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设计参数:1、矫直机主电机参数:功率P=3KW, 转速n= 0.267r/s ;

2、主减速机传动比:2.6 ;


4、工作辊辊距:10mm ;

5、工作辊直径:9.5mm ;

6、工作辊辊长:170 mm ;

7、板坯宽度厚度:115mm 、0.1~1.6mm ;

设计要求:[1] 辊式矫正机基本参数的确定

[2] 矫直功率的计算和电机功率的选择

[3] 主要零部件校核计算

[4] 压下机构的设计计算

[5] 撰写设计说明书。

设计时间:2014年12月17日至2014年12月28 日






The product of steelrolling has become an importanct tache of rolling billet to be steels in the metallurgy produce industry. The stongpoint of this industry is have great output of the production is the variety production.and the produce process is very mechanization and automatization.The steelrolling is a importanct technonlogy to fulfill the country need.Also with the development of steelrolling industry the industry integrate very well with the tration mechanism industry. How to make use of the steelrolling manufacture technology, enhance the rolling quality of the production, decrease the product of rolling time,enhance the rate of product useful rolled steel .The straighting techology is a important tache to enhance the surface quality and flatness of the production .

This article design basis on the boardstrip straighting machine produce process and the working principle in the steel metallurgy. With practice in scene. The design is begin with the designing of the main transmission and the machine roller in the straighting machine .This article first begine with the scheme review of the collectively. Then go along with choice of the main electromotor, the design of work roller and the support roller , press down equipment and press up equipment .Following designed the local assessory and the over all structure. Besides researched the development direction of the straighting machine .

Keywords: Product of steelrolling、Straighting machine、Surface

quality、Mechanization .


1 绪论 (5)

1.1 轧钢生产的国内外发展情况 (5)

1.1.1 轧钢生产及产品种类 (5)

1.1.2 轧钢机械的分类 (6)

1.2 矫直机在轧钢生产中的作用及发展情况 (6)

1.3 现场十九辊板带矫直机的工作原理 (7)

2 总体方案评述 (8)

2.1轿直机的调整形式 (8)

2.2 机座形式 (8)

2.3 支承辊的布置形式 (9)

2.4 辊的材质 (9)

2.5 传动系统的形式 (9)

2.6 轴承选择 (10)

2.7 压下机构的形式 (10)

2.8 矫直辊列的布置形式与驱动形式 (11)

3矫直机力能参数的计算 (11)

3.1二十一辊矫直机的技术性能及矫直工艺参数 (11)

3.2辊式矫正机基本参数的确定: (12)

3.4矫直功率的计算和电机功率的选择 (15)

4主要零部件校核计算 (16)

4.1矫直辊的校核计算 (16)

4.1.1 矫直机矫直扭矩的计算 (16)

4.1.2 工作辊的强度校核和轴承校核 (18)

5 压下机构的设计计算 (20)

5.1 压下螺丝直径 (19)

5.2 压下螺纹牙的强度校核........................................................ (20)

参考文献 (22)
