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Sample Question

What are the advantages and

disadvantages to people traveling and working abroad?

■Nowadays, many business people use the opportunity of traveling abroad to work in a foreign country for a period of several months or even years. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages facing these people.


Essay layout(布局谋篇)

第一段(引言段) 先是指出在商界,人们越来越意识到去海外工作所带来的益处。然后提出观点:如果人们对可能发生的问题没有做好充分的准备的话,那么这段异国他乡的经历将是令人沮丧和毫无成果的。

第二段(主体段一) 阐述出国的两点好处。其一是,有机会在实际生活中运用一门外语,并完全掌握语言技巧。其二是,去海外工作,并生活在一个全新的环境中可以开拓人的视野并使人有耳目一新的体验。

第三段(主体段二) 陈述出国的人面对的种种弊端,而其中最严重的是语言障碍。到了一个陌生的地方而不懂那里的语言,这种生活是十分压抑的。另外,出国人员在风俗习惯和言谈举止方面都必须小心谨慎,以免无意中冒犯了当地人。

第四段(结尾段) 得出结论:尽管在海外工作有许多好处,但是我们要具备足够的心理成熟度和承受压力的能力,才能跨出这勇敢的一步。

Excellent Vocabulary(经典语汇)

a growing awareness

overseas working experience

arise from different cultures and lifestyles

a frustrating and fruitless experience

with the intention of…

make real-life use of a foreign language

master the skills of a second language

stay in a particular place for one’s entire lifetime be narrow-minded in many matters

enjoy one’s delicious meal of raw meat

vomit at this idea

many conflicts in today’s world

the lack of mutual understanding between nations an unparalleled chance to broaden one’s horizons experience something refreshing and enlightening language barrier

arrive in an utterly unfamiliar land

have the obligation to do something

those overseas-bound people

bear something in mind

culture shock

be bound to do something

orientate oneself in an alien society

conduct oneself cautiously in matters of custom and tradition

use their habitual signals and gestures

take on new meanings in a different cultural context

be sufficiently mature

stress management

make a daring decision

inhabit another country

Complex Sentences(精彩长句)







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