LTC3441 - 大电流微功率同步降压-升压型 DC-DC 转换器 LTC3441EDE
Lin earLTC3588-1 压电能量收集电源方案关键字:电源管理,能量收集器,DC/DC转换器Lin ear公司的LTC3588-1是压电能量收集电源,集成了低噪音全波整流和高效降压转换器,组成完整的能量收集解决方案,最适合高输出阻抗的能量源如压电传感器•输入电压2.7V-20V,输出电流高达100mA可选输出电压1.8V,2.5V,3.3V 和 3.6V,可用于压电能量收集,电-机械能量收集,无线HVAC专感器,轮胎压里传感器遥控光幵关,毫微瓦降压稳压器.本文介绍LTC3588-1主要特性,方框图以及多种应用电路图,包括100mA压电能量收集电源电路图,最小尺寸的1.8V低压输入压电能量收集电源电路图,电场能量和热电能量收集器电路图等•LTC3588-1:PiezoelectricE nergyHarvesti ngPowerSupplyTheLTC.3588-1i ntegratesalow-lossfull- wavebridgerectifierwithahighefficie ncybuckc on vertertoformacompletee nergy harvesti ngsoluti ono ptimizedforhighoutputimpeda ncee nergysourcessuchaspiez oelectrictra nsducers.A nultralowquiesce ntcurre ntun dervoltagelockout(UVLO) modewithawidehysteresiswi ndowallowschargetoaccumulate onanin putcapacitoru n tilthebuckc on verterca nefficie ntlytra nsferaportio no fthestoredchargetothe output.I nregulatio n,theLTC3588-1en tersasleepstate in whichboth in puta ndoutputquiesce ntcurre ntsare mini mal.T hebuckc on vertertur nsonan doffas neededtoma intain regulati on.Fouroutputvoltages,1.8V,2.5V,3.3Va nd3.6V,arepi nselectablewithupto100m Aofcontinu ousoutputcurre nt;however,theoutputcapacitormaybesizedtoservice ahigheroutputcurre ntburst.A nin putprotectivesh un tsetat20Ve nablesgreatere n ergystorageforagive namoun tofi nputcapacita nee.LTC3588-1主要特性:—NoLoad) 950nAln putQuiesce ntCurre nt(Outputi nRegulatio n450nAI nputQuiesce ntCurre nti nUVLO2.7Vto20VI nputOperati ngRa ngeIn tegratedLow-LossFull-WaveBridgeRectifierUptolOOmAofOutputCurre nt SelectableOutputVoltagesof1.8V,2.5V,3.3V,3.6VHighEfficie ncyl ntegratedHystereticBuckDC/DCIn putProtectiveShu nt —Upto25mAPull-Do wn atVIN> 20V WideI nputU ndervoltageLockout(UVLO)Ra ngeAvailablei n10-LeadMSEa nd3mmx3mmDFNPackagesLTC3588-1 应用:PiezoelectricE nergyHarvesti ngElectro-Mecha nicalE nergyHarvesti ngWirelessHVACSe nsors MobileAssetTracki ngTirePressureSe nsors BatteryReplaceme ntforl ndustrialSe nsors RemoteLightSwitchesStan dal on eNa nopowerBuckRegulator著一m函1.LTC3588匕8斎函」sm ApieicE一鱼S-rrl n E a yHaw邕?壬『OCT函 2.L T C3588—l 00m A te [>^K *t >[>M函i图3.LTC3588-13.3V 压电能量收集电源电路图:给带无线发送器的微处理器和 50mA 瞬态负载供电.P 旧电 SYSTEMS T220-.M*^3X_IDI —图4.最小尺寸的1.8V 低压输入压电能量收集电源电路图'h {OPTIONAL}VlH PGCXJDV||Q LTCK3B-1CAPsw D3 VoufDO1O|1FprePGOOOLTC3588-1$w^bur、蟻bl 1帕&0PIEZO STS T230-A4-M3XTtzu=1=T1-q —刖M|lF &vPflPZ? KWCW*|hUC358B-1.B . ¥IIE ■aiiiDI&3GND—■ JU -10UHI J-111FT2Li 卯—r- ?5V I -------1±图5.采用单个压电晶体和自动加电次序的双电源电路图iMU 比4优罚TWIflUHVOUTipF 6V—r^Ev1O0^亠*髦"F "T BYr1OyF25V I ----------------47|f图6.带备份电池的压电能量收集器电路图图7.AC 火线供电的3.6V 降压稳压器,大输出电容支持重负载PANELS ARE PLACED G bFROM T x4' FLUQRfSCFFJT LiflHT FIXTURESGOPPtR 用MEL(情綁刊IDANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE'COPPER PA 忡EL(12* x 24f \—F*GOODPGOQD9V ' BAntHVP1E2O SVSTEMS T2SOW-503XP21p 竝VlHPGOODITG33A8-1CAP SWV|W2Van00P22GHDPGOODPZ2PGOODlTCJ5B8-tswV,-,-vgyr□ lDO RND5p7?v-iPGOODLTO5^0-1GAP5W%V QUTBlI (X JHJ —*1O^F "T" SV图8.电场能量收集器电路图St _L5VT0 f6V•…SOUR PANfL rao5M4X&FrrIPF■VvVT BATTERYII%PiJOODLTG3W1GAP SWy IV3V CVT0001GNDiPG3OD5* 2.7V 蚀FX5V NESS SUPER W^ACITOR_ £5HSR-ODa30O^M2fl7图9.5-16V太阳能供电的2.5V电源,其超大电容增加输出能量存储和备份电池IPG-1 THERMALI GEMERATORMi 61-1,0-127-1.27I (TELLUflEX)—5,4VH工工工[---------1P22%卩GOODUC3506-1CAP畑V OUTDO01GUO跡47pF2.5V图10.热电能量收集器电路图。
【摘要】凌特公司(Linear Technology)推出真正降压-升压DC/DC转换器LTC3442。
1.Intersil新款双同步降压稳压器最大限度延长电池寿命 [J], Intersil公司
2.1A、低噪声、同步降压—升压型DC/DC转换器可延长锂离子和碱性电池供电设备的电池运行时间 [J],
3.微小型1A及4A降压/升压稳压器助力延长电池使用寿命 [J],
4.Microchip推出同步升压稳压器延长电池应用寿命 [J],
5.集成1A降压-升压型稳压器和I^2C接口的开关模式 USB电源管理器最大限度延长电池工作时间并减少热量 [J],
2006 年8 月15 日-北京-凌特公司(Linear Technology Corporation)推出高效率、2.25MHz、同步降压型稳压器LTC3549,该器件能用低至1.6V 的输入电压提供高达250mA 的连续输出电流。
LTC3549 采用恒定频率和电流模式架构,用 1.6V 至 5.5V 的输入电压工作,非常适用于单节锂离子或两节碱性/镍镉/镍氢电池应用。
该器件可以产生低至0.61V 的输出电压,因此能够为最新一代低压DSP 和微控制器供电。
其2.25MHz 开关频率允许利用高度低于1mm 的纤巧和低成本陶瓷电容器和电感器,因而可为手持式应用组成占板面积非常紧凑的解决方案。
LTC3549 采用RDS(ON) 仅为0.4Ω(N 沟道)和0.56Ω(P 沟道)的内部开关,具有高达93% 的效率。
它还采用低压差100% 占空比工作模式,允许输出电压等于VIN,从而进一步延长了电池工作时间。
LTC3549 利用低纹波突发模式(Burst Mode®)工作,以低于20mVPK-PK 的输出纹波提供仅为50uA 的无负载静态电流。
如果应用是噪声敏感的,那么LTC3549 还可以设置为噪声更低的脉冲跳跃模式,而且仍然提供仅为300uA 的静态电流。
LTC3549 用陶瓷电容器可稳定,因而实现了非常低的输出电压纹波。
EN输入低阈值 EN输入高门槛 EN输入偏置电流 EN输入偏置电流 EN输入偏置电流
UVLO待机阈值 UVLO阈值迟滞 UVLO上拉电流源 UVLO拉向下R
SS电流源 SS到FB偏移 SS输出低电压
VCCX = 0V VCCX = 5V EN = 0V
0.095 0.14
LM5118 Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but does not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions see the Electrical Characteristics.
实际应用中存在多种拓扑结构,比较常见有三种非隔离式DC-DC拓扑结构,按照功能划分为:降压(buck 图2a所示)、升压(boost图2b所示)、升/降压(buck-boost或反转图2c所示)。
2411 TA01
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24-Bit ADC in an MS10 Package Low Supply Current (200µA in Conversion Mode and 4µA in Autosleep Mode) Differential Input and Differential Reference with GND to VCC Common Mode Range 2ppm INL, No Missing Codes 4ppm Full-Scale Error and 1ppm Offset 0.29ppm Noise No Latency: Digital Filter Settles in a Single Cycle. Each Conversion Is Accurate, Even After an Input Step Single Supply 2.7V to 5.5V Operation Internal Oscillator—No External Components Required 110dB Min, Pin Selectable 50Hz/60Hz Notch Filter (LTC2411) Simultaneous 50Hz/60Hz Rejection (LTC2411-1)
Linear 推出效率达98%的同步降压
凌力尔特公司推出效率非常高(达98%)的同步降压-升压型DC/DC 控制器LT8705,该器件可在输入电压高于、低于或等于输出电压的情况下运作。
这个器件用 4 个反馈环路来调节输入电流/ 电压以及输出电流/ 电压。
LT8705 可使用在多种应用中,例如电信和汽车中的电压稳定器、以及太阳能或高阻抗电源和电池系统。
LT8705 在 2.8V 至80V 的宽输入电压范围内工作,产生 1.3V 至80V 输出,采用单个电感器和 4 开关同步整流。
用单个器件可提供高达250W 的输出功率。
工作频率可在100kHz 至400kHz 范围内选择,也可同步至一个外部时钟。
LT8705 采用专有的电流模式控制架构,以降压或升压模式实现恒定频率工作,而且提供了
4 个强大的内置N 沟道MOSFET 栅极驱动器。
用户可以选择强制连续、断续和突发模式(Burst Mode®)工作,以最大限度地提高轻负载时的效率。
3.3V/12mA LDO、可调软启动、内置芯片温度监视器、以及在-40 度C 至125 度C 的工作结温范围内准确度为±1% 的基准电压。
LT8705 采。
ltc3789芯片中文资料及推荐参数LTC3789 是一款高性能、降压-升压型开关稳压控制器,可以在输入电压高于、低于或等于输出电压的情况下运作。
该器件运用了恒定频率、电流模式架构,故可提供一个高达600kHz 的可锁相频率,而一个输出电流反馈环路则提供了对电池充电的支持。
凭借4V 至38V (最大值为40V)的宽输入和输出范围以及工作区之间的无缝和低噪声转换,LTC3789 成为了汽车、电信和电池供电型系统的理想选择。
在降压或升压模式时,LTC3789 运用专有电流模式控制架构实现恒定频率工作,而且内置了4 个强大的N 沟道MOSFET 栅极驱动器。
LTC3789 还提供一个准确的恒定电流调节环路,用于在宽输入电压范围内调节输入或输出电流。
输入电流限制功能防止输入电源过载,输出电流限制为诸如电池充电器或LED 驱动器等稳定输出电流应用提供了非常容易的解决方案。
此外,LTC3789 在停机时断开输入电压和输出电压的连接。
用户可以选择连续或脉冲跳跃模式,以最大限度地提高轻负载效率,并允许将IC 同步至一个外部时钟。
此外,LTC3789 具有可调软启动、电源良好输出,并在-40C 至125C 的工作结温范围内保持1.5% 的基准电压准确度。
当输出位于其设计设定点的10% 以内时,一个电源良好输出引脚将发生指示信号。
LTC3789 采用扁平的28 引脚4mm x 5mm QFN 封装和窄体SSOP 封装。
LTC3789引脚说明LTC3789引脚图1. VFB(PIN1/PIN26):误差放大器反馈引脚。
2. SS(PIN2/PIN27):外部软启动输入引脚。
LTC3789调节VFB电压到较小的0.8V或SS 引脚上的电压。
有效值转换芯片 LTC1968
1LTC196823LTC1968456LTC1968INPUT FREQUENCY (kHz)02004001981002003005000.5%/DIV C AVE= 10µF V IN = 200mV RMS7LTC196889LTC1968101968fOutput ConnectionsThe LTC1968 output is differentially, but not symmetri-cally, generated. That is to say, the RMS value that the LTC1968 computes will be generated on the output (Pin 5)relative to the output return (Pin 6), but these two pins are not interchangeable. For most applications, Pin 6 will be tied to ground (Pin 1). However, Pin 6 can be tied to any voltage between 0V and V + (Pin 7) less the maximum output voltage swing desired. This last restriction keeps V OUT itself (Pin 5) within the range of 0V to V +. If a reference level other than ground is used, it should be a low impedance, both AC and DC, for proper operation of the LTC1968.In any configuration, the averaging capacitor should be connected between Pins 5 and 6. The LTC1968 RMS-DC output will be a positive voltage created at V OUT (Pin 5)with respect to OUT RTN (Pin 6).Power Supply BypassingThe LTC1968 is a switched capacitor device, and large transient power supply currents will be drawn as the switching occurs. For reliable operation, standard power supply bypassing must be included. A 0.01µF capacitor from V + (Pin 7) to GND (Pin 1) located close to the device will suffice. If there is a good quality ground plane avail-able, the capacitors can go directly to that instead. Power supply bypass capacitors can, of course, be inexpensive ceramic types.Up and Running!If you have followed along this far, you should have the LTC1968 up and running by now! Don’t forget to enable the device by grounding Pin 8, or driving it with a logic low.Keep in mind that the LTC1968 output impedance is fairly high, and that even the standard 10M Ω input impedance of a digital multimeter (DMM) or a 10× scope probe will load down the output enough to degrade its typical gain error of 0.1%. In the end application circuit, either a buffer or another component with an extremely high input imped-ance (such as a dual slope integrating ADC) should be used.APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU For laboratory evaluation, it may suffice to use a bench-top DMM with the ability to disconnect the 10M Ω shunt.If you are still having trouble, it may be helpful to skip ahead a few pages and review the Troubleshooting Guide.What About Response Time?With a large value averaging capacitor, the LTC1968 can easily perform RMS-to-DC conversion on low frequency signals. It compares quite favorably in this regard to prior-generation products because nothing about the ∆Σcircuitry is temperature sensitive. So the RMS result doesn’t get distorted by signal driven thermal fluctuations like a log-antilog circuit output does.However, using large value capacitors results in a slow response time. Figure 10 shows the rising and falling step responses with a 10µF averaging capacitor. Although they both appear at first glance to be standard exponential-decay type settling, they are not. This is due to the nonlinear nature of an RMS-to-DC calculation. Also note the change in the time scale between the two; the rising edge is more than twice as fast to settle to a given accuracy. Again this is a necessary consequence of RMS-to-DC calculation.3Although shown with a step change between 0mV and 100mV, the same response shapes will occur with the LTC1968 for ANY step size. This is in marked contrast to prior generation log/antilog RMS-to-DC converters, whose averaging time constants are dependent on the signal level, resulting in excruciatingly long waits for the output to go to zero.The shape of the rising and falling edges will be dependent on the total percent change in the step, but for less than the 100% changes shown in Figure 10, the responses will be less distorted and more like a standard exponential decay.For example, when the input amplitude is changed from3 To convince oneself of this necessity, consider a pulse train of 50% duty cycle between 0mV and100mV. At very low frequencies, the LTC1968 will essentially track the input. But as the input frequency is increased, the average result will converge to the RMS value of the input. If the rise and fall characteristics were symmetrical, the output would converge to 50mV. In fact though, the RMS value of a 100mV DC-coupled 50% duty cycle pulse train is 70.71mV, which the asymmetrical rise and fall characteristics will converge to as the input frequency is increased.1968 F15 100ms/DIV1968 F14100ms/DIVFigure 15. Step Responses with 60Hz Burst Figure 14. Step Responses with 10Hz Burst1968fwaveform dynamics and the type of filtering used. The above method is conservative for some cases and about right for others.The LTC1968 works well with signals whose crest factor is 4 or less. At higher crest factors, the internal ∆Σmodulator will saturate, and results will vary depending on the exact frequency, shape and (to a lesser extent) ampli-tude of the input waveform. The output voltage could be higher or lower than the actual RMS of the input signal.The ∆Σ modulator may also saturate when signals with crest factors less than 4 are used with insufficient averag-ing. This will only occur when the output droops to less than 1/4 of the input voltage peak. For instance, a DC-coupled pulse train with a crest factor of 4 has a duty cycle of 6.25% and a 1V PEAK input is 250mV RMS . If this input is 50Hz, repeating every 20ms, and C AVE = 10µF, the output will droop during the inactive 93.75% of the waveform.This droop is calculated as:V V e MIN RMS INACTIVE TIME =⎛⎝⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟−⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟21– 2 • Z • C OUT AVE For the LTC1968, whose output impedance (Z OUT ) is12.5k Ω, this droop works out to –3.6%, so the output would be reduced to 241mV at the end of the inactive portion of the input. When the input signal again climbs to 1V PEAK , the peak/output ratio is 4.15.With C AVE = 100µF, the droop is only –0.37% to 249.1mV and the peak/output ratio is just 4.015, which the LTC1968has enough margin to handle without error.For crest factors less than 3.5, the selection of C AVE as previously described should be sufficient to avoid this droop and modulator saturation effect. B ut with crest factors above 3.5, the droop should also be checked for each design.Error AnalysesOnce the RMS-to-DC conversion circuit is working, it is time to take a step back and do an analysis of the accuracy of that conversion. The LTC1968 specifications include three basic static error terms, V OOS , V IOS and GAIN. The output offset is an error that simply adds to (or subtractsAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU from) the voltage at the output. The conversion gain of the LTC1968 is nominally 1.000 V DCOUT /V RMSIN and the gain error reflects the extent to which this conversion gain is not perfectly unity. Both of these affect the results in a fairly obvious way.Input offset on the other hand, despite its conceptual simplicity, effects the output in a nonobvious way. As its name implies, it is a constant error voltage that adds directly with the input. And it is the sum of the input and V IOS that is RMS converted.This means that the effect of V IOS is warped by the nonlinear RMS conversion. With 0.4mV (typ) V IOS , and a 200mV RMS AC input, the RMS calculation will add the DC and AC terms in an RMS fashion and the effect is negligible:V OUT = √(200mV AC)2 + (0.4mV DC)2= 200.0004mV = 200mV + 2ppmBut with 10× less AC input, the error caused by V IOS is 100× larger:V OUT = √(20mV AC)2 + (0.4mV DC)2= 20.004mV= 20mV + 200ppmThis phenomena, although small, is one source of the LTC1968’s residual nonlinearity.On the other hand, if the input is DC coupled, the input offset voltage adds directly. With +200mV and a +0.4mV V IOS , a 200.4mV output will result, an error of 0.2% or 2000ppm. With DC inputs, the error caused by V IOS can be positive or negative depending if the two have the same or opposing polarity.The total conversion error with a sine wave input using the typical values of the LTC1968 static errors is computed as follows:V OUT = (√(500mV AC)2 + (0.4mV DC)2) • 1.001 + 0.2mV= 500.700mV= 500mV + 0.140%V OUT = (√(50mV AC)2 + (0.4mV DC)2) • 1.001 + 0.2mV= 50.252mV= 50mV + 0.503%211968fAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU This allows each sample to settle to within 46ppm and it is these samples that are used to compute the RMS value.This is a much higher accuracy than the LTC1968 conver-sion limits, and far better than the accuracy computed via the simplistic resistive divider model:Output ImpedanceThe LTC1968 output impedance during operation is simi-larly due to a switched capacitor action. In this case, 20pF of on-chip capacitance operating at 2MHz translates into 25k Ω. The closed-loop RMS-to-DC calculation cuts that in half to the nominal 12.5k Ω specified.In order to create a DC result, a large averaging capacitor is required. Capacitive loading and time constants are not an issue on the output.However, resistive loading is an issue and the 10M Ωimpedance of a DMM or 10× scope probe will drag the output down by –0.125% typ.During shutdown, the switching action is halted and a fixed 12.5k resistor shunts V OUT to OUT RTN so that C AVE is discharged.Interfacing with an ADCThe LTC1968 output impedance and the RMS averaging ripple need to be considered when using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to digitize the LTC1968 RMS result.The simplest configuration is to connect the LTC1968directly to the input of a type 7106/7136 ADC as shown in Figure 21a. These devices are designed specifically for DVM/DPM use and include display drivers for a 3 1/2 digit LCD segmented display. Using a dual-slope conversion,the input is sampled over a long integration window, which results in rejection of line frequency ripple when integra-tion time is an integer number of line cycles. Finally, these parts have an input impedance in the G Ω range, with specified input leakage of 10pA to 20pA. Such a leakage,combined with the LTC1968 output impedance, results in less than 1µV of additional output offset voltage.Another type of ADC that has inherent rejection of RMS averaging ripple is an oversampling ∆Σ ADC such as the LTC2420. Its input impedance is 6.5M Ω, but only when it is sampling. Since this occurs only half the time at most,if it directly loads the LTC1968, a gain error of –0.08% to –0.11% results. In fact, the LTC2420 DC input current isV V R R R V M V IN SOURCEININ SOURCESOURCESOURCE =+=Ω= 1.2125–.%M k Ω+1.215.5ΩThis resistive divider calculation does give the correct model of what voltage is seen at the input terminals by a parallel load averaged over a several clock cycles, which is what a large shunt capacitor will do—average the current spikes over several clock cycles.When high source impedances are used, care must be taken to minimize shunt capacitance at the LTC1968 input so as not to increase the settling time. Shunt capacitance of just 0.8pF will double the input settling time constant and the error in the above example grows from 46ppm to 0.67%(6700ppm). As a consequence, it is important to not try to filter the input with large input capacitances unless driven by a low impedance. Keep time constant <<125ns.When the LTC1968 is driven by op amp outputs, whose low DC impedance can be compromised by sharp capaci-tive load switching, a small series resistor may be added.A 1k resistor will easily settle with the 0.8pF input sampling capacitor to within 1ppm.These are important points to consider both during design and debug. During lab debug, and even production testing,a high value series resistor to any test point is advisable.22231968fThe trade-off here is that on the one hand, the DC error is input frequency dependent, so a calibration signal fre-quency high enough to make the DC error negligible should be used. On the other hand, as low a frequency as can be used is best to avoid attenuation of the calibrated AC signal, either from parasitic RC loading or insufficient op amp gain. For instance, with a 1kHz calibration signal,a 1MHz op amp will typically only have 60dB of open-loop gain, so it could attenuate the calibration signal a full 0.1%.AC-Only, 2 PointThe next most significant error for AC-coupled applica-tions will be the effect of output offset voltage, noticeable at the bottom end of the input scale. This too can be calibrated out if two measurements are made, one with a full-scale sine wave input and a second with a sine wave input (of the same frequency) at 10% of full scale. The trade-off in selecting this second level is that it should be small enough that the gain error effect becomes small compared to the gain error effect at full scale, while on the other hand, not using so small an input that the input offset voltage becomes an issue.The calculations of the error terms for a 200mV full-scale case are:Gain =Reading at 200mV –Reading at 20mV180mV Output Offset =Reading at 20mVGain–20mVDC, 2 PointDC-based calibration is preferable in many cases because a DC voltage of known, good accuracy is easier to gener-ate than such an AC calibration voltage. The only down side is that the LTC1968 input offset voltage plays a role.It is therefore suggested that a DC-based calibration scheme check at least two points: ±full scale. Applying the–full-scale input can be done by physically inverting the voltage or by applying the same +full-scale input to the opposite LTC1968 input.For an otherwise AC-coupled application, only the gain term may be worth correcting for, but for DC-coupled applications, the input offset voltage can also be calcu-lated and corrected for.The calculations of the error terms for a 200mV full-scale case are:Gain =Reading at 200mV +Reading at –200mV400mV Input Offset =Reading at –200mV –Reading at 200mV2•GainNote: Calculation of and correction for input offset voltage are the only way in which the two LTC1968 inputs (IN1,IN2) are distinguishable from each other. The calculation above assumes the standard definition of offset; that a positive offset is the case of a positive voltage error inside the device that must be corrected by applying a like negative voltage outside. The offset is referred to which-ever pin is driven positive for the +full-scale reading.DC, 3 PointOne more point is needed with a DC calibration scheme to determine output offset voltage: +10% of full scale.The calculation of the input offset is the same as for the 2-point calibration above, while the gain and output offset are calculated for a 200mV full-scale case as:Gain =Reading at 200mV –Reading at 20mV180mV Output Offset =Reading at 200mV +Reading at –200mV –400mV •Gain2APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU24252627Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.VOLTAGE NOISE IN28© LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2004LT/TP 0604 1K • PRINTED IN USALinear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● 。
新闻发布 40V IN/OUT、2A 同步降压-升压型 DC/DC 转换器提供 2.7V 至 40V 的输入和输出范围加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯 (MILPITAS, CA) – 2011 年 11 月 21 日– 凌力尔特公司(Linear Technology Corporation) 推出同步降压-升压型转换器LTC3115-1 ,该器件可使用从单节锂离子电池、24V/28V工业电源轨到 40V 汽车输入的多种电源,提供高达 2A 的连续输出电流。
LTC3115-1 具 2.7V 至 40V 的输入和输出范围,在输入高于、低于或等于输出时,可提供稳定的输出。
LTC3115-1 采用的低噪声降压-升压型拓扑在降压和升压模式之间提供连续和无抖动转换,从而非常适用于 RF 以及其他噪声敏感型应用,这类应用在使用可变输入电源时,必须保持低噪声恒定输出电压。
LTC3115-1 的开关频率范围为 100kHz 至 2MHz,是用户可编程的,并可同步至一个外部时钟。
专有的第三代降压-升压型 PWM 电路确保低噪声和高效率,同时最大限度地减小了外部组件的尺寸。
纤巧的外部组件与 4mm x 5mm DFN 或 TSSOP-20E 封装相结合,可组成占板面积紧凑的解决方案。
LTC3115-1 采用 4 个内部低 R DS(ON) N 沟道 MOSFET,以提供高达 95% 的效率。
用户可选的突发模式 (Burst Mode®) 工作使静态电流降至仅为 50uA,从而提高了轻负载效率,并延长了电池运行时间。
LTC3115EDHD-1 采用 16 引线 4mm x 5mm DFN 封装,LTC3115EFE-1 采用耐热增强型 20 引线 TSSOP 封装。
LT1618 - 恒定电流 恒定电压 1.4MHz 升压型 DC DC 转换器 s
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6;6= G59
6;6= G5:
6;6= G5;
639 637 635 53= 53; 539 537 TJ @ 7:uC
2 0.02 0.02 0.2
(Notes 6, 7, 10) (Note 11)
1 0.2 5 1 0 5 100 50 250 1.05
q q
400 5 600
µV/V mV µV/V
CONDITIONS 50Hz to 5kHz Input (Notes 6, 7)
Additional Error vs Crest Factor (CF) 60Hz Fundamental, 200mVRMS 60Hz Fundamental, 200mVRMS Accuracy = 1% (Note 14) Average, Differential (Note 12) Average, Common Mode (Note 12) (Note 13) (Note 9)
, LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. Protected under U.S. Patent Numbers 6,359,576, 6,362,677 and 6,516,291
0.2 LTC1967, ∆Σ 0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 –0.8 –1.0 60Hz SINEWAVE 0 100 200 300 VIN (mV ACRMS) 400 500
1967 TA01b
Single Supply RMS-to-DC Converter
电磁辐射 (EMR)、电磁干扰 (EMI) 和电磁兼容性 (EMC) 是涉及来自带电粒子的能量以及可能干扰电路性能和信号传输的相关磁场的术语。
随着无线通信的激增,通信装置不计其数,再加上越来越多的通信方法 (包括蜂窝、Wi-Fi、卫星、GPS 等) 使用的频谱越来越多 (有些频带相互重叠),电磁干扰成了客观存在的事实。
这类规范的示例之一是 CISPR 16-1-3,它涉及无线电干扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法。
根据其特征,电磁干扰可分为传导干扰 (通过电源传输) 或辐射干扰 (通过空气传输)。
ADI 公司为减少传导干扰和辐射干扰实施的一项技术是扩频频率调制 (SSFM)。
该技术用于我们一些基于电感和电容的开关电源、硅振荡器和 LED 驱动器,将噪声扩展到更宽的频带上,从而降低特定频率下的峰值噪声和平均值噪声。
SSFM 不允许发射能量在任何接收器的频带中停留过长时间,从而改善了EMI。
有效 SSFM的关键决定因素是频率扩展量和调制速率。
对于开关稳压器应用来说,典型扩展量为 ±10%,最佳调制速率取决于调制方式。
SSFM 可采用各种频率扩展方法,例如使用正弦波或三角波调制时钟频率。
如果时钟的调制信号是周期性的 (例如正弦波或三角波),则将呈现周期性的纹波调制,而且在调制频率上存在一个明显的频谱分量 (图 1)。
图 1.由时钟的正弦波频率调制引起的开关稳压器纹波图解。
PJ9182 series/RT9182 series
PJ9182P2818MR/ RT9182-2818MR
PJ6401 series/XC6401 series
PJ6401P2528MR/Torex XC6401P2528MR
LED升压、升降压的驱动恒流IC推荐二美国美信集成产品公司MAX16831 可配置升降压型高功率LED 驱动IC MAX16831 是一款电流型、高亮LED(HBLED)驱动器,设计为通过控制2 个外部n 沟道MOSFET 来调节单串LED 的电流。
MAX16831 集成了宽范围亮度控制、固定频率HBLED 驱动器所需的全部组件。
MAX16831 可配置为降压型(buck)、升压型(boost)或升/降压型(buck-boost)电流调节器。
MAX16831 工作于较宽的输入电压范围,并可承受汽车抛负载事件。
多个MAX16831 可相互同步或同步至外部时钟。
MAX16831 包含一个浮动亮度驱动器,驱动串联在LED 串的n 沟道MOSFET 实现亮度控制。
使用MAX16831 架构的HBLED 驱动器可在汽车应用中实现超过90%的效率。
MAX16831 还包括一个可源出1.4A、吸收2.5A 电流(sink)的栅极驱动器,用于在高功率LED 驱动器应用中驱动开关MOSFET,如车灯总成等。
亮度控制允许宽范围的PWM 调光,其频率可高达2kHz。
在较低的调光频率下可实现高达1000:1 的调光比。
MAX16831 提供带裸焊盘的32 引脚薄型QFN 封装,工作于-40°C至+125°C 汽车级温基本参数:宽输入范围:6V 至76V;集成LED 电流检测差分放大器;可驱动n 沟道MOSFET;具有浮动亮度驱动能力;LED 电流精度:5%;200Hz 片上斜坡发生器,可同步至外部PWM 亮度信号;可编程开关频率(125kHz 至600kHz),可被同步;输出过压、负载开路、LED 短路、过热保护;低至107mV LED 电流检。
1LTC344223442fV IN , V OUT Voltage...........................................–0.3 to 6V SW1, SW2 VoltageDC .................................................................–0.3 to 6V Pulsed <100ns...............................................–0.3 to 7V SHDN/SS, BURST Voltage.............................–0.3 to 6V Operating Temperature (Note 2).............–40°C to 85°C Maximum Junction Temperature (Note 4)............125°C Storage Temperature Range.................–65°C to 125°CORDER PART NUMBER DE PART MARKING 3442LTC3442EDEABSOLUTE AXI U RATI GSW W WU PACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIOUUW (Note 1)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifications are at T A = 25°C. V IN = V OUT = 3.6V, R T = 64.9k, unless otherwise noted.PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSInput Start-Up Voltage ● 2.3 2.4V Output Voltage Adjust Range ● 2.4 5.25V Feedback Voltage ●1.191.22 1.25V Feedback Input CurrentV FB = 1.22V150nA Quiescent Current – Burst Mode Operation V FB = 1.22V, BURST = 0V (Note 3)3560µA Quiescent Current – Shutdown SHDN = 0V, V OUT = 0V, Not Including Switch Leakage 0.11µA Quiescent Current – Active BURST = V IN (Note 3)6001100µA NMOS Switch Leakage Switches B and C 0.12µA PMOS Switch Leakage Switches A and D 0.13µA NMOS Switch On Resistance Switches B and C 0.10ΩPMOS Switch On Resistance Switches A and D0.10ΩInput Current Limit ●23A Reverse Current Limit0.5A Burst Mode Operation Current Limit 0.9A Max Duty Cycle Boost (% Switch C On)●7088%Buck (% Switch A In)●100 %Min Duty Cycle ●0%Frequency Accuracy ●570670770kHz Error Amp A VOL90dB Error Amp Source Current 11µA Error Amp Sink Current 300µA Burst Threshold (Falling)0.88V Burst Threshold (Rising)1.12VT JMAX = 125°CθJA = 53°C/W 1-Layer Board θJA = 43°C/W 4-Layer BoardθJC = 4.3°C/WEXPOSED PAD IS PGND (PIN 13)MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB121110987123456FB V C R LIM V IN V OUT BURSTSHDN/SSRT SGND SW1PGND SW2TOP VIEW13DE12 PACKAGE12-LEAD (4mm × 3mm) PLASTIC DFN350ns/DIV3442 G15V IN = 2.9VV OUT = 3.3V AT 500mA4LTC344253442f200µs/DIV3442 G22C OUT = 100µFLOW ESR TANTALUMINDUCTOR CURRENT 0.5A/DIVV OUT 50mV/DIV1ms/DIV3442 G23R LIM = 133k C LIM = .001µFINDUCTOR CURRENT 0.5A/DIVR LIM PIN 0.5V/DIV VOUT 2V/DIV20µs/DIV3442 G21C OUT = 100µFLOW ESR TANTALUMINDUCTOR CURRENT 0.5A/DIVV OUT 50mV/DIV50ns/DIV3442 G17SW12V/DIVSW22V/DIVV IN = 4.2VVOUT = 3.3V AT 500mA50ns/DIV3442 G16SW12V/DIV SW22V/DIVV IN = 3.3VV OUT = 3.3V AT 500mATYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS U WSwitch Pins in Buck-Boost ModeSwitch Pins Entering Buck-Boost ModeOutput Ripple at 1A LoadLoad Transient Response in Fixed Frequency Mode, No Load to 1ALoad Transient Response in Auto Burst Mode Operation, No Load to 1ABurst Mode OperationPulsed Overload Using Average Input Current LimitTransition from Burst ModeOperation to Fixed Frequency Mode1µs/DIV3442 G18V OUT20mV/DIV AC COUPLEDV IN = 4.2VV IN = 3.3VV IN = 2.7V 100µs/DIV3442 G19V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 3.3VC OUT = 47µF, X5R CERAMICLOAD 0.5A/DIVVOUT 100mV/DIV100µs/DIV3442 G20V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 3.3VC OUT = 47µF, X5R CERAMIC + 100µF LOW ESR TANTALUMLOAD 0.5A/DIVV OUT 100mV/DIV(T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified).LTC344263442fU U UPI FU CTIO SSHDN/SS (Pin 1): Combined Soft-Start and Shutdown.Applied voltage <0.4V shuts down the IC. Tie to >1.4V to enable the IC and >2.4V to ensure the error amp is not clamped from soft-start. An RC network from the shut-down command signal to this pin will provide a soft-start function by limiting the rise time of the V C pin.R T (Pin 2): Programs the Frequency of the Internal Oscil-lator. Place a resistor from this pin to ground. See the Applications Information section for component value selection.SGND (Pin 3): Signal Ground for the IC.SW1 (Pin 4): Switch Pin Where Internal Switches A and B are Connected. Connect inductor from SW1 to SW2. An optional Schottky diode can be connected from SW1 to ground for a moderate efficiency improvement. Minimize trace length to reduce EMI.PGND (Pin 5, 13): Power Ground for the Internal NMOS Power Switches. The exposed pad must be soldered to PCB ground to provide both electrical contact and a good thermal contact to the PCB.SW2 (Pin 6): Switch Pin Where Internal Switches C and D are Connected. An optional Schottky diode can be con-nected from SW2 to V OUT for a moderate efficiency im-provement. Minimize trace length to reduce EMI.BURST (Pin 7): Used to set the Automatic Burst Mode Operation Threshold. Place a resistor and capacitor in parallel from this pin to ground. See the Applications Information section for component value selection. For manual control, ground the pin to force Burst Mode operation, connect to V OUT to force fixed frequency mode.V OUT (Pin 8): Output of the Synchronous Rectifier. A filter capacitor is placed from V OUT to GND. A ceramic bypass capacitor is recommended as close to the V OUT and GND pins as possible.V IN (Pin 9): Input Supply Pin. Internal V CC for the IC. A 10µF ceramic capacitor is recommended as close to V IN and SGND as possible.R LIM (Pin 10): Sets the Average Input Current Limit Threshold. Place a resistor and capacitor in parallel from this pin to ground. See the Applications Information section for component value selection.V C (Pin 11): Error Amp Output. A frequency compensation network is connected from this pin to FB to compensate the loop. During Burst Mode operation, V C is internally connected to a hold circuit.FB (Pin 12): Feedback Pin. Connect resistor divider tap here. The output voltage can be adjusted from 2.4V to 5.25V. The feedback reference voltage is typically 1.22V.7LTC344283442fThe LTC3442 provides high efficiency, low noise power for applications such as portable instrumentation. The LTC proprietary topology allows input voltages above,below or equal to the output voltage by properly phasing the output switches. The error amp output voltage on V C determines the output duty cycle of the switches. Since V C is a filtered signal, it provides rejection of frequencies from well below the switching frequency. The low R DS(ON),low gate charge synchronous switches provide high frequency pulse width modulation control at high effi-ciency. Schottky diodes across the synchronous switch D and synchronous switch B are not required, but provide a lower voltage drop during the break-before-make time (typically 15ns). Schottky diodes will improve peak effi-ciency by typically 1% to 2%. High efficiency is achieved at light loads when Burst Mode operation is entered and the IC’s quiescent current drops to a low 35µA.LOW NOISE FIXED FREQUENCY OPERATION OscillatorThe frequency of operation is programmed by an external resistor from R T to ground, according to the following equation:f R kHz T k ()(),=Ω43300Error AmpThe error amplifier is a voltage mode amplifier. The loop compensation components are configured around the amplifier (from FB to V C ) to obtain stability of the con-verter. For improved bandwidth, an additional RC feed-forward network can be placed across the upper feedback divider resistor. The voltage on SHDN/SS clamps the error amp output, V C , to provide a soft-start function.OPERATIOUInternal Current LimitThere are three different current limit circuits in the LTC3442. Two have internally fixed thresholds which vary inversely with V IN , the third is externally programmable,and does not vary with input voltage.The first circuit is a high speed peak current limit amplifier that will shut off switch A if the current exceeds 5A typical.The delay to output of this amplifier is typically 50ns.A second amplifier will begin to source current into the FB pin to drop the output voltage once the peak input current exceeds 3A typical. This method provides a closed loop means of clamping the input current. During conditions where V OUT is near ground, such as during a short-circuit or during startup, this threshold is cut in half, providing a foldback feature. For this current limit feature to be most effective, the Thevenin resistance from FB to ground should be greater than 100k Ω.Externally Programmable Current LimitThe third current limit circuit is programmed by an exter-nal resistor on R LIM . This circuit works by mirroring the input current in switch A, averaging it by means of the external RC network on R LIM , and comparing the resulting voltage with an internal reference. If the voltage on R LIM starts to exceed 0.95V, a G m amplifier will clamp V C ,lowering V OUT to maintain control of the input current.This allows the user to program a maximum average input current, for applications such as USB, where the current draw from the bus must be limited to 500mA. The resistor and capacitor values are determined by the following equations:R V V I C R LIM k IN OUT IN AMPS LIM F LIM k ()()()()•.•–.ΩµΩ=+()⎛⎝⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟≥7008624001910LTC3442113442fcurrent in Amps. Do not use values of R BURST greater than 250k.For automatic operation, a filter capacitor should also be connected from BURST to ground to prevent ripple on BURST from causing the IC to oscillate in and out of Burst Mode operation. The equation for the minimum capacitor value is:C C V BURST MIN OUT OUT ()•,≥60000where C BURST(MIN) and C OUT are in µFIn the event that a load transient causes the feedback pin to drop by more than 4% from the regulation value while in Burst Mode operation, the IC will immediately switch to fixed frequency mode and an internal pull-up will be momentarily applied to BURST, rapidly charging the BURST cap. This prevents the IC from immediately re-entering Burst Mode operation once the output achieves regulation.Manual Burst Mode OperationFor manual control of Burst Mode operation, the RC network connected to BURST can be eliminated. To force fixed frequency mode, BURST should be connected to V OUT . To force Burst Mode operation, BURST should be grounded. When commanding Burst Mode operation manually, the circuit connected to BURST should be able to sink up to 2mA.For optimum transient response with large dynamic loads,the operating mode should be controlled manually by the host. By commanding fixed frequency operation prior to a sudden increase in load, output voltage droop can be minimized. Note that if the load current applied during forced Burst Mode operation (BURST pin is grounded)exceeds the current that can be supplied, the output voltage will start to droop and the IC will automatically come out of Burst Mode operation and enter fixed fre-quency mode, raising V OUT . Once regulation is achieved,the IC will then enter Burst Mode operation once again,and the cycle will repeat, resulting in about 4% output ripple. Note that Burst Mode operation is inhibited during soft-start.Burst Mode Operation to Fixed Frequency Transient ResponseIn Burst Mode operation, the compensation network is not used and V C is disconnected from the error amplifier.During long periods of Burst mode operation, leakage currents in the external components or on the PC board could cause the compensation capacitor to charge (or discharge), which could result in a large output transient when returning to fixed frequency mode of operation, even at the same load current. To prevent this, the LTC3442incorporates an active clamp circuit that holds the voltage on V C at an optimal voltage during Burst Mode operation.This minimizes any output transient when returning to fixed frequency mode operation. For optimum transientOPERATIOU1213LTC3442143442fTable 2. Capacitor Vendor InformationSUPPLIER PHONE FAXWEB SITE AVX (803) 448-9411(803) Murata (814) 237-1431(814) (800) 831-9172Sanyo (619) 661-6322(619) Taiyo Yuden (408) 573-4150(408) TDK(847) 803-6100(847) 803-6296voltages as low as 0.4V. The part is specified at 2.4V minimum to allow operation without the requirement of a Schottky diode. Synchronous switch D is powered from V OUT and the R DS(ON) will increase at low output voltages,therefore a Schottky diode is required from SW2 to V OUT to provide the conduction path to the output. Note that Burst Mode operation is inhibited at output voltages below 1.6V typical.Output Voltage > 4.3VA Schottky diode from SW2 to V OUT is required for output voltages over 4.3V. The diode must be located as close to the pins as possible in order to reduce the peak voltage on SW2 due to the parasitic lead and trace inductance.Input Voltage > 4.5VFor applications with input voltages above 4.5V which could exhibit an overload or short-circuit condition, a 2Ω/1nF series snubber is required between SW1 and GND. A Schottky diode from SW1 to V IN should also be added as close to the pins as possible. For the higher input voltages, V IN bypassing becomes more critical; therefore,a ceramic bypass capacitor as close to the V IN and SGND pins as possible is also required.Operating Frequency SelectionHigher operating frequencies allow the use of a smaller inductor and smaller input and output filter capacitors,thus reducing board area and component height. How-ever, higher operating frequencies also increase the IC’s total quiescent current due to the gate charge of the four switches, as given by:Buck:Iq = (0.8 • V IN • f) mA Boost:Iq = [0.4 • (V IN + V OUT ) • f] mABuck/Boost:Iq = [f • (1.2 • V IN + 0.4 • V OUT )] mAThe output capacitance is usually many times larger than the minimum value in order to handle the transient re-sponse requirements of the converter. For a rule of thumb,the ratio of the operating frequency to the unity-gain bandwidth of the converter is the amount the output capacitance will have to increase from the above calcula-tions in order to maintain the desired transient response.The other component of ripple is due to the ESR (equiva-lent series resistance) of the output capacitor. Low ESR capacitors should be used to minimize output voltage ripple. For surface mount applications, Taiyo Yuden or TDK ceramic capacitors, AVX TPS series tantalum capaci-tors or Sanyo POSCAP are recommended. See Table 2 for contact information.Input Capacitor SelectionSince V IN is the supply voltage for the IC, as well as the input to the power stage of the converter, it is recom-mended to place at least a 4.7µF, low ESR ceramic bypass capacitor close to the V IN and SGND pins. It is also important to minimize any stray resistance from the con-verter to the battery or other power source.Optional Schottky DiodesThe Schottky diodes across the synchronous switches B and D are not required (V OUT < 4.3V), but provide a lower drop during the break-before-make time (typically 15ns)improving efficiency. Use a surface mount Schottky diode such as an MBRM120T3 or equivalent. Do not use ordi-nary rectifier diodes, since the slow recovery times will compromise efficiency. For applications with an output voltage above 4.3V, a Schottky diode is required from SW2 to V OUT .Output Voltage < 2.4VThe LTC3442 can operate as a buck converter with outputAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU–+1516171819Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.LTC3442203442fLinear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2004LT/TP 1204 1K • PRINTED IN USARELATED PARTSPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONCOMMENTSLT ®1613550mA (I SW ), 1.4MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 0.9V to 10V, V OUT(MAX) = 34V, I Q = 3mA,I SD < 1µA, ThinSOT TM PackageLT1618 1.5A (I SW ), 1.25MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 1.6V to 18V, V OUT(MAX) = 35V, I Q = 1.8mA,I SD < 1µA, MS10 PackageLT1930/LT1930A 1A (I SW ), 1.2MHz/2.2MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.6V to 16V, V OUT(MAX) = 34V,I Q = 4.2mA/5.5mA, I SD < 1µA, ThinSOT Package LT19352A (I SW ), 1.2MHz, 38V Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.3V to 16V, V OUT(MAX) = 38V, I Q = 3mA,I SD < 1µA, ThinSOT PackageLT1946/LT1946A 1.5A (I SW ), 1.2MHz/2.7MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up V IN : 2.45V to 16V, V OUT(MAX) = 34V, I Q = 3.2mA,DC/DC ConverterI SD < 1µA, MS8 PackageLT19611.5A (I SW ), 1.25MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC ConverterV IN : 3V to 25V, V OUT(MAX) = 35V, I Q = 0.9mA,I SD = 6µA, MS8E PackageLTC3400/LTC3400B 600mA (I SW ), 1.2MHz Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 0.85V to 5V, V OUT(MAX) = 5V,I Q = 19µA/300µA, I SD < 1µA, ThinSOT Package LTC3401/LTC34021A/2A (I SW ), 3MHz Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC ConverterV IN : 0.5V to 5V, V OUT(MAX) = 6V, I Q = 38µA,I SD < 1µA, MS PackageLTC3405/LTC3405A 300mA (I OUT ), 1.5MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.7V to 6V, V OUT(MIN) = 0.8V, I Q = 20µA,I SD ≤ 1µA, MS10 PackageLTC3406/LTC3406B 600mA (I OUT ), 1.5MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 0.6V, I Q = 20µA,I SD ≤ 1µA, ThinSOT PackageLTC3407600mA (I OUT ), 1.5MHz Dual Synchronous Step-Down V IN : 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 0.6V, I Q = 40µA,DC/DC ConverterI SD ≤ 1µA, MS PackageLTC3411 1.25A (I OUT ), 4MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 0.8V, I Q = 60µA,I SD ≤ 1µA, MS PackageLTC3412 2.5A (I OUT ), 4MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 0.8V, I Q = 60µA,I SD ≤ 1µA, TSSOP16E PackageLTC34213A (I SW ), 3MHz Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 0.5V to 4.5V, V OUT(MAX) = 5.25V, I Q = 12µA,I SD < 1µA, QFN PackageLTC34255A (I SW ), 8MHz Multiphase Synchronous Step-Up V IN : 0.5V to 4.5V, V OUT(MAX) = 5.25V, I Q = 12µA,DC/DC ConverterI SD < 1µA, QFN PackageLTC3429600mA (I SW ), 500kHz Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC Converter V IN : 0.5V to 4.4V, V OUT(MIN) = 5V, I Q = 20µA,I SD < 1µA, QFN PackageLTC34363A (I SW ), 1MHz, 34V Step-Up DC/DC ConverterV IN : 3V to 25V, V OUT(MAX) = 34V, I Q = 0.9mA,I SD < 6µA, TSSOP-16E PackageLTC3440600mA (I OUT ), 2MHz Synchronous Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 5.5V, I Q = 25µA,I SD < 1µA, MS, DFN PackagesLTC3441600mA (I OUT ), 2MHz Synchronous Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 5.5V, I Q = 25µA,I SD < 1µA, DFN PackageLTC3443 1.2A (I OUT ), 600kHz Synchronous Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter V IN : 2.4V to 5.5V, V OUT(MIN) = 5.25V, I Q = 28µA,I SD < 1µA, MS PackageLT34671.1A (I SW ), 1.3MHz, High Efficiency Step-Up DC/DC ConverterV IN : 2.6V to 16V, V OUT(MAX) = 40V, I Q = 1.2mA,I SD < 1µA, ThinSOT PackageThinSOT is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation.。
电话 :0 0 6 1- 2 8 1 - 57 2 8
htp: s n。 x c r t l c n p o l n
型负载的开关 ,使设计人员能够 以更 紧凑 、更强 固及工作
寿命更长的另一选择 ,替 代机 电式继 电器或分立 电路 。所
Di d s I c r r t d o e n O p0 a e
还可以满足更高功率 的应用 。这一功能通过外置功率开关 来实现 ,并 可同时支持可调光或非可调光照 明驱动器的应 用。类似于之前产 品的设计 ,S L 1 3 S 2 0 在正常工作温度下 的寿命可以超过7 0 0 5 0  ̄时 。此产 品系列中还包含 集成功
可调光L D E 驱动芯片
作 为一 款 多用 途 AC DC E 照 明控 制 器 ,S L 13 / L D S 20
高性能和可靠性 ,妥善地处理场效应 管 ( T) F 及混频器 E 偏置 、通 道检测和 控制 ,为 增加 的LNB 功能提供 了一个 稳 定的电源。该芯片可为多达 4 个砷化镓( As或高 电子 Ga )
具有更宽的功率 适用范围和更好的调光兼容性 ,令其适用 于可调及不可调L ED照明灯 。此外 ,S L 1x S 20 系列产 品中
流 动电晶体场效应管( MT ET) HE F 提供偏 置,能够稳定 控制3 个低噪声放大器 (NA)级及有源混频器 ( t e L Aci v
M i r。Z xe ) XNB 2 4 40 在所 有工作 条件下均可增强LNB 性
ht / www. ne r om 。 r t / p: 1 a. i c cl
电 话 :0 0 6 1— 19 1- 2 1 5 9
• Vo=Vin/(1-D) • D<1,Vo>Vin
DC-DC电源分类及工作原理 (1)开关连接
1 DT 当开关处于连接D状T态时,通过电感的电流为:
I Lon
L Vi
当开关闭合时,输入电压加在电感上,此时电感由电压(Vi)励磁,电感增 加的磁通为:(Vi)*Ton。
DC-DC电源分类及工作原理 (2)开关断开
I Loff
(V (1D )T
V )dt o L
(V i
V )(1 D)T o L
当开关闭合与开关断开的状态达到平衡时,(Vi)*Ton=(Vo- Vi)*Toff, 由于占空比D<1,所以Vi<Vo,实现升压功能。
(1)暂态闭环响应较快,对输入电压的变化和输出负载的变化的瞬态响应均快; (2)瞬时峰值电流限流功能; (3)输出电压的调整可与电压模式控制的输入电压前馈技术相媲美。
(1)占空比大于50%的开环不稳定性,存在难以校正的峰值电流与平均电流的误差; (2)容易发生次谐波振荡。
大容值的电容通常具有较大的等效电感,因而其自谐振频率较小,所以比较 适合用于滤除低频干扰噪声;小容值的电容通常等效电感也较小,因此自谐 振频率较大,所以适合用于滤除高频干扰噪声。利用不同电容组合并联的形 式,可以起到很好的滤波效果。
输入电容的作用是保持输入电压稳定在一定的范围内,并且滤除输入直流电 压中的交流成分。
123448fLTC3448EDDT JMAX = 125°C, θJA = 43°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 9) IS GND MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCBORDER PART NUMBER Input Supply Voltage .................................. –0.3V to 6V RUN, SYNC Voltages ................... –0.3V to (V IN + 0.3V)MODE Voltage ............................. –0.3V to (V IN + 0.3V)FREQ, V FB Voltages...................... –0.3V to (V IN + 0.3V)SW Voltage.................................. –0.3V to (V IN + 0.3V)V OUT Voltage................................ –0.3V to (V IN + 0.3V)P-Channel Switch Source Current (DC)............. 800mA N-Channel Switch Sink Current (DC)................. 800mADD PART MARKINGConsult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges.LBMJABSOLUTE AXI U RATI GSW W WU PACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIOU U W(Note 1)V OUT (LDO) Source Current..................................25mA Peak SW Sink and Source Current ........................ 1.3A Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)..–40°C to 85°C Junction Temperature (Notes 3, 7)...................... 125°C Storage Temperature Range................ –65°C to 125°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)MSOP Only...................................................... 300°CTOP VIEW9DD PACKAGE8-LEAD (3mm × 3mm) PLASTIC DFN56784321V FB V OUT MODE V IN RUN SYNC FREQ SWLTC3448EMS8EORDER PART NUMBER MS8 PART MARKINGLTBMKSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS I VFB Feedback Current ●±30nA V FBRegulated Feedback Voltage T A = 25°C0.58800.60.6120V (Note 4)0°C ≤ T A ≤ 85°C 0.58650.60.6135V –40°C ≤ T A ≤ 85°C ●0.58500.60.6150V ∆V FB Reference Voltage Line Regulation V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V (Note 4)●0.20.4%/V ∆V OVL Output Overvoltage Lockout ∆V OVL = V OVL – V FB153555mV ∆V OVL = (V OVL – V OUT ) • 100/V OUT 2.5 5.89.2%∆V OUT Output Voltage Line Regulation V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V (LDO)0.10.8%/V I PK Peak Inductor Current V FB = 0.5V or V OUT = 90%,0.71 1.3A Duty Cycle < 35%V LOADREG Output Voltage Load Regulation LDO, 1mA to 10mA 0.5%/V V OUT(MAX)Maximum Output Voltage (Note 9)V IN – 0.7V IN – 0.3VV INInput Voltage Range●2.55.5VThe ● denotes specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifications are T A = 25°C. V IN = 3.6V unless otherwise specified.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1234V FB V OUT MODE V IN8765RUN SYNC FREQ SWTOP VIEW9MS8E PACKAGE 8-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP T JMAX = 125°C, θJA = 40°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 9) IS GND MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB33448fSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS I SInput DC Bias CurrentV IN = 3.6V (Note 5)Active Mode (Pulse Skip, No LRO)V FB = 0.5V or V OUT = 90%, I LOAD = 0A, 1.5MHz 250375µA V FB = 0.5V or V OUT = 90%, I LOAD = 0A, 2.25MHz 275400µA Linear Regulator Operation (LRO)I LOAD ≤ I LDO(ON)3243µA ShutdownV RUN = 0V, V IN = 5.5V 0.11µA f OSC Oscillator Frequency FREQ = Low, V IN = 3.6V ● 1.2 1.5 1.8MHz FREQ = High ●1.82.25 2.7MHz f SYNC Synchronization Frequency (Note 6)1.5>4MHz V TH(SYNC)SYNC Activation Input Threshold 1 1.3V R PFET R DS(ON) of P-Channel FET I SW = 100mA 0.4ΩR NFET R DS(ON) of N-Channel FET I SW = –150mA0.35ΩI LSW SW Leakage V RUN = 0V, V SW = 0V or 5V, V IN = 5V±0.01±1µA V RUNH RUN Threshold High ● 1.5V V RUNL RUN Threshold Low ●0.3V I RUN RUN Leakage Current ●±0.01±1µA V FREQH FREQ Threshold High ●V IN – 1V V FREQL FREQ Threshold Low ●1V I FREQ FREQ Leakage Current ●±0.01±1µA V MODEH MODE Threshold High ●V IN – 0.15V V MODEL MODE Threshold Low ●0.12V I MODE MODE Leakage Current ●±0.1±1µA I SYNC SYNC Leakage Current ●±0.01±1µA I LDO(ON)LRO ON Load Current Threshold 2.2mH Inductor (Note 8)35mA I LDO(OFF)LRO OFF Load Current Threhold81117mAThe ● denotes specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifications are T A = 25°C. V IN = 3.6V unless otherwise specified.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired.Note 2: The LTC3448E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0°C to 70°C. Specifications over the –40°C to 85°C operatingtemperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls.Note 3: T J is calculated from the ambient temperature T A and power dissipation P D according to the following formula:T J = T A + (P D )(43°C/W)Note 4: The LTC3448 is tested in a proprietary test mode that connects V FB to the output of the error amplifier.Note 5: Dynamic supply current is higher due to the gate charge being delivered at the switching frequency. LRO is “linear regulator operation.”Note 6: 4MHz operation is guaranteed by design but is not production tested and is subject to duty cycle limitations.Note 7: This IC includes overtemperature protection that is intended to protect the device during momentary overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed 125°C when overtemperature is active. Continu-ous operation above the specified maximum operating junction tempera-ture may impair device reliability.Note 8: The load current below which the switching regulator turns off and the LDO turns on is, to first order, inversely proportional to the value of the inductor. This effect is covered in more detail in the Operation section.This parameter is not production tested but is guaranteed by design.Note 9: For 2.5V < V IN < 2.7V the output voltage is limited to V IN – 0.7V to ensure regulation in linear regulator mode. This parameter is not production tested but is guaranteed by design.45V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.5V I LOAD = 600mA40µs/DIV3448 G15V IN = 3.6VV OUT = 1.5VI LOAD = 100µA TO 200mA C OUT = 10µF10µs/DIV 3448 G16V IN = 3.6VV OUT = 1.5VI LOAD = 50mA TO 600mA C OUT = 10µF10µs/DIV 3448 G176U PI FU CTIO SFeedback Pin. This pin receives the feedback voltage from an external resistive divider across the Output Pin. This pin connects to an external resistor divider and the linear regulator output. Connect externally to the inductor and the output capacitor. The internal linear regulator will supply current up to the current. Load currents above that are supplied by (Pin 4): Main Supply Pin. This pin must be closely decoupled to GND with a 2.2µF or greater ceramic capacitor.SW (Pin 5): Switch Node Connection to Inductor. This pin connects to the drains of the internal main and synchro-nous power MOSFET switches.FREQ (Pin 6): Frequency Select. Switching frequency is V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.5VI LOAD = 100mA TO 600mA10µs/DIV 3448 G18V OUT = 1.5V T A = 25°C200µs/DIV3448 G19SWITCHERSWITCHERLDO789103448fAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU Inductor Core SelectionDifferent core materials and shapes will change the size/current and price/current relationship of an inductor.Toroid or shielded pot cores in ferrite or permalloy mate-rials are small and don’t radiate much energy, but gener-ally cost more than powdered iron core inductors with similar electrical characteristics. The choice of which style inductor to use often depends more on the price vs size requirements and any radiated field/EMI requirements than on what the LTC3448 requires to operate. Table 1shows some typical surface mount inductors that work well in LTC3448 applications.temperature than required. Always consult the manufac-turer if there is any question.The selection of C OUT is driven by the required effective series resistance (ESR). Typically, once the ESR require-ment for C OUT has been met, the RMS current rating generally far exceeds the I RIPPLE(P-P) requirement. In any case, if LDO mode is enabled, the value of C OUT must have a minimum value of 2µF to ensure loop stability. The output ripple ∆V OUT is determined by:∆≅∆+⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟V I ESR fC OUTL OUT 18where f = operating frequency, C OUT = output capacitanceand ∆I L = ripple current in the inductor. For a fixed output voltage, the output ripple is highest at maximum input voltage since ∆I L increases with input voltage.Aluminum electrolytic and dry tantalum capacitors are both available in surface mount configurations. In the case of tantalum, it is critical that the capacitors are surge tested for use in switching power supplies. An excellent choice is the AVX TPS series of surface mount tantalum. These are specially constructed and tested for low ESR so they give the lowest ESR for a given volume. Other capacitor types include Sanyo POSCAP, Kemet T510 and T495 series, and Sprague 593D and 595D series. Consult the manufacturer for other specific ing Ceramic Input and Output CapacitorsHigher values, lower cost ceramic capacitors are now becoming available in smaller case sizes. Their high ripple current, high voltage rating and low ESR make them ideal for switching regulator applications. Because the LTC3448’s control loop does not depend on the output capacitor’s ESR for stable operation, ceramic capacitors can be used freely to achieve very low output ripple and small circuit size.However, care must be taken when ceramic capacitors are used at the input and the output. When a ceramic capacitor is used at the input and the power is supplied by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the output can induce ringing at the input, V IN . At best, this ringing can couple to the output and be mistaken as loop instability. AtTable 1. Representative Surface Mount InductorsPART VALUE DCR MAX DC SIZENUMBER (µH)(Ω MAX)CURRENT (A)W × L × H (mm 3)Sumida 1.50.043 1.55 3.8 × 3.8 × 1.8CDRH3D162.20.075 2.20.1160.950 3.5 × 4.3 × 0.8CMD4D06 3.30.1740.7704.70.2160.750Coilcraft 2.20.104 1.8 2.5 × 3.2 × 2.0ME3220 3.30.138 1.2Murata 1.00.060 1.00 2.5 × 3.2 × 2.0LQH3C2.20.0970.794.70.1500.65C IN and C OUT SelectionIn continuous mode, the source current of the top MOS-FET is a square wave of duty cycle V OUT /V IN . To prevent large voltage transients, a low ESR input capacitor sized for the maximum RMS current must be used. The maxi-mum RMS capacitor current is given by:C I V VV V IN OMAXOUTIN OUTINrequired I RMS ≅−()[]12/This formula has a maximum at V IN = 2V OUT , where I RMS = I OUT /2. This simple worst-case condition is com-monly used for design. Note that the capacitor manufacturer’s ripple current ratings are often based on 2000 hours of life. This makes it advisable to further derate the capacitor, or choose a capacitor rated at a higher11123448fAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU top and bottom MOSFET R DS(ON) and the duty cycle (DC) as follows:R SW = (R DS(ON)TOP )(DC) + (R DS(ON)BOT )(1 – DC)The R DS(ON) for both the top and bottom MOSFETs can be obtained from the Typical Performance Characteris-tics curves. Thus, to obtain I 2R losses, simply add R SW to R L and multiply the result by the square of the average output current.3.At load currents below the selected threshold the LTC3448 will switch into low ripple LDO mode if en-abled. In this case the losses are due to the DC bias currents as given in the electrical characteristics and I 2R losses due to the (V IN – V OUT ) voltage drop across the internal pass transistor.Other losses when in switching operation, including C IN and COUT ESR dissipative losses and inductor core losses,generally account for less than 2% total additional loss.Thermal ConsiderationsThe LTC3448 requires the package backplane metal (GND pin) to be well soldered to the PC board. This gives the DFN and MSOP packages exceptional thermal properties, mak-ing it difficult in normal operation to exceed the maximum junction temperature of the part. In most applications the LTC3448 does not dissipate much heat due to its high efficiency. In applications where the LTC3448 is running at high ambient temperature with low supply voltage and high duty cycles, such as in dropout, the heat dissipated may exceed the maximum junction temperature of the part if it is not well thermally grounded. If the junction temperature reaches approximately 150°C, both power switches will be turned off and the SW node will become high impedance.To avoid the LTC3448 from exceeding the maximum junction temperature, the user will need to do some thermal analysis. The goal of the thermal analysis is to determine whether the power dissipated exceeds the maximum junction temperature of the part. The tempera-ture rise is given by:T R = P D θJAwhere P D is the power dissipated by the regulator and θJA is the thermal resistance from the junction of the die to the ambient temperature.The junction temperature, T J , is given by:T J = T A + T Rwhere T A is the ambient temperature.As an example, consider the LTC3448 in dropout at an input voltage of 2.7V, a load current of 600mA and an ambient temperature of 70°C. From the typical perfor-mance graph of switch resistance, the R DS(ON) of the P-channel switch at 70°C is approximately 0.52Ω. There-fore, power dissipated by the part is:P D = I LOAD 2 • R DS(ON) = 187.2mWFor the 3mm × 3mm DFN package, the θJA is 43°C/W.Thus, the junction temperature of the regulator is:T J = 85°C + (0.1872)(43) = 93°Cwhich is well below the maximum junction temperature of 125°C.Note that at higher supply voltages, the junction tempera-ture is lower due to reduced switch resistance R DS(ON).Checking Transient ResponseThe regulator loop response can be checked by looking at the load transient response. Switching regulators take several cycles to respond to a step in load current. When a load step occurs, V OUT immediately shifts by an amount equal to (∆I LOAD • ESR), where ESR is the effective series resistance of C OUT . ∆I LOAD also begins to charge or dis-charge C OUT , which generates a feedback error signal. The regulator loop then acts to return V OUT to its steady-state value. During this recovery time V OUT can be monitored for overshoot or ringing that would indicate a stability prob-lem. For a detailed explanation of switching control loop theory, see Application Note 76.A second, more severe transient is caused by switching in loads with large (>1µF) supply bypass capacitors. The discharged bypass capacitors are effectively put in parallel1314V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.8VI LOAD = 100µA TO 200mA20µs/DIV 3448 F09cV IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.8VI LOAD = 50mA TO 600mA20µs/DIV 3448 F09dFigure 9cFigure 9d15V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.5VI LOAD = 100µA TO 200mA20µs/DIV 3448 TA05V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.5VI LOAD = 50mA TO 600mA20µs/DIV 3448 TA06Note: Performance data measured on the LTC3448 with external resistors16V IN = 3.6V V OUT = 1.2VI LOAD = 100µA TO 200mA20µs/DIV 3448 TA09V IN = 3.6VV OUT = 1.2VI LOAD = 50mA TO 600mA20µs/DIV 3448 TA1017Single Li-Ion 1.2V/600mA Regulator with 2.5MHz External Synchronization316k316kC 4.7CERV IN2.5V TO 5.5VTO 0V TO 1.3V OR GREATER 2.5MHz EXTERNAL CLOCKC OUT 10µF CERC FF 22pFV OUT 1.2V 600mAV IN = 3.6V V OUT = 2.5VI LOAD = 100µA TO 300mA40µs/DIV 3448 TA12bV IN = 3.6VV OUT = 2.5VI LOAD = 100µA TO 600mA40µs/DIV 3448 TA12c18Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.19RELATED PARTSPART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTSLT1616500mA (I OUT), 1.4MHz, High Efficiency Step-Down90% Efficiency, V IN = 3.6V to 25V, V OUT≥ 1.25V, I Q = 1.9mA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, ThinSOT PackageLT1776500mA (I OUT), 200kHz, High Efficiency Step-Down90% Efficiency, V IN = 7.4V to 40V, V OUT≥ 1.24V, I Q = 3.2mA, DC/DC Converter I SD = 30µA, N8, S8 PackagesLTC1877600mA (I OUT), 550kHz, Synchronous Step-Down95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.7V to 10V, V OUT≥ 0.8V, I Q = 10µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, MS8 PackageLTC1879 1.2A (I OUT), 550kHz, Synchronous Step-Down95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.7V to 10V, V OUT≥ 0.8V, I Q = 15µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, TSSOP-16 PackageLTC3403600mA (I OUT), 1.5MHz, Synchronous Step-Down96% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT = Dynamically Adjustable, DC/DC Converter with Bypass Transistor I Q = 20µA, I SD = <1µA, DFN PackageLTC3405/LTC3405A300mA (I OUT), 1.5MHz, Synchronous Step-Down96% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 0.8V, I Q = 20µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, ThinSOT PackageLTC3406600mA (I OUT), 1.5MHz, Synchronous Step-Down96% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 0.6V, I Q = 20µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, ThinSOT PackageLTC3406B-2600mA (I OUT), 2.25MHz, Synchronous Step-Down96% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 0.6V, I Q = 300µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, ThinSOT PackageLTC3407/LTC3407-2Dual 600mA/800mA (I OUT), 1.5MHz/2.25MHz,96% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 0.6V, I Q = 40µA, Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, MS10, DFN PackagesLTC3409600mA Low V IN Buck Regulator95% Efficiency, V IN = 1.6V to 5.5V, I Q = 65µAI SD = <1µA, DFN PackageLTC3411 1.25A (I OUT), 4MHz, Synchronous Step-Down95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 0.8V, I Q = 60µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, MS PackageLTC3412 2.5A (I OUT), 4MHz, Synchronous Step-Down95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 0.8V, I Q = 60µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, TSSOP-16E PackageLTC3440600mA (I OUT), 2MHz, Synchronous Buck-Boost95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.5V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 2.5V, I Q = 25µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, MS PackageLTC3441 1.2A (I OUT), 1MHz, Synchronous Buck-Boost95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.4V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 2.4V to 5.25V, I Q = 25µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, DFN PackageLTC3442 1.2A (I OUT), 2MHz, Synchronous Buck-Boost95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.4V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 2.4V to 5.25V, I Q = 35µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, DFN PackageLTC3443 1.2A (I OUT), 600kHz, Synchronous Buck-Boost95% Efficiency, V IN = 2.4V to 5.5V, V OUT≥ 2.4V to 5.25V, I Q = 28µA, DC/DC Converter I SD = <1µA, DFN PackageLinear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● LT/TP 0505 500 • PRINTED IN USA © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 200520 3448f。
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1LTC34412sn3441 3441fsV IN , V OUT Voltage........................................ –0.3V to 6V SW1, SW2 VoltageDC ...........................................................–0.3V to 6V Pulsed < 100ns ...................................... –0.3V to 7V SHDN/SS, MODE/SYNC Voltage................. –0.3V to 6V Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)..–40°C to 85°C Maximum Junction Temperature (Note 4)........... 125°C Storage Temperature Range................ –65°C to 125°CORDER PART NUMBER (Note 1)ABSOLUTE AXI U RATI GSW W WU PACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIOU U WConsult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges.LTC3441EDET JMAX = 125°CθJA = 53°C/W 1-LAYER BOARD θJA = 43°C/W 4-LAYER BOARDθJC = 4.3°C/WEXPOSED PAD IS PGND (PIN 13)MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCBDE PART MARKING3441121110987123456FB V C V IN PV IN V OUT MODE/SYNCSHDN/SSGND PGND SW1SW2PGNDTOP VIEW13DE12 PACKAGE12-LEAD (4mm × 3mm) PLASTIC DFN The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifications are at T A = 25°C. V IN = V OUT = 3.6V,unless otherwise noted.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSPARAMETER CONDITIONSMINTYP MAX UNITSInput Start-Up Voltage ● 2.32.4V Output Voltage Adjust Range ● 2.4 5.25V Feedback Voltage ●1.191.22 1.25V Feedback Input CurrentV FB = 1.22V 150nA Quiescent Current—Burst Mode Operation V C = 0V, MODE/SYNC = 3V (Note 3)2540µA Quiescent Current—SHDN V OUT = SHDN = 0V, Not Including Switch Leakage 0.11µA Quiescent Current—Active MODE/SYNC = 0V (Note 3)520900µA NMOS Switch Leakage Switches B and C 0.17µA PMOS Switch Leakage Switches A and D 0.110µA NMOS Switch On Resistance Switches B and C 0.10ΩPMOS Switch On Resistance Switches A and D0.11ΩInput Current Limit ●2 3.2A Max Duty Cycle Boost (% Switch C On)●7088%Buck (% Switch A In)●100%Min Duty Cycle ●0%Frequency Accuracy ●0.8511.15MHz MODE/SYNC Threshold ●0.41.4V MODE/SYNC Input Current V MODE/SYNC = 5.5V0.011µA Error Amp AV OL90dB Error Amp Source Current 14µA Error Amp Sink Current 300µASHDN/SS Threshold When IC is Enabled●0.41 1.4V SHDN/SS Threshold When EA is at Max Boost Duty Cycle 2 2.4V SHDN/SS Input CurrentV SHDN = 5.5V0.011µASwitch Pins EnteringBuck-Boost ModeSW12V/DIVSW22V/DIVV IN = 4.2V50ns/DIV3441 G04V OUT = 3.3VI OUT = 500mAsn3441 3441fs3V IN = 3V50ns/DIV3441 G05V OUT = 3.3VI OUT = 500mABurst Mode Quiescent CurrentV IN = V OUT = 3.6V4567LTC34418sn3441 3441fsBuck Region (V IN > V OUT )Switch D is always on and switch C is always off during this mode. When the internal control voltage, V CI , is above voltage V1, output A begins to switch. During the off time of switch A, synchronous switch B turns on for the remainder of the time. Switches A and B will alternate similar to a typical synchronous buck regulator. As the control voltage increases, the duty cycle of switch A increases until the maximum duty cycle of the converter in Buck mode reaches D MAX _BUCK , given by: D MAX _BUCK = 100 – D4SW %where D4SW = duty cycle % of the four switch range.D4SW = (150ns • f) • 100 %where f = operating frequency, Hz.Beyond this point the “four switch,” or Buck/Boost region is reached.Buck/Boost or Four Switch (V IN ~ V OUT )When the internal control voltage, V CI , is above voltage V2,switch pair AD remain on for duty cycle D MAX_BUCK , and the switch pair AC begins to phase in. As switch pair AC phases in, switch pair BD phases out accordingly. When the V CI voltage reaches the edge of the Buck/Boost range,at voltage V3, the AC switch pair completely phase out the BD pair, and the boost phase begins at duty cycle D4SW .The input voltage, V IN , where the four switch region begins is given by:V V ns f VIN OUT=1150–(•)The point at which the four switch region ends is given by:V IN = V OUT (1 – D) = V OUT (1 – 150ns • f) V Boost Region (V IN < V OUT )Switch A is always on and switch B is always off during this mode. When the internal control voltage, V CI , is abovevoltage V3, switch pair CD will alternately switch to provide a boosted output voltage. This operation is typical to a synchronous boost regulator. The maximum duty cycle of the converter is limited to 88% typical and is reached when V CI is above V4.Burst Mode OPERATIONBurst Mode operation is when the IC delivers energy to the output until it is regulated and then goes into a sleep mode where the outputs are off and the IC is consuming only 25µA. In this mode the output ripple has a variable frequency component that depends upon load current.During the period where the device is delivering energy to the output, the peak current will be equal to 800mA typical and the inductor current will terminate at zero current for each cycle. In this mode the typical maximum average output current is given by:I V V V AOUT MAX BURST INOUT IN().•≈+02Burst Mode operation is user controlled, by driving the MODE/SYNC pin high to enable and low to disable.The peak efficiency during Burst Mode operation is less than the peak efficiency during fixed frequency because the part enters full-time 4-switch mode (when servicing the output) with discontinuous inductor current as illus-trated in Figures 3 and 4. During Burst Mode operation, the control loop is nonlinear and cannot utilize the control voltage from the error amp to determine the control mode,therefore full-time 4-switch mode is required to maintain the Buck/Boost function. The efficiency below 1mA becomes dominated primarily by the quiescent current and not the peak efficiency. The equation is given by:Efficiency Burst (bm)•I LOAD ≈µ+η25A I LOADwhere (ηbm) is typically 75% during Burst Mode operation .OPERATIOU–91011sn3441 3441fsInput Capacitor SelectionSince the V IN pin is the supply voltage for the IC it is recommended to place at least a 4.7µF, low ESR bypass capacitor.Table 2. Capacitor Vendor InformationSUPPLIER PHONE FAXWEB SITE AVX (803) 448-9411(803) Sanyo(619) 661-6322(619) Taiyo Yuden (408) 573-4150(408) 573-4159Optional Schottky DiodesThe Schottky diodes across the synchronous switches B and D are not required (V OUT < 4.3V), but provide a lower drop during the break-before-make time (typically 15ns)of the NMOS to PMOS transition, improving e a Schottky diode such as an MBRM120T3 or equiva-lent. Do not use ordinary rectifier diodes, since the slow recovery times will compromise efficiency. For applica-tions with an output voltage above 4.3V, a Schottky diode is required from SW2 to V OUT .Output Voltage < 2.4VThe LTC3441 can operate as a buck converter with output voltages as low as 0.4V. The part is specified at 2.4V minimum to allow operation without the requirement of a Schottky diode. Synchronous switch D is powered from V OUT and the R DS(ON) will increase at low output voltages,therefore a Schottky diode is required from SW2 to V OUT to provide the conduction path to the output.Output Voltage > 4.3VA Schottky diode from SW to V OUT is required for output voltages over 4.3V. The diode must be located as close to the pins as possible in order to reduce the peak voltage on SW2 due to the parasitic lead and trace inductance.Input Voltage > 4.5VFor applications with input voltages above 4.5V which could exhibit an overload or short-circuit condition, a 2Ω/1nF series snubber is required between the SW1 pin and GND. A Schottky diode from SW1 to V IN should also be added as close to the pins as possible. For the higherinput voltages, V IN bypassing becomes more critical;therefore, a ceramic bypass capacitor as close to the V IN and GND pins as possible is also required.Operating Frequency SelectionAdditional quiescent current due to the output switches GATE charge is given by:Buck: 800e –12 • V IN • f Boost: 400e –12 • (V IN + V OUT ) • fBuck/Boost: f • (1200e –12 • V IN + 400e –12 • V OUT )where f = switching frequency Closing the Feedback LoopThe LTC3441 incorporates voltage mode PWM control.The control to output gain varies with operation region (Buck, Boost, Buck/Boost), but is usually no greater than 15. The output filter exhibits a double pole response is given by:f L C HzFILTER POLE OUT_•••=π12where C OUT is the output filter capacitor.The output filter zero is given by:f R C HzFILTER ZERO ESR OUT_•••=π12where R ESR is the capacitor equivalent series resistance.A troublesome feature in Boost mode is the right-half plane zero (RHP), and is given by:f V I L V Hz RHPZINOUT OUT=π22••••The loop gain is typically rolled off before the RHP zero frequency.A simple Type I compensation network can be incorpo-rated to stabilize the loop but at a cost of reduced band-width and slower transient response. To ensure proper phase margin, the loop requires to be crossed over a decade before the LC double pole.APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU12sn3441 3441fs131415Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.16Linear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2003LT/TP 0703 1K • PRINTED IN USA。