



表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning/ evening,this morning,last night/week/ month/year,,two days ago,a week ago,等。

如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。



如:cook-cooked, play- played, look-looked, start-started

2.结尾是e加d,如:dance—danced, live-lived, use-used, hope-hoped

3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,drop—dropped, plan-planned

4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied, worry-worried 5.小学阶段不规则动词一般过去时,

1)过去式与原形一样put→put (放)let→let(让)cut → cut(剪)read→read(读)

2.)把元音字母变成“a”come- came give –gave drink –drank begin –began

3.)中间去“e” 末尾加“t”sleep -- slept keep –kept feel –felt

4.)把“i”变成“o” ride— rode drive — drove

5)结尾变成“ought”或“a ught think -thought buy- bought bring- brought catch –caught buy—bought

6)“ow”或“aw”变成“”ew know- knew throw –threw draw –drew

7)结尾”d”变“t”build- built spend-spent

8) 剩余不规则动词表

am, is-was are –were do,does-did go-went

make-made write-wrote take—took run—ran see—saw learn—learnt speak—spoke meet—met wear—wore get –got ring—rang tell—told lose—lost smell—smelt say—said sing—sang send—sent forget—forgot can—could hear—heard sit—sat eat-ate fall off—fell off have、has—had


1.(be动词类)在表示过去存在的状态的句子中在was, were的后面加上not。如:

肯定句:He was in the park the day before yesterday.

否定句:→He was not in the park the day before yesterday.

肯定句:We were busy last week.

否定句:→We were not busy last week.

2.(行为动词类)要在行为动词的前面加助动词didn’t. 然后把动词过去式改为动词原形。即:didn’t + 动词原形


She played the violin last night.

否定句:→She didn’t play the violin last night.

肯定句:They swam in the lake yesterday.

否定句:→They didn’t swim in the lake yesterday.


1)把was, were放在句首,其余位置不变。He was born in Shanghai.

→ Was he born in Shanghai? (一般疑问句)

→Yes, he was. (肯定回答)

→No, he wasn’t.(否定回答)

They were in Li Yan’s home last night.

→ Were they in Li Yan’s home last night? (一般疑问句)

→Yes, they were. (肯定回答)

→No, they weren’t. (否定回答)

2)句中没有be 动词时,把did 放在句首。

They had a good time in the park.

一般疑问句:Did they have a good time in the park?

肯定/否定回答:Yes, they did. No , they didn’t.

. Ann did her homework yesterday evening.

一般疑问句:Did Ann do her homework yesterday evening?

肯定/否定回答:Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

I read an English book last week.

一般疑问句:Did you read an English book last week?

肯定/否定回答:Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.



is\am________ study_______ drop________ are ________ play_______

go________ does_______ help ________ ask ________ watch ________

eat__________ put ______ read_________ make ________ have________

do ________ has_________ come _________ sit ________ run________ 二、选择题

( ) 1. We ______ an English play a moment ago.

A. see

B. sees

C. saw

( ) 2. Liming ________ last Sunday morning.

A. cut hair

B. cuts hair

C. is cutting

( ) 3. He ________ the clothes yesterday.

A. didn’t wash

B. didn’t washed

C. don’t washed

( ) 4. It ______ a windy day yesterday.

A. is

B. was

C. am

( ) 5. What ______ you usually(经常地)do on the weekend?

A. are

B. do

C. did

( ) 6. He ______ his grandparents last Sunday.

A. visit

B. visited

C. visits

( ) 7. Where did you go _______?

A. tomorrow

B. now

C. just now

( ) 8. – Did you play football? -- Yes. I ________ football.

A. play

B. plays

C. played

( ) 9. __________you__________ to school last Sunday?

A. Did, come

B. Do, come

C. Were, come

( ) 10. ______ he ______ football last weekend?

A. Did, played

B. Did, play

C. Did, plays


?Her father _______ (read) a newspaper last night.

?We _________(go) to the zoo yesterday.

?______ you _______ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?

?______ he _______ (fly) a kite on Sunday?

?Yes, he ______.

It ______ (be) Ben’s birthday last Friday.

?We all ______ (have) a good time last night.

?He _________ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.

?The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.


It _______(rain) here last Sunday, too. I____ (be) at home all day. I _____(be) very busy. First I _____(do) my homework. Then I ________ (clean) my room. Next I ________(water) the plants. After that, I ________ (write) a letter to Anne. Finally I _______(read) a book about space.



1. I ______(get) up at 6 every day.

2. He_____________ (not like) apples.

3. ______(be)there any meat on the plate?

4. ______you ______(have) a computer?

5. ______he _____(like) fishing?

6. What______(be) your hobby?


1. I _______(get) up at 5 yesterday.

2. He _______(be) at home yesterday.

3. Yesterday it______(rain). I__________(not go) out and play. I ______(feel) very sad

I ______(stay) inside all day.

4. ______you______(water) the flowers yesterday?

5. What______he _____(do) yesterday evening?


1. I ___________(write) you a letter next week.

2. What______I ______(do)?

3. There________________/__________(be) a sports meet soon.

4. We_____________(go) there by bus next Monday morning.

5 .They ______________(fly) to Wuhan tomorrow.

6. Uncle Wang_______________(come) to supper this evening .


1. Listen! The baby ____________(cry)

2. The students ______________(listen) to the teacher.

3. Don’t speak loudly. The baby___________(sleep).

4. Look.The girls____________(dance) under the tree.

5. What’s your mother doing now? She_______(cook) in the kitchen.

6. ______your brother__________(watch)TV now?
