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二、 II读音选词根据所给句意和音标,从每题A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(5分)

1. I have a lovely _________/pet/.His name is Jacky.()

A pen

B pig

C pet

D put

2. My favorite show is at eight,I don't want to ________/mIs/it.()

A miss

B make

C mix

D meet

3. Go along the_______/rəʊd/and turn left.You'll see a bookstore in front of you.()

A red

B road

C ride

D read

4. We should eat more vegetables and fruit to keep___________/ˈhelθI/.()

A happen

B happily

C hardly

D healthy

5. Talking with foreigners is a good way to _________/Imˈpru:v/our English.()

A important

B invite

C improve

D impolite

三、 III 选择填空从每题A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(30分)

6. ﹣Gina,do you like playing_______guitar?

﹣Yes,I do.()

A a

B an

C the

D /

7. Song Joong﹣ki is becoming one of__________actors in Korea.()

A popular

B more popular

C the most popular

D much popular

8. ﹣Why do you look so excited,Timmy?

﹣I've just got a good________.()

A news

B job

C advice

D work

9. ﹣Whose iPhone 6is this?

﹣_______,thanks a lot.I am looking for it here and there.()

A Me


C Mine

D Myself

10. Let's do it _________.There is only five minutes left.()

A slowly

B quickly

C hardly

D politely

11. Mike and his friends are going to the ______ to see the new movie tonight.

A bookshop

B restaurant

C cinema

D concert

12. ﹣Listen!Someone is talking in the meeting room.

﹣It________be Thomas.He has gone to Europe.()

A may

B needn't

C must

D can't

13. Money is very important_________it's not the most important thing in our life.()

A or

B and

C but

D so

14. ﹣Is she a teacher or a nurse?

﹣__________.She has worked in the hospital for three years.()

A Yes,she is

B She's a nurse

C No,she isn't

D She's a teacher

15. ﹣Sorry,I don't have enough money to buy the watch.

﹣Look!We have some other watches here.They're _______and nice.()

A big

B old

C cheap

D small

16. The well﹣known actor often plays _________his children in the park.()

A with

B in

C about

D at

17. It's getting dark outside,could you please _______the light?()

A put on

B get on

C turn on

D work on

18. ﹣______can I give out"Red envelope"(红包)on WeChat?

﹣Let me show you.()

A Why

B How

C Where

D What

19. ﹣Which do you like better,juice or coffee?

﹣__________is O

K Thank you!() A Both B Neither C Either D All

20. The boy saved all his classmates in the earthquake.________brave he was!()

A What

B What an

C How

D How a

21. Kobe played his last game in NBA several days ago,do you know which game he was in?()


22. ﹣Excuse me,where can I buy a skirt?

﹣You can go to the Women's Clothing Store on _______floor.()

A twice

B two

C second

D the second

23. ﹣It seems that Jacky has nothing to do at the moment.

﹣Let me give him ________to read.()

A everything

B nothing

C something

D anything

24. The silk dress ________so smooth.It's made in China.()

A tastes

B smells

C feels

D sounds

25. ﹣How long does it _________to get to the village by bus?

﹣About two hours.()

A spend

B cost

C pay

D take

26. ﹣When ______you come to Jinan?

﹣Two years ago.I have been here for two years.()

A do

B will

C did

D were

27. Her brother is only two years old,so he is ______young ________dress himself.()

A as; as

B so; that

C too; to

D so; as

28. If everyone plays a part in protecting the environment,our world ________more and

more beautiful.()

A become

B becomes

C became

D will become

29. ﹣Thanks for supporting me when I am in trouble.

﹣__________!We're good friends,aren't we?()

A My pleasure

B All right

C That sounds good

D That's right

30. ﹣I have an ipad and I put it to good use.


A So do I

B So am I

C Neither do I

D Neither am I

31. Don't ________in the room,it's bad for our health.()

A smokes

B .smoking

C .smoke

D .to smoke

32. The movie is so interesting that I don't ________seeing it again tomorrow.()

A stand

B mind

C keep

D love
