



Ingredients: Apple
• One apple • The function of apple: • "An apple a day keeps
the doctor away." • contain relatively low
amounts of vitamin C • reduce the risk of colon
fresh muskmelon . • Function: • Contain a great
source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Watermelon
Fresh watermelon . • Function: • Contain a great
STEP 1 Wash your fruits STEP 2 Peel your fruits STEP 3 Cut fruits STEP 4 Put it all together STEP 5 Mix fruits with salad dressing (yogurt)
Enjoy Time
• two cucumbers • Function: • Reduce blood
sugar. • Strength body.
Ingredients: Banana
• Two bananas • Function: • Banana is quite
effective for weight loss because it has low calorie.
About fruit salad:
• Fruit salad is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruit, sometimes served in a liquid, either in their own juices or a syrup(果漿).



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• two cucumbers • Function: • Reduce blood
sugar. anana
• Two bananas • Function: • Banana is quite
effective for weight loss because it has low calorie.

let’s start making it!
Tools 工具
Step 步骤
Step 1 :wash the fruit
Step 2: peel the fruit
Step 3: cut the fruit
Step 4: put the salad
Step 5: mix the salad
source of vitaminC. • Very sweet
Ingredients: Orange
Two fresh oranges. • Function: • Contain a great
source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Cucumber
fresh muskmelon . • Function: • Contain a great
source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Watermelon
Fresh watermelon . • Function: • Contain a great



STEP 1 Wash your fruits STEP 2 Peel your fruits STEP 3 Cut fruits STEP 4 Put it all together STEP 5 Mix fruits with salad dressing (yogurt)
Enjoy Time
source of vitaminC. • Very sweet
Ingredients: Orange
Two fresh oranges. • Function: • Contain a great
source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Cucumber
Ingredients: Apple
• One apple • The function of apple: • "An apple a day keeps
the doctor away." • contain relatively low
amounts of vitamin C • reduce the risk of colot salad:
• Fruit salad is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruit, sometimes served in a liquid, either in their own juices or a syrup(果漿).

let’s start making it!
Tools 工具
Step 步骤
Step 1 :wash the fruit



STEP 1 Wash your fruits STEP 2 Peel your fruits STEP 3 Cut fruits STEP 4 Put it all together STEP 5 Mix fruits with salad dressing (yogurt)
Enjoy Time
• Common ingredients: strawberries,
pineapple, honeydew, watermelon, grapes, and kiwifruit. • Addition :nuts, fruit juices, certain vegetables, yogurt, or other ingredients.
cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.
Ingredients: Pitaya
fresh pitaya. • Function: • Contain a great
source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Muskmelon
WPS Office
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知识回顾 Knowledge Review
• two cucumbers • Function: • Reduce blood
sugar. • Strength body.
Ingredients: Banana
• Two bananas • Function: • Banana is quite
effective for weight loss because it has low calorie.



制作水果沙拉步骤英文作文英文:Making fruit salad is a fun and healthy way to enjoy a variety of fruits. Here are the steps to make a delicious fruit salad:1. Choose your fruits. You can use any fruits you like, but I recommend using a variety of colors and textures to make your salad more visually appealing and interesting. Some good options include strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, kiwi, mango, and grapes.2. Wash and chop your fruits. Make sure to wash your fruits thoroughly before chopping them into bite-sized pieces. You can use a knife or a fruit slicer to make the process easier.3. Mix your fruits together in a large bowl. Make sure to mix them well so that each bite contains a variety offruits.4. Add a dressing. You can use a variety of dressings to add flavor to your fruit salad. Some good options include honey, lemon juice, yogurt, or a fruit-flavored syrup.5. Chill your salad. Once your salad is mixed and dressed, place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour to allow the flavors to meld together.That's it! Your delicious fruit salad is now ready to enjoy.中文:制作水果沙拉是一种有趣且健康的方式来享用各种水果。

英语家庭作业 制作水果沙拉(中英文版)

英语家庭作业 制作水果沙拉(中英文版)

Today, let's make a fruit salad.

We need apples, pears, bananas and oranges.

First, wash all the fruits (except banana).

Second, peel the fruits (pear, oranges, banana, each one is enough). 第二,剥水果(梨、橙子、香蕉,每种一个就够了)。

Third, cut them into small pieces.

Fourth, put all in a bowl.
Fifth, put two scoop of salad dressing in the bowl, beat up.
Sixth, ladle into a clean plate.
Okay, so far finished a perfect dish – fruit salad!




下面店铺为大家带来做水果沙拉的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!做水果沙拉的英语意思make fruit salad做水果沙拉的相关英语例句1. What do we need for the fruIt'salad?做水果沙拉你需要什么 ?2. Can you tell me how to make fruIt'salad?能告诉我如何做水果沙拉吗 ?3. Learn to make fruIt'salad.了解做水果沙拉的简单过程.4. How to Make FruIt'salad?怎样做水果沙拉?5. I'll make some fruIt'salad.我要做一些水果沙拉.6. It's a fruIt'salad with melon, bananas, oranges, grapes and mango.用甜瓜、香蕉、橙子、葡萄和芒果做的一种水果沙拉.7. The fruIt'salad you made is delicious.你做的水果沙拉真不错.8. Wash the fruit and make a fruit vegetable salad.帮我把水果洗一下,做个水果蔬菜沙拉.做水果沙拉的英文例句让我们做水果沙拉。

Let's make fruit salad.你是怎样做水果沙拉的?How do you make fruit salad?这段告诉我们如何做水果沙拉。

This passage tells us how to make a fruit salad.我们需要多少个苹果做水果沙拉?三个。

How many apples do we need to make fruit salad ? Three .让我们一起来做水果沙拉吧。


Fruit Salad
About fruit salad:
• Fruit salad is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruit, sometimes served in a liquid, either in their own juices or a syrup(果漿). • Common ingredients: strawberries,
Step 5: mix the salad
Wash your fruits
Peel your fruits
Mix fruits with salad dressing (yogurt)
Ingredients: Cucumber
• two cucumbers • Function: • Reduce blood sugar. • Strength body.
Ingredients: Banana
• Two bananas • Function: • Banana is quite effective for weight loss because it has low calorie.
Ingredients: Pitaya
fresh pitaya. • Function: • Contain a great source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Muskmelon
fresh muskmelon . • Function: • Contain a great source of vitaminC. • Very little fat

The Making Process of Fruit Salad(水果沙拉的制作流程)

The Making Process of Fruit Salad(水果沙拉的制作流程)

Fruit salad -----Colovcrful orchard This is the hottest summer. I invite my best friends to my house and we decide to make fruit salad to relieve summer heat. So we go to supermarket to buy some material that we need. Next we begin to do itcutting:step1: wash fruitstep2: slice two peaches and an orange.step3: remove the skin of two bananas and half of the pineapple then slice them into triangularstep4: Spoon out the centre of the melon to remove the pips and slice it widthways into moon shapes and lengthways into smaller chunks step5: Remove the stalks and leaves from each strawberry then chop each one in half.Step6: Put all fruit into the bowl.step7: Layer the mint leaves on top of one another and slice them finely Making the caramel sauce.step8: (1) Heat the saucepan over a medium heat then add the sugar, followed by half a tablespoon of water. Don't mix it until the sugar begins to caramelize and then start to stir very slowly.(2)When it completely caramelizes, pour in the water very carefully . Mix together well and then add the vanilla bean and the lemon grass. Lower the heat and continue stirring constantly.(3)After about a minute, stir the lime juice, then bring it back to a boil and remove from the heat.(4)Let it sit for 10 minutes so that the flavors infuse, then strain it through a sieve and allow to cool completely.Finally we spoon the sauce over the fruit and stir well, then put on the mint leaves and mixed berries that we washed before. After all the steps, and we enjoy it.。


• Common ingredients: strawberries,
pineapple, honeydew, watermelon, grapes, and kiwifruit. • Addition :nuts, fruit juices, certain vegetables, yogurt, or other ingredients.
Fruit Salad
About fruit salad:
• Fruit salad is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruit, sometimes served in a liquid, either in their own juices or a syrup(果漿).
Ingredients: Pitaya
fresh pitaya. • Function: • Contain a great
source of vitaminC. • Very little fat
Ingredients: Muskmelon
fresh muskmelon . • Function: • Contain a great
Enjoy Time
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let’s start making it!


Fruit salad
用料:土豆、苹果、鸡肉、 药芹、核桃、生菜叶、色 拉油沙司、鲜奶油、糖粉、 胡椒粉
Ingredient: potatoes, apples, chicken, parsley, walnut, lettuce leaves and salad sauce, cream, sugar, and pepper.
Fruit salad
最后,将生菜叶平铺在小 盘里,上面放拌好的苹果 色拉。再撒上核桃仁便成。
Finally, the flat lettuce leaves in pannikin, mix the good apples salad. Then the walnuts will become
Fruit salad
Fruit salad
制作方法: 首先,将土豆蒸熟去皮, 鸡肉煮熟,核桃去皮。苹 果去皮去籽,生菜叶洗净 消毒待用。将糖用刀压成 细粉。
Method: First, potatoes peel, steaming chicken cooked, walnut peel. Peel an apple to wash lettuce leaves and seed disinfection. The sword will sugar into powder.
Fruit salad.
水果沙拉就做好啦,如果 你怕这样吃不饱的话,下 面再介绍一种美式沙拉, 这种沙拉是一定能吃饱的 啦。
Make fruit salad, if you fear that, if do not have enough to eat again below a salad, this salad is American can eat satisfied.


Fruit salad
然后,将土豆、苹果、鸡 肉、药芹菜均切成一寸长 的丝,放入盛器里,加胡 椒粉、鲜奶油、糖粉、色 拉油沙司拌匀。
Then, potatoes, apples, chicken, celery is cut into one inch long wire, put in a container, pepper, cream, sugar, salad sauce mix.
Fruit salad
最后,将生菜叶平铺在小 盘里,上面放拌好的苹果 色拉。再撒上核桃仁便成。
Finally, the flat lettuce leaves in pannikin, mix the good apples salad. Then the walnuts will become
Fruit salad
Fruit salad
制作方法: 首先,将苹果、梨、桔子 和香蕉都去皮去籽,切成 一寸长三分宽的薄片,放 入盛器内拌匀。生菜叶洗 净,消毒待用。
Method: First, apples, pears and oranges and bananas to the skin to seed, cut into an inch wide and thirty points within the container into the chip. Wash lettuce leaves and disinfection.
Fruit salad
用料:土豆、苹果、鸡肉、 药芹、核桃、生菜叶、色 拉油沙司、鲜奶油、糖粉、 胡椒粉
Ingredient: potatoes, apples, chicken, parsley, walnut, lettuce leaves and salad sauce, cream, sugar, and pepper.





水果沙拉的英语说法Fruit saladFresh Fruit Salad水果沙拉的相关表达奶油杂拌水果沙拉 Mixed fruit salad with cream水果沙拉酱 Fruit salad sauce新鲜水果沙拉 fresh fruit salad制作水果沙拉 make fruit salad虾仁水果沙拉 Tropical shrimps with fruit salad水果沙拉的英语例句1. What do we need for the fruIt'salad?做水果沙拉你需要什么 ?2. I'll make some fruIt'salad.我要做一些水果沙拉.3. Passion fruit and pineapple fighting for dominance amonga fruIt'salad of contenders.辛辣香味中带热情果及波萝为主之水果沙拉味.4. It's a fruIt'salad with melon, bananas, oranges, grapes and mango.用甜瓜、香蕉、橙子、葡萄和芒果做的一种水果沙拉.5. Mom: Okay. Please take some fruIt'salad and crackers for me.妈妈: 好的. 给我带些水果沙拉和饼干吧.6. Brised prawns, fruIt'salads and sea food and so on.油焖大虾、水果沙拉、海鲜等等.7. Using for vegetable and fruIt'salad, deep - fry foods or daub breadcrumbs.蔬菜沙拉,水果沙拉, 油炸食品,面包涂抹.8. What about your dessert? Apple tart, ice cream or fruIt'salad?您要什么甜点? 苹果派, 冰淇淋还是水果沙拉?9. This fruIt'salad she tried is popular with her friends.她试手的这个水果沙拉很受朋友们欢迎.10. Would you care for a small dish of fruIt'salad?您想要一小盘水果沙拉吗 ?11. Can you tell me how to make fruIt'salad?能告诉我如何做水果沙拉吗 ?12. We wanted a fruIt'salad for supper.晚餐吃水果沙拉.13. Now the fruIt'salad was ready.现在水果沙拉已经做好了.14. The fruIt'salad you made is delicious.你做的水果沙拉真不错.15. Please help me turn the fruIt'salad.你帮我把这盘水果沙拉拌匀吧.水果沙拉食谱:做清凉可口的水果沙拉Step 1: Choose your fruit第一步:选新鲜的水果Choose your fruit. Any fresh fruit in season is a good choice, but remember that apples andbananas brown quickly.选新鲜的水果。



制作水果沙拉英语作文Title: Making Fruit SaladMaking Fruit SaladFruit salad is a delightful and refreshing dish that combines a variety of fruits to create a colorful and tasty treat. It is not only delicious but also nutritious, providing a healthy option for a snack or dessert. In this essay, we will explore the process of making a delicious fruit salad.To begin, gather a selection of fresh fruits. The choice of fruits is entirely up to personal preference, but popular options include strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, grapes, and oranges. Ensure that the fruits are ripe yet firmfor the best texture and flavor.Start by washing all the fruits thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or residue. Once cleaned, peel and chop the fruits into bitesized pieces. Some fruits, like berries and grapes, can be used whole or halved depending on their size.In a large mixing bowl, combine the chopped fruits. To add some extra sweetness, you can drizzle honey or sprinkle a bit of sugar over the fruits. For a tangy twist, squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice over the mixture. Gently toss the fruits to ensure even distribution of the flavors.If desired, you can enhance the fruit salad with additional ingredients such as mint leaves for a burst of freshness or a sprinkle of chopped nuts for some crunch. Be creative and experiment with different combinations to suit your taste preferences.Once the fruit salad is thoroughly mixed, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together. This chilling time will also help to enhance the taste and texture of the fruit salad.When ready to serve, scoop the fruit salad into individual bowls or onto a serving platter. Garnish with a few additional mint leaves or a light dusting of powdered sugar for a decorative touch. Fruit salad can be enjoyed on its own as a light and healthy snack or served alongside other dishes as a refreshing dessert.In conclusion, making fruit salad is a simple yet rewarding process that allows for endless creativity in combiningdifferent fruits and flavors. Whether enjoyed on a hot summer day or as a sweet treat after a meal, fruit salad is sure to please the taste buds and provide a nutritious option for a guiltfree indulgence. So next time you are looking for a light and refreshing dish, consider making a delicious fruit salad bursting with vibrant colors and flavors.。

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