。如:

Tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week. 汤姆那一周里每天都是六点钟起床。

2. 与always连用表示赞美,厌烦等感情色彩时。

如: John was always coming to school late. 约翰上学总是迟到。

Lei Feng was always doing good deeds for the people. 雷锋总是为人民做好事。

3. 用来描写故事发生的情景时。如:

It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A PLA man suddenly appeared on the river bank. He wanted to cross the river.


4. when作并列连词,表示“(这时)突然”之意时,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when


I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。

We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我们正在外边玩,这时下起雨来了。

5. go, come, leave, start, arrive等动词可用过去进行时表示过去将来的含义。如: I was leaving for Wuhan that day. 那天我正要去武汉。 She was coming later. 她随后就来。


I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn't get through. Her brother ______ on the phone all the time.

A. has been talking

B. was talking

C. has talked

D. talked





4.When I said someone broke the school regulations, I ______ you. Why did you get that angry? A.don’t refer to B.haven’t referred to C.wasn’t referring to D.hadn’t referred to 【答案】C



5.—You were not listening;what troubled you?

—I my coming math exam.

A.am thinking about B.was thinking about C.had thought about D.will think about 【答案】B



6.—Remember the first time we met?

—Sure. You ____in the supermarket.

A.shopped B.have shopped C.had shopped D.were shopping




7.The first time I ____ Todd, he ____ to some students at the English corner.

A.had seen; was talked

B.saw; talked

C.had seen; talked

D.saw; was talking




8.When he kept silent, Mr Johnson ______ his approval for our plan.

A.would show B.is showing

C.was showing D.has shown



试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:当他保持沉默时,约翰先生表达对我们计划的支持。根据语境可知当他保持沉默时,约翰先生正在做另外一件事,故用过去进行时,故选C 项。

考点 : 考查动词的时态

9.—What do you think of the movie last night?

—When I got there it _______, so I only watched the end.

A.finished B.had finished

C.was finishing D.has finished





10. --What did you say? I’m sorry, Mrs White, but …

--So you _______ to me, Peter.

A.haven’t listened B.weren’t lis tening

C.don’t listen D.hadn’t listened



试题分析:句意:--你刚才说什么了?对不起,怀特太太,可是…,--那么你没有听我说话,皮特。从What did you say?可知是过去没有再听,属于过去范畴的时态,排除AC,D 项是过去完成时,是过去的过去的动作,这里显然不是,而是表示过去正在做…,选B。


11.---I didn't take notes at yesterday's meeting because I had left my pen at home.

----You _________ mine. I ________ it.

A.must have borrowed; wasn't using B.may have borrowed; wasn't using C.should have borrowed; hadn't used D.could have borrowed; wasn't using



试题分析:考查情态动词+完成时,must have done 表示对过去的事情肯定推测;may have done 表示对过去事情不肯定推测;should have done表示应该做某事而没做; could have done表示过去未完成的事情,根据句子意思,所以选D



12.—What happened? I called you several times yesterday evening, but I couldn't get through.—Sorry, my sister and I ________ on the phone all the time.

A.talked B.have talked

C.were talking D.have been talking



C 考察时态。由所设语境可知,答语应该是:昨天晚上你给我打电话时,我姐姐和我在煲电话粥。因此应该选择过去进行时。

13. When I ________ home, I caught a thief stealing from a passer-by.

A.headed B.was heading

C.has headed D.had headed





14.—Did you watch the film Frozen on the Internet yesterday?

— No, I _______my mother do housework all day.

A.was helping B.would help C.had helped D.help



试题分析:句意:你昨天在网上看了 Frozen这个电影吗?--没有,我整天都在帮助妈妈做家务。这里的all day是指昨天一整天,所以help这个动作是过去的一段时间正在做…,用过去进行时,所以选A。


15.— Oh, fantastic! What is your comment on the song Jingubang?

— Terribly sorry! I _____.

A.didn’t listen B.wasn’t lis tening

C.haven’t listened D.hadn’t listened



试题分析:句意:--哦,太棒了!你对Jingubang这首歌的评价是什么?--非常抱歉,我没有听。根据What is your comment on the song Jingubang?可知这首歌已经放过了,现在讲的是过去没有在听,所以用过去进行时,所以选B。


16.—What a pity that Dad didn’t attend my graduation ceremon y yesterday afternoon.—Oh, he _______ some business partners from Europe.

A.would meet B.was meeting

C.had met D.has met



考查时态。句意——爸爸昨天下午没有参加我的毕业典礼真是太遗憾了。——那时他正在会晤欧洲的商业合作伙伴。表示过去某一时间点(段)正在做的事情用过去进行时,故B 项正确。

17.This time yesterday Jack _____ his bike. He _____ TV.

A.repaired, didn’t watch B.was repairing, watched

C.repaired, watched D.was repairing, wasn’t watching





18.-Mike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the office just now?

-Yes, he ________, and he looked a little bit nervous.

A.had interviewed B.was interviewed

C.was being interviewed D.is being interviewing


【解析】考查动词时态。句意:——迈克,你刚才看到Mr. Chapman在办公室吗?——是的,他正在接受采访,他看起来有点紧张。表示刚才正在进行的动作用过去进行时,句中he和动词interview是被动关系,所以此处用过去进行时的被动,故选C。

19.--- Hey, what’s up? Water is everywhere. What can I do for you?

--- Oh, great. I ______ how to operate this damn new machine.

A.just wondered B.was just wondering

C.had just wondered D.have just wondered




20.--- What ‘s this? I hear about your appearing on the six o’clock news.

--- Oh that. Some people _______ something on campus and I just happened to pass in front of the camera.

A.filmed B.had filmed

C.were filming D.have been filming




21.Hearing the noise outside, Granny asked me .

A.what is happening B.what was happening

C.what it was happening D.what was it happening





22.Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Mr. Smith __________. So we only had time for a few words.

A.has just left B.was just leaving C.had just left D.just left




考查时态。句意:不幸的是,当我顺道拜访时,史密斯先生正要离开。所以我们只有几句话的时间。根据 when I dropped in,可知,当我顺道拜访时,史密斯先生正要离开了,B项是过去进行时表示过去将来意义。故选B。

23.—Did you see Harry just now?

—No, I ____ computer games.

A.have played B.am playing

C.had played D.was playing








24.Jim ______ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.

A.watched B.had watched

C.was watching D.would be watching




考查动词时态。句意:Jim深夜在家看电视,当剧情到最惊心动魄的时刻时,电视突然没信号了。根据题干中的when可知所填动词构成固定句型be doing sth.…when…,意思是:当……这时……,表示正在做某事,这时发生了另一件事,由后面句子中… went blank可知用过去进行时,故选C。



25.I _________ to help you to do homework but I couldn't spare any time. I ________ a composition last night and I'll finish it tomorrow.

A.wanted;wrote B.had wanted;was writing

C.had wanted;wrote D.wanted;have been writing




考查动词时态。句意: 我本打算在家庭作业方面帮助你的,但是我抽不出时间。我昨天晚上整晚都在写作文,明天就能写完。第一空,句中为短语had wanted to do 本打算做某事,第二空表示时间段内正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时,综述选B。

26.Jack ___________ in the lab when the power cut occurred.

A.works B.has worked

C.was working D.would work




考查固定的时态结构。句意:杰克正在实验室里工作,这时候突然断电了。本句考查when 引导并列句。本句句型为:sb was/were doing sht. when + n./pron. did sth.表示一个动作在进行,别一个动作发生了,when 是并列连词。故此处用过去进行时,故选C。

【点睛】when 作并列连词时,引导并列句。意为“...就在这时,...”。常用句型有三种:1. sb be doing when...某人正在做某事时突然....如I was watching TV when someone knocked the door.2. sb be about to do when...某人正要做某事时实然...如I was about to go out for a walk when the doorbell rang.3. sb had just done sth when...某人刚做完某事时突然...如I had just finished the homewor when my mother came in.





27.She ________ to someone on the phone, so I just nodded to her and went away. A.talked B.has talked

C.had talked D.was talking





28. David, are you listening to me?

Sorry, sir. I ________ of the lecture I attended yesterday.

A.have thought B.was thinking C.am thinking D.thought




考查时态。句意:——大卫,你在听我说吗? ——对不起,先生。我在想我昨天听的讲座。此处表示刚才正在做某事,所以应该用过去进行时态,故选B。

29.—Do you think I'm a good surfer?

—Of course! I ________ you earlier.You made it look so easy,graceful even.

A.am watching B.was watching

C.have watched D.had watched






1. 表示过去某一阶段暂时性的习惯动作时。如:

Tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week. 汤姆那一周里每天都是六点钟起床。2. 与always连用表示赞美,厌烦等感情色彩时。如: John was always coming to school late. 约翰上学总是迟到。

Lei Feng was always doing good deeds for the people. 雷锋总是为人民做好事。

3. 用来描写故事发生的情景时。如:

It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A PLA man suddenly appeared on the river bank. He wanted to cross the river.那是一个漆黑的夜晚,风刮


4. when作并列连词,表示“(这时)突然”之意时,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when 引导的并列分句用一般过去时。如:

I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。

We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我们正在外边玩,这时下起雨来了。

5. go, come, leave, start, arrive等动词可用过去进行时表示过去将来的含义。如: I was leaving for Wuhan that day. 那天我正要去武汉。

She was coming later. 她随后就来。


I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn't get through. Her brother __ on the phone all the time.

A. has been talking

B. was talking

C. has talked

D. talked




30.——What was wrong? Why didn’t you go to the picnic as scheduled?

——I’m sorry. I _________ a seriously-injured old man to the hospital.

A.would deliver B.delivered

C.had delivered D.was delivering





31.Entering the step-classroom (阶梯教室), I found the lecture ________ and the people

________ attentively.

A.began, listened B.was begun, was listening

C.had begun, listened D.had begun, were listening







32.Susan had quit her well-paid job and _________ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.

A.is working B.was working

C.has worked D.had worked



考查时态。句意:Susan已经辞去了高薪的工作。去年当我探望她的时候,她正在一个社区里做志愿者。Susan辞职发生在她当志愿者之前,had quit是过去完成时态,过去完成时态通俗的说就是“过去的过去”,且结合时间状语when I visited her last year可知,Susan做志愿者是过去的某个时间段发生的情况,故该空应用过去进行时态。B选项正确。


33.I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he polite.

A.was just being B.will just be

C.had just been D.would just be


【解析】考查动词时态。句意:我不敢确定他是真的感兴趣还是仅仅是在表示一下礼貌。本题考查时态。由前文I wasn’t sure if he was…及并列连词or来判断,此处应为过去时,故排除B项;本句并不表示“过去的过去”,也不表达“过去的将来”,故排除C、D两项;本句表示暂时的情况,故用过去进行时态。

34.(江苏97校联考)—Dora, do you think Jack’s proposal reasonable?

—I’m sorry I have missed that, but actually I ________ about another one.

A.thought B.have thought

C.had thought D.was thinking



35.--- Did you watch the final match of China Open yesterday?

---Sure. I it so attentively that I forgot to cook supper.

A.watched B.had watched

C.was watching D.was to watch


【解析】考查过去进行时。句意:---你看昨天中国公开赛的最后一场比赛吗?--当然。我全神贯注地看着,忘了做晚饭。根据“yesterday”可知发生在过去,根据“the final match of China Open”过去具体时间。在过去某个时间在做某事使用过去进行时。根据题意,故选


36.—Why didn’t Ann see me wave to her?

— She _____ in the other direction.

A.looked B.was looking

C.has looked D.is looking



37.—Why on earth didn’t you answer the door?I thought you were out this morning.

—I’m terribly sorry,but I online with my brother in America.

A.am chatting B.was chatting

C.chatted D.have been chatting




过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。其形式为was /were + V-ing。常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last night, last Saturday等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用。

过去进行时由“主语+was/were + 现在分词”构成


38.Many people for a lecture to be given by a famous environmentalist when there was a power failure.

A.will wait B.were waiting

C.had waited D.waited


【解析】句意为:很多人正在等待着由一个著名的环保主义者做的演讲,这时突然停电了。由句意及句中的“was”不难看出,此处说的是过去某一时间正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时。题干也是sb.was doing sth.when...“某人正在做某事,这时突然……”的结构。故选B。

39.I _______a cup of coffee when a new idea occurred to me.

A.drank B.was drinking

C.had drunk D.would drink



试题分析:句意:我想到一个新的想法的时候,我正在喝一杯咖啡。根据句意,喝咖啡是发生在想到主意的时候,时间状语从句是when a new idea occurred to me.所以用过去进行时,选B。


40.— What ______ when I phoned you?

— I ______ my work, and wanted to go out.

A.have you done;finished B.were you doing;have finished

C.did you do; had just finished D.were you doing; had just finished



试题分析:考查时态:句意:我打电话给你的时候你在干什么?,我刚刚完成任务,我和你出去。第一个空填were you doing,用过去进行时,动作在打电话的时候正在进行中,第二空填,had just finished,说明是过去打电话的时候已经完成了,用过去完成时,可知选D。




1 短文改错 增强语感,宏观把握 短文改错是一种综合技能,主要在于检测考生发现、判断、纠正文章中错误以及在语篇中综合运用英语知识准确性的能力。 短文改错与书面表达一样,最能反映一个人的语言功底。考生在该题上失分最厉害,因为此题而影响英语总成绩的占大多数。 一、短文改错的复习重点 1、考生必须熟悉设错方式:多词、少词、错词。 ⑴多词现象大多出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。 ⑵少词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to、连词等。 ⑶错词现象主要在冠词、介词、名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、代词、连词、词形。 2、考生平时应加强基本功训练,用一个“错题集”把自己或同学在书面表达中出现的错误归纳一下,以便考前复习。 二、对全文的宏观把握

学生应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解,这样能对短文有个宏观把握,对上下文有全面的了解。 在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的准的题先做完,这样可以缩小包围圈,也有助于对全文的进一步理解。 三、从语法角度审查 1、查看时态是否一致。 My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team. 全文都是用的一般现在时,此句中的was显然与上下文语境不符,应改为am。 2、查看主谓是否一致。 Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them. cost应改为costs,因其主语是it(为形式主语),且上下文均为一般现在时。 3、查指代是否一致。 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.句中的主语the Smiths表的是Smith一家人,因此指示代词his应改为their。 4、查平行结构是否平行一致。 由and, or, but, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., as well as等并列连词和词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。 It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. 句中的drove显然与and前面的to meet不平行,应改为drive。


中考英语过去进行时100篇及答案(word) 一、过去进行时 1.—Did you watch the football match on TV last night? —I wanted to, but my mother her favorite TV programme. A. watches B. watched C. was watching D. had watched 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:一昨晚你在电视上看足球比赛了吗?一我想看,但我的母亲在看她最喜欢的电视节目。A.第三人称单数形式;B.过去式或过去分词;C.过去进行时形式;D.过去完成时形式。根据语境,所以选C。 2.—Did you hear someone knock at the door just now? —Sorry, I ______ to my friend on the phone. A. was talking B. talked C. am talking 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查动词的时态。句意:“你刚刚听到有人敲门了吗?”“不好意思。我刚刚在和我朋友通电话。”由句意可知此处表示过去某一时刻正在发生的动作,应用过去进行时。故选A。 3.—I called you last night, but you didn't answer. —Sorry, Grace. I I Am A Singer when the phone rang. A. am watching B. was watching C. have watched 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】表示过去某动作发生时.另一动作正在进行,用过去进行时,故选B。句意是:当电话铃响的时候我正在看《我是歌手》。 【点评】本题考查过去进行时的用法。 4.— I called you last night, but nobody answered. Where were you then? — Oh, I ____________ my pet dog in my yard. A. walked B. was walking C. am walking D. will walk 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——昨晚我给你打电话了,但是没人接,那时你在哪里?——哦,我在院子里正在遛我的宠物狗。A.一般过去时;B.过去进行时;C.现在进行时;D.一般将来时。根据Where were you then,可知是昨晚打电话那时正在遛狗,所以用过去进行


【网络综合- 高考英语作文】 一.开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 2.It goes without saying that... 3.It can be said with certainty that... 4.As the proverb says, 5.It has to be noticed that... 6.It`s generally recognized that... 7.It`s likely that ... 8.It`s hardly that... 9.It’s hardly too much to say that... 10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是 11.There’s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 13.what’s far more imp ortant is that... 二.衔接句型 A case in point is ... As is often the case... As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述 But the problem is not so simple. Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以…… But it’s a pity that... For all that...In spite of the fact that... Further, we hold opinion that...

(英语) 高考英语过去进行时专题训练答案及解析

(英语)高考英语过去进行时专题训练答案及解析 一、单项选择过去进行时 1.—David, are you listening to me? —Sorry, Dad. I ________ to make sense of what the reporter said. A.was trying B.have tried C.am trying D.tried 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态:句意:--大卫,你在听吗?--对不起,爸爸,我在想理解记者说的话。说明大卫刚刚正在想理解记者说的话,用过去进行时。选A。 考点:考查时态 点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。 2.–What did you say? --So you _____________ to me. A.won’t listen B.didn’t listen C.haven’t listened D.weren’t listening 【答案】D 【解析】 考查时态。根据上下文可知是指刚才你没有在听我说话。句意:—你说什么?—那么你刚才没有在听我说话! 3.--- What ‘s this? I hear about your appearing on the six o’clock news. --- Oh that. Some people _______ something on campus and I just happened to pass in front of the camera. A.filmed B.had filmed C.were filming D.have been filming 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词。句意:怎么?我听说你出现在了6点钟的新闻里面。哦,那个啊!正好那时候有人在学校里拍东西,我恰巧路过了镜头。那个时候正在做某事,用过去进行时,故选C项。 考点:考查动词


高考英语答题技巧解题方法集锦 (仅供参考) 听力测试的主要形式有:对话理解,短文理解。对话理解是考查学生在一定语境或情景中所表现出的快速反应、推理判断能力;短文理解则是在此基础上考查学生对一个结构比较完整,意义相对连贯的语段的理解能力,是一种高层次、有难度的听力测试形式。 【高考英语听力考试的测试点】 1、理解对话的主旨大意 2、获取对话中具体信息 为了说明和解释主旨,对话或独白中需要一些具体信息,如时间、地点、人物、年代、价钱等,这些信息对理解对话,把握对话主旨是不可缺少的内容,且在试题中占相当大的比例。这类题要求学生在听清,听懂信息的同时,还要对所听到的信息做简单的处理。有的也需要考生进行简单的计算。 3、推断对话发生的背景、地点及对话者之间的关系。对对话背景、地点、 对话者之间关系的理解程度,体现了一个人对口语的理解能力。 4、理解领会对话的观点、态度及意图 这类考题要求考生不但能理解录音原文的主旨大意,而且还要通过文中的重要细节、具体事实,揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等,这类题能测试出考生在听力方面的综合素质。 【培养良好的听力习惯,掌握正确的答题技巧】 多听是提高听力的前题,但如何去听,如何获得准确的信息,则就不是多听听能解决的问题了。多听是增强语感,提高听力之本,若再加上正确的听力方法,掌握必要的技巧及对策,则可获得事半功倍的效果。 1、利用听录音前的时间,迅速地捕捉每个小题题干选项所提供的信息,预

测短文或对话可能涉及到的内容,这样听录音材料时就有的放矢,有所侧重,提高答题的准确率。 2、克服犹豫不决的毛病,对自己有把握的试题应快速作答,对无把握的试 题也要在所听信息的基础上排除错误选项,进行优化处理。不会作答的,立即暂时搁置,准备听新的题目。 3、目前高考听力测试中短文理解大部分是记叙文或讲话稿,所以听录音时 重在听懂每句话的意思和内涵,注意捕捉文中所涉及的人物(who)、事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(why)、方式(how)、程度(how long,how soon,how much)、数字(how many/how much)、选择(which…)等,以便检查答案。 4、注意听短文的首句和首段,文章的开首和开首段,往往是对短文内容的 概括,如讲话目的、主要内容、作者、论点、故事发生的时间、地点及事由等。 5、不管听什么材料,注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理解上,千万不能只 停留在个别单词或单句上,听不清时马上放弃,不要强迫自己听清每一个词,要把重点放在听关键词即实词上,一边听一边把要点及回答问题的关键词记下来。 【单项填空答题技巧、解题方法】 单项填空主要考查三个方面:1、英语语法知识;2、对近义词或习惯用语的辨析;3、日常交际用语。这三个方面各有其内在规律,因此了解这些规律,掌握这些规律,就能逐渐形成答好单项填空题目的解题技巧。高考的学生要想快又准地做好单选题,必须具备下列技巧: 1、题眼法:"题眼"是指题干中的关键词或关键符号,它具有提示信息的作 用。一旦抓住了它,就能掌握选择的依据。 2、还原法:把倒装式、强调式或疑问式的题干变换为陈述句,再选就容易 多了 3、归类法:根据句意,把选项分组归类,缩小范围,提高做题的速度和准


Summary 3 Past Co nti nuous Tense 过去进行时总结 I. Defin itio n 时态含义 表示过去某一时刻或过去一段时间内正在进行的动作。 II. Time words 时间标志词 1. then, at that time, this time yesterday, at 6 o ' clock yesterday ... 2. when/ while/ (just) as 引导的时间状语从句 III. Structure 动词结构 was/ were + doing ? Whe n/ while/ (just) as 引导的时间状语从句在过去进行时态中的用法区别 1. when既可以和短暂性动词连用,也可以和连续性动词连用, 句中一般翻译为“当...... 时候” / “就在那时”。 a. Some one kno cked at the door whenI was hav ing breakfast. b. I was tak ing a bath whenthe teleph one rang. 2. while只可以和连续性动词连用 句中一般翻译成“当...... 时候”(=wheri) / “然而”(强调前后两个动作同时进行) a. He cut himself while he was shaving. b. My wife was cooking the dinner while I was working in the garden. 3. (just) as 更强调“随着”,所引导的从句动作一般与主句动作伴随着发生。 a. Just as I was ope ning the front door, the teleph one rang. b. The children were singing as they went home.


中考英语作文提分秘籍 增加细节的技巧13例 技巧一:列举具体的实例进行补充说明 例1. 我们青少年应尽我们所能保护环境、拯救地球。(添加for example) 改造前:We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth.改造后:We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth. For example, we can use recyclable bags instead of plastic bags, refuse to use single-use products and save energy. 例2:我要花一些时间和父母在一起。(添加-ing表伴随) 改造前:I'll spend some time staying with my parents. 改造后:I'll spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework. 例3:我想找一个像我一样喜欢旅行的笔友。(If possible, ...) 改造前:I'd like to seek a pen pal who is interested in traveling just like me. 改造后:I'd like to seek a pen pal who is interested in traveling just like me. If possible, we can travel together or share traveling experiences. 例4:互联网在我们的日常生活当中变得越来越重要。(not only ... but also ...) 改造前:The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. 改造后:The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. Not only can we read news from home and abroad, but also send emails and attend on-line courses.


最新高考英语过去进行时练习题及答案 一、单项选择过去进行时 1.—Did you see the CEO in his office? —Yes, he _________ by the journalist from BBC. A.has been interviewed B.is being interviewed C.had been interviewed D.was being interviewed 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:你在办公室见到董事长了吗?是的,他正在接受BBC 的采访。根据语境可知当时正在做某事,用过去进行时,还得表示被动,故选D项。 考点 : 考查动词的时态 2.–What did you say? --So you _____________ to me. A.won’t listen B.didn’t listen C.haven’t listened D.weren’t listening 【答案】D 【解析】 考查时态。根据上下文可知是指刚才你没有在听我说话。句意:—你说什么?—那么你刚才没有在听我说话! 3.The driver could have survived but he the seat belt. A.had been wearing B.hadn't worn C.wasn’t wearing D.didn't wear 【答案】C 【解析】 主要测试动词时态辨析。此处专指事故发生的时候:司机当时没戴安全带,故此使用:wasn’t wearing。句子译文:死机本可以幸存的,但是他当时没戴安全带。 4.—I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now? —Nothing. I to myself. A.had only talked B.am only talking C.have just talked D.was just talking 【答案】D 【解析】 考查时态,表示过去某一时刻进行的动作使用故去进行时态,根据题中的时间just now,


40个英语写作提分句型 1) 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。) 例如:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性都不为过。 2)There is no need for sb to do sth.\ for sth.(某人没有必要做……) 例如:There is no need for you to bring more food. 不需你拿来更多的食物了。 3)By +doing…,主语+can …. (借着……,……能够……) 例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 4) … enable + sb.+ to + do…. (……使……能够……) 例如:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。 5) On no account can we + do…. (我们绝对不能……) 例如:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 6) What will happen to sb.? (某人将会怎样?) 例如:What will happen to the orphan? 那个孤儿将会怎样? 7)For the past + 时间,主语 + 现在完成式/现在完成进行时…. (过去……时间来,……一直……) 例如:For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination.


高中英语过去进行时及其解题技巧及练习题(含答案) 一、单项选择过去进行时 1.—What were you doing when Lucy ________in yesterday? —I had just finished my homework and ________to take a shower. A.dropping;start B.had dropped;started C.dropped;have started D.dropped;was starting 【答案】D 【解析】 句意为:——昨天Lucy来访的时候你在干什么?——我(那时)刚写完作业正要开始洗澡。第一空后面有yesterday所以用一般过去时;第二空强调那时正要做某事。 2.--- Hey, what’s up? Water is everywhere. What can I do for you? --- Oh, great. I ______ how to operate this damn new machine. A.just wondered B.was just wondering C.had just wondered D.have just wondered 【答案】B 【解析】 考察时态。根据题意,嘿,发生了什么事?到处是睡。我能为你做点什么?——哦,太棒了。我正在想怎么来操作这台可恶的新机器呢。可知下文叙述的是刚才正在发生的动作,故用过去进行时态,选B。 3.—I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now? —Nothing. I to myself. A.had only talked B.am only talking C.have just talked D.was just talking 【答案】D 【解析】 考查时态,表示过去某一时刻进行的动作使用故去进行时态,根据题中的时间just now,故选D。句意:我说,亨瑞,你刚才对那位下岗的工人说什么了?什么也没说,我只是在自言自语。 4.—Remember the first time we met? —Sure. You ____in the supermarket. A.shopped B.have shopped C.had shopped D.were shopping 【答案】D 【解析】 本题的含义是你还记得我们首次见面吗?当时你正在超市购物,表示过去正在进行用过去进行时,故本题选D。


高考英语阅读之理解细节理解题 细节理解题在高考中占有较大比例,其主要考查考生对文章(或某一段落)中某一些特定细节或文章的重要事实的理解能力。 所谓细节题,是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对原文具体叙述本身发问。一般包括直接理解题(在原文中可直接找到答案,常用who, what, when, where, why和how等提问。)语义转化题(需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语义上的转换,两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工或整理后方能得出结论)、数字计算题、排列顺序题、图表图画题等。 一:常见的设问方式有: When / Where did the story happen? Which of the following statements is (not) correct? Which of the following statements is (not) mentioned in the passage? Which is the right order of the events given in the passage? All the statements are true except… 二.常见题型 1.wh类细节题; 2.数据计算题; 3.排序题; 4.是非题; 5.图标题 三、设题方式 1.语意转换。细节理解题设题时为了避免出现原文中所用的词汇,常常使用一些同义词、近义词或反义词(双重否定)。因而在解题时要注意语意转换。 2.设题顺序。一般来说,题序与其相关信息在文中的顺序一致,如某题的答案信息往往会在下一小题的答案信息之前。 3.设题干扰项。 (1)正误并存:部分正确,部分错误。 (2)扩大或缩小范围:是原文信息,但不是题干要求。 (3)偷换概念:符合常识,但不是文章的内容。 (4)以偏概全:与原句的内容极其相似,但在程度、态度、褒贬色彩上有变动。 (5)无中生有:明显不是文章的信息,与文章事实不符或相反。 四、解题步骤 1.迅速定位,缩小范围。通过寻读法(scanning),用题干中的关键词在文中搜索,迅速确定相关词句或信息点所在的位置,缩小阅读范围。 2.理解其意,对照选项。在找到关键词句后,要仔细阅读,准确理解,对照选项,看哪个选项的意思与之最接近。 3.排除干扰,选出答案。在作出选择的过程中,要善于辨别真伪,排除干扰,不断缩小范围,选出正确答案。 五、典例精析 1.wh类细节题 1) Not long ago, my wife, PJ, and I tried a new diet—not to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about climate change. Q: Why did the author and his wife try a new diet? A. To take special kinds of food B. To respond to climate change. C. To lose weight D. To improve their health 2).Surprisingly, compared with those in poor health or who had low incomes, respondents who enjoyed good health or income were associated with expecting a greater decline. Also, the researchers said that higher income was related to a greater risk of disability. Q: How do people of higher income see their future? A. They will earn less money. B. They will become pessimistic. C. They will suffer mental illness. D. They will have less time to enjoy life. 3)(2012全国Ⅰ卷C篇) Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left,and I becoming increasingly impatient. Q: Why did the author get impatient while driving? A.He was lonely on the road. B.He was slowed down by a truck. C. He got tired of driving too long. D. He came across too many traffic lights. 4)Software Trainer If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make you own

【英语】 中考英语过去进行时

【英语】中考英语过去进行时 一、过去进行时 1. Last night,thous ands of people ________ to see the stars arrive at the ceremony.() A. wait B. were waiting C. have waited 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:明天晚上,成千上万的人等着看明星们到达仪式现场。A. wait一般现在时态,表示经常性,习惯性的动作,B. were waiting 过去进行时态,表示过去正在进行的动作,C: have waited 现在完成时态,表示已经发生或完成的动作。本句表示昨天晚上一直在发生的动作,用过去进行时态,故选B。 2.—Paul, what were you doing at nine Last night? —I a movie in the cinema with my friends. A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:——Paul,昨天晚上九点钟你在做什么?——我正在和朋友们一起在电影院看电影。根据句中的时间状语at nine last night昨晚九点,可知是过去的时间。表示在过去某个时刻做的事情使用过去进行时态,was/were +现在分词,故选A。 【点评】考查过去进行时态,注意过去进行时的用法和结构。 3.— I called you last night, but nobody answered. Where were you then? — Oh, I ____________ my pet dog in my yard. A. walked B. was walking C. am walking D. will walk 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——昨晚我给你打电话了,但是没人接,那时你在哪里?——哦,我在院子里正在遛我的宠物狗。A.一般过去时;B.过去进行时;C.现在进行时;D.一般将来时。根据Where were you then,可知是昨晚打电话那时正在遛狗,所以用过去进行时,故选B。 【点评】考查过去进行时,注意平时识记,理解句意。 4.I saw him in the library yesterday. He a book at that moment. A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. will read 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】at that moment 意为“在那时”,表示过去的时间点,表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,故选C。句意是:我昨天在图书馆里看见他了,那时他正在看书。 【点评】本题考查过去进行时的用法。


高考英语作文提分亮点! 高考英语写作时,适当使用含有较高级语法结构的句式,如强调句、倒装句、省略句、感叹句等,能给文章增色不少,是英语作文的提分亮点。 1 使用特殊句式 ① As a saying goes,the little thing matters most. →As a saying goes,it is the little thing that matters most.(强调句) ② The children can grow up healthy mentally and phys ically only in this way. →Only in this way can the children grow up healthy mentally and physically.(倒装句) ③ If it is so,I hope you will have a wonderful time. →If so,I hope you will have a wonderful time.(省略句) ④ It is a very splendid moment. →How splendi d a moment it is!/What a splendid moment it is!(感叹句) ⑤ I won first prize with my teacher's help. →Without my teacher's help,I couldn't have won first prize.(虚拟语气) 2 巧用从句 ①如果他们在考试中经常作弊,他们就会养成一个坏习惯,这将会对他们的生活产生坏的影响。 If they often cheat in the exams,they will develop a bad habit,and it will have a bad effect on their life. →If they often cheat in the exams,they will develop a bad habit,which will have a bad effect on their life.(定语从句) ②这正是我想要的。 It is just the thing I want. →It is just what I want.(名词性从句) 3 善用非谓语动词

过去进行时 用动词的适当形式填空

用动词的适当形式填空 1. While we ____ (wait) for the bus, a girl ____(run) up to us. 2. I ____ (telephone) a friend when Bob ____ (come) in. 3. We had no classed at that time. We ____ (plant) trees. 4. We ____ (test) the new machine when the electricity ____ (go) off. 5. I ____ (write) a letter when the door bell rang. 6. While mother ____ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell __ (ring). 7. When I____ (walk) in the park, it _____(begin) to rain. 8. The students ______ (sing) and ____ (dance) happily on the playground at that time. 9. It was quite late at night. George _____ (read) and Amy ____ (play) her needle when they _____ (hear) a knock at the door. 10. When he____( knock) at the door, my aunt ____ (cook) 11. I _____ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning. 12. Mary _____ (go) over her lessons from six to seven last night. John and peter ____(do) the same thing. 13. What ___ you ___ (do) at that time? We ___ (watch) TV. 14. Was your father at home yesterday evening? Yes ,he was. He _____ (listen) to the radio. 15. They _____(not make) a model ship when I saw him. 16. _____ they ____ (have) a meeting at 4 yesterday afternoon? No, they _____. They _____ (clean) the classroom. 17. ____ it ___(rain) when you left school? Yes, it ____. (No, it ____) 18. What ____ your father ____ (do) at 5;30 yesterday evening? He ____ (study) at the evening school. 19. One day a little monkey ____(play) in a tall tree. A mother crocodile(鳄鱼) ____ (look) for food near the bank\ 20.I ______ (go) fishing that afternoon when he ___(see)me . 21. When I ____ (come) in the room, he ____ (read) something 22. While my father ____ (look) through the evening paper, he suddenly ____ a cry.


高考英语各类试题解题技巧 一.如何应对读不完文章,做不完题的问题。 原因: 1、没有养成良好的做题习惯。 有些同学做题左顾右盼,无法马上进入考试紧张状态,时间浪费在了考试以外的事情上。 2、心态不好,考场氛围紧张,考生更紧张。 有些同学总盯着其他同学做到哪里了,听到翻卷子的声音就非常紧张,更别提做题了。3、没有好的做题方法,对阅读理解题分析不够。 解决方案: 1、平衡心态。 考试对心态要求很高,既要紧张又不能过分紧张,既要自信又不能妄自菲薄。 2、做题方法。 ①A→Q→A(A=Article,Q=Question),即先从整体去阅读文章,后看问题。 ②还是Q→A→Q,即先把整个问题快速看一遍,然后带着问题在文章中找答案。 建议大家选用后者。根据效率原则和目标原则,首先要求学生加强具有目的性的训练,我们要的是什么,通过什么途径可以达到,而且更快更好的达到。此种方法最大的特点就是节省时间,而且针对性很强,如果问题是事实性的和细节性的,那准确率也是比较高的,但它的缺点就是在解决具有推理判断或是综合性的问题时效果就不太明显了。这样大家要灵活运用两者方法,寻找适合自己的解题技巧。 二、如何应对高中英语阅读中的长难句?

近年来,英语阅读解题加强了对长难句的考察,阅读材料中出现了不少省略句,复合句和特长句,给正确理解全文造成了很大困难。实际上,一般情况下,不在长难句中设题。文章难,题不难。一旦考到长难句,大家也不要心慌。 应对长难句的解题技巧: 1、利用还原法恢复句型的原貌。 例如:Betty shrugs. Talk? We're friends.该句为省略句,根据上文Harold对妻子长时间跟女友谈话而感到纳闷的情况,该剧课补充还原为:Betty shrugs. Why are we talking so long? We're friends. 2、成分分析法。这是较常用的方法。 三、高中期末考试考前如何进行实战操练才最有效? 做到每天五篇,养成考场习惯。每天保证阅读量,最好是一天一套5篇阅读。并根据自己的情况,设定时间完成,逐渐缩短阅读时间。可以按照,50分钟,45分钟,40分钟,35分钟的规律递减。摸索阅读速度,确定阅读方法,保持做题惯性。考前模拟,创造黑马。完成五篇一天任务,总结一周阅读技巧。总结五篇阅读,回答几个问题:1每篇阅读是什么题材?(记叙,应用,说明,议论)。2 每道题是什么题型?(事实细节,主旨大意,推理判断,猜测词义)。3 题目做错是粗心导致,还是方法使用不当?并把错题归类,哪一种类型是自己的弱项。4 对应错误再重新阅读本篇指导。 四. 你必须知道的阅读理解解题方法! 在阅读理解题上得分的多少很大程度上决定着高考英语的总成绩。而且,阅读量有逐渐扩大且阅读速度进一步提高的趋势;选题多种多样,涉及到社会经济、政治、文化、日常生活各个领域。“阅读理解题”从其设计和内容上看,可以归纳为以下几点:概括整个语段主旨大意以及事实和细节;能准确理解句子字面和深层含义;能准确理解具体的事实和抽象的概念。题型

中考英语 过去进行时的用法归纳练习

外研版英语中考英语过去进行时的用法归纳练习 一、初中英语过去进行时 1.— Has Tom finished his homework? — Sorry, I don't know. He ________ it this morning when I saw him. A. did B. does C. has done D. was doing 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】when“当……的时候”,句意:今天杰克逊已经完成了他的作业吗?——我不知道,但是当我今天早晨看见他时他正在做。结合语境可知下文描述的是在过去某个时间正在进行。故用过去进行时,选D。 【点评】考查动词的时态 2.—Where were you when I called? — I on the bed. A. lied B. was lying C. lay D. was laying 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:-我打电话里,你在哪儿?-我躺在床上。你打电话时,我正躺在床上。A,lied一般过去时B,was lying过去进行时C,lay动词原形D,was laying过去进行时。表示一个过去动作发生时,另一个过去动作正在发生,句子用过去进行时态。lie的现在分词是lying。故选B。 【点评】本题考查动词时态辨析,以及was lying;was laying两个词义和用法。 3.Students in Grade Nine ____________a maths exam at this time yesterday. A. take B. are taking C. were taking D. have taken 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:昨天的这个时候,九年级的学生正在参加数学考试。根据at this time yesterday. 可知这是一个过去的具体的时刻,过去的具体时刻出现的句子应使用过去进行时,C是过去进行时,故答案是C。 【点评】考查过去进行时,注意at this time加过去的时间范围用于过去进行时。 4.—Didn't you hear Dad call you? —No, I didn't. I ______ with Jack on the phone. A. am talking B. would talk C. have talked D. was talking 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——难道你没有听到爸爸给你打电话吗?——是的,我们没有听到。那时我正在和杰克电话聊天。A.正在聊天,现在进行时;B.将聊天;C.聊天,现在完成时;D.正在聊天,过去进行时。爸爸打电话时,作者正在聊天,动作发生在过去,用过去进行时,故选D。
