
Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Into the Unknown The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope? [A] Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis” , it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable. [B] For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare. [C] Since then the debate has become less emotional, not least because a lot more is known about the subject. Books, conferences and research papers have multiplied. International organisations such as the OECD and the EU issue regular reports. Population ageing is on every agenda, from G8 economic conferences to NATO summits. The World Economic Forum plans to consider the future of pensions and health care at its prestigious Davos conference early next year. The media, including this newspaper, are giving the subject extensive coverage. [D ] Whether all that attention has translated into sufficient action is another question. Governments in rich countries now accept that their pension and health-care promises will soon become unaffordable, and many of them have embarked on reforms, but so far only timidly. That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on the next election will hardly rush to introduce unpopular measures that may not bear fruit for years, perhaps decades. [E ] The outline of the changes needed is clear. To avoid fisca(财政的)meltdown, public pensions and health-care provision will have to be reined back severely and taxes may have to go up. By far the most effective method to restrain pension spending is to give people the opportunity to work longer, because it increases tax revenues and reduces spending on pensions at the same time. It may even keep them alive longer. John Rother, the AARP’s head of policy and strategy, points to studies showing that other things being equal, people who remain at work have lower death rates than their retired peers. [F] Younger people today mostly accept that they will have to work for longer and that their pensions will be less generous. Employers still need to be persuaded that older workers are worth holding on to. That may be because they have had plenty of younger ones to choose from, partly thanks to the post-war baby-boom and partly because over the past few decades many more women have entered the labour force, increasing employers’ choice. But the reservoir of women able and willing to take up paid work is running low, and the baby-boomers are going grey. [G] In many countries immigrants have been filling such gaps in the labour force as have already emerged (and remember that the real shortage is still around ten years off). Immigration in the developed world is the highest it has ever been, and it is making a useful difference. In still-fertile America it currently accounts for about 40% of total population growth, and in fast-ageing western Europe for about 90%. [H] On the face of it, it seems the perfect solution. Many developing countries have lots of young people in need of jobs; many rich countries need helping hands that will boost tax revenues and keep up economic growth. But over the next few decades labour forces in rich countries are set to shrink so much that inflows of immigrants would have to increase enormously to compensate: to at least twice their current size in western Europe’s most youthful countries, and three times in the older ones. Japan would need a large multiple of the few immigrants it has at present. Public opinion polls show that people in most rich countries already think that immigration is too high. Further big increases would be politically unfeasible. [I] To tackle the problem of ageing populations at its root, “old” countries would have to rejuvenate(使年轻) themselves by having more of their own children. A number of them have tried, some more successfully than others. But it is not a simple matter of offering financial incentives or providing more child care. Modern urban life in rich countries is not well adapted to large families. Women find it hard to combine family and career. They often compromise by having just one child. [J] And if fertility in ageing countries does not pick up? It will not be the end of the world, at least not for quite a while yet, but the world will slowly become a different place. Older societies may be less innovative and more strongly disinclined to take risks than younger ones. By 2025 at the latest, about half the voters in America and most of those in western European countries will be over 50—and older people turn out to vote in much greater number than younger ones. Academic studies have found no evidence so far that older voters have used their power at the ballot box to push for policies that specifically benefit them, though if in future there are many more of them they might start doing so. [K] Nor is there any sign of the intergenerational warfare predicted in the 1990s. After all, older people themselves mostly have families. In a recent study of parents and grown-up children in 11 European countries, Karsten Hank of Mannheim University found that 85% of them lived within 25km of each other and the majority of them were in touch at least once a week. [L] Even so, the shift in the centre of gravity to older age groups is bound to have a profound effect on societies, not just economically and politically but in all sorts of other ways too. Richard Jackson and Neil Howe of America’s CSIS, in a thoughtful book called The Graying of the Great Powers, argue that, among other things, the ageing of the developed countries will have a number of serious security implications. [M] For example, the shortage of young adults is likely to make countries more reluctant to commit the few they have to military service. In the decades to 2050, America will find itself playing an ever-increasing role in the developed world’s defence effort. Because America’s population will still be growing when that of most other developed countries is shrinking, America will be the only developed country that still matters geopoliticallyi 地缘政治上). Ask me in 2020 [ N] There is little that can be done to stop population ageing, so the world will have to live with it. But some of the consequences can be alleviated. Many experts now believe that given the right policies, the effects, though grave, need not be catastrophic. Most countries have recognised the need to do something and are beginning to act. [ O] But even then there is no guarantee that their efforts will work. What is happening now is historically unprecedented. Ronald Lee, director of the Centre on the Economics and Demography of Ageing at the University of California, Berkeley, puts it briefly and clearly: “We don’t really know what population ageing will be like, because nobody has done it yet. ” 46. Employers should realise it is important to keep older workers in the workforce. 47. A recent study found that most old people in some European countries had regular weekly contact with their adult children. 48. Few governments in rich countries have launched bold reforms to tackle the problem of population ageing. 49. In a report published some 20 years ago, the sustainability of old age pension systems in most countries was called into doubt. 50. Countries that have a shortage of young adults will be less willing to send them to war. 51. One-child families are more common in ageing societies due to the stress of urban life and the difficulties of balancing family and career. 52. A series of books, mostly authored by Americans, warned of conflicts between the older and younger generations. 53. Compared with younger ones, older societies tend to be less innovative and take fewer risks. 54. The best solution to the pension crisis is to postpone the retirement age. 55. Immigration as a means to boost the shrinking labour force may meet with resistance in some rich countries. Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 中国新年是中国最重要的传统节⽇,在中国也被称为春节。
最新 2014年6月大学英语六级考试翻译解题攻略-精品

(1) 词义选择所谓词义选择,是指词本来就有这个意思,问题是要我们将其在特定场合的正确意思选出来。
(2) 词类的转换词类转换是汉译英常用的一种手段。
① 动词转名词汉语中名词使用比较频繁,而且名词既没有时态变化的约束,也没有谓语动词和非谓语动词的形式之分,名词甚至可以充当句子的各种成分。
② 动词转介词介词与名词密切相关,英语名词的广泛使用使得介词得以频繁出现。
③ 动词转形容词汉语的一些动词也常常可以用英语的形容词来表达,这些形容词通常是与动词同源的词,这样的译文有时比直接使用动词更地道、标准。

中国文化之饮茶The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger.参考译文:中国人饮茶,注重一个"品"字。

参考译⽂:(新东⽅在线、北京新东⽅学校卢根⽼师)Since the reform in 1978, with the rapid development of economy and society, Chinese economy has transferred into market economy from command economy. The average 10% growth of GDP has lifted more than 500 million people out of poverty. The Millennium Goal of the U.N. has been fully or partially achieved throughout China. At present, the 12th Five-year Plan in China emphasizes the development of service industry and the solution of imbalance of environment and society. The government has set goals to reduce pollution, enhance energy efficiency, improve educational opportunities and medical insurance and expand social security. The 7% growth annual goal demonstrates that the government is concentrating on the quality of life rather than the speed of growth.原题⼆:中国将努⼒确保到2015年就业者接受过平均13.3年的教育。

2014年6月大学英语六级真题及答案完整版PartI Writing ( 30minutes)Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put allyour eggs in one basket. You can give examples to illustrate your point .Youshould write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise a person bytheir appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You shouldwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump toconclusions upon seeing or hearing something. You can give examples toillustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than200words.Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,youwill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of eachconversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each questionthere will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices markedA),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark thecorrespondingletter on Answer Sheet1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

2014 年年英语六级真题A 节方向:在本节中,你将听到8 短对话和 2 长时间谈话。
他们可能是赃物的 1.A)B)他们可能是假冒产品C)他们可能是有缺陷的产品D)他们可能好走私2.A) 他们是公务员B)他们是求职者C)他们都是记者D)他们是公众演讲3.A)人已决定辞去他的电脑课B)女人想要获得学位的管理C)计算机学位是一个必须为行政工作D)男人去换他的计算机课的时间4.A)大量的参赛者参加演出B) 第五届的参赛者赢得了最高奖C)那不是如他所预期的一样令人兴奋D)它是由一个汽车制造商赞助5.)阅读报纸专栏B)看着一张火车时刻表C)驾驶从纽约到波士顿D)等待在机场的人6.)他穿着一件外套,在商场里买了B)他在理发店里得到一份新工作C)他了一根手指,昨晚受伤D)他昨天剪了头发7.)他不能欣赏毕加索的画展B)甚至是他的外甥可以抽奖,毕加索C)他不是对现代绘画印象颇深D)一些图纸由幼儿园的小朋友都是优秀8.A)他不应该本末倒置B)他的行为不符合他的话C)他向学生政府的态度已经改变了D)他很久以来参与学生会9 到11 的问题都基于你刚才听到的谈话9.A)她离开她自己的车停在曼彻斯特B)什么地方出毛病用她的车C)她想要在周末去旅行D)她车上拿下,t 是早在一周的时间10.A)安全B)大小C)安慰D)成本11.A)第三方保险B)增值税C)汽油D)车损险问题12 到15 基于你刚才听到的谈话12.A)如何更新基本设施B)怎样做才能提高他们的地位C)在哪里可以找到他们的植物D)如何吸引投资13.A) 他们与其他欧洲国家联系的路是快速B)他们都设在法国南部C)他们都非常靠近彼此D)其基本的设施都很好懂得可真) 尽量避免作出草率的决定B)利用到列车链接C)与地方当局的谈话D)先进行田野调查15.A) 未来产品分布B)本地工人的就业政策C)公路和铁路的链接,为小城镇的D)熟练的员工队伍,丘陵区B 节方向:在这部分中,你会听到 3 短的段落。

2014 年 6 月英语六级真题及答案Part I WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese Yo u should write at Chinese. least 120 words following the outline given belo w:1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象;2.出现这种现象的原因和后果;3我认为,Given Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of ChinesePart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minute s)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage qu ickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choo se the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For qu estions 8-10, complete the sen-tences with the information given in the pas sage. Welcome,Freshmen. Have an iPod.Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, so me colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-cap able iPods to their students.The always-on Internet devices raise some novel possibilities, like tracking where students gather together. With far less controversy, colleges could s end messages about canceled classes, delayed buses, campus crises or just the cafeteria menu.While schools emphasize its usefulness —online research in class and inst ant polling of students, for example — a big part of the attraction is, undou btedly, that the iPhone is cool and a hit with students. Being equipped with one of the most recent cutting-edge IT products could just help a college o r university foster a cutting-edge reputation.Apple stands to win as well, hooking more young consumers with decadesof technology pur- chases ahead of them. The lone losers, some fear, could be professors.Students already have laptops and cell phones, of course, but the newest de vices can take class distractions to a new level. They practically beg a user to ignore the long-suffering professor strug- gling to pass on accumulated wisdom from the front of the room — a prospect that teachers find most irr itating and students view as, well, inevitable.“ When it gets a little boring, I might pull it out,‖acknowledged Naomi P ugh, a first-year student at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Ter m., referring to her new iPod Touch, which can connect to the Internet ove r a campus wireless network. She speculated that professors might try even harder to make classes interesting if they were to compete with the devices. Experts see a movement toward the use of mobile technology in educati on, though they say it is in its infancy as professors try to come up with us eful applications. Providing powerful hand- held devices is sure to fuel deb ates over the role of technology in higher education.“ We think this is the way the future is going to work,‖said Kyle Dickson, co-director of re- search and the mobile learning initiative at Abilene Chris tian University in Texas, which has bought more than 600 iPhones and 300 iPods for students entering this fall.Although plenty of students take their laptops to class, they don’t take the m everywhere and would prefer something lighter. Abilene Christian settle d on the devices after surveying students and finding that they did not like hauling around their laptops, but that most of them always carried a cell ph one, Dr. Dickson said.It is not clear how many colleges and universities plan to give out iPhones and iPods this fall; officials at Apple were unwilling to talk about the subje ct and said that they would not leak any institution plans’s.“ We can’t announce other people’s news,‖saidGreg Joswiak, vice presid ent of iPod and iPhone marketing at Apple. He also said that he could not d iscuss discounts to universities for bulk purchases.At least four institutions — the University of Maryland, Oklahoma Christi an University, Abilene Christian and Freed-Hardeman — have announced t hat they will give the devices to some or all of their students this fall.Other universities are exploring their options. Stanford University has hire d a student-run com-pany to design applications like a campus map and dir ectory for the iPhone. It is considering whether to issue iPhones but not sur e it, snecessary, noting that more than 700 iPhones were registered on the u niversity network’s last year.At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, iPhones might alreadyhave been everywhere, if AT&T, the wireless carrier offering the iPhone in the United States,had a more reliable network, said Andrew Yu, mobile devices platform pro ject manager at M.I.T.“ We would have probably gone ahead with this, maybe just getting a thou sand iPhones and giving them out, ‖Mr. Yusaid.The University of Maryland at College Park is proceeding cautiously, givi ng the iPhone or iPod Touch to 150 students, said Jeffrey Huskamp, vice p resident and chief information officer at the university. ― Wedon’t think tha t we have all the answers, Mr‖. Huskamp said. By observing how students use the gadgets, he said,― We’ retrying to get answers from the students. ‖ At each college, the students who choose to get an iPhone must pay for mo bile phone service. Those service contracts include unlimited data use. Both the iPhones and the iPod Touch devices can connect to the Internet throu gh campus wireless networks. With the iPhone, those networks may provid e faster connections and longer battery life than A T&T’s data network. Many cell phones allow users to surf the Web, but only some newer ones are c apable of wireless connection to the local area computer network. University officials say that they have no plans to track their students (and Apple said it would not be possible unless students give their permission). They say that they are drawn to the prospect of learning applications outsid e the classroom, though such lesson plans have yet to surface.“ My colleagues and I are studying something called augmented reality (a field of computer research dealing with the combination of real-world and virtual reality), said‖ Christopher Dede, professor in learning technologies at Harvard University. ― AlienContact, for‖ example, is an exer- cise develo ped for middle-school students who use hand-held devices that can determi ne their location. As they walk around a playground or other area, text, vid eo or audio pops up at various points to help them try to figure out why ali ens were in the schoolyard.“ You can imagine similar kinds of interactive activities along historical li nes, ‖like following the Freedom Trail in Boston, Professor Dede said.― It’s important that we do research, so that we know how well something like this works. ‖The rush to distribute the devices worries some professors, who say that st udents are less likely to participate in class if they are multi-tasking. ― I ’m n ot someone who’s anti-technology, but I,m always worried that technology becomes an end in and of itself, and it replaces teaching or it replaces analysis,, said’Ellen Millender, associate professor of classics at Reed College in Portland, Ore. (She added that she hoped to buy an iPhone for herself on ce prices fall.)Robert Summers, who has taught at Cornell Law School for about 40 years,announced this week — in a detailed, footnoted memorandum — that he would ban laptop computers from his class on contract law.“ I would ban that too if I knew the students were using it in class, Profes‖sor Summers said of the iPhone, after the device and its capabilities were e xplained to him. ― Whatwe want to encour- age in these students is an activ e intellectual experience, in which they develop the wide range of complex reasoning abilities required of good lawyers. ‖The experience at Duke University may ease some concerns. A few years a go, Duke began giving iPods to students with the idea that they might use t hem to record lectures (these older models could not access the Internet).“ We had assumed that the biggest focus of these devices would be consu ming the content, said‖ Tracy Futhey, vice president for informationtechn ology and chief information officer at Duke.But that is not all that the students did. They began using the iPods to creat e their own ― content, making‖ audio recordings of themselves and presenti ng them. The students turned what could have been a passive interaction in to an active one, Ms. Futhey said. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。

1. With the rapid development of technology, remote work has become increasingly popular among young professionals.2. The novel coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted the global economy, leading to a surge in unemployment rates.3. Environmental conservation is a critical issue thatrequires the collective efforts of governments, businesses, and individuals alike.4. The company's new marketing strategy has been successfulin attracting a younger demographic to their products.5. In order to promote cultural exchange, the university has established partnerships with several institutions abroad.二、翻译答案1. 随着科技的快速发展,远程工作在年轻专业人士中越来越受欢迎。
2. 新型冠状病毒大流行对全球经济产生了重大影响,导致失业率激增。
3. 环境保护是一个需要政府、企业和个人共同努力的关键问题。
4. 公司的新营销策略成功地吸引了更年轻的消费群体。
5. 为了促进文化交流,大学已经与几个海外机构建立了合作关系。

The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the West. It extended more than 6,000 kilometers. The Silk Road was named after ancient China’s silk trade which played an important role in the civilization development of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It was through the Silk Road that pap ermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing of the four great inventions of ancient Ch ina were introduced around the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain sprea d all over the world. Europe also exported various goods and plants through the Silk R oad to meet the needs of the Chinese market.中国园林是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观。

大学英语六级新题型(翻译+阅读匹配)模拟题模拟五Part ⅣTranslation (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)是中华文化不可分割的一部分,为振兴华夏做出了巨大的贡献。
如今,中医和西医(western medicine)在中国的医疗保健领域并驾齐驱。
中国的中医事业由国家中医药管理局(State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology)负责。
在定义上,中医是指导中国传统医药理论和实践的一种医学,它包括中医疗法、中草药(herbalogy)、针灸(acupuncture )、推拿(massage)和气功(Qigong)。
Part ⅣTranslation参考答案Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has attracted a lot of attention from the international community. In China, TCM is under the administration of State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology. National strategies, laws and regulations governing TCM are now in place to guide and promote the research and development in this promising industry. TCM is defined as a medical science governing the theory and practice of traditional Chinesemedicine. It includes Chinese medication, herbalogy, acupuncture, massage and Qigong.难点精析:1.不可分割的一部分:可译为an integral part。
最新 2014年6月大学英语六级考试翻译题型透析-精品

以下是2013年12月大学英语六级考试翻译部分的真题:中国园林(the Chinese garden)是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观(landscape)。

”【精彩译文】A Dream of Red Mansions is attributed to Cao Xueqin and Gao-E. The author chose Jia Clan as the focus, depicting how an affluent and influential family with prestige lost its favor and descended to crash. In the novel, about 100 classic characters are successfully portrayed. These characters concern people of all ranks in the Qing Dynasty. A Dream of Red Mansions is a remarkable story about Chinese feudal society. To understand Chinese values in all its complexity, one can do no better than to read A Dream of Red Mansions. “It is not only a love story, but also a history story, because it describes the success and failure of the feudal period,” said Chairman Mao.二、京剧京剧被奉为中国的国粹,来源于18世纪晚期的安徽和湖北的当地剧种。

Shanghai, the oriental Paris, being well-known at home and abroad, had spared no effort to hold the Art Festival and Centennial Ceremony of Chinese films. Through the series of splendid activities of huge greatness, big investment and high-leveled operation, it not only created a stunning and magnificent art sky, but also cooked a series of art dinners for the Chinese film audience elaborately. What’s more, it forged a super platform of disseminating focuses for all the brand operators in China, since it brought films to the spotlight with its unique operating method and peculiar charm.旗袍是一种近现代中国女子服装,它起源于满族(Manchu)服装,于民国时期(The period of the Republic of China)成为上海女校的制服,并因其代表新时代知识女性的形象而受到欢迎,由上海开始流行至全国。

2014年6月大学英语六级真题及答案真题+听力原文+答案详解2014年6月英语六级真题及答案Part I WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese Yo u should write at Chinese. least 120 words following the outline given belo w:1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象;2.出现这种现象的原因和后果;3我认为…Given Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minute s)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage qu ickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choo se the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For qu estions 8-10, complete the sen-tences with the information given in the pas sage. Welcome,Freshmen. Have an iPod.Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, so me colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-cap able iPods to their students.The always-on Internet devices raise some novel possibilities, like tracking where students gather together. With far less controversy, colleges could s end messages about canceled classes, delayed buses, campus crises or just the cafeteria menu.While schools emphasize its usefulness —online research in class and inst ant polling of students, for example — a big partof the attraction is, undou btedly, that the iPhone is cool and a hit with students. Being equipped with one of the most recent cutting-edge IT products could just help a college o r university foster a cutting-edge reputation.Apple stands to win as well, hooking more young consumers with decades of technology pur-chases ahead of them. The lone losers, some fear, could be professors.Students already have laptops and cell phones, of course, but the newest de vices can take class distractions to a new level. They practically beg a user to ignore the long-suffering professor strug-gling to pass on accumulated wisdom from the front of the room —a prospect that teachers find most irr itating and students view as, well, inevitable.“When it gets a little boring, I might pull it out,‖ acknowledged Naomi P ugh, a first-year student at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, T er m., referring to her new iPod Touch, which can connect to the Internet ove r a campus wireless network. She speculated that professors might try even harder to make classes interesting if they were to compete with the devices. Experts see a movement toward the use of mobile technology in educati on, though they say it is in its infancy as professors try to come up with us eful applications. Providing powerful hand-held devices is sure to fuel deb ates over the role of technology in higher education.“We think this is the way the future is going to work,‖ said Kyle Dickson, co-director of re-search and the mobile learning initiative at Abilene Chris tian University in T exas, which has bought more than 600 iPhones and 300 iPods for students entering this fall.Although plenty of students take their laptops to class, they don’t take the m everywhere and would prefer something lighter. Abilene Christian settle d on the devices after surveying students and finding that they did not like hauling around their laptops, but that most of them always carried a cell ph one, Dr. Dickson said.It is not clear how many colleges and universities plan to give out iPhones and iPods this fall; officials at Apple were unwilling to talk about the subje ct and said that they would not leak any institution’s plans.“We can’t announce other people’s news,‖said Greg Joswiak, vice presid ent of iPod and iPhone marketing at Apple. He also said that he could not d iscuss discounts to universities for bulk purchases.At least four institutions —the University of Maryland, Oklahoma Christi an University, Abilene Christian and Freed-Hardeman — have announced t hat they will give the devices to some or all of their students this fall.。

Part I Writing ( 30minutes)1、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.2、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise a person by their appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(小编写的就是这篇,还行~~)3、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)For investors who desire low risk and guaranteed income, US government bonds are a secure investment because these bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. Municipal bonds, also secure, are offered by local governments and often have___ 36___such as tax-free interest. Some may even be___37___. Corporate bonds are a bit more risky.Two questions often___38___first-time corporate bond investors. The first is “If I purchase a corporate bond, do I have to hold it until the maturity date?” The answer is no. Bonds are bought and sold daily on___39___securities exchanges. However, if you decide to sell your bond before its maturity date, you’re not guaranteed to get the face value of the bond. For example, if your bond does not have___40___ that make it attractive to other investors, you may be forced to sell your bond at a___ 41___, i.e., a price less than the bond's face value. But if your bond is highly valued by other investors, you may be able to sell it at a premium, i. e ., a price above its face value. Bond prices generally___42___inversely (相反地) with current market interest rates. As interest rates go up, bond prices fall, and vice versa (反之亦然). Thus, like all investments, bonds have a degree of risk.The second question is “ How can I___43___the investment risk of a particular bond issue?”Standard & Poor's and Moody’s Investors Service rate the level of risk of many corporate and government bonds. And___44___, the higher the market risk of a bond, the higher the interest rate. Investors will invest in a bond considered risky only if the 45 return is high enough.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2作答。

2014年6月大学英语六级模拟试题及答案(第二套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying“Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.”You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problems and be happy. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At theend of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1 上作答。
2014年~2015年 12套六级翻译真题与答案

参考答案:【沪江网校版】China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community in the process of eradicating extreme poverty by 2030.Since the implementation of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, China has helped as many as 400 million people out of poverty. In the next five years, China will provide assistance to other developing countries in poverty reduction, education development, agricultural modernization, environmental protection, health care and so on.China has made remarkable progress in poverty alleviation, and it has made unremitting efforts in promoting economic growth. This will encourage other poor countries to cope with their own development challenges. These countries can learn from China's experience in seeking the path of development with their own characteristics.【新东方版】During the process of helping the international community to eradicate extreme poverty before 2030, China is playing an increasingly crucial role.China has already rid as many as 400 million people of poverty since the implementation of reform and opening up in the late 1970s. In the next 5 years, China will provide other developing countries with assistance with respect to the poverty reduction, education development, agricultural modernization, environmental protection, health care and so on.China has achieved significant progress in terms of reducing poverty and made unremitting endeavor with respect to promoting economic growth, which will encourage other poor countries to cope with the challenges in the course of their own development. These nations can learn from the experience of China when seeking development roads with their own traits.重点词汇:消除极端贫困eradicate extreme poverty医疗保健health care减少贫困poverty alleviation不懈努力unremitting efforts具有自身特色with their own characteristics【翻译真题二】最近,中国政府决定将其工业升级,中国现在涉足建造高速列车、远洋船舶、机器人,甚至飞机。

(每张图50-56行左右)规划篇在我看来,翻译就是需要实践,所谓的熟能生巧(Practice makes perfect)。
四级:(1) 2014年6月第一套(开头:为了促进教育公平)(2) 2014年12月第二套(开头:大熊猫是一种温顺的动物)(3) 2015年12第一套(开头:云南省的丽江古镇)(4) 2015年6月第三套(开头:在西方人心目中)(5) 2015年6月第二套(开头:据报道,今年中国快递服务)挑战级别:2014年6月第二套(开头:中国应该进一步发展核能)六级:(1) 2013年12月第一套(开头:“丝绸之路:闻名于世”)(2) 2015年12第二套(开头:最近,中国政府决定)(3) 2014年12月第三套(开头:反应在艺术和文学中的)(4) 2014年12月第一套(开头:自从1978年启动改革以来)(5) 2015年12第一套(开头:在帮助国际社会于2030年)挑战级别:2013年12月第三套(开头:中国园林是经过三千多年)练习方法:第一步:自己翻译,掐时间,30分钟完成;第二步:反复琢磨,修改刚才的版本,大概花费15分钟;第三步:研究参考答案(不同书籍及网站会给出不同的版本),分析这些答案的优劣,然后选择一种自己最容易接受的,抄在自己的答案下面,并对照自己的答案,分析自己的问题。
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参考答案China is the largest developing country in the world and its population accounts for about 22 percent of the world’s total. For a long period of its history, China has been plagued by poverty for various reasons. In the mid-1980s, the economy of an overwhelming majority of the rural areas in China grew dramatically by virtue of their own advantages, but a small number of areas still lagged behind because of the constraints of their economic, social, historical, and natural conditions. The Chinese government, while working on all-round economic and social development, has nationwide implemented a large-scale program for development-oriented poverty relief in a planned and organized way. With the main objective of helping poverty-stricken people solve the food and clothing problems, this program has gone a long way toward alleviating poverty.难点精析1.发展中国家:英语中对应的表达为developing country,该句结构简单,直译即可。
2.人口约占世界总人口的……:此句紧接上文,和前面一个分句共享一个主语China,为了指代清楚并且避免重复,此处的“人口”可译为its population。
表达“(数量、比例上)占”有一个常用的词组account for。
“世界总人口”如果直译的话是the world’s total population或者the total population of the world,但是由于该分句的主语中已经出现了一次population,故此处可将total活用作名词,意为“总数”。
3.在过去相当长的时期里:该分句如果直译的话可译为for a long time in the past,但是根据语境,此处“相当长的时期”指的是“中国历史中的一个很长的时期”,又由于该分句所在句的主语随后紧接着出现,因而可以意译为for a long period of its history。
“由于”可以用because of, due to, out of来表达,也可以用一个简洁的单词for。
“诸多”的表达方式也有很多,如many, various, a lot of, lots of等。
因而该分句可简洁地译为for various reasons。
5.贫困一直困扰着……:表达“被贫困所困扰”较为常用的译法是be plagued by,由于此处表达的是过去已经发生并且其影响持续到现在的一种状态,因而注意时态要采用现在完成时。
此处可译为…has been plagued by poverty。
6. 20世纪80年代中期……发展相对滞后:该句较长,翻译时要注意平衡句子的结构。
“滞后”常用lag behind 来表达。
”“致力于”可以用短语work on来表达。
“扶贫开发”实际上是一个项目,因而可灵活译为a program for development oriented poverty relief。
通常,胡同内有一个大杂院,房间够4到10个家庭的差不多20 口人住。
参考答案:In Beijing, there are numerous hutongs. The life of common people in hutongs brings endless charm to the ancient capital, Beijing. The hutong in Beijing is not only the living environment of common people but also a kind of architecture. Usually, there is a courtyard complex inside hutong, with rooms shared by 4 to 10 families of about 20 people. Therefore, life in hutongs is full of friendliness and genuine humanity. Nowadays, with rapid social and economic development, many hutongs are replaced by new tall buildings. I hope hutongs can be preserved.难点精析:1.带来了无穷的魅力:翻译为bring endless charm to。
3.充满友善和人情味:翻译为full of friendliness and genuine humanity。
4.随着社会和经济的飞速发展:翻译为with rapid social and economic development,也是with介词短语的应用,在句中作伴随状语。
参考答案To understand the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the Chinese opera culture. In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one. As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was approximately born between 1840 and 1860. Peking opera originated from absorbing the essentials of other local operas. In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles; the spoken parts are in Beijing dialect; and huqin, is the main accompaniment instrument. Since Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country.难点精析1.要了解中国文化,就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解:该句没有给出明确的主语,因而在翻译时要注意:增译主语you。
“中国的戏曲文化”可译为the Chinese opera culture。
该句可译为:In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one.注意此处为了避免在前后分句中重复使用名词opera而在后半句中使用了名词性替代词 one。
3.京剧是在吸收其他地方戏营养的基础上形成的:“在……的基础上形成”如果直接译为be formed on the I basis of...会稍显生硬,因而可以灵活译为originate from...。