

船舶与海洋工程性能试验技术:6 操纵性与耐波性试验

船舶与海洋工程性能试验技术:6 操纵性与耐波性试验

目的是模拟船舶不断小舵角操纵的情况,能较好 地分析船舶的转首性和方向稳定性。也可以预报K T指数。
(1)试验船模放于适当的位置,启动船模作直线航 行;
(2)待达到稳定的航速 V时,迅速操舵转至右10°。 船模便开始实现Z形运动,待首向角向右达到10° 时,又自动切换舵角至左10°,待首向角向左达到 10°时,又自动切换舵角至右10°,如此反复操舵, 便可得出舵角δ与首向角ψ随时间t的变化曲线,通 常当首向角ψ曲线出现三个峰值后便完成了Z形试 验。
(T )
(n k)
T T kT n k T
kT n
[x(ti )
i 1
m1 (
)][ x(xik
m1 (
' )]
m1 m1
( (
) ')
1 nk n k i1 x(ti )
i 1 k
把相关函数Rx ( )表示成标准相关函数 rx ( ) 为
▪ 几何相似 ▪ 运动相似:螺旋桨和舵的角速度、角加速度
很难保证相似(主机、舵机特性不相似) ▪ 动力学相似:直航傅汝德相似,机动状态
试验操作人员通过遥控发射器发出控制信号,船模 上的接收器收到信号后把信息输入指令分配箱,对主 机、舵的动作进行控制,实现船模在水池中加速、减 速和改变航向等各种操纵运动。图1是操纵试验船模及 其测试设备布置的示意图。
T1,T2,T3称为转首滞后,是 指舵角δ回复到0°时刻至最大转 首角时的时间间隔,表示在零 舵角之后出现零角速度的时间 滞后, T小表示船的跟从性好, 是衡量跟从性的一个量度。



尾部多有利于提高航向稳定性 ;
②纵倾:首倾每增加 1% L ,回转初径 D T 可减小 10% 左右;尾倾每增加 1% L ,回转初径 D T 则增加10% 左右;
2-4 自由自航船舶操纵性试验
目的----求取船舶操纵性衡准及各运动要素,从 而评价操纵性优劣。 所测数据
Z 型操舵试验
代表各项 流体动力 综合影响
在约束模试验中,通过各专门装置强迫船模进行精确控制下 的运动,每次可变换一个参数,令其他参数为零,可分别求得 此单一参数下的流体动力(力矩)导数
d dt K ( r ) dt dt dt
[t2,te] [0,te] T K [t4,t’e] [0 , t ’ e] 6个积分区间 [t6, [0, t’’e] t’’e] 对记录曲线进行分析(整个计算过程针对6个特征点)
3、操船方面的影响 ①舵角:一般操15 °舵角与满舵相比,DT将增加到 130%~170%,而掉头时间则可能增加到140%左右; ②操舵时间:自一舷35°转至另一舷30°应不超过 15s; ③船速:船速越快,回转时间大大缩短,而DT影响 小。






发展:1.国际海事组织(Intemational Maritime Organization,IMO)在船舶操纵性评估和制定船舶操纵性标准方面的工作引起了人们对船舶操纵性的重视2.船舶水动力学学科及其相关数值和实验技术的进步使研究船舶操纵性这种复杂的问题成为了可能操纵性能预报的方法:1、数据库方法----限制较大;使用方便2、自由自航船模试验方法----尺度效应;费用昂贵;3、利用船舶运动数学模型进行仿真计算方法----精度达工程计算要求;方便实用4、基于CFD技术的数值模拟方法----纯数值;可模拟波浪中操纵性5、神经网络方法(人工神经网络和BP神经网络)----非线性动态系统改善操纵性能的措施:1、舵的设计正确----合适的种类和外形尺寸2、船体主要尺度和型线的正确选择(船长,主尺度比,方形系数,纵中剖面面积,首尾部形状对水动力导数的影响)----协调航向稳定性和回转性之间的矛盾3、设计特种操纵装置----推进、操纵合一装置;主动式转向装置;特种舵数据库方法自由自航船模试验方法----尺度效应;费用昂贵;利用船舶运动数学模型进行仿真计算方法----精度达工程计算要求;方便实用基于CFD技术的数值模拟方法----纯数值;可模拟波浪中操纵性神经网络方法(人工神经网络和BP神经网络)----非线性动态系统。



波浪中KVLCC2运动与阻力增加的CFD计算及分析曹阳;朱仁传;蒋银;洪亮【摘要】为研究肥大型船舶在波浪中的运动与增阻问题,基于计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)理论建立了数值波浪水池,并结合重叠网格方法对KVLCC2迎浪航行进行了模拟研究.文中计算了Fn=0.142时KVL-CC2船模在不同频率遭遇波作用下的运动和阻力,采用傅里叶级数展开法分析获得垂荡、纵摇运动响应和阻力值,将船模在波浪中航行受到的阻力减去静水航行阻力,获得了不同频率下的阻力增加值,将运动与阻力增加值与相关实验结果比较,吻合良好.通过对Fn=0.142时KVLCC2在波浪增阻成分进行的分析,与相关势流理论计算结果及实验结果对比,研究表明:短波增阻主要由船体绕射贡献,同时表明CFD方法计算船舶在波浪上的运动和增阻的可靠性.%The motions of KVLCC2 advancing at Fn=0.142 in head waves have been simulated by implementing a numerical wave tank and an overset mesh method based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the mo-tions and added resistance of a ship possessing a big block coefficient in waves.The numerical results of heave, pitch, and resistance were analyzed using the Fourier series, and the added resistance due to waves was determined by the resistance of the ship to the waves after subtracting the resistance of the ship in unperturbed water.The re-sults of the computation and the related model test of the added wave resistance were inagreement.Furthermore, the components of added resistance due to different causes were investigated and the results that were calculated u-sing CFD were compared to the results calculated by the strip method andthe model test.This indicates that the added resistance of the ship to short-waves was mainly induced by ship diffraction.Further, CFD can be used to accurately calculate the ship motion and the added wave resistance.【期刊名称】《哈尔滨工程大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)012【总页数】8页(P1828-1835)【关键词】重叠网格;KVLCC2;傅里叶级数;垂荡运动;纵摇运动;波浪增阻;CFD方法;数值波浪水池【作者】曹阳;朱仁传;蒋银;洪亮【作者单位】上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室,高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海200240;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室,高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海200240;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室,高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海200240;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室,高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海200240【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U661.1船舶在波浪上的运动与阻力增加一直是船舶与海洋工程领域研究的热点,准确预报船舶在波浪上的运动是船舶在水上航行、作业安全性和舒适性的基础,船舶波浪增阻在船型优化乃至航线优化问题中是经济性的重要参数指标。



采用小展弦比机翼理论计算得到的基本速度势仍将用于计算在 波浪中进行操纵运动的船舶所受到的波浪力。
不足:仅采用势流方法是无法模拟强非线性流动现象的。要进 一步提高作用在船体上的操纵水动力的计算精度,需要使用考 虑流体粘性的CFD 计算方法。 本文并没有进一步开展CFD 计算以提高操纵水动力的计算精度。
Innovative Marine Hydrodynamics Lab
低频运动采用4-DOF MMG运动模型描述, 考虑低频波浪漂移 力。
高频运动采用一组6-DOF运动方程来描述, 考虑一阶波浪力(FK力,辐射力,绕射力) 。一阶波浪力称为高频波浪力。
在运动学自由面边界条件中增加适当的阻尼项,以人为地降低数值海岸区域的 波高。
斜浪状态下,还需要考虑另外两个问题。第一个问题是横摇 阻尼的确定。由于船舶的横摇阻尼很大程度上受到流体粘性 作用的影响,采用势流理论是难以对其进行准确估计的。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
如何计算 Fi 一阶波浪力?
为了使问题得到简化,本文限于考虑线性的速度势定解问题, 首先将这些边界条件进行线性化。仿Dawson[83]的方法,将总 的扰动速度势分解为基本势和摄动势两部分:
高频6-Dof: 如何计算 Fi 一阶波浪力?


















研究内容和方法:本研究的主要内容包括液舱晃荡仿真和液舱结构强度评估两个方面,具体内容包括:1. 建立液舱晃荡仿真模型,采用CFD(计算流体动力学)方法对液体油舱晃荡现象进行仿真,确定船舶在不同运行条件下的液舱晃荡特性;2. 建立液舱结构有限元模型,基于CFD仿真结果,评估液舱结构的应力和变形情况,分析液舱结构的强度及其对船舶的影响;3. 验证液舱晃荡仿真和结构强度评估方法的可靠性,并进一步优化研究方法。



具体预期结果如下:1. 建立液舱晃荡仿真模型,掌握液舱晃荡的规律及其影响因素,为液舱晃荡的控制和优化提供科学依据;2. 建立液舱结构有限元模型,正确评估液舱结构的强度和变形情况,提供实现液货轮完整性的方案;3. 验证仿真和有限元模拟结果的可靠性,为液货轮的设计和运输提供可靠的技术支持,减少潜在风险。



CFD数值模拟船舶在波浪中的回转操纵运动王建华;万德成【摘要】[目的]船舶回转操纵运动能够反映出船舶的回转特性,与船舶的航行安全密切相关.[方法]为此,采用基于重叠网格技术的CFD求解器naoe-FOAM-SJTU,对标准船模ONRT在波浪中自由回转操纵运动进行直接数值模拟.运用动态重叠网格技术求解船、桨、舵系统复杂运动,计算中,螺旋桨转速对应于静水中的船模自航点进行35°转舵,实现自由回转船舶操纵运动.通过全粘性流场的整体求解,给出波浪中自由回转操纵运动中船舶六自由度运动、螺旋桨和舵的水动力载荷变化,以及波浪中船舶的回转圈特征参数,并与同试验结果进行对比.通过数值计算得到精细的流场信息,分析波浪对船舶自由回转操纵运动的影响.[结果]数值预报得到的船舶运动轨迹、回转圈参数与试验值吻合较好,证明naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器对于波浪中船—桨—舵相互作用下的船舶自由回转操纵运动数值预报的适用性和可靠性.[结论]船舶回转操纵运动的数值模拟,可为回转性能的评估提供有效的前期评估手段.【期刊名称】《中国舰船研究》【年(卷),期】2019(014)001【总页数】8页(P1-8)【关键词】船舶操纵性;自由回转;船—桨—舵相互作用;naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器;重叠网格方法【作者】王建华;万德成【作者单位】上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室,上海200240;高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海200240;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海200240;上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室,上海200240;高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海200240;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海200240【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U661.330 引言船舶操纵运动可以反映出船舶在航行过程中的机动性、回转特性和航向的纠偏能力。






作为一名VLCC船长,必须对VLCC 的操纵特点有一个比较深入地了解。





3.舵面积比VLCC由于船型肥胖而易于旋回,故而其舵面积比设计的较小,一般仅为1/65 – 1/75。






式中r为转头角速度,r 为转头角加速度,δ为舵角(单位为弧度)T为追随性指数,K为旋回性指数2.K指数与船舶旋回性K值数决定了单位舵角在定常旋回中产生的转首角速度的大小。






S h i p Ma n e u v e r i n g i n W a v e s
Z HU D o n g j i a n , MA Ni n g 一 , GUX i e c h o n g 一 , D ENGDe h e n g ,
1 S c h o o l o f Na v a l Ar c h i t e c t u r e,Oc e a n a n d Ci v i l En g i n e e r i n g,S h a n g ha i J i a o To n g Un i v e r s i t y,S h a n g h a i ,2 0 0 2 4 0
2 S t a t e Ke y La b o r a t o r y o f Ma r i n e En g i n e e r i n g ,S h a n g h a i ,2 0 0 2 4 0
Abs t r a c t : A c o u p l e d 4 - DOF mo d e l c o n s i d e r i n g t h e 3 - DOF p l a n e ma n e u v e r i n g o f s wa y ,S U [ ’ g e , y a w a n d r o l l i s e s t a b l i s he d i n t h i s p a p e r b a s e d o n t h e u n i ie f d t h e o r y . Th e v a r i o u s f o r c e s o n t h e s h i p a F e di v i de d i n t o
Z H U D o n g j i a n , MA N i n g , G U X i e c h o n g , e t a 1 . N u me r i c a l p r e d i c t i o n a n d f r e e — r u n n i n g m o d e l v a l i d a t i o n o f s h i p m a n e u —



( , 卵 +m2 2 ) 1 = , =y H + 一( +m l 1 ) u r + + ( +m a a ) P= + + + + ( +m6 6 ) 户 =ⅣH +ⅣR +ⅣP +Ⅳa +ⅣD
… …
式 中 ,m 为船 舶 质量 ;厶、厶分别 为 船体 绕 X轴 和 z轴 的 转动 惯性 矩 ;m 、m2 : 、m 补 m6 分别 为船 体
风浪 中顶推船 队操纵特性 预报
邵 云 生
( 海军驻无锡地 区军事代表 室,无锡 2 1 4 0 6 1 )

论文基于四自由度 MMG分离型操纵运动数学模型,预报顶推船队风浪中操纵特性。由计算结果表明,
顶推船 队在风浪 中操舵 时,其沿与原航 向成 角方向作回转漂 移运 动,此时不仅存在横倾 ,而且还存在 以该
于 预报船 舶在 波浪 中大 幅运 动 的三维 时域 势流程 序 L A MP ,拓展 到波 浪 中船 舶操 纵性 预报 。Ha s h i mo t o
等人【 6  ̄ 7 J 基于纵荡、横荡、首摇和横摇的四自由度 MMG模型,模拟随浪 中船舶的横甩现象,预报结果
与 试验 有较 好 的一 致性 :国 内还 有 一些 学 者就 风浪 中的操 纵性 问题 做 了相 关 的研 究 叫… 。但 是 ,对 于 顶 推船 队这 种组 合 结构在 风和 浪 同时作 用 下 的操纵 特性 的研 究 , 国 内还 较少 ,本 文采 用理 论 预报 方法
纵荡和横荡方 向的附加质量,以及绕 轴和 z 轴的附加惯性矩;甜 、v 、 P 、r 分别为船体 的纵向、横向、
图1 中 为船速 ,l f , 为首向角, 为漂角, 为舵角。
图 1 坐标系示 意图
2 运 动 方 程



VLCC级FPSO海上连接的模型试验及虚拟模拟郝军;孙玉柱;吴子全;Alan WANG【期刊名称】《船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版)》【年(卷),期】2009(008)002【摘要】本文分别介绍了VLCC类FPSO连接的模型测试和虚拟仿真,以及将其不同应用程序解决了极浅水中FPSO和软轭系泊系统(Syms)之间的配合操作。





%阐述了vlcc级.fpso海上连接的模型和虚拟模拟,以及其研结果如何应用于指导fpso与syms 存极浅水中的连接水中的作业。




【总页数】7页(P137-143)【作者】郝军;孙玉柱;吴子全;Alan WANG【作者单位】海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300452;海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300452;海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300452;海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300452【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U656.6因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



对VLCC船基于理论和经验计算的波浪增阻预报修正方法杨春蕾;朱仁传;樊涛;周文俊;缪国平【摘要】文章基于一种新的理论方法和经验公式方法对波浪增阻进行预报,通过比较分析给出了一种改进的工程实用的计算公式.势流理论方法由于存在假设在短波增阻预报上精度不高,而经验方法的船型适用性不强.文中选取VLCC船迎浪航行为例,考虑吃水和航速影响进行了计算验证和比较分析.一种水平线段移动脉动源的三维面元法被用于求解速度势问题,进而采用三维船体辐射能量法得到船舶辐射增阻,基于二阶波浪力定常分量公式计算得到绕射增阻;经验方法采用ISO15016-2015推荐的STAWAVE2方法.通过辐射和绕射增阻曲线分析,对方法的适用性进行分析,进而对半经验方法的修正系数进行了研究,给出了反应相似船船型和航速特征的改进公式.【期刊名称】《船舶力学》【年(卷),期】2018(022)012【总页数】12页(P1483-1494)【关键词】辐射增阻;绕射增阻;格林函数;三维面元法;STAWAVE2方法【作者】杨春蕾;朱仁传;樊涛;周文俊;缪国平【作者单位】江南造船(集团)有限责任公司江南研究院, 上海 201913;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室, 上海 200240;高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心, 上海 200240;江南造船(集团)有限责任公司江南研究院, 上海 201913;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室, 上海 200240;高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心, 上海 200240;上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,海洋工程国家重点实验室, 上海 200240;高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心, 上海 200240【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U661.30 IntroductionDue to the more stringent requirements of safety enhancement and emissions reduction,prediction of the added wave resistance of ships is getting more and more important.An assessment procedure for minimum power is provided in MEPC(Marine Environment Protection Committee)232(65)resolution,in order to maintain maneuverability in adverse conditions for ships,complying with EEDI(Energy Efficiency Design Index)regulation.The evaluation of EEDI has been enforced since 1 January 2013 in MEPC 232(65)resolution,regarding the Green House Gas emission of the navigation of ships.The effective consideration to improve EEDI index is achieved by reducing speed,but that will result in unconformity to the minimum power requirement which is calculated by minimum power lines,especially for large-scale ships.In such cases more accurate method for predicting the added resistance should be used.Conservative formulas for the added resistance are not applicable for the sophisticated consideration of requirements of two resolutions mentionedabove.Moreover,the accuracy of the added resistance is key to final EEDI report,which is obtained from correction data of sea trials based on ISO-15016:2015[1].Model tests can be conducted for the most reliable prediction when circumstances permit,but factors of cost and time preclude such tests.Therefore the investigation and validation on empirical and numerical methods are getting more and more important. Procedures recommended[2]for calculating added wave resistance by ITTC are adopted by ISO.The procedures include empirical methods from the STA-JIP(Sea Trial Analysis Joint Industry Project),namely STAWAVE1 and STAWAVE2,and the semi-theoretical method of the NMRI(National Maritime Research Institute).However,these methods are applicable to some extent to the ship type,draft,wave frequency and other factors.The Specialist Committee on Performance of Ships in Service(PSS Committee)[3]selected foregoing three methods and six type of ships to have comparison study for added resistance,and understand which method was the best method for the correction of speed/power trial.The results show that NMRI method combined with tank model in short waves gives the considerable accuracy.Returning to the reanalysis,the STAWAVE2 method would be convenient and preferred at the early design stage in the range of intermediate and short wave for the fine hull lines,because the empirical formulas for the diffraction resistance are relatively rational.NMRI(National Maritime Research Insititute)method has a better theoretical basis for the radiation resistance,and is more reasonably comprehensive for the diffraction resistance because of accommodation of correction of speed effect and waterline of the hull.NMRI method recommended by PSS,although better than most others,lacks transparencyand universalization in numerical method of 3D potential in the flow field and Kochin function.Note worthily,prediction of the added resistance in short waves at about λ/Lpp=0.3 relies on empirical parameters for the speed and draft effect whatever employing theoretical or empirical method.For a specialist ship,practical predictions are based on the in-house data relating to a similar basis ship.The difficulty of the accumulation of data is how to correct by the way of synergetic re-analyses of modern and older methods.At the framework of linear potential flow theory,two methods are available to estimate the added resistance:the far-field and near-field methods.The far field method was firstly introduced by Maruo[4]and derived the equation of steady second order force obtained by calculating the change of momentum for radiated wave energy.Joosen[5]revised the added resistance method based on Maruo method,and NMRI adopted the method for added resistance due to ship motions.Maruo method gives considerably accuracy for the cruiser stern ships,and does not apply the hull forms with bulbous bow.Joosen’s method improved the accuracy for the results of transom stern ships,but does not apply cruiser stern ships.Gerritsma[6]introduced the radiation energy method which is based on the far field method.Salvensen(1978)[7]investigated added resistance by calculating second order terms of disturbing forces andmoments.Strøm[8]evaluated these methods and gave the conclusion that the prediction of added resistance lied in the range of ship forms and speed.Faltinsen(1980)calculated added resistance by integrating pressureon average wetted surface of ship hull based on near field method with good validation results.It is important to note that the value of added resistance is a second order term,and the accurate prediction suits the exact solution of the motion response,which requires accurate solution of the velocity potential.Even though there is still controversy for the versatility and accuracy of the empirical approach of the ITTC,the method international organization is willing to promote such methods to improve due to the convenient and transparent calculation.For the practical prediction for the designers,the correction empirical formulas are established from tank tests data and theoretical results.Jinkine[9]developed an estimation formula of added resistance including the principle dimension of ships for the long wave length,however the value for the short wave length should be corrected.Havelock[10]derived the steady drag formula for the fixed vertical cylinders.Fujii[11]established semi-empirical formulas for the diffraction resistance based on Havelock.Kuroda[12-13]further corrected the Fujii formula.MARIN[14]calculated the added resistance due to diffraction and radiation relating to Jinkine method,and formed a basis for STAVWAVE2 method.Though the empirical formulas give considerable accuracy,estimation based on in-house database is important.In this paper,based on the existing data of the basis ships in Jiangnan shipyard,the theoretical and the empirical methods are investigated in order to establish the improved model for predicting the added resistance with better accuracy and reliability for the VLCC type ship.A 3-D panelmethod based on the horizontal line segment translating and pulsating source panel is used to solve potential problem,and added resistance due to the radiation is obtained by 3D radiation energy method for ships,while one due to the diffraction is obtained by the second order steady-state force formula.STAWAVE2 method is adopted as the semi-empirical parable study is conducted and advantage of different methods is analyzed.Revised formulas reflecting the characteristic of VLCC are validated with good agreement with experimental data.1 Theories of potential flow and added resistance1.1 Potential flow theoryA right-handed orthogonal coordinate system fixed in the mean position of the ship with the x-axis in the direction of constant forward speed,and the z-axis vertically upwards through the center of ship gravity is considered.The ship is advancing at a constant mean forward speed U0in sinusoidal regular waves with an arbitrary heading.Assuming the fluid is ideal,fluid motions are irrotational and potential flow theory can be applied to describe the wave.The total spatial velocity potential is decomposed:where φ0is the incident wave potential,φ7is the diffraction potential of the fixed ship,ωeis encounter frequency,φjis the normalized velocity potential due to radiated motions in six degrees of freedom,is the complex amplitude of the j-th degree of freedom.φ0is given by:where A is amplitude of the incident wave,ω0is circular frequency,k is wave number,H is the water depth,β is the incident wave angle.For diffraction and radiation wave potential,the boundary value problem to be solved is:where U0is the ship speed,mjis the m-term,which represents the interaction between the steady forward motion and the periodic oscillatory motion of ships.By assuming that the steady potential is small,a simplified m-term can be written as:(m1,m2,m3)=(0,0,0 )and(m4,m5,m6)=(0,U0n3,-U0n2).To solve the boundary value problem,the mixed source and dipole distribution model[15]and 3D translating&pulsating source Green’s function(3DTP)are used.And the boundary integral equation can be written as:where α is solid angle of field point,P( x,y, z )is field point,Q( ξ,η, ζ)is source point,SB is average wetted surface of ship hull,wl is waterline.The Green’s function is expressed[16-17]by:whereFor the treatment of integrati on on the panel ΔSj,a more effective integration of horizon-tal line segment is used,as Fig.1 shown.The panel integration of the G*(P, )Q and its differential is converted into line integration:Fig.1 Discretization of a panelwhere M is the number of hor izontal line segments,αjis the weight coefficient of the j-th segment which is decided by the integral method used in vertical direction.The line segment integrationthe differentialandare expressed analytically shown in Ref.[16].Fig.2 shows hull lines and panel grids of KVLCC.Fig.2 Hull lines and panel grids of KVLCCRadiation and diffraction potential could be obtained by carrying out calculations for boundary element method(BEM).Withφjknown,hydrodynamic coefficient such as added mass μjkand damping λjkc an be obtained.Wave forces including incident force )and diffraction force)are calculated separately by using respective potential φ0andφ7.Corresponding equation for motions can be given aswhere mkjis inertia matrix,and Cjkis hydrostatic restoring terms.1.2 Added resistance due to radiationIn principle of energy conservation,the radiation energy of an encounter period delivered by the ship should equal to the work done by average added resistance acting on ship hull.Radiation energy method of 3D BEM can be derived with reference of that based on strip method.This added resistance can be expressed as a function of hydrodynamic coefficient:When the speed is zero,Ajk=Ak j,the first term in the parentheses shouldbe taken as zero.Thenwhere XkRand XkIare real part and imagine part of the complex amplitude of ship motion in k-th degree of freedom.The above equation is consistent with the Joosen method[5]for the zero speed ship.1.3 Added resistance due to diffractionIt is assumed for ships that the disturbance potential is small compared to the incident potential (φ Bpp φ0),and therefore the second-order force of steady state derived based on Salvensen[7]can be expressed by:where β is wave angle,is complex conjugate of φ0,φBis body disturbing potential.When an interaction between radiation and diffraction potential is ignored,the added resistance due to diffraction can be given as follows:2 STAWAVE2 method2.1 Estimation for added resistance due to radiationSTAWAVE2 method is based on Jinkine method[9],and an approximate formula of nondimensional coefficient of added resistance due to radiation is as follows:Then the added resistance is:where a1=60.3and a2=Fn1.5exp(-3 .5Fn)account for the effects of the speed and principal dimensions for the peak value of radiationresistance.andresponse to inclination of the curve for the added resistance.Lpp,B,kyyand ζ are ship length,breadth,radius of gyration in lateral direction and wave amplitude,respectively. ω/1.17 is non-dimensional frequency,when=1,the added resistance is a minimum value.,and Cbis block coefficient.After the verification of practical calculations,it is found that the peak of added resistance moves to the area of longer wave with a higher varying speed.2.2 Estimation for added resistance due to diffractionA semi-empirical formula based on Takahashi method[19-20]for calculating the diffraction added resistance is adopted,and the non-dimensional coefficient is:Added resistance due to diffraction is:whereis used to correspond to the effect of speed,draught and characteristic of hull forms.I1is modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 1,K1is modified Bessel function of the second kind of order 1,TMis the mean draught.Fig.3 shows the effects of draft and wave-length on added resistance due to diffraction.Ref.[12]refers to bulk carrier and container ships,validation of the data distributes the range of α1(keTM)~α1(1. 5keTM ).Ref.[20]refers to the different range of α1(0. 74keTM )~α1(1. 0keTM)for the tankers,and the range of α1(0. 56k eTM )~α1(1.0keTM)where radiation added resistance predominates for container ships.Fig.3 Comparison of the effects of draft and wave length3 Comparisons of theory and empirical formulasThe different methods are used to validate two tankers,one is KVLCC2 which is a standard ship model for CFD validation,and another is a VLCC which is a built hull.The accuracy and applicable range will be analyzed by comparing tank test data and computed results.Main dimensions are presented in Tab.1.Tab.1 Main dimension of ships?3.1 Added resistance analysisThe heave and pitch motions are shown in Fig.4(a)and(b)based on 3D frequency domain method.The motion response results are in good agreement with experiment data.Fig.4 RAOThe results of added resistance at the speed of Fn=0.142 for KVLCC2 are shown in Fig.5,and the experimental data is from NTUA and INSEAN.Based on the analysis of theoretical and numerical calculation and comparisons with test data,it is concluded that:(1)As shown in Fig.5(a)the theoretical results of Rawin the range of λ/Lpp>0.7 and the resonance frequency range are in good agreement with experimental data,but the added resistance due to short wave is inaccurate;the empirical formulas enable a reasonably accurate prediction for Raw in the range of λ/Lpp<0.5,but resonance frequency range is not given a reasonable estimation.(2)As shown in Fig.5(b)the range of the maximum resistance obtained by SATWAVE2 method is in the lower frequency range;the added resistancesin the range of λ/Lpp<0.5 for theory and STAWAVE2 are 25%-30%less than experimental data.The advantage of 3D translating and pulsating source method is that free surface condition is satisfied automatically and the dispersed error can be reduced.However,the viscous and nonlinear effects are great and not captured by potential flow theory,especially for full hull forms,moreover the major component at short-wavelengths is the diffraction resistance.Though the panel density is increased to improve the numerical accuracy,it is very difficult to accurately predict in short wavelength range.For the VLCC,the relative wave length is short in the condition of the actual sea trial and service operation.The foregoing results show that the theoretical method has a limitation and empirical method is crude for the prediction of the added resistance in short waves.The direct measurement to improve the accuracy is that more parameters are included in the formulas in order to represent the hull forms better.One alternative measurement is provided by adjusting the parameters of formulas applicable to geosim ships.Fig.5 Added resistance at different speeds3.2 Different component analysisFig.6 shows the results of two different components of the added resistance by using two methods.It can be observed that the peak values of ordinate are at λ/Lpp=0.5 and λ/Lpp=1.0 respectively for theoretical and empirical methods.The added resistance due to diffraction is the main component,so the main reason for underestimating the added resistancein short waves is due to the fact that the diffraction resistance is less than that experiment values.The maximum of radiation resistance of empirical results occurs at lower frequency than indicated by theory results.The peak value is influenced by the radiation resistance.In fact the uncertainty in the added resistance measurements is larger[14],especially for low speed ships,so it is difficult to obtain accurate results in the short wave range.For practical predictions,adequate margin is necessary.Other numerical method such as CFD is influenced by grid density and is limited to predict the short wave resistance.It is technically feasible to improve the existed methods based on the analysis of theoretical and semi-empirical methods and tank test data.Fig.6 Compenents of added resistance3.3 Revised STAWAVE2 methodAn improved expression for radiation resistance can be found to improve the accuracy of prediction according to comparable analysis of calculated results and test data.The formula is given as:The coefficients of b1and d1in Eq.(12)can be adjusted to agree the test data better,like the correction of Rob[14],but the database from different institute may be different.The equation fitted by calculated results can be expressed by:Eq.(14)is limited to extend to the prediction for modern VLCC because it is applicable to the blunt bow shape at low speed,and meets the assumptionof vertical plane barrier.A blunt coefficient which reflects waterline shape can be used to improve the accuracy of prediction,but the practical calculation for this coefficient is not easy and actual ship data of different ship type is fluctuated.The following equation can be given through a number of numerical tests:As is expected,it is seen the added resistance in a wide range of wavelength is in good agreement with experimental data,and the maximum added resistances occur at reasonable wavelengths for two ships.The added resistance of STA2 correction method is shown in Fig.7. Fig.7 Added resistance of STA2 correction methodIn order to validate the applicability to the draught effect,the VLCC case in the ballast condition(T=10 m)is chosen.The performance of VLCC navigation in the ballast condition is often needed for ship owners.For the case of Fr=0.144,results of theoretical and corrected STAWAVE2 method are shown in Fig.8.It is seen that present correction results agree well with the experiment values.It is stressed that the present empirical method is limited to the geosim ships of VLCC type.Fig.8 Added resistance of VLCC at ballast draft4 ConclusionsHydrodynamic coefficients and wave forces are solved by 3-D panel method based on the horizontal line segment translating and pulsating source panel,and added resistance due to the radiation is obtained by 3D radiation energy method for ships,while one due to the diffraction isobtained by the second order steady-state force formula.STAWAVE2 method recommended by ISO15016-2015 is adopted as the semi-empirical method.Improved formulas are presented based on analysis of calculated results.Conclusions are summarized:(1)Theoretical results indicate that the maximum of added resistance agrees with experi-mental data,but underestimate the added resistance in the relative short wave range.The modern numerical method based on line integration is shown a higher efficiency than traditional BEM.In this paper,the hull is divided into discrete elements of 1 300,and cases are computed on a computer with Intel Core I5(3.2 GHz).For each frequency calculation,about 3.9 minutes are needed.(2)The differences between the results of STAWAVE2 and experiment method are large.Improved formulas are presented and the results based on these formulas demonstrate the good agreement can be achieved for VLCC.It can be used to accumulate the database for seakeeping performance.(3)The present theoretical method predicts the added resistance with good accuracy and high efficiency in the range of medium and long wave for variable speeds and drafts.A notable discrepancy between theory and experiment was found in the range of short wave.References【相关文献】[1]IMO MEPC 68/INF.14 2015 Ships and marine technology-Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data[S].2015.[2]ITTC 7.5-04-01-01.2 ITTC-Recommended procedures and guidelines analysis of speed/power trial data[R].2014.[3]ITTC Specialist committee on performance of ships in service-final report and recommendations to 27th ITTC[C].Proceedings of 27th ITTC-Volume III,2014.[4]Maruo H.The excess resistance of a ship in rough seas[J].International Shipbuilding Progress,1957,4(35):337-345.[5]Joosen W P A.Added resistance in waves[C]//Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics.Washington,USA,1966.[6]Gerritsma J,Beukelman W.Analysis of the resistance increase in waves of a fast cargo ship[J].International Shipbuilding Progress,1972,19(217):285-293.[7]Salvensen N.Added resistance of ships in waves[J].Journal ofHydronautics,1978,12(1):24-34.[8]Strøm-Tejsen J,Yeh H Y H,Moran D D.Added resistance in waves[J].Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,1973,81:109-143.[9]Jinkine V,Ferdinande V.A method for predicting the added resistance of fast cargo ships in head waves[R].Institute of Office of Naval Architecture,Belgium,1973:1-40. 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科技资讯2016 NO.18SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION学 术 论 坛168科技资讯 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION作为海域船舶操纵过程中极为重要的组成部分,波浪中船舶操作性的预报及评估直接影响实海域船舶的操作性能,该评估结果能够在一定程度上提升设计的科学性与有效性,成为国内外科学界的研究重点。


1 坐标系统在对船舶海洋运行进行研究的过程中,一般需参照地球坐标系与船体坐标系两种,这两个坐标系处于同一水平面,且与海平面呈现齐平状态。

将船舶的运动速度设为U 0,其前进速度与相应的位置在船体坐标体系中为T c TC y x p r v u V ],,,[,],,,[φψη==,其中u 为船舶船体坐标系下的纵向速度;v 为横向速度;r 为的是艏摇角速度;p 为横摇角速度,通过上述能够得出艏摇角ψ以及横摇角φ[1]。

在地球坐标系中,船舶速度、位置可以在欧拉角的作用下实现矩阵转化,得到相应的V E 、ηE 以及E 4×4的值。

2 数学模型2.1 操纵运动模型在MMG分离式模型下,可建立横荡、纵荡以及艏摇、横摇的自由度耦合模型。

其中设船舶质量为m ,船舶的惯性矩为I ,附加质量与惯性矩则为m x 、m y 以及J ,船体坐标系重心坐标为(x G ,y G ,z G ),船体力、舵力以及波浪力分别用H ,R ,W 表示。

2.2 船体力流体力在船体上的作用主要表示为:⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧---====HH H HH HH H H Y z N Z G mg K pLdU r N N pLdU r Y Y pLdU r X X φβββ22/1·2/1·2/1·'20''20''20')(),()(),()(),(其中),(''r X R β,),(''r Y Hβ,),(''r N H β分别为船体力的无因次形式,采用无因次转艏速度r ’以及漂角β表示, 其表达式为:⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧++++=++++=++=3''2'''''''3''2''2'3'''2'''2''3'''r N r N N r N N r N r Y r Y Y Y Y r Y r X X X r X rrr r r Hrrr rr r H rr r H βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ),(),(),([2]。






【作者单位】中国船舶科学研究中心水动力学重点实验室,江苏无锡 214082;中国船舶科学研究中心水动力学重点实验室,江苏无锡 214082;中国船舶科学研究中心水动力学重点实验室,江苏无锡 214082;中国船舶科学研究中心水动力学重点实验室,江苏无锡 214082
1.波浪中KVLCC2运动与阻力增加的CFD计算及分析 [J], 曹阳;朱仁传;蒋银;洪亮
2.带球鼻艏方尾型船模阻力的计算研究 [J], 于苏楠;潘华辰;田晓庆;赖祥华
3.船模不规则波中顶浪运动数值模拟研究 [J], 石博文;刘正江;吴明
4.典型油船船模静水阻力CFD计算策略探讨 [J], 杜云龙;陈伟民;董国祥
5.船模阻力CFD结果的不确定度分析 [J], 张立;周传明;陈伟民;陈建挺



全回转双桨船舶操纵性预报吴兴亚;高霄鹏【摘要】为实现对全回转桨船操纵性的预报,根据船舶分离型运动模型的建模方法,考虑全回转桨在水平面上周转的灵活性与受力的特殊性,着重分析双桨受力,建立适用于全回转对转桨船模的MMG操纵运动数学模型;模拟船模进行PMM 运动,求得水动力导数并采用四阶龙格—库塔法对操纵性常微分方程进行求解;对某工程船在静水中的回转运动和Z形操纵运动进行数值仿真预报,并将预报结果与自航模操纵性试验结果进行对比。


%To predict the maneuverability of full-revolving propeller ships, this paper analyzes the propeller force and establishes MMG equations for controlling motion mathematical models that are suited to the full-revolving propeller model, in accordance with the modeling method of the separating ship motion model and taking into account the special nature of the force and flexibility of a full rotation in the horizontal plane of a full-revolving propeller. Secondly, hydrodynamic force derivatives for the ship model are obtained by simulating the model's PMM movement, and the controlling Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) is solved using the four-stage Rung-Kuta method. Finally, the numerical simulation of a certain ship's rotating motion and its zigzag test in still water is obtained, and the prediction results are compared with that of a self-running model. It is found that the simulation results agree well with the trial results, and the effectiveness of the ship motion modelfor the full-revolving propeller model is validated. In brief, this paper provides a reliable and effective method of predicting the maneuverability of full-revolving propeller ships.【期刊名称】《中国舰船研究》【年(卷),期】2017(012)001【总页数】6页(P27-31,62)【关键词】全回转桨;MMG数学模型;水动力导数;数值仿真;操纵性预报【作者】吴兴亚;高霄鹏【作者单位】海军工程大学舰船工程系,湖北武汉430033;海军工程大学舰船工程系,湖北武汉430033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U661.33船舶操纵性作为船舶性能研究的重点,始终是影响船舶安全航行的重要因素之一。

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学术 论文
结果对 比,为 V C L C在波 浪 中的操纵 性 能预报 提供 了依据 。
1 波 浪 中操 纵运动方程
船舶 运动 坐标 系如 图 1 示 ,坐 标原 点位 于船舶 的重 心 。 D Z 为空 间 固定 坐标 系 ,D 为空 间固 所 定坐 标系 的原点 , OX 以正北 方 向为正 , OY以正东方 向为正 , OZ垂 直于水 平面 以指 向地心 为正 。 xz oy 为固定 于船 舶 的动 坐标 系 , 0为 船舶 重心 , O X平行 于基 线 ,指 向船 首为 正 , 为顺浪 。 为船 舶 的漂 角 。 垂直 于舯 剖面 ,指 向 右 舷为 正 , Z垂 直于水 线面 , 向地心 为正 。 为浪 向角 , :0 为迎浪 , =9 。 O 指 。 0 为横浪 , =1 0 8。

超 级油轮 ( L C)由于其 自身惯性大 、方形 系数大等特点,其操纵性 与一般 的大型船舶存在很 大差异 , VC 因此对其 操纵性特别是 波浪 中的操纵性进行研 究就显得尤为重要。 目前 国内鲜有研 究人员对不同波陡、初 始 浪向角下 V C L C波浪 中的操纵性进行详细和深入研 究, 本文采用 一种新型 自 航模 系统的操纵性试 验和数值模 拟的方法对不同波陡规则波下 V C L C波浪中的操纵性 能进行 了 究。在试验 中, 过改变波浪参数 ,重点研 研 通 究分析 了 同波陡、初 始浪向角对 V C 不 L C操纵性 的影响 ,并 与数值模 拟进行 比较,结果 吻合 良 。 好
图 1 坐标系统
波 浪 中 MMG 模 型 的 4自由度 操 纵运动 方程 :
(+ 一m m) + + + m m) + y 西 =
( ) 1
(+ + + = +R m m) ( ) + y +
们 的重 视 。 因此 ,对 V C 的操纵 性进 行研 究 以确保 海 上运输 安 全 已成 为一个 重要 的课题 。特 别是 波 L C 浪 环境 力下 的操 纵 , 已成 为 V C L C操纵 性研 究 的重 点关注 问题 。
自 14 年 D v o 第一次对船舶操纵性进行研究到现在 ,这一领域进行 的研究 已取得 了较大的进 98 ai n s
稳定 性和 追 随性都 很差 ,不 易操 纵 。针对 V C 以上 操纵特 点 ,本 文提 出了基 于 MMG 模型 的 4 自由 L C
度波 浪 中操纵 性预 报方 法 , 并利 用上 海交 大 开发 的先 进新 型 自航模试 验 系统 进行 了 30DWTVL C模 2k C
型 波 浪 中 的 回 转 试 验 ,z 形 试 验 ,研 究 分 析 其 在 波 浪 环 境 力 下 的 操 纵 性 特 点 , 并 与 数 值 计 算
5卷 3
第 3期( 总第 2 2期 ) 0

、0 . 3 No 3 ( e il . 0 ,1 5 . S ra No 2 2)
Sp 02 e .2 1
21 0 2年 9 月
文 章 编 号 : 10 —82 ( 0 2 30 0 —9 0 04 8 2 1 )0 —0 90
展 。研 究 的重 点从 静 水操 纵性 逐渐 转 向波 浪 中操 纵 的 问题 。 目前对 船 舶 波浪 中操 纵性 的研 究主 要集 中 在 尾追 浪 中船 舶 的横甩 和倾 覆 方面 ,荷 兰 和 日本等 国家先 后进 行 了船 舶在 尾追 浪 中 的横 甩 和倾 覆试 验
[-3 12

然而船 舶 在尾 追浪 中的大 幅运动 模 型试验 和 数值模 拟 均具 有很 大 的难 度 , Mu i提 出可 以利 用 z A nf
关 键 词 :V C ; L C 操纵性; 规则波; 初始浪向角; 波陡; 新型 自 航模系统; 数值模拟
中图分 类 号 :U 7 . . U 6. 64 33 ; 6 1 38 1 3 3 文献 标 识码 :A
0 前Biblioteka 言 VL C 由于 操纵 性 问题 引起碰 撞 事故 造成 原油 泄漏 、环 境 污染 、生 态破 坏等 问题 ,越 来越 引起 人 C
VL C波 浪 中操 纵 性 数 值 预 报 与 自航 模 试验 验 证 C
苏 威 ,马 宁 1 顾 解忡 , 2 ,
(. 海交通 大学 船舶建筑与海洋工程学 院,上海 2 04 ; 1 上 020 2上海交通大学 海洋工程 国家重点实验 室,上海 2 0 4 ) . 0 2 0

形 操纵 试验 结果预 报 横甩 现 象 ,从 而使 问题 大 为简 化 L。 日本学 者 安川 宏纪 对 波浪 中 的操 纵运 动 ( 3 J 旋 回运 动 ,z形试 验 ,停 车试 验 )分别 进行 了模 型试 验和 数值 模拟 【 4 - 。谌 栋梁 ,黄 国棵 ,黄 祥鹿 ,邓 德 衡对 一 艘集 装 箱船 在 随机 波 浪 中 的操 纵 性进 行 了预 报 【。严似 松 、黄 根 余对 由拖 船 和驳 船 组成 的拖航 6 J 系统 在静 水 中 的操 纵 性进行 了数值 计算 [,姚 竞争 等人 利用 3 自由度 MMG 分离 式模 型对 拖航 系统在 1
风 、浪 、流联 合作 用 下 的操 纵 性进行 了数值 模拟 [。但 以上 研 究并 没有 针对 VL C 这类 操 纵性特 殊 的 8 1 C 船舶 。VL C 由于 质量 ,惯 性和 方 形系 数都 比较 大 ,单位 载 重 吨所分 配 到的主 机 功率 比较 小 ,所 以应 C 舵性 较差 ,操纵 比较 呆 笨 ,启动 和停 止 都很 缓慢 ,一旦 有进 速 就很 难 停下 来 。在旋 回性 能方 面 ,航 向