工业工程周跃进专业英语 课文第七章
Chapter 7 Ergonomics 工业工程专业英语 教学课件
1. Physiological Aspects of Human Performance
The principles of reducing the risk of injury:
➢ All work activities should permit the worker to adopt several different, but equally healthy and safe postures;
Unit 2 Physiological and Psychological Activities of Human
1. Physiological Aspects of Human Performance 2. Anthropometry 3. Percentile 4. Application of Anthropometry 5. Impacts of Working Environment 6. Definition and Goal of Engineering Psychology 7. Effects of Working Environment on Safety 8. Mental Health 9. Human Interface with the World of Work
3. Percentile
Percentiles are shown in anthropometry tables and they tell you whether the measurement given in the tables relates to the 'average' person, or someone who is above or below average in a certain dimension.
Operations Research 运筹学Some OR accomplishments运筹学的一些成果在 20 世纪 70 年代到 80 年代之间取得了一些十分突出的重大突破,下面讲述他们如何被应用以及其对经济的影响。
Integrative OR systems集成运筹学系统综合的运筹学成果在 1983 和 1984 年,全美最大的石油独立冶炼和销售公司--citgo 石油公司,将 1985 年超过 4 亿的销售额投资在一个独一无二的全面集成系统中,这个系统将运筹学的数学规划、预测及专家系统结合到了统计和组织理论中。
Citgo 将运筹学系统应用到诸如:天然物资的产品开采,冶炼,供应和配送,运作市场规划,应收应付款,存货控制和制定个人执行目标, Citgo 公司由 1984 年 5000 万的营业损失变为到 1985 年高达 7000 万的营业利润要归功于这个运筹学系统。
Network flow problem网络流问题70 年代时出现了一些突破性的网络流建模和解决问题的方法,并初步形成专业化的解决运输问题及其转化问题的原始单纯形算法。
这些算法表现出了前所未有的效率,速度比最好的网络问题通用线性规划系统快了从 10 到 200 倍——效率完全超越任何计算机硬件。
目前 Agrico、 Ciba-Geigy、 W.R.Grace、International Paper、Kelly-Springfied、Owens-Corning Fiberglass、Quaker Oats and R.G.Sloan 这些公司已成功地将他们的射频数据采集系统耦合到他们建立的网络流模型上,以改善所做的决定的物流成本效益和服务效益。
比如,Agrico 净减少13%周转资金并在 5 年内节省开支43 万美元;据Kelly-Springfied 报道,他们每年可节省 800 万美元以上,Cahil May Roberts 可减少 20%的运输成本和交货。
Understanding the definition of IE
Discipline character: Engineering tech. Research object: systems (macro/micro) Theory & methods: mathematics, natural
Origin and Definition of Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Services Origin of IE Definition of IE
Manufacturing is defined as making of articles by physical labor or machinery,
Modern era of engineering
Beginning in 1750 ,Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century.
The term civil engineer was first used in 1750 military engineering civil engineering mechanical engineering: steam engine electrical science:electricity and magnetism
Science is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge.
e.g.:Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Social science (Behavior science, psychology,
《工业工程专业英语》课程教学大纲课程编号:0803701057课程名称:工业工程专业英语英文名称:Professional English for Industrial Engineering课程类型:专业任选课总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0学分:2适用对象:工业工程专业先修课程:大学英语一、课程性质、目的和任务专业英语是工业工程专业的一门专业课,通过对本课程的学习,进一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读科技英语及本专业英语资料的能力。
三、教学内容及要求1.Introduction to Industrial Engineering了解工业工程的角色,工业工程毕业生的需求,学习本书的目的,掌握工业工程的定义。
2.Work Study工作研究和作业测量是工业工程领域最传统的研究内容。
3.Manufacturing Systems了解制造系统的含义,制造系统的各个组成部分,掌握几种典型的制造系统及成组技术、柔性制造系统、敏捷制造等先进制造系统各自应用范围及特点。
了解CAD,CAM,CAPP 等辅助制造系统在各种制造系统中的应用。
4.Production Planning and Control掌握生产计划的主要内容,体会生产计划在生产系统中的重要性,掌握生产预测、生产计划的制定、生产计划控制的各种原理及方法。
5.Logistics Engineering掌握物流工程中的基本术语。
Chapter 12工业工程专业英语 周跃进
The use of post modifiers
• It is one of the characteristics of scientific literature to use a lot of post modifiers, too. The common modifiers are prepositional phrase, adjective or adjective phrase, adverbial word, individual participle and attributive clause, etc.
Prepositional phrase
The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 由于摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。
Adjective or adjective phrase
Antarctica is a continent very difficult to reach. 南极洲是一块很难到达的大陆。
• (1)Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the necessary software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. • 任何人只要有一台个人电脑,再有一个调制解调 器和必要的软件,就可以把电脑连接到电话线上, 然后就能申请上网。 • (2)The modern digital computer is an electronic machine that can perform mathematical or logical calculations and data processing functions in accordance with a predetermined program of instructions. • 数字计算机是能够完成数字和逻辑运算,并能够 按照事先编制好的程序进行数据处理的电子设备。
作业按标准方法进行时作业速度的快 很快:125%;快:100%
一般:85%; 慢:60%
作业按标准方法进行时所需的最少时 CYCLE TIME×RATING(%) 间
生产产品所需的时间及实际生产中所 用的时间之比
TACT TIME表示作业人员之间作业要素Fra bibliotek平衡程 度的值
1. 基 本 动 作法
-加工、组装 -时间研究
2. PTS 法
- 设 备 运 转 日 -包括距离、 (秒表)
记 数量、时间 2. 间 接 分
2. 观 测 分 析
2. 简 单 工 序分析
析 -PTS
-连续运转分 析
-瞬间观测 法
-只表现时 间
3. FILM 分 析
4. WTR 分 析
1. 作 业 / 空闲/非作业 (主作业/准备 作业)
1. 基 本 分 析符号
2. 辅 助 符 号
1. 可 以 观 1. 人的(机 3. 基 本 动
测、可 分割 器人)标准
-单独、组合作 -用 17 种动作
2. 主 目
第五章 标准时间
第七章 IE 分析方法和用语集
第五章 标准时间
1. IE 分析方法
种类 区分
作业分析 组合作业分析 动作分析
对作业进行观 掌握工序的顺 将构成作业的 掌握分析作业 分析现在的作
UNIT ONEIndust rialEngine ering Educat ion for the 21st Centur y21世纪的工业工程教育The 21st centur y is just a few yearsaway. Strate gic planne rs all over the world a re usingthe year 2000 as the pointfuture busine ss activi ties.Are we all ready f or that time? As the indust rialworldprepar es to meet the techno logic al chall e n gesof the 21st centur y, thereis a need to focuson the people who will take it there. People will be the most import ant of the “man-machin e-materi al” system s compet ing in the next centur y. IEs should play a crucia l role in prepar ing organ i z atio ns for the 21st centur y throug h theirrolesas change initia torsand facil i t ator s. Improv ement s are needed in IE underg radua te educat ion if that role is to be succes sfull y carrie d out.21世纪来临在即,全世界的战略家们把2000年作为商业活动的焦点。
工业工程专业英语--翻译工业工程的真正价值 Real IE ValueIn addition, the IE now has a greater opportunity to concentrate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many companies now recognize as individual departments-including simulation, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.值得一提的是,工业工程现在有更多的机会去集中于现在许多企业已经视为独立的学科的众多领域中的一个-----包括防真学、运筹学、人因学、物料搬运和物流学。
Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准If you are a manufacturer, chances are you have a bill-of-materials (BOM) system to determine standard parts cost. Do you also have an equivalent bill-of-labor system to determine standard labor cost?如果你是一个制造商,你有可能会有一个物料清单系统来确定标准件的成本。
你是否也能得到类似的劳动力清单系统来确定标准的劳动成本,Time study——The most widely used tool to develop standard times is still time study. Time study reflects what is happening in your job or project. It is also easy to learn and use. Now, the PC has made summarization of time study data a matter of seconds instead of hours.时间研究----用来开发标准时间使用最广泛的工具依然是时间研究。
Chapter 10 Human Resources Management工业工程专业英语 周跃进
5. Guide for Designing an EWP
The EWP should be designed to have a page-break just before Review of Work Description/ Performance Plan.
This allows Position Identification Information and Work Description & Performance Plan to be easily copied and shared with other agencies and Department of HRM, without sharing personal development planning or performance evaluation information.
5. Guide for Designing an EWP
The necessary elements: Position Identification Information A Work Description & Performance Plan An Employee Development Plan Review of Work Description/ Performance Plan Employee/Position Identification Information
2. Basic Terms of Performance Management
Domain Results Measures Indicators Organization's Preferred Goals Organization's Preferred Results Aligning Results Weighting Results
six sigma methodology: 6δ法
standard deviation:标准偏差
Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
1. Definitions of Quality 2. Quality in Manufacturing 3. Quality in Service 4. ISO 9000 Series Standards 5. Rules of Certification to QMS 6. Steps of Certification to QMS
Chapter 8 Quality Management
Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
Unit 2 Quality Management and Quality Cost
9. Key Elements of Six Sigma Methodology
The key elements of Six Sigma are:
Customer Satisfaction Defining Processes Defining Metrics and Measures for Processes Using and Understanding Data and Systems Setting Goals for Improvement Team Building and Involving Employees
Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial EngineeringThe Roles of IE工业工程是新兴的经典和新颖的将计算解决复杂和系统性的问题,在今天的高度科技世界职业之一。
The Demand for IE Graduates对于IE 毕业生的需求工业工程课程设计准备的学生,以满足未来中国的经济和和谐社会建设的挑战。
许多即毕业生(IES ),事实上,设计和运行现代制造系统和设施。
其他选择从事服务活动,如健康,Äìcare 交付,金融,物流,交通,教育,公共管理,或咨询等。
The Objectives of the Textbook教科书的目标这本教科书的主要目的是引入系统化的理论和先进的技术和方法,工业工程,以及他们的英语表达有关科目。
Engineering and Science工程与科学怎么这两个词,úindustrial,ùand,úengineering,ùget相结合,形成长期,úindustrial工程,非盟是什么工业工程和其他工程学科之间的关系,企业管理,社会科学为了了解工业工程的作用,在今天,AOS经济和知识为基础的的时代,它是有利于学习,希望在IE的演变历史的发展,有许多半途而废写历史发展的工程。
工业工程专业课程中英文简介财务管理学课程中英文简介 (1)产品虚拟设计与快速制造课程中英文简介 (2)工程经济学课程中英文简介 (3)工效学课程中英文简介 (4)工业工程技术与应用系列专题课程中英文简介 (5)工业工程专业导论课程中英文简介 (6)工业工程专业英语课程中英文简介 (7)供应链管理与物联网技术课程中英文简介 (8)机电系统控制技术课程中英文简介 (9)基础工业工程课程中英文简介 (10)决策分析导论课程中英文简介 (11)企业资源规划课程中英文简介 (12)人力资源管理课程中英文简介 (13)设施规划与物流管理课程中英文简介 (14)生产计划与控制课程中英文简介 (15)生产系统工程课程中英文简介 (16)生产系统建模与仿真课程中英文简介 (17)数据库系统及应用课程中英文简介 (18)项目管理课程中英文简介 (19)运筹学课程中英文简介 (20)制造工程信息集成技术课程中英文简介 (21)制造执行系统课程中英文简介 (22)质量管理学课程中英文简介 (23)财务管理学课程中英文简介课程编码:SC08400400课程中文名称:财务管理学课程英文名称:Financial Management总学时:36学分:2课程简介:财务管理学是一门以提高经济效益为目的、以运筹资金为对象,阐明财务管理的基本理论和基本方法的专业课程。
工业工程专业英语复习资料(段落+专业词汇)工业工程专业英语复习资料一、句子翻译:1. A production system or service includes inputs, transformation, and outputs. Through transformation, the added values are increased and system efficiency and effectiveness are improved.2. Industrial engineering emerged as a profession as result of the industrial revolution and the accompanying need for technically trained people who could plan, organize, and direct the operations of large complex systems.3.Taylor’s original contribution, constituting the beginning of industrial engineering, was his three-phase method of improving efficiency:Analyze and improve the method of performing work, reduce of times required, and set standards for what the times should be.4. Some operations research problems involve a large number of equations –some linear programming solutions, for example-but the complexities of representation in any one of the many equations may, and often do, make the entire set of equations unsolvable.5. The machine to an industrial engineer is a black box that has a production rate, yield rate, required operator skills, process capabilities, and other production system attributes.6. The industrial engineering responsibility involves the integration of workers, machines, materials, information, capital, and managerial know-how into a producing system that will produce the right product, at the right cost, at the right time.7. Process analysis is one of the main contents of methodstudy, by which researchers can completely observe and record the whole production processes and carry out integrated analysis form a macroscopic viewpoint.8. With today’s increasing competition from foreign producers, there has been an increasing effort to establish standards based on facts rather than judgment.9. Accurately establish time standards make it possible to produce more withina given plant, thus increasing the efficiency of the equipment and the operating personnel. Poorly established standards, although better than no standards at all, lead to high cots, labor dissension, and possibly even the failure of enterprise10. A process is any activity or a group of activities that takes one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to them, and provides one or more outputs for its customers.11. Production Planning is the process of converting corporate strategy along with market and financial policy into details for the efficient utilization of the production system.12. A simplified view of the strategic planning process is shown by the following process: Mission and objectives →Environmental scanning→Strategy formulation →Strategy implementation→Evaluation and control.13. The main advantage of the process layout is its comparatively lower machine cost and wider flexibility of work that can be done. Its main disadvantage is time lost traveling to different areas in the building to assemble the various pieces.14. The Council of Logistics Management defined the logistics in 1992 as the process of planning, implementing an controlling the efficient, flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumptionthe purpose of conforming to customer requirements.15. The theory of logistics engineering is the study of analyzing, designing, optimizing and controlling the logistics system as a whole. It utilizes the methods of the industrialengineering and systems engineering. The study of logistics is of great importance in the production practice.16. Ergonomics is scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, date and methods to design in order to optimize human being activities and overall system performance.17. Ergonomics has a wide application to everyday domestic situations, but there are even more significant implications for efficiency, productivity safety and health in work settings.18. Engineering Psychology is defined as the application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to improve the ability of humans to operate more effectively in a technological society.19.Accurately established time standards make it possible to produce more within a given plant, thus increasing the efficiency of the equipment and the operating personnel. Poorly established standards, although better than no standards at all, lead to high costs, labor dissension, and possibly even the failure of the enterprise.20.The roles of IEIndustrial engineering is emerging as one of the classic and novel professions that will be counted for solving complex and systematic problems in the highly technological world of today.作为一种古老和新颖的专业之一,工业工程的出现将用来解决当今高度技术发展的世界所遇到的复杂的系统问题。
by physical labor: a person with hand tools used craft skills to make objects. by machinery: it has played an increasing role.
Modern era of engineering
Beginning in 1750 ,Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century.
The term civil engineer was first used in 1750 military engineering civil engineering mechanical engineering: steam engine electrical science:electricity and magnetism
Science is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge.
e.g.:Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Social science (Behavior science, psychology,
Original of Industrial Engineering
Engineering Science Industry
Engineering is concerned with the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of problems and to the quest for a “better life.”
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Chapter 7 ErgonomicsUnit 1 Introduction to ErgonomicsDefinition of ErgonomicsWhat is ergonomics (sometimes called human factors)? Most people think it is something to do with seating or with the design of car controls and instruments. It is…but it is much more! Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interaction among humans and other element of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human being activities and overall system performance. In other words, ergonomics is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use. Ergonomics is an effective approach which puts human needs and capabilities at the focus of designing technological system. Until now, Ergonomics comes into everything which involves people, such as work systems, sports and leisure, health , safety , and so on.人体工程学的定义什么是人体工程学(有时称为人为因素)?大多数人认为这是什么与阀座或设计的汽车控制和仪器。
Aim of ErgonomicsWhy do some car seats leave you aching after a long journey? why do some computer workstations result in eyestrain and muscle fatigue ? such human inconveniences are not inevitable? what is the aim of ergonomics ? the aim of ergonomics is to ensure that humans and technology work in complete harmony , with the equipment and tasks aligned to human characteristics.人体工程学的目的为什么有些汽车座椅让你疼痛的经过一段漫长的旅程吗?为什么有些电脑工作站导致眼睛疲劳和肌肉疲劳吗?这样的人类不便并不是不可避免的吗?人体工程学的目的是什么?人体工程学的目的是确保人类和技术工作水乳交融,设备和任务对齐到人类的特性。
The ergonomist work in teams which may involve a variety of other professions: design engineers, production engineers, industrial designers, computer specialists, industrial physicians , health and safety practitioners ,and specialists in human resources . the overall aim is to ensure the knowledge of human characteristics is brought to bear on practical problem of people at work and in leisure . in many case ,unsuitable conditions lead often to inefficiency ,error , unacceptable stress ,and physical or mental cost.在团队中工作的工作可能涉及到各种各样的其他职业:设计工程师、生产工程师、工业设计师、电脑专家、工业医师、健康和安全从业人员,人力资源和专家。
Ergonomists study human capabilities in relationship to work demands , contribute to thedesign and evaluation of tasks , jobs , products , environments and systems in order to make them compatible with the needs , abilities and limitations of people . Practicing ergonomists must have a board understanding of the full scope of the discipline . Ergonomics promotes a complete approach which takes considerations of physical , cognitive , environmental , organizational , social and other relevant factors into account .人类工程学家研究人类的能力在工作要求的关系,为设计和评估的任务、工作、产品、环境和系统以使其兼容的需要、能力和局限性的人。
Origins of ErgonomicsThe term “ergonomics” is derived from the Greek words ergon ( means work ) and nomoi (means natural laws ) to express the systems-oriented discipline which now extends across all aspects of human activity .人体工程学的起源“人体工程学”这个词来源于希腊语单词ergon(意味着工作)和nomoi(意味着自然法则)来表达成现在的纪律,跨越了所有方面的人类活动。
Ergonomics is a relatively new branch of science Which originated in the middle of 20th century , but relies on research carried out in many other older, established scientific areas , such as engineering, physiology and psychology in world war 2 ,when scientists designed advanced new and potentially improved systems without fully considering the people who would be using them , it gradually became clear that systems and account if they are to be used safely and effectively . this awareness of people’s requirements resulted in the discipline of ergonomics . the multi-disciplinary nature of ergonomics is immediately obvious.人体工程学是一种相对较新的科学的分支,起源于20世纪中期,而是依靠开展的研究在许多其他年长的、确定的科学领域,如工程、生理学和心理学在二次世界大战,当科学家们设计先进的新的潜在改进系统没有充分全面考虑将使用它们的人,它渐渐清晰,系统和帐户,如果要使用安全并且有效的。
Ergonomics deals with the interaction of technological and work situations with the human being .The basic human sciences involved are anthropometry ,physiology and psychology .These sciences are applied by the ergonomist towards two main objectives :the most productive use of human capabilities ,and the maintenance of human health .In a phrase ,the job must “fit the person ” in all aspects ,and the work situation should b e beyond human capabilities and limitations 人体工程学处理交互的技术和工作情况与人类。