



高考英语作文看图写作守株待去兔全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Silly Rabbit HuntOne sunny day, my grandpa told me a funny old story about waiting for rabbits. He said there was once a hunter who went out looking for rabbits in the forest. After walking for a while, he saw a rabbit run into a hollow tree stump. "Aha!" thought the hunter. "Now I've got that sneaky rabbit trapped!"So the hunter sat down next to the tree stump, waiting patiently for the rabbit to come back out. He waited and waited and waited some more. Hours went by, and still no rabbit. The hunter was getting hungry and thirsty, but he didn't want to leave in case the rabbit escaped.Finally, night fell and the rabbit still hadn't come out of the stump. The tired hunter fell asleep leaning against the tree. In the morning, he woke up and realized the rabbit was long gone! It had probably slipped out another hole while the hunter was snoozing. All that waiting had been for nothing!Grandpa laughed and said the old story teaches an important lesson - sometimes if you sit around waiting too long for something, you'll miss out on opportunities. He calls it "guarding the tree stump while waiting for the rabbit" or "shou zhu dai tu" in Chinese.I thought about the story and it made a lot of sense. Like what if a kid is so busy playing video games, hoping to beat the next level, that they miss out on playing outside with friends? Or if someone waits years for their dream job, turning down other good jobs, and then their dream job never happens? That would be like the hunter missing all the other rabbits while stubbornly waiting by the stump!The opposite of "shou zhu dai tu" is being proactive and making the most of life as it happens. Like the saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." It's better to appreciate what you have instead of hoping for something that might never come.Of course, patience and perseverance are good qualities too. We can't just give up on our goals instantly if they don't happen right away. The key is finding a balance - working hard towards your ambitions, but also being flexible and open to newopportunities along the way. That way you won't waste your whole life guarding a tree stump!After Grandpa explained the rabbit story meaning, I started thinking about other real-life examples:My friend Michael spent months trying out for the school basketball team, but kept getting rejected at tryouts. He was so determined to make the team that he missed out on joining other clubs he might have enjoyed. Finally, Michael's parents encouraged him to stop obsessing over basketball and find a new interest. He ended up joining the drama club and loved it! Now he's happier than ever acting in school plays instead of "guarding the basketball court."Or like my cousin Hannah who had a crush on the same boy all through elementary school. She was so focused on hoping he'd like her back that she kind of ignored all her other friends. By high school, she realized the boy wasn't interested after all, but she had missed out on having a great social life because she was "guarding the tree stump" waiting for him.I suppose even adults can fall into the "shou zhu dai tu" trap sometimes. Like if someone's family owns a restaurant, but the person dreams of being an astronaut instead. If they spend years and years trying hopelessly to get into the astronaut programwhile working at the family restaurant, they might miss their chance to go to cooking school and become a great chef running the family business.It's excellent to have big ambitions, but you have to be realistic too. There's nothing wrong with changing your pathway if your original dream starts to seem unattainable. The mistake is being so fixated on one single goal that you wind up "guarding a tree stump" instead of exploring other options that could lead to happiness.I think every kid (and adult!) should learn the "shou zhu dai tu" story. It's an important reminder for all of us to beopen-minded, seize opportunities that come our way, and not get consumed by stubbornly chasing after something that may never happen. Of course we should pursue our passions, but we need to be smart about it too.As Grandpa said after telling me the tale, "The wise rabbit doesn't wait around for the hunter to leave. It finds another path and hops away to freedom!" I'll always remember those words of wisdom about not letting myself get stuck "guarding a tree stump" for the rest of my life.篇2The Fox and the Rabbit HoleOnce upon a time, there was a very hungry fox named Rufus. Rufus was always looking for something yummy to eat. One sunny day, he was walking through the forest when he smelled something delicious. He followed the smell until he came to a rabbit hole at the base of a big tree."Mmm, I can smell a juicy rabbit in there!" said Rufus, licking his lips. "I'll just wait right here until that silly rabbit comes out, and then I'll pounce and have my lunch!"So Rufus settled down in front of the rabbit hole to wait and wait. He waited for what felt like forever. His tummy rumbled loudly but still no rabbit came out.After a very long time, Rufus got bored of waiting. He started looking around the forest. He saw squirrels scampering up the trees. He watched birds flying from branch to branch. He even saw a deer walking by and stopping to drink from a stream. But still no sign of that rabbit!"Where is that pesky rabbit?" grumbled Rufus. "I'm so hungry I could eat a whole field of carrots and cabbages!"Just then, Rufus heard a rustling noise behind him. He spun around, ready to pounce. But it was only a harmless little mouse scurrying by."Oh, it's just you," said Rufus with a sigh. "I thought you might be my rabbit dinner finally coming out."The mouse stopped and looked up at the big fox. "Why are you just sitting there?" he asked. "Don't you know there are lots of yummy things you could be eating instead of waiting for a rabbit that might never come out?""Like what?" asked Rufus. His mouth started to water just thinking about food."Well," said the mouse, "there are berries and nuts in this forest. And worms and grubs under the leaves on the ground. Not to mention all the birds and field mice you could chase if you wanted!"Rufus's eyes grew wide. "Birds? Mice? You mean I could eat you if I wanted?"The mouse let out a little squeak and scampered away in fright.Rufus settled back down with a huff. "I suppose the little mouse is right," he said to himself. "I am being pretty silly justsitting here waiting for that one rabbit. Who knows when or if it will come out? There's lots of other food out here if I look for it."So Rufus got up, stretched his legs, and trotted off into the forest, leaving the rabbit hole behind. He found a bush full of delicious juicy berries and munched happily. A little while later, he spotted a plump mouse scurrying through the leaves and quickly gobbled it up.By the time night fell, Rufus's belly was completely full from all the tasty foods he found in the forest without even waiting for that rabbit to come out. He curled up under a tree and fell into a deep, contented sleep, dreaming about all the exciting adventures and delicious snacks he would find the next day.The moral of the story is: Don't just sit around waiting for what you want to come to you. Get up and go find it - or something even better might come along!篇3The Waiting GameHi there! Today I'm gonna tell you all about this really old Chinese saying called "shou zhu dai tu". It means "waiting by a tree stump for a rabbit" and it's about being patient and not giving up. Pretty cool, right?So there was this guy ages ago who really, really wanted to catch a rabbit to eat. He knew rabbits liked hanging out near the stumps of trees that had been cut down. Instead of hopping all around the forest trying to find one, he figured he'd just plop himself down next to a stump and wait for a bunny to come to him. Smart idea, don't you think?Well, this dude waited, and waited, and waited some more by that stump. For super long! His friends all thought he was nuts and made fun of him. "Haha, you'll never catch a rabbit just sitting there like a lump!" they laughed. But the stump-sitter didn't listen. He just stayed put, vegging out by that old stump day after day after day.Then one morning - kazam! A cute little rabbit hopped right out from behind the stump! The patient guy was like "Aha, I've got you now!" and snatched it up. Taking that bunny home for dinner made all his waiting finally pay off in a big way. Imagine how satisfying that must've felt after everyone made fun of his plan? He showed those naysayers!These days, when someone calls someone else "shou zhu dai tu", it means they think that person is being too bao nai - that's Chinese for "patient to a fault." Like if your mom tells you "Don't just shou zhu dai tu waiting for that video game to go on sale,work hard and save up your money!" Or if your teacher says "Don't just shou zhu dai tu hoping I'll eventually give you the answers, study hard!"But you know what? Sometimes being shou zhu dai tu and sticking with something IS the right move, even if dummies doubt you. That's the lesson from the old rabbit-catching story! Winners never quit, as they say.For the Gaokao English exam, they might show you a silly cartoon of a person just sitting on a stump while bunnies hop all around. The question would be something like "What famous Chinese saying is being depicted here?" By reading my awesome essay, you'd be like "Oh SNAP, I know that one - shou zhu dai tu! 'Waiting by the stump for rabbits'! That guy is being mad patient just chilling there." Bam, nailed it!Or they might ask you to write a short essay explaining what shou zhu dai tu means and why it's a useful saying. You could talk about how being persistent and single-minded in pursuit of a goal, no matter what doubters say, can really pay off big time in the end just like it did for Mr. Rabbit-Catcher way back when.Just spill out everything I told you about the origins of the phrase, the patient dude and the stump, his friends calling him crazy, and then his huge win when the rabbit finally showed up.Sprinkle in some deep philosophical thoughts like "Winners never quit and quitters never win!" and you're set!The main thing is showing you understand what shou zhu dai tu is really getting at - having unwavering focus and determination to stick with a plan patiently, no matter how long it takes or how much discouragement you face. Pretty wise stuff when you think about it, right?Explaining it alllll out in detail like I did is your key to maximizing your score on that part of the test. Just settle in with your pencil, wait it out, and that killer essay will come hopping right out onto your paper before you know it. Shou zhu dai tu, baby!篇4The Silly Farmer and His Tree StumpOne sunny day, Farmer Wang was working hard in his fields like he did every day. He was pulling up weeds and making sure all his crops were growing big and strong. Farmer Wang loved being a farmer more than anything!As he was working, he noticed something strange out of the corner of his eye near the edge of the field. He stopped what he was doing and slowly walked over to take a closer look. There,sitting right in front of a big old tree stump, was a cute little rabbit! The rabbit's nose was twitching and it looked very hungry."Aha!" exclaimed Farmer Wang. "I'm going to catch that rabbit and have it for dinner tonight!" You see, Farmer Wang really loved eating rabbit stew. It was his absolute favorite meal.The farmer quickly grabbed a big stick from the ground. He held it up high, ready to swing it at the rabbit as soon as it moved. But the rabbit just sat there, completely still, staring at the tree stump. Farmer Wang stood frozen too, waiting for the rabbit to make its move.A few minutes went by. Then a few more minutes. Still nothing happened! The rabbit didn't move a muscle and neither did the farmer. Farmer Wang started to get tired from standing so still holding up the heavy stick. But he didn't want to miss his chance at catching the rabbit.More time passed and the sun started to go down in the sky. It was getting dark out. Farmer Wang's wife called out to him from their house. "Wang! Wang! Where are you? It's time for dinner!"But Farmer Wang ignored her calls. He was determined to get that rabbit, no matter how long it took. His eyes were glued to the rabbit, watching its every little twitch. He stood like a statue, stick raised high, as the night fell and the stars came out.Finally, in the middle of the night, Farmer Wang's arms couldn't take it any longer. The stick slipped from his hands and crashed to the ground, startling the rabbit. In a blink of an eye, the rabbit hopped away into the darkness, disappearing forever.Farmer Wang fell to his knees in disbelief. He had been guarding that tree stump and waiting for the rabbit to move for so many hours! But in the end, he didn't catch a single thing for dinner. He slowly dragged himself back home, feeling very silly and hungry.From that night on, the expression "guarding a tree stump awaiting a rabbit" was used to describe someone who wastes their time waiting for something that will never happen. Farmer Wang learned his lesson - sometimes you have to know when to just move on instead of stubbornly sticking around. Otherwise, you might miss out on what's really important right in front of you!The End篇5The Rabbit That Never CameOne sunny morning, I woke up feeling super excited! Today was the day I was going to catch a rabbit in our backyard. I had been watching a cute little bunny hopping around near the big old tree for weeks. My friend Tommy said if we set a trap, we could easily catch it and keep it as a pet. How cool would that be?After breakfast, I grabbed an empty cardboard box, some carrots for bait, and a long piece of string. First, I punched some air holes in the box so the bunny could breathe. Then I looped the string through two holes on opposite sides of the box. The plan was to prop open one end with a stick, lead the string out into the yard, and pull it when the rabbit went inside after the carrots. Easy peasy!I set up the trap under the tree and settled in behind a bush to wait. And wait...and wait some more. That silly rabbit didn't seem interested in my carrot trap at all! He just kept hopping around, sniffing at flowers and nibbling on grass and leaves. Didn't he know carrots were way more delicious?After what felt like forever, my legs started getting tired from crouching. I stood up to stretch, but as soon as I did, the rabbit looked straight at me and ZOOMED off into the bushes! Uh oh, I scared him away. So much for catching him today. I sadly put the box away and went back inside for lunch.The next morning, I decided to try a different approach. I snuck outside super early before the rabbit arrived and dug a pit near the tree. I covered it with a camouflaged canvas sheet and scattered leaves and twigs on top, propping it up with sticks in the middle. Then I hid behind the bushes again with the string attached to knock the sticks out from under the sheet when he stepped onto the fake ground. This had to work!I waited alllllll morning, but no bunny showed up. My legs fell asleep from staying so still. When I finally gave up and pulled the string anyway, a bunch of grass and dirt fell through onto the ground below. But there was no rabbit, just a sad empty pit. Man, this was a lot harder than I thought!Over the next few days, I tried every bunny-catching idea I could think of. One time I hung a cage from the tree branch with a trail of carrots leading into it, but the rabbit was too smart to fall for that one. Another time I tried burying a basket in theground with carrots inside, but I don't think he could even smell them under all that dirt. Ugh, this was so frustrating!Finally, on Saturday, I asked my dad if we could get a real rabbit trap from the store. He laughed and said, "Why don't you just enjoy watching the rabbits from a distance? If you tried to catch one, you'd probably end up scaring it away for good."I knew he was right. Rabbits are pretty skittish animals. Maybe I shouldn't have been so obsessed with capturing the poor little guy. As I sat under the tree eating a carrot for lunch, I watched him hopping around again, so free and happy. I realized I was lucky just to be able to see him every day in our yard. Some things are better left untouched, I thought with a smile. From then on, I decided to just be a quiet observer, like a naturalist studiying them in their natural habitat. And you know what? The bunnies kept returning to play and munch all season long! Catching them was no longer my goal, but watching them pretty much had the same awesome effect. What an amazing wildlife wonder I had right in my own backyard!。





标准范文:Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were all worried about her. One of the boys carried her on the back, with the help of some others, to the clinic immediately. It turned out that her right leg was broken and she had to stay in the hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flower and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deeply moved and proud of having such a responsible teacher.17分范文Last Monday, in our English class, unaware of the step underfoot, Mrs Wang stumbled and fell. It terrified most of us! Without hesitation, she was rushed to the clinic. To our relief, we were told that there was just something wrong with her leg but she had to stay in the hospital for several days. The following day, we went to visit her with flowers and fruits. At the sight of her leg wrapped in bandages , we felt very sorry. Mrs Wang, however, joked that her leg was unsatisfied with her and wanted to have a good rest. This morning, in spite of the wound, she returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons. Moved deeply to tears, we gave her a warm welcome.18分范文Last Monday witnessed an unlucky accident. Mrs Wang, our English teacher, tripped over the step, falling on the ground unconsciously. It shocked us and we quickly rushed her to the nearest clinic. Fortunately, she got the immediate treatment and the doctor said it didn’t matter to her. Later, many of us went to see her. Seeing that she was recovering, we could breathe at last. Two days later, with the help of her husband, Mrs Wang returned to the class to continue the teaching in a wheelchair, to whom we gave a warm welcome。



英语高考看图作文The picture shows a group of people gathered around a table, engaged in a lively discussion. Some are gesturing with their hands, while others are leaning in attentively. It seems like they are having a heated debate about something.One person is holding up a piece of paper, perhaps a proposal or a plan, and everyone else seems to be expressing their opinions about it. It looks like they are brainstorming or trying to come to a decision about something important.The atmosphere in the room seems intense and focused, with everyone fully engaged in the conversation. The body language of the people suggests that they are passionate about the topic at hand and are eager to make their voices heard.The picture conveys a sense of collaboration andteamwork, with each person contributing their ideas and perspectives. It's clear that they are working together towards a common goal, and the energy in the room is palpable.Overall, the picture captures the dynamics of a group discussion, highlighting the exchange of ideas and the collective effort to reach a consensus. It's a snapshot of productive communication and collaboration in action.。




范文:In the picture , there stands a tree full of fruit on one side of the stream. Across the stream , a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.The message conveyed in the picture is clear. In pursuing a dream , we might only focus on only one way of making it come true ,forgetting that there may be alternatives. As indicated in the picture, if a man is willing to look for other possibilities ,he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal. All he has to do is turn around ,cross the bridge and walk to the tree.高考英语看图故事作文2下列图画描述的是你的一段亲身经历,请据此为一家中学生英文报的故事专栏写一篇短文。



高考,大学,考研的看图英语作文The Importance of the College Entrance Examination (Gao Kao) and Postgraduate Entrance Examination (Kao Yan) in ChinaIn China, the College Entrance Examination, also known as Gao Kao, is a crucial event for every high school student. The Gao Kao determines a student's future as it is the primary means of gauging one's academic ability and potential for higher education. For many Chinese students, the Gao Kao is amake-or-break exam that can open doors to prestigious universities or close them altogether.The Gao Kao covers a wide range of subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, and sciences. Students spend years preparing for this exam, often attending additional after-school classes and participating in mock exams to ensure they are fully prepared. The pressure to perform well on the Gao Kao is immense, as students know that their scores will determine which universities they can apply to and ultimately their career prospects.After successfully completing the Gao Kao and gaining entry into a university, many students choose to pursue further education through a postgraduate entrance examination, alsoknown as Kao Yan. The Kao Yan is another rigorous exam that tests students' knowledge in their chosen field of study and determines if they are qualified to pursue a master's or doctoral degree.The competition for postgraduate programs is fierce, with only a limited number of spots available at top universities. Students must excel in their undergraduate studies and perform well on the Kao Yan to secure a place in their desired program. The pressure to succeed in the Kao Yan is similarly intense to that of the Gao Kao, with many students dedicating months or even years to preparing for this exam.Despite the challenges and stress associated with these exams, the Gao Kao and Kao Yan serve as important milestones in the academic and professional growth of Chinese students. These exams provide a standardized means of evaluating students' abilities and ensure that only the most qualified individuals are admitted to prestigious universities and graduate programs.In conclusion, the Gao Kao and Kao Yan play a vital role in shaping the educational landscape of China and preparing students for success in their future careers. While the pressure to perform well on these exams can be daunting, the rewards ofgaining entry into top universities and graduate programs are well worth the hard work and dedication required to succeed.。




以下是一篇示例作文:As the sun set behind the horizon, casting a golden hue over the tranquil village, a lone figure stood on the crest of a hill, gazing at the vast expanse of land before him. The picture depicts a young boy, his eyes filled with determination, holding a small seedling in his hands. This image is not just a simple snapshot; it is a testament to the power of perseverance.The boy, named Jack, had always dreamt of transforming the barren land into a lush garden. Despite the skepticism of his peers and the harsh conditions of the arid environment, Jack was undeterred. He believed that with hard work and dedication, he could make a difference.Every day, he would wake up before dawn, water his plants, and tend to the soil with meticulous care. He studied the patterns of the weather, learned about different types of soil, and experimented with various seeds to find those that would thrive in his village’s climate.Months turned into years, and the once barren land began to show signs of life. Small sprouts emerged, growing taller and stronger with each passing day. The villagers, who hadinitially doubted Jack’s efforts, started to take notice. They were inspired by his unwavering commitment and began to join him in his mission.Together, they turned the once desolate landscape into a thriving oasis. The sight of lush greenery, the sound of birds singing, and the fragrance of blossoming flowers filled the air. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous, and it was all due to the boy’s relentless pursuit of his dream.This image serves as a powerful reminder that no dream is too big, and no challenge is too great. It is a call to actionfor all of us to believe in our dreams and to work tirelessly to achieve them. Just like Jack, we too can turn our visions into reality through perseverance and hard work.In conclusion, the power of perseverance is a force that can move mountains and transform lives. It is a lesson that we can all learn from and apply in our own journeys. Let us be inspired by Jack’s story and strive to make a positive impact on the world around us.这篇作文以图片为出发点,通过讲述一个具体的故事,展示了坚持的力量。



英语高考图画作文I saw a picture of a girl sitting alone in a park, staring at the sky. She looked so peaceful and lost in her own thoughts. It made me think about how important it is to have moments of solitude and reflection in our busy lives.The image also reminded me of the beauty of nature. The trees and the grass in the park looked so vibrant and alive. It made me want to spend more time outdoors, appreciating the world around me.Looking at the girl in the picture, I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about. Maybe she was pondering the future, or reminiscing about the past. It made merealize that everyone has their own inner world, full of hopes, dreams, and memories.The picture made me feel a sense of calm and serenity.It made me want to slow down and take a break from thehustle and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes, we all needto just sit back and relax, letting our minds wander.In the end, the picture left me with a feeling of gratitude. Gratitude for the simple moments of beauty and peace that we often overlook. It reminded me to take a step back and appreciate the little things in life.。



高考看图英语作文范文In the given illustration, we are presented with a thought-provoking scene that starkly contrasts the old and newmethods of reading. On one side of the image, we see a young man engrossed in a traditional, hardcover book, sitting comfortably in a quaint, well-lit room filled with bookshelves. The warm glow of a table lamp illuminates the pages he is turning, and the serene expression on his face suggests a deep connection with the text.On the opposite side, a woman is seated with her attentionfully absorbed by a tablet device. The sleek design of the gadget and the modern setting with minimalist furniture highlight the technological advancements that have become an integral part of our daily lives. The woman's focus on the screen is just as intense as the man's on his book,indicating that the love for reading is not diminished by the medium.The image serves as a powerful commentary on the evolution of reading habits in the digital age. While some may argue that the charm of physically holding a book and the smell of its pages are irreplaceable, others would contend that the convenience and accessibility of digital reading cannot be overlooked. The ability to carry an entire library in asingle device, the ease of searching for specific information, and the environmental benefits of reducing paper usage areall advantages that digital reading offers.However, the traditional book reading experience has its own merits. It is often said that the tactile sensation ofturning pages and the act of physically placing a bookmarkcan enhance the reading experience. Additionally, studieshave shown that reading from paper can be less straining onthe eyes and may improve concentration and memory retention.In conclusion, the depicted scenario invites us to reflect on the personal preferences and societal changes that shape our reading culture. Whether it's the nostalgic allure of traditional books or the futuristic appeal of digital devices, the essence of reading—acquiring knowledge and immersing oneself in stories—remains unchanged. The choice between the two formats is a matter of individual comfort and thespecific needs of the reader at a given time. As we navigate through the digital revolution, it is crucial to find a balance that preserves the joy of reading while embracing the benefits of technological progress.。





高考英语看图写作篇1In the picture , there stands a tree full of fruit on one side of the stream. Across the stream , a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.The message conveyed in the picture is clear. In pursuing a dream , we might only focus on only one way of making it come true ,forgetting that there may be alternatives. As indicated in the picture, if a man is willing to look for other possibilities ,he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal. All he has to do is turn around ,cross the bridge and walk to the tree. 高考英语看图写作篇2For many child, learning to bike can be a fun experience, but this is not the cases with the girl in the picture, who obviously has no fun at all. For fear that she may fall off the bike, her parents are holding the handle, with her grandmother giving a hard push from behind. The three adults are dripping with sweat while the gitl is sitting on the saddle wondering who actually is learning to bike a bike. They have without doubt gone too far protecting the gitl.Today's parents seem to be too protective of their children,which can de a barrier to their growth and development. Rather, children should be encouraged to learn to do things on their own. Of course, they are likely to run into setbacks, but it is these setbacks that can teach them to be mature and independent. Don't you think so ?许多孩子,学习骑自行车可以是一个有趣的经验,但并不是照片中的女孩的情况下,他显然没有乐趣可言。



高三英语看图作文The picture shows a bustling city street, with people walking, cars driving, and buildings towering above. It's a typical scene of urban life, filled with energy and movement.A closer look reveals the diversity of the people in the picture. There are young and old, men and women, people of different races and ethnicities. They are all going about their business, each with their own thoughts and concerns.The cars in the picture are a mix of different makes and models, from sleek sports cars to practical family vehicles. They represent the constant flow of traffic in the city, the never-ending movement of people and goods from one place to another.The buildings in the background are a mix of old and new architecture, reflecting the city's history and itsmodern developments. They stand as a testament to the ever-changing nature of urban life, where the past and the present coexist side by side.Overall, the picture captures the vibrant and dynamic nature of city life, with its diverse population, constant movement, and mix of old and new. It's a snapshot of the urban experience, full of energy and excitement.。



高考英语看图作文范文让我们一起看看高考的看图作文,用英语怎么写?下面是小编给大家整理的高考英语看图作文,供大家参阅!高考英语看图作文 1. 通过画面直接获得的信息是什么?2. 这两幅画的内涵是什么?3. 人与自然的关系是什么?可以采取什么措施?Man and NatureAs is shown in the picture,【范文】Man and Natureour grandchildren. Everybody knows nature is to us as what water is to fish. Yet we dont always realize it until it is too late. With the development of modern technology, there are more and more people on the earth and fewer and fewer resources left. Whats worse, pollution is getting more and more serious and the climate is becoming warmer and warmer. Therefore, we should take measures to build a harmonious relationship between man and nature.On the one hand, in our daily life we can recycle water and turn off lights when necessary; while on the other hand, we can choose to use public transport rather than use private carsto reduce carbon emission. Speaking of consumption, we had better choose energy?saving goods and eat less?processed food. Undoubtedly, there are still more for us to do to make a positive difference.In a word, to protect nature means to protect ourselves and our younger generation.高考英语看图作文写作指导文本特点介绍图画式作文是一种检查学生观察理解能力以及运用语言能力的题型。



高考英语图画作文I saw a picture of a little girl holding a big umbrella in the rain. She had a big smile on her face, and it made me feel happy just looking at her. It reminded me of how simple things like a smile can brighten up a gloomy day.There was another drawing of a group of people helping each other climb a mountain. It made me think about the importance of teamwork and how we can achieve great things when we work together. It also reminded me of the value of perseverance and never giving up, even when the going gets tough.One picture showed a person sitting alone by the beach, watching the sunset. It made me feel a sense of peace and tranquility. It reminded me of the beauty of nature and the importance of taking time to relax and appreciate the world around us.I also saw a drawing of a crowded city street, withpeople rushing around and cars honking. It made me feel a sense of chaos and busyness. It reminded me of the fast-paced nature of modern life and the need to slow down and find moments of calm amidst the hustle and bustle.Lastly, there was a picture of a tree with deep roots and vibrant leaves. It made me think about the importance of staying grounded and connected to our roots, while also growing and flourishing in our own unique way. It reminded me of the beauty of diversity and the strength that comes from embracing our differences.。



北京高考英语看图作文It was a sunny day in Beijing, and the streets were bustling with people. I saw a group of students walking towards the exam center, their faces filled with determination and nervousness. Some were chatting nervously, while others were lost in their thoughts.Outside the exam center, parents were waiting anxiously, their eyes scanning the crowd for a glimpse of their children. Some were holding onto good luck charms, while others were praying silently for their children's success.Inside the exam center, the atmosphere was tense. Students were seated at their desks, pencils in hand, ready to tackle the challenging exam questions. Some were furrowing their brows in concentration, while others were tapping their feet nervously.As the exam progressed, I could see the determinationin the students' eyes. They were focused and determined todo their best, despite the pressure and stress. Some were flipping through their notes, while others were scribbling furiously on their papers.Finally, the exam was over, and the students emerged from the exam center, their faces a mix of relief and exhaustion. Some were smiling, while others looked relieved. They had given it their all, and now all they could do was wait for the results.As I watched the students and parents leave the exam center, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for their hard work and dedication. The Beijing high school entrance exam was a challenging test, but these studentshad faced it head-on with courage and determination. I wished them all the best in their future endeavors, knowing that they had the potential to achieve great things.。



上海高考看图英语作文In the bustling city of Shanghai, a striking scene unfolds as we observe the transformation of the city's cultural landscape. The image presented here is a poignant depiction of the effects of technological advancement on traditional bookstores. The picture shows a small, quaint bookstore nestled between two towering electronic shops, symbolizing the clash between the old and the new.The bookstore, with its traditional signboard and warm, inviting lights, stands as a bastion of the past amidst the cold, sleek glass facades of the technology stores. Inside the bookstore, one can imagine the comforting smell of paper and ink, the quiet rustle of pages turning, and the soft conversations of book lovers discussing their latest finds.In contrast, the electronic shops boast large, bright screens displaying the latest e-readers, tablets, and smartphones,all promising instant access to a world of information and entertainment. The allure of convenience and the vast digital libraries they offer is undeniable, drawing in customers with their modern appeal.However, the existence of the bookstore in this scene also represents resilience and the enduring appeal of the physical book. It suggests that despite the digital revolution, there is still a place for the tactile experience of reading from paper pages. The bookstore is a haven for those whoappreciate the smell of a new book, the feel of its pages, and the satisfaction of adding to their personal library.The image prompts us to reflect on the value of preserving cultural spaces like bookstores in a rapidly modernizing world. It raises questions about the role of technology in our lives and whether it can truly replace the experience of visiting a traditional bookstore.In conclusion, the picture captures the essence of the ongoing debate between the charm of traditional reading habits and the convenience of digital technology. It serves as a reminder that while we embrace the benefits of technological progress, we must also strive to protect and cherish the cultural institutions that enrich our lives and define our identity.。



高考英语看图作文范文As I look at the picture, I see a bustling city street filled with people and cars. The skyscrapers tower above, casting long shadows on the crowded sidewalks. The atmosphere seems lively and energetic, with everyone going about their business in a hurry.In the center of the image, I notice a street performer entertaining a small crowd. His music fills the air, adding to the vibrant energy of the scene. People stop to watch, some clapping along with the rhythm, while others simply smile and continue on their way.On the left side of the picture, there is a street vendor selling colorful fruits and vegetables. The vibrant hues of the produce stand out against the backdrop of the concrete jungle. The vendor calls out to passersby, trying to entice them with his fresh offerings.In contrast, on the right side, I see a homeless personsitting on the sidewalk, holding up a sign asking for help. The juxtaposition of wealth and poverty in such close proximity is a stark reminder of the inequality that exists in our society.Looking closer, I notice a group of friends taking a selfie together, their smiles and laughter capturing a moment of joy amidst the chaos of the city. It's a reminder that even in the midst of a busy urban environment, there are still moments of connection and happiness to be found.Overall, the picture captures the diversity and complexity of city life. It's a place where people from all walks of life come together, each with their own story to tell. It's a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle, there is still beauty and humanity to be found.。



高中英语看图作文范文精选12篇5高中英语看图作文范文第一篇In the picture, we can see that the girl’s parents and her grandparents are helping the girl, which makes it impossible for the girl to ride bicycle on herself. What is more ridiculous, her mother even takes some medicine.In fact, this is not a picture just for fun. It tells us that parents shouldn’t help their children too much. They should let their children be more independent.Many parents share the opinion that they must get everything readyfor their children so that their children could put more emphasis on their study. They all failed to consider that with the help of this kind, children won’t be able to live their own life without their parents in the future. Nowadays, It is often reported that a certain college stu dent don’t know how to wash her socks! How can she compete with others after graduation?Love and attention is needed in the growth of a child, but it should never be too much or you’ll spoil the child and he will accomplish nothing in his life.高中英语看图作文范文第二篇My hobbyEveryone has his own hobby, it gives him/her lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music, especially the cartoon music, and I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . Also, sports can bring me happiness too. I like to play football with my friends, i enjoy it very much. It makes me forget all the pressure from to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health.高中英语看图作文范文第三篇Guangming High School is in the west of the city,with the Chengxi River running nearby. It covers an area of 130 mu. When you enter the school, you can see a big flower bed in front of you,and two large buildings on both sides- the library on your right and the teaching building on your left. Walking on further,you will find the gymnasium, which is the most beautiful building on the campus, with another round flower bed in front. Behind it, there lie fourbasketball courts. Next to the courts is the sports ground. Along its east side stand three buildings-the dining hall, and two dormitories for the students and teachers. All the buildings are surrounded by bushes and flowers.高中英语看图作文范文第四篇某城市今年每百人中手机用户增长(示意图)0 1995年1997年1999年2001年根据所给图表,简要描述某城市今年每百人手机(mobile phone)用户增长情况,并试分析其增长原因。

英语作文:高考看图作文:空巢老人 Life of Empty-nesters

英语作文:高考看图作文:空巢老人 Life of Empty-nesters

英语作文:高考看图作文:空巢老人 Life of Empty-nesters The picture shows an empty-nester couple, who are enjoying a peaceful moment in the garden.Empty-nesters are those whose children have grown up and left home. They have plenty of time to spare, and can finally relax and enjoy life. They can travel, take up hobbies, or just take a stroll in the park.However, life as an empty-nester can also be lonely and depressing. Without children around, they may feel lost and disconnected from the world. They may also feel a deep sense of loss, as they no longer have the joy of raising a family.It is important for empty-nesters to stay connected to their children and to the community. They should find ways to stay active and engaged in activities that bring them joy. This could be spending time with friends and family, volunteering, or taking up a new hobby.In conclusion, life as an empty-nester can be both rewarding and challenging. It is important for empty-nesters to stay connected and find ways to enjoy life.。



上海高考英语看图作文In the bustling city of Shanghai, a scene unfolds that captures the essence of the digital age's impact ontraditional culture. The image depicts a quaint, old-fashioned bookstore, its shelves overflowing with books of various genres and its atmosphere steeped in the scent of paper and ink. Outside the store, a young man is engrossed in his smartphone, a stark contrast to the world within the bookstore's walls.The bookstore itself is a treasure trove of knowledge, with its wooden shelves and dim lighting evoking a sense of nostalgia. The books, arranged neatly, represent the wisdom of the past and the joy of discovery that comes from delving into their pages. The store's owner, an elderly gentleman with a warm smile, stands behind the counter, a testament to the personal touch and the love for literature thattraditional bookstores offer.In contrast, the young man outside represents the new generation's embrace of technology. His smartphone, a sleek and modern device, offers instant access to information, entertainment, and communication. It symbolizes the convenience and speed that the digital world provides, often at the expense of the immersive and tactile experience of reading a physical book.The juxtaposition of the two scenes raises several questions.Are traditional bookstores becoming obsolete in the face of technological advancements? Can they adapt and survive by integrating digital elements into their business model? Or is there a place for both digital and traditional methods of accessing literature in our society?The image serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving cultural institutions like bookstores, which are not just places to buy books but also community hubs that foster a love for reading and intellectual discourse. It also highlights the need for balance, as technology can enhance our lives but should not replace the deeper, more meaningful experiences that traditional practices can provide.In conclusion, the image of the traditional bookstore and the young man with his smartphone in Shanghai encapsulates the ongoing debate between the preservation of traditionalculture and the adoption of modern technology. It is a call to action for society to find a way to honor the past while embracing the future, ensuring that both can coexist and enrich our lives in their unique ways.。



高考英语作文看图The picture shows a bustling city street with people walking and cars driving. The sky is clear and the sun is shining. The buildings are tall and modern, and there are trees and plants along the sidewalks.A young couple is sitting on a bench, laughing and talking. They seem to be enjoying each other's company. A street performer is playing the guitar nearby, and a small crowd has gathered to listen. The atmosphere is lively and cheerful.In the background, a group of friends is taking aselfie in front of a colorful mural on the wall. They are all smiling and making funny faces. It looks like they are having a great time together.A food truck is parked on the corner, and there is a long line of people waiting to order. The smell ofdelicious food fills the air, and it seems like everyone iseager to try the local cuisine.In the distance, a bus is pulling up to a stop, and a few people are getting ready to board. The driver is waving to someone across the street, and a dog is barkingexcitedly at the sight of the bus.Overall, the scene is vibrant and full of energy. It captures the essence of city life, with its diversity, activity, and sense of community. It's a place where people come together to socialize, enjoy good food, and appreciate the arts.。

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[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖耐量试验(耐糖曲线)用于诊断()。A.严重糖尿病B.酮症酸中毒C.检查血糖回复到正常水平的时间D.隐性糖尿病E.临床常规糖尿病 [多选]在矿业工程中,下列费用属于人工费的是()。A.矿井井下艰苦岗位津贴的井下津贴B.列入地方性补贴的流动施工津贴C.管理人员人身保险D.管理人员费用E.现场管理人员工资 [单选]有关女性生殖器淋巴的引流,下述哪项是错误的?()A.外阴淋巴大部分汇入腹股沟浅淋巴结B.阴道下段淋巴汇入腹股沟浅淋巴结C.腹股沟浅淋巴结汇入髂淋巴结组D.宫颈淋巴汇入腹股沟深淋巴结E.子宫体淋巴汇入腰淋巴结及腹股沟浅淋巴结 [单选]在书刊印前制作中,图稿印刷适性检核的内容不包括()。A.检核原稿的内容B.检核原稿的阶调状况C.检核原稿的颜色偏色状况D.检核原稿的清晰度 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列不属于运输载体类的血浆蛋白质是().A.清蛋白B.铜蓝蛋白C.转铁蛋白D.前清蛋白E.免疫球蛋白 [多选]下列属于行政事业单位负债的是()。A.应交税金B.应收及预付款项C.借入款项D.对外投资E.应缴款项 [单选]既平肝息风,又清肝明目、凉血解毒的药物是()A.天麻B.羚羊角C.蒺藜D.钩藤E.罗布麻叶 [单选]下列哪一种是急性扁桃体炎的主要并发症()A.扁桃体周围脓肿B.急性喉炎C.心肌炎D.关节炎E.咽旁脓肿 [填空题]抢险人员进入漏氨事故现场之前必须带好()! [问答题,案例分析题]患者女性,25岁,玻璃划伤右腕部20min,创面有泉涌状出血,请你随救护车去现场做开放性伤口的止血包扎及急救处理。 [单选]生成脱氧核苷酸时,核糖转变为脱氧核糖发生在()A、1-焦磷酸-5-磷酸核糖水平B、核苷水平C、一磷酸核苷水平D、二磷酸核苷水平E、三磷酸核苷水平 [单选,A1型题]小儿骨髓外造血的器官是()A.卵巢B.胆囊C.脾脏D.淋巴管E.盲肠 [填空题]人类最早使用的工具是石器.考古学家根据石器的制造技术的发展和演进情况,将石器时代分为(),中石器,()三个时代. [单选]患者恶寒较甚,发热,无汗,头痛身楚,咳嗽,痰白,咯痰无力,舌淡苔白,脉浮而无力。治法宜首选()A.辛温解表B.辛凉解表C.祛湿解表D.益气解表E.滋阴解表 [单选]申请行政复议的一般期限是()。A.30日B.40日C.50日D.60日 [单选]现役伤残军人的“革命伤残军人证”由()签发。A.中国人民解放军总后勤部B.中国人民解放军军以上单位C.中国人民解放军师以上单位D.中华人民共和国民政部 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《素问·上古天真论》所述,人体生长发育过程中起决定性作用的是()A.五脏之气的充盛B.天癸的形成C.水谷的摄入D.肾气的充盛E.三焦的气化 [单选]下列各项中,会导致企业资产负债率下降的是()。A.收回应收款项B.计提资产减值准备C.盈余公积转增资本D.接受股东追加投资 [填空题]在分析实验过程中,如找不出可疑值出现原因,不应随意()或(),而应经过数据处理来决定()。 [问答题,简答题]人类对生命起源的几种认识? [单选]船舶主操舵装置应能在船舶最深航海吃水和以最大营运前进航速前进时在不超过()将舵自一舷()转至另一舷()。A、60秒,35。,35B、60秒,35。,30C、28秒,35。,30D、28秒,15。,15 [单选,A1型题]病理性黄疸,下列错误的是()。A.黄疸出现时间较早或太晚B.黄疸程度较重C.黄疸持续时间较短D.黄疸进展快E.有伴随症状 [单选,A1型题]寒痰凝滞胸阳不宣之胸痹痛,首选()A.川楝子B.桂枝C.陈皮D.薤白E.木香 [单选,A1型题]下列哪一项不符合单纯性高热惊厥的诊断标准()A.发作呈全身性B.惊厥持续数秒至数分钟,不超过10minC.惊厥于24h内无复发D.发作后无神经系统异常E.发作后EEG检查呈棘慢波 [填空题]如果需要在吊起的()、()以及汽缸盖下面进行清理结合面、涂抹涂料等工作时,应使用专用(),由检修工作负责人()后方可进行。 [单选]在方丝弓矫治器的应用过程中,为关闭拔牙间隙常采用在弓丝上弯制()A.垂直张力曲B.欧米加曲C.小圈曲D.泪滴型曲E.水平曲 [填空题]《水质色度的测定》(GB/T11903—1989)中规定,色度测定的是水样经()mim澄清后样品的颜色。 [问答题]在野外怎样避震? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《本草纲目》为后人留下了较完备的医药知识,人们在秉承这些医药知识的同时,其作者在行医时常为病人送药、煎药、喂药的高尚医德更为后人所称道,此人为()A.孙思邈B.张仲景C.李时珍D.龚延贤E.喻昌 [单选]开工前应按拟定的险工坝岸改建意见,结合坝岸的具体情况逐个(段)进行加高改建(),绘出断面图。A.设计B.施工C.计划D.规划 [单选]抑郁症的诊断要点不包括()。A.情绪低落B.症状昼重夜轻C.症状至少持续两周D.社会功能受损E.排除器质性病变 [单选]对误服强酸所引起的急性腐蚀性胃炎,下列治疗哪项是错误的()A.镁乳B.碳酸氢钠C.氢氧化铝凝胶D.牛奶E.蛋清 [单选]胶结类型是指胶结物在砂岩中的分布状况以及与碎屑()的接触关系。A、粗粒B、中粒C、细粒D、颗粒 [单选]()不是影响配送作业的拣货策略。A.分区B.资源分配C.订单分割D.分类 [单选]26岁,女,婚后2年未孕,月经规律,现停经41天,近1周觉乳房胀痛,尿妊娠试验阳性,基础体温曲线示高温相已达28天,最可能的诊断为().A.卵巢早衰B.早期妊娠C.月经前期D.子宫性闭经E.垂体性闭经 [单选]正常的舌色为()A.淡白舌、红舌B.紫舌C.淡黄舌D.淡红舌E.绛舌 [单选]下列卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤临床表现与声像图特点,哪一项是错误的A.囊腔内有较多分隔B.分隔呈不均匀性增厚C.不伴有腹水D.增厚的囊壁可向周围浸润E.肿瘤新生血管频谱多普勒测定呈低阻波形 [单选]国家对音像制品的零售,实行()。A.保证金制度B.追惩制度C.备案制度D.许可制度 [单选]根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列关于企业提供劳务确认收入的表述中,不正确的是()。A.为特定客户开发软件的收费,应根据开发的完工进度确认收入B.包含在商品售价内可区分的服务费,在提供服务的期间分期确认收入C.广告制作费,应在相关的广告或商业行为出现于公众面前 [单选]供电系统中发生短路的类型通常有三相短路、两相短路和单相短路,对系统造成危害最严重的是()。A.单相短路B.两相短路C.三相短路D.单相接地