嵌入馈电微带贴片天线的设计(a microstrip-line insett_fed patch antenna)
I.J. Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2017, 6, 1-12Published Online November 2017 in MECS()DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2017.06.01Available online at /ijwmtDesign of Microstrip Trapezoidal Patch Antenna Using Coaxial Feeding Technique for Space ApplicationsDeepanshu Kaushal a, Shanmuganantham Thangavelu*a*Dept. of Electronics Engineering,Pondicherry University,Pondicherry-605014, IndiaReceived: 03 March 2017; Accepted: 06 August 2017; Published: 08 November 2017AbstractA microstrip trapezoidal patch antenna structure has been proposed to serve different space applications including the fixed satellite applications, mobile and radiolocation services. This structure utilizes a 0.787 mm thick RT Duroid (5880) substrate of relative permittivity 2.2 and a dielectric loss tangent of 0.0009. A trapezium shaped patch has been formed on it. The patch is compact and has a novel geometry. The feeding technique employed is coaxial/probe feed. The parametric analysis done over HFSS-15 software to study the effects of the structural design over the behavior of antenna reveals the potentiality of the designed antenna to maintain a nearly constant gain upon the variation of several parameters individually. The use of parallel slots in the design offer a reduction in the size of the patch [5]. The performance of the antenna has been analyzed in terms of reflection coefficient, bandwidth and radiation pattern. The antenna yielded a simulated single band reflection coefficient of -22.5 dB and a peak gain of 4.7 dBi at 3.64 GHz and an impedance bandwidth of 10 MHz at -10 dB reflection coefficient. The fabricated design was tested over VNA for its reflection coefficient. The measured results have been included.Index Terms: High Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS), Radio Frequency (RF).© 2017 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science1.IntroductionThe communication that was initiated by sound through voice witnessed the use of devices such as drums followed by the use of visual methods such as sign flags and smoke signals. These optical devices were, however, limited to the light portion of electromagnetic spectrum. Antennas, being one of the greatest natural resource of the mankind has been instrumental in harnessing the electromagnetic spectrum outside this visible * Corresponding author. Tel: +91 413 2654997E-mail address: shanmugananthamster@region. Microstrip patch antennas have proven out to be a breakthrough in the field of antenna technology and are attracting a wide research interest. Abbreviated normally as MPA, they find application in different mobile services which include the applications and utilities provided by service operators in order to enhance the mobile experience of its users. These mobile services usually differ on an operator basis and remain under a completely "separate license". In addition to various mobile services, the microstrip patch antennas can also be utilized for fixed satellite and radio location purpose. The microstrip patch antennas as in Fig. 1 consist of a radiating patch element over a grounded base separated by a dielectric substrate [1]. The growing trend of these microstrip patch antennas is mainly due to their low- profile structure, conformability to non- planar surfaces, simplicity, reduced cost, mechanical robustness, compatibility with MMIC designs and the versatility offered in terms of centre frequency, space orientation of fields, patterns and impedance [2].Fig.1. Microstrip Patch AntennaDifferent existing microstrip patch antenna designs have been studied. The ACS-fed compact antenna for UWB applications in [3] produced an average gain of 3.6 dBi. The peak gains realized in [4] in lower, middle and upper bands included 3.1 dBi, 4.52 dBi and 4.89 dBi respectively. In [5], a mono layered high gain microstrip antenna configuration was built with a reflection coefficient of -11 dB. The peak gain achieved by a compact asymmetrically-slotted microstrip patch antenna with circular polarization in [6] was 4 dBi. The reflection coefficient achieved in large gain multilayered antenna apt for wireless applications in [7] was -17 dB. The microstrip danger symbol shaped patch antenna proposed for fixed satellite applications in [8] achieved a reflection coefficient of -35.7 dB, peak gain of 1.6 dBi and a bandwidth of 12 MHz at 2.7 GHz. At another resonant frequency, i.e. 4.57 GHz, the design exhibited a reflection coefficient of -10.1 dB, gain of 4.9 dBi and a bandwidth of 4.61 MHz. The reconfigurable single band microstrip patch antenna for satellite applications using FR4 epoxy substrate in [9] achieved a peak gain of 3.7 dBi with a -22.8dB reflection coefficient. The microstrip patch antenna with annular-ring slot intended for ISM band applications in [10] had a peak gain of 1.86 dBi at 2.4 GHz. The patch antenna designed at 2.4 GHz for WLAN applications in [11] displayed a maxim gain of 4.6 dBi at 2.4 GHz. Also, the maxim gain achieved by X band conformal antenna using microstrip patch in [12] was 2.2. The reference antenna used in [13] displayed a peak gain of 4.6 dBi with a reflection coefficient of -23.5 dB while the proposed quad band antenna achieved a minimum reflection coefficient of -17.6 dB with a 4.6 dBi gain. The trapezoidal patch antenna design proposed in this paper has been built over a RT Duroid 5880 substrate and uses a coaxial feeding technique. The design offers a single band resonance at 3.64 GHz with a reflection coefficient of -22.5 dB and a peak gain of 4.7 dBi and is fit to serve the S band applications including the fixed satellite applications, mobile services and radio location. The use of coaxial feeding mechanism provides for flexibility in the choice of the feed location, easy fabricationand less spurious radiations [14]. The section 2 of the paper gives the description of the antenna design. The tabulated dimensions of the design have been added at the end of the section. In depth description of the parametric analysis and the results (reflection coefficient, bandwidth and radiation pattern) has been given in sections 3 and 4 respectively.2.Antenna DesignThe antennas that may be designed for different space applications are frequency dependent. Based on the intended application in the requisite band(s), the resonant frequency is chosen and other specifications are calculated using the design equations given in Table 1. Following this, the structure is designed and simulated using the simulation software. The structure is then fabricated and the parametric values of the fabricated prototype are validated over the measurement setup. The figure 2 depicts the methodology for the proposed work.Fig.2. Methodology [15]Table 1. Design EquationsFig.3. Coaxial feeding techniqueThe proposed design in Fig. 4 emphasizes mainly on the coaxial feeding and slotted patch techniques. Themetallic patch (purple) is supported by a grounded dielectric substrate. A reduction in the size of the patch (as stated in upcoming sections) has been achieved by incorporating pair of parallel slots [16].The trapezium shaped patch has been formed by subtracting triangles from the respective rectangles. An introduction of slots in the trapezoidal patch structure offers reduction of patch size. Also, a circular element has been added to the patch design. At first, the dimensions of the antenna have been specified using the following tabulated equations [17].Fig.4. Proposed DesignThe patch has been fed by a cylindrical probe that extends to it from the ground. The coaxial feeding technique that has been used employs an inner conductor extending through the dielectric and soldered to the radiating patch while the outer conductor remaining connected to the ground. It is mainly suited for substrates that are not thick.Table 2. Dimensions of Antenna (in mm)Dimension Value(mm)Length of substrate: Lss 53.1Width of substrate: Wss 32.7Length of outer side of outer patch1:48.4Lop1Width of outer side of outer patch:34Wop1Length of inner side of outer patch 2:34.8Lop29.9Width of inner side of outer patch2:Wop232.1Length of outer side of inner patch1:Lip120Width of outer side of inner patch1:Wip118.9Length of inner side of inner patch 2:Lip214Width of inner side of inner patch1:Wip2Length of outer parallel slot, Los .2Width of outer parallel slot, W 3Length of inner parallel slot, Lis 1.2Width of inner parallel slot, W 3Thickness of RT Duroid substrate, h0 .7Radius of the circular Patch element 2The design has been simulated over HFSS [18], fabricated and finally tested over Vector Network Analyzer [19]. The fabricated structure and the measurement setup have been shown in figures 5 and 6 respectively.Fig.5. Fabricated AntennaFig.6. Testing of Fabricated Antenna3.Parametric StudyOther than frequency, the performance of an antenna is largely influenced by several other parameters including the patch geometry. The changes made in the geometry of the patch are often reflected in the result parameters which may vary significantly. The effect on the performance of the antenna due to the variation of its different dimensions of the patch has been analyzed. The variations in the dimensions of parallel slots & spacing between inner & outer trapezoids have an impact on antenna characteristics.3.1.1. Effects due to Parallel SlotTo design an antenna of compact dimensions, the necessary size reduction has been achieved by introducing a pair of slots in antenna design. This has resulted in mild changes in the resonant frequency along with a nearly constant gain. As the length of the slot is increased, there is comparatively less variations in the gain. 3.1.2. Effects due to Change in spacing between the Inner and Outer Slot PairThe tabulated results indicate that the variations in the gain are small when the spacing between the inner and the outer trapezoids is increased at the left side.Table 3. Various Dimensions of Outer Parallel Slot WidthTable 4. Various Dimensions of Inner Parallel Slot WidthTable 5. At Left Side (Shifting Outer Trapezium Side)Table 6. At Left Side (Shifting Inner Trapezium Side)Table 7. At Right Side (Shifting Outer Trapezium Side)Table 8. At Left Side (Shifting Inner Trapezium Side)Table 9. Bottom (Shifting Inner Trapezium)Table 10. (Top Shifting Outer Trapezium)3.1.3 Effects due to Change in Radius of Circular ElementAn increase in the radius of the circular design element of patch produces less varied output as compared to decrease in its radius.Table 11. Effects of Change in Radius of Circular Element of Patch4.Results and DiscussionIn this section, the results have been discussed. The design simulations have been carried over HFSS. The reflection coefficient has been validated over VNA. The results have been shown in the figures 6, 7, 8 and 9. 4.1. Reflection Coefficient and BandwidthThe parametric analysis of the designed structure revealed that the best simulated results were obtained corresponding to the resonant frequency of 3.605 GHz. As seen in Fig. 7, the antenna resonates at a single frequency of 3.605 GHz with a reflection coefficient of -12.6 dB and a bandwidth [20] of 10 MHz ranging from 3.6016 GHz to 3.61078 GHz. The structure, thus, offers single band resonance and may be used for applications including the mobile services, fixed satellite and radiolocation services.During the fabrication, copper has been etched out of the circular element of the patch. This mismatch of the results is due to this fault in fabrication.Fig.7. Reflection Coefficient Versus Frequency Plot4.2. Radiation PatternThe fig. 8 shows the plot of the overall radiation pattern of the proposed antenna on a dB scale. The upper region of the polar plot has been considered as the radiations are mostly concentrated in this region. The maximum gain [21] (gain total) achieved at resonant frequency was 4.677dB.Fig.8. Gain Total plot of radiation pattern [21]Fig.9. Gain Theta plot of radiation patternFig.10. Gain Phi plot of radiation patternAlso, the gain theta plot indicates the gain in elevation plane for a fixed theta (Theta =0) to be 4.6572 dB and that in Azimuthal plane for a fixed phi (Phi=180) to be 4.6572 dB.A tabulated comparison of the proposed trapezoidal patch antenna with the other two reference antennas in terms of resonant frequency, gain and reflection coefficient has been shown below. Both the reference antennas (hexagonal and the flower shaped antenna) meant to serve the UWB applications have gains (0.8 dBi and 1.8 dBi) and reflection coefficients (-10.8 dB and -20 dB) that are less than that of the proposed structure that has a gain of 4.7 dB and a reflection coefficient of -22.5 dB. The proposed design is thus efficient in terms of gain and reflection coefficient for S- band space applications.Table 12. Comparison of the reference antennas and proposed antenna resultsGain (dBi) Reflection Coefficient (dB)Design ResonantFrequency(GHz)2.3 0.8 -10.8Reference antenna 1 (ProposedUWB Antenna with Hexagonshape)2.3 1.8 -20Reference antenna 2 (ProposedUWB Antenna with Flowershape)3.644.7 -22.5Proposed Trapezoidal PatchAntenna5.ConclusionsThe proposed antenna has been designed with a great focus over the S band applications. A coaxial feed and a thin RT Duroid 5880 substrate have been utilized. The required reduction in the patch size has been achieved by the incorporation of a pair of parallel slots in the design. The designed antenna achieved a reflection coefficient of -22.5 dB and a peak gain of 4.7 dBi at 3.64 GHz. The design is in particular beneficial to offer a significant frequency range so as to serve for the fixed satellite (space to earth) applications, mobile applications and radio location purpose.AcknowledgementThe authors express their sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. S.S. Patnaik (currently the Vice Chancellor, Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha) for his guidance throughout the work. His motivation is highly cherished and revered.References[1]Custódio Peixeiro,"Microstrip Antenna Papers in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and PropagationEurAAP Corner]",Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 2012, Page(s):264- 268[2]Deepanshu Kaushal, T. Shanmuganantham, “Design of Compact Microstrip Apple Patch Antenna forSpace Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium, December 15-17, 2016.[3]T. K. Roshna1, U. Deepak, V. R. Sajitha, and P. Mohanan, “An ACS- fed Compact Antenna for UWBApplications”, International Journal of Advances in Microwave Technology (IJAMT) Vol.1, No.1, May 2016.[4]Ashis Kumar Behera, Mayank Agarwal, Pradutt Kumar Bharti and Manoj Kumar Meshram,”A Hepta-Band Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Mobile Handsets with Impedance Matching Technique”, International Journal of Advances in Microwave Technology (IJAMT), Vol.1, No.1, May 2016.[5]Prateek Juyal, Lotfollah Shafai, “Gai n Enhancement in Circular Microstrip Antenna via linearsuperposition of higher Zeros”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters; Volume: PP, Issue:99.[6]R. K. Gupta and G. Kumar,” High-Gain Multilayered Antenna for Wireless Applications”,Microwaveand Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, No. 7, July 2008.[7]Deepanshu Kaushal, T. Shanmuganantham,”Danger Microstrip Patch Antenna for Fixed SatelliteApplications”, IEEE International Conference o n Emerging Trends in Technology, 2016.[8]M. T. Ali, T. A. Rah man, M. N. Md Tan, R. Sauleu, “A Planar Antenna Array with Separated Feed LineUsing Air Gap Technique”, Proceeding Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium.[9]Rachana Yadav, Sandeep Kumar Yadav and Indra Bhooshan Sharma,” Reconfigurable Single and Du alBand Microstrip Patch Antenna for Satellite communications”, 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT).[10]Shikha Sharma and Devendra Sombanshi,” Annular-Ring Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna for ISM BandApplication s”, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4-2015). [11]M. Karthick,”Design of 2.4GHz Patch Antennae for WLAN Applications”, 2015 IEEE Seventh NationalConference on Computing, Communication and Information Systems (NCCCIS).[12]Pr ateek Chopra and Megha Bhandari, “Design of an X-Band Conformal Antenna Using MicrostripPatches”, 2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). [13]Habiba Irshad, Dr. R. Gowri, ”Design of a Passive Integrated Antenna at 5.2 GHz.”, 2015 2ndInternational Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN).[14]Deepanshu Kaushal, T. Shanmuganantham, “Comparative Analysis of Microstrip Moody Patch Antennafor Space Applications”, IEEE International Conference on Ele ctromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, 2016.[15]Deepanshu Kaushal, T. Shanmuganantham, “Design of Multi Utility High Frequency Dual Band SlottedAndroid Logo Patch Antenna using Coaxial Feed” Antenna Test & Measurements Society, 2017.[16]Deepanshu Kaushal & T. Shanmuganantham, “Design and Optimization of microstrip patch antenna forspace applications”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology-2016.[17]Sheikh Dobir Hossain, K.M. Abdus Sobahan, Md. Khalid Hossain, Md. Masud Ahamed Akash, RebekaSultana, Md. Masum Billah, “A Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communications Operates in Dual Band”, International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies (IJWMT), Vol. 6, Iss. 5, 2016.[18]Nitika Mittal, Rajesh Mittal, Ja swinder Kaur, “Performance Improvement of U-Slot Microstrip PatchAntenna for RF Portable Devices using Electromagnetic Band Gap and Defected Ground Structure”, International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies (IJWMT), Vol. 6, Iss. 3, 2016.[19]Amandeep Kau r Sidhu and Jagtar Singh Sivia, “Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna for S and X BandApplications”, IEEE Wireless Communications”, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2016.[20]Deepanshu Kaushal, T. Shanmuganantham, “Butterfly Shaped Micros trip Patch Antenna with Probe Feedfor Space Applications”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Information Security, Vol. 14, 2016.[21]Deepanshu Kaushal, T. Shanmuganantham, “Design of a Compact and Novel Microstrip Patch Antennafor Multiband Sat ellite Applications” International Conference on Smart Engineering Materials, 20-22 October, 2016.Authors’ ProfilesDeepanshu Kaushal completed his B. Tech. in Electronics & Communication fromPunjab Technical University in 2014. He is currently a IInd year M. Tech (E.C.E.) studentof Pondicherry University and is doing his project on ‘Microstrip Slotted Patch Antennas forMultiband Operation’ under the guidance of Dr. T. Shanmuganantham (Assistant Professor,Department of Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry). His area ofinterest includes Antennas, Fractals and Metamaterials. He has 19 conference papers and 9journals till date.Dr. T. Shanmuganantham was awarded B.E. degree in Electronics & CommunicationEngg from University of Madras in 1996, M.E. degree in Communication Systems fromMadurai Kamaraj University in 2000 and Ph.D. (Received Gold Medal) in the field ofAntennas from NIT (National Institute of Technology), Tiruchirappalli in 2010 under theguidance of Prof. S. Raghavan. He has 20 years of teaching experience in various reputedEngg colleges and currently he is working as Asst. Prof. in the Dept of Electronics Engg,School of Engg & Technology, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry. His research area of interest includes MEMS/NEMS, Microwave/Millimetre-Wave Engineering, Antennas. He has published 300 research papers in various National and International Level Journals and Conferences. He has completed two sponsored projects. He has been elected as Fellow in Antenna Test and Measurement Society (ATMS) and a senior member in IEEE, Life Member in ISSS, IETE, IE (India), CSI (India), Society of ISTE, EMC, ILA, OSI and ISI. He is serving as office bearer for IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (India Chapter) and also he is Member of Board of Studies in Pondicherry University, University of Madras, and Annamalai University. His biography was incorporated in ‘Marquis who is who in the world’ USA in 2010.How to cite this paper:Deepanshu Kaushal, Shanmuganantham Thangavelu," Design of Microstrip Trapezoidal Patch Antenna Using Coaxial Feeding Technique for Space Applications", International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies(IJWMT), Vol.7, No.6, pp.1-12, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2017.06.01。
Design of L - Probe Feed Broadband Patch Antenna
1 , 2
(1 . D alian M aritim e Un iversity , Dalian 116026 , Ch ina ; 2 . Q ingdao Ocean Sh ipp ing M ar iners College , Q ingdao 266071 , Ch ina) Abstract : In th is article , from trad itional m icrostip antenna, a broadband patch antenna based on the L probe fed is desig ned . It is suitab le for the 2nd and 3rd generat ions o f m ob ile comm un ic ation syste m. U sing An soft HFSS to si m ulates and analyses the structu re and perfor m ance of the designed an tenna . K eyw ord s : L - probe fee , broadband, patch antenna
,L =
c 2fr
r e e
=- 2 l 分别是基板的
式中 , h 是基板的厚度。 3 仿真结果 利用 A nsof t H FSS 软件对天线结构的主要参 数进行仿真, 经过数次优化后, 该宽频带微带贴片 天线的主要尺寸如表 1 所示 , 仿真的主要结果如 图 3 ~ 图 6 所示。
式中, C 是真空中的光速,
微带线天线馈电原理微带线天线馈电原理微带线天线(Microstrip antenna)是一种平板式天线,由于其结构简单、易于制造和调整等优点,在卫星通信、雷达测量等领域得到了广泛应用。
三、微带线天线馈电方式的特点1. 传输效率高:与传统天线相比,微带线天线利用电阻较小的铜箔、介质成本较低、简单易制造的技术,使馈电方式更加可靠和传输效率高。
2. 空间利用率高:微带线天线可以利用介质板上的空间进行设计,减少空间占用,提高空间利用率。
3. 频带宽度较宽:微带线馈线传输的电场和磁场能够交错在介质板上,从而产生多种共振模式,实现频段宽带的涵盖,提高天线的频带宽度。
设计过程中,主要考虑以下几个方面:1. 天线结构的设计:根据实际需求,设计合理的天线结构,包括辐射贴片、介质基板和馈电网络等部分。
2. 级联馈电方式的选择:级联馈电是一种通过多个馈电点将信号逐级传输到辐射贴片的方式。
3. 仿真与优化:利用电磁仿真软件对天线进行仿真分析,根据仿真结果对天线结构进行优化,以提高天线的性能。
以下是几个典型的应用场景:1. 移动通信:在4G、5G等移动通信系统中,新型级联馈电微带天线被广泛应用于基站和移动终端设备中,提高了通信系统的性能和可靠性。
2. 卫星通信:在卫星通信系统中,新型级联馈电微带天线可用于卫星天线阵列中,提高天线的增益和辐射效率,从而提高卫星通信系统的性能。
3. 雷达系统:在雷达系统中,新型级联馈电微带天线可用于提高雷达天线的增益和抗干扰能力,从而提高雷达系统的探测性能。
实验结果表明,新型级联馈电微带天线具有以下优点:1. 带宽宽:新型级联馈电微带天线的带宽比传统微带天线有明显提高,可适应不同频率的要求。
图 5开路微 带线长度 的影响 为了全面 的研究天线的性能,图 6给出 了天线分别在 3 、
79 H 、 G z的 辐 射特 性 。从 所 示 的 三 个 辐射 方 向 图可 以看 出 : 在
H面 , 天线具有较好 的全 向辐射特性 , 且在不 同的频率是基本
[] F d rl o 2 e ea C mmu ia o s o nct n mmi in Fr p r ado— i C s o . i te ot r s sr n
通 过 用 高频 结 构 仿 真 软件 H S 仿 真 及 优 化 的 比较 , 良 FS 优
的天线的尺寸如下: L 3 m L = 8 L = mm, - m W= = 5 m,g 1mm,s2 Ws9 m,
LI 6 5 =I . mm ,W 1 2 = mm,L2 . mm,W 2 . mm,a mm , =6 5 =0 8 =6
2 1 年 第 5 期 02 ( 第 1 1期 ) 总 2
信 息 通 信
2 2 O1
( u . N 1 1 Sm o 2)
种采用微 带馈 电的陷波超 宽带天线 的设计
徐 保 林
( 成都理工大学信息科学与技 术学院, 四川 成都 6 0 5 ) 10 9
带线馈 电的超宽带天线, 同时为 了避免 WL AN窄带系统对超 宽带通信 的干扰 ,在多边环形内部 嵌入 开路微带线结构来实
现 特 定 频 段 的 陷 波 特 性 , 使两 系统 能够 协 同工 作 。利 用 仿 真
软件对天线关键结构的参数进 行仿 真比较 ,进而得到 了性能 较好 的参数 , 最终确定方案 的仿真结果达到了设计 的要 求, 而 且该天线 的结构 比较简单, 易于实现 。
摘 要 : 带 贴 片 天 线 已广 泛应 用 于 雷 达 系统 , 中介 绍 了一 种 新 型 背 腔 式 单 层 微 带 贴 片 天 线 , 射 微 文 辐
贴 片 采 用微 带 线 馈 电 , 增 加 工 作 带 宽 , 供 了 两种 不 同 的 贴 片 形 状 , 一 种 是 E 形 贴 片 . 真 及 测 试 结 果 为 提 第 仿 表 明 , 种 单 元在 驻 波 比优 于 2的备 件 下 可 实现 4 的 阻抗 带 宽 , 该 单 元 的 波 瓣 带 宽 较 窄 。 为 抑 制 交 叉 此 5 但
1 i p d n eh n wit o W R≤ 1 5,wihlw R S。 oaiaino s h n 一 】 . d co steo — 4 m e a c a d d hfrVS . t o CO Sp lr t fl st a 。 z o e 5 0 B a r s h p
极 化 , 过在 E形 贴 片上 开 四 个 槽 , 到 了 第二 种 改 进 的 E形 贴 片 。 该 单 元 可 实 现 1 的 频 带 内驻 波 比 优 通 得 4
于 l5 同 时 交 叉极 化 优 于 一 l d _, 5 B。对 C波 段 8 6单 元 实验 小 阵 的测 试 结 果 表 明 , 天 线 在 l. 的 频 ×l 该 79
第 4期 21 O 2年 8门
雷达 科 学 与 技 术
R ada r Sc i eRce and echnol y T og
V O .1 o 1 0 N .4
A ug t 2 2 us 0l
微 带 线 馈 电 的 宽 带 单 层 贴 片 天 线
地址:210003 江苏省南京市中山北路346号
关键词:微带贴片天线;阵列天线;阻抗匹配; 方向图AbstractAccording to the knowledge of the rectangular patch antenna, a 1×4 24 GHz array patch antenna was designed. This antenna can be used in traffic speed measurement and intelligent driving of automobiles. The first is to use the method of microstrip line feeding to establish the unit patch antenna model, optimize the simulation to obtain the best unit patch antenna model, and then design a suitable feed power feed network based on the unit patch antenna. . Then the optimal parameters are obtained through simulation optimization to design a 24 GHz array patch antenna.Through the HFSS software simulation design, a 1×4 array antenna was obtained with a return loss S11<-20dB, a feed point input impedance of 50Ω, a standing wave ratio of approximately 1.2, and a maximum gain gain of 13.6dB. To meet the requirements of design indicators.Keywords: microstrip patch antenna; array antenna; Impedance matching;Direction pattern第1章绪论1.1论文的研究背景及意义毫米波(millimeter wave )是波长为1~10毫米的电磁波,它的波长处于微波与远红外波相交叠的波长范围,所以同时具有两种波谱的特点。
泉州师范学院毕业论文(设计)题目一种新型微带贴片天线的优化设计物理信息工程学院电子信息科学与技术专业 07 级 1班学生姓名学号 070303041指导教师职称副教授完成日期 2011年4月教务处制一种新型微带贴片天线的优化设计物理信息工程学院电子信息科学与技术专业指导教师:副教授【摘要】:由于普通微带贴片天线效率低,为了提高贴片天线的效率,提出一种容易制作的新型微带贴片天线。
用HFSS 软件对它进行仿真,并对仿真的结果进行分析。
【关键词】:微带贴片天线;HFSS;增益;回波损耗目录摘要 (1)0. 引言 (3)1. 微带天线的发展 ................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
(5)................................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
(4) (4) (4) (4)2. HFSS仿真软件 (5)HFSS仿真软件基本功能 (5) (5)3. 方案设计 (6)4. 普通微带贴片天线设计过程 (6)5. 正方形环缝的微带贴片天线设计过程 (7)6. 圆形环缝的微带贴片天线设计过程 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
【摘要】本文从传统的微带贴片天线出发,基于L型探针馈电方式,设计了一款适用于第二代、第三代移动通信系统的宽频带微带贴片天线,并利用Ansoft HFSS软件对其结构和性能进行了仿真分析.
1.L型探针馈电的微带天线的仿真研究与设计 [J], 王渊博;宋铮;吴伟
2.展宽贴片天线频带的L型馈电方法的设计与分析 [J], 罗志升;王黎;高晓蓉;王泽勇;赵全轲
3.一种高增益高极化隔离的宽频带L探针馈电E形微带天线 [J], 王玉峰;龚传;林鑫超
4.一种曲折L型探针馈电的双极化贴片天线端口隔离度研究 [J], 李磊
5.一种L型探针馈电的微带共形天线设计 [J], 彭煜;李萍;朱永忠;胡卫东;李鹤言
Science &Technology Vision 科技视界0引言共形天线作为机载天线的一种重要形式,必须具有体积小、剖面低、可探测性低、抗损伤性高等特点,因此能够用作共形天线的天线形式主要有各种微带和缝隙天线(也有其它形式但比较少)。
本文提出的L 型探针的馈电方式,使这种微带天线具有结构紧凑、剖面低、辐射效率高、易与载体共形等优点。
1设计原理1.1L 型馈电探针的原理该结构相当于空气介质基板的微带贴片天线。
天线辐射机理为[1]:L 型探针的垂直部分产生感抗,水平部分和贴片之间产生容抗,两者相消产生谐振,使天线呈现宽频带或者多频带。
通过与同轴电缆相连,L 型探针上将存在交变电场,电场方向为探针水平臂所指方向,交变电场将引起变化的磁场,磁场方向与电场方向垂直。
设计实验 微带贴片天线设计
设计实验微带贴片天线的设计一、实验目的Fig. 1 微带贴片天线设计思路1、通过HFSS仿真设计微带贴片天线,具体参数要求如下:✓工作频率为2.6GHz,使用材料为FR4(相对介电常数ε=4.4),厚度为1.6mm的双面覆铜板;✓辐射贴片采用夹角为180°的扇形贴片,利用50Ω的微带线进行馈电,用1/4波导微带匹配段对天线进行阻抗匹配;✓要求天线的血站频率在2.55GHz~2.65GHz范围内,且仿真参数S11在谐振频率出小于-13dB。
2、利用APPCAD计算微带线参数:介质板厚度为1.6mm,FR4材料的相对介电常数ε=4.4,中心频率为2.6GHz,根据APCAD计算,如图Fig.2所示,为使微带线馈电电阻为50.04Ω,微带线宽度应为W3=3.06mm,并且1/4波导微带匹配段的长度应为L=15.65mm.Fig. 2 扇形贴片天线参数计算同时,金属板尺寸为100mm×75mm,可初步估计扇形半径R=33mm,馈线长度L3=5mm,匹配段宽度W=1mm。
Fig. 3 扇形贴片天线参数和设计示意图3、制板流程:导出图形→打印胶片→PCB板打孔穿线→将胶片固定在PCB板上进行曝光→显影→刻蚀→用酒精除去感光膜→焊接→测试。
三、仿真过程与分析正面示意图背面示意图Fig. 4 微带贴片天线设计金属板示意图1、建立模型(Fig.4)。
文献[23]的耦合馈电微带阵列结构 ............................................................ 4 文献[24]的耦合馈电方形环状贴片天线 .................................................... 4 文献[26]的波导缝隙耦合馈电的微带天线阵 ............................................ 5 文献[27]SIW 缝隙耦合馈电的天线阵列.................................................... 6 矩形贴片天线传输线模型......................................................................... 10 矩形贴片天线的电场分布......................................................................... 10 微带天线馈电方式..................................................................................... 11 基片集成波导等效模型............................................................................. 15 SIW 与微带线的转换结构........................................................................ 17 基片集成波导移相器................................................................................. 18 缝隙耦合馈电的微带贴片单元结构......................................................... 26 微带贴片天线单元仿真结构..................................................................... 28 微带贴片天线单元的输入阻抗和方向图................................................. 29 改进的微带贴片天线单元仿真结构......................................................... 29 改进的微带贴片天线单元的输入阻抗和方向图..................................... 30 同相微带传输线结构图............................................................................. 32 同相微带传输线的相位............................................................................. 32 1 3 阵列天线的馈电网络结构 ................................................................ 33 馈电网络的传输系数和传输相位............................................................. 33 1 3 微带贴片天线阵列的结构................................................................. 34 1 3 微带贴片天线阵列的|S11|和驻波比 ................................................. 34 1 3 微带贴片天线阵列的方向图............................................................. 36 1 3 微带贴片天线阵列的三维方向图..................................................... 36 MIMO 微带贴片天线阵列结构 ................................................................ 37 MIMO 微带贴片天线阵列的|S11|............................................................. 38 MIMO 微带贴片天线阵列的隔离度 ........................................................ 38 MIMO 微带贴片天线子阵 1 和子阵 4 的方向图 .................................... 39 MIMO 微带贴片天线阵列实物图 ............................................................ 40 MIMO 微带贴片天线阵列|S11|实测结果................................................. 40 边馈矩形贴片天线结构............................................................................. 44 5 元加权串馈线阵结构示意图 ................................................................. 45
现代电子技术Modern Electronics Technique2023年6月1日第46卷第11期Jun.2023Vol.46No.110引言用于60GHz 通信的频段自由空间损耗达到15dB/km ,而且该频段内的介质损耗、表面波损耗、辐射损耗十分严重。
基片集成波导(Substrate Integrated Waveguide,SIW )具有平面结构、制造成本低、易于集成、低损耗等优点,因此受到广泛的关注。
文献[7⁃9]提出了基于SIW 单层缝隙天线,从一端通过共面的馈电网络馈电,这样就增加了天线的面积,而且馈电网络产生的不良辐射会使天线的旁瓣电平恶化,馈电网络传输损耗较大导致增益降低。
低温共烧陶瓷技术广泛地应用在毫米波天线中,文献[10⁃13]设计了采用低温共烧陶瓷技术的毫米波天线,并且具有良好的性能,但是与多层PCB 制造技术相比,工艺复杂、昂贵、材料损耗大,导致辐射效率低。
本文设计了一种60GHz SIW 缝隙耦合馈电微带贴片天线,天线采用双层基片结构,底层为通过矩形缝隙耦合馈电的SIW 结构,顶层为圆形与圆环贴片结合形成的辐射贴片。
这种双层的天线可以采用低成本多层PCB 工艺制造。
利用多层结构,在有限的体积内增加天线辐射单元的数量,从而提 高整体效率与增益。
采用具有高导电性和磁导率的电磁材料,增强天线的电磁波辐射和 聚焦能力。
三角形微带贴片天线是一种具有 特殊形状的微带贴片天线,其金 属贴片呈等边三角形或等腰三角
三角形微带贴片天线具有较高的 增益和较宽的带宽,同时其结构
三角形微带贴片天线在通信、雷 达、导航等领域具有一定的应用
除了矩形、圆形和三角形微带 贴片天线外,还有许多其他形 状的微带贴片天线,如椭圆形、 八边形等。
通过增加金属屏蔽层,降低外部电磁干扰对天线 性能的影响。
采用先进的信号处理技术,抑制天线接收到的噪 声干扰。
合理布置天线位置,降低多天线之间的耦合效应, 提高整体抗干扰能力与稳定性。
这些特殊形状的微带贴片天线 在某些特定场合具有一定的应 用优势,如提高增益、拓宽带 宽等。
然而,这些特殊形状的微带贴 片天线的制作难度较大,成本 较高,因此在实际应用中受到 一定限制。
微带贴片天线的设计与 优化
贴片的尺寸通常为工作波长的四分之 一或二分之一,以实现最佳辐射效果 。
(10)申请公布号 CN 102509868 A(43)申请公布日 2012.06.20C N 102509868 A*CN102509868A*(21)申请号 201110367153.6(22)申请日 2011.11.18H01Q 1/36(2006.01)H01Q 1/38(2006.01)H01Q 1/48(2006.01)(71)申请人电子科技大学地址610054 四川省成都市建设北路二段四号(72)发明人张晓霞 文玥 熊煜 崔德勇钱硕(54)发明名称基于微带馈电的改进型椭圆贴片超宽带天线的设计方法(57)摘要基于微带馈电的改进型椭圆贴片超宽带天线的设计方法,属于无线通信技术领域,涉及超宽带平面天线技术和微波技术。
通过对矩形微带贴片天线电流强度分布的状况改进,设计了一种特殊贴片形状天线结构,这种形状是椭圆形与圆形相交割的部分,并且通过改变椭圆形长短半轴以及圆形半径等一系列参数来设计,设计结果可以达到美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)制定的超宽带频段范围3.1GHz ~10.6GHz ,天线的回波损耗小于2并且天线具有全向性。
(51)Int.Cl.权利要求书1页 说明书3页 附图1页(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书 1 页 说明书 3 页 附图 1 页1/1页1.基于微带馈电的改进型椭圆贴片超宽带天线的设计方法,包括辐射贴片的结构,微带馈电的结构,接地板的结构,其特征在于满足超宽带标准要求,微带馈电与负载相匹配和天线辐射的全向性。
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参数εr、h、L、W、w< SUB >f< /SUB >和y0分别代表基板的介电常数、厚度、贴片长度、贴片宽度、馈线宽度和馈线嵌入距离。
根据早期提出的方法,对一个具有εr=2.42、h=0.127cm、w=4.04cm、L=5.94cm和y0=0.99cm 参数的贴片天线进行了分析。
在各种εr(2 ≤εr≤10)值下利用传输线模型对贴片进行参数研究。
作者:M. Ramesh,K.B. Yip。