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Millipede Thermalmechanical reading/writing; Polymer media with indentation bit; Millipede cantilever/tip array(4096); 500GB/in2 density.
P. Vettiger, M. Despont, U. Durig, etc., IBM Zurich Research Laboratory 15
Electron spin detection
iOSCAR protocal
• • • •
A major milestone toward the goal of three-dimensional molecular images. Promising for 3-D view of a single protein. The force from an electron spin is only a -18 few attonewtons (10 N). Cantilevers is used for force detection.
Microcantilevers with piezoresisitors
(I) A. Boisen, J. Thaysen, H. Jensenius, O. Hansen, Mikroelektronik Centret, Technical University of Denmark (II) B. Chui, T. Kenny, Stanford University, and, H. J. Mamin, B. Terris, D. Rugar, IBM Almaden Research Center 8
2 Introduction to microcantilevers
Regular microcantilevers
Microcantilever specification:
Materials Si, Si3N4 polymer length (µm) tens~hundreds width (µm) tens Thickness (µm) 0.7~several Spring constant (N/m) 0.001~hundreds Resonant frequency (kHz) 3~100M
Tip Parameters
Full tip cone angle 30° ° Tip height 20 ~ 25 µm Typical t源自文库p radius <10.0 nm
The active probe
containing a ZnO stack 0.25 m Ti/Au, 3.5 m ZnO, 0.25 m Ti/Au ZnO bimorph can be used for statically deflecting the tip oscillating the cantilever self-sensing
Detection principle
(a) (b) (c) Coulomb oscillations as functions of Vtip(a), tip positons(b), and feature changes with Vtip(c).
M. Woodside and P. McEuen, Science 296, 1098 (2002). 11
Applications of microcantilevers
As sensors
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) AFM force sensor; Temperature, heat sensor; Medium viscosity sensor; Mass sensor; Stress sensor; Magnetic sensor.
• MEMS (MST: Micro-System Technology)
Short for micro-electromechanical systems, the name for technology that embeds mechanical devices such as fluid sensors, mirrors, actuators, pressure and temperature sensors, vibration sensors and valves in semiconductor chips. 短的微机电系统中,嵌入技术的名称, 短的微机电系统中,嵌入技术的名称, 如液体传感器,反射镜,激励器,压力和温度传感器, 如液体传感器,反射镜,激励器,压力和温度传感器,振动传感器和 半导体芯片的机械设备阀门MEMS combine many disciplines, 半导体芯片的机械设备阀门 including physics, bioinformatics, biochemistry, electrical engineering, optics and electronics. 物理,生物信息学,生物化学,电气工程,光 物理,生物信息学,生物化学,电气工程, 学和电子
As actuators
Schematics showing the microcantilever as sensors
3 Impressive impressive microcantilever application examples
Detection of single electron
Measurement principle
Sawtooth-like pattern showing the periodicity and unfolding forces
“Everything in biology is mechanical”
Rief M, Gautel M, Oesterhelt F, Fernandez JM, Gaub HE: Reversible unfolding of individual titin immunoglobulin domains by AFM. Science 1997, 276:1109-1112. Oberhauser AF, Marszalek PE, Erickson HP, Fernandez JM: The molecular elasticity of the extracellular matrix protein tenascin. Nature 1998, 393:181-185.
• Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the projected ability to make things from the bottom up, using techniques and tools that are being developed today to place every atom and molecule in a desired place. If this form of molecular engineering is achieved, which seems probable, it will result in a manufacturing revolution. It also has serious economic, social, environmental, and military implications.
Biological sensing & manipulation(1)
Forced unbinding of the avidin-biotin complex
Functionalization of the AFM tip
Curves for force measurement
Avidin-biotin complex formed
AFM anodic oxidation
Array of parallel SiO2 lines
a Ti/TiOx barrier
Applications: nanometer-scale patterning, various devices such as MOSFET, side-gated FET, room-temperature single electron transistor.
1 Microcantilever in MEMS and Nanotechnology 2 Introduction to Microcantilevers 3 Impressive impressive microcantilever application examples
1 MEMS and nanotechnology
Plots showing spin position
D. Rugar, R. Budakian, H. J. Mamin, B. W. Chui, Nature 2004, 430, 329(IBM Almaden Research Center ) 12
AFM anodic oxidation
The most impressive of microcantielver?
• Sensors and actuators are the fundamental and most important elements for MEMS and nanotechnology progress.
AFM manipulation of nanotubes
Non-contact imaging
Plow the nanotube
Bend the nanotube
Stepwise positioning of a nanotube across an insulating barrier
http://www.research.ibm.com/nanoscience/manipulation.html 16
Ⅲ The Microcantilever: 微悬臂梁 An Enabling Element for MEMS & Nanotechnology 纳米技术 Ⅳ Introduction to MEMS Microsensors 微型传感器MEMS的介绍 的介绍

The Microcantilever: An Enabling Element for MEMS & Nanotechnology
Jörg P. Kotthaus, nanophysics group, LMU München. R. García, M. Tello, Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid, CSIC, Isaac Newton, Madrid, Spain. 13
Dip-Pen nanolithography
Florin, E.-L., Moy, V.T. & Gaub, H.E. Science 264, 415 (1994).
Measured forces of different pairs
Biological sensing & manipulation(2)
Reversible unfolding of individual titin
• The microcantilever provides us a unique tool for sensing ultra-small forces in the microscopical world. • Microcantilevers are used as springs in microworld.
Mirkin Group, Northwestern University, http://www.chem.northwestern.edu/~mkngrp/dpn.htm 14
AFM data storage
120 and 40 nm data bit of PMMA on Si