那么,反过来,导致由哈佛经济学家爱德华·H 1956年主张的政策——商标不应该被强制执行。
例如:传统商品“帆船”地毯,当初出口时翻译成“Junk”,结果销售状况很不理想,原来在西方,“Junk”除了“帆船”,还有“垃圾”之意,试问有谁愿意买“垃圾”呢?后来将商标译成“Junco”,则很快打开了销路. 另外,有些商标译名直接以消费者的需求为目标,极易激发消费者的购买,如“舒肤佳(香皂),健力宝(饮料),光明(灯具),金嗓子(药物),美佳雅(衣物),跳跳宝(玩具)等。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 托尼•莫里森《柏油孩子》的后殖民生态批评解读2 The Comparison of the Chinese Spring Festival with the Western Christmas Day3 The Racial Stereotypes in American TV Media4 外语学习焦虑与口语成绩的相关性研究5 论文化背景在高中英语阅读教学中的作用6 从功能翻译理论分析化妆品商标翻译7 从跨文化的角度研究中英幽默8 商务英语和普通英语对比浅析9 叶芝:无望的爱情,多变的风格10 分析路易莎•梅•奥尔科特的《小妇人》中的女权主义11 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
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Educationists and Western Educationists139 An Image of Eternal Charm—An Interpretation of Scarlett’s Character in Gone with the Wind 140 Jude the Obscure and Hard y’s World View141 目的论视角下电影字幕的翻译142 从隐私权看中西文化差异143 《推销员之死》中美国梦破灭的主要原因144 从认知语境的角度解读《一个干净明亮的地方》的隐含意义145 从中西文化差异看英汉数字翻译146 从唯美主义角度解读王尔德的《快乐王子》147 从莎翁作品透视伊丽莎白时期女性社会地位148 笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析149 科学家的困惑——从生态伦理角度浅析《弗兰肯斯坦》150 地方名胜古迹汉译英翻译研究151 汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移152 从《政府工作报告》的英译看中国特色词汇的英译153 网络广告在中国营销中存在的弊端154 跨文化交际视角下的英汉动物词语研究155 教师的态度对初中学生英语学习的影响156 《动物农庄》中的象征意义研究157 分析《野性的呼唤》的生存原则—从美国自然主义观的视角158 论中美日常交际的文化差异159 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield160 寻找自我——从女性意识角度解读《觉醒》161 A Brief Analysis of Jack London’s Attitude towards Life Reflected in The Call of the Wild162 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求163 英语国家姓氏文化研究164 《一件小事》三种英译本对比研究165 浅析D.H.劳伦斯小说中的平衡原则166 中国的乒乓球文化和美国的棒球文化的比较研究167 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析168 从迪斯尼动画《木兰》看中美文化差异169 《奥特兰托堡》和《弗兰肯斯坦》中哥特元素的比较研究170 从关联理论的角度看《围城》中言语幽默的翻译171 试析《推销员之死》中威利•洛曼的美国梦172 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究173 世纪年代前后美国电影中的华人女性形象对比174 A Preliminary Study on Christianity175 《简爱》和《藻海无边》的女主人公的对比研究176 从服饰的变化看待中美文化的差异177 《格列佛游记》对理性的反思与批判178 论文化软实力的提升对中国在国际社会中的影响力179 A Brief Analysis of the Syntactic Features of English Contracts 180 汉英颜色词的文化内涵及翻译181 中西婚姻文化差异182 马尔克斯《霍乱时期的爱情》主人公弗洛伦蒂诺心理分析183 中式菜谱的翻译184 英汉“红色”与“黑色”词汇的对比研究185 《紫色》中的女性主义解读186 从适应与选择角度看公示语翻译方法187 《劝导》中安妮•艾略特的道德判断188 从电影片名翻译窥探中美文化差异189 功能对等视角下汉语广告的英译策略190 探讨武侠和骑士形象的异同191 探讨《根》中黑人与美国人的根192 Exploration of Improper Criticism in Middle School Education 193 论直译与意译在英汉翻译中的应用194 《飘》与《倾城之恋》中的女性形象对比研究195 从社会语用学角度分析《雷雨》中的称谓语196 关于数字在英语商务合同中的应用的讨论197 《小妇人》--家庭教育对儿童个性的影响198 论《儿子与情人》中“花”的象征意义。
外文原文Customer Brand LoyaltyAbstractWith the appearance of deceptive sales, poor customer care and crooked promotion, keeping loyal customers becomes even more difficult .Even though pursuing consumer reliability costs time and effort, it is really the most valuable asset of a successful company.Keywords: Customer care, Brand, Customer loyalty, Brand loyalty1.Back ground information of customer brand loyaltySince the world is a global marketing now, competition among diverse corporations has become more drastic. In order to seize hold of the advantaged position in the marketplace, a mass of marketing specialists work out multifarious strategies to insure their triumph for a long time. Among these advanced strategies, developing and maintaining customer brand loyalty is considered to be a preferable option by more and more entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, there are still lots of people who refuse to attempt to this technique. They assert that it is impossible to achieve the ideal target, especially in the developed marketing economy. One can clearly see that even though pursuing consumer reliability costs time and effort, it is really the most valuable asset of a successful company.1.1The definition of brand loyaltyBrand loyalty is defined as keeping preferable to a specific product or service (BNET Business Dictionary). To rephrase it, faithful purchasers trend to pay money for the same brand of merchandise, and speak highly of its values. What’ more, they believe that their choice is better than others.1.2The development of the conceptThe notion of purchaser trustworthiness came through a long time and changed a lot. In an article by Gonring (2008, p.29), customer brand was given the definition of product quality before the 1980s. During the late 1980s and near the beginning 1990s, its emphasis changed from quality to customers. Still, with the competitors coming into the market in the late 1990s, satisfying and caring much about the clients becamea much more significant object of many corporations. Since then, people have paid more and more attention on customer to make more profits.1.3Four types of loyaltyCustomer brand loyalty has many aspects. Rowley (2005, p.574) concludes that there are four types of loyalty: captive, convenience-seekers, contented and committed. Captive customers prefer repeatedly purchasing the same product, service and brand because of lack of opportunities to substitute for alternatives. Convenience-seekers may not respect the brand itself, but look on the convenience that can carry. Contented consumershowever, have a positive attitude to a brand, but they won’t attempt to some extr a consumption. The perfect one is the committed, who are active both in attitude and behavior.2.Consumer brand loyalty has a significant position in the marketing.2.1Regarded as an essential feature of brand valueIt is admittedly true that shopper allegiance for a brand in truth contributes much to marketing. According to the concept of brand loyalty, it is regarded as the essential feature of brand value. The American Marketing Association gives it the explanation as “the situation in which a consumer genera lly pays money for the same manufacturer-originated product or service repeatedly over time rather than buying from multiple suppliers withi n the category” or “the degree to which a consumer consistently purchases the same brand within a product class”(2006, qtd in Moisescu).The author draws attention to the fact that since other descriptive aspects of brand equity, such as considerable quality, associations and awareness, all have consanguineous relationship with purchase and appreciation, they can guarantee the level of brand loyalty. It follows that brand fidelity may add the satisfaction of other dimensions of brand value. For example, brand devotion always leads the payers to believe the perceived quality of the brand is better than others.2.2Cut down costsThis strategy may facilitate vendors expend less but attain utmost money in the marketing. The work of Reichheld (2000, qtd in Banasiewicz) reveals that sellers have to waste as much as four times money to attract new clients than to continue the loyal customer. On account of this, the author turned to a perfect statistic to prove this contention. He goes on to indicate that for an individual customer, you have to just spend 5 percent of wealth for keeping his loyalty; alternatively, you will receive 75% of profits that he will bring in. It can be comprehended as acquiring new purchasers expend more money to advertising, giveaway and industry discount.2.3Less sensitive to priceTypical loyal purchasers are less sensitive to price. Because of this, when a product mark up, they won’t lessen the quantity of they buy. It is the view of Reilly (2008) that loyal customers deem the assessment of the product. As a consequence, they strong believe their choices. In that case, they trend to center less on the price.2.4Bring in new potential faithful consumersThe potential benefit that the loyal customers are able to add is that they may bring in more new consumers. At the same time, these potential consumers are also possible to become the future loyal customers. A goodexample of this is that when one repeatedly buy the same brand cosmetic, and consider it convenient to use, he will recommend it to his classmates and girl friend. Hence, there is no wonder that people around always own the same brand of clothes as well as other commodity. In contrast, if people around me complain the poor quality of a brand to me frequently, I won’t think of owning it as well.2.5Benefit in global marketplaceMost of all, in the global economy, client brand dependability stands out as an important competitive weapon. Kust (2008, p.24) correctly argues that the world has switched into a global business in the last 10 decades; developing the brand loyalty globally is essential to enter the market. He goes on to indicate that in order to keep a trust relationship with their consumer, corporations should create a customer brand loyalty program among customers.3.Difficulties sometimes stop businessmen from working out the technology.3.1Purchasers refuse loyalty programsIt is a popular belief, however, that we may find certain difficulties to face with consumer loyalty. First of all, Consumers are less willing to participate to customer loyalty program for several reasons. The excellent consumer loyalty program concludes both rewards and recognition; nevertheless, notwithstanding, the target doesn’t make sense in the modern society. Thomas (2009, qtd in Silverstein) draws attention to the fact that with customers facing an array of choices, they will be particular about what they buy; as a consequence, we are paying more attention on the rewards of a product. It means that little rewards won’t satisfy us any more. In other words , it is the modern economy environment that makes it more difficult for the sellers to remunerate people.3.2Loyal programs is incompleteYet another primary reason for non-participation is that customers have more requirements on loyalty program .According to Silverstein (2009), more than 50% of audiences complain that most loyalty programs look the same, so they lose interest to belong to any program. Worse still, some people who once took part in any loyalty program even drop out because of these two reasons. At the same time, some people content that companies entrepreneurs shouldn’t rely ab solutely on customer fidelity. A good example of this is that current loyalty program exists some drawbacks which make its function incomplete (2003, Uncles, p.294). The author examines that most people trend to pay money for the product they require. In simpler terms, customers choose only one category of brands is an ideal condition.4.There are several infections of purchasers5 loyalty.While it is true that retaining loyalty meets a lot of trouble, there is something can be done to reduce the risks. It can be clearly be maintained that finding the complication of brand loyalty can aid us solve the problems. To begin with, they should have a deep anal ysis of the customers5 purchase inclination. For instance, what they would like to pay, how much they prefer to spent on the particular kind of good, and how often they go on shopping (Neuberger, 2008).4.1Brand reputationEnterprisers should pay more attention on the relationship of brand loyalty and brand reputation. Reference to Selnes (1996, p.19) reveals that, brand reputation is one of the most significant driver of brand loyalty, so it is efficient to pursue reputation for better consumer reliability. To put it briefly, having a good reputation means that customers are preferable for this product on attitude; hence, they will take action to buy this products. That is to say, brand reputation contributes to brand loyalty by increasing willingness and belief so that the attitude may change to behavior.4.2Brand imageBrand image play an important role in brand building, especially in customer dependability. As Reichheld (2001,qtd in Hsieh and Li, p.529) perceptively state that preferable brand image will lead consumers to conceive a perception of an organization’s public relationship practice, which matches the cor porate reputation better. With this in mind, customers are more likely to retain optimistic faith, attitude, and action. It must be therefore be acknowledged that customer loyalty grows fast through approving brand image.4.3Consumers5 satisfaction4.3.1Positive effect on a single productThe evidence seems to be strong that when we talk about loyalty, we can’t forget to mention customer satisfaction. Ha (2009, p.198) has expressed the view that satisfaction is a crucial factor of the customer performance and attitude. In the example, the researcher gets the data from different countries. Even though the culture is different, the result of the conclusion is the same.4.3.2Weaker influence on brand aloneIt is a popular belief, however, that some people content that the condition of the effect of satisfaction depends. A good example of this is that when checking product singly, satisfaction is more indispensable. Conversely, its function becomes weaker in case of applying brand alone (2008, Torres-Moraga, p.302).4.4Internal brandingInternal branding is also a valuable outcome of brand loyalty. Internal brandingaffects mostly the employee’s identification. Whafs more, empolyee’s identification makes an positive effect on customer loyalty. It must therefore be recognized that internal branding contributes to customer loyalty (2009, Punjaisri, p.206).5. Corporations can do some effort to build and improve loyaltyAccording to the author, in order to achieve this goal, managers should use the street teams, brand reps, and brand Ambassadors. And yet, street teams will work well, only by the audience fit the target.5.1Pay more attention on customer careCustomer care is considered a good point to building customer loyalty. As Webb (1999, p.72) has indicated that companies should think much about what the customers care. They can know much about the customers by asking a series of open-mind question. To be sure, the customer would like to talk deeply about their situation.5.2Keep honest to customersNot only that, but also keeping honest to customers may retain customers5 trust. As an illustration, online travel agency Orbitz Worldwide displays the actual price on the internet on the purpose of winning customers trust. On the contrary, numerous companies only show the basic rate on the internet. Actually, the price is a 15% higher (2009, Peterson). If we customers are treated fairly on the price, we would like to give out our trust.5.3Measurement of loyaltyMost of all, the measurement of the customer loyalty is another point that we need focus on. Turning to Terry,one finds that the good method to do measure is to separate 3 groups of the consumers according to the sore they receive. If they get the score 1-6, they are called detractors. The passives are those who have the score 7-8, and the promoters ‘achieve are 9-10. Next, divide the total people who take part in the test with the promoters, and then you will get a percentage, which represents the level of your customer loyalty. He goes on to indicate that most companies get 10%-20% loyal clients.出处 :Junjun Mao, International Journal of Business and Management [J]. Science and Education :July 2010. Vol. 5, No. 7出处:616 International Journal of Management Vol. 27 No. 3 Part 2 Dec 2010中文译文:顾客品牌忠诚度摘要:随着销售欺诈、顾客关注度降低、非法促销这些现象的出现,维持客户忠诚变得越来越困难。
如卫龙和Lay’s (乐事薯片)之间的差异,前者在中文中含有“龙虾辣片”的意思,后者则有“欢乐”、“轻松”的意味。
例如,可口可乐的中文标志采用了旧式中国红色和黄色作为底色,在传达可口可乐品牌不断追求“开心”的愿景的同时,更贴近了中国文化中对于中国红色和黄色的认知;而可口可乐的日本标志则采用了日本传统的开花机文化元素cherry blossom,将可口可乐品牌融合到了日本文化中。
例如,“Just do it”的中文翻译为“只管去做”,这样的翻译很难将英文原文中蕴含的“激情、动力和自信”的语气传达出来。
品牌营销策略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Brand Strategy ResearchKapferer,J.HEconomic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means ofcompetition to increase brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last century 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’s socialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.Japanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electr onics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shake However,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filled with“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various other internantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the appliance industry ,led by haier brand,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the IT industry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goodsmarket,“P&G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors. Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporationssharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20 million“three capital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrial competitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market isconstrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer Sergio Zyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Products physical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategicdecision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.翻译:企业品牌战略研究卡普费雷尔,J.H在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。
品牌营销策略外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)翻译:个性、顾客品牌偏好和品牌社群:关于顾客、品牌和品牌社群的实证研究1 引言目前,学术界有关品牌社群的研究非常多,如苹果电脑Mac、哈雷摩托车和大众汽车的高性能两箱小车Golf GTI品牌社群的研究,还有乐于购买科幻小说的社群。
关键词:目的论;商品名;翻译策略1 商品名翻译商品名旨在更易识别和区分一个产品。
2 品牌翻译标准如何评估品牌翻译?从大多数市场营销书中总结出,其理想的品牌名称标准应是易识记的,独特的,明确的,最好能暗示产品属性(Kevin Keller,1998:131-132)。
3 理论研究品牌形象是市场营销的重要组成部分。
4 目的论起源“Skopos”来源于希腊单词“purpose”或“aim”。
品牌营销外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Brand Strategy ResearchEconomic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means of competition toincrease brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market iscausing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last century 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’s socialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.Japanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filled with“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various other internantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the appliance industry ,led by haier bran d,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the ITindustry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goods market,“P&G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors.Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to furthe r strengthen the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financialenvironment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20 million“three capital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrialcompetitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovati on,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market is constrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer Sergio Zyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Products physical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Y uan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumerawareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategic decision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.翻译:企业品牌战略研究卡普费雷尔,J.H2010年6月11日在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。
2. 国际品牌名称的来历及汉译特点2.1 体现创始人姓氏的品牌及汉译特点1853年两位德国移民John Jacob Bausch 和Henry Lomb在纽约州的罗切斯特城开设了一间视光产品专卖店,二位的合作造就了后来享誉全球的Bausch & Lomb Incorporated,汉译为博士伦公司。
台湾生产者对于更廉价的供应商而导致的销售额减少无能为力- 消费者忠诚的是品牌,而不是生产者。
例如可乐- 任何制造商可以生产可乐,但只有可口可乐公司生产可口可乐。
- 234 -校园英语 /中外品牌名称翻译方法与原则——以汽车品牌为例安徽财经大学外国语学院/陆妙娜 郭惜 梁金月【摘要】一个成功的本土品牌走向境外市场时,其品牌名称在目标市场的翻译尤为重要。
【关键词】汽车品牌 翻译方法 原则 跨文化交际一、引言Eugene A.Nida 曾指出:“所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文的信息”(顾云峰,2004:25)。
室内与家具设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 室内设计风格
![室内与家具设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 室内设计风格](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/60fdf8eb77eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef7ba0d1269.png)
室内与家具设计外文翻译外文文献英文文献中英对照室内设计风格XXX features classic furniture and ornate details。
XXX.XXX what style you choose。
it'XXX in your design。
This means taking a deeper look at the shapes。
XXX.When choosing a style。
consider your personal taste and the n of the space。
A XXX living room。
while a simple and nal style may be better for a home office.In the end。
the key to XXX it's classical。
or exquisite。
your XXX of your unique style and taste.XXX journey。
you'll start to develop a sense of your preferences and what doesn't appeal to you。
This process will also give you a better understanding of the design process and the vast array of XXX.Be bold and try out different colors and materials to decorate each room according to its intended purpose。
Maximizing natural light is always a great idea。
主题1.微信营销模式的诞生In recent years。
they are still XXX face risks in the marketing process。
the associated costs increaseXXX。
XXX greater returns on sales with small XXX mode。
The main way XXX is through a nal code。
The emergence of this code has beena XXX enterprises。
both domestic and nal。
and has XXX to thedevelopment of the marketing and media XXX's increasingly competitive market。
many enterprises are using WeChat's nal code。
which offers a low-cost。
quick ork marketing mode.From a WeChat business perspective。
dealers XXX into the platform to XXX n。
industry n。
business activities。
品牌宣传心得感悟范文(中英文版)英文文档:Title: Reflections on Brand PromotionThe journey of brand promotion is a fascinating and enlightening experience.It"s about understanding your target audience, crafting a unique identity for your brand, and consistently delivering value.Here are some insights I"ve gained from my experiences in brand promotion.1.Know Your Audience: The first step in brand promotion is understanding your audience.Conduct thorough market research to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points.This will help you tailor your messaging and positioning strategies effectively.2.Develop a Strong Brand Identity: A strong brand identity is the heart of any successful brand promotion campaign.It goes beyond just a logo or a tagline.It"s about defining your brand"s values, mission, and vision.This will help you create a consistent and cohesive marketing message that resonates with your audience.3.Consistency is Key: Consistency in messaging, visual identity, and tone of voice is crucial for brand recognition.Ensure that all your marketing materials, from your website to your social media posts, reflect your brand"s identity.This will help establish trust and credibility with your audience.4.Utilize Multichannel Marketing: In today"s digital age, having a presence across various platforms is essential for effective brand promotion.From social media to email marketing, explore different channels to reach your target audience.However, be strategic in your approach and avoid spreading yourself too thin.5.Engage with Your Audience: Building a relationship with your audience is vital for brand loyalty.Encourage feedback, respond to queries, and participate in relevant conversations.This will help you understand your audience better and also humanize your brand.6.Track and Analyze Results: To ensure the success of your brand promotion efforts, it"s important to track and analyze your e tools like Google Analytics to measure website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates.This will help you identify what"s working and what"s not, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.In conclusion, brand promotion is an ongoing process that requires dedication, creativity, and a deep understanding of your audience.By following these tips, you can create a powerful and impactful brand presence that stands out in the market.中文文档:标题:品牌宣传心得感悟范文品牌宣传的旅程是一次充满魅力和启发的体验。
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Brand passion: Antecedents and consequences作者:Noel Albert, Dwight Merunka, Pierre Valette-Florence 国籍:France出处:Journal of Business Research, 66(2013) 904-909.原文正文:Franchise systems account for more than one-third of all 17,s. retail sales. And it is forecast that by 2005, they will account for nearly hulf of U.S. retail sales. There are approximately 6,000 franchise systemsworldwide, and many new systems are being established every year. But prospective franchisers need to take care to evaluate whether they should expand their business by franchising or by opening company-owned outlets.Franchise systems are commonly classified into two types: (1) product-name and (2) business format. In product-name systems, the franchisee serves as an authorized distributor of a product for a manufacturer, such as GM car dealers,or a wholesaler, such as Coca-Cola bottlers.In business format franchising. which deals primarily with service firms. the franchiser provides the franchisee with a trademark. operating guidance,and a specific format for running a service business. Examples include McDonald’s, Jiffy Lube. Mail Boxes Etc., and so on.Most of the growth in franchising in recent years has come from business format franchise systems. The explosive growth in the servicesector of the economy bodes well for this area. It is estimated that U.S. sales from business format franchise systems will reach $1.3 trillion by 2010. Focusing on business format franchises, this article discusses the whys and wherefores of franchising, and outlines the options available to entrepreneurs and managers who are considering setting up a franchise system.WHY DO COMPANIES FRANCHISE?Much has been written about how entrepreneurs can benefit from becoming franchisees, how they should choose a franchise system, and how they should manage their franchise business. Relatively less,however, has been written about issues concerning prospective franchisers-entrepreneurial firms and managers of established companies who are considering the franchise option. We shall describe the benefits that motivate firms to franchise and illustrate how product-market char acteristics shape these motivations.Benefits of FranchisingProspective franchisers can better assess the suitabilityof this option if they understand the benefits that motivate firms to franchise. In other words, they must ask what advantages they can derive from operating franchised stores versus operating company-owned stores.Resource Constraints. Firms often franchise because they cannot readily raise the capital required to sat up company-owned stores. John 1’. Brown. former president of Kentucky Fried Chicken, maintained that it would have cost KFC $4 j0 million to establish its first 2,700 stores-a sum that was not available to the corporation in its initial strlges. It is interesting to note that even though KFC can now readily raise capital through traditional commercial means, it still continues to franchise.On the other hand, a firm seeking growth may be able to raise capital, but it may lack the managerial resources required to set up a networkof company-owned stores. Recruiting and training managers accounts for a significant percentage of the cost of growth of a firm. Franchiseessupply labor and capital together; often the joint cost of both labor and capital to the franchisor is lower than what it would be if the two inputs were procured separately. This hybrid nature of franchising enables firms to overcome the managerial resources and capital constraintproblems simultaneously.Specialization/Functional Benefits. Franchising also provides an effective way to trade off certain functions and thereby minimize production costs. In general, franchisers are more cost efficient than franchisees in performing functions that decrease in cost with a substantial level ofoutput. And franchisees are more efficient in performing functions whose average cost curve turns up relatively quickly. For example, in the fast-food business, product development and national promotion are more efficiently handled on a large scale (the franchiser), whereas the production of fast food is handled better on a relatively smaller scale (the franchisee). Monitoring Costs.Company-owned retails tores are run by employee managers who may often perform poorly if they are not supervised. A company, therefore, has to supervise its store managers. As a result, it will incur monitoring costs. But because franchisees have invested capital in their own stores, and because their earnings come from the profits of those stores, they are motivated to work harderthan company managers who do not have as much stake in the profits and success of the outlet. The corporation does not have to monitor managers who are selfmotivated and are likely to take the initiative needed to make their store succeed. Thus, franchising helps a firm lower its monitoring costs.Promotion Efficiencies.A service firm’s trademark and brand image is crucial to the successof its retail outlets. Companies typically develop their brand image and trademark through extensive advertising and promotion. But a company will benefit from mass-media advertising only if it has in place a number of stores that customers who see its ads can visit. To reap the benefits of its national or regional advertising efforts, the company needs to attain efficient scale, in terms of number of stores, as quickly as possible. Because franchising entails less monitoring and provides quicker access to capital and managerial resources, a firm can expand more quickly that way than through company-owned stores. Faster expansion through franchising, in turn, allows companies to achieve more-or atleast spread the costs out-from their advertising dollars.Risk Management.In using franchising as a tool to determine the profitability of retail locations, franchisers can, over time, convert profitable franchised locations into company-owned locations. When opening new stores, a corporation does not know with certainty the business potential and the chances of success of different locations. Franchising allows a firm to judge the profitability potential of different sites without incurring business risk. If a particular store fails, the franchisee bears the brunt of the failure. Once the profitability of different locations is established, franchisers can bring the more profitable locations under company ownership. Franchisers are not obligated to renew the franchise contract when it expires, so an ownership redirection strategy is theoretically possible. But because of ethical concerns, it may not be possible or advisable to implement such a strategy in a systematicManner.Product-Market Characteristics Shape Firms’Motivations to FranchiseThe various benefits discussed above are not mutually exclusive. In other words, a company may be motivated to franchise by all of these benefits, or by some combination of them. Itsproduct-market characteristics shape the benefits it can expect to attain from franchising. For example, a firm may not find franchising an efficientmeans of raising capital if the size and scale of its stores require an investment that would be difficult for individual entrepreneurs to make. It is not practical for department stores or supermarket chains to franchise their stores because individual entrepreneurs would find it too difficult to make the investment required for setting up a large department store or supermarket.Product-market characteristics, and their influence in deciding whether or not to franchise, differ for various firms. To evaluate the franchise option, a prospective franchiser needs to outline the linkages between the product-market characteristics of its business and the different advantages franchising provides. An illustrative set ofthese characteristics and their implications for the franchising decision are discussed below.Price Competition.Pricing, a key marketingfunction, is often competition-based. For example, when setting prices, a gas station has to take into consideration the prices of its competitor across the street. It would not be feasible for the management of a large oil company to setcompetitive prices in hundreds of gas stations across the country. In contrast, the initiative and profit involvement of franchisees ensures that they will perform the pricing function more effectively than company managers. In markets where pricing requires considerable discretion and flexibility and may not be managerially efficient to entrust to a company employee, it is beneficial for the firm to franchise. With modern communication technology, it is possible for corporations to make appropriate price decisions across a fairly large network of outlets. However, many firms, especially those just starting out, cannot maintain a sophisticated communication system. Such firms, then, can franchise and allow their franchisees to set prices in response to local competition.Physical Dispersion of Retail Stores. Monitoring costs of retail stores are affected by the degree of their physical dispersion. If geographically dispersed stores are kept under company ownership, supervisors will have to spend a lot of travel time and money going from one store to another to monitor them. Thus, the cost of monitoring company-owned stores will be high. If these scattered stores are franchised, company supervisors do not have to monitor them as much, and costs come down.On the other hand, if closely clustered stores are company-owned, a firm’s supervisors willnot have to spend as much time or money visitingthem. For these stores, the monitoring costs under company ownership are already quite low, so there is little to gain by franchising. Whateversmall gains there may be will be offset by the costs of the problems associated with franchising.The degree of store dispersion varies with market regions. For example, in more remote, rural markets, retail stores may be widely scattered,whereas in dense urban areas they are often closely clustered. Consequently, a firm will generally prefer to franchise stores in rural areas and retain locations in dense urban areas under company ownership.Consumer Preferences. Certain businesses need to be knowledgeable about the tastes and preferences of their consumers at local levels. Such firms can incur high search costs for market-related information. It is advantageous for a firm to entrust such a business to a franchsee, who is familiar with the local market and is able to gather reliable market information more efficiently. For example, in the real estate industry, a local franchisee is likely to be more aware of that area’s realty and real estate preferences than is corporate management.Labor Intensity. Labor-intensive operations require more supervision than capital-intensive ones. If a business operation involves significanthuman input at the retail level, the need for SW pervision goes up, and monitoring costs increase. Franchising enables a firm to reduce those costs if significant human input is involved at the retail level.Demand variability. The costs of monitoring the performance of store personnel rise when demand is variable because it is difficult for management to separate the decline in sales arising from poor employee performance from that which results from low demand. So if the nature of the product market entails significant demand variability, a firm can lower its monitoring costs by franchising its outlets.Repeat Customers. The incidence of repeat customers has a bearing on franchisee business behavior. Consider a franchisee who provides service that is below the standards set by the franchiser and offered by other franchisees. Customers who visit this store will be dissatisfied and are likely to develop negative perceptions of the entire franchise chain. Franchisees are more apt to engage in such free-riding behaviors if theyfeel their customers are not apt to visit their store again. For example, they may tend to free-ride if their stores are located on busy highways, where there are few repeat customers. To prevent this from happening, a franchiser will have to closely monitor these stores, with resulting higher costs. So companies usually prefer not to franchise locations that have transient customers. The monitoring costs of these locations as franchised stores would be higher than what they would be if the stores were company-owned.Changing Technology.Products and markets that require frequent capital investment for upgrading technology at the retail level will not be conducive for franchising. Many investment decisions will have a positive net value from the viewpoint of the franchiser, who holds a diversified portfolio. But for the franchisee with an undiversified portfolio, such is not the case. Accordingly. franchisers, who have differing risk preferences than franchisees, will find that an investment opportunity attractive to them may not be attractive to their franchisees.品牌热情的起因与效果作者:诺尔.艾尔伯特,顿外特.门冉卡,皮埃尔.佛罗伦斯国籍:法国出处:《商业研究》2013年第66期,904-909页中文译文:摘要:本文研究的是品牌热情的起因与效果。