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1. why does everyone keep fixating on that?大家为什么老是 提它?

2. I hope that wouldn ’t be an issue.我不希望提起这件事。

3. stop hitting on her.不要再勾引她了

4. two seconds 一. 会就好

5. please don ’t spoil all this fun.别扫

兴 6. I don ’t think that was my point. 我不认为那是我的意思

7. here is the thing.问题来了

8. I will not take this abuse.别这样侮辱我

9. the word you are looking for is ⋯ ⋯ 你想说⋯ ⋯

10. i t sucks.很糟糕

11. I had a major crush on you.我暗恋过你

12. h e has issues 他. 遇到麻烦了

13. b all it up.揉成团。

14. A ny diamond ring we find, we ’ll run it by you.我们找到 任何钻石戒指都会告诉你的

15. D o that for two hours, you might be where I am about n

o w


16. t hose were the days 这. 就是生活啊

17. h e had a thing for you.他一直惦记着你

18. i t might take a heat off me.这样可以让


19. i t’s an expression随.便说说

20. o thers are satisfied with staying where they are. 其他人喜



21. h ere’s the deal.事情是这样的

22. s he’s this high-powered, driven, career-type.她是一心追



23. I never thought I had been here.我从没想过能有这一步。

24. t hings change. roll with the punches.世事难料,逆来顺受


25. I am welling up.我热泪盈眶

26. t hat was a cheap shot.这是个偷袭(不光明的手段)

27. c ushions the blow善.意的谎言

28. n o one’s ever put it like that before.没有人这么说过

29. t here’s really no easy way to say this真. 是难以启齿

30. s o how did it go?情况怎样?

31. w e are not Mr.The-Glass-Is-Half-Empty. 我们不是悲观之

32. m aybe it will take my mind off it. 或许这能让我忘记⋯⋯

33. b oneheads 傻瓜,笨蛋/顽固的人

34. d on’t be a baby.别像小孩似的

35. F inders keepers, loosers weepers.谁发现归谁,丢掉的人


36. N o roughhousing in my ER.别在我这闹事

37. l et it go, it’s not a big deal.别再争了,没什么大不了的

38. b e a man

39. I haven’t done that in a while.我有一阵子没干那个了

40. a ll rules apply.什么规则都可以用

41. w hat would my opening line be?我该用什么开场呢?

42. s he is out of my league.我配不上她

43. b ack me up.帮我壮壮胆(支持我一下)

44. h e couldn’t get a woman like that in a million years.


45. w ould you like to go out with me sometime?你想和我约


46. t his is a big break for me.这对我来说是一个重大转机(突


47. w ho is being loud?谁在大喊大叫

48. w ithout feeling obligated to each other?不需要对彼此负


49. I’m not sure I know what you are getting at? 我不懂你在


50. R e ally? you don’t know what that means to me. 真的吗?


51. I am gonna get my stuff.我去收拾行李

52. t hat was just mean.那是作孽

53. now the turkey should be crispy on the outside juicy on

the inside.现在那只火鸡应该是外焦里嫩了吧!

54. y ou do the math.你算算看

55. d on’t yell at me.别对我吼

56. d on’t make her squeak again.不要再让她发飙了

57. t hat’s festive.有节日气氛啊!

58. t hat means a lot to me.这对我意义重大。

59. h e’s very methodical.他做事有条不紊。

60. h e’s kind of like the guy I went to see that with. 他就是我


61. t oo many jokes.太滑稽了

62. I said some things that I didn’t mean.我说了不该说的话

63. i t’s so hard something you love so much doesn’t love you


64. s omebody overslept.有人睡过头了

65. y ou are scum.你是人渣

66. I’m not really here.我不是专程来的

67. h e made a move/pass on me他.调戏我

68. i t’s time for you to swoop in.是时候乘虚而入了

69. t it for tat. 以眼还眼

70. f reak you out.吓到你们了
