英语写作海报poster ppt课件

Do not use images from the web.
Notes about graphs…
For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint.
Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format.
Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure.
Importing / inserting files…
Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster.
To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK.
Notes about graphs…
For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint.
Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format.
Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure.
Importing / inserting files…
Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster.
To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK.

non-distress vocalizations 48%
other 38%
Berlin Los Angeles Beijing
38 20 17 36
gaze 10%
smile 4%
Reactions to non-distress vocalizations
neutral vocalizations of low or middle intensity
Contingency toward infant signals in mother-infant dyads from Culture & different cultural environments development
Joscha Kärtner & Heidi Keller
Percentages of child events
Child N Girls 47.4% 61.9% 64.7% 47.1% 57.7% Firstborn** * 73.7% 71.4% 100.0% 40.0% 26.9%
Mother Age*** 34.0a (3.0) 34.5a (3.0) 27.9b (2.8) 29.0b (3.4) 30.2 (6.2) 29.0b (8.4) Education* ** 15.2a (3.4) 17.0a (1.6) 15.2a/b (3.0) 15.5a (1.4) 12.9b (1.8) 6.6c (1.9)
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)

• 海报的常见纸张尺寸 • 正度纸张:787×1092mm 开数(正度) 尺寸 单位(mm) • 全开 781×1086 2开 530×760 • 3开 362×781 4开 390×543 • 6开 362×390 8开 271×390 • 16开 195×271 • 注:成品尺寸=纸张尺寸-修边尺寸 • 大度纸张:850*1168mm 开数(正度) 尺寸 单位(mm) • 全开 844×1162 2开 581×844 • 3开 387×844 4开 422×581 • 6开 387×422 8开 290×422 • 注:成品尺寸=纸张尺寸-修边尺寸 正度: • 大度: 8K:370*260 420*285 • 4K:520*370 570*420 • 2K:740*520 840*570
• 海报是人们极为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏剧、比赛、文艺演出等活动。 海报中通常要写清楚活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等内容。海报的语言
• 1 广告宣传海报: 可以传播到社会中,为满足人们的利益.
2 现代社会海报: 较为普遍的社会现象,为大数人所接纳,提供现代生活的重要

Foreign Language Department May 15, 2011
Sample 4
例四:招聘广告(Recruitment Advertisement )
首先要对用人单位作简单介绍,然后说清楚招聘岗 位,人数,招聘条件等。注意招聘条件可以用名 词或形容词短语逐条罗列,不需要用完整句子。 最后应该写清楚用人单位的联系方式。
下面就以活动宣传、影讯、讲座 招聘四种海报形式为例,介绍海 报的写作方法。
• 例一:活动宣传 • 写宣传广告时可以先介绍需要宣传的活动,再
写活动的地点、时间、目的以及活动安排等。 • 写宣传广告常用到的短语和句型有: • …is an organization to raise money for …. • …is holding a party at its biggest hall … • The time is from … to … • We hope to raise money to help poor
China vs. Korea
Place: Capital Stadium Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000 Fare: 25 yuan
Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561) Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams!
Байду номын сангаас16
Sample 4
例四:招聘广告(Recruitment Advertisement )
首先要对用人单位作简单介绍,然后说清楚招聘岗 位,人数,招聘条件等。注意招聘条件可以用名 词或形容词短语逐条罗列,不需要用完整句子。 最后应该写清楚用人单位的联系方式。
下面就以活动宣传、影讯、讲座 招聘四种海报形式为例,介绍海 报的写作方法。
• 例一:活动宣传 • 写宣传广告时可以先介绍需要宣传的活动,再
写活动的地点、时间、目的以及活动安排等。 • 写宣传广告常用到的短语和句型有: • …is an organization to raise money for …. • …is holding a party at its biggest hall … • The time is from … to … • We hope to raise money to help poor
China vs. Korea
Place: Capital Stadium Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000 Fare: 25 yuan
Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561) Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams!
Байду номын сангаас16
英语写作之海报poster 共44页PPT46页

40、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不 容人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
英语写作之海报poster 共44页
36、如果我们国家的法律中只有某种 神灵, 而不是 殚精竭 虑将神 灵揉进 宪法, 总体上 来说, 法律就 会更好 。—— 马克·吐 温 37、纲纪废弃之日,便是暴政兴起之 时。— —威·皮 物特
38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯
英语写作之海报poster 共44页
36、如果我们国家的法律中只有某种 神灵, 而不是 殚精竭 虑将神 灵揉进 宪法, 总体上 来说, 法律就 会更好 。—— 马克·吐 温 37、纲纪废弃之日,便是暴政兴起之 时。— —威·皮 物特
38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯
英语写作海报_poster PPT

4. In国te际rn足al球Fo赛o:tba巴ll 西Ma队tc对h 英“B国ra队zil” versus “England ” in the C地ap点it:al 首of 都Gy体m育na馆sium at 3:00 P.M. on March 12. 时间:3月12日下午3点
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: RMB 3 Yuan / hr for an adult
RMB 2 Yuan / hr for a child
Please have swimming suits with yourselves.
June 12, 2012
The President’s Office
2. S中on央g歌s a舞nd团D歌a舞nc表es演by the Central Song and Dance T时ro间up:e 4o月n A5日pri晚l 57点at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand T地he点at:re上. 海大剧院
3. V录id像eo:fi《lm外: E星.T人. (E》x(tra英T国err科es幻tri电al)影. A)n English scientific m放o映vie地in点th:e语S音ou实nd验L室ab.
8. All are warmly welcome to the New Year’s Eve En星各te期位rt日光ain晚临m上。e在nt学o院n 礼Su堂n举da行y除e夕ve联n欢ing晚i会n ,th欢e 迎 college auditorium.
9. A s王p晓ee明c博h o士n关C于o“nt当em代p文o学ra发ry展Li趋te势ra”tu方re面tr的en演d will b讲e given by Dr. Wang Xiaoming in the lecture r地oo点m:o教f t学he楼演te示ac厅hing building.
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: RMB 3 Yuan / hr for an adult
RMB 2 Yuan / hr for a child
Please have swimming suits with yourselves.
June 12, 2012
The President’s Office
2. S中on央g歌s a舞nd团D歌a舞nc表es演by the Central Song and Dance T时ro间up:e 4o月n A5日pri晚l 57点at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand T地he点at:re上. 海大剧院
3. V录id像eo:fi《lm外: E星.T人. (E》x(tra英T国err科es幻tri电al)影. A)n English scientific m放o映vie地in点th:e语S音ou实nd验L室ab.
8. All are warmly welcome to the New Year’s Eve En星各te期位rt日光ain晚临m上。e在nt学o院n 礼Su堂n举da行y除e夕ve联n欢ing晚i会n ,th欢e 迎 college auditorium.
9. A s王p晓ee明c博h o士n关C于o“nt当em代p文o学ra发ry展Li趋te势ra”tu方re面tr的en演d will b讲e given by Dr. Wang Xiaoming in the lecture r地oo点m:o教f t学he楼演te示ac厅hing building.

Course objectives
Understand the principles of poster design and the characteristics of English poster writing.
Master the techniques of information organization and content presentation in poster writing.
一个好的结尾应该能够总结你的海报内容,并给观众留下深刻的印象。你可以使用强有力的声明、引 人深思的问题或呼吁行动的语句来达到这个效果。
Example Analysis of English Posters
Product promotion poster
产品宣传海报通常会突出产品的特点 ,如功能、外观、价格等,以吸引消 费者的注意力。在海报上,可以使用 醒目的标题、精美的图片和简洁的文 字来展示产品的优势。
Course background
English posters are particularly common in international events, tourist destinations, and cultural exchanges, where they serve as a bridge between different cultures.
公益广告海报通常会传递公益信息,如环保、健康、教育等,以倡导社会正能量。在海 报上,可以使用简洁的文字、富有感染力的图片和创意的设计来引起人们的共鸣和行动

The environment
Unit 2
Period Six Writing—Designing a poster
PART 1 技法点拨 PART 2 写作训练
文体分析 把握写作动脉
海报写作属于应用文写作。海报是一种宣传广告,其内容是提供活动信息、 介绍产品或说服别人等。 一、海报的写作格式和内容 海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。 1.标题 海报的标题写法较多,大体有以下几种形式: (1)单独由文种名构成,即在第一行中间写上“海报”字样。 (2)直接由活动的内容承担题目,如“影讯”“球讯”等。 (3)可以是一些描述性的文字,如“××风采”等。
2.正文 海报的正文要求写清楚以下内容: (1)活动的目的和意义。 (2)活动的主要项目、时间、地点等。 (3)参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等。 3.落款 要求署上主办单位的名称及海报的发布日期。 大多数海报都由以上三部分组成,但在实际的使用中,有些内容可以少 写或省略。
二、海报写作的注意事项 1.海报一定要真实、具体地写明活动的地点、时间及主要内容。文中可以 用些鼓励性的词语,但不可夸大事实。 2.海报的文字要求简洁明了,通俗易懂,篇幅要短小精悍。 3.海报的版式可以做些艺术性的处理,以吸引观众。
1.The English Festival of our school is coming soon. 2.We are looking forward to your active participation. 3.Please co4.I hope you won’t miss it. 5.Catch the chance,or you will regret. 6.A friendly basketball match will be organised by the students’ union of our school. 7.Besides,we are going to have listening,writing and reading competitions the following week.
Unit 2
Period Six Writing—Designing a poster
PART 1 技法点拨 PART 2 写作训练
文体分析 把握写作动脉
海报写作属于应用文写作。海报是一种宣传广告,其内容是提供活动信息、 介绍产品或说服别人等。 一、海报的写作格式和内容 海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。 1.标题 海报的标题写法较多,大体有以下几种形式: (1)单独由文种名构成,即在第一行中间写上“海报”字样。 (2)直接由活动的内容承担题目,如“影讯”“球讯”等。 (3)可以是一些描述性的文字,如“××风采”等。
2.正文 海报的正文要求写清楚以下内容: (1)活动的目的和意义。 (2)活动的主要项目、时间、地点等。 (3)参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等。 3.落款 要求署上主办单位的名称及海报的发布日期。 大多数海报都由以上三部分组成,但在实际的使用中,有些内容可以少 写或省略。
二、海报写作的注意事项 1.海报一定要真实、具体地写明活动的地点、时间及主要内容。文中可以 用些鼓励性的词语,但不可夸大事实。 2.海报的文字要求简洁明了,通俗易懂,篇幅要短小精悍。 3.海报的版式可以做些艺术性的处理,以吸引观众。
1.The English Festival of our school is coming soon. 2.We are looking forward to your active participation. 3.Please co4.I hope you won’t miss it. 5.Catch the chance,or you will regret. 6.A friendly basketball match will be organised by the students’ union of our school. 7.Besides,we are going to have listening,writing and reading competitions the following week.
How to write posters.pptx

ll Match English Department VS Japanese Department
Time: 4:00 P.m. ,Thursday, April 15 Place: the school playground Come and cheer for your team!
How to write posters
You are going to learn
1. concept of poster 概念 2. features of writing a poster 写作特点 3. format of writing a poster 写作格式 4. samples 示例
2. Pictures can be attached to attract public attention.(可配图以吸引大众注意)
format of writing a poster
Some useful expressions
1. There will be a… on… 2. We will have a… at … in… 3. Please come and cheer for them. 4. All are welcome to be present. 5. Come and cheer for your favorite team. 6. No admission fee for members of the club.
Title: Poster / main content of the poster
Specific activity, purpose or significance
time, date, place, details and requirements
Time: 4:00 P.m. ,Thursday, April 15 Place: the school playground Come and cheer for your team!
How to write posters
You are going to learn
1. concept of poster 概念 2. features of writing a poster 写作特点 3. format of writing a poster 写作格式 4. samples 示例
2. Pictures can be attached to attract public attention.(可配图以吸引大众注意)
format of writing a poster
Some useful expressions
1. There will be a… on… 2. We will have a… at … in… 3. Please come and cheer for them. 4. All are welcome to be present. 5. Come and cheer for your favorite team. 6. No admission fee for members of the club.
Title: Poster / main content of the poster
Specific activity, purpose or significance
time, date, place, details and requirements

Just highlight this text and replace with your own text. Replace this with your text.
Poster title goes here, containing strictly only the essential number of words...
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Left aligned if it refers to a figure on its left. Caption starts right at the top edge of the picture (graph or photo).
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Right aligned if it refers to a figure on its right. Caption starts right at the top edge of the picture (graph or photo).
Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here
Printing and Laminating… Once you have completed your poster, bring it down to MIU for printing. We will produce a A3 size draft print for you to check and proof read. The final poster will then be printed and laminated. Note: Do not leave your poster until the last minute. Allow at least 5 working days before you need to use it. Simply highlight this text and replace. Cost… For poster-printing and laminating charges contact to MIU
英语写作-i海报-poster PPT课件17页文档

42பைடு நூலகம்只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
英语写作-i海报-poster PPT课件
46、寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去 留。
49、勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日 有所长 。
50、环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结 ,箪瓢 屡空, 晏如也 。
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
英语写作-i海报-poster PPT课件
46、寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去 留。
49、勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日 有所长 。
50、环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结 ,箪瓢 屡空, 晏如也 。
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹

20 10 0
b a
20 10
• Contingent responses are additions, modifications and deletions of specific behaviors • We allow for settings with multiple caretakers to guarantee ecological validity (there were either 1 (11.5%) or 2-3 (4.8%) other persons besides the mother)
80 70
d a b/d
a a
contingency rate in %
60 c/d/e
n.s .
n.s .
b/c a/c a/c a/b b
analysis of caretakers’ behavior
b/d a/b/c/ d a
Percentages of child events
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)

1) an English-speaking contest 2) be held 3) the Students’ Union 4) in order to 5) improve ability to … 6) be willing to
7) 参加
7) take part in
8) 报名
8) sign up
(a celebration on Teachers’ Day;a get-together between the Canadian and Chinese friends…)
2. In order to improve our English studies, an English evening will be held in Meeting Hall 2 at 7:00 pm, Thursday May 24 th.
The Students’ Union,
Yucai Senior Middle School
1. There is going to be an English speech contest in the school meeting hall at 2:30 pm, Friday.
9) 担任评判员 9) work as judges
10)be awarded
思考: Write and Improvement
A Poster for an English-Speaking Contest
In order to improve the students’ ability to speak English, an English-speaking contest will be held by our Students’ Union. It will be held at 2 p.m. on May 6th. in No. 1 meeting room. Anyone who is willing to take part please go to your monitor and enter you name for it. Five teachers have been invited to work as judges. The first ten winners will be given awards as an encouragement. All are welcome to be present at the contest.

[1] C.P. Ferri, M. Prince, C. Brayne, H. Brodaty, L. Fratiglioni, M. Ganguli, K. Hall, K. Hasegawa, H. Hendrie, Y. Huang, A. Jorm, C. Mathers, P.R. Menezes, E. Rimmer, M. Scazufca, Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi consensus study, Lancet 366 (2005) 2112–2117. [2] J. Hardy, D.J. Selkoe, The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease: progress and problems on the road to therapeutics, Science 297 (2002) 353 –356. [3] K. Blennow, M.J. de Leon, H. Zetterberg, Alzheimer’s disease, Lancet 368 (20ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ6) 387–403
Figure 2: Tyrosine fluorescence signal of Aβ42 was quenched in the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles.
Figure 3: Tyrosine fluorescence signal of Aβ42 is slightly quenched in the presence of SiO 2 , ZrO 2 , CeO 2 , C60, and C70 nanoparticles.
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国际乒乓球比赛 中国 对 日本 地点: 首都体育馆 时间: 十月三十日晚7:30
票价:30元 售票地点: 青年俱乐部
Read and Simulate
Place: Capital Gymnasium Time: 7:30 p.m., October 30 Fare: 30 yuan Ticket office: The Young Club
Definition of Posters
海报是用来告知广大群众有关戏剧,电影以及球赛等 活动的一种带有宣传广告性质的招贴。 有的还配以绘画 以增加吸引力。
海报正中往往把有关内容作为大字标题,如: Football Match, Film News等字样以提示海报的内容, 无需称呼或注明Poster(海报)等字样。
1. F影ilm讯s:ho《w音: T乐he之S声ou》n英d o语f 音Mu乐si片c 。免费入场! An English music film. Free!
2. S中on央g歌s a舞nd团D歌a舞nc表es演by the Central Song and Dance T时ro间up:e 4o月n A5日pri晚l 57点at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand T地he点at:re上. 海大剧院
正文部分要写清具体内容、活动时间、地点、参加规定、 以及主持或举办单位等。
出海报的单位署名通常放在右下角。 日期位于署名的下一行,靠左下角。
海报不同于其它类型的书面表达,它属于 广告,要求用最短的文字包含最多的信息,以 起到醒目的效果。
因此海报多用省略句、缩略语及类似的语 言,应注意这些语言特点。
江苏大学游泳池将与今年六月十 五日对外开放。开放时间早8:00至晚 10:00;费用成人一小时3块,儿童2 块。自备泳衣。
Simulate and Create
Now you try. I’m sure you can make it.
1. Translate the following into English.
Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561) Everyone is welcome to come and chee
莫失良机! 精彩的国际足球比赛
中国 对 韩国 时间:1月18日下午3:30
Thursday, June 8
The Student Union
Some useful expressions
play drama meeting concert film news volleyball match English evening English-Speaking Contest get-together literature lecture art exhibition
为进一步增强海报的醒目性,一些重要信 息还常常被分行突出,并且在其前面用粗点、 星号等特殊符表示强调。
Friendly Basketball Match
All Are Welcome Organized by the Student Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between the overseas students and the postgraduates on campus basketball court at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 10, 2012.
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: RMB 3 Yuan / hr for an adult
RMB 2 Yuan / hr for a child
Please have swimming suits with yourselves.
June 12, 2012
The President’s Office
地点:首都体育场 票价:30元
请到接待处订票(电话:) 欢迎前往为双方加油!
Read and Simulate
The swimming pool of Jiangsu University will be open to the public from June 15 this year.
Some useful expressions
☆ A football match will be held between … and … ☆ Please contact … for tickets ☆ Tickets are limited for 100. ☆ Basketball fans should be quick. ☆ In case of rain, the match will be cancelled. ☆ Tickets, 5 Yuan for each, are available. ☆ An English feature film. Free! ☆ please come and cheers for them ☆ I hope you don’t miss it
Simulate and Create
Translate the following poster into Chinese.
China vs. Korea
Place: Capital Stadium Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000 Fare: 25 yuan
国际乒乓球比赛 中国 对 日本 地点: 首都体育馆 时间: 十月三十日晚7:30
票价:30元 售票地点: 青年俱乐部
Read and Simulate
Place: Capital Gymnasium Time: 7:30 p.m., October 30 Fare: 30 yuan Ticket office: The Young Club
Definition of Posters
海报是用来告知广大群众有关戏剧,电影以及球赛等 活动的一种带有宣传广告性质的招贴。 有的还配以绘画 以增加吸引力。
海报正中往往把有关内容作为大字标题,如: Football Match, Film News等字样以提示海报的内容, 无需称呼或注明Poster(海报)等字样。
1. F影ilm讯s:ho《w音: T乐he之S声ou》n英d o语f 音Mu乐si片c 。免费入场! An English music film. Free!
2. S中on央g歌s a舞nd团D歌a舞nc表es演by the Central Song and Dance T时ro间up:e 4o月n A5日pri晚l 57点at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand T地he点at:re上. 海大剧院
正文部分要写清具体内容、活动时间、地点、参加规定、 以及主持或举办单位等。
出海报的单位署名通常放在右下角。 日期位于署名的下一行,靠左下角。
海报不同于其它类型的书面表达,它属于 广告,要求用最短的文字包含最多的信息,以 起到醒目的效果。
因此海报多用省略句、缩略语及类似的语 言,应注意这些语言特点。
江苏大学游泳池将与今年六月十 五日对外开放。开放时间早8:00至晚 10:00;费用成人一小时3块,儿童2 块。自备泳衣。
Simulate and Create
Now you try. I’m sure you can make it.
1. Translate the following into English.
Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561) Everyone is welcome to come and chee
莫失良机! 精彩的国际足球比赛
中国 对 韩国 时间:1月18日下午3:30
Thursday, June 8
The Student Union
Some useful expressions
play drama meeting concert film news volleyball match English evening English-Speaking Contest get-together literature lecture art exhibition
为进一步增强海报的醒目性,一些重要信 息还常常被分行突出,并且在其前面用粗点、 星号等特殊符表示强调。
Friendly Basketball Match
All Are Welcome Organized by the Student Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between the overseas students and the postgraduates on campus basketball court at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 10, 2012.
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: RMB 3 Yuan / hr for an adult
RMB 2 Yuan / hr for a child
Please have swimming suits with yourselves.
June 12, 2012
The President’s Office
地点:首都体育场 票价:30元
请到接待处订票(电话:) 欢迎前往为双方加油!
Read and Simulate
The swimming pool of Jiangsu University will be open to the public from June 15 this year.
Some useful expressions
☆ A football match will be held between … and … ☆ Please contact … for tickets ☆ Tickets are limited for 100. ☆ Basketball fans should be quick. ☆ In case of rain, the match will be cancelled. ☆ Tickets, 5 Yuan for each, are available. ☆ An English feature film. Free! ☆ please come and cheers for them ☆ I hope you don’t miss it
Simulate and Create
Translate the following poster into Chinese.
China vs. Korea
Place: Capital Stadium Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000 Fare: 25 yuan