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从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. —Now that I’ve finished my exams, I’m going to relax and go to a movie tonight.

— _______! I’ve still got two finals to take.

A. Good luck to you!

B. Lucky you!

C. So far, so good!

D. How nice!

2. She came in for _______ coffee and told me _______ firecrackers kept her awake last night.

A. a, the

B. a, 不填

C. the, the

D. the, 不填

3. — Amazing! You ________ come to the party in such a fancy dress. —Don’t you know it’s a fashion?

A. should

B. will

C. can

D. must

4. A survey of China's netizens found that some smokers are unwilling to kick

the habit because

they aren't fully ________ of the harm it does to health.

A. fond

B. curious

C. afraid

D. aware

5. — We’ve run out of potatoes.

— I’ll get _______ when I go to the shops.

A. ones

B. them

C. some

D. the ones

6. — Did you enjoy meeting your old friends yesterday?

— Yes, I did.I _______ them since we graduated from college.

A. didn't see

B. hadn’t seen

C. haven't seen

D. wouldn’t see

7. Silence is requested in this area while the college entrance examination is ________.

A. in progress

B. in public

C. in sight

D. in advance

8. _______ in 1884, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was one of the first novels in the USA written in common, everyday language.

A. Being published

B. Having


C. Published

D. To be


9. The new tax would force companies to _______ energy-saving measures.

A. adapt

B. adopt

C. address

D. adjust

10. My cousin is really enthusiastic about playing basketball. _______ he

shoots a ball, he likes to think of himself as a Kobe Bryant.

A. At one time

B. All the time

C. The first


D. Every time

11. When asked why he prefers bikes to buses, the professor said, “Riding

a bicycle takes _______

half an hour, but it's more convenient and environmentally friendly."

A. absolutely

B. accurately



D. exactly

12. We were having a chemistry class the other day when we heard a sound we

_______ — the ring of a mobile phone.
