
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
-史上最全北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题 回忆及复
16、云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还。 17、童孺纵行歌,斑白欢游诣。 18、福不虚至,祸不易来。 19、久在樊笼里,复得返自然。 20、羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。

作文:论Modesty和Ambition的关系,以及这两者是如何shape future and success的。
英汉类似Oval Office,credential,invoice,lawsuit,CIA,汉英有:戴维营,三K党之类的。

财教创办北大、人大、中、北外授 训营对视频集、一一保分、、小班2013年北京大学英语翻译硕士考研真题及答案解析育明教育梁老师提醒广大考生:历年考研真题资料是十分珍贵的,研究真题有利于咱们从中分析出题人的思路和心态,因为每年专业课考试不管在题型还是在内容上都有很高的相似度,考研学子们一定要重视.有什么疑问可以随时联系育明教育梁老师,我会为根据各位考生的具体情况提供更加有针对性的指导。
英语翻译基础1.这对翻译术语是由美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti )于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出来的。
3.语内翻译(intralingual translationn 的“改变说法”(rewording )。

北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2013年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Ⅰ(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.IAEA(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)2.UNICEF(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children"s Emergency Fund)3.Iron-deficiency anemia(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:缺铁性贫血4.sandwich generation(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:三明治一代(同时扶养子女、照顾父母的人)5.hydrocarbon compounds(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:碳氢化合物6.eutrophication(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:富营养化7.wind turbine(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:风力涡轮机;风力发电机8.temperate ecosystems(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:温带生态系统9.depleted nuclear fuel(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:贫化铀10.genome(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:基因组;染色体组11.nanotechnology(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:纳米技术12.marginal cost(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:边际成本;边缘费用13.discount market(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:贴现市场14.LDC(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:最不发达国家(Least Developed Countries);欠发达国家(less developed country)15.eye candy(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:有魅力但不聪明的人;中看不中用的东西;养眼花瓶二、Ⅱ(总题数:15,分数:15.00)16.页岩气(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:shale gas17.居家养老(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:home-based care for the aged18.参政议政(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs19.本币互换协议(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:currency swap agreement20.自主知识产权(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:proprietary intellectual property rights; Independent Intellectual Property Rights 21.存款准备金(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:Deposit Reserve; required reserves22.专属经济区(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:exclusive economic zone23.文化逆差(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:cultural deficit24.光伏电池(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:photovoltaic cell25.装机容量(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:installed capacity26.差额选举(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:competitive election; multi-candidate election27.医药分开(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:separation between medical and pharmaceutical services28.官二代(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:privileged child; the children of powerful officials29.属丝(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:loser; dios30.打酱油(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:It"s none of my business./I am just a passer-by.三、Ⅲ(总题数:2,分数:60.00)31.The conifer hedges in front of J. K. Rowling"s seventeenth-century house, in Edinburgh, are about twenty feet tall. They reach higher than the street lamps in front of them, and evoke the entrance to the spiteful maze in the film adaptation of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", the fourth volume of her fantasy series. Rowling, who, at forty-seven, is about to publish her first novel for adults—it is set in a contemporary Britain familiar with Jay-Z and online pornography, but is shaded with memories of her own, quite cheerless upbringing—lives here with her second husband, Neil Murray, a doctor, and their children. She has a reputation for reserve:for being likable but shy and thin-skinned, and not at all comfortable with the personal impact of having created a modern myth, sold four hundred and fifty million books, and inspired more than six hundred thousand pieces of Harry Potter fan fiction, a total that increases by at least a thousand stories a week.(分数:30.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:J·K·罗琳住在爱丁堡一座17世纪的房屋,她家门前的针叶树树篱约有20英尺高,比树篱面前的路灯还要高出些许,令人不禁联想起哈利·波特电影版《哈利·波特与火焰杯》(这是她魔幻系列小说的第四部)中危机四伏的迷宫入口。

三、命题作文 800 字 写博客或评论 QQ 和 360 之争
一、25 个名词解释: 1.洋务运动 2.百日维新 3.北洋水师 4.五月花号 5.玫瑰战争 6.滞涨 7.马建忠 8.十二铜表
9.马其诺防线 10.直接民主 11.陪审团 12.山顶洞人 13.贸易顺差 14.自由宪章 15.荷马史诗 16.免罪推论 17.圈地运动 18.失乐园 19.利维坦 20.帕累托改进 21.刘易斯拐点 22.波士顿倾茶事件
念夏洛蒂的文章《最后一幅素描》中说 :“凡是读过她的书的人,谁不钦佩这位妇 女对真理的炽热的爱,她的 勇敢,她的纯真,她对邪恶的义愤,她热切的同情心,她虔诚的爱和信仰,她激越的荣誉感。一种急切的诚实是 这位妇女的性格特征。”这段话可以说是夏洛蒂的真实写照。
一、词语翻译(30 个) reciprocal banquet talk show black tea Byzantine Empire Sanitery ware WHO CIA CNN HDTV CPU CBS…… 艾滋病毒 应用语言学 国际货币基金组织 爵士摇滚 入境签证
二、十个中文术语中译英 美国联邦储备银行 拜占庭帝国 在餐馆干杂活的小工 谋杀未遂 核裁军 减免学杂费 经济指标
因为不愿意暴露身分,所以我们用库瑞尔、艾利斯、阿克顿贝尔这些笔名来隐藏本名。这个因为良心不 安而做出的暧昧抉择,是假设基督徒对于名为男性的思考是正面的。我们并不喜欢宣布我们是女人,因 为——毫无疑问的,我们的著作和思想是不会被称为“女注意到评论家有时是如何因为个性而抨击,有时则是用谄媚当作鼓励,这些 并不是真正的评价。

3.[A] issue [B] vision [C] picture [D] moment4.[A] For example [B] On average [C] In principle [D] Above all5.[A] fond [B]fearful [C] capable [D] thoughtless6.[A] in [B] on [C] to [D] for7.[A] if [B]until [C] though [D] unless8.[A] promote [B]emphasize [C] share [D] test9.[A] decision [B] quality [C] status [D] success10.[A] chosen [B]stupid [C]found [D] identified11.[A] exceptional [B] defensible [C] replaceable [D] otherwise12.[A] inspired [B]expressed [C] conducted [D] secured13.[A] assigned [B]rated [C] matched [D] arranged14.[A] put [B]got [C]gave [D] took15.[A]instead [B]then [C] ever [D] rather16.[A]selected [B]passed [C] marked [D] introduced17.[A]before [B] after [C] above [D] below18.[A] jump [B] float [C] drop [D] fluctuate19.[A]achieve [B]undo [C] maintain [D]disregard20. [A] promising [B] possible [C] necessary [D] helpful答案:1-5: ADCAB6-10: BADDA11-15: DCBDB16-20: CACBC答案详解:2013年的完型填空是一篇选自《经济学人》名为A Question of Judgment的文章。

2013北京语言大学翻译硕士英语笔译英语翻译基础(回忆版)Ⅰ.Translate the following abbreviations and phrases into corresponding meanings.1.HTTP 超文本传输协议2. VAT 增值税3. EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟4.APEC 亚太经合组织5. NPT(military) 不扩散核武器条约6.IPO 首次公开募股;首次公开上市7.strait exchange fundation 海基会(SEF)8.The Milky Way 银河9.dollar policy 金元外交10. a five percent discount 九五折11.returns on equity 股权回报率12. running expense 经营费用13.mass transit system 公共客运系统.14.Equalitarianism 平均主义15.International Date Line 国际日期变更线16. 磁悬浮列车 Maglev train17. 保质期gurantee period18.自主招生 independent recruitment19.工笔画traditional Chinese realistic painting20.公积金public accumulation fund21.限购 property-purchasing limitations22.军国主义 militarism23.三权分立(西方) separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers24. 鸿门宴 Hongmen Banquet25. 中国证监会 China Securities Regulatory Comission (CSRC)26.《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror27探月工程 lunar probe program.28.党内民主 Inner-party democracy29.制海权command of sea30.弱势群体 the disadvantaged / vulnerable groupⅡ、篇章翻译(120’)英译汉(60’)Source 1 (25’)In bad economic times the temptation to bash immigration is overwhelmi ng. “Get the stench out of Greece,” runs a slogan of Golden Dawn, an increasingly popularanti-immigrant party there. David Cameron has pledged to more than halve annual net migration into Britain by 2015. In America Republicans are wondering how much anti-immigration rhetoric contributed to Mitt Romney’s defeat in the presidential election. A change of political tune is badly needed. Evidence suggests that increased flows of people across borders could ignite global growth.Source 2 (35’)关于UFO 的一篇文章,汉译英:(60’)每个人都不免有一个理想,或为温饱,或为名利,或为学问,或为德行,所谓“从其大体者为大人,从其小体者为小人”。

凯程考研整理各高校历年考研真题,希望能帮大家更好的复习!2013年北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题及答案I. Phrase TranslationIAEA:国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)UNICEF:联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)Iron-deficiency anemia:缺铁性贫血sandwich generation:三明治一代(同时扶养与照顾父母和子女的人)hydrocarbon compounds:碳氢化合物eutrophication:富营养化wind turbine:风力涡轮机;风力发电机temperate ecosystems:温带生态系统depleted nuclear fuelgenome:基因组;染色体组nanotechnology:纳米技术marginal cost:边际成本;边缘费用discount market:贴现市场LDC:最不发达国家(Least Developed Countries);欠发达国家(less developed country)eye candy:有魅力但不聪明的人;中看不中用的东西;养眼花瓶页岩气:shale gas居家养老:home-based care for the aged参政议政:participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs本币互换协议:currency swap agreement自主知识产权:proprietary intellectual property rights; Independent Intellectual Property Rights存款准备金: Deposit Reserve; required reserves专属经济区: exclusive economic zone文化逆差: cultural deficit光伏电池: photovoltaic cell装机容量: installed capacity差额选举: competitive election ; multi-candidate election医药分开: separation between medical and pharmaceutical services官二代: privileged child; the children of powerful officials屌丝: Loser; Dios打酱油:It’s none of my business./I am just a passer-by.II. Passage translationText AThe conifer hedges in front of J. K. Rowling’s seventeenth-century house, in Edinburgh, are about twenty feet tall. They reach higher than the street lamps in front of them, and evoke the entrance to the spiteful maze in the film adaptation of “Harry Pot ter and the Goblet of Fire,‖ the fourth volume of her fantasy series. Rowling, who, at forty-seven, is about to publish her first novel for adults—it is set in a contemporary Britain familiar with Jay-Z and online pornography, but is shaded with memories of her own, quite cheerless upbringing—lives here with her second husband, Neil Murray, a doctor, and their children. She has a reputation for reserve: for being likable but shy and thin-skinned, and not at all comfortable with the personal impact of having created a modern myth, sold four hundred and fifty million books, and inspired more than six hundred thousand pieces of Harry Potter fan fiction, a total that increases by at least a thousand stories a week.Text BChina’s programmes for addressing climate change domestically through its 12th Five-Year Plan are impressive. Accelerating progress on the low-carbon economy has worked in China’s favour as it has become a global leader in wind and solar power manufacturing. The cliché that ―when China sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold‖ can also be turned on its head. When China makes up its mind to lead, the rest of the world follows suit.Doha matters because the UNFCCC international climate negotiations are an important channel through which China can help shape the global development model in ways that re-enforce its low carbon economy. Europe is the largest market for Chinese solar power, but its internal negotiations on ramping up climate-change ambition –and therefore creating a larger market for Chinese goods – are being delayed by uncertainty over progress on a global climate regime.While Doha will not be the ambitious meeting the climate crisis requires, it will nonetheless be important for building momentum towards a comprehensive agreement in 2015. China’s role in ensuring we do not renegotiate the Durban agreement will be essential to limiting climate risks in China and maintaining the drive towards a low carbon economy which China has so heavily invested in both financially and politically.Text C11月25日,几乎所有媒体都报道了国产歼-15舰载战斗机在中国海军”辽宁”号航母上成功完成起飞和着舰的动作。

1.HTTP2.VAT3.IPO4.EFTA5.APEC6.NPT(military)7.International Date Line8.Strait Exchange Foundation9.The Milky Way10.equalitarianism11.mass transit system12.returns on equity13.dollar policy14.running expenses15.a five percent discount16.磁悬浮列车17.保质期18.(西方的)三权分立19.工笔画20.公积金21.鸿门宴22.资治通鉴23.中国证监会24.制海权25.军国主义26.党内民主27.探月工程28.自主招生29.限购30.弱势群体第二题:英汉互译共120分。
第一段提到希腊的Golden Dawn,英国的卡梅隆,和美国的罗姆尼。

2013年硕士研究生考试题:英语一真题无忧考网整理了2013年硕士研究生考试题:英语一真题,希望对大家有所帮助!Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that 1 the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by 2 factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3 was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samles of information they were working with. 4 , he theorised that a judge 5 of apperaring too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison 7 he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.To 8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the 9 of an applicant should not depend on the few others 10 randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr. Simonsoho suspected the truth was 11 .He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews 12 by 31admissions officers. The interviewers had 13 applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale 14 numerous factors into consideration. The scores were 15 used in conjunction with an applicant’s score on the Granduate Managent Adimssion Test, or GMAT, a standardized exam which is 16 out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.Dr. Simonsoho found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one 17 that, then the score for the next applicant would 18 by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to 19 the effects of such a decrease a candidate could need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been 20 .1. [A] grants [B]submits [C]transmits [D]delivers2. [A] minor [B]objective [C]crucial [D] external3. [A] issue [B]vision [C]picture [D]external4. [A] For example [B] On average [C]In principle [D]Above all5. [A] fond [B] fearful [C]capable [D] thoughtless6. [A] in [B] on [C] to [D] for7. [A] if [B] until [C] though [D] unless8. [A] promote [B] emphasize [C] share [D]success。

北京大学英语专业2014年硕考试题专业技能部分,英译汉是罗马尼亚哲学家E. M. Cioran的Some Blind Alleys: A Letter(Richard Howard为英译者)节选。
Drained by his fecundity, a phantom who has worn out his shadow, the man of letters diminishes with each word he writes. Only his vanity is inexhaustible; if it were psychological, it would have limits; those of the self. But it is cosmic or demonic: it submerges him. His "work" obsesses him; he continually alludes to it, as if, on our planet, there were nothing outside himself which deserved attention or curiosity...Voltaire was the first literary man to erect his incompetence into a procedure, a method. Before him, the writer, content to be tangent to events, was more modest: plying his trade in a limited sector, he followed his own nose and kept it clean. Nothing of the journalist about him, at most he was interested in the anecdotic aspect of certain solitudes: his indiscretion wasineffectual.With our braggart, things change. None of the subjects which intrigued his times escaped his sarcasm, his half-knowledge, his craving for controversy, his universal vulgarity. In Voltaire, everything was impure except his style. Profoundly superficial, without any sensibility for the intrinsic, for the interest reality offers in itself, he inaugurated in letters our ideological gossip. His mania for chatter, for indoctrinating, his porter's-lodge wisdom, were to make him the prototype, the model of the littérateur. Since he said everything about himself, and since he exploited to the last drop the resources of his nature, he no longer troubles us: we read him and move on. On the other hand, in the case of a Pascal we feel sure he has not told us all there is to say; even when he irritates us, he is never, for us an author. To write books is to have a certainrelation with original sin. For what is a book if not a loss of innocence, an act of aggression, a repetition of our Fall? To publish one's taints in order to amuse or exasperate! A barbarism with respect to our intimacy, a profanation, a defilement. And a temptation. I know what I am talking about, and I speak advisedly. At least I have the excuse of hating my actions, of performing them without believing in them...From the depth of my disgust, everything literary looks to me like a chastisement; I shall try to forget my life for fear of discussing it; or else, unable to accede to that absolute of disillusion, I shall condemn myself to a morose frivolity. Shards of instinct, nonetheless, compel me to cling to words. Silence is unbearable: what strength it takes to settle into the concision of the Inexpressible! It is easier to renounce bread than speech. Unfortunately the verbal turns intoverbiage, to literature. Even thought that way tends, ever ready to spread out, to puff up; to check it with a period, to contract it into an epigram or a witticism is to counter its expansion, its natural movement, its impulse toward dilution, toward inflation. Whence our systems, whence our philosophies.中译英是一篇建国前汉语风格的文论,大意是中国文学多是随感式,词句由作者性格贯穿,杂而不乱,西方的文学由亚里士多德的《诗学》起就注重逻辑演绎,结构严谨云云。

2013年北京语言大学211翻译硕士英语考研试题翻译硕士英语考研试题((回忆版回忆版))一、grammar and vocabulary (20*1.5)覆盖面几乎都是语法,有几个词汇题,语法以考察非谓语动词、主谓一致、虚拟语气为主,另涉及到一些固定短语的搭配,但都不难,单词的辨析也不是很难,结合前三年的回忆版,我觉得以后大家在复习这道题型时主要还是以基础语法为主,复习专四那样复习就够了。
二、阅读阅读((20*2)1.前三篇文章的选择题基本上都有1道词汇题(文中词汇,问其近义词),三个词汇分别是despendent, prevalent, pandemic ,其他的题型就是定位于原文段落中的句子的理解、还有问整篇文章是关于什么的,还有就是下列选项哪个是正确的。
A .是racial discrimination 和social violence 的文章B .是facial expression 和 emotion 讲的是世界不同文化的人们即使言语不通也会有某些共同表情,而且不同表情对心理的影响不同C .貌似是专四真题或者是模拟题,是关于亚非拉地区传染病防治的2.第四道阅读题为回答问题型,两道大题,其中第一道大题有两问,整篇文章是将文中划线部分用自己的话表达出来。
EDW ARD THOMAS was a late starter to poetry. “I couldn’t write a poem to save my life,” he declared aged 35, when a “literary hack” of minor biographies and travel memoirs, struggling to support a wife and three children. A year later, and three years before he was killed by a passing shell in the Arras offensive in the first world war, he had written and published some of the finest poems to come out of Britain at the beginning of the 20th century.What changed Thomas from a middling prose writer to a dazzling poet is the central theme of Matthew Hollis’s engaging new book, which won two awards for biography when it came out in Britain last year and is just now being published in America. Mr Hollis, a poet and editor, focuses on the last five years of Thomas’s life before he died in 1917.His book begins in London, where Thomas visits a new bookshop dedicated to poetry that had just opened in “shady Bloomsbury”. Around this shop circled the poets that made up literary London at that time: Ezra Pound, an American, who would greet startled visitors to his flat in a purple dressing gown; W.B. Yeats, an Irish poet and playwright who shunned newfangled electricity in favour of candlelight for his evening readings; and Rupert Brooke, a dashing young English poet, who would die a soldier in 1915 from an infection caught while stationed near Greece, and whose poetry sold 250,000 copies in the decade after his death.Less glamorous or eccentric than these figures, Thomas was a prolific and occasionally acerbic book reviewer, six feet tall, “slim, loose-limbed and vigorous”, who struggled with near-suicidal depression. He had married while still an undergraduate at Oxford and his relationship with his wife Helen was a troubled one. He often spent time away on the long journeys needed for his travel books, such as the “The Icknield Way”.Mr Hollis is adept at evoking the atmosphere of the time, and at negotiating the complicated friendships and squabbles between these poets. But it is when Thomas meets Robert Frost, a“Yankee” poet determined to be published in Britain that his book comes to life. It was Frost—a stocky, quick-tempered figure—who persuaded Thomas to write poems, and who believed that “words exist in the mouth, not in books”. Once Thomas decided to write verse, he did so quickly. Spurred on by Frost, and by the oncoming threat of war, at one point he wrote nearly a poem a day, including his much loved “Adlestrop” with its “lazed, heat-filled atmosphere…of that last summer before the war”. Mr Hollis re-creates Thomas’s process of writing by comparing the differing drafts of his poems, giving life to his process of composition, and charting the correspondence between Thomas and Frost once the latter had moved back to America.In many ways, Thomas was a difficult, reticent figure, who was quite capable of signing off letters to his mother “Yours ever, Edward Thomas”. Even after he had enrolled in the Artists Rifles regiment, he remained painfully shy about his work, hiding his poetry among calculations on the trajectory of shells, or disguising it as prose. This may be one reason why Mr Hollis tends to address his subject formally throughout his book, frequently by his full name, and does not delve—beyond polite speculation—into the various extramarital romances Thomas may have had. Those who want such details will have to go elsewhere. Instead, Mr Hollis captures something far greater than a man’s personal life, and far more elusive: the desire and struggle to write, even when you begin, as Thomas put it, “at 36 in the shade”.1.Describe Edward Thomas's personal detail and his literary career2.Explain the sentences in line三、写作Define the word "integrity" and explain its importance in our social life(题目是”integrity“,问其为何在社会生活中很重要)。

专业能力:(1)英翻中(50)The Poetry of Architecture:Cottage,Villa,Etc.to Which Is Added Suggestions on Works of Art作者:John Ruskin第41页和42页,google图书从I must take notice of its effect in scenery.When one has been wandering for a whole morning through a valley到because they are useless,uneaning and incongruous.主要讲瑞士cottage,个人感觉还是有一定难度的,因为有好几个句子感觉比较复杂,很容易译偏了,相反那几个如雷贯耳的建筑名字我觉得大家应该都知道,不算很难,除了Pyramid of Cheops(胡夫金字塔)这个。

2012年北京大学翻译硕士考研真题回忆版翻译硕士英语注意事项:1.本试卷共 6 道大题(共计 61 个小题),满分100 分;2.本卷属试题卷,答题另有答题卷,答案一律写在答题卷上,写在该试题卷上或草纸上均无效。
I. There are 15 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the right one. (30points)1. When you make the sacrifice in marriage, the psychologists say, you’re sacrificing not to each other but to in a relationship.A. unityB. utilityC. fraternityD. reality2. The constant changes in fashion, with a view to higher sales, made greater demands on women as a class.A. predictedB. dictatedC. statedD. related3. It is easy to see why many little girls prefer to with the male role, but the girl who does find the male role more attractive is faced with a dilemma.A. beautifyB. modifyC. identifyD. justify4. If we can any kind of killing in the name of religion, the door is opened for all kinds of other justifications.A. purifyB. satisfyC. justifyD. verify5. I could easily perceive that his heart burnt to relieve his starving kids, but he seemed ashamed to his inability to me.A. discoverB. recoverC. demonstrateD. impress6. It is a dangerous thing nowadays if you do not others at arm’s length, for they may hit you below the belt any time.A. bakeB. keepC. takeD. make7.I will never the experiences of the four years at Howard University, though there were unhappy encounters.A. dischargeB. rechargeC. discardD. dispose8. We should not the West, nor should we praise it to the skies and think great of everything that belongs to the West.A. forgiveB. forsakeC. forlornD. forage9. Bill Gates is one of those who are said to be,able to rack huge profits at ev turn.A. on the shipB. on the planeC. on the gravy trainD. on the rocks10. He aimed at finding some workable with a man who was a celebrity not in the inward-reflecting world of Oxford but in the larger world outside.A. neighborhoodB. workmanshipC. relationshipD. craftsmanship11.For me and my other classmates, trying to fathom what happened to our old school friend, 178 we may never know if we really would grow up with a future terrorist.A. grow upB. are growing upC. grew upD. shall grow up12. When I was an editor,I always preferred to apologize promptly, what the merits of the case, rather than face the expense and, importantly, the time consuming complexities and debilitating worry of litigation, libel being one of the least satisfactory branches of the lawA. whichever, more importantlyB. whatever, more importantC. whichever, more importantD. whatever, more importantly13. One morning my patience was growing thin during Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake.A. whenB. asC. whileD. whenever14. One of the key features of CBI is the use of authentic “input” 一 in other words, real reading but listening material: magazine and newspaper articles, poems, short stories, brochures, excerpts from textbooks written for native speakers of English, radio interviews, lectures, and advertisements.A. andB. orC. and/orD. nil15. In each person's life there are three stages. When one was young, people said, “He will do something.” As he grew older and did nothing, they said, “He could do something if he found himself.” When he was white-haired, people said of him, “He might do something tf he could try anything.”A.He should have done something if he has tried somethingB.He would have done something if he should have tried anythingC.He might do something if he would try something.D.He might have done something if he had tried anythingII. ComprehensionPassage 1Begging by NestlingsMany signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging. A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food. These loud cheeps and peeps might give the location of the nest away to a listening hawk or raccoon, resulting in the death of the defenseless nestlings. In fact, when tapes of begging tree swallows were played at an artificial swallow nest containing an egg, the egg in that “noisy” nest was taken or destroyed by predators before the egg in a nearby quiet nest in 29 of 37 trials.Further evidence for the costs of begging comes from a study of differences in the begging calls of warbler species that nest on the ground versus those that nest in the relative safety of trees. The young of ground-nesting warblers produce begging cheeps of higher frequencies than do their tree-nesting relatives. These higher-frequency sounds do not travel as far, and so may better conceal the individuals producing them, who are especially vulnerable to predators in their ground nests.David Haskell created artificial nests with clay eggs and placed them on the ground beside a tape recorder that played the begging calls of either tree-nesting or of ground-nesting warblers. The eggs “advertised” by the tree-nesters' begging calls were found bitten significantly more often than the eggs associated with the ground-nesters' calls.The hypothesis that begging calls have evolved properties that reduce their potential for attracting predators yields a prediction: baby birds of species that experience high rates of nest predation should produce softer begging signals of higher frequency than nestlings of other species less often victimized by nest predators. This prediction was supported by data collected in one survey of 24 species from an Arizona forest, more evidence that predator pressure favors the evolution of begging calls that are hard to detect and pinpoint.Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit do begging nestlings derive from their communications? One possibility is that a noisy baby bird provides accurate signals of its real hunger and good health, making it worthwhile for the listening parent to give it food in a nest where several other offspring are usually available to be fed. If this hypothesis is true, then it follows that nestlings should adjust the intensity of their signals in relation to the signals produced by their nestmates, who are competing for parental attention. When experimentally deprived baby robins are placed in a nest with normally fed siblings, the hungry nestlings beg more loudly than usual—but so do their better-fed siblings, though not as loudly as the hungrier birds.If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of vigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings’ calls. Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows out of a nest for an hour feeding half the set and starving the other half, when the birds are replaced in the nest, the starved youngsters beg more loudly than the fed birds, and the parent birds feed the active beggars more than those who beg less vigorously.As these experiments show, begging apparently provides a signal of need that parents use to make judgments about which offspring can benefit most from a feeding. But the question arises, why don't nestlings beg loudly when they aren't all that hungry? By doing so, they could possibly secure more food, which should result in more rapid growth or larger size, either of which is advantageous. The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs of exaggerated begging—such energy costs are small relative to the potential gain in calories—but rather in the damage that any successful cheater would do to its siblings, which share genes with one another. An individual's success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success. Because close relatives have many of the same genes, animals that harm their close relatives may in effect be destroying some of their own genes. Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of itssiblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of its genes overall than it might otherwise.1. The phrase “impose on” in the paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to○ increase for○ remove from○ place on○ distribute to2. According to paragraph 1, the experiment with tapes of begging tree swallows establishes which of the following?○ Begging by nestling birds can attract the attention of predators to the nest.○ Nest predators attack nests that contain nestlings more frequently than they attack nests that contain only eggs.○ Tapes of begging nestlings attract predators to the nest less frequently than real begging calls do.○ Nest predators have no other means of locating bird nests except the begging calls of nestling birds.3. The word “artificial” in the paragraph 2is closest in meaning to○ attractive○ not real○ short-term○ well designed4. Paragraph 2 indicates that the begging calls of tree nesting warblers○ put them at more risk than ground-nesting warblers experience○ can be heard from a greater distance than those of ground-nesting warblers○ are more likely to conceal the signaler than those of ground-nesting warblers○ have higher frequencies than those of ground-nesting warblers5. The experiment described in paragraph 2 supports which of the following conclusions?○ Predators are unable to distinguish between the begging cheeps of ground-nesting and those of tree-nesting warblers except by the differing frequencies of the calls.○ When they can find them, predators prefer the eggs of tree-nesting warblers to those of ground-nesting warblers.○ The higher frequencies of the begging cheeps of ground-nesting warblers are an adaptation to the threat that ground-nesting birds face from predators.○ The danger of begging depends more on the frequency of the begging cheep than on how loud it is.6. The word “prediction” in the paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to○ surprise○ discovery○ explanation○ expectation7. The word “pinpoint” in the paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to○ observe○ locate exactly○ copy accurately○ recognizePassage 2Which Hand Did They Use?We all know that many more people today are right-handed than left-handed. Can one trace this same pattern far back in prehistory? Much of the evidence about right-hand versus left-hand dominance comes from stencils and prints found in rock shelters in Australia and elsewhere, and in many Ice Age caves in France, Spain, and Tasmania. When a left hand has been stenciled, this implies that the artist was right-handed, and vice versa. Even though the paint was often sprayed on by mouth, one can assume that the dominant hand assisted in the operation. One also has to make the assumption that hands were stenciled palm downward—a left hand stenciled palm upward might of course look as if it were a right hand. Of 158 stencils in the French cave of Gargas, 136 have been identified as left, and only 22 as right; right-handedness was therefore heavily predominant.Cave art furnishes other types of evidence of this phenomenon. Most engravings, for example, are best lit from the left, as befits the work of right-handed artists, who generally prefer to have the light source on the left so that the shadow of their hand does not fall on the tip of the engraving tool or brush. In the few cases where an Ice Age figure is depicted holding something, it is mostly, though not always, in the right hand.Clues to right-handedness can also be found by other methods. Right-handers tend to have longer, stronger, and more muscular bones on the right side, and Marcellin Boule as long ago as 1911 noted the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neanderthal skeleton had a right upper arm bone that was noticeably stronger than the left. Similar observations have been made on other Neanderthal skeletons such as La Ferrassie I and Neanderthal itself.Fractures and other cut marks are another source of evidence. Right-handed soldiers tend to be wounded on the left. The skeleton of a 40- or 50-year-old Nabatean warrior, buried 2,000 years ago in the Negev Desert, Israel, had multiple healed fractures to the skull, the left arm, and the ribs.Tools themselves can be revealing. Long-handed Neolithic spoons of yew wood preserved in Alpine villages dating to 3000 B.C. have survived; the signs of rubbing on their left side indicate that their users were right-handed. The late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander.Occasionally one can determine whether stone tools were used in the right hand or the left, and it is even possible to assess how far back this feature can be traced. In stone toolmaking experiments, Nick Toth, a right-hander, held the core (the stone that would become the tool) in his left hand and the hammer stone in his right. As the tool was made, the core was rotated clockwise, and the flakes, removed in sequence, had a little crescent of cortex (the core's outer surface) on the side. Toth's knapping produced 56 percent flakes with the cortex on the right, and 44 percent left-oriented flakes. A left-handed toolmaker would produce the opposite pattern. Toth has applied these criteria to the similarly made pebble tools from a number of early sites (before 1.5 million years) at Koobi Fora, Kenya, probably made by Homo habilis. At seven sites he found that 57 percent of the flakes were right-oriented, and 43 percent left, a pattern almost identical to that produced today.About 90 percent of modern humans are right-handed: we are the only mammal with a preferential use of one hand. The part of the brain responsible for fine control and movement is located in the left cerebral hemisphere, and the findings above suggest that the human brain was already asymmetrical in its structure and function not long after 2 million years ago. Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right, and the same was found for brains of specimens from Neanderthal, Gibraltar, and La Quina.1. The phrase “assisted in” in the paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to○ initiated○ dominated○ helped with○ setup2. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that even when paint was sprayed by mouth to make a hand stencil○ there was no way to tell which hand was stenciled○ the stenciled hand was the weaker hand○ the stenciled hand was the dominant hand○ artists stenciled more images of the dominant hand than they did of the weak3. The phrase “depicted” in the paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to○ identified○ revealed○ pictured○ imagined4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.○ Right-handed artists could more easily have avoided casting shadows on their work, because engravings in prehistoric caves were lit from the left.○ The tips of engraving tools and brushes indicate that these instruments were used by right-handed artists whose work was lit from the left.○ The best lighting for most engravings suggests that they were made by right-handed people trying to avoid the shadow of their hands interfering with their work.○ Right-handed artists try to avoid having the brush they are using interfere with the light source.5.All of the following are mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 as evidence of right-handedness in art and artists EXCEPT○ the ideal source of lighting for most engravings○ the fact that a left hand stenciled palm upward might look like a right hand○ the prevalence of outlines of left hands○ figures in prehistoric art holding objects with the right hand6. According to paragraph 3, the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neanderthal skeleton can be identified as right-handed because○ other Neanderthal skeletons found nearby are also right-handed○ the right arm bone is stronger than the left○ it is similar to skeletons of La Ferrassie I and Neanderthal○ the right side of the skeleton shows less evidence of fractures7. Which of the following statements about fractures and cut marks can be inferred from paragraph 4?○ Fractures and cut marks caused by right-handed soldiers tend to occur on the right side of the injured party's body.○ The right arm sustains more injuries because, as the dominant arm, it is used more actively.○ In most people, the left side of the body is more vulnerable to injury since it is not defended effectively by the dominant arm.○ Fractures and cut marks on fossil humans probably occurred after death.Ⅲ. Writing (30 points)Corporate executives, undoubtedly, play a crucial part in a company’s management and operation. Some people argue that the only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies. Do you agree to their opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.。

不过有的词拿不准啊…第二题4个阅读A :nuclear power是否是最佳能源。
5个选择,每个2分B :一个得癌症的女人为自己的保险金的斗争…5个选择,每个2分C :环太平洋板块和印度板块的地震带… 3个问答,每个4分D :suburban area 的优劣。
Many people spend too much time on texting,…而不是face toface communication翻译基础1. 世界文化遗产2. 居留权3. 豆浆4. 国际日期变更线5. 白马王子6. 拆迁户7. 中国革命历史博物8. 国民生产总值9. 营业执照10. 总统候选人11. 中国科学院12. 双重国籍13. 白手起家英译汉1. Principle of reciprocity2. Maglev train(magneticallylevitated train) magnetic suspension train3. the crime of dereliction ofduty4. three-point shot percentage5. gender gap6. unemployment benefit7. local people’s procuratorate8. multilateral internationalconvention9. bilateral and multilateraleconomic cooperation10. black sheep今年有大变化!!!就两大段英译汉关于苏门答腊海啸,以及科学家对将来更大的灾难袭击美国海岸。
第一句就是经验随着年龄增长,知识和宽容随着经验增长百科1. 主观唯心主义包括什么2. 区分辩证法和形而上学的原理3. 信息的实质4. 人脑是什么5. 四大菜系6. 北四阁7. 四大名楼8. 四小名旦9. 乾隆的三希堂的三件名字帖《快雪时晴贴》《中秋帖》(王献之)《伯远帖》10. 中美关系正常化时中美两国领导人各是谁11. 2009年去世的是哪位世界歌手(迈克尔·杰克逊,流行之王)12. “修合无人见,存心有天知”说的是采药的13. 我国现存最古老最高的木结构塔是山西应县的释迦塔14. 轻度发酵的茶是青茶和白茶15. 2011年神舟八号和天宫一号成功分离16. 斯大林是苏联的共产党书记和部长会议主席17. 南北回归线是热带和温带的界限,18. 太阳直射点的边界19. 博鳌亚洲论坛发起人,每年在中国的哪里举办20. 马克思的两个理论成果21. 2020年六大经济体22. 哪个不符合辛亥革命前的社会场景:选项有看申报怒斥日本侵占台湾,坐中国自制铁路进京赶考,慈禧政变时在商务印书局工作等23. 四库全书哪个皇帝年间24. 七碗茶歌对茶进行了详尽的描述第二大题是应用文,某高校体育运动会的讲话稿。

北京大学英语笔译 MTI 考研信息整理北京大学英语笔译考研参考书、招生人数、历年分数线、报录比、复试信息1.招生人数2015年的北大英语笔译方向计划招生 30人,接受推免人数 15~20人;实际招生人数为:18人(2人为港澳台学生接受推免人数:12人; 2016年的北大英语笔译方向计划招生 30人,接受推免人数 15人;实际招生人数为:18人(1人为港澳台学生接受推免人数:12人; 学制:两年北大翻硕学费:2016年:5万/两年;2015年:8万/两年;前几年北大翻硕的学费都比较高,16年进行了调整,降至 5万。
2.初试考试科目:1、101思想政治理论(100分2、211翻译硕士英语(100分3、357英语翻译基础(150分4、448汉语写作与百科知识(150分★★★育明宋老师解析:北大英语 MTI 只有笔译一个方向,初试除了思想政治理论是全国统一试卷, 剩下的三门专业课, 都是北大自主出题, 出题的整体方向都偏文学性, 特别指出的是, 北大英语 MTI 和日语的 MTI 的专业课汉语写作与百科知识,考的是同一张试卷,分为基础知识(100分和专业知识(50分两部分,满分 150分.北大考研(翻译技巧——形容词的翻译形容词与比较级形容词的第三大难点即形容词比较级的翻译,说到这里,很多小伙伴不以为然,不就是“比…更…” 吗,但是,你要相信考试的时候是不会出“this stick is longer than that one”这类弱智句子的, 下面我们一起来缕缕这些时常困扰着我们的比较级~1, “比较级+than”结构,这类句式比较常见,在翻译时,要先翻译 than 后面的内容,如:①Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。
②She’s much happier performing live than in a recording studio.与在录音棚里录音相比,她更喜欢现场表演。

财教创办北大、人大、中、北外授 训营对视频集、一一保分、、小班2013年北京语言大学英语翻译硕士考研真题及答案解析育明教育梁老师提醒广大考生:历年考研真题资料是十分珍贵的,研究真题有利于咱们从中分析出题人的思路和心态,因为每年专业课考试不管在题型还是在内容上都有很高的相似度,考研学子们一定要重视.有什么疑问可以随时联系育明教育梁老师,我会为根据各位考生的具体情况提供更加有针对性的指导。
汉语写作与百科知识第一部分百科知识 请对划线部分知识进行解释。
2.莎士比亚从 英伦三岛走向国际化的过程中,歌德的推介功劳至大。
3.东盟峰会在金边举行,峰会期间,与会东盟领导人将重点与会领导人将讨论具体落实《东盟宪章》各项目标、讨论深化区域合作、推进区域一体化进程、积极应对 欧债危机及世界经济恢复乏力带来的诸多全球性挑战等重大问题。
5.十八大报告中,胡锦涛提出 “两个翻一番” 和 “两个一百年”,令海内外全体炎黄子孙共同为之欣喜、振奋和自豪。
第二部分 应用文写作(40分)根据下面三个人即曹宁、舒洁、查理的对话,以曹宁的名义书写一封致查理的“商业信函”,不少于450字。
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2013年北京大学翻译硕士考研真题回忆版翻译硕士英语注意事项:1.本试卷共 6 道大题(共计 61 个小题),满分100 分;2.本卷属试题卷,答题另有答题卷,答案一律写在答题卷上,写在该试题卷上或草纸上均无效。
I. There are 15 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the right one. (30points)1. The streets of the Dual Springs neighborhood, a migrant-worker hub in northern Beijing, . That’s no surprise; more than 13,000 people have been quarantined in China s capital to halt the insidious spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).A. desertedB. vacatedC. unlived inD. removed2. In many a lack of direction prompted the Republican Guard to call it a day.A. occasionsB. casesC. eventsD. days3. They did considerable work to the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America.A. allowB. acquaintC. notifyD. propagate4. My mother says a teaching machine has to be to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently.A. modifiedB. consideredC. adjustedD. remanufactured5 The big retailers are starting to think small, too. Sainsbury's and Tesco have launched convenience-store chains, called local and Express, respectively — that have fast become, in British towns.A. ubiquitousB.establishedC. frequentedD. known6. The solidarity among the young, especially the 386 Generation, is so strong that it s helping to the country’s deep-rooted regional divide.A. enhanceB. dissolve,C. weaken:D. move7. The Wright brothers continued their flying in France and all who saw them.A. saddenedB. frightenedC. astonishedD. alarmed8. We are well aware of the responsibilities that necessarily to our office.A. attachB. confronts G. given D. face9. People say that what we are all is a meaning for life, but I don’t think that s what we all look for.A. seeingB. seekingC. watchingD. looking10. When Joe was left to live with those people, he found that they were soof life that he couldn’t stay with them.A. painfulB. disdainfulC. meaningfulD. fruitful11. A survey asked British mums who work outside the home what they would most like for Mother’s Day. And what did they reply? “Flowers? Chocolates? Dinner in Paris?” No, what 72% wanted was this: a little bit of time for mother.A. to myselfB. to momC. for momD. by myself12. Of course, nobody ever thought the prime minister’s job shall be easy.A.wouldB. couldC. willD. should13. Downing Street is fighting fiercely for something it hopes it shall control: its reputation. “[The BBC] is now saying, ‘Nobody ever said the prime minister told a lie, but that’s exactly what they’re saying,’,Alastair Campbell, Blair’s director of communications, told Newsweek. “That’s pretty heavy.”A. couldB. wouldC. canD. will14.The made-in-America idea of the global brand has built a name that people will buy on faith, and the pioneer was Coca-Cola.A. is buildingB. is to buildC. was to buildD. was building15. For the least, American roots are no longer an easy selling point. Through much of the postwar period, US brands could play off this cachet; Levi’s ad campaigns used wholesome themes of boy-meets-girl in a heartland American setting until the early 1990s.A. At leastB. At the leastC. At mostD. At the mostII. ComprehensionPassage 1Role of Play in DevelopmentPlay is easier to define with examples than with concepts. In any case, in animals it consists of leaping, running, climbing, throwing, wrestling, and other movements, either along, with objects, or with other animals. Depending on the species, play may be primarily for social interaction, exercise, or exploration. One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that it involves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance--dominance, predation, competition, and real fighting. Thus, whether play occurs or not depends on the intention of the animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.Play appears to be a developmental characteristic of animals with fairly sophisticated nervous systems, mainly birds and mammals. Play has been studied most extensively in primates and canids (dogs). Exactly why animals play is still a matter debated in the research literature, and the reasons may not be the same for every species that plays. Determining the functions of play is difficult because the functions may be long-term, with beneficial effects not showing up until the animal's adulthood.Play is not without considerable costs to the individual animal. Play is usually very active, involving movement in space and, at times, noisemaking. Therefore, it results in the loss of fuel or energy that might better be used for growth or for buildingup fat stores in a young animal. Another potential cost of this activity is greater exposure to predators since play is attention-getting behavior. Great activities also increase the risk of injury in slipping or falling.The benefits of play must outweigh costs, or play would not have evolved, according to Darwin' s theory. Some of the potential benefits relate directly to the healthy development of the brain and nervous system. In one research study, two groups of young rats were raised under different conditions. One group developed in an "enriched" environment, which allowed the rats to interact with other rats, play with toys, and receive maze training. The other group lived in an "impoverished" environment in individual cages in a dimly lit room with little stimulation. At the end of the experiments, the results showed that the actual weight of the brains of the impoverished rats was less than that of those raised in the enriched environment (though they were fed the same diets). Other studies have shown that greater stimulation not only affects the size of the brain but also increase the number of connections between the nerve cells. Thus, active play may provide necessary stimulation to the growth of synaptic connections in the brain, especially the cerebellum, which is responsible for motor functioning and movements.Play also stimulates the development of the muscle tissues themselves and may provide the opportunities to practice those movements needed for survival. Prey species, like young deer or goats, for example, typically play by performing sudden flight movements and turns, whereas predator species, such as cats, practice stalking, pouncing, and biting.Play allows a young animal to explore its environment and practice skill in comparative safety since the surrounding adults generally do not expect the young to deal with threats or predators. Play can also provide practice in social behaviors needed for courtship and mating. Learning appropriate social behaviors is especially important for species that live in groups, like young monkeys that needed to learn to control selfishness and aggression and to understand the give-and-take involved in social groups. They need to learn how to be dominant and submissive because each monkey might have to play either role in the future. Most of these things are learned in the long developmental periods that primates have, during which they engage in countless play experiences with their peers.There is a danger, of course, that play may be misinterpreted or not recognized as play by others, potentially leading to aggression. This is especially true when play consists of practicing normal aggressive or predator behaviors. Thus, many species have evolved clear signals to delineate playfulness. Dogs, for example, will wag their tails, get down their front legs, and stick their behinds in the air to indicate "what follows is just for play."1. According to paragraph 1, why is play difficult to define?O Play must be defined with concepts, not examples.O Play behavior often looks like nonplay behaviorO Play often occurs in the presence of animals that are not playingO Play occurs independently of an animal’s intentions2. According to paragraph 2, which of the following presents a particular challenge to researchers who study play behavior in animalsO The delay between activities and the benefits the animal derives from them.O The difficulty in determining which animal species play and which do not.O The fact that for most animals, there is no clear transition from youth to full adulthood.O The lack of research on the play behavior of animals other than canids and primates.3. The word “considerable” in paragraph 3 is closest in the meaning toO InitialO PracticalO EventuallyO Significant4. According to paragraph 3, each of the following is a cost to animals that engage in play EXCEPTO exposure to predatorsO a buildup of fat storesO a loss of fuel that could be used for growthO risk of injury from slipping or falling5. Why does the author include the comment “though they were fed the same diets” in paragraph 4?O To show why rats living in impoverished environments need less food than those living in enriched environmentsO To eliminate the possibility that differences in diet were responsibly for observed differences in brain weightO To emphasize the point that rats were fed only the amount of food needed to keep them aliveO To suggest that rats fed the same diet have smaller brains than those fed a varied food6. Paragraph 4 supports which of the following statements about an animal’s brain.O The heavier the brain, the richer the environment in which the animal was raised.O The younger the animal, the harder it is to develop new connections between nerve cells.O The larger the animal, the harder it is to develop new connections between nerve cells.O The larger the animal’s cerebellum, the larger will be the animal’s nerve cells.7. According to paragraph 5, why might play behavior of prey species be different from those of predator species?O Unlike predator species, prey species use play to prevent inappropriate social behaviors, such as biting.O Some prey species are physically incapable of certain types of predator movements.O The survival of each species type is linked to particular sets of muscular movements.O Predator species have more opportunities to practice play behaviors than prey species.Passage 2Desert FormationThe deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth's land surface is threatened by this process.Desertification is accomplished primarily through the loss of stabilizing natural vegetation and the subsequent accelerated erosion of the soil by wind and water. In some cases the loose soil is blown completely away, leaving a stony surface. In other cases, the finer particles may be removed, while the sand-sized particles are accumulated to form mobile hills or ridges of sand.Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established.In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions. Continued gradual global warming has produced an increase in aridity for some areas over the past few thousand years. The process may be accelerated in subsequent decades if global warming resulting from air pollution seriously increases.There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes. The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures. Expanding populations are subjecting the land to increasing pressures to provide them with food and fuel. In wet periods, the land may be able to respond to these stresses. During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, though, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results.Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation. The cultivation of crops has expanded into progressively drier regions as population densities have grown. These regions are especially likely to have periods of severe dryness, so that crop failures are common. Since the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation, crop failures leave extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion.The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation. The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil. This is usually followed by the drying of the soil and accelerated erosion.Firewood is the chief fuel used for cooking and heating in many countries. The increased pressures of expanding populations have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and towns are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees and shrubs. The increasing use of dried animal waste as a substitute fuel has also hurt the soil because this valuable soil conditioner and source of plant nutrients is no longer being returned to the land.The final major human cause of desertification is soil salinization resulting from overirrigation. Excess water from irrigation sinks down into the water table. If no drainage system exists, the water table rises, bringing dissolved salts to the surface. The water evaporates and the salts are left behind, creating a white crustal layer that prevents air and water from reaching the underlying soil.The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process. Once the soil has been removed by erosion, only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form. In areas where considerable soil still remains, though, a rigorously enforced program of land protection and cover-crop planting may make it possible to reverse the present deterioration of the surface.1. The word “threatened” in the passage is closest in meaning to○restricted○endangered○prevented○rejected2. According to paragraph 3, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following consequences for soil?○Increased stony content○Reduced water absorption○Increased numbers of spaces in the soil○Reduced water runoff3. The word “delicate” in the paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to○fragile○predictable○complex○valuable4. According to paragraph 5, in dry periods, border areas have difficulty○adjusting to stresses created by settlement○retaining their fertility after desertification○providing water for irrigating crops○attracting populations in search of food and fuel5. The word “progressively” in the paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to○openly○impressively○objectively○increasingly6. According to paragraph 6, which of the following is often associated with raising crops?○Lack of proper irrigation techniques○Failure to plant crops suited to the particular area○Removal of the original vegetation○Excessive use of dried animal waste7. The phrase “devoid of” in the passage is closest in meaning to○consisting of○hidden by○except for○lacking inⅢ. Writing (30 points)Joseph Epstein ,a famous American writer, once said, “We decide what is important and what is trivial in life .We decide, we choose .In the end ,we forming our own destiny is what ambition is about” However, the other scholar said modesity is most important .Write an essay to state your opinion about the relationship about modesty and ambition ,and how they affect future and success.。