
一、市场营销知识对商务英语专业的重要性市场营销知识是商务英语专业学生必备的基本素养之一,以下是几个重要原因:1. 融合商务和英语能力:市场营销知识涉及到商业领域的综合能力,包括商务战略、销售技巧、沟通能力等。
2. 提升就业竞争力:良好的市场营销能力是企业和组织重视的核心能力之一。
3. 了解市场动态和顾客需求:学习市场营销知识可以让商务英语专业的学生更好地了解市场动态和消费者需求,掌握市场调研和分析的方法,从而指导企业制定更有效的策略和决策。
二、市场营销知识的学习方法为了更好地学习市场营销知识,商务英语专业的学生可以采取以下几种方法:1. 学习课程:选修相关的市场营销课程是最基本的学习方法之一。
2. 参加实践项目:通过参加市场调研项目、实习或暑期实践等实践活动,学生能够将所学的理论知识应用到实际情境中,提升实际操作的能力。
3. 阅读相关书籍和案例:广泛阅读市场营销方面的经典著作、案例分析和行业报告等,有助于学生拓宽视野、增加对市场营销的认识。
4. 参加行业研讨会和讲座:定期参加市场营销领域的行业研讨会和专题讲座,能够接触到最新的市场趋势和行业动态,获取实践经验和专业知识。
5. 学习市场营销工具和技术:掌握市场营销领域的关键工具和技术,如市场调研工具、社交媒体营销、数据分析等,可以提高市场营销能力和竞争力。

知识信息 ,从数量 和质量上都有可能落后于他们所面对 的学
生。 这个调查结果不 能不令人担忧 。 目前互联 网产业 的发展 以 及 电子 商务 的广泛应用 ,很多企业 开展 了以网络为基础 的市 场 营销 ,想要更好地通过 网络手段 与国际企业客户进行生 意 合作 , 必须对英语这个国际性的语言工具掌握得更好 。所有这
作者简 介: 付一凡( 9 2 ) 男 。 18 一 , 河南许 昌人 . 许昌学院外 国语学 院教师 , 硕士 , 研究方 向: 市场 营销。
l 国际化复合型人才 的需求 对
切, 都对我们 的英 语教学 、 资水 平和学生的英语水平提 出 师
了更高 的要求 。
三 、 际 市 场 营 销 学 双 语 教 学 的 问题 国
2 世纪是高新科学技术迅猛发展 的时代。随着世界经济 1
全球化 , 着我 国加入 WT 目前急需 培养大批 高层次 、 随 O, 高素
身于研究大 量的中国案例 ,这无疑给 国际市场营销双语 教学
提过 了大量 的教学研 究资料 , 从而有利 于双语教学地 推进 。另 外 ,学生在学 习这 门课程 之前已经学习 了市场营销学等相关 的营销管理类课程 ,对一 些基 本的概念 和理 论有了一定 的认 识 和理解 , 这也给应用双语给学生上课打下 了基础 。
文献标识码 : A
文 章 编 号 :6 1 7 2 2 1 )4 o 8 — 2 1 7 — 5 X(0 00 一 0 5 0
双 语 教 学 的 界 定
双 语 教 学 (in ule uao ) 指 教 师 在 教 学 过 程 中 使 biga d ctn 是 l i

广告专业英语美国爱荷华大学广告学参考书目网站/%7 Ecommstud/resources/adtexts.html提供以下电子书:(1)《The World of The World of Coca-Cola》by Ted Frie dmanOriginally appeared in Communication Research, Vol. 19 No 5, October 1992, pp. 642-662(2)《Toward A Critical Theory of Advertising》By John Harms The University of Texas at Austin(3)《Torches of Freedom: Themes of Women's Liberatio n in American Cigarette Advertising》(4)《Product Placement as a Marketing Took in Film and Television》 (PDF) An introductory overview by H. Ronald M oser, Layne Bryant and Katie Sylvester, Middle Tennessee St ate University(5)Maldonado, Rachel; Patriya Tanshuj and Darrel D. M uehling. 2003. 《The Impact of Gender on Ad Processing: A S ocial Identity Perspective.》 Available: http://www.amsrevi /articles/maldonado03-2003.pdf(6)/~rabe/adindex.htm《American Advertising History: A Bibliographic Refere nce》学校图书馆提供以下参考书:(7)《How does advertising impact teen behavior》David M. Haugen, book editor F713.8/*6 David M. Haugen, book edito r.文学院资料室(新校)(8)《Advertising and society》 edited by Carol J. Pardun. F713.80/*5外国语学院资料室(新校)(9)《Advertising 》William Wells, John Burnett, Sandra Moriarty = 广告学 : 原理和实务 / 威廉·韦尔斯, 约翰·伯内特,桑德拉·莫里亚蒂著. 北京 : 中国人民大学出版社, 2005. F713. 80/*3=6 经济类图书(新校)(10)《Advertising and integrated brand promotion 》 Th omas C. O'Guinn, Chris T. Allen, Richard J. Semenik = 广告学 / 托马斯·C.奥吉恩, 克里斯·T.艾伦, 理查德·J.西曼尼克著. 大连 : 东北财经大学出版社, 2004.F713.80/*1经济类图书(新校)(11)《Advertising, promotion, & supplemental aspects o f integrated marketing communications》Terence A. Shimp. 北京 : 北京大学出版社 ; 2004. 当代全美MBA经典教材书系(英文影印版) F713.50/*2经济类图书(新校)(12)《Advertising》 Sheils Malovany-Chevallier H319.4/ *70外文.医学书库(北校)(13)《Advertising media planning 》Larry D. Kelley an d Donald W. Jugenheimer. F713.8/*4=2文学院资料室(新校)(14)《Advertising and new media 》 Christina Spurgeon. F713.8/*5文学院资料室(新校)广告专业英语词汇注:红字部分为重点记忆词汇。

《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:060651课程名称:商务英语英文名称:Specialized English in Marketing课程类别:专业选修课学时:36学分:2适用对象:市场营销专业考核方式:考查先修课程:市场营销原理,管理学原理二、课程简介《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)培养学生在市场营销的实际工作以及研究工作中运用英语的能力,课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,扩大学生的知识面,加深学生对商务英语的理解,培养学生对国际商务活动(主要指市场营销活动)的了解和熟悉程度,提高分析能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生在商务领域(主要指市场营销)里运用英语语言技能的能力。
四、教学内容及要求第一讲营销概述(Unit 1 Introduction to Marketing)(一)目的与要求1.本讲要求学生掌握市场营销的一些基本概念,如市场营销、市场营销战略、4P等;2.要求熟悉市场营销的历史发展阶段;3.要求了解市场营销每个历史发展阶段的特点。
(二)教学内容1.主要内容:1)S ome concepts in marketing;2)The evolution of marketing:production era,sales era, marketing era, relationship marketing era3)Case study: strategic issues in Chinese marketing2.基本概念和知识点:基本概念:marketing,marketing strategy,position,segmentation,target market, 4Ps(product, place, price, promotion ), brand value知识点:have some knowledge of the 4Ps in Chinese market3.问题与应用(能力要求): 无。


市场营销专业英语复习资料Chapter1 Marketing Management [营销管理]1、Marketing Management Philosophies [营销管理基本原理] Define:as the analysis,planning,implementation,and control of programs designed to create,build,and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives.2、Five alternative concepts:【五个发展过程(填空)及其中三个观念含义的翻译】1)the production concept[生产观念] It holds the philosophy that consumers will favor those products that are widely available and low in cost. 消费者喜欢那些可以随处买得到而且价格低廉的产品,企业应致力于提高生产效率和分销效率,扩大生产,降低成本以扩展市场。
2)the product concept[产品观念]consumers will favor products that offer the most quality,performance,and innovative features. 消费者喜欢高质量、多功能和具有某种特色的产品,企业应致力于生产高值产品,并不断加以改进。
3)the selling concept[销售观念]Many organizations follow the selling concept,which holds that consumers will not buy enough of the organization's products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. 消费者具有购买惰性或抗衡心理,不会足量购买企业的产品,企业必须积极推销和大力促销,以刺激消费者大量购买本企业产品。


单选:20;单词汉译英:10;单词英译汉:10;句子英译汉:30;阅读:10;作文:20营销英语重点整理一、单词:Marketing management 营销管理New products development 新产品开发Sales channel 销售渠道Public relation 公共关系Consumer behavior 消费者行为Marketing research 营销调研Market segmentation 市场细分Sales promotion 销售促进Allowance 折让Brand awareness 品牌意识Brand extension 品牌扩展Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚Breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度Breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性Buying inertia购买惯性Buying intention 购买意图Market share 市场份额Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度Intensive distribution 密集分销渠道Selective distribution 选择性分销Exclusive distribution 独家分销Intermediaries brand 中间商品牌Wholesaler 批发商Retailer 零售商Department store 百货公司Supermarket 超市Convenience store 便利店Buying inertia 购买惯性Convenience goods 便利品Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度Customers’ preference 顾客偏好Economies of scale 规模经济Global-market expansion 全球市场扩张Growth rate of market 市场增长率Growth stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成长阶段Industry attractiveness 行业吸引Localization strategy 本土化战略Comparative advertisements 比较广告Competition-orientated pricing 竞争导向定价法Customer-orientated pricing 顾客导向定价法Personal selling 人员销售Advertising strategies 广告策略Public relation 公共关系Marketing research 营销调研Product strategy 产品策略Product mix 产品组合The marketing concept 营销观念Consumer market 消费者市场Customer satisfaction 顾客满意Total customer value 顾客总价值Marketing environment 营销环境Market segmentation strategy 市场细分策略Market targeting strategy 目标市场策略Market positioning strategy 市场定位策略Product life cycle 产品市场寿命周期The selling /sales concept 销售观念The product concept 产品观念Marketing management philosophy 市场营销观念Societal marketing concept 社会营销观念Macro-marketing environment 宏观营销环境Product mix 产品组合Customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度Market targeting 目标市场选择Niche-market strategy 利基市场战略Personal selling 人员推销Price discrimination 价格歧视Potential customer 潜在顾客Potential market 潜在市场Product development 产品开发Product positioning 产品定位Segmentation criteria 细分标准Specialty goods 特殊产品二、句子:1、The societal marketing concept holds that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets. It should then deliver superior value to customers in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and the society’s well-being. The societal marketing concept is the newest of the five marketing management philosophies.翻译:社会营销观念认为一个组织应该确定目标市场的需求和兴趣,然后应以一种方式向顾客提供最大价值,这种方式必须保持和改进消费者及整个社会的福利水平。

昆明学院《专业英语》课程教学大纲(适用电气专业)(共 32 学时)一、课程的性质、地位、任务和教学目标(一)课程的性质和地位专业英语是电气工程及其自动化的通识教育公共必修课程之一,随着国际交流的日益广泛,专业英语的重要性也日渐明显。
(二)课程的主要任务课程的主要任务从以下三个方面体现:1. 专业词汇领会掌握250-300个本专业单词,以及由这些词构成的常用词组200-250个,并具有按构词语法识别生词的能力。
2. 阅读翻译能力借助工具书,能流利阅读本专业的英文书籍及相关资料,并有一定的翻译能力。
3. 英文摘要写作与学术交流能力具有初步的英文摘要写作与学术交流能力。
三、课程教学内容纲要第一章:Fundamentals of Electric Circuits【目的和要求】掌握课文及专业英文的语法特点和词汇特点。
【教学内容】1.1 Current and Voltage1.2 Circuit Elements1.3 Ohm’s Law1.4 Kirchhoff’s Laws1.5 Basic Analysis Methods1.6 Sinusoidal AC Circuit Analysis and Three-Phase Circuit【重点和难点】1)The relation between power and energy2)Independent sources3)How to use Kirchhoff’s current law and voltage law?4)Nodal analysis5)Balanced three-phase Voltage第二章:Electronics【目的和要求】掌握课文及词义选择、词义的引申和长难句的翻译。

alternative evaluation:可选性衡量
cognitive dissonance:不平衡感
evoked set:应激集合
information search:信息搜寻
need recognition:确认需求
postpurchase behavior:购后行为
句子翻译 2.那么,就可以通过强化或增加产品,服务,人员和利益供应来增加顾客总价值。 It can try to increase total customer value by strengthening or augmenting the product, services, personnel, or image benefits of the offer. 4.相对于购买者的期望值来说,顾客的满意度更依赖于产品的性能。 Customer satisfaction with a purchase depends on the product’s performance relative to a buyer’s expectations. 5.顾客总价值通常包括消费者预先付出的时间,体力和精神价值。 Total customer cost also includes the buyer’s anticipated time, energy, and psychic costs. 8.这样,营销就不再是指销售的概念。在新的观念下,营销是为设计和管理一个高级的价值
让渡系统以达到目标顾客细分而存在的。 Thus marketing no longer means “selling.” Under the new view, marketing is responsible for designing and managing a superior value delivery system to reach target customer segments. Unit4

市场营销专业学生英语自我介绍Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name] and I am a marketing major student. I am excited to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all of you.I chose to study marketing because I have always been fascinated by the way companies promote and sell their products. I believe that marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, and I am eager to learn as much as I can about this field.During my time at university, I have been actively involved in various marketing-related activities. I have participated in marketing workshops, interned at a marketing agency, and even organized marketing events on campus. These experiences have not only deepened my understanding of marketing principles, but also allowed me to develop practical skills that I believe will be valuable in my future career.In addition to my academic and extracurricular activities, I am also passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and technologies. I enjoyreading marketing blogs, attending industry conferences, and engaging in online discussions about marketing strategies. I believe that keeping abreast of the latest developments in marketing is essential for success in this fast-paced and dynamic field.In the future, I aspire to pursue a career in digital marketing. I am particularly interested in leveraging social media, content marketing, and data analytics to create impactful marketing campaigns. I am also keen on exploring how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality can be integrated into marketing strategies.Overall, I am a dedicated and ambitious marketing student who is eager to learn, grow, and make a positive impact in the marketing industry. I am confident that my passion for marketing, combined with the knowledge and skills I have acquired, will enable me to excel in my future endeavors.大家好,我叫[你的名字],是一名市场营销专业的学生。

Corporations may raise funds in capital markets by selling bonds, preferred stock ,and common stock. Other capital market instruments include US Treasury notes and bonds, mortgages, term loans, and leases.
Underwriting is the act of buying a new security from a company and reselling it to investors.
11.Manipulate 操纵 12.Privately held corporation 私人控股公司
此外,她还是华盛顿邮报 公司的一名董事。
7. 推出Windows 95
Windows 95的营销费 用令人惊异,为了宣传和 推广这款操作系统,微软 估计投入了3亿美元资金, 这还不包括因使用“滚石” 乐队的《Start Me Up》作 为广告音乐付出的数百万 美元版费。最值得一提的 是,就连纽约帝国大厦的 顶上也竖起了闪烁微软 Windows 95商标的霓虹彩 灯。
Words study
Salomon Smith Barney 所罗门美邦投资公司 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 摩根士丹利-添惠 公司 Goldman Sachs 高盛公司 Merrill Lynch 美林公司

Idea ScreeningThe primary function of the ideas screening process is twofold:first,to eliminate ideas of new products that could not be profitably marketed by the firm,and second,to expand viable ideas into full product concepts.New product ideas may be eliminated either because they are outside the fields of the firm’s interest or because the firm does not have the necessary resources or technology to produce the product at a profit.Generally speaking,the organization has to consider three categories of risk(and its associated risk tolerance)in the idea screening phase prior to reaching a decision: 1.Strategic risk.Strategic risk involves the risk of not matching the role or purpose of a new product with a specific strategic need or issue of the organization.If an organization feels it necessary to develop certain types of radical innovations or products new to the company in order to carry out long-term strategies,then management must be willing to dedicate necessary resources and time to pursue these type projects.2.Market risk.Market risk is the risk that a new product won’t meet a market need in a value-added,differentiated way.As products are being developed,customer requirements change and new technologies evolve.Management must be willing and able to shift its new product efforts to keep pace with change.3.Internal risk.Internal risk is the risk that a new product won't be developed within the desired time and budget. Up front,management must decide the level of commitment it will extend in terms of time and budgetary expenditures to adequately ensure the completion of specific projects. Concurrently,progress goals must be established so that "proceed" or "do not proceed" decisions can be reached regarding continuation of projects.In evaluating these risks,firms should not act hastily in discounting new product ideas solely because of a lack of resources or expertise.Instead,firms should consider forming joint or strategic alliances with other firms.A strategic alliance is a long-term partnership between two organizations designed to accomplish the strategic goals of both parties. Potential benefits to be gained from alliances include (1) increased access to technology,funding,and information;(2)market expansion and greater penetration of current markets;and(3)de-escalated competitive rivalries.Motorola is a company that has prospered by forming numerous joint ventures with both American and foreign companies.Ideas that appear to have adequate profit and offer the firm a competitive advantage in the market should be accepted for further study.创意筛选创意筛选过程的主要功能是双重的:首先,消除不能由公司来销售获利的新产品理念,二是扩大可行的理念融入到整个产品的概念中。

市场营销专业英语教程第十五版1. 前言市场营销专业英语教程第十五版,作为市场营销专业学生的必备教材,涵盖了市场营销领域的核心知识和专业英语技能。
2. 教材内容评估市场营销专业英语教程第十五版的内容涵盖了市场营销的基本概念、原理、方法和技巧,同时还包括了大量的案例分析和实践操作。
3. 教材特点评估在市场营销专业英语教程第十五版中,作者注重传授实用技能和专业知识的结合,通过大量的案例分析和实践操作,帮助学生将理论知识转化为实际操作能力。
4. 教材意义分析市场营销专业英语教程第十五版不仅适用于市场营销专业学生,也适合从业人员和对市场营销感兴趣的人士阅读。
5. 个人观点市场营销专业英语教程第十五版作为市场营销领域的经典教材,对于学习市场营销和提高英语水平都具有重要的意义。
6. 总结通过对市场营销专业英语教程第十五版的深入评估与分析,我们对这一教材的内容、特点和意义有了更加清晰的认识。

专业英语单词整理CHAPTER 11. marketing mix 市场营销组合2. target market 目标市场3. marketing environment 市场营销环境4. demographic environment 人口环境economic environment 经济环境natural environment 自然环境cultural environment 文化环境5. social class 社会阶层6. references groups 参照群体7. open up a new market 开辟新市场8. purchasing / buying power 购买力9. field survey 实地调查CHAPTER 2 (书24页)Executive Overview 执行概要market analysis 市场分析current situation 当前市场状况trends in the market 市场趋势market segments 市场细分target market and customers 目标市场与顾客Competitive Analysis 竞争分析industry overview 行业概况changes in the industry 行业变化趋势primary competitors 主要竞争对手competitive products/services 竞争性的产品与服务strength,weaknesses,opportunities,threats(企业本身的)优势与劣势及所面临的机会与威胁Goals and Objectives 目标financial objectives 财务目标marketing objectives 营销目标Marketing Strategy 营销战略positioning 定位product 产品pricing 定价distribution 分销advertising 广告service 服务communications/promotion 宣传与促销Action Plan and Implementation 行动方案与实施assignments 任务key personnel 主要人员budget 预算schedule 进度表Profit and Loss Projection 预计的损益表cash flow projection 预计的现金流量表balance sheet projection 预计的资产负债表Evaluation and Control 评估与控制lead tracking systems 引导跟踪系统sales reviews 销售评估monitoring 调整CHAPTER 31. competitive edge 竞争优势2. corporate culture 企业文化3. customer loyalty 顾客忠诚4. brand recognition 品牌知名度5. after-sales service 售后服务6. market share 市场份额,市场占有率7. market share goal 市场占有率目标8. market size 市场规模9. age groupings 年龄段10. spending power 购买力11. buying habits 消费习惯CHAPTER 41. exclusive channel 独家分销selective channel 选择性分销intensive channel 密集性分销2. direct channel 直接渠道indirect channel 间接渠道3. channel level 渠道层次4. bulk breaking 整买散卖5. a listing fee 进场费6. list price 价格表中的价格7. sales rebate 销售折扣8. credit standing 信用状况9. economies of scale 规模经济10. joint venture 合资企业11. shelf life 保质期12. retail format 零售业态13. channel captain 渠道领袖14. channel fit 渠道适应性15. channel length 渠道长度16. channel width 渠道宽度17. channel functions 渠道功能18. channel members 渠道成员。
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第 1 页共 3 页
【讲授新课】第8章国际市场营销Quotation: “The last stage of fitting the product to the market is fitting the market to the product.”Clive James, Australian write r and broadcaster Starting up: What products do you know that are marketed internationally? Discuss these questions. (group work) What are the advantages for a company of expanding beyond its domestic market? What kinds problem do companies face when they go international? What methods can companies use to enter overseas markets? Vocabulary: (A) Complete the statements with suitable marketing expressions from the box. buying habits, economic situation, government bureaucracy, income distribution,
monetary regulations, political stability 1. Because
of tight_______________________________ company
profits could not be taken out of the country. 2. Red
tape(繁琐手续)and other examples of
_______________________ hinder a company’ s entry
into a market. 3.The country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyed __________________for the
last 50 years. 4. The purchasing behaviour of consumers can be described as their ______________.
5. The ______________________ is improving leading
to a rise in employment. 6. _____________________ is
a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country. (C) Look at the words and phrases below. Choose the odd one out. a) growing market c) expanding market b) developing market d) declining market 第 2 页共 3 页
2.a) intermediary c) wholesaler b) exporter
d) distributor 3.a) opinion poll c) spot check(现场检查)
b) focus group d) survey 4.a) market sector c)
market segment b) market potential d) market niche 5.a) international market c) domestic market b) overseas market
d) worldwide market 6.a) launch a product c) bring out a
product b) introduce a product d) exhibit a product 7.a) intermediary c) wholesaler b) distributor d) exporter 8. a) point of sale c) end user b) retail outlet d) sales network Reading comprehension and discussion: Coffee culture comes to coffee-growers CASE STUDY: Zumo-creating a global brand Read the case Fill up table of background
of the case. Discussion 第 3 页共 3 页。