Risk/contingencies & strategic alternatives
• What strategic alternatives
have you considered?
• Economics of demand
– By segment – Substitutes, ability to differentiate – Volatility, cyclicality
• Economics of supply
– Producer concentration and diversity – Import competition – Capacity utilization – Entry/exit barriers – Cost structure (fixed and variable)
Internal assessment
• How does your current
business emphasis fit with industry opportunity and competitive landscape?
Financial projections
• What are the expected
• The objective of these templates is to provide completeness and
consistency of BU strategic plan submissions. These templates are not intended to replace or constrain BU strategic thinking and should be adapted to reflect a particular BU’s sectoral context as required
MKXZ战略咨询手册(英文版)MKXZ Strategy Consulting HandbookIntroduction:The MKXZ Strategy Consulting Handbook aims to provide businesses with valuable insights and advice on strategy formulation and implementation. This handbook is designed to help organizations develop sustainable competitive advantages and maximize their business potential. The following sections will guide you through the key aspects of strategic planning.1. Understanding the Business Environment:To effectively develop a strategy, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the business environment. This includes analyzing the industry dynamics, market trends, competitor analysis, and identifying opportunities and threats. By assessing the external factors, businesses can identify gaps in the market and tailor their strategy to gain a competitive edge.2. Vision and Mission Statement:Developing a compelling vision and mission statement is crucial for establishing a clear direction for the organization. The vision statement outlines where the organization wants to go in the future, while the mission statement defines its core purpose. These statements serve as guiding principles for strategic decision-making and aligning the entire organization towards a common goal.3. Setting Strategic Objectives:Strategic objectives are the specific goals organizations aim toachieve to fulfill their vision and mission. These objectives should be measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. By setting clear and realistic targets, organizations can track their progress and evaluate the success of their strategy implementation.4. SWOT Analysis:Conducting a comprehensive SWOT analysis helps businesses identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By understanding internal strengths and weaknesses, organizations can leverage their strengths and address weaknesses to stay competitive. Furthermore, analyzing opportunities and threats allows organizations to seize potential advantages and mitigate risks.5. Competitive Advantage:Developing a sustainable competitive advantage is crucial for long-term success. Organizations can achieve this by identifying their unique selling points and leveraging them to differentiate themselves from competitors. This could include offering superior products or services, providing exceptional customer experience, or utilizing innovative technology.6. Strategic Options:After analyzing the business environment, organizations can generate strategic options. This involves brainstorming different approaches, including market penetration, market development, product diversification, or strategic alliances. Evaluating each option's pros and cons will help organizations determine the most suitable strategies for their specific situation.7. Strategy Execution:Implementing the chosen strategy requires effective execution. This involves developing an action plan with clear responsibilities, timelines, and performance metrics. It is crucial to engage all levels of the organization and ensure alignment to achieve the strategic objectives. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the strategy are necessary to adapt to changing market conditions and ensure success.8. Innovation and Adaptation:In today's dynamic business environment, innovation and adaptation are essential for staying competitive. Organizations should foster a culture of continuous improvement and actively seek new opportunities to enhance their products, services, and processes. Embracing technological advancements and anticipating future trends will help organizations stay ahead of the curve.9. Evaluation and Control:Regular evaluation and control of the implemented strategy are paramount to measure progress and determine if adjustments are required. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be established to monitor strategic objectives' achievement. By gathering feedback, analyzing results, and making necessary modifications, organizations can stay on track and ensure long-term success. Conclusion:The MKXZ Strategy Consulting Handbook provides businesses with a comprehensive guide to strategic planning. By understanding the business environment, setting clear objectives, leveraging competitive advantages, and implementing effectivestrategies, organizations can thrive and meet their long-term goals. It is crucial to continuously evaluate, adapt, and innovate to remain competitive in the ever-changing business landscape.10. Risk Management:Effective risk management is a critical aspect of strategic planning. Businesses need to identify and assess potential risks that may arise during the implementation of their strategies. This includes analyzing both internal and external risks such as economic fluctuations, regulatory changes, technological disruptions, and operational vulnerabilities. By developing contingency plans and mitigation strategies, organizations can minimize the impact of risks on their strategic objectives.11. Stakeholder Analysis:Understanding and managing stakeholder expectations is essential for successful strategy implementation. Stakeholders can include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and the wider community. Organizations should analyze the interests and influence of each stakeholder group and develop strategies to engage and collaborate with them effectively. Building strong relationships with stakeholders can enhance support, loyalty, and trust, ultimately contributing to the success of the strategy.12. Communication and Change Management:Clear and effective communication is crucial during the implementation of a new strategy. Organizations should develop a communication plan that ensures all stakeholders are informed about the strategy, its objectives, and the expected changes. This includes both internal and external communication channels. Additionally, change management strategies should beimplemented to support employees in adapting to and embracing the new strategy. Training, mentoring, and regular check-ins can help alleviate resistance and foster a culture of continuous improvement.13. Continuous Monitoring and Learning:Strategic planning is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and learning. Organizations should establish regular review cycles to assess the progress and effectiveness of their strategies. By monitoring key performance indicators, comparing actual results to desired outcomes, and gathering feedback from stakeholders, organizations can make informed decisions about potential adjustments or improvements. Learning from both successes and failures is vital for refining strategies and ensuring long-term success.14. Ethical Considerations:Ethics and integrity should be at the forefront of strategic planning. Organizations need to consider the ethical implications of their strategies on all stakeholders and society as a whole. This includes ensuring fair treatment of employees, ethical sourcing and production practices, and responsible corporate citizenship. By aligning strategies with ethical principles, organizations can build trust, enhance reputation, and contribute to a sustainable business environment.15. International Expansion:In an increasingly globalized world, expanding into new markets can provide growth opportunities. However, international expansion requires careful consideration of cultural, legal, andeconomic differences. Organizations should conduct thorough market research and feasibility studies to assess the viability and potential risks of international expansion. This may involve partnering with local businesses, adapting products or services to suit specific markets, and complying with local regulations. International expansion can diversify revenue streams and access new customer bases, contributing to long-term business success. 16. Crisis Preparedness:The ability to navigate and recover from crises is critical for business resilience. Organizations should develop crisis management plans and identify potential scenarios that may disrupt their operations. This includes natural disasters, cyber-attacks, political unrest, or public health crises. By developing contingency plans, regularly testing response mechanisms, and having robust communication strategies in place, organizations can minimize the impact of crises and ensure business continuity.17. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Integrating sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) into strategic planning is becoming increasingly important. Organizations should assess their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact and identify opportunities for improvement. This may involve reducing carbon emissions, promoting diversity and inclusion, supporting local communities, or implementing responsible supply chain practices. By incorporating sustainability and CSR into their strategies, organizations can enhance their reputation, attract socially conscious customers, and contribute to a more sustainable future.18. Collaboration and Partnerships:Collaboration and strategic partnerships can provide competitive advantages and unlock new opportunities. Organizations should identify potential partners, both within and outside their industry, that share similar goals or complement their capabilities. This could involve joint ventures, strategic alliances, or mergers and acquisitions. By leveraging each other's strengths and resources, organizations can accelerate growth, expand market reach, and share risks. However, it is crucial to carefully evaluate potential partners and establish clear goals and expectations to ensure successful collaboration.19. Agility and Flexibility:In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, agility and flexibility are crucial for staying competitive. Organizations should anticipate and embrace change, continuously scan the business environment for emerging trends and technologies, and be willing to adapt their strategies accordingly. This may involve agile project management methodologies, iterative decision-making processes, or a willingness to experiment and learn from failures. By fostering a culture of agility and flexibility, organizations can quickly respond to market shifts and maintain a competitive edge.20. Strategic Leadership:Effective strategic leadership is paramount for successful strategy implementation. Leaders should inspire and motivate employees, establish a clear vision, and effectively communicate the strategy to all stakeholders. They should also foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Additionally, leaders should be open to feedback, encourage diverse perspectives, andmake well-informed and ethical decisions. Strategic leaders play a pivotal role in driving organizational change and achieving long-term business success.In conclusion, strategic planning is a dynamic and multifaceted process that requires careful analysis, thoughtful decision-making, and effective implementation. By understanding the business environment, setting clear objectives, leveraging competitive advantages, and engaging stakeholders, organizations can develop robust strategies that drive sustainable growth. Regular monitoring, learning, and adaptability are essential for navigating uncertainties and seizing new opportunities. With the right strategic approach and strong leadership, organizations can position themselves for long-term success in an ever-changing business landscape.。
战略升级版目录:+---1、战略系统诠释| | 波特之经典总结性论文——?什么是战略??竞争战略全球第一权威.pdf | | 哈佛商业评论重要管理思想导游图--战略篇〔横版〕.PDF| | 日用商业模式构建从战略到行动的内在逻辑-铭远咨询.doc| | 主控战略形态学.txt| | 知识战略.pdf| | ?企业战略管理?——清华大学DBA博导.doc| | ?如何打造百年企业?.doc| | 不确定之下的战略.pdf| | 非经典战略与非经典经营.doc| | 核心能力战略.doc| | 经营战略之通用竞争战略.doc| | 竞争战略.ppt| | 蓝海战略.doc| | 品牌战略.doc| | 企业竞争战略中的经济学原理.ppt| | 企业面临的问题.ppt| | 企业内部价值链分析.ppt| | 探索信息时代的开展战略.doc| | 总体战略.ppt| | 管理大师安索夫.doc| | 合作战略.ppt| | 公司开展战略研究.doc| | 企业家的11大管理战略.doc| || +---“首席战略官〞讲义(9个ppt)| +---?战略金字塔—集团战略?(25个)| \---战略细分定义〔10类〕+---2、名家论战略| 毛泽东的军事战略思维.doc| 论战略品牌和战术品牌.doc| 论战略与细节.doc| 提高总揽全局的战略思维能力.ppt| 论战略思维.doc| 论战略缔造.doc| 论战略的分解和追踪.doc| 鲜为人知的H?伊戈尔?安索夫.doc| 伊戈尔·安索夫:战略管理是一种思维方式.doc| 了解安索夫.doc| 管理学演进视野中的安索夫战略范式.doc| 安索夫战略管理的三个层次特征.doc| 安索夫战略在中国.doc| 公司战略.doc| 特劳特论战略.doc| 论战略变革的取舍之道.doc| 大成都区域经济开展战略筹划145p1352291778.pdf| 王志刚经典案例(成都牧马山战略规划).doc| 公司总部存在的唯一理由是为子公司创造价值.doc| 王志刚经典案例——成都牧马山战略规划.doc| 普拉哈拉德:先进的策略思想家.doc| 王石:万科的新“三步走〞战略.doc| 王石:品牌营销战略妙棋.doc| 企业家的五大管理战略.doc| 论战略的十大关系.doc| 柳传志:解密联想的王牌战略.doc| 柳传志人事战略:二十年“驭人〞成就柳氏联想.doc| 柳传志:企业战略强不强关键在企业文化.doc| 柳传志:战略高度就是所谓的境界.doc| 张孝德:建立“内生增长模式〞应解决五个战略问题.doc | 柳传志:战略人才需具备三大素质.doc| 胡葆森:企业的战略选择.doc| 艾丰:中小企业应实施名牌战略.doc| 中粮集团:将社会责任融入到企业战略中.doc| 可口可乐:内外兼修实施水中和战略.doc| 李书福:吉利汽车的战略新思维.doc| 蒋锡培:战略投资改变商业生态.doc| 黄怒波:回归战略.doc| 张立伟:黄光裕的战略失误.doc| 马蔚华:社会责任应内化为企业长期开展战略.doc| 王中军:扩张以电影为核心业务打造塔式战略.doc| TCL积极布局全产业链战略.doc| 郭广昌:复星集团施行多元化战略.doc| 也论战略思维.doc| 履中国际论战略.doc| 战略与文化.doc| 国企管控问题及解决思路.doc| 企业如何制定本钱管理战略.doc| 没有实业的企业,在资本的路上能走多远?.doc| 中小企业更适合“蓝海战略〞.doc| 创新战略:灵感的萌发、筛选和概念衍生.doc| 对话当事人,读懂大败局.doc| 企业家的思维境界.doc| 金钻战略:苹果的软实力.doc| 中国B2C战略:我们都爱同质化?!.doc|+---3、战略管理| | 企业战略管理.ppt| | 企业战略管理绪论.pdf| | 战略管理讲义.DOC| | 战略管理绪言.PPT| | 战略管理资料.doc| | 战略管理综观.ppt| | 战略管理总揽.ppT| | 战略柔性--变革中的管理.pdf| | 战略实施的组织保证.ppt| | 战略性方案.pdf| | 战略性业绩管理:集团公司建立控制体系的有效手段.doc | | 什么是管理.doc| | 危机处理.ppt| | 汉普知识管理文摘集——战略管理.CHM| | 基于制度路径的战略管理.doc| | 治理层面的风险管理.doc| | 集团体系整合的两种境界.doc| | 薪酬模式设计探讨.doc| | 子集团其他控制力核心问题.doc| | 式综合性商社的战略型运作.doc| | 集团战略实施与推动.doc| | 十二五规划之集团战略.doc| | 将战略落地,还要靠组织力.doc| | 陀螺管理法那么.doc| | 战略性新兴产业视角下的中国成长型企业投融资策略.doc | | 现代商战中的八大战略原那么.doc| | 飞利浦提速:外乡驱策全球.doc| | 宝洁强势产品品牌战略剖析.doc| | 中国式企业战略法那么的独特性.doc| | 企业战略:边做边学VS“眼高手低〞.doc| | “中魂西制〞下的企业变革.doc| | 战略管理(中英文).ppt| | 是战略管理,还是盲人摸象.doc| | 战略管理-方法、策略、模型.doc| | 战略管理.ppt| | 第三章:战略管理.ppt| | 战略管理.doc| | _战略与战略管理.doc| | 统一,应该多一种思考!.doc| | 解析汇源新战略.doc| | 公司如何防止成功的诅咒.doc| | 战略规划的实施和落地.doc| | 战略管理终稿.ppt| | 战略管理(清华).ppt| | 战略管理—书.pdf| || \---戴维-战略管理| 戴维-战略管理.pdf|+---4、定战略|工具|模版| | ?战略规划三部曲?.pdf| | 004麦肯锡--战略咨询培训手册.ppt| | 【麦肯锡战略分析模板】.ppt| | BSC战略地图.pdf| | 波士顿咨询:公司战略透视.pdf| | 毕博--XXXX集团管理咨询工程管理流程.ppt| | Mckinsey-战略规划制定及实施流程研讨会.ppt| | Mck-战略规划-成长阶梯规划实施讨论.ppt| | 北大纵横:主营业务开展战略设计.ppt| | 福田企业战略管理架构研究.ppt| | 公司战略制定与报告撰写—毕博.ppt| | 惠普的战略规划十步法.ppt| | 罗兰贝格_中小型企业战略和管理问题研究报告.doc | | 普华永道:战略分析框架.ppt| | 罗兰贝格战略分析内容和工具.ppt| | 罗兰贝格咨询-战略风险.PDF| | 麦肯锡++战略+概述与根本框架.ppt| | 麦肯锡--以价值为导向的企业战略规划.ppt| | 麦肯锡—战略管理知识体系.pps| | 麦肯锡战略制定流程.ppt| | 麦肯锡咨询参谋-三大跨国战略咨询公司比拟.doc | | 企业管理战略规划体系诊断分析阶段咨询报告.ppt | | 如何制定公司战略.doc| | 如何做好战略部工作?.pdf| | 新华信战略咨询工具.doc| | 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112).ppt| 河北万XXX制药集团战略规划-管理诊断第一期报告.ppt| 华信惠悦深圳天音组织及人力资源战略咨询.ppt| 麦肯锡:信虹住宅战略咨询中期报告.PPT| 九略-昌乐矿山公司开展战略咨询报告.ppt| 科尔尼-上海市政府提高国际化水平战略思路评估与建议终期报告.pdf| 罗兰贝格:天津汽车工业集团开展战略.ppt| 罗兰贝格:通用技术集团开展战略.ppt| 罗兰贝格-××××新技术实业股份战略实施方案1.ppt| 罗兰贝格-××××新技术实业股份战略实施方案2.ppt| 罗兰贝格的培训例案万科开展战略-ppt79页.ppt| 罗兰贝格-南航股份中期战略规划报告.ppt| 罗兰贝格-陕西西北高科技实业公司战略.ppt| 罗兰贝格-西北实业公司战略1.ppt| 罗兰贝格-西北实业公司战略2.ppt| 罗兰贝格郑州宇通客车股份企业开展战略的制定内部研讨.ppt| 罗兰贝格—中国通用技术集团贸易业务开展战略报告.ppt| 罗兰贝格中国五矿集团战略开展规划.ppt| 罗兰贝格-宗申摩托车业务品牌战略工程.ppt| 麦肯锡:德隆战略规划-成长阶梯规划实施讨论.ppt| 麦肯锡:开拓业务增长的战略〔中国联通〕.ppt| 麦肯锡:某数码公司战略.ppt| 麦肯锡:天津LG开展战略咨询报告〔英文〕.ppt| 麦肯锡:天狮集团战略设计与IPO咨询报告(03年7月).ppt| 麦肯锡:西安开发区战略1.pdf| 麦肯锡:西安开发区战略2.pdf| 麦肯锡:以价值为导向的企业战略规划〔中粮集团〕.ppt| 麦肯锡:战略规划制定及实施流程研讨会.ppt| 麦肯锡--重庆金夫人婚纱连锁集团公司战略报告.PDF| 美的集团竞争对手的集团战略基准比拟和竞争咨询工程建议.doc| 某公司业务开展战略及改良方案.ppt| 陕西×××机床集团战略咨询建议书.pdf| 上海莱茵医院战略规划咨询工程标杆研究.ppt| 神威药业企业开展战略建议〔毕博,571ppt〕.ppt| 完达山乳业公司开展战略工程建议书.pdf| 香港隆基集团战略中期报告草案版.ppt| 新华信:东滩公司开展战略定位综合.ppt| 新华信—华融综合投资公司内部评估和现有战略诊断总结报告完整版-ppt192页.ppt | 新华信—摩托罗拉市场分销战略基准咨询最终报告.ppt| 伊利集团战略咨询报告.doc| 榆树林油田公司战略开展咨询报告.ppt| 远卓新和成企业战略规划.ppt| 可口可乐的经营战略.ppt| caina亿佳能战略规划.ppt| 法国INSEAD?兰海战略?(上〕.doc| 法国INSEAD?兰海战略?(下〕.doc| 海尔集团的跨国开展战略.doc| 零售巨头沃尔玛在中国的战略分析与方案.doc| 中国一汽集团的国际化开展战略.doc| 汉王亏损根源:战略错位的必然结果.doc| 比亚迪的逆风飞扬.doc| 中移动战略转身背后.doc| 当当网CFO详解当当战略细节.doc|+---华润万家战略(3个)+---××市商业银行战略规划总体构思+---新华信湖南家辉基因公司战略规划工程(全案11个文件)+---新华信—黑龙江乌苏里江制药企业开展战略咨询工程全案〔共几十个文件〕|+---新奥IT战略规划-实施方案报告〔〕| 新奥IT战略规划-实施方案报告〔〕.pdf|+---向标杆学习-GE战略与变革〔3个〕| GE公司的文化、管理及运作体系.ppt| 挑战自我-通用电气公司的战略变革及启示.pdf| 通用技术集团开展战略.ppt|\---九略-汇仁集团战略咨询工程全套〔8大局部〕+---调研材料| \---药品管理法+---访谈| +---进前访谈| +---工程期间互动| | 关于?汇仁战略规划?阅后的建议-刘晓荣.doc| || \---高层访谈+---汇仁集团工程管理| | \---汇仁人报文章| | | 九略工程组进驻汇仁集团.doc| +---运作:人力资源| | +---岗位评估| | +---张做的汇仁薪酬| | | +---奖金制度| | | \---职能等级工资| | \---面试和测评资料| | D汇仁人力资源人才测评常用十二个面试问题2.doc | +---运作:企业诊断| | +---内部诊断修改| | \---诊断报告| +---运作:战略澄清| \---运作:工程方案+---江西汇仁工程文件包| +---制度| +---模版| \---表单+---进驻后报告\---组织架构| 汇仁集团组织结构设计〔职能局部〕(集成版〕wqh0427.doc | 汇仁集团职能与岗位设置现状wqh.doc| 汇仁集团部门职能wqh.doc| 汇仁集团:部门设置与职能.doc| 流通HR部门职责HW0409.doc| 管理咨询工程全案(完整版).xls| 设计组织结构需要考虑的原那么或标准wqh.doc| 陈总发言稿.ppt| 集团管理培训纲要lzp0319.ppt| 集团职能与流程-细节版.ppt| 工程初步方案.doc。
¶Four customer segments are found from market research: Premium buyers, basic brand buyers,
rational technophile, and generic buyers. All segments, except premium buyers, are highly pricesensitive, thus skewing market demand towards low-end products. At the same time, reliable performance, ease of use, and good after-service are important across segments.
• Current organization’s strengths and • Current processes and incentive systems • LGE aspirations for future growth • High level recommendation on product mix • Brand positioning status and recommendations • Channel mix diagnosis and high level channel
¶LG has built a successful platform for growth, becoming #2 in China, although far behind Galanz, by
focusing on premium products and in the Beijing area. Faced with the issue of further growth and improving profitability, LG now needs to choose between a high growth strategy, with the objective of becoming the leading player and to reach breakeven in 2005, or to remain a premium niche player for the foreseeable future.
A.3 What is the expected competitor conduct? What are the resulting opportunities and risks?
• Major industry competitor moves
Internal assessment
+Байду номын сангаас
• How does your current
business emphasis fit with industry opportunity and competitive landscape?
Financial projections
• What are the expected
alternatives IV. Exhibits
Environmental and internal assessment
Industry dynamics and implications
Competitive assessment
Assessments and the resultant BU Strategic Plans
A. What are the major changes in industry dynamics and the resulting opportunities and risks?
Unit of measure Title Unit of measure
0 1996
* Source:1Biblioteka 9819992000
Label 1 2001
Working Draft - Last Modified 01/07/2005 5:36:18 PM Printed
Working Draft
Last Modified 01/07/2005 5:36:18 PM China Standard Time Printed
Document Date
This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.
Unit of measure
Title Unit of measure
麦肯锡咨询报告与流程分析(ppt 19页)(英文版)
Adapt and
Best Practices
Measure and
© 1996 Arthur Andersen, Andersen Worldwide, SC. All rights reserved.
Assess Systemic
Create Communication
Conduct Background
Quality Assurance
© 1996 Arthur Andersen, Andersen Worldwide, SC. All rights reserved.
Assess Systemic
Project Planning
and Organization
Understand Your Own
Select and Recruit Benchmarking
Collect Field Data
Analyse Current and
Future Performance
Adapt and
Best Practices
Measure and
© 1996 Arthur Andersen, Andersen Worldwide, SC. All rights reserved.
Assess Systemic
Assess Systemic
LG Electronic010220BJ-air conditioner
Developing a Winning Strategy for the Air Conditioner Business in China
LG Electronics Tianjin Appliances Co.
LG Electronic010220BJ-air conditioner
• Highlight China’s air conditioner market development and opportunities for LG
• Review LG’s current performance in the market and improvement opportunities
- Key assumptions of demand forecast model
- Profiles of consumer segmentation - Profiles of top A/C competitors
(including profitability analysis)
Copyright © 2002
• Develop scenarios based on these strategies
• Define assessment criteria for scenarios
• Evaluate scenarios against criteria to select best option for LG
Strategic target
Revenue and profit targets
Market share targets
Organizational development targets
The strategy should set clear revenue and profit targets for the company, considering market size, growth potential, and competitive positioning
Market demand
The market demand in Tianjin is also changing, requiring companies to consistently innovate and improve product quality to meet customer needs
Income level
The average income level in Tianjin is relatively high, providing a stable source of consumption for the local market
Industry development trends
A consulting report on the development strategy of
目 录
• Introduction • Tianjin Market Analysis • Development strategy formulation • Implementation plan and plan • Risk assessment and counter measures • To achieve sustainable growth, the firm
• 6. Financial performance • Sales • Profit
•Business •Starting •Employees •History
• Four main business units: Mobile infrastructure, mobile handset, data network and
circuit switching/packet switching multi-service networks
• Mission • Vision • Corporate strategy • Market position
• 5. Organization and ownership
• Organization structure • Ownership structure
• 3. Product/market
Ericsson technology
• 1999: Established Ericsson consulting in Shanghai and mobile multi-media lab in
• 2000: First to complete WCDMA test in China
• Impact and likelihood of major industry discontinuities
– Changes in regulation/government policy – Technological breakthroughs
Exhibit 2,3 or 4 could provide
Instructions: Exhibit 2,3 or 4 could provide
a useful framework for answering this question
A.4 What are the present and future external factors that could present new opportunities and risks?
• Industry chain economics
– Customer and supplier bargaining power
Instructions: Exhibit 2,3 or 4 could provide
a useful framework for answering this question
Training materials 8 June 2001
This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.
麦肯锡战略咨询手册(ppt 49页)(英文)
• "We will offer identical excellent quality across the world"
• Targeting a broad set of the urban population, increasingly offering a
bundled product (i.e., meals) at a low price in major cities around the world
Key question
Issues to be considered*
What industry are you competing in? What are the various segments in the industry?
• Industry definition • Industry segmentation
How do you expect Competitor A to react?
How sustainable is your business model? Can it be easily duplicated?
Highly interactive debate driven by fact-based understanding of environment and internal capabilities
6. Competitive
7. Externally oriented, customer driven
4. Recognizes importance of cost as competitiveTS OF REAL-LIFE STRATEGIES
McKinsey&Company Strategic Consulting Handbook Eng
IntroductionStrategic AnalysisStrategic DecisionsStrategic ImplementationCase Studies
It categorizes businesses into four different categories: Stars (high market share and high growth potential), Cash Cows (high market share but low growth potential), Dogs (low market share and low growth potential), and Question Marks (uncertain growth potential).
Outbound Logistics
Inbound Logistics
Analyze the processes and activities involved in bringing raw materials into the organization.
Assess the processes and activities involved in getting final products to customers.
Determine the level of after-sales service and support provided to customers.
Strategic Decisions
• What are your competitive
strengths and weaknesses?
Strategic definition and implications
IV. Exhibits
Environmental and internal assessment
Industry dynamics and implications
Competitive assessment
• What are the major
BU Strategic Plan Template Book
Jim Ayala – PHO Melissa Gil – PHO Regina Manzano – PHO Suresh Mustapha – PHO Steve Shaw – HKO Shelly Yeh – PHO Choon-Gin Tan – SIO
financial returns of your strategy?
Risk/contingencies & strategic alternatives
• What strategic alternatives
have you considered?
Instructions: The Executive Summary provides a synthesis of the Environmental and Internal
• Conduct interviews with distributors, retailers,
government agencies, competitors to collect competitor information
• Detailed analysis on consumer purchasing
CONБайду номын сангаасIDENTIAL
Developing a Winning Strategy for the Microwave Oven Business in China
LG Electronics Tianjin Appliances Co., Ltd
Final progress review April 9,2001
• Analysis on overall competitive environment • Detailed information on competitor
performance including sales, branding, pricing, channel mix and incentives
• Key competitors’ COGS analysis • Strengths and weaknesses of each competitor
group and the implications
LGE performance assessment
• Conduct internal data collection within LGE • Develop sound understanding of value
麦肯锡的未来 (中英文对照)
The future of the Firm麦肯锡的未来McKinsey looks set to stay top of the heap in management consulting麦肯锡看起来打算一直居于管理咨询的顶端IT IS one of the engines of global capitalism. Not only does McKinsey provide advice t o most of the world'sleading companies. It also pioneered the idea that business is a prof ession rather than a mere trade—and aprofession that thrives on raw brainpower more t han specialist industry knowledge or plain old common sense.Yet McKinsey's name has s uffered a succession of blows in the past 15 years.麦肯锡是全球资本主义的引擎之一。
The Firm, as it calls itself, was deeply involved in the Enron debacle: the energy comp any's boss, JeffSkilling, was a McKinsey veteran who praised the consultancy for doing G od's work, and the McKinsey Quarterlypublished articles on Enron as enthusiastically as H ello! runs pieces about the Beckhams. In 2010 Anil Kumar, aMcKinsey consultant, admitt ed passing inside information to Raj Rajaratnam of Galleon, a hedge fund. Lastyear Rajat Gupta, a former McKinsey managing partner, was also convicted of passing inside infor mation to MrRajaratnam.就公司本身而言,如他们自己所说,深深的陷入了安然事件:安然能源公司的老板,也曾是麦肯锡的一名老将,杰夫·斯基林,赞扬咨询工作是上帝的使命,并在《麦肯锡季刊》上发表有关安然文章,热情满腔的好像在于贝嫂打招呼一样。
Instructions: Exhibit 2,3 or 4 could provide
a useful framework for answering this question
IIA. INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND IMPLICATIONS – BACK present and future external factors that could present new opportunities and risks?
a useful framework for
answering this question
B. What are your competitive strengths and weaknesses?
Instructions: The answer to this overarching question requires a recapitulation of the section’s main
• What are the major
changes in industry dynamics and resulting opportunities and risks?
• What are your competitive
strengths and weaknesses?
Strategic definition and implications
– By segment – Substitutes, ability to differentiate – Volatility, cyclicality
• Economics of supply
158 麦肯锡战略咨询手册-1
BU Strategic Plan Template Book
Jim Ayala – PHO Melissa Gil – PHO Regina Manzano – PHO Suresh Mustapha – PHO Steve Shaw – HKO Shelly Yeh – PHO Choon-Gin Tan – SIO
A.2 How is industry structure changing with respect to demand, supply, and industry chain economics? What are the resulting opportunities and risks?
• Economics of demand
• What are the major
changes in industry dynamics and resulting opportunities and risks?
• What are your competitive
strengths and weaknesses?
Strategic definition and implications
A.4 What are the present and future external factors that could present new opportunities and risks?
Instructions: These subsections contain a 1-2 sentence summary of the relevant
• Industry chain economics
– Customer and supplier bargaining power
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• Four customer segments are found from market research: Premium buyers, basic brand buyers,
rational technophile, and generic buyers. All segments, except premium buyers, are highly pricesensitive, thus skewing market demand towards low-end products. At the same time, reliable performance, ease of use, and good after-service are important across segments.
麦肯锡天津LG发展战略 咨询报告(英文)
•Key activities
•End products
• Detailed analysis on consumer purchasing
• Develop competitive assessment for microwave
oven competitors
• Conduct interviews with distributors, retailers,
• The competition in China is already intense and will continue to increase, as Galanz and Midea have
• Conduct internal data collection within LGE • Develop sound understanding of value
proposition based on available market research
including branding and consumer survey
• Detailed breakdown comparison on costs,
COGS in particular
• The Microwave oven market in China will continue its strong growth and should reach 7.5 million units
• Current organization’s strengths and
• Current processes and incentive systems
strengths and weaknesses
• LGE aspirations for future growth
• Analyze different product mix options • Gather information on branding and marketing • Conduct channel diagnosis
government agencies, competitors to collect
competitor information
• Analysis on overall competitive environment • Detailed information on competitor performance
• High level recommendation on product mix • Brand positioning status and recommendations • Channel mix diagnosis and high level channel
• Analyze value chain costs
including sales, branding, pricing, channel mix
and incentives
• Key competitors’ COGS analysis • Strengths and weaknesses of each competitor
group and the implications
• Forecast potential market by segment through
refining market segmentation, understanding key growth drivers, and modeling market growth
• Market demand forecast by areas and product
development opportunities
• Conduct consumer survey via external research
house in 6 specified cities and 1 rural area to understand consumer purchasing behavior