



Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten million people will rush at you like pins at magnet.
在上海静静地站上两分钟,就会有一千万人向你冲来,就像铁屑 冲向磁铁一样。
3. By the use of certain adjectives and adverbs
• Everyone bowed, including the Westerners. After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.
--《Roughing It》
我认识一个要去那地方死的人,但他没有死成。他来时是 一付骨头架子,几乎不能站立。他什么也不想吃,什么也 不做,只是读些小册子,琢磨着以后怎么办。但三个月后, 他就经常在户外睡觉了,一天三顿能吃多少就吃多少,而 且在三千英尺高的山上,以追逐野兽作为娱乐。
以上引自美国著名作家马克·吐温的作品,读了这段用夸 张修辞方法写的文字,令我们忍俊不禁。怎能不叹服作者 的幽默。
In the dock, she found scores of arrows piercing her chest.
He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop. 他沿着大街跑,声音之响,犹如十马奔腾。

Hyperbole,understatement and pun

Hyperbole,understatement and pun
• 离婚已成为有利可图的诉讼,简便易行,容易忘怀;雄心勃勃的女性 们愿意重复多少次便重复多少次,能将赢来的赡养费增加至天文数字。
– How are you? Awfully well, thanks.
• 利用介词短语表示
– Here the wealth was beyond computation, beyond imagination.
英语Hyperbole(夸张)一词源于希腊语的huperbole,原意为 excess(超过)。这是一种故意夸大其词或言过其实 (overstatement)的修辞手法,其特点是对表达对象进行有 违常识或不合逻辑的夸张性描写,以此来取得强烈的修辞效果。 试比较以下例句: ①He ran down the avenue, making a loud noise. He ②He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop. 显而易见,例①为一般性描写,而例②则属夸张性描写,远比 例①生动形象,使人有如临其境,如闻其声之感。
Hyperbole 夸张
• A figure of speech that deliberately uses exaggeration in order to give emphasis. --- The Cassell Dictionary of Literary and Language Terms • Exaggeration for effect, not mean to be taken literally. --- The Webster’s Ninth New World Dictionary
• 用虚拟语气表示
– ①A knife could have cut the tension during the seemingly endless trip back to the plantation. (Alex Haley: Roots) – 在返回种植园的似乎无穷无尽的征途上,空气紧张得 仿佛可以用刀子切割。 – ②Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in churches; they’re afraid God might recognize them and ask for autograph. (Fred Allen) – 有些电影连在教学里也戴上太阳镜,唯恐上帝可能认 出来而要请他们签名。



• 2、刻画人物,生动形象,活灵活现。

• He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.
• 他沿着大街跑,声音之响,犹如十马奔腾。 • 作者巧用hyperbole手段,短短一句,就把
• Vingo sat there stunned, looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs ——20 of them, 30 of
them, many hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of
• While the sands o’ life shall run.

(Robert Burns)
• 亲爱的,我将永远爱你,
• 直到海水全枯竭,
• 直到海水全枯竭呀,亲爱的,
• 太阳熔化了岩石,
• 亲爱的,我将永远爱你,
• 只要我还有一息。
• 诗中夸张性的言辞表达了主人公对一位姑娘致死不渝的忠贞爱情:即 使所有的海洋枯干了,岩石都被太阳熔化了,我依然忠于爱情。
• Had Cleopatra’s nose been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been different.

( Blaise Pascal )
• 如果克利奥帕特拉的鼻子短一点的话,整个世界的面貌就 会改观。

• Cleopatra(69-30BC),埃及女王,艳美绝伦,被称为 “埃及艳后”。她的权欲极强,先为罗马恺撒大帝的情妇, 后与安东尼结婚。安东尼溃败后又欲勾引屋大维,没有成 功,遂以毒蛇噬咬自杀。此句夸张这个女人的容貌与世界 面貌的关系。





下⾯是整理发布的英语学习:毫不夸张地说这是⼀个最夸张的例⼦,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!Hyperbole lies, but not so as to intend to deceive by lying. . . . It is in common use, as much among the unlearned as among the learned; because there is in all men a natural propensity to magnify or extenuate what comes before them, and no one is contented with the exact truth. But such departure from the truth is pardoned, because we do not affirm what is false. In a word, the hyperbole is a beauty, when the thing itself, of which we have to speak, is in its nature extraordinary; for we are then allowed to say a little more than the truth; and language is more efficient when it goes beyond reality.夸张带有欺骗性,但并⾮由⽬的的欺瞒。




Hyperbole/OverstatementHyperbole is a way of describing something in order to make it sounds bigger, smaller, better, worse, ect.than it really is.1.This chair weighs a ton.2.The worker is so hungry that he can eat a horse.3.The girl is dying to know why her boyfriend left her.4.I'm starving to death.5.Her words are sweeter than honey.6.The two brothers are different in a thousand and one way s.7.Thanks a million.8.It took a few dollars to build this skyscraper.9.I feel so sleepy that I could sleep for a year.10.It's a matter of life and death to her.11.I love Ophelia: forty thousand brothersCould not, with all their quantity of love,Make up my sum. (William Shakespeare: Hamlet) 12.I will love you still till all seas have gone dry; I will love you still till rocks have melted with the sun. (Robert Burns)13.The day seems a long year.14.His eloquence would split rocks.15.I have a sea of trouble.16.I have a thousand things to attend to.17.We haven't seen each other for ages.18.He's got tons of money.19.Her brain is the size of a pea.20.I will die if she asks me to dance.21."Ladies and gentlemen, I've been to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together." (Kent Brockman, The Simpsons) 22."I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot, and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far." (Mark Twain, "Old Times on the Mississippi") 23."Daphne, you can't go. You have to stay. I've only just recently realized how important you are to us. You see, if you go, Dad and I will kill each other. I'm not just tossing out hyperbole here. I'm speaking in the most literal sense: Dad and I, both dead. Only he'll be lying there with a bacteria-ridden sponge protruding from his mouth like a bloated tongue!" (Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Frasier Crane in "Come Lie With Me." Frasier, 1996)24."My toaster has never once worked properly in four years. I follow the instructions and push two slices of bread down in the slots, and seconds later they rifle upwards. Once they broke the nose of a woman I loved dearly." (Woody Allen, "My Speech to the Graduates." The New York Times, Aug. 10, 1979)。



hyperactiv e 英[ˌhaɪpərˈæktɪv]美[ˌhaɪpər'æktɪv]adj.活动过度的; 极度活跃的hyperactives hyperactiv ity 美 英 [ˌhaɪpəræk'tɪvəti]过动;多动症;过度活跃hyperbola 美[haɪ'pɜ:bəl ə] 英 [haɪ'pɜ:bəl ə]双曲线板;创建双曲线;抛物线hyperbolas 美 英 双曲面hyperbole 美[haɪ'pɜrbəli] 英 [haɪ'pɜː(r)bəli]夸张法;夸饰;夸张手法hyperbolic 美[ˌhaɪpə'bɒl ɪk] 英 [ˌhaɪpə'bɒl ɪk]双曲线型;双曲型;双曲线函数hyperboloi d 英[haɪ'pɜ:bəlɔɪd]美[haɪ'pɜbəˌlɔɪd]n.双曲面hyperboloi ds 美 英 【数】双曲面hypercritic al 美[.haɪpər'krɪtɪk(ə)l] 英 [.haɪpə(r)'krɪtɪk(ə)l]苛求的;超临界的;过于苛严的hypercritically hypercube 英['haɪpəkju:b]美['haɪpəkju b]n.超立方体hypercubes 美 英 超立方体hypercycl e 超循环;超循环论;超循环理论hypercycleshyperelliptic 超椭圆的hyperfine 英['haɪpə'faɪn]美['haɪpəfaɪn]adj.超精细的hyperglyc emia 英[ˌhaɪpəglaɪ'si:mɪə]美[ˌhaɪpəglaɪ'simɪr]n.多糖症,高血糖症hypergrap h 英['haɪpəgrɑ:f]美['haɪpəgrɑf]n.超图hypergrap hs 超图的理论hyperinflat ion 美[.haɪpərɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n]英[.haɪpərɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n]极度通货膨胀;恶性通胀;超级通货膨胀hyperlink 美[ˈhaɪpə(r)ˌlɪŋk] 英超连结;超链结;超文本链接hyperlinke d 美[ˈhaɪpə(r)ˌlɪŋk] 英超链的;超连接;超本文hyperlinki ng 美[ˈhaɪpə(r)ˌlɪŋk] 英超级链接;超链接;超链结hyperlinks 美[ˈhaɪpə(r)ˌlɪŋk] 英['haɪpəlɪnks]支持超链接;超连接;超联结hypermar ket 美['haɪpər.mɑrkət] 英['haɪpə(r).mɑː(r)kɪt]大卖场;大型超级市场;大型超市hypermar kets 英['haɪpəmɑ:kɪts]美['haɪpəmɑkɪts]n.超大型自助商场(hypermarket的名词复数 )hypermedi a 英[ˌhaɪpəˈmi:diə]美[ˌhaɪpərˈmidiə]n.超媒体hypernetw ork hypernetworks hyperplan e 美['haɪpəˌpleɪn] 英['haɪpəˌpleɪn]超面;的超平面;维的超平面hyperplan eshyperreal 超真实;超现实;超级真实hyperreals hypersens itive 英[ˌhaɪpəˈsensətɪv]美[ˌhaɪpərˈsensətɪv]adj.过敏的,高度灵敏的hypersens itiveness 英[haɪpə'sensɪtɪvnɪs]美[haɪpə'sensɪtɪvnɪs]n.过敏性,超敏感性hypersensitivities hypersens itivity 英[ˌhaɪpəˌsensə'tɪvətɪ]美[ˌhaɪpəˌsensə'tɪvətɪ]n.超敏反应; 超敏感症hypersoni c 英[ˌhaɪpə'sɒnɪk]美[ˌhaɪpə'sɒnɪk]adj.极超音速的,远超过音速的hyperspac e 英[ˈhaɪpəspeɪs]美[ˈhaɪpərspeɪs]n.超空间,多维空间hypersphe re 英['haɪpə(:)sfɪə]美['haɪpə()sfɪr]n.超球面hyperspheres hypertensi on 英[ˌhaɪpəˈtenʃn]美[ˌhaɪpərˈtenʃn]n.高血压;过度紧张hypertensi ve 美[ˌhaɪpə'tensɪv] 英[ˌhaɪpə'tensɪv]高血压性;高血压的高血压;升血压hypertensives hypertext 美['haɪpər.tekst] 英['haɪpə(r).tekst]超文件;超文字;超级文本hyperthyro id 英[ˌhaɪpə'θaɪrɔɪd]美[ˌhaɪpə'θaɪəɔɪd]n.甲状腺机能亢进患者adj.甲状腺机能亢进的hyperthyro idism 英[ˌhaɪpəˈθaɪrɔɪdɪzəm]美[ˌhaɪpɚˈθaɪrɔɪˌdɪzəm]n.甲状腺机能亢进hypertrop hied 美[haɪˈpɜrtrəfid] 英[haiˈpə:trəfid]淋巴器官比正常时肥大;心肌肥大;过度增大的hypertrop hies [haiˈpə:trəfiz]n.肥大,过度生长,过度增大(hypertrophy的名词复数 )hypertrop hy 美英[haɪ'pɜːtrəfi]肥厚;过度生长;过度增大hypertrop hying [haiˈpə:trəfiŋ]v.肥大,过度生长,过度增大(hypertrophy的现在分词 )hyperventi late 美[.haɪpər'vent(ə)l.eɪt]英[.haɪpə(r)'ventɪ.leɪt]换气过度;深呼吸;快速用力的呼吸hyperventi lated [医]过度换气的hyperventilates hyperventi lating 美[.haɪpər'vent(ə)l.eɪt]英[.haɪpə(r)'ventɪ.leɪt]换气过度,强力呼吸;强烈呼吸hyperventi lation 美英[ˌhaɪpəˌventɪ'leɪʃ(ə)n]过度换气;过度通气;过度换气法。
































按照语用学的说法,夸张表面上违反了格赖斯(Grice)的质量准则(Maxim of Quality)和数量准则(Maxim of Quantity),因为它说得太过分而歪曲了事实;但夸张与说谎不一样。







"(His reputation as an authority on Scripture;、recognized through out the world)拉伦斯·达罗运用夸张修辞手法是对布莱恩奚落和嘲笑,旨在使他处于不利的境地。






( 1 ) 用数词表示 We must fight for every inch of land. I have given my last ounce of strength to my work. 我对工作已经尽了最大的努力。 我对工作已经尽了最大的努力。
We enjoy every minute of the play. I beg you a thousand pardons. Thanks a million. The gang deserve to die a thousand deaths. 我对你讲过无数次了。 我对你讲过无数次了。 I’ve told you fifty times.
( 2 ) 用动词、名词、形容词或副词表示 用动词、名词、 He nearly exploded with indignation. 他几乎把肺都气炸了。 他几乎把肺都气炸了。 They split/burst their sides with / laughing. 他们捧腹大笑。 他们捧腹大笑。 They bombarded me with a number of questions. 他们像连珠炮似地向我提了几个问题。 他们像连珠炮似地向我提了几个问题。
l am so hungry I could eat a horse. 饥饿使我胃大无比。 饥饿使我胃大无比。 He might have been dead, he lay so still. 他纹丝不动地躺着, 他纹丝不动地躺着,仿佛已经死了一 样。
消息传来,犹如晴天霹雳。 消息传来,犹如晴天霹雳。 The news came 1ike a bolt from the blue. 这项工作像蜗牛爬一样进展缓慢。 这项工作像蜗牛爬一样进展缓慢。 The work progressed at a snail’s pace. 我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。 我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。 鲁迅: 一件小事》 (鲁迅:《一件小事》) Six years have passed by in a twinkle since I came to the capital city from the countryside.



• 9. By the use of other figures of speech. Hyperbole往往借助于其他的修辞格来增强表达效 果。如metaphor, Metonymy, 等辞格揉和在一 起,构成辞格兼用,相辅相成,互为补充,能收 到良好的艺术效果 如:(1) He smoked like a chimney. Hyperbole 与simile结合使用,将smoke的而部表情描述的 惟妙惟肖,鲜活的形象跃然纸上。
6. By the use of nouns
(1) She wept oceans of tears. (2) This book is a triumph, a classic of this era.
7. By the use of verbs
(1) His anger nearly burst his belly. (2) Waves thundered against the rocks. (3) During the economic crisis prices skyrocketed.
(1) I was scared to death. (2) "Polly, I love you. You're the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars. "(MaxShulman)
3. By the use of certain adjectives and adverbs (1) It is terribly cold today. (2) They are fearfully talented people.
(2) You are sitting on a volcano, which might erupt any moment. “ Volcano”一词的运用,顿时把“you”的情 形凸现出来。



7. 夸张HYPERBOLE1. 定义Hyperbole: A figure of speech consisting in exaggerated or extravagant statement, used to express a strong feeling or produce a strong impression, and not intended to be understood literally (OED); extravagant exaggeration that represents something as much greater or less, better or worse, or more intense than it really is or that depicts impossible as actual (as “mile-high ice-cream cones”) (WED). 英语Hyperbole (夸张)一词源于希腊语的huperbole,原意为excess (超过)。


试比较以下例句:(1) He ran down the avenue, making aloud noise.(2) He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.显而易见,例(1)为一般性描写,而例(2)则属夸张性描写,远比例(1)生动形象,使人有如临其境,如闻其声之感。


就性质而言,英语夸张可分为两类,即扩大夸张(Extended Hyperbole)和缩小夸张(Reduced Hyperbole) 。



• An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect. It is not used to mislead the reader, but to emphasize a point.
Example: She’s said so on several million occasions.
Activity: Rewrite these sentences with a more interesting hyperbole. • • • • • The music was loud. The garden is pretty. The tired man snored loudly. The flowers grew quickly. I ate so much lunch my tummy is full.
My teacher is so old
• “She showed us a yearbook from 1500 B.C. • She can’t even remember her own name! • She claims that she invented the question mark. • We looked up the word “ancient”, and there was full definition with her name and a big picture of her smiling …
4. By the use of superlative degree of adjectives or adverbs
• (1) John is the greatest second baseman in the world. • (2) Is that all the affection and pride you can muster, for the nation that bore you -- for the noblest, most civilized nation on the face of the earth? • (3) "I'm the happiest man in the world. " He whispered. (Albert Maltz) • (4) And consequently, Marx was the best hated and most calumniated of his time. ( Frederick Engels)



1、Hyperbole:He ate like a pig.

2、Hyperbole:It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing T-shirts.

3、Hyperbole:I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

4、Hyperbole:He was as tall as a mountain.

5、Hyperbole:She had a million things to do.

6、Hyperbole:I was so scared I nearly jumped out of my skin.

7、Hyperbole:I was running like the wind.

8、Hyperbole:I was so bored that I thought I was going to die.





关键词:Hyperbole分类翻译低陈Abstract:As a rhetoric device in English and Chinese, hyperbole has thesame essence in the two languages: to exaggerate or overstate something in order to achieve the effect of humor.This article is to analyze it’s classification, overstatement and translation.Key words : Hyperbole overstatement translation classificationHyperbole ( from ancient Greek 'exaggeration') is a rhetorical device in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally. 英语的Hyperbole和汉语的“夸张”,在表达方式,修辞效果和使用目的上完全相同,但在包括的内容方面却不尽相同。



hyperbole (夸张)
• hypebole (hype + bole) • Definition:an exaggerated statement fancifully for the purpose of creating an effect, not meant to be taken literally
3.描景状物,渲染气氛,给人以深刻印象。 .描景状物,渲染气氛, Stand still in shanghai for two minutes and ten million people will rush at you like pins at magnet. 呆在上海两分钟,就会有千万人如针被磁铁吸引般向你 涌来。 4.幽默风趣,令人发笑,讽刺嘲弄,入木三分。 .幽默风趣,令人发笑,讽刺嘲弄,入木三分。 He is so mean,he won't let his little baby have more than one measle at a time。 他吝啬极了,竟然不肯让他的小婴孩一次出一粒以上 的麻疹
And I will love thee still,my dear, Till a'the seas gang dry. Till a'the seas gang dry,my dear, And the rocks melt wi"the sun. And I will love thee still,my deer, While the sands o’life shall run. (Robert Bums) 我会永远爱你,亲爱的,直到四海枯竭。直到四 海枯竭,亲爱的,直到岩石化“太阳。我会永远 爱你,我的鹿,相 hyperbole
1.强化感情 增强感染力 强化感情,增强感染力 强化感情 In the dock, she found scores of arrows piercing her chest. 站在被告席上,她感到万箭穿心。


• 3)形容词或副词。利用形容词和副词进行夸 张多见于日常生活会话
• --How are you? • ---Awfully well, thanks.
• ----Do you like your house? ----Oh,fearfully.
• ----Won’t you come and see it? • 用形容词或副词进行夸张轻易与用形容词或
• 她不是真旳怕野兽,而是不乐旨在她酬 劳之外多出一丁点力。
• 在体现“不愿多出一丁点力”旳意思时, 用an atom (像一粒原子那样微力)这么 一种名词,可谓别出心裁,态度极为鲜 明。
• Miss Sharp (the suspect) browed her head, and had never uttered a syllable.
• Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten million people will rush at you like pins at magnet.
•在上海静静地站上两分钟,就会有 1,000万人向你冲来,就像铁屑冲向磁铁 一样。(作者用two minutes 和 ten million 两个数字夸张地描绘了上海人口 之多,交通之繁忙。)
• 1、用词汇手段表达夸张 • 夸张能够经过数词、形容词、副词、名
• 1)数词 用数词对事实进行渲染、夸张, 是英语夸张修辞格最常用旳措施之一。
• He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.



hyperbole造句hyperbole造句如下:1、t look beyond the hyperbole.但看看更夸张的。

2、is might sound like hyperbole.这听起来或许很夸张。

3、at's not hyperbole; it's reality.这不是夸张,是现实。

4、t was it hyperbole?不过是不是有些夸大其词了呢?5、stead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole.而事实上,招聘常常是没边儿的夸张。

6、stead recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole.而事实上,招聘常常是没边儿的夸张。

7、e chart is hyperbole. But in China, the sentiment is not.这张图有点夸张。


8、is might sound like hyperbole or exaggeration, but I assure you it’s not.这听起来好像挺夸张的,但我保证并不是这样。

9、ere will surely come a day when Dubai runs the world's reserves of hyperbole dry.总有一天,迪拜要耗光世界的能源储备,这毫不奇怪。

10、was accused of hyperbole but seems, rather, to have been guilty of understatement.人们谴责他危言耸听,但现在看来,似乎应该是谴责他过于轻描淡写了。

11、pite the hyperbole, accusations, and denials, it appears we can ascertain these facts.忽略这些夸张情节、以及指控和否认,看上去我们能确认以下事实。


--《Roughing It》
我认识一个要去那地方死的人,但他没有死成。他来时是一付 骨头架子,几乎不能站立。他什么也不想吃,什么也不做,只 是读些小册子,琢磨着以后怎么办。但三个月后,他就经常在 户外睡觉了,一天三顿能吃多少就吃多少,而且在三千英尺高 的山上,以追逐野兽作为娱乐。
以上引自美国著名作家马克·吐温的作品,读了这段用夸张修 辞方法写的文字,令我们忍俊不禁。怎能不叹服作者的幽默。
1)It's a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. 阳光明媚,躲在家中实在太遗憾了。
2)She wept floods/oceans of tears.
3)There is a sea of faces in the park. 公园里人山人海。
1) Mary opened the door. Out rushed a rat, which brought her heart into her mouth.
2) Can you spare me some water? I ‘m thirsty to death.夸张了“口渴”程度。 3) Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.
2) Mountains of rubbish was thrown on the square because of the long strike.把“垃圾” 夸张成“山”那么多。
3) The thirsty stranger swallowed a milehigh ice-cream cone.显然“冰淇淋”没有“一英 里”高。



Hyperbole/OverstatementHyperbole is a way of describing something in order to make it sounds bigger, smaller, better, worse, ect.than it really is.1.This chair weighs a ton.2.The worker is so hungry that he can eat a horse.3.The girl is dying to know why her boyfriend left her.4.I'm starving to death.5.Her words are sweeter than honey.6.The two brothers are different in a thousand and one way s.7.Thanks a million.8.It took a few dollars to build this skyscraper.9.I feel so sleepy that I could sleep for a year.10.It's a matter of life and death to her.11.I love Ophelia: forty thousand brothersCould not, with all their quantity of love,Make up my sum. (William Shakespeare: Hamlet) 12.I will love you still till all seas have gone dry; I will love you still till rocks have melted with the sun. (Robert Burns)13.The day seems a long year.14.His eloquence would split rocks.15.I have a sea of trouble.16.I have a thousand things to attend to.17.We haven't seen each other for ages.18.He's got tons of money.19.Her brain is the size of a pea.20.I will die if she asks me to dance.21."Ladies and gentlemen, I've been to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together." (Kent Brockman, The Simpsons) 22."I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot, and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far." (Mark Twain, "Old Times on the Mississippi") 23."Daphne, you can't go. You have to stay. I've only just recently realized how important you are to us. You see, if you go, Dad and I will kill each other. I'm not just tossing out hyperbole here. I'm speaking in the most literal sense: Dad and I, both dead. Only he'll be lying there with a bacteria-ridden sponge protruding from his mouth like a bloated tongue!" (Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Frasier Crane in "Come Lie With Me." Frasier, 1996)24."My toaster has never once worked properly in four years. I follow the instructions and push two slices of bread down in the slots, and seconds later they rifle upwards. Once they broke the nose of a woman I loved dearly." (Woody Allen, "My Speech to the Graduates." The New York Times, Aug. 10, 1979)。

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2. 用语法手段来体现 (reflected by grammatical means) • a. 比较结构 Comparative Construction e.g. No one was more willing to do a favour for friend or neighbour than he. 他最愿意帮朋友或邻居的忙。
• According to the newspaper, the driver, who was returning from a wedding, seemed puzzled. “I only had two bottle of beer and a cocktail.” 据报道,那位参加完一个婚礼后往回赶的司机 一脸迷惑地说:“我只不过喝了两瓶啤酒,一 杯鸡尾酒罢了。” • 此句话中的seemd puzzled 以及only 把酒后驾车 司机的那种不负责任的态度刻画的淋漓尽致, 令人厌恶。
• Definition: a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force
• A figure of speech which contains an understatement of emphasis, and therefore the opposite of hyperbole. Often used in everyday speech and usually with laconic or ironic intentions.
在语言表达的过程中, 人们可以从主观出发, 有意识地将事实夸大, 以达到强调或突出重点。 所以,夸张这一修辞手法往往注重深切情感的 表达, 而不太注重客观事实的记述。夸张的运 用范围较广, 一切无形无色无味的东西, 人类 情感或心态变化, 以及人类触觉和嗅觉所能感 受的一切事物, 均可使用夸张来表达 。同时, 夸张也具有诙谐、幽默、挖苦、讥讽、褒贬等 功用。
• Translation:
• 1. Look young in only two weeks.
两周之内变年轻 (中译英)
• 2.It’s a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. 今天阳光明媚,躲在家中实在是太遗憾了 • 3.I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars…… 我爱你。你是我的一切,你是月亮和星星
c. 双重否定 double denial
e.g. Don't you figure out that I might have had something to do with it?” said Soapy, not without sarcasm, but friendly, as one greets good fortune. (O. Henry: The Cop and the Anthem) “难道你看不出我可能跟这事有关吗?”苏比 说,口气不是没有讥讽,但态度却友好,仿佛 一个要交好运的人。 not without sarcasm就是with sarcasm(语带讥 讽)。
Hyperbole & Understatement
• Definition: Hyperbole comes from the Greek word "hyperbol~", which means "a throwing beyond, or excess ". It is a common figure of speech popularly known as exaggeration or overstatement. But hyperbole, which distorts the truth by saying too much, is not the same as telling lies. With hyperbole, there is no intent to deceive the audience. In fact, in the speaker's mind he is truly describing his intense feeling at the time.
(3) 利用形容词和副词进行夸张
• • • • a. I’ m dead tired after a whole day's hard work. b. The food in that hotel is exceedingly terrible. c. That boy is mighty clever. 像awfully, dreadfully, extremely , fantastic, terrific, remarkable 等副词和形容词常用于日常生活对活 中, 对一些微不足道的锁事进行夸张, 以增添说话 者的情感色彩。
Hyperbole, simile or metaphor?
• A hyperbole is a type of figurative language. It is often confused with a simile or a metaphor because it often compares two objects. • Example: His feet were as big as a barge(游艇、 驳船). • It looks like a simile. It is comparing foot size to the size of a barge. Everyone knows that a barge is approximately 700 feet long. • A hyperbole is comparing something “normal” to something really big or extreme.
形容词这种词类, 本身就具有描写或修饰事物特 征的功能。而多数形容词具有“比较” (comparison)这一语法特征。所以, 利用形容 词和副词的最高级进行夸张, 把词语语义推向极 端, 在英语修辞中也是极普遍的, 也更易于让读 者理解和接受。
(5) 利用介词短语进行夸张
• a. He was such a rich man that his wealth was beyond computation, almost beyond imagination. • b. she became a celebrity overnight throughout the world. • “ 数不胜数”、 “超出住你人的想象”、 “全球范围内”, 分别 对一个人拥有的 “财富” 及 “知名度”进行了夸大, 强调。
• Make sentences with hyperpole. (My dog is so ugly.)
e.g. We have to pay people to pet it. a. Fleas won’t even live on him. b. We have to wait till midnight to take him on walks. c. He only has cat friends.
a. He almost died Laughing.
she smiled, and all the world was gay .
c. For she was beautiful her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade. ( P. B. Shelley) . 她的美使明亮的世界也失去光辉, 黯然失色
也就是说,这种修辞格是故意使用有节制的措辞 来陈述事实,故意轻描淡写,借低调与弱化语言 形式来表示强调。
• 它是与hyperbole(夸张)相对的一种 修辞格。hyperbole是故意夸大其辞, 化小为大,是deliberately maximize the importance和 play up;而 Understatement则故意采取“低调”, 化大为小,是deliberately minimize the importance和 play down。
(6) 利用否定词进行夸张
• a. Never, never in my life have I ever seen such a ridiculous thing. • b. In no case should we let such a thing happen again. • 在英语中, 运用否定词的重迭及倒装句, 便可对描述的事物 达到夸张的目的。
( 4) 利用形容词和副词最高级进行夸张 • a. America was going on the greatest, gaudiest spree in history and there was going to be plenty to tell about it . • b. A railway station is the most difficult of all places to act in , as you have discovered from yourself. • c. And, consequently, Max was the best hated and most calumniated of his time.