


1.1 LCsolution 的预备知识…………………………………………………………………………3 1.2 启动 LCsolution…………………………………………………………………………………5
2.0 项目的新建(选择)……………………………………………………………………… 8 2.1 建立新方法………………………………………………………………………………………9 2.2 LC 装置参数的设定………………………………………………………………………………9 2.3 执行单次分析……………………………………………………………………………………12 2.4 进行波形处理(峰检测)………………………………………………………………………17 2.5 设定定量处理参数(化合物表)………………………………………………………………21 2.6 单次分析的数据上执行定量处理………………………………………………………………25 2.7 单次分析数据的汇总处理………………………………………………………………………28
5 停止 LC 的运转………………………………………………………………………………………45
5.1 立即停止…………………………………………………………………………………………45 5.2 过一会儿停止……………………………………………………………………………………45
6 结束 LCsolution……………………………………………………………………………………47

前言…………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 操作说明书的使用………………………………………………………………………………………2 1、分析准备………………………………………………………………………………………………3

CHEMSCAN UV-SERIES 分析仪图形用户界面用户指南说明书

CHEMSCAN UV-SERIES 分析仪图形用户界面用户指南说明书

N ote: This is the user guide for the UV-SeriesGraphic User Interface.Contact your ChemScan Regional Manager to obtaina ChemScan UV-Series A nalyzer manual.1Contents1.Safety (4)2.Analyzer Description (5)2.1. Analyzer Analysis Modes (5)2.1.1. Flush Cycle (5)2.1.2. Scanning Sample (5)2.1.3. Reagent Addition (5)2.1.4. Mixing Sample (5)2.1.5. Idle or Reacting (5)3.Operation (6)3.1. HMI Definition (6)3.1.1. HMI Components (6)3.2. Home Screen (6)3.2.1. Home Screen – Top Level Buttons (7)3.2.2. Home Screen – Parameter and Operation Groups (8)3.3. Main Screen (8)3.3.1. Initiate On‐Line Mode (9)3.3.2. Exit On‐Line Mode (9)3.3.3. Navigation Short Cuts (10)3.3.4. Parameter Screen Group (10) Parameter View Screen (On‐Line Mode) (11) Parameter View Screen (Off‐Line Mode) (11) Parameter Settings Screen (Off‐Line Mode) (12) Parameter Manual Read Screen (Off‐Line Mode) (12) Data log Retrieval Screen (13)3.4. Operational Screen (14)3.4.1. Analyzer Function Screen (On‐Line Mode) (14)3.4.2. Analyzer Function Screen (Off‐Line Mode) (15)3.4.3. Manual Component Operation (15)3.4.4. Analyzer Operation Group (15) Manual Zero Screen (16) Prime Injectors Screen (16) Operational Settings (17) Sample Line Settings (17) Zero Settings (18) Memory Backup (18) Memory Restore (19) Clock and Screen Settings (19) Password Settings (19)3.4.5. Warnings and Errors – (20)3.4.6. Help (20)4. Maintenance (21)4.1. Manual Analyzer Zeroing Procedure (21)4.1.1. Interrupt on‐line mode: (21)4.1.2. Analyzer Operation Screen (21)4.1.3. Analyzer Zero Screen – Reading the Zero (22)4.1.4. Analyzer Zero Screen – Testing the Zero (22)4.1.5. Returning to on‐line mode: (23)1.SafetyTo safely operate or maintain this analyzer, all instructions in this manual must be read and fully understood by a trained/qualified technician.Failure to follow safety procedures could result in serious injury or equipment damage.The following symbols will be observed throughout this manual.2.ChemScan UV‐Series Analyzer DescriptionThe ChemScan UV‐Series Analyzer is an on‐line process‐monitoring instrument. It has the capability of measuring multiple parameters in a sample. The precise measurement of these parameters is critical for optimizing today’s advanced water treatment processes. It has been designed tominimize maintenance time and reagent costs.The analyzer has a built‐in manifold to accept samples from multiple locations. The analyzer isequipped with automatic zeroing and cleaning capability. Periodically the analyzer will pumpzeroing solution into the flow cell. The analyzer tests for the need for cleaning the flowcell and zero stability. Once the diagnostic parameter is satisfied, the analyzer will return to the on‐linesequence. If any abnormal operation is detected, the analyzer will alert the operator by displaying a “Maintenance Required” message.2.1.Analyzer Analysis Modes2.1.1.Flush CycleTo begin the analysis the analyzer uses the new sample to flush the previous sample.2.1.2.Scanning SampleThe analyzer flashes the xenon flash lamp that produces ultraviolet and visible lightpassing through the sample and detected in the spectrometer.2.1.3.Reagent AdditionWhen reagent assisted analysis is required, the analyzer adds reagent to the sample cell.2.1.4.Mixing SampleThe Analyzer uses air pumped through the cell to mix the sample2.1.5.Idle or ReactingThe Analyzer is idle during the chemical reaction in the cell.3.Operation3.1.HMI Definition3.1.1.HMI ComponentsHardware Definition3.2.Home ScreenThe ChemScan Graphical User Interface provides access to analyzers operation, settings,diagnostics and help.3.2.1.Home Screen – Top Level ButtonsHomeThis screen displays the overall HMI menu structure. Tip: Press the ChemScan Log from any screen to return to the Home Screen.Measurement DataDisplays the most recent concentration dataOperational StatusDisplays the Analyzer lower‐enclosure operation and current analysis statusWarnings and Errors ScreenThe warnings and errors screen contain analyzer operational malfunction data.Help ScreenGeneral Help Screen with access to the O&M Manual and demonstration videos.Commissioning ScreensAccessible by ChemScan Technicians during startup and servicing the analyzer.Analysis MessageThe analyzer operational steps are displayed. These messages are similar to the legacy ChemScan products LCD display. Tip: This is also a button to access the interrupt On‐Line Mode from any screen.Indicator LightsInternal Network Activity: This green light flashes during analyzer internal networkactivity.On‐Line Indicator: This is color red when Analyzer is in the On‐Line continuous operation mode.3.2.2.Home Screen – Parameter and Operation GroupsParameter Information and Settings ScreensThe items surrounded by the blue outline above, contain parameter concentrationvalues, concentration trend, parameter settings, manual readings and concentration logretrieval.Analyzer Operation Information and Settings ScreensThe items surrounded by the green outline above, contain overall analyzer operationalstatus, analyzer zero, prime reagents and operational settings.3.3.Main Screen3.3.1.Initiate On‐Line ModeTo enter the on‐line mode, press the GO ONLINE button.The Analyzer will begin the reading cycle at the first parameter on the first sample line.3.3.2.Exit On‐Line ModeTo exit the on‐line mode, press the GO OFFLINE Button OR in any screen press theAnalysis Message Bar at the bottom.Then, enter the operator’s level Password ‐ Default Password: 00003.3.3.Navigation Short CutsThere are a few navigation tips to make it easier to move around the screens.The top Left Corner ChemScan Logo button will return to the HOME Screen from anyscreen.The Top Right Corner button will return back from the previous Screen.In the on‐line mode, the bottom Analysis Message Bar button will call up the securitycode to exit the on‐line mode from any screen displaying the Analysis Information.The bottle left arrows and right arrows will move across the Top Level Screens.3.3.4.Parameter Screen GroupThe parameter screen group is entered from the Main Screen by selecting one of theparameter buttons. View Screen (On‐Line Mode)The Parameter View screen displays the currently selected parameters name,units, sample name, concentration, and a graph of the last 30 hours ofoperation. The Y scale can be changed using the +/‐ buttons in the lower rightcorner of the trend.While the Diagnostics data can be displayed, the Parameter Settings can bedisplayed but not changed, and the Data Concentration Log can be extracted. View Screen (Off‐Line Mode)While in the Off‐Line Mode, the Manual Read is also displayed enabled. TheDiagnostics data can be displayed, the Settings can be displayed and changed,and the Data Concentration Log can be extracted. Settings Screen (Off‐Line Mode)Calibration Offset: Adjust the parameter offset value.Calibration Slope: Adjust the parameters slope value.Reading Interval: Adjust the parameters reading interval, 1 = measure everycycle, 4 = measure every 4th cycle, 0 = Disable parameter.Alarm Setpoint: Adjust alarm concentration value. Alarm active above the setconcentration (dry contact relay or bit when serial is used) 0 = inactive.4 mA Concentration: Adjust parameters 4 mA concentration when analogoutputs are used. Default = 0.20 mA Concentration: Adjust parameters 20 mA concentration when analogoutputs are used. Default = max of parameters operating range.The ADVANCED SETTINGS button requires a Technician level password. ContactChemScan Service before making any adjustments in the advanced settingsscreen. Manual Read Screen (Off‐Line Mode)READ ONCE: The READ ONCE button initiates a single read of the selectedparameter.READ CAL SAMPLE: READ CAL Sample Button initiates a single reading of thesample currently in the analyzer’s flow cell. Typically a calibration sample.CAL FLUSH: Use the CAL FLUSH button to draw in a sample from the analyzer’scalibration port into the cell prior to reading a calibration sample. Flush aminimum of 500 mL through the cell prior to initiating a READ CAL SAMPLE.The previous sample’s spectral data is displayed in the graph. This can be usedto assist ChemScan Service while troubleshooting the analyzer. log Retrieval ScreenThe analyzer’s Concentration Data Log can be extracted to an USB drive bypressing the START button.3.4.Operational ScreenAnalyzer Operational Grouping3.4.1.Analyzer Function Screen (On‐Line Mode)While in On‐Line Mode the Analyzer Operation Screen will display status of thecomponents during the analysis cycle. The Analyzer’s operational SETTINGS Screen canbe displayed but the edit function is disabled. The ZERO and PRIME REAGENTS buttonsare disabled. Exit the On‐line Mode to enable the ZERO and PRIME REAGENTS buttonsand allow editing of the operational SETTINGS.3.4.2.Analyzer Function Screen (Off‐Line Mode)While in Off‐Line Mode the Analyzer Operation Screen the Analyzer’s operationalSETTINGS Screen can be displayed and edited. The ZERO and PRIME REAGENTS buttonsare enable to access those functions.3.4.3.Manual Component OperationWhile in the Off‐Line Mode the Analyzer Operational Screen can be used to manuallyoperate each component. This can be used during troubleshooting the analyzer.To manually operate the component, press the component graphic. If the componentrequires a companion component to operate, both will turn on. (i.e. select the zerovalve and the pump will operate too)3.4.4.Analyzer Operation GroupThe overall Analyzer’s operation and settings is accessed through the buttons on theAnalyzer Operation Screen. Zero ScreenThe Manual Zero Screen is used to perform the analyzer zeroing process. TheZero is the way to create an analyzer reference of the zero‐absorbance water.This is also one of the main diagnostic tests to confirm the light level throughthe analysis cell. See Manual Zero Operation in the Maintenance section. Injectors ScreenThe Prime Injector Screen is used to manually operate the reagent injectorpumps to remove air from the reagent lines or test the reagent injector pumpoperation. See Prime and Test Reagents Injectors in the Maintenance section. SettingsThe Operational Settings Screen provides access to the analyzer’s overalloperational configuration.Installation Information:Name: Organization or Company NameSite: Plant or installation NameS/N: Analyzer Serial Number3.4.4.4.Sample Line SettingsSample Line: Current Sample Line NumberName: Sample Line NameSample Flush: Flush time before analysisBack Flush: Time reverse flow (when a peristaltic pump), air blow back forcertain filter systems with compressed air.Pause Time: Setting time for some filter types.Pump Number: Type of pump installed at the factory.PREVIOUS/NEXT Buttons: Navigate between sample lines. SettingsAuto Zero/Clean Interval: Number of cycles between Zero/Clean cyclesQuick Clean Interval: Number of cycles between Quick Clean cyclesQuick Clean Flush Time: Time to flush cleaning solution during a quick clean.Quick Clean Rinse Time: Time to rinse sample after a quick clean.All other parameters require contact with ChemScan Service prior to adjusting. Backup1)The BACKUP button will store the current configuration savings to theinternal SD memory card.2)A second step will allow backup to a USB drive. RestoreSD CARD button will restore the configuration stored on the internal SD card.USB DRIVE button will restore the configuration stored on the external USBDrive. and Screen SettingsSet the clock and screen intensity. SettingsSet the security code to interrupt the On‐Line mode.3.4.5.Warnings and Errors –Displays the internal operational warnings and alarms.3.4.6.HelpDisplays videos and animations of critical service items.4.Maintenance4.1.Manual Analyzer Zeroing ProcedureThe ChemScan UV‐Series Analyzer must be zeroed occasionally to correct for drift and flow cell fouling. The analyzer will automatically perform a zero on a regular basis (typically daily).However it is important to periodically perform a Manual Zero Operation to track the indicator numbers. This procedure simply involves rinsing the flow cell with deionized water, initiating a zero reading and testing the zero.Items Required:1 gallon of deionized water4.1.1.Interrupt on‐line mode:To exit the on‐line mode, press the GO OFFLINE Button OR in any screen press the AnalysisMessage Bar at the bottom.4.1.2.Analyzer Operation ScreenNavigate to the ANALYZER OPERATION screen, then press the ZERO button.4.1.3.Analyzer Zero Screen – Reading the ZeroPress the ZERO FLUSH button to begin flushing the deionized water. Allow the water to flushfor 2 minutes and press STOP FLUSH to stop flushing. Allow the water to settle in the flowcell for 10 – 15 seconds.Press READ ZERO button to Read and store the zero‐absorbance water.4.1.4.Analyzer Zero Screen – Testing the ZeroPress the ZERO FLUSH button to begin flushing the deionized water. Allow the water to flushfor 15 – 20 seconds and press STOP FLUSH to stop flushing. Allow the water to settle in theflowcell for 10 – 15 seconds.Press TEST ZERO button to Read and store the zero‐absorbance water. The “Previous ZeroResults” will update when the Test Zero reading is finished.If the MX value is greater than 0.005 or if the MN value is less than ‐0.005 repeat the Zeroing procedure. If the 230 or 248 values are less than 2500, the flow cell should be chemicallycleaned.4.1.5.Returning to on‐line mode:TECHNICAL NOTE1-800-446-7488 (toll-free in U.S.A. and Canada) • 1-970-498-1500 (U.S.A. and international)。






分别为(1)General (一般)(2)Instrument (仪器条件)(3)Monitor (模拟监视)(4)Processing(数据处理)(5)Report (报告格式)下面分别加以说明:(1)General (一般) 菜单内容介绍:Measurement (测量方式)――――选Wavelength scan 波长扫描方式。

Operator (操作者名)――――可键入中文或英文。

Instrument (仪器类型)――――已自动记录。

Comments (注释说明)――――为测量条件加注必要的说明。

(2)Instrument (仪器条件)菜单内容介绍:Data mode (数据方式)―――― T% (透过率),ABS(吸光度),Es(样品侧单光束能量)E R(参比侧单光束能量),R%(反射)。

Start wavelength (起始波长)―――可在191.00-1100.00nm间任意设定。

End wavelength (终止波长)―――可在190.00-1099.00nm间任意设定。

Scan speed (扫描速度)――――AUTO,0.3,3,15,30,60,120,300,600,1200,1800nm/min 11档任选。

(但要考虑与狭缝宽窄的配伍关系)High (高分辨率)―――ON 适合陡纹光谱峰测量。


Baseline correction (基线校正)―――system 系统基线校正,范围为190-1100nm。



中文手册一 单点运行图1-001STEP 1 设备启动完成后,首先进入画面(图1-001)。


STEP2 单击Main Menu 按钮,打开主菜单画面(图1-002)。

图1-002单击此处设置温度当前温度当前温度与设置温度差值辅助开关功能开关状态栏启动/停止菜单STEP3 单击Start/StopMenu按钮,打开启动/停止画面(图1-003)。

启动/停止图1-003STEP 4 单击Start System按钮启动单点运行。

注意:如需更改目标温度,仅重复STEP 1即可。

二运行程序STEP 1进入开机后画面(图1-001),单击Main Menu按钮,打开主菜单画面(图2-001)。

启动/停止菜单图2-001STEP2 单击Start/StopMenu按钮,打开启动/停止画面(图2-002)。

启动系统程序设置运行程序图2-002STEP 3 单击Program Setup 按钮打开程序设置画面(图2-003)。

图2-003STEP 3 单击Select Program 后按钮,选择一个需要运行的程序,再设置程序开始运行步骤、初始化温度、断电恢复模式和定时。

STEP 4 上述设置完成后,单击Commit 按钮提交,屏幕返回启动/停止画面(图2-002)。

单击Start System 按钮启动系统(若系统在运行中,可略过),再单击Start Program 按钮运行选定程序。

选择程序设定从程序哪一步开始运行断电恢复模式定时运行开/关三程序编辑程序编辑STEP 1 打开主菜单画面,单击Program Edit按钮,进入程序编辑画面(图3-001)。

创建新程序读取程序编辑已有程序保存程序删除程序图3-001STEP 2 单击Create New Program 按钮进入创建新程序画面(图3-002)。

图3-002STEP 3 单击空白按钮,给新建的程序取个名字。
















可编辑修改精选全文完整版光氧催化废气净化器使用说明书名目.设备说明1.1、技术原理性能参数1.2、技术特点技术优势1.3、适用范围操作使用说明2 . 1留意事项. 电气系统维护3 .安全、操作、维护保养留意事项.常见故障与排解方法4 .安装说明1. 设备说明1. 1技术原理本产品利用特制的高能高臭氧UV紫外线光束照耀废气,裂解工业废气如:氯、三甲胺、硫化氢、甲硫氢、甲硫醇、甲硫醛、乙酸丁酯、乙酸乙酯、二甲二硫、二硫化碳和苯乙烯,硫化物H2S、VOC类,苯、甲苯、二甲苯的分子链构造,使有机或无机高分子恶臭化合物分子链,在高能紫外线光束照耀下,降解转变成低分子化合物,如C02、H20等。


UV + 02T0-+0・(活性氧)0+02T 03(臭氧),众所周知臭氧对有机物具有极强的氧化作用,对工业废气及其它刺激性异味有立竿见影的去除效果。





1.2 性能参数1、处理风量:2022To0000 m3 /h2、有机废气净化效率:三95%;3、设备阻力:W300Pa;4、电源电压:220 V 50HZ5、电功率:1200w-60000w6、备噪声:<45Db技术特点1 .无毒无任何副作用。























Choose the system that’s right for youThere are three Aquada models to choose from. Each is available in fi ve different sizes depending on the fl ow requirements of your home or business. Whether youprefer the economical Altima model, the featurepacked Proxima or the high specifi cationMaxima, there is an Aquada modelto meet everyone’s needs. Andbecause every Aquada modelis designed to deliver the UV dose recommended by important European and Americanregulatory and safety agencies*, you can be sure that your water will always be safely and effectively disinfected.Where can Aquada UV systems be applied?The Aquada UV system is suitable everywhere that drinking water is taken from its own sources or the quality from public networks is no longer suffi cient for your own needs. Moreover, it is used in residential treatment plants for disinfection of rainwater, in process water circulations, aquarium or private swimming pools, ventilation and air-conditioning, fountains and water attractions. Aquada UV systems can be integrated into existing water pipeline systems without a great deal of effort.Aquada UV»Observe country-specifi c regulations for UV disinfection. » M ake sure to confi rm the max. fl ow into your house before selecting an Aquada UV system. Your supplier will be able to advise.»Aquada UV systems require professional installation by a certifi ed plumber.Distributed by:Connection for optional valveOptional: Solenoid valve (Proxima, Maxima)Display (Maxima)AQUADA UV Model Selection GuideAltima Proxima MaximaEffective microbiological protection •••Biodosimetrically tested*•••Polished stainless steel disinfection chamber•••High-intensity, long life UV lamps •••Attractive, molded control unit •••Glow-cap lamp operation indicator •••Safe-T-Cap lamp connector system •••Micro-computer controller ••Visual alarm display ••Audible alarm buzzer ••Digital lamp life display••Push Button alarm/computer reset ••Power connection for optional automatic solenoid safety shut-off valve ••UV intensity monitor •Digital UV intensity display•Smart UV sensor (Maxi-transparent lamp connector fixing strapspower supplycableAQUADA UVELIMINATE BACTERIA IN YOUR DRINKING WATER!Protect your Family from Micro-Organisms Ultraviolet Light destroysbacteria naturallyThe benefi ts of UltravioletDisinfectionMirco-organisms include tiny bacteria, viruses and cysts that exist in nature. Although local water supplies are treatedby various processes, including chlorine, these organisms can survive in the water delivered to our home for use in bathing, washing and, of course, drinking. Although most are harmless, exposure to dangerous micro-organisms can result in severe illness. Especially vulnerable are elderly people, those with weakened immune systems, and children.The most effective way to inactivate these organisms and prevent the potential for illness is through disinfection of your water at home using ultraviolet (UV) light. While other home water treatment processes such as fi ltration or water softeners will improve the taste and clarity of your water, they are not designed to protect against dangerous micro-organisms.UV will instantly and effectively render dangerous organisms harmless.Ultraviolet light is a natural componentof sunlight, falling just below the visiblelight region of the electomagneticspectrum. Higher energywavelengths of UV light have theunique ability to inactivatemicroorganisms (bacteria, viruses,cysts, etc.) in water or air, stopping theability to multiply and cause infectionand illness.Unlike chemical disinfectants, which rely on chemical oxidationto disrupt the life functions of microorganisms, UV is simplylight energy that cripples the DNA of harmful organisms. Bydisabling their DNA the life functions of these organisms areinterrupted, rendering them harmless. Because no chemicalsare involved, you don’t have to worry about drinking harmfulchemicals or their by-products.How do Aquada UVsystems work?Using a special quartzglass material, UV lampsare able to generatethe exact wavelengthsof UV light required fordisinfection. Speciallydesigned powersupplies and electroniccontrols operate andmonitor these lamps foroptimum performance.Aquada UV systemsemploy this UV lamp»Enhances overall water safetyE ffective inactivation of dangerous organisms thatcan pass through other treatment processes and reachyour tap.»No harmful chemicals or by-productsNo residuals or harmful chemical by-products (such asT rihalomethanes) are introduced into the water.»No affect on taste and water qualityUV does not affect the taste, odour or clarityof the water.»Simple to install, low maintenanceAquada UV systems are easilyinstalled in your household waterline following any pretreatmentthat may be required. UV lampsare easy to replace and onlyr equire changing after one fullyear of use.»E conomicalA quada UV systems requireless energy than a typicalhousehold light bulb yet candisinfect the entire water fl owto your home.X-Rays UltravioletVacuum-UVVisibleLight InfraredSpectral Curve ofCell InactivationWavelength (nm)Hg-Low PressureLamp 254 nmUV-radiation is partof the natural sunlightBiodosimetricallytested by the Hygienic Institute, University of Bonn Ultraviolet light destroys microorganisms by changing their genetic information DNA.Radiation geometry ofAQUADA UV systems。

优利德MSO2000X 3000X混合信号数字荧光示波器中文说明书

优利德MSO2000X 3000X混合信号数字荧光示波器中文说明书

MSO2000X/3000X 系列混合信号示波器使用手册本手册适用于以下机型:MSO2000X系列MSO3000X系列V1.12024.09序言尊敬的用户:您好!感谢您选购全新的优利德仪器,为了正确使用本仪器,请您在本仪器使用之前仔细阅读本说明书全文,特别有关“安全注意事项”的部分。











为获得本保证承诺的服务,“客户”必须在适用的保修期内向UNI-T通报缺陷,并为服务的履行做适当安排,客户应负责将有缺陷的产品装箱并运送到UNI-T指定的维修中心,同时预付运费并提供原购买者的购买证明副本,如果产品要运送到UNI-T 维修中心所在国范围内的地点,UNI-T应支付向客户送返产品的费用,如果产品送返到任何其他地点,客户应负责支付所有的运费、关税、税金及任何其他费用。


HITACHI UV紫外光谱仪软件操作方式

HITACHI UV紫外光谱仪软件操作方式

一、開機:<圖1>●電腦開機後出現類似<圖1>畫面,打開儀器電源,約5秒之後,再點選螢幕上之UV Solutions 進入儀器軟體。




(一)、General:<圖4>(1)M easurement:可選擇測量方式,有Wavelength scan(波長掃描),Time scan(時間掃描),Photometry(檢量線功能)。

(2)O perator:可輸入操作者明姓名。

(3)I nstrument:自動顯示儀器名稱。

(4)S ampling:顯示是否有外加配備,如:Sipper、AS-3000…等等。

(5)L oad:開啟舊檔。

(6)S ave:儲存檔案。

(7)S ave as:另存新檔。

(8)C omment:可輸入註解。

(9)U se Sample Table:是否使用Sample Table,打為使用。

(二)、Instrument:<1>Wavelength scan:波長掃描。

若General 的Measurement 選擇Wavelength Scan ,點選Instrument會出現如<圖5>之畫面。

(1)D ata mode:可選擇%T、Abs、E(R) … 等等。

(2)S tart wavelength:設定開始掃描波長。

(3)E nd wavelength:設定結束掃描波長。

(4)S can speed:設定掃描速度。

(5)H igh Resolution:是否要用High resolution 模式。

(6)B aseline correction:選擇Baseline 模式,有System及User 兩種。

(7)D elay:設定延遲時間。



关 于 废 弃
由污 法 有 使 染 规 关 用 。 。 部 锂 同 因 门 电 时 此 进 池 考 在 行 ,因 此 在 废 弃 锂 电 池 时 必 须 与 普 通 废 弃 物 加 以 区 别 ,避 免 虑 到 今 后 , 相 关 的 法 律 、 法 规 有 可 能 会 更 改 , 或 者 颁 布 新 废 弃 本 仪 器 时 , 请 务 必 对 相 关 的 法 律 、 法 规 进 行 确 认 , 或 咨 询 。
关 于 本 使 用 说 明 书 的 使 用
本 及 是 从 使 操 注 而 用 作 意 正 说 使 事 确 明 用 项 地 书 时 的 对 是 的 内 仪 为 安 容 器 UV2300 分 全 注 意 事 项 , 由 于 对 人 进 行 操 作 使 光 进 体 用 光 度 计 的 操 作 人 员 编 制 的 ,对 仪 器 的 操 作 方 法 以 行 了 介 绍 ,使 用 仪 器 之 前 请 务 必 认 真 阅 读 。特 别 和 仪 器 本 身 的 安 全 、 保 护 有 关 , 必 须 认 真 阅 读 、 。
( 1) 保 修
( 2) 保 修 ( 3) 不 保
( 4) 保 修
关 于 安 装 、 移 位 和 售 后 服 务
仪 务 在 交 售 器 人 安 付 商 交 员 装 后 或 付 实 之 , 者 时 施 前 如 离 的 安 装 ,应 由 本 公 司 负 责 安 装 的 技 术 服 务 人 员 或 本 公 司 认 可 的 技 术 服 。 ,请 客 户 参 照 本 使 用 说 明 书 , 负 责 做 好 满 足 仪 器 安 装 条 件 的 准 备 工 作 。 发 生 需 要 移 动 安 装 位 置 的 情 况 ,为 避 免 由 此 产 生 的 故 障 ,请 务 必 与 销 客 户 最 近 的 本 公 司 服 务 部 门 联 系 。



U-perimeter Milestone PluginUser’s GuideCOPYRIGHT AND LEGAL NOTICES© 2020 Ultinous Ltd. All rights reserved.Ultinous Ltd. distributes this document with the U-perimeter and UVAP software that includes an end-user license agreement and is furnished under license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the UVAP license agreement. The contents of this document are protected under copyright law.The contents of this guide are furnished for informational use only and are subject to change without notice. According to the License Agreement, Ultinous Ltd. takes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content contained in this guide.This documentation may not be copied, modified, or reproduced in any form or for any purpose, nor can any derivative works be created therefrom without prior written consent of Ultinous Ltd. Ultinous Ltd. reserves the right to revise and improve its products. This document describes the state of a product at the time of the document's last revision and may not reflect the product at all times in the future. In no event shall Ultinous Ltd. be liable to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage thatis incidental to or consequential upon the instructions found in this document or the software product described herein."Ultinous", "U-perimeter", "UVAP" logos and names are trademarks of Ultinous Ltd., either registered or pending registration in multiple jurisdictions. Other trade names used in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the respective products.All specifications are subject to change without notice.Document informationTitle: U-perimeter Milestone Plugin User’s GuideDocument version: 20200710001Software version:●U-perimeter: 2.0.0Updated: July 10th, 2020U-perimeter Milestone Plugin User’s Guidefor Milestone XProtect Smart Client users, v2.0.0OverviewU-perimeter is a software solution utilizing AI based video analytics technology for protecting perimeters in CCTV and IP video surveillance systems. It is integrated seamlessly with Milestone XProtect video management system.This solution detects human appearance on video cameras and sends an alarm notification to the authorized person in Milestone.Table of contentsCOPYRIGHT AND LEGAL NOTICES2 Document information2 Overview3 Table of contents31. Features42. Usage42.1 Set your view42.2 Live stream / Playback72.3 Alarm83. Support and troubleshooting91. Features●Human detection for multiple cameras●Alarm notification on human detection for the following use cases:○Crowd detection: Triggered when the number of detected people reaches or exceeds a specified number in a set of Areas. If the specifiednumber is 1 this feature is a simple intrusion detection. It is possible toobserve the number of people for multiple cameras and multiple Areas.○Empty Area: Triggered either when the number of detected people becomes non zero from zero or when the number of detected peoplebecomes zero from non zero in a set of Areas. It is possible to observethe number of people for multiple cameras and multiple Areas.○Wrong direction: Triggered when a person crosses a specified pass line.A Pass line consists of polylines and of a direction considered as thetriggering direction. The Wrong direction feature helps observing theflow of human movement if a direction of movement is considered asthe wrong one. Usually the wrong direction can change, therefore twopass lines must be defined (with opposing directions) with one active ata time. You can switch the active state between these two lines if thelegal direction is changed.●Marking all detected individuals on the video stream2. Usage2.1 Set your viewThis section can be skipped if you are familiar with Milestone XProtect Smart Client.1.Click the ‘Setup’ button at the top right of the window.2.The ‘Setup’ button turns to yellow, this indicates the “Setup mode”. Click theCreate New Group button (with the folder with a plus sign) in the Views section. the new View Group as you wish (TestView in this example).4.Click The Create New View button (with the Grid with plus sign).5.Select the desired layout (“2x1” in our example). the new layout as you wish (Double view in this example).7.Choose a camera from the Cameras section. Drag and drop it to a panel ofyour new view. You should see the video stream of that camera.8.Repeat the process for all cameras (or until your view is full).9.Click the ‘Setup’ button again to exit setup mode. Now your view is ready touse.10.Select this view in the main panel. Click the “<Select view>” drop-down andchoose your view).2.2 Live stream / PlaybackSelect Live stream mode or Playback mode by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the window.On both modes you can see the detection areas in green. If there are defined pass lines, they are visible as well. U-perimeter is based on human ​h ead​detection. Only those detections trigger alarms which are within a green area but not in a red area or which cross an active line. If a person is detected in a green area a bounding boxappears around her/his head.2.3 AlarmOn the Alarm Manager tab each alarm is visible.In the message column you can see the Names of the Alarms defined by your configurator. This column can be used to filter the Alarm list.Select any alarm to jump to the recorded video (detection annotation is not supported in this version). This view also contains valuable information about the Alarm such as the number of detected people at the moment of the Alarm (Crowddetection) or the information about the emptiness of the observed area (Empty Area).3. Support and troubleshootingFor further details please see U-perimeter Install and Maintenance Guide’s Support and Troubleshooting section.。



5.数据处理5.1. 数据打开被保存的数据可以通过以下方式打开。



见图Fig 5-1。

Fig 5-1选择文件类型下拉菜单,选择需要打开的文件类型。

●波长扫描数据文件(*.uds)●时间扫描数据文件(*.udt)●定波长测量数据文件(*.udq)●测量方法文件(*.uvm)●样品表数据文件(*.uvs)●报告文件(*.udr)●数据处理文件(*.udp)●U-4001/3501 型仪器的波长扫描文件(*.uvl)●U-4001/3501 型仪器的时间扫描文件(*.uv2)●U-4001/3501 型仪器的定波长测量文件(*.uv3)●所有文件(*.*)5.2. 图谱光标数据检索这个功能可以使用户通过光标在图谱中寻找指定波长的读数值。


出现如下图Fig 5-2。

Fig 5-2在菜单中选择[Trace]选项,并点击鼠标左键。


如下图Fig 5-3。

Fig 5-3在图谱窗口的左上角显示光标所处于的波长值及该波长下的读数值。






5.3. 图谱坐标范围更改图谱界面的横坐标和纵坐标的坐标范围都可以更改。


见下图Fig 5-4。

Fig 5-4分别在纵坐标(Y Axis)、横坐标(X Axis)输入最大最小值。

Default Range缺省坐标范围值按[Default Range]按钮,是坐标范围恢复初始值。


5.4. 改变图谱坐标属性图谱界面的横坐标和纵坐标的坐标属性也可以更改。




UV-Solution中⽂说明书1 1.软件功能及窗⼝介绍1.1. 软件功能本软件包含以下功能:●波长扫描功能●时间扫描功能●定波长测量波长扫描功能1.根据设定以指定波长间隔进⾏打印。



































2.点击桌面“UV solutions 2.2”图标,启动UV软件,等待约一分钟,显示如下图界面:图一3.点击界面右边“sample”图标,弹出窗口如图二所示:点击下方“elect……”图标,选择自己文档的保存位置(若之前没有自己的文件夹,需要在“我的文档”中“data”文件夹下新建一个,并命名)。

图二4.点击图一右边“Method”图标,然后点击“Instrument”,弹出图三所示对话框:图三从“date mode”可以调节测试的是吸光度还是透光率等,start 及end wavelength 处调节起始及终止扫描的波长(从长波扫到短波)。

Scan speed 处调节扫描速度,slit 处调节狭缝宽度(不可以大于5)。

点击图三中monitor ,显示如图四。

Y axis 处可以调节显示的最大值。


图四点击图三中report ,检查“Include data listing”处的起始及终止波长是否与图三中一致。



5.点击sample,命名文件为baseline(基线),然后在光度计两个槽中放入溶剂空白,点击图一中右边的baseline,弹出record baseline 对话框,如图五所示。




图五6. 图一method下方有“Sample name”文本框,输入自己样品的名字,然后点击OK。






ApplicationThe sensor measures the spectral absorption of process liquids in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.•Measurement of protein concentrations •Chromatography monitoring •Filtration monitoring •Concentration measurement of organic compounds •Detection of aromatesYour benefits•Improved process control and easier quality control thanks to quick and reliable monitoring of product concentration –Measuring range up to 2.5 AU or 50 OD (depending on optical path length)–Measurement of UV absorption at discrete wavelengths between 254 nm and 365 nm –Outstanding filter properties for highest linearity –Direct concurrence with laboratory values –Integrated reference detector for lamp compensation –Gas discharge lamp for long service life and stable measured values •Patented Easycal system (optional)–Cost-effective, time-efficient calibration –Easy, in-line calibration which is traceable to NIST without any liquid standards •FM- and ATEX-approved lamps for applications in the hazardous area •Compliance with life sciences sector thanks to hygienic design and FDA- and USP-compliant sealing materials •High degree of product safety as SIP/CIP-resistant •High product yield thanks to low volume requirements •Maximum durability in all applications owing to wide range of materials and process connections •Can be adapted to process requirements:–Optional air purge ports to prevent the formation of condensate on the optical windows –Optional adjuster for optical path lengthProducts Solutions ServicesTechnical Information OUSAF44Optical sensor combined with the OUA260 flow assembly for the measurement of UV absorptionTI00416C/07/EN/13.1671316935OUSAF442Endress+HauserFunction and system designMeasuring principle Light absorption The measuring principle is based on the Lambert-Beer law.There is a linear dependency between the absorption of light and the concentration of the absorbing substance:A = -logA m = ε . c . OPLA ... absorption, A m ... absorption measured by detector ε ... Extinction coefficient c ... Concentration OPL ... Optical path lengthA light source emits radiation through the medium and the incident radiation is measured on the detector side.Once the light has passed through a filter for wavelength selection, the intensity of the light is determined by a photodiode and converted to a photocurrent.The subsequent conversion to transmission (%) or absorbance units (AU, OD) is performed in the associated transmitter.1Absorption measurement with reference 1Light source 2Optical windows 3Measurement filter 4Measuring detector 5Lens 6Medium flow 7Reference filter 8Reference detectorMeasuring system An optical measuring system comprises:•Sensor (photometer) OUSAF44•Liquiline CM44P transmitter •Cable set CUK80•Assembly to suit the sensor, e.g. OUA260OUSAF44Endress+Hauser 31pipe 5Flow assembly OUA2602Transmitter CM44P 6Sensor: light source (lamp)3Cable set CUK807Cable set CUK804Sensor: detector InputMeasured variableUV absorption Measuring range •0 to 2.5 AU •Max. 50 OD (depending on the optical path length)WavelengthDiscrete wavelength at 254, 280, 295, 302, 313 or 365 nmMore available on request Power supplyElectrical connection The sensor is connected to the transmitter using the pre-terminated or labeled cable set CUK80 (for connection to CM44P) or OUK40 (for connection to CVM40). The terminals and labeling may vary depending on the transmitter in use. The cable set must be ordered separately.OUSAF444Endress+Hauser3OUSAF44 connecting cable ALight source (lamp) power supply B Signals of measurement and reference detectorCable lengthMaximum 100 m (330 ft)Versions for use in hazardous areas Safety instructions for electrical apparatus in explosion-hazardous areas, XA01403CConnecting the detector using a safety barrierThe photometer sensors use silicon photovoltaic cells as detectors which are operated in the current mode. The detectors are intrinsically safe and can be deployed in Zone 1 environments.The safe area is separated from the hazardous area by one safety barrier MTL7760AC.OUSAF44Endress+Hauser 5The safety barrier may only have a very low leak current since the optical signals from the sensor can be in the nanoampere range. Therefore, the sensor cable shield is connected to the ground terminal of the barrier.On delivery, the CUK80 detector cable is permanently wired to the safety barrier. All you have to do is simply connect the individual cable ends to the detector and transmitter.Connecting the hazardous area lamp using a junction boxThe hazardous area lamp (EXP-1) must be connected to the transmitter using a certified junction box.For versions with FM approval, the junction box is included in the delivery and already pre-terminated on the lamp side. You simply have to connect the cable of the transmitter (CUK80)to the terminals of the junction box.For versions with ATEX approval, the junction box is not included in the delivery and it and the cable glands required must be provided by the customer at the place of installation. You must connect the cables entirely on your own (CUK80 of transmitter and lamp cable of photometer sensor).OUSAF446Endress+Hauser5Connecting the hazardous area lamp to CM44P using a junction boxInstallationInstallation instructions6Mounting angles. The arrows indicate the direction of medium flow in the pipe.APreferred mounting angle BOptimum mounting angle CAcceptable mounting angle DMounting angle to be avoided E Forbidden mounting angleOUSAF44Endress+Hauser 7EnvironmentAmbient temperature range 0 to 55 °C (32 to 130 °F)Storage temperature -10 to +70 °C (+10 to +160 °F)Humidity 5 to 95 %Degree of protection IP 65 (NEMA 4) for all optical partsProcessProcess temperature 0 to 90 °C (32 to 194 °F) continuous Max. 130 °C (266 °F) for 2 hoursProcess pressure Max. 100 bar (1450 psi) absolute, depending on the material, pipe size and process connection of the flow assemblyMechanical construction7Sensor module ADimension of lamp, depends on lamp type, see table BDimension of detector, see table C Assembly, see Technical Information for assemblyThe total length of the sensor module is derived from the lengths of the lamp, the detector and the assembly.The dimensions of the OUA260 assembly are provided in Technical Information, TI00418C.‣When connecting the sensor cable, make sure you maintain an additional distance of 5 cm (2")on both the lamp side and the detector side of the sensor.OUSAF448Endress+HauserWeight SensorUV lamp0.58 kg (1.28 lbs)UV lamp with wire-braided cable (1.2 m (4 ft)) and junction box (sensor for hazardous area)3.2 kg (6.66 lbs)Easycal detector0.65 kg (1.43 lbs)Standard detector0.36 kg (0.794 lbs)OUA260 assemblyTC ¼"1.14 kg (2.51 lbs)TC 1"1.39 kg (3.07 lbs)TC 2"1.88 kg (4.15 lbs)TC 4" 3.38 kg (7.45 lbs)MaterialsSensor housingStainless steel 316OUA260 assembly Stainless steel 316, 316L or Kynar or customer-specific material Depends on version Cable connection ends Nickel-plated brassLight source Pre-set, low-pressure mercury lamp Lamp operating life: typically 3000 h, at least 1000 hDetector UV silicon detectors, hermetically sealed Filter Multilayer interference filter, designed for extreme UV conditionsCertificates and approvalsmark Declaration of ConformityThe product meets the requirements of the harmonized European standards. As such, it complies with the legal specifications of the EC directives. The manufacturer confirms successful testing of the product by affixing to it the mark.Ex approvals •ATEX II 2G Ex db IIC T5 Gb •FM Cl.1, Div. 1, Groups B, C, DFDA conformityAll non-metal parts in contact with medium, such as rubber and plastic parts, meet the requirements of FDA 21 CFR 177.2600. The plastic and elastomer parts of the sensor in contact with medium have passed the biological reactivity tests according to USP <87> and <88> Class VI.Ordering informationProduct page /ousaf44Product Configurator On the product page there is a "Configuration" button to the right of the product image.1.Click this button. The Configurator opens in a separate window.2.Select all the options to configure the device in line with your requirements.In this way, you receive a valid and complete order code for the device.OUSAF44Endress+Hauser 93.Export the order code as a PDF or Excel file. To do so, click the appropriate button on the rightabove the selection window.For many products you also have the option of downloading CAD or 2D drawings of the selected product version. To do so, click the "CAD" tab and select the desired file type using drop-down lists.Scope of delivery The scope of delivery consists of the following depending on the version ordered:•sensor •Detector and lamp module without flow assembly or •Detector and lamp module mounted on OUA260 flow assembly •Operating InstructionsIf the sensor is ordered with a transmitter, the complete measuring system is factory-calibrated and shipped as one package.If you have any questions, please contact your supplier or your local sales center.AccessoriesThe following are the most important accessories available at the time this documentation was issued. For accessories not listed here, please contact your service or sales office.Flow assembly OUA260•Flow assembly for hygienic sensors •For sensor installation in pipes •Materials: stainless steel 316, 316L or Kynar (other materials available on request)•Wide variety of process connections and path lengths available •Product Configurator on the product page: /oua260Technical Information TI00418CCable CUK80 cable set •Pre-terminated and labeled cables for connecting analog photometer sensors •Product Configurator on the product page: /cuk80CalibrationOUSAF44 EasyCal retrofit kit •Patented system traceable to NIST for the online calibration of UV absorption sensors •Order numbers:–254 nm: 71210149–280 nm: 71210150–295 nm: 71210156–302 nm: 71210153–313 nm: 71210151–365 nm: 71210152Reference rod Order number: 71108543。



U-2910简要操作规程一、开机:1、先开电脑,再打开主机电源,然后运行UV Solution软件;2、如下图,每天开机后进行暗电流调零:Spectrephotometer---Calibration---Zero %T3、每一至两个月进行一次System基线校正操作。

二、波长扫描模式〔定性:1、点击右边Method图标2、在出现的Analysis Method对话框的General项中的Measurement 项中选择Wavelength scan,其余各项可按需要填写;3、在Instrument 项中填写实验条件:1>、Data mode:选择Abs或T%等;2、Start:扫描起始波长,End wavelength:结束波长,注:前者波长长于后者;3、Scan speed:扫描速度;4、Response:响应,三档,Fast\ Medium\ Slow,一般选择Medium;5、Baseline:基线校正,选择User 1;6、Delay:延迟;7、Zero measurement before each:测量前在某波长点调零,不勾选;8、Light:光源,三选项,Auto\ WI Only\ D2 Only〔自动\ 只用钨灯\只用氘灯,一般选择Auto;Lamp change:选择了Auto后,灯转换的波长;4、Monitor:Y Axis纵坐标范围,勾选第一项:Open data processing window after acqu; 设定好后,方法设定完成,点击"确定"5、方法确定后,进行下图参数初始化界面;6、参数初始化完成后,样品仓内样品侧与参比侧同时放入空白样〔参比样,点右边Baseline 图标,出现"Record Baseline"对话框,选择 User 1,点击OK,等待基线校正完成;基线校正完成后,将待测样品放入样品侧的比色皿位,参比侧仍然放置做基线校正时所放置的空白样,然后等待测量结束,进入数据处理界面;完成基线记忆后放置样品点此图标开始测量7、测量结束后进入下图数据界面,可以在文件菜单File---Save as将数据文件保存。




2、打开UV—Solution 软件.

5、放入空白样品或以空气为空白,点击Auto zero图标,执行校零。







仪器条 ...................................................................................................... 1-7
光度测定状态条 ...................................................................................... 1-7
赋予组权限................................................................................................................... 1-23
除去组........................................................................................................................... 1-24
如果你有任何注释请寄往: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046. 如果我们认为适当,我们将使用或分发你以任何方式所提供的注释。
— Microsoft®是已注册商标; Microsoft Windows™ 是 Microsoft 公司的注册商标.
权限............................................................................................................................... 1-14




二、利用高能高臭氧UV 紫外线光束分解空气中的氧分子产生游离氧,即活性氧,因游离氧所携正负电子不平衡所以需与氧分子结合,进而产生臭氧。


三、工业废气利用排风设备输入到本净化设备后,净化设备运用高能UV 紫外线光束及臭氧对工业废气进行协同分解氧化反应,使工业废气物质其降解转化成低分子化合物、水和二氧化碳,再通过排风管道排出室外。

四、利用高能UV光束裂解工业废气中细菌的分子键,破坏细菌的核酸( DNA),再通过臭氧进行氧化反应,彻底达到净化及杀灭细菌的目的.五、为防止有未净化废气排出,在设备尾端,特装配有活性炭过滤器,进行吸附过滤,确保净化效率。



二、工作原理利用特制的高能高臭氧UV紫外线光束照射有机气体及空气中的氧分子,裂解有机气体的分子键,并分解空气中的氧分子产生游离氧,即活性氧, UV+O2→O-+O*( 活性氧)O+O2→O3(臭氧) 。




反应工程式: 1、UV + 高分子有机物→低分子有机物2、UV + 空气( O2) →O33、低分子有机物+ O3→ CO2+ H2O +N2另外有未净化废气,则通过选配的活性炭过滤器进行吸附。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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MODEL U-3010/3310 SPECTROPHOTOMETERMODEL U-3010/3310 分光光度计使用说明书HITACHI1.软件功能及窗口介绍1.1. 软件功能本软件包含以下功能:●波长扫描功能●时间扫描功能●定波长测量波长扫描功能1.根据设定以指定波长间隔进行打印。





































1.2. UV Solution软件安装使用安装盘将UV Solution软件装入计算机系统。

以下举例说明使用CDROM(光盘)安装UV Solution软件。




见图Fig 1-1Fig 1-12.用鼠标选择光盘目录中的“UV-Solution”中的“Setup.exe”文件。


见图Fig 1-2Fig 1-23.点击“运行”对话框中的[确定]按钮。

见图Fig 1-3Fig 1-34.在UV Solution安装界面中,点击[Next >]按钮。

见图Fig 1-4Fig 1-45.用鼠标点击[Next >]按钮,将UV Solution软件安装到C盘Program Files目录下的UV Solutions子目录中。

见图Fig 1-5;如果需要更改UV Solution软件安装目录,请按[Browse…]按钮进行选择。

Fig 1-56.UV Solution软件安装完毕,按[Finish]按钮中。

见图Fig 1-6见图Fig 1-67.有些Windows操作系统需要重新启动计算机。

1.3. UV Solution软件卸载1.点击Windows开始菜单中的[控制面板]选项。


见图Fig 1-7Fig 1-72.选中“添加或删除程序”对话框中的[UV Solutions 2.0]选项。


见图Fig 1-8Fig 1-83.完成UV Solution软件的卸载。

1.4. 启动UV Solution软件1.根据仪器说明书的要求设置仪器主机。



用鼠标点击Windows开始菜单中的[Hitachi Applications]选项中的[UV Solutions 2.0]选项。

见图Fig 1-9Fig 1-92.运行UV Solution软件。

软件将自动配置计算机的串行口(RS 232 Port)见图Fig 1-10Fig 1-103.仪器主机开始初始化。

见图Fig 1-11Fig 1-114.仪器主机初始化完毕,进入工作状态。

见图Fig 1-12Fig 1-12注意:如果仪器主机与计算机通讯线没有连接好,或者仪器主机电源没有打开,或者主机设置不正确,都会造成UV Solution软件和仪器主机连接不上。

当UV Solution软件没有和仪器主机连接上时,UV Solution软件中的所有与测量有关的功能都不能使用。


然后单击菜单[Tools] 中的[Instruments]进行重新连接。



1.5. 软件界面介绍1.5.1软件的基本界面介绍为了满足各种用户的使用习惯,软件提供多种操作途径实现仪器的操作。



图Fig 1-13显示的是一个打开的菜单栏。





Fig 1-132.工具栏及工具按钮“工具栏”处于“菜单栏”下方,“工具栏”由“工具按钮”组成。


见图Fig 1-14。



Fig 1-143.对话框“对话框”执行某种操作命令时,软件弹出的小窗口。


如:按钮会出现如图Fig 1-15的对话框。

Fig 1-154.页选式窗口本软件中的“页选式窗口”主要用于各种参数的设置。


见图Fig 1-16。

Fig 1-165.滚动式按钮主要用于使用鼠标进行数字设定。



见图Fig 1-17。

Fig 1-176.下拉式按钮主要用于使用鼠标选择需要的选项。


见Fig 1-18。

Fig 1-187.选择型按钮主要用于使用鼠标选择需要的选项。


见Fig 1-19。

Fig 1-191.5.2软件的基本窗口介绍UV Solution软件有两种窗口。

一种是测量窗口(见图Fig1-20),另一种是数据处理窗口(见图Fig 1-21)。


Fig 1-20Fig 1-211.5.3数据处理窗口以下将逐一介绍各种测量模式下的数据处理窗口。


见图Fig 1-22。

峰值列表区域可以通过是否选中[View]菜单中的[Peak Table]选中,显示或不显示。

Fig 1-222.时间扫描测量模式这种数据处理窗口包含扫描图谱区域和峰值及动力学列表区域。

见图Fig 1-23。

峰值及动力学列表区域可以通过是否选中[View]菜单中的[Peak Table]或[Kinetics]选中,显示或不显示。

Fig 1-233.定波长测量模式根据不同的测量方法将出现不同的窗口。


标样回归结果窗口(Fig 1-24)Fig 1-24手动设置标准曲线结果窗口(Fig 1-25)Fig 1-25多波长测定结果窗口(Fig 1-26)Fig 1-261.5.4工具栏按钮介绍根据功能分类,UV Solution软件有5种工具栏。





Measurement Tool Bar工具栏用于测量窗口。




Data Process Tool Bar工具栏用于数据处理窗口。




见图Fig 1-27。

Fig 1-27按钮功能介绍Standard工具栏Measurement Tool Bar工具栏Data Process Tool Bar工具栏1.6. 软件窗口介绍软件窗口由以下各部分组成。













Under Measurement表示仪器正在测量。

Under Condition Setting表示仪器处于参数设置状态。



1.7. 仪器序列号输入选择[Tools]菜单中的[Instrument]选项或按钮,将出现仪器主机序列号输入对话框。

见图Fig 1-28。

Fig 1-28点击[Serial Number…]按钮,出现下列对话框。



Fig 1-291.8. 窗口设定通过窗口设定功能,用户可以定制个性化的软件界面。

