
雅思口语Part1新题猜测及范文示例:房子/公寓【题目】A house or a flat/apartment公寓/房子【口语范文】1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat/ apartment?I live in a flat not far from the town center.I currently live in a300-square-meter house in the southern suburb of the town.1. 你现在住的是房子还是公寓?我住在离市中心不远的一套公寓里。
2. Can you describe your house/flat?Sure. The flat has 6 rooms-one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom and three bedrooms for my parents, my brother and myself. The extra one is for the guest who would come to stay with us.2. 你能描述一下你的房子/公寓吗?确定。
3. What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future?Well, I would prefer a new flat in the town center. It doesnt have to be very big, but definitely has to be nice and cozy.Id like to have a big house with a beautiful garden in front for myself. You see, I always wanted to live in a house, to enjoy the big space and privacy it provides. But, of course, I also have to think in terms of my affordability before I make my final decision.3.你将来想住什么样的房子或公寓?嗯,我更喜爱市中心的一套新公寓。

2019.1-4雅思⼝口语题库P*rt 11.Te*&Coffee1. Do you drink coffee?2. Wh4t kind of coffee do you like to drink?3. Do Chinese people prefer coffee or te4?4. Do you prep4re te4 or coffee for guests 4t home?5. Do old people like coffee or te4?6. When w4s the l4st time youdr4nk coffee or te4?2. The *re* you live in1. Do you like the 4re4 th4t you live in?2. Wh4t 4re some ch4nges in the 4re4 recently?3. Do you know 4ny f4mous people in your 4re4?4. Where do you like to go in th4t 4re4?3. Sleeping1. How m4ny hours do you sleep everyd4y?2. Do you t4ke n4ps 4t noon?3. Is it necess4ry to h4ve enough sleep?4. C4n you sleep well in 4 noisy environment?5. How to h4ve 4 good sleep?6. Do you like to re4d before going to bed?7. How h4ve your sleeping h4bits ch4nged since you were young?4. Sky1. Do you like to w4tch the sky?2. How often do you look 4t the sky?3. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or 4t night?4. C4n you see the moon 4ndst4rs 4t night where you live?5. Wh4t is the sky like 4t night in your hometown?6. H4ve you le4rnt 4ny courses 4bout st4rs or pl4nets?7. Is there 4 good pl4ce to look 4t the sky where you live?5. P*tience1. Are you less or more p4tient when you 4re 4ngry?2. How do you feel when other people 4re imp4tient?3. Were you p4tient when you were young?4. Do you think p4tience is very import4nt?5. How to improve one’sp4tience?6. Would you become imp4tient when you 4re w4iting for others?6. Crowded Pl*ce1. Are there 4ny crowded pl4ces in your city?2. How do you feel when you 4re in crowded pl4ces?3. Wh4t pl4ces do you think 4re often crowded?4. When w4s the l4st time you were in 4 crowded pl4ce?7. Sh*ring1. Do you like sh4ring things with others?2. Do you h4ve 4nything to sh4re with others recently?3. Who do you like to sh4re things with, friends or f4mily?4. Wh4t kind of things 4re not suit4ble for sh4ring?5. Wh4t kind of things do you like to sh4re with others?6. Did your p4rents te4ch you to sh4re when you were 4 child?8. Pet1. Do you h4ve 4 pet?2. Do you like pets?3. Are there m4ny people keeping pets in Chin4?4. Wh4t kinds of 4nim4ls 4re considered 4s pets in your country?5. Is it benefici4l for children toh4ve 4 pet?6. Do you think we should protect wild lives?7. How do we protect wild4nim4ls?9. St*rs1. H4ve you ever met 4 celebrity/ superst4r in re4l life?2. Who is your f4vorite moviest4r?3. Are intern4tion4l superst4rs popul4r in your country?4. Do you w4nt to be 4 superst4r?10. H*ndwriting1. Do you often write with 4 pen?2. Is your h4ndwriting e4sy tore4d for other people?3. Wh4t’s the difference of writing with 4 pen 4nd trying on 4 computer?4. C4n we tell someone’s person4lity from his or herh4ndwriting?11. Gift1. How often do you buy others gifts?2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?3. Wh4t kinds of gifts 4re popul4r in your country?4. Why do people send gifts?P*rt2People1.Describe *n intelligent person th*t you know.You should s4y:Who he/she isHow/Where you got to know him/ herWh4t he/she doesAnd expl4in why you think the person is intelligentP*rt3:1. Do you think sm4rt people tend to be selfish?2. Who do you think pl4ys 4 more import4nt role in 4 child’s development, te4chers orp4rents?3. Why 4re some children more intelligent th4n others?2.Describe * be*utiful wom*n or * h*ndsome m*n th*t you know.You should s4y:Who the person isHow/Where you got to know the personWh4t he/she doesAnd expl4in why you think the person is intelligentP*rt3:1. Is it e4sy to become be4utiful?2. Wh4t 4re the dis4dv4nt4ges of being be4utiful?3. Wh4t do people in your country think of be4uty?4. Do you think children shouldle4rn how to dress well?3.Describe someone you w*nt to work or study with.You should s4y:Who the person iswhen you w4nt to work with him/ herWhere you w4nt to work with him/ herAnd expl4in why you w4nt to work with him/herP*rt3:1. Wh4t kinds of people do you like to work with2. Which one is more import4nt to you 4t work, development in work- rel4ted skills or the recognition from your supervisors?3. Do you think m4n4gers c4n befriends with their subordin4tes? 4.Describe * person who you w*nted to be f*mili*r with when you were growing up. You should s4y:Who the person w4sWh4t your rel4tionship w4s with the personWh4t 4spects you w4nted to be f4mili4r withAnd expl4in why you w4nted to be f4mili4r with the personP*rt3:1. Wh4t kinds of f4mous people do children like?2. Wh4t good qu4lities do f4mous people h4ve?3. Do you think 4dvertisements4imed 4t children should be endorsed by f4mous people?4. C4n you comp4re the p4st 4nd the present of children’s life?5.Describe *n interesting old person you met.You should s4y:Who the person w4sHow you met him/herWh4t h4ppenedAnd expl4in why you felt the person interestingP*rt3:1. Wh4t c4n old people te4ch young people?2. Do old people sh4re the s4me interest with young people?3. Do you think old people should live with their f4mily?Pl*ce6.Describe *n ide*l houseth*t you like. You should s4y: Wh4t fe4tures is h4sWhere it isWho you would like to live with And expl4in why you find it is 4n ide4l houseP*rt3:1. Wh4t 4re the differences between living in the city 4nd living in the countryside?2. Wh4t 4re the dis4dv4nt4ges of living in the city?3. C4n you comp4re the p4st 4nd the present of cities?7.Describe * newly-built public f*cility (such *scinem*s, p*rks *nd etc.) th*t influences your city.You should s4y:When it w4s builtWh4t people c4n do thereHow it influences people’s life And expl4in why it influencesyour cityP*rt3:1. Wh4t me4sures should bet4ken to de4l with d4m4ge on public f4cilities?2. Wh4t 4re differences between old f4cilities 4nd new f4cilities?3. Wh4t f4cilities do young people 4nd old people like in your country?4. Wh4t’s the difference between f4cilities in the countryside 4nd the ones in the cities?Event8.Describe * historic*l period you w*nt to know more *bout. You should s4y:Wh4t the historic4l period is How you got to know itWh4t h4ppened during th4t periodAnd expl4in why you w4nt to know more 4bout itP*rt3:1. How do you le4rn history?2. How c4n we protect old buildings?3. Wh4t’s the difference between the history t4ught in prim4ry school 4nd the history t4ught in high school?4. Why do some people h4ve nointerest in history?9.Describe * successful experience of your friends. You should s4y:Who he/she isHow long h4ve you been knowing her Wh4t success it w4sAnd expl4in why you think it is successfulP*rt3:1. Wh4t kinds of people would be considered successful in the society?2. Wh4t does it t4ke to become successful?3. Wh4t 4re the re4sons forf4ilure?4. Do you think 4 university degree would gu4r4ntee one’s success in c4reer?10.Describe *n occ*sion when you t*ught * younger person how to do * thing.You should s4y:Wh4t it isWhen it h4ppenedWhy you t4ught the personAnd expl4in how you felt 4bout it P*rt3:1. Wh4t skills should be t4ught to children?2. Wh4t c4n children le4rn from te4chers 4nd p4rents?3. Wh4t 4re the skills th4t you w4nt tole4rn?4. Wh4t skills do 4dults need to h4ve?5. How c4n people be motiv4ted to le4rn new things?11.Describe *n occ*sion th*t someone didn’t tell you the complete truth *bout something.You should s4y:When it h4ppenedWho che4ted youWhy the person che4ted you And expl4in how you felt 4bout it P*rt3:1. Why do people lie sometimes?2. How would you define white lies?3. Do you think it’s import4nt to te4ch children to be honest?4. Wh4t 4re the other w4ys tote4ch children 4bout honesty except h4ving p4rents orte4chers te4ch them?5. Some people s4y th4t li4rs 4re those who h4ve 4 good memory, wh4t do you think?12.Describe * free d*y offwork or study.You should s*y:When it w4sWhy you h4d 4 free d4y Wh4t you didAnd expl4in how you felt 4bout it P*rt3:1. Wh4t do people like to do when they 4re free in your country?2. Do you think p4rents shouldm4ke pl4ns for their children? 3. Do you think most people 4re 4ble to m4n4ge their free time? 4. Wh4t’s the difference between the things people did in their free time in the p4st 4nd the things they do now4d4ys?13.Describe * time when you received * b*d service from * shop or * rest*ur*nt.You should s4y:When it h4ppenedwh4t it h4ppenedWho you were withAnd expl4in how you felt 4bout it P*rt3:1. Wh4t kinds of services 4re b4d services?2. Why do some people choose to rem4in silent when they receive b4d services?3. Who should be responsible forb4d services?4. As 4 boss, wh4t would you do to prevent b4d services?Object14.Describe * he*lthy lifestyle you know. You should s*y:Wh4t it isHow you got to know itWh4t one wold do living in this lifestyleAnd expl4in why it is he4lthyP*rt3:1. How should schools te4ch students to live he4lthy?2. Wh4t c4n doctors do to help people solve he4lth-rel4ted problems?3. Wh4t kinds of lifestyles 4re unhe4lthy?4. Wh4t do people in your country do to m4int4in he4lth? 15.Describe * piece of goodnews you he*rd recently (from TV or the internet).You should s4y:Wh4t it w4sWhere you knew itWh4t it t4lked 4boutAnd expl4in why you think it’s 4 piece of good newsP*rt3:1. How do people in your countryget news?2. Do you think children shouldst4rt w4tching news from 4 young 4ge? 3. Wh4t kinds of news do people in your country like?4. Wh4t kinds of good news do people like to he4r?5. Why do some people like tosh4re news in soci4l medi4? 16.Describe something lost by others but found by you.You should s4y:When it h4ppenedWh4t you picked upHow you did with the lost thing And expl4in how you felt 4bout it P*rt3:1. Why do some people like to collect things?2. Do people collect things form4int4ining memories?3. Wh4t do you like to collect?4. Wh4t 4re the 4dv4nt4ges 4nd dis4dv4nt4ges of keeping collections?17.Describe * type of food people e*t for * speci*l event. You should s4y:Wh4t it isWhen people e4t itHow it is cookedAnd expl4in why people e4t itP*rt3:1. Why do some people grow their own food these d4ys?2. Wh4t kinds of food 4re good for 4 p4rty?3. Do you think people should e4t every me4l with their f4mily? 18.Describe *n *ctivity th*t you w*nt to do but don’t h*ve enough time to do.You should s4y:Wh4t it isWhy you w4nt to do itWhy you don’t h4ve enough time And expl4in how you feel 4bout it P*rt3:1. Is time m4n4gementimport4nt?2. Do you think most people c4n m4n4ge their time well?3. Do you think successful people h4ve better time m4n4gement skills th4n others?4. Wh4t 4re the effective w4ys to m4n4ge time?19.Describe * book you w*nt to write.You should s4y:When you h4d this ide4Wh4t kind of book it isIs it difficult or e4syAnd expl4in why you w4nt to write the bookP*rt3:1. Do people in your country like to write books?2. Wh4t kinds of writers 4re considered to be good?3. Some writers write surre4l books, but why do some people still like to re4d those books?4. Wh4t 4re the benefits of working 4s 4 writer?20.Describe * subject th*t you used to dislike but like now.You should s4y:Wh4t it isWhy you disliked it beforeWhy you like it nowAnd expl4in how you feel 4bout it P*rt3:1. Do you think le4rning m4ny subjects 4t one time is better or le4rning one subject is better?2. Do you think le4rning m4ny subjects is benefici4l to your work?3. Wh4t subjects 4re morepr4ctic4l to le4rn now4d4ys? 4. Do you think 4ll te4chersshould h4ve entert4iningte4ching styles?21.Describe *n item you bought but do not often use. You should s4y: Wh4t it isWhen you bought it Why you bought itAnd expl4in why you don’t often use itP*rt3:1.Are you 4n impulsive customer?2.Do you c4re 4bout the pollution c4used by p4ck4ging?3.Do you p4y 4ttention to environment4l protection?4.Do people in your country c4re 4bout w4ste cl4ssific4tion?5.How do you de4l with items you don’t use 4nymore?22.Describe *n outdoor sport you did for the first time.You should s4y:Wh4t it isWhen it w4sHow you did the sportAnd expl4in how you felt 4bout it P*rt3:1.Wh4t 4re the 4dv4nt4ges 4nd dis4dv4nt4ges of pl4ying outdoor sports?2.Wh4t kinds of outdoor sports4re popul4r in your country?3.Wh4t sports involve te4mwork?23.Describe * present you received which w*s m*de by h*nd.You should s4y:Wh4t it w4sWhen you received itWho g4ve it to youAnd expl4in how you felt 4bout the presentP*rt3:1. Do you like DIY presents or presents bought in 4 shop?2. Who do you think would be good 4t m4king gifts, boys or girls?3. Is it popul4r to give h4nd-m4de presents to others in your country?4. Do you think expensive gifts4re 4lw4ys more v4lu4ble th4n che4p ones?24.Describe * thing you do regul*rly th*t is good for your study or work.You should s4y:Wh4t it isWhen you do itHow you le4rnt itAnd expl4in how you feel 4bout itP*rt3:1. Wh4t’s the routine of people in your country?2. Wh4t 4re the routine 4ctivities th4t old people 4nd young people in your country do?3. Wh4t do you like to do in your sp4re time?25.Describe one of yourgr*ndp*rents’ job.You should s4y:Wh4t the job w4sWh4t the job w4s likeW4s it the only job he/she did And expl4in how you felt 4bout the jobP*rt3:1. Wh4t kinds of jobs 4re difficult to do?2. Is it e4sy to find well-p4id jobs in your country?3. Do you think it would be benefici4l to provide tr4ining to employees?4. Do you think robots would repl4ce hum4n workers in the future?。

雅思口语1-4月题库1-4月口语题库参考内容Part11. Hometown 家乡话题Introduce your hometown, where it is located, what the weather is like, what are some interesting places/things to do.For example:I’m from Beijing, which is the capital city of China. It is located in the northern part of the country and has a population of over 20 million people. The weather in Beijing is quite extreme, with hot summers and cold winters. However, autumn is considered the best season as the weather is mild and there are beautiful views of the changing leaves. As for interesting places to visit, the Great Wall is a must-see attraction. There are also many traditional markets, such as the Panjiayuan Antique Market and the Silk Street Market where you can bargain for souvenirs and local products.2. Music 音乐话题What kind of music do you like, how often do you listen to music and how does music make you feel?For example:I like all kinds of music, but my favorite genres are pop and rock. I listen to music every day, either through my phone or while driving. Music can really change my mood and make me feel happy or sad depending on what I’m listening to. Sometimes I listen to music to help me focus on tasks, and other times I listen to it to help me relax and unwind.3. Internet 网络话题How often do you use the internet, what do you usually do online, and what kind of internet services do you use?For example:I use the internet every day, mostly for work and entertainment. I usually check my emails and browse the news first thing in the morning. During work hours, I use the internet to research and communicate with colleagues. In my free time, I use it to watch movies and TV shows, shop online and play games. I use a variety of internet services, such as social media, video streaming sites and online shopping websites.Part 2 & 31. Describe a memorable trip you have taken.Include information about why you chose to go on the trip, what activities you did, and what made it memorable.For example:Last year, I went on a trip to Japan with my friends. We had all been wanting to go there for a long time, and finally, we managed to make it happen. The trip was memorable for many reasons, but the most special one was our visit to the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. It was an incredible experience to see the thousands of orange torii gates lining the path up the mountain. We also did a lot of other exciting activities, such as trying authentic Japanese food, visiting the Tokyo Skytree and taking part in a traditional tea ceremony.2. Discuss the role of technology in your life and society.Include both positive and negative aspects of technology, andwhether you think we rely too much on it.For example:Technology plays a huge role in my life and society. On the positive side, it has made communication and information more accessible than ever before. We can easily connect with people from all over the world, and access all kinds of information on the internet. However, technology also has negative effects, such as addiction and the loss of face-to-face communication skills. I think we rely too much on technology these days, and it’s important to find a balance between its benefits and its pitfalls.3. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad. Include information about personal growth, cultural experiences, and potential career benefits/challenges.For example:Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, with many benefits and drawbacks. On the positive side, students may experience personal growth through exposure to different cultures and lifestyles. They may also have unique opportunities to explore academic programs and career paths that are not available in their home country. However, studying abroad can also be challenging. Students may encounter language barriers and cultural differences that make it difficult to adjust to a new environment. It can also be expensive and lonely if they are far from home. Overall, studying abroad can be a valuable experience, but students should carefully consider the benefits and challenges before making a decision.。

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库·Part 1Sports1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?2. Do you play any sports?3. Do you have a favorite sports star?4. What kinds of sports are popular in China?5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?Sky1. How often do you look at the sky?2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?3. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?4. Is there a good place to look at the skγwhere you live?5. Do you like to watch the sky?6. Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?7. Where is a good place to watch stars?8. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?9. What's your favorite star?Star1. Who is your favorite movie star?2. Are international superstars popular in your country?3. Have you ever met a celebrity/ superstar in real life?4. Do you want to be a superstar ?Sleeping1.How many hours are you asleep for everyday?2.Is it necessary to take a nap everyday?3.Do old people sleep a lot? Why?4.What time do you usually go to bed?5.Do you always have a good sleep?6. Do you take naps at noon?7. Do you like to read before bed?8. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young? The area you live in1. Do you like the area that you live in?2. What are some changes in the area recently?3. Do you know any famous people in your area?4. Where do you like to go in that area?Tea and coffee1. Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?2. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?Public holidays1. What public holidays do you have in your country?2. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?3. What do you usually do during public holidays?4. What did you do during the last public holiday?5. Do you think public holidays are important?6. Why do we need public holidays?7. How many public holidays do you have in China?8. Do you think people need more public holidays?9. How do you usually spend your holidays?10. Which holiday is your favorite?Handwriting1. Do you often write with a pen?2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?3. Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?4. Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?5. What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?Crowded place1. What places do you think are often crowded?2. When was the last time you were in a crowed place?3. How do you feel when you are in crowded places?Pet1. Are there many people keeping pets in China?2. Have you ever had a pet when you were young?3. What pet will you keep if you want?E-mail1. How often do you write an E-Mail?2. Who do you write to?3. What kind of E-Mail do you receive that makes you happy?4. Do you think it’s importantly to reply E-Mails quickly?Sharing1. Do you have anything to share with others recently?2. Did your presents teach you to share when you were a child?3. What kind of things do you like to share with others?4. What kind o f things are not suitable for sharing?Patience1. Were you patient when you were young?2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?3. Were you less or more patient when you were angry?2019年1-4月雅思口语题库·Part 2&3(人物类+事件类)Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsomeYou should say:Where you saw this personWhen you saw this personWhat the person looked likeWhy you think this person is beautiful or handsomePart 3∙Is it easy to become beautiful?∙What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?∙What do people in your country think of beauty?∙Do you think children should learn how to dress well?Describe someone you would like to study or work withYou should say:Who this person isHow long you have known this personWhat you have done togetherAnd explain why you would like to work/study with this personPart 3∙What kinds of person do you like to work with?∙Which one is more important to you at work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisors?∙Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?Describe an intelligent person you knowYou should say:Who this person isWho you know this personWhat this person doesAnd explain why you think this person is intelligentPart 3∙Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?∙Who do you think plays a mor e important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents?∙Why are some children more intelligent than others?Describe an old person who is interestingYou should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhat you do with this personAnd explain why you think this person is interestingPart 3∙What can old people teach young people∙Do old people share the same interest with young people?∙Do you think old people should live with their family?Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing upYou should say:When you first met this personWho this person wasWhat the person didAnd why you would like to become this personPart 3∙What kinds of famous people do children like?∙What good qualities do famous people have?∙Do you think advertisements aimed at children should be endorsed by famous people?∙Can you compare the past and the present of children’s life?Describe a historical period you would like to knowYou should say:When it wasHow you heard of itWhat you are interested inWhat you have knownAnd Why you would like to know morePart 3∙How do you learn history?∙How can we protect old buildings?∙What’s the difference between history taught in primary school and the history taught in high school?∙Why do some people have no interest in history?Describe a success your friend has achievedYou should say:Who your friend isWhat the success wasWhat he or she didHow you felt about the successPart 3∙What kinds of people would be considered successful in the society? ∙What does it take to become successful?∙What are the reasons for failure?∙Do you think a university degree would guarantee one’s success in career?Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you whole truth aboutsomething.You should say:When this happenedWhat the situation wasWho you were withAnd why this person didn’t tell you the whole truthPart 3∙How would you define white lies?∙Do you think it's important to teach children to be honest?∙Why do people lie sometimes ?∙Some people say that liars are those who have a good memory, what do you think?∙What are the other ways to teach children about honesty except having parents or teachers teach them?Describe something you want to do but don’t have time forYou should say:When it wasWhere you wereWho you were withWhat you tried to do or finishPart 3∙Is time management important?∙Do you think most people can manage their time well?∙Do you think successful people have better time management skills than others?∙What are the effective ways to manage time?Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant.You should say:what goods or services you bought;who you were with when you were served;why you went there;and explain how you felt about the service.Part 3∙What kinds of services are bad services?∙Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?∙Who should be responsible for bad services?∙As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.You should say:When it happenedwhat you taughtwho you taught it towhy you taught it to this personand explain how you felt about it.Part 3∙What skills should be taught to children?∙What can children learn from teachers and parents?∙What are the skills that you want to learn?∙What skills do adults need to have?∙How can people be motivated to learn new things?Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school.You should say:when it wasWhere you werewhat you didhow long the free time lastedand explain how you felt about it.Part 3∙What do people like to do when they are free in your country?∙Do you think parents should make plans for their children?∙Do you think most people are able to manage their free time?∙What’s the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays?Describe a party that you joinedYou should say:When it took placeWhere it wasWhose party it wasWhat you did thereAnd how you felt about the partyPart 3∙What do children often do in a birthday party?∙What do adults do at parties?∙Do Chinese people like to throw parties?∙Should parents spen a lot of money on their children’s birthday parties? ∙Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?2019年1-4月雅思口语题库·Part 2&3(地点类+物品类)Describe an ideal houseYou should sayWhere this place isWhat it is likeWhen you want to live thereAnd explain why it is ideal to youPart 3∙What are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?∙What are the disadvantages of living in the city?∙Can you compare the past and the present of cities?Describe a newly built facility (such as parks,cinemas etc.) that influence your cityYou should say:Where this facility isWhen it was builtWhat people can do thereWhat influence this facility hasPart 3∙What measures should be taken to deal with damage on public facilities? ∙What are the differences between old facilities and new facilities?∙What facilities do young people and old people like in your country?∙What’s the difference between facilities in the countryside and the ones in the cities?Describe an item you bought but do not often useYou should say:When you bought itWhere you bought itWhy you bought itAnd explain why you didn’t often use itPart 3∙Are you an impulsive customer?∙Do you care about the pollution caused by packaging?∙Do you pay attention to environmental protection?∙Do people in your country care about waste classification?∙How do you deal with items you don’t use anymore?Describe something lost by others but found by youYou should say:Who it belonged toWhen it was lostHow the person lost itHow you found itAnd how you felt about itPart 3∙Why do some people like to collect things?∙Do people collect thing for maintaining memories?∙What do you like to collect ?∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collection?Describe a presents you received which was made by handYou should say:What its wasWhat it was likeWhen you received itWho gave it to youHow you felt about the presentPart 3∙Do you like DIY present or present bought in shops?∙Who do you think would be good at making gifts, boys or girls?∙Is it popular to give hand-mad presents to others in you country? ∙Do you think expensive gifts are always more valuable than cheap ones?Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet).You should say:What the news was aboutWhen you got this newsWhere you got this news fromAnd explain why you think it was a good piece of news.Part 3∙How do people in your country get news?∙Do you think children should star watching news from a young age? ∙What kinds of news do people in your country like?∙What kinds of good news do people like to hear?∙Why do some people like to share news in social media?Describe a book you want to writeYou should say:When you had this ideaWhat kind of book you want to writeWhat the book is aboutIs it a difficult or easyAnd explain why you want to write this kind of bookPart 3∙Do people in your country like to write books?∙What kinds of writers are considered to be good?∙Some writers write surreal books, but why do some people still like to read those books?∙What are the benefits of working as a writer?Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first timeYou should say:What it isWhen you first playedWho you played it withHow you learned to play the sportAnd how you felt about the sportPart 3∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing outdoor sports? ∙What kinds of outdoor sports are popular in your country?∙What sports involve teamwork?口语讲堂第14期:Swimming / SportsDescribe a healthy lifestyle you knowYou should say:Who you know itWhat it isWhat one would do living in this lifestyleAnd explain why it is healthyPart 3∙How should schools teach students to live healthily?∙What can doctors do help people solve health-related problems?∙What kinds of lifestyle are unhealthy?∙What do people in your country do to maintain health?Describe something you do to help you study or workYou should sayWhat it isHow you learn itWhen you do itAnd how you feel about the methodPart 3∙What’s the routine of people in your country?∙What are the routine activities that old people and young people in your country do?∙What do you like to do in your spare time?Describe a kind of food people eat during a special eventYou should say:What it isWhat event people usually eat itHow it is cooked/madeExplain why it is for the special eventPart 3∙Why do some people grow their own food these days?∙What kinds of food are good for a party?∙Do you think people should eat every meal with their family?Describe your grandparent’s jobYou should say:What it wasHow long he or she had this jobHow he or she got the jobAnd whether you would like to have this jobPart 3∙What kinds of jobs are difficult to do?∙Is it easy to find well-paid jobs in your country?∙Do you think it would be beneficial to provide training to employees? ∙Do you think robots would replace human workers in the future?Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest inYou should sayWhat the subject isWhy you disliked itWhat you are interested in nowAnd explain why you become interested in itPart 3∙Do you think learning many subjects at one time is better or learning one subject is better?∙Do you think learning many subjects is beneficial to your work?∙What subjects are more practical to learn nowadays?∙Do you think all teachers should have entertaining teaching styles?。
雅思口语part1答案范文解析: sports 运动.doc

雅思口语part1答案范文解析: sports 运动Do you like to watch sports on TV?你喜欢在电视上看运动比赛吗?Yes, I do. It is very exciting, especially when you see two world-lead players or teams try their best to beat each other. You do not know which one will win until the very last second. Sometimes the match is so intensive that I feel I cannot breathe.是的,我喜欢。
Do you play any sports?你进行什么运动码?Yes, I do various sports. Back in college, I liked playing football with my classmates. But after I graduate, I find it quite difficult to call up a team and book a football court. So now, I usually go swimming, which I can do whenever is appropriate and do not need to care about others timetable.是的,我做多种多样的运动。

Part 1Study/ WorkDo you work or are you a student What is your majorWhat is your favorite subjectDo you like to study in the morning or in the afternoonWhat do you like to do at schoolHow do you get to school everydayDo you like the first school you attended, whyHometownWhere is your hometownHow long have you lived in your hometownDo you want to live in your hometown in the futureDo you think the traffic condition in your hometown is goodApartment/houseDo you live in an apartment or a house Do you like itWhat can you see through the window in your apartment or a house What’s your favorite room Is there anything you want to change about this roomWhat do you expect of your future houseBagDo you like to buy bagsHow often do you buy bagsWhat factors may influence you when you buy a bagWhat bags do people use on different occasionsCelebrityWho is your favorite celebrity in ChinaDo you like any foreign celebritiesWould you like to be a celebrity in the futureDo you think we should protect famous people’s privacyHow do celebrities influence their fans in ChinaChocolateDo you like to eat chocolatesDo you send chocolates as giftsDid you like chocolates when you were a childColorWhat is you favorite colorDo you think it is a popular colorWhat color do you like to use to decorate your houseDream 新题Do you often dreamDo you think dreams have special meaningsDo you like to listen to others talking about dreamsDo you want to learn more knowledge about your dreamsFriend 新题Do you like to make friends onlineWhenyou meet your friends in China , do you hug ,kiss or shake hands with Do you invite your friends to your place or visit their homesHandwritingWhat are some advantages of handwritingDo you like handwriting when you were a childWhat are some differences between handwriting and typingIndoor activity新题Do you like to do activities indoorsWhat indoor activity did you do when you were a childWhat are some popular indoor activities in ChinaLeisure time新题What do you usually do after work WhyDo you have a busy scheduleMirror新题Do you like to look at yourself in the mirrorDo you often buy mirrorsDo you think having a mirror is a good decoration in the roomMusic and SingingWhat type of music do you likeWho is your favorite singe/groupCan you play musical instrumentsDo you think it is hard to learn a musicalinstrument Do you like music lessonsPhotoDo Chinese people like to take photosDo they like to take selfies or family photosDid you like to take photos when you were a childDo you want to be a photographer in the futurePublic holidaysDo you like public holidaysWhat is your favorite holiday WhyWhat public holidays do you have in ChinaHow long do you need for a holidayReadingDo you like reading booksWhat kind of books do you like to readDo you prefer to buy a book or borrow oneDo you like to read books or listen to audio booksRobot 新题Have you watched any movies about robotsDid you like robots when you were a childDo you think it is a good idea to let robots do housework Do you think it is a good idea to let robots driveShoe新题What kind of shoes do you likeDo you like to buy shoes onlineHow many pair of shoes do you ownDo you prefer comfortable shoes or beautifulshoes Do you like to collect shoesSwimmingDo you like swimmingDo you like to visit a place with waterDo you think learning swimming is really necessaryTeacherWho is your favorite teacher WhyWhat qualities do good teachers possessHave you ever taught others Did you like itDo you want to be a teacher in the futureTransportHow often do you take a busWhat kind of transportation can you take easilyDo you usually travel by bus or taxi and which one do you preferTV program 新题Do you like to watch TV programsWhat kind of TV programs do you likeDo you like to watch TV programs alone or with others Doyou think watching TV programs is popular in China Didyou like to watch TV programs when you were a childWater activities新题Have you ever been to the seasideWhat do you like to do near the seaDo you like to travel by shipDo you have a special memory of being on a boat or a shipWatch 新题Do you like to wear watchesDid you like to wear watches when you were achild Have you ever received a watch as a giftVisiting peopleDo you like to invite others to your homeWhat kind of things you do you do if you invite others to your home Part2事件类 15Describe a special meal you hadYou should say:When it happened,Where it happened,Who you had dinner with,And explain why it is specialPart3Do you think people of different age groups can sit together tohave dinnersWhat do they talk about while having the dinnerWhat are some advantages and disadvantages of having dinner with people from different age groupsDo you usually have dinners with your colleagues or classmates In China, do children usually have dinners with their parents WhyDescribe a happy event you prepared forWhat event it isWhen you prepared itWhat you didWhether you enjoy preparing it or notPart3Do you prepare for some eventsHow can parents teach children to be organizedDo you think people can have more fun if they are not preparedfor somethingDescribe a road trip(by car /motorbike/bicycle) in thefuture What trip it isWhen you will have this tripWhat you will do during this tripWhether you will enjoy it or notPart 3Is cycling popular in chinaIs cycling very dangerousDo you think using vehicles will influence the environment greatly What should we do to protect the environmentDescribe something interesting and unusual you did recently in your leisure timeWhat you didHow you had this ideaWho you did it withWhy you think it is very interesting (unusual)Part3What do people do at weekendsWhat do children do on weekendsMen and women, who work longer hoursDo you think the way of relaxing has changed for these years Describe a time you missed an appointmentWhen and where it happenedWhat the appointment was forWhat happened when you missed itAnd explain how you felt about itPart3How do people remind themselvesDo people really forget things or do they just not want to doIt is important to be punctual in your countryIs it easy to make an appointment in ChinaDescribe a time you used your imaginationWhen it wasWhy you used your imaginationWhat you imaginedWhether you like this experience or notPart3When do children use their imaginationsDo you think teachers should encourage their students to be more creative How do scientists use their imaginationsDescribe a time you were busyWhen it wasWhy you were busyWhat you did at that timeHow you handled itPart3In china, do children have a heavy study burdenDo children like to have long holidaysHow do we deal with pressureDo you think working for a long time can affect one’ s moodDescribe something you saw or experienced that made youlaugh What it wasWhen this happenedWhere this happenedWhy you laughedPart3Do you prefer Chinese comedies or Englishcomedies Do you like the ads in the comediesDo you prefer comedies or funny booksDo you think men and women think the same thing is funny ornot Why do children tend to be happier than adultsDescribe a time you were close to a wild animalWhat wild animal it wasWhere you saw itWhat the wild animal looks likeWhether you liked it or notPart3Do you think zoos are good for animalsDo you think zoos are popular in chinaDo you think zoos are very importantFor children, Is it better to watch some documentaries about animals or visiting a zooDescribe a time you enjoyed yourself in the countryside新题Where you stayedWhen it wasWhat you didWhy you enjoyed itPart3Do people like to live in the countrysideWhat are some differences between countryside now and 50 yearsago Do Chinese people move from the countryside to the cities, whyDescribe a time you enjoyed good service新题Where you enjoyed the serviceWhen it wasWhat service it wasWhy you enjoyed itPart3How can bad service affect customersDo you think big stores and small stores provide the same kind of service ,whyIn what kind of jobs is service very importantDescribe an experience you were waiting for something新题Where you waitedWhen you waitedWhat you did while waitingWhether you liked this experience or notPart3Do you think adults are more patient than childrenWhen do people have to waitWhat do you think if someone cut in the lineWhat do people do when they are waitingDescribe an experience you spent some time with a child新题Who you spent time withWhen it wasWhat you did with the childWhether you liked this experience or notPart 3Father or mother, who should take more responsibility when it comesto taking care of a childWhat is the most difficult part of taking care of a childDo you think parents should pick friends for their childrenWho influences children more, parents or teacherDescribe a historical event新题What event it wasWhen it wasWhy you think it is importantWhether you like it or notPart3Do you think it is a good idea to learn history in a museumDo you like to visit a museum, whyDo you think museums should be free entryWho is better at learning history, boys or girlsDescribe a time you couldn ’t use your mobile phone 新题Where you wereWhen it wasWhat you did when you couldn’ t use your mobile phoneWhether you liked this experience or notPart 3When do you think people need to use mobilephones What can we do with our mobile phonesSome people think taking photos using mobile phones is a waste of time, what do you think about itDo you think young people and elderly people like to use the samekind of mobile phone, whyDescribe a holiday that you want to have in the future新题When you will take the holidayWho you want to spend the holiday withWhat you want to doWhy you want to do thatPart 3What is the best age for people to travel to different placesWhat benefits and drawbacks tourism may bring to local peopleWhat problems you may encounter when you travel abroadDescribe a time you celebrated a festival in a foreign country新题Where you wereWhen it wasWhat you did when you celebrated the festivalWhether you liked this experience or notPart3Do you prefer to celebrate festivals in China or in a foreign countryDo you like to live abroadWhat preparation should you make before you go abroad to celebrate afestival人物类 5Describe a person that you have met before and want to know more aboutWho he/she isWhat he/she doesHow you came to know him/herWhy you want to know more about him/herPart3How do people make friendsWhat qualities should a good friend haveIs it important to have friendsDescribe a famous person新题Who he/she isWhat he/she doesHow you came to know him/herWhy you think he/she is famousPart3What qualities do you need to be famousDo you think appearance is very important if someone wants to be famous Do you think celebrities have privacyDo you think people now get famous in the same way as in the pastDescribe a family member who makes you feel proud新题Who he/she isWhat he/she doesWhy you think he/she makes you feel proudWhat you do together with him/herPart 3What rewards should children get How about adultsDo you think people get the same rewards as they did in the pastWhat are some drawbacks of being too proud of oneselfWhen do people usually feel proudDescribe an interesting neighbor新题Who he/she isWhat he/she doesWhy you think he/she is an interesting neighborWhat you do together with him/herPart 3Do you often communicate with your neighborsHow can one be a good neighborWhat is the neighborhood like in citiesDo you think neighborhoods in cities and country side are the sameDescribe two people from the same family新题Who they areWhat they doWhat you do together with him/herWhether you like them or notPart 3Do you think Chinese families have changedWho can have more influence on children, parents or their friendsWhat are some differences between Chinese families and western families How do Chinese family members interactDescribe a person who is polite新题Who he/she isWhat he/she doesWhy you think he/she is politeWhat you do together with him/herPart 3Who are more polite, people living in the cities or the countrysideDo you think people now are more polite than the pastHow do Chinese people show politenessDo you think people should show respect to each otherHow can we show respect to others地点类 7Describe a place for sports (like a stadium, swimming pool) thatis important in your cityYou should say:Where it isHow often you go thereWhat people do thereAnd explain why you think it is importantPart 3Where do Chinese people play sportsDo you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sportsWhat are the benefits of group sportsDo young people like to try extreme sportsDescribe a place for relaxingWhere it isWhat you can do over thereWhy you think it is a place for relaxingWhether you like it or notPart 3Where do people usually go to relaxHow do young people relax themselves Do you like to take an easy job or a busy oneDo you think leaders should give their employees enough time to relaxDo you think a good environment will affect one’s studyDescribe a garden you have been toWhere it isWhat you can see over thereWhat you can do thereWhether you like it or notPart3Do you think the garden is very importantSome people like to grow vegetables in their gardens or on their balconies, what do you thinkabout itSome people use their balconies to store things, what do you think about itWhat are the functions of the garden for different age groupsDescribe a foreign country where you would like to work for a short time Where you want to goWhat you want to do over thereWhy you want to go thereWhether you like it or notPart3What are some advantages of the gap yearDo you want to have a gap year, whyWhy do some governments not want others to work in their countryWhy do people go to different places for a temporary work What can they do over thereDescribe a tall buildingWhere it isHow tall the building isWhat you can do thereWhether you like it or notPart3Where do people live in tall buildingsDo they like to live in tall buildingsDo you think they are familiar with their neighborsWhat factors should be considered when engineers build tall buildingsDescribe a popular place for swimming新题Where it isWhat you can do thereWhy it is a popular place for swimmingWhether you like it or notPart3What are some benefits of swimmingDo you prefer to learn swimming from a coach or from your parentsWhy do some Chinese people like swimmingDo you think government should build more sports facilities for civilians Describe a shop that opened recently新题Where it isWhen it openedWhat you can do thereWhether you like it or notPart3What is the most popular shop in China, whyWhat are some advantages of opening a small shop Do you think government should support those small shops Is location very important to a shopWhat can small shops do to attract customers Describe a新题Cafe Where it isWhen it openedWhat you can do thereWhether you like it or notPart 3Do you like to go to cafes or restaurantsDo you invite your friends to your homeWhat kind of people like to go out to cafesDo you think cafes are good places for people to meet What drinks do elderly people and young people prefer Describe a quiet place新题Where it isWhy you think it is a quiet placeWhat you can do thereWhether you like it or notPart3Do you think there are fewer quiet placesDo you like to go to quiet places or noisy placesDo you like to listen to music when you do your homeworkDescribe an interesting apartment or house you visited Where it isWhy you think it is an interesting apartment or house What you did there Whether you liked it or not Part3Why do people like to live in a newly built buildings Do you like to live in the city or countryside Why the housing price is so highWhat energy do people consume at home everyday Why do people waste water Have you ever used solarenergy What are some benefitsof新题solarenergy物体类 4Describe a gift you have sent to others/ you have received from others What it isWhen you received it/sent it to others Who you gave it to / who you received from What you felt about it Part3Do you often send gifts to your friendsWhat is the most popular gift in your countryWhat is the most popular handmade giftWhat should you consider when you send a gift to a childDescribe a piece of equipment which is very useful in your familyWhat equipment it isHow you got itWhy you think it it very usefulWhat you can do with itPart3What equipment is used at homeWhat are their functionsWhy do you use themWhat are some advantages of using machine in a factoryDescribe a book you would like to read again新题What book it isWhen you read it for the first timeWhy you would like to read it againWhether you like it or notPart 3Do you think children should read more booksWhat kind of books do children like to readWhy do you tell stories to childrenIf parents are busy, do you think it is a good idea to let children watch TV or play toys by themselvesDescribe a foreign food you新题tried What food it isWhen you triedWhy you tried itWhether you liked it or notPart3What kind of food do you like to eat How aboutothers Why is some food more expensive than othersWhy are some foreign products so popular with Chinese people How has Chinese food changed all over these years概念类 19Describe a piece of advertisementWhat advertisement it isWhen you watched itWhere you watched itAnd whether you like it or notPart3Where can we find adsWhat kind of ads is attractive to consumersHow can we control the misleading adsDescribe a film/movieWhat film it isWhen you watched itWhat the movie is aboutWhether you like it or notPart3What kind of movie do Chinese people likeDo the elderly and young people like the same kind ofmovie Do you think making a movie is very profitableWhy are some Chinese movies successful in Hollywood while others are notDescribe a websiteWhat website it isHow you came to know itWhat you can do on this websiteWhether you like it or notPart3What are some influences that internet development has brought to usDo you like mall shopping or online shoppingHow does the Internet influence educationWhat are some pros and cons of using the Internet in your lifeDescribe an interesting songWhat song it isHow you came to know itWhere you heard this songWhether you like it or notPart3Do you like musicDo Chinese people like western pop musicDo the elderly and young people like the same kind of musicDescribe an activity you enjoy after school / workWhat activity it isHow you came to know itWhat you do in this activityWhy you enjoy this activity after school /workPart 3What are some differences between indoor and outdoor activitiesWhy do people like extreme sports Do Chinese people like extreme sports Do you think men are more likely to take risks or womenDescribe an activity you enjoy doing occasionally that is a littlebit expensiveWhat activity it isWhen you usually do itWhy you think it is a little expensiveWhether you you like it or notPart3What activities are expensive in ChinaWhy do people buy expensive thingsDo you think being wealthy is goodDo you think money is importantDescribe a team projectWhat project did you doWho helped you to do itWhat problems you encounteredWhether you like it or notPart3Is leader really necessary for a teamShould the leader be very serious all the timeWho is the most important person in a teamOn what occasion do you think it is better to work alone rather than with othersDescribe a small business you want to startWhat business it isWhen you want to start itWhat should you do to start itWhether you like it or notPart3What are some advantages and disadvantages of setting up yourown businessDo you think it is hard to start a business in chinaShould school offer business courses for the publicShould government support small businessDescribe an area of science (physics, psychology,etc)What science subject it isHow you came to know itWhat you have learn from itWhether you like it or notPart3Why do people like scienceHow do people learn scienceWhat school subject do you think will be the most useful for the society What are the advantages of studying computing in high schoolIs science knowledge really necessaryAre science museums really necessaryDescribe a decision you disagreed新题with Who made this decision Whatdecision it was Why you disagreedwith it What happened in the endPart 3What are some important decisions for teenagers andadults How do you make important decisionsDo you think it is important for teenagers to receive some advicewhen making important decisionsWhy do people make poor decisionsDo you think elderly people make better decisions than young peopleDescribe an interesting speech新题What speech/talk it wasWhen you listened to itWhy you think it was interestingWhether you would recommend it to othersPart 3What are some benefits for children to listen to some speechesHow do public speakers explain something children donWhy do speakers feel nervous when giving a speechCan we learn how to give a speech’t understandDescribe a future plan(not about your work or study)新题What plan it isWhen you will carry out this planWhat you would like to doWhy you would like to do thatPart3When should one start his/her career What preparation should one makeDo you think parent can influence their children ’ s career path, why What factors do you take into account when choosing a career Do you think money is a very important factorDescribe an exciting activity you tried for the first timeWhat activity it wasWhen you tried itWhy you wanted to try itHow you felt after tryingPart 3Do you like to take risksDo you like to learn new thingsWhat are some benefits of learning new thingsHow can shy people get along with othersDo you think it is important to know the rules before you learn新题new thingsDo you think it is important to know whether it is safe before you learn new things Describe a well-paid job新题What job it isWhat people do in this jobWhy you think it is a well-paid jobWhether you want to take it or notPart 3Which professions have the highest salaryDo you think salary is important when one picks his/hercareer Why do people like to choose a well-paid jobWhat motivates people at workDescribe your favorite weather新题What weather it isWhat you can do in this weatherWhy you like it mostWhy people might dislike this weatherPart 3What clothes do people like to wear in summer What do people like todo in summerWhat clothes do people like to wear in winter What do people like todo in winterDo you like the weather in your hometown, whyDo you often pay attention to weather, why。
雅思口语part1答案范文解析 cities 城市.doc

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 cities 城市Do you like the city you are living in now?你喜欢你现在居住的城市吗?Yes, I do. It has various shopping centers and entertainment facilities, which can satisfy most of my demands. It is also very convenient to do online shopping here. It only takes a day to deliver the items you have bought to your home.我喜欢。
Which city have you been to recently?你最近去过哪个城市?I went to Xi’an in the northwest of China last month. It is a city with sucha long history. This?article is from laokaoya website. 13 dynasties had set their capitals there. It still has a well-preserved rampart and a tower that was built over 1400 years ago.我上个月去了中国西北部的西安。
它现在仍然拥有保护完好的城墙和一座建造于1400多年前的塔、Do you prefer the city or the countryside?你喜欢城市还是乡村?I prefer the city because it is convenient and full of opportunities. Some people like the peace and slow pace of life in the countryside, but I find it a little boring.我更喜欢城市,因为它很方便并且充满机会。
4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案

4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案整理一下年1月至4月雅思口语Part1新题及笔者所做的参考答案,希望能给各位考生作参考。
Topic 1 Computer1.How often do you use your computer?I use my computer every day, for browsing news, making purchase online, as well as for downloading learning apps.2.What kinds of computers are popular in China?I guess maybe office computers and laptops. For brand,I believe apple-brand computers take up the most market share among Chinese people.3.Who taught you how to use a computer?Actually I’m a self-taught computer learner, but I first learned computer with the help of my high school teacher Mr. Thompson,from Britain.4.Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?No doubt. Computers have largely facilitated our lifeas we don’t have to worry about abhorrent calculations, and online shopping as well as friend-making software have benefitted us quite a lot.Topic 2 Park/Garden1.Are public gardens very important in China?I assume yes. Public gardens may help to purify the air as well as provide us with a good place to stroll in. After tiring work or study, we feel at ease in the garden with all kinds of flowers in the eyesight. Also the garden is a symbol of local “green-belts〞.2.Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?I guess yes, but there is no garden nearby my house. I wish there were more.3.What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?Well, I would say, they beautify the city and enhance tourism by attracting visitors. What’s more, they are often where couplesflirt.4.Do gardens play the same role for old people and young people?I don’t think so. Old people tend to walk in the garden to kill time or loneliness, while for young people, the garden is a cosy place for them to talk about love.Anyway, the garden is a nice place for all ages of people to relax and to read.5.Do you think gardens have any value for children?For children, the garden is a childhood memory cos when they grow up and recall the past, they at least share something in common that they experienced all together.6.Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens?Public gardens, of course, since public gardens are well-constructed with various public facilities. A boisterous but good-natured crowd may have fun together.Or: Private gardens of course, cos we grow plants anytime available to build up our own independent space.Topic 3 Science1.Do you like science?I do, science is the pillar of economic development and it’s against superstition.2.Are there many science museums in your hometown?I guess yes, like the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.3.Did you like science classes when you were young?I did, although they were kind’a demanding for me. I learned the mysteries of the world through science classes.4.Do you think school children should learn both art classes and science classes? Well, that depends. It’s hard to say cos for students who have an extremely keen interest in a certain subject that they also excel at, I don’t think it’s necessary to learn both; but for those who don’t show a particular preference, maybe it’s better to integrate art classes with science classes.Topic 4 Handcrafts1.Do you like to collect things made by hand?I do, like puppets2.Did you ever take handcrafts lessons at school?I remember I did, but only few, about paper-cut.3.Are handcrafts popular in China?Certainly. Handcrafts are the traditional Chinese culture as we often send handmade gifts to our friends as a custom, such as paper-cuts and embroidery.4.Do you think children should learn more about handcrafts?In China, yes. Making handcrafts may exercise children’s imagination and creativity since they are at the best age to learn new things.Topic 5 Study Efficiency1.Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?I prefer to study in the morning cos my mind is active after a good rest at night. We have the old saying: the best season during a day is the morning.2.Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?I reckon because they don’t have a good rest, say they stayed up late the night before. Some people have really irregular timetables.3.What do you do to improve learning efficiency?I would say, to integrate work with leisure, have a clear division of work and rest by making a clear schedule. Keeping a good mood also matters a lot.Topic 6 Bicycles1.How often do you ride bicycles?Nearly once a week. / Every day.2.Is it difficult to learn how to ride a bicycle?It’s just ok. I’m afraid of falling off. And we have to keep balance, actually. This maybe is the most difficult part for a beginner.3.Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?In intermediate and small cities yes, but I don’t think riding a bike is something good in a large city like in Beijing, we have a really fast pace of life every day, we’re tired. I just don’t wanna make myself worse.4.When was the last time you used your bicycle?If I’m not mistaken, it was ___ days ago.5.Do you think bicycle is very convenient for people to use in modern life?Of course yes, bicycle is a symbol(象征) of green and clean transport. We don’t have to worry about traffic jams riding a bike. It’s also economical(代替cheap). 6.How would you teach your children how to ride a bicycle?I’d let my children learn it by themselves.Topic 7 Dancing1.How often do you dance?I don’t form a routine. I dance on an irregular basis,say, when I’m happy, I’d dance quite often.2.Is dancing difficult to learn?Yes, cos the dancing gestures and postures are sometimes really tough to learn well. Good dance requires really high flexibility.3.Would you learn dancing in the future?I would consider it. It makes me fit and helps to cultivate femininity (适合女考生) or good temperament (适合男考生).4.Where do Chinese people usually go dancing?Personally, we would like to dance in the ball or forthe older people, in the park, like the square dancing.以上笔者所撰参考答案。

2019年1-4月雅思口语素材Part 1 (完整版)David考官 模考盒子工作室出品目录分类一:个人信息 Personal Info.1.Study / Work (3)1.1Study I (3)1.2Study II (3)1.3Work (3)2.House/Apartment (4)2.1House/Apartment I (4)2.2House/Apartment II (4)2.3House/Apartment III (4)3.Hometown (5)4.Teachers (5)5.Transportation (6)6.Morning Routines (6)7.Cooking (7)8.Cities (8)9.The area you live in (8)10.Pets (9)分类二:休闲活动 Leisure Activities11.Sports (10)12.Music (10)13.Holidays (11)14.Movies (11)15.Paintings (12)16.Parks and Gardens (13)17.Photos (13)18.Shoes (14)19.Handwriting (15)20.Crowded places (15)21.Stars (16)22.Tea and coffee (17)23.Sleep (17)分类三:抽象话题Abstract Topics24.Gifts (18)25.Drinking Water (19)26.Weather (19)27.Colors (20)28.Sunglasses (21)29.Sky (21)30.Sharing (22)31.Emails (23)32.Patience (23)33.Public holidays (24)所有话题的音频与文字稿范文皆为模考盒子工作室(PrepBox Workshop)的原创内容,已获得国家著作权认证, 未经许可, 不得转载或倒卖。

Part 1话题1.姓名这个话题是对考生英语基础的考察,一般会问到姓名的意义、发音等。
Q: What does your name mean?A: My name, which is Sarah, means "princess" in Hebrew. It was chosen by my parents because they wanted me to be a strong and confident woman.2.家乡这个话题主要考察考生对家乡的了解程度和描述能力。
Q: Can you tell me something about your hometown?A: I come from a small town called X in China. It's located in the northern part of the country and has a population of about 50,000 people. X is known for its beautiful mountain scenery and its rich history.3.家庭这个话题主要考察考生对家庭成员的描述和介绍能力。
Q: How many people are there in your family?A: There are five people in my family - my parents, my older brother, my younger sister and myself. My father is a doctor, my mother is a teacher, my brother is a lawyer, and my sister is a college student. We are a very close-knit family and enjoy spending time together during holidays and weekends.4.工作/学习这个话题主要考察考生对工作或学习的描述和感受。

2019年雅思口语机经:雅思口语机经篇一:20XX01-20XX04雅思口语预测机经和素材20XX01-20XX04part1预测机经和参考答案WorkorstudiesYourwork1)Whatworkdoyoudo?IamanEnglishtranslatornow,andIhavebeenwor kingasatranslatorforseveralyears,IreallyenjoythisjobandIhopethatIwillachievegreatersuccessin thefuture.2)Whydidyouchosetodothattypeofwork(or,thatjob)?MymajorisEnglishtranslationandIreallyloveChineseandWesternl iterature,Workingasatranslatormakesmereadmorebooksandintrod ucemoreforeignliteraryworkstoourChinesepeopleandIthinkitisr eallymeaningful.3)Doyoulikeyourjob?Yes,Ireallylikemyjob.IamanEnglishlover,andIenjoyreadingChin eseandwesternliteraryworks,whichmakesmereadmanybooksandhelp mebroadenmyhorizon.Moreover,Englishtranslationismymajor,andIthinkitisahappythingtodoajo bdirectlyrelatedtomymajor.SoIreallylikemyjob.No,Idonotlikem yjob.AlthoughIlikeEnglishverymuch,asanEnglishtranslator,Iha vetositinfrontoftheputerformorethaneighthourseveryday.Inthi scase,Idonothavetoomuchsparetimetoexerciseorhangoutwithmyfr iends.Ireallyfelltiredaboutthat.Moreover,Ievenhavetostayupl atewhenthereisanurgenttranslationtask.So,Idonotlikemyjob.4)Isitveryinteresting?Yes,itis.Icanknowmoreaboutdifferentwr itingstylesofwritersfromwesterncountrieswhiletranslating.It hinkitisaninterestingthingtoanalyzethethemesaswellasthetrai tsofcharactersintheliteraryworks.SoIthinkthisjobisveryinter estingtome.No,Idonotthinkitisveryinteresting.Everyday,Ihavetositinfron toftheputerandtapthekeyboardformorethantenhours.ItisnotverygoodformyeyesandhealthsinceIdonothavetimetodoexercise.Tobeh onest,itisreallyboringforme.5)(Possibly)Doyoumissbeingastudent?Yes,Ido.WhenIwasastudent ,Iwasreallyfree.IcouldarrangemyschedulebymyselfandIdidnotha vetofacethepressureinworkandlife.Icouldhangoutwithmyfriends andreadmyfavoritebookswheneverIwant.So,Ireallymissbeingastu dent.No,Idon’t.WhenIwasastudent,Ihadtoaskmyparentsformoneytobuythethings Iwant.SinceIwasalreadyanadult,itwasreallyembarrassing.Forme ,Ipreferhavingajobtosupportmyselftobeingastudent.Yourstudies1)Whatsubject(s)areyoustudying?SincemymajorisEnglishtransla tion,sothesubjectsIamlearningareallrelatedtotranslation,for example,theTheoryofEnglishTranslation,DocumentTranslation,E nglishInterpretation,LegalTranslation,andsoon.2)Whydidyouch oosetostudythatsubject?/Whydidyouchoosetostudythatsubjects?Actually,asastudentmajoringinEnglishtranslation,thosesubjec tsweremyfoundationcourses,whichwouldprovidemewithbasictheor eticalknowledge.So,whendoingthetranslation,theknowledgeIhav elearnedfromthosecoursescanhelpmealot.3)Doyoulikeyoursubjects?(Why?/Whynot?)Yes,Ido.Ilikethosesubjectsverymuch.IaminterestedinEnglishtr anslation.TheknowledgeIhavelearnedfromthesecourseswillhelpm ealotinmyfuturecareer.Forexample,thetheoriesIlearnedintheEn glishTranslationTheoryclassarebeneficialtomewhentranslating theliteraryworks.So,Ilikemysubjectsverymuch.No,Idonotlikemy subjects.IfindtheknowledgeIhavelearnedfromthosesubjectsisto otheoreticalwhilethetranslationisaverypracticalcourse.So,Id onotthinktheknowledgeIhavelearnedfromthesecourseswillhelpme alotinthefuture.ThatiswhyIdonotlikemysubjects.4)Isitveryint eresting?Yes,itissincetheteachersareveyhumorous.Iusedtothinkthatthetheoreticalsubjectswouldbeuselessandboring.However,theteache rsareveryexcellent,theyusetheconciseandvividlanguageandword stoexplaintheboringanddifficulttheories,makingmemoreandmore interestedinthosesubjects.No,Ithinkthesubjectsareveryboring .Ithinktranslationisapracticalwork,however,thosesubjectsare tootheoretical.Ihavelearnedalotoftheoriesfromfamoustranslat orsinhistory,butIdonothavethechancetodosomepracticalworkint heclass.SoIthinkthesesubjectsareveryboring.5)(Possibly)Arey oulookingforwardtoworking?Yes,Iam.Iwanttoputthetheorieshave learnedfromclassintopractice.Furthermore,Iwanttoearnthemone ytorelievemyparent’sburden,theyhavespenttoomuchmoneyandtimeonmesincemybirth,Ir eallywanttosupportthewholefamilybymyself.No,Iamnot.Afterwor king,Ihavetofacethepressureofsupportingthefamily,buyingahou seoracar.Furthermore,Icannolongerarrangemyscheduleaccording tomywilling,sinceIamnotasfreeasbefore.6)Doyouprefertostudyi nthemorningsorintheafternoon?Iprefertostudyinthemorning.Asanoldsayinggoes:“Morninghoursarethebesttimeofthedaytowork.”Inthemorning,IcanmemorizethingsefficientlyandIwon’tfeelsleepyaswell.SoIprefertostudyinthemorning.Iprefertostudyintheafternoon.Althoughitissaidthatmorninghou rsarethebesttimeofthedaytowork,unlikeotherpeople,Ialwaysfee lsleepyinthemorning.So,IprefertostudyintheafternoonwhenIhav eaclearermind.Home/Acmodation1)Whatkindofhousing/acmodation doyoulivein?Iliveinaflat.Tobeexact,it'smydormitoryandtheflatisnotverybi g,butIfeeltheatmosphereisverywarmandthetransportationnearby isveryconvenient.Ihaveafortablelifewithmyroommateseveryday.2)Doyouliveinahouseorflat?Iliveinahouse.Actuallyit’smyparents’andthewholefamilylivetogether,includingmyparents,mygrandpar ents,mysisterandmybrother.Soweneedabighousewithmanyrooms.Iliveintheflat.Actually,itisthedormitoryofmyschool,theflati snotverybig,butIfeeltheatmosphereisverywarm.Ihaveafortablel ifewithmyroommateseveryday.3)Whodoyoulivewith?SinceIamastudentnow,Ilivewithmyroommates inourschool’sdormitory.Theyarereallyfriendlyandwealwayshelpeachotherwit hourstudy.Furthermore,wealwayshangouttogetherduringtheweeke nd.So,weallfeelwarmandfortablehere.4)Howlonghaveyoulivedthe re?Ihavelivedthereforabouthalfayear,andIwilllivethereforano thertwoyearsandahalf,andthenIwillrentaflatbymyselforlivewit hmyparentsaftergraduation.5)Doyouplantolivethereforalongtim e?No,Icanonlylivethereforthreeyears,soaftergraduationIhavetom oveout.IthinkIwillmissmydormitorysinceIhavespentthemostprec iousyearsofmylifethere.6)(Ifyouansweryouhaven’tlivedtherelong)what’sthedifferencebetweenwhereyouarelivingnowwhereyouhavelivedi nthepast?Now,Iamlivinginthedormitorywithmyroommates,soIcann otdowhateverIlikeinthisflat,Ihavetoconsidermyroommates’feelingsbeforedoingsomething.IspentmylifewithmyfamilyinthepastwhenIcoulddosomethingfreely.So,Ithinkthereisabigdifferen cebetweenmylifenowthepast.7)Canyoudescribetheplacewhereyoul ive?Now,Iamlivinginthedormitoryofmyschool.Actuallyitisaflat inatallbuildingandIliveonthesecondfloor.Thedormitoryisbeaut ifullydecorated.Iliveinthisflatwiththreefriendlyroommates.M oreover,myschoolisveryfarfromthecitycentersinceitislocatedi nthesuburbs,butthetransportationisveryconvenientbecausethes ubwayandbusstationsarejustneartheschoolgate.8)Whichroomdoesyourfamilyspendmostofthetimein?Myfamilyspendmostofthetimeinthelivingroom.Ilivewithabigfami ly,includingmyparents,mygrandparents,mybrother,mysister.Aft erdinner,thewholefamilyalwaysgettogetherinthelivingroomandt alkaboutaday’slife.Weallfeelcozyinthewarmfamily9)Whatdoyouusuallydoinyourhouse/flat/room?Duringtheweekdays ,Ialwaysstudy,dosomeresearchandprepareformypaper.However,du ringtheweekends,sinceitisthetimetorelax,Ialwayswatchthefilm orsleep.10)Arethetransportfacilitiestoyourhomeverygood?Yes,myhomeisinthecitycenter,sothetransportisreallyconvenien t.Itisonlyabouttwominutes’walktothebusstationandthesubwaystation.Moreover,itisalsover yeasytocallataxi.11)Doyoupreferlivinginahouseorflat?Ipreferlivinginahouse.Ilivewithmywholefamily,includingmypar ents,mygrandparents,mybrotherandmysister.Soweneedatleastfiv ebedrooms.Moreover,wealsoprepareagymformygrandparentstodoso meexercise.Inthiscase,thehousecanprovideenoughrooms,soIpref erlivinginthehouse.Ipreferlivinginaflat.Nowadays,thehousing priceisbeingincreasinglyexpensive,sinceIamnotrichenoughtoaf fordthehouserightnow,Ipreferlivingintheflat.Moreover,ifIcan liveinaflat,IthinkIwillsetupagoodrelationshipwithmyneighbor sandmakefriendswiththem.12)Pleasedescribetheroomyoulivein.Myroomisnotverybigbutbeautifullydecorated.Idesignedtheroombymyself.Ipastedthewallwit htheyellowwallpapersinceitwouldmakemyroomverybright.Atthesa metime,Ialsoplantedtheplantsintheroom,likethecactusandthesu nflowerinordertopurifytheair.13)Whatpartofyourhomedoyoulike themost?Ilikethelivingroomofmyhome.Ilivewithabigfamily,includingmyp arents,mygrandparents,mybrotherandmysister.Afterthedinner,t hewholefamilywilltalkaboutaday’slifeinthelivingroom.Theatmosphereinthelivingroomiswarmandc ozy,soIlikethelivingroommost.Beingalone1)Doyouliketobealone?Yes,Iliketobealone.Ireallyenjoythetimeofbeingalone.Inthisca se,Icancalmdownandthinkaboutproblemswithoutbeingbotheredbyo thers.Ithinkitisreallymeaningfultomylife.No,Idonotliketobealone.Iamanactiveandoutgoingperson.Iliketa lkingandmunicatingwithothers.So,beingalonewilldrivemecrazy.2)Wha tdoyouliketodowhenyouarealone?WhenIamalone,Ialwaysrelaxmyselftorelievemefromtheheavystudy pressure.SoIalwayslistentomusic,watchfilms,andexercise.3)Do youliketospendtimewithyourfriendsorjuststayathomeonyourown?Iliketospendtimewithmyfriends.Iamactiveandoutgoing.Iamf ondofchattingwithmyfriends,Ibelievestayingwithmyfriendscanh elpmealleviatefromtheheavypressure.Itwilldrivemecrazywhenst ayingalone.Iliketostayathomeonmyown.Iamnotthatactive.WhenIfeeltired,Iw illalwaysstayonmyowntoreadsomebooksorlistentosomemusictorelax.Stayingwithtoomanypeoplewillmakemefeelnoisy.So,Ipreferto stayonmyown.4)Whenwasthelasttimeyouwerebeingalone?Lastweekw henIfinishedapaper,Ifeltreallytired.So,Ijuststayedatmydormi toryandlistenedtosomemusiconmyowntorelaxmyselfforthewholeda y.Beinginahurry1)Whenwasthelasttimeyoudidsomethinginahurry?ItwasyesterdaymorningwhenIhadaclassat8:00,Ididnotgetupontim esinceIstayeduplatethenightbefore.Iwokeupat7:30,andIrushedt otheclassroom,Luckily,IwasnotlatefortheclassandIevenarrived there2minutesearlier.ThestorytoldmethatIshouldnotstayuptool ateintheevening.2)Doyouliketofinishthingsquickly?Yes,Iliket ofinishthingsquickly.Iprefertofinishmytaskassoonaspossible, andthenIcanarrangemyschedulefreely.IthinkithasshownthatIama nefficientperson.No,Idonotliketofinishthingsquickly.Accordingtomyperspective ,finishingthethingstooquicklymeansthequalityhasbeingneglected.So,Iprefertodothingsslowly,thenthemistakeswillbeavoideda ndthequalitywillalsobeguaranteed.Ibelievethatthequalityismo reimportantthanthequantity.3)Whatkindsofthingswillyouneverd oinahurry?I’llneverdotheimportantthingsinahurry.Iamascrupulousperson,an dIfocusalotonthedetail.Whenfacingtheimportantthings,Iwillbe eevenmoreserious.Inthiscase,itisimpossibleformetobeinahurry .4)Whydopeoplemakemistakesmoreeasilywhentheyareinahurry?Whenpeopledothingsinahurry,theywillfocusmoreonthequantityan dthespeedbutneglectthequalityanddetails.So,theywillmakemist akeseasily.Accordingtomyperspective,peopleneedtoslowdownino rdertoguaranteethe篇二:20XX年雅思口语题库最新预测全年通用版【智课独家】智课网IELTS备考资料每天为你精选备考干货http://info.smartstudy./各位童鞋,你们的雅思口语机经到啦!——关于机经,智课有新的想法各位童鞋,智课又有新机经更新啦!本次精选的题目,是智课老师从前段时间参加雅思考试的考生那里搜集的到最新雅思考试题目。
Robin 雅思口语预测1-4月份 正式版本

Robin老师更新了雅思口语1-4月份预测包含口语三个部分的预测希望大家好好准备Part 1Apartment/houseDo you live in an apartment or a house?What is your favorite room in your apartment or house ?What do you do in that room?Do you want to make changes to the room?NameWhat’s your full name?How do you like your name?What is the special meaning of your name?What type of names is popular in China?Hometown 高频Where are you from?How long have you lived there?What are some advantages of living in your hometown?Is there anything you dislike about your hometown?Do you want to live there in the future?HistoryDo you enjoy learning about History ?Do you learn about History from the TV, the Internet or films?Do you have a favorite period in history?What can you learn from famous people in history?Plants 高频Do you grow plants?What type of plants do you like most?Are you good at growing plants?Do you send plants as gifts to others ?Birthday 高频How did you spend your birthday when you were a child?how is your birthday different as an adult compared to when you were a kid ? Do you think birthdays are important?Which birthday is the most important in your country? Why?BicyclesCan you ride a bicycle?How often do you ride a bicycle?When did you ride a bike for the first time?Do you think riding a bicycle is a popular activity ?Will it be popular in the future?Study/Work 高频Do you work or are you a student?What is your major?What subjects do you study at school?What is your favorite subject,why?Do you think your major is interesting?ComputerDo you like to use computers? Why ?How often do you use computers?What do you do on the computer?Do you think it is a good idea to use computers ?Are computers important to you?MusicDo you like to listen to music?What kind of music do you like?Do you have a favourite singer or band?Have you ever learned any musical instruments?Do you think it is necessary for children to learn musical instruments?SunshineDo you like sunshine?What do you do in the sun?What is difficult for people to do in the sun?RainDoes it often rain in the area where you live?What do people do when it is rainy?Do you like rainy days?Time managementDo you use your time more efficiently in the morning or in the afternoon ? why? How do you manage your time ?Are you always on time?CookingCan you cook?What was the first thing you cooked?Who usually cooks in your family?Did you cook when you were a child?Did you help your parents to do the cooking when you were a child?PhotographyDo you like taking photos?How often do you usually take photos?When do you usually take photos ?where do you store your photos ?Do you want to be a professional photographer ?RelativesDo you often visit your relatives?What do you do when you visit them?Do you prefer to visit relatives or friends?Are your relatives important to you? What about your friends?Learning LanguageWhat language are you learning ?What language do you want to learn in the future ?How do you learn English ?PoliteDo you think being polite is important?How can you show politeness in China ?Do schools teach students to be polite?On what occasions do you think it is very important to be polite ? What are some differences between politeness in the past and now ?DictionaryHow often do you use a dictionary ?Do you prefer the electronic dictionary or the printed dictionary ?TV programDo you watch TV ?What is your favorite TV program ?Did you watch TV programs when you were a child ?What kind of TV programs did you wactch when you were a child ? What are some changes to the TV programs in China recently ?Animals 高频What kind of wild animals do you like most ? why ?Have you ever had a pet ?How often do you go to the zoo ?Are zoos very important for children ?ClothesWhat is your favorite style of clothes?What are some differences between the clothes you wear at home and at school ? Who picked your clothes when you were a child?How do you select clothes to buy ? What is the most important factor about the clothes? Where do you buy clothes ?ShoppingDo people enjoy shopping in China ?Do they spend a lot of money on shopping ?Where do they go to shop ?Do people like to work in a store ?Activity in your childhoodWhat kind of activities did you do when you were a child ?What about children nowadays , do they do the same thing ,why ?What are some benefits from those activities ?Are those activities suitable for children ?Walking 高频Do you like walking?How often do you walk?Do you prefer to walk in the city or in the countryside?Do Chinese people like to take a walk after dinner ?News 高频Do you read the news?Do you read the news from the Internet or newspapers ?When do you read the news?Do you prefer to read international news or local news?TrainDo you like to travel by train ?What do you like to do on a train ?Do you have a subway in the place where you live ?When do you like to take the subway ?PartyDo you like parties? What kind of party do you like?Do you prefer parties with your friends or your family? What do you do at a party?Do you think young people or old people like parties more?Part 2 & Part 3事件类话题(共7个)Describe an important decisionPart3Who can you ask for advice when you make decisions ?What decisions should young people make ?Do young people ask any advice from others ?What decisions should adults make ?What is the most important decision in your life ?Should teachers decide children’s future career ,why ?Describe something you forgot to doPart3How do you prevent forgetting things ?Can technology help you to strengthen your memory ?Are there any advantages or disadvantages of using technology ?Do you think a good memory is very important ?For who is a good memory extremely important ?Describe a positive experience during teenager timePart 3Do teenagers often spend time with old people ?Do they hold the same opinions about things ?Do you think teenagers should spend time with old people ?Do elderly people and teenagers understand each other ?How can elderly people and teenagers learn from each other ?Describe a time you were very busyPart3What do you think about your daily routine ?Some people don’t like change , what do you think ?Do you think it is necessary to spend time in a quiet place ?What do you think about schedules ?What are some differences between the daily routine of old people and young people ?Do you like to have a rountine or many changes ?Do you think people living in the big cities have enough free time ?Describe the time when a stranger helped youPart3How can you help to improve the local community ?How does the local community help old people ?How does the community teach people to help each other ?Describe a time you helped othersPart3Should parents help children to learn things ?In china, many parents want to have a boy instead of girls ,why ? What do you think about the education of children in China ?How do colleagues help each other ?Should children help each other ?Describe a special mealPart 3Do you like to eat out or eat at home ? What are some differences ? Do children and adults like the same kind of food , why ?Do you think it is healthy to keep food in the fridge ?Should the government control food regulation ?人物类话题(共5个)Describe a friend you haven’t seen for a long timePart3Do you often get together with your classmates ?What are some differences between old friends and new friends ? What benefits can you get from contacting your friends ?Why do you like to keep in touch with your old friends ?What can you do to keep a long-lasting friendship?What may ruin one’s friendship ?Describe an intelligent personPart 3Are intelligent people happy ?Who influences you more, parents or teachers ?What can teachers do to keep students’ attention ?What qualities should a teacher have ?How can you be more patient ?Describe a person you like to spend time withPart3How can you make friends with different kinds of people ? What’s your attitude towards different people ?How do people behave in different situations ?Describe an famous person important to your countryDo you think family can help people to become famous ?Do you think being famous can affect one’s life ?Why do people want to become famous ?Describe a comedy actorDo you think comedy actors earn a lot of money ? Why ?Do you think children should study more ?Does education play an important role in children’s life ?Do you think it is fun for children to go to circus ? Why ?Is there a lot of interesting things in the circus ?地点类话题(共9个)Describe a park you have been toPart3Are parks important ?Who should be responsible for parks ?Should there be more parks in big cities ?Should the government spend money on parks ?Describe an important building in your hometownPart3Should people protect historic building ?Do you like tall buildings or short buildings ? Why ?Do you think the exterior of a building is very important ? What are differences between the building now and in the past ?Describe a restaurantPart3What are some disadvantages of eating out ?Why do people eat out ?Are big restaurants better than small ones ?Are expensive restaurants better than cheap ones ?How can a restaurant be successful?Why is fast food popular ?Describe a place near the water (sea ,river ,lake)Part3What activities can you do at the beach ?What are some differences between lakes and beaches ?Describe a time you move to a new home or schoolPart3What are some advantages and disadvantages of moving to a new place ? Why do people move to other places ?What effects may moving cause?Who are more suitable for moving ,children or adults ?Describe a house or an apartment but not yoursPart3What are some advantages and disadvantages between house and apartment ?Describe a tourist attractionPart3Do people like to visit the same tourist attraction ?Should tourist attractions be free for local people ?Should children go to museums ?Describe a place far way where you go for a tripPart3Do old people and young people like to travel in the same way ?Why do people go to places far away for traveling ?What skills do people need for traveling ?Why do people from different age groups choose different places to visit ? Do children feel bored when they visit some traditional tourists attractions?Why do people like to join a tour group ?Describe a place where you enjoy learning the culturePart3Do you think it is important to learn about foreign cultures ?How have people’s way of learning culture changed over the years ? How do you learn culture ?What do you think about globalization ? What are its pros and cons ? Can olympic games strengthen the bonds between countries ?Does technology influence culture ?物体类话题(共10个)Describe something you enjoy readingPart3:What is your reading habit?Wha is your attitude towards reading ?Which is more popular , the newspaper or magazines ?What are some differences between the newspaper or magazines ?Describe a piece of clothing you wear on special occasionsPart3Do you still have that piece of clothing ?How do you like informal clothes ?Why do people wear luxurious clothes ?What do you think about fake luxurious clothes ?Why do people wear uniforms ?What influence may it have on people ?Describe a work of art or a sculpturePart3What kind of things could be regarded as art ?Which kind of art is most popular in China ?Do you perfer to go to art galleries or appreciate art on the Internet ? Should artists make more money ?How can artists make money ?Describe a gift you received from someone when you were a childpart3:What gifts are good for children ?What are some popular gifts in China now?What are some differences between girls and boys in choosing gifts ? What kind of factors do people consider when they select gifts for others ?Describe something you can’t live without (except cellphone ,computer) Part3Do you think young people are easily attracted by high tech products ? Why don’t people throw away things ?Why do old people dislike the latest products ?Why do children always hold a toy ?When it comes to shopping, do people have more options on the Internet ? Why do people buy something they don’t want ?Describe an important letter you have receivedPart3Do you prefer writing letters or sending E-mails ?Why do people write letters ?What are some differences between writing letters or sending E-mails ? Which one will be more popular in the future ?Which one is more formal in the business world?Describe an interesting old object in your familyPart3How can we keep old objects?Do you like history ?Do you like historic buildings ?How can you protect historic buildings ?Are museums important ,why ?Describe a time you saved money for a special thing 高频Part3Do you prefer cash or bank cards?Who is more likely to save money ,men or women ?How do young people save money ?Why do people save money ?Do people feel happy when they spend money ?What do people spend money on ?Describe a popular product from your region (food and so on)Part3What products are popular in different regions ?Will people eat the same food in the future ?What are some populars products imported from other countries ?Describe a photoPart3Do you use your cellphone to take pictures ?Do young people like to take pictures of themselves ?Do you think digital pictures may one day replace film photographs? Do you think photos may replace painting in the future ?概念类话题(共16个)Describe a sport event watched or took part inPart3Do Chinese people like to play sports ?Why do some people like to stay at home all the time ?What is the most popular sport in China now ?What was the most popular sport in China many years ago ?What are some differences between them ?Should children play sports ? Why ?Do parents feel worried if their children take up their career in sports?Describe a competitionpart3What are some pros and cons of competitions ?What are some advantages of teamwork ?Do Chinese people like to take part in competitions ?What about children? How can employers encourage their employees?How important are CEOs to their companies and employees?Describe a season you likePart3How has the climate changed in your country ?Do people enjoy the warm climate ,why ?What do people do in the cold weather and hot weather ?What can people do to deal with global warming ?Describe a family businessPart3Which is better , a small company or a big company ?Do you think it is better to work with family members or strangers ? Do you think communication skills are important ?What quality should a successful business person have ?Why would a business person start that business ?Describe an advertisementPart3What are some pros and cons about Ads?Do you think Ads can influence consumers ? What about children ?Do you find Ads annoying ? Why ?Do people buy things after they watched certain Ads ?Do Ads have background music ?Which is more important , the background music or the pictures ?Describe a group you joined inPart3What do you think about online community ?Should every member of the group take his(her) responsibility ?What do people do with the lazy members in the group ?What groups do women like to join ? What about men ?Describe a future planPart3What are some benefits of planning ?How do you make plans ?What are some differences between plans made by young people and old people ?What plans do young people like to make ?Describe something you would like to do with old peoplePart3Should both parents in the family work ?What are some problems if both parents work ?Describe a TV programPart3What do you think about the Ads when you watch a TV program ?Should government regulate Ads on TV ,why ?What kind of Ads do people like to watch ?Do you find Ads annoying ? Why ?Are Ads in China educational and interesting ?Describe a website you likePart3What are some pros and cons about online shopping ?What is the most popular website among young people ? Why ?Do you like to surf the Internet ?What do you do on the Internet ?Can you tell me the pros and cons of playing online games ?Do men and women like the same kind of website ,why ?Will the Internet replace newspapers in the future ,why ?Describe a course you learned/Describe a subject you dislikePart3What subjects should schools teach ?Which subject do students like ?Which subject do students dislike ?How can teachers make their lessons interesting ?Should schools teach students how to cook or drive ?Do schools offer courses for adults ?Describe an event that changed your lifePart3Do people like to change ?Do changes bring problems ,why ?Why do people change their jobs ?What are some advantages of working in one company for a long time ? What changes have taken place in your country?Describe what you do to learn another languagePart3Do you think it is a good idea to learn a foreign language in primary school ?How can people learn a foreign language ?Should government protect native language and how ?Do young people learn faster than old people ,why ?Describe an interesting conversation with a strangerPart 3Why do people like to chat with others ?Can chatting help people to solve problems ?What are some advantages of face-to-face chat ?Who like to chat more ,men or women ?Why do people like to talk with strangers ?Describe a movie you dislikePart3What do people do in their leisure time ?What are some diffidences between watching movies at home and in a cinema ? Do people like to watch sad movies ?What are some differences between entertainment in the past and now ? What do young people do at home ?Will the Internet change our life ?Describe something good you did for other peoplePart3How do employers and employees help each other ?How do parents teach children to help others ?Who are more willing to help others ,boys or girls ?Why does competition make people their distance from each other?hold a grudge ? ?。

2019年雅思口语预测Part 1基本信息类01.N ameWhat is your name?Does your name have any special meanings?What are some common names in your culture?Are there any rules to give names to the children in China?02.H ometownWhere are you from?What do you like the best in your hometown?What do you dislike about it?Is it easy to find a job in your city?03.A ccommodationDo you live in a flat or a house?How far is it from here?How did you come here today?How long do you spend at home every day?04.W ork/studyAre you working or studying?What is your major?Do you like your major?Where do you work?What training have you received for your job?05.R ainy daysDo you like rainy days?What do you do on rainy days?Do you prefer an umbrella or a raincoat when it rains? What place rains a lot in your country?超高频01.P hotographyDo you like photography?What equipment do you use to take photos?How do you process photos after taking them?How will people like to take photos in the future?02.S haringHave you shared anything with others?Did your parents encourage you to share with other people? What do you like to share with your friends?What don’t you like to share with your friends?What do you think of the shared vehicles?03.H andwritingDo you prefer writing or typing?How often do you write by hand?Do you think computer typing will replace handwriting? How can children improve their handwriting?04.C offee and teaDo you prefer coffee or tea?Do you treat your guests with tea or coffee?When did you have tea or coffee the last time?05.P etsIs raising a pet popular in your country?What are the popular pets?What pet do you like?Did you have a pet when you were a child?Is it important for a child to raise a pet?06.E ducationHow can teachers attract students’ interest?Do you think students should have more or less classes? What do you do to help you with your studying?07.F ilmsHow often did you go to the cinema when you were a child? How often do you go to the cinema now?How did your taste for movies change?08.S kyDo you often look at the sky?Do you prefer watching the sky during the day or at night? Do you have classes about the sky at school?09.S easonWhat’s your favourite season?What do you often do in summer?Do people do different things in different seasons?高频重点01.C ookingCan you cook?Do you love cooking?Who cooks most in your family?02.S leepingHow long do you sleep every day?Is necessary to take a nap at noon?Do old people sleep longer?03.N eighboursDo you know your neighbours?Do you like young neighbours or old neighbours?Do you have good neighbours?Is it necessary to be a good neighbour?04.P atienceAre you patient?What occupations require better patience?Who are more patient, old people or young people?Is it important to be patient? [Why?]05.N oiseWhat are some noisy places in your hometown?Is it noisy near your home?Do you prefer noisy or quiet environment?Can you live alone in quiet place?06.C rowdDo you like crowded places?What are some crowded places in your hometown? What’s the most crowded place you’ve been to?07.D rinking waterDo you prefer bottled water or tap water?Is bottled water expensive?What kind of water do you like to drink?08.P aintingDo you like painting?Is it important to hang pictures on the wall at home? What do you think of the pictures others painted of you? Have you met a person who could paint your portrait?09.M usicWhat kind of music do you like?Where do you go to listen to the music?Do you prefer concerts or recorded music?10.F oodHave you tried foreign foods?What is the most popular Chinese food?Do you want to try more foreign food?11.W atchesWhat kinds of watches do you like to wear?Have you ever received a watch as a gift?What was your first watch like?Did you often wear watches when you were a child?12.S unglassesDo you like sunglasses?Have you saved money to buy a pair of sunglasses?Have you bought sunglasses for others?Have you lost sunglasses?13.P arkDo you often go to a park or garden?What do people do in parks/gardens?What are the functions of parks/gardens14.C oloursWhat’s your favourite colour?What’s the colour of the wall in your room?What colour do people usually use in Chinese home?Does the colour of your car matter?15.F riendsWould you make friends with your classmates?Is it difficult to make friends?How do you make friends?What do you do when you’re with your friends?16.P lantsDo you have plants at home?Do you know how to take care of a plant?What special meanings do different flowers have in your culture? What special meanings do different trees have in your culture?17.S portsDo you like working out?What sports do you do at school?Would you go to the gym in the future?What sports have you tried?18.C itiesDo you live in a city or a village?Do Chinese people like to live in cities?What’s the last city you visited?Which city do you want to live in in the future?Part 2人物类01.A businessman who you admire02.A friend from your childhood03.A person who has helped you in work or studying04.A person you enjoy talking with05.A successful friend06.A n old person that you are interested in07.A person you have met who’s beautiful or handsome物品类01.A toy in your childhood02.A language you want to learn besides English03.A gift made by yourself04.S omething important you lost05.A n important plant in your country06.S omething you borrowed from your family or friend07.Y our first mobile phone08.S omething that made you more concentrated on work/study09.S omething you eat on special occasions事件类01.A n experience of gathering information02.S omething interesting a friend likes to do that you’d like to try03.A trip that you took by public transportation04.S omething happened recently that made you happy05.A useful skill you learned in a math class from school06.A job that you would like to do07.A n experience of changing your plan08.A time when your equipment had a problem09.A n important law in your country10.S omething you do to help with your concentration11.A time when someone gave you something you really wanted12.A lecture or talk you’ve been to13.A family business14.T he job of your grandparents’15.A n experience of teaching something new to others16.A science subject you learnt at high school17.A period in history that you are interested in18.A successful experience of your friend地点类01.A park02.A public facility that needs improvements03.Y our ideal home04.A city or country you’d like to work or live in05.A street market you enjoy shopping in06.A faraway place you want to go to in the near future07.A place you go to study in媒体类01.A n exciting book02.Y our favourite movie03.A TV programme or film that made you laugh04.A website that you often use。

重点话题:根据口语出题规律,很有可能在下一季度出现的准备,事先想好思路做好准备1-4月新题Part1新题共享经济sharing(new)答题思路SharingWhat do you like to share?when you shared it?who you shared it with?What kinds of things that are not suitable for sharing?你喜欢分享什么?你什么时候分享的?你和谁分享的?哪些东西不适合分享?口语范文A few years ago, my friend and I shared a car together. This was when we were both students. We were both living away from home and although we were both working and studying at thesame time, neither of us could afford to buy a car individually.几年前,我和我的朋友共用一辆车。
So we decided to put our money together and share the ownership of the car – we set up a system where we would organize when each of us could use it individually and then other times either of us could use it, and if we ever needed to swap I would just confirm it was OK with him or he would ask me if he could use it.所以我们决定把我们的钱放在一起,分享汽车的所有权,我们建立一个系统,我们将单独组织当我们每个人都可以使用它,然后其他时间我们可以使用它,如果我们需要交换我想确认它是好的和他或他会问我他是否可以使用它。

下面的四月考试预测我把这两种情况下考生需注意的题一一罗列,请考生一定做好准备!第一部分高频题:Studies1 Do you work or are you a student?2 What subject are you studying?3 Why did you choose to study that subject?4 Why did you choose that university?5 What's the most interesting part of your subject?6 What are your future work plans?Accommodation1 Can you describe the place where you live?2 What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?3 Please describe the room you live in.4 How well do you know your neighbors?5 What kind of people are your neighbors?Transportation1 Do you often use public transportation?2 What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?3 What's the most common means of (= form of) transport in your hometown?4 What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?5 How do you think the transport system could be improved?Clothes1 Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)2 Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)3 Do you think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on others?4 What kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear? (Why?)5 Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?6 When do people wear formal clothes?7 Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?Weather & Season1 What's the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?2 How is the weather here different to the weather in your home country?3 Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?4 Would you like to move to a place with different weather?5 What sort of weather do you like the most?6 What season do you like best?Work1 What job do you do?2 What is the nature of that work?3 Why did you choose to do that job?4 Is that a popular choice of career in your country?5 Would you say your job is very important?6 How do you think your subject will help you in the future?Hometown1 Where do you come from?2 What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them?3 Did you learn much about the history of your hometownin school?4 What do you think needs to change in your hometown?5 What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in yourspare time?6 Why did you choose to live here/there?7 What do you like about your hometown?8 What do you think needs to be done to make your hometown a better place to live in?Parks1 Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?2 Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?3 How often do you go there?4 What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?5 What do other people do in these places?Internet1 Have you ever bought anything on the internet?2 What do you think is the best way to learn about the internet?3 Is there anything you don't understand about the internet?4 Do you think the internet is a good thing?5 Is there anything that's not so good about the internet?6 Do you think the use of the internet needs to be controlled?7 Is the internet very popular in China?Mobile Phones1 Do you have a mobile phone?2 Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life?3 What do you use it for?4 How often do you use it?5 When did you get your first mobile phone?1 How did you get your first mobile phone?2 How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?Names1 Does your name have any special meaning?2 When Chinese people name their children, are there any special customs that are followed?3 Is there any special ceremony when babies are giventheir names?4 How are Chinese names and Western names different?5 What name do people at home call you?6 Do many people in China have a nickname?Photography1 Do you like to take photographs?2 How did you become interested in photography?3 In what situations do you take photographs?4 What kind of photos do you like to take?5 Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?Dancing1 Do you like to dance? (Why?/Why not?)2 Have you ever learned to dance?3 When was the last time you danced?4 What kind of dancing do Chinese people like?5 Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?6 Do you think there are any benefits for young people to go dancing?Health1 What do you do to keep healthy?2 How do people maintain good health?3 What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"?I4 s there any sport that you would like to try in the future?5 What activity that promotes good health?Music1 Do you often listen to music?2 How much time do you spend listening to music every day?3 Where do you listen to it?4 How do you feel when you listen to this music?5 Have you ever been to a musical performance?6 What musical instrument is most popular in China?难题:Sleeping1 How many hours do you sleep everyday? Why?2 Is it necessary to sleep enough?3 Is taking a snap important?4 Do old people sleep a lot?5 Do you think staying up late in a good thing?Concentration1 Is it important to focus on things?2 When do people need to concentrate on things?3 Is it easy to focus on things?4 How can people deal with 2 different things at the same time?Boating1 Do you like boating?2 Why do you like it?3 What have you ever done by boat?4 Do Chinese people travel by boat?Bags1 What types of bags do you use?2 What do you put in these bags?3 Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?4 What sorts of bags do women like to buy?5 When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?6 How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?7 Do you think the style of a bag is very important? (Why?/Why not?)8 Do you have a bag for special occasions?Cards1 Do you ever receive letters or cards?2 Do you receive many letters or cards?3 When was the last time you received a card?4 Do you (ever) give cards to your friends?5 Have you ever given cards to your friends?6 Which do you think is better, to send or receive a card or a letter?Time1 Would you say you are good at managing your time?2 Do you wear a watch?3 Do you think time is very important?4 Do you think time management is important?5 Have you ever been late for anything?6 Were there any serious consequences when you were late?7 How do you feel when you are late?8 When do you feel time moves fast?Museums1 Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?2 Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?3 Do you often visit a museum?4 Did you go to any museums when you were a child?5 When was the last time you visited a museum?6 Do you think museums are important?第二部分&第三部分高频题1.Describe one of your neighbours who you know quite well. You should say:how long you have known this neighbourwhat sort of person he or she ishow often you see him or herand explain what kind of relationship you have with them.Part31 Do you think neighbours are important?2 Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbours?3 Do you think people's relationships with their neighbours today is the same as it was in the past?4.Would you say these are changes for the better or changes for the worse?5 What do you think caused these changes?2.Describe a person who has an important job.You should say:who the person iswhere the person workswhat the person does in the joband explain why you think the person’s job is important.Part 31 What job do young people like to do nowadays?2 Why do many people lose their job?3 Why do many people fail to find a job?4 Who give you advice when looking for a job?3 Describe a good parent you know.You should say:who the parent ishow you know the parentwhat the parent looks likeand explain why you think the parent is good.Part 31 How do parents take care of their kids in China?2 Are kids free in China?3 Do you think who is good at taking care of kids, father or mother?4 What is the most valuable thing that parents give to their kids?5 How do you think about the relationship between the parents and children?6 Should parents be strict with the kids?7 What can parents teach their children?4.Describe a café that you know in your hometown.You should say:where it ishow often you go therewhat kind of food they serve thereand explain why you like to choose in this place.Part 31 What foods are most nutritious and what foods are not nutritious?2 Do you think advertising has an effect on what foods people eat?3 Do you think that junk foods should be banned?4 What measures should be taken to increase public awareness of proper nutrition?5 What (different) types of cafes are there in your hometown?5 Describe a library that you know.You should say:where it iswhen you went therewhat books and facilities this library hasand explain what you like or dislike about this library.Part 31 What is the purpose or role of libraries in society?2 What information can people get from libraries?3 What benefits can old people get from using community libraries?4 How do you think libraries could attract more people?5 Can you suggest some ways to make a library (more) attractive for teenagers and young people?6 What benefits can children get from using libraries?7 In general, what facilities and recourses (or, equipment) do libraries have?8 Do you think government has a responsibility to provide public libraries for the people?7 Describe a city that you have visited.You should say:where the city is (and its name)when you went therewhat you liked & disliked about the cityand explain why you visited this city.Part 31 What materials did you use to get information about this city?2 What was the landform of that place (or, around that place)?3 Do you think that tourists can harm the local culture of the people and the environment of a tourist spot?4 Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a village in the countryside?5 In China, what are the major differences between the urban and the rural areas?6 Why do many people prefer to live in the city instead of in a rural area?7 What problems are there from living in a city and what problems are there from living in a village (or, the countryside)?8 Describe a leisure activity near the sea.You should say:what type of leisure activity it iswho you would like to do withhow you would enjoy this activityand explain why you like this activity.Part 31 Are activities near the sea good to health?2 What jobs or activities must be done near/at sea?3 What are the advantages and disadvantages if boating?4 How do factories use sea water?5 Do you think why Chinese don't like activities near the sea as much as British?9 Describe an important occasion when you were late. You should say:when this happenedwhat occasion you were late forwhy you were lateand explain the result of your being late.Part31 Do you think it's important to be punctual?2 How do you feel when others are late, keeping you waiting?3 What are some methods that people can use to make sure they are on time?4 Except for having a schedule, do you know of any other ways?5 Do young people and older people have the same attitudes towards punctuality?6 Do you think punctuality is more important for businesspeople or for the common person?10 Describe an educational TV program that you like to watch.You should say:the name of the programwhat type of program it iswhat contents it hasand explain what you learn from this program.Part 3Television Tastes1 What types of TV programs do you like?2 In general, what types of TV programs are most popular in China?3 Have TV programs changed in the past few years? (If yes, how?)Educational Television1 Do you think there should be more educational TV programs?2 How do you think television will develop (or change) in the future?3 In your opinion, how does watching TV influence people?4 What do you think are the benefits, and the drawbacks, of watching television?11 Describe a toy that was special to you when you werea child.You should say:when you got itwhat it looked likewho gave it to youand explain how you used it (how you played with it).Part 3Toys1 What are the most popular kinds of toys in China?2 Do boys and girls like the same toys?3 What are the differences between boys' toys and girls' toys?4 Do you think it's good if parents only buy "educational" toys for their children?12 Describe another language that you would learn if you wanted.You should say:the name of this languagehow you would learn itwhat equipment of facilities you would need to study this languageand explain what difficulties you think you would have when learning this language.Part 31 Do many people in China study a second foreign language?(Why?/Why not?)2 Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?3 How would you assess your own language ability?4 Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults? (Why?/Why not?)5 Who do you think is better at learning a foreign language, boys or girls?6If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make lessons (more) interesting?13 Describe an item of clothing that was bought for you. You should say:what it iswhat it looks likewhy it was bought for youand explain how you feel (or felt) about this item of clothing.Part 31 Does everyone like to go shopping for clothes?2 Why do you think some people don't like shopping for clothes?3 Do you think it's important to follow the current fashions in the clothes you wear?4 Why do you think many people feel it's important to wear clothes that are "in fashion"?5 Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes they wear?(Why?)6 Do you think these differences in clothes reflect differences in personality?14 Describe a useful website that you like to visit. You should say:what the website helps you to dowhat the contents of the website are (or, were)how often you go to this websiteand explain how(or, why) this website helps you.Part 31 Compared to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?2 What impact has the internet had on modern people’s lives?3 What are the pros and cons of children using the internet?4 How do you think children could be encouraged to (or, taught to) use the internet in positive ways?5 Do you think online education is good?6 Do you think the internet (or, computers) will ever replace teachers?难题:1 Describe a robot you know.You should say:what sort of robot iswhat it looks likewhat it can doand explain how you felt about the robot.2 Describe an important plant in your country (such as vegetables, flowers, fruits, trees, etc.).You should say:what the plant ishow you know itwhy it is importantand explain how do you like the plant.Part 31 Do you think farming is a good job?2 Do you think more and more people in the future want to plant fruits for themselves?3 Are there more and more people regarding farming as their work today? Why?3 Describe a class or training session that you enjoyed. You should say:what the teacher (and the students) didwhen & where you had this classwhat you learned in this class or training sessionand explain why you enjoyed it.Part31 What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?2 Do you think the usage of science and technology has changed teaching very much?3 Which do you think is better, distance education or classroom education?4 Do you think distance education might one day replace classroom education?4 Describe a mathematics class you attended at primary school.You should say:when and where you attended the classwhat the teacher taughtwhat you didand explain what you learn from the class/ how you felt about the class.Part31 What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?2 Do you think the usage of science and technology has changed teaching very much?3 Which do you think is better, distance education or classroom education?4 Do you think distance education might one day replace classroom education?5 Describe a most polite person you know.You should say:who the person ishow you know the personwhat the person looks likeand explain why you think the person is most polite.Part 31 Are you a polite person?2 How do people usually show courtesy?3 Do you think people living in the city are more polite than people in the country? Why?4 Are Chinese people more polite than before? Why?5 What behavior do you think is polite?6 Is it important to be polite?南京学校张小惠2013-3-13X。

雅思1-4月预测口语题MUSICDo you often listen to music?How much time do you spend listening to music every day?Where do you listen to it?How do you feel when you listen to this music?Have you ever been to a musical performance?What musical instrument is most popular in China?Which instrument would you prefer to study – the piano or the violin?What benefits do children gain by studying music?Do you think it's important to learn to play a musical instrument?Do you think schools should teach children how to play a musical instrument? Is music an important subject at school in China?Did you often listen to music when you were a child?How does music affect people?Compare the music that young people like and the music that old people like. Why do many old people dislike pop music?SleepingHow many hours do you sleep everyday? Why?Is it necessary to sleep enough?Is taking a snap important?Do old people sleep a lot?Do you think staying up late in a good thing?WritingDo you often write things?What do you usually write?How often do you send e-mails?What are your main reasons for using e-mails?Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?When do children begin to write in your country?Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?NewspapersWhat are the different ways people get news?What types of news do you like?Do you think children like (= are interested in) the news? (Why?/Why not?) Are old people and young people interested in the same (kinds of) news? How does the news affect people?Do you often read newspapers?Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?) Why do (you think) people read newspapers?What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers? What influence do you think newspapers have on society?ConcentrationIs it important to focus on things?When do people need to concentrate on things?Is it easy to focus on things?How can people deal with 2 different things at the same time?BoatingDo you like boating?Why do you like it?What have you ever done by boat?Do Chinese people travel by boat?CARSDo you like cars?Do you have a driver's license?Do you (or your family) have a car?Do you often drive it?(If you don't have a car) Do you plan to buy a car in the future?If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose? What model (= what brand) of car would you like to buy?What kinds of cars are popular in your country?Do you like traveling by car?Who do you prefer to travel with?Do you like to take long trips in a (your) car?CardsDo you ever receive letters or cards?Do you receive many letters or cards?When was the last time you received a card?Do you (ever) give cards to your friends?Have you ever given cards to your friends?Which do you think is better, to send or receive a card or a letter?ArtsDo you like art? (Why?/Why not?)What form of art do you like the most?What kind of art are you best at?In you childhood, what experience of art did you have?Did you ever produce any artwork (or, works of art) when you were a child?Do you ever buy (or, have you ever bought) a painting?Do you think art is an important part of life?What benefits does art bring to people?How important do you think art is in the lives of people?Why do you think people like to have a painting in their homes?HealthWhat do you do to keep healthy?How do people maintain good health?What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"?Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future?What activity that promotes good health?BAGSWhat types of bags do you use?What do you put in these bags?Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?What sorts of bags do women like to buy?When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?Do you think the style of a bag is very important? (Why?/Why not?)Do you have a bag for special occasions?MuseumsAre there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?Do you often visit a museum?Did you go to any museums when you were a child?When was the last time you visited a museum?Do you think museums are important?Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?What do you think is the role of museums and art galleries?Which kind of art do you think is more important, the art we see in the cinema or the art we see in art galleries and museums?Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial for children?Do schools in China have excursions to museums?Do you think teachers should take their students on visits to museums?DANCINGDo you like to dance? (Why?/Why not?)Have you ever learned to dance?When was the last time you danced?What kind of dancing do Chinese people like?Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?Do you think there are any benefits for young people to go dancing?When do Chinese people like to dance?Does China have any traditional dances?Is traditional dance still popular today in China? (Why?/Why not?)Is there much difference between traditional dancing and modern dancing?What kinds of dancing are popular with young people in China?Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people?What do you think is the influence of dance on society?Do you like to watch dance performances?EntertainmentWhat do you do for entertainment?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?What choices for entertainment are there for young people around where you live?Are there any entertainment places near your school (or university)?Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?FriendsDo you have many (close) friends?Are most of your friends from school (or university) or from outside school (or university)?Do you think friendship is important?Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone? (Why?)Are friends more important than family? (Why?)What kind of people do you like to have as friends?If you had the opportunity, would you spend more time with your friends?What do you and your friends do together?Do you prefer to meet your friends at home or away from your home?How do you keep in contact with your friends?Do you like meeting new people?Do you like making friends with (a lot of) people?Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?Do adults and children make friends in the same way?Do you think it's possible to become real friends with the people you meet on the internet, for example, on chat sites or personal introduction sites?Leisure TimeWhen do you have free time?How do you like to relax?How do you relax?How do you usually relax (in your spare time)?Do you have enough time for your hobby?How much time do you spend relaxing?What do you do on weekends?Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing?What can people do to find more time for relaxing?Do you often do things with others in a group?Do you ever go out with your workmates/colleagues or classmates?Do you prefer to do things in a family group or a group of friends?What leisure activities do you and your family like doing together?In your leisure time, what do you usually do with your friends or family?Do you think it's important to spend your leisure time with your family?TimeWould you say you are good at managing your time?Do you wear a watch?Do you think time is very important?Do you think time management is important?Have you ever been late for anything?Were there any serious consequences when you were late?How do you feel when you are late?When do you feel time moves fast?When do you feel time moves slowly?If you could go back in time, would you do?Do you think punctuality is important?What are some examples of occasions when it's important to be on time?How would you feel if the person you were waiting to meet with was not on time?Do you think older people and younger people both have the same attitudes towards punctuality? Do you think parents should try to teach their children about time management?HouseworkDo people in your country do much housework?In your home, who does the housework?Do you do much housework?What housework do you like to do?What housework did you do when you were a child?Do you think children should do housework?Do you feel people in your country have enough time to do housework?Do you think people like doing housework by themselves?Do you usually do any housework?Do you like to do housework?What housework do you least like doing?If a child helps do some of the family housework, how do you think this affects the child's development?What do you do to help the family?Have there been any changes in the housework people do since the time when your parents wereyour age?Do you think people should be paid to do household chores?WorkWhat job do you do?I'm working as an office assistance in a private company. I've been working for ages.What is the nature of that work?I am the one who balances drawers, hire ,fires, makes sure everything is going well and that business is booming, I do advertising, write payroll checks, keep up with time cards, keep up with invoices of all sales, go to bank, do deposits, make sure the store has proper change but not too much money....Why did you choose to do that job?My job offers me decent salary, good opportunity and enable me keep touch in the latest technology in computer science. I enjoy challenge in my job.Is that a popular choice of career in your country?Yes. It's a demanding job. People do this job get well paid in general.Would you say your job is very important?Work is not important; it's simply a means to make money so that I won't starve to death and that I would have a roof over my head. Funnily enough, I love to work. In fact, I love to be occupied with things, whether or not they are work related.How do you think your subject will help you in the future?It wasn't my first choice. I wanted to major in administrative services management, but my mom thought I should do pharmacy because it is safer. I agreed with her, but I foud the business management stuff more preferable.How did you get that job?Looked through help wanted ads in local newspaper, stopped by businesses and asked if they're accepting employment applications, typed a resume and emailed it to a bunch of places. I was hired by emailing a resume directly to my employer.Is it easy to find work doing your job?Well.......since my job isn't the best in the world I can find crappy jobs anywhere. Mainly manual labor......But, if I have to I can work for my dad at his bar. But I don't want to do that. We are too much alike and I have a feeling I would be looking for another crappy job anyway Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV?There are many jobs advertised in Jobcentres. The computers would be full of jobs.If I narrowed the search down to local towns, I could usually find about 20, of which maybe 2 I was qualified to do. My partner has been looking at the local rag recently and the situations vacant page is about an inch long.Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs?I think online-recruitment is the most reliable way to find recruiting information. The agencies are there to make money for themselves tweaking your CV while promising a glorious job for you.but there were never any jobs to begin with. They made money out of YOU.Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the work itself?The latter I think. started working three weeks ago and I would not say that I am shy but I find it hard to know what to say to them. The words I use the most are "Morning", "bye everyone" and"see you tomorrow". I don't really have conversations with them..They don't even bother talking to me too since I came in, some of them just stare at me when they pass by..I don't know what to do and what to say!!Which do you enjoy more, working or studying?Work. At least you're doing something rather than just sitting there. Oh yeah, you make money too. Nobody pays you to study though it may come in handy later on. You learn a lot of things which are out of the text-book.What do you like about your work?I work 25 hrs a week but make as much as I'm working full time. I have 4 hours in the afternoonto do personal stuff, I am off on snow days and holidays and get paid for it, and can spend time with my kids. But the position is not what I'm looking for in my future.Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like?Definitely. Passion is a kind of motivation. I have a fear that I will never be able to retire so I would like to find a job that I can live with for the rest of my life and never have any problems. I don’t wanna get burned out soon after I start working.What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job?My dream job would be the president of the United States, and not only that, but I'd love to be the president with the majority of Congressional members and S. court justices agreeing with me. But even if both branches were against me, nothing could be a better job than being the president HometownWhere do you come from?I am local here.What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoythem?Beijing is famous for its historical attractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreign visitor each year.Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school?I think we all have trouble tracing the history of our hometown because we seldom learn it in school.What do you think needs to change in your hometown?Traffic in my hometown is overly bad. It seems all the residences have to spend their entire life in a Beijing traffic jam. So the change of traffic situation is a must.What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time?I am a shopping freak. I like to go to a big shopping mall when I have time. Shopping mall is multiple which allows me to get anything I like. Also, when I am hungry I can grab a burger in the food courtWhy did you choose to live here/there?Beijing is a marvelous city which combines tradition and modern perfectly. I am local here and I want to spend my entire life in Beijing too.What do you like about your hometown?I have the special complex to my hometown. I enjoy the food, daily routine and people in my hometown.What do you think needs to be done to make your hometown a better place to live in?Traffic situation in my hometown is overly bad. It seems all the residences have to spend their entire life in a Beijing traffic jam. So the change of traffic situation will make it a better place to live in.For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city?Living in a big city you can have better health care and better education for children. Also, you won't get bored during weekends. Moreover, you may have a lot of opportunities for career.What facilities does your hometown have?My hometown is by the seaside so we have several beaches and sections of rocky coastline within a mile of the town centre. There are also two parks with play equipment for children. Also, the facilities for education and health care are also available here.What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?Typical buildings here are those tall, stone looking ones which are boring without much architectural creativity.What's the most attractive part of your hometown?Beijing is famous for its historical attractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreign visitor each year. Also, the traditional local culture is unique here and you can experience it in HUTONG. What forms of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown?Anything you want. You can come here by plane, by train and by bus.How could your hometown attract more visitors?Improving the environment and making the public transportation better will attract more visitors to come. Also, local people's hospitality will make visitors feel more comfortable.Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?It is still the same. In winter, it has snow and everything is covered in white. In spring, it's beautiful and all the flowers are in bloom, plus everything is green over again. In fall, all the leaves turn orange, red, and yellow, so itlooks gorgeous. But summer sucks here because of the stupid hot weather.PhotographyDo you like to take photographs?How did you become interested in photography?In what situations do you take photographs?What kind of photos do you like to take?Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?How do you keep your photos?Do you frame any of your photos?Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?Is photography a popular hobby in China?Why do some people do not like taking photographs?Why do you think some people like taking photographs when they visit another place? Do Chinese people like to visit photograph exhibitions?What kind of photos do they like to look at?Do you think being a photographer would be a good job?What factors make a good photograph?WeekendsWhat do you do in your spare time?What do you usually do on weekends?When do you spend time with your family?What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?What are you going to do next weekend?Do you feel that weekends are more important to you than when you were a child? Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? (Why?)Would you say weekends are important to people?How does the average person in China spend his or her weekend?Do you know anyone who works at the weekend?Should people be working or resting on Saturdays and Sundays?Is it important for people to have weekends off?Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?SchoolsWhat was the first school you attended?How old were you when you started school?Where did you go to school?Where was it?Tell me something about the school. (= Can you describe it?)Was it far from your home?How did you go to (or, travel to) school?Did you like it?What were the good things about that school?Would you say it was a good school?Would you send your child to that school today?What different types of schools have you been to?Which school did you like the most? (Why?)Did your parents choose your secondary school (= high school) for you?NamesDoes your name have any special meaning?When Chinese people name their children, are there any special customs that are followed?Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names?How are Chinese names and Western names different?What name do people at home call you?Do many people in China have a nickname?Are there any big differences between people's names today in China and people's names many years ago?Do Chinese people like to have common names?Why are some Chinese names very similar to each other?Do Chinese people today usually have a third name?Is your surname very common in China?What's the most common surname in China?Do Chinese people attach a lot of importance to names?Do people in China ever change their names?Would you like to change your name?Weather & SeasonWhat's the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?How is the weather here different to the weather in your home country?Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?Would you like to move to a place with different weather?What sort of weather do you like the most?What season do you like best?What do you do in that season?What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?Do you prefer hot or cold weather?Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?Mobile PhonesDo you have a mobile phone?Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life?What do you use it for?How often do you use it?When did you get your first mobile phone?How did you get your first mobile phone?How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?Have mobile phones developed (or changed) in the past few years?What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?Do you usually use your mobile phone to call people or to send text messages?Who do you usually call/send text messages to?Do you think you will be using your mobile phone more (than you use it now) in the future? How do you think mobile phones will develop (or change) in the future?InternetHave you ever bought anything on the internet?What do you think is the best way to learn about the internet?Is there anything you don't understand about the internet?Do you think the internet is a good thing?Is there anything that's not so good about the internet?Do you think the use of the internet needs to be controlled?Is the internet very popular in China?What kinds of people most often use the internet?What age group of people most often uses the internet?How can people best make use of the internet?In general, what impact does the internet have on people's lives?How can people learn things on the internet?What sorts of things can people learn on the internet?What do you think are the benefits of "e-learning"?Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?ClothesDo you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)Do you think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on others?What kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear? (Why?)Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?Do you wear the same kinds of clothes in winter and summer?Do your friends have the same tastes in clothes as you?What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do people in your country like to wear?Do you think you will still be wearing the same kinds of clothes when you are old?Do you prefer informal or formal clothes? (Why?)Do you feel comfortable when wearing formal clothes? (Why?/Why not?)Do you think formal clothes are important?When do people wear formal clothes?Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?TransportationHow did you get to the test today? (What form of transportation did you use?)Why did you choose that form of transport?)Do you often use public transportation?What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?For you, what are the benefits (advantages) of using that form of transportation?Is it very expensive (= very dear)?Is transportation very important where you live?What's the most common means of (= form of) transport in your hometown?What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?How do you think the transport system could be improved?Do you think transportation costs (gasoline, subway, bus & taxi fares, etc) are expensive in your hometown?How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?How do you think transport (in your hometown) will change in the future (or, in the next 20 or 30 years)?In China, is transportation in the big cities the same as transportation in small towns and villages?ParksAre there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?How often do you go there?What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?What do other people do in these places?When do other people go there?Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?Do you think every city and town should have parks and public gardens?What do you think are the functions of parks and public gardens?Studies1Do you work or are you a student?I am a senior student majoring in English.2What subject are you studying?I'm doing arts in Peking University. The subject is not what I'm concerned about, it doesn't actually bother me that much. I focus on the campus life.3Why did you choose to study that subject?English sounds beautiful and knowingEnglish means more opportunities while you hunting a job in China.4Is that a popular subject in your country?Yes. Language is the most effective way of learning other culture. Knowing English means you can read more and understand more since it is the world language. Moreover, it gives you more chance when hunting jobs.5Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there someother reason?Some people are knowledge-oriented and some people are job-oriented.6What are the most popular subjects in China?Anything related to finance is popular in china, like marketing and accounting.7Why did you choose that university?I want a university that was far enough away from my family then I can be independent. Also, the grounds and buildings are so beautiful. Everyone who went there seemed a little smug to me and I like the atmosphere in my university.8Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at yourschool/university?On each Friday night I go to swimming club. Also, I love school nights. When it comes we dress up in our old school uniform and we get giggles through the whole night.9Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like?Yes. I believe interest is the best teacher. When you have some interest in a subject you can teach by yourself. It is the biggest motivation of learning.10What are your favorite classes/ courses/ subjects at university?I like English because its pronunciation sounds beautiful and it gives me the access to more sources like books, TV programs and radio. Moreover, it gives more confidence and opportunity to travel to foreign countries.11What's the most interesting part of your subject?Foreign teacher's classes never disappoint me. He tells us a lot interesting stories he has experienced in several countries. He discusses different culture, food and traditions in China and western countries with us.12What are your future work plans?I want to be a translator or interpreter. I don't like stay in one place and doing the same job every day. It's too boring. However, being a translator or interpreter gives me the chance to meet different people from different countries and I think that is interesting.。
2019年1-4月雅思口语题库·Part 1

Sports1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?2. Do you play any sports?3. Do you have a favorite sports star?4. What kinds of sports are popular in China?5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?Sky1. How often do you look at the sky?2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?3. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?4. Is there a good place to look at the skγ where you live?5. Do you like to watch the sky?6. Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?7. Where is a good place to watch stars?8. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?9. What's your favorite star?Star1. Who is your favorite movie star?2. Are international superstars popular in your country?3. Have you ever met a celebrity/ superstar in real life?4. Do you want to be a superstar ?Sleeping1.How many hours are you asleep for everyday?2.Is it necessary to take a nap everyday?3.Do old people sleep a lot? Why?4.What time do you usually go to bed?5.Do you always have a good sleep?6. Do you take naps at noon?7. Do you like to read before bed?8. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young? The area you live in1. Do you like the area that you live in?2. What are some changes in the area recently?3. Do you know any famous people in your area?4. Where do you like to go in that area?Tea and coffee1. Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?2. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?Public holidays1. What public holidays do you have in your country?2. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?3. What do you usually do during public holidays?4. What did you do during the last public holiday?5. Do you think public holidays are important?6. Why do we need public holidays?7. How many public holidays do you have in China?8. Do you think people need more public holidays?9. How do you usually spend your holidays?10. Which holiday is your favorite?Handwriting1. Do you often write with a pen?2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?3. Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?4. Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?5. What’s the differe nce of writing with a pen and typing on a computer? Crowded place1. What places do you think are often crowded?2. When was the last time you were in a crowed place?3. How do you feel when you are in crowded places?Pet1. Are there many people keeping pets in China?2. Have you ever had a pet when you were young?3. What pet will you keep if you want?E-mail1. How often do you write an E-Mail?2. Who do you write to?3. What kind of E-Mail do you receive that makes you happy?4. Do you think it’s i mportantly to reply E-Mails quickly?Sharing1. Do you have anything to share with others recently?2. Did your presents teach you to share when you were a child?3. What kind of things do you like to share with others?4. What kind o f things are not suitable for sharing?Patience1. Were you patient when you were young?2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?3. Were you less or more patient when you were angry?旧题部分Work or study1. Why did you choose that subject?2. Is it interesting?3. What subjects are you studying?4. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?5. Are you looking forward to working?6. Do you like your subject?7. What work do you do?8. Why did you choose to do that type of work?9. Do you miss being a student?10. Do you like your job?Home (your accommodation)1. Can you describe the place where you live?2. How long have you lived there?3. Who do you live with?4. Do you plan to live there for a long time?5. What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?6. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?7. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in ?8. What kind of neighborhood/environment/ surroundings/ home would you like to live in?9. What do you usually do I your house/flat/room?10. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?11. What part of your home do you like the most?12. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Hometown1. What’s (the name of) yo ur hometown (again)?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. Please describe your hometown a little.4. How long have your lived there?5. Do you like it?6. Do you like living there?7. What do you like (most) about your hometown?8. Is there anything you dislike about it?9. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?10. Do you plan to continue living there for a long time?11. Where would you like to live?Movies1. Do you watch movies?2. How often do you watch movies?3. What kind of movies do you like?4. Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?5. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Morning Routine1.Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?2.Do you think breakfast is important?3.Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?4.Do you want to change your daily routines in the future? Cooking1. Have you ever cooked?2. Do you like cooking?3. Do you want to learn how to cook?4. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?Shoes1. How often do you buy shoes?2. Have you ever bought shoes online?3. Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?4. What’s your favourite type of shoes?Weather1. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?2. What kind of weather do you like most?3. What’s your favourite season?4. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?Photos1. Do you like to take photos?2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?3. How often do you take photos?4. In what situations do you take photos?5. How do you keep your photos?Color1. What’s your favorite color?2. Do you like dark colors?3. Are there any colors you dislike?4. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?Holiday1. What kinds of places do you like to go on holiday?2. Who would you like to go on holiday with?3. Where do you plan to go for holiday in the future?Sunglasses1. Do you like to wear sunglasses?2. Where can you buy sunglasses?3. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?Drinking water1. How often do you drink water?2. What kinds of water do you like to drink?3. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?Cities1. Do you like the city you are living in now?2. Which city have you been to recently?3. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?4. What kind of cities do you like?5. Which city do you want to go to?Paintings1. What do you know about paintings?2. Have you learned drawing or painting?3. Is it important to hang picture at home?4. What kind of paintings do you like?5. If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree?6. Do you like taking pictures or photos?7. What pictures or paintings are you interested in?8. Do you think photos are better than paintings? Why?Park/garden1. Are public parks important in China?2. Are there many public gardens in China?3. Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown?4. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?5. Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?Transportation1. Why did you choose that form of transport?2. What form of transport do you usually use?3. What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?4. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?5. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?6. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?7. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?Gift1. How often do you buy others gift?2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?4. Why do people send gifts?Music1. When do you listen to music?2. How much time do you spend on listening to music every day?3. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?4. What’s your favorite kind of music?5. Have you ever been to a concert before?Teachers1. Do you have a favorite teacher?2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?3. What kinds of teachers do you like?4. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?5. Can you describe your high school teacher?6. What’s the difference between young and old teachers?Foreign Food1. Have you ever tried foreign food?2. Do you like to try new food?3. What kinds of new food have you tried recently?4. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?5. Do you think old people like foreign food? Why?Letters1. Do you write many letters?2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?3. What do you usually write about?4. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?5. Who do you usually write to?6. Is it hard to think of what to write?7. How do you feel when you receive a letter?Plants1. Do you grow plants at home?2. What plants did you grow when you were younger?3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?4. Do people in your country send plants as gifts?Rainy days1. Do you like rainy days?2. What do you do on rainy days?3. Do you often change your plans because of weather?4. Do you prefer dry or wet living environment?5. Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)6. Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?7. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?8. In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?9. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavy in your hometown? Watch1. How often do you wear a watch?2. What was your first watch like?3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?4. Do people still wear watches in your country?Being bored/Getting bored1. What will you do when you feel bored?2. When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?3. What kinds of things are boring to you?4. Do you think young people get bored easily?Save money1. Did you save money when you were young?2. Do you save money now? How do you save money?3. Do you think saving money is very important?4. Do you think parents should teach children to save money?5. Do parents give children pocket money in China?6. Have you ever given money to other children?7. 父母有没有给钱做一些重要的事?。
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2019年1-4月预测题(part1)一、Compulsory topics1.Work or studyDo you work or are you a student?What do you enjoy about your study? Atmosphere and teachers and classmatesHow long do you study a week? Weekdays - Monday to FridayDo you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?2.Where you liveDo you live in a house or a flat?Do you enjoy living in it?Who do you live with?Do you think there needs to be any improvement on the place where you live?Can you tell me about your bedroom?3.HometownWhere do you come from?How long have you been living there?Do you enjoy living in your hometown?Do you think you’ll move to other place in the future?二、Hobbies and interests1.Movie starWho is your favorite movie star?Do you want to be a movie star? Very difficult; privacy...Do people know a lot about international stars in your country? It depends. Young....old..2.PetsDo people in your country like keeping pets?Did you keep a pet when you were a child?What kind of pet do you think is ideal to keep? Cute/ mild temper; catch rats..Why do you think some people don’t like keeping pets?3.Painting/ DrawingDo you know how to paint? No, I don’t. I have never learnt to...Have you ever learned to paint?What kind of painting do you like? Oil painting; watercolor painting....Do you have any paintings in your home?4.SkyDo you enjoy looking at the sky?Where do you think the best place to look at the sky? Top of a mountain. No air or light pollution. What can you see when you look at the sky?Do you enjoy looking at the sky during the daytime or at night?5.Tea and coffeeDo Chinese people drink tea or coffee?Which is better for welcoming guests, tea or coffee? It depends.What was the last time you had some tea or coffee?Why do some people not enjoy drinking coffee?6.ColorWhat is your favorite color?Is color important when you buy things?Did you like clothes with bright color when you were a child?Is there a color with special meaning in your culture?What is the color of the wall of your bedroom?7.SunglassesDo you have sunglasses?Why do not many Chinese people wear sunglasses? We don’t need them. ....whereas..... When do people usually wear sunglasses?8.SeasonWhat is your favorite season?Do you like to live in a place with only one season or with different seasons?What activities do people do in different seasons?What is the weather like in summer in your hometown?9.MusicWhat is your favorite kind of music?How often do you listen to music?What kind of music do old people like?Have you ever been to a concert?Is there any kind of music that you don’t like?10.SportsDo you often do sports?What is your favorite sport?What is the most popular sport in your country?Do you have any favorite sport star?11.PicturesDo you like taking pictures with cell phone or camera?What do you usually do after that?Do you think you will learn to take pictures in the future? (photography)What pictures do you enjoy taking?12.ShoesDo you have many shoes?What kind of shoes do you like?Where do you buy your shoes?Which is more important to you, the quality or the look of shoes?13.CinemaDid you like to go to the cinema when you were a child?How often do you go to the cinema now?Do you prefer to go to the cinema with others or alone?When was the last time you went to the cinema?What is your favorite kind of film?Will it change?三、Other1.SharingWhat would you be willing to share with others?And what would you not like to share with others?Did your parents ever teach you to share?Do people like to share what they have with others in your country?2.TransportationHow do you go out?Do you think everyone should learn how to drive?What is the traffic like in your city?When was the last time you took a taxi?Are traffic jams common in your city?3.Morning routineWhat time do you usually get up?What do you do after getting up?Is breakfast important?Has your morning routine changed over the past years?Do you like writing letters to using emails?Do you like to receive postcards written by hand?4.Crowded placeWhat kinds of places are usually crowded?Do you like to go to these places?What was last time you went to one of these places?5.EmailsHow often do you send an email?Do you think quick reply is important?Do you prefer to use email or test messages?What kind of emails will make you happy?6.PatienceAre you a patient person?Do you think being patient is important?How can we cultivate our patience?7.Public holidaysDo you have many public holidays in China?Which is your favorite?What do people usually do during holidays?8.SleepHow many hours do you sleep a day? Why?When do you go to sleep?Do you think it’s enough?How do people feel if they do not have enough sleep? Do you think a noon nap is important?Do you sleep more than before?9.Drinking waterHow often do you drink water?Do you think you drink enough water?What are the benefits of drinking water?。