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1.例外(n) exception

2.生产(n) produce


4.典型的(adj) typical

5.随后的,后来的(adj) succeeding

6.化妆,弥补make up

7.伤口(n) cut

8.由…..组成be made up of


10.愈合伤口heal the cut

11.减少,脱离,跌落,下降fall off

12.检查(v) examine

13.遵守(v) obey

14.要求(v) require

15.触犯法律break the law

16.道路(n) lane

17.完成(v) complete

18.总之on the whole

19.高兴的事(n) pleasure

20.状况(n) condition

21.发现某人正在做某事find sb doing

22.引起,导致(v) cause

23.确定的(adj) definite

24.可能性(n) possibility

25.影响(n) effect

26.副作用side effect

27.全体的,大体的(adj) general

28.通常,普遍地(adv) generally

29.必然的,确定的,有把握的(adj) certain

30.必然,确实的事情(n) certainty

31.不确定的事情(n) uncertainty

32.影响(v) affect

33.因素(n) factor

34.洪水(n) flood

35.明显的(adj) obvious

36.明显地(adv) obviously

37.令人不愉快的(adj) disgusting

38.令人不愉快的(adj) unpleasant


40.经济(n) economy

41.感觉(n) sense

42.极少的(adj) seldom

43.特别地(adv) especially

44.准确地(adv) exactly

45.坚持做某事insist doing

46.荣誉,尊敬(n) honor

47.指导(v) direct

48.导演(n) director

49.方向(n) direction

50.与……有关have something to do with


1.The British laugh when other people might feel very worried. (2012海淀二模C


2.As well as that, we find it amusing to tell jokes about things that have gone wrong

for us, rather than not mentioning them in case we look stupid. (2012海淀二模C篇)

3.Another thing that we can make it difficult to understand “British Humor” is that

we don’t always laugh or even smile when we say something funny. (2012海淀二模C篇)

4.In this area, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico meets hot dry air from the

southwest, resulting in storms so huge that they can last for days as they move east across the country. (2012海淀二模D篇)

5.The scientists working in Goodland were trying to learn as much as they could

about these disordered storm systems. (2012海淀二模D篇)

6.To study the storm clouds, the researchers in Goodland met each morning and

studied weather data, hoping for bad weather. (2012海淀二模)

7.At the same time that the scientists on the ground were collecting their data,

researchers in the air were operating a special radar station that would help them measure(计算)the shape and size of the water drops inside the clouds.


8.Researchers say that it will take years for them to understand all the data they

have collected. (2012海淀二模)

9.Research shows that gatheringsmake sense. (2012朝阳一模D篇)

10.While your friend may need to be alone, you may want caring phone calls. (2012


11.He didn’t mean to lose it. (2012海淀一模完型)

12.Unfortunately, most people don’t know what trans fats truly are and why they are

so bad for us. (2012海淀一模阅读C篇)

13.Have you ever wondered why cookies can still be crispy and tasty after six months

to a year on a store shelf? (2012海淀一模阅读C篇)

14.Trans fats raise the bad cholesterol (胆固醇)in your body and lower the good

cholesterol that the body needs. (2012海淀一模阅读C篇)

15.Because they are often attractive and likeable, we naturallyconsider they are

also intelligent and so on. That is, sometimes, not true. (2012海淀一模D篇) 16.They had been divided into two groups to watch two different videos of the same

teacher, who happened to have a strong Indian accent. (2012海淀一模D篇)
