2009年普通高等学校专升本考试试题文科综合第一部分 政治理论一、单项选择题(下列每题的选项中,有一项是最符合题意的。
每小题1分,共15分)1.物质的根本属性是 ( )A.速度 B.时间 C.空间 D. 运动2.“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”指的是 ( )A. 时间的间断性 B.时间的不可逆性C.时间的伸张性 D.时间的重复性3.“凡事预则立,不预则废”体现的是 ( )A. 原因和结果的辩证关系 B.必然性和偶然性的辩证关系C.可能性和现实性的辩证关系 D.本质和现象的辩证关系4.在人类社会发展过程中,起决定作用的因素是 ( )A. 地理位置 B.地理环境C.生产方式 D.人口因素5.科学发展观的第一要义是 ( )A.发展 B.以人为本C.全面协调可持续 D.统筹兼顾6.坚持实事求是的思想路线,就是大力弘扬与时俱进精神,不断推进( ),不断开拓马克思主义发展的新境界。
A.理论创新 B.制度创新C.科技创新 D.文化创新7.党提出的“一个中心、两个基本点”的社会主义初级阶段基本路线中,一个基本点是坚持改革开放,另一个基本点是A.坚持共产党的领导 B.坚持四项基本原则C.坚持自力更生 D.坚持艰苦创业8.“三个有利于”标准不包括以下哪些内容 ( )A. 是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力B.是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力C.是否有利于提高人民生活水平D.是否有利于构建社会主义和谐社会9.党的十七大明确提出要促进国民经济 ( )A. 良好发展 B.快速发展C.又好又快发展 D.健康发展10.在我国的政党制度中,民主党派是 ( )A.在野党 B.执政党C.参政党 D.反对党11.对于发展中国家来说,( )是最重要最根本的人权。
A.政治权和经济权 B.生存权和发展权C.知情权和监督权 D.社会权和文化权12.我国《婚姻法》规定的结婚年龄,男女分别不得早于 ( )A. 20周岁和22周岁 B.22周岁和20周岁C.20周岁和20周岁 D.22周岁和18周岁13.法律区别于道德规范、宗教规范等其他社会规范的首要之处在于 ( )A.法律是由国家创制并保证实施的社会规范B.法律是统治阶级意志的体现C.法律是由社会物质生活条件决定D.法律具有维护和巩固社会经济、政治制度的作用14.下列选项中,属于民事法律行为的是 ( )A.某教师到某商场购买了一台电脑B.某校系主任与校长订立了一份学生安全责任书C.某公安机关对某甲作出行政拘留7日的处罚决定D.某甲殴打某乙致乙重伤15.人民法院发现已经发生法律效力的判决或裁定确有错误,对案件依法重新审理并作出 裁判的程序,属于 ( )A.第一审程序 B.第二审程序C.审判监督程序 D.执行程序二、不定项选择题(下列每题的选项中,至少有一项是符合题意的。
九江学院2015年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷之青柳念文创作一、填空题:(每题3分,共18分)0)(≠x f ,且一阶导数小于0,则)(1x f 是单调__________. 2.设)(1xe f y = ,则='y __________. 3.设⎰=21ln )(x x dt t f ,则=)(x f __________.4.=++++++∞→120151220142015lim 2015220142015x x x x x x __________. 5.设xy z =,t e x =,t e y 21-=,则=dtdz __________.6. 交换二重积分的积分次序,=⎰⎰eexdy y x f dx ),(10__________.二、选择题(每题3分,共24分) 1.设⎩⎨⎧>≤=10,010,10)(x x x f ,则=))((x f f ( )A )(x fB 0C 10D 不存在2.=-+∞→xx xx x sin sin lim( ) A 0 B 1 C 1- D 不存在 3.设⎩⎨⎧<+≥-=0,10,1)(x x x x x f 在点0=x 处,下列错误的是( )A 左极限存在B 持续C 可导D 极限存在 4.x y =在横坐标为4处的切线方程是( )A44=+-y x B 044=--y x C44=++y x D044=+--y x5.下列积分,值为0的是( ) A ⎰-+112)arccos 1(dx x xB ⎰-11sin xdx xC ⎰-+112arcsin )1(xdx xD ⎰-+112)sin (dx x x 6.下列广义积分收敛的是( ) A ⎰+∞1ln xdx B ⎰+∞11dx xC ⎰+∞11dx x D ⎰+∞121dx x02=-dy xydx 的通解为( )A 2x Ce y = B 2x Ce y -= C x Ce y = D x Ce y -=∑∞=++01212n n n x 的收敛域为( ) A )1,1[- B ]1,1(- C )1,1(- D ]1,1[- 三、断定题:(每题2分,共10分) 1.无穷小的代数和仍为无穷小.( ) 2.方程03=-x e x 在]1,0[内没有实根.( )3. 函数的极值点,一定在导数为0的点和导数不存在的点中取得.( ) 4.如果),(y x f z =在点),(00y x 处可微,则在),(00y x 处的偏导数存在.( ) 5.级数∑∞=-+-11)1(1)1(n n n n 发散.( )四、计算下列各题(共48分) 1. 3)cos 1(lim xdt t x x ⎰-→(5分) 2. ⎰++dx x2111(5分)3. )1ln(2x y -=求y ''(5分)4.1cos cos cos 222=++z y x ,求dz (5分)5.计算二重积分dxdy xx D⎰⎰sin ,D 是由抛物线2x y =和直线xy =所围成的闭区域.(7分)x y y +'='',初始条件为1,000='===x x y y的特解.(7分))1ln(-=x y 展开成关于2-x 的幂级数,并指出收敛域.(7分)8. 求概况积为2a 而体积为最大的长方体的体积.(7分)九江学院2013年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、选择题:(每题3分,共21分)1.函数x x y -+=1)arcsin(ln 的定义域是( )A []e e ,1-B []e ,1C [][]e e ,11,1 -D []1,1-e2.如果()x f 在0x x =处可导,则limx x →()()=--0022x x x f x f ( )A ()0'x fB 2()0'x fC 0D 2()0'x f ()0x f3.极限lim ∞→x =+-x x )21(( )A eB 2eC 2-eD 14.函数dx x x F ⎰+=)12()(的导数=)('x F ( )A )12(+x fB )(x fC )12(2+x fD 1)12(++x f 5.下列广义积分中,收敛的是( ) A ⎰+∞1xdx fB ⎰+∞∞-+21x dx fC ⎰-112x dx fD⎰-baa x dxf2)(6.微分方程0'"=-y y 的通解为( )A x e c x c y 21+=B x e c c y 21+=C x c x c y 21+=D 221x c x c y +=7.幂级数∑∞=03n nnx 的收敛半径等于( )A 31 B 1 C 3 D ∞+二、填空题(每题3分,共21分) 1.=-+-→2231limx x xx x .()x f =⎩⎨⎧+∞<<+≤<x ax x x 3,330,2在区间),0(+∞内持续,则常数=a . x e x y +=2在0=x 处切线方程是.,cos )(0x x dt t f x=⎰则=)(x f .5.过点(0,1,1)且与直线432112-=+=-z y x 垂直的平面方程为.,2xy e x z +=则=∂∂xz. dx y x f dy y⎰⎰24),(的积分次序得.三、断定题(Y 代表正确,N 代表错误,每小题2分,共10分)21x x y -=既有水平渐进性,又有垂直渐近线.( )()x f 可导且,0)(0'=x f 则0→∆x 时,()x f 在0x 点的微分dy 是比x ∆低阶的无穷小( ))(x f y =,知足,02'"=--y y y 且,0)(,0)(0'0=<x f x f 则函数()x f 在0x x =处取得极大值.( )4.⎰⎰Dd σ等于平面区域D 的面积.( )∑∞=+-12)12(1)1(n nn 发散.( )四、计算题(每题6分,共24分)2.计算不定积分.sin 2xdx x ⎰3.设函数),2,(2y x y x f z -=其中f 具有二阶持续偏导数,求.2yx z∂∂∂五、解答题(每题8分,共24分),2σd e Dy ⎰⎰-其中D 是由直线2,==y x y 及y 轴所围成的区域.2.求微分方程034'"=--y y y 在初始条件4|,2|0'0====x x y y 下的特解.()x f 3412++=x x 展开成2+x 的幂级数,并指出收敛区间.九江学院2012年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷 一、选择题:(每题3分,共18分) 1.下列极限正确的是( )A lim 0→x e x x=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+11 B lim ∞→x e x x=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+111C lim ∞→x x sin x1=1 D lim 0→x x sin x1=12.设函数()x f 在x x =处可导,且()20'=x f ,则lim→h ()()hx f h x f 00--=( )A 21 B2 C 21- D 2-3.函数()x f =⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠0,00,1sin 2x x x x 在=x 处的可导性、持续性为( )A 在0=x 处持续,但不成导B 在0=x 处既不持续,也不成导C 在0=x 处可导,但不持续D 在0=x 处持续且可导4.直线37423zy x =-+=-+与平面32=--z y x 的位置关系是( ) A 直线在平面上 B 直线与平面平行C 直线与平面垂直相交D 直线与平面相交但不垂直5.不定积分=⎰dx xex21( ) A +xe 1 C B +-xe 1 C C +-xe 1 C D +--xe1C6.设(),...2,1,10=<≤n na n ,下列级数中必定收敛的是( ) A ()211n nn a ∑∞=-B ()n nn a ∑∞=-11 C ∑∞=1n na D ∑∞=1n n a二、填空题(每题3分,共18分)())1(1-=-x x x f ,则()x f =.2.lim1→x =--1)1sin(2x x x .3.⎰--212121xdx =.4.交换二次积分次序:=⎰⎰dy y x f dx x 110),(.)(x y y =由方程xy e y x =+)ln(所确定,则==0'|x y .0=+xdy y dx 知足初始条件4|3==x y 的特解是. 三、断定题(Y 代表正确,N 代表错误,每小题2分,共10分)1.0=x 是函数()x f xx 1sin 2=的可去间断点.( ))(x y y =在0x x =处取得极小值,则必有()0'=x f .( )⎰1xdx 发散.( )xy e z =在点(2,1)处的全微分是dy e dx e dz 222+=.( )0lim =∞→nx u,则级数∑∞=0n n u 收敛.( )四、计算下列各题(每题8分,共48分) 1.求极限 .21cos 02lim xdt e x t x ⎰-→2.计算下列不定积分dx xe x ⎰-2.3.求幂级数∑∞=⋅+05)1(n nnn x 的收敛半径与收敛域.4.计算,dxdy xy D⎰⎰其中D 是由1,1==y x ,及1+=x y 所围成的区域.5.),,(xy x f z =其中f 具有二阶偏导数,求.,2yx zx z ∂∂∂∂∂6.求微分方程x e y y y =--32'"的通解.五、证明题(共6分)证明:当1≥x 时,.1ln )1(-≥+x x x九江学院2011年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.已知1(1)1x f x x-+=+,则1()________f x=2.23ln(1)lim ________x x t dt x →+=⎰3.无穷级数112nn n ∞=∑(收敛或发散)4.微分方程''x y xe =的通解为 5.过点(3,1,2)-且与直线431534x y z -+-==垂直的平面方程为(一般方程)二、选择题(每题3分,共15分) 1.下列极限不存在的是( )A 102030(2)lim (51)x x x x →∞++B 0sin lim n n x x x→ C 1lim sin x x x →∞ D lim ln x x →∞ 2.已知(1)0f =,'(1)1f =,则21()lim1x f x x →=-( ) A 1 B 2 C 12D 0 3.设()f x是持续函数,则40(,)x dx f x y dy =⎰⎰( )A 2404(,)yydy f x y dx ⎰⎰ B 2440(,)y ydy f x y dx ⎰⎰C 41104(,)dy f x y dx ⎰⎰D 244(,)yydy f x y dx ⎰⎰4.下列级数中条件收敛的是( ) A 111(1)n n n∞-=-∑ B 1211(1)n n n ∞-=-∑ C 11(1)n n n ∞-=-∑ D11(1)ln n n n ∞-=-∑ 5.设函数()f x 的一个原函数是1x,则'()f x =( )A ln x B32x C 1xD 21x-三、计算题(每题6分,共30分)1.求极限123lim 21x x x x +→+∞+⎛⎫ ⎪+⎝⎭2.求不定积分3ln x xdx ⎰3.已知ln y x y =,求dy 4.求定积分90⎰5.求幂级数13nnn x n ∞=∑的收敛域四、解答及证明题(共40分)1.做一个底为正方形,容积为108的长方形启齿容器,怎样做使得所用资料最省?(8分)2.证明不等式:ln(1)1xx x x<+<+(0)x > (7分)3.计算二重积分D,其中D 是由曲线221x y +=及坐标轴所围的在第一象限内的闭区域(8分)4.设函数22(,),xz f ye x y =-其中f 具有二阶持续偏导数,求2zx y∂∂∂(9分)5.求微分方程''3'2cos x y y y e x -++=的通解(8分)九江学院2010年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.已知2(2)3f x x x +=-+,则()________f x = 2.2020lim ________1t x xx e dte →=-⎰3.曲面2221ax by cz ++=在点(1,1,1)处的切平面方程为4.级数213nn n ∞=∑.(收敛或发散)5.微分方程''2'50y y y -+=的通解为 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.已知2lim()01x x ax b x →∞--=+,其中,a b 是常数() A 1a b == B 1,1a b ==- C 1,1a b =-= D 1a b ==-2.曲线xe y x=()A 唯一水平渐近线B 既有水平渐近线又有垂直渐近线C 唯一垂直渐近线D 既无水平渐近线又无垂直渐近线3.若33'()f x dx x c =+⎰,则()f x =()A x c +B 3x c + C 5365x c + D 5395x c +4.已知⎰⎰=x t xt dte dt e xf 02222)()(,则=+∞→)(lim x f x () A 1 B -1 C 0 D ∞+ 5.改变二次积分的积分次序ln 10(,)exdx f x y dy =⎰⎰()A 10(,)y ee dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ B 0(,)y eee dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ C 0(,)yee e dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ D 10(,)ye e dyf x y dx ⎰⎰三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求不定积分2(arcsin )x dx ⎰2.求由曲线1y x=与直线y x =及2x =所围成图形的面积3.求函数2222(,)z f x y x y =+-的二阶偏导数2zx y∂∂∂,(其中f具有二阶持续偏导数)4.求二重积分Dd σ⎰⎰,其中D是由两条抛物线2y y x ==所围成的闭区域.5.求幂级数211(1)21n nn x n +∞=-+∑的收敛半径及收敛域.四、解答及证明题(每小题8分,共40分) 1.设函数21()1x x f x ax b x ⎧≤=⎨+>⎩,为了使函数()f x 在1x =处持续且可导,,a b 应取什么值?2.设函数()y y x =由方程1y xy e +=所确定,求''(0)y 3.设0>>a b ,用拉格朗日中值定理证明:ln a b b a ba a b--<< 4.求过点(1,0,4)A -,且平行于平面:34100x y z α-+-=,又与直线113:112x y zL +-==相交的直线L 的方程 5.求微分方程2''1(')y y =+的通解九江学院2009年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.已知x x x f 3)1(2+=-,则=)(sin x f ______. 2.已知⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+>=0,0,1sin )(2x x a x xx x f 在R 上持续,则=a _____. 3.极限=+∞→x x xx 2)1(lim _________. 4.已知)1ln(2x x y ++=,则='y _____.5.已知函数xye z =,则此函数在(2,1)处的全微分=dz _____________.二、选择题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.设)(x f 二阶可导,a 为曲线)(x f y =拐点的横坐标,且)(x f 在a 处的二阶导数等于零,则在a 的两侧( ) 2.下列无穷级数相对收敛的是( )A .∑∞=--111)1(n n nB .∑∞=--111)1(n n n C .∑∞=--1121)1(n n nD .∑∞=--11)1(n n n3.变换二次积分的顺序⎰⎰=2022),(yydx y x f dy ( )A .⎰⎰202),(x xdy y x f dx B .⎰⎰42),(xx dy y x f dxC .⎰⎰4022),(xxdy y x f dx D .⎰⎰42),(x xdy y x f dx4.已知⎰⎰=x t xt dte dt e xf 022022)()(,则=+∞→)(lim x f x ( ) A .1 B .-1 C .0 D .+∞5.曲面3=+-xy z e z 在点(2,1,0)处的切平面方程为( )A .42=-+y x B .42=-+y x C .02=++y xD .042=++y x三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求极限)111(lim 0--→x x e x2.求不定积分⎰xdx x cos 23.已知02sin 2=-+xy e y x ,求dxdy 4.求定积分⎰-+52111dx x5.求二重积分⎰⎰+Dd y x σ)23(,其中D 是由两坐标轴及直线3=+y x 所围成的闭区域.四、求幂级数∑∞=-1)3(n nnx 的收敛半径和收敛域.(9分)五、已知),(xy y x f z +=,且f 具有二阶持续偏导数,试求yx z∂∂∂2.(9分)六、求二阶微分方程x xe y y y =+-6'5''的通解.(9分) 七、设0>>a b ,证明不等式ba ab a b -<-ln ln .(8分)九江学院2008年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷注:1.请考生将试题答案写在答题纸上,在试卷上答题无效. 2.凡在答题纸密封线以外有姓名、班级学号、记号的,以作弊论.3.测验时间:120分钟一、填空题(每题3分,共15分)1. 设函数⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=≠+=0,0,)1()(2x k x x x f x 在=x 处持续,则参数=k __________.2. 过曲线2x y =上的点(1,1)的切线方程为_______________.3. 设x y arccos =,则==0|'x y _______________. 4. 设1)('=x f ,且0)0(=f ,则⎰=dx x f )(_______________.5. 设yex z +=2,则z 的全微分=dz _______________.二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.设)(x f y =的定义域为(0,1],x x ln 1)(-=ϕ,则复合函数)]([x f ϕ的定义域为( )A.(0,1)B.[1,e]C.(1,e]D.(0,+∞)2.设23231)(x x x f -=,则)(x f 的单调增加区间是( )A.(-∞,0)B.(0,4)C.(4, +∞)D. (-∞,0)和(4, +∞) 3.函数a ax x f (||)(+=为常数)在点0=x 处( )4.设函数3)(x x f =,则xx f x x f x ∆-∆+→∆)()2(lim 0等于( )A.26xB.32xC.0D.23x 5.幂级数∑∞=-1)21(n n x 的收敛区间为( )A.[-1,3]B.(-1,3]C.(-1,3)D.[-1,3)三、计算题(每题7分,共42分)1.30sin lim xxx x -→ 2.已知⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==⎰ta y udu a x tsin sin 0(a 为非零常数),求dx dy3.求直线2=+y x 和曲线2x y =及x 轴所围平面区域的面积. 4.计算二重积分⎰⎰Dydxdy ,其中D 是由22,x y y x ==所围平面区域.5.求微分方程xxy xy ln '+=的通解. 四、设二元函数)ln(22y x z +=,试验证2=∂∂+∂∂yz y x z x(7分) 五、讨论曲线1234+-=x x y 的凹凸性并求其拐点.(7分) 六、求幂级数∑∞=-111n n x n的收敛域,并求其和函数.(9分)七、试证明:当0≥x 时,x e x ≥-1(5分)九江学院2007年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 1.已知⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<≥+=0,0,)(2x e x a x x f x 在R 上持续,则=a _______.2.极限=+-∞→kx x x)11(lim _______. 3.已知3x e y =,则=dxdy _______.4.x x f sin )(=在],0[π上的平均值为_______.5.过椭球632222=++z y x 上的点(1,1,1)的切平面为_______.二、选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1.若级数∑2n a 和∑2n b 都收敛,则级数∑-n n n b a )1(( )A.一定条件收敛B.一定相对收敛C.一定发散D.能够收敛,也能够发散2.微分方程'''y y =的通解为( )A.xe c c y 21+= B.xe c x c y 21+= C.x c c y 21+=D.221x c c y +=3.已知131)(23+-=x x x f ,则)(x f 的拐点的横坐标是( )A.1=xB.0=xC.2=xD.0=x 和2=x4.设)('0x f 存在,则xx x f x x f x ∆∆--∆+→∆)()(lim 000=( )A.)('0x fB.)('20x fC.)('0x f -D.∞5.xxx 3sin lim 0→等于( )A.0B.31三、计算(每小题7分,共35分)1. 求微分方程0)'(''2=-y yy 的通解.2.计算⎰xdx x arctan3.计算⎰⎰Dxyd σ,其中D 是由抛物线x y =2和直线2-=x y 所围成的闭区域.4.将函数341)(2++=x x x f 展开成)1(-x 的幂级数. 5.求由方程xyy x )(sin )(cos =所确定的隐函数)(x f y =的导数dxdy .四、求极限)2(1sinlim2007>⎰++∞→n dx xx n nn (9分)五、设)(x f 在[0,1]上持续,证明:⎰⎰=πππ)(sin 2)(sin dx x f dx x xf ,并计算⎰+π2cos 1sin dx xxx .(10分)六、设持续函数)(x f 知足方程⎰+=π2)(2)(x dt t f x f ,求)(x f .(10分)七、求极限]arctan ln )1arctan([ln lim 2x x x x -++∞→.(6分)九江学院2006年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷 一、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)1.极限=+∞→x x x)21(lim ___________. 2.设]1,0[,)(3∈=x x x f ,则知足拉格朗日中值定理的=ξ___________.3.函数)ln(2y x z +=在点(1,1)的全微分是___________. 4.设⎰+=2221)(x tdt x f ,已知)(y g 是)(x f 的反函数,则)(y g 的一阶导数=)('y g ___.5.中心在(1,-2,3)且与xoy 平面相切的球面方程是_________.二、选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1.下列各对函数中暗示同一函数的是( )A.x x g x x f ==)(,)(2B.x x g e x f x ==)(,)(lnC.1)(,11)(2+=--=x x g x x x fD.||)(,0,0,)(x x g x x x x x f =⎩⎨⎧<-≥=2.当0→x 时,下列各对无穷小是等价的是( ) A.2;cos 1x x - B.x e x 2;1- C.x x );1ln(+ D.x x ;11-+3.已知函数的一阶导数x x f 22sin )(cos '=,则=)(x f ( )A.x 2cos B.C x +2sin C.22x x -D.C x x +-224.过点(1,-2,0)且与平面023=+-+-z y x 垂直的直线方程是( ) A.11231-=+=--zy x B.11231z y x =--=+C.012113-=-+=-z y x D.⎩⎨⎧==++--00)2()1(3z y x 5.幂级数∑∞=-12)2(2)1(n n nx n的收敛区间为( )A.)2,2(-B.)21,21(- C.)1,1(- D.)21,2(-三、计算题(每小题5分,共40分)1.求极限3sin tan limxxx x -→ 2.求摆线⎩⎨⎧-=-=)cos 1(2)sin (2t y t t x 在2π=t 处的切线方程.3.方程0=+-y xe exy 确定了一个隐函数)(x f y =,求0|'=x y .4.求不定积分⎰-+dx xe e xx)cos 1(2 5.求定积分⎰π202cos xdx x6.求由抛物线x y =2与半圆22y x -=所围成图形的面积.7.设D 为:422≤+y x ,求二重积分⎰⎰+Ddxdy y x )(22 8.求常系数线性齐次微分方程0'4'3''=--y y y 知足初始条件5)0(',0)0(-==y y 的特解.四、求函数⎰+-=xdt ttx f 0211)(的极值.(7分)五、求幂级数∑∞=+02!)12(n nx n n 的和函数.(7分)六、应用中值定理证明不等式:)0()1ln(1><+<+x x x xx(7分)七、求微分方程x e x y y y 3)1(9'6''+=+-的通解.(9分)九江学院2005年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分))(x f y =在),(b a 内有0)(>'x f ,0)(>''x f ,则函数)(x f y =在),(b a 内单调性为________,曲线)(x f y =的凸凹性为________.2.⎰=+________1xdx3.级数nn n n x 213)1(∑∞=-的收敛半径为________4.若2)(0='x f ,则________)]2()3([1lim 000=--+→h x f h x f hh 5.设函数)(x y ϕ=具有二阶持续导数,且2)0(=ϕ,5)0(='ϕ,知足方程⎰='-xdx x x x 0)(4)()(5ϕϕϕ,则________)(=x ϕ 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.设n n n x n x f )1(lim )(-+=∞→,则=)(x f ( ) A e B 1+x e C 1-x e D 1 2.函数⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧<=>+=0sin 00)1ln(1)(x x kxx k x x x x f 当当当在),(+∞-∞持续,则=k ( )A 1B 2C 3D e 3.下列广义积分收敛的是( )A dx x⎰+∞11B dx e x ⎰+∞1C ⎰102x dxD ⎰10ln xdx4.设dt tt x f x ⎰-=0sin )(π,则⎰=π0)(dx x f ( ) A 2+π B 2-π C 2 D -25.设平面1π:012=+-+z y x ,2π:0342=+++z y x ,则平面1π与2π的关系为( )A 平行但不重合B 重合C 斜交D 垂直 三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求极限)1ln(2cos 1lim 0x x xx --→2.若ax a x a x y arcsin 22222+-=,)0(>a 求0='x y 及0=''x y 3.计算二重积分⎰⎰++Dy x dxdy221,其中D 是圆域122≤+y x4.设函数),(y x z z =由方程0=-+z y x xye e e 确定,求dz5.求微分方程25)1(12+=+-'x y x y四、求函数⎰=xtdt x f 21ln )(的极值点与极值.(9分)五、设dx x n f n ⎰=40tan )(π)2(>n ,求)2()(-+n f n f 的值.(10分)六、将函数x e x x f 22)(=展开成x 的幂级数.(9分)七、证明不等式,当012>>x x 时,1212arctan arctan x x x x -<-.(7分)九江学院2004年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、选择题:1~10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中.只有一项是符合题目要求的.把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.1.20lim(1)xx x →+=( d )A. 1B.eC.2eD.2e25x y e =+,则'y =( b )A.2x eB.22x eC. 225x e +D.25x e +()3x f x x e =+,则'(0)f =( d )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4(,)-∞+∞内单调增加的是( a )A.y x =B.y x =-C. 2y x =D.sin y x =5.x e dx -=⎰( c )A.x e C +B.x e C -+C.x e C --+ D.x e C -+6.120x dx =⎰( c )A.1-B. 0C.13 D. 12x 是()f x 的一个原函数,则()f x =( a ) A.23x C + B.2x C.2x D. 2xy z e =,则zx ∂=∂( a )A.xy yeB.xy xeC.xy e D.y ecos()z x y =+,则2zx y ∂=∂∂( b )A.cos()x y +B.cos()x y -+C.sin()x y +D.sin()x y -+A 与B 相互独立,而且()0.4,()0.5P A P B ==,则()P AB =二、填空题:11~20小题,每小题4分,共40分.把答案填写在题中横线上. 11. 2031lim 1x x x x →+-=+. 12. 0tan 3lim x xx →=.20,()02,x x a f x x ≤⎧+=⎨>⎩点0x =处持续,则a=.2x y e =的极值点为x =.sin 2y x =,则''y =.3y x x =-在点(1,0)处的切线方程为y =. 17.12dx x =⎰.18.131cos x xdx -=⎰. 19.40sin cos x xdx π=⎰.2x y z e +=,则全微分dz =.三、解答题:21~28小题,共70分.解答应写出推理、演算步调·21.(本题满分8分)计算2222lim 4x x x x →---.22.(本题满分8分)设函数4sin y x x =,求dy .23.(本题满分8分)计算2cos x x dx ⎰.24.(本题满分8分)计算1ln ex xdx ⎰.25.(本题满分8分)甲乙两人独登时向同一方针射击,甲乙两人击中方针的概率分别为0.8与0.5,两人各射击一次,求至少有一人击中方针的概率.26.(本题满分10分)求函数3()31f x x x =-+的单调区间和极值.27.(本题满分10分)(1)求由曲线1,,20y x y x y x ====与所围成的平面图形 (如图所示)的面积S ;(2)求(1)中的平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积x V .28.(本题满分10分)设函数(,)z z x y =是由方程321x x y z e +++=所确定的隐函数,求dz .。
2009年专升本(大学语文)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 5. 古文阅读6. 现代文阅读7. 作文选择题在每小题给出的4个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。
[错误防范] 文章在写作上还将“理”与“情”、“议论”与“具象”互相融合,使作品形式精巧简练,立意深刻、蕴藉丰富。
2009外语专升本试卷及答案2009年专接本综合考试试卷(英语)(考试时间90分钟)(总分120分)I. Phonetics (5 points)Directions : In each of the following group of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B,C and D .Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation .Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet from with a single line through the centre.1.A.live B.alive C.forgive D.active2.A.satisfaction B.vocation C.question D.addition3.A.supply B.simply C.only D.calmly4.A.apologize B.avoid C.agency D.aware5.A.assure B.cure C.pure D.matureⅡSituational Dialogues (10 points)Section ADirections: In this part there are 5short dialogues. For each dialogue, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6. Shop assistant: Good morning, sir. May I help you?Customer: Where do I pay my fees?A.Yes, please.B.Thank you, anyway.C.As you please.D.Yes, you can.7. Steve: Hi, my name is Steve. It’s nice to meet you.Jack: I’m Jack.A.My name is Jack, you know.B.How are you, Steve?C.It’s my pleasure to meet you, Steve.D.You are busy, aren’t you?8. Student A : Why didn’t you come my party last night?Student B: I’m sorry; I had to visit my grandma at the hospital.A.I did it.B.I couldn’t make it.C.I still remember this.D.I’ll come.9. Man: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink?Woman:A.It’s my pleasure.B.You are too nice tome.C.It’s very kind of you.D.You spend money again.10. Taxi driver:Passenger: The airport please.A.Where do you want to go?B.To where.C.Where are you going?D.Hello, where would you like to go?Section BDirections: In this section there is a long conversation with 5 missing sentences. At the end of the conversation, there is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the conversation. then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center. Note that there are two additional choices and you may not use any of the choices in the list more than once.---Can I do anything for you, sir?--- 11 . It is my cell phone. I brought it in to be repaired but now 12 .---Lost the receipt? Oh, dear. That’s too bad.---C an’t I just describe my phone to you?--- 13 Only our manager can help you but he is not in now .He left only a minute ago.---Oh, my God! I think it was the manager who served me.---Just a moment. 14---This time last week, during my lunch hour.---And was you phone a smell golden one?---yes, that’s right.15---Because you receipt is still here .You dropped it when you left .The manager shouted but you didn’t hear.A.I’m afraid not.B.How did you know?C.When did you bring your cell phone in?D.No, you c an’t.E.I think so.F.I’ve lost the receipt.G.I hope so.III. Vocabulary and structure (30points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16. Those students seem to be interested only in love , ignoring their study and even their health.A. mattersB. events C .stories D. affair17. The books in our library from economics to literature to political science.A. changeB. transferC. varyD. shape18. The president declared the whole country into a state of .A. urgentB. emergencyC. instantD. tendency19. The sky girl felt and uneasy when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.A. amazedB. awkwardC. stupidD. slow20. There Chinese buildings have a strong appeal, especially to the foreigners.A. visualB. tangibleC. virtualD. moral21. The manager spoke highly of such as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A. featuresB. propertiesC. charactersD. virtues22. his appearance, he doesn’t look like a man of fifty at all.A. JudgingB. ThinkingC. ConsideringD. Finding23. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machineinvented.A. soB. thusC. everD. yet24. It is impossible to find a good educational program in this channel on TV.A. barelyB. hardlyC. merelyD. nearly25. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily much sharing of interests andresponsibilities.A. take overB. result inC. keep toD. hold on26. When I try to understand that prevents so many Americans from being so happy as onemight expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.A. why it doesB. what it doesC. what it isD. why it is27. The speech , a lively discussion stared.A. to deliverB. be deliveredC. deliveringD. having beendelivered28. evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.A. It beingB. It isC. There isD. There being29. What he told us about the accident does notA. make any senseB. mean any pointC. mean any importanceD. takeanything30. Studies reveal that people spent two hours dreaming every night, no matter what theyduring the day.A. should doB. would have doneC. may have doneD. must do31. Evidence came up specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as sixmonths old.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. whom32. We agree to accept they thought was the best tourist guide.A. whateverB. whicheverC. whomeverD.whoever33. In no country Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A. more thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. betterthan34. me the money for my tuition then , I would be working on the farm now .A. Had my uncle not lentB. S houldn’t my uncle lendC. Would my uncle lendD. If my uncle35. Inexperienced as h is, he has succeeded other experienced researcher.A. whereB. whatC. whichD. howIV. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage 1Questions 36—40 are based on the following passageTo understand how Americans think about things, it is necessary to understand “the point”. Americans mention it often: “Let’s get right to the point,” they will say. “My point is …”“What is the point of all this?”The “point” is the idea of the piece of information that Americans suppose is, or should be, at the center of people’ thinking, writings, and spoken comments. Speakers and writers are supposed to “make their points clear”, meaning that they are supposed to say or write clearly the idea of information they wish to express.People from many other cultures have different ideas about the point. Africans traditionally tell stories that express the thoughts they have in mind, rather than stating the point is. Thus, while an American might say to a friend , “I don’t think that coat goes very well with the rest of your outfit,” a Japanese might say , “Maybe this other coat would look eve n better than the one you have on .”Americans value a person who “gets right to the point.” Japanese are likely to consider such a person insensitive if not rude.The Chinese and Japanese languages are characterized by vagueness(模糊) and ambiguity(歧义).The precision and directness Americans associate with “the point” cannot be achieved ,and lest not with any grace, in Chinese and Japanese. Speakers of those languages thus have to learn a new way of reasoning and expressing their ideas if they are going to communicate satisfactorily with Americans.36. According to the passage, American expect speakers and writers to ______A. be clear about their man ideasB. give as much information as possibleC. express their personal viewsD. be honest about their true feelings37. Which of the following people will tell a story to express what they have in mind?A. AmericansB. AfricansC. JapaneseD. Chinese38. In the sentence “I don’t think that coat goes very well with the rest of your outfit”, the word “outfit” most probably means_____.A. officeB. timeC. speechD. clothes39. According to the passage, the Japanese may consider it unacceptable to be_____.A. indirectB. straightforwardC. poorly-dressedD. curious40. In order to communicate with Americans satisfactorily, speakers of Chinese need to____A. lean the language wellB. change their way of thinkingC. be careful about their choice of wordsD. explain their reasons clearlyPassage 2Questions 36—40 are based on the following passageMany young people tell me they want to be writers. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s big difference between “being a writer” and writing. In most cases these young people are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours lonely at a typewriter. “You’ve got to want write,”I say to them, “not want to be a writer.”The reality is that writing is lonely, private and poor-paying. for every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never realized. When I left a 20-year career in the U. S. Army to become a freelance writer (自由撰稿者), I had expectation at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used typewriter and felt like a true writer.After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t gotten any breakthrough and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell story that I barely made enough to eat .But I knew I wanted to write. I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn’t going to be one of those people who gave up halfway. I would keep putting my dream to the test---even though it meant living with uncertaintyand fear of failure. This is the shadow-land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.41. The passage means to ______A. warn young people of the hardships that a writer has to experienceB. advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writerC. show young people it’s unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth and fameD. encourage young people to pursue a writing career42. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Genuine writers often find their work interesting and rewarding.B.A writer’s success depends on luck rather than on effort.C. Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolationD. The chance for a writer to become successful are small.43. Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first year of his writing career?A. He wasn’t able to produce a single book.B. He wasn’t able to have a rest fo r a whole year.C. He found his dream would never come true.D. He hadn’t seen a change for the better.44. When the author began writing, he only had_____.A. a second-hand typewriter.B. a friend who helped him find a room to liveC. a cold room without a bathroomD. empty expectations of his future45. “shadow-land” in the last sentence refers to_____.A. the piece of land one often dreams aboutB. the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reachedC. the bright future that one is looking forward toD. a world that exists only in one’s imaginationPassage 3Questions 36—40 are based on the following passageMy friend Mike was shaking his head in disbelief. “That young woman who just waited onme ,”he said ,pointing to an employee of the fas t food restaurant where we eating , “had to call someone over to help her count out the change .the cash register(出纳机) showed her I need 99 nets ,but she couldn’t figure out how to count out the coins .”I understood Mike’s concern .What we have done in thi s country ,although unintentionally ,is to create several generations of individuals most of most of whom have no idea how to reason, how to do simple math ,how to do research ,or finally how to be creative .The reason for this is our overuse of information technology :video games, television, digital watches, calculators, and computer. information technology feeds us information without requiring us to think about it and let us perform operations without understanding them.It is time for us to take a hand look at an educational system that only teaches our children how to push buttons. Our kids can’t tell time if the clock has hands .they can use calculators but cannot add, subtract, divide or multiply. Video games have taken the place of active imaginative play .Although most of them are technically literate ,they choose not to read .They are so used to television and movies that they cannot use their imagination to stay interested in a book .It is not enough to recognize the problem. What we need is solution .the one I offer is simple to suggest , but may be impossible to carry out. We must unplug our children .If wedon’t, they will never learn how to solve problems. They will never learn basic reasoning skills and will certainly not develop creativity .Instead of filling classrooms with electronics, let’s to perform computer operations, but to figure and to figure and reason for themselves. They must see how things work and how process leads to results, they must also stretch their imagination.46. What seems to be the problem of the employee of the fast food restaurant?A. She does not know how to count coins.B. She is unable to solve simple math problem.C. She has no small change for the customers.D. She does not know how to operate cash registers47. What is the author’s and his friend Mike’s concern?A. The educational system is now creating people who can’t think for themselves.B. People now rarely do things on their own.C. Computers feed us too much information nowadays.D. The restaurant does not provide good service.48. For children to have imaginative minds, they must_____.A. be born with talentsB. be taught to read the right booksC .be dragged away from machinesD. have a large vocabulary49. What is the most probable meaning of “unplug o ur children” in the last paragraph?A. Give them freedom of enjoying themselves.B. Teach themC. Get them off TV and computer games.D. Turn off all the power in the schools.50. The conclusion of the article is that the authorbelieves_____A. electronics should have no place in classroomsB. information technology helps us to do things we do not understandC. all books benefit children more than anything elseD. information technology is new being overusedPassage4Questions 36—40 are based on the following passageAll of us communicate with one another nonverbally(不使用语言地),as well as with words. Most of the time we’re not aware that we are doing it. We gesture with elbows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look away, change positions in a c hair. These actions we assume are occasional. However in recent years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.One important kind of body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another’s eyes. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both of us look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each other’s eyes, they become more intimate. Therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in suitable situations.Researchers who are engaged in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something. But there are other possible interpretations(解释),too. Anther example: when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be sign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority; itcan be something else entirely. The researches look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture.Communications between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.51. The main idea of this article is that________A. study of communication through body movement is a new scienceB. body movements are as important as words in communicationC. all of us communicate with one anotherD. eye behavior is the most important part in body language52. What do researchers think of body language?A. Body language can be understood and used by people in communication.B. Body language is more important than spoken language in communication.C. Body language has been discovered in recent years.D. Body language is the study of communication via body movement.53. The word“intimate” in paragraph two probably means______.A. greatB. closeC. goodD. important54. According to the passage, you make an American person feel uncomfortable if you_____.A. meet his eyesB. avoid meeting his eyesC. stare into his eyes for one secondD. look into his eyes for a long time55. The sentence “the researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture” means______.A. the researchers explain the meaning of a gesture according to the situation in which it is usedB. the researchers believe that one gesture has only one meaningC. the researchers think that one gesture cannot be used in different situationsD. the researchers look for patterns in textbooks to explain the meaning of a gestureV. Cloze (15 point)Directions: There are 15 blanks in the follow passage. For each there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the Critics (评论家)like the new play? __56_an event takes place, newspaper are on the streets __57_the details.Wherever anything happens, reporters are on the spot to __58_ the news. Newspapers have one basic __59__ to the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to __60__it. Radio, television, and __61__inventions brought competition for newspapers, so did the development of magazines and other means of communication. __62___,this completion merely spurred(促进) the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the __63___ and thus the efficiency oftheir won operations.Today more newspapers are __64__and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers__65__of the latest news, today’s newspapers __66__and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters.Newspapers influence readers’economic choices __67___ advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very __68__.Newspapers are sold at a price that __69___even a small part of the cost of production. The main __70___of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The __71__ in selling advertising depends__72___on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment __73__in a newspaper’s pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on the newspaper’s value to readers as a source of information __74__the community, city, country, state, nation, and world---and even outer space.56. A. Just when B. While C. Soon after D. Before57. A. to give B. giving C. given D. being given58. A. gather B. spread C. carry D. bring59. A. reason B. cause C. problem D. purpose60. A. make B. publish C. know D. write61. A. another B. other C. one another D. the other62. A. However B. And C. Therefore D. So63.A.value B.retio C.rate D.speed64. A.spread B.passed C.printed /doc/2418700139.html,pleted65. /doc/2418700139.html,rm B.be informed C. to be informed D. informed66. A.entertain B.encourage/doc/2418700139.html,cate D.edit67. A.on B.through C.with D.of68. A.forms B.existence C.contente D.purpose69. A.triesto cover B. manages to cover C. fails to cover D. succeeds in70. A.souce B.origin C.cause D.finance71. A. way B. means C. chance D. success72. A.measures B.measured C.is measured D. was measured73. A. somewhat B. little C. much D. something74. A.offering B.offered C.which offered D. to be offered75. A.by B.with C.at D.aboutVI. Translation (5 points)Directions: In this part there five incomplete sentences with Chinese in /doc/2418700139.html,plete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English.76.I have had a lot of trouble__________(告诉她发生的事).77.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was _______(忙着准备考试).78.(不管你同意还是不同意)___________,we will do it in our own way.79.As far as these people are concerned, the most important thing __________(是立刻把他送往医院).80.It’s high time that ________(采取措施)about the traffic problem downtown.VII. Writing (15 point)Directions:In this part you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Job-Hopping in no less than 100 words according to the following Chinese outline .Please remember to write it on the Composition Sheet.1.现在更换工作队许多人来说是司空见惯的事;2.为什么会出现这种现象;3.你的看法。
2009年专升本(医学综合)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. A1/A2型题 2. B1型题 3. X型题1.下列各骨中,具有横突孔的是( )A.颈椎B.胸椎C.腰椎D.骶椎E.尾椎正确答案:A2.下列各骨中,属于跗骨的是( )A.跖骨B.趾骨C.距骨D.胫骨E.腓骨正确答案:C3.下列结构中,属于膝关节囊内韧带的是( )A.髌韧带B.胫侧副韧带C.腓侧副韧带D.交叉韧带E.髂股韧带正确答案:D4.下列结构中,穿行于斜角肌间隙的是( )A.颈外动脉B.颈外静脉C.头臂静脉D.锁骨下静脉E.锁骨下动脉正确答案:E5.形成跟腱的肌是( )A.胫骨前肌B.胫骨后肌C.小腿三头肌D.腓骨长肌E.腓骨短肌正确答案:C6.咽鼓管咽口开口于( )A.咽腔鼻部B.咽腔口部C.咽腔喉部D.咽峡E.中鼻道正确答案:A7.下列结构中,不具有结肠带、结肠袋和肠脂垂的是( ) A.横结肠B.升结肠C.降结肠D.盲肠E.阑尾正确答案:E8.胸膜下界在肩胛线的投影一般位于( )A.第7肋B.第8肋C.第9肋D.第10肋E.第11肋正确答案:E9.下列结构中,不出入肺门的是( )A.支气管B.肺动脉C.肺静脉D.胸导管E.肺的神经正确答案:D10.下列结构中,位于阴囊内的是( )A.前列腺B.精囊腺C.附睾D.射精管E.海绵体正确答案:C11.下列结构中,由双层腹膜皱襞形成的是( )A.子宫圆韧带B.子宫阔韧带C.子宫主韧带D.骶子宫韧带E.尿生殖膈正确答案:B12.胸主动脉的分支是( )A.肋间后动脉B.胸廓内动脉C.椎动脉D.头臂干E.甲状颈干正确答案:A13.腹腔干的主要分支是( )A.腰动脉B.脾动脉C.肾动脉D.空、回肠动脉E.阑尾动脉正确答案:B14.下列选项中,不属于肝门静脉属支的是( ) A.肠系膜上静脉B.胃左静脉C.肝静脉D.胆囊静脉E.附脐静脉正确答案:C15.下列选项中,属于右淋巴导管收受范围的是( ) A.右盆部B.右腹部C.右腰部D.右上肢E.右下肢正确答案:D16.下列结构中,属于眼球壁外膜的是( )A.视神经盘B.虹膜C.睫状体D.脉络膜E.巩膜正确答案:E17.患者呈现“爪形手”,可能损伤的神经是( ) A.正中神经B.尺神经C.肌皮神经D.腋神经E.桡神经正确答案:B18.与脑桥连接的脑神经是( )A.动眼神经B.舌下神经C.舌咽神经D.滑车神经E.面神经正确答案:E19.下列选项中,属于背侧丘脑特异性核团的是( ) A.齿状核B.球状核C.顶核D.腹前核E.栓状核正确答案:D20.嗅神经连接的脑部是( )A.端脑B.间脑C.中脑D.脑桥E.延髓正确答案:A21.属于脊髓外形结构的是( )A.终丝B.中间带C.前角D.中央管E.胶状质正确答案:A22.正常人体内环境的理化特性状态是( )A.固定不变B.随机多变C.相对恒定D.周期性波动E.不规则波动正确答案:C23.细胞膜内外正常的Na+和K+浓度差的形成和维持是由于( ) A.膜在安静时对K+通透性大B.膜在兴奋时对Na+通透性增加C.K+易化扩散的结果D.膜上Na+-K+泵的作用E.Na+易化扩散的结果正确答案:D24.沿单根神经纤维传导时,动作电位的幅度( )A.不变B.不断减小C.不断增大D.先增大后减小E.不规则变化正确答案:A25.调节红细胞生成的物质是( )A.铁和蛋白质B.内因子C.维生素KD.维生素B12和叶酸E.促红细胞生成素正确答案:E26.血型的分类依据是( )A.红细胞膜上受体类B.红细胞膜上特异性抗原的类型C.红细胞膜上特异性抗体的类型D.血浆中特异性抗原的类型E.血浆中特异性抗体的类型正确答案:B27.心动周期中,心室血液充盈主要是由于( )A.骨骼肌的挤压作用加速静脉回流B.血液依赖地心引力而回流C.心房收缩的挤压作用D.心室舒张的抽吸作用E.胸内负压促进静脉回流正确答案:D28.在血液循环过程中,血压落差最大的部位是( )A.主动脉和大动脉B.小动脉和微动脉C.毛细血管网D.微静脉和小静脉E.大静脉和腔静脉正确答案:B29.决定肺部气体交换方向的主要因素是( )A.肺内压的大小B.气体的分压差C.呼吸膜的通透性D.肺内压与胸内压之差E.血红蛋白氧饱和度正确答案:B30.缺O2引起呼吸兴奋是通过( )A.直接兴奋呼吸中枢B.兴奋中枢化学感受器C.刺激颈动脉窦和主动脉弓压力感受器D.刺激颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受器E.呼吸肌本体感受性反射正确答案:D31.促进胃排空的动力是( )A.幽门括约肌的收缩B.十二指肠酸性食糜的刺激C.胃的运动D.胃内容物的体积增加E.胃内酸性食糜的刺激正确答案:C32.排便反射的初级中枢位于( )A.脊髓胸段B.脊髓腰骶段C.延髓上部D.下丘脑E.中脑下部正确答案:B33.人体完成各种生理功能时,可以利用的能量形式主要是( ) A.热能B.电能C.光能D.机械能E.化学能正确答案:E34.生理学体温的概念是指( )A.机体内部和深部的温度B.体表的温度C.腋下的温度D.口腔的温度E.直肠的温度正确答案:A35.正常生理情况下,不能通过肾小球滤过膜的物质是( ) A.葡萄糖B.肌酐C.无机离子D.尿素E.蛋白质正确答案:E36.分泌肾素的细胞是( )A.间质细胞B.近球细胞C.致密斑细胞D.入球小动脉内皮细胞E.出球小动脉内皮细胞正确答案:B37.下列关于肾小管对Na+重吸收过程的叙述,错误的是( ) A.尿形成过程中,原尿中绝大部分Na+被重吸收B.重吸收最多的部位是近球小管C.近球小管对Na+重吸收属于主动重吸收D.远曲小管可以吸收一小部分Na+E.集合管没有Na+重吸收功能正确答案:E38.下列结构中,不属于眼折光系统的是( )A.角膜B.房水C.晶状体D.玻璃体E.视网膜正确答案:E39.下列关于受体的叙述,错误的是( )A.细胞膜上的受体称膜受体B.细胞内部不存在受体C.胆碱能受体有M和N两种D.肾上腺素能受体有α和β两种E.受体与配体结合是可逆的正确答案:B40.神经系统调节功能活动的基本方式是( )A.兴奋和抑制B.正反馈和负反馈C.条件反射和非条件反射D.感觉和分析E.学习和记忆正确答案:C41.下列关于神经-肌接头兴奋传递特点的叙述,错误的是( )A.递质是乙酰胆碱B.不需Ca2+参与C.兴奋呈单向传递D.传递有时间延搁E.易受药物的影响正确答案:B42.下列选项中,不属于糖皮质激素生理作用的是( )A.促进糖异生B.增加肝糖原贮存C.使血糖浓度降低D.促进蛋白质分解E.促进脂肪分解正确答案:C43.男性,18岁。
2009年专升本(高等数学二)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 3. 解答题选择题1.A.0B.tanlC.π/4D.1正确答案:B2.A.B.C.D.正确答案:B3.设函数f(x)=exlnx,则f'(1)=( )A.0B.1C.eD.2e正确答案:C4.函数f(x)在[0,2]上连续,且在(0,2)内f'(x)>0,则下列不等式成立的是( )A.f(0)>f(1)>f(2)B.f(0)<f(1)<f(2)C.f(0)<f(2)<f(1)D.f(0)>f(2)>f(1)正确答案:B5.A.x2+ex+CB.2x2+ex+CC.x2+xex+CD.2x2+xex+C正确答案:A6.A.B.C.D.正确答案:D7.A.B.C.D.正确答案:A8.A.B.C.D.正确答案:C9.设函数z=f(u),u=x2+y2且f(u)二阶可导,则=( )A.4f''(u)B.4xf''(u)C.4yf''(u)D.4xyf''(u)正确答案:D10.任意三个随机事件A,B,C中至少有一个发生的事件可表示为( ) A.A∪B∪CB.A∪B∩CC.A∩B∩CD.A∩B∪C正确答案:A填空题11.____。
正确答案:14.已知y=ax3在X=l处的切线平行于直线y=2x-1,则a= 。
正确答案:2/315.函数y=x sin x,则y''=。
正确答案:解答题21.求正确答案:22.设函数y=esinx,求dy.正确答案:23.计算正确答案:24.计算正确答案:25.有10件产品,其中8件是正品,2件是次品,甲、乙两人先后各抽取一件产品,求甲先抽到正品的条件下,乙抽到正品的概率.正确答案:26.求函数的单调区间、极值、凹凸区间和拐点.正确答案:27.(1)求在区间[0,n]上的曲线y=sin x与x轴所围成图形的面积S.(2)求(1)中的平面图形绕x轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积V.正确答案:28.求函数z=x2+2y2+4x-8y+2的极值.正确答案:。
2009年专升本英语公共课真题二OO九年普通高等教育专升本统一考试(考试时间:120分钟)英语试卷一第一部分:听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension),共20题,考试时间为1 5分钟。
第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,每对话仅读一遍。
1.Why is the woman still working?A.Because she doesn't like to have a rest.B.Because she wishes to be a boss somedaV.C.Because her boss asks her to work late.D.Because she has to finish her report.2.What can be implied from this conversation?A.Henry is not a hard-working student.B.Henry is busy with his book report.C.Henry iS 100king after his sick brother.D.Henry has prepared well for the math examination.3.When will the conversation most probably take place?A.on the 10th. B.On the 8th. C.on the 12th. D.On the 11th.4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Wife and husband. B.Teacher and student.C.Employer and employee. D.Policeman and driver5.What does the man suggest they do about the notes?A.Forget them untillater.B.Go over them right awaV.C.Discuss them with Professor Smith.D.Move them away from the tea cup.第二节:听下面两段材料,每段材料后有2~3个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,每段材料仅读一遍。
专升本英语09真题 试卷及答案
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2009年专升本(高等数学一)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 3. 解答题选择题1.A.0B.2/3C.1D.3/2正确答案:A解析:本题考查的知识点为无穷小量的性质:有界变量与无穷小量之积仍为无穷小量.当x→∞时,1/3x→0,即1/3x为无穷小量,又sin2x为有界变量:-1≤sin2x≤1.由有界变量与无穷小量之积仍为无穷小量可知故选A.2.A.-2B.-1C.1D.2正确答案:B解析:本题考查的知识点为连续的性质:函数f(x)在点x0处连续的充分必要条件是f(x)在点x0左连续且右连续.所给函数f(x)为分段函数,x=1为分段点,在x=1两侧f(x)的表达式不同.应考虑左连续与右连续.注意f(1)=-1.f(x)在点x=1处连续,必有,因此a=1,故选B.3.A.2x-2eB.2x-e2C.2x-eD.2x正确答案:D解析:本题考查的知识点为导数的运算.y=x2-e2,则y’=(x2)’-(e2)’=2x-0=2x.[错误防范] 有些考生没能将e认定为常量,忘记常量的导数为零,错误地选A.4.A.B.C.D.正确答案:C解析:本题考查的知识点为复合函数的微分运算.由于y=e-3x,可得故选C.5.A.1B.1/3C.0D.-1/3正确答案:B解析:本题考查的知识点为复合函数求导运算,在某点处的导数值.故选B.6.A.f(2x)B.2f(x)C.-f(2x)D.-2f(x)正确答案:A解析:本题考查的知识点为可变上限积分求导:若f(x)为连续函数,则F’(x)=,即可变上限的导数为被积函数在上限处值.因此故选A.[错误防范] 有些考生误选B.如果令f1(2t)=f1(x).则上述错误可以避免.7.A.sinx+CB.-sinx+CC.cosx+CD.-cosx+C正确答案:D解析:本题考查的知识点为不定积分基本公式.∫sinxdx=-cosx+C.故选D.8.A.2x+1B.2xy+1C.x2+1D.2xy正确答案:B解析:本题考查的知识点为偏导数计算.求时,只需将y认定为常量,依一元函数求导法则运算.由于z=x2y+x-3,因此,故选B.9.A.B.C.D.正确答案:C解析:本题考查的知识点为正项级数的比较判别法.由正项级数的比较判别法可知:若与都为正项级数,且un<vn(n=1,2,…),则当收敛时,必定收敛.故选C.10.A.B.C.D.正确答案:C解析:本题考查的知识点为求解可分离变量方程.可得,故选C.填空题11.=______.正确答案:e-1解析:本题考查的知识点为重要极限公式.12.______.正确答案:0解析:本题考查的知识点为极限运算.所求极限的表达式为分式,其分母的极限不为零.因此13.设y=e-x,则y“=______”.正确答案:e-x解析:本题考查的知识点为二阶导数运算.14.设,则y’=______.正确答案:解析:本题考查的知识点为导数运算.由于所给函数为分式,由商的求导法则可得15.∫(1-2x)dx=______.正确答案:x-x2+C.解析:本题考查的知识点为不定积分计算.∫(1-2x)dx=∫dx-∫2xdx=x-x2+C.16.=______.正确答案:解析:本题考查的知识点为定积分的换元积分法.设t=x/2,则x=2t,dx=2dt.当x=0时,t=0;当x=π时,t=π/2.因此17.设z=sin(y-x2),则=______.正确答案:COS(y-x2).解析:本题考查的知识点为偏导数运算.求时,只需将x认定为常量.z=sin(y-x2),因此18.过点M0(1,-1,0)且与平面x-y+3z=1平行的平面方程为______.正确答案:(x-1)-(y+1)+3z=0(或x-y+3z=2).解析:本题考查的知识点为平面方程.已知平面π1:x-y+3z=1的法线向量n1=(1,-1,3).所求平面π与π1,平行,则平面π的法线向量n∥n1,可取n=(1,-1,3),由于所给平面过点M0(1,-1,0).由平面的点法式方程可知所求平面方程为(x-1)-[y-(-1)]+3(z-0)=0,即(x-1)-(y+1)+3z=0,或写为x-y+3z=2.19.设区域D={(x,y)|-1≤x≤1,0≤y≤2},则______.正确答案:4。
3. D
5. 2
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16-20: CDCCC 21-25: BABDA 26-30: DCABB
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(1)26.3125 D=11010.0101 B
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2009年专升本(民法)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 判断题 4. 简答题 5. 论述题 6. 案例分析题单项选择题1.下列社会关系中,属于民事法律关系的是A.甲因违反交通规则被罚款B.乙在银行存款C.丙代甲交作业D.丁向税务机关缴纳税款正确答案:B解析:本题的考点为民事法律关系的辨析。
2010年九江学院专升本计算机试题答案一、选择题1-5 CBACB 6-10 CDDCC11-15 BBBBC 16-20 BBDCD二、填空题1、冯·诺依曼或存储程序程序控制2、111010003、Ctrl+V4、CapsLock5、控制面板6、记事本7、Ctrl+Shift8、exe或com9、ctrl+A10、菜单栏下的“工具” “字数统计”11、页面12、F113、输入sheet2工作表中D14单元格中的数据14、3月19日15、浏览16、幻灯片放映17、 418、统一资源定位器19、网络加密技术20、光纤三、判断题1-5 对、错、错、错、错6-10 错、错、对、错、错11-15错、对、对、对、对四、简答题(略)1、(6’)简述计算机的特点和性能指标。
2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试大学语文注意事项:1考生务必将密封线内的各项目及第 2页右下角的座位号填写清楚。
2、 考生须用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接答在试卷上,答在草稿纸上无效。
3、 本试卷共8页,四大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
在列出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的, 请把正确答案的字母标号填在题后括号内)1、下列加点的字、形、音都正确的一项是A 、 要(ye )言不烦 潜(qi 印)移默化 一曝(b co )十寒B 、 遒劲有(j in )力水涨(zh dig )船高 咸与(y 讣维新C 、 垂涎(xi 印)三尺便(bi cn )宜行事酗xi mg )酒滋事(D 、 甘之如饴(y 1)瞠(chaig )目结舌 意味隽(ju cn )永 2、下列加点的字释义完全正确的一项是3、构词结构与其他三个不同的一项是A 、指桑骂槐B 、正本清源C 、结党营私D 、枕戈待旦 4、指出下列是单句的一项是 A 、 只有社会主义,才能救中国。
B 、 天下雨我也要去。
C 、 一见困难他就害怕。
D 、 不认真观察和研究客观事物,就发现不了他们内在的活动规律。
5、 修辞方法与其他三句不同的一项是A 、 黑暗统治区的人民相信:星星之火,可以燎原。
B 、 我不想故作潇洒,只想活得真实,就像无拘无束的风,在时光里轻盈地走。
C 、 分色荷花高高地挺出来,是监视白洋淀的哨兵吧。
D 、 船头飞溅起来的浪花,唱着欢乐地歌。
6、 下列作家、评价、作品、朝代对应不正确的一项是 A 、 陶渊明一"古今隐逸诗人之宗”一《归园田居》一西晋 B 、 王昌龄一“七绝圣手”一《出塞》一唐代 C 、 李煜一“词中之帝”一《虞美人》一五代南唐 D 、 马致远一“曲状元”一《天净沙•秋思》一元代7、 下列文学常识表述正确的一项是A 、杂居是元曲的一种,代表作有关汉卿的《窦娥冤》、白朴的《墙头马上》、马致远的《汉宫秋》、郑光祖的《倩女幽魂》等。
2009年江西省专升本英语统⼀考试试题与答案2009年江西省专升本英语统⼀考试试题与答案Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A) At the office.B) In the waiting room.C) At the airport.D) In the restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) At the office is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line though the center.Sample Answer [A] [B] [C][D]1. A) It was put off. C) No decision was made.B) It was a success. D) It lasted for 2 hours.2. A) To send him to a hospital. C) To teach him a good lesson.B) To find a new job for him. D) To help him stop smoking heavily.3. A) He is nice. C) He gets angry easily.B) He is terrible D) He is always blaming.4. A) Borrowing a book. C) Going to the library.B) Turning off the TV. D) Repairing the light.5. A) She was asking the way. C) She was getting off a bus.B) She was a police officer. D) She was in the 5# Avenue.6. A) Type a letter. C) Make a phone call.B) Write an email. D) Finish her report.7. A) once a day. C) twice a day.B) once a week. D) twice a week.8. A) make a reservation. C) deal with a problem.B) cancel an appointment. D) ask for a phone number.9. A) From the company. C) From the newspaper.B) From the woman. D) From a TV commercial.10. A) Give the man some change. C) Talk to the manger herselfB) Call the manger D) Change a new product for the manSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage oneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) To express thankfulness C) To make an announcementB) To welcome visitors. D) To give a presentation12. A) the beautiful scenery C) the rich natural resourcesB) the large population. D) the fast economic development13. A) Tomorrow C) Next weekB) The day after tomorrow D) Next monthPassage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) An introduction of a new product. C) A discussion of sales.B) A training program. D) A report of the latest news.15. A) The sales has dropped to 30 million.B) The sales dropped to 40 million.C) The sales were at 50 million.D) The sales has risen 25%.16. A) To do some research and develop new product.B) To find the market share of other companies.C) To develop new market in other countries.D) To increase the company’s sales.Passage ThreeQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A) Take a bus trip. C) Rent a car.B) Ride a bicycle. D) Book the travel service.18. A) Visit some museums. C) Find out the way.B) Travel to some big cities. D) Contact an agent.19. A) $45 a day. B) $45 a week. C) $55 a day. D) $55 a week.20. A) Pay for the rent. C) Hire a driver.B) Sign an agreement. D) Check the car.PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.First Great Western provides a convenient and accurate ticket selling service. We start a legal contract with us when you purchase a ticket and travel with us; these are available at our staffed stations or from our Customer Services Teams. Tickets for traveling on our services can be purchased by a variety of methods whose details are given below.You can buy a full range of tickets from First Great Western ticket offices. When buying a ticket we promise to give you detailed information and to sell you the most appropriate ticket for your journey.Ticket selling(出售) machines, most of which accept both cash and credit cards, will be available at many First Great Western stations offering a wide range of tickets for services travelling from that station.Tickets for travel on First Great Western services or elsewhere on the National Rail network may be purchased in advance online at www.firstgreatwewstern,/doc/7819ccb6856a561252d36f98.html . Tickets purchased online can be posted to you, or collected at many stations through ticket selling machines.When journeys start at stations where there is no ticketing facility available, it is your responsibility to pay your fare to the on-board staff who are able to issue the normal range of tickets.If you are travelling in a group of 10 or more people you should contact our group booking service on 08457 000 125. Not only will our staff be able to direct you to trains with sufficient seats, you may enjoy a discount on your ticket.21. The information provided in the passage is for people who travel by_______.A) plane B) train C) ship D) bus22. When you buy a ticket, the agent promises to give you fairinformation on tickets to help you ________.A) get the most appropriate ticketB) purchase a ticket in advance onlineC) pay the right fair to the on-board staffD) collect the ticket from the ticket selling machine23. How can you get your ticket if you have booked it online? _________.A) From the booking office in a railway station.B) By visiting the website of First Great Western.C) From a ticket agent.D) By mail delivery.24. When can you buy a ticket direct from the on-board staff? _________.A) When you start from a station with no ticketing service.B) When the tickets are all sold out in the booking office.C) When you travel in a group of ten or more people.D) When you travel on a train with sufficient seats.25. What is the advantage for passengers who travel in a group of ten or more? _____.A) They may buy the tickets direct from the on-board staff.B) They will not pay for booking service.C) They may get a discount.D) They can pay in cash.Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.These days more and more people are working in joint ventures or doing business with foreign companies. It’s not just language that can be a problem. Cultural issues can also cause a breakdown in communication. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your cross-cultural communication skills:1. Slow DownEven when there is a common language, slow down, speak clearly and ensure your pronunciation is understandable.2. Separate QuestionsTry not to ask double questions such as, “Do you want to go on or shall we stop here?” Let your listener answer one question at a time.3. Avoid Negative QuestionsMany cross-cultural communication misunderstandings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. For example, the response to “Are you not coming?” may be “yes”, meaning “No, I am not coming.”4. Write it downIf you are unsure whether something has been understood, write itdown and check.5. Be SupportiveGiving encouragement to those who do not really speak your language gives them confidence, support and a trust in you. 6. Be AwareCross-cultural communication is dealing with people from other cultures in a way that should reduce misunderstandings and increase your potential to create strong cross-cultural relationships. The above tips should be seen as a starting point to greater cross-cultural awareness.26. The tips suggested in the passage are mainly about how to______.A) avoid asking double questionsB) create cross-cultural relationshipsC) understand cross-cultural communicationD) improve cross-cultural communication skills27. In cross-cultural communication people are advised to speak clearly and_______.A) loudly B) quietly C) slowly D) quickly28. Negative questions should be avoided because_________.A) they may cause misunderstandings in communicationB) one question should have one answer at one timeC) there are no such questions in some culturesD) they are difficult to answer in some cultures29. What are you advised to do if you are not sure whether you correctlyunderstand something? ________.A) Write down what you have heard and checkB) Encourage the listener to remind you.C) Ask a double question to confirm.D) Repeat what you have said.30. According to the last paragraph, what is essential for cross-culturalcommunication? ________.A) Being aware of your own potential.B) Trying to reduce cultural misunderstandings.C) Dreaming with more people from other countries.D) Establishing a good relationship with people from other cultures. Passage threeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.When choosing a bank, it’s all too easy to be attracted to the bank’s beautiful promises. But what lies behind these promises is more important. The most reliable banks are always those with the most solid character, and in this you’ll find Standard Chartered (渣打银⾏) to be the best choice for your international banking needs.Our special skill and knowledge is reflected in the fact that we have been established for more than 130 years, with a proven record that assures your interests will be well-protected.You’ll find that Standard Chartered offers a big variety of highly personal services. We have experienced bank officers, to help you grow and vary your investments.Within our network, we offer you a choice of popular destinations, such as Hong Kong, India, London, Singapore, and a number of other locations- whichever suit your needs. You can deal directly with the country where you wish to have an account. Or you can contact your local branch for assistance. Either way, you are assured of absolute confidentiality(隐秘).Contact any of the Personal Banking International Centers listed below. We’ll send you a brochure that describes our products, services and key destinations in more detail.At Standard Chartered Personal Banking International, we think our solid, reliable personality is the key to helping you protect, vary and grow your wealth.31. The first sentence of the passage actually means that, when choosinga bank, people tend to ______.A) be attracted to its choices of servicesB) rely too much on their banking needsC) believe its beautiful promisesD) accept whatever it offers32. Standard Chartered is considered the most reliable bank for _____.A) its solid characterB) its beautiful promisesC) its international banking servicesD) its special skill and knowledge33. What does “a proven record (Line 2, Para.2)” most probably refers to? ________.A) A satisfactory record of banking servicesB) A well-organized accounting systemC) A list of skillful investment expertsD) A series of profitable interest rates34. Standard Chartered Promises its customers _________.A) to enjoy high interest ratesB) to open an account wherever they likeC) to keep their personal information as confidentialD) to contact the Personal Banking International Centers for them35. The Personal Banking International Centers will send out a brochurewhich gives the details of _______.A) the history of the bankB) the banking services offeredC) the proven record of the bankD) the information of the local branchesPassage fourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Most Hong Kong students aged 12 to 25 spend less than an hour a week studying online. However, it is claimed that e-learning (⽹上学习) may not be as popular among teenagers as commonly supposed.It a survey by the Boys’and Girls’Clubs Association, 55% of 785 young people in Hong Kong said they did not like e-learning.“E-learning is not a very good system because it is so troublesome (⿇烦的), ”said Patrick, 17-year-old, recalling how his online homework disappeared because of a technical problem.Patrick also said some classmates give their account numbers and passwords (密码) to others so they could help them finish their online homework.Self-discipline (⾃律) is also necessary. In the survey, 34.3% of the teenagers said lack of self-discipline made it difficult for them to learn more from the Internet.But the teenagers also discovered some advantages in e-learning.About 41 percent of the teenagers said they work together with other Internet users in order to discuss their problems Registered social worker Yuen Hin-sing said the effectiveness of e-learning is still not yet well supported by research data. He called for more resources to study the effectiveness of online learning.(199)36. According to the passage, more than half of the teenagers in the survey _____.A) get used to e-learning online.B) do not like e-learning online.C) find e-learning online easy to handle.D) help each other finish their online homework.37. Because of a technical trouble, Patrick once had his online homework _______.A) completed B) undone C) copied D) lost38. Some teenagers give their account numbers and passwords to theirclassmates to ask them to _______.A) help finish homework.B) solve technical problems.C) spend more time learning online.D) find more learning resources online.39. One advantage of e-learning found by the teenagers is that they can _______.A) build up their self-discipline.B) find the latest learning resources.C) make friends with similar interests more easily.D) discuss their problems with other Internet users.40. According to Yuen Hin-sing, the effectiveness of e-learning ________.A) has been ignored by some researchers.B) has not yet been accepted by social workers.C) is still not yet well supported by research results.D) will be widely welcomed by most students and teachers.Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the center.41. The course is so difficult that is certainly _____the reach of beginners.A) out B) in C) through D) beyond42. Being short of food and fuel, we are______ with a very difficult situation.A) faced B) managed C) caught D) handled43. By the end of last month, we ______ on this project for more than 6 weeks.A) have worked B) had worked C) are working D) will work44. He didn’t realize he had left the files in his customer’s office ______he went back to the company.A) if B) until C) unless D) since45. I don’t know _____ will make the final decision for our summer trip.A) what B) which C) whom D) who46. It was a difficult time, but eventually things ______ all right.A) set down B) made for C) broke off D) turned out47. Mary ______ on her new project late last night, so she felt sleepy inthe office this morning.A) must work B) must be workingC) must have been working D) must have been worked48. My secretary will call you to arrange a ______ time to meet.A) nearby B) sufficient C) modest D) convenient49. What the doctor advises me to do is ____ I must keep talking awell-balanced diet and regular exercises.A)that B) whether C) which D) what50. Space scientists had to adopt a whole new____ design and construction.A) position B) policy C) approach D) law51. Finally, the manager_____ and accepted our arrangement for the meeting.A) put out B) turned off C) gave in D) came to52. In his speech he gave advice to____ was interested in the field ofcomputer science.A) that B) whoever C) whom D) whose53. Given that the world has never been more interconnected, it isessential that we_____ together because we’re in this crisis together.A) will work B) are workingC) have worked D) work54. The rewards you get in this job are in_____ to the effort you put in.A) response B) direction C) proportion D)addition55. Business organizations, political organizations, social organizations,all find____ important to advertise in order to influence public opinion.A) it B) that C) as D) which56. A poll conducted by a Miami-based public opinion research andconsulting firm, shows that Obama is popular________ Cuban-Americans.A) for B) to C) with D) in57. Sometimes this____ understanding may lead to more practical solutions.A) worked B) share d C) cut D) joined58. The management regrets ______ you that your contract will not berenewed next month.A) informing B) to inform C) inform D) informed59. ________ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered atthe next meeting.A) As B) That C) Which D) What60. Further technical _____ of this kind will only lead to increases in production cost.A) cases B) ways C) treatment D) measures61. The mountains also prove to be a tourist attraction as some of themountains experience alpine (⾼⼭的) conditions, ________ leads to ski resorts.A) who B) which C) it D) that62. Seldom _______ my manager in such good mood since I worked inthis company.A) do I see B) I have seen C) have I seen D) I saw63. The rise in housing costs ________ most young families.A) concerns B) worries C) matters D) attends64. This study examined social network characteristics associated witholder adults’ intensions to ________ in social activities.A) generate B) introduce C) benefit D) participate65. It is reported that the plan is to keep most natural resources _______ state control.A) within B) under C) about D) at66. There’s a(n) _______ in our office that when it’s someone’s birthday,the person will bring in a cake for us all to share.A) activity B) action C) manner D) tradition67. He will go abroad to further his study next year _________ he gets a scholarship or enough money.A) if B) so C) till D) although68. We were standing _______ 10 yards away from the scene of the crimeand we didn’t realize it.A) rather than B) larger than C) no more than D) other than69. We wish the economy _____ stronger than ever so that everyonewould be working.A) will become B) becomes C) would become D) became70. The meeting will give administrators a chance to respond _____ the community’s questions and concerns.A) to B) at C) for D) in71. If the manager had been at that meeting, a final decision_______before last weekend.A) would have been made B) was being madeC) would be made D) had been made72. Online shopping is increasing in popularity especially among theyoung generation ______ the advantages that it offers.A) instead of B) in charge of C) in front of D) because of73. _______ she joined the company only a year ago, she’s already been promoted twice.A) Because B) If C) Although D) When74. The oil price is keeping rising, and ________, more people will go towork by bus or by bike.A) as a whole B) in a word C) as a result D) in reply75. I find it rather difficult to get accustomed to ______ before such a large audience.A) speak B) be speaking C) speaking D) having spoken76. We have to face the fact ______ new computer viruses may appear atany time and it can spread across computers in a very rapid speed.A) that B) it C) which D) what77. Salary surveys can provide employers more information on themarketplace and help them to set ________ pay.A) competitive B) extra C) desirable D) high78. He has managed _______ the problem, and will post a follow-upmessage describing exactly what the problem turned out to be and how he solved it.A) solving B) solved C) solve D) to solve79. Each ARS scientist _______ proposal was accepted will receive$80000 for two years of high-priority research.A) who B) whose C) which D) what80. Further technical measures of this kind will only ____increases in production cost.A) take over B) put up C) look for D) lead to Part ⅣCloze (15 minutes)Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D) on the paper. You should choose ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.The best time to buy is often during a “sale”, when a store 81 prices on certain items. Sales are 82 on television, radio, and in newspapers, or the store itself may have 83 sho wing which items are “on sale”. Just because an item is “on sale”, 84 _, it does not 85 that it is indeed a good 86 . Another store may have the same item at a 87 price, or the sale item may be of poor 88 . Comparing prices and quality at 89 stores is a good way to find the 90 value.Household and food items can 91 be found on sale. In many 92 , however, coupons(优惠券)93 the best savings for these items. Coupons are small pieces of paper on advertisements that can be 94 in newspapers, in the mail, in magazines, and even at food stores. If you have coupons for items you’re95 , you can 96 them to the store before 97 for your purchase. The amount 98 on the coupon is then taken 99 form the purchase price of that item. When using coupons, make sure the coupon is for the 100 item you are purchasing, and that the coupon has not expired(过期).81. A) sets B) keeps C) lowers D) raises82. A) increased B) expected C) organized D) advertised83. A) signs B) problems C) time D) interest84. A) thus B) however C) consequently D) therefore85. A) order B) report C) mean D) request86. A) place B) time C) way D) value87.A) cheaper B) fixed C) higher D) retail88. A) appearance B) service C) quality D) performance89. A) chain B) local C) international D) several90. A) best B) total C) different D) equal91. A) never B) seldom C) also D) either92. A) occasions B) moments C) conditions D) cases93. A) take B) put C) provide D) make94. A) found B) bought C) promoted D) asked95. A) producing B) selling C) developing D) purchasing96. A) present B) return C) put D) add97. A) asking B) paying C) leaving D) applying98. A) reduced B) increased C) listed D) expressed99. A) away B) in C) up D) over100. A) various B) major C) small D) exact。
2009年专升本英语考试真题及参考答案一、Phonetics (5 points)?Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and pare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.第1题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。
A.hurryB.implyC.identifyD.occupy【参考答案】A二、Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)?Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.第6题单选We travelled on the 6:45 a.m.train to Boston,________arrived at 8:30 p.m.A.thatB.whichC.itD.what【参考答案】B【参考解析】【翻译】我们乘坐早晨6点45分的火车去波士顿,8点30分到达。
2009年专升本(艺术概论)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 简答题 3. 作品赏析题 4. 论述题选择题每小题2分。
09江西专升本单选题试题以及答案Vocabulary and Structure1-3 D A B4.until5.D6-10 D D D A B11-15 B B D A A16-20 C B B A D21-25 B C A / B26-30 D A C C A31-32 A D33.Although或Though34-35. C C36-40. A A D B DFart III(20 minutes)1. The course is so difficult that is certainly the reach of begin ners.A) out C) throughB)in D) beyond选D. beyond表示:超出……之外,非……所能及beyond the reach/ability of sb:超出某人的能力之外2. Being short of food and fuel, we are with a very difficult s ituation.A) faced C) caughtB) managed D) handled选A. be faced with为固定搭配.表示"面临,面对"3. By the end of last month, we on this project for more tha n 6 weeks.A) have worked C)are workingB) had worked D) will work选B. by the end of + 过去的时间点根据这个时间状语可知,这里该用过去完成时。
4. He didn't realize he had left files in his customer's office he went back to the company.A) what C) unlessB)which D) who选项打错了。
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九江学院2009年“专升本”考试《计算机基础》试卷一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1.以下各种进制的数据中最小的数是()A.(100001)2 B.(2C)16C.(37)8D.(40)102.字长为64bit的计算机,表示它能作为一个整体进行传送的数据长度为()字节。
A.2 B.4 C.6 D.83.“全角、半角”方式的主要区别....在于()A.全角方式下输入的英文字母与汉字输出时同样大小,半角方式下则为汉字的一半大;B.半角方式下输入的汉字为全角方式下输入的汉字的一半大;C.全角方式下只能输入汉字,半角方式下只能输入英文字母;D.无论是全角方式还是半角方式,均能输入英文字母或输入汉字。
4.以下设备属于输入设备的是()A.绘图仪 B.打印机 C.扫描仪 D.显示器5.在Windows XP操作系统中,执行“开始”菜单的“关闭计算机”命令,可以打开“关闭计算机”对话框,其中没有的按钮是()A.关闭 B.注销 C.待机 D.重新启动6.为了执行一个应用程序,可以在“资源管理器”窗口内用鼠标()A.左键单击一个文档 B.左键双击相应的可执行程序C.左键单击相应的可执行程序 D.右键单击相应的可执行程序7.在Windows XP环境中,用鼠标双击某窗口左上角的“控制菜单”按钮,可以()。
A.放大该窗口 B.关闭该窗口C.缩小该窗口 D.移动该窗口8.假设在某个文档窗口中以进行了多次剪切操作,当关闭了该文档窗口后,剪贴板中的内容为()A.第一次剪切的内容 B.空白C.所有剪切的内容 D.最后一次剪切的内容9.在Windows XP环境中,选用中文输入法后,可以实现全角和半角切换的快捷键是()A.CapsLock B.Ctrl+圆点键C.Shift+空格键 D.Ctrl+空格键10.在Word2000中,可以显示分页效果的视图是()A.普通视图 B.大纲视图C.页面视图 D.Web版式视图11.在Word2000中,要将一段文字内容移动到另一处,可以执行的操作是()A.选取、剪切、粘贴 B.选取、复制、粘贴C.选取、剪切、复制 D.选取、粘贴、复制12.在Excel2000中,如果某单元格显示结果为#VALUE,则可能的出错原因是()A.公式中的数字有问题 B.是用了错误的参数或运算对象C.单元格引用无效 D.A、B、C都有可能13.在Excel2000中,能表示第5行、第6列单元格绝对地址的是()A.$F5 B.$5$F C.$F$5 D.$5F14.在PowerPoint2000中,选项超级链接的对象后,以下操作中不能建立超级链接的是()A.利用“插入”菜单中的“超级链接”命令B.利用“编辑”菜单中的“链接”命令C.单击常用工具栏“插入超级链接”命令D.右键单击,选项弹出菜单中的“超级链接”命令15.以下IP地址中,正确的是()A. B.CX.9..23.01C. D.202.146..36.E16.网络要有条不紊的工作,每台联网的计算机都必须遵守一些事先约定的规则,这些规则称为( )A.协议 B.标准 C.地址 D.公约17.在计算机网络中,“带宽”这一术语表示()A.数据传输的宽度 B.数据传输的速率C.计算机的字长 D.CPU的主频18.在ISO/OSI参考模型中,最底层是()A.网络层 B.传输层C.应用层 D.物理层19.在IE浏览器中,“收藏夹”的主要作用是收藏()A.图片 B.文档 C.邮件 D.网址20.所谓媒体,是指()A.存储介质 B.各种信息的编码C.计算机的输入输出信息 D.表示和传播信息的载体二、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.对计算特点的描叙正确的有()A.运算速度快 B.价格昂贵C.具有自动执行程序的能力 D.具有“记忆”空能2.下列叙述中正确的有()A.磁盘驱动器和磁盘属于外设B.汇编语言是高级语言C.计算机能直接识别和执行的指令叫机器指令D.IT是人工智能的英文缩写XP操作系统中,对“对话框”可以实现的操作有()A.最小化 B.移动 C.改变大小 D.关闭4.以下属于文件的属性的有()A.只写 B.隐藏 C.只读 D.保存5.在打印文档时,欲打印第1~3,5~7,9页,在打印对话框中“页面范围”栏应输入()A.1,3,5,7,9 B.1~9C.1~3,5~7,9 D.1,2,3,5,6,7,96.在Excel2000中,如果要在单元格中输入,正确的输入方法有()A. B.(.123) C. D.7.在PowerPoint2000中,默认的占位符有()A.命令按钮 B.图片C.文本框D.艺术字8.对计算机网络功能的描叙,正确的有()A.计算机之间和计算机用户之间的相互通信交往B.资源共享C.计算机之间和计算机用户之间的协同工作D.只有A和B是对的9.计算机局域网的特点有()A.覆盖的范围较小B.传输速率高C.误码率低D.投入特别大10.多媒体计算机可以处理的信息类型有()A.除了文字和数字之外,都可以 B.图形、图像C.音频、视频 D.以上说法都对三、填空题(每空1分,共15分)1.已知汉字“啊”的国标码是3021H,则它的机内码是________H。
6.在Windows XP环境下,如果要把整幅屏幕内容复制到剪贴板中,可以直接按下________键。
7.在Windows XP环境下,打开“开始”菜单的快捷键是________。
8.在Windows XP环境下查找文件时,如果“*”出现在被查找的文件名或后缀名中,代表的含义是________________________。
(5分)2.在Windows XP中所有的注册表信息都可以通过注册表编辑器进行编辑,请回答以下问题:①简述注册表编辑器的功能;(2分)②简述打开注册表编辑器的方法;(2分)③对注册表进行修改后需执行什么操作才能使修改起作用(2分)3.在Word2000默认状态下,写出下列操作步骤:①将文档页面设为A4纸型,定义每行32个汉字,没页36行;(3分)②在文档页面底端居中插入页码;(1分)③在文档的第二段与第三段之间插入一个5行5列的表格,并将表格边框设置为绿色,底纹设置为25%的蓝色;(2分)④将文档中的表格文字设置为自动适应单元格大小;(4分)⑤利用Word 中提供的“域”在文档尾插入分数“157”(3分) 4. 在Excel2000默认状态下,已经创建如下工作表,写出下列操作步骤:①在“工号”栏输入职工工号(依次为001,002,……);(2分)②在“总收入”栏使用粘贴函数计算每名职工的总收入;(2分)③在“应扣税额”栏使用粘贴函数计算每名职工的应扣税额:(总收入高于5000元者,扣税额为总收入的15%;总收入介入4000~5000元之间,扣税额为总收入的10%,总收入介入3000~4000元之间,扣税额为总收入的8%,总收入介于2000~3000元之间,扣税额为总收入的5%,总收入低于2000元则不扣税)(4分)④在“实际收入”栏采用公式复制的方法计算每名职工的实际收入。
(2分)5. 在PowerPoint200默认状态下,写出下列操作步骤:①启动PowerPoint2000,插入一张新幻灯片,并在幻灯片中输入艺术字“九江学院欢迎您!”(2分)②将艺术字形态设置为“山形”,字符间距设置为“紧密”;(2分)③实现将艺术字从屏幕左侧缓慢移动到屏幕右侧,并连续滚动字幕效果。
(4分)2009年九江学院专升本计算机试题答案一、选择题1-5 CDACB 6-10 BBDCC11-15 ABCBA 16-20 ABDDD二、多选题1、ACD2、AC3、BD4、BC5、CD6、ABD7、BC8、ABC9、AB10、BC三、填空题1、B0A12、量化3、64KB4、软件系统5、字节6、PrintScreen7、Ctrl+Esc8、任意个字符9、段落10、C3+D$2*$C$311、Ctrl+shift+; 或Ctrl+:12、F513、FTP14、邮件15、帧四、简答题1.计算机中对有符号数常采用原码、补码、反码表示,请回答以下问题:①简述这三种表示法的特点;(3分)②假设机器字长为8位,请写出有符号数0在计算机中对应的这三种编码形式。
②[+0]原码=(00000000)2[-0]原码=()2[+0]反码=(00000000)2[-0]反码=()2[0]补码=(00000000)22.在Windows XP中所有的注册表信息都可以通过注册表编辑器进行编辑,请回答下列问题:①注册表编辑器的功能;(2分)②简述打开注册表编辑器的方法;(2分)③对注册表进行修改后需要执行什么操作才能使修改起作用(2分)答:①注册表是用来存储计算机的配置信息的按层次结构组织的树状数据库。