英美概况 美国历史练习题

美国概况练习题:1 ._____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.A .Washington D.CB .Los Angeles C.San Francisco D .New York City 2._____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions.A.Blacks B .Hispanics C.Indians D.Asian Americans3 .Washington D.C. is named after___________.A.the U.S. President George Washington B .Christopher ColumbusC .both George Washington and Christopher ColumbusD .none of them4 .American and British English are two_____ of the English language.A.varieties B.elements C.parts D.form5.The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was______.A .Thomas Jefferson B.James Monroe C.James Madison D .Abraham Lincoln6 .Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is_____.A.Rhode Island B .Virginia C.Texas D .Montana7.The national flag of the United States is known as_____.A.the Star-Spangled Banner B .Uncle Sam C .Hot Dog D .Union Jack 8.The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the _____.A .contribution a state has made to the nation B.Population C.sizeD.none of the above9 .The tern “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____.A.the Amazon River B.the Mississippi River C.the Nile River D.the Hudson River 10 The statue of liberty was given to American people by_____ as a gift in 1884.A.France B.Spain C .Italy D .Britain练习题答案及题解:1 .D, 纽约是美国最大的城市同时也是最重要的经济中心和最主要的港口。

名词解释:1 .The Great Depression2 Industrial Revolution3 Melting Pot4. Black Death5. American Constitution1.On October 24,1929,the American stock market crashed. Billions of dollarsof paper profits were wiped out within a few hours. This led to a long economic depression.2. The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequences in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and e arly 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The Industrial R evolution in Britain first began in the textile industry.3. Since the United States is a nation of many ethnic groups,it is also known as a “melting pot,” m eaning immigrants from different nations all over the wo rld have mixed to make up the American nation.4. Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague,an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas. It spread through Europe in the 14th cen tury. It swept through England in the summer of 1348 without warning. It killed many people. As a result of the plague,much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor.5. The Constitution of the United States is the basic instrument of Americangovernment and the supreme law of the land. It is the oldest written constitutionin the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789. It founded federalism and introduced checks and balances into government for the first time in history.。

美国概况练习I. Term explanation1. The War of Independence(1)After British parliament passed the Intolerable Acts, tensions were again created between colonists and British government.(2)On April 19,1775, the first shot was fired at Lexington and the American War of Independence began.(3) In May 1775, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government. It founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington and declared independence on July4,1776.(4) In 1781, British General Cornwallis surrendered at Y ork Town,Virginia and soon British government asked for peace.(5)The Treaty of Paris, signed in September 1783, recognized the independence of the United States.2. Boston Tea Party(1)In the years following the French and Indian War, British government enforced several acts which were bitterly opposed by colonists. (2)In order to ease tensions, British government removed all the new taxes except that on tea.(3)In 1773, a group of pariots responded to the tea tax by staging the Boston Tea Party: disguised as Indians, they boarded British merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor.(4)British parliament then passed the “Intolerable Acts”, and in response to this the first Continental Congress was held in September1774.3. the First Continental Congress(1)In response to the “Intolerable Acts”, passed by British parliament, the first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in September1774.(2)This was a meeting of colonial leaders. They urged Americans to disobey the Intolerable Acts and to boycott British trade.(3)After this, colonists began to organize militias and to collect and store weapons and ammunition.4. The Declaration of Independence(1) The Declaration of Independence, the first declaration of human rights, was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the Congress on July 4,1776,when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule, approached the problem of American independence from the angle of human rights. (2) Its principal point was to provide a legal basis for independence. It justified the forthcoming Revolution by defining the rights of man and the nature of government in relation to such rights. It declared that all men were equal and they were entitled to have some natural rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The powers of the governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above. (3) The Declaration of Independence was a masterpiece of bourgeois political philosophy. (4) The Declaration of Independence helped the colonists to see that there were times when people had the right to revolt.The new doctrine inspired mass fervor. More and more people came to believe that they were fighting for the just cause.5. American Constitution(1) The Constitution of the United States, which was adopted in 1787 and came into effect in 1789, is the first comparatively complete written constitution in the world. (2)It is the supreme law in the United States, and is the main expression of the American ideals.(3)It is a short document which embodies laws and principles for the form of the US government. It consists of a preamble, 7 articles and 29 amendments.6. The Bill of Rights (USA)(1)In 1791, the first ten amendments of American Constitution were made. This is the well-known “Bill of Rights”. (2)It secures a wide variety of freedoms for Americans, including the freedoms of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly and freedom to bear arms, freedom against unreasonable search and seizure and so on.(3)the amendments limit the powers of the national government in regard to the rights and liberties of individuals.7. The New Deal(1)To deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt rushed through Congress a great number of laws within the historic “Hundred Days”.(2) Some of the famous ones in this New Deal were the WPA (The Work Progress Administration), AAA(The Agricultural Adjustment Act), and the Social Security Act.(3)New Deal program did not end the Depression, but the economy improved as a result of this program of government intervention.8. The Great Depression(1) On October 24, 1929 —“Black Thursday”— a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New Y ork Stock Exchange. Share and other security prices collapsed. (2) By 1932, thousand of banks and businesses had failed. Industrial production was cut in half. Farm inc ome had fallen b y more than half. Wages had decreased 60 percent. New investment was down 90 percent. As a result, one out of four workers was unemployed. (3) Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 election and carried out the New Deal to improve the economy. (4) Full recovery from the Depression was brought about by the defense buildup prior to America’s entering the WWII.II. Please answer the following questions briefly.1. What are the four crown colonies during America colonization? (T extbook: Page 152.)2. What are he four causes for the War of Independence in America? (T extbook: Page 158-160)3. What are he four causes for American Civil War? (T extbook: Page 167-170)4. What are the three important acts of Roosevelt’s New Deal? (T extbook: Page 187-188)5. What are the five fundamental features of American political system? (T extbook: Page 209)6. What are the five fundamental principles for American government established by American Constitution? (T extbook: Page 210)7. What are the five constitutional roles of American president? (T extbook: Page 213)8. What are the three important characteristics of American economic system? (T extbook: Page 228)。

1. 英国的首都是哪里?答案:伦敦。
2. 美国的首都是哪里?答案:华盛顿特区。
3. 英国的国旗是什么颜色?答案:红色、白色和蓝色。
4. 美国的国旗有多少颗星星?答案:50颗。
5. 英国的国歌是什么?答案:《上帝保佑女王》。
6. 美国的国歌是什么?答案:《星条旗永不落》。
7. 英国的国家动物是什么?答案:狮子。
8. 美国的国家动物是什么?答案:白头海雕。
9. 英国的货币单位是什么?答案:英镑。
10. 美国的货币单位是什么?答案:美元。
11. 英国的国教是什么?答案:英国国教(圣公会)。
12. 美国的国教是什么?答案:美国没有国教,宪法保障宗教自由。
13. 英国的国会叫什么?答案:英国议会。
14. 美国的国会叫什么?答案:美国国会。
15. 英国的最高法院是什么?答案:英国最高法院。
16. 美国的最高法院是什么?答案:美国最高法院。
17. 英国有几个地区?答案:四个地区,分别是英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
18. 美国有几个州?答案:50个州。
19. 英国的最长河流是什么?答案:塔普河(Thames River)。
20. 美国的最长河流是什么?答案:密西西比河(Mississippi River)。

美国考试历史题目和答案美国历史考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 美国独立战争的导火索是什么?A. 波士顿倾茶事件B. 波士顿大屠杀C. 莱克星顿的枪声D. 萨拉托加大捷答案:A2. 美国宪法的起草和批准是在哪个时期?A. 独立战争期间B. 独立战争结束后C. 内战期间D. 内战结束后答案:B3. 美国历史上第一位总统是谁?A. 托马斯·杰斐逊B. 乔治·华盛顿C. 约翰·亚当斯D. 本杰明·富兰克林答案:B4. 美国内战的主要原因是什么?A. 奴隶制问题B. 经济差异C. 领土扩张D. 宗教冲突答案:A5. 美国历史上的“新政”是由哪位总统实施的?A. 赫伯特·胡佛B. 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福C. 伍德罗·威尔逊D. 西奥多·罗斯福答案:B6. 美国在第二次世界大战中的主要盟友是?A. 英国、法国、苏联B. 英国、法国、日本C. 英国、德国、苏联D. 英国、日本、苏联答案:A7. 美国民权运动的标志性事件是什么?A. 蒙哥马利公交车抵制B. 布朗诉托皮卡教育局案C. 塞尔玛到蒙哥马利的游行D. 马丁·路德·金的“我有一个梦想”演讲答案:D8. 美国在冷战期间的主要对手是?A. 英国B. 法国C. 苏联D. 中国答案:C9. 美国历史上的“水门事件”涉及哪位总统?A. 理查德·尼克松B. 约翰·F·肯尼迪C. 林登·约翰逊D. 吉米·卡特答案:A10. 美国在21世纪初的主要外交政策焦点是什么?A. 反恐战争B. 贸易战C. 核武器扩散D. 气候变化答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 美国独立战争的最终结果是英国承认美国的独立,这一事件被称为________。
答案:巴黎和约12. 美国宪法规定了三权分立的原则,即立法、行政和________。
英美概况 英国和美国习题

美国1.美国一共有多少个州? 50个和一个哥伦比亚特区(District of Columbia),其中有2个海外州北美洲西北部的阿拉斯加(Alaska)和位于中太平洋北部的夏威夷 (Hawaii)。
有阿巴拉契亚山脉(Appalachian Mountains),西面有落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)5.美国的地理位置?位于北美洲中部,东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北面以北纬49°和五大湖与加拿大为界,南联墨西哥,东南隔墨西哥湾与西印度群岛遥遥相望。
1)从西到东依次是苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)、密执安湖(Lake Michigan)、休伦湖(Lake Huron)、伊利湖(Lake Erie)和安大略湖(Lake Ontario);各湖之间有水道相通,最后经由安大略湖,汇经圣劳伦斯河注入大西洋。
12.美国国旗是星条旗英文为the Star-SpangledBanner. 13.帝国主义阶段后对外进行战争侵略政策的起点是哪次战争?美西战争14.“大棒政策’是谁提出的?西奥多·罗斯福15.“金元外交”是谁提出的?威廉·塔夫脱16.美国历史上第一次大规模的罢工运动? 1877年,宾夕法尼亚州境内爆发了铁路工人大罢工17.五一国际劳动节争取到了何种权利?八小时工作制的权利18.“饥饿总统”指那位总统?胡佛19.接替共和党人胡佛的是谁?民主党人富兰克林·罗斯福20.珍珠港事件1941年12月8 日(珍珠港Pearl Harbor当地时间为7日),日本帝国主义用偷袭手段,袭击了美国在太平洋的主要海军基地珍珠港,炸沉、炸伤美军各种舰艇40余艘,击毁美军飞机300架,死伤美军达4,500多人,停泊在珍珠港的美国太平洋舰队几乎全军覆没。

英美概况模拟试题(一)一.1~5 abbdb 6~10 bdddc 11~15 aabdc 16~20aadcb二.1~5 FFFTF 6~10 TFTFF 11~15 TFFFT 16~20TFFFT三.1.On October 24, 1929, the American stock market crashed. Billions of dollars of paper profits were wiped out within a few hours. This led to a long economic depression.2. The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequences in socialand economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the textile industry.3. Since the United States is a nation of many ethnic groups, it is also known as a “melting pot,”meaning immigrants from different nations all over the world have mixed to make up the American nation.4. Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread byrat fleas. It spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the summer of 1348 without warning. It killed many people. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor.5. The Constitution of the United States is the basic instrument of American government and the supremelaw of the land. It is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789. It founded federalism and introduced checks and balances into government for the first time in history.四.1. The Second War between America and England was during 1812~1814.2. The two major political parties in Britain are Conservative Party and Labor Party.3. Britain enjoys maritime climate.4. Richard Nixon was involved in Watergate Scandal.5. The most important river in Britain is Thames River.五. In 1066 the army of Willia m, Duke of Normandy, defeated King Harold’s troops. He was crowned King of England. He then built a string of defense castle ensure his military control of the whole country. This is the Norman Conquest in British history. After the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established, England.Relations with the Continent were opened. The civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners, and architecture ere introduced.英美概况模拟试题(二)一.1~5dbaca 6~10 cccdb 11~15 dbbca 16~20daccb二.1~5 FTTFF 6~10 TTTFF 11~15 FFTTT 16~20 FTTFT三.1. It refers to a series of measures taken by Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 to prevent the possible collapse of the American economic and political system.2. It was a movement of revolt in the 1960s against the moral values, the aesthetic standards, the personal behavior. and the social relations of conventional society.3. Each of the three branches of the government——the legislative, the executive and the judicial——has part of the powers but not all the power. Each branch can check, or block, the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called “checks and balances”.4. A constitutional monarchy is a county in which head of the state is a king or a queen. In practice, the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule. In English history, constitutional monarchy was established after Glorious Revolution in 1688.5. On September 22, 1862 during American Civil War, Lincoln issued the famous document Emancipation Proclamation which would become effective on January 1, 1863. it provided that all the black slaves in the rebelling states were freed and they were welcome to join the armed forces of the Union.四.1. The longest river in Britain is Severn river.2. The War of the Roses went on for 30 years.3. American Civil War began in 1861.4. The mainstream Americans are called WASPs.5. American Congress consists of Senate and House of Representatives.五.Some historians say that the world entered Cold War immediately after the Second World War ended. The conflicts arose basically from the separate concepts of postwar world order. The United States, relying on its large economic and military strength, tried to play the role of world police under the pretext of fighting against the Soviet expansion. The Soviet Union put forward the theory that there could be no long-term peaceful coexistence between socialism and capitalism and the Soviet Union should rapidly build up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism, represented by the United States and Britain. Cold War was characterized by international tension and con flicts without bloody “hot war” between the Soviet Union and the United States. Cold War did not end until after the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989.英语国家概况参考答案I. 1C 2B3B4D5A6B7C8D9D10B11A12B13A14B15B16D17B18D19C20A21B22D23A24C25AII. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. TIII. 1. the feudal system 2. John Bunyon, John Milton 3. Teheran; Yalta; Potsdam 4. strong 5. industry; agriculture6. contributions national insurance, taxation7. formulate; supply8. abundant; raw9. one, one third 10. Northern Ireland 11. Northern Territory 12. School of the air 13. land; buy 14. macreconomic, microeconomic15. the Canadian Pacific Railway16. Parliamentary 17. Ben Nevis; 1,3000 18. England 19. Captain James Cook 20. the Great Depression 21. registration; wheels 22. Britain; Italy 23. trappers 24. Great Bear Lake; Great Slave Lake25. the Opposition, Shadow cabinet 26. the ministers 27. Hundred, ambitious 28. Cavaliers, Roundheads 29. House of Assembly 30. Acts; decisions 31. jobs, warsIV. 1. ThatcherismThe election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism. It included the return to private ownership of state - owned industries, the use of monetarist policies to control inflation, the weakening of trade unions, the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.2. diversity of American educationDiversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education. This can be seen not only in type, size and control of the institutions, but educational policies and practices. As is stated by the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, education is a function of the state, not the federal govemment. As each state has the freedom to develop its own school system and delegates its power over education to local districts, many variations can be found in the education system of the 50 states.3. the Canadian ShieldThe Canadian Shield is a semicircular band of rocky highlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a region of rounded hills, and tens of thousands of lakes and swamps.4. Australia's service industriesService industries are also called "tertiary industy". This sector now includes an additional "quaternary" level, which covers the research, processing and storage of information. Australia's service sector is the fastestgrowing one. It has been growing in importance, due to higher living standards and greater demand for more and better transport and housing, and the expansion by government of educational, health and welfare services.5. the New DealIn order to deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Deal program. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the development of American economy.V. 1. Look at a physical map of the United States and find out and name the main monition ranges, riversand lakes in the United States.There are two main mountain ranges in the United States. They are the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. There are many important rivers in the United States. The Mississippi River and its two branches, the Missouri River and the Ohio River, flow south to the Gulf of Mexico. On the Pacific side there are two great rivers: the Colorado River and the Columbia River. The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States. Other well known rivers include the Hudson River which meets the Atlantic Ocean at New Yurk and the Potomac boarding the national capital of Washington. The most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lade Michigan.2. How many constituencies are there in Britain today?How many members are there in the House of Commons?To hold general elections, Britain is divided into 651 constituencies, each of which returns one member to the House of Commons. There are 651 members in the House of Commnos.3. What were the effects of European settlement on the Aborigines?White settlement in 1788 proved disastrous for the Aborigines. (1) Aboriginal culture and society were totally disrupted because of a total conflict of cultures. (2) The loss o land to white people led to the breakdown of their tribal life because Aboriginal culture was based on the land. (3) After losing their land, Aborigines became dependent on white handouts. They copied the European habit of drinking alcohol, which destroyed large numbers of Aborigines. (4) The whites also brought many diseases which the Aborigines had no resistance to. (5) All these, combined with the violence between Europeans and Aborigines resulted in the drastically reduction in Aboriginal population. The Aborigines have always been in unfavorable position ever since 1788. The Aborigines still face legal, political, economic and social discrimination today.4. Sinn FeinSinn Fein was the Irish guerrilla movement that wrested independence from the British in 1921. It spit in 1921 over the Anglo - Irish Treaty and became two parties, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, which remains to be the two major political parties in Ireland today.VI. 1. Tell briefly the history of the two - party system in the United States. What are the characteristics of the two major parties in the United States today?There nave been four periods in the history of the two - party system in the United States.(1) During the Ratification period, the first two major parties appeared. They were the Federalists and the Anti - Federalists. After the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the Anti - Federalists began to call themselves Democratic - Republicans. The Federalists gradually disintegrated. (2) After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic - Republican Party split. The main faction led by Jackson was called the Whig Party which formed in 1834. As the struggle over slavery intensified, the majority of the Whig Party, part of the democrats, and other anti - slavery elements formed the Republican Party in 1854. (3) From 1860s to 1920s, the Republican Party dominated the political scene. (4) From the time of President Franklin Roosevelt to the 1980s, the Democratic Party was dominant, with short interruptions. Traditionally, the Democrats support government intervention in the economy and a strong social security system. While the Republicans stress the role of the market more and oppose large government social security programs. But the two parties are not really very different. They both believe in individualism, defend capitalism and uphold private ownership of means of production. Their organizations are both very loose. But they are both very significant in political life.答案:解答 A Beowulf是Anglo-Saxon时代留下的重要的古英语文学作品,它被认为是英国的民族史诗。

英美概况复习题1答案一、选择题1. 英国的首都是哪里?A. 伦敦B. 巴黎C. 柏林D. 罗马答案:A2. 美国的独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 8月15日D. 9月11日答案:A3. 英语是以下哪个国家的官方语言?A. 中国B. 法国C. 英国D. 德国答案:C4. 美国的总统任期是多久?A. 4年B. 5年C. 6年D. 8年答案:A5. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 英镑B. 欧元C. 美元D. 日元答案:A二、填空题1. 英国由______个构成国组成,包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
答案:四2. 美国的首都是______,位于哥伦比亚特区。
答案:华盛顿3. 英语是英国的______语言,也是美国的主要语言之一。
答案:官方4. 英国的君主制是______,女王是国家的象征。
答案:立宪君主制5. 美国的宪法是1787年制定的,被称为______宪法。
答案:美国三、简答题1. 简述英国的地理位置。
2. 描述美国的政治体制。
3. 英国的工业革命对世界产生了哪些影响?答案:英国的工业革命促进了生产力的飞速发展,改变了生产方式,推动了城市化进程,同时也引发了社会结构和生活方式的变革。
四、论述题1. 论述英美两国在文化上的差异。
五、案例分析题1. 分析英国脱欧对英美关系的影响。

英美概况习题答案英国概况8. The Capital of Wales is __B___.A SwanseaB CardiffC RhondaD Belfast10. There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and _C____.A the Liberal PartyB the Democratic PartyC the Labour PartyD the Republican Party5. In 1653 __A___ was made Lord Protector for life.A. Oliver CromwellB. Charles IC. William II11. Norman Conquest began in ___B__.A. 1016B. 1066C. 103516. Charles I was beheaded in ___A__.A. 1649B. 1648C. 165317. It was __A___ who summoned Model Parliament in 1295.A. Edward IB. Henry IVC. Simon de Montfort21. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 was in nature a __A___.A. coup d’étatB. racial slaughterC. peasant rising22. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the ___A__.A. factory of the worldB. expansion of marketsC. social upheaval25. The Great Charter was signed by __C___ in 1215.A. King Henry IIB. King RichardC. King John26. In the early 14th century feudalism began to ___C__ in England.A. growB. flourishC. declineD. end30. The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known as __B___.A. the Wars of RosesB. the Hundred Y ears’ WarC. Peasant Uprising31. In the first half of 17th century __B___ grow rapidly in England.A. feudalismB. capitalismC. Catholicism41. In 1689 the ―Bill of Rights‖ was passed. ___C__ began inEngland.A. The Constitutional MonarchyB. All Estates ParliamentC. House of Lancaster53. The Seven Y ears War between England and France lasted from _____ to ____A_.A. 1756, 1763B. 1713, 1720C. 1754, 1761C. G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells填空10. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _____ Book.11. The most famous scholar during Anglo-Saxon Times was _____.12. The Battle of _____ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England.13. The Norman Conquest increased the process of _____ which had begun during the Anglo-Saxon Times.14. Duke William was known in history as William the _____.15. Along with the Normans came the _____ language.18. The _____ _____ in 1688 was in nature a coup d’etat.25. By the treaty of _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.26. In _____ Britain launched the Opium War against China.32. The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a _____ _____ war.33. By the beginning of the Tudor reign the manor system was replaced by the _____ system.34. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _____ _____ was defeated by English ships.35. The greatest English humanist was Sir _____ _____ whose work _____ became a humanistic classic in the world literature.36. English Renaissance began in _____ century.37. The House of _____ was notorious for its absolutist rule.38. During the Civil Wars (1642 –1648) the supporters of Parliament were called _____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____.39. In 1653 Cromwell was made _____ _____ for life and started his military dictatorship openly.Domesday Bede Hastings feudalism Conqueror French Glorious Revolution Paris 1840 Chartered feudal civil money Invincible Armada Thomas More, Utopia 16th Stuart Roundheads, Cavaliers Lord ProtectorPolitical System1. The British Monarchy is ___C__.A. electiveB. democraticC. hereditary2. The Constitutional Monarchy started at the end of the __A___ century.A. 17thB. 16thC. 15th3. The __B___ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people.A. Prime MinisterB. CrownC. Parliament4. The oldest part of British Parliament is _B____.A. the House of CommonsB. the House of LordsC. the CharmerD. the Shadow Cabinet5. The decision making organ in British Parliament is __B___.A. the CrownB. the CabinetC. Shadow Cabinet6. The life of Parliament is fixed at ___C__ years.A. fourB. sixC. five7. The House of Commons consists of __A___ members who are elected from the _____ electoral districts.A. 651, 651B. 535, 535C. 635, 63510. The _____ _A____ is the supreme administrative institution.A. British governmentB. British ParliamentC. OppositionD. Privy Council11. The ___A__ is the core of leadership of the British government.A. CabinetB. Privy CouncilC. Crown15. The president (or head) of the House of Lords in Britain is __A___.A. Lord ChancellorB. SpeakerC. Prime minister16. ___B__ was formed by the trade unions, cooperatives, the Social Democratic Federation, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900.A. The Conservative PartyB. The Labour PartyC. The Liberal Party.17. It is the ___A__ who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings.A. Prime MinisterB. Lord PresidentC. Speaker28. During the Civil War, the supporters of the King and the Church were known as ____B_.A. RoundheadsB. LoyalistsC. the Whigs23. The two major parties in Britain are the _____ Party and the _____ Party.24. During the Civil War, the non-Puritan Anglicans who supported the king and church were known as Cavaliers or _____, the Puritans who supported Parliament were known as Roundheads or _____ _____.25. In 1833 the T ory changed its name to the _____, and in 1860s the _____ became liberals.Conservative, Liberal loyalists, Parliament Men Conservative, WhigGeography12. London is situated on the River of __B___. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey13. Edinburgh is the capital of __B___. A. England B. ScotlandC. Wales33. The contribution made by the Normans to Britain is the following except ___D__.A. final unification of EnglandB. foundation of aristocracyC. great administrative progressD. some peculiarities of dialect34. About __A___ percent of the population live in cities or towns. A. 80 B. 85 C. 9035. The land available for farming in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland does not exceed _A____ million acres.A. 30B. 25C. 4036. The highest mountain in England is __C___.A. Mt. MourneB. Mt. SnowdonC. Mt. Seafell37. The second largest city in England is ___B__.A. GlasgowB. BirminghamC. Manchester14. The climate of Britain is moderated by the _____ _____ _____ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude.15. Britain’s Industrial Revolution took place between _____ and _____.Atlantic Gulf Stream 1750, 185014. The Renaissance began in ____ in the early __C__ century.A. England, 14B. England, 15C. Italy, 14D. Italy, 1515. The English Civil War is also called __D___A. the Glorious RevolutionB. the Bloody RevolutionC. the Catholic RevolutionD. the Puritan Revolution16. In ____B_, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the New Land.A. 1620, LondonB. 1620, PlymouthC. 1720, LondonD. 1720, Plymouth17. In the 18th century, there appeared __A__ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.A. the Industrial RevolutionB. the Bourgeois RevolutionC. the Wars of the RosesD. the Religious Reformation4.Christianity was brought to Britain____D______.A.directly by the Roman priests B.directly by traders and soldiersC.directly by the Pope D.indirectly by trader and soldiers 9.Magna Cater was proposed by the barons led by___B________against King John in 1215.A.Simon de Montfort B.Langton C.Watt Tyler D.Jack Straw12.The Doomsday Book was completed in____D______.A.1083 B.1084 C.1085 D.108615.The English Renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with the accession of _____C________to the throne A.The House of Lancaster B.The House of PlantagenetC.The House of Tudor D.The House of Stuart16.King John was forced to put his seal to Magna Carter_____B_____.A.on July 9,1215 B.June 19.1215 C.June 14,1381 D.July 15,131817.The spirit of Magna Carter was_____A_____.A.A limitation of the powers of the king B.the foundation of English libertiesC.a limitation of the powers of the barons D.an expansion of the powers of tie king22.William,Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in BA.1065 B.1066 C.1067 D.106836.The English Renaissance is said to have begun in__C_____.A.1422 B.1478 C.1485 D.149541. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before__A____.A. 1918B. 1920C. 1928D. 194560. Parliament has the following functions except__C____.A. making lawB. authorizing taxation and public expenditureC. declaring war and making peaceD. examining the actions of the Government65. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date fromthe__A____centuries.A.l2th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC. 14th and 15thD. 15th and 16th42. All the following universities and colleges are located in New England, except __C___.A. Y aleB. HarvardC. OxfordD. Massachusetts Institute of T echnology43. The nation’s capital city Washington D.C. and New Y ork are located in _D____.A. the American WestB. the Great PlainsC. the MidwestD. the Middle Atlantic States44. The Midwest in America’s most important ___A__ area.A. agriculturalB. industrialC. manufacturingD. mining industry51. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by __B___.A. James MadisonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Alexander HamiltonD. George Washington52. On July 4, 1776, __B___ adopted the Declaration of Independence.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Third Continental CongressD. the Constitutional Convention55. President Jefferson bought __B___ from France and doubled the country’s territory.A. New MexicoB. the LouisianaC. KansasD. Ohio58. The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the _____ and __C___ conditions.A. economy/politicalB. social/politicalC. economy/socialD. political/cultural60. The aim of President Roosevelt’s New Deal was to ―save American _D____.‖A. economyB. politicsC. societyD. democracy11. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in ______.12. During the Civil War, the Cavaliers supported ________, while the Roundheads supported _______.13. After the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell declared England a ______, later, he became _________.33. Education after 16 in the UK is divided into _____ and ______.34. The most-known universities in Britain are _____ and _____ which date from the _____ and _____ centuries.11. the Divine Right of Kings 12. the king, the Parliament 13. Commonwealth, Lord Protector 33. further education, high education 34. Oxford, Cambridge, 12th, 13th美国概况1 The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except __C___.A George WashingtonB Thomas JeffersonC William PennD Benjamin Franklin2 The New Deal was started by __A___.A Franklin RooseveltB J.K. KennedyC George WashingtonD Thomas Jefferson3 The United States was rated __C___ in the world in terms of land areas.A secondB thirdC fourthD fifth5 The Bill of Rights consists of __C___.A 10 very short paragraphs in an amendmentB 10 amendments adopted in 1787C 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791D the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion8 The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from _D____.A George WashingtonB Thomas JeffersonC John AdamsD John Locke9 The District of Manhattan is in the city if ___C__.A Washington D.C.B San FranciscoC New Y orkD Chicago10 The seats in the Senate are allocated to different states__D___.A according to their populationB according to their sizeC according to their tax paid to federal governmentD equally1 C, 华盛顿、杰弗逊和弗兰克林都是美国创建时的元老功勋、而William Penn 是美国宾州的创始人。
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A B C D 5. C D
III Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
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PART TWO The United States
Chapter Eight The Land
P. 209—210 I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.
II Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
III Answer the following questions.
1. (1) The Atlantic coast, the Pacific coast and Hawaii provide convenient sea routes for foreign trade.
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3. The stars and strips have different meanings. Each star represents each state in America, while strips represent the original thirteen colonies before the independence of America.


大专英美概况试题及答案1. 英国的首都是哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 伦敦C. 悉尼D. 巴黎答案:B2. 美国的独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 7月1日D. 7月7日答案:A3. 英国的官方语言是什么?A. 法语B. 德语C. 英语D. 西班牙语答案:C4. 美国的总统任期是多久?A. 4年B. 5年C. 6年D. 8年答案:A5. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 美元B. 欧元C. 英镑D. 日元答案:C6. 美国的国旗被称为什么?A. 星条旗B. 红白蓝旗C. 联合杰克D. 红白旗答案:A7. 英国的哪个城市是世界著名的金融中心?A. 纽约B. 伦敦C. 巴黎D. 法兰克福答案:B8. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:C9. 英国的哪个地区是著名的工业革命发源地?A. 伦敦B. 曼彻斯特C. 利物浦D. 伯明翰答案:B10. 美国的哪个州是美国人口最多的州?A. 加利福尼亚州B. 德克萨斯州C. 纽约州D. 佛罗里达州答案:A11. 英国的哪个大学是世界上最古老的大学之一?A. 牛津大学B. 剑桥大学C. 哈佛大学D. 耶鲁大学答案:A12. 美国的哪个城市被誉为“天使之城”?A. 洛杉矶B. 纽约C. 芝加哥D. 旧金山答案:A13. 英国的哪个历史事件标志着现代议会制度的诞生?A. 光荣革命B. 工业革命C. 玫瑰战争D. 诺曼征服答案:A14. 美国的哪个总统被认为是最伟大的总统之一?A. 乔治·华盛顿B. 亚伯拉罕·林肯C. 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福D. 约翰·肯尼迪答案:B15. 英国的哪个历史时期是文艺复兴时期?A. 都铎时期B. 维多利亚时期C. 罗马时期D. 诺曼时期答案:A。

英美概况习题(总48页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Chapter 1 HistoryTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1._________ In 43 . Roman Emperor Julius Caesar invaded England.答案:F2.________ The month “July”, in fact, is named after Julius Caesar himself.答案:T3.________The best-known English legend, King Arthur, derives from the Anglo-Saxons’ time.答案:T4.________ Robin Hood is a story about the Viking invasion of England.答案:F5.________ In the early stage of the Hundred Years’ War, the English won great victories.答案:T6.________The ruling Normans regarded England as their home after the Hundred Years’ War.答案:T7.________ Henry VII ended the Wars of the Roses and founded the Tudor Monarchy.答案:F8.________ English drama flourished during Elizabeth I era.答案:T9.________ Oliver Cromwell believed in the old theory “Divine right of Kings”.答案:F10.________After World War II, the British economy became the 2nd largest power in the world.答案:F11. ________ American Indians came from India 25,000 years ago.答案:F12. ________ American Indians developed the brilliant culture of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas.答案:T13. ________ Columbus was the first European to set foot in what was to be called America.答案:T14.________ America was named after the great discoverer Amerigo Vespucci.答案:T15. ________ The first permanent English colony was founded in 1607 in Boston. 答案:F16. ________ Thanksgiving Day came from Britain.答案:F17. ________ By the early 1760s, the English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.答案:T18. ________The Declaration of Independence officially announced the independence of 13 North American colonies.答案:T19.________ Benjamin Franklin became the first American President.答案:F20. ________ The United States did not enter World War I.答案:FFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. The golden-haired ________ are the natives of Britain, who were later called the Briton.答案: Celts2. In 55 and 43 . Britain was invaded twice by the ________.答案: Romans3. The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the ________ century.答案: 5th4. In the late 8th century they experienced _______ invasion from Denmark and in _________ they suffered Norman Conquest.答案: Viking; 10665. Joan of Arc is a famous national heroine of French in the ___________________. 答案: Hundred Years’ War6. The Wars of the Roses were fought between the House of __________ and the House of Lancaster.答案: York7. The direct cause of King Henry VIII’s Religious Reformation was to _____ his wife.答案: divorce8. Charles I ruled the country without Parliament for _______ years.答案: 119. ______________ was also known as the “Virgin Queen” and____________ had the longest rule in English history.答案: Elizabeth I; Queen Victoria10. After World War I, Britain was overtaken by__________.答案: America11. Columbus discovered the New World in the year of________.答案: 149212. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established in ________ in the year of ________.答案: Virginia; 160713. _________________ is a purely American holiday.答案: Thanksgiving Day14. By the 1760s, the English settlers had established _________ colonies alongthe Atlantic coast.答案: 1315. ___________________ declared the birth of America.答案: Declaration of Independence16. Independence Day is celebrated on _________________.答案: 4th of July17. The book _____________________ aroused a great discontent over slavery.答案:Uncle Tom’s Cabin18. The American Civil War officially ended in the year of __________.答案: 186519. After __________ the . had changed from a debtor country to a creditor country.答案: World War I20. After __________ the . became the strongest power in the world.答案: World War IIChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1. Which of the following is a famous prehistoric monument(a) Stonehenge(b) Hadrian’s Wall(c) Westminster Abby(d) Tower of London答案: (a)2. ________ were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.(a) The Romans(b) The Anglo-Saxons(c) The Vikings(d) The Normans答案: (b)3. Which of the following is NOT part of Britain’s civilization brought by Roman invasion(a) The names of English month came from Roman gods and rulers.(b) They built towns, temples and roads.(c) They built the Hardin’s Wall.(d) They built Westminster Abby.答案: (d)4. Westminster Abbey was built at the time of ___________.(a) Roman invasion(b) Anglo-Saxons invasion(c) Viking invasion(d) Norman Conquest答案: (c)5. The Tower of London, located in the centre of London, was built by___________.(a) King Harold(b) Robin Hood(c) Oliver Cromwell(d) William the Conqueror答案: (d)6. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of ___________.(a) the House of York(b) the House of Lancaster(c) the House of Tudor(d) the House of Stuart答案: (c)7. The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between ____________.(a) Nobles and peasants(b) Roundheads and the Cavaliers(c) Charles I and the Cavaliers(d) House of York and House of Lancaster答案: (b)8. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the British Civil War(a) Charles I was executed.(b) Charles II was exiled.(c) The Commonwealth of England was formed.(d) The Stuart kingdom was restored.答案: (d)9. Which of the following is NOT an achievement under the rule of Elizabeth I(a) Railways were built.(b) The first settlers were sent to America.(c) English drama and poetry thrived.(d) The English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.答案: (a)10. Which of the following is NOT an achievement under the rule of Queen Victoria(a) Railways were built.(b) Most people lived in villages and worked on the land.(c) Factories and machines were built to meet people’s demand.(d) Britain became the richest country in the world.答案: (b)11. Which of the following is NOT true about American Indians(a) They are descendants of Mongoloid.(b) They crossed the Bering Strait to Alaska.(c) They grew corn only.(d) They developed brilliant civilizations.答案: (c)12. _______________ confirmed that a new continent rather than India was found.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) Amerigo Vespucci(c) King James I(d) Queen Elizabeth答案: (b)13. The Mayflower was a ship taken by _______________.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) Amerigo Vespucci(c) a group of people who wanted to get hold of treasures(d) a group of people who desired free religious practice答案: (d)14. Which of the following was a direct cause of Boston Tea Party in 1773(a) Quartering Act(b) Stamp Act(c) Tea Act(d) Taxation on sugar and coffee答案: (c)15. Which of the following took the function of a national government in the War ofIndependence(a) The First Continental Congress(b) The Second Continental Congress(c) The Confederate States(d) The Union States答案: (b)16. "No taxation without representation" was the slogan of ___________.(a) the settlers of Virginia(b) the slaves of America(c) the Indians of America(d) the people of the 13 colonial Americans答案: (d)17. ___________ was the first president of the United States of America.(a) Benjamin Franklin(b) Thomas Jefferson(c) George Washington(d) Abraham Lincoln答案: (c)18. Which of the following was NOT a cause of American Civil War(a) Religious oppression(b) Economic interests of the South and North(c) Political conflict between the South and North(d) Slavery答案: (a)19. ___________ granted freedom to all slaves in the .(a) The Quartering Act(b) The Stamp Act(c) The Declaration of Independence(d) Emancipation Proclamation答案: (d)20. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor led to America’s involvement in ___________.(a) the War of Independence(b) the Civil War(c) World War I(d) World War II答案: (d)Explain the following terms.1. The Anglo-SaxonsIn the 5th century, the tribes called the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain, coming from northern Europe. By the end of the 5th century, the Anglo-Saxons ruled most of Britain. Their language was called Old English. From them comes the name of “England” and “English”; England came from “Angle-land” meaning the land of the Anglo-Saxons.2. Norman ConquestAfter King Edward died, Duke William of Normandy, from northern France, declared that Edward had promised to let him become the king. On October 14, 1066, William and his army invaded England and defeated the English army. He was made king and crowned in Westminster Abby on Christmas Day, 1066. William is often referred to as William the Conqueror in English history.3. Robin HoodEngland's best-loved legend of Robin Hood is an outlawed Saxon nobleman oppressed by the Normans. He hid in the forest near Sherwood with his band of followers, called “merry men”. From this secret wood, they went out to rob from the rich to give to the poor with their longbows. Robin Hood has been a popular subject of numerous films, television series, books, comics and plays.4. The Hundred Years’ WarAt the beginning of the 14th century, England developed into a stronger state in Europe. Consequently, the rich wanted to control more markets and the nobles wanted to regain their lost land. When King Edward III of England declared that he should become the French king, the French rejected his claim so he declared war on France in 1337. The war lasted intermittently for 116 years, hence being known as the Hundred Years’ War.5. The Civil WarIn January 1642 the Civil War broke out between the Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) and the Cavaliers (supporters of the King). The CivilWar ended with the Parliamentary victory and it led to the execution of Charles I, and his son Charles II was driven out of the country in 1649. In addition to that, Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the Roundheads,formed republican England, known as the Commonwealth of England and the English monarchy was abolished.6. American IndiansThe American Indians were the descendants of the Mongoloid. The name “Indians” was given by Columbus when he mistook them for the people of India. It is believed that about 25,000 years ago the Indians crossed the Bering Strait land bridge to Alaska. The American Indians developed the brilliant civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas.7. Columbus’“discovery ” of AmericaIn 1492, Columbus persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance his voyage. He believed that by sailing west from Europe, he could reach India. Columbus failed to reach India but landed at one of the Caribbean islands instead. He mistook these islands for part of India and called the local people Indians.8. The MayflowerThe Mayflower has a famous position in American history as a symbol of early European colonization. With their religion oppressed by the Church of England, in the autumn of 1620, 102 people sailed to the New World in a shipnamed the “Mayflower”. Late in December, the Mayflower finally landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.9. Declaration of IndependenceOn July 2, 1776, the Congress finally determined that these United Colonies ought to be free and independent states. Thomas Jefferson, assisted by Benjamin Franklin, drafted the Declaration of Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776. It announced the independence of 13 North American colonies and the birth of a new nation.10. Abraham LincolnIn March 1861 Abraham Lincoln took the office of president. He realized that by making the war a battle against slavery, he could win support for the Union at home and abroad. On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves.Chapter 2 GeographyTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1. ________ Britain is situated in Western Europe.答案:T2. ________The island of Great Britain occupies more than 90% of the territory of the .答案:TPeople of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland do not like to be called English people.答案:TEdinburgh is the largest city in Scotland.答案:FBritain has a cold maritime climate.答案:F6. ________ The cheapest way to get around London is no doubt London's underground network.答案:F7. ________ Heathrow Airport is the busiest airport in the world.答案:T8. ________ Only the Old Town district of Edinburgh was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.答案:F9.________ The Lake District is closely related with English literature in the 19th century.答案:T10.________ The Lake District National Park is one of fourteen national parks in the United Kingdom.答案:T11. ________ The whole country of the . is situated in the central part of North America.答案:F12. ________ Alaska is the largest state in the .答案:T13. ________ The longest river in North America is the Missouri River.答案:FWashington, ., as the capital of the United States, is governed directly by the District of Columbia.答案:F15. ________ Washington is often called "The City that Never Sleeps".答案:FNew York was founded as a commercial trading post by the Dutch East India Company.答案:T17. ________ The headquarters of the United Nations is located in the city of Washington.答案:F18. ________ The city of San Francisco is the most populous city in the .答案:F19. ________ Hollywood is governed by its honorary mayor.答案:FOnly Lake Michigan is entirely within the .答案:TFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. Britain is separated from the European continent by__________, the Strait of Dover and _____________.答案: the North Sea; the English Channel2. Britain is made up of many islands collectively known as the British Isles, of which ___________ and __________ are the two main islands.答案: Great Britain; Ireland3. Geographically, the island of Great Britain can be divided into two major regions —____________ and _____________.答案: the highland zone; the lowland zone4. The northern part of the island of Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, while _____________________, which occupies the southern part of the island, is an independent country.答案: the Republic of Ireland5. __________ is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom.答案: London6. __________ is the Queen's official and main royal London home.答案: Buckingham Palace7. When the Queen is at home, you can see her royal flag, referred to as _______________, flying from the flagpole on top of Buckingham Palace.答案: the Royal Standard8. Edinburgh is well known for the annual _______________, the world’s largest arts festival.答案: Edinburgh Festival9. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in _____________.答案: the British Isles10. _______________ is a natural product made only from cereals, water and yeast.答案: Scotch Whisky11. The United States is the ________ largest country in the world.答案: 4th12. The . is bordered by ______ on the north and by ______ and the Gulf of Mexicoon the south.答案: Canada; Mexico13. Hawaii is situated in the central __________.答案: Pacific Ocean14. The central part of the United States is composed of vast plains between_____________ and _______________.答案: the Appalachian Mountains; the Rocky Mountains15. It is extremely _______ in northern Alaska but quite _______ and humid insouthern Florida and Hawaii.答案: cold; mild16. The District of Columbia was named after ______________ while the city ofWashington was named after ______________.答案: Christopher Columbus; George Washington17. The famous New York Stock Exchange is just on _____________ of Manhattan.答案: Wall Street18. The Chinatown in _____________ is the oldest Chinatown in North America.答案: San Francisco19. The Kodak Theatre, which opened in 2001 on Hollywood Boulevard atHighland Avenue, has become the new home of ___________.答案: the Oscars20. The _______________ is nearly a three-and-a-half-mile round-trip walk.答案: Walk of FameChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1. Why was Britain known as “an empire on which the sun never sets”(a) Because it used to be the largest country in the world.(b) Because it was once one of the oldest and strongest colonial powers in the world.(c) Because it had bought a lot of islands around the world.(d) Because it used to be the greatest industrialized country in the world.答案: (b)2. The island of Great Britain is divided into three parts:________.(a)Ireland, Scotland, and Wales(b)England, Scotland, and Ireland(c)England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland(d)England, Scotland, and Wales答案: (d)3. The capital of Northern Ireland is________.(a)London(b)Belfast(c)Cardiff(d)Edinburgh答案: (b)4. Britain has a _______ climate.(a) temperate(b) maritime(c) stable(d) both a and b答案: (d)5. Britain is often ______ in winter.(a)warm(b)very cold(c)foggy(d)sunny答案: (c)6. The capital of Britain is in _______.(a)England(b)Scotland(c)Wales(d)Northern Ireland答案: (a)7. ________ flows through the city of London.(a)The Forth River(b)The Clyde River(c)The Tay River(d)The River Thames答案: (d)8. Which of the following is NOT a World Heritage Site(a) The Tower of London(b) The historic settlement of Greenwich(c) The Big Ben(d) The Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church 答案: (c)9. _______________over the River Thames has also become one of the symbols of the city.(a)The Tower Bridge of London(b)St. Paul’s Cathedral(c)The British Museum(d)The Bridge of London答案: (a)10. Windermere is the largest natural _______ in England.(a) lake(b)river(c)mountain(d)valley答案: (a)11. Alaska was bought by the USA from ___________ in 1867.(a) Russia(b) the former USSR(c) China(d) Canada答案: (a)12. _________ is the fiftieth state of the .(a) Alaska(b) Hawaii(c) Kentucky(d) California答案: (b)13. _______________ is known as the “father of waters” to American Indians.(a) The River Thames(b) The Missouri River(c) The Tay River(d) The Mississippi River答案: (d)14. The White House has been the executive residence of every . President since ______________.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) John Adams(c) Abraham Lincoln(d) George Washington答案: (b)15. In the East Wing of the White House you can find ______________.(a)the Oval Office(b)the executive offices of the President(c)the executive offices of the Vice President(d)the office of the First Lady答案: (a)16. The city of New York consists of some boroughs EXCEPT ___________.(a)The Bronx(b)Brooklyn(c)Queensland(d)Queens答案: (c)17. New York has been home to several of the tallest buildings in the world such as ___________ .(a) the Statue of Liberty(b) New York Stock Exchange(c) the Empire State Building(d) the headquarters of the United Nations答案: (c)18. __________________, which spans the waterway connecting San Francisco Bay with the Pacific, is well known all over the world.(a) The Niagara Falls(b) The Golden Gate Bridge(c) The Statue of Liberty(d) The English Channel19. San Francisco's Chinatown is the largest Chinese community outside of___________.(a) Asia(b) Mainland China(c) China(d) South-East Asia答案: (a)20. Hollywood is a district in the state of ________.(a) Florida(b) California(c) Ohio(d) Kentucky答案: (b)Explain the following terms.1.The British IslesThe British Isles is the name of some islands in Western Europe, separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. Among the islands, Great Britain and Ireland are the two main ones. The country of the . mainly consists of these two islands.London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, and the world’s ninth largest city. As one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centers, it carries a lot of influence in aspect of politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts. The city is also a major tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors.3.Edinburgh FestivalEdinburgh is well known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, the world’s largest arts festival. Established in 1947, it takes place in the city during three weeks every August alongside several other arts and cultural festivals, collectively known as the Edinburgh Festival.4. New York CityThe city of New York, the largest city in the United States, is known for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center. The city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Among American cities, New York is unique for its 24-hour mass transit, so the city is sometimes referred to as "The City that Never Sleeps". New York City is the most populous city in the United States, and it is unique for the density and diversity of its population.5. White HouseThe White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. It was built between 1792 and 1800 in the late Georgian style and has been the executive residence of every . President since John Adams, the 2nd president of the .6.HollywoodHollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California. Because it is well known as the historical center of movie studios and stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a symbol for the American film and television industry. Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues to premiere major theatrical releases and host the Academy Awards. Hollywood is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism and home to the Walk of Fame.Chapter 3 PoliticsTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1.________ It is no doubt that . is the oldest representative democracy in the world.答案:F2. ________The real importance of the monarch is largely traditional and symbolic.答案:T3. ________ The British Parliament consists of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.答案:T4. ________ Life peers are elected by the British people.答案:FThe center of power of the . has shifted from the monarch to the House of Lords.答案:F6. ________ The ., like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.答案:FCommon laws are laws which have been established through common practice in the courts.答案:T8. ________ There are two major national parties in the . according to the text.答案:T9. ________ From 1979 to 1997, the Conservative Party won 4 elections under the leadership of Margret Thatcher and John Major.答案:T10.________ The Liberal Democratic Party is the newest of the major national parties.答案:F11. ________ The . Constitution set up a federal system.答案:T12. ________ The "Bill of Rights" was added to the Constitution in 1791.答案:T13. ________ Checks and balances is a system for limiting the powers of theHouse of Representatives.答案:FThe main duty of the Congress is to make laws.答案:T15. ________ Most heavily populated districts have more senators than the small states.答案:F16. ________ The president can appoint any federal judges as he wishes.答案:F17. ________ The representatives of the House must be at least 35 years old.答案:FThe judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeals and the district courts.答案:T19. ________ The United States has two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Conservative Party.答案:F20. ________ The Democratic Party is considered to be a more liberal party.答案:TFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. The Parliament is composed of three parts: the queen, the House of ______, and the House of _________.答案: Lords; Commons2. Life peers should be nominated by _________, and appointed by____________.答案: the Prime Minister; the Sovereign/Queen3. In the ., the official head of state is_____________ while the real centre ofpolitical life is in____________.答案: the Queen; the House of Commons4. There are three major parties in the .: the ____________, the ____________ and theLiberal Party.答案: Conservative Party; Labour Party5. From 1979 to 1997, the ____________ Party won 4 consecutive elections and was in power for quite a long time.答案: Conservative6. The governmental power shared between the central government and the state government is called ________.答案: a federal system7. The . federal government consists of the following three branches: the legislative branch, the ________ branch, and the ________ branch.答案: executive; judicial8. The Supreme Court is composed of________ chief justice and _______ associate justices.答案: one; eight9. The Congress is divided into___________ and the House of __________. The Senators serve six-year terms, and the Representatives serve ________-year terms.答案: Senate; Representatives; two10. The two major political parties are ________, which is thought to be more liberal, and ________, which is believed to be more conservative.答案: the Democratic Party; the Republican PartyChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1. Which of the following is NOT the function of the Queen of the .(a) She is the head of the government.(b) She is the head of the armed forces.(c) She governs the government.(d) Her role is ceremonial and formal.答案: (c)2. Which of the following about the Parliament is NOT true(a) The Queen is part of the Parliament.(b) It has the power of passing laws.(c) It has the power to check the government.(d) It consists of two parts.答案: (d)3. Which of the following about the House of Commons is NOT true(a) Members of Parliament elect the Cabinet.(b) MPs can be elected for limitless times.(c) MPs are expected to represent the interests of the public.(d) Most MPs belong to the major political parties.答案: (a)4. How many constituencies are there in the .(a) 651(b) 326(c) 626(d) 351答案: (a)5. How many years does a parliament usually stand for(a) 3 years(b) 4 years(c) 5 years(d) 6 years答案: (c)6. Which British party supports a "free market"(a) The Conservative Party(b) The Liberal Democrats(c) The Party of Wales(d) The Labour Party答案: (a)7. Which group of people tends to support the Conservative Party(a) The middle class(b) The upper middle class(c) The working class(d) B oth a and b答案: (d)8. Which British party believes that the government is to act as a “redistributive” agent(a) The Conservative Party(b) The Liberal Democrats(c) The Party of Wales(d) The Labour Party答案: (d)9. Which of the following is a Conservative Party leader(a) Margret Thatcher(b) Tony Blair(c) Gordon Brown。
英美概况 美国历史练习题

英美概况美国历史练习题I. Multiple Choices1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.A. 1620B. 1607C. 17762. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.A. MarylandB. South CarolinaC. DelawareD. Colorado3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.A. John CabotB. MagellanC. BalboaD. Cartier4. The colonial life can be described as the following except _____.A. simpleB. easyC. roughD. hard5. The Stamp Act was passed in _____ and was repealed in _____.A. 1765, 1766B. 1764, 1765C. 1763, 17646. The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774.A. PhiladelphiaB. BostonC. New York7. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____.A. 1776, 1784B. 1775, 1783C. 1706, 17148. Washington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in _____.A. GettysburgB. PittsburghC. Trenton9. The battle of _____ marked the turning point of the War of Independence.A. New YorkB. SaratogaC. Bunker Hill10. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at _____.A. YorktownB. BostonC. Charleston11. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise _____.A. The Articles of the ConfederationB. Bill of RightsC. Civil Rights12. The first ten amendments, known as _____, were added to the Constitution in 1791.A. the Bill of RightsB. the ArticlesC. Civil Rights13. After the Federal Government was established, the city _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being.A. WashingtonB. New YorkC. Philadelphia14. The pamphlet "Common Sense" was written by _____.A. Thomas EdisonB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson15. The Second President John Adams adopted a high-handed policy which was called _____.A. the "Intolerable Acts"B. Un-American ActivitiesC. the Sedition Act16. The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his _____.A. abolishing the Sedition ActB. reducing taxesC. purchasing Louisiana from France17. The Second Anti-English War broke out in _____ and ended in _____. The U.S.won the war.A. 1812, 1814B. 1813, 1815C. 1814, 181618. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly _____ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost.A. 1/4B. 1/2C. 1/319. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _____.A. WangxiaB. NanjingC. Tianjin20. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _____ states in _____.A. 50, 1781B. 13, 1781C. 13, 178721. _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being in Washington's administration.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Boston22. It was _____ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.A. Alexander HamiltonB. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington23. _____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James Madison24. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _____.A. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Adams25. The _____ stopped the Holy Alliance's program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.A. Monroe DoctrineB. Sedition ActC. Holy Alliance26. _____ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.A. John AdamsB. Andrew JacksonC. Andrew Johnson27. _____ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.A. Douglas BillB. Monroe DoctrineC. Sedition Act28. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead BillB. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B29. The Battle of _____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. Richmond30. The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.A. BritainB. FranceC. Spain31. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. Andrew JohnsonC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington32. In 1918 President _____ issued the "Fourteen Points".A. Woodrow WilsonB. William H. TaftC. Theodore RooseveltD. Warren G. Harding33. Haymarket Massacre took place in _____ in May 1886.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Washington34. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _____ place in the world.A. firstB. secondC. third35. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _____ persecution of the progressive people.A. religiousB. spiritualC. political36. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _____.A. blacksB. IndiansC. progressive people37. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqué called _____.A. the Teheran DeclarationB. the Atlantic CharterC. the Washington Proclamation38. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called "_____", invading China by means of both force and culture.A. Open Door PolicyB. Big StickC. Douglas Bill39. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _____ and ended on November 11th, _____, lasting for about four years.A. 1913, 1917B. 1914, 1918C. 1915, 191940. The two military alliances during WWI were the _____ and the _____.A. Axis, AlliesB. Holy Alliance, AxisC. Central Powers, Allies41. The assassination of a(n) _____ prince, Arch Duke Ferdinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI.A. AustraliaB. BelgiumC. Austria42. Altogether _____ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.A. 33B. 38C. 3943. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _____.A. inflationB. the rise of pricesC. the decrease of populationD. the decrease of the purchasing capacity44. In April 1945 a conference was held at _____ to organize the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. New YorkC. Philadelphia45. _____ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.A. 48B. 47C. 4546. At the _____ Conference, the heads of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Casablanca47. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was the famous _____ Conference.A. CairoB. TeheranC. PotsdamD. Quebec48. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____.A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)B. the Axis and Holy AllianceC. the Central Powers and the Allies49. The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.A. Paris TreatyB. Versailles TreatyC. Teheran Treaty50. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _____ Conference.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Potsdam51. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _____.A. 1920B. 1918C. 191952. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _____ as its general secretary.A. LevestoneB. William FosterC. Earl Browder53. The Great Depression of _____ to shook the US and the whole capitalist world to its foundations.A. 1929, 1933B. 1933, 1937C. 1924, 192954. The programmer of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _____.A. Eisenhower DoctrineB. Marshall PlanC. Truman Doctrine55. The _____ broke out in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.A. Vietnam WarB. Cold WarC. Korean War56. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of member nations against the _____.A. GermanyB. JapanC. Soviet Union57. The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____.A. 1939, 1945B. 1937, 1943C. 1938, 194558. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _____ and _____.A. the Allies, the Axis PowersB. the USSR, the USAC. the old capitalist countries, the new ones59. There occurred _____ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970's.A. sixB. fiveC. seven60. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation.A. Good NeighborB. the Open Door PolicyC. the New Deal61. The Battle of _____ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.A. Midway IslandB. BritainC. Normandy62. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon's historic visit to China.A. 1979B. 1972C. 197363. In 1953, _____ ended in the failure of the U.S.A. the Korean WarB. the Vietnam WarC. the US-Spanish War64. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, was suddenly attacked by the _____ air force and navy.A. SpanishB. FrenchC. Japanese65. The original Union consists of _____ at the time of its independence.A. 13B. 50C. 4866. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _____ seaboard.A. the easternB. the westernC. the northern67. _____ appointed many of the colonial governors.A. The English KingB. the local governmentC. the local people68. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _____ as head.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and B69. _____ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.A. King George IB. King George IIIC. King George II70. In 1945 a conference was held in _____ to found the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. ChicagoC. New York71. President Nixon visited China in _____.A. 1973B. 1974C. 197272. _____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore RooseveltB. George WashingtonC. FranklinD. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson73. The city's name "Philadelphia" means _____.A. brotherly loveB. fishing pitC. philosophy答案:1-5 BDBBA 6-10ABCBA 11-15AABBC 16-20CABAB 21-25AABAA 26-30BABBC 30-35AABAC 36-40ABABC 41-45CBCAA 46-50BCABA 51-55CBABC 56-60CABAC 61-65 ABACA 66-70AABBA 71-73CCA。

美国世界历史试题及答案1. 美国独立战争的导火线是什么?答案:波士顿茶党事件。
2. 请列举三位美国独立战争期间的重要人物。
3. 美国宪法的起草者是谁?答案:詹姆斯·麦迪逊。
4. 描述美国内战的主要原因。
5. 林肯总统在内战期间颁布了哪一项重要法案?答案:《解放奴隶宣言》。
6. 美国的“镀金时代”指的是哪个时期?答案:19世纪末至20世纪初。
7. 20世纪初,美国历史上的哪一项社会运动对妇女权利产生了重大影响?答案:妇女参政权运动。
8. 描述第一次世界大战对美国的影响。
9. 请列举两位美国历史上的著名总统。
10. 20世纪60年代,美国发生了哪些重要的社会变革?答案:民权运动、反战运动、女权运动。
11. 描述冷战时期美国与苏联的主要对抗方式。
12. 请列举三位20世纪的美国重要科学家。
13. 美国在21世纪初的哪一场战争中扮演了主要角色?答案:伊拉克战争。
14. 描述美国在全球化进程中的作用。
15. 请列举两位21世纪的美国著名企业家。

英美概况考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国的首都是哪里?A. 巴黎B. 伦敦C. 纽约D. 华盛顿特区答案:B2. 美国的独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 4月17日C. 12月25日D. 11月11日答案:A3. 英国的官方语言是什么?A. 法语B. 德语C. 英语D. 西班牙语答案:C4. 美国最大的城市是哪个?A. 洛杉矶B. 纽约C. 芝加哥D. 休斯顿答案:B5. 英国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 美元C. 英镑D. 日元答案:C6. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:B7. 英国的哪个城市是著名的文化和艺术中心?A. 爱丁堡B. 曼彻斯特C. 利物浦D. 格拉斯哥答案:A8. 美国的哪个州被誉为“黄金之州”?A. 德克萨斯州B. 加利福尼亚州C. 佛罗里达州D. 纽约州答案:B9. 英国的哪位君主在位时间最长?A. 伊丽莎白一世B. 维多利亚女王C. 乔治三世D. 伊丽莎白二世答案:D10. 美国的哪个国家公园以其壮观的峡谷景观而闻名?A. 黄石国家公园B. 大峡谷国家公园C. 优胜美地国家公园D. 阿卡迪亚国家公园答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 英国是由______、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国。
答案:英格兰12. 美国的首都华盛顿特区是为了纪念美国的第一位总统______而命名的。
答案:乔治·华盛顿13. 英国的国花是______。
答案:玫瑰14. 美国的宪法规定了______个分支的政府。
答案:三15. 英国的______是英国君主的正式住所,也是英国王室的行政总部。
答案:白金汉宫16. 美国的______是该国最大的河流系统,流经美国的中部大平原。
答案:密西西比河17. 英国的______是该国最大的政党之一,传统上与劳动阶级联系在一起。
答案:工党18. 美国的______是该国最高法院的所在地,也是司法部门的象征。

一、历史篇1. 英国的工业革命是在哪个时期发生的?答案:英国的工业革命发生在18世纪下半叶,具体时间为1760年至1840年左右。
2. 美国独立战争是在哪个世纪进行的?答案:美国独立战争发生在18世纪,具体时间为1775年至1783年。
3. 英国的大革命是在哪个时期爆发的?答案:英国的大革命发生在17世纪,具体时间为1642年至1651年。
二、政治篇1. 英国的政治体制是什么?答案:英国的政治体制是君主立宪制,国家元首为君主,首相为政府首脑。
2. 美国的政治体制是什么?答案:美国的政治体制是总统制,国家元首为总统,总统由选举产生。
3. 英国的议会制度是什么样的?答案:英国的议会制度由上下两院组成,上院为贵族院,下院为普选产生的下议院。
三、经济篇1. 英国的经济体制是什么?答案:英国的经济体制是资本主义经济体制,市场经济占主导地位。
2. 美国的经济体制是什么?答案:美国的经济体制也是资本主义经济体制,市场经济占主导地位。
3. 英国的主要经济产业有哪些?答案:英国的主要经济产业包括金融、制造业、服务业等。
四、文化篇1. 英国的莎士比亚是哪个时期的作家?答案:莎士比亚是文艺复兴时期的作家,活动于16世纪末至17世纪初。
2. 美国的哈佛大学是哪个世纪建立的?答案:哈佛大学建立于17世纪,具体时间为1636年。
3. 英国的摇滚乐队披头士是哪个时期的代表?答案:披头士乐队是20世纪60年代的代表,对摇滚乐产生了重要影响。
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英美概况美国历史练习题I. Multiple Choices1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.A. 1620B. 1607C. 17762. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.A. MarylandB. South CarolinaC. DelawareD. Colorado3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.A. John CabotB. MagellanC. BalboaD. Cartier4. The colonial life can be described as the following except _____.A. simpleB. easyC. roughD. hard5. The Stamp Act was passed in _____ and was repealed in _____.A. 1765, 1766B. 1764, 1765C. 1763, 17646. The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774.A. PhiladelphiaB. BostonC. New York7. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____.A. 1776, 1784B. 1775, 1783C. 1706, 17148. Washington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in _____.A. GettysburgB. PittsburghC. Trenton9. The battle of _____ marked the turning point of the War of Independence.A. New YorkB. SaratogaC. Bunker Hill10. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at _____.A. YorktownB. BostonC. Charleston11. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise _____.A. The Articles of the ConfederationB. Bill of RightsC. Civil Rights12. The first ten amendments, known as _____, were added to the Constitution in 1791.A. the Bill of RightsB. the ArticlesC. Civil Rights13. After the Federal Government was established, the city _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being.A. WashingtonB. New YorkC. Philadelphia14. The pamphlet "Common Sense" was written by _____.A. Thomas EdisonB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson15. The Second President John Adams adopted a high-handed policy which was called _____.A. the "Intolerable Acts"B. Un-American ActivitiesC. the Sedition Act16. The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his _____.A. abolishing the Sedition ActB. reducing taxesC. purchasing Louisiana from France17. The Second Anti-English War broke out in _____ and ended in _____. The U.S.won the war.A. 1812, 1814B. 1813, 1815C. 1814, 181618. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly _____ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost.A. 1/4B. 1/2C. 1/319. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _____.A. WangxiaB. NanjingC. Tianjin20. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _____ states in _____.A. 50, 1781B. 13, 1781C. 13, 178721. _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being in Washington's administration.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Boston22. It was _____ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.A. Alexander HamiltonB. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington23. _____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James Madison24. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _____.A. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Adams25. The _____ stopped the Holy Alliance's program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.A. Monroe DoctrineB. Sedition ActC. Holy Alliance26. _____ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.A. John AdamsB. Andrew JacksonC. Andrew Johnson27. _____ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.A. Douglas BillB. Monroe DoctrineC. Sedition Act28. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead BillB. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B29. The Battle of _____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. Richmond30. The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.A. BritainB. FranceC. Spain31. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. Andrew JohnsonC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington32. In 1918 President _____ issued the "Fourteen Points".A. Woodrow WilsonB. William H. TaftC. Theodore RooseveltD. Warren G. Harding33. Haymarket Massacre took place in _____ in May 1886.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Washington34. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _____ place in the world.A. firstB. secondC. third35. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _____ persecution of the progressive people.A. religiousB. spiritualC. political36. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _____.A. blacksB. IndiansC. progressive people37. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqué called _____.A. the Teheran DeclarationB. the Atlantic CharterC. the Washington Proclamation38. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called "_____", invading China by means of both force and culture.A. Open Door PolicyB. Big StickC. Douglas Bill39. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _____ and ended on November 11th, _____, lasting for about four years.A. 1913, 1917B. 1914, 1918C. 1915, 191940. The two military alliances during WWI were the _____ and the _____.A. Axis, AlliesB. Holy Alliance, AxisC. Central Powers, Allies41. The assassination of a(n) _____ prince, Arch Duke Ferdinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI.A. AustraliaB. BelgiumC. Austria42. Altogether _____ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.A. 33B. 38C. 3943. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _____.A. inflationB. the rise of pricesC. the decrease of populationD. the decrease of the purchasing capacity44. In April 1945 a conference was held at _____ to organize the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. New YorkC. Philadelphia45. _____ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.A. 48B. 47C. 4546. At the _____ Conference, the heads of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Casablanca47. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was the famous _____ Conference.A. CairoB. TeheranC. PotsdamD. Quebec48. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____.A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)B. the Axis and Holy AllianceC. the Central Powers and the Allies49. The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.A. Paris TreatyB. Versailles TreatyC. Teheran Treaty50. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _____ Conference.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Potsdam51. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _____.A. 1920B. 1918C. 191952. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _____ as its general secretary.A. LevestoneB. William FosterC. Earl Browder53. The Great Depression of _____ to shook the US and the whole capitalist world to its foundations.A. 1929, 1933B. 1933, 1937C. 1924, 192954. The programmer of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _____.A. Eisenhower DoctrineB. Marshall PlanC. Truman Doctrine55. The _____ broke out in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.A. Vietnam WarB. Cold WarC. Korean War56. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of member nations against the _____.A. GermanyB. JapanC. Soviet Union57. The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____.A. 1939, 1945B. 1937, 1943C. 1938, 194558. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _____ and _____.A. the Allies, the Axis PowersB. the USSR, the USAC. the old capitalist countries, the new ones59. There occurred _____ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970's.A. sixB. fiveC. seven60. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation.A. Good NeighborB. the Open Door PolicyC. the New Deal61. The Battle of _____ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.A. Midway IslandB. BritainC. Normandy62. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon's historic visit to China.A. 1979B. 1972C. 197363. In 1953, _____ ended in the failure of the U.S.A. the Korean WarB. the Vietnam WarC. the US-Spanish War64. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, was suddenly attacked by the _____ air force and navy.A. SpanishB. FrenchC. Japanese65. The original Union consists of _____ at the time of its independence.A. 13B. 50C. 4866. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _____ seaboard.A. the easternB. the westernC. the northern67. _____ appointed many of the colonial governors.A. The English KingB. the local governmentC. the local people68. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _____ as head.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and B69. _____ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.A. King George IB. King George IIIC. King George II70. In 1945 a conference was held in _____ to found the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. ChicagoC. New York71. President Nixon visited China in _____.A. 1973B. 1974C. 197272. _____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore RooseveltB. George WashingtonC. FranklinD. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson73. The city's name "Philadelphia" means _____.A. brotherly loveB. fishing pitC. philosophy答案:1-5 BDBBA 6-10ABCBA 11-15AABBC 16-20CABAB 21-25AABAA 26-30BABBC 30-35AABAC 36-40ABABC 41-45CBCAA 46-50BCABA 51-55CBABC 56-60CABAC 61-65 ABACA 66-70AABBA 71-73CCA。