



The Oriental cultural thought pattern and Occidental thought pattern Thesis statement,In cross-cultural communication,the East-West difference in thinking always become big obstacles. We must fully understand these differences before cross-cultural communication.These differences the impact of many aspects of cultural exchange are discussed in this article .Outline:1. Introduction2. Differences between Eastern and Western Thinking2.1. The oriental cultural focus on curve thinking and occidental focus on linearthinking.2.2. The oriental culture emphasis on dialectical thinking, the Western culturalemphasis on formal logic2.3. Eastern culture focused thinking in images. Western cultural emphasis onabstract thinking3. Modes of Thinking in Cross-Cultural Exchange3.1. Affacts of way of thinking on language of the speaker’s words.3.2. Affacts of way of thinking on language habits.3.3. Affacts of way of thinking on the interpersonal impact of request strategies.3.4. Affacts of way of thinking on international business negotiations3.5. Affacts of way of thinking on international business contacts4. ConclusionThe Oriental cultural thought pattern and Occidental thought pattern1. IntroductionThinking is a progress that reflects concept,judging,reasoning and other forms of the objective.The way of thinking is that people’s behavior or thought process.It is affected bydifferent cultures, individual knowledge structure, social and work environment and habits. As a social way of thinking, it can be roughly divided into two levels. One is that people’sformation and application of theoretical concepts to grasp an object way of thinking, this is the higher-level one related with people’s university concept, nature andhistory ,having been systematic, theoretical .The other isassociated with daily life experience, the performance of the thinking.2. Differences between Eastern and Western Thinking2.1. The oriental cultural focus on curve thinking and occidental focus on linear thinking.In the expression of ideas, eastern nation accustomed to from the side of the statement of the external st point out the information center. They speak like the subtle roundabout, next to theknock sideswipe. One sum up a word. Because in Chinese culture, language more vague implicit ,more respected. . If the East of Thinking Curve-based approach is similar to a turbine line, then the English-speaking people’sway of thinking is linear, and their thinking is more straightforward, to be used to start with point. They think the problem and speak directly.They will let you know when they think something is wrong,even angry.2.2. The oriental culture emphasis on dialectical thinking, the Western cultural emphasis on formal logicMan and Nature in Chinese culture advocates, advocatingmoderation,it is said "good deed goes unpunished" .As a representative of Eastern culture, Chinese culture emphasizes dialectical thinking. Anchored the Chinese holistic way of thinking, the things as organic whole comprehensive general intuition that each object in terms of ideology to all parts of the joint as overall, his various properties, the links together.The English Culture advocates independence.Theirfaith is “Early bird catches the worm” To theindividual as the basic point of the Western way of thinking, the complexity down into simple element, one by one study, so more emphasis logical analysis, byrationality.Observing things, the nature of law focus on exploring things, pay attention to the form of argument.2.3. Eastern culture focused thinking in images. Western cultural emphasis on abstract thinkingThinking in images is majorily generaledwith a stylizedmanner ,widely using form like the feeling, perception, image and imagination, association and fantasy, and in which mixed into thinkingof those strong feelings and will, characterized by emphasis on visual experience. Representation based on the appearance of the analogous analysis, stressed the similarity, correlation: abstract thought. Dimension is used to summarize the abstract style of thinking and abstract material (concepts, theories,Numbers, reasoning, etc.) thinking. Its features is give a comprehensive analysis of the problem. Giving up Extrinsicattributes, drawn primarily, the nature of the property, emphasizing increased perceptual is rational. The image of the Chinese cultural preference for ways of thinking, and stress forms and management. The Western way of abstract thinking, emphasize conceptual analysis, logical reasoning.3.Modes of Thinking in Cross-Cultural communication3.1. Affacts of way of thinking on language of the speaker’s words.Chinese people are accustomed to thinking in images. In language, Chinese tend to use specific words to express the virtual image of the concept, this expression gives a "real" Ming "," direct "," type ","like "feeling. In the article To make the article clear, vivid, and more use of metaphor, rhetoric, in the words and sentences, especially liketo use images of words, for example, ancient Chinese Fu Xing, by use of image analogy method. is the ancient Chinese literature classics writing style. This has affected the traditional writing techniques. However,for English readers, the flowery language of the general can only reduce transmission clarity and effect, or even be seen as empty verbiage and hype. They are accustomed to a low-key statement. but not used in strong terms. English often use a lot of meaning summary, the alleged general terms to express complex abstract concept of rationality. Thisexpression gives a "virtual", "Pan", "dark", "music", "Hidden "feeling. Chinese people like to use when telling image and analogy. Even if the problems related to preference logic thinking in images. The English nation is like to use the explicit meaning of words to express specific.3.2.Affacts of way of thinking on language habits.Chinese preference for complex thinking, Europe and the UnitedStates preferencefor analytical thinking. Specifically expressed in the language, the Chinese concept of descending expression, English is small to large. For example. When the Chinese write the address order is a state of a province or a city street a building. The opposite order of Europeansand Americans. Chinese way of thinking of the time the order is year, month, day, hour, divided into the sequence, while the Europeans and Americans are just the opposite. This difference in thinking but also in Chinese, fill out your resume written by a distant past, often fromprimary school began to write. Gradually write now, while Europe and the United States who wrote far from near.3.3..Affacts of way of thinking on the interpersonal impact of request strategies.In the traditional Chinese "Heaven", "misplaced" in nature, social values and the curve of thinking, dialectical thinking and harmony under the guidance of people's verbal exchanges with "subtle" and "flexibility" as its characteristic. The language has a strongflexibility and tacit. Han people request more than a "statement of 10 request" mode of communication structure, which first introduced, so as to get each other to understand, sympathize. Then take the opportunity to request. If the other party requests ranging from the speaker said on the active cooperation and help. It is the ideal. This communication strategy can be termed "imply that strategy." Westerners accustomed to ancient Greek logic and language style. They like straightforward. This cultural attitude is reflected in the said request, more than a "request + statement" means of communication structure. The first request, then the situation presented. This communication strategy can be called "direct Chan strategy."3.4. Affacts of way of thinking on international business negotiationsDifferent way of thinking permeates all aspects of business negotiation. To U.S., for example, in the negotiations on the language of choice and use. Americans as a simple, clear and frank manner as soonas possible to explain their views and suggestions. To quickly reach a consensus. The Chinese people are pursuing delaying tactics of rational restraint, avoid direct solution to the problem, the conversation always seems around the problem at hand, puzzled Americans. Order of the negotiations, when faced with a complex De negotiating mandate, the preference selected priority Thinking Ways of Americans often large task into a series of Xiao Fen Jie task. The price, delivery, warranty and service contracts and other issues fractional solution to solve a problem each time, from beginning to end all concessions and commitments, the final agreement is the sum of a series of smaller agreements. However, the overall priority-style way of thinking preferences of the Chinese people would pay attention to the general discussion on all issues did not occur in the order of points, usually to go to negotiations, will be in all of the compromise on the issue and commitment to come to a lot of agreement.3.5.Affacts of way of thinking on international business contactsA typical curve of the Chinese way of thinking makes that they are always first consider the general principles of consensus on the establishment, and then to the specific levels of detail. The Europeans and Americans typically linear way of thinking makes them much attention given to details. General principle is not the slightest consideration. Reflected in specific business methods and practices, the Chinese way of thinking formed the first general retreat, then a pragmatic problem-solving process. That regarding the present, we should first of its guiding principles on the settlementdiscussions to reach consensus, then used to guide the formulationof specific solutions to problems. While Europe and the United States were to take into account every detail, written contracts are usually very long, the contract provides for the parties to the rights, duties and obligations. For them, the contract is a complete, should be observed, legally binding provisions. General principles, or dispensable, or rhetoric, only to solve specific problems can make real progress negotiations5. ConclusionCulture is identitied with the times and national. Way of thinkingis the cultural connotation of a very important aspect. Different times, different ethnic groups who have different way of thinking, even at the same time, the same nation may exist between people of different way of thinking. Therefore, it is worth to emphasize that we compare the differences between the two sides. Does not imply a unique way ofthinking is what nation, while the lack of the national total. Can only say that some of the features in some of the nation in the relative performance of active or prominent in some other nation in therelatively ignored. Taken as a whole. Both traditional Oriental way of thinking, or the Western traditional way of thinking, are the product of historical development, both in the course of human history to maketheir respective contributions. But look at the future development ofmankind, both have their own positive side, also has distinct disadvantages. Ignore the existence of differences, or adhere to this way of thinking to deal with ethnic and cultural exchanges in all the problems is unwise. Similarly, the complete denial of the national wayof thinking, the overall acceptance of foreign cultures and ways of thinking of the approach is also undesirable. With the development of cross-cultural exchange, mutual understanding between Chinese and Western nations are becoming increasingly in-depth. Therefore,integration of two ways of thinking are among the boundaries are increasingly blurred. We should consciously to reduce or narrow the cultural differences, the spirit of "abandoned" the spirit of each other, forming a more scientific, more flexible way of thinking. Thus contributing to more successful nations in the world of mutual understanding and communication, develop more rapidly.跨文化交际英语论文Topic:A comparative study on the Oriental cultural thought pattern and Occidental thought pattern学生赵富强学号 20085800院系建筑城规学院08级建筑系2班。


中西方文化差异的论文题目: 中西方时间观念的比较 中西方饮食文化的比较 中西方教育的比较 中西方问候语的比较 中西方餐桌礼仪的差异 中西方宗教文化对比 中西方儿童文学的差异 从文字比较看中西方文化差异 礼貌中的中西方“面子文化”差异 论中西方激励机制的差异比较和在医疗管 理中的应用 英语教学中的文化教学——中西方文化差 异对比分析 中西方价值观差异对交际模式的影响 从历史中透视中西方经济差异形成的原因 浅谈跨越中西方文化障碍 日常生活中的中西方文化差异 浅析中西方隐私观的差异 中西方古代体育和谐思想比较研究 中西方传统犯罪控制思想之比较 土地与海洋的对话——中西方文化与人格 差异之浅见 汉英商标翻译与中西方文化差异 中西方孝文化探析 从文化视角看中西方教育思想的差异 中西方语言与文化的差异 中西方哲学语言观的差异 浅析中西方文化差异对翻译的影响 从素质教育看中西方教育的差异及思考 中西方立宪文化差异比较——以价值观为 视角 影响跨文化交际的主要因素——中西方价 值观念差异 中西方股票期权制度实际操作的差异性分 析 英美社会与文化论文 1. The Contrast and Analyses of Customs
9. Cross-Cultural Awareness in Translating
Tourist Materials
10. Cross-Cultural Training in Chinese
in Britain and China
2. Cultural Connotation of English Names






毕业论文参考题目(Suggested Topics for College Undergraduates)注:以下参考选题仅提供一种方向性的选择参考,因此直接作为选题题目太泛,切勿照抄作为选题上交!语言学与跨文化交际1. The Importance of Meaning Group in Translation2. Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication3. Ambiguity and Puns in English4. Linguistic Features of ESP (English for Special Purpose)5. Chinese/English Newspapers and Their Linguistic Features6. The Latest Innovation of English/Chinese7. Chinese/English Abstraction8. Language and Internet9. Some Basic Considerations of Style10. English by Newspaper11. Words/Sentences/Texts: Chinese vs English12. Discourse Strategy: Chinese vs English13. Rhytorics: Chinese vs English14. Chinese/English Taboos and Culture15. Cultural difference and Reading Comprehension16. Writing Style and Culture17. An Intercultural Approach to English Learning/Teaching18. Nonverbal Communication and English Learning/Teaching19. Theoretical Models and Intercultural Studies20. Culture and Interpersonal Relationship21. Proverbs/Idioms/Allusions and Chinese/ English Culture22. Cultural Relativism/ Ethnocentrism/ Stereotype/ Prejudiceand Intercultural Communication23. Clash of Cultural Values: The East and the West24. Cultural Conflicts and International Politics25. The World of the 21th Century: Where to Go?26. Globlalization/Localization of Language and Culture in Global Communication 27. Language and Power28. Language Spreading and Linguicism/ Linguistic Imperialism29. English Spreading and Colonization30. Language Policy and National Culture/Strategy语用学I. Pragmatics theoretical practices1. An inquiry into speech act theory2. Inferences of conversational implications3. Context and meaning4. Charles Morris' theory of signs: a pragmatical reflection5. Logical truth and communicative relevance6. The cognitive foundation of Revelance Theory7. Scalar implicature in the utterance interpretation8. Presupposition and contextual projection9. From linguistic categorization to biological categories10. Pragmatical interpretation of lexical unitsII. Pragmatical survey at the societal level1. Interpreting politeness2. Refuse and gender3. A sino-English contrastive study on addressing titles ofuniversity students4. An investigation of conversational cooperation(CP) intothe local English news service5. The analysis of pragmatic failure occurred in the campus English corner6. The cultural preference for the conversational topics in the Englishcorner7. The code-switching of English majors on the campus8. Gender politeness in teachers' compliment behaviours9. Hedges in the Chinese talk showsIII. Pragmatical survey at the discourse level1. Thematic network and text types2. On lexical cohension in expository writing3. English personal pronouns: a preliminary textual analysis4. The construction and interpretation of cohension in texts5. The politeness in the business emails6. A pragmatical analysis of mobile phone messages on the campus7. Pragmatic analysis of discourse markers in a certainpress conference8. Hedges and genres9. Pragmatic vagueness in book advertisements10. Gricean Implicature and Its application in the readingof campus ads for sale11. Seeking for the maximum relevance from the campus noticeboardIV. Interlanguage pragmatics and the foreign languagelearning/teaching1. The instructive meaning of inter-language pragmaticsfor foreign language teaching2. The gender-fair language in Chinese EFL writing3. Pragmatic Appropriateness Analysis on Chinese EFLargumentative writing4. Pragmatic failure in Chinese EFL expositive writing5. The analysis of culture-based omission in Chinese EFL writing外语教与学1.How to Improve Your Reading Skills2.An Intercultural Approach to English Learning3.How to Teach English---- a course evaluation4.The Application of the Theory of ConversationImplication5.On the Teacher’s Role in English Language Teaching6.The Interference of Native Language in English Writing orTranslationputer-Assisted English Teaching8.English Test Design/Analysis9.Allusions to the Bible in the Teaching of English10.Lexical Memories in English Study11.A Comparative Study of Listening Comprehension and Spoken English Learning Strategies.12.Translation Method and English Teaching13.Pedagogical Translation and Translation Teaching14.The Importance of Cultural Authenticity in Teaching Materials15.Contexts and Reading Comprehension16.Improvement of Listening Comprehension Ability17.Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classroom18.The Art of Teaching Spoken English19.Culture in English Language Teaching20.English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching21.Student-centered Teaching Approach22.Cooperative Learning and Chinese Students23.On Learning Styles and English Teaching24.Teacher Development as I See it25.Micro-teaching and Student Teacher Training26.How to Evaluate the Teacher Performance---a Case Study27.Learner’s Cross-cultural Factors28.Multi-intelligences Theory and English Teaching29.Task-based Language Teaching in the Primary School30.Interaction in Second Language Classroom31.How to Get Rid of Anxiety in English Learning32.Non-verbal Communication in English Teaching33.Stick-drawing and English Teaching34.Games in Language Teaching35.Teacher’s Questioning and its Effects in Second language Classroom36.Skill of Designing and Organizing Class Activities for English Teaching翻译1.Theoretical research of translation2.Translation approach research3. Multidisciplinary research4.Business translation research5.Case study6.Translation teaching research例子如下:Eg.1 Research on Skopos theoryEg2. Reflections on the Criteria of Translation Eg3.Translation and GenderEg4. Reflections on Post-colonial Translation Eg5. On Shifts of TranslationEg6. Decision Making in TranslationEg7. Discourse Analysis and TranslationEg8. Is equivalence Possible in Translation?Eg9. Free Translation: an Old Concept with New InterpretationEg10. Reflections on Hermeneutics MotionEg11. Reflections on Ideology and TranslationEg12. On Metaphors of TranslationEg13. On TranslatabilityEg14. On UntranslatabilityEg15. Reflections on Linguistic Approaches of TranslationEg16. On ForeignizationEg17. Adaptation as an approach for Linguistic/ Cultural TranslationEg18. Compensation as an approach for Linguistic/ Cultural TranslationEg19. Pragmatics and TranslationEg20. Psycholinguistic/cognitive approaches of TranslationEg21.On MetaphraseEg22.On ParaphaseEg23. Literal Approaches of TranslationEg24. Investigations of and Reflections on Machine-aided TranslationEg25. Translation and LogicEg26. Multilingualism and TranslationEg27. Drama TranslationEg28. Poetry TranslationEg29. On Translatorial actionEg30. On the Translation of AdvertisementEg31. On the Translation of Chinese FoodEg32. On the Translation of Film TitlesEg33. On the Translation of DubbingEg34. Reflections on and Investigations of Auto-translationEg35. Studies on Herbert Giles’ TranslationEg36. Reflections on the Teaching of Translation英美文学American Literature:1.Gothic elements in American Romantic writers(eg. Poe,Irving)2.On Hawthorn’s intellectual characters(eg. Chillingworth inScarlet Letter)3.Symbolism in Moby Dick(or Scarlet Letter)4.Captain Ahab and the theme of alienation in Moby Dick5.The theme of quest in Moby Dick(or The Adventures of HuckleBerry Finn)6. Mark Twain and Local Colorism7.Realism in William Dean Howell’s The Rise of Silas Lapham8.On Mark Twain’s characterization of Jim in Huck Finn9.Thematic(or formal differences ) in three major Americanrealist writers10.Stephen Cranes use of color imagery in The Red Badge ofCourage11.Social Darwinism and Dreiser’s Sister Carrie12.The role of Nick Carraway in the narratives of The GreatGatsby13.The world of Nick Adams in Hemingway’s In Our Time14.Narrative Strategies in Faulker’s A Rose for Emily15.Joycean epiphany in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesbury, Ohio16.Alienation in O’Nell’s Hairy Ape17.Biblical allusions in The Grapes of Wrath18.Reexamining the social criticism in Arthur Miller’s TheCrucible19.Spontaneous prose and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road20.The characterization of Holden in The Catcher in the Rhy21.The role of popular culture in racial stereotyping in Native Son English Literature1.Color, identity, and the tragedy in Shakespeare’s Othello2. A Comparison of Othello in Othello with Shylock in The Merchant of Venice3.On John Donne’s Metaphysical conceits4.Pride and Prejudice and Jane Austen’s view of marriage5.Reading Jane Eyre from the feminist perspective6.Robert Browning, TS. Eliot, and dramatic monologue.7. The nature of love in Wuthering Heights.8. The metaphor of the web in George Eliot’s Middlemarch9.Tess of the d’Urbervilles:a novel of contrasts10.D.H. Lawrence’s exploration of the psychological development of the protagonist in Sons and Lover s.11.The use of Symbols and the themes in Joyce’s Dubliners12.The narrative structure in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness13.Contrast and discuss the allegorical meaning of Jack and Ralph in William Golding’s Lord of Flies14.Golden Notebook and Dorris Lessing’s Narrative Structure15.Discuss the endings in John Foweles’s The French Lieutenant’s Women。



1. 英文原声电影赏析与跨文化交际能力的培养2. 跨文化非语言交际语用失误研究3. 公示语翻译中的语用失误探析4. 国内广告语言语用失误研究现状与分析5. 全球化语境下跨文化交际失误语用归因6. 跨文化交际中的语用失误类型及对策研究7. 基于礼貌原则的跨文化语用失误分析8. 跨文化言语交际中的语用负迁移9. 浅析化妆品广告中的语用预设 10. 中西方饮食文化的比较研究 11. 中美时间观之对比12. 浅析汉英问候语中的文化差异 13. 英汉词汇的文化内涵差异探析 14. 英语身体语的交际功能研究15. 浅谈英汉身势语的表意功能之差异 16. 目标语文化的理解与跨文化交际17. 中西文化差异对中国学生英语学生的影响 18. 跨文化交际中的文化误读19. 浅析文化差异对商务谈判的影响 20. 英语禁忌语的文化内涵异同研究 21. 英语学习中的文化习得22. 英汉思维模式的差异对跨文化交际的影响 23. 外语学习者的思辨能力与跨文化交际之成效 24. 培养英语学习者跨文化交际能力之策略 25. 英汉道歉语差异及原因 26. 中西跨文化礼貌语差异探析 27. 英汉语言中礼貌表达法之比较 28. 英汉习惯用语的文化内涵探源 29. 英语称赞语及其回应的异同研究30. 中美(西)家庭教育理念的差异及其对孩子的影响 31. 中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的主要障碍研究 32. 试析跨文化交际中角色互动的作用33. 本土文化与异国文化的冲突对跨文化交际的影响 34. 跨文化交际中的时间观差异 35. 论跨文化交际中的中西餐桌礼仪36. 关于提升英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的培养 37. 涉外婚姻中的中西文化冲突38. 论跨文化广告传播中食品商标的翻译439. 多媒体教学与跨文化交际能力的培养 40. 中西方儿童文学的差异41. 中西体育文化的差异及其受全球化发展的影响 42. 中西传统休闲文化及其价值观的对比分析 43. 简爱与林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 44. 国际商务活动中礼貌原则的应用45. 论文化背景知识在外语阅读教学中的作用 46. 国际商务交际活动中的非语言交际 47. 浅析英汉汽车商标的特点及其翻译 48. 英汉隐喻差异的文化阐释 49. 文化语境下的英汉植物词 50. 文化语境下的英汉动物词 51. 从体态语探析中西文化差异 52. 浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵 53. 文化视野下英语谚语的比较 54. 从广告语言特色看中西文化异同 55. 从数字喜好看中西文化差异 56. 中西非语言行为的文化内涵探析57. 从中英文动物比喻的不同看中西文化差异 58. 英汉概念隐喻的文化认知对比分析 59. 英汉成语文化内涵比较研究 60. 从神话看中西文化异同61. 文化视角下英汉时间隐喻比较研究 62. 英汉情感隐喻文化内涵对比研究 63. 从文化语境看英汉爱情隐喻 64. 英汉动物隐喻的文化内涵65. 论中英文中颜色隐喻的差异及其文化根源 66. 英汉习语中中西文化差异探源67. 从英汉委婉语中看中西文化心理差异 68. 文化视阈中的汉英典故69. 美国俚语的基本特征与社会功能 70. 从旅游广告看中西文化差异71. 英语学习中中国文化缺失对跨文化交际能力的影响 72. 正视中西文化冲突提高跨文化交际能力 73. 从跨文化交际中的语用负迁移反思英语教学 74. 情境教学法在跨文化交际教学中的应用75. 从跨文化交际的角度解读中西方礼貌准则和策略 76. 英汉委婉语及其在跨文化交际中的作用 77. 跨文化中的归化和异化78. 英语教学中学生跨文化交际能力的培养 79. 跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异80. 从集体主义和个人主义看国际商务谈判的文化差异 81. 中英礼貌用语之差异82. 过渡语僵化现象文化因素成因 83. 跨文化交际中的美国个人主义84. 英汉隐喻的文化背景差异研究 85. 中英礼貌用语研究综述 86. 颜色词的文化内涵87. 中国茶文化与西方咖啡文化对比研究 88. 汉英称谓语中的文化差异89. 民俗风情游--中西“水”文化之比较 90. 跨文化商务谈判中的文化适应 91. 跨文化交际中的空间观 92. 英汉习语的文化差异分析93. 当代中美女性婚姻观的比较研究 94. 中美商务谈判礼仪之礼貌用语比较95. 从《老友记》看现代英语词汇中的语言性别差异现象 96. 解析麦当劳文化在中国的流行 97. 时间观差异在跨文化交际中的应用 98. 社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响 99. 英语专业学生跨文化交际能力模式研究 100. 跨文化交际中中美时间取向的差异分析 101. 中国与英美国交际中的文化差异冲突案例研究 102. 从文化交际看动态对等翻译理论的指导性 103. 从中西人格差异看大学生跨文化交际能力的培养 104. 文化认知理论观照下的民族差异与汉语教育 105. 跨文化交际中的归化和异化翻译 106. 对大学新生公共英语教学的文化导入 107. 跨文化交际中语篇信息度的等级及其等级调控策略 108. 大学校园文化中的非言语交际形式剖析 109. 浅析汉英翻译中的文化因素 110. 浅谈跨文化交际中的文化多元化和文化冲击 111. 文化认同协商视角下的奥巴马总统就职演说 112. 浅论文化习得与跨文化交际能力的培养 113. 论文化意象与跨文化交际 114. 论文化图式跨文化交际与文化主体意识 115. 论文化融合与跨文化交际中的语言翻译 116. 论文化间性翻译理念对文化交际与发展的意义 117. 论文化和交际的多元性和能动性与跨文化交际学 118. 论文化负迁移与跨文化交际训练 119. 论文化定势与跨文化交际中认知能力和移情能力的培养 120. 论文化定势及偏见在跨文化非言语交际中的影响 121. 论文化定势对跨文化交际的影响 122. 论文化差异在跨文化交际中的作用 123. 论文化差异对跨文化交际的影响 124. 跨文化交际论文写作对差生大学英语学习影响的研究 125.从中英问候习俗和见面礼节论文化差异对跨文化交际的影响 126. 中外文化中恭维语语用差异与语用失误 127. 对外汉语教学中的语用能力培养 128. 试析中西习俗文化“冲突6129. 文化差异与跨文化交际能力的培养 130. 汉语跨文化交际教学的思考 131. 试析跨文化交际能力 132. 阅读理解中跨文化的意识 133. 跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异 134. 跨文化交际中的服饰文化差异 135. 肢体语言在跨文化交际中的应用 136. 试论跨文化交际语用失误137. 从色彩词汇看跨文化交际中的文化差异138. 从“礼貌原则”看对外汉语教学中的跨文化交际 139. 试析跨文化交际中的非语言符号 140. 跨文化视野下的汉语词汇教学141. 跨文化视野下的汉语语用教学交际文化与跨文化语言交际 142. 对外汉语教学中的文化教学原则 143. 对外汉语教学中的文化因素导入144. 英语语言文化与汉语言文化之间对比分析(可选语音/词汇/语法/词汇/语用等某方面论述) 145. 不同语言颜色词的文化意义差异 146. 试析跨文化交际能力的培养147. 汉语第二语言教学中文化因素的导入 148. 汉英翻译与文化的关系 149. 中英思维方式的比较 150. 汉英语言的对比论文题目1. 谈文化差异与跨文化交际能力的培养2. 谈英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养3. 谈跨文化交际中的中英饮食文化差异4. 英汉问候语差异比较5. 茶与咖啡的文化差异6. 从跨文化角度对比分析中英礼貌用语7. 中西方文化中“面子”理论的差异8. 中国与西方国家婚俗对比研究9. 英汉颜色词的文化对比及其翻译10. 跨文化交际中的中西方文化冲突11. 谈跨文化非语言交际中的体态语12. 英汉谚语中动物词汇的对比研究13. 谈英汉称谓语差异的文化因素14. 英汉习语的文化对比15. 中西文化中数字的文化内涵浅析16. 中西文化差异对跨文化交际的影响分析17. 中西方委婉语中的文化差异分析18. 中西方思维方式的差异及对跨文化交际的影响19. 跨文化交际中的中西文化差异探析20. 跨文化交际下的英汉禁忌语文化内涵研究21. 沉默的跨文化对比分析22. 中西文化中恭维语的语用差异与失误分析23. 论中美饮食文化差异及其对跨文化交际的影响要求:4000字左右,立论正确,结构清楚,格式规范,论述过程清晰、合理,语言通顺流畅。








































华北水利水电学院本科生毕业论文开题报告(Communication ) and the writings of foreign language and translation of the text is published in succession print,such as GuanShijie,s H Intercultural Communication",HuWenzhong.s" Intercultural Communication studies" and" cross cultural barrier -- Hu Wenzh ong‟s comparative cultural studies' GuoZhenzhi edited” globalization and culture”; Larry A . Samovar and Richard E. Porter Communication Across Cultures: A Reading photocopy edition has been in China issued,and Ma Zhengqi, and named the” cultural translation pattern and the dissemination way' In 1995, China has held the first session of intercultural communication seminar,conference was formed in intercultural communication research in China will be held in May2005, sixth sessions.Expected Achievements (预期成果与形成)The expected result of “Probing into the Social Diversity in Intercultural Communication” is to give a general and clear analysis on Social and Culture Diversity between Countries, carries on the analysis,and then write a qualified paper.Works Cited( ,15篇,格式按指导书里而的,格式不对的发回重改)[1]樊葳葳.跨文化交际教学研宂大观U].高等教育研宂,1999,(2).P1胡文仲.跨文化交际学概论[Ml.北京:外语教学与研宄出版社,1999: 42.林大津.跨文化交际研究[M].福州:福建人民出版社,1999李天辰.论跨文化交际研宄[几齐鲁学刊,1998,(10): 114〜117薛小梅.《语言?文化?跨文化交际》[N].光明日报,2003-05-27.16J王仕松.《交际英语》IMJ.北京:新世界出版社,2002-01f71Eugene A. Nida. Language and Culture --------- C ontexts in TranslatingfMl. Shanghai: Shanghai foreign Language Education Press,2002.[8]Ron scollon,Suzanne Wong Scollon. Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach [M ]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and Blackwell Publishers Ltd,2004.[91Gopaul-McNicol,Sharon -Ann Gopaul-McNicolJanet Brice-Baker. Cross-Cultural Practice: Assessment,treatment, and training. John Wiley and Sons. 1998 [10]Dueing,S.(ed.) The Cultural Studies Reader.London:Routledge, 1993 [1 lJTurner,Graeme.British Cultural Srudies. An Introduction,London and New-York: Routledge,1996f 12]Williams,R.Culture and Society . Harmondsworth:Penguin, 1963。



1 IntroductionInternet has been the mian medium in the world and in China, but there is a large gap between China and the West (mainly the United States), China still has a lot of things to do.1. Internet-cultural communication between China and Amrica happens on the Internet, but Chinese users are to some extent only passive receivers.2. More electronic publications should be released from Chinese resources in English to communicate with the West on the Internet, making foreign users able to hear China’s voice directly on various affairs, whether national or international directly.3. More information in Chinese concerning social life and services should be developed to meet the needs of common people in China who use the Internet as information resource, but who lack English language skills.4. In general, more regulations should be drawn by the Chinese government to improve the services on the Internet.Computer networks have brought a revolution to communication ammong human beings. The Internet, which was oringinally a little government-owned message-swapping system in the United States, has been developed into a worldwide information resource and convenient medium with large amount of computer networks and up to 2,7 billion users in 150 countries by 2013, and this number is increasing rapidly.Intercultural communications happens more often in the era of the Internet than before. But it is not necessarily the case that understanding between different cultures could be achieved more easily via the Internet. This paper discusses the present situation of intercultural communication between China and the West (mainly the United States) on the Internet, trying to analyse how and why China should make more efforts to speak out her own voice on the Internet.2 Theory2.1Definition of Interculture CommunicationIt is an undeniable fact that we live in a globle village nowadays. Intercultural communication occurs every day with the rapid economic and cultural development of society. It involves the interacyion of cultures from different nations. As an independent subject, intercultural communication only emerged a few decades ago. Hall put forward the term “intercultural communication” first in his book The Silent Language. It can be simply defined as interpersonal communication between members of different cultures. The term has been expressed in many ways, such as intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication, the study of intercultural communication, and the study of cross-cultural communication. Among them, intercultural communication and cross-intercultural communication are more widely adopted.-1-Though the term cross-cultural communication was adopted earlier by scholars, now the former receivers more preference.In many cases, intercultural communication and cross-cultural communication are understood as being the same. The study of intercultural communication is generally considered to include cross-cultural communication. According to Samovar & Porter, intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural percepetiona and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event. According to Gudykunst and Kin, intercultural communication is a comparison od some phenomena across cultures, but cross-cutural communication is an interaction between people from different cultures. They hold that intercultural communication puts emphasis on the study, whilecross-cultural communication inthe interaction. In this thesis, hereby, the author will adopt the term intercultural communication.2.2An Overview of Intercultural CommunicationThe study of intercultural communication can be traced back to America in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. As a new world for Europeans, Asians and people from other continents who want to ealize their American dreams, America attracts millions of immigrants all over the world. These immigtrants brought not only their skills, but their cultures as well. Therefore, as a melting port of immigrants, a variety of barriers, conflicts, and frictions due to cultural interest in the western countries, especially in America. Communication specialists became interested in the subject of communication among members of different cultures. The book The Silent Language is often considered as the initial sighal of intercultural communication studies. From then on, anthropologists, socio-psychologists, sociolinguists have devoted with great enthusiasm to the study from a varuety of perspectives.Intercultural communication was delivered as a course in some American universities in the late 1960s. With the trend of globalzation, the development of intercultural communication is consistent with that of the world’s economic and cultural situantions and it is more appealing not only to the specialized scholars but to any people who may engage in intercultural communication activities.Many Chinese scholars have devoted to the field and made a great many valuable researches into the study from 1980s. It is believed that intercultural communication has connection with many other subjects. Among them, anthropology, socio-psychology and socio-lingustics and communication are the most influential subjects. Jia Yuxin considers philosophy and racial interaction should be added to it. The study of intercultural communication is a multi-discipline, and it compasses every aspect of communication.-2-3 Intercultural Communication Happens on the InternetInternetcultural communication happens more often than before in today’s world, because of the Internet. The Internet is a very convenient and quick channel to send and receive information among different coutries. This part discusses the characteristics of the Internet as a medium of intercultural communication and the obstacles to such communication on the Internet.3.1 The Internet Differs from the Traditional Mass Media as a Medium of Intercultural CommunicationThe Internet has provideda new concept and a new form to intercultural communication, compared with the traditioanl mass media. It provides the greatest possibility for people in different locations share the same kind of information, almost simutaneously. Communication obstacles caused by space and time no longer exists on the Internet.Before the Internet came into being, most people would know information about other countries through the mass media in thier own countries, which means actually they were receiving the viwes of their own cultures’ reporters and the editors of the media. Namely, it is the “getekeepers” of the media who decide what should be known by the public and the public would know the filtered information through the media. This getekeeping process “significantly influences the selective construction of reality to be reported by the press”(Defleur & Dennis, 1991:394, which leads some to conclude, “Internatonal new is only part of the truth”(Adams, 1997).Take China and America as an example. During a fairly long time, in both countries there were only a few people who had access to the foreign media, which resulted in a situation where nost common peolple, who relied on the mass media to know what was happening in the world, had an ill-informed and one-sided understanding of other countries. But the not well rounded understanding, sometimes even misunderstanding was taken as the reality.It is hard to imagine today that in China there was not even one word openly published reporting the American spaceship landing on the moon in 1969. And it is also very difficult to understand why Jinag Jieshi was taken as the leading figure in China by Time magazine even after ten years of the existence of the People’s Republic of China. But these were the perceived realities, structured by the mass media. It is obvious that different ideologies which dominated the mass media had a very strong effect on the views of common people in both countries regarding what the other country was like, views which might be far away from the real situation.It is diffenrent on the Internet. It is possible to find the voice of a diffenrent culture directly-3-through this magic computer network. When browsing on the Internet, users are able to find conprehensive information which comes directly from other countries. Those views that comes directly from another culture are without the translating and editing by reporters or editors with certain ideological bias. And since so many countries have been hooked to the Internet, it can be said that in today’s world, intercultural communication via the Internet happens more often, more directly and more comprehensively than via the traditional mass media.3.2 Obstacles of the Intercultural Communication between China and the West on the InternetThough internetcultural communication happens all the time on the Internet, the importance and effectiveness of the Internet as an intercultural communication meduim have not been realized widely enough, and China is a prime example. China is not making full use of the Internet to speak out her voice as a help to make herself widely understood in international socitety. And this is the main obstacle of intercultural communication between China and the West on the Internet.The present situation shows that it is somehow not reciprocal communication because, compared with the Internet users in America, Chinese users are to some extent only passive “receivers.” there is enormous information from foreign countries waiting for their “visit,” but few of their voics could be heard by peolple in other countries.Compared with the U.S. China has a shorter history in developing computer networks. The first Chinese connection to the World Wide Web was in 1994. Though the gap between the two countries is not so big in terms of technology, America is no doubt more advanced in the area of information resources. This is, of course, partly because the Internet has developed over a long time in America, but it is also a very important reason why Amrican users have realized the effectiveness of the Internet as a medium and make fuller use of it.For example, most American universities are connected to the Internet, using this magic comuter network for teaching, library service, releasing campus information and e-mail correspondence. Hafner points out that it is now “rigueur for an America college to have a presense on the world web,”and “those that don’t have their own home page are considered backward”.Chinese users could feel the development of the Chinese Internet connections as time pass by, but available information resources from China directly are still very limited. Even some established home pages are not able to provide much information.It can be safely said that as long as there is information on the Internet directly from China, more and more people in America will be able to “touch” and understand Chinese culture through this way. It is a certaitan thing that China will miss many chances to communicate and to-4-cooperate with the West if the Internet cannot be fully used as a medium of intercultural communication in the era of information4 How to Strengthen China’s Voice on the Internet 4.1 More Electronic Publications Should be Released in English on the InternetThe importance of the Internet as a medium of intercultural communication should be more recognized, with the development of the Internet all around the country. It can pprovide a chance for China to speak out her voice directly to the common users as long as there exists information from China directly in Eglish.Most people cannot read Chinese, which means traditional mass media from China will not for the purpose of communicating between the two peoples, but the Internet can do this. At present, the most important thing for China to do on the development of the Internet to fully realize the potential efffect of the Internet and release more electronic publications in English on the net, making foreign users able to hear China’s voice directly on various affairs, whether national or international.Information from China on the Internet can especially help foreign users to have a well-rounded view of some disputes between the two countries. China should speak out her voice on such issues as the human rights problem. It is common sense that listening to both sides helps to make right conclsions. The Internet is a useful way for telling American audience what is going on in China and what is the Chinese media’s perspective.4.2 More Information in Chinese is Needed to Accelerate the Use of the Internet in ChinaTo make full use of the Internet as a medium of intercultural communication, China also needs to do more to accelerate the use of the Internet as a media among Chinese uesrs.China should accelerate the use of the Internet, which means to get more Chinese people into the communicating course. For this, China should pay more attention to improving services provided to common Chinese users. Providing more information about what common people care for in their daily lives will surely help enlarge the group of Internet users.-5-As foreign users are less likely to read Chinese, language barriers will also reduce Chinese users’interest in communicating with foreign ideas on the Internet. More Chinese information services will arouse the interest of common people, which will help the country’s construction of the infohighway, in general. It can be safely said that it is almost impossible for China to use Internet as an effective medium of intercultural communication unless there are enough domestic users.The government should make plans to develop Chinese information. In fact, China should not only make her voice heard by foreign users, but also needs to let her own people know her ideas about the world. It should be taken as a part of the whole effort, which means to speak out China’s voice to China and to the world on the Internet.More attention should be paid to the fact that, though there exist various real and potential problems, the Internet is sure the most important medium in nowadays. So the Chinese government must take steps to use it as a channel to release information and as a medium to communicate with the globe society as more as possible.4.3 More Regulations Should be Drawn to Improve the Information Services on the InternetThe Internet has more advantages as a medium of intercultural communication than the traditional mass media. But there is possibility that might be misused bacause there is no controlling center of the Internet, and hence it is possible to transimit and find any kind of information on the Internet.Various online problems request that necessary regulationa should be drawn in oder to guarantee that the Internet is used in the right way. The government should make and enforce regulations in order to guarentee the safety of cyberspace and sruggle against “harmaful information”, such as online pornography and political threats.Such harmful information is not only seen in traditional mass media. In fact, there will be online problems everywhere, so long as the Internet exists, especially in those developed countries which have a relatively long history of the Internet. For example, in America, it is possible to find information about how to build bombs, why the U.S. government should be overthrown, or how to organize violent groups.Online pornography is aother headache to many American parents. When a mother found her son was whathing “pornographic pictures in full color, ” she and her husband “horrified.” And the famous pornogphic website Playboy can get enormous visits.Although China has not been reported to have so many problems as America dose on the Internet, mainly because of its relatively shorter history, the online problems will be more and more with the rapid development of the Internet in China. So it is very important for the Chinese-6-government to keep on regulating the Internet and make more strick rules in accordance with its development. What Chinese people want to know from the Internet is absolutely not such information trash, shich is also hated by the Western people thenslves.More time is needed for seeing the effect of these regulatory efforts, but it is of no doubt that making in time will be helpful to guarantee that harmful information be prevented from coming in from abroad. Chinese Post & Telecommunication Minister Wu Jichuan once said that by linking with the Internet, “we do not mean absolute freedom of information”. Every Internet user should be aware that he or she must obey the laws of the state.5 ConclusionWith the help of the Internet, the world has really become a global village. It is the cooperation between different countries that will decide the future of human society. And successful internatonal cooperation depends on to what extent people with diffenrent cultural backgrounda can understand each other through interculturalcommunication.The Internet, as a main medium of intercultural communication in nowadays, provides a chance for its users to “touch”a different culture directly, which helps people to understand a different culture from a more comprehensive and more well rounded point of view. China should take advantage of this medium, speaking out her voice by releasing more electronic publications in English to make foreign usres more accessible to China’s ideas so as to form more correct understanding.At the same time, it is also very important for China to improve its Chinese information services to develop the market for using the Internet inside the country, which will also be helpful to reinforce interculture communication.It can be safely said that China will have broader and broader contact with the world through the Internet, but of course, with certain regulations.-7-References1.Adams, David (1997) International news is only part of the truth. Fulbright lecture given to Department of Journalism & Communication Department, Xiamen University, Xiamen. November, 15.2.Defleur, Melvin L. and Dennis, Everette E. (1991) Understanding Mass Communication. Boston; Houghton Mifflin Company.3.陈世敏:Internet 对船舶研究的影响,中国传播研讨会论文,1997年11月15日4.中国互联网络信息中心:中国Internet发展现状,《计算机世界》1997年11月10日5.孟威:《网络活动(意义诠释与队则探讨)》,2002年11月11日6.巢乃鹏:《中国网络传播研究》2010第四辑,2011年1月1日7.曼纽尔.卡斯特:《网络社会》,2009年1月8.胡文仲,跨文化交际面面观,外语教学与研究出版社,1999年11月9. 贾玉新,跨文化交际学,上海外语教育出版社,1997年9月-8-。



跨文化交际论文参考题目中西方文化差异的论文题目:中西方时间观念的比较中西方饮食文化的比较中西方教育的比较中西方问候语的比较中西方餐桌礼仪的差异中西方宗教文化对比中西方儿童文学的差异从文字比较看中西方文化差异礼貌中的中西方“面子文化”差异论中西方激励机制的差异比较和在医疗管理中的应用英语教学中的文化教学——中西方文化差异对比分析中西方价值观差异对交际模式的影响从历史中透视中西方经济差异形成的原因浅谈跨越中西方文化障碍日常生活中的中西方文化差异浅析中西方隐私观的差异中西方古代体育和谐思想比较研究中西方传统犯罪控制思想之比较土地与海洋的对话——中西方文化与人格差异之浅见汉英商标翻译与中西方文化差异中西方孝文化探析从文化视角看中西方教育思想的差异中西方语言与文化的差异中西方哲学语言观的差异浅析中西方文化差异对翻译的影响从素质教育看中西方教育的差异及思考中西方立宪文化差异比较——以价值观为视角影响跨文化交际的主要因素——中西方价值观念差异中西方股票期权制度实际操作的差异性分析英美社会与文化论文1. The Contrast and Analyses of Customsin Britain and China英国和中国习俗之研究2. Cultural Connotation of English Names 英语姓名的文化内涵3. Black Culture and American English 黑人文化与美国英语4. The Phenomenon of “PoliticalCorrectness” in American English论美国英语中的政治正确现象5. English Euphemism and Culture 文化因素与委婉语6. Cultural Differences in Address Terms: English and Chinese英汉称呼语中的文化差异7(Influence of Greek Myths to British and American Culture希腊神话与英美文化8. An Investigation on Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity Among Chinese College Students 关于中国大学生跨文化交际能力和跨文化敏感度的调查9. Cross-Cultural Awareness in Translating Tourist Materials中国旅游资料翻译中的跨文化意识10. Cross-Cultural Training in Chinese Universities中国大学中的跨文化培训11. Acculturation Strategies among Chinese Overseas Students中国海外留学生的文化适应策略12. On Tour Commentary Translation---An Intercultural Communication Perspective 从跨文化角度看导游词翻译13. Intercultural Communication on the Internet互联网上的跨文化交际14. On the Application of Theatrical Tricks tothe Shake speare’s Dramas论莎士比亚戏剧中的舞台技巧的应用15. The Bible and Western Festivals 《圣经》与西方节日16. On Culture-loaded Animal Words in Cross-Cultural Communication跨文化交际中的动物文化词研究17. The Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English from the Cultural Attached Meaning of Animal Words 从动物词汇看汉英文化的差异18. On Plants Words and Culture 论植物词汇与文化19. On the Cultural Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese中英颜色词文化内涵研究20. Cross-cultural Communication on the Translation of the Chinese “Long”从中国“龙”字的翻译看跨文化交际21. On English and the Chinese Borrowing Words and the Cultural Differences 论中英借用词与文化差异22. A Contrast of the Symbols of American and Chinese Culture中美文化象征比较研究23. The Contrastive Study on the Courteous Expressions in English and Chinese 英汉礼貌用语对比研究24. Body Language in Non-verbal Communication浅谈非语言交际中的身势语25. Culture Consciousness in the English Language Teaching英语教学中的文化意识26. Reinforcing Equality in Cultural Communication in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际应加强文化平等交流意识27. Cross-cultural Difference on the Non-verbal Communication非言语交际的跨文化差异28. Improper Cultural Transferences in Cross-Cultural Communication文化负迁移对跨文化交际的影响29. On Cross-Cultural Communication Phenomenon论跨文化交际现象30. The Difference of Cultural Thinking Between English and Chinese and the Intercultural Communication英汉文化思维差异与跨文化交流31. Chief Factors Affecting Cross-Cultural Communication--- Difference Between Chinese and Western Values影响跨文化交际的主要因素---中西方价值观念差异32. Taboos in Cross-CulturalCommunication--- Probing into the Difference Between Western and Chinese Culture 跨文化交际中的禁忌问题---中西方文化差异之探讨33. Cultural Differences in Cross-Cultural Communication Between Chinese and English Language谈英汉跨文化交际中的文化差异34. The Difference of the Eastern and Western Mode of Thinking and Cross-Cultural Communication中西思维模式差异与跨文化差异35. Cross-Cultural Communication in Interpretation口译中的跨文化交流36. The Cultural Perception and Memory in Intercultural Communication跨文化交流中的文化感知和文化记忆37(Cultural Factors of English Catchwords英语流行语的文化因素38(The Epitome of Contemporary American History and Culture--- Interpreting Forrest Gump当代美国历史和文化的缩影---解读《阿甘正传》39. Body Language in Non-verbalCommunication浅谈非语言交际中的身势语40. Differences and Resources of Addressing in English英汉语中称谓的差异及其成因41. Cultural Interpretations of English and Chinese Names英汉姓名的文化阐释42. Different Body Languages in Different Cultures身势语在不同文化下的差异43. Functions of Non-verbal Behavior in Intercultural Communication非言语行为在跨文化交际中的功能44. The Contrastive Study on the Courteous Expressions in English and Chinese 英汉礼貌用语对比研究45. The Presentation of Different Thinking Modes in Chinese and Western Religious Cultures中西方宗教文化中的不同思维模式46. The Breath of American Slang美国俚语初探47. The Influences of Western Festivals on Chinese Society西方节日对中国社会的影响48. Cultural Migration of Western Festivals 西方节日的文化入侵49. The Influence of Borrowing Words on English and Chinese Vocabulary英汉词语互借对语言文化的影响50(Cross-Cultural Communication in Business World商务领域跨文化现象51(Christianity and American Culture 基督教与美国文化52. The Studies of Chinese Movies and Culture中国电影与文化53. Cultural Implication of Chinese Cuisine 中国饮食文化的内涵54. Diversities of Chinese and Western Culture from the Sources of English and Chinese Idioms从汉英习语来源看中西方文化的差异55. The Social Status of the Blacks in America after the Civil War美国内战后的黑人社会地位56. A Comparison of Garments Culture between the East and the West中西服饰文化对比57. A Research on Cross-Cultural Difficulties in Reading Comprehension影响阅读理解的跨文化因素研究58. The Reasons of Ancient Greek Mythology Influencing the English Language古希腊神话故事对英语语言影响的原因59. A Cultural Perspective on Chinese and Western Trademarks中西方商标的文化视角60(English Idioms and the Western Culture 英语习语和西方文化61. A Tentative Study on English and Chinese Euphemism汉英委婉语研究62(American Place Names and Their Culture 美国地名和文化63(A Comparison of Courtesy Conventions between Chinese and English 汉英礼貌用语的异同64(Animal Words in Chinese and English Idioms and Their Translations 中英习语动物词异同及其翻译65. Cultural Differences on Etiquette betweenChina and Western Countries中西方礼仪文化差异66(Increasing Cultural Awareness of Secondary School Students如何提升中学生的文化意识67(A Comparative Study of Compliments: Cross-Culture Perspectives 从跨文化的角度对比中西方问候语的差异下面的是2016年经典励志语录,需要的朋友可以欣赏,不需要的朋友下载后可以编辑删除~~谢谢~~1、有来路,没退路;留退路,是绝路。

跨文化交际 参考书目 论文题目 一览

跨文化交际  参考书目  论文题目  一览




Linda Beamer; Iris Varner. 东北财经大学出版社跨文化交际话语分析法。

Ronald Scollon; Suzanne Wong Scollon. 社会科学文献出版社(Scollon夫妇为美国学者;Andy Kirkpatrick为澳洲学者;都有在中国大陆及港台、新加坡等地工作和研究的经历)跨语言研究的跨文化视野。












外语教学与研究出版社跨文化交际参考书目.毕继万《跨文化非语言交际》外语教学与研究出版社.陈文伯《英语成语与汉语成语》外语教学与研究出社.杜学增《中英文化习俗比较》外语教学与研究出版社.江畅等《西方价值观念与当代中国》. 湖北人民出版社.李东洋编《饮食文化》中国建材工业出版社.林继富编著《西藏节日文化》西藏人民出版社.刘曙光《全球化与反全球化》湖南人民出版社.程光泉《全球化与价值冲突》湖南人民出版社.李晓东《全球化与文化整合》湖南人民出版社.高晨阳《中国传统思维方式研究》山东大学出版社.郑立信,顾嘉祖《美国英语与美国文化》湖南教育出版社.(英)汤林森《文化帝国主义》冯建三译上海人民出版社论文题目概况#宋莉跨文化语言教学中禁忌话题的对比研究教育理论与实践2006/08#马海燕品牌中的文化差异与翻译浙江万里学院学报2006/01#罗宏景中西方体育文化差异浅谈云梦学刊2006/02#董琇礼貌——中西文化差异的表征同济大学学报(社会科学版) 2006/01#赵春娥从日常用语看中西方文化的差异山西农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2006/01#陆林森文化差异中外商务活动中的碰撞国际市场2006/03#郭骅中英称谓语的差异及其文化背景大众科技2006/05#付雪蓉论中英政治文化之差异长沙铁道学院学报(社会科学版) 2006/01#赵湘国际商务中的文化差异中外企业文化2006/02 #高霄跨文化交际中委婉语对比研究教学与管理2006/06#段淑萍中英婚俗文化及差异岳阳职业技术学院学报2006/01#刘东方浅析跨文化交际中非语言交际的差异牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2006/01#王春媚中西方的文化差异与广告理解商业经济2006/02#徐世伟中日经济合作中企业文化差异引发的管理冲突重庆工商大学学报(西部经济论坛) 2006/01#李岩汉英习语翻译中的文化意蕴对比分析沈阳教育学院学报2006/01#张宗久英汉数字文化习俗差异的对比分析华北水利水电学院学报(社科版) 2006/01。






















使用班级:10级跨文化选修课1-4班义乌工商学院2011---2012学年第二学期期末论文跨文化交际论文题目:(宋体二号加粗,不加书名号)分院(宋体三号不加粗)专业班级学生姓名学号(按学生证上写全)任课老师成绩正文部分的字数要求不少于2500字(A4纸2-3页)一、引言(宋体小四加粗)[标题要缩进两个汉字【正文中的英文也采用times new roman 字体】经过二十多年的改革开放,……………………………………使交易顺利进行,同时也能帮助提高个人礼仪修养。


…………[二级标题和三级标题间最好要有过渡文字,而不是直接跟(一)(二)(三)] (论文中的层次统一采用一、(一) 1. (1)的形式)(一)印度国家的宗教信仰概况(宋体小四加粗)【三级或以下标题不再加粗】在五六千年的历史进程中,印度屡遭异族的入侵占领,成为一个人种繁多,血统混杂,语言纷繁的多民族国家。




























17.季羡林、张光璘:《东西文化议论集》,经济日报出版社, 1997年。







24.刘润清:《语言与文化》,外语教学与研究出版社,1996 年。

跨文化交际论文 Tea and Coffee

跨文化交际论文  Tea and Coffee

新疆大学外国语学院2013-2014学年第一学期期末论文跨文化交际论文题目:A study on Chinese Tea Culture and Western Coffee Culture专业班级:英语10-3班学生姓名:***学号:***********A study on Chinese Tea Culture andWestern Coffee CultureIntroductionAs a traditional and national drink of Chinese people, tea has never stepped out of Chinese people’s daily life. China is the homeland of tea. Chinese tea has a history of over 5,000 years, during which a series of unique tea culture have come into being. For Chinese people, tea is not only a necessity in their life, but also a symbol of the spiritual civilization of Chinese society.Coffee, like tea in China, is also a necessary drink in western countries.In the west, there’s a joke saying: “If I’m not in the coffee house, I will be on the way to the coffee house.” Westerners’ love for coffee has its own cultural background. Coffee also acts as a representative of western living pattern.Tea is to Chinese people what coffee is to westerners. They are not simply two kinds of popular drink, but also signs of two different cultures,that is, Chinese culture and western culture.The essence of tea culture is closely related to the values and thinking pattern of Chinese. Similarly, the spirit of coffee culture could not be parted from the western values and ways of thinking. The concept of tea in China varies from area to area, meanwhile, the habit of drinking coffee in the west also differs from country to country. In these years, as the development of globalization and the interpenetration of different cultures, tea and coffee are becoming more and more common all over the world. They has infused into each other. More and more people in China like drinking coffee, and more and more westerners become fans of Chinese tea.This paper consists of three chapters. The first chapter gives basic information and history of the Chinese tea culture.The second chapter talks about the introduction and history of western coffee culture. The third chapter focuses on the infusion of Chinese tea culture and western coffeeculture. At the end of this paper, the author draw a brief conclusion about the topic.Chapter 1 Chinese tea culture1.1 General introduction of Chinese tea cultureTea-drinking dates from Zhou Dynasty, and have been listed as one of the seven necessities in a day. In the long history of drinking tea, the ancients of Chinese people have developed an unmatched art of tea, that is tea culture.Chinese tea culture is the culture of making and drinking tea. As one of the open seven things (firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea), Chinese tea can be categorized as green tea, black tea, wulong tea, white tea, yellow tea, scented tea, compressed tea(also called “dark tea”),and so on. The process of making tea and drink ing it are dainty in China, even the container of it are elaborately prepared, which form the basis of Chinese tea culture.The Chinese art of tea is not only a component of Chinese civilization, but also a miniature of the Chinese spirits refined in thousands of years of history.1.2 History of Chinese tea cultureThe original idea of tea is credited to the ancient Emperor, and the God of Agriculture, Shen Nong Shi. In the“Book of Herbs”, it says that “Shen Nong shi personally tasted hundreds of species of herbs and he was hit by 72 poisons in a single day. But he used a kind of three leaves to ease his case and it turned out to be tea tree.”It is said that tea shrubs were first discovered in the tropical and sub-tropical climate zone in the southwestern part of China, where primeval forests prevailed and the warm and moist setting was favorable for the growth of tea shrubs. That forms the basis for Chinese tea production.From the earliest times, tea was renowned for its properties as a healthy and refreshing drink. By the third century AD, many stories about tea and the benefits of teadrinking were being told, but it was not until Tang Dynasty (618 AD - 906 AD)that tea became China's national drink and the word “cha” was used to describe tea.As Buddhist priests in Tang Dynasty started to move around China and Japan, the spread of cultivation and tea drinking follows them.The first mention of tea outside China and Japan is said to be by the Arabs in 850 AD and it was they who were reputed to have brought it to Europe via the Venetians circa 1559.However,it is the Portuguese and Dutch who claim the credit of bringing tea and tea drinking to Europe. The Portuguese opened up the sea routes to China,some say as early as 1515. Jesuit priests traveling on the ships brought the tea drinking habit back to Portugal.1.3 the Chinese art of teaWhen talking about art of tea, Chinese “Chadao”(teaism)is an crucial part. It includes choosing the tea, selecting the water, tea technology, tea set art, choosing and creating the environment and so on, all of which need great attention and require a series of customs.As for the tea etiquette, different areas had different rules. Take gongfu tea (in Chinese means time-consuming) in Fujian province for example. Choose appropriate tea set. Normally, the tea vessels are small and exquisite, with the tea pot as small as a fist and tea cups as small as walnuts. Heat tea cups and teapot with hot water. Put tea leaves(about seven-tenth of the capacity) into the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot with high-raised kettle. Keep pouring the boiling water on the teapot and teacups. Put the teacups in a circle, lower the teapot and pour the tea into the teacups. Preparing the tea. One should not fill the teacups one after another. Only two or three rounds of pouring should the teacups be filled with tea. This is to ensure that each teacup gets an even share of tea and each cup of tea has the sametaste, so that all drinkers would feel treated equally.The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much s ignificance on the act of “savoring”. “Savoring” is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. So, when drinking tea, one should first smell it, taste it, then drink it slowly. One should strictly follow the rules, otherwise, he/she would be regarded as ignorant of tea etiquette.Chapter 2 Western coffee culture2.1 General introduction of Western coffee cultureIn the west, there is a popular saying: “If I’m not in the coffee house, I will be on the way to the coffee house.” Though it is a simple joke, it reflects the importance of coffee for western people.Coffee grows in hot and more raining places, such as Brazil, Colombia. Their attitude to the life and others is very passionate, which also reflects in the coffee culture.Coffee culture describes a social atmosphere or series of associated social behaviors that depends heavily upon coffee, particularly as a social lubricant. The term also refers to the diffusion and adoption of coffee as a widely consumed stimulant by a culture. In the late 20th century, particularly in the Western world and urbanized centers around the globe, espresso has been an increasingly dominant form.2.2 History of western coffee cultureThe origin of coffee can be traced back to 100 million years ago. According to one story, the effect of coffee beans on behavior was noticed by a sheepherder from Ethiopia named Kaldi. He found his sheep unintentionally eating a kind of red fruit, the sheep became very lively and energetic.It helps people awake and later it is called coffee.Coffee has a history dating back to at least the 9th century. Originally discovered in Ethiopia, coffee beanswere brought into the Middle East by Arab traders, spreading to Egypt, Yemen, Persia, Turkey and North Africa by the 15th century. Muslin merchants eventually brought the beans to the thriving port city of Venice, where they sold them to wealthy Italian buyers. Soon, the Dutch began importing and growing coffee in places like Java and Ceylon, and the British East India Trading Company was popularizing the beverage in England. Coffee spread across Europe and even reached America.2.3 The western art of coffeeMaking coffee should have been a simple task. People only need bake coffee bean and cut into powder, and then pour hot water. But different people have different habits, and they always add others, such as milk or sugar. So various kinds of coffee were produced.When placing coffee cup and coffee plate, they should be placed in front of the drinker. And the hand of the cup should be right ward. When you are drinking coffee, you can use your right hand to hold the hand of the coffee cup and use your left hand to hold the plate. When you are mixing with the granulated sugar, you can directly use the spoon. But when you are drinking coffee, it should be taken out. If the coffee is hot, you can use the coffee spoon in the cup to mix round coffee or just wait till it is cool and then drink.The most important point is, when drinking coffee one can not run away or keep talking and can not add sugar for others without permission or pour coffee for yourself or others without permission of the hostess, because it is her work.Chapter 3 The infusion of Chinese tea culture and western coffee culture3.1 The popularity of tea in the westSince the tea has been imported to the western countries, it is more and more popular with the people. And different kinds of tea ceremonies and products are formed.Tea time serves as a time out to think, talk to friends or simply sit back and relax. In some cultures tea time is aceremonial time based on tradition of many years such as in the Far East. As the popularity of tea in western countries, “tea time” roots in people’s mind.However, the western tea culture is different from the Chinese one. They often drink tea with milk and sugar, and some snacks. And “Mix and Match” become more and more popular in nowadays, some of the stores mix up tea, milk and coffee. This new kind drink is popular among the young.3.2 The popularity of coffee in ChinaCoffee, at the same time,also gains great popularity in China. More and more young lovers choose coffee bars as their dating place. Also, more and more business negotiations are taken place in coffee houses. In the 1980s, t he world’s largest food company, Nestl e, introduced instant coffee to China. It is the beginning of popularity of instant coffee in China. Instant coffee is common because it is quicker. The small packs of instant coffee can be carried around and sucked on every five minutes. It is convenient for people to enjoy coffee anywhere anytime. ConclusionChina has formed its own tea culture for thousands of years, and Chinese tea has become an indispensable and important part in people’s daily lives. Similarly, western coffee also has cultivated its own culture in a long history. Today, tea and coffee rank as the first two natural beverages in the word, and with the economic globalization and the integration of cultures, economy and politics all over the world, tea can be found in western countries and meanwhile, coffee appears in China.In this paper, the author studies the history and art of both Chinese tea and western coffee, showing the unique features of both culture. Globalization has made the world smaller and smaller, and linked up the cultural characteristics of the entire humanity. We learn from each other’s culture and understand its values, which can contribute a lot to our intercultural communication.。






1. 英语教育与跨文化交际本文将探讨英语教育对跨文化交际的影响,分析教师在教学中如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力,并提出相应的教学策略。

2. 英语作为第二语言的发展与影响本文将研究英语作为第二语言的发展历程,探讨其在全球范围内的影响,并分析其对母语的影响。

3. 英语教学中的游戏化教学方法本文将探讨游戏化教学方法在英语教学中的应用,分析其对学生学习动机和语言能力的影响,并提出相应的教学策略。

4. 英语口语教学中的发音问题本文将研究英语口语教学中的发音问题,分析学生常见的发音错误,并提出相应的纠正方法和教学策略。

5. 英语写作教学中的写作策略本文将探讨英语写作教学中的写作策略,分析学生常见的写作问题,并提出相应的改进方法和教学策略。

6. 英语阅读教学中的阅读策略本文将研究英语阅读教学中的阅读策略,分析学生常见的阅读困难,并提出相应的解决方法和教学策略。

7. 英语语法教学中的难点与解决方法本文将探讨英语语法教学中的难点,分析学生常见的语法错误,并提出相应的纠正方法和教学策略。

8. 英语文化与语言教学本文将研究英语文化对语言教学的影响,分析文化差异对学生语言习得的影响,并提出相应的教学策略。

9. 英语教学中的多媒体技术应用本文将探讨多媒体技术在英语教学中的应用,分析其对学生学习兴趣和语言能力的影响,并提出相应的教学策略。

10. 英语教学中的评估方法与策略本文将研究英语教学中的评估方法与策略,分析传统评估方法的局限性,并提出相应的改进方法和教学策略。





1பைடு நூலகம்
11. A comparative study on Chinese martial artists with the Western Knights 12. A comparative study on journalism in America and China 13. A comparative study on Western and Chinese clothes 14. A comparative study on school education in America and China 15. A comparative study on family education in America and China 16. A comparative study on the understanding of freedom in America and China 17. A comparative study on wedding customs in different countries 18. A comparative study on Western and Chinese advertising 19. A comparative study on food culture in America and China 20. A comparative study on wine culture in America and China
Topics for Intercultural Communication
1. A comparative study on attitudes toward privacy in Western and Chinese cultures 2. A study on the differences between Western friendship and Chinese friendship 3. A comparative study on the Western individualistic culture and the Chinese collectivist culture 4. A study on the impact of psychological factors on intercultural communication 5. A study on gender differences in cross-gender communication 6. A comparative study on the differences of gift-giving and giftreceiving in Western culture and Chinese culture 7. A comparative study on culture-loaded words/color words in Chinese and American English 8. A comparative study on typical nonverbal behaviors in Chinese and Western cultures 9. A comparative study on the different negotiation styles of Chinese and American cultures 10. A comparative study on the Eastern and Western thought patterns
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中西方文化差异的论文题目:中西方时间观念的比较中西方饮食文化的比较中西方教育的比较中西方问候语的比较中西方餐桌礼仪的差异中西方宗教文化对比中西方儿童文学的差异从文字比较看中西方文化差异礼貌中的中西方“面子文化”差异论中西方激励机制的差异比较和在医疗管理中的应用英语教学中的文化教学——中西方文化差异对比分析中西方价值观差异对交际模式的影响从历史中透视中西方经济差异形成的原因浅谈跨越中西方文化障碍日常生活中的中西方文化差异浅析中西方隐私观的差异中西方古代体育和谐思想比较研究中西方传统犯罪控制思想之比较土地与海洋的对话——中西方文化与人格差异之浅见汉英商标翻译与中西方文化差异中西方孝文化探析从文化视角看中西方教育思想的差异中西方语言与文化的差异中西方哲学语言观的差异浅析中西方文化差异对翻译的影响从素质教育看中西方教育的差异及思考中西方立宪文化差异比较——以价值观为视角影响跨文化交际的主要因素——中西方价值观念差异中西方股票期权制度实际操作的差异性分析英美社会与文化论文1. The Contrast and Analyses of Customsin Britain and China英国和中国习俗之研究2. Cultural Connotation of English Names 英语姓名的文化内涵3. Black Culture and American English黑人文化与美国英语4. The Phenomenon of “Political Correctness” in American English论美国英语中的政治正确现象5. English Euphemism and Culture文化因素与委婉语6. Cultural Differences in Address Terms: English and Chinese英汉称呼语中的文化差异7.Influence of Greek Myths to British and American Culture希腊神话与英美文化8. An Investigation on Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity Among Chinese College Students 关于中国大学生跨文化交际能力和跨文化敏感度的调查9. Cross-Cultural Awareness in Translating Tourist Materials中国旅游资料翻译中的跨文化意识10. Cross-Cultural Training in Chinese Universities中国大学中的跨文化培训11. Acculturation Strategies among Chinese Overseas Students中国海外留学生的文化适应策略12. On Tour Commentary Translation---An Intercultural Communication Perspective从跨文化角度看导游词翻译13. Intercultural Communication on the Internet互联网上的跨文化交际14. On the Application of Theatrical Tricks tothe Shakespeare’s Dramas论莎士比亚戏剧中的舞台技巧的应用15. The Bible and Western Festivals《圣经》与西方节日16. On Culture-loaded Animal Words in Cross-Cultural Communication跨文化交际中的动物文化词研究17. The Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English from the Cultural Attached Meaning of Animal Words从动物词汇看汉英文化的差异18. On Plants Words and Culture论植物词汇与文化19. On the Cultural Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese中英颜色词文化内涵研究20. Cross-cultural Communication on the Translation of the Chinese “Long”从中国“龙”字的翻译看跨文化交际21. On English and the Chinese Borrowing Words and the Cultural Differences论中英借用词与文化差异22. A Contrast of the Symbols of American and Chinese Culture中美文化象征比较研究23. The Contrastive Study on the Courteous Expressions in English and Chinese英汉礼貌用语对比研究24. Body Language in Non-verbal Communication浅谈非语言交际中的身势语25. Culture Consciousness in the English Language Teaching英语教学中的文化意识26. Reinforcing Equality in Cultural Communication in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际应加强文化平等交流意识27. Cross-cultural Difference on the Non-verbal Communication非言语交际的跨文化差异28. Improper Cultural Transferences in Cross-Cultural Communication文化负迁移对跨文化交际的影响29. On Cross-Cultural Communication Phenomenon论跨文化交际现象30. The Difference of Cultural Thinking Between English and Chinese and the Intercultural Communication英汉文化思维差异与跨文化交流31. Chief Factors Affecting Cross-Cultural Communication--- Difference Between Chinese and Western Values影响跨文化交际的主要因素---中西方价值观念差异32. Taboos in Cross-Cultural Communication--- Probing into the Difference Between Western and Chinese Culture跨文化交际中的禁忌问题---中西方文化差异之探讨33. Cultural Differences in Cross-Cultural Communication Between Chinese and English Language谈英汉跨文化交际中的文化差异34. The Difference of the Eastern and Western Mode of Thinking and Cross-Cultural Communication中西思维模式差异与跨文化差异35. Cross-Cultural Communication in Interpretation口译中的跨文化交流36. The Cultural Perception and Memory in Intercultural Communication跨文化交流中的文化感知和文化记忆37.Cultural Factors of English Catchwords英语流行语的文化因素38.The Epitome of Contemporary American History and Culture--- Interpreting Forrest Gump当代美国历史和文化的缩影---解读《阿甘正传》39. Body Language in Non-verbal Communication浅谈非语言交际中的身势语40. Differences and Resources of Addressing in English英汉语中称谓的差异及其成因41. Cultural Interpretations of English and Chinese Names英汉姓名的文化阐释42. Different Body Languages in Different Cultures身势语在不同文化下的差异43. Functions of Non-verbal Behavior in Intercultural Communication非言语行为在跨文化交际中的功能44. The Contrastive Study on the Courteous Expressions in English and Chinese英汉礼貌用语对比研究45. The Presentation of Different Thinking Modes in Chinese and Western Religious Cultures中西方宗教文化中的不同思维模式46. The Breath of American Slang美国俚语初探47. The Influences of Western Festivals on Chinese Society西方节日对中国社会的影响48. Cultural Migration of Western Festivals西方节日的文化入侵49. The Influence of Borrowing Words on English and Chinese V ocabulary英汉词语互借对语言文化的影响50.Cross-Cultural Communication in Business World商务领域跨文化现象51.Christianity and American Culture基督教与美国文化52. The Studies of Chinese Movies and Culture中国电影与文化53. Cultural Implication of Chinese Cuisine中国饮食文化的内涵54. Diversities of Chinese and Western Culture from the Sources of English and Chinese Idioms从汉英习语来源看中西方文化的差异55. The Social Status of the Blacks in America after the Civil War美国内战后的黑人社会地位56. A Comparison of Garments Culture between the East and the West中西服饰文化对比57. A Research on Cross-Cultural Difficulties in Reading Comprehension影响阅读理解的跨文化因素研究58. The Reasons of Ancient Greek Mythology Influencing the English Language古希腊神话故事对英语语言影响的原因59. A Cultural Perspective on Chinese and Western Trademarks中西方商标的文化视角60.English Idioms and the Western Culture 英语习语和西方文化61. A Tentative Study on English and Chinese Euphemism汉英委婉语研究62.American Place Names and Their Culture 美国地名和文化63.A Comparison of Courtesy Conventions between Chinese and English汉英礼貌用语的异同64.Animal Words in Chinese and English Idioms and Their Translations中英习语动物词异同及其翻译65. Cultural Differences on Etiquette between China and Western Countries中西方礼仪文化差异66.Increasing Cultural Awareness of Secondary School Students如何提升中学生的文化意识67.A Comparative Study of Compliments: Cross-Culture Perspectives从跨文化的角度对比中西方问候语的差异。
