
erAgent浏览器检测(前端基础系列)对于前端来说,浏览器检测已经不陌⽣了,在做⼀些页⾯是,需要针对不同的浏览器进⾏处理不同的逻辑,最简单的就是区分pc和移动端的浏览器,或是android 和ios下的浏览器。
⼀、浏览器检测的由来?在20世纪90年代初期,⽹景公司开发的 Netscape Navigator开始流⾏起来,随后便产⽣的浏览器⼤战,主要在于两⼤巨头之间(Netscape/微软ie);由于那时各家浏览器都有⾃⼰的标准,使⽤内核也不⼀样,个版本之间也存在差异(万恶的IE);造成⽹页开发者需要针对不同的浏览器进⾏适配。
后期产⽣了⼤量的浏览器⼚商,各⾃都拥有⾃⼰的浏览器了,但是主要内核还是还是掌握在巨头公司⾥;浏览器内核及常见浏览器:1. trident(IE内核):IE、360安全浏览器、猎豹安全浏览器、傲游浏览器、百度浏览器2. gecko(Firefox内核):Mozilla FireFox(⽕狐浏览器)3. webkit(苹果内核):Safari、Chrome其中我们国内⼤部分浏览器基本都是使⽤双内核(trident + webkit),当你开启⾼速模式时,就是切换使⽤了webkit内核;当然不能⼀概⽽论,有些新版本使⽤了google研发的新的排版引擎 blink⼆、erAgent产⽣?erAgent最初是有⽹景公司的Netscape Navigator流⾏后,后续浏览器跟随⽹景公司的格式进⾏模仿,例如,Netscape Navigator 3 发布不久,微软公布了它的⾸款 web 浏览器: IE 3,但是 Netscape 是当时⾸选浏览器,⼤多数服务器在加载页⾯前都会检查user-agent 是否为该款浏览器。
IE 如果不兼容Netscape user-agent 字串,使⽤ IE 的⽤户就根本打不开这些页⾯,于是造就了如下格式:Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95)结果就是 IE 摇⾝⼀变被识别成了 Mozilla,伪装成 Netscape Navigator,这就是如今⼤家查看⼤部分浏览器的userAgen 字段中都会有“Mozilla/5.0”这样的字符;三、erAgent 格式因为各⼤浏览器⼚商在进⾏设置 userAgent 时都有⾃⼰的⼩⼼思,导致了userAgent 的格式也⾮常的混乱;⽐如上⾯说到的IE,为了能让IE ⽤户可以访问那时⽕热的Netscape Navigator页⾯,就伪装成了Netscape;苹果公司在开发webkit 内核时,⼀个新的浏览器,怎么样才能破解这个被别⼈占领的市场呢,那就是使⽤IE那⼀套,在userAgent中放了详细的信息,伪装成了即兼容Mozilla⼜兼容Gecko内核的Firefox浏览器;部分浏览器格式如下(PC):1. chrome浏览器:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94Safari/537.362. IE11浏览器:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR3.0.30729;.NET CLR 3.5.30729; McAfee; rv:11.0) like Gecko3. safari 5.1 – MAC:User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/534.50 (KHTML, like Gecko)Version/5.1 Safari/534.504. safari5.1 – Windows:User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT6.1; en-us) AppleWebKit/534.50 (KHTML, like Gecko)Version/5.1 Safari/534.505. Firefox 4.0.1 – MAC:User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.16. Firefox 4.0.1 – Windows:User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.17. Opera 11.11 – MAC:User-Agent:Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6.8; U; en) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.118. Opera 11.11 – Windows:User-Agent:Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; en) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.119. 360浏览器:User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; 360SE)10. 搜狗浏览器 1.x:User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0; SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0;.NET CLR 2.0.50727; SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0)部分浏览器格式如下(移动端):1. iphone6:Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.12. ipad:Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143Safari/601.13. Android QQ浏览器 For android:User-Agent: MQQBrowser/26 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.7; zh-cn; MB200 Build/GRJ22;CyanogenMod-7) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.14. Windows Phone:User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows Phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0; IEMobile/9.0; HTC; Titan)5. BlackBerry:User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (BlackBerry; U; BlackBerry 9800; en) AppleWebKit/534.1+ (KHTML, like Gecko)Version/ Mobile Safari/534.1+6. UC标准:User-Agent: NOKIA5700/ UCWEB7.0.2.37/28/999四、解析userAgent进⾏浏览器检测 通过观察各浏览器的userAgent字段,可以从中进⾏细分浏览器类型;例如:1. PC与移动端的区分主要是根据userAgent中包含的系统字符进⾏判断,⽐如桌⾯系统主要包含:windows/mac/cros/linux ; ⽽移动端⽐较复杂,不能简单区分Android/ios,⽐如还有ipad/kindle/blackbary/windows phone等;具体参考browser.js中的检测⽅式:var platform_match = /(ipad)/.exec( ua ) ||/(ipod)/.exec( ua ) ||/(windows phone)/.exec( ua ) || // 区分windows phone⼿机/(iphone)/.exec( ua ) ||/(kindle)/.exec( ua ) || // 亚马逊的 kindle/(silk)/.exec( ua ) || // 亚马逊的 silk 浏览器/(android)/.exec( ua ) ||/(win)/.exec( ua ) || // windows 系统,注意必须放在检测 windows phone ⼿机之后/(mac)/.exec( ua ) ||/(linux)/.exec( ua ) ||/(cros)/.exec( ua ) ||/(playbook)/.exec( ua ) || // ⿊莓的 playbook浏览器/(bb)/.exec( ua ) || // ⿊莓⼿机/(blackberry)/.exec( ua ) || // ⿊莓⼿机[];// mobile 检测if ( browser.android || browser.bb || browser.blackberry || browser.ipad || browser.iphone ||browser.ipod || browser.kindle || browser.playbook || browser.silk || browser[ "windows phone" ]) {browser.mobile = true;}// pc 检测if ( browser.cros || browser.mac || browser.linux || browser.win ) {browser.desktop = true;}2. 浏览器类型检测,都是使⽤正则进⾏检测关键字,具体参考 browser.jsvar match = /(edge)\/([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(opr)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(iemobile)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(version)(applewebkit)[ \/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+).*(version)[ \/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||ua.indexOf("trident") >= 0 && /(rv)(?::| )([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec( ua ) ||[];五、精准度? 通过userAgent判断可以区分⼤部分浏览器,但是少数浏览器该字段的检测会带来误区,特别是国内浏览器,开发页⾯时需要针对具体的浏览器进⾏区分嗅探;【参考链接】【结束语】系列⽂章,包括了原创,翻译,转载等各类型的⽂章;⼀⽅⾯是为了⾃⼰总结,另⼀⽅⾯页希望可以共享知识;在技术⽅⾯有输⼊,也要有所输出,才能更进⼀步!⽂章基于⾃⼰的实践、阅读及理解,如有不合理及错误的地⽅,烦请各⼤佬评论指出,以便改正,感谢!。

déjàvuDéjà Vu X(工作组版)上手指南徐彬(simon_xb@sohu。
com)译(在déjàvu Professional环境下)目录Déjà Vu X(工作组版)的组成 (3)项目 (3)翻译记忆 (4)术语库 (5)SGML/XML过滤器 (5)Déjà Vu工作组版使用教程 (6)创建项目 (6)翻译文件 (14)导出完成的翻译 (22)倍增生产力 (23)预翻译 (26)字数统计和统计数字 (30)Déjà Vu X Workgroup 构成项目Déjà Vu X(工作组版),工作时面对的是项目文件.Déjà Vu 工作组项目是一个具有特殊结构的电脑文件,Déjà Vu 工作组版能够识别、显示、管理该文件,帮助你完成翻译工作.项目包含下列内容:-翻译工作中的所有文本,包括源语文本和翻译文本,二者使用表格的样式呈现。
-左栏显示源语文本, 右栏显示目标语言. 每次只显示一个目标栏.-每个源语句子占一行. 源语文本根据一定的规则被切分为表格单元。
用户可以设定相应的规则.-原始文档的格式和其他信息. 这些不可译信息或者隐藏于句子(表格行)之间,或者是隐藏在控制码中。
项目所使用的源语文件,可以是不同的格式,只要Déjà Vu支持即可(软件所支持的格式请参见用户手册). 这些文件可以是位于电脑的某个文件夹内,或是局域网的其他位置。
你将进行翻译的工作文件称作Déjà Vu 项目 .dvprj)。
你可以在Déjà Vu 工作组主界面中创建并打开这些文件。

TRADOS6.5使⽤指南(重点)TRADOS 6.5使⽤指南1. 概述 (2)2. TRADOS翻译的使⽤ (2)3.TRADOS Translator's Workbench的其他功能 (4)3.1 分析⽂件(Analyze) (4)3.2 处理成双语⽂件(Translate) (5)3.3清理(Clean up)的⽤法 (6)4. WinAlign的使⽤ (7)5. 常见问题与处理 (10)1. 概述Trados就是⼀种CAT产品,⽽且还是当前的主流产品,所以⼤家才趋之若骛。
从产品功能上看,Trados可以划分为翻译记忆平台(Translation Memory Technology,简称TM),和术语管理平台(Multiterm)。
翻译记忆平台通过TRADOS Translator's Workbench程序实现。
另外,Trados也提供了其他翻译⼯具,如TRADOS TagEditor、TRADOS WinAlign、TRADOS T-Windows、TRADOS DTD Settings Manager等。
2. TRADOS翻译的使⽤Trados 公司推出的⼀种典型的 TM 应⽤程序,可⽤于预处理并翻译⼤多数常见⽂档。
段 (Segment)⾸先要了解相关术语“段”(Segment)。

Table of Contents1. Introduction (2)2. Court Fee (3)2.1 New Case (4)2.2 Existing Case (8)2.2.1 Procedure using CNR Number (8)2.2.2 Procedure using Case Number (9)2.2.3 Procedure using Filing Number (10)2.3 View Previous Transactions. (11)3. Verification and defacement of GRN in CIS (13)3.1 Verification of GRN in CIS (13)3.2 Deface GRN in CIS (13)3.3 Defaced eChallan (14)Table of FiguresFigure 1 : Court Fee - New Case (4)Figure 2 : Court Fee - GRAS page (5)Figure 3 : GRN (5)Figure 4 : Bank Page (6)Figure 5 : Successful transaction - Print Acknowledgement (6)Figure 6 : eChallan (7)Figure 7 : Court Fee - Existing Case (8)Figure 8 : Court Fee - Existing Case (9)Figure 9 : Court Fee - Existing Case (10)Figure 10 : Court Fee – View Previous Transactions (11)1 | P a g e1. IntroductionWebsite URL: https://.in is developed for the purpose of depositing various types of Amounts in the Court through online mode.On the web site following four options are available.∙Court Fee∙Judicial Deposit∙Fine∙PenaltyOf the above four options, ePay Portal is integrated with Online Receipts Portal of the respective State (e.g., GRAS, eGRAS) for online Payment of Court Fee. To avail this facility the payer is required to have a net-banking account with any of the banks listed by the respective state government portals. Facility of Payment across the Bank Counter is also made available (with limited Banks) for those who do not have net banking account.∙This is a 24X7 facility and citizen can make the payment any time of the day.∙On-Line filling of single challan form facilitates minimum fields of the challan to be filled.Challan generated from ePay portal is submitted by the litigant/advocate in the court along with the case filed. The challan is verified and defaced in the court by using CIS S/W so that the same challan is not used again for any other purpose.2 | P a g e2. Court FeeTwo options are provided to pay court fee1.Payment of Court Fee in New CaseUse this option if case is not registered.2.Payment of Court Fee in Existing CaseExisting case can be searched by CNR number, Case Number and Filing number3.View previously paid Court Fee TransactionsUser can view his /her own transactions using View Previous Transaction option3 | P a g e。

YiCAT使用手册(个人版)上海一者信息科技有限公司目录1YiCAT在线辅助翻译平台 (4)1.1简介 (4)1.2主要特点 (4)2模式选择 (5)3页面描述 (6)4快速翻译单个文档 (6)5翻译项目管理 (7)5.1创建翻译项目 (7)5.2高级设置 (8)5.2.1TM翻译记忆库 (8)5.2.2TB术语库 (9)5.2.3MT机器翻译 (9)5.2.4QA质量保证 (10)5.3项目列表 (11)5.3.1文件 (11)5.3.2统计 (12)5.3.3设置 (13)5.4编辑器页面 (13)5.4.1文档信息栏 (14)5.4.2个性设置区 (14)5.4.3主功能区 (16)5.4.4一致性搜索区 (18)5.4.5提交栏 (19)5.4.6句段序列号 (19)5.4.7原文展示区 (20)5.4.8译文编辑区 (20)5.4.9右键常用功能 (21)5.4.10状态展示区 (21)5.4.11记忆库 (22)5.4.12术语库和QA结果展示区 (23)6记忆库管理 (24)6.1记忆库创建 (24)6.2记忆库列表 (25)6.3记忆库导入 (26)6.4记忆库编辑 (27)6.5记忆库删除 (27)6.6记忆库启用 (27)7术语库管理 (28)7.1术语库创建 (28)7.2术语库列表 (29)7.3术语库导入 (30)7.4术语库编辑 (30)7.5术语库删除 (30)7.6术语库启用 (31)1YiCAT在线辅助翻译平台1.1简介YiCAT在线辅助翻译平台是由上海一者信息科技有限公司自主研发的基于语料大数据的在线辅助翻译平台。
(网址:https:///yicat)图1-1 YiCAT1.2主要特点(1)支持多格式。

YiCAT使用手册(个人版)上海一者信息科技有限公司目录1YiCAT在线辅助翻译平台 (4)1.1简介 (4)1.2主要特点 (4)2模式选择 (5)3页面描述 (6)4快速翻译单个文档 (6)5翻译项目管理 (7)5.1创建翻译项目 (7)5.2高级设置 (8)5.2.1TM翻译记忆库 (8)5.2.2TB术语库 (9)5.2.3MT机器翻译 (9)5.2.4QA质量保证 (10)5.3项目列表 (11)5.3.1文件 (11)5.3.2统计 (12)5.3.3设置 (13)5.4编辑器页面 (13)5.4.1文档信息栏 (14)5.4.2个性设置区 (14)5.4.3主功能区 (16)5.4.4一致性搜索区 (18)5.4.5提交栏 (19)5.4.6句段序列号 (19)5.4.7原文展示区 (20)5.4.8译文编辑区 (20)5.4.9右键常用功能 (21)5.4.10状态展示区 (21)5.4.11记忆库 (22)5.4.12术语库和QA结果展示区 (23)6记忆库管理 (24)6.1记忆库创建 (24)6.2记忆库列表 (25)6.3记忆库导入 (26)6.4记忆库编辑 (27)6.5记忆库删除 (27)6.6记忆库启用 (27)7术语库管理 (28)7.1术语库创建 (28)7.2术语库列表 (29)7.3术语库导入 (30)7.4术语库编辑 (30)7.5术语库删除 (30)7.6术语库启用 (31)1YiCAT在线辅助翻译平台1.1简介YiCAT在线辅助翻译平台是由上海一者信息科技有限公司自主研发的基于语料大数据的在线辅助翻译平台。
(网址:https:///yicat)图1-1 YiCAT1.2主要特点(1)支持多格式。

目录1. 简介 (7)1.1 <会员门户系统>描述 (7)1.1.1 <会员门户系统>的用途 (7)1.1.2 业务范围 (7)1.2 安装、运行环境 (8)1.2.1 安装环境 (8)1.2.2 运行环境 (8)1.2.3 其它 (8)2. 访问网址 (9)3. 系统介绍 (10)3.1登录首页 (10)3.2用户首页 (19)3.3 账户管理 (24)3.4交易管理 (36)3.5客户信息 (44)3.6安全管理 (49)4.其它 (63)5.常见问题解决 (63)6.附录 (64)6.1附录1-列表(本条可选) (64)6.2附录2-参考文档 (64)1.简介1.1<会员门户系统>描述1.1.1<会员门户系统>的用途随着登记结算公司业务开展,前版支付公司风格前台网站已经不能满足登记结算公司业务开展的需要,因此提出了改版需求。
1.1.2业务范围注册会员可以通过门户网站办理以下业务:1) 账户资金转入、转出2) 会员转账功能3) 银行代付1.2安装、运行环境1.2.1安装环境1.2.2运行环境操作系统:win7 32/64位、win10 32/64用户端浏览器:猎豹V6.0及以上版本、搜狗V6.3 及以上版本、火狐、谷歌、IE8以上、360安全/急速。
Trados 中文手册

Trados 中文手册Qast Systems Solutions, Inc.1. 准备工作 (4)1.1 准备MultiTerm (4)1.2 准备Translator's Workbench (4)1.2.1 输入用户名 (4)1.2.2 创建一个翻译记忆库 (4)1.3 Word 的准备工作(在交互翻译环境下) (5)2. 在Word 环境下翻译 (5)2.1 复制术语 (6)2.2 确认一句译文并转向下一句 (6)2.3 用“Translate to Fuzzy”自动翻译100% 匹配部分 (6)2.4 使用相关搜索 (7)2.5 复制原文 (7)2.6 清理已翻译的文档 (7)3. Translator's Workbench 的其它功能和特性 (7)3.1 选择译文的颜色 (7)3.2 为不同项目定义属性字段和文本字段 (8)3.2.1 定义属性 (8)3.2.2 定义文本字段 (8)3.3 自动替换 (8)4. 处理更新文件 (9)4.1 启用Project Settings (项目设置) (9)4.1.1 在翻译过程中加入属性字段和文本字段 (9)4.2 分析不同版本的项目 (9)4.3 翻译更新后的文档 (9)4.3.1 自动翻译 (10)4.3.2 替换数字、缩写、日期、时间、度量单位和固有名词 (10)4.4 校对并修改译文 (10)5. 清除在Word 中修改后的文件原文 (11)5.1 通过相关查询检查记忆库的内容 (11)6. 为其他用户翻译相似的项目 (11)6.1.1 根据项目设置启用过滤器 (11)6.1.2 通过“罚分”机制降低其它项目翻译单元的匹配值 (12)6.1.3 启用过滤器和“罚分”机制进行交互翻译 (12)7. 翻译仅须少量更新文件的捷径 (12)Translation Memory 高级选项 (13)术语识别选项(Term Recognition Options) (13)相关查询选项(Concordance) (13)8. 疑难解答 (14)8.1 翻译过程 (14)8.2 清除原文过程 (14)9. TagEditor 使用简介 (14)9.1 翻译HTML 文件 (14)9.2 翻译SGML 文件 (15)9.3 翻译S-Tagger 文件 (15)10. 项目文件 (16)11. TW 按钮和高端字符快捷键 (16)11.1 用键盘快捷键替代TW 按钮 (16)11.2 高端字符输入 (16)12. 主要TW 按钮和快捷键 (16)13.公司介绍 (17)1. 准备工作在本次培训的开始阶段,您将首先了解“翻译记忆”(Translation Memory)的概念。
Beckhoff TwinCAT 3 多用户手册说明书

版本: 1.3
版本: 1.3
1.1 文档说明
本说明仅供熟悉适用国家标准的控制和自动化工程专家使用。 在安装和调试元器件时,必须遵循本文档及以下注意事项和说明。 技术人员应负责在每次安装和调试时使用已发布的文档。
Multiuser Explorer (多用户资源管理器) 窗口。 3. 在 Multiuser Explorer (多用户资源管理器) 复选框中选择一个 PLC 项目。
ð Multiuser Explorer (多用户资源管理器) 中将出现多个选项卡。 4. 选择 Settings (设置) 选项卡。 5. 在 ADS Route (ADS 路由) 字段中,选择多用户存储库的目标系统。 6. 在 Multiuser Repository (多用户存储库) 字段中,选择多用户存储库的名称。 7. 如有需要,选中选项 Ask for update message on each usage (在每次使用时询问更新消息) (另请参见
为确保以这种方式创建的历史在调试后仍然可用,我们集成了一个源代码控制系统,从而允许多个存储库,还 能将完整历史传送到所有存储库中。在成功调试之后,便可将机器/系统的活动项目状态传送到“开发存储 库”中,包括在调试期间执行的所有步骤的追溯信息。后者使用源代码控制系统的板载资源完成。
多用户功能所基于的源代码控制系统为 Git。
Multiuser Explorer (多用户资源管理器) 窗口。 4. 在 Multiuser Explorer (多用户资源管理器) 复选框中选择一个 PLC 项目。

Firefox Plus简体中文版
Opera For Linux 12.10官方正式版
Firefox Hao123专版17.00简体中文版
Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 1.0
SlimBrowser 7.00.032官方版
IE8 MSN优化版简体中文完整版
TouchNet Browser 1.30汉化版
Netscape Navigator
Thooe(随E浏览器) 3.1.0 Bulid 20120423
Firefox火狐浏览器For Mac 14.01简体中文版
Off By One Browser 3.5.d
Kapiko 3.0.7简体中文版
Trados 操作简介

Trados 操作手册(翻译篇)-----仅针对译员操作Trados 是一种翻译工具,我们在日常工作中经常会用到。
Trados 名称的由来?Trados 名称是取自三个英文单词:Translation、Documentation 和Software。
Trados 的核心产品翻译工作平台Translator’s Workbench直接和微软Word 集成,界面友好,操作简单。
Trados 可以翻译哪些文件格式?1. 所有Web 及相关格式:html, xml, xsl, php 等2. 所有DTP 出版格式:FrameMaker (mif), InDesign (inx) 等3. 所有Microsoft Office 格式:Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft RTF, Microsoft PowerPointTrados 操作方法1. 首先新建TM。
如果是老项目,一般都有TM,这种情况下直接打开现有TM 即可。
第一步:建立TM单击-> 所有程序-> SDL International -> SDL International 2007 -> Trados -> Translator’s Workbench注意:此时会默认打开上次关闭的TM。
4)单击“创建”5)选择目标文件夹和新建TM 的名称。
此处选择存放TM 的目标位置;此处输入新建TM 的名称;按此处新建存放TM 的文件夹。
这样就按照PM 的语言对要求建立好了TM。
第二步:设置字体1)单击“文件”-> “设置”,将出现以下对话框2)单击“字体”将目标语言的字体设置为所需字体:繁体设置为PMingLiu,简体设置为宋体。
TL-WR886N V2.0详细配置指南1.0.0

第 2 章 产品概述 ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 2.2 产品简介 ........................................................................................................................... 3 主要特性 ........................................................................................................................... 3
目 录
第 1 章 详细配置指南简介 ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 1.2 本书约定 ........................................................................................................................... 1 本书章节安排 .................................................................................................................... 1
searchaddon 用法

一、搜索插件的安装和设置1. 在浏览器的应用商店或插件市场中搜索“searchaddon”,找到并安装该插件。
2. 安装完成后,点击浏览器右上方的插件图标,进入插件的设置页面。
3. 在设置页面中,可以看到各种搜索引擎的选项,包括谷歌、百度、必应等,用户可以根据自己的偏好选择默认的搜索引擎。
4. 用户还可以自定义一些搜索引擎的关键词,比如将谷歌搜索的关键词设置为“g”,百度搜索设置为“b”,这样在位置区域栏中输入“g 关键词”或“b 关键词”就可以直接进行相应搜索。
5. 另外,用户还可以设置一些个性化的搜索参数,比如搜索结果的显示数量、是否在新标签页打开搜索结果等。
二、searchaddon的使用技巧1. 切换搜索引擎使用searchaddon,用户可以快速切换不同的搜索引擎,只需点击插件图标,选择想要使用的搜索引擎即可。
2. 自定义关键词通过设置自定义的搜索引擎关键词,可以帮助用户更快速地进行搜索。
用户可以将谷歌搜索设置为“g”,这样在位置区域栏中只需输入“g 关键词”就可以直接进行谷歌搜索,大大提高了搜索的效率。
3. 快速搜索在浏览网页时,如果遇到了一些生词或不熟悉的专业名词,可以直接选中文字右键点击搜索,就可以快速使用默认搜索引擎进行检索,不用再复制、粘贴、切换标签页,非常便捷。
4. 网页搜索在网页内部进行搜索时,可以直接使用searchaddon的快捷键,比如在浏览文章时按下“Ctrl + F”,然后输入关键词,就可以在当前页面进行快速搜索。


文献综述,外文翻译,论文网站目录一、网站概述 (2)1.1 网站背景 (3)1.2 网站目的与意义 (3)二、网站结构与功能 (5)2.1 网站结构 (6)2.1.1 首页设计 (7)2.1.2 栏目设置 (8)2.1.3 搜索功能 (9)2.2 网站功能特点 (10)2.2.1 文献浏览功能 (11)2.2.2 文献翻译功能 (12)2.2.3 文献下载与分享功能 (13)三、外文文献综述内容分析 (15)3.1 综述目的和范围 (16)3.2 外文文献来源及筛选标准 (17)3.2.1 文献来源 (18)3.2.2 筛选标准与方法 (19)3.3 外文文献的主要内容及观点 (21)3.3.1 某一领域的研究现状 (22)3.3.2 不同观点的碰撞与融合 (23)四、外文文献翻译质量分析 (24)4.1 翻译团队介绍及翻译标准 (26)4.1.1 专业翻译团队组成 (26)4.1.2 翻译质量标准与流程 (27)4.2 翻译错误类型及纠正方法 (28)4.2.1 常见翻译错误类型 (29)4.2.2 翻译错误的纠正方法 (31)五、网站的用户群体与使用效果分析 (32)一、网站概述在当今全球化的学术研究领域,信息的交流与传播至关重要。
Zebra TC8000 应用指南说明书

TC8000 Application GuidePartner Application Platform Description VerticalsZebraProductProgramStatusNeed a simple PDF Viewer? This application will fit the bill. Justinvoke a download of a PDF file (either by web browser orcustom application)and this application will do the rest allowingNA BlueFletch Enterprise PDF Viewer Androidcustom application) and this application will do the rest, allowingdisplay of the PDF file. Password protected PDF? Not aproblem, PDF Viewer allows for entering needed documentpasswords. PDF Viewer includes text search and the ability tocopy text to the clipboard.Cross-IndustryMC40,TC70,TC75,TC8000ZebraEnterpriseValidatedGuide your field workers through their day with a constant flowof information between the field and core business systems.Cognito iQ provides field workers with an easy to use, intuitiveworkflow,available on any mobile ing decision-tree Energy and Utilitiesworkflow, available on any mobile device. Using decision treelogic to guide workers through tasks, the workflow adapts whendata is entered - that’s the intelligent bit.Standard APICompatible With3rd Party SoftwareEnergy and UtilitiesGovernment ServicesHealthcareHospitalityManufacturingNational ResourcesZebra EMEA Cognito IQ Cognito iQ Mobile (SmartWorker)AndroidCompatible With 3rd Party SoftwareCross-Platform CapabilityDevice AgnosticNational ResourcesPublic SafetyTransportation and Logistics TC8000EnterpriseValidatedExpress Client is a graphical-based client application that workswith the MWA server for Oracle WMS and MSCA. Compared toit h t b d t l t li t GUI li t idTC8000MC9200NA Intellinum Inc. Express Client Androidits character-based telnet client, GUI client provides userinterface that is more attractive and user friendly. Furthermore,users will have quicker access to LOV and action buttons withthe use of touch screen capability.Manufacturing, Retail,Transportation and Logistics,Wholesale DistributionMC9200TC75MC67TC55ZebraEnterpriseValidatedUSignIn is an application designed to utilize the barcodescanner to scan eDoc quickly for signing. PRIVACY ANDSECURITY What really separates USignIn from the rest is that messages are encrypted with our Dynamic PKI encryptionalgorithm. Compliment that with our Biometric Signature Education g p gverification algorithm, only intended recipients can open and read encrypted messages. With email and attachment permissions, you control how your recipient read and download attachments. BIOMETRIC SIGNATURE SIGN IN You can quickly and securely sign into your account by using your finger Government Healthcare Hospitality Human ServicesiSign International quickly and securely sign into your account by using your fingerto sign your signature on the screen. Our short-loop biometricsignature verification system learns your signature over time;the more you sign in, the easier it is for iSign to learn yoursignature. Enrolling your signature takes less than 1 minute andonly requires4signaturesManufacturingPublic SafetyRetailTransportation & LogisticsUtilitiesWholesale DistributionTC70TC75ZebraEnterpriseNA iSign International USignIn Android only requires 4 signatures. Wholesale Distribution TC8000ValidatedG S The MSB App allows you to run mobile applications which havebeen created in the SAP ERP system using the MobisysSolution Builder add-on with the help of the Mobisys ScreenfManufacturing, TransportationMC9200TC55TC70TC75CZebraEnterpriseV lid t dEMEA Mobisys GmbH MSB App Android Designer and by means of ABAP programming.and Logistics, Utilities TC8000ValidatedSkillWeb SmartTask POD A simple app for electronic proof of delivery, producing a PDFfile with the signature of the person receiving the parcel and aweb based interface for retrieval of the data.Transportation and LogisticsTC8000TC55TC75ZebraEnterpriseValidatedEMEA Android p gTransform your mobile device into a powerful integrated tool for managing inventory. A free add-on for Zenventory users!NOTE: To use this free add-on application, you must first have an active Zenventory account set up for the warehouse you want to MC40,MC67,TC55,TC70,TC75ZebraEnterpriseEMEA Ubiquia Inc Zenventory Android active Zenventory account set up for the warehouse you want tomanage.ManufacturingTC75,TC8000EnterpriseValidatedStayLinked Enterprise Terminal StayLinked Enterprise Terminal Emulation (TE) is the only TEsolution designed for wireless environments. StayLinked'sunique architecture reliably and securely connects virtually any Hospitality, Retail, WholesaleZebraEnterpriseV lid dNA StayLinked Corp Emulation Android mobile to mission-critical, server-based applications Distribution TC8000ValidatedDCIxWMS (Warehouse Management System) is a modern on-line solution for complex management of logistics processes inwarehouses, distribution centres and manufacturing companies.Using the advanced DCIxWMS system, record keeping, TC8000EMEA Aimtec DCIxWMS Android management, supervision and control of the warehouse operations, states and inventory movements are simplified, place usage and personnel productivity are improved.Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation and LogisticsMC3200MC9200SISLOG Suite is the result of Atos’ extensive experience in thedesign development and implementation of advanced logisticsdesign, development and implementation of advanced logistics solutions. The suite covers the entire supply chain process fromproduction to warehouse management and distribution. SISLOGadapts to the conditions and needs of virtually every businesssector. It seamlessly integrates with management systems,including ERP and proprietary systems This efficient exibleEMEA Atos Spain S.A.SISLOG Android including ERP and proprietary systems. This efficient, flexible and innovative solution is designed to meet the operational and management needs of the most modern storage and distribution centers.Healthcare, Manufacturing,Retail, Transportation andLogistics, Utilities TC8000EMEA Axes Software Excel App Android Excel App is an application for warehouses.Manufacturing TC8000EMEA Axes Software xTrackWMS Android xTrackWMS is an application for warehouses.Manufacturing TC8000EMEA Axes Software xTrackFO Android Android application for warehouses management.Warehousing TC8000This application is a Proof of Fulfillment application formanufacturers to use when shipping. It allows the user to scan aPO/Invoice and take several pictures of a product before it isNA Barcoding Inc CaptureSoft POF Android PO/Invoice and take several pictures of a product before it is shipped. The collected images are then uploaded to an FTPserver (assumed to be tied to a website) where the customercan view the state of the products as they were shipped.Manufacturing TC8000EMEA Cleverence Soft Mobile SMARTS Android Mobile Business Application platform for creating and executingcustom and out-of-box business solutions. Platform supports alot of PDA's.Retail, Warehousing TC8000 HuB is an application system that supports the collaborativepp y ppshelf replenishment process. The application aims toautomatize sales floor operations on retail, optimizing the usageof resources, the information flow, and reducing the shelfrupture level, in order to maximize sales and improvecustomer’s experience, taking advantage of mobile features.customer s experience, taking advantage of mobile features.HuB controls goods receiving process, the allocation ofproducts in the backroom area, shelf replenishment, goodstransference to the sales floor and its allocation, and productmovements inside the store. It also controls products quantityand stock level using specific algorithms to generateLACR GIC HuB Android and stock level, using specific algorithms to generatereplenishment tasks. At sales floor, shelf addresses areidentified (barcodes). For each one of these addresses,products (one or more) are linked/binded and the replenishmentinformation generated and controlled by HuB.Retail TC8000EMEA Hardis Group Reflex Web Android Based on web technology, Hardis use their own protocol(different from HTML5) for classical Warehouse activities. Retail, Manufacturing TC8000Warehousing ManufacturingEMEA Keep IT Mobile KIM Warehouse Android The solution is designed for logistics companies and provides aclear picture of the entire flow of goods in a warehouse.Warehousing, Manufacturing,Retail, Transportation andLogistics TC8000 Lucas Move, featuring Jennifer, is the core component of ourvoice picking and Mobile Work Execution solutions. Lucas Movestreamlines hands-on processes for warehouse associates whowear headsets and a mobile computer, leaving their eyes andhands-free to focus on their work. DCs can choose to use Movewith rugged smartphones or a range of other voice-capablemobile computers, avoiding the costs of proprietary hardware,NA Lucas Systems, Inc.Lucas Move Androidp,g p p y,and getting all the benefits of using new smart devices andwearables.Manufacturing, Retail,Transportation & Logistics TC8000The Mobisys MSB (Mobisys Solution Builder) App is a hybridApp which can be connected to any SAP System where theMSB Add-On is installed on. With this App, you can carry outmobile applications for SAP business processes that weredefined in the SAP system with the MSB. Using the MSB App y g ppon the mobile device and MSB Runtime in the SAP system, youcan run mobile applications that were created with ABAPdirectly and without any middleware; this is based on SAPstandard technology (Internet Communication Framework, WebDispatcher)and runs via telecommunication or a networkEMEA Mobisys GmbH MSB App Android Dispatcher) and runs via telecommunication or a network connection.Retail, Transportation &Logistics TC8000Control of distribution of pallets / packages by managing loadshipments in the distribution center, and unloading at the finaldestination ensuring the traceability of packages or pallets theEMEA Mostoles Industrial Shipment Tracking Android destination, ensuring the traceability of packages or pallets, the work done and the duration of the same throughout thedistribution process.Warehousing TC8000The app comes with 4 default scenarios, use as is or configure pp geasily for individual needs. Inventory is the most common datacapture scenario needed. Localize it with you own language orheadlines, add og modify lines or menus. Use for simplewarehouse actions as Move, Receive or register items going outof the stock. Use for field service applications, repair Works etc. MC40EMEA Norris Print-Tech MotoScan Android of the stock. Use for field service applications, repair Works etc. Supports Integrated scanners in Zebra Android devices. One time license fee, supports database lookup functions. All without any programming or logic algorithms.Utilities, Manufacturing, Retail, Field mobility MC40TC55TC70/75TC8000Abakus Warehouse solution provides WMS services and similarfunctionalities Receiving put away transfers stock takingEMEA Optiscan OY Abakus Warehouse Android functionalities. Receiving, put-away, transfers, stock-taking, picking and loading are all performed with the technologies bestsuited for the purpose.Transportation & Logistics TC8000VMS allows you to design your own form and collect any kind ofdata in any scenario. You can collect data such as text, number,LACR Proxion Solutions VMS Android images and signatures using the device's hardware whenavailable.Cross-Industry TC8000Put an end to the "blind order" aspect of your current remote order entry system by providing much needed information to your mobile workers with Quest Solution's Order Entry product. It allows two-way communication with your field personnel - as sales orders are sent in, customer and pricing information isNA Quest Solution Quest Solution Order Entry Android updated on the handheld device. Eliminate the time-consumingand error-prone process of faxing or phoning in orders withlegacy equipment.Human Services,Transportation & LogisticsTC8000,WT6000EMEA Zetes Burótica PreAutoSales Android Auto Sales TC8000An Easy Way to Configure Your Printers. The faster you getnew equipment up and running, the more quickly you canachie e o r ret rn on in estment With Zebra’s Android Printerachieve your return on investment. With Zebra’s Android PrinterSetup Utility, configuring your Link-OS printers to optimizeperformance is easy – no specialized knowledge required. Justdownload Zebra’s Printer Setup Utility app on your Androidmobile device and tap the printer you wish to configure. Youri d d i ill i l b i i i iprinter and device will instantly begin communicating viaBluetooth. Then follow the simple setup wizard that walks youthrough how to set specific printing parameters – such as calibration, media type, ribbon, printer language and security – to optimize performance. Bluetooth Printers Now Manageable – MC40, TC55, TC70,NA Zebra Technologies Printer Setup Android Even in the Field Traditionally, Bluetooth printers are not easilymanaged – particularly when the printers are used in the field bya mobile workforce.UtilitiesTC75,MC18,TC8000 The TC8000 Demo is specifically designed to help device usersexperience the differentiating capabilities of the device The appexperience the differentiating capabilities of the device. The appis intended to run on the TC8000. In order to properly use anddemo the SimulScan and Augmented Reality features, pleaseprint off the PDFs found here:SimulScan:https://zebra box com/s/xiz55aibecidoon6kffkgzil9c3nap3sNA Zebra Technologies TC8000 Demo App Android https:///s/xiz55aibecidoon6kffkgzil9c3nap3sAugmented Reality:https:///s/jgnrb27y16hqo4ikbtf0627oih03l85w Utilities TC8000。

外部交换平台实施技术红皮书NC-UAP 5.0用友NC-UAP2013-05-08目录第一章总体概述 (1)1.外部交换平台总体结构 (1)2.外部交换平台功能特点 (1)3.外部交换平台V50版新增功能 (2)第二章实施简介及相关注意点 (4)1.实施方法简介 (4)1.1外系统数据导入的一般步骤 (4)1.2外部交换平台服务器端文件目录结构 (5)2.Servlet的URL地址参数与XML交换文档头属性的关系 (7)3.向NC系统发送数据方式 (8)3.1手动界面发送 (8)3.2后台预警发送 (9)3.3自定义程序发送 (11)4.回执及异常出错信息 (12)4.1回执格式 (12)4.2异常和错误编码 (13)5.外部交换平台总体参数设置 (13)5.1单据导入方式 (14)5.2单篇最大传输上限 (14)5.3导入过程是否记录中间文件 (15)5.4外部系统默认帐套 (15)5.5设置客户端IP范围 (15)5.6接收公司匹配规则 (15)5.7回执文件后台备份 (16)5.8回执和导出文件编码格式 (16)6.单据流水号和单据并发控制 (16)6.1单据流水号的概念和作用 (16)6.2单据并发控制 (17)第三章单据交换规则定义 (18)1.基础篇—简单单据配置 (18)1.1表头记录的配置 (20)1.2表体记录的配置 (21)1.3字段属性项的配置 (22)2.高级篇—复杂字段配置 (30)2.1VO记录的配置规则 (30)2.2简单数组记录的配置规则 (32)2.3VO数组记录的配置规则 (34)2.4简单集合记录的配置规则 (36)2.5VO集合记录的配置规则 (38)第四章基于外部交换平台的单据集成开发 (44)1.注册单据相关信息 (44)2.生成&配置交换规则定义文件 (47)3.辅助信息项设置 (50)4.插件代码维护 (51)第五章单据集成示例 (53)1.问题描述 (53)2.设计 (53)3.具体开发指导 (53)3.1单据插件信息注册 (53)3.2单据转换规则定义 (54)3.3插件代码编写和部署 (54)3.4修改单据转换规则 (55)3.5手动加载测试 (55)附录 (60)1.发送结果错误码 (60)2.K系统自定义项目档案样本defdoc.xml (63)第一章总体概述1. 外部交换平台总体结构图 1.1.1 外部交换平台总体结构图外部数据交换平台主要用于外部系统和NC系统进行集成。