数字电视专业术语名词扫盲1. 引言数字电视是一种利用数字技术传输和接收电视信号的技术。
2. 基本概念2.1 数字电视数字电视是一种利用数字技术传输和接收电视信号的技术。
2.2 数字电视信号数字电视信号是指经过数字编码的电视信号。
2.3 数字电视媒介数字电视信号可以通过多种媒介进行传输,包括有线电视、卫星电视和互联网等。
3. 数字电视技术3.1 MPEGMPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group)是数字音频和视频压缩标准的组织。
3.2 H.264H.264是一种视频压缩标准,也被称为AVC(Advanced Video Coding)。
C/N: Signal-to-Noise ratio 信噪比
CA: Conditional Access 有条件接收
CAID: "有条件接收系统标识 通俗的说就是加密系统商的代号"
CAT: Conditional Access Table 条件接收列表
FDM: Frequency Division Multiplex 频分多路复用
FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址
FEC: Forward Error Correction 前项纠错
FFT: Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅立叶变换
DVD: Digital Video (or Versatile) Disk 数字影碟
D-VHS: Digital - Video Home System 家庭数字视频系统
EBU: European Broadcasting Union 欧洲广播同盟
ECM: Entitlement Control Message 授权控制消息
GOP: Group of Pictures 图片组
GPS: Global Position System 全球定位系统
GSM: Global System for Mobile communication 全球移动通讯系统
HDTV: High Definition TeleVision 高清晰度电视
LDTV: Limited Definition TeleVision 低清晰度电视
LMDS: Local Multipoint Distribution System 本地多点分布系统
1. 广播:指通过电波传播声音信息的一种通信方式,包括无线电广播、互联网广播等形式。
2. 电视:指通过电视信号传输图像和声音信息的一种视听媒体形式。
3. 电波:指在无线电传输中使用的电磁波,用于传播广播和电视信号。
4. 节目:指电台或电视台制作和播放的一段特定的内容,包括新闻、娱乐、教育等不同类型的节目。
5. 频道:指电视台或广播台在特定频率或网络上用于播放特定节目的通道。
6. 电视台:指专门从事电视节目制作和播放的机构,可以是国家级或地方级的机构,也可以是私营机构。
7. 广告:指为商品、服务或事件进行宣传推广的一种营销手段,通过电视、广播等媒体发布。
8. 直播:指将实时事件通过广播或电视频道进行实时转播的一种传播方式。
9. 点播:指通过电视台或互联网随时选择观看特定节目的一种播放方式。
10. 数字电视:指通过数字信号传输和播放电视节目的一种技术,相比于模拟电视有更好的画质和声音效果。
数字电视术语解释1, 一些定义ES:由编码器输出,可以是编码过的视频数据流,音频数据流,或其他编码数据流。
ES 流经过PES打包器之后,被转换成PES包。
PSI:MPEG-2中定义了PSI(Program Specific Information)信息,其作用是从一个携带多个节目的某一个TS流中正确找到特定的节目。
由于系统通常存在多个TS流,为了引导数字电视用户能在TS流中快速地找出自己需要的业务,DVB对MPEG-2的PSI进行了扩充,在PSI四个表的基础上再增加了九个表,形成SI(Service Information)。
TABLE ID:TS流中有两种标识符,一种是包标识符,一种是表标识符。
具有相同PID 的不同信息表由表标识符TABLE ID来区分。
液晶电视专业术语LCM(Liquid Crystal Module): 液晶模块。
LCD(Liquid Crystal Display):液晶显示器。
OLED( Organic Light Emitting Diode)有机发光二极管(OEL)FPD Organic Electro luminescence有机电致发光COB(Chip On Board):IC裸片通过邦定固定于印刷线路板上。
COF(Chip On Film):将IC封装于柔性线路板上。
COG(Chip On Glass):将IC封装于玻璃上。
TAB(Tape Automated Bonding):柔性带自动连接TCP(Tape Carrier Package):柔性线路板。
PCB(Print Circuit Board):印刷线路板。
PDP(Plasma Display Panel):等离子体显示Duty:占空比,高出点亮的阀值电压的部分在一个周期中所占的比率。
ITO(Indium-Tin Oxide):氧化铟锡。
TN(Twisted Nematic):扭曲向列的显示类型。
HTN(High Twisted Nematic):高扭曲向列的显示类型。
STN(Supper Twisted Nematic):超扭曲向列的显示类型。
FSTN(Formulated STN):薄膜补偿型STN,用于黑白显示。
TFT(Thin Film Transistor):薄膜晶体管显示类型。
LED(Light Emitting Diode):发光二极管。
CCFL(CCFL) (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Light/Tube):冷阴极荧光灯。
EL(Electro luminescence):电致发光。
CCFL:Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps冷阴极荧光灯IC(Integrate Circuit):集成电路。
讲课内容一 数字电视术语解读二 数字电视标准概述三 数字电视图像清晰度四 平板显示器通用技术条件和测量方法(标准分析举例)《SJ/T 11324-2006数字电视接收设备术语》解读天津大学 李桂苓 2006.11.11《概要》包括九部分:通用、信源编码/解码、信道编码/解码、调制/解调、接收、显示、接口、条件接收和中间件。
《部分术语说明》2.1 通用2.1.1数字电视(系统) digital television(system)DTV音频、视频和数据信号从信源编码、调制、接收和处理均采用数字技术的电视系统。
《说明》1 信号源和显示器目前还存在模拟工作方式。
2 不包括模拟电视信号数字化处理电视(系统)。
2.1.2数据广播 data broadcasting利用广播电视覆盖网、采用数字技术传送各种数据信息的技术和业务的总称。
2.1.4有线数字电视 cable digital television利用射频电缆、光缆、多路微波或它们的组合,传输数字电视信号的一种电视系统。
《说明》1 不称“数字有线电视”。
2.1.6条件接收数字电视 conditional access digital television只有被授权的合法用户才能获得相应服务的数字电视系统。
《说明》1 不称“有条件接收数字电视”。
2 机卡不分离方式:机顶盒:数据流解密处理器、条件接收软件;智能卡:用户密钥和用户授权信息;机顶盒、接收机须与特定条件接收系统关联;组合成本较低。
3 机卡分离方式:机顶盒:设通用接口;智能卡:具数据流解密全部功能;可独立生产机顶盒、接收机。
2.1.7标准清晰度电视(系统) standard definition television(system) SDTV主观评价质量相当于模拟电视系统,图像格式为720×576,并能传送数字声音的电视系统。
数字彩电国际上把“全数字电视”简称为“数字电视”,英文为DIGITAL TELEVISION,缩写为DTV。
SD:(standard definition)是物理分辨率在720p以下的一种视频格式,称作标清
HD:(high definition)物理分辨率达到720p以上则称作为高清
CAPEX:(capital expenditure)一般是指资金、固定资产的投入
OPEX:(operating expense)运营成本
EPG:(electronic program guide)电子节目菜单
PSU:(power supply unit)电源装置
HHP:(hand held prodicts)是一家自动识别与数据采集技术开发商与产品制造商。
CSA:(Common scrambling algorithm)通用加扰算法
ECMG:(Entitlement control message generator)授权控制信息发生器
ES:(Elementary Stream)基流
NIT:(Net Imformation Table)网络信息表
ISA:(industrial standard architecture)工业标准结构总线
RMS:(remote monitoring service)
SMS:(subscriber management system)用户管理系统
MPEG:(moving picture experts group)动态图像专家组
IGMP(internet group management protocol)
SBSS:(bigband sdv server)
什么是DTV、STB、DVB、DA VIC、ATV、DBS等一些视频术语解析(DTV、STB、DVB、DA VIC、ATV、DBS、Wireless Cable)Q:何谓数字电视(Digital TV;DTV)?A:数字电视并不是电视机数位化,而是电视讯号的传送过程数位化,用户必须加装数位STB(或称为IRD)才能接收数字电视讯号。
Q:何谓机顶盒(Set Top Box;STB)?A:STB放置於电视机之上方,具有讯号接收、解调变、解多工、解压缩、解密、处理视讯转换、接收用户遥控等等功能。
Q:什么是DVB?A:DVB(Digital Video Broadcast)是欧洲ETSI所制定的数字电视标准,除了欧洲国家采用外,亚太地区、中东及美国部份业者皆遵循此项标准。
Q:什么是DA VIC?A:由国际民间组织DA VIC所制的数字电视标准,传输部份大多遵照DVB,而本身著重於互动视讯服务之相关标准的制定。
Q:什么是直播卫星(DBS)?A:透过卫星直接把电视讯号传送至用户家中,收视户需以碟型天线和卫星电视接收器来收看电视节目Q:什么是卫星电视共同天线系统(SMA TV)?A:大楼或社区住户共用同一个碟型天线来接收卫星电视讯号,再透过同轴网路传送电视讯号到用户家中。
Q:什么是微波电视系统(Wireless Cable) ?A:又称MMDS,此系统类似有线电视网路,但以无线的方式将数十个频道的电视讯号传送到用户家中,用户需准备微波天线加以接收。
点距:液晶电视的像素间距(pixel pitch)的意义类似于CRT电视机的点距(dot pitch)。
CBR(Constants Bit Rate)即固定码率,就是静态(恒定)比特率的意思,CBR是一种固定采样率的压缩方式。优点是压缩快,能被大多数软件和设备支持,缺点是占用空间相对大,效果不十分理想,现已逐步被VBR的方式取代。 固定码率是一个用来形容通信服务质量(QoS,Quality of Service)的术语。和该词相对应的词是可变码率或可变比特率(英文variable bit rate,缩写VBR)。
1. 数字化:数字化是将模拟信号转换为数字信号的过程,数字电视接收设备必须具备数字化功能,用于接收数字信号并进行处理。
2. 解调器:解调器是用于解调数字信号的设备,将信号拆分成原始数据以便进一步处理和解码。
3. 解码器:解码器是用于将数字信号转换为可视化或可听的信号的设备,数字电视接收设备需要具备解码功能,可解码不同格式的数字信号。
4. 调谐器:调谐器是用于调整频道的设备,数字电视接收设备需要具备调谐功能,可以对不同频道的信号进行调谐和接收。
5. 接口:数字电视接收设备需要具备多种接口,包括HDMI、USB、网络接口等,用于连接外部设备和网络,实现数据传输和共享。
6. 声音输出:数字电视接收设备需要具备声音输出功能,能够输出高质量的音频信号,以提供清晰的声音效果。
一、制作术语1. 制片人(Producer)产生项目概念,编写出品计划,组织配乐,安排演员阵容,负责影片拍摄和故事情节,以及整个电影项目的推广工作。
2. 导演(Director)指导摄影、利用剪辑等工艺手段达成浓厚、感性的艺术效果的电影业中的主持人。
3. 编剧(Screenwriter)写剧本的人,根据情节,这个人必须安排各个角色所要说的对白和表演。
4. 摄影师(Cinematographer)由专业人士担任,用摄影摄制器材进行电影录制。
5. 剪辑师(Editor)音乐剪辑师,借助软件,将录制的影像和勘误拍摄片段剪辑成效果流利,层次清晰的电影。
二、播出术语1. 节目(Program)特定时间安排的广播或电视节目,包括电视剧、新闻、音乐、电影、文化艺术等。
2. 栏目(Column)电视或广播中按照一定主题、风格、类型进行分类的节目,如新闻、体育、娱乐、八卦等。
3. 直播(Live Broadcast)即将活动或事件实时拍摄和转播到全国范围内的过程,包括现场新闻、体育比赛、文艺表演、政治会议等。
4. 点播(On Demand)一种播放模式,用户可以选择喜欢的节目,自己掌控观看时间和频率。
5. 重播(Replay)一种播放模式,指对于已经播出过的电视节目或广播节目,在某一后台日期、时间段内,重复放送该节目的做法。
数字电视接收设备术语/ 数字电视液晶显示器通用规范/ 数字电视平板显示器测量方法中华人民共和国电子行业标准数字电视接收设备术语(SJ/T 11324-2006)2006-03-29发布2006-03-29实施数字电视液晶显示器通用规范(SJ/T 11343-2006)2006-03-29发布2007-01-01实施数字电视平板显示器测量方法(SJ/T 11348-2006)2006-03-29发布2006-03-29实施中华人民共和国信息产业部发布数字电视接收设备可接收、解码数字电视信号的数字电视系统终端设备的统称。
标准清晰度电视接收机能接收、解调由标准清晰度电视信号调制的射频信号,解码、显示符合GB/T 14857规定的视频信号,主观评价的图像质量与PAL-D模拟电视机相当,并能解码、输出数字电视声音信号的设备。
高清晰度电视接收机能接收、解调由高清晰度电视信号调制的射频信号,解码、显示符合GY/T 155规定的数字电视视频信号,显示图像宽高比与GY/T 155规定的图像宽高比对应,图像清晰度约为PAL-D模拟电视机的两倍,能接收和显示其它图像格式数字电视信号,并能解码、输出数字电视声音信号的设备。
标准清晰度电视显示器能输入、处理标准清晰度电视视频信号,显示符合GB/T 14857规格的视频信号,主观评价的图像质量与PAL-D模拟电视机相当的设备。
常见专业术语解析目录一、数字电视 (3)二、机顶盒 (3)(1)定义: (3)(2)功能: (3)(3)软硬件构成: (3)(4)IP机顶盒: (3)三、市场分类 (4)1.IPTV (4)2.网络电视 (5)3.ITV (5)4.互联网电视 (5)5.OTT (5)四、相关系统 (5)1.(M)AMS (5)2.BMS (6)3.BOSS (7)4.CMS (7)5.CRM (8)6.EPG (8)7.IMSP (8)MS (9)9.VAS (9)五、相关技术术语 (9)1.AnyCast RP (9)2.ASP (9)3.CA (9)4.CDN (10)5.CPS (10)6.DRM (10)7.DVB (10)8.IMPS (11)9.IPG (11)10.JSP (11)11.OSD (12)12.PPV (12)13.PVR (12)14.TSID (13)OD (13)16.Widget (13)17.VOD (14)18.分发 (15)六、文件格式 (15)1.标清和高清 (15)2.高码 (16)3.MPEG2 TS (16)4.流媒体 (16)七、内容运营商 (17)1.BesTV (17)2.SiTV (17)3.SMEG (17)4.SMG (17)5.OCN (17)八、内容服务商 (17)1.CP和SP (17)2.UT (18)九、相关组织 (18)1.IEC (18)2.ISMA (18)3.ATSC (18)4.AVS (19)一、数字电视就是指从演播室到发射、传输、接收的所有环节都是使用数字电视信号或对该系统所有的信号传播都是通过由0、1数字串所构成的数字流来传播的。
二、机顶盒(1)定义:数字视频变换盒(英语:Set Top Box,简称STB),通常称作机顶盒或机上盒,是一个连接电视机与外部信号源的设备。
term scope_description acronym acronym_description source_document 100BaseT Networks100BaseT Ethernet over copper at 100 B/s GGBREF10BaseT Networks10BaseT Ethernet over copper at 10 B/s GGBREF16-CAP Networks16-CAP Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation with 16constellation points: The modulation techniqueused in the 51.84 Mb Mid-Range Physical LayerSpecification for Category 3 Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP-3).GWREF2G General2G Second Generation - Generic name for secondgeneration networks, for example GSM.GWREF3G Networks3G Third Generation - Generic name for thirdgeneration networksGBREF64-CAP Networks64-CAP Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation with 64constellation points.GWREF8-level Vestigial Sideband Radio Frequency8VSB The form of modulation specified by ATSC forterrestrial transmissionPBREFAAL Connection Networks Association established by the AAL between twoor more next higher layer entities.GWREFAAL Management Networks AALM GGBREFAAL-1Networks AAL-1ATM Adaptatation Layer Type 1: AAL functionsin support of constant bit rate, time-dependenttraffic such as voice and video.GWREFAAL-2Networks AAL-2ATM Adaptatation Layer Type 2: This AAL is stillundefined by the International standards bodies.It is a placeholder for variable bit rate videotransmission.GWREFAAL-3/4Networks AAL-3/4ATM Adaptatation Layer Type 3/4: AALfunctions in support of variable bit rate, delay-tolerant data traffic requiring some sequencingand/or error detection support. Originally twoAAL types, i.e. connection-oriented andconnectionless, which have been combined.GWREFAAL-5Networks AAL-5ATM Adaptatation Layer Type 5: AAL functionsin support of variable bit rate, delay-tolerantconnection-oriented data traffic requiringminimal sequencing or error detection support.GWREFAC-3Generic BroadcastSystem (SI)AC-3The coding of audio using the Dolby AC-3method. Recommendation ITU-R BS.1196-E(1995) - ANNEX 2 "Digital Audio Compression(AC-3)TM1217R10ACKnowledgement Networks ACK TM2451R2 ACR Decrease Time Factor Networks ADTF The time permitted between sending RM-cellsbefore the rate is decreased to ICR (Initial CellRate). The ADTF range is .01 to 10.23 sec. withgranularity of 10 ms.GWREFAFUTT General AFUTT Association Francaise des Utilisateurs duTéléphone et des Télécommunications (FR),medlem ETSI.GWREFANEC General ANEC European association for the co-ordination ofconsumer representation in standardization(BE).GWREFANIEL General ANIEL Asociación Nacional de Industrias Electrónicasy de TelecommunicacionesGGBREFARD General ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öff.-rechtl.Rundfunkanstalten der BRDGWREF ARP Networks ARP GGBREF ASI Multiplexer Networks ASIMUX PBREF ASYNChronous data transfer Networks ASYNC Not synchronised to another signal or clock.Start-stop working.GGBREF ATM Adaptation Layer 5Networks AAL 5The ATM Adaptatation Layer is the standardslayer that allows multiple applications to havedata converted to and from the ATM cell. Aprotocol used that translates higher layerservices into the size and format of an ATM cell.TM2361R1ATM Inverse Multiplexer Networks AIM A term discontinued because of conflict with anestablished product. Refer to AIMUX.GWREF ATM Inverse Multiplexing Networks AIMUX A device that allows multiple T1 or E1communications facilities to be combined into asingle broadband facility for the transmission ofATM cells.GWREFATM Virtual Channel Identification Networks VCI ITU-T Recommendation I.361, B-ISDN ATMlayer specificationTM2361R1 ATM Virtual Path Identification Networks VPI ITU-T Recommendation I.363, B-ISDN ATMlayer specificationTM2361R1 ATM-attached Host Functional Group Networks AHFG The group of functions performed by an ATM-attached host that is participating in the MPOAservice.GWREFAbove Ground Level TerrestrialBroadcastingagl TM1825R5Absolute Volume Based Dynamic Capacity Networks AVBDC TM2451R2 Abstract Syntax Notation Computing ASN TM2451R1 Abstract Syntax Notation One Conditional Access ASN.1TM2117R2 Abstract Windowing Toolkit Computing AWT TAM232R32Academic Computing and Instructional Technology Society General ACITS Academic Computing and InstructionalTechnology SocietyGWREFAccess Control Copy Protection AC The process of ensuring that content isaccessed only by those entities authorised to doso, and only in a manner for which they havebeen authorised.CM282Access Criteria Conditional Access CA system specific information needed by theECMG to build an ECMTM2117R2 Access Criteria Generator Conditional Access ACG TM2117R2 Access Granted Channel Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AGCH GGBREF Access Point Node Networks APN Access Point Node GWREF Acquisition Copy Protection Retrieval of content for local storage and/orusage.CM282 Acquisition Group Copy Protection The Acquisition Group is the set of one or moredevices in the Authorised Domain that is withinthe immediate locale (for example, the home) ofthe acquisition point.CM531Acquisition burst Networks ACQ TM2451R2 Active Server Page World-wide Web ASP GGBREF Ad-Hoc Group General AHG GGBREFAd-hoc Expert Group on the Global Information Society General AEGIS Ad-hoc Expert Group on the Global InformationSociety, arbetsgrupp inom EWOS.GWREFAdaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ADPCM A reduced bit rate variant of PCM audioencoding (see also PCM). This algorithmencodes the difference between an actual audiosample amplitude and a predicted amplitudeand adapts the resolution based on recentdifferential values.GGBREFAdaptive Mobile Access Protocol Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AMAP GGBREFAdaptive Predictive Coding Television receivers(incl. Plasma)APC GGBREF Adaptive Transform Coding Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ATC GGBREFAdditive White Gaussian noise Radio Frequency AWGN TM2451R2 Additive Increase Rate Networks AIR An ABR service parameter, AIR controls therate at which the cell transmission rateincreases. It is signalled as AIRF, where AIRF=AIR*Nrm/PCR.GWREFAddress Complete Message Networks ACM A BISUP call control message from thereceiving exchange to sending exchangeindicating the completion of address information.GWREFAddress Prefix Networks A string of 0 or more bits up to a maximum of152 bits that is the lead portion of one or moreATM addresses.GWREFAddress Resolution Networks Address Resolution is the procedure by which aclient associates a LAN destination with theATM address of another client or the BUS.GWREFAdjacency Networks The relationship between two communicatingneighbouring peer nodesGWREF Adjacent Channel Interference Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ACI GGBREF Administrative Domain Networks A collection of managed entities grouped foradministrative reasonsGWREF Advanced Audio Coding Digital Television AAC PBREF Advanced Audio Coding Low Complexity Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AACLC GGBREF Advanced Broadcasting Systems of Canada General ABSOC Advanced Broadcasting Systems of Canada GWREFAdvanced Common Application Platform Digital Television ACAP GGBREFAdvanced Communications Technologies and Services TerrestrialBroadcastingACTS Research programme supported by theEuropean CommissionTM1825R5Advanced Digital Television Technology General ADTT Advanced Digital Television Technology GWREF Advanced Modulation and Coding Schemes General AMCS Advanced Modulation and Coding Schemes GWREF Advanced Research Projects Agency General ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA).GWREF Advanced Television Research Consortium General ATRC Advanced Television Research Consortium GWREF Advanced Television Systems Committee General ATSC GGBREF Advanced Video Coding DVB Organisation AVC GGBREF Adversarial Attack (Active)Copy Protection An attack by an entity on a system, the purposeof the attack being to steal information, to injectfalse information into the system, or to corruptinformation already present in the system. Seealso Inadversarial Attack.CM282Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service General ACATS Advisory Committee on Advanced TelevisionServiceGWREFAeronautical Telecommunications Network General ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network GWREFAgent Personal DigitalRecorder Application that performs a function as a proxyfor a consumer, such as searching based on apersonal profilePVR005Aggregate Measurement Table Networks AMT TM2451R2 Aggregation Token Networks A number assigned to an outside link by theborder nodes at the ends of the outside link. Thesame number is associated with all uplinks andinduced uplinks associated with the outside link.In the parent and all higher-level peer group, alluplinks with the same aggregation token areaggregated.GWREFAi Networks Ai Signalling ID assigned by Exchange A.GWREF Alarm Indication Signal Networks AIS GGBREFAlarm Indication Signal.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AIS Alarm indication incorporated into bitstream ondigital transmission.GGBREFAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions General ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications IndustrySolutions. Focus on e.g. SHDSL, HDSL2,HDSL4, modems etc. see GGBREFAllowed Cell Rate Networks ACR An ABR service parameter, ACR is the currentrate in cells/sec at which a source is allowed tosendGWREFAlternate Access Providers Networks AAP GGBREF Alternate Mark Inversion.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AMI Type of digital line code.GGBREFAmerican Broadcast Corporation General ABC American Broadcast Corporation GWREF American Mobile Phone System Networks AMPS American Mobile Phone System GWREF American Mobile Satellite Corporation General AMSC American Mobile Satellite Corporation GWREF American National Standards Institute General ANSI American National Standards Institute (USA).GWREFAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange General ASCII American Standard Code for InformationInterchangeGWREFAmplitude Imbalance Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AI GGBREF Amplitude Modulation Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AM GGBREF Amplitude Modulation - Frequency DivisionMultiplexedRadio Frequency AM-FDM GGBREF Amplitude Modulation - Vestigial Sideband Radio Frequency AM-VSB GGBREF Amplitude Shift Keying General ASK Amplitude Shift Keying GWREF Analogue to Digital Converter.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ADC GGBREF Ancillary Page Teletext A means of conveying subtitle elements thatmay be shared by multiple subtitle serviceswithin a subtitle stream.TM1398R6Antenna subsystem Networks ANT TM2451R2 Apogee Boost Motor Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ABM GGBREFApogee Kick Motor General AKM GGBREFApplication Multimedia HomePlatform App A functional implementation realised as softwarerunning in one or spread over severalinterplaying hardware entities.TAM232r32Application Entity Digital Television AE GGBREF Application Level Interface Computing ALI GGBREF Application Program Interface Computing API An interface between an application and anotherparticular feature, function or resource.TAM232R32 Application Specific Integrated Circuit Hardware ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit TM2451R2Application boundary Multimedia HomePlatform A concise general description of the dataelements (HTML documents, code files, imagesetc.) used to form one application and thelogical locator of the entry point, the applicationboundary is described by a regular expressionover the URL language.TAM232r32Application instance Multimedia HomePlatform A unique invocation of an application. i.e.running the same application twice results in twodistinct application instances.TAM232r32Application manager Multimedia HomePlatform The Application Manager is the entity in theMHP that is responsible for managing thelifecycle of the applications in the MHP. Itmanages both the DVB-J applications and non-DVB-J applications.TAM232r32Approvals Committee for Telecommunications Equipment.General ACTE Approvals Committee for TelecommunicationsEquipment. Sekretariat: European Commission,DG XIII/A/2GWREFApriori Motion Detector Hardware AMD Apriori Motion Detector GWREF Archive Copy Protection A Move of the original for the purposes ofpreservation of the content. The copy protectionstatus shall not be altered by the Archiving.CM282Argument Computing ARG GGBREF Asia-Oceania Workshop.General Asia-OceaniaWorkshop.AOWAsia-Oceania Workshop.GWREFAsset Distribution Interface Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ADI GGBREFAssisted GPS Networks A-GPS Assisted GPS GWREF Associacion Española de Normalizacion General AENOR Associacion Española de Normalizacion (ES).GWREFAssociation Francaise de Normalisation General AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation (FR)GWREF Association of Commercial Television General ACT Association of Commercial Television.GWREFAssociation of Designated Laboratories and Notified Bodies.General ADLNB Association of Designated Laboratories andNotified Bodies.GWREFAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses General ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses,see www.arib.or.jpGGBREFAssociazione Nazionale Utenti Italiani di Telecommunicazioni General ANUIT Associazione Nazionale Utenti Italiani diTelecommunicazioni (IT), member of ETSI.GWREFAstra Digital Radio Networks ADR Astra Digital Radio GWREF Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Networks ADSL GGBREF Asymmetric Encryption Copy Protection Type of encryption in which encryption keys aredifferent from decryption keys, and one key iscomputationally difficult to determine from theother.CM282Asynchronous Serial Interface Networks ASI GGBREF Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. SeeTM2361R1 Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio Radio Frequency ACR One of the factors that limits the distance asignal may be sent through a given media. ACRis the ratio of the power of the received signal,attenuated by the media, over the power of theNEXT crosstalk from the local transmitter,usually expressed in decibels (db).GWREFAttractor Personal DigitalRecorder Used by the service providers to advertise theircontent and services.PVR005Audio Access Unit Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AAU GGBREF Audio Data Encoder Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ADE GGBREF Audio Data and Teletext Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ADT GGBREFAudio Descriptive Service.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ADS System providing commentary on an extrasound channel on TV transmissions for blindand partially sighted people.GGBREFAudio Engineering Society General AES Audio Engineering Society GWREF Audio Presentation Unit General APU GGBREF Audio and Visual material Personal DigitalRecorderAV Sometimes A/V PVR005 Audio video and/or data Personal DigitalRecorderAVD PVR005 Audiovisual Multimedia Service General AMS GGBREFAudit Trail Copy Protection A process that provides a date and timestamped record of the usage of a system. Itrecords what a device was used for, allowing asecurity manager to monitor the actions of everyuser, and can help in establishing an allegedfraud or security violation.CM282Australian Telecommunication Standardisation Committee General ATSC Australian Telecommunication StandardisationCommittee (AU), associate member of ETSI.GWREFAuthentication (Entity)Copy Protection Entity authentication: provides assurance aboutthe identity of the sender and his activeparticipation (timeliness guarantee).CM282Authentication (Message)Copy Protection Message authentication: provides assuranceabout the identity of the sender (timelinessguarantee).CM282 Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting General AAA Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting GWREFAuthorisation Copy Protection An act of empowering an individual or device toperform a specified task.CM282Authorised Domain Copy Protection AD The Authorised Domain shall be defined as adistinguishable set of DVB CPCM compliantdevices, which are owned, rented or otherwisecontrolled by members of a single household.CM531Authorised Usage Copy Protection The permitted Copying, Moving, andConsumption of Content.CM282 Authority and Format Identifier Networks AFI This identifier is part of the network leveladdress header.TM2896A1Auto-Tracking Antenna Television receivers(incl. Plasma)ATA GGBREF Automatic Frequency Control Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AFC GGBREF Automatic Gain Control Networks AGC TM2451R2Autostart applications Multimedia HomePlatform This terms has different definitions dependingon the application format:TAM232r32Auxiliary Power Unit Hardware APU GGBREF Available Bit Rate Networks ABR ATM layer service category for which the limitingATM layer transfer characteristics provided bythe network may change subsequent toconnection establishment. A flow controlmechanism is specified which supports severaltypes of feedback to control the source rate inresponse to changing ATM layer transfercharacteristics.TM2451R2Avalanche Photodetector Television receivers(incl. Plasma)APD GGBREF Axial Ratio Television receivers(incl. Plasma)AR GGBREF BPN General BPN EBU numbering system for documents TM1825R5 Back Office Copy Protection BO The system of content delivery equipment,network and subscription management systemsand usage control systems, including CPCMand/or CA specific equipment as owned,managed and/or supervised by the ServiceProvider(s).CM282Backup Copy Copy Protection A Copy of the original the sole purpose of whichis to replace or restore the original if the originalbecomes lost or damaged. The copy protectionstatus shall not be altered by the BackupCopying process.CM282Backward explicit congestion notification Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BECN GGBREF Backwards Compatible General BC PBREF BandWidth General BW TM2361R1 Bandwidth on Demand Networks BoD TM2451R2 Base Band Radio Frequency BB TM2361R1 Base Station Control Networks BSC Base Station Control GWREF Baseline CPCM System Copy Protection The minimum set of requirements that must bemet by a DVB compliant CPCM system.CM282 Basic Input/Output System Computing BIOS Basic Input/Output System GWREF Basic Rate Access Networks BRA TM2361R1 Bayonet Neil-Concelman Hardware BNC Widely used bayonet coax connector GWREF Beam Forming Network Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BFN GGBREF Bell Operating Company General boc Bell Operating Company GWREFBest effort Multimedia HomePlatform an implementation dependent approximationwhich is as close as reasonable to what hasrequested in the circumstances concerned.TAM232r32Bi-directional General Two way flow of content and/or information PVR005Bi-directional Multiplexer Interface Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BMI GGBREF Bi-directionally predicted Frame Digital Television B-Frame In video compression, a video frame that isderived from interpolation between two othersPBREFBi-phase shift key modulation Radio Frequency BPSK Bi-phase shift key modulation GWREF Bidirectional Chrominence Estimation Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BCE GGBREF Billions of Operations Per Second Computing BOPS GGBREF Binary Coded Decimal Computing BCD TM2267R4 Bit Computing Contraction of 'binary digit' - the smallest unit ofinformation in the Binary system.GGBREF Bit Error Rate Networks BER Bit Error Rate. (Errors per second), Duplicate ofBit Error Ratio, please use Bit Error Ratio infutureGGBREFBit Error Ratio Networks BER Bit Error Ratio. (e.g. 1 in 10^3)GGBREF Bit Rate Reduction General BRR Bit Rate Reduction GWREF Bit string, left bit first Computing bslbf TM2117R2 Bluetooth Networks Bluetooth Short-range radio link standard. Usesunlicensed spectrum @ 2.45 GHz to provide 1Mbit/s.GWREFBoot Protocol Networks BootP GGBREF Bose - Chaudhuri - Hocquenghem.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BCH Forward error correcting scheme.TM2896A2Bouquet Generic BroadcastSystem (SI)A collection of services marketed as a singleentityTM1217R10Bouquet Association Table Generic BroadcastSystem (SI)BAT BAT provides information regarding bouquets.As well as giving the name of the bouquet, itprovides a list of services for each bouquet.GGBREFBreitband ISDN General B-ISDN Breitband ISDN GWREFBritish Approvals Board for Telecommunications General babt British Approvals Board forTelecommunications.GWREFBritish Broadcasting Corporation General BBC TM1825R5 British Standards Institution General BSI British Standards Institution (GB), GWREF Broadband Content Delivery Forum Networks BCDF Broadband Content Delivery Forum, seeGWREF Broadband Optical Network Termination Networks BONT GGBREF Broadband TV Digital Television BTV GGBREF Broadcast Channel Networks BC a unidirectional broadband Broadcast Channelincluding video, audio and data. BC isestablished from the service provider to theusers. It may include the Forward Interactionpath.TM2361R1Broadcast Channel Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BCH GGBREF Broadcast Interface Module Networks BIM TM2361R1 Broadcast Network Adapter Networks BNA TM2361R1 Broadcast Satellite Service General BSS TM2451R2 Broadcaster (Service provider)General organization which assembles a sequence ofevents or services to be delivered to the viewerbased upon a schedule.TM2117R2Broadcaster or Service Provider Generic BroadcastSystem (SI)An organization which assembles a sequence ofevents or programmes to be delivered to theviewer based upon a schedule.TM2267R4Broadcasting Satellite Service Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BSS GGBREF Built-In Test Equipment Television receivers(incl. Plasma)BiTE GGBREF Bundesamt für Post und Telekommunikation General BAPT Bundesamt für Post und Telekommunikation(DE). EN: Federal Office for Post andTelecommunications.GWREFBundesministerium für Post und Telekommunikation General BMPT Bundesministerium für Post undTelekommunikation (DE), medlem ETSI.GWREFBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Industri General BMWI Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Industri(DE)GWREFBurst Structure 1Radio Frequency BS1See Burst Structure (BS)TM2361R1 Burst Structure 2Radio Frequency BS2See Burst Structure (BS)TM2361R1 Burst Structure 3Radio Frequency BS3See Burst Structure (BS)TM2361R1 Burst Time Plan Networks BTP TM2267R4Burst structure Radio Frequency BS the arrangement, in time & frequency, ofsymbols used to transmit the basic container of144 symbols. It contains data symbols, pilotsymbols and Nyquist symbols if needed. Thereare three possible Bursts Structure (BS1, BS2,BS3).TM2361R1Byte Computing A group of eight 'bits' forming a digital 'word'.E.g. an ASCII character with parity bit.GGBREF Byte Code Verifier Computing BCV GGBREF CA components Conditional Access components brought by a CA provider forintegration into a host head-end systemTM2117R2 CAbleTeleVision Cable Systems CATV GGBREF CCITT General CCITT Comité Consultatif International Télégraphiqueet Téléphonique. EN: Consultative Committeeon International Telegraphy and Telephony,today ITU-T.GWREFCCITT No 5Hardware CCITT No 5Seven bit code also known as 1S07 and IA-5.Almost the same as ASCII.GGBREF CENELEC General CENELEC Comité Européen de NormalisationElectrotechniqueGGBREF CGMS/A Copy Protection CGMS/A an analogue standard that secures contentrecorded through personal video recordersGGBREF COST General COST European Cooperation in the field of Scientificand Technical Research.GWREF CREN General CREN Committee for Research and EducationalNetworking (USA). Centre forTelecommunications Research and TestingGWREFCable Modem Digital Television CM TM1899R1 Cable Modem Termination System Cable Systems CMTS GGBREF Call for Contributions General CFC PVR005 Caller Line Identification Networks CLID Caller Line Identification GWREF Calling Line Identification Networks CLI Calling Line Identification GWREFCanadian Advanced Broadcast Systems Committee General CABSC Canadian Advanced Broadcast SystemsCommitteeGWREFCanadian Radio-Television and Telecomunnication Commission General CRTC Canadian Radio-Television andTelecomunnication CommissionGWREFCapacity Request Networks CR TM2451R2 Capture Copy Protection Storing the acquired content (to local storage).CM282Carousel in the (P)SIG Conditional Access CiP TM2117R2 Carousel in the MUX Conditional Access CiM TM2117R2 Carrier Spacing Radio Frequency CS TM2361R1 Carrier over Noise Ratio Radio Frequency C/N Duplicate of Carrier to Noise Ratio, please useCarrier to Noise ratio in futureTM2361R1Carrier to Noise ratio Radio Frequency C/N The ratio between carrier power and noisepower, usually expressed in decibels (dB)PBREF Carrierless amplitude/phase Radio Frequency CAP GGBREF Cascading Style Sheet World-wide Web CSS GGBREF Cathode Ray Tube Television receivers(incl. Plasma)CRT GGBREF Cell Radio Frequency a geographical area made up of one or morecell sectors.TM2361R1 Cell sector Radio Frequency a geographical area covered by one or moreDVB T downstream transmitters with one ormore upstream channels controlled by one ormore Base Station(s) (INAs).TM2361R1Central Office Networks CO GGBREF Central Processing Unit Hardware CPU Central Processing Unit GWREF Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales General CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales GWREFCentre National d´Etudes des Télécommunications General CNET Centre National d´Etudes desTélécommunications - National Study Centrefor Telecommunications.GWREFCentro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni.General CSLET Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni. -ItalianGWREFCertificate of Completion Multimedia HomePlatform A certificate delivered to the Custodian when an implementation has completed conformancetestingA066Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Networks CHAP TM2451R2 Channel Conditional Access Chan Application specific representation of an openTCP connection, allowing the association ofapplication specific parameters with such aconnection. Channels correspond on a one toone basis to TCP connectionsTM2117R2Channel Allocation Table Generic BroadcastSystem (SI)CAT GGBREFCharacter Multimedia HomePlatform char A specific "letter" or other identifiable symbol,e.g. "A".TAM232r32Character encoding Multimedia HomePlatform A character encoding is a mapping between aninteger input value, and the textual characterthat is represented by this mapping, e.g. inASCII value 65 (decimal) is character "A", orshift-JIS for Japanese characters.TAM232r32Charged Coupled Device Hardware CCD Charged Coupled Device GWREF Chrominance value Teletext Cb or Cr As defined in ITU-R Recommendation 601 3 [4](see sub-clause 7.2.3)TM1398R6Cipher Block Chaining Networks CBC TM2361R1 Circular Recursive Systematic Convolutional Networks CRSC TM2267R4 Circular Systematic Redundant Code Networks CSRC TM2361R1 Clear Sky Margin Radio Frequency Under clear sky condition, the received signallevel is C(min)+M in dB, where signal powerC(min) the signal powerr sufficient to guarantee,in the service area, quasi-error-free DVBdecoding under clear sky conditions and M isthe maximum rain attenuation (dB) which isexpected to take place in the whole service areafor a given percentage of time (e.g. 99.6%).Client General software entity on a host making use of one ormore resources offered by a serverTM2117R2Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Francaises General CIGREF Club Informatique des Grandes EntreprisesFrancaises - member of ETSI.GWREFCo-Channel Interference Television receivers(incl. Plasma)CCI Sometimes cochannel GGBREF Coax to the Curb Networks CTTC GGBREF Coax to the Home Networks CTTH GGBREF Code Division Multiple Access Television receivers(incl. Plasma)CDMA GGBREFCoded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex TerrestrialBroadcastingCOFDM TM1825R5Coder-Decoder pair.Television receivers(incl. Plasma)Codec GGBREF Colour Look-Up Table Teletext CLUT A look-up table applied in each region fortranslating the objects' pseudo-colours into thecorrect colours to be displayed.TM1398R6Combined Free/Demand Assignment Multiple Access Television receivers(incl. Plasma)CFDMA GGBREFComite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications General CCIR Comite Consultatif International desRadiocommunicationsGWREFComité Européen de Normalisation General CEN GGBREF Commercial Module DVB Organisation CM GGBREF Commission of the European Communities General CEC Commission of the European Communities GWREF Commission of the European Union.General CEU Commission of the European Union.GWREF Common Image Format Digital Television CIF An image format of 352x240 pixels PBREF Common Information Model Conditional Access CIM TM2117R2 Common Interface Conditional Access CI Standardised interface between a host device(e.g., a set-top box or DTV) and a removablesecurity module.CM282 Common Object Request Broker Architecture Computing CORBA TM2117R2Common Phase Error Radio Frequency CPE Phase errors applied equally to all carriers in aCOFDM signal. See TR 101 290.PBREF Common Presence and Instant Messaging Networks CPIM Common Presence and Instant Messaging GWREF Common Scrambling Algorithm Conditional Access CSA See ETR 289PBREF Common Service Information Digital Television CSI PBREF Common Signalling Channel Networks CSC TM2451R2 Common Signalling Channel Table Networks CSCT TM2451R2Communications network Multimedia HomePlatform A system of interconnected entities providingdata interchange between points or from a pointto multiple points.TAM232r32Community Antenna TeleVision (System)Television receivers(incl. Plasma)CATV TM1899R1 Compact Disc Interactive Hardware CD-I Compact Disc Interactive GWREF Compact Disc Read Only Memory Hardware CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory GWREF Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Hardware CMOS TM2451R2 Complex Programmable Logic Device Hardware CPLD TM2451R2 Composition page Teletext A means of conveying subtitle elements for onespecific subtitle service.TM1398R6。
数字电视专业术语STB——Set-top Box机顶盒IRD——Integrated Receive Decoder 集成接收解码器STM——Synchronous Transport Module同步传输模块GE——Giga Ethernet千兆以太网ATM——Asynchronous Transfer Mode异步传输模式DAB——Digital Audio Broadcast 数字音频广播EPG——Electronic Program Guide电子节目表TS——Transport Stream传输码流ASI——Actuator Sensor Interface调节传感器接口MPEG——Motion Picture Exports Group 运动图像输出专家组PSIP——Program System Information Protocol 节目系统信息协议SI——Service Information 服务信息iTV——interactive TV互动电视STM——Synchronous Transfer Mode同步传输模式XML——Extensible Markup Language可扩展标记语言IP-TV——Internet Protocol TV网络电视DSLAM——Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer数字用户线数据复用器DSL——Digital Subscriber Line数字用户线DMB——Digital Media Broadcasting数字媒体广播DAB——Digital Audio Broadcasting数字音频广播DMB-H——DMB-Handl手持DMBDMB-T——DMB-Terrestrial数字地面DMBMUSICAM——掩蔽型通用子带综合编码和复用(MP2)VDSL——Video Digital Subscriber Loop 视频数字通讯网络ADSL——Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop非对称数字用户线BSAC——Bit-slice Arithmetic Code 比特时间片算术编码ETI——Ensemble Transport Interface信号群传输接口BER——Bit Error Rate误码率BS——Bit Sreeam 比特流ECM 其全称为Entitlement Control Message(授权控制信息),其意思就是“与条件收视(CA)有关的控制信息”。
1. 数字电视接收设备类型:根据功能和用途的不同,数字电视接收设备可以分为数字电视机顶盒、数字电视一体机、数字电视卡、数字电视转换器等不同类型。
2. 信号接收标准:数字电视接收设备需要符合特定的数字电视信号接收标准,如DVB-T、DVB-C、DVB-S等,以确保设备能够接收和解码相应的数字电视信号。
3. 视频解码格式:标准术语还包括了数字电视接收设备支持的各种视频解码格式,如H.264、MPEG-2等,以及对应的分辨率和帧率要求。
4. 音频解码格式:数字电视接收设备还需要支持各种音频解码格式,如AC-3、AAC等,以实现高质量的音频输出。
5. 外部接口标准:标准术语还包括了数字电视接收设备的各种外部接口标准,如HDMI、USB、光纤音频输出等,以确保设备能够连接至其他AV设备或外部存储设备。
1.专业术语解释及英汉对照——数字电视术语(续) [J], 朱云怡
2.数字电视技术术语解释 [J], 陈玉生
3.我国外贸企业CFR贸易术语应用研究——基于出口业务《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》 [J], 王庆颖
国际贸易术语解释通则》 [J], 王庆颖
5.我国沿海外贸企业出口业务中CIF贸易术语应用问题研究——基于《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》 [J], 王庆颖
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多媒体和超媒体编码信息专家组标准5 数字电视应用程序平台 OpenCable应用程序平台
电子节目指南 逻辑频道号
音频、视频和数据信号从信源编码、调制、接收和处理均采用数字技术的电视系统。分为标准清 晰度电视和高清晰度电视两种。数字电视也可开展数据业务 主观评价质量相当于模拟电视系统,图象格式为720*576,并能传送数声音的电视系统
Quad phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude modulation
Orthogonal frequency dividion multiplexing 8-level vestigial sideband
Audio Coding3
MPEG编码系统内部名 词解释
ES PES TS PID PSI Elementary stream Packetizde Elementary stream Transport Stream Packet Identifier Program specific information
EPG LCN Electronic program guide Logical channel number
数字电视 标清电视
高级电视系统委员会 美国CableLabs制定的数字有线标准 欧洲数字电视广播方案 DVB地面广播电视系统
将相继两个码元的四种组合(00,01,10,11)对应于正弦波的四个相位的调制方式 用数字信号去调制载波的两个正交分量的幅度,使载波的幅度和相位受控于数字信号的调制
一种多载波调制方式。实现过程是把高速率信源信息流通过串/并变换,转换成低速率N路并行数 据流,然后对N个相互正交载波进行调制,将N路调制后的信号相加得到发射信号 一种多电平残留边带调幅方式,8Vsb先将3bit二进制数字信号变换成8种电平的数 据符号,再用这些符号去对于一个高频载波做残留边带调幅。 由二台或二台以上发射机组成的网络,其中各发射机工作于相同的工作中心频率,从而扩大网络 覆盖范围在一个单频网当中,所有发射机都在同一时间,采用同一频率同时传送同一数字电视信 号的同一个比特,单频网中所有的发射机都使用同一频率,传送同样的电视节目,没有插入局部 电视节目的可能性。 由多个发射机传送不同的电视节目,各个发射机采用不同的发射频率,这种网络 称为多频网。在多频网中,所有发射机都有自己的发射频率,可以传送相同的电视节目,也可以 在不同的发射机中插入局部的电视节目 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11运动图像专家组的缩写词,其任务是建立运动图像及相应声音信号的编 码标准,所以MPEG也指运动图像专家组提出的标准 由MPEG工作组制定的第一个国际标准,用于比特率1.5Mb/s 以下的运动图像及其声音信号的国际 编码标准。由5 部分组成:ISO/IEC 11172-1(系统)、ISO/IEC 11172-2(视频)、ISO/IEC 11172-3(音频)、ISO/IEC 11172-4(符合性测试)及 ISO/IEC 11172-5(软件仿真)。 由MPEG工做组制定的第二个国际标准,标准号ISO/IEC13818,题目是通用运动图像 及其伴音。MPEG-2主要包括 ISO/IEC 13818-1(系统)、ISO/IEC13818-2(视频)、ISO/IEC 13818-3(音频)、ISO/IEC 13818-4(符合性)、ISO/IEC 13818-5(软件)、ISO/IEC 13818-6 (存储媒体控制和命令)、ISO/IEC 13818-7(高级音频编码)、ISO/IEC 13818-8(10比特视 频)、ISO/IEC 13818-9(实时接口)及ISO/IEC 13818-10(存储媒体控制和命令符合性)、 ISO/IEC13818-11(知识产权管理和保护框架)。 MPEG-4,国际标准号ISO/IEC14496,MPEG-4相比MPEG-2有更高的压缩率,可达到100倍压缩倍数 。MPEG-4不只是具体压缩算法,它是针对数字电视、交互式绘图应用(影音合成内容)、交互式多 媒体(WWW、资料撷取与分散)等整合及压缩技术的需求而制定的国际标准。MPEG -4标准将众多的 多媒体应用集成于一个完整的框架内,旨在为多媒体通信及应用环境提供标准的算法及工具,从 而建立起一种能被多媒体传输、存储、检索等应用领域普遍采用的统一数据格式。 H.264是由ISO/IEC下属的MPEG和ITU下属的视频编码专家组(VCEG)共同成立的联合视频小组 (JVT)负责完成的。由于H.264采用了很多以往标准没有的先进技术,所以相对与以往的标准, 再相同的数码率下使用H.264标准编码可以获得更高的图像质量。目前在一些DTV使用地区,开始 尝试使用H.264代替MPEG-2作为视频编码方式。 1994年,日本先锋公司宣布与美国杜比实验室合作研制成功一种崭新的环绕声制式,并命名为“ 杜比AC-3”(Dolby Surround Audio Coding-3)。1997年初,杜比实验室正式将“杜比AC-3环绕 声”改为“杜比数码环绕声”(Dolby Surround Digital),我们常称为Dolby Digital。 杜比AC-3提供的环绕声系统由5个全频域声道和1个超低音声道组成,被称为5.1声道。5个声 道包括左前、中央、右前、左后、右后。低音声道主要提供一些额外的低音信息,使一些场景, 如爆炸、撞击等声音效果更好。6个声道的信息在制作和还原过程中全部数字化,信息损失很 少,全频段的细节十分丰富 是一种高级音频编码,目前所使用的AAC采用MPEG-4的压缩方式,所以也被称为MPEG-4 ACC。是 一种高压缩比的音频压缩算法,它的压缩比可达20:1,远远超过了AC-3、MP3等较老的音频压缩 算法。一般认为,AAC格式在96Kbps码率的表现超过了128Kbps的MP3音频。AAC另一个引人注目的 地方就是它的多声道特性,它支持1~48个全音域音轨和15个低频音轨。除此之外,AAC最高支持 96KHz的采样率,其解析能力足可以和DVD-Audio的PCM编码相提并论,因此,它得到了DVD论坛的 支持,成为了下一代DVD的标准音频编码
DVB卫星广播电视系统(改进) DVB地面有线广播电视系统 DVB手持终端广播电视系统 DVB数字卫星共用天线广播电视系统
四相相移键控 正交调幅
正交频分复用 8等级残留边带
基本流 打包基本流 传送流 包标识符 节目专用信息
SFN Single frequency network
multi-frequency network
MPEG MPEG-1 Moving Picture Experts Group
ITU-T H.264
ITU-T Rec.H.264/ISO/IEC 11496-10 AVC
业Байду номын сангаас信息
节目关联表 节目映射表 条件接收表 网络信息表 业务描述表 业务群关联表 事件信息表 运行状态表 时间和日期表 时间偏移表 填充表 选择信息表 间断信息表 伪随机二进制序列 比特误码率 前向纠错 节目时钟基准 离散余弦变换 比特流 比特误码率
标准清晰度电视机顶盒 高清晰度电视机顶盒 阴极射线管 液晶显示屏 硅基液晶显示器件 数字微镜显示器件 等离子体显示屏 有机发光二极管显示屏 条件接收 条件接收表 授权控制信息 授权管理信息 控制字 智能卡 中间件系统移植接口 互操作性 中间件档次 数字电视中间件(平台)
DTV SDTV Digital Television Standard definition television
high definition television
ATSC OPENCABLE DVB DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-Terrestrial transmission The Advanced Television Systems Committee
CA CAT ECM EMM CW Smart card Conditional access Conditional access table Entitlement control message Entitlement management message Control word smart card middleware system porting interface
MSPI Interoperability middleware profile DTVM digital television middleware (platform)
Multimedia Home Platform
Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group 5 Application execution engine platform for digital broadcasting-B23 OpenCable Application Platform
图象清晰度在水平和垂直两个方向近似为模拟电视系统图象清晰度的2倍,图象格式为 1920*1080,图象宽高比为16:9,并能传送数字声音的电视系统