
2023—2024学年人教版七年级上学期数学期中试卷及参考答案考生注意:本试卷共三道大题,25道小题,满分120分,时量120分钟一、选择题(每题只有一个正确选项,每小题3分,满分30分)1、2022的相反数是()A.B.﹣C.2022D.﹣20222、4月24日是中国航天日,1970年的这一天,我国自行设计、制造的第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”成功发射,标志着中国从此进入了太空时代,它的运行轨道距地球最近点439000米,将439000用科学记数法表示应为()A.0.439×106B.4.39×106C.4.39×105D.439×1033、一条东西走向的道路上,小明先向西走3米,记作“﹣3米”,他又向西走了4米,此时小明的位置可记作()A.﹣2米B.+7米C.﹣3米D.﹣7米4、下列去括号,正确的是()A.a﹣(b+c)=a﹣b﹣c B.a+(b﹣c)=a+b+cC.a﹣(b+c)=a﹣b+c D.a﹣(b+c)=a+b﹣c5、已知3x m y2与﹣2x4y n为同类项,则m+n=()A.2B.4C.6D.86、若|x﹣1|+x=1,则x一定满足()A.x<1B.x>1C.x≤1D.x≥17、多项式x|n|﹣(n+2)x+7是关于x的二次三项式,则n的值是()A.2B.﹣2C.2或﹣2D.38、小明同学做一道数学题时,误将求“A﹣B”看成求“A+B”,结果求出的答案是3x2﹣2x+5,已知A=4x2﹣3x﹣6,请你帮助小明同学求出A﹣B应为()A.﹣x2+x+11B.3x2﹣4x﹣17C.5x2﹣4x﹣17D.5x2﹣2x+59、若x=﹣1时,ax5+bx3+cx+1=6,则x=1时,ax5+bx3+cx+1=()A.﹣3B.12C.﹣6D.﹣410、某种产品原价为100元,现因原料提价,因而厂家决定对产品进行提价,有以下两种方案;方案一,第一次提价10%,第二次提价30%;方案二,第一、二次提价均为20%.请问:哪种方案提价多()A.方案一B.方案二C.两种方案一样D.不能确定二、填空题(每小题3分,满分18分)11、比较大小:﹣﹣.12、若a与b互为倒数,m与n互为相反数,则(ab)2013+(m+n)2014的值为.13、已知|a+1|+(b﹣3)2=0,则a b=.14、在数轴上,与表示﹣3的点相距6个单位长度的点所表示的数是.15、若代数式x﹣2y=﹣2,则代数式9+2x﹣4y=.16、用同样大小的黑色棋子按图所示的方式摆图形,按照这样的规律摆下去,则第n个图形需棋子枚.(用含n的代数式表示)三、解答题(17、18、19题每题6分,20、21每题8分,22、23每题9分,24、25每题10分,共计72分,解答题要有必要的文字说明)17、计算:(1);(2)×(﹣36).18、先化简,再求值:3(x2﹣xy+y2)﹣2(y2﹣3xy+x2),其中x=﹣2,y=3.19、有理数a、b、c在数轴上的位置如图,(1)判断正负,用“>”或“<”填空:c﹣b0,a+b0,a﹣c0.(2)化简:|c﹣b|+|a+b|﹣|a﹣c|.20、某检修小组在东西向的马路上检修线路,从A地出发,需到达B地,约定向东为正方向,当天的行驶记录如下(单位:千米):﹣11,﹣9,+18,﹣2,+13,+4,+12,﹣7.(1)通过计算说明:B地在A地的什么方向,与A地相距多远?(2)在行驶过程中,最远处离出发点A地有多远?(3)若每千米耗油0.5升,油箱容量为29升,求途中还需补充多少升油?21、已知|x|=5,|y|=3.(1)若x﹣y>0,求x+y的值;(2)若xy<0,求|x﹣y|的值;(3)求x﹣y的值.22、已知A=3x2﹣x+2y﹣4xy,B=2x2﹣3x﹣y+xy.(1)化简:2A﹣3B;(2)若,xy=1,求2A﹣3B的值;(3)若2A﹣3B的值与y的取值无关,求此时2A﹣3B的值.23、(1)如图1所示,阴影部分由两个直角三角形组成,用代数式表示图中阴影部分的面积S.(2)请你求出当a=2,b=6,h=4时,S的值.(3)在第(2)问的条件下,增加一个半圆的阴影,如图2所示,求整个阴影部分的面积S1的值.(π取3.14,结果精确到0.1)24、已知(2x﹣1)5=a5x5+a4x4+a3x3+a2x2+a1x+a0,其中a5表示的是x5的系数,a4表示的是x4,以此类推.当x=2时,35=25•a5+24•a4+23•a3+22•a2+2•a1+a0.(1)取x=0,则可知a0=.(2)利用特殊值法求﹣a5+a4﹣a3+a2﹣a1+a0的值.(3)探求a4+a2的值.25、如图,已知数轴上点A表示的数为8,B是数轴上位于点A左侧一点,且AB=20,动点P从A点出发,以每秒5个单位长度的速度沿数轴向左匀速运动,设运动时间为t(t>0)秒.(1)数轴上点B表示的数是;点P表示的数是(用含t的代数式表示).(2)动点Q从点B出发,以每秒3个单位长度的速度沿数轴向左匀速运动,若点P、Q同时出发,问点P运动多少秒后与点Q相距4个单位长度?(3)若M为AP的中点,N为BP的中点,在点P运动的过程中,线段MN 的长度是否发生变化?若变化,请说明理由,若不变,请用计算说明,并求出线段MN的长.2023—2024学年人教版七年级上学期数学期中试卷参考答案一、择题(每题只有一个正确选项,每小题3分,满分30分)1—10:DCDAC CBCDB二、填空题(每小题3分,满分18分)11、>12、1 13、-1 14、﹣9或3 15、5 16、(3n+1)三、解答题(17、18、19题每题6分,20、21每题8分,22、23每题9分,24、25每题10分,共计72分,解答题要有必要的文字说明)17、解:(1)0 (2)﹣1118、解:﹣519、解:(1)答案为:>,<,<;(2)﹣2b20、解:(1)B地在A地的东边18千米;(2)最远处离出发点25千米;(3)需补充的油量为9升.21、解:(1)x+y的值为:8或2;(2)|x﹣y|的值为:8;(3)x﹣y=±2或±8.22、解:(1)=7x+7y﹣11xy;当x+y=﹣,xy=1时,2A﹣3B=﹣17;(3).23、解:(1)S=(b﹣a)h=bh﹣;(2)当a=2,b=6,h=4时,S=×6×4﹣×2×4=12﹣4=8;(3)S1=S+×=8+×3.14×1=8+1.57=9.57≈9.6.∴整个阴影部分的面积S1的值为9.6.24、解:故答案为:﹣1;(2)﹣243;(3)﹣120.25、解:(1)答案为:﹣5;7;12;(2)点P所对应的数为﹣1016;(3)﹣17和﹣1别是点P运动了第23次和第8次到达的位置.。

2024年外研版英语初一上学期期中复习试卷及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、听力材料:W: Hi, John! How was your weekend?M: It was great! I went hiking with my friends and we saw some beautiful scenery.W: That sounds fun. Did you take any photos?M: Yes, I did. I have a few pictures of the mountains and the lake.Question: What did John do over the weekend?A) He visited a museum.B) He went hiking with friends.C) He watched a movie at home.D) He went shopping in the city.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation clearly indicates that John went hiking with friends over the weekend. The other options are not mentioned in the dialogue.2、听力材料:W: Good morning, everyone. Today we’re going to have a quiz on our scienceclass.M: Oh, really? I wasn’t e xpecting that.W: Yes, but it’s just a short quiz. It will cover the topics we’ve discussed in the past few weeks.M: Okay, I hope I remember everything.W: Good luck!Question: What is the purpose of the quiz?A) To test students on a new subject.B) To review what has been taught in class.C) To introduce a new science topic.D) To grade students on a project.Answer: BExplanation: The teacher mentions that the quiz is to cover the topics they’ve discussed in the past few weeks, which indicates that it’s a review of what has been taught in class. The other options are not supported by the dialogue.3、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.What is the weather like today?A. It’s sunny.B. It’s cloudy.C. It’s rainy.Answer: BExplanation: The man says, “It’s kind of cloudy today.” Therefore, theweather is cloudy.4、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.What is the main topic of the passage?A. How to stay healthy.B. The importance of exercise.C. The benefits of eating vegetables.Answer: CExplanation: The passage mainly talks about the benefits of eating vegetables for our health. It mentions that vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, which are good for our bodies.5、Listen to the conversation and answer the question.W: Hi, John. How was your weekend?M: Oh, it was quite eventful. I went hiking with my friends. We climbed up a mountain and reached the summit just in time to see the sun rise.Q: What did John do over the weekend?A: He went hiking with his friends.B: He stayed at home.C: He went to the beach.D: He visited his grandparents.Answer: AExplanation: The question asks about John’s weekend activities. In the conversation, John mentions that he went hiking with his friends, so the correctanswer is A.6、Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentence.M: Did you watch the football match last night?W: Yes, I did. It was a real thriller. The game was tied 1-1 until the last minute.M: That’s true. The last goal was scored by the team’s star player.Q: What was the score of the football match?A: 2-1B: 1-1C: 0-0D: 3-1Answer: BExplanation: The question asks for the score of the football match. The woman in the dialogue mentions that the game was tied 1-1 until the last minute, so the correct answer is B, 1-1.7.W: Hi, John. How was your weekend?M: Oh, it was great. I went hiking with my friends on Saturday and saw a beautiful waterfall.Q: What did John do on Saturday?A: He went hiking with his friends.B: He went swimming.C: He saw a beautiful waterfall.D: He had a relaxing weekend.Answer: AExplanation: The question asks what John did on Saturday. The dialogue clearly states that he went hiking with his friends, so the correct answer isA.8.W: Hi, Mike. I heard you played the piano in the school concert last night. How did it go?M: It was amazing! The audience loved it, and I even got a standing ovation at the end.Q: What did Mike do last night?A: He played the guitar.B: He played the piano.C: He sang a song.D: He watched the concert.Answer: BExplanation: The question asks what Mike did last night. The dialogue mentions that he played the piano in the school concert, so the correct answer is B.9、You will hear a dialogue between two students talking about their favorite subjects. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer to the question you hear.(Answer: Science)Explanation: In the dialogue, one student mentions that they love experimenting in class, which indicates a preference for Science.10、Listen to a short conversation between a teacher and a student discussing extracurricular activities. What activity does the student want to join?(Answer: The school band)Explanation: The student expresses interest in playing an instrument, suggesting they wish to join the school band as their extracurricular activity.11.You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.Student A: “Hey, are you going anywhere this weekend?”Student B: “Yeah, I’m going to the mountains. How about you?”Student A: “Oh, I’m staying home. I need to finish my homework.”Question: Where is Student B going this weekend?A) To the mountainsB) To the beachC) To the cityD) To the libraryAnswer: A) To the mountainsExplanation: Student B explicitly states, “I’m going to the mountains,” which indicates the correct answer.12.You hear a dialogue between a teacher and a student in the school library.Teacher: “How are you doing with your project, Sarah?”Student: “I’m okay, but I’m a bit stuck on the research part.”Teacher: “Have you checked out the school’s online database?”Student: “No, I haven’t. I didn’t know we had that resource.”Question: What is the teacher suggesting to the student?A) To go to the mountainsB) To check out the school’s online databaseC) To go to the beachD) To go to the libraryAnswer: B) To check out the school’s online databaseExplanation: The teacher’s response, “Have you checked out the school’s online database?” directly suggests that this is the resource the student should use for help with their project.13、What does the boy want to do after school?A. Go to the libraryB. Play basketballC. Watch a movieAnswer: B. Play basketballExplanation:In the conversation, you can hear the bo y saying, “I was thinking maybe we could go play some basketball after class.” This clearly indicates that his preference is to play basketball, making option B the correct choice. Options A and C were not mentioned in the dialogue, and thus they can be ruled out.14、Where are the speakers probably talking?A. In a restaurantB. At a bus stopC. In a classroomAnswer: C. In a classroomExplanation:The context of the conversation suggests that the speakers are in a setting related to a school. You might hea r phrases like, “When the bell rings, I’ll meet you by the lockers,” which implies that they are in a place where there’s a school bell and lockers, most likely a classroom. The other options, such as a restaurant or a bus stop, do not fit the context of the conversation, and therefore, option C is the right answer.15、What does the man suggest doing?A)Going to the moviesB)Having dinner at homeC)Visiting friendsD)Watching TVCorrect Answer: A) Going to the moviesExplanation: In the conversation, the man suggests going out for entertainment and mentions that there’s a new movie he would like to see. The woman agrees, indicating that they should go to the cinema. Therefore, optionA is the correct answer.16、Why is the girl feeling nervous?A)She has to give a speech in classB)She forgot to do her homeworkC)She is worried about the upcoming testD)She lost her favorite bookCorrect Answer: C) She is worried about the upcoming testExplanation:The girl expresses her anxiety about an important test coming up the next day. She mentions that she hasn’t studied enough and feels unprepared, which aligns with option C. Options A, B, and D do not match the context provided in the dialogue.17、You will hear:Man: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest supermarket? Woman: Sure, go straight down this road until you reach the traffic lights. Turn left at the lights, and the supermarket is just on your right.Question: What should the man do to find the supermarket?A. Walk straight and turn right at the traffic lights.B. Go straight, then turn left at the traffic lights.C. Take the second exit at the roundabout and walk straight.D. Walk straight and take the first turning on the left.Answer: BExplanation: The woman instructs the man to go straight until he reaches the traffic lights and then turn left. Therefore, option B is the correct answer as it accurately reflects the directions given.18、You will hear:Boy: Hi, Sally, I heard you’re going to the beach this weekend. Can I come along? Girl: Of course, we’d love to have you join us. Just make sure you bring sunscreen and a swimsuit.Question: What does the girl advise the boy to bring?A. Sunglasses and a hat.B. Sunscreen and a swimsuit.C. A beach towel and flip-flops.D. Snacks and drinks.Answer: BExplanation: The girl explicitly tells the boy to bring sunscreen and a swimsuit if he wants to join them at the beach. This makes option B the correct choice according to the dialogue.19.You are listening to a conversation between a student and a teacher.Student: Professor, what do you think is the most important skill we should develop in English class?Teacher: Well, I believe communication is key. It’s no t just about understanding the language, but also being able to express ourselves clearly.Question: What does the teacher think is the most important skill to develop in English class?A) Understanding the languageB) Expressing oneself clearlyC) Reading extensivelyD) Writing essaysAnswer: B) Expressing oneself clearlyExplanation: The teacher explicitly states that communication is key, which is synonymous with expressing oneself clearly.20.You are listening to a short interview with a famous author.Interviewer: What inspired you to write your latest book?Author: I was traveling in Europe and stumbled upon an old, abandoned house. The house’s mysterious past really intrigued me, and that’s what sparked the idea for the book.Question: What inspired the author to write the latest book?A) A conversation with a friendB) A trip to EuropeC) A movie they watchedD) A book they readAnswer: B) A trip to EuropeExplanation: The author mentions that they were traveling in Europe and stumbled upon an old, abandoned house, which is the direct inspiration for the book.二、阅读理解(30分)Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Passage: A Day in the Life of SamSam is a middle school student who loves his new life in Grade 7. Every morning, he wakes up at 6:30 am and gets ready for school. He lives close enough to ride his bike to school, which takes about fifteen minutes. When he arrives at school, he usually meets his best friend, Tom, near the school gates. Together they walk to their classroom and get ready for the day.In the morning, Sam has three classes. His favorite subject is English because he enjoys reading stories and learning about different cultures. After the third class, it’s time for lunch. Sam li kes to eat in the school canteen with his friends. They talk about their favorite TV shows and play games during lunchtime.After lunch, Sam has two more classes. Sometimes he stays after school to practice with the school band—he plays the trumpet—or to participate in the science club. Today, however, Sam goes straight home after school because he has homework to finish. He does his homework and then helps his mother prepare dinner. After dinner, Sam relaxes by reading a book or watching some television before going to bed.1.What time does Sam wake up?A. 5:30 amB. 6:00 amC. 6:30 amD. 7:00 am2.How does Sam travel to school?A. By busB. By carC. By bikeD. On foot3.Why does Sam go straight home today after school?A. Because he has no interest in after-school activities.B. Because he needs to complete his homework.C. Because the school band doesn’t need him today.D. Because the science club meeting was canceled.Answers:1.C. 6:30 am2.C. By bike3.B. Because he needs to complete his homework.三、完型填空(15分)Cloze Test:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices (A, B, C, D) given under each blank.It was a bright, sunny morning, and Sarah felt very 1)_______because it was her birthday. She got up early and went downstairs to find her family waiting for her in the living room. There were colorful balloons and a big 2)_______on the table. Her mom had prepared her favorite breakfast –pancakes with chocolatesauce. After breakfast, Sarah opened her presents. She received a new3)_______from her parents, which made her really happy. Later that day, she went to the park with her friends. They played games and 4)_______a lot. As the sun started to set, they all sat down to enjoy the picnic her mother had packed. It was a 5)_______day, and Sarah couldn’t wait for her next birthday.Questions:1.A. sadB. excitedC. tiredD. bored2.A. bookB. cakeC. toyD. card3.A. bicycleB. dressC. computerD. watch4.A. criedB. sleptC. laughedD. read5.A. terribleB. longB. shortD. wonderfulAnswers:1.B. excited2.B. cake3.A. bicycle4.C. laughed5.D. wonderful四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、The movie is very interesting,_______it has received high ratings from both critics and audiences.A. becauseB. althoughC. ifD. unless答案:B解析:本题考查连词辨析。

初一英语VI. 完形填空 (共15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
My name is Kate Smith. Kate is my given name and Smith is my 31 name. I'm twelve years old. I 32 from the USA. I'm in China with my mom 33 my dad now. They are 34 in a junior high school in Beijing. They teach English very well, so 35 students like them a lot.At school, I have a(n)___36____ name, Lin Li: My friend Lin Mei 37 me the name. I like it very much. Lin Mei is 38 , too What does she 39 ? Here is a photo. The tall _____40____in it is Lin Mei. She has big eyes and long black hair. She looks very nice. Lin Mei and I are in the same class. Chinese is her 41______ subject (科目), and she is good at it. I can't 42 Chinese well. Lin Mei often____43 me with my Chinese. 44 I can speak Chinese better. I'm 45 to have a friend like Lin Mei. I like her very much. I like China and my life in Beijing.31. A. class B. full C. first D. family32. A. come B. meet C. see D. welcome33. A. but B. or C. and D. so34. A. students B. teachers C. workers D. actors35. A. his B. her C. their D. our36. A. Chinese B. English C. American D. Japanese37. A. buys B. has C. finds D. gives38. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. fourteen39. A. look at B. look for C. look like D. look after40. A. girl B. boy C. man D. woman41. A. old B. small C. favorite D. different42. A. know B. guess C. spell D. speak43. A. lets B. helps C. thanks D. excuses44. A. Too B. Now C. Next D. Again45. A. fine B. right C. sorry D. happyVII. 词语运用(共10小题; 每小题1分, 共10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。

1.关于我国地理位置的叙述,正确的( )A.西靠亚欧大陆,东临大西洋B.所跨纬度较广,地跨寒、温、热三带C.既位于北半球,又位于东半球D.自北向南濒临黄海、渤海、东海和南海2.十年来“一带一路”的战略构想和实施充分说明了我国( )A.是最大的内陆国B.领土的最西端延伸至欧洲C.面积狭小,东西跨度大D.海陆兼备,地理位置优越3.2023年8月26日,山东省新一轮“组团式”教育援疆教师抵达喀什,开展为期2年的支教活动。
右表反映了两地学校在作息时间上的不同,其主要原因是( )A.南北纬度的差异B.海陆位置的差异C.地形地势的差异D.东西经度的差异北京时间2023年10月26日,搭载神舟十七号载人飞船的长征二号丙运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射,取得圆满成功。
4.酒泉、文昌、西昌、太原所在省的简称分别是( )A.甘、琼、川、晋B.陕、琼、蜀、晋C.甘、海、川、鲁D.豫、琼、贵、津5.关于四大发射中心气候特征的叙述,正确的是( )A.酒泉气温年较差小B.太原夏季高温多雨,冬季温和少雨C.西昌全年高温,降水集中于夏季D.文昌全年高温,降水分早雨两季6.我国疆域辽阔,各省级行政区域在自然地理特征上有很大差异。
根据右表中信息,推测分析其与我国下列轮廓代表的省级行政区中哪个相符( )A. B.C. D.中国是人口控制的成功典范。

2024年人教版英语初一上学期期中模拟试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.A. What’s your name?B. How old are you?C. Where are you from?Answer: BExplanation: In this dialogue, the first speaker is asking about the age of the second speaker. Therefore, the correct answer is “How old are you?”.2、Listen to the following passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of exercise.B. The benefits of reading.C. The importance of eating healthy.Answer: AExplanation: The passage talks about the importance of exercise for both physical and mental health. Hence, the main topic is the importance of exercise,which makes “The importance of exercise” the correct answer.3、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question you hear.Question: What does the man suggest they do next?A) Go to the library.B) Have a picnic.C) Watch a movie.Answer: B) Have a picnic.Explanation: The man suggests they have a picnic, which is option B. The other options are not mentioned in the conversation.4、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main topic of the passage?A)The benefits of reading.B)The history of the book.C)The importance of education.Answer: C) The importance of education.Explanation: Although the passage does touch on the benefits of reading and the history of the book, the main topic is the importance of education, making option C the best answer.5、You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.Student A: “Are you going to the beach this weekend?”Student B: “Yes, I am. It’s going to be sunny and warm.”Student A: “That sounds great! Are you planning to bring anything to do there?”Student B: “I think I’ll bring some books to read. How about you?”Question: What activity does Student B plan to do at the beach?A) Go swimmingB) Read booksC) Play sportsD) Visit a friendAnswer: B) Read booksExplanation: In the conversation, Student B mentions that they think they will bring some books to read at the beach, indicating that reading is their planned activity.6、You hear a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about the upcoming science fair.Teacher: “Hi, John. Are you ready for the science fair next week?”Student: “I’m almost there, Mrs.Smith. I just need to finish my project on renewable energy sou rces.”Teacher: “That sounds interesting. Do you already have all the materials you need?”Student: “Yes, I have all the materials, but I’m still working on the experiment to test the efficiency of the solar panel.”Question: What is the student working on for the science fair?A) A paintingB) A renewable energy projectC) A history presentationD) A music performanceAnswer: B) A renewable energy projectExplanation: The student explicitly states that they are working on a project about renewable energy sources for the science fair, indicating that the correct answer is B.7、听力材料:W: Hi, John! How was your science project fair?M: It was great! I presented a model of the solar system and explained how each planet orbits the sun.Q: What did John do at the science project fair?A. He presented a model of the solar system.B. He explained the theory of relativity.C. He demonstrated a new type of rocket.D. He showed a collection of insects.Answer: AExplanation: The question asks what John did at the science project fair. In the dialogue, John says, “I presented a model of the solar system,” which directly answers the question.8、听力材料:M: Have you ever tried the new Italian restaurant downtown?W: Yes, I went there last weekend. The pasta was amazing, but the service was a bit slow.Q: What did the woman think about the service at the restaurant?A. It was very quick.B. It was satisfactory.C. It was quite slow.D. It was exceptional.Answer: CExplanation: The question inquires about the woman’s opinion of the service at the restaurant. The woman says, “the service was a bit slow,” which indicates that she found the service to be slow, thus making option C the correct answer.9.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Alex and Sarah, discussing their weekend plans.M: (9) Hi, Sarah, what are you planning to do this weekend?W: Oh, I’m thinking of going hiking with a group of friends. How about you, Alex?M: That sounds fun! I mig ht just stay home and relax. Maybe I’ll go for a walk in the park.Q: What is Alex’s plan for the weekend?A: To stay home and relax.B: To go hiking with friends.C: To go for a walk in the park.D: To go shopping with Sarah.Answer: AExplanation: In the conversation, Alex says, “Maybe I’ll go for a walk in the park,” indicating that he plans to stay home and relax.10.You are listening to a phone conversation between a teacher, Mr. Green, and a student, Lily.M: (10) Hi, Lily. How are you doing with your homework assignment?W: Hi, Mr. Green. I’m almost done. I just have one question about the math problem.M: Sure, go ahead and ask me.W: Okay, it’s about the quadratic equation. I’m not sure how to find the vertex.M: Well, Lily, to find the vertex of a quadratic equation, you need to use the formula for the x-coordinate, which is -b/2a, and then plug that value into the equation to find the y-coordinate.Q: What is Lily’s question about the math problem?A: How to solve a linear equation.B: How to find the vertex of a quadratic equation.C: How to factorize a trinomial.D: How to simplify an expression.Answer: BExplanation: Lily directly asks Mr. Green, “I’m not sure how to find the vertex,” which is related to the quadratic equation.11.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Tom and Lily, discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the question below.Q: What are Tom and Lily planning to do this weekend?A: Tom and Lily are planning to go hiking this weekend.Answer: AExplanation: The conversation starts with Tom saying, “Hey Lily, do you want to go hiking this weekend?” and Lily replies, “Sure, that sounds like fun!” This indicates that they have planned to go hiking.12.You are listening to a weather report for a city. Listen carefully and answer the question below.Q: What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in the city?A: The weather forecast for tomorrow in the city is sunny with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.Answer: Sunny, 25°CExplanation: T he weather report states, “Tomorrow, we expect a sunny day with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.” This provides the information needed to answer the question.13.You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.A. What did the first student plan to do on Saturday?1.Go to the movies.2.Visit a museum.3.Go hiking.Answer: 2. Visit a museum.Explanation: The first student mentions that they have a free Saturday and decides to visit the museum with a friend.14.You hear a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about a school project.A. What was the student’s initial plan for the project?1.To complete it by next week.2.To do it in groups.3.To work on it over the weekend.Answer: 3. To work on it over the weekend.Explanation: The student explains to the teacher that they had planned to work on the project over the weekend but need additional help.15.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Alex and Emily, discussing their weekend plans. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.Question: What activity does Alex plan to do on Saturday afternoon?A) Go shopping with friends.B) Attend a football game.C) Visit a museum.Answer: B) Attend a football game.Explanation: In the conversation, Al ex mentions, “I’m going to a football game with some friends on Saturday afternoon,” which indicates the correct answer is B) Attend a football game.16.Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student, discussinga school project. Answer the following question.Question: What is the main topic of the project?A) Science fair experiments.B) Historical figures research.C) Environmental conservation efforts.Answer: B) Historical figures research.Explanation: The teacher says, “The project is abo ut researching a historical figure from the past,” which suggests that the main topic of the project is B) Historical figures research.17.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Tom and Alice, about their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the following question: What does Tom plan to do on Saturday afternoon?A. Go to the movies.B. Go shopping with Alice.C. Visit his grandparents.Answer: AExplanation: In the conversation, Tom says, “I’m going to the movies this afternoon. Do you want to come with me?” This indicates that Tom plans to goto the movies on Saturday afternoon.18.Listen to a short passage about the importance of exercise and answer the following question:What is the main idea of the passage?A. Exercise is good for physical health.B. Exercise is important for mental health.C. Exercise can help people lose weight.Answer: BExplanation: The passage discusses the positive effects of exercise on mental health, such as reducing stress and improving mood. While physical health benefits are also mentioned, the main idea of the passage focuses on the mental health aspect of exercise.19.You are listening to a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.St udent A: “Hey, have you thought about what you’re going to do this weekend?”Student B: “I was thinking of going hiking. How about you?”Student A: “That sounds fun! I was actually planning to visit the city museum with my family.”Student B: “Oh, that’s cool. Do you know if there’s anything special going on there?”Student A: “Yes, they have a special exhibit about ancient artifacts. It’sreally interesting.”Question: What is Student A planning to do this weekend?A) Go hikingB) Visit the city museumC) Go to the moviesD) Go shoppingAnswer: BExplanation: Student A mentions planning to visit the city museum with their family, which indicates that this is their weekend plan.20.You are listening to a weather forecast for the coming week.Narrator: “This week, we can expect a mix of sunny and cloudy days. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high of 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Tuesday will see some scattered showers in the afternoon, with a high of 68 degrees. Wednesday and Thursday will be sunny with highs in the low 70s. Friday will bring a chance of thunderstorms in the evening, with a high of 72 degrees. The weekend will be partly cloudy with a high of 68 degrees on Saturday and 70 degrees on Sunday.”Question: Which day of the week will have the highest temperature?A) MondayB) TuesdayC) WednesdayD) SundayAnswer: DExplanation: The forecast indicates that the highest temperature will be on Sunday, with a high of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.二、阅读理解(30分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:The first day of school is always an exciting and nervous time for students. Imagine walking into a new classroom, filled with unfamiliar faces and a teacher who is about to be your guide through a new language. For many students in China, this experience is multiplied when they start learning English in the first grade. English is a challenging subject for beginners, but it opens up a world of opportunities.In the first grade, students are introduced to basic English vocabulary and grammar. They learn simple words like “hello,”“goodbye,” “yes,” and “no,” as well as basic sentence structures. One of the first activities they do is to create a simple “Hello, my name is…” card, which helps them practice their new vocabulary and introduces them to the concept of proper introductions.The classroom environment is designed to be engaging and interactive. There are posters with colorful pictures and words, and there are often games and activities that reinforce the lessons. One popular game is “Simon Says,” where the teacher calls out commands beginning with the word “Simon says,” and the students only follow the commands if they are preceded by “Simon says.”Despite the excitement, the first day of English class can also be daunting. Many students are worried about making mistakes and being corrected in front of their peers. However, the teacher reassures them that learning a new language is a process, and mistakes are a natural part of that process.Questions:1.Why is the first day of school exciting for students?2.What are some of the basic words and sentence structures that first-grade students learn in English?3.How does the classroom environment help students learn English?Answers:1.The first day of school is exciting for students because they are starting a new journey, meeting new classmates, and learning a new subject.2.Some of the basic words and sentence structures that first-grade students learn in English include “hello,” “goodbye,” “yes,” “no,” and simple sentence structures like “I am…,” “My name is…,” and “This is…”.3.The classroom environment helps students learn English by being engaging and interactive, with colorful posters and games that reinforce the lessons.三、完型填空(15分)Title: Human Education Edition Grade 7 English Mid-term Exam - Part 3: Cloze TestQuestion 1:Reading the following passage, choose the best word or phrase for each blankfrom the options given below.In the small town of Greenfield, the [1] of the library was always a topic of conversation among the residents. The library was more than just a place to borrow books; it was a [2] where people of all ages could gather and share their interests.Last year, the library [3] a new program called “Community Reads.” The program encouraged everyone in the town to read the same book and then come together for discussions. It was a great success, and the library became a [4] place for the community to connect.Unfortunately, the library’s budget was cut this year, and it looked like the “Community Reads” program might [5]. Many residents were worried that the library would no longer be the heart of the community.1.A) importance B) attraction C) benefit D) opportunity2.A) meeting B) gathering C) destination D) collection3.A) introduced B) removed C) destroyed D) expanded4.A) favorite B) private C) outdated D) abandoned5.A) continue B) stop C) replace D) combineAnswer Key:1.B2.C3.A4.A5.B四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、Tom______(go) to the movies last night, but he had too much homework.A. goesB. wentC. is goingD. will go答案:B解析:根据句意,这里描述的是昨晚的动作,所以需要使用一般过去时。

四川省宜宾市2023-2024学年七年级上学期语文期中试卷姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________1.下列加点字注音无误的一项是()A.酝酿.( liànɡ) 着.落( zháo) 绿茵.( yīn) 瘫.痪( tān)B.抖擞.( sǒu) 看.护( kàn) 粗犷.( kuànɡ) 整宿.( xiǔ)C.贮.蓄( zhù) 静谧.( mì) 侍弄.( nònɡ) 分歧.( qí)D.澄.清( chénɡ) 吝.啬( lìnɡ) 霎.时( shà) 攲.斜( qí)2.下列词语中全正确的一项是()A.阴蔽祷告地毯水波鳞鳞B.姊妹匿笑委曲笑嬉嬉C.菡萏决别化装呼朋引伴D.徘徊憔悴干涩彩棱镜3.下列加点的成语使用不当的一项是()A.班主任很善长发扬每个同学的长处,大家各得其所....,各尽其能。

2024-2025学年人教版数学初一上学期期中模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1、计算下列算式的结果:(3×(4+5)−7)A. 17B. 18C. 19D. 202、已知线段AB的长度为6cm,点C在线段AB上,且AC的长度为AB长度的一半,则BC的长度是多少?A. 2cmB. 3cmC. 4cmD. 5cm3、小华买了一支铅笔和一支橡皮,一共花了5.6元。
已知铅笔的价格是橡皮的3倍,那么橡皮的价格是多少元?选项:A、1.2元B、1.8元D、3.6元4、一个长方形的长是宽的2倍,如果长方形的长和宽各增加5cm,那么长方形的面积将增加多少平方厘米?选项:A、25cm²B、30cm²C、40cm²D、50cm²5、已知一个正方形的边长为(3)厘米,如果将这个正方形的边长增加(2)厘米,那么新的正方形面积增加了多少平方厘米?A.(10)B.(12)C.(14)D.(16)6、如果一个等腰三角形的底边长度为(8)厘米,底角各为(70∘),那么这个等腰三角形的顶角是多少度?A.(20∘)B.(30∘)C.(40∘)D.(50∘)7、一个长方形的长是12cm,宽是5cm,那么它的周长是多少平方厘米?B、60cmC、30cm²D、50cm²8、一个正方形的对角线长度是10cm,那么这个正方形的面积是多少平方厘米?A、50cm²B、100cm²C、25cm²D、20cm²9、下列哪一个等式展示了分配律的应用?A、(3×(4+5)=3×4+3×5)B、(3+(4+5)=(3+4)+5)C、(3×4×5=5×4×3)D、(3+4+5=4+5+3) 10、如果一个正方形的边长增加3厘米,则它的面积增加了多少平方厘米?假设原正方形边长为x厘米。

2024年北师大版英语初一上学期期中复习试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、What does Sarah want to drink?A) WaterB) JuiceC) MilkAnswer: B) JuiceExplanation: In the dialogue, Sarah says she’s thirsty and when asked what she would like to drink, she specifically asks for juice.2、How does Tom feel about his math test tomorrow?A) ExcitedB) WorriedC) IndifferentAnswer: B) WorriedExplanation: Duri ng the conversation, Tom mentions that he hasn’t studied enough for the math test scheduled for tomorrow, which indicates he feels worried about it.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the followingsentence.W: Hey, John, how was your weekend?M: It was great! I went hiking with my friends and we saw a beautiful waterfall.Q: What did John do last weekend?A. He went shopping.B. He went hiking.C. He watched a movie.D. He visited his family.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, John mentions that he went hiking with his friends, which is option B. The other options are not mentioned in the conversation.4、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.W: The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. Should we cancel our picnic?M: I think we should wait and see. If it clears up, we can still go.Q: What does the man suggest?A. They should cancel the picnic.B. They should go ahead with the picnic.C. They should check the weather again.D. They should go to a different place.Answer: CExplanation: The man suggests that they should wait and see if the weather clears up, which means they should check the weather again before making a decision. This is option C. The other options are not mentioned in the passage.5、You will hear a conversation between a student and a teacher. The student is asking for help. What subject does the student need help with?A. MathB. EnglishC. ScienceAnswer: B. EnglishExplanation: In the conversation, the student mentions having trouble understanding some grammar points, which indicates that the subject is English. The teacher then offers to go over the grammar rules after class, further confirming the subject is English.6、You will hear a conversation about a school event. What event are they discussing?A. A sports dayB. A science fairC. A school playAnswer: C. A school playExplanation: The conversation includes details about practicing lines and stage directions, which are typical elements of preparing for a school play. There’s also a mention of costumes and the opening night, which clearly pointto a theatrical performance rather than a sports day or a science fair.In an actual test setting, students would listen to the audio recordings of these conversations and select their answers based on what they hear. The above text provides the content of the conversations, the possible answers, and the correct choice along with an explanation for each question.7、听力材料:W: Hi, Mike, how was your weekend?M: It was great, actually. I went hiking with my friends. We climbed the highest mountain in our area.Questions:1.What did Mike do over the weekend?A) He went shopping.B) He went hiking.C) He went swimming.D) He went fishing.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue mentions that Mike went hiking with his friends, so the correct answer is B) He went hiking.8、听力材料:W: Hey, Jack, did you get the math assignment done yet?M: Not yet. I’m still working on it. I have a lot of problems to solve.Questions:1.What subject is the conversation about?A) EnglishB) MathC) ScienceD) HistoryAnswer: BExplanation: The dialogue is about getting the math assignment done, indicating that the subject of the conversation is math, so the correct answer is B) Math.9、What time does the boy usually get up on weekends?•A) 6:00 am•B) 7:30 am•C) 8:45 am•D) 10:00 amAnswer: C) 8:45 amExplanation: In the dialogue, the boy mentions that he likes to sleep in on weekends and doesn’t wake up until after breakfast, which his parents have at 8:30 am. Therefore, the correct answer is 8:45 am.10、What does the girl suggest doing after school?•A) Going to the library•B) Playing basketball•C) Watching a movie•D) Doing homework togetherAnswer: A) Going to the libraryExplanation: The girl suggests they should go to the library to study forthe upcoming test, as it’s a quiet place and they can foc us better there.11.W: Have you finished your homework yet, Tom?M: Not yet. I still have to do the math problems and write a short essay.Question: What does Tom still need to do?A) He needs to read a book.B) He needs to do some math and write an essay.C) He needs to go to the library.D) He needs to finish his English homework.Answer: B) He needs to do some math and write an essay.Explanation: The dialogue clearly indicates that Tom still has to finish his math problems and write a short essay.12.W: I heard you went to the amusement park last weekend. Did you have fun? M: Yes, I did. I went on several rides, but the most exciting one was the roller coaster. It was so fast and thrilling!Question: What did the man enjoy most at the amusement park?A) The merry-go-round.B) The roller coaster.C) The Ferris wheel.D) The haunted house.Answer: B) The roller coaster.Explanation: The man explicitly states that the most exciting ride he went on was the roller coaster, making it the correct answer.13、(Question)Listen to the conversation between Sarah and her teacher about her science project. What is Sarah’s project about?A) The life cycle of butterflies.B) The effects of sunlight on plant growth.C) The impact of music on concentration.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, Sarah mentions that she has been experimenting with how different amounts of sunlight affect the growth rate of bean sprouts, which falls under “The effects of sunlight on plant growth.”14、(Question)Listen to the announcement about the school trip next week. Where will the students go?A) To the zoo for a wildlife exploration.B) To the local museum for a history lesson.C) To the botanical garden for a field study.Answer: CExplanation: The announcement clearly states that the school trip will be to the botanical garden where students will learn about various plants and ecosystems, matching “To the botanical garden for a field study.”15、What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. The weather forecast for the weekend.B. The importance of staying healthy.C. A new fitness center in their neighborhood.Answer: CExplanation: The speakers are talking about a new fitness center that has opened up in their neighborhood, discussing its facilities and hours of operation. The conversation does not focus on weather or health, so options A and B are incorrect. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.16、How does the teacher encourage the students to participate in the school play?A. She tells them it’s a waste of time.B. She suggests they join as a team-building activity.C. She reminds them of the school’s tradition of performing arts.Answer: BExplanation: The teacher is trying to encourage students to participate in the school play by suggesting that it can be a team-building activity, which can help them learn and grow together. She does not discourage the students or mention a school tradition, so options A and C are incorrect. Thus, option B is the correct answer.17、(Question)Listen to the conversation between two students talking about their favorite subjects. What is the boy’s favorite subject?(A) Math(B) English(C) Science(D) ArtAnswer: CExplanation: In the dialogue, the boy mentions that he likes science because he enjoys doing experiments in the lab.18、(Question)You will hear a short passage about a day in the life of a student. After listening, choose what time the student gets up in the morning.(A) 6:00 AM(B) 6:30 AM(C) 7:00 AM(D) 7:30 AMAnswer: BExplanation: The passage states that the student wakes up at half past six to prepare for school, ensuring they have enough time to get ready and arrive on time.19.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.A)The man is going to the library.B)The woman is looking for a book.C)They are discussing a school project.D)They are planning to go to the cinema.Answer: CExplanation: In the dialogue, the woman mentions that they need to work on their school project together, indicating that they are discussing a school project. The other options are not mentioned or implied in the conversation.20.Listen to the passage and answer the question.What is the main purpose of the passage?A)To describe the history of the Internet.B)To explain how to use a computer.C)To discuss the benefits of the Internet.D)To promote a new computer software.Answer: CExplanation: The passage focuses on discussing the various benefits that the Internet brings to our lives, such as communication, education, and entertainment. While the passage mentions the history of the Internet briefly, it is not the main focus. The other options are not mentioned or relevant to the passage.二、阅读理解(30分)Part II: Reading Comprehension (15 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage A: My First Day at SchoolIt was a bright, sunny morning when I woke up for my very first day at junior high school. I was both excited and nervous. The school was not far from ourhouse, so I decided to walk there. As I walked, I thought about all the new friends I would make and the things I would learn.When I arrived, I saw many other students, some looking as nervous as I felt. The school was much bigger than my primary school, and I was a little worried I might get lost. But I soon found my classroom and my teacher, Ms. Li, who greeted me with a warm smile. She told us that we were going to have an exciting year, fullful of learning and fun activities.During the break, I went to the playground and met some classmates. We talked and laughed, and I started to feel more comfortable. By the end of the day, I realized that there was no need to be nervous. I had made several new friends, and I was eager to go back the next day to continue my journey in junior high school.Questions:1.How did the writer feel on the first day at junior high school?•A) Bored•B) Excited and nervous•C) Angry•D) Tired2.What did the writer do during the break?•A) Stayed in the classroom•B) Went home•C) Played alone•D) Went to the playground and met some classmates3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?•A) The writer’s new school was smaller than the primary school.•B) The writer got lost on the way to the classroom.•C) The writer enjoyed the first day and looked forward to the next.•D) The writer didn’t talk to anyone throughout the day.Answers:1.B) Excited and nervous2.D) Went to the playground and met some classmates3.C) The writer enjoyed the first day and looked forward to the next.Feel free to adjust the difficulty or content of the passage and the questions to better fit your needs.三、完型填空(15分)Section 3: ClozeRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below. Write the letter corresponding to your choice in the blank.The school trip to the museum was a ____(1)__ day for all the students. It was ____(2)__ sunny outside, and the ____(3)__ were all excited to learn more about art and history. The guide ____(4)__ the group to different sections of the museum, where they ____(5)__ various artifacts and paintings.1.A. wonderful B. interesting C. boring D. noisy2.A. very B. too C. quite D. rather3.A. students B. teachers C. guides D. parents4.A. joined B. followed C. invited D. watched5.A. discovered B. created C. described D. destroyedAnswers:1.A2.A3.A4.B5.A四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、The book,___________many people praised, is now available in our library.答案:which解析:这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是“the book”,关系代词“which”引导从句,并在从句中作主语。

1.文中加点字“亘”的读音正确的是()A.gèn B.gèng C.hén D.huán2.在文中横线②处填入汉字,正确的是()A.慢B.曼C.蔓D.漫3.在文中横线①处填入词语,恰当的是()A.呼朋引伴B.兴致勃勃C.失魂落魄D.小心翼翼4.文中画波浪线的句子有语病,下列修改正确的一项是()A.由于满园弥②的沉静光芒,所以一个人更容易看到时间,并看见自己的身影。

2024-2025学年冀教版英语初一上学期期中复习试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、听力材料:A. This is my cat. It’s black and white.B. That is my dog. It’s brown and white.Question: What color is the speaker’s cat?A. Black and whiteB. Brown and whiteAnswer: AExplanation: The speaker clearly mentions, “This is my cat. It’s black and white,” which indicates the cat is black and white.2、听力材料:A. I have a new book. It’s about history.B. She has a new bike. It’s red.Question: What does the speaker have that is red?A. A new bookB. A new bikeAnswer: BExplanation: The speaker states, “She has a new bike. It’s red,” which directly answers the question about something red that the speaker has.3、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.A. What is the weather like today?B. How do they feel about the weather?C. What are they planning to do?Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, one person asks how the other person feels about the weather, indicating a question about their feelings towards the weather, not about the weather itself or their plans.4、Listen to the short passage and choose the best answer to the question.What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of exerciseB. Different types of sportsC. The benefits of playing outdoor gamesAnswer: CExplanation: The passage focuses on the benefits of playing outdoor games, which is the main topic discussed throughout the passage. The other options, while related to the content of the passage, are not the central focus.5、听力原文:W: Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?M: It’s on the other side of the street. You can see a big sign that says “Post Office” there.Question: Where is the nearest post office?A. On this side of the street.B. On the other side of the street.C. Across the street.D. Behind the big building.Answer: BExplanation: The man says, “It’s on the other side of the street,” which means the nearest post office is located on the opposite side of the street.6、听力原文: M: Hi, Jane. I heard you won the math competition. Congratulations!W: Thank you, Tom. I worked really hard for it. How about you? What’s your favorite subject?M: Well, my favorite subject is science. I find it very interesting and I love doing experiments.Question: What is Jane’s favorite subje ct?A. ScienceB. MathC. EnglishD. HistoryAnswer: BExplanation: Jane responds to Tom’s compliment by saying, “Thank you, Tom.I worked really hard for it,” which indicates that she won the math competition.Therefore, her favorite subject is Math.7、You are listening to a conversation between a student and a teacher.Student: Good morning, Mr. Wang. How was your weekend?Teacher: Oh, it was quite nice. I went hiking with my family. How about you?Student: I stayed at home and watched some movies.Teacher: That sounds relaxing. Did you learn anything new this weekend?Student: Yes, actually. I watched a documentary about space exploration. It was fascinating!Teacher: That’s great. Learning something new is always good. Well, let’s get back to our English class.Question: What did the student do over the weekend?A) He went hiking.B) He stayed at home.C) He went shopping.D) He visited his friends.Answer: B) He stayed at home.解析:根据对话内容,学生回答说他在家看电影,所以选项B是正确答案。

2023-2024学年广东省东莞市东华中学七年级(上)期中英语试卷一、语法选择(10*1=10分)1.(10分)Hello,everyone.I'm Nick.I like reading very much,(1) my parents buya reading robot (机器人)for me.(2) name is Luka.It looks like an owl(猫头鹰)).Owls are clever,and Luka is clever(3) things well.It can read all the(4) books,such as storybooks,picture books,and so on.If(如果)you put(5) interesting storybook in front of it,it can read the story to you.If you put a picture in front of it,it can tell you what is in it.Luka is like a friend of(6) .It is really helpful.It is always there when I want to talk."Hi,Luka!"I say."Hi,Nick!(7) I help you?"Luka says.Luka can (8) Chinese,English and German.And it is also a great singer.After reading,I often ask it to sing a song for me.Some Chinese engineers made Luka.They hope to let Luka read to kids (9) all overthe world.Do you want (10) Luka home?I'm sure you will love it.(1) A.so B.because C.but(2) A.It B.Its C.It's(3) A.many B.much C.a lot(4) A.childs B.children C.children's(5) A.a B.an C.the(6) A.me B.my C.mine(7) A.Can B.Do C.Let(8) A.speak B.speaks C.speaking(9) A.to B.from C.on(10) A.bring B.bringing C.to bring二、完型填空(10*1=10分)2.(10分)Bob is Ann's brother.His birthday is next week.Ann wants to(1) a gift(礼物)for him.Ann goes to Mr.Hand's Store.It's a(2) store.The store is not (3) but there are many things in it.It (4) T﹣shirts in all colors.And they look very nice."Bob likes T﹣shirts.How about getting one for him?"Ann thinks."What can I do for you?"a woman in the(5) asks."I want a(6) for my brother.He likes blue." Ann says. "How about this blue T﹣shirt " the woman asks."It's nice,but it's too(7) for my brother.That long one is right for him.What's the(8) of it?"Ann asks. "It's ten dollars.The clothes in our store are on sale.The second one is 50%off(第二件五折).You can take two for only(9) dollars."the woman says.So Ann(10) a blue one for Bob and a yellow one for herself(她自己).Then she goes back home.(1) A.know B.buy C.play D.ask(2) A.sports B.book C.food D.clothes(3) A.small B.big C.nice D.long(4) A.sells B.finds C.needs D.wants(5) A.school B.house C.home D.store(6) A.coat B.T﹣shirt C.hat D.jacket(7) A.cool B.nice C.short D.good(8) A.price B.number C.color D.money(9) A.twelve B.fifteen C.eighteen D.twenty(10) A.loses B.likes C.helps D.buys三、阅读理解(10*2=20分)3.(10分)Family holidays can be fun!The Smith's Tour Company(旅游公司)is now planning holidays for families.Camping(露营)in Africa in the desert(沙漠)Stones,colors,animals﹣﹣so many things Swimming in Egypt(埃及)in the Red Sea July is the best time to visit here.You can swim with some of the most beautiful sea lives in thethat you can only see here in Africa.If you like campingDate:June4th﹣14thPrice:10,000 yuan per person world.And once you're here,you will find more. Date:July 1st﹣7thPrice:12,000 yuan per personSeeing winter snow in Iceland(冰岛)Do you like the cold weather?Come to Iceland.It's the best time to see e and have fun with a dog team pulling(拉)you across the snow!Date:January 1st﹣7thPrice:15,000 yuan per person Volunteering in Thailand(泰国)Do you want to have a different holiday?There's lots of volunteer work to choose in Thailand.How about helping save the elephants?Date:any timePrice:For free(1)What can you see when camping in the desert in Africa? A.Beach,elephants,stones.B.Stones,flowers,dogs.C.Colors,stones,animals.D.Colors,animals,flowers.(2)When is the best time to swim in the Red Sea? A.In January.B.In June.C.Any time.D.In July.(3)How much will Mr.Zhang pay,if he visits Iceland with his wife? A.15,000 yuan.B.30,000 yuan.C.35,000 yuan.D.40,o00 yuan.(4)Where can you do volunteering in the holiday? A.In Africa.B.In Egypt.D.In Thailand.(5)In which part of a newspaper can you find this passage? A.Sports.B.Health.C.Arts.D.Travelling4.(10分)Students have busy lives.You have many classes and activities every day.You usually have a lot of homework to do.Although you are busy,you need to stay healthy.Heath is very important in our life.Here are three things you can do.●ExerciseIt's important to get some exercise once or twice a day.If you have time,go for a walk or go to school by bike.Just find some time to do some sports,or you will easily get ill.●Eat Good FoodIt's important to eat balanced meals three times a day.You can't only eat meat.You also have to have enough fruit and vegetables.Eating fruit and vegetables is really good for our body.●Have Good HabitsHealthy habits will help you do well every day.Go to bed early.Always sleep early.It can help you do better at school!(1)Why are students so busy? ①They often have activities.②They have a lot of classes.③They need to do their homework.④They need to read a lot of books.A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④(2)How often should students exercise according to the passage? B.Twice a day.C.Once or twice a week.D.Once or twice a day.(3)What does the underlined word "balanced" in Paragraph 3 mean? A.healthyB.deliciousC.smallD.big(4)Which of the following can help you do better at school? A.Get up early.B.Get enough sleep.C.Go to bed early.D.Take a shower often.(5)Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage?(①=Paragraph 1) A.B.C.D.四、单词拼写(10*1=10分)5.(1分)After class,I always play (排球)with my friend Lily.6.(1分)﹣﹣Let's have some ice﹣cream!﹣﹣ (听起来)great!7.(1分)How many (收音机)do you have?8.(1分)Chinese is really (困难的)for me,but I will keep learning it.9.(1分)These (问题)are too easy.I can finish answering them in 5 minutes.10.(1分)There are five skirts,nine dresses and (十一)T﹣shirts in the store.11.(1分)I like fruit very much,but I don't like (草莓). 12.(1分)It is (令人放松的)for me to listen to music.13.(1分)Tina likes (观看)TV with her sister.14.(1分)I want to buy a pair of (裤子)for my father.五、句子翻译(5*2=10分)15.(2分)那些紫色的袜子多少钱?16.(2分)他的足球不在他爷爷奶奶房间里。

七年级数学上册期中考试卷(附有答案)(试卷满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)一.选择题:本题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.每小题只有一个选項符合題目要求.1.-2024的相反数是( )A.-2024B.2024C.±2024D.120242.如下列各图片所示的景德镇瓷器中,主视图和左视图相同的是(不考虑瓷器花纹等因素)( )A. B. C. D.3.2024年6月2日6时23分,"嫦娥六号"着陆器在月球背面预定着陆区域成功着陆.月球与地球之间的距离约为380000千米,将380000用科学记数法表示为( )A.0.38x106B.3.8x105C.38x104D.3.8x1064.数学课上,小明用土豆做了一个长方体模型,若用一个平面去截该模型,截面的形状不可能是( )A. B . C . D .5.下列运算正确的是( )A .5m+5n=5mnB .2m2n-m2n=2C .m5-m2=m3D .-m+4m=3m6.如图所示的是一个正方体的表面展开图,每个面都标注了一个字,则展开前与"冷"相对的是( )A.仔B.着C.沉D.细7.若7x2y2和﹣11x3m y2的和是单项式,则式子12m-16的值是( )A .-13B .-9C .-8 D.﹣58.如图,数轴上点A和点B分别表示数a和b.则下列式子正确的是()A.a-b<0B.a+b>0C.ab>0D.ab>09.已知非零实数x、y、z满足(x+y)(y+z)(x+z)=0,且x+y+z<0,则x|x|+y|y|+z|z|的值为()A .1B .-1C .3 D.﹣310.将图1中周长为12的长方形纸片剪成1号、2号、3号、4号正方形和5号长方形,并将它们按图2的方式放入周长为26的长方形中,则没有覆盖的阴影部分的周长为()A.20B.22C.23D.24 二.填空题:本题共6小题,每小超4分,共24分.11.电视剧《西游记》中,"齐天大生"孙悟空有一个宝贝如意金箍棒,当他快速旋转金箍棒时,展现在我们眼前的是一个圆面的形象,这说明 . 12.比较大小:-2 -1.8(填">","<"或"="). 13.一个棱柱有10个面,则它有 个顶点.14.如图是一组有规律的图案,它们是由正三角形组成的,第1个图案中有6个正三角形,第2个图案中有10个正三角形,第3个图案中有14个正三角形…按此规律,第100个图案中有 个正三角形。

2023-2024学年度第一学期期中质量检测七年级数学试卷(冀教版)温馨提示:1.本试题满分120分.考试时间90分钟.2.答卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上.3.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效.一、细心选一选(在每题所给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的.每小题3分,共48分)1.( )的相反数是−5A.−5B.5C.15 D.−152.一种食品包装袋上标着:净含量200g(±3g),表示这种食品的标准质量是200g,这种食品净含量最少( )g为合格A.200B.198C.197D.1963.下列各数中,绝对值最小的是( )A.−2B.3C.0D.−34.如图,数轴上的两个点分别表示数a和−2,则a可以是( )A.−3B.−1C.1D.25.计算−3−1的结果是( )A.−4B.−2C.4D.26.若∠α与∠β互余,∠α=72°30´,则∠β的大小是( )A.17°30´B.18°30´C.107°30´D.108°30´7.如图,AB=CD,那么AC与BD的大小关系是( )A.AC=BDB.AC <BDC.AC >BDD.不能确定8.如图,下列几何语句不正确的是( )A.直线AB 与直线BA 是同一条直线B.射线OA 与射线OB 是同一条射线C.射线OA 与射线AB 是同一条射线D.线段AB 与线段BA 是同一条线段9.若∠1与∠2互补,∠2与∠3互补,则∠1与∠3的关系满足( )A.∠1−∠3=90°B.∠1+∠3=90°C.∠1+∠3=180°D.∠1=∠310.如图,将△AOB 绕着点O 顺时针旋转,得到△COD,若∠AOB=40°,∠BOC=15°,则旋转角度是( )A.15°B.25°C.40°D.55°11.下列各对数中,互为相反数的是( )A.−(−2)和2B.+(−3)和−(+3)C.12和−2D.−(−5)和−|+5| 12.如图,OC 是∠AOB 的平分线,OD 是∠AOC 的平分线,且∠COD=25°,则∠AOB 等于( )A.50°B.75°C.100°D.120°A B CD O AD C OBA B O A C B D13.若1÷2×(−6)□9=6,请推算□内的符号应是( )A.+B.−C.×D.÷14.已知a ,b 都是实数,若(a+2)2+|b −1|=0,则(a+b)2023的值是( )A.−2023B.−1C.1D.202315.已知本学期某学校下午上课的时间为14时20分,则此时刻钟表上的时针与分针的夹角为( )度.A.40°B.50°C.60°D.70°16.如图,将长方形纸片ABCD 的角C 沿着GF 折叠(点F 在BC 上,不与B ,C 重合),使点C 落在长方形内部点E 处,若FH 平分∠BFE,则∠GFH 的度数α是( )A.90°<α<180°B.0°<α<90°C.α=90°D.α随折痕GF 位置的变化而变化二、细心填一填(请把结果直接填在题中的横线上,相信自己一定会填对的!共12分)17. −5的倒数是__________.18.比较大小:−35_______−34(填“<”或“>”). 19.对于有理数a 、b ,定义一种新运算,规定a ☆b=a 2−|b|,则3☆(−2)=________.20.如图,已知∠COD=∠AOB=75°,当∠COD 绕着点O 旋转且OC 在∠AOB 内部时,∠AOD+∠BOC=_________. A B DC F H EG三、耐心解一解21.试试你的基本功(每题7分,共14分)(1)(−16+712−38)×24; (2) −22−[(−3)×(−43) −(−2)3] 四、用心答一答(只要你认真探索,善于思考,一定会获得成功!本题共46分)22.(本题共8分)如图,点B 是线段AC 上一点,且AB=20,BC=8.(1)图中共有_____条线段.(2)试求出线段AC 的长.(3)如果点O 是线段AC 的中点.请求线段OB 的长.23.(本题共8分)质量检测部门从某洗衣粉厂9月份生产的洗衣粉中抽出了8袋进行检测,每袋洗衣粉的标准重量是450克,超过标准重量的部分用“+”记录,不足标准重量的部分用“−”记录,记录如下:−6,−3,−2,0,+1,+4,+5,−1.(1)通过计算,求出8袋洗衣粉总计超过或不足多少克?这8袋洗衣粉的总重量是多少克?(2)厂家规定超过或不足的部分大于4克时,不能出厂销售,若每袋洗衣粉的定价为3元,请计算这8袋洗衣粉中合格品的销售总金额为多少元?24.(本题共8分)C B AO A CBO D如图,已知∠AOB=120°,OC 是∠AOB 内的一条射线,且∠AOC︰∠BOC=1︰2.(1)求∠AOC 的度数.(2)过点0作射线OD ,若∠AOD=12∠A0B ,求∠COD 的度数.(画出草图即可)25.(本题10分)【问题情境】利用旋转开展数学活动,探究体会角在旋转过程中的变化.【操作发现】如图①,∠AOB=∠COD=90°且两个角重合.(1)将∠COD 绕着顶点O 顺时针旋转45°如图②,此时OB 平分∠____;∠BOC 的余角有________个(本身除外),分别是________________.【实践探究】(2)将∠COD 绕着顶点O 顺时针继续旋转如图③位置,若∠BOC=45°,射线OE 在∠BOC 内部,且∠BOC=3∠BOE,请探究.①求∠DOE 的度数.②∠BOC 的补角分别是:____________________.26.(本题共12分)如图,在一条直线上,从左到右依次有点A 、B 、C ,其中AB=4cm ,BC=2cm.以这条直A B (D )O 图① (C ) 图② AC B DO AC BD OE 图③ A CO B线为基础建立数轴,设点A、B、C所表示数的和是p.(1)如果规定向右为正方向,以1cm为单位长度建立数轴.①若以B为原点O,则点C表示的数是_______,点A表示的数为_______;此时p=_______;若以C为原点O,则点B表示的数是_______,点A表示的数为_______;此时p=_______.②若改变原点O的位置,使原点O在点C的右边,且CO=30cm,求p的值.发现观察p值的变化规律发现原点每向右移动1cm,p值______(增大或减小)______cm.(2)若点A表示的数是−1,则点C表示的数是________,若折叠数轴,使点A与点C 重合,则折点表示的数是________.2023-2024学年度第一学期期中质量检测参考答案七年级数学试卷(冀教版)温馨提示:1.本试题满分120分.考试时间90分钟.2.答卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上.3.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效.一、细心选一选(在每题所给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的.每小题3分,共48分)1.( )的相反数是−5A.−5B.5C.15 D.−151.解:正数的相反数是负数,绝对值相等,两者之和为0,故选B。

1.What color of the sweater does Dave like?A.Black.B.Red.C.Green.2.How much will the man pay for the sweater?A.15 dollars.B. 20 dollars.C.25 dollars.请听一段对话,完成第3至第4小题。
3.What does Jessica think of geography?A.Boring.B.Difficult.C.Interesting.4.When does Jessica have geography classes?A.On Wednesday and Thursday.B.On Wednesday and Friday.C.On Thursday and Friday.请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。
5.Where is the library?A.Next to the dining hall.B.Behind the dining hall.C.In front of the dining hall.6.Where are the speakers?A.At a cinema.B. At school.C.At a park.请听一段独白,完成第7至第8小题。
7.What can we know about the language club?A.There will be three activities this term.B.Harry will give a talk about English movies.C.Club members will do some writing.8.What is the speaker mainly talking about?rmation about club activities.B.An introduction to English bands.C.Advice on learning a new language.二、听独白,记录关键信息。

2024-2025学年苏科版数学初一上学期期中模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,那么这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?A、19厘米B、21厘米C、30厘米D、40厘米2、一个正方形的边长是10厘米,那么这个正方形的面积是多少平方厘米?A、100平方厘米B、50平方厘米C、25平方厘米D、20平方厘米3、下列哪一个等式表示的是线性方程?A.(2x2+3x−5=0)B.(4x+7=15)C.(x3−2x+1=0)+2=3)D.(1x4、如果一个长方形的长是宽的两倍,并且它的周长是30厘米,那么这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 30B. 45C. 60D. 905、下列各组数中,都是质数的一组是:A. 7,11,13,17B. 6,10,14,18C. 4,8,12,16D. 3,9,15,216、若a、b是正整数,且a+b=10,则a和b的最大公约数是:A. 1B. 2C. 5D. 107、已知点A(3, -2),点B(-1, 4),则线段AB的中点M的坐标是多少?A. (1, 1)B. (2, 1)C. (1, 2)D. (1, 1.5)8、如果一个正方形的边长增加了原来的50%,那么面积增加了多少百分比?A. 50%B. 100%C. 125%D. 150%9、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是长的一半,那么这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?选项:A. 16厘米B. 20厘米C. 24厘米D. 32厘米 10、一个正方形的对角线长是10厘米,那么这个正方形的边长是多少厘米?选项:A. 5厘米B. 10厘米C. 15厘米D. 20厘米二、填空题(本大题有5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、若(a+b=7),且(a−b=3),则(a)的值为____ 。
2、已知一个长方形的长是宽的2倍,如果它的周长是30厘米,则这个长方形的面积为 ____ 平方厘米。

人教版数学初一上学期期中模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1、题干:一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是长的一半,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?选项:A. 24厘米B. 36厘米C. 48厘米D. 60厘米2、题干:小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给了他3个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?选项:A. 2个B. 8个C. 10个D. 12个3、一个长方形的长是5cm,宽是3cm,它的周长是多少平方厘米?选项:A. 10平方厘米B. 15平方厘米C. 20平方厘米4、一个正方形的面积是16平方厘米,它的边长是多少厘米?选项:A. 2厘米B. 4厘米C. 8厘米D. 16厘米5、下列数中,能被3整除的是:A. 25B. 35C. 48D. 626、小明骑自行车去学校,他每小时可以骑行12千米。
如果他从家出发到学校需要30分钟,那么他家的距离学校大约是多少千米?A. 6千米B. 9千米C. 10千米D. 12千米7、(选择题)已知一个长方形的长是5cm,宽是3cm,那么这个长方形的周长是多少平方厘米?A、10平方厘米B、15平方厘米D、20平方厘米8、(选择题)在直角坐标系中,点A的坐标是(2,-3),点B的坐标是(-4,-3),那么线段AB的长度是多少?A、6B、5C、4D、79、(选择题)小明将一根绳子对折两次后,绳子被平均分成了几段?A. 2段B. 4段C. 8段D. 无法确定 10、(选择题)一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?A. 12厘米B. 16厘米C. 24厘米D. 32厘米二、填空题(本大题有5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,那么这个长方形的周长是________ 厘米。
2、如果a=3,b=4,那么表达式a²-b²的值是 ________ 。
3、一个长方形的周长是24厘米,其中一条长是8厘米,则它的宽是 ______ 厘米。

2024-2025学年北师大版英语初一上学期期中自测试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A school tripB. A book reviewC. A movie recommendationD. A science experimentAnswer: CExplanation: The speakers are discussing a movie that they both watched, providing recommendations and opinions, which indicates that the main topic of the conversation is about a movie recommendation.2、Where is the nearest bank according to the conversation?A. Next to the post officeB. Across the street from the libraryC. Behind the supermarketD. Beside the police stationAnswer: BExplanation: One of the speakers mentions that the bank is across the streetfrom the library, which is the specific location given in the conversation.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.Question: What is the weather like in the conversation?A) SunnyB) RainyC) WindyD) SnowyAnswer: B) RainyExplanation: In the dialogue, one per son mentions that it’s pouring outside, which indicates that it is raining. Therefore, the correct answer is B) Rainy.4、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the speaker’s favorite season and why?A)Summer, because it’s the longest day of the year.B)Spring, because the flowers bloom and it’s not too hot.C)Autumn, because it’s the season of harvest.D)Winter, because it’s snowy and peaceful.Answer: B) Spring, because the flowers bloom and it’s not too hot.Explanation: The speaker explicitly states that their favorite season is spring because the flowers bloom, indicating the beauty of the season, and also mentions that it’s not too hot, which suggests a pleasant temperature. Therefore, the correct answer is B) Spring.5、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.A. The boy is in the library.B. The girl is looking for a book.C. They are discussing a school project.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue indicates that the girl is asking the boy if he knows where a particular book is located, suggesting that she is looking fora book herself.6、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main purpose of the school trip?A. To have fun and relax.B. To learn about history.C. To practice teamwork.Answer: BExplanation: The passage mentions that the school trip is to a historical site, indicating that the main purpose is to learn about history. The other options are not supported by the information given in the passage.7、What does the boy want to do after school?A. Go to the libraryB. Play basketballC. Watch a movieAnswer: B. Play basketballExplanation: In the dialogue, you will hear the boy suggesting to his friend that they go play basketball after school because he has finished all hishomework and would like to have some fun. The key phrase to listen for is “Let’s go shoot some hoops,” which is an informal way of saying “Let’s play basketball.”8、Where are the speakers probably talking?A. In a classroomB. At a bus stopC. In a restaurantAnswer: A. In a classroomExplanation: The conversation includes phrases such as “turn to page 50” and “Can someone close the window, please?” These are typical things one might hear in a classroom setting, indicating that the speakers are most likely inside a classroom during a lesson. Listen for contextual clues that suggest the environment, such as references to books, pages, and classroom management.9.Listen to the conversation and answer the question.W: Hi, John. How was your weekend?M: It was great! I went hiking with my friends and we saw a lot of wild animals.Q: What did John do over the weekend?A: John went hiking with his friends.B: John stayed at home and watched movies.C: John visited his grandparents.D: John went shopping with his friends.Answer: AExplanation: The listener can infer that John’s weekend activity was hiking with his friends, as mentioned in the dialogue.10.Listen to the short passage and complete the following sentence.W: The school is organizing a charity event to help the children in the rural areas.M: That’s a wonderful idea! It’s important to give back to the community.Q: What are the speakers talking about?A: A school sports event.B: A charity event for rural children.C: A school trip to the countryside.D: A school dance.Answer: BExplanation: The speakers are discussing a charity event aimed at helping children in rural areas, which is indicated by the mention of “charity event” and “children in the rural areas.”11.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.A. The students are planning a school trip.B. The teacher is asking about their weekend plans.C. The students are discussing their favorite subjects.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the teacher asks the students about theirweekend plans, indicating that the topic of discussion is their personal time.12.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the correct words.A. - How are you doing?•I’m fine, thank you. How about you?•I’m (11) , but I’ve been quite busy with my homework recently.Answer: 11. quite busyExplanation: The blank needs to be filled with an adverb to describe the student’s current state. The phrase “I’ve been quite busy with my homework recently” suggests that th e student has been occupied with their studies.13、What does the boy want to do after school?A. Go to the libraryB. Play basketballC. Watch a movieAnswer: B. Play basketballExplanation:In the conversation, the boy mentions that he has finished his homework and would like to go to the playground with his friends to play basketball before it gets dark. He’s not interested in going to the library because he’s already done reading for the day, and there’s no mention of watching a movie.14、Where are the two speakers probably talking?A. At a restaurantB. In a classroomC. At a bus stopAnswer: C. At a bus stopExplanation:The dialogue suggests that one of the speakers is waiting for the bus to arrive, and they are discussing which bus number will take them home. They also talk about how crowded the buses usually get at this time of the day, indicating that they are most likely at a bus stop.15.What is the name of the museum that the students are going to visit next week?A. The Art MuseumB. The Science MuseumC. The History MuseumD. The Music MuseumAnswer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the teacher mentions that they will be visiting the Science Museum next week to learn about different scientific experiments. Therefore, the correct answer is “B. The Science Museum”.16.How old is the student who is going to perform in the school talent show?A. 12 years oldB. 13 years oldC. 14 years oldD. 15 years oldAnswer: CExplanation: The student introduces themselves as “I am 14 years old” during the conversation. Thus, the correct answer is “C. 14 years old”.17、You will hear a conversation between a teacher and a student about a school trip. Listen and choose the correct answer.A)The trip is scheduled for next Monday.B)The student forgot to bring the permission slip.C)The destination of the trip is the science museum.【Answer】: B) The student forgot to bring the permission slip.【Explanation】: In the dialogue, the teacher reminds the student that they need to bring the signed permission slip by tomorrow, indicating that the student had forgotten it.18、Listen to a dialogue between two friends talking about their weekend plans. Choose the correct statement based on the conversation.A)They plan to go hiking in the mountains.B)One friend is going to stay home and study.C)They are going to watch a movie together.【Answer】: C) They are going to watch a movie together.【Explanation】: During the conversation, one friend suggests watching the new action film that just came out, and the other agrees, showing that they have decided to go see a movie.19.You hear a conversation between two students about their weekend plans. Listen and choose the correct answer.A. They are going to the beach.B. They are planning to visit a museum.C. They are going to go hiking.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation mentions “We thought it would be fun to go to the museum this weekend,” which indicates that th ey are planning to visit a museum.20.Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about a school project. Complete the sentence with the correct option.Teacher: “How are you doing with your science project, by the way?”Student: “I’m _________. I need to finish the experiment and write a report.”A. quite wellB. a bit behindC. already finishedAnswer: BExplanation: The student’s response implies that they are not quite on track with their project, as they mention needing to finish the experiment and write a report, which suggests they are a bit behind.二、阅读理解(30分)North Normal University Affiliated School English Mid-term Examination Paper for Grade 7 (First Semester)Part II: Reading ComprehensionPassage:“The Adventure of the Lost Puppy”It was a cold autumn morning when Tom and Alice decided to take a walk through the woods near their village. The leaves were turning beautiful shades of red and gold, and the air was crisp and fresh. As they strolled along the path, they heard a faint barking sound coming from a distance. They followed the sound until they came upon a small, shivering puppy that seemed lost and frightened. It was a little brown dog with big, curious eyes. Tom and Alice looked around but could not see anyone nearby. They concluded that the puppy must have been abandoned.Tom suggested they should take the puppy home and try to find its owner. Alice agreed and picked up the puppy, who immediately snuggled into her arms as if relieved to be found. On their way back, they stopped at the local animal shelter to ask if anyone had reported a missing pet. To their surprise, there was no record of a lost puppy matching the description. They decided to post notices around the village and online, hoping someone would recognize the puppy.A few days later, a young girl named Emily came to Tom’s house after seeing the notice. She explained that she had been looking everywhere for her lost puppy, Biscuit, who had run away during a family picnic in the woods. Tom and Alice were happy to reunite Biscuit with his owner, and Emily was overjoyed to have her companion back. She thanked Tom and Alice for their kindness and promised to be more careful next time.From that day on, Tom and Alice became known as heroes in their village for helping return the lost puppy to its rightful owner. The experience taught them about responsibility and the importance of being kind and helpful to others.Questions:1.What season did Tom and Alice decide to go for a walk?2.Why did Tom and Alice decide to take the puppy home?3.How did Emily feel when she found out about Biscuit?Answers:1.It was autumn.2.They thought the puppy was abandoned and wanted to find its owner.3.Emily felt overjoyed to have her puppy, Biscuit, returned to her.This reading comprehension exercise incorporates elements of kindness, responsibility, and community spirit, which are appropriate themes for students at this level.三、完型填空(15分)Task 3: Gap FillingRead the following passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank. There is one extra option which does not fit in any of the blanks.The summer holidays were coming to an end, and the students at Beijing Normal University附属中学 were preparing for the new school year. (1)_______felt excited about the new term, but some students were (2) _______.(3)_______the first day of school, they had to go through a series of activities designed to help them settle in. The headmaster, Mr. Wang, gave a welcoming speech and introduced the new teachers. (4)_______the teachers, therewere also a few new students in the class.Li Hua was one of the new students. He was (5)_______nervous because he had never been to a big school before.A. AlthoughB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Therefore1.A2.B3.A4.C5.BAnswer:1.A. Although2.B. However3.A. Although4.C. Besides5.B. very四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)plete the following sentences with the correct form of the given words.1、The______(child) are playing in the park.Answer: childrenExplanation: The word “children” is the plural form of “child.” Since the verb “are playing” is plural, the subject mu st also be in its plural form.2、She enjoys______(listen) to music while she______(read).Answer: listening; readsExplanation: “Enjoy” is followed by either a gerund (-ing form) or an infinitive without “to.” Here, “listening” is the correct form. Also, “reads” is used to maintain the present tense and describe an action that occurs simultaneously with listening to music.3、I___________(be) very tired yesterday because I___________(work) late at the office.A. was, workedB. were, workedC. was, was workingD. am, was workingAnswer: CExplanation: The first blank should be filled with “was” because it refers to a past event (yesterday). The second blank should be filled with “was working” to indicate an ongoing action at the time in the past (yesterday).4、If I___________(have) more time, I___________(go) to the concert last night.A. had, would have goneB. have, goC. have, would goD. had, would goAnswer: AExplanation: The first blank should be filled with “had” to express a hypothetical situation in the past (if I had more time). The second blank should be filled with “would have gone” to indicate the result of the hypothetical situation (I would have gone to the concert).5、In the__________(be) of the new library, the students are excited to explore the new resources.答案:building解析:此题考查名词的复数形式。
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D. 以上都有可能
6. 两个有理数的积为负数,和也为负数,那么这两个数 ( )
A. 都是负数
B. 互为相反数
C. 绝对值较大的数是正数,另一个是负数
D. 绝对值较大的数是负数,另一个是正数
7. 在下列代数式 − 1 a2b2,2a,3x − 1, n , x + y ,−20 中,单项式有 ( )
25. (1) y;(x − 2y)2 (2) (x2 − 4y2) 平方厘米. 答:该纸盒的全面积为 (x2 − 4y2) 平方厘米. (3) x = 4y.
数学试题参考答案 !"!
26. (1) (2) AC = |2 − (−1) | = 3 (km). (3) (2 + 1.5 + 4.5 + 1) ÷ 0.25 = 36(分). 答:小明跑步一共用了 36 分钟.
D. 2 − 3
12. 一列火车长 m 米,以每秒 n 米的速度通过一个长为 p 米的桥洞,用代数式表示它通过桥洞所需的时 间为 ( )
A. p 秒 n
B. p − m 秒 n
C. p + mn 秒 n
D. p + m 秒 n
13. 如图是由几个大小相同的小正方体搭成的几何体的俯视图,小正方形中的数字表示该位置上小正方
27. 已知 a,b 互为相反数,m,n 互为倒数,x 的绝对值等于 3,回答:
(1) 由题目可得,a + b =
,mn =
,x =
(2) 求多项式 2x2 − (a + b + mn) x + (a + b)2017 + (−mn)2017 的值.
28. 如图 A 在数轴上所对应的数为 −2.
体的个数,则该几何体的左视图是 ( )
14. 如图是一个正方体盒的展开图,若在其中的三个正方形 A,B,C 内分别填入适当的数,使得它们 折成正方体后相对的面上的两个数互为相反数,则填入正方形 A,B,C 内的三个数依次为 ( )
A. 1,−2,0
B. 0,−2,1
C. −2,0,1
D. −2,1,0
(1) 点 B 在点 A 右边距 A 点 4 个单位长度,求点 B 所对应的数; (2) 在(1)的条件下,点 A 以每秒 2 个单位长度沿数轴向左运动,点 B 以每秒 2 个单位长度沿数轴向右
运动,当点 A 运动到 −6 所在的点处时,求 A,B 两点间距离. (3) 在(2)的条件下,现在 A 点静止不动,B 点再以每秒 2 个单位长度沿数轴向左运动时,经过多长时间
(2) 求该纸盒的全面积(外表面积);
(3) 为了使纸盒底面更加牢固且达到废物利用的目的,现考虑将剪下的四个小正方形平铺在盒
子的底面,要求既不重叠又恰好铺满(不考虑纸板的厚度),求此时 x 与 y 之间的倍数关系.
26. 小明早晨跑步,他从自己家出发,向东跑了 2 km 到达小彬家,继续向东跑了 1.5 km 到达小红家,然
24. (1) 465 + 22 − 29 − 15 + 37 − 25 − 21 − 19 = 415(吨). 答:星期六结束时仓库内还有货物 415 吨. (2) (22 + 29 + 15 + 37 + 25 + 21 + 19) × 5 = 840(元). 答:这一周内共需付 840 元装卸费.
A,B 两点相距 4 个单位长度.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 D C B D B DCDB A A D D A D
16. − 1 ,5 4
17. 350 米
18. 1
19. ②,③,④
A. 0.731 × 109
B. 7.31 × 108
C. 7.31 × 109
D. 73.1 × 107
4. 下列各数中,最小的数是 ( )
A. −3
B. | − 2|
C. (−3)2
D. −32
5. 用一个平面去截一个几何体,得到的截面是四边形,这个几何体可能是 ( )
A. 圆锥
B. 圆柱
C. 球体
18. 已知 |a + 2016| + |b − 2017| = 0,求 (a + b)2017 =
19. 图 1 和图 2 中所有的正方形都相同,将图 1 的正方形放在图 2 中的
①,②,③,④ 中选填所有可能)位置,所组成的图形能够围成正方体.
20. 图中是一幅“苹果排列图”,第一行有 1 个苹果,第二行有 2 个,第三行有 4 个,
1 2
( 0.5|;2;−
1 2
23. (1) 23 − 17 − (−7) + (−16)
=23 − 17 + 7 − 16
=30 − 33
= − 3; 1.25 ×
× 4
15 ) 16
= − 5 − (12 − 8 − 30)
= − 5 − (−26)
此类推,则 a2017 =
22. 把− 下12 ,列2各,数0,分−别3在,数| −轴0上.5|表,示−出(−来4,12 )并.用“<”连接起来:
23. 计算:
(1)23 − 17 − (−7) + (−16);
(2)1.25 × (−4) − 32 × ( 3
A. 5 个
B. 4 个
C. 3 个
D. 2 个
8. 如图,A,B 两点在数轴上表示的数分别为 a,b,下列式子不成立的是 ( )
A. |a − b| = b − a
B. −1 < a < 0
C. |a| < |b|
D. b + a < 0
9. 若代数式 2x2 + 3x + 7 的值是 8,则代数式 4x2 + 6x + 15 的值是 (
一选择题 (每小题(分共(+分
1. 如果收入 25 元记作 +25 元,那么支出 20 元记作 ( ) 元.
A. +5
B. +20
C. −5
D. −20
2. 下列各组数中,互为相反数的是 ( )
A. 2 与 1 2
B. (−1)2 与 1
C. −1 与 (−1)2
D. 2 与 | − 2|
3. 目前,中国网民已经达到 731000000 人,将数据 731000000 用科学记数法表示为 ( )
27.(1) 0;1;±3 2x2 − (a + b + mn) x + (a + b)2017 + (−mn)2017
=2 × (±3)2 − (0 + 1) x + 0 + (−1)2017 (2)
=18 − x − 1 =17 − x, 当 x = 3 时, 原式 = 17 − 3
= 14. 当 x = −3 时, 原式 = 17 − (−3)
15. 如图所示的运算程序中,若开始输入的 x 值为 48,我们发现第 1 次输出的结果为 24,第 2 次输出的 结果为12,· · · 第 2017 次输出的结果为 ( )
A. 3
B. 6
C. 4
D. 2
16. 单项式 − a3b2 的系数是
17. 已知甲地的海拔高度是 300 米,乙地的海拔高度是 −50 米,那么甲地比乙地高
后又向西跑了 4.5 km 到达学校,最后又向东,跑回到自己家.
(1) 以小明家为原点,以向东为正方向,用 1 个单位长度表示 1 km,在图中的数轴上,分别用点 A 表示出小彬家,用点 B 表示出小红家,用点 C 表示出学校的位置; (2) 求小彬家与学校之间的距离; (3) 如果小明跑步的速度是 0.25 千米每分钟,那么小明跑步一共用了多长时间?
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注意事项 #'答题前请考生先将自己的姓名准考证号填写清楚并认真核对条形码上的姓名准考证号考 室和座位号 !'必须在答题卡上答题在草稿纸试题卷上答题无效 ('答题时请考生注意各大题题号后面的答题提示 )'请勿折叠答题卡保持字体工整笔迹清晰卡面清洁 *'答题卡上不得使用涂改液涂改胶和贴纸
数学试题参考答案 ! 2!
A. 2
B. 17
C. 3
10. 如果规定符号“∗”的意义为 a ∗ b = a × b ,则 2 ∗ (−3) 的值是 ( a+b
A. 6
B. −6
C. 6
) D. 16
) D. − 6 5
初一数学第# 页共$页
11. 下列运算结果为正数的是 ( )
A. (−3)2
B. −3 ÷ 2
C. 0 × (−2017)
(−3) ×